Task Timer (tt
) is a dead simple TUI task timer
To get started, just run tt
You'll be presented with something like this:
You can just type a small description of what you're working on and press
ENTER to start timing.
At any time, press ESC or ENTER again to stop the
current timer or type a new task description and press ENTER
to stop the previous task and start the new one.
Each task will have its own timer, and the sum of all tasks will be displayed
in the header (along with a clock and the project name):
At any time, press CTRL+c to stop the current
timer (if any) and exit.
You can extract a markdown file by running:
tt report
It will output the given project (via -p PROJECT
. You can
then save it to a file, pipe to another software or do whatever you like:
At any time, check --help
to see the available options.
brew install caarlos0/tap/tt
Or use any of the other provided means in the releases page.
Where are data and logs stored?
Depends on the OS, but you can see yours running:
tt paths
From 1.0.x to 1.1.x
Data was moved from ~/tasktimer
to user data and user logs dir according to
the OS.
To move, run:
tt paths
It will print something like this:
Database path: /Users/carlos/Library/Application Support/tasktimer/default.db
Log path: /Users/carlos/Library/Logs/tasktimer/default.log
We only need to migrate the data, so:
rm -rf "/Users/carlos/Library/Application Support/tasktimer/"*.db # make sure its empty
cp -rf ~/tasktimer/*.db "/Users/carlos/Library/Application Support/tasktimer/" # copy data
rm -rf ~/tasktimer # delete old folder
Stargazers over time