Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type ADASProperties
- type AVCProfile
- type AcceptFriendRequestInput
- type AcceptFriendRequestPayload
- type AcceptOrganizationInviteError
- type AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode
- type AcceptOrganizationInviteInput
- type AcceptOrganizationInvitePayload
- type AcceptProgramAgreementError
- type AcceptProgramAgreementInput
- type AcceptProgramAgreementPayload
- type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationError
- type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode
- type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationInput
- type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationPayload
- type AccountConnectionSet
- type AcknowledgePredictionResultError
- type AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode
- type AcknowledgePredictionResultInput
- type AcknowledgePredictionResultPayload
- type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStateInput
- type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStatePayload
- type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestInput
- type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestPayload
- type ActivateExtensionInput
- type ActivateExtensionPayload
- type ActivationState
- type Activity
- type ActivityInput
- type ActivityType
- type AdContext
- type AdContextDeclineState
- type AdCreative
- type AdPlatform
- type AdPollVote
- type AdProperties
- type AdRequestClientContext
- type AdRequestContentType
- type AdRequestContext
- type AdRequestPlayerContext
- type AdSession
- type AdSlot
- type AddAutohostChannelsInput
- type AddAutohostChannelsPayload
- type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionInput
- type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionPayload
- type AddChannelBlockedTermError
- type AddChannelBlockedTermInput
- type AddChannelBlockedTermPayload
- type AddChannelPermittedTermError
- type AddChannelPermittedTermInput
- type AddChannelPermittedTermPayload
- type AddCollectionItemInput
- type AddCollectionItemPayload
- type AddCompetitionPhaseInput
- type AddCompetitionPhasePayload
- type AddCompetitionPlayerInput
- type AddCompetitionPlayerPayload
- type AddCompetitionTeamInput
- type AddCompetitionTeamPayload
- type AddDeviceTokenInput
- type AddDeviceTokenPayload
- type AddDropToCampaignInput
- type AddDropToCampaignPayload
- type AddEditorError
- type AddEditorErrorCode
- type AddEditorInput
- type AddEditorPayload
- type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedError
- type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode
- type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedInput
- type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedPayload
- type AddReactionInput
- type AddReactionPayload
- type AddRecommendationFeedbackInput
- type AddRecommendationFeedbackPayload
- type AddStreamAuthorizedUserError
- type AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode
- type AddStreamAuthorizedUserInput
- type AddStreamAuthorizedUserPayload
- type AdrollType
- type AggregatedReferrals
- type AllocateKeysForBountyError
- type AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode
- type AllocateKeysForBountyInput
- type AllocateKeysForBountyPayload
- type AllowRejectedChatMessageInput
- type AllowRejectedChatMessagePayload
- type AllowRejectedCheerInput
- type AllowRejectedCheerPayload
- type ApplyExtensionActivationsInput
- type ApplyExtensionActivationsPayload
- type ApproveUnbanRequestInput
- type ApproveUnbanRequestPayload
- type ArchiveChanletInput
- type ArchiveChanletPayload
- type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError
- type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode
- func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput
- type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload
- type ArchivePollInChannelInput
- type ArchivePollInChannelPayload
- type ArchivePollInput
- type ArchivePollPayload
- type ArkoseEndpointVersion
- type AssignExtensionBillingManagerError
- type AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode
- type AssignExtensionBillingManagerInput
- type AssignExtensionBillingManagerPayload
- type AssociatesStore
- type AuthenticatedSession
- type AutoMod
- type AutoModCaughtMessage
- type AutoModCaughtMessageCategory
- type AutoModCaughtMessageStatus
- type AutoModProperties
- type AutoModTopic
- type AutoRefill
- type AutoRefillProfile
- type AutohostChannelConnection
- type AutohostSettings
- type AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy
- type AutohostSettingsStrategy
- type AutohostedByChannelConnection
- type AutomodContentResponse
- type Availability
- type AvailabilityInput
- type BackupIngestSession
- type BackupStreamSession
- type Badge
- type BadgeClickAction
- type BadgeDomaindeprecated
- type BadgeImageSize
- type BadgeTierEmotesFilter
- type Balance
- type BanUserFromChatRoomError
- type BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode
- type BanUserFromChatRoomInput
- type BanUserFromChatRoomPayload
- type BanVideoCommenterInput
- type BanVideoCommenterPayload
- type BeginUseBitsInExtensionInput
- type BeginUseBitsInExtensionPayload
- type BillingAuthInfo
- type BitsAdOffer
- type BitsBadgeTier
- type BitsBadgeTierEmoticonSetting
- type BitsBadgeTierInput
- type BitsBadgeTierNotification
- type BitsBadgeTierNotificationState
- type BitsBundleOffer
- type BitsChallengeConditionPoolRecipientWeightedShare
- type BitsEvent
- type BitsEventConnection
- type BitsEventConnectionCriteriaInput
- type BitsEventEdge
- type BitsEventSort
- type BitsEventSortDirection
- type BitsEventType
- type BitsHashtagConnection
- type BitsHashtagEdge
- type BitsHashtagEntry
- type BitsKeyCode
- type BitsKeyCodeSelfClaimEdge
- type BitsLeaderboard
- type BitsLeaderboardConnection
- type BitsLeaderboardEdge
- type BitsLeaderboardEntry
- type BitsLeaderboardItem
- type BitsLeaderboardItemConnection
- type BitsLeaderboardItemEdge
- type BitsLeaderboardSettings
- type BitsOffer
- type BitsOfferType
- type BitsPaymentMethodType
- type BitsPaymentMethods
- type BitsProduct
- type BitsProductEligibility
- type BitsProductPromotion
- type BitsProductProvider
- type BitsProductPurchaseInfo
- type BitsProductPurchaseInfoError
- type BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode
- type BitsProductSelfEdge
- type BitsProductType
- type BitsPromotion
- type BitsUserSettings
- type BitsUserState
- type BlizzardUser
- type BlockContext
- type BlockUserInput
- type BlockUserPayload
- type BoostSettings
- type Bounty
- type BountyBoardSettings
- type BountyBoardUserStatus
- type BountyCampaign
- type BountyCampaignBrandDetails
- type BountyCampaignChatCTAInput
- type BountyCampaignConnection
- type BountyCampaignEdge
- type BountyCampaignKeyDescriptor
- type BountyCampaignPerformanceMetric
- type BountyCampaignReporting
- type BountyCampaignStatus
- type BountyCampaignType
- type BountyCampaignUploadType
- type BountyCampaignVideo
- type BountyCampaignVideoInput
- type BountyChatCta
- type BountyConnection
- type BountyEdge
- type BountyKeyProductType
- type BountyModerationFailReason
- type BountyModerationMetadata
- type BountyModerationStatus
- type BountyProductKey
- type BountyRestriction
- type BountyStatus
- type BountyVideo
- type BrandPortalSettings
- type Broadcast
- type BroadcastFormat
- type BroadcastSettings
- type BroadcastType
- type BroadcasterViewerReach
- type BuildACommunity
- type BulkApproveUnbanRequestInput
- type BulkApproveUnbanRequestPayload
- type BulkDenyUnbanRequestInput
- type BulkDenyUnbanRequestPayload
- type CSATActionPrompted
- type CSATRating
- type Campaign
- type CampaignCheergroup
- type CampaignDiscoveryEventType
- type CampaignObjective
- type CampaignProperties
- type CampaignRewardMetadata
- type CampaignTrigger
- type CampaignType
- type CancelActiveBoostOrdersError
- type CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode
- type CancelActiveBoostOrdersInput
- type CancelActiveBoostOrdersPayload
- type CancelBountyError
- type CancelBountyErrorCode
- type CancelBountyInput
- type CancelBountyPayload
- type CancelFriendRequestInput
- type CancelFriendRequestPayload
- type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput
- type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload
- type CancelPredictionEventError
- type CancelPredictionEventErrorCode
- type CancelPredictionEventInput
- type CancelPredictionEventPayload
- type CancelRaidError
- type CancelRaidErrorCode
- type CancelRaidInput
- type CancelRaidPayload
- type CancelSubscriptionGiftInput
- type CancelSubscriptionGiftPayload
- type CancelUnbanRequestInput
- type CancelUnbanRequestPayload
- type CancellationPolicyType
- type Celebration
- type CelebrationArea
- type CelebrationConfig
- type CelebrationEffect
- type CelebrationError
- type CelebrationErrorCode
- type CelebrationEventType
- type CelebrationIntensity
- type CelebrationProduct
- type CelebrationProductBenefit
- type CelebrationProductConfigInput
- type CelebrationUserSettings
- type ChallengeCondition
- type ChallengeConditionParticipant
- type ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState
- type ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState
- func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) IsValid() bool
- func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) String() string
- func (e *ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary
- type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummaryByState
- type ChallengeConditionState
- type ChallengeEffect
- type ChallengeEffectDetails
- type ChallengeEffectSettings
- type ChallengeEffectSettingsDetails
- type ChallengeEffectSummary
- type ChallengeEffectType
- type ChallengeUseBitsEffectDetails
- type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSettingsDetails
- type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSummary
- type ChallengeUseBitsPoolRecipientWeightedShare
- type ChangeUsernameCodeError
- type ChangeUsernameErrorCode
- type ChangeUsernameInput
- type ChangeUsernamePayload
- type ChangelogEntry
- type ChanletSort
- type Channel
- type ChannelAnalytics
- type ChannelAnalyticsContentOverlap
- type ChannelBannedUser
- type ChannelBannedUserConnection
- type ChannelBannedUserEdge
- type ChannelBlockedTerm
- type ChannelChallenge
- type ChannelChallengeConnection
- type ChannelChallengeEdge
- type ChannelChallengeParticipant
- type ChannelChallengeSelfEdge
- type ChannelChallengeSort
- type ChannelChallengeStatus
- type ChannelClipsCreationAuthRestrictionOptionsInput
- type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedTo
- type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedToInput
- type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictionOptions
- type ChannelClipsSettings
- type ChannelHome
- type ChannelHomeCategoryShelf
- type ChannelHomeCategoryShelfEdge
- type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelf
- type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelfEdge
- type ChannelHomePreferences
- type ChannelHomeShelves
- type ChannelHomeStreamerShelf
- type ChannelHomeStreamerShelfEdge
- type ChannelModerationActionConnection
- type ChannelModerationActionEdge
- type ChannelModerationActionEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodLevelEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodTermEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnChannelEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnChatMessageEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnChatModeEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnUnbanRequestsEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOnUserEntry
- type ChannelModerationActionOtherEntry
- type ChannelNotificationSetting
- type ChannelNotificationSettings
- type ChannelOverlap
- type ChannelPermission
- type ChannelPermittedTerm
- type ChannelPredictionSettings
- type ChannelRestriction
- type ChannelRestrictionExemptionInfo
- type ChannelRestrictionType
- type ChannelSelfEdge
- type ChannelUserRole
- type ChargeInstrument
- type ChargeInstrumentInput
- type ChargeModel
- type ChargeModelPlan
- type ChargeModelPlanInterval
- type ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit
- type ChatPauseSetting
- type ChatRestrictedReason
- type ChatRoomBanStatus
- type ChatSettings
- type ChatTheme
- type ChatUISettings
- type Chatter
- type ChattersInfo
- type CheckoutAction
- type CheckoutConfiguration
- type CheckoutConfigurationInput
- type CheckoutPriceSummary
- type CheerInfo
- type CheerPartnerBadgeSettings
- type CheerPartnerChatMessageSettings
- type CheerPartnerCheerBombSettings
- type CheerPartnerCustomPrefixSettings
- type CheerPartnerLeaderboardSettings
- type CheerPartnerRecentCheerSettings
- type CheerPartnerSettings
- type CheerPartnerSponsoredCheermoteSettings
- type CheerSettings
- type Cheermote
- type CheermoteCampaign
- type CheermoteCampaignSelfEdge
- type CheermoteCampaignThreshold
- type CheermoteColorConfig
- type CheermoteDisplayConfig
- type CheermoteDisplayType
- type CheermoteGroup
- type CheermoteImage
- type CheermoteTier
- type CheermoteTierThreshold
- type CheermoteToken
- type CheermoteType
- type ClaimBountyError
- type ClaimBountyErrorCode
- type ClaimBountyInput
- type ClaimBountyPayload
- type ClaimCommunityPointsError
- type ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode
- type ClaimCommunityPointsInput
- type ClaimCommunityPointsPayload
- type ClaimDropRewardsInput
- type ClaimDropRewardsPayload
- type ClaimHint
- type ClaimPrimeOfferError
- type ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode
- type ClaimPrimeOfferInput
- type ClaimPrimeOfferPayload
- type Claimable
- type ClaimableType
- type ClearUnreadFriendRequestsPayload
- type Client
- type ClientAuthorization
- type Clip
- func (Clip) IsFeedEmbed()
- func (Clip) IsFeedItemContent()
- func (Clip) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
- func (Clip) IsPostEmbed()
- func (Clip) IsReactableContent()
- func (Clip) IsShareTarget()
- func (Clip) IsShelfContent()
- func (Clip) IsShortVideoContent()
- func (Clip) IsTaggedContent()
- func (Clip) IsVideoShelfItem()
- type ClipConnection
- type ClipCreationState
- type ClipEdge
- type ClipRawMedia
- type ClipRelatedClips
- type ClipSegmentInput
- type ClipVideoQuality
- type ClipsFilter
- type ClipsPeriod
- type ClipsSort
- type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError
- type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataInput
- type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload
- type CloneExtensionManifestError
- type CloneExtensionManifestInput
- type CloneExtensionManifestPayload
- type CloudBroadcast
- type CloudBroadcastProvider
- type CloudBroadcastProviderCapabilities
- type CloudBroadcastProviderKey
- type CloudBroadcastState
- type Collection
- type CollectionConnection
- type CollectionItem
- type CollectionItemEdge
- type CollectionOptions
- type CollectionType
- type CollectionsConnection
- type CollectionsItemEdge
- type CollectionsOptions
- type CommunityPointsAutomaticReward
- type CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType
- type CommunityPointsChannelEarningSettings
- type CommunityPointsChannelSettings
- type CommunityPointsClaim
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoal
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalConnection
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalContribution
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalEdge
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus
- type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType
- type CommunityPointsContentType
- type CommunityPointsCustomReward
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSetting
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSettingInput
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSetting
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSettingInput
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSetting
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSettingInput
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionConnection
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionEdge
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) IsValid() bool
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) String() string
- func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) IsValid() bool
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) String() string
- func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplate
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollection
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) IsValid() bool
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) String() string
- func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CommunityPointsCustomRewardUserRedemption
- type CommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings
- type CommunityPointsEmote
- type CommunityPointsEmoteModification
- type CommunityPointsEmoteVariant
- type CommunityPointsImage
- type CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo
- type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByType
- type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByTypeAndID
- type CommunityPointsLimitedEarnings
- type CommunityPointsMultiplier
- type CommunityPointsMultiplierReason
- type CommunityPointsProperties
- type CommunityPointsRedemptionQueueOptions
- type CommunityPointsRewardSummary
- type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError
- type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode
- type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod
- func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) IsValid() bool
- func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) String() string
- func (e *CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress
- type CommunityPointsUserProperties
- type CommunityPointsWatchStreakEarningSettings
- type Company
- type Competition
- type CompetitionConnection
- type CompetitionContactInfo
- type CompetitionEdge
- type CompetitionError
- type CompetitionErrorCode
- type CompetitionFormat
- type CompetitionImageType
- type CompetitionImageUpload
- type CompetitionLobby
- type CompetitionLobbyParticipant
- type CompetitionOrganizerCapability
- type CompetitionParticipant
- type CompetitionParticipantConnection
- type CompetitionParticipantEdge
- type CompetitionParticipantType
- type CompetitionPhase
- type CompetitionPhaseType
- type CompetitionPlacement
- type CompetitionPlayer
- type CompetitionPlayerConnection
- type CompetitionPlayerEdge
- type CompetitionPlayerState
- type CompetitionSelfEdge
- type CompetitionStanding
- type CompetitionStandingConnection
- type CompetitionStandingEdge
- type CompetitionState
- type CompetitionTeam
- type CompetitionTeamConnection
- type CompetitionTeamEdge
- type CompetitionTeamSelfEdge
- type CompetitionUploadImageError
- type CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode
- type CompetitionVisibilityState
- type ComponentActivationInput
- type ComponentView
- type ComponentViewInput
- type ConfigView
- type ConfigViewInput
- type ConnectAdIdentityInput
- type ConnectAdIdentityPayload
- type Consent
- type ConsentStatus
- type ContentType
- type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError
- type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode
- func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput
- type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload
- type ContributeToChallengeError
- type ContributeToChallengeErrorCode
- type ContributeToChallengeInput
- type ContributeToChallengePayload
- type CreateBadgeFlairError
- type CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode
- type CreateBadgeFlairInput
- type CreateBadgeFlairPayload
- type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionInput
- type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionPayload
- type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionInput
- type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionPayload
- type CreateBountyCampaignInput
- type CreateBountyCampaignPayload
- type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigInput
- type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigPayload
- type CreateCelebrationInput
- type CreateCelebrationPayload
- type CreateChallengeConditionError
- type CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode
- type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantError
- type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode
- func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CreateChanletInput
- type CreateChanletPayload
- type CreateClipError
- type CreateClipErrorCode
- type CreateClipInput
- type CreateClipPayload
- type CreateCollectionInput
- type CreateCollectionPayload
- type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError
- type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput
- type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload
- type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError
- type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode
- type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput
- type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload
- type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoError
- type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoInput
- type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoPayload
- type CreateCompetitionContactInfoInput
- type CreateCompetitionInput
- type CreateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput
- type CreateCompetitionPayload
- type CreateContentTagsInput
- type CreateContentTagsPayload
- type CreateDropBenefitInput
- type CreateDropBenefitPayload
- type CreateDropCampaignInput
- type CreateDropCampaignPayload
- type CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode
- type CreateDropImageUploadURLInput
- type CreateDropImageUploadURLPayload
- type CreateExtensionClientError
- type CreateExtensionClientInput
- type CreateExtensionClientPayload
- type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError
- type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode
- type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoInput
- type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoPayload
- type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError
- type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoInput
- type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoPayload
- type CreateFriendRequestInput
- type CreateFriendRequestPayload
- type CreateGameApplicationError
- type CreateGameApplicationErrorCode
- type CreateGameApplicationInput
- type CreateGameApplicationPayload
- type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLInput
- type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLPayload
- type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLResponse
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgeInput
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgePayload
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigInput
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigPayload
- type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode
- type CreateModeratorCommentInput
- type CreateModeratorCommentPayload
- type CreateMultiVideoHighlightInput
- type CreateMultiVideoHighlightMetadata
- type CreateMultiVideoHighlightPayload
- type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigInput
- type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigPayload
- type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesInput
- type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload
- type CreateOrganizationApplicationError
- type CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode
- type CreateOrganizationApplicationInput
- type CreateOrganizationApplicationPayload
- type CreateOrganizationInviteError
- type CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode
- type CreateOrganizationInviteInput
- type CreateOrganizationInvitePayload
- type CreateOrganizationJWTError
- type CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode
- type CreateOrganizationJWTInput
- type CreateOrganizationJWTPayload
- type CreateOrganizationMemberError
- type CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode
- type CreateOrganizationMemberInput
- type CreateOrganizationMemberPayload
- type CreatePanelImageUploadInfo
- type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoInput
- type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoPayload
- type CreatePanelInput
- type CreatePanelPayload
- type CreatePartnershipApplicationInput
- type CreatePartnershipApplicationPayload
- type CreatePollChoiceInput
- type CreatePollError
- type CreatePollErrorCode
- type CreatePollInput
- type CreatePollPayload
- type CreatePostInput
- type CreatePostPayload
- type CreatePredictionEventError
- type CreatePredictionEventErrorCode
- type CreatePredictionEventInput
- type CreatePredictionEventPayload
- type CreatePredictionOutcomeInput
- type CreateRaidError
- type CreateRaidErrorCode
- type CreateRaidInput
- type CreateRaidPayload
- type CreateRewardedVideoTokenInput
- type CreateRewardedVideoTokenPayload
- type CreateRoomError
- type CreateRoomErrorCode
- type CreateRoomInput
- type CreateRoomPayload
- type CreateScheduleError
- type CreateScheduleInput
- type CreateSchedulePayload
- type CreateScheduleSegmentError
- type CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode
- type CreateScheduleSegmentInput
- type CreateScheduleSegmentPayload
- type CreateSocialMediaError
- type CreateSocialMediaInput
- type CreateSocialMediaPayload
- type CreateSquadStreamInvitationError
- type CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode
- type CreateSquadStreamInvitationInput
- type CreateSquadStreamInvitationPayload
- type CreateStuccoInput
- type CreateStuccoPackInput
- type CreateStuccoPackItemInput
- type CreateStuccoPackPayload
- type CreateStuccoPayload
- type CreateUnbanRequestError
- type CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode
- type CreateUnbanRequestInput
- type CreateUnbanRequestPayload
- type CreateVideoBookmarkError
- type CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode
- type CreateVideoBookmarkInput
- type CreateVideoBookmarkPayload
- type CreateVideoCommentInput
- type CreateVideoCommentPayload
- type CreateVideoHighlightInput
- type CreateVideoHighlightMetadata
- type CreateVideoHighlightPayload
- type CreatorBadgeFlair
- type CreatorBadgeFlairAsset
- type CreatorBadgeFlairSetting
- type CreatorBadgeFlairTier
- type CreatorCampArticle
- type CreatorCampCategory
- type CreatorDashboard
- type CreatorGifting
- type CreatorMetricsByInterval
- type CreatorMetricsByIntervalItem
- type CreatorOnboardingContent
- type CreatorReferralLink
- type CreatorReferralLinkConnection
- type CreatorReferralLinkEdge
- type CreatorReferralLinkStat
- type CreatorReferralSummary
- type CreatorReferralSummaryDay
- type CreatorReferralTrend
- type CreatorTimeseriesItem
- type CreatorTimeseriesMetric
- type CreatorTimeseriesMetrics
- type CreditChargeModel
- type CreditType
- type Currency
- type CurrentPrimePayout
- type CurrentlyWatching
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivity
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAutoHosting
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBitsUsage
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostComplete
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostStart
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCelebrationPurchaseEvent
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunityPointsReward
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunitySubscriptionGifting
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityConnection
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCopoGoalEnd
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityDropClaimWindowOpen
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityEdge
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityFollowing
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHosting
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHypeTrainEvent
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIndividualSubscriptionGifting
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIngestSessionStarting
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeResubscribing
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeSubscribing
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityRaiding
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivityResubscribing
- type DashboardActivityFeedActivitySubscribing
- type DashboardAlertQueueActivityConnection
- type DashboardAlertQueueActivityEdge
- type DashboardAlertQueuePreferences
- type DateToken
- type DeactivateExtensionInput
- type DeactivateExtensionPayload
- type DeclineOrganizationInviteError
- type DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode
- type DeclineOrganizationInviteInput
- type DeclineOrganizationInvitePayload
- type DefaultPanel
- type DeferredPrimePayout
- type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonInput
- type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonPayload
- type DeleteCelebrationInput
- type DeleteCelebrationPayload
- type DeleteChannelBlockedTermError
- type DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode
- type DeleteChannelBlockedTermInput
- type DeleteChannelBlockedTermPayload
- type DeleteChannelClipsInput
- type DeleteChannelClipsPayload
- type DeleteChannelPermittedTermError
- type DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode
- type DeleteChannelPermittedTermInput
- type DeleteChannelPermittedTermPayload
- type DeleteChatMessageInput
- type DeleteChatMessagePayload
- type DeleteChatMessageStatusCode
- type DeleteCheermoteTierError
- type DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode
- type DeleteCheermoteTierInput
- type DeleteCheermoteTierPayload
- type DeleteClipsInput
- type DeleteClipsPayload
- type DeleteCollectionInput
- type DeleteCollectionPayload
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode
- func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardError
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput
- type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload
- type DeleteCompetitionInput
- type DeleteCompetitionPayload
- type DeleteContentTagsInput
- type DeleteContentTagsPayload
- type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodInput
- type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodPayload
- type DeleteDeviceTokenInput
- type DeleteDeviceTokenPayload
- type DeleteDropCampaignInput
- type DeleteDropCampaignPayload
- type DeleteDropInput
- type DeleteDropPayload
- type DeleteEmoteError
- type DeleteEmoteErrorCode
- type DeleteEmoteInput
- type DeleteEmotePayload
- type DeleteExtensionError
- type DeleteExtensionImageError
- type DeleteExtensionImageInput
- type DeleteExtensionImagePayload
- type DeleteExtensionInput
- type DeleteExtensionPayload
- type DeleteExtensionSecretsError
- type DeleteExtensionSecretsInput
- type DeleteExtensionSecretsPayload
- type DeleteLoyaltyBadgeInput
- type DeleteLoyaltyBadgePayload
- type DeleteModeratorCommentInput
- type DeleteModeratorCommentPayload
- type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesInput
- type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesPayload
- type DeleteNotificationInput
- type DeleteNotificationPayload
- type DeletePanelInput
- type DeletePanelPayload
- type DeletePostInput
- type DeletePostPayload
- type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackInput
- type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackPayload
- type DeleteRoomInput
- type DeleteRoomMessageInput
- type DeleteRoomMessagePayload
- type DeleteRoomPayload
- type DeleteScheduleError
- type DeleteScheduleInput
- type DeleteSchedulePayload
- type DeleteScheduleSegmentError
- type DeleteScheduleSegmentInput
- type DeleteScheduleSegmentPayload
- type DeleteSocialMediaInput
- type DeleteSocialMediaPayload
- type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationError
- type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode
- type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationInput
- type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationPayload
- type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserError
- type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode
- type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserInput
- type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserPayload
- type DeleteUserClipsInput
- type DeleteUserClipsPayload
- type DeleteUserColorsInput
- type DeleteUserColorsPayload
- type DeleteVideoCommentPayload
- type DeletedMessage
- type DeletedMessageDisplaySetting
- type Density
- type DenyRejectedChatMessageInput
- type DenyRejectedChatMessagePayload
- type DenyRejectedCheerInput
- type DenyRejectedCheerPayload
- type DenyUnbanRequestInput
- type DenyUnbanRequestPayload
- type DeselectChannelBadgeInput
- type DeselectChannelBadgePayload
- type DeselectGlobalBadgePayload
- type Directory
- type DirectoryConnection
- type DirectoryEdge
- type DirectoryType
- type DisablePrerollsAbility
- type DisablePrerollsFreeTime
- type DisableTwoFactorError
- type DisableTwoFactorErrorCode
- type DisableTwoFactorInput
- type DisableTwoFactorPayload
- type DisableUserAccountError
- type DisableUserAccountErrorCode
- type DisableUserAccountInput
- type DisableUserAccountPayload
- type DiscountBreakdown
- type DiscountType
- type DismissFriendRecommendationInput
- type DismissFriendRecommendationPayload
- type DismissRitualTokenError
- type DismissRitualTokenErrorCode
- type DismissRitualTokenInput
- type DismissRitualTokenPayload
- type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightInput
- type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightPayload
- type Drop
- type DropAccountLink
- type DropAction
- type DropActionType
- type DropAward
- type DropBenefit
- type DropBenefitEdge
- type DropCampaign
- type DropCampaignACL
- type DropCampaignSelfEdge
- type DropCampaignStatus
- type DropChannelSetting
- type DropCurrentSession
- type DropEligibility
- type DropEventCondition
- type DropEventConditionInput
- type DropEventConditionOperator
- type DropImageType
- type DropImageUploadInput
- type DropImageUploadPayload
- type DropInstanceEligibilityStatus
- type DropObject
- type DropPrecondition
- type DropReward
- type DropRewardAvailability
- type DropRule
- type DropRuleType
- type DropType
- type DropsError
- type DropsErrorCode
- type EditRoomMessageInput
- type EditRoomMessagePayload
- type EditableChannelConnection
- type EditableChannelEdge
- type EditorConnection
- type EditorEdge
- type EligiblePaymentMethod
- type EligiblePaymentMethodName
- type EmbeddedEmote
- type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventInput
- type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventPayload
- type Emote
- type EmoteAssetType
- type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummary
- type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummarySelfEdge
- type EmoteImageAssetInput
- type EmoteImageSize
- type EmoteImageUploadConfiguration
- type EmoteModifier
- type EmoteModifierGroupInput
- type EmoteModifierGroupPayload
- type EmoteOrder
- type EmoteResizePlan
- type EmoteSet
- type EmoteSetDomaindeprecated
- type EmoteState
- type EmoteStateFilter
- type EmoteType
- type EmoteUploadConfiguration
- type EmoticonPrefix
- type EmoticonPrefixState
- type EndUseBitsInExtensionInput
- type EndUseBitsInExtensionPayload
- type EndorsedChannelConnection
- type EndorsedChannelEdge
- type EnhancedExperiencesClient
- type EpisodeDetails
- type EventBasedDrop
- type EventNotificationSetting
- type Experiment
- type ExpiredSubscription
- type ExpiredSubscriptionConnection
- type ExpiredSubscriptionEdge
- type Extension
- type ExtensionActivationConfig
- type ExtensionActivationInput
- type ExtensionAnchor
- type ExtensionAssetManifest
- type ExtensionAssetManifestInput
- type ExtensionBitsSupportLevel
- type ExtensionCapabilities
- type ExtensionCapabilitiesInput
- type ExtensionCarousel
- type ExtensionCarouselEntry
- type ExtensionCategory
- type ExtensionCategoryConnection
- type ExtensionCategoryEdge
- type ExtensionCategorySortKey
- type ExtensionCategoryType
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionByIDInput
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionConnection
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionEdge
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantConnection
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantEdge
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantsInput
- type ExtensionChallengeConditionsInput
- type ExtensionClient
- type ExtensionClientConnection
- type ExtensionClientEdge
- type ExtensionComment
- type ExtensionConfiguration
- type ExtensionConfigurationLocation
- type ExtensionConfigurationRecord
- type ExtensionConnection
- type ExtensionDeveloperManifest
- type ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput
- type ExtensionDiscoveryManifest
- type ExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput
- type ExtensionDynamicManagementInput
- type ExtensionEdge
- type ExtensionIcons
- type ExtensionImageUploadResponse
- type ExtensionInstallation
- type ExtensionInstallationAbilities
- type ExtensionInstallationDynamicManagement
- type ExtensionInstallationFeatureFlags
- type ExtensionInstallationSelfConnection
- type ExtensionInstallationSelfEdge
- type ExtensionLinkUserError
- type ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode
- type ExtensionLinkUserInput
- type ExtensionLinkUserPayload
- type ExtensionManifest
- type ExtensionManifestConnection
- type ExtensionManifestEdge
- type ExtensionManifestsSummary
- type ExtensionPanel
- type ExtensionRating
- type ExtensionRatingLocation
- type ExtensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL
- type ExtensionRecommendation
- type ExtensionRequiredAction
- type ExtensionRequiredActionType
- type ExtensionSecret
- type ExtensionSecretsInfo
- type ExtensionSelfConnection
- type ExtensionState
- type ExtensionStateFilter
- type ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel
- type ExtensionToken
- type ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest
- type ExtensionView
- type ExtensionViews
- type ExtensionViewsInput
- type ExtensionWhitelists
- type ExtensionWhitelistsInput
- type ExtensionZipUploadResponse
- type ExternalChargeModel
- type FeatureFlags
- type FeaturedContentSection
- type FeaturedItem
- type FeaturedItemContent
- type FeaturedStream
- type FeaturedVideo
- type Feed
- type FeedEmbed
- type FeedItem
- type FeedItemConnection
- type FeedItemContent
- type FeedItemEdge
- type FeedItemReason
- type FeedItemTracking
- type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyInput
- type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyPayload
- type FirstCheerTutorial
- type Follow
- type FollowConnection
- type FollowEdge
- type FollowGameInput
- type FollowGamePayload
- type FollowUserError
- type FollowUserErrorCode
- type FollowUserInput
- type FollowUserPayload
- type FollowedGameConnection
- type FollowedGamesType
- type FollowedHostConnection
- type FollowedLiveUserConnection
- type FollowedLiveUserEdge
- type FollowerConnection
- type FollowerEdge
- type FollowsFilter
- type FormatType
- type FormatTypeDetails
- type FragmentContent
- type FriendConnection
- type FriendEdge
- type FriendRelationship
- type FriendSort
- type GDPRConsent
- type Game
- type GameApplication
- type GameChangeMomentDetails
- type GameClipsInput
- type GameConnection
- type GameEdge
- type GameFollow
- type GameOptions
- type GameOverlap
- type GameSelfConnection
- type GameSort
- type GameStreamOptions
- type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportInput
- type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportPayload
- type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeError
- type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode
- type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeInput
- type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodePayload
- type GenerateSubscribersCSVInput
- type GenerateSubscribersCSVPayload
- type GetEmoteUploadConfigInput
- type GetEmoteUploadConfigPayload
- type GetExtensionSecretsError
- type GiftCardCode
- type GiftCardCodeSelfClaimEdge
- type GiftType
- type GlobalCheerConfig
- type GoLiveNotification
- type GoLiveNotificationConnection
- type GoLiveNotificationEdge
- type GoLiveNotificationTimeseries
- type GoLiveNotificationTimeseriesItem
- type GoRaidError
- type GoRaidErrorCode
- type GoRaidInput
- type GoRaidPayload
- type GrantType
- type GrantVIPError
- type GrantVIPErrorCode
- type GrantVIPInput
- type GrantVIPPayload
- type Granularity
- type HearthsoneMomentGameMode
- type HearthstoneMomentDetails
- type HearthstoneMomentHero
- type HeroPreset
- type HiddenView
- type HiddenViewInput
- type HighlightRange
- type HistoricalCompetitionLobby
- type HostConnection
- type HostEdge
- type HostTargetChannelError
- type HostTargetChannelErrorCode
- type HostTargetChannelInput
- type HostTargetChannelPayload
- type HypeTrain
- type HypeTrainBadgeReward
- type HypeTrainConductor
- type HypeTrainConductorReward
- type HypeTrainConductorType
- type HypeTrainConfig
- type HypeTrainDifficulty
- type HypeTrainDifficultySettings
- type HypeTrainEmoteReward
- type HypeTrainEndReason
- type HypeTrainEventType
- type HypeTrainExecution
- type HypeTrainKickoffConfig
- type HypeTrainKickoffInput
- type HypeTrainLevel
- type HypeTrainNotificationThreshold
- type HypeTrainParticipation
- type HypeTrainParticipationAction
- type HypeTrainParticipationConversionRate
- type HypeTrainParticipationSource
- type HypeTrainProgress
- type HypeTrainReward
- type HypeTrainRewardType
- type Image
- type ImageOptions
- type IncomingFriendRequestConnection
- type IncomingFriendRequestEdge
- type IncomingRaidsPolicy
- type IngestFrameDrop
- type IngestSession
- type IngestStarvationEvent
- type IngestStreamHealth
- type IngestStreamHealthReason
- type IngestStreamHealthStatus
- type InstallExtensionError
- type InstallExtensionErrorCode
- type InstallExtensionInput
- type InstallExtensionPayload
- type IntegerToken
- type InternalChargeModel
- type InternalChargeModelSelfEdge
- type InterruptScheduleBoundsError
- type InterruptScheduleError
- type InterruptScheduleErrorCode
- type InterruptScheduleInput
- type InterruptSchedulePayload
- type InterruptScheduleStandardError
- type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsInput
- type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsPayload
- type InvalidateEmailAssociationInput
- type InvalidateEmailAssociationPayload
- type Inventory
- type ItBegins
- type JoinChannelRoomsInput
- type JoinChannelRoomsPayload
- type JoinRaidInput
- type JoinRaidPayload
- type KeyBatchConnection
- type KeyBatchEdge
- type KeyBatchNode
- type KeyBatchStatus
- type KeyPoolConnection
- type KeyPoolEdge
- type KeyPoolNode
- type KeyPoolStatus
- type LWAToken
- type Language
- type LanguageTag
- type LeaderboardDetails
- type LeaderboardSet
- type LeaderboardSettings
- type LeaderboardTimePeriodType
- type LeaderboardType
- type LeaveChannelRoomsInput
- type LeaveChannelRoomsPayload
- type LeaveRaidInput
- type LeaveRaidPayload
- type LeaveSquadStreamError
- type LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode
- type LeaveSquadStreamInput
- type LeaveSquadStreamPayload
- type LinkOEmbed
- type LinkSSOError
- type LinkSSOErrorCode
- type LinkSSOInput
- type LinkSSOPayload
- type LinkType
- type LiveConfigView
- type LiveConfigViewInput
- type LiveRecommendationConnection
- type LiveUpNotificationInfo
- type LobbyState
- type LockPredictionEventError
- type LockPredictionEventErrorCode
- type LockPredictionEventInput
- type LockPredictionEventPayload
- type LoyaltyBadge
- type LoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig
- type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLInput
- type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLPayload
- type MakePredictionError
- type MakePredictionErrorCode
- type MakePredictionInput
- type MakePredictionPayload
- type ManualChannelChallenge
- type ManualTriggerBasedDrop
- type ManuallyTriggerDropInput
- type ManuallyTriggerDropPayload
- type ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus
- type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadInput
- type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadPayload
- type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadInput
- type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadPayload
- type MemberMetricsRevealedParams
- type Message
- type MessageBody
- type MessageContent
- type MessageFragment
- type MessageReplyConnection
- type Milestone
- type MobileAdIdentityInput
- type MobileDeviceInfo
- type MobileView
- type MobileViewInput
- type ModConnection
- type ModEdge
- type ModLogs
- type ModLogsAccess
- type ModLogsAccessLevel
- type ModLogsAction
- type ModLogsComment
- type ModLogsCommentConnection
- type ModLogsCommentDetails
- type ModLogsCommentEdge
- type ModLogsMessage
- type ModLogsMessageConnection
- type ModLogsMessageContent
- type ModLogsMessageEdge
- type ModLogsMessageFragment
- type ModLogsMessageResult
- type ModLogsTargetedModActionsConnection
- type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEdge
- type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry
- type ModUserError
- type ModUserErrorCode
- type ModUserInput
- type ModUserPayload
- type ModViewNewsfeedEntry
- type ModViewSettings
- type ModerationAction
- type ModerationLogs
- type MovieDetails
- type MultiplayerAdOffer
- type MultiviewContentAttribute
- type MultiviewContentAttributeParams
- type Mutation
- type OAuthApp
- type OAuthAppCategory
- type OAuthAppConnection
- type OAuthAppEdge
- type OEmbed
- type Offer
- type OfferAndStatus
- type OfferDeliveryMethod
- type OfferEligibility
- type OfferIneligibilityReasonCode
- type OfferListing
- type OfferPlatform
- type OfferPromotion
- type OfferPurchaseType
- type OfferSelfEdge
- type OfferTagBinding
- type OfferTagBindingInput
- type Onboarding
- type OnsiteNotification
- type OnsiteNotificationAction
- type OnsiteNotificationConnection
- type OnsiteNotificationContent
- type OnsiteNotificationDisplayType
- type OnsiteNotificationEdge
- type OnsiteNotificationExternalLink
- type OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle
- type OnsiteNotificationsCapability
- type OnsiteNotificationsSummary
- type OnsiteNotificationsUnreadSummary
- type OrderPanelsInput
- type OrderPanelsPayload
- type Organization
- type OrganizationAppilcationStatus
- type OrganizationApplication
- type OrganizationDrops
- type OrganizationInvite
- type OrganizationInviteConnection
- type OrganizationInviteEdge
- type OrganizationInviteUserConnection
- type OrganizationMember
- type OrganizationMemberConnection
- type OrganizationMemberEdge
- type OrganizationMemberRole
- type OrganizationMembersInput
- type OrganizationSelfEdge
