micro web is a simple and efficient web server intended to let you deploy simple sites FAST. It allows you to server basic static content over HTTP/HTTPS or if you want to get a little bit more fancy you can break out a plugin and customize the behaviour.
Simple and light HTTP/HTTPS server
golang plugin system allowing for customization of server behaviour / web API development
helper packages to assist in plugin development
systemd integration
OS Support
Official: Linux x86_64
Unofficial: MacOs, might work!
Download with go get github.com/CanadianCommander/MicroWeb
Get dependencies with make getdep
Build with make or make build
Finally test the server with ./microweb.a -c <config file path> -v verbose
Download with go get github.com/CanadianCommander/MicroWeb
Get dependencies with make getdep
Install with make install
Server binary is now installed in /bin/, configuration files in /etc/microweb/, and webroot in /var/www/. to manage the server use systemctl. Ex: systemctl status microweb, systemctl start microweb... etc. Finally to get the logs use journalctl -u microweb