⚠ this software and its source code are released without warranty on the validity of its results. No validations and integration tests have been performed internally by our teams. Moreover, more development efforts are not foreseen on this software.
utility tool to convert raw SVS data (stored by hadock) to csv files
the tool works as follow:
- read a list of files given as arguments to the command or from stdin if the no arguments are given
- checks that the first 4 characters (FCC) of the files are "SVS " (note the leading space).
if the FCC does not match, the files are skipped
- if the sequence counter is equal to 1, save the rest (after having skip the rest of the hadock headers) of the file as is in a file named .ini.
Value of UPI is taken from the UPI present in the original filename
- if the sequence counter is greater than 1:
- extract the metadata found after the hadock headers. these metadata are the headers found in the VMU packet of the original image
- convert the binary values by block into csv
- compute the directory where the files will be stored by dividing the sequence counter by the value given to the -p option
- compute the final filename according to the information found in the metadata
- store the metadata as XML next to the converted data as CSV.
- all the files processed by chksvs will be stored under the directory given to the -d option + the UPI.
eg, if -d is set to /data/ and UPI to be processed is FOOBAR, then all the files will be stored under /data/FOOBAR
filename pattern is: <source>_<upi>_<date_time>_<sequence>.<ext>
-d: directory where converted files are to be stored (default to os specific temp directory)
-k: keep invalid files (.bad)
-p: number of files per sub directories (default: 512)
-w: number of parallel workers (default: 10)
linux$ chksvs -p 1024 -w 4 -d /data/svs/ file0...file1
linux$ find share/upi/XYZ/90/ | chksvs -k -p 64
powershell$ chksvs.exe -p 1024 -w 4 -d .\data\svs\ file0...file1
powershell$ Get-ChildItem -Path .\tmp\blocks\ -File | Resolve-Path -Relative | chksvs.exe -p 1024 -w 4 -d .\data\svs\
to compile the tool, the go compiler (at least version 1.13 is needed and the package should be install.
$ go get
$ go build -o chksvs chksvs.go // linux
$ GOOS=windows go build -o chksvs.exe chksvs.go // windows when compiled under linux