
A simple REST based service for managing application configuration across a cluster.
Runs natively on: Linux, Windows, OSX, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and even Raspberry Pi.
Storage back-ends supported:
Quick start
To get up and running, grab the latest release for your platform
Start the server:
centralconfig serve
Then visit the url http://localhost:3000 and you can add/edit your configuration through the built-in web interface.
If no other configuration is specified, BoltDB will be used to store your config items in a file called 'config.db' in the working directory.
Docker quick start
To use the centralconfig docker image:
Install Docker
Start the server:
docker run --restart=on-failure -d -p 3000:3000 cagedtornado/centralconfig:latest
To customize the config, first generate a default config file (with the name centralconfig.yaml):
centralconfig defaults > centralconfig.yaml
Supported environment variables
If you're using centralconfig in as part of a 12 factors app environment or just want to set centralconfig service settings through environment variables, you have the following settings available:
Command |
Description |
Path to the SSL certificate file |
Path to the SSL certificate key |
The type of backing storage for configuration. One of: mysql, mssql, boltdb |
Location of the backing store |
Database name to use in the backing store |
Databse user to use |
Database password to use |
Example (with docker)
docker run --restart=unless-stopped -d -p 3800:3000 -v /private/etc/ssl:/certs -e "SERVER.SSLCERT=/certs/sslcert.pem" -e "SERVER.SSLKEY=/certs/sslcert.key" -e "DATASTORE.TYPE=mysql" -e "DATASTORE.ADDRESS=mysqldatabaseserver:3306" -e "DATASTORE.DATABASE=centralconfig" -e "DATASTORE.USER=myusername" -e "DATASTORE.PASSWORD=thepasswordhere" cagedtornado/centralconfig:154