Notifications engine.
It means
the latest information; news.
google it
Table of contents
Concept and idea
How does it work?
$ go get github.com/codegangsta/gin
$ go get github.com/tools/godep
- gin is used to to automatically compile files while you are developing
- godep is used to manage dependencies
Then run
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/bulletind
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/bulletind
$ git clone https://github.com/bulletind/khabar.git # or your fork
$ cd khabar
$ DEBUG=* go get && go install && gin -p 8911 -i # or make dev
Now you should be able to access the below API's on port 8911
MongoDB config is stored in config/conf.go
. Same goes for TranslationDirectory
Or provide env vars MONGODB_URL
After you make the changes (if you import any new deps), don't forget to run
$ godep save ./... # or make godep
Sanity checks
$ make vet # https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet
$ make lint # https://github.com/golang/lint
$ make test
$ go get github.com/bulletind/khabar
$ khabar
List all preferences of user or org
GET /topics
Query params:
- `org`: organization id
- `user`: user id
If org and user are not sent in query params, then it will send global preferences.
If org is sent and user is not, then it will send org preferences.
If org and user are both sent, then it will send user preferences.
"_id": "",
"created_on": 1425547531188,
"updated_on": 1425879125700,
"user": "",
"org": "",
"app_name": "",
"channels": [
"ident": ""
Set an user preference
POST /topics/:ident/channels/:channel
Query params:
- `org`: (required) organization id
- `user`: (required) user id
Unset an user preference
DELETE /topics/:ident/channels/:channel
Query params:
- `org`: (required) organization id
- `user`: (required) user id
Set an org preference
POST /topics/:type/:ident/channels/:channel
`:type` here is either `defaults` or `locked`
Query params:
- `org`: (required) organization id
Unset an org preference
DELETE /topics/:type/:ident/channels/:channel
`:type` here is either `defaults` or `locked`
Query params:
- `org`: (required) organization id
List all notifications
GET /notifications
Query params:
- `user`: user id
- `org`: organization id
org: "",
user: "",
destination_uri: "",
text: "",
topic: "",
destination_uri: "",
created_on: <milliseconds_since_epoch>
// and so on...
This can be polled periodically
Mark a single notification as read
PUT /notification/:_id
Request Body:
"destination_uri": "http://link-to-entity",
"text": "Notification text",
"topic": "Notification topic"
- `destination_uri`: (required) Link to relevant entity. (i.e action, incident)
- `text`: (required) Notification text (long text)
- `topic`: (required) Notification topic (short text)
Mark all unread notifications as read
PUT /notifications
Request Body:
"org": "123",
"user": "456"
- `org`: (required) org id
- `user`: (required) user id
- `app_name`: (optional) name of the app or category
Get notification stats
GET /notifications/stats
Query params:
- `user`: (required) user id
- `org`: (required) organization id
"last_seen": "2015-08-03T14:26:05.860Z",
"total_count": 37,
"unread_count": 0,
"total_unread": 32
Update last seen time stamp
PUT /notifications/stats
Query params:
- `user`: (required) user id
- `org`: (required) organization id
Send notification
POST /notifications?topic=text
Request Body:
"created_by" : "5486e02870a0d30200bdcfd3",
"org" : "5486d3d986ba633a207682b6",
"app_name" : "myapp", // <- this is the category
"topic" : "log_incoming",
"user" : "5486e02870a0d30200bdcfe0",
"destination_uri" : "http://...",
"device_tokens": [{ "token": "5486d3d986ba633a207682b6", "type": "ios", "app_name": "myapp" }],
"attachments": [
{ "url": "http://lorempixel.com/128/64/animals?w=128&h=128", "name": "nicename.png", "is_public": true, "thumbnail_url": "http://lorempixel.com/128/64/animals?w=128&h=128", "type": "image/jpeg" },
{ "url": "http://private.com/5486d3d986ba633a207682b6", "name": "nicename.jpeg", "is_public": false }
"context" : {
"Organization" : "5486d3d986ba633a207682b6",
"sender" : "org name",
"fullname" : "John hopkins",
"logger" : "Elvis",
"refnumber" : "IL2958",
"Collection" : "collection_name",
"Id" : "554caa744aca430a00de5324",
"User" : "5486e02870a0d30200bdcfe0",
"destination_uri" : "http://...",
"email" : "john.hopkins@email",
"severity" : "low",
"subject" : "New log"
settings: {
header: '<td><div>My nice header</div></td>', // not required
logo: 'path_to_logo', // not required
footer: 'nice story', // not required
help: 'nice story', // not required
administrator: { // required!
