HashiCorp Vault custom secrets engine for Google Apigee
![Go Reference](https://pkg.go.dev/badge/github.com/bstraehle/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee.svg)
Apigee, part of Google Cloud, helps companies design, secure, and scale application programming interfaces (APIs).
Apigee apps contain a key and secret (credentials), which are used to obtain an OAuth2 access token for API access. These credentials have an expiry, by default never. Instead of apps using static, long-lived credentials, the Vault Apigee secrets engine generates dynamic, short-lived credentials and enables frequent rotation.
Credentials can be generated via the Vault CLI and REST API.
Planned Features
- Support for Apigee Edge (in addition to Apigee X)
Git: Clone Repo (Optional)
git clone https://github.com/bstraehle/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee.git
cd vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
Go: Build / Test (Optional)
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=amd64
go build -o vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee cmd/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee/main.go
go test -v
Vault CLI: Register Plugin
- Add plugin directory to server configuration
cat > vault/server.hcl << EOF
plugin_directory = "$(pwd)/vault/plugins"
api_addr = ""
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = "true"
storage "file" {
path = "/tmp/vault-data"
vault server -config=vault/server.hcl -log-level=trace
- In new terminal, initialize and unseal Vault
export VAULT_ADDR=''
vault operator init
vault operator unseal
SHA256=$(sha256sum vault/plugins/vault-plugin-secrets-apigee | cut -d ' ' -f1)
vault plugin register -sha256=$SHA256 secret vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
vault plugin info secret vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
Key Value
--- -----
args []
builtin false
command vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
name vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
sha256 3b30041a7e683317a442e8b6336c3c7e0e8c9079221b11431db7d700ef7d5f00
Google Cloud CLI: Obtain Access Token
gcloud auth login
export APIGEE_OAUTH_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
export APIGEE_HOST=https://apigee.googleapis.com
Vault CLI: Usage
vault secrets enable -path=apigee -description="apigee secrets engine" vault-plugin-secrets-apigee
Success! Enabled the vault-plugin-secrets-apigee secrets engine at: apigee/
vault write apigee/config host=$APIGEE_HOST oauth_token=$APIGEE_OAUTH_TOKEN
Success! Data written to: apigee/config
vault read apigee/config
Key Value
--- -----
vault delete apigee/config
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: apigee/config
vault write apigee/roles/test \
org_name=$APIGEE_ORG_NAME \
developer_email=$APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL \
app_name=$APIGEE_APP_NAME \
api_products=$APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS \
Success! Data written to: apigee/roles/test
vault read apigee/roles/test
Key Value
--- -----
api_products <APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS>
app_name <APIGEE_APP_NAME>
developer_email <APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL>
org_name <APIGEE_ORG_NAME>
ttl 24h
vault delete apigee/roles/test
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: apigee/roles/test
vault read apigee/creds/test
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id <LEASE_ID>
lease_duration 24h
lease_renewable false
api_products <APIGEE_API_PRODUCTS>
app_name <APIGEE_APP_NAME>
credentials RkRJTUdqbXJ1dDRmY2hTdUdKaEZETVZhNDAwN2MwM3NXQThEVEpobnJ3NTk3MmkzOkp2bXNmWmFhak5vcVQ2RWk3WEFZbVNUc1RBOEFQU1dkdTlKeFlLdFptRW9uWjg2MmpLZzNST2x1eHI2QmI3MTA=
developer_email <APIGEE_DEVELOPER_EMAIL>
key FDIMGjmrut4fchSuGJhFDMVa4007c03sWA8DTJhnrw5972i3
org_name <APIGEE_ORG_NAME>
secret JvmsfZaajNoqT6Ei7XAYmSTsTA8APSWdu9JxYKtZmEonZ862jKg3ROluxr6Bb710
vault lease revoke <LEASE_ID>
All revocation operations queued successfully!
- Disable secrets engine (optional)
vault secrets disable apigee
Success! Disabled the secrets engine (if it existed) at: apigee/