crosspath takes a trajectory file(s) as generated by inspect and output the
latitude and longitude when there are a crossing with the specified area(s).
crosspath accepts options given via the command line but also via configuration
file. When this option is choosen, the file given as argument is considered to
be one valid configuration file. When not used, crosspath considers its arguments
as one to multiple trajectory files.
the main advantage of using a configuration with crosspath is the ability to
specify multiple areas of interest.
the output of crosspath consists of multiple columns:
- label as given via the label option
- entry time
- entry latitude
- entry longitude
- exit time
- exit latitude
- exit longitude
- approximative crossing duration
- approximative crossing distance
notes that the entry time, latitude and longitude are taken from the first position
of the satellite after entering the area. the time, latitude and longitude are
taken from the last point before exiting the area.
starts DATE only take crossing of area occuring after DATE
ends DATE only take crossing of area occuring before DATE
label LABEL an optional label to the area
margin MARGIN size of the area of interest around the center
lat LAT latitude used as the center of the area of interest
lng LNG longitude used as the center of the area of interest
night only take crossing of area occuring during an eclipse
csv output crossing as comma separated value
config use a configuration file to specify the area(s) of interest
version print the version of crosspath and exit
help print this help message and exit
$ crosspath [-starts] [-ends] [-margin] [-label] [-lat] [-lng] [-night] [-csv]
$ crosspath -config
$ crosspath -version
$ crosspath -help