name: 'John Doe',
email: 'name@domain.com'
sender: { // not required
name: 'John Doe',
email: 'name@domain.com'
"entity" : "554caa744aca430a00de5324"
Query params:
- `topic`: Text that is used for sending notification (short text)
Some general conventions:
For all of the above request you must pass at least one of the org
or user
or both
is used for sending out emails
are used to send out push notifications, device_token.app_name
needs to match app_name
are attached to the email.
For all the listings, you get a status code of 200
When you create a resource you get a status code of 201
When you modify/delete a resource you get a status code of 204
Response for creation of an entity
"body": "[ID of entity created]",
"message": "Created",
"status": 201
Response for modifying/deleting an entity
"body": "",
"message": "NoContent",
"status": 204
Environment variables
We use environment variables to fetch the keys and secrets.
Push notifications (SNS)
We use sns to send push notifications.
For setup see README of https://github.com/changer/pushnotification.
When you are sending out a notification using the POST /notifications
api call, it looks for certain environment variables. Besides base AWS variables key
, secret
and region
there are env variables are based on the categories (app_name
s) you are using in the topics_available
collection. You will need one per mobile platform (ios|android|windows
For example: You have an event (ident) log_incoming
configured for the category (app_name) myapp
in the topics_available
collection. Now, when you make a call to POST /notifications
, it looks for SNS_ANDROID_myapp
and SNS_IOS_myapp
enviroment variables and uses them to send the push notifications.
You can set them by doing
$ export SNS_KEY=***
$ export SNS_SECRET=***
$ export SNS_REGION=***
$ export SNS_GCM_myapp=***
$ export SNS_APNS_myapp=***
$ export SNS_APNSSANDBOX_myapp=***
Per combination of OS, environment and (branded) app, a SNS application needs to be created. So for the default app this can be production_inspectionapp
and a custom app can be production_inspectionapp_customer
Each app needs to be added to the policy as well.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "Stmt1472041226000",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Email notifications
When sending emails, some magic is involved. The supplied translations will be searched for a base email base.tmpl
template in directory email
. This template needs to have a Subject
and a Content
section. Besides that a basic translation file <locale>_email.json
will be loaded so footers and other 'static' content can be provided to the base template.
All styles defined in the styles
section in the base template will be applied to all relevant elements, so no inline styling is needed.
When no topic entry is available the directory <locale>_email
will be searched for the topic template <topic>.tmpl
. More complex logic can be used within the template like loops etc.. See for more info the html/template package.
All attachments
are attached to the email. When the url is public, the file will be downloaded. When the url is private, the file is downloaded using the provided settings for the media server.
You can configure the email notifications by setting the env variables. Except for SMTP_FROM_NAME
all keys are required. SMTP_FROM_NAME
will be used as sender name. When a sender
is provided in the context, it will be combined to SMTP_FROM_NAME (sender)
$ export SMTP_HOSTNAME=***
$ export SMTP_USERNAME=***
$ export SMTP_PASSWORD=***
$ export SMTP_PORT=***
$ export SMTP_FROM_EMAIL=***
$ export SMTP_FROM_NAME=***
$ export MEDIA_HOST=***
$ export MEDIA_PUBLIC_KEY=***
$ export MEDIA_SECRET_KEY=***