Continuum is a lightweight continuous integration tool: no web interface, no
scheduler. It runs on command line and is triggered by cron.
Drop your platform executable continuum_os_arch, in the bin directory of
the distribution archive, somewhere in you PATH and rename it continuum.
For instance, on 64 bits Linux, you would copy continuum_linux_amd64 to
Configuration is in YAML format:
directory: /tmp
status: /tmp/continuum-status.yml
port: 6666
success: true
once: true
- name: Continuum
branch: develop
command: |
set -e
make test
The first part indicates:
- directory: the directory where modules will be checked out. Currently only
GIT projects are supported.
- status: this is the name of the file were are stored modules status (to
determine if their repository changed since last run and if last build was a
success or a failure).
- port: the port that continuum listens to ensure that only one instance is
running at a time. This port should be free on the host machine.
- email: put ~ if you don't want any email.
If you wait to receive email reports, provide following fields:
- smtp-host: the hostname and port of your SMTP server.
- recipient: the email of the recipient of the build report.
- sender: the email address if the sender of the report.
- success: tells if continuum should send an email on success. If false,
it will only send an email on build error.
- once: if you want to send a single mail while the status of a module
The second part is made of the list of modules, with, for each module:
- name: the name of the module.
- url: the URL of the module that GIT will use to get the sources.
- branch: the branch to build (such as master or develop).
- command: the bash script to run tests, must return 0 on success and a
different value on error (as any Unix script should).
You can pass the configuration file to use on command line. If you pass no
configuration file on command line, continuum will look for following files to
- ~/.continuum.yml
- /etc/gontinumm.yml
This script is triggered using cron, with a configuration as follows (in file
# /etc/cron.d/continuum
# cron configuration to run gontinuum
# run continuum every 15 minutes
*/15 * * * * user continuum >> /tmp/continuum.log
This will run continuum every 15 minutes. When continuum starts, it checks if
repository has changed for all modules, comparing its hash with the one stored
in status file.
If repository has changed, continuum clones it and runs command for tests. If
script returns 0 (which is the Unix standard to tell that a command was
successful), the test is OK, else it is a failure.
Continuum prints a summary of the tests results and sends an email (or not
depending on email settings) for each test. Recommanded email configuration is
to set success and once to true. This will send an email when status of
a module changes (that is on test success when module was broken and test
failure when it was OK).
- Fix spam when failing to clone repository.