is a Golang API Library for the Hi-Rez (Smite) developer API PDF reference
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go get github.com/bshore/go-hirez
Getting Started with Mocks
offers a mocked version of the API that will generate response output.
You can use the mocked API to test functionality without adding to your daily API limit.
Note: The only method that isn't mocked is GetOrganizedMatchDetailsBatch
package main
import (
mock "github.com/bshore/go-hirez/hirezapi_mock"
func main() {
client, err := mock.New("1234", "5678", models.URLSmitePC, models.ResponseTypeJSON)
client, err := mock.NewWithSession("1234", "5678", models.URLSmitePC, models.ResponseTypeJSON)
Getting Started For Real
package main
import (
func main() {
// Recommend storing these as environment variables or secrets
devID := "yourDevID" // os.Getenv("MY_SECRET_DEV_ID")
authKey := "yourAuthKey" // os.Getenv("MY_SECRET_AUTH_KEY")
// NewWithSession is like New() but it also tests connectivity with `Ping()` and calls `CreateSession()`
// for you. This could be useful if you intend to query the API on some sort of schedule.
client, err := hirezapi.NewWithSession(devID, authKey, models.URLSmitePC, models.ResponseTypeJSON)
// New initializes a HiRezAPI instance with devID, auth key, url, and response type.
// Note: You will need to call `client.CreateSession()` on your own
client, err := hirezapi.New(devID, authKey, models.URLSmitePC, models.ResponseTypeJSON)
// Direct struct initialization is supported, though the constructor methods are recommended since
// they avoid potential fail cases like typos in the BasePath or an unsuppored RespType
// Note: You will need to call `client.CreateSession()` on your own
client := &hirezapi.APIClient{
DeveloperID: devID,
AuthKey: authKey,
BasePath: "https://api.smitegame.com/smiteapi.svc",
RespType: "json",
- Written with JSON responses in mind, the XML response seems a little more involved, so XML isn't supported at this time.
- Written with SMITE in mind, the Paladins endpoints are present but have not been fully tested so there are no guarantees.