🧶 Knit Relation Service in Go
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In this tutorial the Knit relation service is implemented using connect-go,
and is made to listen on address http://localhost:18000
. Look at the process
diagram below to see where the Knit relation service fits into the bigger
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'basis' } } }%%
flowchart LR
A[Knit Client] --> B[Knit Gateway]
subgraph r [Knit Relation Service]
R{{Relation RPCs}}
subgraph f [Film Service]
F{{Film RPCs}}
subgraph s [Starship Service]
S{{Starship RPCs}}
B --> R
B --> F
B --> S
style r stroke:#000,stroke-width:3px
style R stroke:#000,stroke-width:3px
How to run the code
To run the Knit relation service clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/bufbuild/knit.git
then execute the following from the base of the repository (the other services must be running too).

cd tutorial/starwars-knit-relation-service-go/cmd/relationservice
go mod tidy
go run starshipservice.go
# Output
2023/05/01 11:32:40 Knit relation service starting
2023/05/01 11:32:40 Handling connect service at prefix: /buf.starwars.relation.v1.RelationService/
2023/05/01 11:32:40 Listening on:
Relations between services
An explanation of how relations between services and their entities are
defined is available in the Top level Knit README.