- type OrganizationType
- type OutgoingFriendRequestConnection
- type OutgoingFriendRequestEdge
- type OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference
- type OverwatchMomentDetails
- type OverwatchTeamPreferenceOption
- type OwnerChanletAttributes
- type PUBGMomentDetails
- type PageInfo
- type PaidUpgrade
- type Panel
- type PanelActivationInput
- type PanelType
- type PanelView
- type PanelViewInput
- type Partnership
- type PartnershipApplication
- type PasswordStatus
- type PathToAffiliate
- type PathToPartner
- type PayItForwardTreatmentType
- type PayWithAmazonConfigs
- type PayableStatus
- type PaymentCardType
- type PaymentIncentiveMetricsRollup
- type PaymentInstrumentType
- type PaymentMethod
- type PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus
- type PaymentProvider
- type PaymentProviderConfigs
- type PaymentScheme
- type PaymentSession
- type PaymentTransaction
- type PaymentTransactionConnection
- type PaymentTransactionConnectionCriteriaInput
- type PaymentTransactionEdge
- type PaymentTransactionProduct
- type PaymentTransactionSort
- type PaymentTransactionType
- type PaymentTransactionTypeFilter
- type Payout
- type PayoutBalance
- type PayoutCategory
- type PayoutHistory
- type PayoutInvite
- type PayoutOnboardingCategory
- type PayoutOnboardingStep
- type PayoutOnboardingWorkflow
- type PayoutPlan
- type PayoutPlanTag
- type PayoutRegistration
- type PendingSubType
- type PendingSubscription
- type PermanentEmoteModifier
- type PersonalSection
- type PersonalSectionChannel
- type PersonalSectionChannelContent
- type PersonalSectionChannelLabel
- type PersonalSectionInput
- type PersonalSectionItem
- type PersonalSectionTextToken
- type PersonalSectionTitle
- type PersonalSectionTitleToken
- type PersonalSectionType
- type PhaseState
- type PhotoOEmbed
- type Platform
- type PlatformEventSetting
- type PlatformType
- type PlayStation
- type PlaybackAccessToken
- type PlaybackAccessTokenParams
- type Playing
- type Poll
- type PollChoice
- type PollChoiceSelfEdge
- type PollChoiceVoterConnection
- type PollConnection
- type PollEdge
- type PollSelfEdge
- type PollSettings
- type PollSettingsBitsVotes
- type PollSettingsCommunityPointsVotes
- type PollSettingsMultichoice
- type PollSettingsSubscriberMultiplier
- type PollSettingsSubscriberOnly
- type PollSort
- type PollStatus
- type PollTokenBreakdown
- type PollTopBitsContributor
- type PollTopCommunityPointsContributor
- type PollTopContributor
- type PollVoteBreakdown
- type PollVoteTokensInput
- type PollVoter
- type PollVoterChoice
- type PollVoterConnection
- type PollVoterConnectionEdge
- type PollVoterConnectionSort
- type PollVoterConnectionSortDirection
- type Post
- type PostEmbed
- type PostPermissionSet
- type PostSelfConnection
- type Prediction
- type PredictionEvent
- type PredictionEventActor
- type PredictionEventConnection
- type PredictionEventEdge
- type PredictionEventStatus
- type PredictionOutcome
- type PredictionOutcomeColor
- type PredictionResult
- type Premiere
- type PremiereConnection
- type PremiereItem
- type PremiereItemEdge
- type PremiereStatus
- type PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain
- type PresignDevInsightsReportURLInput
- type PresignDevInsightsReportURLPayload
- type PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType
- type PriceInfo
- type PrimeEmoticons
- type PrimeEmoticonsSetName
- type PrimeOffer
- type PrimeOfferContent
- type PrimeOfferSelfConnection
- type PrimePayoutDetail
- type PrimePayoutDetails
- type PrimePromotion
- type PrimeSettings
- type PrimeSubCreditBenefit
- type PrimeVideoBenefit
- type PrimeVideoRating
- type PrivacyLawName
- type ProductCatalogBenefit
- type ProductCatalogItem
- type ProductPurchase
- type ProductPurchaseErrorCode
- type ProgramAgreement
- type PromoDiscountType
- type PromotionDisplay
- type PublishClipError
- type PublishClipInput
- type PublishClipPayload
- type PublishCompetitionInput
- type PublishCompetitionPayload
- type PublishSubscriptionEmoteError
- type PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode
- type PublishSubscriptionEmoteInput
- type PublishSubscriptionEmotePayload
- type PurchasableOfferParams
- type PurchaseIneligibilityReason
- type PurchaseOfferErrorCode
- type PurchaseOfferInput
- type PurchaseOfferPayload
- type PurchaseOrder
- type PurchaseOrderFailureReason
- type PurchaseOrderState
- type PurchaseProfile
- type PurchaseProfileState
- type PurchaseableProductType
- type Query
- type QuestEvaluationInterval
- type QuestGoalFloat
- type QuestGoalInt
- type Quests
- type QuickAction
- type QuickActionCategory
- type QuickActionFolder
- type QuickActionLayout
- type QuickActionLayoutItem
- type QuickActionName
- type QuickActionScope
- type QuickActionStore
- type RTMPSession
- type Radio
- type RadioAccount
- type RadioAlbum
- type RadioArtist
- type RadioContent
- type RadioContentItem
- type RadioContentPromotion
- type RadioContentType
- type RadioCurrentTrackResponse
- type RadioCurrentlyPlaying
- type RadioCurrentlyPlayingType
- type RadioIconFormat
- type RadioIconThemeAssets
- type RadioPlaylist
- type RadioPlaylistFilter
- type RadioRecentlyPlayed
- type RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter
- type RadioRecentlyPlayedType
- type RadioStation
- type RadioTrack
- type Raid
- type RaidSettings
- type Range
- type RateExtensionError
- type RateExtensionInput
- type RateExtensionPayload
- type ReactableContent
- type Reaction
- type ReactionSelfConnection
- type ReadNotificationsInput
- type ReadNotificationsPayload
- type RecommendationFeedback
- type RecommendationFeedbackCategory
- type RecommendationFeedbackConnection
- type RecommendationFeedbackContent
- type RecommendationFeedbackEdge
- type RecommendationFeedbackType
- type Recommendations
- type RecommendationsContext
- type RecommendedFriend
- type RecommendedGamesConnection
- type RecommendedGamesEdge
- type RecommendedStream
- type RecommendedStreamConnection
- type RecommendedStreamsConnection
- type RecommendedStreamsEdge
- type RecommendedVideoConnection
- type RecommendedVideoEdge
- type RecordAdEventError
- type RecordAdEventErrorCode
- type RecordAdEventInput
- type RecordAdEventPayload
- type RecurlyConfigs
- type RecurringPaymentDetail
- type RedeemClaimableError
- type RedeemClaimableErrorCode
- type RedeemClaimableInput
- type RedeemClaimablePayload
- type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardError
- type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode
- type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput
- type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload
- type RedeemCreatorGiftsInput
- type RedeemCreatorGiftsPayload
- type RedeemRitualTokenError
- type RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode
- type RedeemRitualTokenInput
- type RedeemRitualTokenPayload
- type RedeemSubscriptionInput
- type RedeemSubscriptionPayload
- type RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode
- type RedeemTrueXAdInput
- type RedeemTrueXAdPayload
- type ReferralsDimension
- type ReferralsFilter
- type RefreshExtensionTokenInput
- type RefreshExtensionTokenPayload
- type RegenerateStreamKeyInput
- type RegenerateStreamKeyPayload
- type RegenerateVerificationCodeInput
- type RegenerateVerificationCodePayload
- type RegisterPayoutInformationError
- type RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode
- type RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName
- type RegisterPayoutInformationInput
- type RegisterPayoutInformationPayload
- type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationError
- type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode
- type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationInput
- type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationPayload
- type RegisterTwoFactorError
- type RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode
- type RegisterTwoFactorInput
- type RegisterTwoFactorPayload
- type RegistrationType
- type RejectFriendRequestInput
- type RejectFriendRequestPayload
- type RejectSquadStreamInvitationError
- type RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode
- type RejectSquadStreamInvitationInput
- type RejectSquadStreamInvitationPayload
- type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsError
- type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode
- func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsInput
- type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsPayload
- type RejectedChatMessage
- type RemoveAutohostChannelsInput
- type RemoveAutohostChannelsPayload
- type RemoveCollectionItemInput
- type RemoveCollectionItemPayload
- type RemoveCompetitionPhaseInput
- type RemoveCompetitionPhasePayload
- type RemoveCompetitionPlayerInput
- type RemoveCompetitionPlayerPayload
- type RemoveCompetitionTeamInput
- type RemoveCompetitionTeamPayload
- type RemoveEditorError
- type RemoveEditorErrorCode
- type RemoveEditorInput
- type RemoveEditorPayload
- type RemoveOrganizationMemberError
- type RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode
- type RemoveOrganizationMemberInput
- type RemoveOrganizationMemberPayload
- type RemoveReactionInput
- type RemoveReactionPayload
- type RemoveSquadStreamMemberError
- type RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode
- type RemoveSquadStreamMemberInput
- type RemoveSquadStreamMemberPayload
- type RemoveStuccoInput
- type RemoveStuccoPayload
- type RenewalPolicy
- type ReorderCollectionItemInput
- type ReorderCollectionItemPayload
- type ReportContentInput
- type ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo
- type ReportContentNetzDGInput
- type ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor
- type ReportContentPayload
- type ReportContentType
- type ReportReason
- type ReportToSAndCountryReasons
- type ReportWhisperErrorReason
- type ReportWhisperInput
- type ReportWhisperPayload
- type ReportWhisperPayloadError
- type ReportWhisperThreadInput
- type ReportWhisperThreadPayload
- type RequestInfo
- type RequestRitualTokenError
- type RequestRitualTokenErrorCode
- type RequestRitualTokenInput
- type RequestRitualTokenPayload
- type ResendVerificationEmailInput
- type ResendVerificationEmailPayload
- type ResetUsernameCodeError
- type ResetUsernameErrorCode
- type ResetUsernameInput
- type ResetUsernamePayload
- type ResolvePredictionEventError
- type ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode
- type ResolvePredictionEventInput
- type ResolvePredictionEventPayload
- type ResourceRestriction
- type ResourceRestrictionExemption
- type ResourceRestrictionExemptionAction
- type ResourceRestrictionExemptionType
- type ResourceRestrictionOption
- type ResourceRestrictionType
- type RespondToTeamInvitationInput
- type RespondToTeamInvitationPayload
- type RestrictionResource
- type ResubNotification
- type ResumeScheduleError
- type ResumeScheduleInput
- type ResumeSchedulePayload
- type RevenueConfig
- type RevokeVIPError
- type RevokeVIPErrorCode
- type RevokeVIPInput
- type RevokeVIPPayload
- type RewardedVideo
- type RichOEmbed
- type RitualToken
- type RitualTokenStatus
- type RitualTokenType
- type Room
- type RoomMemberConnection
- type RoomMemberEdge
- type RoomMemberType
- type RoomMessage
- type RoomMessageConnection
- type RoomMessageContent
- type RoomMessageEdge
- type RoomMessageFragment
- type RoomMessageGroupMention
- type RoomMessageItem
- type RoomMessageMentionType
- type RoomModes
- type RoomPermissions
- type RoomRole
- type RoomRolePermissions
- type RoomView
- type RotateExtensionSecretsError
- type RotateExtensionSecretsInput
- type RotateExtensionSecretsPayload
- type RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode
- type RunMultiplayerAdsInput
- type RunMultiplayerAdsPayload
- type SCETitle
- type SCEUser
- type SSOLink
- type SaveComponentViewInput
- type SaveConfigViewInput
- type SaveExtensionAssetManifestInput
- type SaveExtensionCapabilitiesInput
- type SaveExtensionDeveloperManifestInput
- type SaveExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput
- type SaveExtensionManifestError
- type SaveExtensionManifestInput
- type SaveExtensionManifestPayload
- type SaveExtensionViewsInput
- type SaveExtensionWhitelistsInput
- type SaveHiddenViewInput
- type SaveLiveConfigViewInput
- type SaveMobileViewInput
- type SavePanelViewInput
- type SaveVideoOverlayViewInput
- type Schedule
- type ScheduleInterruption
- type ScheduleInterruptionReason
- type ScheduleSegment
- type ScheduleSegmentDay
- type Scope
- type SearchCategoriesConnection
- type SearchCategoriesEdge
- type SearchFor
- type SearchForOptions
- type SearchForResultGames
- type SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels
- type SearchForResultUsers
- type SearchForResultVideos
- type SearchForTarget
- type SearchIndex
- type SearchOptions
- type SearchResult
- type SearchStreamConnection
- type SearchStreamEdge
- type SearchSuggestion
- type SearchSuggestionCategory
- type SearchSuggestionChannel
- type SearchSuggestionConnection
- type SearchSuggestionContent
- type SearchSuggestionEdge
- type SearchSuggestionHighlight
- type SearchSuggestionTracking
- type SearchTarget
- type SearchUserConnection
- type SearchUserEdge
- type SeasonDetails
- type SeedCompetitionParticipantInput
- type SeedCompetitionParticipantPayload
- type SegmentStartTimeInput
- type SegmentsStatusType
- type SelectChannelBadgeInput
- type SelectChannelBadgePayload
- type SelectGlobalBadgeInput
- type SelectGlobalBadgePayload
- type SelfClaimEdge
- type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModeInput
- type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModePayload
- type SendCheerInput
- type SendCheerPayload
- type SendCheerValidationError
- type SendCheerValidationErrorCode
- type SendCopoMessageError
- type SendCopoMessageErrorCode
- type SendExtensionMessageError
- type SendExtensionMessageErrorCode
- type SendExtensionMessageInput
- type SendExtensionMessagePayload
- type SendExtensionMessageThrottleData
- type SendHighlightedChatMessageInput
- type SendHighlightedChatMessagePayload
- type SendRoomMessageError
- type SendRoomMessageErrorCode
- type SendRoomMessageInput
- type SendRoomMessagePayload
- type SendWhisperError
- type SendWhisperErrorCode
- type SendWhisperInput
- type SendWhisperPayload
- type SeriesDetails
- type SetAutoAdDensityInput
- type SetAutoAdDensityPayload
- type SetAutoRefillSettingsInput
- type SetAutoRefillSettingsPayload
- type SetAutohostChannelsInput
- type SetAutohostChannelsPayload
- type SetBitsUserSettingsInput
- type SetBitsUserSettingsPayload
- type SetChannelFeedEnabledInput
- type SetChannelFeedEnabledPayload
- type SetChannelNotificationSettingInput
- type SetChannelNotificationSettingPayload
- type SetChannelTrailerErrorCode
- type SetChannelTrailerInput
- type SetChannelTrailerPayload
- type SetChatPauseSettingInput
- type SetChatPauseSettingPayload
- type SetContentTagsInput
- type SetContentTagsPayload
- type SetCreatorBadgeFlairInput
- type SetCreatorBadgeFlairPayload
- type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusError
- type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode
- func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusInput
- type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusPayload
- type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceError
- type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode
- type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceInput
- type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferencePayload
- type SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode
- type SetDefaultPaymentMethodInput
- type SetDefaultPaymentMethodPayload
- type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingInput
- type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingPayload
- type SetDropBenefitsOnDropInput
- type SetDropBenefitsOnDropPayload
- type SetDropCampaignAccessInput
- type SetDropCampaignAccessPayload
- type SetDropCampaignStatusInput
- type SetDropCampaignStatusPayload
- type SetDropCampaignSummaryInput
- type SetDropCampaignSummaryPayload
- type SetDropEventRuleInput
- type SetDropEventRulePayload
- type SetDropManualTriggerRuleInput
- type SetDropManualTriggerRulePayload
- type SetDropSummaryInput
- type SetDropSummaryPayload
- type SetDropTimeBasedRuleInput
- type SetDropTimeBasedRulePayload
- type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledInput
- type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledPayload
- type SetEmoteModifierGroupsError
- type SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode
- type SetEmoteModifierGroupsInput
- type SetEmoteModifierGroupsPayload
- type SetExtensionConfigurationError
- type SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode
- type SetExtensionConfigurationInput
- type SetExtensionConfigurationPayload
- type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError
- type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode
- type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsInput
- type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsPayload
- type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthInput
- type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthPayload
- type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientInput
- type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientPayload
- type SetModLogsAccessInput
- type SetModLogsAccessPayload
- type SetModViewSettingsInput
- type SetModViewSettingsPayload
- type SetNotificationSettingInput
- type SetNotificationSettingPayload
- type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferenceInput
- type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferencePayload
- type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceError
- type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode
- type SetPreferredLanguageTagInput
- type SetPreferredLanguageTagPayload
- type SetQuickActionLayoutError
- type SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode
- type SetQuickActionLayoutFolderInput
- type SetQuickActionLayoutInput
- type SetQuickActionLayoutItemInput
- type SetQuickActionLayoutPayload
- type SetQuickActionLayoutQuickActionInput
- type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingError
- type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode
- type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingInput
- type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingPayload
- type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledInput
- type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledPayload
- type SetResourceRestrictionInput
- type SetResourceRestrictionPayload
- type SetScheduleReminderError
- type SetScheduleReminderErrorCode
- type SetScheduleReminderInput
- type SetScheduleReminderPayload
- type SetSessionStatusInput
- type SetSessionStatusPayload
- type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerInput
- type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerPayload
- type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsError
- type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode
- type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsInput
- type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsPayload
- type SetUserResidenceInput
- type SetUserResidencePayload
- type Share
- type ShareTarget
- type Shelf
- type ShelfConnection
- type ShelfContent
- type ShelfContentConnection
- type ShelfContentEdge
- type ShelfContentMetadata
- type ShelfEdge
- type ShelfTitle
- type ShelfTitleContext
- type ShelvesAvailableOptions
- type ShelvesOptions
- type ShortVideo
- type ShortVideoContent
- type ShortVideoFeedConnection
- type ShortVideoFeedEdge
- type ShortVideoFeedOptions
- type ShortVideoFeedPlatform
- type ShortVideoFeedType
- type ShortVideoReaction
- type SmartCostsAcknowledgement
- type SmartCostsAcknowledgementInput
- type SmiliesSet
- type SocialMedia
- type SocialStream
- type SortOrder
- type SourceType
- type SpendSubscriptionCreditError
- type SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode
- type SpendSubscriptionCreditInput
- type SpendSubscriptionCreditPayload
- type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsConnection
- type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsEdge
- type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsNode
- type SquadStream
- type SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy
- type SquadStreamInvitation
- type SquadStreamInvitationConnection
- type SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType
- type SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason
- type SquadStreamInvitationStatus
- type SquadStreamSettings
- type SquadStreamStatus
- type StartAdError
- type StartAdErrorCode
- type StartAdInput
- type StartAdPayload
- type StartBountyError
- type StartBountyErrorCode
- type StartBountyInput
- type StartBountyPayload
- type StartCloudBroadcastError
- type StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause
- type StartCloudBroadcastInput
- type StartCloudBroadcastPayload
- type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput
- type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload
- type StartWatchPartyInput
- type StartWatchPartyPayload
- type StopBountyError
- type StopBountyErrorCode
- type StopBountyInput
- type StopBountyPayload
- type StopCloudBroadcastError
- type StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause
- type StopCloudBroadcastInput
- type StopCloudBroadcastPayload
- type StopWatchPartyInput
- type StopWatchPartyPayload
- type Stream
- type StreamBitrate
- type StreamConnection
- type StreamEdge
- type StreamFramerate
- type StreamKey
- type StreamKeyError
- type StreamKeyResult
- type StreamMetadataFilterInput
- type StreamOptions
- type StreamRecommendationEdge
- type StreamRecommendationType
- type StreamRecommendationsFilters
- type StreamRestrictionType
- type StreamSelfConnection
- type StreamSession
- type StreamSort
- type StreamSummary
- type StreamerShelfType
- type Streaming
- type Stucco
- type StuccoImageSet
- type StuccoPack
- type StuccoPackSlot
- type StuccoState
- type SubCountSeries
- type SubCountSeriesDataPoint
- type SubCountTierDataPoint
- type SubmitCSATFeedbackError
- type SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode
- type SubmitCSATFeedbackInput
- type SubmitCSATFeedbackPayload
- type SubmitCSATFeedbackResponse
- type SubmitEmotePrefixInput
- type SubmitEmotePrefixPayload
- type SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode
- type SubmitEmoticonPrefixInput
- type SubmitEmoticonPrefixPayload
- type SubmitExtensionFeedbackError
- type SubmitExtensionFeedbackInput
- type SubmitExtensionFeedbackPayload
- type SubscribedChannelConnection
- type SubscribedChannelEdge
- type SubscriberBadgeProgress
- type SubscriberCountBreakdown
- type SubscriberScore
- type SubscriberScoreBreakdown
- type SubscriptionBenefit
- type SubscriptionBenefitConnection
- type SubscriptionBenefitCriteriaInput
- type SubscriptionBenefitEdge
- type SubscriptionBenefitFilter
- type SubscriptionBenefitState
- type SubscriptionBenefitStateHistory
- type SubscriptionCheckoutConfigs
- type SubscriptionCommunityGifting
- type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingAssets
- type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType
- type SubscriptionGift
- type SubscriptionGiftOffer
- type SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform
- type SubscriptionGiftPromotion
- type SubscriptionGiftType
- type SubscriptionGifting
- type SubscriptionInterval
- type SubscriptionIntervalUnit
- type SubscriptionOffer
- type SubscriptionPlatform
- type SubscriptionProduct
- type SubscriptionProductSelfConnection
- type SubscriptionProductType
- type SubscriptionProductsConnection
- type SubscriptionProductsError
- type SubscriptionProductsErrorCode
- type SubscriptionProductsResult
- type SubscriptionPromotion
- type SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType
- type SubscriptionPurchase
- type SubscriptionPurchaseDetails
- type SubscriptionPurchaseState
- type SubscriptionStandardGifting
- type SubscriptionState
- type SubscriptionSummary
- type SubscriptionSummarySelf
- type SubscriptionSummaryTier
- type SubscriptionTenure
- type SubscriptionTenureMethod
- type SubscriptionTier
- type SubscriptionToken
- type SubscriptionTokenBundleProduct
- type SubscriptionTokenProductConfig
- type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantInput
- type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsInput
- type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsPayload
- type SyncGameOnDropCampaignInput
- type SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload
- type Tag
- type TagAnalytic
- type TagConnection
- type TagEdge
- type TagScope
- type TagType
- type TaggedContent
- type TargetedModActionDetails
- type TaxInterview
- type TaxInterviewOption
- type TaxInterviewType
- type TaxMismatchError
- type TaxRegion
- type Team
- type TerminatePollInChannelInput
- type TerminatePollInChannelPayload
- type TerminatePollInput
- type TerminatePollPayload
- type TextToken
- type ThumbnailOEmbed
- type TiebreakerLabel
- type TimeBasedDrop
- type TimeBasedDropSelfEdge
- type TimeSeriesPeriod
- type TimeseriesItem
- type TimeseriesStats
- type TitleTokenEdge
- type TitleTokenNode
- type ToggleRitualsEnabledInput
- type ToggleRitualsEnabledPayload
- type TokenBundleAsset
- type Tournament
- type TournamentInsiderRewards
- type TournamentProgress
- type TournamentReward
- type TournamentRewards
- type TournamentSelfEdge
- type TournamentTeam
- type TrackingInfo
- type TrackingPixel
- type TrackingPixelInput
- type TrackingPixelType
- type Trailer
- type TranscodeSession
- type TransitionExtensionStateError
- type TransitionExtensionStateInput
- type TransitionExtensionStatePayload
- type TriggerResult
- type TriggerType
- type TrueXAd
- type TutorialState
- type TwoFactorMethod
- type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEvent
- type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState
- type UnbanRequest
- type UnbanRequestConnection
- type UnbanRequestEdge
- type UnbanRequestError
- type UnbanRequestErrorCode
- type UnbanRequestRestrictionReason
- type UnbanRequestStatus
- type UnbanRequestsOptions
- type UnbanRequestsSettings
- type UnbanRequestsSortOrder
- type UnbanUserFromChatRoomError
- type UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode
- type UnbanUserFromChatRoomInput
- type UnbanUserFromChatRoomPayload
- type UnblockUserInput
- type UnblockUserPayload
- type UndoRecommendationFeedbackInput
- type UndoRecommendationFeedbackPayload
- type UnfollowGameInput
- type UnfollowGamePayload
- type UnfollowUserInput
- type UnfollowUserPayload
- type UnfriendUserInput
- type UnfriendUserPayload
- type UnhostInput
- type UnhostPayload
- type UninstallExtensionError
- type UninstallExtensionErrorCode
- type UninstallExtensionInput
- type UninstallExtensionPayload
- type UnlinkAmazonConnectionInput
- type UnlinkAmazonConnectionPayload
- type UnlinkRiotConnectionInput
- type UnlinkRiotConnectionPayload
- type UnlinkSSOInput
- type UnlinkSSOPayload
- type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmoteInput
- type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmotePayload
- type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmoteInput
- type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmotePayload
- type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmoteInput
- type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmotePayload
- type UnmodUserError
- type UnmodUserErrorCode
- type UnmodUserInput
- type UnmodUserPayload
- type UnsetHypeTrainConfigInput
- type UnsetHypeTrainConfigPayload
- type UnsubscribeEmailInput
- type UnsubscribeEmailPayload
- type UpdateAdPropertiesInput
- type UpdateAdPropertiesPayload
- type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsInput
- type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsPayload
- type UpdateAutoModPropertiesInput
- type UpdateAutoModPropertiesPayload
- type UpdateAutohostSettingsInput
- type UpdateAutohostSettingsPayload
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationInput
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationPayload
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersError
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersInput
- type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersPayload
- type UpdateBoostSettingsError
- type UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode
- type UpdateBoostSettingsInput
- type UpdateBoostSettingsPayload
- type UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode
- type UpdateBroadcastSettingsInput
- type UpdateBroadcastSettingsPayload
- type UpdateCelebrationConfigInput
- type UpdateCelebrationConfigPayload
- type UpdateCelebrationInput
- type UpdateCelebrationPayload
- type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigInput
- type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigPayload
- type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsInput
- type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsPayload
- type UpdateChangelogReadTimePayload
- type UpdateChanletContentAttributesInput
- type UpdateChanletContentAttributesPayload
- type UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError
- type UpdateChannelClipsSettingInput
- type UpdateChannelClipsSettingPayload
- type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesInput
- type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesPayload
- type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsError
- type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode
- type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsInput
- type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsPayload
- type UpdateChatColorInput
- type UpdateChatColorPayload
- type UpdateChatSettingsInput
- type UpdateChatSettingsPayload
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsBadgesInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsChatMessageInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCheerBombInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCustomPrefixInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsLeaderboardInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsPayload
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsRecentCheerInput
- type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsSponsoredCheermoteInput
- type UpdateClipError
- type UpdateClipInput
- type UpdateClipPayload
- type UpdateClipViewCountInput
- type UpdateClipViewCountPayload
- type UpdateCollectionInput
- type UpdateCollectionPayload
- type UpdateCollectionThumbnailInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode
- type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentPayload
- type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsError
- type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsInput
- type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsPayload
- type UpdateCompetitionContactInfoInput
- type UpdateCompetitionInput
- type UpdateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput
- type UpdateCompetitionPayload
- type UpdateCompetitionPlayerInput
- type UpdateCompetitionPlayerPayload
- type UpdateCompetitionTeamInput
- type UpdateCompetitionTeamPayload
- type UpdateConsentError
- type UpdateConsentErrorCode
- type UpdateConsentInput
- type UpdateConsentPayload
- type UpdateContentTagsInput
- type UpdateContentTagsPayload
- type UpdateDropBenefitInput
- type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropInput
- type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropPayload
- type UpdateDropBenefitPayload
- type UpdateDropPreconditionsInput
- type UpdateDropPreconditionsPayload
- type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusInput
- type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusPayload
- type UpdateEmoteOrdersError
- type UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode
- type UpdateEmoteOrdersInput
- type UpdateEmoteOrdersPayload
- type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError
- type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataInput
- type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload
- type UpdateExtensionManifestError
- type UpdateExtensionManifestInput
- type UpdateExtensionManifestPayload
- type UpdateHypeTrainConfigInput
- type UpdateHypeTrainConfigPayload
- type UpdateIsSharingActivityInput
- type UpdateIsSharingActivityPayload
- type UpdateLWATokenInput
- type UpdateLWATokenPayload
- type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsInput
- type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsPayload
- type UpdateLiveUpNotificationInput
- type UpdateLiveUpNotificationPayload
- type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationError
- type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode
- func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type UpdateLobbyParticipantScoreInput
- type UpdateLobbyParticipantScorePayload
- type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesInput
- type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload
- type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsInput
- type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsPayload
- type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleError
- type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode
- type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleInput
- type UpdateOrganizationMemberRolePayload
- type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesInput
- type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesPayload
- type UpdatePanelInput
- type UpdatePanelPayload
- type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationError
- type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode
- type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationInput
- type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationPayload
- type UpdatePhoneNumberError
- type UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode
- type UpdatePhoneNumberInput
- type UpdatePhoneNumberPayload
- type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusError
- type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode
- type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusInput
- type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusPayload
- type UpdatePrimeSettingsInput
- type UpdatePrimeSettingsPayload
- type UpdateRaidSettingsInput
- type UpdateRaidSettingsPayload
- type UpdateRoomError
- type UpdateRoomErrorCode
- type UpdateRoomInput
- type UpdateRoomModesError
- type UpdateRoomModesErrorCode
- type UpdateRoomModesInput
- type UpdateRoomModesPayload
- type UpdateRoomPayload
- type UpdateRoomViewInput
- type UpdateRoomViewPayload
- type UpdateScheduleSegmentError
- type UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode
- type UpdateScheduleSegmentInput
- type UpdateScheduleSegmentPayload
- type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentInput
- type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentPayload
- type UpdateSocialMediaError
- type UpdateSocialMediaInput
- type UpdateSocialMediaPayload
- type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyError
- type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode
- type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyInput
- type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyPayload
- type UpdateSquadStreamError
- type UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode
- type UpdateSquadStreamInput
- type UpdateSquadStreamPayload
- type UpdateStuccoInput
- type UpdateStuccoPackInput
- type UpdateStuccoPackItemInput
- type UpdateStuccoPackPayload
- type UpdateStuccoPayload
- type UpdateSubscriptionProductInput
- type UpdateSubscriptionProductPayload
- type UpdateUserColorsError
- type UpdateUserColorsErrorCode
- type UpdateUserColorsInput
- type UpdateUserColorsPayload
- type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenInput
- type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenPayload
- type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenInput
- type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenPayload
- type UpdateUserEmailReusableInput
- type UpdateUserEmailReusablePayload
- type UpdateUserError
- type UpdateUserErrorCode
- type UpdateUserInput
- type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessInput
- type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessPayload
- type UpdateUserPayload
- type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsError
- type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode
- type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsInput
- type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsPayload
- type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsInput
- type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsPayload
- type UpdateUserTeamMembershipInput
- type UpdateUserTeamMembershipPayload
- type UpdateUserVideoShelvesError
- type UpdateUserVideoShelvesInput
- type UpdateUserVideoShelvesPayload
- type UpdateUserViewedVideoInput
- type UpdateUserViewedVideoPayload
- type UpdateVideoCommentInput
- type UpdateVideoCommentPayload
- type UpdateVideoInput
- type UpdateVideoPayload
- type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsError
- type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode
- type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsInput
- type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsPayload
- type UpdateVisibilityInput
- type UpdateVisibilityPayload
- type UpdateWhisperSettingsInput
- type UpdateWhisperSettingsPayload
- type UpdateWhisperThreadInput
- type UpdateWhisperThreadPayload
- type UploadCompetitionImageInput
- type UploadCompetitionImagePayload
- type UploadConfig
- type UploadImage
- type UseChatNotificationTokenInput
- type UseChatNotificationTokenPayload
- type User
- type UserAccountHealth
- type UserAmazonConnection
- type UserBlizzardConnectionLink
- type UserByAttribute
- type UserClipsInput
- type UserCompetitionRelationship
- type UserConnection
- type UserDirectoryConnection
- type UserDropAwardConnection
- type UserDropReward
- type UserEdge
- type UserFacebookConnectionLink
- type UserLeaderboard
- type UserLeaderboardItem
- type UserLeaderboardItemConnection
- type UserLeaderboardItemEdge
- type UserLookupType
- type UserPredictionSettings
- type UserPredictionStatistics
- type UserRelationship
- type UserResidence
- type UserRiotConnectionLink
- type UserRoles
- type UserSelfBitsBadge
- type UserSelfConnection
- type UserSettings
- type UserSteamConnectionLink
- type UserSubscriptionSettings
- type UserTeamMembership
- type UserTwitchConnection
- type UserTwitterConnectionLink
- type UserYoutubeConnectionLink
- type VIPConnection
- type VIPEdge
- type ValidateVerificationCodeError
- type ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode
- type ValidateVerificationCodeInput
- type ValidateVerificationCodePayload
- type VendorConsentStatus
- type VendorConsentStatusInput
- type VendorName
- type VerificationRequest
- type VerificationStatus
- type VerifyContactMethodInput
- type VerifyContactMethodPayload
- type VerifyOneTimePasswordError
- type VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode
- type VerifyOneTimePasswordInput
- type VerifyOneTimePasswordPayload
- type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaError
- type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode
- func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) IsValid() bool
- func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
- func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) String() string
- func (e *VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
- type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaInput
- type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaPayload
- type VerticalContentContext
- type VerticalDirectory
- type VerticalShelf
- type VerticalShelfGroup
- type VerticalShelfType
- type VerticalSubDirectory
- type VerticalSubDirectoryContentContext
- type Video
- func (Video) IsCollectionItem()
- func (Video) IsFeaturedItemContent()
- func (Video) IsFeedEmbed()
- func (Video) IsFeedItemContent()
- func (Video) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
- func (Video) IsPostEmbed()
- func (Video) IsPremiereItem()
- func (Video) IsReactableContent()
- func (Video) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent()
- func (Video) IsShareTarget()
- func (Video) IsShelfContent()
- func (Video) IsTaggedContent()
- func (Video) IsVideoShelfItem()
- type VideoBookmark
- type VideoBookmarkConnection
- type VideoBookmarkConnectionError
- type VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode
- type VideoBookmarkEdge
- type VideoComment
- type VideoCommentConnection
- type VideoCommentEdge
- type VideoCommentMessage
- type VideoCommentMessageFragment
- type VideoCommentSource
- type VideoCommentState
- type VideoConnection
- type VideoConnectionOptionsInput
- type VideoConnectionSearchParams
- type VideoEdge
- type VideoIngestSession
- type VideoMoment
- type VideoMomentConnection
- type VideoMomentDetails
- type VideoMomentEdge
- type VideoMomentRequestType
- type VideoMomentType
- type VideoMuteInfo
- type VideoMutedSegment
- type VideoMutedSegmentConnection
- type VideoOEmbed
- type VideoOptions
- type VideoOverlayActivationInput
- type VideoOverlayView
- type VideoOverlayViewInput
- type VideoPlayReferrals
- type VideoPrivacyScope
- type VideoRestriction
- type VideoSelfEdge
- type VideoShelf
- type VideoShelfConnection
- type VideoShelfEdge
- type VideoShelfItem
- type VideoShelfType
- type VideoSort
- type VideoStatus
- type VideoStreamSettings
- type VideoSuggestedHighlight
- type VideoSuggestedSegment
- type VideoTopClipsInput
- type VideoType
- type VideoViewingHistory
- type ViewedNotificationsPayload
- type ViewedVideosConnection
- type ViewedVideosEdge
- type Visibility
- type VisibilityInput
- type VisitStreamManagerInput
- type VisitStreamManagerPayload
- type VoteInAdPollError
- type VoteInAdPollErrorCode
- type VoteInAdPollInput
- type VoteInAdPollPayload
- type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexInput
- type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexPayload
- type VoteInPollError
- type VoteInPollErrorCode
- type VoteInPollInput
- type VoteInPollPayload
- type WalletBalances
- type WalletType
- type WatchPartiesRestriction
- type WatchParty
- type WatchPartyContentRestriction
- type WatchPartyDecoration
- type WatchPartyError
- type WatchPartyErrorCode
- type WatchPartyItem
- type WatchPartyItemConnection
- type WatchPartyItemDetails
- type WatchPartyItemEdge
- type WatchPartyItemEligibility
- type WatchPartyItemSearchOptions
- type WatchPartyItemSelfEdge
- type WatchPartyItemType
- type WatchPartyPlayer
- type WatchPartyProgress
- type WatchPartyResult
- type WatchPartyState
- type Watching
- type WhisperMessage
- type WhisperMessageConnection
- type WhisperMessageEdge
- type WhisperPermissionType
- type WhisperPermissions
- type WhisperSettings
- type WhisperSpamInfo
- type WhisperSpamLikelihood
- type WhisperThread
- type WhisperThreadConnection
- type WhisperThreadEdge
- type WithholdingTaxDetail
- type Xsolla
- type XsollaConfigs
- type ZuoraConfigs
Constants ¶
const CurrentlyWatchingQuery = `` /* 337-byte string literal not displayed */
Variables ¶
var AllAVCProfile = []AVCProfile{ AVCProfileBaseline, AVCProfileMain, AVCProfileHigh, }
var AllAcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = []AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode{ AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInvalidArgument, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeNotFound, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeMemberIneligible, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeAlreadyExists, AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeExceedsMembershipLimit, }
var AllAcceptProgramAgreementError = []AcceptProgramAgreementError{ AcceptProgramAgreementErrorUnauthenticated, AcceptProgramAgreementErrorForbidden, AcceptProgramAgreementErrorInvalidAgreementVersion, AcceptProgramAgreementErrorInternalError, }
var AllAcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = []AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode{ AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound, AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound, AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized, AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeAccepted, AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserCannotAccessSquads, }
var AllAcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode = []AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode{ AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeForbidden, AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeNotFound, AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeNotResolved, AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllActivationState = []ActivationState{ ActivationStateActive, ActivationStateInactive, ActivationStateRejectedPermissions, }
var AllActivityType = []ActivityType{ ActivityTypePlaying, ActivityTypeStreaming, ActivityTypeWatching, }
var AllAdPlatform = []AdPlatform{ AdPlatformIosPhone, AdPlatformIosTablet, AdPlatformAndroidPhone, AdPlatformAndroidTablet, }
var AllAdRequestContentType = []AdRequestContentType{ AdRequestContentTypeLive, AdRequestContentTypeVod, }
var AllAddChannelBlockedTermError = []AddChannelBlockedTermError{ AddChannelBlockedTermErrorNoPermissions, AddChannelBlockedTermErrorDurationInvalid, }
var AllAddChannelPermittedTermError = []AddChannelPermittedTermError{ AddChannelPermittedTermErrorNoPermissions, AddChannelPermittedTermErrorDurationInvalid, }
var AllAddEditorErrorCode = []AddEditorErrorCode{ AddEditorErrorCodeChannelNotFound, AddEditorErrorCodeTargetUserAlreadyEditor, AddEditorErrorCodeTargetUserNotFound, }
var AllAddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode = []AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode{ AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCodeInvalidID, AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCodePermissionDenied, }
var AllAddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = []AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode{ AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeTargetUserUnreturnable, AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound, AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeMaxAccountLimit, AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodePermissionDenied, AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllAdrollType = []AdrollType{ AdrollTypePreroll, AdrollTypeMidroll, AdrollTypePostroll, }
var AllAllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode = []AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode{ AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeInvalidArgument, AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeNotFound, AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = []ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode{ ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound, ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden, ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllArkoseEndpointVersion = []ArkoseEndpointVersion{ ArkoseEndpointVersionV1, ArkoseEndpointVersionV2, }
var AllAssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode = []AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode{ AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodeFailedPrecondition, AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodeMemberIneligible, AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodePermissionDenied, }
var AllAutoModCaughtMessageCategory = []AutoModCaughtMessageCategory{ AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryAggressive, AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryIDEntity, AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryProfanity, AutoModCaughtMessageCategorySexual, }
var AllAutoModCaughtMessageStatus = []AutoModCaughtMessageStatus{ AutoModCaughtMessageStatusPending, AutoModCaughtMessageStatusApproved, AutoModCaughtMessageStatusDenied, }
var AllAutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy = []AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy{ AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyNone, AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyNetwork, AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyAll, }
var AllAutohostSettingsStrategy = []AutohostSettingsStrategy{ AutohostSettingsStrategyOrdered, AutohostSettingsStrategyRandom, }
var AllAvailability = []Availability{ AvailabilityAway, AvailabilityBusy, AvailabilityIDLe, AvailabilityOffline, AvailabilityOnline, }
var AllAvailabilityInput = []AvailabilityInput{ AvailabilityInputOnline, AvailabilityInputIDLe, AvailabilityInputOffline, }
var AllBadgeClickAction = []BadgeClickAction{ BadgeClickActionSubscribe, BadgeClickActionGetTurbo, BadgeClickActionGetBits, BadgeClickActionVisitURL, }
var AllBadgeDomain = []BadgeDomain{ BadgeDomainCrate, }
var AllBadgeImageSize = []BadgeImageSize{ BadgeImageSizeNormal, BadgeImageSizeDouble, BadgeImageSizeQuadruple, }
var AllBadgeTierEmotesFilter = []BadgeTierEmotesFilter{ BadgeTierEmotesFilterAll, BadgeTierEmotesFilterLocked, BadgeTierEmotesFilterLockedPreview, BadgeTierEmotesFilterUnlocked, BadgeTierEmotesFilterHighestUnlockedAndNext, }
var AllBanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = []BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode{ BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeForbidden, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotFound, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsSelf, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsAnonymous, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsMod, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsVip, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsBroadcaster, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsStaff, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsAdmin, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsGlobalMod, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetAlreadyBanned, BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeDurationInvalid, }
var AllBitsBadgeTierNotificationState = []BitsBadgeTierNotificationState{ BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateSkipped, BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateShared, BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateShow, }
var AllBitsEventSort = []BitsEventSort{ BitsEventSortAmount, BitsEventSortDate, }
var AllBitsEventSortDirection = []BitsEventSortDirection{ BitsEventSortDirectionDesc, BitsEventSortDirectionAsc, }
var AllBitsEventType = []BitsEventType{ BitsEventTypeGiveBitsToBroadcaster, BitsEventTypeUseBitsOnExtension, BitsEventTypeUseBitsOnPoll, BitsEventTypeUnknown, }
var AllBitsOfferType = []BitsOfferType{ BitsOfferTypeAd, BitsOfferTypeBundle, }
var AllBitsPaymentMethodType = []BitsPaymentMethodType{ BitsPaymentMethodTypePaypal, BitsPaymentMethodTypeAmazonPay, BitsPaymentMethodTypeXsolla, }
var AllBitsProductProvider = []BitsProductProvider{ BitsProductProviderAmazon, BitsProductProviderAndroid, BitsProductProviderIos, BitsProductProviderPaypal, BitsProductProviderXsolla, }
var AllBitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = []BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode{ BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeInternalServerError, BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodePricingIDNotFound, BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeUnknownUserResidence, BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeBillingInfoNotFound, BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodePurchaseIneligible, }
var AllBitsProductType = []BitsProductType{ BitsProductTypePurchasedProduct, BitsProductTypeUnknown, }
var AllBitsUserState = []BitsUserState{ BitsUserStateNewUser, BitsUserStateAcquired, BitsUserStateSkipped, BitsUserStateCheered, BitsUserStateUnknown, }
var AllBlockContext = []BlockContext{ BlockContextWhisper, BlockContextChat, }
var AllBountyBoardUserStatus = []BountyBoardUserStatus{ BountyBoardUserStatusInvited, BountyBoardUserStatusAccepted, BountyBoardUserStatusBanned, BountyBoardUserStatusNone, }
var AllBountyCampaignStatus = []BountyCampaignStatus{ BountyCampaignStatusPending, BountyCampaignStatusApproved, BountyCampaignStatusRejected, BountyCampaignStatusLive, BountyCampaignStatusCompleted, }
var AllBountyCampaignType = []BountyCampaignType{ BountyCampaignTypePayToStream, BountyCampaignTypeGameTrailer, BountyCampaignTypeMiscTrailer, BountyCampaignTypeUnknown, }
var AllBountyCampaignUploadType = []BountyCampaignUploadType{ BountyCampaignUploadTypeBoxArt, BountyCampaignUploadTypeCover, }
var AllBountyKeyProductType = []BountyKeyProductType{ BountyKeyProductTypeCoupon, BountyKeyProductTypeDlc, BountyKeyProductTypeGame, BountyKeyProductTypeGiftcard, BountyKeyProductTypeGiveaway, BountyKeyProductTypeIgc, BountyKeyProductTypeOther, }
var AllBountyModerationFailReason = []BountyModerationFailReason{ BountyModerationFailReasonMinimumTimeNotMet, BountyModerationFailReasonIncorrectContent, BountyModerationFailReasonBadmouthing, BountyModerationFailReasonOtherContentVisible, BountyModerationFailReasonIDLe, BountyModerationFailReasonNoVod, BountyModerationFailReasonOther, }
var AllBountyModerationStatus = []BountyModerationStatus{ BountyModerationStatusPass, BountyModerationStatusPendingReview, BountyModerationStatusFail, }
var AllBountyStatus = []BountyStatus{ BountyStatusAvailable, BountyStatusLive, BountyStatusCompleted, BountyStatusCancelled, }
var AllBroadcastFormat = []BroadcastFormat{ BroadcastFormatLive, BroadcastFormatDelay, BroadcastFormatBackup000, BroadcastFormatBackup001, BroadcastFormatBackup002, BroadcastFormatBackup003, }
var AllBroadcastType = []BroadcastType{ BroadcastTypeArchive, BroadcastTypeHighlight, BroadcastTypeUpload, BroadcastTypePremiereUpload, BroadcastTypePastPremiere, }
var AllCSATActionPrompted = []CSATActionPrompted{ CSATActionPromptedClientAppRegister, CSATActionPromptedDropCreateCampaign, CSATActionPromptedDropMoveStateToActive, CSATActionPromptedDropMoveStateToTesting, CSATActionPromptedExtensionCreate, CSATActionPromptedExtensionStateChange, CSATActionPromptedGamesViewAnalytics, CSATActionPromptedGamesSubmitBoxArt, CSATActionPromptedOrganizationCreate, CSATActionPromptedOrganizationAddUser, }
var AllCSATRating = []CSATRating{ CSATRatingVeryDissatisfied, CSATRatingSomewhatDissatisfied, CSATRatingNeutral, CSATRatingSomewhatSatisfied, CSATRatingVerySatisfied, }
var AllCampaignDiscoveryEventType = []CampaignDiscoveryEventType{ CampaignDiscoveryEventTypeEngageCommandCenter, CampaignDiscoveryEventTypeEngageStream, }
var AllCampaignType = []CampaignType{ CampaignTypeDefault, CampaignTypeManualTriggerBased, }
var AllCancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode = []CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode{ CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCodeInvalidParameter, CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllCancelBountyErrorCode = []CancelBountyErrorCode{ CancelBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter, CancelBountyErrorCodeBountyNotLive, CancelBountyErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllCancelPredictionEventErrorCode = []CancelPredictionEventErrorCode{ CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden, CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeEventEnded, CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCancelRaidErrorCode = []CancelRaidErrorCode{ CancelRaidErrorCodeRaidDoesNotExist, CancelRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel, CancelRaidErrorCodeNoActiveRaid, }
var AllCancellationPolicyType = []CancellationPolicyType{ CancellationPolicyTypeNonRefundable, CancellationPolicyTypeRefundable, }
var AllCelebrationArea = []CelebrationArea{ CelebrationAreaEverywhere, CelebrationAreaVideoOnly, CelebrationAreaVideoAndPanel, CelebrationAreaUnknown, }
var AllCelebrationEffect = []CelebrationEffect{ CelebrationEffectFireworks, CelebrationEffectRain, CelebrationEffectFlamethrowers, CelebrationEffectUnknown, }
var AllCelebrationErrorCode = []CelebrationErrorCode{ CelebrationErrorCodeCelebrationNotFound, CelebrationErrorCodeCelebrationAlreadyExists, CelebrationErrorCodePermissionDenied, CelebrationErrorCodeOverCelebrationLimit, CelebrationErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCelebrationEventType = []CelebrationEventType{ CelebrationEventTypeBitsCheer, CelebrationEventTypeSubscriptionGift, CelebrationEventTypeUnknown, }
var AllCelebrationIntensity = []CelebrationIntensity{ CelebrationIntensitySmall, CelebrationIntensityMedium, CelebrationIntensityLarge, CelebrationIntensityUnknown, }
var AllChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = []ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState{ ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStatePending, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionExpired, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionCanceled, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionSatisfied, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateExpired, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateCanceled, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateFailedValidation, ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateUnknown, }
var AllChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState = []ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState{ ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStatePending, ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateSuccess, ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateError, ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateUnknown, }
var AllChallengeConditionState = []ChallengeConditionState{ ChallengeConditionStateActive, ChallengeConditionStateCanceled, ChallengeConditionStateInactive, ChallengeConditionStateExpired, ChallengeConditionStateUnknown, }
var AllChallengeEffectType = []ChallengeEffectType{ ChallengeEffectTypeUseBits, ChallengeEffectTypeUnknown, }
var AllChangeUsernameErrorCode = []ChangeUsernameErrorCode{ ChangeUsernameErrorCodeReauthNeeded, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeRequestsThrottled, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginChangeCooldown, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginUnavailable, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooShort, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooLong, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginContainsInvalidCharacters, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginChangeEmailVerified, ChangeUsernameErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllChanletSort = []ChanletSort{ ChanletSortNone, ChanletSortViewerCount, }
var AllChannelChallengeSort = []ChannelChallengeSort{ ChannelChallengeSortStartTime, ChannelChallengeSortEndTime, }
var AllChannelChallengeStatus = []ChannelChallengeStatus{ ChannelChallengeStatusUnknown, ChannelChallengeStatusActive, ChannelChallengeStatusCompleted, ChannelChallengeStatusFailed, ChannelChallengeStatusTimedOut, }
var AllChannelPermission = []ChannelPermission{ ChannelPermissionMultiviewAdmin, ChannelPermissionSetChannelRestriction, }
var AllChannelRestrictionType = []ChannelRestrictionType{ ChannelRestrictionTypeUnknown, ChannelRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive, ChannelRestrictionTypeAllAccessPass, }
var AllChannelUserRole = []ChannelUserRole{ ChannelUserRoleBroadcaster, ChannelUserRoleEditor, ChannelUserRoleModerator, ChannelUserRoleSubscriber, ChannelUserRoleRegular, }
var AllChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit = []ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit{ ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitDays, ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitMonths, ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitUnknown, }
var AllChatPauseSetting = []ChatPauseSetting{ ChatPauseSettingScrollOnly, ChatPauseSettingMouseover, ChatPauseSettingAltkey, ChatPauseSettingMouseoverAltkey, }
var AllChatRestrictedReason = []ChatRestrictedReason{ ChatRestrictedReasonRequireVerifiedPhoneNumber, ChatRestrictedReasonSubscribersOnly, ChatRestrictedReasonFollowersOnly, ChatRestrictedReasonVerifiedOnly, ChatRestrictedReasonSlowMode, }
var AllChatTheme = []ChatTheme{ ChatThemeDark, ChatThemeLight, }
var AllCheckoutAction = []CheckoutAction{ CheckoutActionBlockSavedPaymentMethod, CheckoutActionExceededVelocityLimits, CheckoutActionVerifiedSavedPaymentMethod, CheckoutActionDisableNewCreditCard, CheckoutActionAuthorizedUser, CheckoutActionPrioritizeXsolla, }
var AllCheermoteTierThreshold = []CheermoteTierThreshold{ CheermoteTierThresholdTier1, CheermoteTierThresholdTier100, CheermoteTierThresholdTier1000, CheermoteTierThresholdTier5000, CheermoteTierThresholdTier10000, }
var AllCheermoteType = []CheermoteType{ CheermoteTypeDefault, CheermoteTypeCustom, CheermoteTypeSponsored, CheermoteTypeCharity, CheermoteTypeFirstParty, CheermoteTypeThirdParty, CheermoteTypeDisplayOnly, CheermoteTypeAnonymous, CheermoteTypeUnknown, }
var AllClaimBountyErrorCode = []ClaimBountyErrorCode{ ClaimBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter, ClaimBountyErrorCodeBountyLimitReached, ClaimBountyErrorCodeBountyAlreadyClaimed, ClaimBountyErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode = []ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode{ ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCodeNotFound, ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCodeForbidden, }
var AllClaimHint = []ClaimHint{ ClaimHintAvailable, ClaimHintClaimedNoConflicts, ClaimHintClaimedAmazonLinkConflict, ClaimHintReclaimableNoConflicts, ClaimHintClaimedByMemberOfHousehold, ClaimHintNeedPrime, ClaimHintOfferFullyClaimed, ClaimHintUnknown, }
var AllClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode = []ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode{ ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCodeOfferAlreadyClaimed, ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllClaimableType = []ClaimableType{ ClaimableTypeBitsKeyCode, ClaimableTypeSubsKeyCode, ClaimableTypeGiftCardKeyCode, }
var AllClipCreationState = []ClipCreationState{ ClipCreationStateCreating, ClipCreationStateCreated, ClipCreationStateFailed, }
var AllClipsFilter = []ClipsFilter{ ClipsFilterTrending, ClipsFilterLastDay, ClipsFilterLastWeek, ClipsFilterLastMonth, ClipsFilterAllTime, }
var AllClipsPeriod = []ClipsPeriod{ ClipsPeriodLastDay, ClipsPeriodLastWeek, ClipsPeriodLastMonth, ClipsPeriodAllTime, }
var AllClipsSort = []ClipsSort{ ClipsSortCreatedAtAsc, ClipsSortCreatedAtDesc, ClipsSortViewsAsc, ClipsSortViewsDesc, ClipsSortTrending, }
var AllCloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError = []CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError{ CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorUnauthorized, CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidNewVersion, CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorVersionNotFound, }
var AllCloneExtensionManifestError = []CloneExtensionManifestError{ CloneExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized, CloneExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNewVersion, CloneExtensionManifestErrorVersionAlredyExists, CloneExtensionManifestErrorVersionNotFound, }
var AllCloudBroadcastState = []CloudBroadcastState{ CloudBroadcastStateOffline, CloudBroadcastStatePending, CloudBroadcastStateOnline, CloudBroadcastStateUnknown, }
var AllCollectionType = []CollectionType{ CollectionTypeSeries, CollectionTypeDefault, }
var AllCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = []CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType{ CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeSingleMessageBypassSubMode, CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeRandomSubEmoteUnlock, CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeChosenSubEmoteUnlock, CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeSendHighlightedMessage, CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeChosenModifiedSubEmoteUnlock, }
var AllCommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = []CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus{ CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusUnstarted, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusStarted, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusEnded, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusFulfilled, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusArchived, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusUnknown, }
var AllCommunityPointsCommunityGoalType = []CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType{ CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeCreator, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeBoost, CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeUnknown, }
var AllCommunityPointsContentType = []CommunityPointsContentType{ CommunityPointsContentTypeUnknown, CommunityPointsContentTypeAutomaticReward, CommunityPointsContentTypeCustomReward, }
var AllCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder = []CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder{ CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrderOldest, CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrderNewest, }
var AllCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus = []CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus{ CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusUnfulfilled, CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusFulfilled, CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusCanceled, CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusReported, }
var AllCommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory = []CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory{ CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryUnknown, CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryGame, CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryIrl, CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryTwitch, }
var AllCommunityPointsMultiplierReason = []CommunityPointsMultiplierReason{ CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT1, CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT2, CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT3, }
var AllCommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = []CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode{ CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeInvalidEmote, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeEmoteAlreadyEntitled, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeNoEmotesAvailable, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeInsufficientPoints, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeTransactionAlreadyCommitted, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeTransactionInProgress, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardCostMismatch, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardDisabled, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardForbidden, CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod = []CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod{ CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodUnknown, CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByChannel, CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByReward, CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByRedemptions, }
var AllCompetitionErrorCode = []CompetitionErrorCode{ CompetitionErrorCodeRequiredArgument, CompetitionErrorCodeInvalidArgument, CompetitionErrorCodeAlreadyExists, CompetitionErrorCodeLimitReached, CompetitionErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionImageType = []CompetitionImageType{ CompetitionImageTypeBanner, CompetitionImageTypeThumbnail, CompetitionImageTypeUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionParticipantType = []CompetitionParticipantType{ CompetitionParticipantTypeTeam, CompetitionParticipantTypeSolo, CompetitionParticipantTypeUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionPhaseType = []CompetitionPhaseType{ CompetitionPhaseTypeDoubleEliminationWinners, CompetitionPhaseTypeDoubleEliminationLosers, CompetitionPhaseTypeNotApplicable, CompetitionPhaseTypeUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionPlayerState = []CompetitionPlayerState{ CompetitionPlayerStateInvited, CompetitionPlayerStateRegistered, CompetitionPlayerStateCheckedIn, CompetitionPlayerStateCompeted, CompetitionPlayerStateDeclined, CompetitionPlayerStateUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionState = []CompetitionState{ CompetitionStateUpcoming, CompetitionStatePast, CompetitionStateLive, CompetitionStateCheckIn, CompetitionStateReady, CompetitionStateUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionUploadImageErrorCode = []CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode{ CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeRequiredArgument, CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeInvalidArgument, CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCompetitionVisibilityState = []CompetitionVisibilityState{ CompetitionVisibilityStatePrivate, CompetitionVisibilityStatePublic, CompetitionVisibilityStateUnknown, }
var AllConsentStatus = []ConsentStatus{ ConsentStatusGiven, ConsentStatusDenied, }
var AllContentType = []ContentType{ ContentTypeClip, ContentTypeUser, ContentTypeLiveChannel, ContentTypeVod, ContentTypeCategory, }
var AllContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = []ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode{ ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotCurrentlyRedeemable, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeMaxPerStream, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTransactionInProgress, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUserBanned, ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllContributeToChallengeErrorCode = []ContributeToChallengeErrorCode{ ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeChallengeNotFound, ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeChallengeNotActive, ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance, ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeUserForbidden, ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = []CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode{ CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage1xID, CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage2xID, CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage4xID, CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidTier, }
var AllCreateChallengeConditionErrorCode = []CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode{ CreateChallengeConditionErrorCodeBitsRecipientIneligible, CreateChallengeConditionErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = []CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode{ CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeBitsBenefactorIneligible, CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance, CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeConditionNotActive, CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeConditionNotFound, CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeEffectTypeUnsupportedByCondition, CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateClipErrorCode = []CreateClipErrorCode{ CreateClipErrorCodeChannelNotClippable, CreateClipErrorCodeChannelBanned, CreateClipErrorCodeUserBanned, CreateClipErrorCodeUserTimedOut, CreateClipErrorCodeChannelNotLive, CreateClipErrorCodeRequestThrottled, CreateClipErrorCodeUserRestricted, CreateClipErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = []CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode{ CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateGoal, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionAutomodFailed, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalAmountInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDurationInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTooManyGoals, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden, CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = []CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode{ CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePromptAutomodFailed, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStreamInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTooManyRewards, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateReward, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTemplateInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStreamInvalid, CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldownInvalid, }
var AllCreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode = []CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode{ CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeForbidden, CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeMoreThanOneType, CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeCustomRewardNotFound, }
var AllCreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode = []CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode{ CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeServiceDependencyFailure, CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateExtensionClientError = []CreateExtensionClientError{ CreateExtensionClientErrorInvalidName, CreateExtensionClientErrorNameInUse, }
var AllCreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = []CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode{ CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeUnauthorized, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeInvalidVersion, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadDiscoveryImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadLogoImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadScreenshotImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadTaskbarImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadDiscoveryImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadLogoImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadScreenshotImage, CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadTaskbarImage, }
var AllCreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError = []CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError{ CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoErrorUnauthorized, CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoErrorInvalidVersion, }
var AllCreateGameApplicationErrorCode = []CreateGameApplicationErrorCode{ CreateGameApplicationErrorCodeGameHasAlreadyBeenOwned, CreateGameApplicationErrorCodePermissionDenied, CreateGameApplicationErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllCreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = []CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode{ CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidUser, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage1xID, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage2xID, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage4xID, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeRequiredTenureMonths, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrBadgeExists, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrBadgeTimeout, CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrUnknown, }
var AllCreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode = []CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode{ CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrInvalidUser, CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeSize, CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrUnknown, }
var AllCreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode = []CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode{ CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCodeInternalError, CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllCreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = []CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode{ CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError, CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInvalidArgument, CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeAlreadyExists, CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied, CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeUserNotFound, CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeMemberIneligible, }
var AllCreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode = []CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode{ CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCodePermissionDenied, CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllCreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode = []CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode{ CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeAlreadyExists, CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodePermissionDenied, CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeUserNotFound, CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeMemberIneligible, }
var AllCreatePollErrorCode = []CreatePollErrorCode{ CreatePollErrorCodeAutomodFailed, CreatePollErrorCodePollAlreadyActive, CreatePollErrorCodeChannelNotBitsEnabled, CreatePollErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreatePredictionEventErrorCode = []CreatePredictionEventErrorCode{ CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeAutomodFailed, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeEventAlreadyActive, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeChannelPointsNotEnabled, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeColorsNotUnique, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeNotEnoughOutcomes, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeTooManyOutcomes, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeInvalidPredictionWindow, CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateRaidErrorCode = []CreateRaidErrorCode{ CreateRaidErrorCodeAlreadyRaiding, CreateRaidErrorCodeCannotRaidYourself, CreateRaidErrorCodeCannotRaidThisChannel, CreateRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel, CreateRaidErrorCodeTooManyViewersToRaid, }
var AllCreateRoomErrorCode = []CreateRoomErrorCode{ CreateRoomErrorCodeNameLengthInvalid, CreateRoomErrorCodeNameContainsInvalidCharacters, CreateRoomErrorCodeNameInappropriate, CreateRoomErrorCodeNameNotUnique, CreateRoomErrorCodeTopicLengthInvalid, CreateRoomErrorCodeTopicInappropriate, CreateRoomErrorCodeMaxRoomsLimitExceeded, CreateRoomErrorCodeRolesInvalid, }
var AllCreateScheduleError = []CreateScheduleError{ CreateScheduleErrorAlreadyExists, CreateScheduleErrorPermissionDenied, }
var AllCreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = []CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode{ CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodePermissionDenied, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNotFound, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategoryCount, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeOverlappingSegments, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTitle, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeTitleFailedModeration, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTimezone, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategories, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartDay, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartHour, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartMinute, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidDuration, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegment, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidArgument, CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegmentCount, }
var AllCreateSocialMediaError = []CreateSocialMediaError{ CreateSocialMediaErrorFailedTitleModeration, CreateSocialMediaErrorTitleTooLong, CreateSocialMediaErrorInvalidURL, CreateSocialMediaErrorTooMany, }
var AllCreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = []CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode{ CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadFull, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserCannotAccessSquads, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserAlreadyInSquad, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationAlreadyExists, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationBlocked, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationInvalid, CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllCreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = []CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode{ CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeAlreadyCreated, CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeNotBanned, CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeTooSoonSinceBan, CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeUnbanRequestsDisabled, CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllCreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = []CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode{ CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcasterNotLive, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeArchivesDisabled, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcastFormatInvalidRerun, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcastFormatInvalidPremiere, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeVodNotReady, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeInternalServerError, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeMaxDescriptionLengthExceeded, }
var AllCreatorBadgeFlairSetting = []CreatorBadgeFlairSetting{ CreatorBadgeFlairSettingNone, CreatorBadgeFlairSettingDefault, CreatorBadgeFlairSettingCustom, }
var AllCreatorBadgeFlairTier = []CreatorBadgeFlairTier{ CreatorBadgeFlairTierTier2, CreatorBadgeFlairTierTier3, }
var AllCreatorReferralTrend = []CreatorReferralTrend{ CreatorReferralTrendPositive, CreatorReferralTrendNeutral, CreatorReferralTrendNegative, }
var AllCreditType = []CreditType{ CreditTypeNoCreditType, CreditTypeSubToken, }
var AllCurrency = []Currency{}/* 165 elements not displayed */
var AllDashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = []DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus{ DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusFailed, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusOffline, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPlayed, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPlaying, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusQueued, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusRejected, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusSkipped, DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPurged, }
var AllDeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode = []DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode{ DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError, DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodeNotFound, DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied, }
var AllDeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode = []DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode{ DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCodeNoPermissions, }
var AllDeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode = []DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode{ DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCodeNoPermissions, }
var AllDeleteChatMessageStatusCode = []DeleteChatMessageStatusCode{ DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeSuccess, DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeSuccessStaff, DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeForbidden, DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeTargetIsBroadcaster, DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeTargetIsModerator, }
var AllDeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode = []DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode{ DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCodePermissionDenied, DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllDeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = []DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode{ DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound, DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden, DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllDeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = []DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode{ DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown, DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden, DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound, }
var AllDeleteEmoteErrorCode = []DeleteEmoteErrorCode{ DeleteEmoteErrorCodeEmoteNotFound, DeleteEmoteErrorCodePermissionDenied, DeleteEmoteErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllDeleteExtensionError = []DeleteExtensionError{ DeleteExtensionErrorMissingExtensionID, DeleteExtensionErrorExtensionNotFound, DeleteExtensionErrorUnauthorized, }
var AllDeleteExtensionImageError = []DeleteExtensionImageError{ DeleteExtensionImageErrorUnauthorized, DeleteExtensionImageErrorInvalidVersion, DeleteExtensionImageErrorCannotFindURLInManifest, DeleteExtensionImageErrorInvalidImageURL, }
var AllDeleteExtensionSecretsError = []DeleteExtensionSecretsError{ DeleteExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized, }
var AllDeleteScheduleError = []DeleteScheduleError{ DeleteScheduleErrorPermissionDenied, }
var AllDeleteScheduleSegmentError = []DeleteScheduleSegmentError{ DeleteScheduleSegmentErrorPermissionDenied, }
var AllDeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = []DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode{ DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound, DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound, DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized, DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeDeleted, }
var AllDeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = []DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode{ DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeTargetUserUnreturnable, DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound, DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeMaxAccountLimit, DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodePermissionDenied, DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllDeletedMessageDisplaySetting = []DeletedMessageDisplaySetting{ DeletedMessageDisplaySettingLegacy, DeletedMessageDisplaySettingBrief, DeletedMessageDisplaySettingDetailed, }
var AllDirectoryType = []DirectoryType{ DirectoryTypeGame, }
var AllDisableTwoFactorErrorCode = []DisableTwoFactorErrorCode{ DisableTwoFactorErrorCodeReauthNeeded, DisableTwoFactorErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllDisableUserAccountErrorCode = []DisableUserAccountErrorCode{ DisableUserAccountErrorCodeInvalidUserID, DisableUserAccountErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllDiscountType = []DiscountType{ DiscountTypePercentOff, }
var AllDismissRitualTokenErrorCode = []DismissRitualTokenErrorCode{ DismissRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable, DismissRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound, }
var AllDropActionType = []DropActionType{ DropActionTypeUnknownActionType, DropActionTypeUserClaimFlow, }
var AllDropCampaignStatus = []DropCampaignStatus{ DropCampaignStatusActive, DropCampaignStatusExpired, DropCampaignStatusTest, DropCampaignStatusUpcoming, DropCampaignStatusDisabled, }
var AllDropEventConditionOperator = []DropEventConditionOperator{ DropEventConditionOperatorUnknown, DropEventConditionOperatorSmaller, DropEventConditionOperatorSmallerEqual, DropEventConditionOperatorEqual, DropEventConditionOperatorGreater, DropEventConditionOperatorGreaterEqual, }
var AllDropImageType = []DropImageType{ DropImageTypeLinkNotification, DropImageTypeItem, }
var AllDropInstanceEligibilityStatus = []DropInstanceEligibilityStatus{ DropInstanceEligibilityStatusEligibleForAll, DropInstanceEligibilityStatusLimited, DropInstanceEligibilityStatusEntitlementLimitReached, DropInstanceEligibilityStatusDropInstanceAlreadyClaimed, DropInstanceEligibilityStatusExpired, DropInstanceEligibilityStatusUnknown, }
var AllDropRewardAvailability = []DropRewardAvailability{ DropRewardAvailabilityAvailable, DropRewardAvailabilityLimitReached, DropRewardAvailabilityUnknown, }
var AllDropRuleType = []DropRuleType{ DropRuleTypeEventBased, DropRuleTypeTimeBased, DropRuleTypeManualTriggerBased, }
var AllDropsErrorCode = []DropsErrorCode{ DropsErrorCodeUnknown, DropsErrorCodeUnauthorized, DropsErrorCodeInvalidArgument, DropsErrorCodeFailedPrecondition, DropsErrorCodeNotFound, DropsErrorCodeAlreadyExists, }
var AllEligiblePaymentMethodName = []EligiblePaymentMethodName{ EligiblePaymentMethodNameAmazonPay, EligiblePaymentMethodNamePaypal, EligiblePaymentMethodNameCreditCard, EligiblePaymentMethodNameXsolla, EligiblePaymentMethodNameWallet, EligiblePaymentMethodNameDirectDebit, }
var AllEmoteAssetType = []EmoteAssetType{ EmoteAssetTypeAnimated, EmoteAssetTypeStatic, EmoteAssetTypeUnknown, }
var AllEmoteImageSize = []EmoteImageSize{ EmoteImageSizeSize1x, EmoteImageSizeSize2x, EmoteImageSizeSize4x, EmoteImageSizeSizeOriginal, }
var AllEmoteResizePlan = []EmoteResizePlan{ EmoteResizePlanAutoResize, EmoteResizePlanNoResize, }
var AllEmoteSetDomain = []EmoteSetDomain{ EmoteSetDomainCrate, }
var AllEmoteState = []EmoteState{ EmoteStateActive, EmoteStatePending, EmoteStateInactive, EmoteStateUnknown, }
var AllEmoteStateFilter = []EmoteStateFilter{ EmoteStateFilterAll, EmoteStateFilterActive, }
var AllEmoteType = []EmoteType{ EmoteTypeChannelPoints, EmoteTypeBitsBadgeTiers, EmoteTypeSubscriptions, EmoteTypePrime, EmoteTypeTurbo, EmoteTypeSmilies, EmoteTypeGlobals, EmoteTypeUnknown, }
var AllEmoticonPrefixState = []EmoticonPrefixState{ EmoticonPrefixStateUnknown, EmoticonPrefixStateUnset, EmoticonPrefixStateActive, EmoticonPrefixStateRejected, EmoticonPrefixStatePending, }
var AllExtensionAnchor = []ExtensionAnchor{ ExtensionAnchorComponent, ExtensionAnchorHidden, ExtensionAnchorPanel, ExtensionAnchorVideoOverlay, }
var AllExtensionBitsSupportLevel = []ExtensionBitsSupportLevel{ ExtensionBitsSupportLevelNone, ExtensionBitsSupportLevelOptional, ExtensionBitsSupportLevelRequired, }
var AllExtensionCategorySortKey = []ExtensionCategorySortKey{ ExtensionCategorySortKeyManual, ExtensionCategorySortKeyPopularity, ExtensionCategorySortKeyTime, }
var AllExtensionCategoryType = []ExtensionCategoryType{ ExtensionCategoryTypeCurated, ExtensionCategoryTypeDeveloper, ExtensionCategoryTypePseudo, }
var AllExtensionConfigurationLocation = []ExtensionConfigurationLocation{ ExtensionConfigurationLocationNone, ExtensionConfigurationLocationHosted, ExtensionConfigurationLocationCustom, }
var AllExtensionLinkUserErrorCode = []ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode{ ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeUnauthorized, ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeBadRequest, ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllExtensionRatingLocation = []ExtensionRatingLocation{ ExtensionRatingLocationNotification, }
var AllExtensionRequiredActionType = []ExtensionRequiredActionType{ ExtensionRequiredActionTypePromptForPermissions, ExtensionRequiredActionTypeRequiresConfiguration, }
var AllExtensionState = []ExtensionState{ ExtensionStateInTest, ExtensionStateReadyForReview, ExtensionStateInReview, ExtensionStateRejected, ExtensionStateApproved, ExtensionStateReleased, ExtensionStateDeprecated, ExtensionStatePendingAction, ExtensionStateUploading, ExtensionStateAssetsUploaded, ExtensionStateDeleted, }
var AllExtensionStateFilter = []ExtensionStateFilter{ ExtensionStateFilterReleased, }
var AllExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel = []ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel{ ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevelNone, ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevelOptional, }
var AllFollowUserErrorCode = []FollowUserErrorCode{ FollowUserErrorCodeForbidden, FollowUserErrorCodeTooManyFollows, }
var AllFollowedGamesType = []FollowedGamesType{ FollowedGamesTypeLive, FollowedGamesTypeAll, }
var AllFollowsFilter = []FollowsFilter{ FollowsFilterAll, FollowsFilterSubbable, }
var AllFormatType = []FormatType{ FormatTypeDoubleElim, FormatTypeSingleElim, FormatTypeRoundRobin, FormatTypeLeaderboard, FormatTypeCustom, FormatTypeUnknown, }
var AllFriendSort = []FriendSort{ FriendSortAsc, FriendSortDesc, }
var AllGameSort = []GameSort{ GameSortViewerCount, GameSortRelevance, }
var AllGenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = []GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode{ GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeReauthNeeded, GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeNoTwoFactor, GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeRequestThrottled, GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeUserNotFound, GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllGetExtensionSecretsError = []GetExtensionSecretsError{ GetExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidClient, GetExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized, GetExtensionSecretsErrorInternal, }
var AllGiftType = []GiftType{ GiftTypeSingleRecipient, GiftTypeCommunity, }
var AllGoRaidErrorCode = []GoRaidErrorCode{ GoRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel, GoRaidErrorCodeNoActiveRaid, }
var AllGrantType = []GrantType{ GrantTypeAuthorizationCode, GrantTypeRefreshToken, }
