Package prombolt
provides a Prometheus metrics
collector for Bolt databases.
MIT Licensed.
Instrumenting your application's Bolt database using prombolt
is trivial.
Simply wrap the database handle using prombolt.New
and register it with
const name = "prombolt.db"
db, err := bolt.Open(name, 0666, nil)
if err != nil {
// Register prombolt handler with Prometheus
prometheus.MustRegister(prombolt.New(name, db))
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/", newHandler(db))
// Attach Prometheus metrics handler
mux.Handle("/metrics", prometheus.Handler())
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux)
At this point, Bolt metrics should be available for Prometheus to scrape from
the /metrics
endpoint of your service.
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/metrics | grep "bolt" | head -n 9
# HELP bolt_bucket_buckets Number of buckets within a bucket, including the top bucket.
# TYPE bolt_bucket_buckets gauge
bolt_bucket_buckets{bucket="foo",database="promboltd.db"} 1
# HELP bolt_bucket_depth Number of levels in B+ tree for a bucket.
# TYPE bolt_bucket_depth gauge
bolt_bucket_depth{bucket="foo",database="promboltd.db"} 1
# HELP bolt_bucket_inlined_buckets Number of inlined buckets for a bucket.
# TYPE bolt_bucket_inlined_buckets gauge
bolt_bucket_inlined_buckets{bucket="foo",database="promboltd.db"} 1
Q: can prombolt
provide metrics for nested/child buckets?
At this time, prombolt
is unable to retrieve metrics for nested/child buckets,
because Bolt does not currently provide functionality to iterate nested/child
buckets within a parent bucket. See boltdb/bolt#603.