Go Chess Server
The go-chess-server project is a backend server application designed to manage chess games and provide a platform for multiplayer matches. Built using the Go programming language, the server supports essential functionalities for hosting online chess matches, including player authentication, game state management, move validation, and real-time game updates

Player Authentication
- Login/Registration: Users can create accounts and log in
- Session management: The server handles user sessions to maintain login states and manage active connections
Game Management
- Matchmaking: Players can enter matching queue and wait for another player to create a match. If a player leave the match, he/she can come back later by rejoin the match.
- Game state: The server maintains the state of ongoing games, tracking each move and updating the board accordingly.
- Data persistence: After a game ended, its information is saved to database, ensuring that game states are preserved and can be retrieved later for user's analysis purposes.
Move Handling
- Move validation: The server validates each move to ensure they are legal according to chess rules.
- The server checks for conditions like check, checkmate, and stalemate after each move to determine the game's status.
Real-Time Updates
- WebSocket integration: The server uses WebSockets to provide real-time updates to connected clients, ensuring players see the latest game state without needing to refresh.
How to run
** The Docker setup has not been tested after changes from forked repo**
POST /api/users
: To register user
POST /api/login
: To log in to the server
GET /api/sessions
: Retrieve match records played by user
GET /api/sessions/{sessionid}
: Retrieve single match record based on ID
After login, user can now join a match by sending matching request
"action": "matching",
"data": {
"id": "privy_did:12345"
If the action
and data
is valid, server pushes that user into the matching queue. When a match happens, the two connections are forwarded to game management module, where a game instance will be initialized and binded with the player pair. Then, a message is sent back to the user to notify about the match.
"type": "matched",
"session_id": "1232524",
"game_state": {
"status": "ACTIVE",
"board": [[]]
"is_white_turn": true,
"player_state": {
"is_white_side": true
On the contrary, if there are any errors in the process or the matching request is timeout, the server replies with
- Error (Note that this error json is universal for all the error response to users)
"type": "error",
"error": "<err_msg>",
"type": "timeout",
"error": "<err_msg>",
In a match, users can send move request with
"action": "move",
"data": {
"id": "privy_did:12345",
"sessionId": "1719199808062498696",
"move": "e2-e4"
And get resonses as
"type": "session",
"game_state": {
"status": "STALEMATE",
"board": [[]]
"is_white_turn": false,
After the game reaches end state, the server notifies both players and close their connections.