var AllGrantVIPErrorCode = []GrantVIPErrorCode{ GrantVIPErrorCodeChannelNotFound, GrantVIPErrorCodeForbidden, GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeAlreadyVip, GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeChatBanned, GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeNotFound, GrantVIPErrorCodeMaxVipsReached, GrantVIPErrorCodeVipAchievementIncomplete, }
var AllGranularity = []Granularity{ GranularityFiveMinute, GranularityTwentyMinute, GranularityFortyMinute, GranularityDay, GranularityWeek, GranularityMonth, }
var AllHeroPreset = []HeroPreset{ HeroPresetPreset1, HeroPresetPreset2, }
var AllHostTargetChannelErrorCode = []HostTargetChannelErrorCode{ HostTargetChannelErrorCodeTargetChannelAlreadyHosted, HostTargetChannelErrorCodeUnhostableChannel, HostTargetChannelErrorCodeTargetChannelInBadStanding, HostTargetChannelErrorCodeCannotHostSelf, }
var AllHypeTrainConductorType = []HypeTrainConductorType{ HypeTrainConductorTypeCurrent, HypeTrainConductorTypeFormer, HypeTrainConductorTypeUnknown, }
var AllHypeTrainDifficulty = []HypeTrainDifficulty{ HypeTrainDifficultyEasy, HypeTrainDifficultyMedium, HypeTrainDifficultyHard, HypeTrainDifficultySuperHard, HypeTrainDifficultyInsane, HypeTrainDifficultyUnknown, }
var AllHypeTrainEndReason = []HypeTrainEndReason{ HypeTrainEndReasonExpired, HypeTrainEndReasonInProgress, HypeTrainEndReasonCompleted, HypeTrainEndReasonUnknown, }
var AllHypeTrainEventType = []HypeTrainEventType{ HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainStarted, HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainEnded, HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainCoolDownExpired, }
var AllHypeTrainParticipationAction = []HypeTrainParticipationAction{ HypeTrainParticipationActionCheer, HypeTrainParticipationActionBitsOnExtension, HypeTrainParticipationActionPolls, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier1Sub, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier2Sub, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier3Sub, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier1GiftedSub, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier2GiftedSub, HypeTrainParticipationActionTier3GiftedSub, HypeTrainParticipationActionUnknown, }
var AllHypeTrainParticipationSource = []HypeTrainParticipationSource{ HypeTrainParticipationSourceBits, HypeTrainParticipationSourceSubs, HypeTrainParticipationSourceUnknown, }
var AllHypeTrainRewardType = []HypeTrainRewardType{ HypeTrainRewardTypeEmote, HypeTrainRewardTypeBadge, HypeTrainRewardTypeUnknown, }
var AllIncomingRaidsPolicy = []IncomingRaidsPolicy{ IncomingRaidsPolicyNone, IncomingRaidsPolicyNetwork, IncomingRaidsPolicyAll, }
var AllIngestStreamHealthReason = []IngestStreamHealthReason{ IngestStreamHealthReasonUnknown, IngestStreamHealthReasonAllGood, IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompAudioCodec, IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompVideoCodec, IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompMp3Deprecated, IngestStreamHealthReasonHighBitrate, IngestStreamHealthReasonDroppedFrames, IngestStreamHealthReasonStarvation, IngestStreamHealthReasonHighKeyFrameInterval, }
var AllIngestStreamHealthStatus = []IngestStreamHealthStatus{ IngestStreamHealthStatusUnknwon, IngestStreamHealthStatusOk, IngestStreamHealthStatusWarn, IngestStreamHealthStatusUnstable, IngestStreamHealthStatusUnknown, }
var AllInstallExtensionErrorCode = []InstallExtensionErrorCode{ InstallExtensionErrorCodeUnauthorized, InstallExtensionErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, }
var AllInterruptScheduleErrorCode = []InterruptScheduleErrorCode{ InterruptScheduleErrorCodeForbidden, InterruptScheduleErrorCodeNotFound, InterruptScheduleErrorCodeEndTooFarInFuture, InterruptScheduleErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllKeyBatchStatus = []KeyBatchStatus{ KeyBatchStatusActive, KeyBatchStatusInactive, KeyBatchStatusInvalidated, }
var AllKeyPoolStatus = []KeyPoolStatus{ KeyPoolStatusActive, KeyPoolStatusInactive, KeyPoolStatusInvalidated, }
var AllLanguage = []Language{ LanguageAr, LanguageAsl, LanguageBg, LanguageCa, LanguageCs, LanguageDa, LanguageDe, LanguageEl, LanguageEn, LanguageEs, LanguageFi, LanguageFr, LanguageHi, LanguageHu, LanguageID, LanguageIt, LanguageJa, LanguageKo, LanguageMs, LanguageNl, LanguageNo, LanguageOther, LanguagePl, LanguagePt, LanguageRo, LanguageRu, LanguageSk, LanguageSv, LanguageTh, LanguageTl, LanguageTr, LanguageUk, LanguageVi, LanguageZh, LanguageZhHk, }
var AllLanguageTag = []LanguageTag{ LanguageTagAr, LanguageTagBg, LanguageTagCs, LanguageTagDa, LanguageTagDe, LanguageTagEl, LanguageTagEn, LanguageTagEnGb, LanguageTagEs, LanguageTagEsMx, LanguageTagFi, LanguageTagFr, LanguageTagHi, LanguageTagHu, LanguageTagIt, LanguageTagJa, LanguageTagKo, LanguageTagNl, LanguageTagNo, LanguageTagPl, LanguageTagPt, LanguageTagPtBr, LanguageTagRo, LanguageTagRu, LanguageTagSk, LanguageTagSv, LanguageTagTh, LanguageTagTr, LanguageTagVi, LanguageTagZhCn, LanguageTagZhTw, LanguageTagZh, }
var AllLeaderboardTimePeriodType = []LeaderboardTimePeriodType{ LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeDay, LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeWeek, LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeMonth, LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeAlltime, }
var AllLeaderboardType = []LeaderboardType{ LeaderboardTypeCheer, LeaderboardTypeSubgift, }
var AllLeaveSquadStreamErrorCode = []LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode{ LeaveSquadStreamErrorCodeUserNotInSquad, LeaveSquadStreamErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllLinkSSOErrorCode = []LinkSSOErrorCode{ LinkSSOErrorCodeCodeIncorrect, LinkSSOErrorCodeCodeExpired, LinkSSOErrorCodeAlreadyLinked, }
var AllLinkType = []LinkType{ LinkTypeNoLink, LinkTypeCategoriesDirectory, LinkTypeStreamsDirectory, }
var AllLobbyState = []LobbyState{ LobbyStatePrep, LobbyStateReady, LobbyStateActive, LobbyStateDone, LobbyStateUnknown, }
var AllLockPredictionEventErrorCode = []LockPredictionEventErrorCode{ LockPredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden, LockPredictionEventErrorCodeEventNotActive, LockPredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllMakePredictionErrorCode = []MakePredictionErrorCode{ MakePredictionErrorCodeForbidden, MakePredictionErrorCodeNotFound, MakePredictionErrorCodeEventNotActive, MakePredictionErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction, MakePredictionErrorCodeTransactionInProgress, MakePredictionErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints, MakePredictionErrorCodeMaxPointsPerEvent, MakePredictionErrorCodeMultipleOutcomes, MakePredictionErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus = []ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus{ ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusSuccess, ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusVerificationFailure, ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusError, }
var AllMemberMetricsRevealedParams = []MemberMetricsRevealedParams{ MemberMetricsRevealedParamsNone, MemberMetricsRevealedParamsStats, MemberMetricsRevealedParamsRevenue, MemberMetricsRevealedParamsStatsAndRevenue, }
var AllModLogsAccessLevel = []ModLogsAccessLevel{ ModLogsAccessLevelNone, ModLogsAccessLevelRead, ModLogsAccessLevelWrite, }
var AllModLogsAction = []ModLogsAction{ ModLogsActionInvalidAction, ModLogsActionBanUser, ModLogsActionTimeoutUser, ModLogsActionUnbanUser, ModLogsActionSetChannelMode, ModLogsActionChangeChannelRules, ModLogsActionAllowMessage, ModLogsActionDenyMessage, ModLogsActionUpdateModeratedTerms, ModLogsActionComment, ModLogsActionUntimeoutUser, }
var AllModUserErrorCode = []ModUserErrorCode{ ModUserErrorCodeForbidden, ModUserErrorCodeTargetNotFound, ModUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound, ModUserErrorCodeTargetIsChatBanned, ModUserErrorCodeTargetAlreadyMod, }
var AllModerationAction = []ModerationAction{ ModerationActionAutomodLevelChange, ModerationActionAllowMessage, ModerationActionApproveUnbanRequest, ModerationActionBanUser, ModerationActionBlockedTermAdd, ModerationActionBlockedTermRemove, ModerationActionChatClear, ModerationActionComment, ModerationActionDeleteMessage, ModerationActionDenyMessage, ModerationActionDenyUnbanRequest, ModerationActionEmotesOnlyOff, ModerationActionEmotesOnlyOn, ModerationActionFollowersOnlyOff, ModerationActionFollowersOnlyOn, ModerationActionHost, ModerationActionInvalidAction, ModerationActionUnmodUser, ModerationActionModUser, ModerationActionPermittedTermAdd, ModerationActionPermittedTermRemove, ModerationActionRaid, ModerationActionSlowOff, ModerationActionSlowOn, ModerationActionSubsOnlyOff, ModerationActionSubsOnlyOn, ModerationActionTimeoutUser, ModerationActionUnbanUser, ModerationActionUnhost, ModerationActionUniqueOff, ModerationActionUniqueOn, ModerationActionUnraid, ModerationActionUntimeoutUser, ModerationActionUnvipUser, ModerationActionVipUser, }
var AllOAuthAppCategory = []OAuthAppCategory{ OAuthAppCategoryGameIntegration, OAuthAppCategoryWebsiteIntegration, OAuthAppCategoryApplicationIntegration, OAuthAppCategoryBrowserExtension, OAuthAppCategoryBroadcasterSuite, OAuthAppCategoryChatBot, OAuthAppCategoryGiveawayLoyaltyTool, OAuthAppCategoryAnalyticsTool, OAuthAppCategoryOther, }
var AllOfferDeliveryMethod = []OfferDeliveryMethod{ OfferDeliveryMethodClaimCode, OfferDeliveryMethodDirectEntitlement, OfferDeliveryMethodSesEntitlement, OfferDeliveryMethodExternal, OfferDeliveryMethodExternalOffer, }
var AllOfferIneligibilityReasonCode = []OfferIneligibilityReasonCode{ OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeAlreadyPurchased, OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeCouldNotVerify, OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeMaxTokenBalance, OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeNone, OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeOther, }
var AllOfferPlatform = []OfferPlatform{ OfferPlatformWeb, OfferPlatformIos, OfferPlatformAndroid, OfferPlatformDesktop, }
var AllOfferPurchaseType = []OfferPurchaseType{ OfferPurchaseTypeDefaultPurchase, OfferPurchaseTypeUpgradeRecurringSubTier, OfferPurchaseTypeDowngradeRecurringSubTier, OfferPurchaseTypeFuturePurchase, }
var AllOnsiteNotificationDisplayType = []OnsiteNotificationDisplayType{ OnsiteNotificationDisplayTypeViewer, OnsiteNotificationDisplayTypeCreator, }
var AllOnsiteNotificationRenderStyle = []OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle{ OnsiteNotificationRenderStyleDefault, OnsiteNotificationRenderStyleTwoButtons, }
var AllOnsiteNotificationsCapability = []OnsiteNotificationsCapability{ OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHomepage, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityChannelPage, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityNotificationSettingsPage, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityBroadcasterDashboard, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityBrowseGame, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityExternalLink, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityWebOnly, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityWhisperThread, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityFriendRequest, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHotClip, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHotClipFollower, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodUpload, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodComment, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodCommentMod, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodCommentReply, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilitySubGiftReceived, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityDropsAvailable, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityCommunityGUIDElinesChange, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilitySmartAnnouncement, OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityAffiliateInvite, }
var AllOrganizationAppilcationStatus = []OrganizationAppilcationStatus{ OrganizationAppilcationStatusPending, OrganizationAppilcationStatusRejected, OrganizationAppilcationStatusApproved, OrganizationAppilcationStatusDeleted, }
var AllOrganizationMemberRole = []OrganizationMemberRole{ OrganizationMemberRoleAdministrator, OrganizationMemberRoleDeveloper, OrganizationMemberRoleManager, OrganizationMemberRoleMarketer, OrganizationMemberRoleOwner, OrganizationMemberRoleBillingManager, OrganizationMemberRoleShadowAccount, }
var AllOrganizationType = []OrganizationType{ OrganizationTypeGameDeveloper, OrganizationTypeGamePublisher, OrganizationTypeOther, OrganizationTypeBrandsAdvertising, OrganizationTypeBroadcasterTools, }
var AllPanelType = []PanelType{ PanelTypeDefault, PanelTypeExtension, }
var AllPasswordStatus = []PasswordStatus{ PasswordStatusNotEvaluated, PasswordStatusValid, PasswordStatusInvalid, PasswordStatusUnknown, }
var AllPayItForwardTreatmentType = []PayItForwardTreatmentType{ PayItForwardTreatmentTypeThank, PayItForwardTreatmentTypeGift, }
var AllPaymentCardType = []PaymentCardType{ PaymentCardTypeVisa, PaymentCardTypeMastercard, PaymentCardTypeAmericanExpress, PaymentCardTypeDiscover, }
var AllPaymentInstrumentType = []PaymentInstrumentType{ PaymentInstrumentTypeCreditCard, PaymentInstrumentTypeAmazon, PaymentInstrumentTypePaypal, PaymentInstrumentTypeGoogleIab, PaymentInstrumentTypeAppleIap, PaymentInstrumentTypeSkrill, PaymentInstrumentTypeYandex, PaymentInstrumentTypeWebmoney, PaymentInstrumentTypeUnknown, PaymentInstrumentTypeWallet, PaymentInstrumentTypeDirectDebit, }
var AllPaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus = []PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus{ PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusAvailable, PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusDegraded, PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusFullOutage, }
var AllPaymentProvider = []PaymentProvider{ PaymentProviderUnknown, PaymentProviderPaypal, PaymentProviderPaypalRt, PaymentProviderRecurly, PaymentProviderXsolla, PaymentProviderXsollaV3, PaymentProviderZuora, PaymentProviderPrime, PaymentProviderGoogleIab, PaymentProviderAppleIap, PaymentProviderSubToken, }
var AllPaymentScheme = []PaymentScheme{ PaymentSchemeSepa, PaymentSchemeBacs, }
var AllPaymentTransactionSort = []PaymentTransactionSort{ PaymentTransactionSortPriceDesc, PaymentTransactionSortPriceAsc, PaymentTransactionSortPurchaseDateDesc, PaymentTransactionSortPurchaseDateAsc, }
var AllPaymentTransactionType = []PaymentTransactionType{ PaymentTransactionTypeSubscription, PaymentTransactionTypeBits, PaymentTransactionTypeSubToken, PaymentTransactionTypeGiftCard, PaymentTransactionTypeCelebration, PaymentTransactionTypeUnknown, }
var AllPaymentTransactionTypeFilter = []PaymentTransactionTypeFilter{ PaymentTransactionTypeFilterSubscriptions, PaymentTransactionTypeFilterSubToken, PaymentTransactionTypeFilterAll, }
var AllPayoutCategory = []PayoutCategory{ PayoutCategoryAffiliate, PayoutCategoryExtensionsDeveloper, PayoutCategoryPartner, }
var AllPayoutOnboardingCategory = []PayoutOnboardingCategory{ PayoutOnboardingCategoryAffiliate, PayoutOnboardingCategoryStandardPartner, PayoutOnboardingCategoryPremiumPartner, PayoutOnboardingCategoryCustomPartner, PayoutOnboardingCategoryExtensionsDeveloper, PayoutOnboardingCategoryUnpaidPartner, }
var AllPayoutOnboardingStep = []PayoutOnboardingStep{ PayoutOnboardingStepRegistrationNotStarted, PayoutOnboardingStepAgreementNotStarted, PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewNotStarted, PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewPending, PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewActionRequired, PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewMismatch, PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewFailed, PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewNotStarted, PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewPending, PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewActionRequired, PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewMismatch, PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewFailed, PayoutOnboardingStepPayoutMethodNotStarted, PayoutOnboardingStepPayoutMethodPending, PayoutOnboardingStepReviewPending, PayoutOnboardingStepCompleted, PayoutOnboardingStepCanceled, PayoutOnboardingStepAgreementPendingUpgrade, }
var AllPayoutPlanTag = []PayoutPlanTag{ PayoutPlanTagStandard, PayoutPlanTagPremium, PayoutPlanTagCustom, PayoutPlanTagLegacy, PayoutPlanTagEsports, }
var AllPendingSubType = []PendingSubType{ PendingSubTypeGiftToPaid, PendingSubTypeDnrToResubRecurring, PendingSubTypeDnrToResubNonrecurring, PendingSubTypePrimeToPaid, }
var AllPermanentEmoteModifier = []PermanentEmoteModifier{ PermanentEmoteModifierUnknown, PermanentEmoteModifierBlackWhite, PermanentEmoteModifierHorizontalFlip, PermanentEmoteModifierSunglasses, PermanentEmoteModifierThinking, PermanentEmoteModifierSquished, }
var AllPersonalSectionChannelLabel = []PersonalSectionChannelLabel{ PersonalSectionChannelLabelNone, PersonalSectionChannelLabelRecommended, PersonalSectionChannelLabelSimilar, PersonalSectionChannelLabelFollowed, PersonalSectionChannelLabelPopular, }
var AllPersonalSectionType = []PersonalSectionType{ PersonalSectionTypeFollowedSection, PersonalSectionTypeRecommendedSection, PersonalSectionTypePopularSection, PersonalSectionTypeSimilarSection, }
var AllPhaseState = []PhaseState{ PhaseStateUnstarted, PhaseStatePlaying, PhaseStateFinished, PhaseStateUnknown, }
var AllPlatformType = []PlatformType{ PlatformTypeAll, PlatformTypePs4, PlatformTypeXbox, }
var AllPollSort = []PollSort{ PollSortStartTime, }
var AllPollStatus = []PollStatus{ PollStatusUnknown, PollStatusActive, PollStatusCompleted, PollStatusTerminated, PollStatusArchived, PollStatusModerated, }
var AllPollVoterConnectionSort = []PollVoterConnectionSort{ PollVoterConnectionSortVotes, PollVoterConnectionSortCreatedDate, PollVoterConnectionSortBits, PollVoterConnectionSortChannelPoints, }
var AllPollVoterConnectionSortDirection = []PollVoterConnectionSortDirection{ PollVoterConnectionSortDirectionDesc, PollVoterConnectionSortDirectionAsc, }
var AllPredictionEventStatus = []PredictionEventStatus{ PredictionEventStatusActive, PredictionEventStatusLocked, PredictionEventStatusResolvePending, PredictionEventStatusResolved, PredictionEventStatusCancelPending, PredictionEventStatusCanceled, }
var AllPredictionOutcomeColor = []PredictionOutcomeColor{ PredictionOutcomeColorBlue, PredictionOutcomeColorPink, PredictionOutcomeColorGreen, PredictionOutcomeColorOrange, PredictionOutcomeColorGrey, PredictionOutcomeColorPurple, }
var AllPredictionResult = []PredictionResult{ PredictionResultLose, PredictionResultRefund, PredictionResultWin, }
var AllPremiereStatus = []PremiereStatus{ PremiereStatusUnscheduled, PremiereStatusScheduled, PremiereStatusCancelled, PremiereStatusStarted, PremiereStatusSuccess, PremiereStatusFailed, PremiereStatusUnknown, }
var AllPresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain = []PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain{ PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainGame, PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainExtension, PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainDrop, }
var AllPresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType = []PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType{ PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeOverviewV2, PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsTopStreamers, PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsOverview, PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsDropsOverview, }
var AllPrimeEmoticonsSetName = []PrimeEmoticonsSetName{ PrimeEmoticonsSetNameRobots, PrimeEmoticonsSetNamePurple, PrimeEmoticonsSetNameMonkeys, }
var AllPrivacyLawName = []PrivacyLawName{ PrivacyLawNameCcpa, PrivacyLawNameGdpr, PrivacyLawNameRow, }
var AllProductPurchaseErrorCode = []ProductPurchaseErrorCode{ ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, ProductPurchaseErrorCodePricingIDNotFound, ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUnknownUserResidence, ProductPurchaseErrorCodeBillingInfoNotFound, ProductPurchaseErrorCodePurchaseIneligible, ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllPromoDiscountType = []PromoDiscountType{ PromoDiscountTypeDiscountTypeNone, PromoDiscountTypeDiscountTypePercent, }
var AllPublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = []PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode{ PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteLimitReached, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidOwner, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteCodeAlreadyExists, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteCodeUnacceptable, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeIncompleteEmoteImageData, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidCodeSuffix, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidImageUpload, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteImageNotFound, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeNotEnoughEmoteImageAssets, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeTooManyEmoteImageAssets, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidEmoteAssetType, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteMissingStaticAsset, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteMissingAnimatedAsset, PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllPurchaseIneligibilityReason = []PurchaseIneligibilityReason{ PurchaseIneligibilityReasonHasActiveSubscription, PurchaseIneligibilityReasonNotApplicable, }
var AllPurchaseOfferErrorCode = []PurchaseOfferErrorCode{ PurchaseOfferErrorCodeIneligible, PurchaseOfferErrorCodeInternalServerError, PurchaseOfferErrorCodeInvalidPaymentMethod, PurchaseOfferErrorCodeUnauthenticated, }
var AllPurchaseOrderFailureReason = []PurchaseOrderFailureReason{ PurchaseOrderFailureReasonBankDeclined, PurchaseOrderFailureReasonEntitlementFailed, PurchaseOrderFailureReasonIneligible, PurchaseOrderFailureReasonInvalidPaymentMethod, PurchaseOrderFailureReasonSystemError, PurchaseOrderFailureReasonUnknown, }
var AllPurchaseOrderState = []PurchaseOrderState{ PurchaseOrderStateUnknown, PurchaseOrderStateInitiated, PurchaseOrderStatePaymentPending, PurchaseOrderStateFulfillmentInitiated, PurchaseOrderStateSuccess, PurchaseOrderStateThreeDSecureChallengeRequired, PurchaseOrderStateFailed, PurchaseOrderStateCancelBenefitsInitiated, PurchaseOrderStateBenefitsCancelled, PurchaseOrderStateRefundInitiated, PurchaseOrderStateRefundApplied, PurchaseOrderStateRefundFailed, }
var AllPurchaseProfileState = []PurchaseProfileState{ PurchaseProfileStateActive, PurchaseProfileStateCancelled, PurchaseProfileStateInactive, PurchaseProfileStateMigrated, }
var AllPurchaseableProductType = []PurchaseableProductType{ PurchaseableProductTypeSubscription, PurchaseableProductTypeBits, }
var AllQuickActionCategory = []QuickActionCategory{ QuickActionCategoryUncategorized, QuickActionCategoryManageYourStream, QuickActionCategoryMonetizeYourStream, QuickActionCategoryGrowYourCommunity, QuickActionCategoryManageYourChat, QuickActionCategoryExtensions, }
var AllQuickActionName = []QuickActionName{ QuickActionNameEditStreamInfo, QuickActionNameClipThat, QuickActionNameRaidChannel, QuickActionNameStartSquadStream, QuickActionNameRunAd30s, QuickActionNameRunAd1m, QuickActionNameRunAd2m, QuickActionNameStartBounty, QuickActionNameHostChannel, QuickActionNameGiftSubs, QuickActionNameGift50Subs, QuickActionNameGift100Subs, QuickActionNameAddStreamDelay, QuickActionNameAddStreamMarker, QuickActionNameSchedulePremiere, QuickActionNameStartRerun, QuickActionNameClearChat, QuickActionNameEmoteOnlyChat, QuickActionNameSubOnlyChat, QuickActionNameFollowOnlyChat, QuickActionNameStartWatchParty, }
var AllQuickActionScope = []QuickActionScope{ QuickActionScopeGlobal, QuickActionScopeLocal, }
var AllRadioContentType = []RadioContentType{ RadioContentTypePlaylist, RadioContentTypeRecentlyPlayed, }
var AllRadioCurrentlyPlayingType = []RadioCurrentlyPlayingType{ RadioCurrentlyPlayingTypePlaylist, RadioCurrentlyPlayingTypeStation, }
var AllRadioIconFormat = []RadioIconFormat{ RadioIconFormatPng, RadioIconFormatSvg, }
var AllRadioPlaylistFilter = []RadioPlaylistFilter{ RadioPlaylistFilterAll, RadioPlaylistFilterFeatured, }
var AllRadioRecentlyPlayedFilter = []RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter{ RadioRecentlyPlayedFilterAll, RadioRecentlyPlayedFilterPlaylists, }
var AllRadioRecentlyPlayedType = []RadioRecentlyPlayedType{ RadioRecentlyPlayedTypePlaylist, RadioRecentlyPlayedTypeStation, }
var AllRateExtensionError = []RateExtensionError{ RateExtensionErrorInternalError, }
var AllRecommendationFeedbackCategory = []RecommendationFeedbackCategory{ RecommendationFeedbackCategoryUnspecified, RecommendationFeedbackCategoryNotInterested, RecommendationFeedbackCategoryOffensive, RecommendationFeedbackCategoryAlreadyWatched, RecommendationFeedbackCategoryOther, }
var AllRecommendationFeedbackType = []RecommendationFeedbackType{ RecommendationFeedbackTypeUnspecified, RecommendationFeedbackTypeChannel, RecommendationFeedbackTypeCategory, RecommendationFeedbackTypeShelf, RecommendationFeedbackTypeVod, }
var AllRecordAdEventErrorCode = []RecordAdEventErrorCode{ RecordAdEventErrorCodeInvalidToken, RecordAdEventErrorCodeInvalidJSON, RecordAdEventErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllRedeemClaimableErrorCode = []RedeemClaimableErrorCode{ RedeemClaimableErrorCodeRequestThrottled, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeUnauthorized, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeAlreadyClaimed, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeUnknown, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeInvalidPin, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeAlreadyRedeemed, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeExceededWalletBalance, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeTwoFactorRequired, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeInvalidCountryOfResidence, RedeemClaimableErrorCodeExceededVelocityLimit, }
var AllRedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = []RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode{ RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePropertiesMismatch, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTransactionInProgress, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDisabled, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeStreamNotLive, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStream, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUserBanned, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeChannelSettings, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMessageIsCommand, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStream, RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldown, }
var AllRedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = []RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode{ RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable, RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound, RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeFollowerOnlyModeEnforcementFailed, RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeSubOnlyModeEnforcementFailed, RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeUserChatBanned, RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeUserChatTimedOut, }
var AllRedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = []RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode{ RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeInvalidChannel, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeNotEligible, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUnknown, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserHasRedeemedSubscription, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeChannelNotOffBoarded, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserHasExistingSubscription, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeRedeemChannelInvalid, RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserNotSubscribedToOffBoardedChannel, }
var AllReferralsDimension = []ReferralsDimension{ ReferralsDimensionPlatform, ReferralsDimensionCountry, ReferralsDimensionChannel, ReferralsDimensionInternal, ReferralsDimensionExternal, }
var AllReferralsFilter = []ReferralsFilter{ ReferralsFilterAll, ReferralsFilterExternalLiveWeb, ReferralsFilterInternalChannelLiveWeb, ReferralsFilterInternalLiveWeb, }
var AllRegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode = []RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode{ RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeUnauthenticated, RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeForbidden, RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeInvalidFormat, RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllRegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = []RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName{ RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameBirthdate, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCity, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCompanyName, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCountryCode, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameEmail, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameFirstName, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameLastName, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameMiddleName, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNamePostal, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStateCode, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStreetAddress, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStreetAddress2, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameParentName, RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameParentEmail, }
var AllRegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = []RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode{ RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeReauthNeeded, RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeRegistrationNotStarted, RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidOtp, RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeMissingOtp, RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllRegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = []RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode{ RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeReauthNeeded, RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeMissingPhoneNumber, RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber, RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeRequestThrottled, RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeLimitReached, RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllRegistrationType = []RegistrationType{ RegistrationTypeOpen, RegistrationTypeInvitational, RegistrationTypeFollowers, RegistrationTypeSubscribers, RegistrationTypeFollowerAndSubscribers, RegistrationTypeUnknown, }
var AllRejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = []RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode{ RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound, RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound, RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized, RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeRejected, }
var AllRejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode = []RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode{ RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllRemoveEditorErrorCode = []RemoveEditorErrorCode{ RemoveEditorErrorCodeChannelNotFound, RemoveEditorErrorCodeTargetUserNotFound, }
var AllRemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode = []RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode{ RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodePermissionDenied, RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeUserNotFound, RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeAssignedBillingManager, RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllRemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode = []RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode{ RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCodeUnauthorized, RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCodeUserNotInSquad, }
var AllRenewalPolicy = []RenewalPolicy{ RenewalPolicyNoRenew, RenewalPolicyAutoRenew, RenewalPolicyUnknown, }
var AllReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo = []ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo{ ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToMe, ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToSomeoneIRepresent, ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToSomeoneElse, }
var AllReportContentNetzDGReportingFor = []ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor{ ReportContentNetzDGReportingForMyself, ReportContentNetzDGReportingForComplaintsOffice, ReportContentNetzDGReportingForGovernmentAgency, }
var AllReportContentType = []ReportContentType{ ReportContentTypeChannelFeedCommentReport, ReportContentTypeChannelFeedPostReport, ReportContentTypeChatReport, ReportContentTypeChannelPointsReport, ReportContentTypeClipReport, ReportContentTypeCollectionReport, ReportContentTypeCursePrivateGroup, ReportContentTypeCursePublicGroup, ReportContentTypeCurseWhisper, ReportContentTypeEmoteReport, ReportContentTypeEventReport, ReportContentTypeExtensionReport, ReportContentTypeLiveUpReport, ReportContentTypeLivestreamReport, ReportContentTypePollReport, ReportContentTypeRaidReport, ReportContentTypeRewardRedemptionReport, ReportContentTypeRoomReport, ReportContentTypeSingsGroupNameReport, ReportContentTypeSingsGroupBioReport, ReportContentTypeSingsGroupChatReport, ReportContentTypeSingsVodCommentReport, ReportContentTypeSingsDuetSeedReport, ReportContentTypeUnbanRequestReport, ReportContentTypeUserReport, ReportContentTypeVodCommentReport, ReportContentTypeVodReport, ReportContentTypeWhisperReport, }
var AllReportWhisperErrorReason = []ReportWhisperErrorReason{ ReportWhisperErrorReasonInvalidUserID, ReportWhisperErrorReasonNoWhispersFromTargetUser, ReportWhisperErrorReasonRateLimited, ReportWhisperErrorReasonUnauthorized, ReportWhisperErrorReasonUnknown, }
var AllRequestRitualTokenErrorCode = []RequestRitualTokenErrorCode{ RequestRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable, RequestRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound, }
var AllResetUsernameErrorCode = []ResetUsernameErrorCode{ ResetUsernameErrorCodeTokenInvalid, ResetUsernameErrorCodeRequestsThrottled, ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginUnavailable, ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooShort, ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooLong, ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginContainsInvalidCharacters, ResetUsernameErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllResolvePredictionEventErrorCode = []ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode{ ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden, ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeEventEnded, ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllResourceRestrictionExemptionType = []ResourceRestrictionExemptionType{ ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeUnknown, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeAll, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeStaff, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeSiteAdmin, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeProduct, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeOrganizationMember, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypePreview, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeChannelModerator, ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeChannelVip, }
var AllResourceRestrictionOption = []ResourceRestrictionOption{ ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowChannelVip, ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowChannelModerator, ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowTier3Only, ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowTier2And3Only, ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowAllTiers, }
var AllResourceRestrictionType = []ResourceRestrictionType{ ResourceRestrictionTypeUnknown, ResourceRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive, ResourceRestrictionTypeAllAccessPass, ResourceRestrictionTypeOrganizationAccessOnly, }
var AllRestrictionResource = []RestrictionResource{ RestrictionResourceVideo, RestrictionResourceLive, }
var AllResumeScheduleError = []ResumeScheduleError{ ResumeScheduleErrorPermissionDenied, ResumeScheduleErrorNotFound, }
var AllRevokeVIPErrorCode = []RevokeVIPErrorCode{ RevokeVIPErrorCodeChannelNotFound, RevokeVIPErrorCodeForbidden, RevokeVIPErrorCodeRevokeeNotFound, RevokeVIPErrorCodeRevokeeNotVip, }
var AllRitualTokenStatus = []RitualTokenStatus{ RitualTokenStatusEligible, RitualTokenStatusAvailable, RitualTokenStatusDismissed, RitualTokenStatusRedeemed, }
var AllRitualTokenType = []RitualTokenType{ RitualTokenTypeNewChatter, }
var AllRoomMemberType = []RoomMemberType{ RoomMemberTypeBroadcaster, RoomMemberTypeStaff, RoomMemberTypeAdmin, RoomMemberTypeGlobalmod, RoomMemberTypeMod, RoomMemberTypeRegular, }
var AllRoomMessageMentionType = []RoomMessageMentionType{ RoomMessageMentionTypeHere, }
var AllRoomRole = []RoomRole{ RoomRoleBroadcaster, RoomRoleModerator, RoomRoleSubscriber, RoomRoleEveryone, }
var AllRotateExtensionSecretsError = []RotateExtensionSecretsError{ RotateExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidClient, RotateExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized, RotateExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidDelay, }
var AllRunMultiplayerAdErrorCode = []RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode{ RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeChannelNotLive, RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeOfferExpired, RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeOfferNotFound, RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSaveExtensionManifestError = []SaveExtensionManifestError{ SaveExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVersion, SaveExtensionManifestErrorAnchorRequired, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidZoom, SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxBroadcasters, SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxTesters, SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS, SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNameLength, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidDescriptionLength, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSummaryLength, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorEmail, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSupportEmail, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTermsURI, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPrivacyURI, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelHeight, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidScalingPixels, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioX, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioY, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentTargetHeight, SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidViewerSummaryLength, }
var AllScheduleInterruptionReason = []ScheduleInterruptionReason{ ScheduleInterruptionReasonVacation, ScheduleInterruptionReasonOther, }
var AllScheduleSegmentDay = []ScheduleSegmentDay{ ScheduleSegmentDaySunday, ScheduleSegmentDayMonday, ScheduleSegmentDayTuesday, ScheduleSegmentDayWednesday, ScheduleSegmentDayThursday, ScheduleSegmentDayFriday, ScheduleSegmentDaySaturday, }
var AllScope = []Scope{ ScopeBenefit, ScopeCampaign, }
var AllSearchIndex = []SearchIndex{ SearchIndexGame, SearchIndexUser, SearchIndexVod, SearchIndexLive, SearchIndexChannel, }
var AllSegmentsStatusType = []SegmentsStatusType{ SegmentsStatusTypeCompleted, SegmentsStatusTypeNotEnoughData, SegmentsStatusTypeInProgress, SegmentsStatusTypeFailed, }
var AllSendCheerValidationErrorCode = []SendCheerValidationErrorCode{ SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAmountBelowMinBits, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAutoModMessage, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeChannelIneligible, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeEmoteAmountBelowMinBits, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInsufficientBalance, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidBitsAmount, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidBitsMessage, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidEventID, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeMessageLengthExceeded, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeRequestThrottled, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeTooLargeBitsEmote, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeTooLargeCheer, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUnknown, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserBanned, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserIneligible, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserSuspended, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeZalgoMessage, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAutoModPending, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeChannelBlockedTerms, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidAnonymousMessage, SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAnonymousCheermoteNotAllowed, }
var AllSendCopoMessageErrorCode = []SendCopoMessageErrorCode{ SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMsgDuplicate, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserSuspended, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserBanned, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserTimedOut, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeEmoteOnly, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeSlowMode, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeFollowersOnly, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeFollowersOnlyZero, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeSubsOnly, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeR9kMode, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeBlizzardConnectMode, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeVerifiedAccount, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeChannelSettings, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeAutomodHeld, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMessageRejected, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeServerError, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeInsufficientPoints, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeTransactionAlreadyCommitted, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeTransactionInProgress, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardCostMismatch, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardDisabled, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardForbidden, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMessageIsCommand, SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSendExtensionMessageErrorCode = []SendExtensionMessageErrorCode{ SendExtensionMessageErrorCodeUnauthorized, SendExtensionMessageErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSendRoomMessageErrorCode = []SendRoomMessageErrorCode{ SendRoomMessageErrorCodeForbidden, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeAutoModEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeEmoteOnlyModeEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeR9kModeEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeRateLimitFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeSlowModeEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeSpamEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeZalgoEnforcementFailed, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserChatBanned, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserChatTimedOut, SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserSuspended, }
var AllSendWhisperErrorCode = []SendWhisperErrorCode{ SendWhisperErrorCodeTargetBanned, SendWhisperErrorCodeBodyEmpty, SendWhisperErrorCodeTargetRestricted, SendWhisperErrorCodeSenderNotVerified, SendWhisperErrorCodeNotDelivered, }
var AllSetChannelTrailerErrorCode = []SetChannelTrailerErrorCode{ SetChannelTrailerErrorCodeUnauthorized, SetChannelTrailerErrorCodeVodTooLong, }
var AllSetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode = []SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode{ SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidActivityID, SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidAlertStatus, SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeNotFound, }
var AllSetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode = []SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode{ SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, }
var AllSetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode = []SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode{ SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeUnauthenticated, SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeForbidden, SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeInvalidRequest, SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllSetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode = []SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode{ SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeInternalServerError, SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeInvalidArgument, SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode = []SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode{ SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCodeUnauthorized, SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode = []SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode{ SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeUnauthorized, SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeExtensionNotInstalled, }
var AllSetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode = []SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode{ SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllSetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode = []SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode{ SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidOwnerID, SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidQuickActionID, }
var AllSetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode = []SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode{ SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodeInvalidID, SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodePermissionDenied, SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodeNoRecord, }
var AllSetScheduleReminderErrorCode = []SetScheduleReminderErrorCode{ SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeUnknown, SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeInvalidArgument, SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeNotFound, SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeFailedPrecondition, }
var AllSetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode = []SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode{ SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeUnknown, SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeUnauthorized, SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeInvalidValue, }
var AllShortVideoFeedPlatform = []ShortVideoFeedPlatform{ ShortVideoFeedPlatformMobileWeb, ShortVideoFeedPlatformIos, ShortVideoFeedPlatformAndroid, }
var AllShortVideoFeedType = []ShortVideoFeedType{ ShortVideoFeedTypeFollowing, ShortVideoFeedTypeRecommended, }
var AllSortOrder = []SortOrder{ SortOrderAsc, SortOrderDesc, }
var AllSourceType = []SourceType{ SourceTypePromotion, SourceTypeRecommended, SourceTypeSponsored, SourceTypePopular, SourceTypeCommunityBoost, SourceTypeUnknownSourceType, }
var AllSpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode = []SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode{ SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCodeUnableToSpend, SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCodeTooManyRecentSpends, }
var AllSquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy = []SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy{ SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyNone, SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyNetwork, SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyAll, }
var AllSquadStreamInvitationNetworkType = []SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType{ SquadStreamInvitationNetworkTypeInNetwork, SquadStreamInvitationNetworkTypeOutOfNetwork, }
var AllSquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason = []SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason{ SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientRejected, SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientCannotAccessSquadStream, SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientCannotBeInvited, }
var AllSquadStreamInvitationStatus = []SquadStreamInvitationStatus{ SquadStreamInvitationStatusAccepted, SquadStreamInvitationStatusDeleted, SquadStreamInvitationStatusPending, SquadStreamInvitationStatusRejected, SquadStreamInvitationStatusUnknown, }
var AllSquadStreamStatus = []SquadStreamStatus{ SquadStreamStatusLive, SquadStreamStatusPending, SquadStreamStatusEnded, SquadStreamStatusUnknown, }
var AllStartAdErrorCode = []StartAdErrorCode{ StartAdErrorCodeRateLimited, StartAdErrorCodeUserNotAuthorized, StartAdErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllStartBountyErrorCode = []StartBountyErrorCode{ StartBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter, StartBountyErrorCodeBountyNotLive, StartBountyErrorCodeStreamTitleBannedWords, StartBountyErrorCodeStreamTitleTooLong, StartBountyErrorCodeUnauthorized, StartBountyErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllStartCloudBroadcastErrorCause = []StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause{ StartCloudBroadcastErrorCauseNoSubscription, StartCloudBroadcastErrorCauseUnknown, }
var AllStopBountyErrorCode = []StopBountyErrorCode{ StopBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter, StopBountyErrorCodeUnauthorized, StopBountyErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllStopCloudBroadcastErrorCause = []StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause{ StopCloudBroadcastErrorCauseBroadcastNotFound, StopCloudBroadcastErrorCauseUnknown, }
var AllStreamRecommendationType = []StreamRecommendationType{ StreamRecommendationTypeSocial, }
var AllStreamRestrictionType = []StreamRestrictionType{ StreamRestrictionTypeOwlAllAccessPass, StreamRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive, }
var AllStreamSort = []StreamSort{ StreamSortViewerCount, StreamSortViewerCountAsc, StreamSortRecent, StreamSortRelevance, StreamSortCsgoSkill, StreamSortLolSummonerRank, }
var AllStreamerShelfType = []StreamerShelfType{ StreamerShelfTypeAutohost, StreamerShelfTypeTeam, StreamerShelfTypeDisabled, }
var AllStuccoState = []StuccoState{ StuccoStateActive, StuccoStateInactive, StuccoStateModerated, StuccoStatePending, StuccoStateArchived, }
var AllSubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode = []SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode{ SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCodeUnknown, SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllSubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = []SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode{ SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidUser, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixLength, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixRegex, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixState, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrPrefixNotUnique, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrPrefixUpdateTooSoon, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrNotInGoodStanding, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrUnknown, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrAffiliatePrefixUpdateTooSoon, SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrSubmittedPrefixDoesNotMatchAutoGeneratedPrefix, }
var AllSubmitExtensionFeedbackError = []SubmitExtensionFeedbackError{ SubmitExtensionFeedbackErrorInternalError, }
var AllSubscriptionBenefitFilter = []SubscriptionBenefitFilter{ SubscriptionBenefitFilterPlatform, SubscriptionBenefitFilterGift, SubscriptionBenefitFilterAll, }
var AllSubscriptionBenefitState = []SubscriptionBenefitState{ SubscriptionBenefitStateUnknown, SubscriptionBenefitStateActive, SubscriptionBenefitStateDnrInitiated, SubscriptionBenefitStateWillNotRenew, SubscriptionBenefitStateCancelInitiated, SubscriptionBenefitStateCancelled, SubscriptionBenefitStateOnHold, }
var AllSubscriptionCommunityGiftingType = []SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType{ SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeUnknown, SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeBundle, SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeCustom, }
var AllSubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform = []SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform{ SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatformWeb, SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatformAndroid, }
var AllSubscriptionGiftType = []SubscriptionGiftType{ SubscriptionGiftTypeNone, SubscriptionGiftTypeStandard, SubscriptionGiftTypeCommunity, }
var AllSubscriptionIntervalUnit = []SubscriptionIntervalUnit{ SubscriptionIntervalUnitUnknown, SubscriptionIntervalUnitWeek, SubscriptionIntervalUnitMonth, SubscriptionIntervalUnitYear, SubscriptionIntervalUnitOneTime, }
var AllSubscriptionPlatform = []SubscriptionPlatform{ SubscriptionPlatformNone, SubscriptionPlatformWeb, SubscriptionPlatformIos, SubscriptionPlatformAndroid, SubscriptionPlatformMobileAll, }
var AllSubscriptionProductType = []SubscriptionProductType{ SubscriptionProductTypeChansub, SubscriptionProductTypeTeamsub, SubscriptionProductTypeTurbo, }
var AllSubscriptionProductsErrorCode = []SubscriptionProductsErrorCode{ SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeUnknown, SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeError, SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeMissing, }
var AllSubscriptionPromotionDiscountType = []SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType{ SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypeNone, SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypePercentOff, SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypeFixedValueOff, }
var AllSubscriptionPurchaseState = []SubscriptionPurchaseState{ SubscriptionPurchaseStateActive, SubscriptionPurchaseStateCancelled, SubscriptionPurchaseStateInactive, }
var AllSubscriptionState = []SubscriptionState{ SubscriptionStateActive, SubscriptionStateInactive, SubscriptionStateUnknown, }
var AllSubscriptionSummaryTier = []SubscriptionSummaryTier{ SubscriptionSummaryTierTier1, SubscriptionSummaryTierTier2, SubscriptionSummaryTierTier3, }
var AllSubscriptionTenureMethod = []SubscriptionTenureMethod{ SubscriptionTenureMethodCumulative, SubscriptionTenureMethodStreak, }
var AllSubscriptionTier = []SubscriptionTier{ SubscriptionTierCustom, SubscriptionTierPrime, SubscriptionTierT1000, SubscriptionTierT2000, SubscriptionTierT3000, }
var AllTagScope = []TagScope{ TagScopeAll, TagScopeCategory, }
var AllTagType = []TagType{ TagTypeContent, TagTypeTop, }
var AllTaxInterviewType = []TaxInterviewType{ TaxInterviewTypeRoyalty, TaxInterviewTypeService, }
var AllTaxMismatchError = []TaxMismatchError{ TaxMismatchErrorName, TaxMismatchErrorCountry, TaxMismatchErrorEmail, TaxMismatchErrorStreetAddress, TaxMismatchErrorStreetAddress2, TaxMismatchErrorCity, TaxMismatchErrorState, TaxMismatchErrorPostal, }
var AllTiebreakerLabel = []TiebreakerLabel{ TiebreakerLabelKills, TiebreakerLabelBonus, TiebreakerLabelUnknown, }
var AllTimeSeriesPeriod = []TimeSeriesPeriod{ TimeSeriesPeriodDay, TimeSeriesPeriodMonth, }
var AllTrackingPixelType = []TrackingPixelType{ TrackingPixelTypeDar, TrackingPixelTypeDcm, TrackingPixelTypeSizmek, }
var AllTransitionExtensionStateError = []TransitionExtensionStateError{ TransitionExtensionStateErrorUnauthorized, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingAssetHash, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingReviewNotes, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingTestChannel, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMultipleVersionsInReview, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingAuthorEmail, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingAuthorName, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingCategory, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingSupportEmail, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingName, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingVersion, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingTestingBaseURI, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingSummary, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingDescription, TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingScreenshotURLS, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidStateTransition, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidVersion, TransitionExtensionStateErrorAnchorRequired, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidZoom, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxBroadcasters, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxTesters, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS, TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidNameLength, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidDescriptionLength, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidSummaryLength, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidAuthorEmail, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidSupportEmail, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidTermsURI, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPrivacyURI, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPanelHeight, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidScalingPixels, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioX, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioY, TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentTargetHeight, }
var AllTriggerType = []TriggerType{ TriggerTypeCheer, }
var AllTutorialState = []TutorialState{ TutorialStateDismissed, TutorialStateSeen, TutorialStateUnseen, }
var AllTwoFactorMethod = []TwoFactorMethod{ TwoFactorMethodAuthySms, TwoFactorMethodAuthyApp, TwoFactorMethodAuthyTotp, TwoFactorMethodUnknown, }
var AllUnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState = []UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState{ UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateActive, UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateWillNotRenew, UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateCancelled, UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateOnHold, }
var AllUnbanRequestErrorCode = []UnbanRequestErrorCode{ UnbanRequestErrorCodeUnauthorized, UnbanRequestErrorCodeRequestNotFound, UnbanRequestErrorCodeInvalidUpdate, UnbanRequestErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUnbanRequestRestrictionReason = []UnbanRequestRestrictionReason{ UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonAlreadyCreated, UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonNotBanned, UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonTooSoonSinceBan, UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnbanRequestsDisabled, UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnauthenticated, UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnknown, }
var AllUnbanRequestStatus = []UnbanRequestStatus{ UnbanRequestStatusNone, UnbanRequestStatusApproved, UnbanRequestStatusDenied, UnbanRequestStatusPending, UnbanRequestStatusAcknowledged, UnbanRequestStatusCanceled, }
var AllUnbanRequestsSortOrder = []UnbanRequestsSortOrder{ UnbanRequestsSortOrderOldest, UnbanRequestsSortOrderNewest, }
var AllUnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = []UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode{ UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeForbidden, UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotFound, UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotBanned, }
var AllUninstallExtensionErrorCode = []UninstallExtensionErrorCode{ UninstallExtensionErrorCodeUnauthorized, UninstallExtensionErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, UninstallExtensionErrorCodeExtensionNotInstalled, }
var AllUnmodUserErrorCode = []UnmodUserErrorCode{ UnmodUserErrorCodeForbidden, UnmodUserErrorCodeTargetNotFound, UnmodUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound, UnmodUserErrorCodeTargetNotMod, }
var AllUpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = []UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode{ UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeInvalidParameter, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeBadgeTitleExceedsCharacterLimit, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeBadgeTitleFailedModeration, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeEmoteCodeAlreadyExists, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeEmoteCodeUnacceptable, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeIncompleteBadgeImageData, UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllUpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCodeInvalidParameter, UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllUpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeAuthFailure, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeRequestsThrottled, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeLanguageNotValid, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeStatusTooLong, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeStatusUsesBannedWords, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeGameNameTooLong, UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllUpdateChannelCategoryShelfError = []UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError{ UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorForbidden, UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorInvalidCategory, UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorCannotShowAndHideCategory, }
var AllUpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeCostTooLow, UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeNameAutomodFailed, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateGoal, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionAutomodFailed, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalAmountInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDurationInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalStarted, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeInvalidStatusChange, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePromptAutomodFailed, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStreamInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateReward, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStreamInvalid, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldownInvalid, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCodeNotFound, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCodeForbidden, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeInProgress, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCodeForbidden, }
var AllUpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode = []UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode{ UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeUnknown, UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeLastAcknowledgedCostInvalid, }
var AllUpdateConsentErrorCode = []UpdateConsentErrorCode{ UpdateConsentErrorCodeInvalidVendorLawConsentStatus, }
var AllUpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = []UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode{ UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeUnauthorized, UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadEmoteRequest, UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadGroupRequest, UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadNonUniqueOrdersRequest, UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllUpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = []UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError{ UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorUnauthorized, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidVersion, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidNameLength, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidDescriptionLength, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidSummaryLength, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidAuthorEmail, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidSupportEmail, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidTermsURI, UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidPrivacyURI, }
var AllUpdateExtensionManifestError = []UpdateExtensionManifestError{ UpdateExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVersion, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorAnchorRequired, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidZoom, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxBroadcasters, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxTesters, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNameLength, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidDescriptionLength, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSummaryLength, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorEmail, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSupportEmail, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTermsURI, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPrivacyURI, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelHeight, UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel, }
var AllUpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode = []UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode{ UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeFailedAutomod, UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeTooLong, UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeUserNotFound, }
var AllUpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode = []UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode{ UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeMemberNotFound, UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeMemberIneligible, UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodePermissionDenied, UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllUpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = []UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode{ UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeReauthNeeded, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeRequestThrottled, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeLimitReached, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidOtp, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeMissingOtp, UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllUpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = []UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode{ UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeReauthNeeded, UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber, UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeRequestThrottled, UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeLimitReached, UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllUpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode = []UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode{ UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCodeOffersFailedToUpdate, UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateRoomErrorCode = []UpdateRoomErrorCode{ UpdateRoomErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateRoomErrorCodeRoomNotFound, UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameLengthInvalid, UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameContainsInvalidCharacters, UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameInappropriate, UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameNotUnique, UpdateRoomErrorCodeTopicLengthInvalid, UpdateRoomErrorCodeTopicInappropriate, UpdateRoomErrorCodeRolesInvalid, }
var AllUpdateRoomModesErrorCode = []UpdateRoomModesErrorCode{ UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeRoomNotFound, UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeForbidden, UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeSlowModeDurationInvalid, }
var AllUpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = []UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode{ UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodePermissionDenied, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategoryCount, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNotFound, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNoUpdatedAttributesProvided, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeOverlappingSegments, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTitle, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeTitleFailedModeration, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTimezone, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategories, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartDay, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartHour, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartMinute, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidDuration, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegment, UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllUpdateSocialMediaError = []UpdateSocialMediaError{ UpdateSocialMediaErrorFailedTitleModeration, UpdateSocialMediaErrorTitleTooLong, UpdateSocialMediaErrorInvalidURL, UpdateSocialMediaErrorNotFound, }
var AllUpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode = []UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode{ UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllUpdateSquadStreamErrorCode = []UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode{ UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadNotFound, UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadCannotBeUpdated, UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadTooFewMembers, UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeUnauthorized, }
var AllUpdateUserColorsErrorCode = []UpdateUserColorsErrorCode{ UpdateUserColorsErrorCodeInvalidHexColor, }
var AllUpdateUserErrorCode = []UpdateUserErrorCode{ UpdateUserErrorCodeAuthFailure, UpdateUserErrorCodeRequestsThrottled, UpdateUserErrorCodeUserNotFound, UpdateUserErrorCodeReauthNeeded, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameNotAvailable, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameTooShort, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameTooLong, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidCharsInDisplayName, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameChangeAgain, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameOnlyCap, UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameUnexpectedErr, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginNotAvailable, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginBlocked, UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToChangeLogin, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginTooShort, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginTooLong, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidCharsInLogin, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginUseBannedWords, UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginUseVariationOnBannedWords, UpdateUserErrorCodeFilteredUserRequested, UpdateUserErrorCodeIPBlocked, UpdateUserErrorCodeTooManyUsersForEmail, UpdateUserErrorCodeEmailDisabledForReuse, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidEmail, UpdateUserErrorCodeWorkEmailRequired, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidEmailDomain, UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToChangeEmail, UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberInvalid, UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberHasLetters, UpdateUserErrorCodeDescriptionTooLong, UpdateUserErrorCodeNoProperties, UpdateUserErrorCodeReservationNotExits, UpdateUserErrorCodeLanguageNotValid, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidBirthday, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidLastLogin, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidParameterCombination, UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToDeletePhoneNumber, UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberAlreadyExists, UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidHexColor, UpdateUserErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllUpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode = []UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode{ UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodeChannelNotFound, UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodePermissionDenied, UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodeInvalidArgument, }
var AllUserCompetitionRelationship = []UserCompetitionRelationship{ UserCompetitionRelationshipPlayer, UserCompetitionRelationshipOwner, UserCompetitionRelationshipUnknown, }
var AllUserLookupType = []UserLookupType{ UserLookupTypeActive, UserLookupTypeAll, }
var AllValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode = []ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode{ ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeIncorrectCode, ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeTooManyFailedAttempts, ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeRateLimited, ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllVendorName = []VendorName{ VendorNameAmazon, VendorNameBranch, VendorNameComscore, VendorNameGoogle, VendorNameNielsen, VendorNameSalesforceDmp, }
var AllVerificationStatus = []VerificationStatus{ VerificationStatusUnknown, VerificationStatusPending, VerificationStatusVerified, VerificationStatusRejected, }
var AllVerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode = []VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode{ VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeInvalidOtp, VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeNoTwoFactor, VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeUnknownError, }
var AllVerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode = []VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode{ VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCodeInvalidParameter, VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCodeInternalError, }
var AllVerticalShelfType = []VerticalShelfType{ VerticalShelfTypeCategorySelector, VerticalShelfTypeLiveMatches, VerticalShelfTypeLivePros, VerticalShelfTypeReplays, VerticalShelfTypeCollection, }
var AllVideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode = []VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode{ VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCodeInternalServerError, VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCodeUserUnauthorized, }
var AllVideoCommentSource = []VideoCommentSource{ VideoCommentSourceChat, VideoCommentSourceComment, VideoCommentSourceUnknown, }
var AllVideoCommentState = []VideoCommentState{ VideoCommentStatePublished, VideoCommentStateUnpublished, VideoCommentStatePendingReview, VideoCommentStatePendingReviewSpam, VideoCommentStateDeleted, }
var AllVideoMomentRequestType = []VideoMomentRequestType{ VideoMomentRequestTypeHighlighterSuggestions, VideoMomentRequestTypeVideoChapterMarkers, }
var AllVideoMomentType = []VideoMomentType{ VideoMomentTypeStreamMarker, VideoMomentTypeGameChange, VideoMomentTypeHearthstoneVca, VideoMomentTypeOverwatchVca, VideoMomentTypePubgVca, VideoMomentTypeVca, }
var AllVideoPrivacyScope = []VideoPrivacyScope{ VideoPrivacyScopePrivate, VideoPrivacyScopePublic, }
var AllVideoShelfType = []VideoShelfType{ VideoShelfTypeLatestBroadcasts, VideoShelfTypeLatestNonBroadcasts, VideoShelfTypeTopClips, VideoShelfTypeShortVideos, VideoShelfTypeLongVideos, VideoShelfTypeGame, VideoShelfTypeCollection, VideoShelfTypeAllVideos, }
var AllVideoSort = []VideoSort{ VideoSortTime, VideoSortViews, }
var AllVideoStatus = []VideoStatus{ VideoStatusRecording, VideoStatusUnprocessed, VideoStatusCreated, VideoStatusUploading, VideoStatusPendingTranscode, VideoStatusFailed, VideoStatusRecorded, }
var AllVideoType = []VideoType{ VideoTypeLive, VideoTypeVod, }
var AllVisibility = []Visibility{ VisibilityOnline, VisibilityAway, VisibilityBusy, VisibilityOffline, }
var AllVisibilityInput = []VisibilityInput{ VisibilityInputOnline, VisibilityInputAway, VisibilityInputBusy, VisibilityInputOffline, }
var AllVoteInAdPollErrorCode = []VoteInAdPollErrorCode{ VoteInAdPollErrorCodePollNotFound, VoteInAdPollErrorCodePollNotActive, VoteInAdPollErrorCodeVoteIDConflict, VoteInAdPollErrorCodeMaxVoteLimitError, VoteInAdPollErrorCodeMultiChoiceVoteForbidden, VoteInAdPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceID, VoteInAdPollErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllVoteInPollErrorCode = []VoteInPollErrorCode{ VoteInPollErrorCodePollNotFound, VoteInPollErrorCodePollNotActive, VoteInPollErrorCodeVoteIDConflict, VoteInPollErrorCodeMultiChoiceVoteForbidden, VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChannelID, VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceIndex, VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceID, VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidBitsAmount, VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidCommunityPointsAmount, VoteInPollErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance, VoteInPollErrorCodeInsufficientCommunityPointsBalance, VoteInPollErrorCodeTokensRequired, VoteInPollErrorCodeUserForbidden, VoteInPollErrorCodeSelfBitsVoteNotAllowed, VoteInPollErrorCodeRateLimited, VoteInPollErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllWalletType = []WalletType{ WalletTypeGiftCard, }
var AllWatchPartiesRestriction = []WatchPartiesRestriction{ WatchPartiesRestrictionRegionNotSupported, WatchPartiesRestrictionUnknown, }
var AllWatchPartyContentRestriction = []WatchPartyContentRestriction{ WatchPartyContentRestrictionUnknown, WatchPartyContentRestrictionBroadAvailability, WatchPartyContentRestrictionLimitedAvailability, }
var AllWatchPartyErrorCode = []WatchPartyErrorCode{ WatchPartyErrorCodeBadRequest, WatchPartyErrorCodeForbidden, WatchPartyErrorCodeRequestThrottled, WatchPartyErrorCodeGeoRestricted, WatchPartyErrorCodeUnknown, }
var AllWatchPartyItemType = []WatchPartyItemType{ WatchPartyItemTypeUnknown, WatchPartyItemTypeEpisode, WatchPartyItemTypeMovie, WatchPartyItemTypeSeason, WatchPartyItemTypeSeries, }
var AllWatchPartyState = []WatchPartyState{ WatchPartyStateUnknown, WatchPartyStateHypeIn, WatchPartyStateInProgress, WatchPartyStateOffline, }
var AllWhisperPermissionType = []WhisperPermissionType{ WhisperPermissionTypePermitted, WhisperPermissionTypeNotPermitted, WhisperPermissionTypeNotRestricted, WhisperPermissionTypeTemporary, }
var AllWhisperSpamLikelihood = []WhisperSpamLikelihood{ WhisperSpamLikelihoodLow, WhisperSpamLikelihoodMedium, WhisperSpamLikelihoodHigh, }
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ADASProperties ¶
type ADASProperties struct { // The media partner that should be used for the ad break. Partner *string `json:"partner"` // The id for selecting the amazon ad campaign or program. ProgramID *string `json:"programID"` }
Amazon Digital Ad Service Properties.
type AVCProfile ¶
type AVCProfile string
AVC profiles for streams.
const ( // Low level. AVCProfileBaseline AVCProfile = "BASELINE" // Regular level. AVCProfileMain AVCProfile = "MAIN" // High level. AVCProfileHigh AVCProfile = "HIGH" )
func (AVCProfile) IsValid ¶
func (e AVCProfile) IsValid() bool
func (AVCProfile) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AVCProfile) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AVCProfile) String ¶
func (e AVCProfile) String() string
func (*AVCProfile) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AVCProfile) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AcceptFriendRequestInput ¶
type AcceptFriendRequestInput struct { // The authenticated user will accept the friend request sent by the user with an ID equal to targetID. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type AcceptFriendRequestPayload ¶
type AcceptFriendRequestPayload struct { // The user whose friend request was just accepted. User *User `json:"user"` }
type AcceptOrganizationInviteError ¶
type AcceptOrganizationInviteError struct { // Error code. Code AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error associated with mutation AcceptOrganizationInvite.
type AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode ¶
type AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode string
Client error code.
const ( // Internal error. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" // Invalid Argument. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInvalidArgument AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // Invitation not found. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeNotFound AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The requesting user does not permission to accept invite. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The user doesn't meet the requirements to have this role. For example, when trying to assign the // "BILLING_MANAGER" role, but the user doesn't have 2FA enabled or completed Extension Monetization Onboarding. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeMemberIneligible AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "MEMBER_INELIGIBLE" // Organization Member already exists. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeAlreadyExists AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "ALREADY_EXISTS" // User is exceeds the the limit of organization they can be a member for. AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCodeExceedsMembershipLimit AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "EXCEEDS_MEMBERSHIP_LIMIT" )
func (AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String() string
func (*AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AcceptOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AcceptOrganizationInviteInput ¶
type AcceptOrganizationInviteInput struct { // First name to the user accepting the invite. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // Last name of the user accepting the invite. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // ID of the invite to accept. OrganizationInviteID string `json:"organizationInviteID"` // Job title the user has in the inviting organization. Title string `json:"title"` }
Input to the AcceptOrganiztaionInvite mutation.
type AcceptOrganizationInvitePayload ¶
type AcceptOrganizationInvitePayload struct { // The possible error returned from service. Error *AcceptOrganizationInviteError `json:"error"` }
Output from the AcceptOrganizationInvite mutation.
type AcceptProgramAgreementError ¶
type AcceptProgramAgreementError string
Enumerates possible errors when accepting a program agreement.
const ( // Must have auth credentials to agree to a program agreement. AcceptProgramAgreementErrorUnauthenticated AcceptProgramAgreementError = "UNAUTHENTICATED" // User does not have permission to agree to the program agreement for the targeted user. AcceptProgramAgreementErrorForbidden AcceptProgramAgreementError = "FORBIDDEN" // Version of the agreement provided in the input is not valid. AcceptProgramAgreementErrorInvalidAgreementVersion AcceptProgramAgreementError = "INVALID_AGREEMENT_VERSION" // An internal error has occurred. AcceptProgramAgreementErrorInternalError AcceptProgramAgreementError = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (AcceptProgramAgreementError) IsValid ¶
func (e AcceptProgramAgreementError) IsValid() bool
func (AcceptProgramAgreementError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AcceptProgramAgreementError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AcceptProgramAgreementError) String ¶
func (e AcceptProgramAgreementError) String() string
func (*AcceptProgramAgreementError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AcceptProgramAgreementError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AcceptProgramAgreementInput ¶
type AcceptProgramAgreementInput struct { // TargetUserID is the ID of the user whose program agreement will be accepted. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` // Agreement type being accepted for payout onboarding. Type PayoutOnboardingCategory `json:"type"` // Version of agreement (e.g. "v1"). Version string `json:"version"` }
AcceptProgramAgreementInput is the input required when accepting a program agreement.
type AcceptProgramAgreementPayload ¶
type AcceptProgramAgreementPayload struct { // Describes error that occured while accepting a program agreement. Error *AcceptProgramAgreementError `json:"error"` // New workflow state. Workflow *PayoutOnboardingWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
AcceptProgramAgreementPayload is the payload returned after accepting a program agreement.
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationError ¶
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationError struct { // Error from request to accept invitation. Code AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors from acceptSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode ¶
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode string
Possible errors from this mutation.
const ( // Invitation to be accepted does not exist. AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_NOT_FOUND" // Squad associated with the invitation does not exist. AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "SQUAD_NOT_FOUND" AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Invitation not in pending state cannot be accepted. AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeAccepted AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_CANNOT_BE_ACCEPTED" // The recipient does not have access to squad streams. AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserCannotAccessSquads AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "USER_CANNOT_ACCESS_SQUADS" )
func (AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String() string
func (*AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AcceptSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationInput ¶
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationInput struct { // ID of the invitation to be accepted. InvitationID string `json:"invitationID"` }
Inputs to the acceptSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationPayload ¶
type AcceptSquadStreamInvitationPayload struct { // Error from mutation if exists. Error *AcceptSquadStreamInvitationError `json:"error"` // The accepted invitation. Invitation *SquadStreamInvitation `json:"invitation"` }
Outputs from the acceptSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type AccountConnectionSet ¶
type AccountConnectionSet struct { // Connection information about a user's Blizzard account. Blizzard *UserBlizzardConnectionLink `json:"blizzard"` // Connection infromation about a user's Facebook account. Facebook *UserFacebookConnectionLink `json:"facebook"` // Whether or not the user has a linked amazon account. HasConnectedAmazon *bool `json:"hasConnectedAmazon"` // Connection information about a user's Riot account. Riot *UserRiotConnectionLink `json:"riot"` // Connection information about a user's Steam account. Steam *UserSteamConnectionLink `json:"steam"` // Connection information about a user's Twitter account. Twitter *UserTwitterConnectionLink `json:"twitter"` // Connection information about a user's Youtube account. Youtube *UserYoutubeConnectionLink `json:"youtube"` }
The information about all of a user's connected accounts.
type AcknowledgePredictionResultError ¶
type AcknowledgePredictionResultError struct { // Code describing the error. Code AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the acknowledgePredictionResult mutation.
type AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode ¶
type AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the acknowledgePredictionResult mutation.
const ( // The authorized user is forbidden from acknowledging this Prediction result. AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeForbidden AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The specified Prediction ID was not found. AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeNotFound AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The specified Prediction ID has not been resolved yet. AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeNotResolved AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode = "NOT_RESOLVED" // An unknown error occurred. AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCodeUnknown AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) String() string
func (*AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AcknowledgePredictionResultErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AcknowledgePredictionResultInput ¶
type AcknowledgePredictionResultInput struct { // The Prediction ID. ID string `json:"id"` }
Acknowledge the results of a Prediction.
type AcknowledgePredictionResultPayload ¶
type AcknowledgePredictionResultPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *AcknowledgePredictionResultError `json:"error"` // The acknowledgged Prediction. Prediction *Prediction `json:"prediction"` }
Payload for acknowledging the results of a Prediction.
type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStateInput ¶
type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStateInput struct { // ID of the subscription being updated. SubscriptionID string `json:"subscriptionID"` }
AcknowledgeSubscriptionStateInput updates the state of the given subscription to aknowledged.
type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStatePayload ¶
type AcknowledgeSubscriptionStatePayload struct { // The current state of the subscription. One of "active", "will_not_renew", or "canceled". State *UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState `json:"state"` }
AcknowledgeSubscriptionStatePayload returns the state of the subscription.
type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestInput ¶
type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestInput struct { // ID of the unban request to be acknowledged. ID string `json:"id"` }
Required input to acknowledge an unban request on a channel.
type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type AcknowledgeUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from acknowledging the unban request. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The acknowledged unban request. UnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequest"` }
Result of acknowledging an unban request.
type ActivateExtensionInput ¶
type ActivateExtensionInput struct { // The anchor the extension is getting activated into. Anchor ExtensionAnchor `json:"anchor"` // The composite ID of an extension installation <extensionID:version:channelID>. ExtensionInstallationID string `json:"extensionInstallationID"` // The slot the extension is getting activated into. Slot string `json:"slot"` }
The input to be provided to the activateExtension mutation.
type ActivateExtensionPayload ¶
type ActivateExtensionPayload struct { // The resulting list of installed extensions after the activation. InstalledExtensions []*ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtensions"` }
The result of an activateExtension mutation.
type ActivationState ¶
type ActivationState string
ActivationState contains possible activation states found in the ActivationConfig.
const ( // The extension is activated into a slot on the channel. ActivationStateActive ActivationState = "ACTIVE" // The extension has not been activated into a slot or required permsissions/config // is not set up yet. ActivationStateInactive ActivationState = "INACTIVE" // The user rejected the permissions required for the extension to be activated. ActivationStateRejectedPermissions ActivationState = "REJECTED_PERMISSIONS" )
func (ActivationState) IsValid ¶
func (e ActivationState) IsValid() bool
func (ActivationState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ActivationState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ActivationState) String ¶
func (e ActivationState) String() string
func (*ActivationState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ActivationState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Activity ¶
type Activity interface {
An action (and metadata about the action) which a user or session is performing.
type ActivityInput ¶
type ActivityInput struct { GameID *string `json:"gameID"` Type *ActivityType `json:"type"` UserID *string `json:"userID"` }
ActivityInput represents what the user is doing right now.
If type is WATCHING, userID must be supplied.
