Exports nvidia device information via a prometheus metrics endpoint and optionally to AWS cloudwatch.
go get https://github.com/calebpalmer/nvidia-cloudwatch.git
With Cloudwatch exporting
The typical AWS environment variables are used to configure the environment for pushing the cloudwatch metrics. eg:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=keyid
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secretkey
export AWS_REGION=ca-central-1
$GOPATH/bin/nvidia-cloudwatch -cloudwatch
The default resolution and period for sending metrics are 60 seconds but can be configured with the PERIOD and RESOLUTION environment variables.
Helm Chart
Clone this repository and install the chart:
git clone git@github.com:calebpalmer/nvidia-cloudwatch.git
helm upgrade --install nvidia-cloudwatch
With Cloudwatch exporting
helm upgrade --install nvidia-cloudwatch helm/nvidia-cloudwatch -f - <<EOF
enabled: true
region: us-east-1
accessKeyId: xxxx
secretAccessKey: xxxx
period: 60
resolution: 60