ch: container helper
A simple Docker interface to manage multiple containerized development environments. Provides a simple shell environment for separate development environments designed to use for C++ development in CSCI 104 but portable enough to use whichever Docker container you choose.
What is this?
What's the use case for this tool? Good question! This tool is designed to make it easier to use a specific, isolated development environment. For classes
such as CSCI 104 and CSCI 350 at USC, the legacy way of writing code in the class was using a large VM image inside Virtual Box,
or if you're lucky, VMWare. A more efficient and arguably smoother workflow involves setting using a Docker container with the class's compilers and
development tools installed. ch
offers a consistent interface to configure and access these environments. See below for the commands to create
environments for these classes. All you have to do is run the command and the tool will download the required dependencies from DockerHub.
Quick Start
The fastest way to get started is to run the install scripts. You can do this via the command line this way:
Run PowerShell as Admin and execute this command to download and run the install script for Windows:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
You can check out the source code here.
Run in your preferred Terminal to download and run the install script for Unix:
bash <(curl -s
You can check out the source code here.
Create the CSCI104 Environment
Where csci104-work
is your homework folder in the current directory. Alternatively, you can provide the absolute path
to wherever your homework is on your machine.
This environment is based on this repository: csci104/docker
# create the environment
ch create cs104 --image usccsci104/docker --volume csci104-work:/work --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --shell /bin/bash
# autostart and open a shell into the container
ch shell csci104 --force-start
Create the CSCI 350 Environment
Where csci350-work
is your homework folder in the current directory. Alternatively, you can provide the absolute path
to wherever your homework is on your machine.
This environment is based on the this repository: camerondurham/cs350-docker
# create the environment
ch create csci350 --image camerondurham/cs350-docker:latest --volume csci350-work:/xv6_docker --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --port 7776:22 --port 7777:7777 --port 25000:25000 --cap-add SYS_PTRACE --shell /bin/bash --privileged
# autostart and open a shell into the container
ch shell csci350 --force-start
create docker environment, specify Dockerfile to build or image to pull
Supported Configuration:
- ports
- bind mount volumes
- privileged
- security-opt
start docker container in background and save container id to config file
run docker shell in docker environment
stop running container/environment
list all saved configs
list all running environments
More Examples
# create environment
ch create ENVIRONMENT_NAME {--file DOCKERFILE|--image DOCKER_IMAGE} [--volume PATH_TO_DIRECTORY] [--shell SHELL_CMD] [--port HOST:CONTAINER] [--security-opt SECURITY_OPT]
ch create csci104 --image usccsci104/docker --shell /bin/bash --volume ./project/files/
# start container - essentially docker run -d IMAGE
ch start cs104
# get shell into environment - essentially docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME
ch shell cs104
# stop container
ch stop cs104
# list all environments
ch list
# list all running environments
ch running