If type is PLAYING, gameID must be supplied.
type ActivityType ¶
type ActivityType string
The categories of activities which users can engage in.
const ( ActivityTypePlaying ActivityType = "PLAYING" ActivityTypeStreaming ActivityType = "STREAMING" ActivityTypeWatching ActivityType = "WATCHING" )
func (ActivityType) IsValid ¶
func (e ActivityType) IsValid() bool
func (ActivityType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ActivityType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ActivityType) String ¶
func (e ActivityType) String() string
func (*ActivityType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ActivityType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AdContext ¶
type AdContext struct { // The decline status for this ad request. DeclineState *AdContextDeclineState `json:"declineState"` // The id of the ad session this context applies to. ID string `json:"id"` // The RAd service token used to validate subsequent ad event mutations. RadToken string `json:"radToken"` }
The context returned for the current ad request.
type AdContextDeclineState ¶
type AdContextDeclineState struct { // The reason the ad request was declined if it was declined. Reason *string `json:"reason"` // Whether or not the client will request an ad. ShouldDecline bool `json:"shouldDecline"` }
The decline state for the context.
type AdCreative ¶
type AdCreative struct { // The AdCreative's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Integrated loudness value for this AdCreative. IntegratedLoudness *float64 `json:"integratedLoudness"` }
Advertising creative.
type AdPlatform ¶
type AdPlatform string
AdPlatform describes the type of device.
const ( // Ios iphone app. AdPlatformIosPhone AdPlatform = "IOS_PHONE" // Ios tablet app. AdPlatformIosTablet AdPlatform = "IOS_TABLET" // Android phone app. AdPlatformAndroidPhone AdPlatform = "ANDROID_PHONE" // Android tablet app. AdPlatformAndroidTablet AdPlatform = "ANDROID_TABLET" )
func (AdPlatform) IsValid ¶
func (e AdPlatform) IsValid() bool
func (AdPlatform) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AdPlatform) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AdPlatform) String ¶
func (e AdPlatform) String() string
func (*AdPlatform) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AdPlatform) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AdPollVote ¶
type AdPollVote struct { // Id of the choice that was voted for. ChoiceID string `json:"choiceID"` // id of the vote in the poll. ID string `json:"id"` // Id of the poll this voter voted in. PollID string `json:"pollID"` // Id of the voter in the poll. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
A vote an ad poll and associated information.
type AdProperties ¶
type AdProperties struct { // Deprecated. AdServer *string `json:"adServer"` // Which adserver to send requests to. AdServerDefault *string `json:"adServerDefault"` // Amazon Digital Ad Service (ADAS) specific Properties for this channel. Properties should only be nested if it is ADAS specific. AdasProperties *ADASProperties `json:"adasProperties"` // Which ids are costreamers for this channel. Costreamers []*User `json:"costreamers"` // Contains ad density information for channel ads management. Density *Density `json:"density"` // Contains properties used by channel's disable prerolls feature. DisablePrerollsAbility *DisablePrerollsAbility `json:"disablePrerollsAbility"` // Get the ad experiment treatment group for a specified experiment bucket. ExperimentTreatment *string `json:"experimentTreatment"` // How often ad breaks can be run on this channel. Frequency *int `json:"frequency"` // If postrolls are disabled on this channel. HasPostrollsDisabled *bool `json:"hasPostrollsDisabled"` // If prerolls are disabled on this channel. HasPrerollsDisabled *bool `json:"hasPrerollsDisabled"` // If Turbo benefit is disabled on this channel. HasTurboDisabled *bool `json:"hasTurboDisabled"` // If vod ads are enabled on this channel. HasVodAdsEnabled *bool `json:"hasVodAdsEnabled"` // If multiplayer ads are enabled for subscribers on this channel. IsMultiplayerAdsForSubsEnabled *bool `json:"isMultiplayerAdsForSubsEnabled"` // A bool that represents a streamer's eligibility to run a picture by picture ad. IsPictureByPictureAdEligible *bool `json:"isPictureByPictureAdEligible"` // Maximum length for an ad break on this channel. MaxAdBreakLength *int `json:"maxAdBreakLength"` // Current multiplayer ad offers on the channel. MultiplayerAdOffers []*MultiplayerAdOffer `json:"multiplayerAdOffers"` // The stream has the required age gate enabled if greater than 0. RequiredAge *int `json:"requiredAge"` // Tracking pixels that channel pages should fire at certain intervals. TrackingPixels []*TrackingPixel `json:"trackingPixels"` // Setting for vod archive midrolls on this channel. Can be 'broadcaster', 'inserted', or 'off'. VodArchiveMidrolls *string `json:"vodArchiveMidrolls"` // Ad break length for VOD archive midrolls on this channel. VodArchiveMidrollsBreakLength *int `json:"vodArchiveMidrollsBreakLength"` // Frequency for VOD archive midrolls on this channel. VodArchiveMidrollsFrequency *int `json:"vodArchiveMidrollsFrequency"` }
Ad Properties is an object that defines ad properties for a channel.
type AdRequestClientContext ¶
type AdRequestClientContext struct { // If the client is in audio only mode. IsAudioOnly bool `json:"isAudioOnly"` // If the client is in mini theater mode. IsMiniTheater bool `json:"isMiniTheater"` // If the client is in Picture in Picture mode. IsPip bool `json:"isPIP"` // If the client is broadcasting to an external device (i.e. Chromecast, Airplay). IsUsingExternalPlayback bool `json:"isUsingExternalPlayback"` }
The context of the Client when the ad request is about to be made.
type AdRequestContentType ¶
type AdRequestContentType string
The type of content playing when the ad was requested.
const ( // Live streams. AdRequestContentTypeLive AdRequestContentType = "LIVE" // VOD playback. AdRequestContentTypeVod AdRequestContentType = "VOD" )
func (AdRequestContentType) IsValid ¶
func (e AdRequestContentType) IsValid() bool
func (AdRequestContentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AdRequestContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AdRequestContentType) String ¶
func (e AdRequestContentType) String() string
func (*AdRequestContentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AdRequestContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AdRequestContext ¶
type AdRequestContext struct { // The ID generated for the ad Session. AdSessionID string `json:"adSessionID"` // The context of the client at the time the ad is requested. ClientContext *AdRequestClientContext `json:"clientContext"` // The commercial break ID of a channel wide midroll. CommercialID *string `json:"commercialID"` // The duration of the ad break in seconds. Duration int `json:"duration"` // If the requested ad is a viewer level midroll. IsVlm *bool `json:"isVLM"` // The context of the player at the time the ad is requested. PlayerContext *AdRequestPlayerContext `json:"playerContext"` // The type of ad request being made. RollType AdrollType `json:"rollType"` }
The context of an upcoming ad request.
type AdRequestPlayerContext ¶
type AdRequestPlayerContext struct { // The type of content being watched. ContentType AdRequestContentType `json:"contentType"` // If the session was initiated by playing automatically. IsAutoPlay bool `json:"isAutoPlay"` // The signature for the access token for the current video session. NauthSig string `json:"nauthSig"` // The access token for the current video session. NauthToken string `json:"nauthToken"` // The ID for the current video session. VideoSessionID *string `json:"videoSessionID"` }
The context of the Player when the ad request is about to be made.
type AdSession ¶
type AdSession struct { // id is the id of the ad. ID string `json:"id"` // lengthSeconds is the length of the ad being requested in seconds. LengthSeconds int `json:"lengthSeconds"` // retryAfterSeconds is the amount of time in seconds remaining for a user to run another ad. RetryAfterSeconds int `json:"retryAfterSeconds"` }
AdSession is the response object from an Ad Request.
type AdSlot ¶
type AdSlot struct { // Duration of Ads that will run. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // Time when Ad will run. RunAtTime time.Time `json:"runAtTime"` }
Defines ads management attributes for channel.
type AddAutohostChannelsInput ¶
type AddAutohostChannelsInput struct { // ChannelIDs that will be added to the list to autohost. ChannelIDs []string `json:"channelIDs"` // UserID to update autohost list for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
AddAutohostChannelsInput append channelIDs to a user's list to autohost.
type AddAutohostChannelsPayload ¶
type AddAutohostChannelsPayload struct { // User whose autohostChannels field had been updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
AddAutohostChannelsPayload returns the user whose autohostChannels field had been updated.
type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionInput ¶
type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionInput struct { // An authentication secret. It must be a non-blank string. Auth string `json:"auth"` // A custom URL pointing to a push server, which can be used to send a push message to the // particular service worker instance that subscribed to the push service. It must be a // non-blank string. Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"` // An Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman public key on the P-256 curve. It must be a non-blank string. P256dh string `json:"p256DH"` }
type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionPayload ¶
type AddBrowserPushSubscriptionPayload struct { // The opaque ID of the push subscription. The entire push subscription is not returned because // there is no product use for it. Also, there is no existing query or mutation that can use this ID, // but it could be used for future functionality. BrowserPushSubscriptionID *string `json:"browserPushSubscriptionID"` }
type AddChannelBlockedTermError ¶
type AddChannelBlockedTermError string
Possible errors that this resolver returns.
const ( // User does not have permission to add blocked term in channel. AddChannelBlockedTermErrorNoPermissions AddChannelBlockedTermError = "NO_PERMISSIONS" // Duration provided was invalid. AddChannelBlockedTermErrorDurationInvalid AddChannelBlockedTermError = "DURATION_INVALID" )
func (AddChannelBlockedTermError) IsValid ¶
func (e AddChannelBlockedTermError) IsValid() bool
func (AddChannelBlockedTermError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AddChannelBlockedTermError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AddChannelBlockedTermError) String ¶
func (e AddChannelBlockedTermError) String() string
func (*AddChannelBlockedTermError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AddChannelBlockedTermError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AddChannelBlockedTermInput ¶
type AddChannelBlockedTermInput struct { // channelID is the channelID owner of terms. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // isModEditable is if the term is viewable or editable by mods. IsModEditable bool `json:"isModEditable"` // phrases is the strings that are blocked. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
AddChannelBlockedTermInput takes in the channel, phrases, and if the term should be editable by mods.
type AddChannelBlockedTermPayload ¶
type AddChannelBlockedTermPayload struct { // The time term was added. AddedAt *time.Time `json:"addedAt"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *AddChannelBlockedTermError `json:"error"` // The phrases that were added. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
The returned data from the mutation.
type AddChannelPermittedTermError ¶
type AddChannelPermittedTermError string
Possible errors that this resolver returns.
const ( // User does not have permission to add Permitted term in channel. AddChannelPermittedTermErrorNoPermissions AddChannelPermittedTermError = "NO_PERMISSIONS" // Duration provided was invalid. AddChannelPermittedTermErrorDurationInvalid AddChannelPermittedTermError = "DURATION_INVALID" )
func (AddChannelPermittedTermError) IsValid ¶
func (e AddChannelPermittedTermError) IsValid() bool
func (AddChannelPermittedTermError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AddChannelPermittedTermError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AddChannelPermittedTermError) String ¶
func (e AddChannelPermittedTermError) String() string
func (*AddChannelPermittedTermError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AddChannelPermittedTermError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AddChannelPermittedTermInput ¶
type AddChannelPermittedTermInput struct { // channelID is the owner of the permitted terms. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // phrases are the strings that are permitted in a channel. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
AddChannelPermittedTermInput takes in the channel, phrases, and if the term should be editable by mods.
type AddChannelPermittedTermPayload ¶
type AddChannelPermittedTermPayload struct { // The time term was added. AddedAt *time.Time `json:"addedAt"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *AddChannelPermittedTermError `json:"error"` // The phrases that were added. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
The returned payload from the mutation.
type AddCollectionItemInput ¶
type AddCollectionItemInput struct { // The id of the collection. CollectionID string `json:"collectionID"` // The id of the item of which will be added to the collection. ItemID string `json:"itemID"` // The type of item ie. video. ItemType string `json:"itemType"` }
AddCollectionItemInput accepts a collectionID and item ID and parameters to add the item to a collection.
type AddCollectionItemPayload ¶
type AddCollectionItemPayload struct { // The newly updated collection. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
The response from adding an item to a collection.
type AddCompetitionPhaseInput ¶
type AddCompetitionPhaseInput struct { // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` }
Add a Phase to a Competition.
type AddCompetitionPhasePayload ¶
type AddCompetitionPhasePayload struct { // The competition is returned with any side effects adding a phase has caused. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the Phase was created.
type AddCompetitionPlayerInput ¶
type AddCompetitionPlayerInput struct { // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The player's Discord username. DiscordUsername *string `json:"discordUsername"` // The player's in-game username. InGameUsername *string `json:"inGameUsername"` // The state the player in. Defaults to INVITED if not specified. State *CompetitionPlayerState `json:"state"` // Twitch user id of the player. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Add a User as a player to a Competition.
type AddCompetitionPlayerPayload ¶
type AddCompetitionPlayerPayload struct { // The new state of competition after adding a competition player to the competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the player was created.
type AddCompetitionTeamInput ¶
type AddCompetitionTeamInput struct { // ID of the competition team captain. CaptainID *string `json:"captainID"` // ID of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The user ids of the team members. Members []string `json:"members"` // The name of the team. Name string `json:"name"` }
Inputs adding a competition team to a competition.
type AddCompetitionTeamPayload ¶
type AddCompetitionTeamPayload struct { // The new state of competition after adding a competition team to the competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
AddCompetitionTeamPayload is the success response adding a competition team to the competition.
type AddDeviceTokenInput ¶
type AddDeviceTokenInput struct { // App build number of the current device. AppBuild *string `json:"appBuild"` // Unique identifier of the current device. // Note: deprecated field -- the deviceID now comess of the X-Device-Id header... DeviceID *string `json:"deviceID"` // Arbitrary name associated with the device. DeviceName *string `json:"deviceName"` // The ID of the new token. DeviceToken string `json:"deviceToken"` // Notification capabilities of the current device. NotificationCapabilitiesTypes []string `json:"notificationCapabilitiesTypes"` // Onsite notification capabilities of the current device. OnsiteCapabilitiesTypes []string `json:"onsiteCapabilitiesTypes"` // The platform the token is associated with, i.e. 'android' or 'ios'. Platform string `json:"platform"` // ID for the user associated with the new device token. // Note: deprecated field -- the userID now comes off the authenticated user. UserID *string `json:"userID"` }
AddDeviceTokenInput accepts a token and other parameters to add a device token to a given user.
type AddDeviceTokenPayload ¶
type AddDeviceTokenPayload struct { // The ID of the new token. DeviceToken string `json:"deviceToken"` }
The response from adding a push notification token to a user.
type AddDropToCampaignInput ¶
type AddDropToCampaignInput struct { // The campaign this drop belongs to. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // The type of rule defining what needs to happen to trigger this drop. DropRuleType DropRuleType `json:"dropRuleType"` // The date at which this drop can no longer occur. Default to campaign endDate if not provided. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The friendly name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The date at which this drop can start to occur. Default to campaign startDate if not provided. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
AddDropToCampaignInput has fields required to create a drop within a campaign.
type AddDropToCampaignPayload ¶
type AddDropToCampaignPayload struct { // Returns the newly created drop. Drop DropType `json:"drop"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
AddDropToCampaignPayload returns the result of the creation.
type AddEditorError ¶
type AddEditorError struct { // The type of error that occurred when adding an editor. Code AddEditorErrorCode `json:"code"` }
AddEditorError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type AddEditorErrorCode ¶
type AddEditorErrorCode string
AddEditorErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while adding an editor.
const ( // The channel does not exist. AddEditorErrorCodeChannelNotFound AddEditorErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The user who is to become an editor is already an editor. AddEditorErrorCodeTargetUserAlreadyEditor AddEditorErrorCode = "TARGET_USER_ALREADY_EDITOR" // The user who is to become an editor does not exist. AddEditorErrorCodeTargetUserNotFound AddEditorErrorCode = "TARGET_USER_NOT_FOUND" )
func (AddEditorErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AddEditorErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AddEditorErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AddEditorErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AddEditorErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AddEditorErrorCode) String() string
func (*AddEditorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AddEditorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AddEditorInput ¶
type AddEditorInput struct { // The channel for which the target user will become an editor. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user who will become an editor. // Either targetUserID or targetUserLogin must be provided. TargetUserID *string `json:"targetUserID"` // The login of the user who will become an editor. // Either targetUserID or targetUserLogin must be provided. TargetUserLogin *string `json:"targetUserLogin"` }
AddEditorInput contains the parameters to add an editor.
type AddEditorPayload ¶
type AddEditorPayload struct { // The channel for which the target user will become an editor. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *AddEditorError `json:"error"` // The user who became an editor. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
AddEditorPayload is the response after attemping to add an editor.
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedError ¶
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedError struct { // Mutation error code. Code AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error from a failed recent play mutation.
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode ¶
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode string
Recently played error codes.
const ( // The ID provided was malformed. AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCodeInvalidID AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode = "INVALID_ID" // Permission denied to add/update a recently played item. AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCodePermissionDenied AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) String() string
func (*AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AddRadioRecentlyPlayedErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedInput ¶
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedInput struct { // The type of content the ID maps to. ContentType RadioRecentlyPlayedType `json:"contentType"` // The ID of the recently played item. ID string `json:"id"` }
AddRadioRecentlyPlayedInput contains the parameters to register a play start.
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedPayload ¶
type AddRadioRecentlyPlayedPayload struct { // Error code. Error *AddRadioRecentlyPlayedError `json:"error"` // The added/updated recently played item. Recent *RadioRecentlyPlayed `json:"recent"` }
Response from registering a recent play.
type AddReactionInput ¶
type AddReactionPayload ¶
type AddReactionPayload struct {
Content ReactableContent `json:"content"`
type AddRecommendationFeedbackInput ¶
type AddRecommendationFeedbackInput struct { // Reason for the feedback (ie. Not interested, offensive, etc). Category RecommendationFeedbackCategory `json:"category"` // The id of the item (channelID, gameID, etc). ItemID string `json:"itemID"` // One of CHANNEL, GAME, SHELF, VOD. ItemType RecommendationFeedbackType `json:"itemType"` // The page this event was fired from. SourceItemPage string `json:"sourceItemPage"` // The unique id given to this request. SourceItemRequestID string `json:"sourceItemRequestID"` // The tracking id of the shelf / shelf card. SourceItemTrackingID string `json:"sourceItemTrackingID"` }
Data required to add recommendation feedback.
type AddRecommendationFeedbackPayload ¶
type AddRecommendationFeedbackPayload struct { // Feedback item. RecommendationFeedback *RecommendationFeedback `json:"recommendationFeedback"` }
Returns the created feedback item back to the client.
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserError ¶
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserError struct { // Type of mutation error. Code AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that may be returned by the AddStreamAuthorizedUser mutation.
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode ¶
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode string
AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode is the client error type that occurred during the AddStreamAuthorizedUser mutation.
const ( // Unable to assign the Targeted user to stream on behalf of the broadcaster. AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeTargetUserUnreturnable AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "TARGET_USER_UNRETURNABLE" // The broadcaster is not found. AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // Maximum limit for adding authorized user is reached. AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeMaxAccountLimit AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "MAX_ACCOUNT_LIMIT" // Permission denied to add an authorized user. AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodePermissionDenied AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Invalid argument to add an authorized user. AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeInvalidArgument AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AddStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserInput ¶
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserInput struct { // authorizedUserID for an authorized user who is allow to stream on behalf of broadcaster. AuthorizedUserID string `json:"authorizedUserID"` // channelID of the broadcaster. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
AddStreamAuthorizedUserInput contains the channelID for the broadcaster and the authorized userID.
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserPayload ¶
type AddStreamAuthorizedUserPayload struct { // The updated channel of broadcaster. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // Error code. Error *AddStreamAuthorizedUserError `json:"error"` }
AddStreamAuthorizedUserPayload contains the VideoStreamSettings with updated authorized users.
type AdrollType ¶
type AdrollType string
The type of ad break being requested.
const ( // Ad that runs prior to seeing a stream/vod. AdrollTypePreroll AdrollType = "PREROLL" // Ad that runs in the middle of a stream/vod. AdrollTypeMidroll AdrollType = "MIDROLL" // Ad that runs after a stream/vod. AdrollTypePostroll AdrollType = "POSTROLL" )
func (AdrollType) IsValid ¶
func (e AdrollType) IsValid() bool
func (AdrollType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AdrollType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AdrollType) String ¶
func (e AdrollType) String() string
func (*AdrollType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AdrollType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AggregatedReferrals ¶
type AggregatedReferrals struct { // Count of the referrals from the named source (1437). Count int `json:"count"` // Name of the referral source ("UK"). Name string `json:"name"` }
Grouping of referral sources with name and count -- e.g. ("UK", 1437).
type AllocateKeysForBountyError ¶
type AllocateKeysForBountyError struct { // Error code from the mutation. Code AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error from the mutation.
type AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode ¶
type AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode string
Possible errors from the mutation.
const ( // The provided input is invalid. AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeInvalidArgument AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // The bounty or required key metadata was not found. AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeNotFound AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // Unknown error being returned from service. AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCodeUnknownError AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) String() string
func (*AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AllocateKeysForBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AllocateKeysForBountyInput ¶
type AllocateKeysForBountyInput struct { // Unique Identifier for the bounty. BountyID string `json:"bountyID"` // UserID that is allocating keys for the bounty. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Input required to allocate keys for the bounty.
type AllocateKeysForBountyPayload ¶
type AllocateKeysForBountyPayload struct { // The bounty with allocated keys. Bounty *Bounty `json:"bounty"` // The possible error returned from the service. Error *AllocateKeysForBountyError `json:"error"` }
Payload from the mutation.
type AllowRejectedChatMessageInput ¶
type AllowRejectedChatMessageInput struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type AllowRejectedChatMessagePayload ¶
type AllowRejectedChatMessagePayload struct {
Message *RejectedChatMessage `json:"message"`
type AllowRejectedCheerInput ¶
type AllowRejectedCheerInput struct { // Client-generated unique ID used to prevent a cheer from being re-sent (thus spending double bits). // The server will reject any request with an ID that has already been used. ID string `json:"id"` // ID of the user whose message is automodded. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
Input to the allowRejectedCheer mutation.
type AllowRejectedCheerPayload ¶
type AllowRejectedCheerPayload struct { // Client-generated unique ID used to prevent a cheer from being re-sent (thus spending double bits). // The server will reject any request with an ID that has already been used. ID string `json:"id"` }
Payload from the allowRejectedCheer mutation.
type ApplyExtensionActivationsInput ¶
type ApplyExtensionActivationsInput struct { // A list of activations to apply to the given channelID. Activations []*ExtensionActivationInput `json:"activations"` // The ID of the channel the activations are being performed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
A mapping of extension type to list of activation configs.
type ApplyExtensionActivationsPayload ¶
type ApplyExtensionActivationsPayload struct { // The list of all installed extensions on the channel after an applyExtensionActivations mutation // with their new activation state. InstalledExtensions []*ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtensions"` }
A list of all installed extensions on the channel after an applyExtensionActivations mutation.
type ApproveUnbanRequestInput ¶
type ApproveUnbanRequestInput struct { // ID of the unban request to be resolved. ID string `json:"id"` // Optional message from the resolver to be shown to the unban requester. ResolverMessage *string `json:"resolverMessage"` }
Required input to approve an unban request on a channel.
type ApproveUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type ApproveUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from resolving unban request. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The resolved unban request. UnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequest"` }
Result of approving an unban request.
type ArchiveChanletInput ¶
type ArchiveChanletInput struct { // The ID of the chanlet being archived. ChanletID string `json:"chanletID"` }
ArchiveChanletInput archives a chanlet by chanlet ID.
type ArchiveChanletPayload ¶
type ArchiveChanletPayload struct { // The chanlet archived. Chanlet *Channel `json:"chanlet"` }
ArchiveChanletPayload returns the Chanlet that was archived.
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError ¶
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError struct { // The error code. Code ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Archive community goal error.
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode ¶
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode string
Archive community goal error code.
const ( // The goal was not found. ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to archive community goals for this channel. ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
func (*ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput ¶
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput struct { // The channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The community goal. GoalID string `json:"goalID"` }
Archive community goal input.
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload ¶
type ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload struct { // The error, if any. Error *ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError `json:"error"` // The community goal that was archived. Goal *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goal"` }
Archive community goal payload.
type ArchivePollInChannelInput ¶
type ArchivePollInChannelInput struct { // The id of the channel that contains the poll to archive. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for archiving a poll.
type ArchivePollInChannelPayload ¶
type ArchivePollInChannelPayload struct { // The archived poll. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` }
Outputs from the archive poll mutation.
type ArchivePollInput ¶
type ArchivePollInput struct { // The id of the poll to archive. PollID string `json:"pollID"` }
Inputs for archiving a poll.
type ArchivePollPayload ¶
type ArchivePollPayload struct { // The created poll. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` }
Outputs from the create poll mutation.
type ArkoseEndpointVersion ¶
type ArkoseEndpointVersion string
Possible errors from the mutation.
const ( // Version 1 endpoint. ArkoseEndpointVersionV1 ArkoseEndpointVersion = "V1" // Version 2 endpoint. ArkoseEndpointVersionV2 ArkoseEndpointVersion = "V2" )
func (ArkoseEndpointVersion) IsValid ¶
func (e ArkoseEndpointVersion) IsValid() bool
func (ArkoseEndpointVersion) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ArkoseEndpointVersion) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ArkoseEndpointVersion) String ¶
func (e ArkoseEndpointVersion) String() string
func (*ArkoseEndpointVersion) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ArkoseEndpointVersion) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerError ¶
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerError struct { // The associated error code. Code AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode `json:"code"` }
AssignExtensionBillingManagerError is the error associated with AssignExtensionBillingManager.
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode ¶
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode string
Enums for the difference error codes which can be returned.
const ( // Extension does not belong to the same organization as the assigned billing manager member. AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodeFailedPrecondition AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode = "FAILED_PRECONDITION" // The user doesn't meet the requirements to be the assigned billing manager. // For example, doesn't have a valid role or did not complete Extension Monetization (TIMs). AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodeMemberIneligible AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode = "MEMBER_INELIGIBLE" // User does not have permission to perform action. AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCodePermissionDenied AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) String ¶
func (e AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) String() string
func (*AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AssignExtensionBillingManagerErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerInput ¶
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerInput struct { // The ID of the extensions. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The twitch ID of the organization member. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the SetExtensionBillingManager mutation.
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerPayload ¶
type AssignExtensionBillingManagerPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *AssignExtensionBillingManagerError `json:"error"` // The updated extension. ExtensionClient *ExtensionClient `json:"extensionClient"` }
Payload retuned from the mutation.
type AssociatesStore ¶
type AssociatesStore struct { ID string `json:"ID"` // Whether the owner of this store is enabled to recieve payments. IsPayoutEnabled *bool `json:"isPayoutEnabled"` // The store ID tag. StoreID *string `json:"storeID"` }
Information regarding an Amazon Associates store.
type AuthenticatedSession ¶
type AuthenticatedSession struct { // ID of the client the user authenticated from. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // Creation date of the session. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Date of invalidation of the session. // Can be null if the session hasn't been deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // Geolocation during authentication, determined by IP. Location *string `json:"location"` // User agent used during authentication. UserAgent *string `json:"userAgent"` // Twitch User ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Authenticated Twitch session.
type AutoMod ¶
type AutoMod struct { // The topics that were flagged by AutoModeration. Topics []*AutoModTopic `json:"topics"` }
An automod fragment type, which is text that is flagged by AutoModeration. It contains a list of topics which contain reasons why AutoModeration flagged the text.
func (AutoMod) IsFragmentContent ¶
func (AutoMod) IsFragmentContent()
type AutoModCaughtMessage ¶
type AutoModCaughtMessage struct { // Reason why the message was flagged and/or rejected. Category AutoModCaughtMessageCategory `json:"category"` // id contains the UUID of the AutoModCaughtMessage. ID string `json:"id"` // The contents of the message itself, including its content, sender, sentAt timestamp, etc. ModLogsMessage *ModLogsMessage `json:"modLogsMessage"` // Time when a moderator allowed or denied a flagged message. ResolvedAt *time.Time `json:"resolvedAt"` // The user (mod) who approve/denied the flagged message. Resolver *User `json:"resolver"` // The approval status of the caught message. Status AutoModCaughtMessageStatus `json:"status"` }
A message rejected by automod.
func (AutoModCaughtMessage) IsModLogsMessageResult ¶
func (AutoModCaughtMessage) IsModLogsMessageResult()
type AutoModCaughtMessageCategory ¶
type AutoModCaughtMessageCategory string
Reason why a message is flagged and/or rejected.
const ( // Message contained words that were aggressive. AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryAggressive AutoModCaughtMessageCategory = "AGGRESSIVE" // Message contained identity details. AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryIDEntity AutoModCaughtMessageCategory = "IDENTITY" // Message contained words that were vulgar. AutoModCaughtMessageCategoryProfanity AutoModCaughtMessageCategory = "PROFANITY" // Message contained words that were sexual. AutoModCaughtMessageCategorySexual AutoModCaughtMessageCategory = "SEXUAL" )
func (AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) IsValid() bool
func (AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) String ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) String() string
func (*AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AutoModCaughtMessageCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AutoModCaughtMessageStatus ¶
type AutoModCaughtMessageStatus string
Describes a flagged message's posting status.
const ( // The message has not received a decision from a mod, and may be expired. Check sentAt date to confirm. AutoModCaughtMessageStatusPending AutoModCaughtMessageStatus = "PENDING" // The message was approved by a channel moderator or the broadcaster. AutoModCaughtMessageStatusApproved AutoModCaughtMessageStatus = "APPROVED" // The message was denied by a channel moderator or the broadcaster. AutoModCaughtMessageStatusDenied AutoModCaughtMessageStatus = "DENIED" )
func (AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) IsValid() bool
func (AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) String ¶
func (e AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) String() string
func (*AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AutoModCaughtMessageStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AutoModProperties ¶
type AutoModTopic ¶
type AutoModTopic struct { // The topic type, defined by Zuma. Type string `json:"type"` // The weight assigned to the topic. Weight int `json:"weight"` }
An auto moderation topic with value.
type AutoRefill ¶
type AutoRefill struct { // Lists actions to execute during an auto refill setup session. Actions []CheckoutAction `json:"actions"` // The list of auto refill profiles. Profiles []*AutoRefillProfile `json:"profiles"` // A list of active xsolla payment methods that a user has available. This field is intended to be replaced by the User.PaymentMethods query. XsollaPaymentMethods []*PaymentMethod `json:"xsollaPaymentMethods"` }
Contains all auto refill profiles, will have auto refill metadata in the future.
type AutoRefillProfile ¶
type AutoRefillProfile struct { // The charge instrument information for starting a purchase. ChargeInstrument *ChargeInstrument `json:"chargeInstrument"` // Unique ID assigned to this profile. ID string `json:"id"` // Indicates if this profile is active. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The offerID that maps to the ability to purchase the intended product. OfferID *string `json:"offerID"` // The threshold amount a balance must go below to trigger a reload. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` }
Auto Refill profile information.
type AutohostChannelConnection ¶
type AutohostChannelConnection struct { // The channels. Nodes []*User `json:"nodes"` }
A list of configured autohost channels
A relay connection type that does not yet support pagination.
type AutohostSettings ¶
type AutohostSettings struct { // True if this channels prefers autohost over vodcast. DeprioritizeVodcast bool `json:"deprioritizeVodcast"` // True if this channel has the autohost feature turned on. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Determines what other channels can raid this channel. IncomingRaidsPolicy AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy `json:"incomingRaidsPolicy"` // The strategy to use when choosing channels to autohost. Strategy AutohostSettingsStrategy `json:"strategy"` // True if this user autohosts their team members. TeamHost bool `json:"teamHost"` }
A user's autohosting settings.
type AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy ¶
type AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy string
DEPRECATED: to be replaced by IncomingRaidsPolicy. Determines what other channels can raid this channel.
const ( // This user cannot be radied by anyone. AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyNone AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy = "NONE" // This user can be raided by other people in their network. AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyNetwork AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy = "NETWORK" // This user can be raded by anyone. AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicyAll AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy = "ALL" )
func (AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) IsValid ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) IsValid() bool
func (AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) String ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) String() string
func (*AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AutohostSettingsIncomingRaidsPolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AutohostSettingsStrategy ¶
type AutohostSettingsStrategy string
The strategy to use when choosing channels to autohost.
const ( // Picks channels in the order defined by the user. AutohostSettingsStrategyOrdered AutohostSettingsStrategy = "ORDERED" // Picks channels at random. AutohostSettingsStrategyRandom AutohostSettingsStrategy = "RANDOM" )
func (AutohostSettingsStrategy) IsValid ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsStrategy) IsValid() bool
func (AutohostSettingsStrategy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsStrategy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AutohostSettingsStrategy) String ¶
func (e AutohostSettingsStrategy) String() string
func (*AutohostSettingsStrategy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AutohostSettingsStrategy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AutohostedByChannelConnection ¶
type AutohostedByChannelConnection struct { // The channels. Nodes []*User `json:"nodes"` }
A list of channels that are autohosting the channel
A relay connection type that does not yet support pagination.
type AutomodContentResponse ¶
type AutomodContentResponse struct { // content are pieces of the content evaulated by automod. Content *RoomMessageContent `json:"content"` // text is the original raw string evaluated by automod. Text string `json:"text"` }
AutomodContentResponse is the automod response for the text evaulated.
type Availability ¶
type Availability string
The possible computed states for a user or session.
const ( AvailabilityAway Availability = "AWAY" AvailabilityBusy Availability = "BUSY" AvailabilityIDLe Availability = "IDLE" AvailabilityOffline Availability = "OFFLINE" AvailabilityOnline Availability = "ONLINE" )
func (Availability) IsValid ¶
func (e Availability) IsValid() bool
func (Availability) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e Availability) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (Availability) String ¶
func (e Availability) String() string
func (*Availability) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *Availability) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type AvailabilityInput ¶
type AvailabilityInput string
const ( AvailabilityInputOnline AvailabilityInput = "ONLINE" AvailabilityInputIDLe AvailabilityInput = "IDLE" AvailabilityInputOffline AvailabilityInput = "OFFLINE" )
func (AvailabilityInput) IsValid ¶
func (e AvailabilityInput) IsValid() bool
func (AvailabilityInput) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e AvailabilityInput) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (AvailabilityInput) String ¶
func (e AvailabilityInput) String() string
func (*AvailabilityInput) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *AvailabilityInput) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BackupIngestSession ¶
type BackupIngestSession struct { // The session where the current session was stitched from. StitchedFrom []*BackupStreamSession `json:"stitchedFrom"` // The session where the current session was stitched to. StitchedTo []*BackupStreamSession `json:"stitchedTo"` }
BackupIngestSession is session metadata related to broadcaster's backup session.
type BackupStreamSession ¶
type BackupStreamSession struct { // Type of live stream. BroadcastFormat BroadcastFormat `json:"broadcastFormat"` // The ID of backup session. ID string `json:"id"` // Time when the backup stream was stitched as primary session. StitchedTimeAt time.Time `json:"stitchedTimeAt"` }
BackupStreamSession identifies the backup stream session.
type Badge ¶
type Badge struct { // Identifies an action to trigger when this badge is clicked. ClickAction *BadgeClickAction `json:"clickAction"` // The URL to redirect to if the badge's onClickAction is VISIT_URL. ClickURL *string `json:"clickURL"` // A localized, human-friendly description of the badge. // Defaults to English if no translation exists for the requested locale. Description string `json:"description"` // The badge's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // A URL to the badge's image. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Identifies an action to trigger when this badge is clicked. OnClickAction *BadgeClickAction `json:"onClickAction"` // The identifier of the set which this badge belongs (e.g. "subscriber"). SetID string `json:"setID"` // A localized, human-friendly title for the badge. // Defaults to English if no translation exists for the requested locale. Title string `json:"title"` // The badge's associated broadcaster. // Returns null if this is a global badge. User *User `json:"user"` // The badge's version (e.g. "1mo"). Version string `json:"version"` }
Communicates a user's status in chat.
type BadgeClickAction ¶
type BadgeClickAction string
Enumerates possible badge click actions.
const ( // Go to the user's subscription page. BadgeClickActionSubscribe BadgeClickAction = "SUBSCRIBE" // Go to the Twitch Turbo purchasing page. BadgeClickActionGetTurbo BadgeClickAction = "GET_TURBO" // Go to the Bits purchasing page. BadgeClickActionGetBits BadgeClickAction = "GET_BITS" // Redirect the user to the badge click URL. BadgeClickActionVisitURL BadgeClickAction = "VISIT_URL" )
func (BadgeClickAction) IsValid ¶
func (e BadgeClickAction) IsValid() bool
func (BadgeClickAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BadgeClickAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BadgeClickAction) String ¶
func (e BadgeClickAction) String() string
func (*BadgeClickAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BadgeClickAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BadgeDomain
type BadgeDomain string
Deprecated: Domains that badges belong to.
const ( // Badges that were granted via Twitch crates. BadgeDomainCrate BadgeDomain = "CRATE" )
func (BadgeDomain) IsValid ¶
func (e BadgeDomain) IsValid() bool
func (BadgeDomain) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BadgeDomain) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BadgeDomain) String ¶
func (e BadgeDomain) String() string
func (*BadgeDomain) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BadgeDomain) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BadgeImageSize ¶
type BadgeImageSize string
Enumerates valid badge image sizes.
const ( // The base badge image size: 18x18. BadgeImageSizeNormal BadgeImageSize = "NORMAL" // Double the normal badge image size: 36x36. BadgeImageSizeDouble BadgeImageSize = "DOUBLE" // Quadruple the normal badge image size: 72x72. BadgeImageSizeQuadruple BadgeImageSize = "QUADRUPLE" )
func (BadgeImageSize) IsValid ¶
func (e BadgeImageSize) IsValid() bool
func (BadgeImageSize) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BadgeImageSize) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BadgeImageSize) String ¶
func (e BadgeImageSize) String() string
func (*BadgeImageSize) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BadgeImageSize) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BadgeTierEmotesFilter ¶
type BadgeTierEmotesFilter string
A filter for controlling which Bits Badge Tier Emotes to return.
const ( // Returns all bits badge tier emotes for this channel. BadgeTierEmotesFilterAll BadgeTierEmotesFilter = "ALL" // Returns all locked bits badge tier emotes for this user in this channel. BadgeTierEmotesFilterLocked BadgeTierEmotesFilter = "LOCKED" // Returns a few of the locked bits badge tier emotes for this user in this channel. // Which emotes and the exact number are determined by the back-end. BadgeTierEmotesFilterLockedPreview BadgeTierEmotesFilter = "LOCKED_PREVIEW" // Returns all unlocked bits badge tier emotes for this user in this channel. BadgeTierEmotesFilterUnlocked BadgeTierEmotesFilter = "UNLOCKED" // Returns highest currently unlocked bits badge tier emote and next to be unlocked by user. BadgeTierEmotesFilterHighestUnlockedAndNext BadgeTierEmotesFilter = "HIGHEST_UNLOCKED_AND_NEXT" )
func (BadgeTierEmotesFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e BadgeTierEmotesFilter) IsValid() bool
func (BadgeTierEmotesFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BadgeTierEmotesFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BadgeTierEmotesFilter) String ¶
func (e BadgeTierEmotesFilter) String() string
func (*BadgeTierEmotesFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BadgeTierEmotesFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Balance ¶
type Balance struct { // Amount in the smallest unit of subcurrency. Amount int `json:"amount"` // ISO-4217 currency code of a user's balance. Currency Currency `json:"currency"` // When the credit amount will expire. Can be non-expirable (null). ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // Number of digits after the decimal separator. Exponent int `json:"exponent"` }
Balance for a Twitch User Account in a FIAT currency. Can be used to purchase product on the Twitch Platform.
type BanUserFromChatRoomError ¶
type BanUserFromChatRoomError struct { Code BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode `json:"code"` // On DURATION_INVALID, maximum number of seconds a user can be timed out for. MaxTimeoutDurationSeconds *int `json:"maxTimeoutDurationSeconds"` // On DURATION_INVALID, minimum number of seconds a user can be timed out for. MinTimeoutDurationSeconds *int `json:"minTimeoutDurationSeconds"` }
type BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode ¶
type BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode string
const ( // User does not have permission to ban in channel. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeForbidden BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Target does not exist. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotFound BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_FOUND" // User tried to ban themselves. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsSelf BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_SELF" // User tried to ban anonymous user. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsAnonymous BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_ANONYMOUS" // User tried to ban a moderator without permission. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsMod BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_MOD" // DEPRECATED: no longer returned. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsVip BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_VIP" // User tried to ban broadcaster. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsBroadcaster BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_BROADCASTER" // User tried to ban staff. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsStaff BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_STAFF" // User tried to ban admin. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsAdmin BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_ADMIN" // User tried to ban global mod. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetIsGlobalMod BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_GLOBAL_MOD" // User tried to ban already banned user. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetAlreadyBanned BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_ALREADY_BANNED" // Duration provided was too short or too long. BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeDurationInvalid BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "DURATION_INVALID" )
func (BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) String ¶
func (e BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) String() string
func (*BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BanUserFromChatRoomInput ¶
type BanUserFromChatRoomInput struct { BannedUserLogin string `json:"bannedUserLogin"` ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // This argument accepts a string specifying a duration. // It takes a succession of a number (positive integer) and a time unit, one of: // s[econd[s]], m[inute[s]], h[our[s]], d[ay[s]], w[eek[s]], mo[nth[s]]. // Number/unit pairs can be contiguous or separated by spaces. // Valid examples: "3d4h" "11 minutes" "2month", "1s", "12 second" // If not provided, target is banned permanently. ExpiresIn *string `json:"expiresIn"` // The reason that the user has been banned or timed out. Reason *string `json:"reason"` }
type BanUserFromChatRoomPayload ¶
type BanUserFromChatRoomPayload struct { // The new ban status of this user regarding the specified channel. Ban *ChatRoomBanStatus `json:"ban"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *BanUserFromChatRoomError `json:"error"` }
type BanVideoCommenterInput ¶
type BanVideoCommenterPayload ¶
type BanVideoCommenterPayload struct {
User *User `json:"user"`
type BeginUseBitsInExtensionInput ¶
type BeginUseBitsInExtensionInput struct { // Channel on which to use the bits. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Extension client ID to spend bits in. ExtensionClientID string `json:"extensionClientID"` // The SKU of the item being bought. Sku string `json:"sku"` }
The required input for an BeginUseBitsInExtension mutation.
type BeginUseBitsInExtensionPayload ¶
type BeginUseBitsInExtensionPayload struct { // The user's balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // How many bits are required for this. BitsRequired *int `json:"bitsRequired"` // Does the front end need to prompt the user. IsPromptRequired *bool `json:"isPromptRequired"` // The new transaction ID for this spend. TransactionID *string `json:"transactionID"` }
The result of a BeginUseBitsInExtension mutation.
type BillingAuthInfo ¶
type BillingAuthInfo struct { // Fraud Session ID. RecurlyFraudSessionID *string `json:"recurlyFraudSessionID"` // Token generated after completing a 3-D Secure device fingerprinting or // authentication challenge. ThreeDSecureActionResultTokenID *string `json:"threeDSecureActionResultTokenID"` }
BillingAuthInfo holds data to facilitate the Fraud analysis.
type BitsAdOffer ¶
type BitsAdOffer struct { // bits is the minimum number of bits received from watching an ad. // Some ads may reward more, but this is the number displayed to the user before choosing to watch an ad for bits. Bits int `json:"bits"` ID string `json:"id"` // type is `BitsOfferType.AD`. Type BitsOfferType `json:"type"` }
BitsAdOffer is an offer to earn bits by watching an ad or interacting with an engagement.
func (BitsAdOffer) IsBitsOffer ¶
func (BitsAdOffer) IsBitsOffer()
type BitsBadgeTier ¶
type BitsBadgeTier struct { // The badge for this tier. Badge *Badge `json:"badge"` // Whether the broadcaster can upload emoticons for this tier. CanUploadEmoticons bool `json:"canUploadEmoticons"` // The emoticon configurations for emoticons that are currently in the process of being uploaded for this tier. EmoticonUploadConfigurations []*EmoteUploadConfiguration `json:"emoticonUploadConfigurations"` // The emoticons that are associated with this tier. Emoticons []*Emote `json:"emoticons"` // Whether the badge is enabled for this threshold. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Time when this badge tier was last updated. LastUpdated *time.Time `json:"lastUpdated"` // The amount of bits a user must cheer to achieve this tier. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` // The number of users who have unlocked this badge tier. UnlockedUsersCount int `json:"unlockedUsersCount"` }
Bits Badges with their associated settings.
type BitsBadgeTierEmoticonSetting ¶
type BitsBadgeTierEmoticonSetting struct { // The text representation that will allow a user to invoke the emoticon in chat. // Usually consists of: a creator's emoticon prefix + a codeSuffix. Code string `json:"code"` // The creator-defined suffix that differentiates this emoticon from other emoticons in the channel. // Usually begins with either a capital letter or a number. CodeSuffix string `json:"codeSuffix"` // I'm going to make these new fields nullable and transition them to non-nullable after deprecate the existing flow // Image ID for the 28x28 emote asset. ImageID1x *string `json:"imageID1x"` // Image ID for the 56x56 emote asset. ImageID2x *string `json:"imageID2x"` // Image ID for the 112x112 emote asset. ImageID4x *string `json:"imageID4x"` }
BadgeTier Emoticon data to modify.
type BitsBadgeTierInput ¶
type BitsBadgeTierInput struct { // Whether to reset the images to the default images. DeleteImage *bool `json:"deleteImage"` // Wether to reset the badge title to the default title. DeleteTitle *bool `json:"deleteTitle"` // A list of emoticons to modify. EmoticonSettings []*BitsBadgeTierEmoticonSetting `json:"emoticonSettings"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 18x18px badge ("1x") image asset. ImageData1x *string `json:"imageData1x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 36x36px badge ("2x") image asset. ImageData2x *string `json:"imageData2x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 72x72px badge ("4x") image asset. ImageData4x *string `json:"imageData4x"` // Whether the badge is enabled for this threshold. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The threshold to modify. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` // Badge title as string. Title *string `json:"title"` }
BadgeTier metadata to modify.
type BitsBadgeTierNotification ¶
type BitsBadgeTierNotification struct { bool `json:"canShare"` // UUID for notification. ID string `json:"id"` // Represents the badge tier threshold reached by the user on a channel (e.g. 100, 1000, etc). Threshold int `json:"threshold"` // The list of bits badge tier emoticons that were obtained as part of achieving this notification's bits badge tier. UnlockedEmoticons []*Emote `json:"unlockedEmoticons"` }CanShare
A notification about achieving a new bits badge tier. Used to send a special message.
type BitsBadgeTierNotificationState ¶
type BitsBadgeTierNotificationState string
Represents the state of the notification.
const ( // User dismissed the notification. BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateSkipped BitsBadgeTierNotificationState = "SKIPPED" BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateShared BitsBadgeTierNotificationState = "SHARED" // Notification should be shown to user. BitsBadgeTierNotificationStateShow BitsBadgeTierNotificationState = "SHOW" )
func (BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) IsValid() bool
func (BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) String ¶
func (e BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) String() string
func (*BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsBadgeTierNotificationState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsBundleOffer ¶
type BitsBundleOffer struct { // amount is the numerical cost of this offer (ex: 20.00). Amount float64 `json:"amount"` // asin is the Amazon Standard Identification Number for this offer. Asin string `json:"asin"` // bits is the number of bits this offer provides. Bits int `json:"bits"` // Currency code that the price and amount are displayed in (USD, CAD, etc.). CurrencyCode string `json:"currencyCode"` // discount is the bulk discount this offer provides compared to the base offer [0.0-1.0). Discount float64 `json:"discount"` ID string `json:"id"` // includesVAT is a boolean flag to indicate that the Value Added Tax (VAT) // is included in the price of a Bits product. This is important for Bits prices // in EU. IncludesVat bool `json:"includesVAT"` // isPromo is a flag that signifies if the offer is a promotional offer. This is for clients that // need to display promotional offers differently. IsPromo bool `json:"isPromo"` // price is the formatted currency cost of this offer to be displayed to the user. Price string `json:"price"` // promotion contains information about this bits offer if it is a promotional offer. Is null if the offer is not promotional. Promotion *BitsPromotion `json:"promotion"` // type is `BitsOfferType.BUNDLE`. Type BitsOfferType `json:"type"` // url is the purchase URL to use for this offer. // The url contains a `{channelID}` token which should be replaced by the `` of the channel bits are being purchased from. URL string `json:"url"` }
BitsBundleOffer is an offer to purchase a number of bits for a certain price.
func (BitsBundleOffer) IsBitsOffer ¶
func (BitsBundleOffer) IsBitsOffer()
type BitsChallengeConditionPoolRecipientWeightedShare ¶
type BitsChallengeConditionPoolRecipientWeightedShare struct { string `json:"recipientUserID"` // dictates the proportion that a particular recipient receives from the pool (shareWeight/totalShareWeight * totalBitsAmountInPool). Weight int `json:"weight"` }RecipientUserID
BitsChallengeConditionPoolRecipientWeightedShare represents the weighted share of the total bits pool that a recipient user is entitled to upon condition satisfaction.
type BitsEvent ¶
type BitsEvent struct { // Amount of bits used. Amount int `json:"amount"` // Channel bits were used on. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // Event ID. ID string `json:"id"` // What type of event the bits were used on. Type BitsEventType `json:"type"` // Time the bits were used at. UsedAt time.Time `json:"usedAt"` }
An event that captures a single bits transaction.
type BitsEventConnection ¶
type BitsEventConnection struct { // The list of bits events on this page. Edges []*BitsEventEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of bits. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of bits events in the overall collection. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of bits events, and its metadata.
type BitsEventConnectionCriteriaInput ¶
type BitsEventConnectionCriteriaInput struct { // Sort bits events by... defaults to date. SortBy *BitsEventSort `json:"sortBy"` // Sort bits events direction, defaults to descending. SortDirection *BitsEventSortDirection `json:"sortDirection"` // Only show bits events of a certain type, defaults to returning all types. Type *BitsEventType `json:"type"` // Only show bits events after this date. UsedAfter *time.Time `json:"usedAfter"` // Only show bits events before this date. UsedBefore *time.Time `json:"usedBefore"` }
Filter and sorting options for querying all bits events for a Twitch user.
type BitsEventEdge ¶
type BitsEventEdge struct { // Offset acting as a cursor. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *BitsEvent `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of bits events, and its metadata.
type BitsEventSort ¶
type BitsEventSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of bits events.
const ( // Sort the bits events by amount. BitsEventSortAmount BitsEventSort = "AMOUNT" // Sort the bits events by date. BitsEventSortDate BitsEventSort = "DATE" )
func (BitsEventSort) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsEventSort) IsValid() bool
func (BitsEventSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsEventSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsEventSort) String ¶
func (e BitsEventSort) String() string
func (*BitsEventSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsEventSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsEventSortDirection ¶
type BitsEventSortDirection string
Possible sort directions for lists of bits events.
const ( // Sort in descending order. BitsEventSortDirectionDesc BitsEventSortDirection = "DESC" // Sort in ascending order. BitsEventSortDirectionAsc BitsEventSortDirection = "ASC" )
func (BitsEventSortDirection) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsEventSortDirection) IsValid() bool
func (BitsEventSortDirection) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsEventSortDirection) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsEventSortDirection) String ¶
func (e BitsEventSortDirection) String() string
func (*BitsEventSortDirection) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsEventSortDirection) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsEventType ¶
type BitsEventType string
Bits event type.
const ( // Event for giving bits to broadcaster. BitsEventTypeGiveBitsToBroadcaster BitsEventType = "GIVE_BITS_TO_BROADCASTER" // Event for using bits on extension. BitsEventTypeUseBitsOnExtension BitsEventType = "USE_BITS_ON_EXTENSION" // Event for using bits on poll. BitsEventTypeUseBitsOnPoll BitsEventType = "USE_BITS_ON_POLL" // Unknown event type. BitsEventTypeUnknown BitsEventType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (BitsEventType) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsEventType) IsValid() bool
func (BitsEventType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsEventType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsEventType) String ¶
func (e BitsEventType) String() string
func (*BitsEventType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsEventType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsHashtagConnection ¶
type BitsHashtagConnection struct { // The list of BitsHashtagEdges. Edges []*BitsHashtagEdge `json:"edges"` }
A list of hashtags to use in chat while using bits.
type BitsHashtagEdge ¶
type BitsHashtagEdge struct { // The cursor of the record. This will be the BitsHashtagEdge ID. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The node of the edge contains all information about the hashtag. Node *BitsHashtagEntry `json:"node"` }
BitsHashtagEdge contains.
type BitsHashtagEntry ¶
type BitsHashtagEntry struct { // description text. Description *string `json:"description"` // The ID, which would be the hashtag value. ID string `json:"id"` // An image to display in autocomplete. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` }
BitsHashtagEntry contains information about a hashtag, sucn as the description and image URL for display.
type BitsKeyCode ¶
type BitsKeyCode struct { // A description of what is claimable for the bits key code. Description string `json:"description"` // The ID of the bits key code. ID string `json:"id"` // The field that gives us claim information for the logged in user. Self SelfClaimEdge `json:"self"` // The type is `ClaimableType.BITS_KEY_CODE`. Type ClaimableType `json:"type"` }
The Bits Key Code that can be claimed to add bits to a user's account.
func (BitsKeyCode) IsClaimable ¶
func (BitsKeyCode) IsClaimable()
type BitsKeyCodeSelfClaimEdge ¶
type BitsKeyCodeSelfClaimEdge struct { // If the user is eligible to claim the key code. CanClaim bool `json:"canClaim"` // Nullable field for the country where the user redeemed the claimable. CountryOfResidence *string `json:"countryOfResidence"` // The user ID that is claiming the code. ID string `json:"id"` // Nullable status code for if the user cannot claim the key code. StatusCode *string `json:"statusCode"` }
User edge relating the key's status to the user.
func (BitsKeyCodeSelfClaimEdge) IsSelfClaimEdge ¶
func (BitsKeyCodeSelfClaimEdge) IsSelfClaimEdge()
type BitsLeaderboard ¶
type BitsLeaderboard struct { // entries is the list of users in the leaderboard ordered by the number of bits cheered. Entries *BitsLeaderboardConnection `json:"entries"` // id is the id of this leaderboard. ID string `json:"id"` // items is the list of users in the leaderboard ordered by the number of bits cheered. Items *BitsLeaderboardItemConnection `json:"items"` // SecondsRemaining is the number of seconds left before the leaderboard expires (or zero for all-time). SecondsRemaining int `json:"secondsRemaining"` }
BitsLeaderboard contains the leaderboard for a specified channel.
type BitsLeaderboardConnection ¶
type BitsLeaderboardConnection struct {
Edges []*BitsLeaderboardEdge `json:"edges"`
Bits leaderboard connection is used to show the various leaderboard entries.
type BitsLeaderboardEdge ¶
type BitsLeaderboardEdge struct { // The cursor for this leaderboard edge. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The leaderboard entry at this edge. Node *BitsLeaderboardEntry `json:"node"` }
BitsLeaderboardEdge describes an edge in a bits leaderboard.
type BitsLeaderboardEntry ¶
type BitsLeaderboardEntry struct { // id the id of this leaderboard entry. ID string `json:"id"` // rank the ordinal rank of this leaderboard entry. Rank int `json:"rank"` // score the number of bits cheered by this leaderboard entry. Score int `json:"score"` }
Leaderboard entry at a specific node in a leaderboard connection.
type BitsLeaderboardItem ¶
type BitsLeaderboardItem struct { // entryKey the key of this leaderboard item. EntryKey string `json:"entryKey"` // id the id of this leaderboard item. ID string `json:"id"` // rank the ordinal rank of this leaderboard item. Rank int `json:"rank"` // score the number of bits cheered by this leaderboard entry. Score int `json:"score"` }
Leaderboard item at a specific node in a leaderboard connection.
type BitsLeaderboardItemConnection ¶
type BitsLeaderboardItemConnection struct { // edges ... Edges []*BitsLeaderboardItemEdge `json:"edges"` // pageInfo ... PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // totalCount ... TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
Bits leaderboard connection is used to show the various leaderboard items.
type BitsLeaderboardItemEdge ¶
type BitsLeaderboardItemEdge struct { // The cursor for this leaderboard edge. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The leaderboard entry at this edge. Node *BitsLeaderboardItem `json:"node"` }
BitsLeaderboardItemEdge describes an edge in a bits leaderboard.
type BitsLeaderboardSettings ¶
type BitsLeaderboardSettings struct { // isEnabled indicates if the Bits leaderboard is pinned in this channel. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // timePeriodType indicates whether the leaderboard type is of WEEKLY, ALL-TIME, etc. TimePeriodType *LeaderboardTimePeriodType `json:"timePeriodType"` }
BitsLeaderboardSettings are channel-specific settings related to Bits Leaderboards.
type BitsOfferType ¶
type BitsOfferType string
BitsOfferType is the kind of offer.
const ( // AD is an advertisement or other engagement that can be watched to earn bits. BitsOfferTypeAd BitsOfferType = "AD" // BUNDLE is a standard package of bits that can be purchased for a price. BitsOfferTypeBundle BitsOfferType = "BUNDLE" )
func (BitsOfferType) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsOfferType) IsValid() bool
func (BitsOfferType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsOfferType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsOfferType) String ¶
func (e BitsOfferType) String() string
func (*BitsOfferType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsOfferType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsPaymentMethodType ¶
type BitsPaymentMethodType string
Enum of payment method types.
const ( // Paypal. BitsPaymentMethodTypePaypal BitsPaymentMethodType = "PAYPAL" // Amazon Pay. BitsPaymentMethodTypeAmazonPay BitsPaymentMethodType = "AMAZON_PAY" // Xsolla. BitsPaymentMethodTypeXsolla BitsPaymentMethodType = "XSOLLA" )
func (BitsPaymentMethodType) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsPaymentMethodType) IsValid() bool
func (BitsPaymentMethodType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsPaymentMethodType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsPaymentMethodType) String ¶
func (e BitsPaymentMethodType) String() string
func (*BitsPaymentMethodType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsPaymentMethodType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsPaymentMethods ¶
type BitsPaymentMethods struct { // A list of the valid bits payment methods for a user. PaymentMethods []BitsPaymentMethodType `json:"paymentMethods"` }
The type used when checking which payment methods a user can use.
type BitsProduct ¶
type BitsProduct struct { // The amount of bits the product is for. Amount int `json:"amount"` // The product ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The maximum quantity a user can purchase at once. MaxQuantity int `json:"maxQuantity"` // The offer id associated with this product's id (if available). OfferID *string `json:"offerID"` // A field that contains promotional information about the product. Promo *BitsProductPromotion `json:"promo"` // The relation of the product to the user. Self *BitsProductSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The product type, which right now is only "purchase". Type BitsProductType `json:"type"` }
A product for bits that contains all information about a product, except for the pricing.
type BitsProductEligibility ¶
type BitsProductEligibility struct { // A boolean that is true when the user is eligible for the product. CanPurchase bool `json:"canPurchase"` // If the user is ineligible for the product, then this code is set // as the reason why the user is ineligible for the product. ReasonCode *string `json:"reasonCode"` }
The type used when checking bits product eligibility for a user.
type BitsProductPromotion ¶
type BitsProductPromotion struct { // The unique ID of the bits product promo. ID string `json:"id"` // The localized title of the promo product. Title string `json:"title"` // The type of promotion the product is associated with. This type is not enumerable since it is very dynamic. Type string `json:"type"` }
Promotional information about bits products.
type BitsProductProvider ¶
type BitsProductProvider string
An enumerable that identifies the checkout provider the customer is using.
const ( // Amazon checkout. BitsProductProviderAmazon BitsProductProvider = "AMAZON" // Android IAP. BitsProductProviderAndroid BitsProductProvider = "ANDROID" // iOS IAP. BitsProductProviderIos BitsProductProvider = "IOS" // Paypal checkout. BitsProductProviderPaypal BitsProductProvider = "PAYPAL" // Xsolla checkout. BitsProductProviderXsolla BitsProductProvider = "XSOLLA" )
func (BitsProductProvider) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsProductProvider) IsValid() bool
func (BitsProductProvider) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsProductProvider) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsProductProvider) String ¶
func (e BitsProductProvider) String() string
func (*BitsProductProvider) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsProductProvider) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsProductPurchaseInfo ¶
type BitsProductPurchaseInfo struct { // Lists any additional actions for a bits checkout session. Actions []CheckoutAction `json:"actions"` // The error is present if purchase info failed to be retrieved. Error *BitsProductPurchaseInfoError `json:"error"` // Gets the preview price and tax info for the Bits purchase. PreviewPriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"previewPriceInfo"` }
Contains the Bits product's preview price and tax info for a Bits purchase, and error if a preview cannot be created.
type BitsProductPurchaseInfoError ¶
type BitsProductPurchaseInfoError struct { // The descriptive error code. Code BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error information shown when priceInfo could not be retrieved for Bits Product.
type BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode ¶
type BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode string
Possible errors when retrieving bits product purchase info.
const ( // An unexpected internal server error occurred. BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeInternalServerError BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeUserUnauthorized BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" // The Pricing ID is not found (404). BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodePricingIDNotFound BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "PRICING_ID_NOT_FOUND" // Cannot determine User Residence. Either billing address and IP doesn't match or // user doesn't have country of resident declared (409). BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeUnknownUserResidence BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_USER_RESIDENCE" // The billing info could not be found for the user and provider (410). BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodeBillingInfoNotFound BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "BILLING_INFO_NOT_FOUND" // User is not eligible to purchase bits in this region (422). BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCodePurchaseIneligible BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode = "PURCHASE_INELIGIBLE" )
func (BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) String ¶
func (e BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) String() string
func (*BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsProductPurchaseInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsProductSelfEdge ¶
type BitsProductSelfEdge struct { // Holds configuration necessary to start bits purchase checkout flow for this product for current user. CheckoutConfiguration *CheckoutConfiguration `json:"checkoutConfiguration"` // Is the user eligible to claim the product at the given quantity. Eligibility *BitsProductEligibility `json:"eligibility"` // Gets the preview price and tax info for the Bits purchase, or error if that failed. PurchaseInfo *BitsProductPurchaseInfo `json:"purchaseInfo"` }
The relation of a Bits product to a user.
type BitsProductType ¶
type BitsProductType string
An enumerable that identifies bits product types.
const ( // A product that has to be purchased. BitsProductTypePurchasedProduct BitsProductType = "PURCHASED_PRODUCT" // An unknown product type. BitsProductTypeUnknown BitsProductType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (BitsProductType) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsProductType) IsValid() bool
func (BitsProductType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsProductType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsProductType) String ¶
func (e BitsProductType) String() string
func (*BitsProductType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsProductType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BitsPromotion ¶
type BitsUserSettings ¶
type BitsUserSettings struct { // Settings specific to the first cheer tutorial. FirstCheerTutorial *FirstCheerTutorial `json:"firstCheerTutorial"` }
Settings tied to a bits user.
type BitsUserState ¶
type BitsUserState string
An enumerable that dictates user's Bits usage state.
const ( // The user has never used or acquired Bits. BitsUserStateNewUser BitsUserState = "NEW_USER" // The user has acquired Bits (purchased, watched ads, etc.) but has never used it. BitsUserStateAcquired BitsUserState = "ACQUIRED" // The user has never used or acquired Bits, but clicked "Skip" button to skip the first user experience. BitsUserStateSkipped BitsUserState = "SKIPPED" // The user has cheered before. BitsUserStateCheered BitsUserState = "CHEERED" // The user state is unknown. BitsUserStateUnknown BitsUserState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (BitsUserState) IsValid ¶
func (e BitsUserState) IsValid() bool
func (BitsUserState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BitsUserState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BitsUserState) String ¶
func (e BitsUserState) String() string
func (*BitsUserState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BitsUserState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BlizzardUser ¶
type BlizzardUser struct { // The BattleTag that is stored for the user. BattleTag string `json:"battleTag"` // The Blizzard ID that is stored for the user. ID string `json:"id"` // The region the Blizzard account is from. Region string `json:"region"` }
Information regarding a Blizzard account that is linked to Twitch.
type BlockContext ¶
type BlockContext string
Location from where the current user blocked target user. NOTE: it is onlyl used from the block_user mutation, this enum should have been named BlockUserContext and be placed in the same mutation file.
const ( BlockContextWhisper BlockContext = "WHISPER" BlockContextChat BlockContext = "CHAT" )
func (BlockContext) IsValid ¶
func (e BlockContext) IsValid() bool
func (BlockContext) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BlockContext) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BlockContext) String ¶
func (e BlockContext) String() string
func (*BlockContext) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BlockContext) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BlockUserInput ¶
type BlockUserInput struct { // Reason the user is being blocked. Reason *string `json:"reason"` // Feature from which the user is being blocked. SourceContext *BlockContext `json:"sourceContext"` // ID of user to block. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
type BlockUserPayload ¶
type BlockUserPayload struct { // User that was blocked. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
type BoostSettings ¶
type BoostSettings struct { // If Boosts earned through community challenges are enabled on this channel. IsEarnedEnabled *bool `json:"isEarnedEnabled"` // If the channel is eligible to recieve boosts. IsEligible bool `json:"isEligible"` // If Boosts are enabled on this channel. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // If Boosts paid for by the community are enabled on this channel. IsPaidEnabled *bool `json:"isPaidEnabled"` }
A BoostSettings is a set of preferences set by a creator regarding Community Boosts for their channel.
type Bounty ¶
type Bounty struct { // The campaign that this bounty belongs to. Campaign *BountyCampaign `json:"campaign"` // The chat Call to Action that will be display during the bounty. ChatCta *BountyChatCta `json:"chatCTA"` // When the bounty was claimed by the user. ClaimTime *time.Time `json:"claimTime"` // When the bounty was claimed by the user. ClaimedAt *time.Time `json:"claimedAt"` // When the bounty expires. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // When the the user stops tracking. EndTime *time.Time `json:"endTime"` // When the bounty expires. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // The bounty's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The product keys for the bounty. Keys []*BountyProductKey `json:"keys"` // When the bounty was last modified. LastModifiedAt *time.Time `json:"lastModifiedAt"` // The number of concurrent users (CCU) required to hit the maximum payout for the bounty. MaximumPayoutCcu *int `json:"maximumPayoutCCU"` // The maximum payout for completing this bounty in USD cents. MaximumPayoutCents int `json:"maximumPayoutCents"` // The number of concurrent users (CCU) required to earn a payout for the bounty. MinimumPayoutCcu *int `json:"minimumPayoutCCU"` // The node includes all bounty moderation metadata. ModerationMetadata *BountyModerationMetadata `json:"moderationMetadata"` // The moderation status of the bounty. ModerationStatus *BountyModerationStatus `json:"moderationStatus"` // The actual payout for completing this bounty in USD cents. PayoutCents *int `json:"payoutCents"` // The platform on which the user will play the game for this bounty (ie. PC). Platform *string `json:"platform"` // The region that the broadcaster has selected for this bounty (as defined by BountyCampaignKeyDescriptor). Region *string `json:"region"` // Restrictions for this bounty. Restriction *BountyRestriction `json:"restriction"` // When the bounty was claimed by the user. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` // When the bounty was started by the user. StartTime *time.Time `json:"startTime"` // The status of the bounty. Status BountyStatus `json:"status"` // When the user starts tracking the bounty. TrackingStartedAt *time.Time `json:"trackingStartedAt"` // When the user stops tracking the bounty. TrackingStoppedAt *time.Time `json:"trackingStoppedAt"` // The videos for this bounty. Videos []*BountyVideo `json:"videos"` }
A bounty is a task that a user can complete for a payout.
type BountyBoardSettings ¶
type BountyBoardSettings struct { // This determines whether or not a user has a bounty board notification. HasNotification bool `json:"hasNotification"` // This determines whether the user has the Bounty Boards feature enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The user's status on Bounty Board. Status BountyBoardUserStatus `json:"status"` }
Bounty board settings configure how a user can interact with the Bounty Boards feature.
type BountyBoardUserStatus ¶
type BountyBoardUserStatus string
Represents the user's status on Bounty Board.
const ( // The user has been invited to join the Bounty Board program but cannot participate in bounties yet. BountyBoardUserStatusInvited BountyBoardUserStatus = "INVITED" // The user has been accepted into the Bounty Board program and can participate in bounties. BountyBoardUserStatusAccepted BountyBoardUserStatus = "ACCEPTED" // The user has been banned from the Bounty Board program. BountyBoardUserStatusBanned BountyBoardUserStatus = "BANNED" // The user is not part of the Bounty Board program. BountyBoardUserStatusNone BountyBoardUserStatus = "NONE" )
func (BountyBoardUserStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyBoardUserStatus) IsValid() bool
func (BountyBoardUserStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyBoardUserStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyBoardUserStatus) String ¶
func (e BountyBoardUserStatus) String() string
func (*BountyBoardUserStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyBoardUserStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyCampaign ¶
type BountyCampaign struct { // The list of games that if isAllowAllGames is false, the bounty must use. AllowedGames []*Game `json:"allowedGames"` // The platforms on which users can play this campaign's game (ie. PC, PS4, Switch). AvailablePlatforms []string `json:"availablePlatforms"` // The length of this campaign's bounties (in days). BountyLengthDays int `json:"bountyLengthDays"` // Override Box Art URL only for campaign shown on Bounty Board Dashboard, unrelated to game. BoxArtURL *string `json:"boxArtURL"` // Details about the campaign that only the sponsoring brand should see. BrandDetails *BountyCampaignBrandDetails `json:"brandDetails"` // Override Cover URL only for campaign shown on Bounty Board Dashboard, unrelated to game. CoverURL *string `json:"coverURL"` // Details for this campaign. Details string `json:"details"` // Override Display name only for campaign shown on Bounty Board Dashboard, unrelated to game. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // When the campaign expires. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // When the campaign expires. EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` // The game identifier that is related to this campaign. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The campaign's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // If the campaing is a promotional campaign. IsPromotionEligible *bool `json:"isPromotionEligible"` // The information about keys for the campaigns. KeyDescriptors []*BountyCampaignKeyDescriptor `json:"keyDescriptors"` // Why the campaign was rejected. RejectionReason *string `json:"rejectionReason"` // If a campaign allows any game to be played. ShouldAllowAllGames *bool `json:"shouldAllowAllGames"` // The sponsor that is funding this campaign (ie. Amazon Game Studios). Sponsor string `json:"sponsor"` // When the campaign starts. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // When the campaign starts. StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` // The status of the campaign. Status *BountyCampaignStatus `json:"status"` // How many seconds a bounty for this campaign must be streamed to complete the bounty. StreamLengthSeconds *int `json:"streamLengthSeconds"` // The click target of the campaign if it is a promotional campaign. TargetPromotionalVideoClicks *int `json:"targetPromotionalVideoClicks"` // The URL for the terms and conditions page. TermsAndConditionsURL *string `json:"termsAndConditionsURL"` // The title of the campaign (ie. Stream Breakaway for 1 hour). Title string `json:"title"` // The tracking URLs for this campaign. TrackingPixels []*TrackingPixel `json:"trackingPixels"` // The type of the campaign (ie. PAY_TO_STREAM). Type BountyCampaignType `json:"type"` // The URL of the video for this campaign. VideoURL *string `json:"videoURL"` // The video URLS for the campaign. Videos []*BountyCampaignVideo `json:"videos"` }
A campaign defines the requirements and parameters for a set of bounties.
type BountyCampaignBrandDetails ¶
type BountyCampaignBrandDetails struct { // The list of users (if any) blacklisted for the campaign. // Limited to 40 users - use totalBlockedBroadcasters for the total count. BlacklistedBroadcasters []*User `json:"blacklistedBroadcasters"` // The multiplier for the broadcaster payout rate. BroadcasterMultiplier *float64 `json:"broadcasterMultiplier"` // Reporting data for the campaign. CampaignReporting *BountyCampaignReporting `json:"campaignReporting"` // The chat Calls to Action for the campaign. ChatCTAs []*BountyChatCta `json:"chatCTAs"` // The total number of broadcasters who have claimed the bounty. ClaimedBountyCount *int `json:"claimedBountyCount"` // How much of the budget has been claimed (in cents). ClaimedBudgetCents *int `json:"claimedBudgetCents"` // The total number of broadcasters who have completed the bounty. CompletedBountyCount *int `json:"completedBountyCount"` // The total number of broadcasters who have expanded the bounty. ExpandedBountyCount *int `json:"expandedBountyCount"` // If all broadcasters are targeted for the campaign. IncludesAllBroadcasters *bool `json:"includesAllBroadcasters"` // If all countries are targeted for the campaign. IncludesAllCountries bool `json:"includesAllCountries"` // If all games are targeted for the campaign. IncludesAllGames bool `json:"includesAllGames"` // If variety broadcasters are targeted for the campaign. IncludesVarietyBroadcasters bool `json:"includesVarietyBroadcasters"` // Detailed performance metrics for this campaign. PerformanceMetrics []*BountyCampaignPerformanceMetric `json:"performanceMetrics"` // Why the campaign was rejected. RejectionReason *string `json:"rejectionReason"` // How much of the budget has been spent (completed bounties) (in cents). SpentBudgetCents *int `json:"spentBudgetCents"` // The status of the campaign. Status *BountyCampaignStatus `json:"status"` // Targeted countries for the campaign (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). TargetedCountries []string `json:"targetedCountries"` // Targeted Games for the campaign. TargetedGames []*Game `json:"targetedGames"` // The total length of the blacklistedBroadcasters list. TotalBlockedBroadcasters *int `json:"totalBlockedBroadcasters"` // The total budget for the campaign (in cents). TotalBudgetCents *int `json:"totalBudgetCents"` // The number of broadcasters who have viewed the bounty. ViewedBountyCount *int `json:"viewedBountyCount"` }
Details about a bounty campaign that only the sponsoring brand should see.
type BountyCampaignChatCTAInput ¶
type BountyCampaignChatCTAInput struct { // The country that the chat CTA is targeted for (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // The title for the chat CTA. Title string `json:"title"` // The URL for the chat CTA. URL string `json:"url"` }
The chat Call to Action (CTA) that will be created as part of this campaign.
type BountyCampaignConnection ¶
type BountyCampaignConnection struct { // The campaigns. Edges []*BountyCampaignEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A list of bounty campaigns related to the subject.
type BountyCampaignEdge ¶
type BountyCampaignEdge struct { // Uniquely identifies this campaign's position in a connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The campaign. Node *BountyCampaign `json:"node"` }
Information about the relationship to the bounty campaign and the subject. Also includes the campaign itself.
type BountyCampaignKeyDescriptor ¶
type BountyCampaignKeyDescriptor struct { // The platform for the key. Platform string `json:"platform"` // The region for the key. Region string `json:"region"` }
A descriptor for a product key.
type BountyCampaignPerformanceMetric ¶
type BountyCampaignPerformanceMetric struct { // The number of click-throughs from the Chat CTAs of the campaign. ChatCTAClickThroughCount *int `json:"chatCTAClickThroughCount"` // The total number of bounties that were completed. CompletedBountyCount int `json:"completedBountyCount"` // The end time of this metric. EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` // The total number of minutes watched. MinutesWatched int `json:"minutesWatched"` // The start time of this metric. StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` // The number of viewers that watched at least thirty seconds of the campaign's content. ThirtySecondViewerCount int `json:"thirtySecondViewerCount"` // The total number of viewers that watched the campaign's content. TotalViewerCount int `json:"totalViewerCount"` // The number of viewers that watched at least two minutes of the campaign's content. TwoMinuteViewerCount int `json:"twoMinuteViewerCount"` }
Metric containing details about how a campaign performed over a time period.
type BountyCampaignReporting ¶
type BountyCampaignReporting struct { // The total number of clicks from chat CTAs from every bounty. ChatCTAsClicks *int `json:"chatCTAsClicks"` // The total number of impressions from chat CTAs from every bounty. ChatCTAsImpressions *int `json:"chatCTAsImpressions"` // The total number of broadcasters who have claimed the bounty. ClaimedBountyCount *int `json:"claimedBountyCount"` // How much of the budget has been claimed (live bounties) (in cents). ClaimedBudgetCents *int `json:"claimedBudgetCents"` // The total number of broadcasters who have completed the bounty. CompletedBountyCount *int `json:"completedBountyCount"` // The total number of broadcasters who have expanded the bounty. ExpandedBountyCount *int `json:"expandedBountyCount"` // Detailed performance metrics for this campaign. PerformanceMetrics []*BountyCampaignPerformanceMetric `json:"performanceMetrics"` // How much of the budget has been spent (completed bounties) (in cents). SpentBudgetCents *int `json:"spentBudgetCents"` // The number of broadcasters who have viewed the bounty. ViewedBountyCount *int `json:"viewedBountyCount"` }
Details about a bounty campaign reporting that only the sponsoring brand should see.
type BountyCampaignStatus ¶
type BountyCampaignStatus string
The status of a bounty campaign.
const ( // The campaign is pending approval. BountyCampaignStatusPending BountyCampaignStatus = "PENDING" // The campaign has been approved. BountyCampaignStatusApproved BountyCampaignStatus = "APPROVED" // The campaign has been rejected. BountyCampaignStatusRejected BountyCampaignStatus = "REJECTED" // The campaign is live. BountyCampaignStatusLive BountyCampaignStatus = "LIVE" // The campaign is done. BountyCampaignStatusCompleted BountyCampaignStatus = "COMPLETED" )
func (BountyCampaignStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyCampaignStatus) IsValid() bool
func (BountyCampaignStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyCampaignStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyCampaignStatus) String ¶
func (e BountyCampaignStatus) String() string
func (*BountyCampaignStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyCampaignStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyCampaignType ¶
type BountyCampaignType string
Represents the type of the campaign.
const ( // A user is paid to stream themselves playing a game. BountyCampaignTypePayToStream BountyCampaignType = "PAY_TO_STREAM" // A user is paid to stream a game trailer. BountyCampaignTypeGameTrailer BountyCampaignType = "GAME_TRAILER" // A user is paid to stream a non-game trailer (ie. a movie trailer). BountyCampaignTypeMiscTrailer BountyCampaignType = "MISC_TRAILER" // Invalid campaign type. BountyCampaignTypeUnknown BountyCampaignType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (BountyCampaignType) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyCampaignType) IsValid() bool
func (BountyCampaignType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyCampaignType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyCampaignType) String ¶
func (e BountyCampaignType) String() string
func (*BountyCampaignType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyCampaignType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyCampaignUploadType ¶
type BountyCampaignUploadType string
Possible upload types for bounty campaigns.
const ( // Upload type related to the box art image. BountyCampaignUploadTypeBoxArt BountyCampaignUploadType = "BOX_ART" // Upload type related to the cover image. BountyCampaignUploadTypeCover BountyCampaignUploadType = "COVER" )
func (BountyCampaignUploadType) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyCampaignUploadType) IsValid() bool
func (BountyCampaignUploadType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyCampaignUploadType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyCampaignUploadType) String ¶
func (e BountyCampaignUploadType) String() string
func (*BountyCampaignUploadType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyCampaignUploadType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyCampaignVideo ¶
type BountyCampaignVideo struct { // The country that the video is targeted for (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Country string `json:"country"` // The title of the video. Title string `json:"title"` // The URL of the video. URL string `json:"url"` }
A video for a bounty board campaign.
type BountyCampaignVideoInput ¶
type BountyCampaignVideoInput struct { // The country that the video is targeted for (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). Country string `json:"country"` // The title of the video. Title string `json:"title"` // The URL of the video. URL string `json:"url"` }
The video that will be created as part of this campaign.
type BountyChatCta ¶
type BountyChatCta struct { // The country targeted for the chat CTA (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // The time (in seconds) between each appearance of the chat CTA. FrequencySeconds int `json:"frequencySeconds"` // The initial delay (in seconds) before the first chat CTA. InitialDelaySeconds int `json:"initialDelaySeconds"` // The title of the chat CTA. Title string `json:"title"` // The URL of the chat CTA. URL string `json:"url"` }
A chat Call to Action (CTA) that will be trigger in the broadcaster chat while doing the bounty.
type BountyConnection ¶
type BountyConnection struct { // The bounties. Edges []*BountyEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A list of bounty related to the subject.
type BountyEdge ¶
type BountyEdge struct { // Uniquely identifies this bounty's position in a connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The bounty. Node *Bounty `json:"node"` }
Information about the relationship to the bounty and the subject. Also includes the bounty itself.
type BountyKeyProductType ¶
type BountyKeyProductType string
Represents all the currently possible key product types.
const ( // The key is a coupon code. BountyKeyProductTypeCoupon BountyKeyProductType = "COUPON" // The key is for downloadable content or a game expansion. BountyKeyProductTypeDlc BountyKeyProductType = "DLC" // The key is a game code. BountyKeyProductTypeGame BountyKeyProductType = "GAME" // The key is for a gift card. BountyKeyProductTypeGiftcard BountyKeyProductType = "GIFTCARD" // The key is a code for a giveaway. BountyKeyProductTypeGiveaway BountyKeyProductType = "GIVEAWAY" // The key is for in game content - character skins, customization, etc. BountyKeyProductTypeIgc BountyKeyProductType = "IGC" // The key is for something else. BountyKeyProductTypeOther BountyKeyProductType = "OTHER" )
func (BountyKeyProductType) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyKeyProductType) IsValid() bool
func (BountyKeyProductType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyKeyProductType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyKeyProductType) String ¶
func (e BountyKeyProductType) String() string
func (*BountyKeyProductType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyKeyProductType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyModerationFailReason ¶
type BountyModerationFailReason string
The reason why bounty failed moderation.
const ( // Moderation failed because broadcast does not meet minimal stream length requirement. BountyModerationFailReasonMinimumTimeNotMet BountyModerationFailReason = "MINIMUM_TIME_NOT_MET" // Moderation failed because broadcast is not with required content. BountyModerationFailReasonIncorrectContent BountyModerationFailReason = "INCORRECT_CONTENT" // Moderation failed because broadcaster did badmouthing during stream. BountyModerationFailReasonBadmouthing BountyModerationFailReason = "BADMOUTHING" // Moderation failed because other content layered over/under required content. BountyModerationFailReasonOtherContentVisible BountyModerationFailReason = "OTHER_CONTENT_VISIBLE" // Moderation failed because broadcaster had exessive idle time during sponsored stream. BountyModerationFailReasonIDLe BountyModerationFailReason = "IDLE" // Moderation failed because missing sponsored stream VOD. BountyModerationFailReasonNoVod BountyModerationFailReason = "NO_VOD" // Other reason caused moderation failed. BountyModerationFailReasonOther BountyModerationFailReason = "OTHER" )
func (BountyModerationFailReason) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyModerationFailReason) IsValid() bool
func (BountyModerationFailReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyModerationFailReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyModerationFailReason) String ¶
func (e BountyModerationFailReason) String() string
func (*BountyModerationFailReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyModerationFailReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyModerationMetadata ¶
type BountyModerationMetadata struct { // The moderation fail reason of the bounty. Reason *BountyModerationFailReason `json:"reason"` // The moderation status of the bounty. Status *BountyModerationStatus `json:"status"` // When the bounty was last moderated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
Bounty Moderation metadata includes moderation metadata for a specific bounty.
type BountyModerationStatus ¶
type BountyModerationStatus string
The moderation status of the bounty.
const ( // The bounty has passed the moderation check. BountyModerationStatusPass BountyModerationStatus = "PASS" // The bounty is waiting for moderation check. BountyModerationStatusPendingReview BountyModerationStatus = "PENDING_REVIEW" // The bounty has failed the moderation check. BountyModerationStatusFail BountyModerationStatus = "FAIL" )
func (BountyModerationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyModerationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (BountyModerationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyModerationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyModerationStatus) String ¶
func (e BountyModerationStatus) String() string
func (*BountyModerationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyModerationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyProductKey ¶
type BountyProductKey struct { // The code that is used to redeem the product. Code string `json:"code"` // The platform where the code is redeemed. Platform *string `json:"platform"` // The product type of the key - GAME, DLC, GIVEAWAY, GIFTCARD, etc. ProductType *BountyKeyProductType `json:"productType"` // The region where the code can be redeemed. The format and granularity of this field varies // depending on the product key vendor. Region *string `json:"region"` }
A key that can be redeemed for a product.
type BountyRestriction ¶
type BountyRestriction struct { // The days of the week that a bounty can be completed on. The values are from 0 to 6, representing day of the week from Monday to Sunday. Days []int `json:"days"` // The end of the time period that a bounty can be completed in. This is in 24-hour clock notation, so 2100 means 9 PM UTC. EndTime *int `json:"endTime"` // The start of the time period that a bounty can be completed in. This is in 24-hour clock notation, so 1000 means 10 AM UTC. StartTime *int `json:"startTime"` }
Defines the restrictions that are placed on a bounty.
type BountyStatus ¶
type BountyStatus string
Represents all the possible bounty statuses.
const ( // The bounty can be claimed by the user. BountyStatusAvailable BountyStatus = "AVAILABLE" // The bounty has been claimed by the user and is in progress. BountyStatusLive BountyStatus = "LIVE" // The bounty was completed successfully. BountyStatusCompleted BountyStatus = "COMPLETED" // The bounty was cancelled before it was completed. BountyStatusCancelled BountyStatus = "CANCELLED" )
func (BountyStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e BountyStatus) IsValid() bool
func (BountyStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BountyStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BountyStatus) String ¶
func (e BountyStatus) String() string
func (*BountyStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BountyStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BountyVideo ¶
type BountyVideo struct { // The title of the video. Title string `json:"title"` // The URL of the video. URL string `json:"url"` }
A video that the broadcaster must play on stream to complete the bounty.
type BrandPortalSettings ¶
type BrandPortalSettings struct { // This determines whether or not a company can access all games in brand portal. CanAccessAllGames bool `json:"canAccessAllGames"` // This determines whether or not a company can access the Brand Portal. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Brand portal settings configure how a company can interact with the brand portal.
type Broadcast ¶
type Broadcast struct { // The game which was last streamed during the broadcast. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The broadcast's unique identifier. ID *string `json:"id"` // When the broadcast started. StartedAt *time.Time `json:"startedAt"` // The title of the broadcast. Title *string `json:"title"` }
A historical representation of a live stream.
type BroadcastFormat ¶
type BroadcastFormat string
BroadcastFormat is type of ingest live sessions.
const ( // Default live stream. Primary session for the backup session will be shown as live. BroadcastFormatLive BroadcastFormat = "LIVE" // Stream with intentional delays requested by the broadcaster. BroadcastFormatDelay BroadcastFormat = "DELAY" // Primary session which backup session was stitched back to. BroadcastFormatBackup000 BroadcastFormat = "BACKUP_000" // First backup session. BroadcastFormatBackup001 BroadcastFormat = "BACKUP_001" // Second backup session. BroadcastFormatBackup002 BroadcastFormat = "BACKUP_002" // Third backup session. BroadcastFormatBackup003 BroadcastFormat = "BACKUP_003" )
func (BroadcastFormat) IsValid ¶
func (e BroadcastFormat) IsValid() bool
func (BroadcastFormat) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BroadcastFormat) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BroadcastFormat) String ¶
func (e BroadcastFormat) String() string
func (*BroadcastFormat) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BroadcastFormat) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BroadcastSettings ¶
type BroadcastSettings struct { // The game that the user has set as their current game. This will influence what the game field on a Streams object is when the User starts streaming. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The broadcast setting's unique identifier. // This happens to be the same as the User's ID, but should not be assumed to have any meaning. ID string `json:"id"` // A flag indicating if the user's broadcast is intended for mature audiences only. IsMature bool `json:"isMature"` // The primary language that the user has configured for their broadcasts. The default value is "", when the user has not indicated a primary language. Language Language `json:"language"` // The text that will be in the notification that sends when the user starts broadcasting. // The default value is "<user> went live!", when the user has not set a custom value. LiveUpNotification *string `json:"liveUpNotification"` // The information about the live up notification of a user. LiveUpNotificationInfo *LiveUpNotificationInfo `json:"liveUpNotificationInfo"` // The title of the user's broadcast. The default value is "", when the user has not indicated a title. Title string `json:"title"` }
Settings for a User's broadcast that persist between streams.
type BroadcastType ¶
type BroadcastType string
Describes from which source the video originated. NOTE: Should have been named VideoBroadcastType.
const ( // If the video is of a past broadcast, it's an ARCHIVE. BroadcastTypeArchive BroadcastType = "ARCHIVE" // When the video is a subsection of a past broadcast, it's a HIGHLIGHT. BroadcastTypeHighlight BroadcastType = "HIGHLIGHT" // (Legacy) When the video is directly uploaded to Twitch via the upload tool, it's an UPLOAD. BroadcastTypeUpload BroadcastType = "UPLOAD" // When the video is directly uploaded to Twitch via the video manager, it's an PREMIERE_UPLOAD. BroadcastTypePremiereUpload BroadcastType = "PREMIERE_UPLOAD" // When a video has been premiered on Twitch and is saved, it's a PAST_PREMIERE. BroadcastTypePastPremiere BroadcastType = "PAST_PREMIERE" )
func (BroadcastType) IsValid ¶
func (e BroadcastType) IsValid() bool
func (BroadcastType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e BroadcastType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (BroadcastType) String ¶
func (e BroadcastType) String() string
func (*BroadcastType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *BroadcastType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type BroadcasterViewerReach ¶
type BroadcasterViewerReach struct { // Range of the number of broadcasters in the pool. BroadcasterPool *Range `json:"broadcasterPool"` // Range of minutes watched for this bounty campaign. MinutesWatched *Range `json:"minutesWatched"` // Range of total viewers across the broadcaster pool. ViewerPool *Range `json:"viewerPool"` }
An indicator of the viewer reach for a pool of a broadcasters.
type BuildACommunity ¶
type BuildACommunity struct { // Image URL for the quest's badge. BadgeURL *string `json:"badgeURL"` // Time that this quest was completed. CompletedAt *time.Time `json:"completedAt"` // Number of followers needed to complete the quest. Followers *QuestGoalInt `json:"followers"` // Number of Unique Chatters needed to complete the quest. UniqueChatters *QuestGoalInt `json:"uniqueChatters"` }
Associated metrics for the "Build a Community" quest.
type BulkApproveUnbanRequestInput ¶
type BulkApproveUnbanRequestInput struct { // IDs of the unban requests to be approved. Ids []string `json:"ids"` }
Required input to bulk approve a list of unban requests on a channel.
type BulkApproveUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type BulkApproveUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from bulk approving unban requests. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The approved unban requests. UnbanRequests []*UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequests"` }
Result of bulk approving unban requests.
type BulkDenyUnbanRequestInput ¶
type BulkDenyUnbanRequestInput struct { // IDs of the unban requests to be denied. Ids []string `json:"ids"` }
Required input to deny a list of unban requests on a channel.
type BulkDenyUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type BulkDenyUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from bulk denying unban requests. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The denied unban requests. UnbanRequests []*UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequests"` }
Result of bulk denying unban requests.
type CSATActionPrompted ¶
type CSATActionPrompted string
Possible values of actionPrompted in SubmitCSATFeedbackInput.
const ( // The user registers their client app (i.e. save information for an app), in their personal console. CSATActionPromptedClientAppRegister CSATActionPrompted = "CLIENT_APP_REGISTER" // The user creates a new drop campaign. CSATActionPromptedDropCreateCampaign CSATActionPrompted = "DROP_CREATE_CAMPAIGN" // The user moves a drop's state to active. CSATActionPromptedDropMoveStateToActive CSATActionPrompted = "DROP_MOVE_STATE_TO_ACTIVE" // The user move's a drop's state to testing. CSATActionPromptedDropMoveStateToTesting CSATActionPrompted = "DROP_MOVE_STATE_TO_TESTING" // The user creates a new extension. CSATActionPromptedExtensionCreate CSATActionPrompted = "EXTENSION_CREATE" // The user changes the state of an extension. CSATActionPromptedExtensionStateChange CSATActionPrompted = "EXTENSION_STATE_CHANGE" // The user views the analytics page of their game. CSATActionPromptedGamesViewAnalytics CSATActionPrompted = "GAMES_VIEW_ANALYTICS" // The user submits box art for their game. CSATActionPromptedGamesSubmitBoxArt CSATActionPrompted = "GAMES_SUBMIT_BOX_ART" // The user creates a new organization. CSATActionPromptedOrganizationCreate CSATActionPrompted = "ORGANIZATION_CREATE" // The user adds another user to their organization. CSATActionPromptedOrganizationAddUser CSATActionPrompted = "ORGANIZATION_ADD_USER" )
func (CSATActionPrompted) IsValid ¶
func (e CSATActionPrompted) IsValid() bool
func (CSATActionPrompted) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CSATActionPrompted) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CSATActionPrompted) String ¶
func (e CSATActionPrompted) String() string
func (*CSATActionPrompted) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CSATActionPrompted) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CSATRating ¶
type CSATRating string
Possible ratings that the user can submit as part of their feedback.
const ( // The user selects "Very Dissatisfied". CSATRatingVeryDissatisfied CSATRating = "VERY_DISSATISFIED" // The user selects "Somewhat Dissatisfied". CSATRatingSomewhatDissatisfied CSATRating = "SOMEWHAT_DISSATISFIED" // The user selects "Neutral". CSATRatingNeutral CSATRating = "NEUTRAL" // The user selects "Somewhat Satisfied". CSATRatingSomewhatSatisfied CSATRating = "SOMEWHAT_SATISFIED" // The user selects "Very Satisfied". CSATRatingVerySatisfied CSATRating = "VERY_SATISFIED" )
func (CSATRating) IsValid ¶
func (e CSATRating) IsValid() bool
func (CSATRating) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CSATRating) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CSATRating) String ¶
func (e CSATRating) String() string
func (*CSATRating) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CSATRating) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Campaign ¶
type Campaign struct { // The domain that campaign belongs to. Domain string `json:"domain"` // The time the campaign ends being active. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // Unique identifier for the campaign. ID string `json:"id"` // The objectives users can progress in within this campaign. Objectives []*CampaignObjective `json:"objectives"` // The time the campaign becomes active. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` }
A visible campaign on a given user's channel.
type CampaignCheergroup ¶
type CampaignCheergroup struct { // A list of upper cased cheermotes that can advance objectives belonging to this group. CheerCodes []string `json:"cheerCodes"` // An a parent group this cheer group belongs to (e.g. "North America"). Division *string `json:"division"` // A url to the image representing this group (e.g. team icon in esports context). ImageURL string `json:"imageUrl"` // A name representing this group (e.g. team name in esports context). Name string `json:"name"` }
This type holds the information about the grouping of objectives. Each group has a list of cheermotes that progress objectives in this particular group.
type CampaignDiscoveryEventType ¶
type CampaignDiscoveryEventType string
CampaignDiscoveryEventType contains the different types of discovery events that campaign objectives can track.
const ( // An event describing a user's interaction with the command center. CampaignDiscoveryEventTypeEngageCommandCenter CampaignDiscoveryEventType = "ENGAGE_COMMAND_CENTER" // An event describing a user's interaction with a stream. CampaignDiscoveryEventTypeEngageStream CampaignDiscoveryEventType = "ENGAGE_STREAM" )
func (CampaignDiscoveryEventType) IsValid ¶
func (e CampaignDiscoveryEventType) IsValid() bool
func (CampaignDiscoveryEventType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CampaignDiscoveryEventType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CampaignDiscoveryEventType) String ¶
func (e CampaignDiscoveryEventType) String() string
func (*CampaignDiscoveryEventType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CampaignDiscoveryEventType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CampaignObjective ¶
type CampaignObjective struct { // Cheergroup this objective might belong to. Cheergroup *CampaignCheergroup `json:"cheergroup"` // Short description about the objective. Description string `json:"description"` // Unique identifier for the objective. ID string `json:"id"` // If the objective belongs to an active parent campaign. IsActive bool `json:"isActive"` // Milestones users can hit by advancing this objective. Milestones []*Milestone `json:"milestones"` // User's participation towards the objective. Participation int `json:"participation"` // Global progress for the objective. Progress int `json:"progress"` // The type of objective this is for. It can be either INDIVIDUAL or GLOBAL (TEAM is deprecated). Tag string `json:"tag"` // Short title for the objective. Title string `json:"title"` }
This type holds information about a campaign objective, which belongs to a campaign. An objective can hold multiple milestones which users can hit and get rewards. An objective can hold a cheer group.
type CampaignProperties ¶
type CampaignProperties struct { // All the current active campaigns for a given user. ActiveCampaigns []string `json:"activeCampaigns"` // All the current domains a user is participating in. Domains []string `json:"domains"` // Determines whether or not a user has a pass they can sell on their channel. HasPass bool `json:"hasPass"` // Objectives users can progress within all the active campaigns for the first domain. Objectives []*CampaignObjective `json:"objectives"` // Triggers users can activate to get / give rewards within this campaign. Triggers []*CampaignTrigger `json:"triggers"` }
All Campaign properties that are running for a given user.
type CampaignRewardMetadata ¶
type CampaignRewardMetadata struct { // Whether the reward is initially unavailable upon redeeming. IsPending bool `json:"isPending"` // Reward subtype usually specific to the game the campaign belongs to (e.g. skin, spray, etc). SubType *string `json:"subType"` }
Metadata for the reward that only impacts how the rewards are rendered on the front end apps.
type CampaignTrigger ¶
type CampaignTrigger struct { // Short description about the trigger. Description string `json:"description"` // Unique identifier for the trigger. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the trigger is currently active. IsActive bool `json:"isActive"` // List of rewards attached to this trigger. Rewards []*TournamentReward `json:"rewards"` // Short title for the trigger. Title string `json:"title"` // Maximum amount of trigger quantity required for the trigger (e.g. # of bits in cheer). TriggerAmountMax int `json:"triggerAmountMax"` // Minimum amount of trigger quantity required for the trigger (e.g. # of bits in cheer). TriggerAmountMin int `json:"triggerAmountMin"` // String defining the trigger type (e.g. CHEER). TriggerType TriggerType `json:"triggerType"` }
This type holds information about a campaign trigger, which belongs to a campaign. A trigger has a list of rewards that can be earned by various one time events.
type CampaignType ¶
type CampaignType string
The type of the campaign.
const ( // The default campaign type that allows all drop types but manual_triggers. CampaignTypeDefault CampaignType = "DEFAULT" // The manual trigger campaign type only allows for manual trigger type drops. CampaignTypeManualTriggerBased CampaignType = "MANUAL_TRIGGER_BASED" )
func (CampaignType) IsValid ¶
func (e CampaignType) IsValid() bool
func (CampaignType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CampaignType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CampaignType) String ¶
func (e CampaignType) String() string
func (*CampaignType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CampaignType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersError ¶
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while canceling the active boosts. Code CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while canceling the active boosts.
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode ¶
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCodeInvalidParameter CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // Internal error being returned from service. CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCodeInternalError CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) String() string
func (*CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CancelActiveBoostOrdersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersInput ¶
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersInput struct { // The Id of the channel for which we want to cancel boosts. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
The required input for a cancelActiveBoostOrdersInput mutation.
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersPayload ¶
type CancelActiveBoostOrdersPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CancelActiveBoostOrdersError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after canceling the active boosts.
type CancelBountyError ¶
type CancelBountyError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while canceling the bounty. Code CancelBountyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while canceling the bounty.
type CancelBountyErrorCode ¶
type CancelBountyErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. CancelBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter CancelBountyErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // Bounty isn't live, thus cannot be canceled. CancelBountyErrorCodeBountyNotLive CancelBountyErrorCode = "BOUNTY_NOT_LIVE" // Unknown error being returned from service. CancelBountyErrorCodeUnknownError CancelBountyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (CancelBountyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CancelBountyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CancelBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CancelBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CancelBountyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CancelBountyErrorCode) String() string
func (*CancelBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CancelBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CancelBountyInput ¶
type CancelBountyInput struct { // Unique Identifier for the bounty. BountyID string `json:"bountyID"` // Reason that the user canceled the bounty. Reason *string `json:"reason"` // UserID of the user that will cancel the bounty. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
CancelBountyInput includes the bounty a user is trying to cancel.
type CancelBountyPayload ¶
type CancelBountyPayload struct { // The canceled bounty with the updated status. Bounty *Bounty `json:"bounty"` // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CancelBountyError `json:"error"` // The user that now has the canceled bounty. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data that was mutated after canceling the bounty.
type CancelFriendRequestInput ¶
type CancelFriendRequestInput struct { // The authenticated user will cancel the friend request sent to the user with an ID equal to targetID. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type CancelFriendRequestPayload ¶
type CancelFriendRequestPayload struct { // The user whose friend request was just cancelled. User *User `json:"user"` }
type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput ¶
type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput struct { // TargetUserID is the ID of the user whose workflow will be started. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput returns the required input when starting a new workflow for payout onboarding.
type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload ¶
type CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload struct { // A new workflow status. Workflow *PayoutOnboardingWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload is the payload returned after canceling a payout onboarding workflow.
type CancelPredictionEventError ¶
type CancelPredictionEventError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CancelPredictionEventErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the cancelPredictionEvent mutation.
type CancelPredictionEventErrorCode ¶
type CancelPredictionEventErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the cancelPredictionEvent mutation.
const ( // The current user is forbidden from cancelling this Prediction Event. CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden CancelPredictionEventErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // This Prediction Event has already either been resolved or canceled, and as such this action cannot be taken. CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeEventEnded CancelPredictionEventErrorCode = "EVENT_ENDED" // An unknown error occurred. CancelPredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown CancelPredictionEventErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) String() string
func (*CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CancelPredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CancelPredictionEventInput ¶
type CancelPredictionEventInput struct { // The unique identifier of the Prediction Event to cancel. ID string `json:"id"` }
Input for canceling a Prediction Event (and refunding all users who have contributed).
type CancelPredictionEventPayload ¶
type CancelPredictionEventPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CancelPredictionEventError `json:"error"` // The canceled Prediction Event. PredictionEvent *PredictionEvent `json:"predictionEvent"` }
Payload for canceling a Prediction Evnet.
type CancelRaidError ¶
type CancelRaidError struct { // The associated error code. Code CancelRaidErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CancelRaidError is the error associated with a cancelRaid.
type CancelRaidErrorCode ¶
type CancelRaidErrorCode string
CancelRaidErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The a raid does not exist. CancelRaidErrorCodeRaidDoesNotExist CancelRaidErrorCode = "RAID_DOES_NOT_EXIST" // The request is missing valid channel parameters. CancelRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel CancelRaidErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL" // The user tries to unraid without an active raid. CancelRaidErrorCodeNoActiveRaid CancelRaidErrorCode = "NO_ACTIVE_RAID" )
func (CancelRaidErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CancelRaidErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CancelRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CancelRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CancelRaidErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CancelRaidErrorCode) String() string
func (*CancelRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CancelRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CancelRaidInput ¶
type CancelRaidInput struct { // Source ID. SourceID string `json:"sourceID"` }
Inputs to the cancelRaid mutation.
type CancelRaidPayload ¶
type CancelRaidPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CancelRaidError `json:"error"` // The cancelled raid. Raid *Raid `json:"raid"` }
Outputs from the cancelRaid mutation.
type CancelSubscriptionGiftInput ¶
type CancelSubscriptionGiftInput struct { // originID is the origin id created during the gift purchase. OriginID string `json:"originID"` // productID is the ticket product id for this gift. ProductID string `json:"productID"` }
Inputs for the mutation. Gift to be canceled by productID and originID.
type CancelSubscriptionGiftPayload ¶
type CancelSubscriptionGiftPayload struct { // SubscriptionGift object that was deleted. Gift *SubscriptionGift `json:"gift"` }
The returned payload from the mutation for canceling a Subscription Gift.
type CancelUnbanRequestInput ¶
type CancelUnbanRequestInput struct { // ID of the unban request to be canceled. ID string `json:"id"` }
Required input to cancel an unban request.
type CancelUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type CancelUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from canceling the unban request. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The canceled unban request. UnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequest"` }
Result of canceling an unban request.
type CancellationPolicyType ¶
type CancellationPolicyType string
Describes the conditions around a user's cancellation of their purchase (e.g. refund policy).
const ( // The product is not refundable. CancellationPolicyTypeNonRefundable CancellationPolicyType = "NON_REFUNDABLE" // The product is refundable. CancellationPolicyTypeRefundable CancellationPolicyType = "REFUNDABLE" )
func (CancellationPolicyType) IsValid ¶
func (e CancellationPolicyType) IsValid() bool
func (CancellationPolicyType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CancellationPolicyType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CancellationPolicyType) String ¶
func (e CancellationPolicyType) String() string
func (*CancellationPolicyType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CancellationPolicyType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Celebration ¶
type Celebration struct { // Area of the channel page in which the celebration will appear. Area CelebrationArea `json:"area"` // Duration which the celebration will play. DurationMilliseconds int `json:"durationMilliseconds"` // Effect which will be shown when then celebration is triggered. Effect CelebrationEffect `json:"effect"` // Amount that needs to be met in order to trigger this celebration. // For example, when the event type is subscription gift, this value will // determine how many gifts must be given at a single time to trigger the // celebration. EventThreshold int `json:"eventThreshold"` // Type of event which will trigger this celebration. EventType CelebrationEventType `json:"eventType"` // Unique identifier for the celebration. ID string `json:"id"` // Intensity of the celebration. // Should be bounded (TBA) value which will determine the spectacle of the celebration. Intensity int `json:"intensity"` // If true, the celebration is enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Celebration is a configuration that denotes when a celebration is triggerd and when sort of celebration will show when it triggers.
type CelebrationArea ¶
type CelebrationArea string
Area in which the celebration will show.
const ( // Celebration will show everywhere over the channel page. CelebrationAreaEverywhere CelebrationArea = "EVERYWHERE" // Celebration will show only over the video. CelebrationAreaVideoOnly CelebrationArea = "VIDEO_ONLY" // Celebration will show over the video and panel. CelebrationAreaVideoAndPanel CelebrationArea = "VIDEO_AND_PANEL" // Unknown celebration area. CelebrationAreaUnknown CelebrationArea = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CelebrationArea) IsValid ¶
func (e CelebrationArea) IsValid() bool
func (CelebrationArea) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CelebrationArea) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CelebrationArea) String ¶
func (e CelebrationArea) String() string
func (*CelebrationArea) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CelebrationArea) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CelebrationConfig ¶
type CelebrationConfig struct { // List of celebrations for this channel. Celebrations []*Celebration `json:"celebrations"` // The identifier for the celebration config. ID string `json:"id"` // If celebrations are enabled on this channel. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
The channels configuration of celebrations.
type CelebrationEffect ¶
type CelebrationEffect string
Type of effect that can show during a celebration.
const ( // Will show fireworks when the celebration triggers. CelebrationEffectFireworks CelebrationEffect = "FIREWORKS" // Will show an emote rain when the celebration triggers. CelebrationEffectRain CelebrationEffect = "RAIN" // Will show an flamethrowers when the celebration triggers. CelebrationEffectFlamethrowers CelebrationEffect = "FLAMETHROWERS" // Unknown effect. CelebrationEffectUnknown CelebrationEffect = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CelebrationEffect) IsValid ¶
func (e CelebrationEffect) IsValid() bool
func (CelebrationEffect) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CelebrationEffect) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CelebrationEffect) String ¶
func (e CelebrationEffect) String() string
func (*CelebrationEffect) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CelebrationEffect) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CelebrationError ¶
type CelebrationError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CelebrationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Celebration error.
type CelebrationErrorCode ¶
type CelebrationErrorCode string
Vote in celebration error code.
const ( // Attempted to preform operation on celebration that does not exist. CelebrationErrorCodeCelebrationNotFound CelebrationErrorCode = "CELEBRATION_NOT_FOUND" // A celebration with that same event type and threshold already exists. CelebrationErrorCodeCelebrationAlreadyExists CelebrationErrorCode = "CELEBRATION_ALREADY_EXISTS" // Requesting user does not have permission. CelebrationErrorCodePermissionDenied CelebrationErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The user has reached the limit (20) of celebrations they can have. CelebrationErrorCodeOverCelebrationLimit CelebrationErrorCode = "OVER_CELEBRATION_LIMIT" // An unknown error occurred. CelebrationErrorCodeUnknown CelebrationErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CelebrationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CelebrationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CelebrationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CelebrationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CelebrationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CelebrationErrorCode) String() string
func (*CelebrationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CelebrationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CelebrationEventType ¶
type CelebrationEventType string
Type of event that can trigger a celebration.
const ( // Cheering with bits. CelebrationEventTypeBitsCheer CelebrationEventType = "BITS_CHEER" // Gifting subscriptions to other users. CelebrationEventTypeSubscriptionGift CelebrationEventType = "SUBSCRIPTION_GIFT" // Unknown event type. CelebrationEventTypeUnknown CelebrationEventType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CelebrationEventType) IsValid ¶
func (e CelebrationEventType) IsValid() bool
func (CelebrationEventType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CelebrationEventType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CelebrationEventType) String ¶
func (e CelebrationEventType) String() string
func (*CelebrationEventType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CelebrationEventType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CelebrationIntensity ¶
type CelebrationIntensity string
Type of intensity of a celebration.
const ( // A small intensity celebration. CelebrationIntensitySmall CelebrationIntensity = "SMALL" // A medium intensity celebration. CelebrationIntensityMedium CelebrationIntensity = "MEDIUM" // A large intensity celebration. CelebrationIntensityLarge CelebrationIntensity = "LARGE" // Unknown intensity. CelebrationIntensityUnknown CelebrationIntensity = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CelebrationIntensity) IsValid ¶
func (e CelebrationIntensity) IsValid() bool
func (CelebrationIntensity) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CelebrationIntensity) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CelebrationIntensity) String ¶
func (e CelebrationIntensity) String() string
func (*CelebrationIntensity) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CelebrationIntensity) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CelebrationProduct ¶
type CelebrationProduct struct { // A list of benefits the user will receive when purchasing the celebration product. Benefits []ProductCatalogBenefit `json:"benefits"` // A description of the product. Description *string `json:"description"` // The identifier of the celebration product. ID string `json:"id"` // The intensity of the celebration product. Intensity CelebrationIntensity `json:"intensity"` // Indicates if the celebration product is enabled for purchase in the channel. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // A list of offers available for purchasing this celbration product. Offers []*Offer `json:"offers"` // The owner (ex: channel) of the celebration product. Owner string `json:"owner"` // A list of potential offers that a broadcaster could set for purchasing this celebration product. PotentialOffers []*Offer `json:"potentialOffers"` // The title of the product. Title string `json:"title"` }
A celebration product that a user may purchase.
func (CelebrationProduct) IsProductCatalogItem ¶
func (CelebrationProduct) IsProductCatalogItem()
type CelebrationProductBenefit ¶
type CelebrationProductBenefit struct { // The identifier of the celebration product benefit. ID string `json:"id"` }
A celebration product benefit the user will receive when purchasing the celebration product.
func (CelebrationProductBenefit) IsProductCatalogBenefit ¶
func (CelebrationProductBenefit) IsProductCatalogBenefit()
type CelebrationProductConfigInput ¶
type CelebrationProductConfigInput struct { // The intensity of the celebration product. Intensity CelebrationIntensity `json:"intensity"` // If the celebration product is enabled for purchase in the channel. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // ID of the offer (i.e. price) through which the celebration can be purchased in the channel. OfferID *string `json:"offerID"` }
Configuration settings to change for a celebration product.
type CelebrationUserSettings ¶
type CelebrationUserSettings struct { // A boolean flag that denotes if the user has opted out of seeing celebrations. IsOptedOut bool `json:"isOptedOut"` }
A container for celebration settings for the logged in user.
type ChallengeCondition ¶
type ChallengeCondition struct { // When the condition was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Settings that define how the effects of the condition participants associated with this condition will be processed. EffectSettings []*ChallengeEffectSettings `json:"effectSettings"` // Unique ID of the condition. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the condition. Name string `json:"name"` // The user who creates and owns the condition. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // A summary of condition participants attached to the condition. ParticipantSummary *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummaryByState `json:"participantSummary"` // The current state of the condition. State ChallengeConditionState `json:"state"` // The list of effect types supported by this condition. SupportedEffects []ChallengeEffectType `json:"supportedEffects"` // When the condition times out. TimeoutAt *time.Time `json:"timeoutAt"` // When the condition was last modified. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // Whether the condition becomes inactive once it has been satisfied. WillDisableWhenSatisfied bool `json:"willDisableWhenSatisfied"` }
A condition to be satisfied by a specific owner.
type ChallengeConditionParticipant ¶
type ChallengeConditionParticipant struct { // The associated condition. Condition *ChallengeCondition `json:"condition"` // The effect that will occur if the condition participant is satisfied. Effect *ChallengeEffect `json:"effect"` // Final state of the condition participant. EndState ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState `json:"endState"` // Unique ID of the condition participant. ID string `json:"id"` // The user who creates and owns the condition participant. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // Whether or not the condition participant was successfully processed upon condition completion. ProcessingState ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState `json:"processingState"` }
A condition participant action that will be taken if an associated condition is satisfied.
type ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState ¶
type ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState string
Final state of the condition participant.
const ( // Pending completion of associated condition. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStatePending ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "PENDING" // Associated condition expired. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionExpired ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "CONDITION_EXPIRED" // Associated condition was canceled. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionCanceled ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "CONDITION_CANCELED" // Associated condition was satisfied. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateConditionSatisfied ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "CONDITION_SATISFIED" // Condition participant expired before associated condition could be satisfied. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateExpired ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "EXPIRED" // Condition participant was canceled. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateCanceled ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "CANCELED" // Condition participant failed validation prior to being processed. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateFailedValidation ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "FAILED_VALIDATION" // Unknown state. ChallengeConditionParticipantEndStateUnknown ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) IsValid ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) IsValid() bool
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) String ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) String() string
func (*ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState ¶
type ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState string
Whether or not the condition participant was successfully processed upon condition completion.
const ( // Pending completion of associated condition. ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStatePending ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState = "PENDING" // Condition participant processed successfully. ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateSuccess ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState = "SUCCESS" // Error processing condition participant. ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateError ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState = "ERROR" // Unknown state. ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingStateUnknown ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) IsValid ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) IsValid() bool
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) String ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) String() string
func (*ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChallengeConditionParticipantProcessingState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary ¶
type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary struct { // Summary of participant effects attached to a particular condition in a particular state. Effects *ChallengeEffectSummary `json:"effects"` // Total count of participants attached to a particular condition in a particular state. Total int `json:"total"` }
A summary of participants attached to a particular condition in a particular state.
type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummaryByState ¶
type ChallengeConditionParticipantSummaryByState struct { // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the CANCELED state. Canceled *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"canceled"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the CONDITION_CANCELED state. ConditionCanceled *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"conditionCanceled"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the CONDITION_TIMEOUT state. ConditionTimeout *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"conditionTimeout"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the FAILED_VALIDATION state. FailedValidation *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"failedValidation"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the PENDING state. Pending *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"pending"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the SATISFIED state. Satisfied *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"satisfied"` // Summary of participants attached to a particular condition in the TIMEOUT state. Timeout *ChallengeConditionParticipantSummary `json:"timeout"` // Total count of participants attached to a particular condition. Total int `json:"total"` }
A summary of condition participants attached to a particular condition, grouped by state.
type ChallengeConditionState ¶
type ChallengeConditionState string
The current state of the condition.
const ( // New condition participants can be associated with this condition. ChallengeConditionStateActive ChallengeConditionState = "ACTIVE" // Condition was manually terminated. New condition participants cannot be associated. ChallengeConditionStateCanceled ChallengeConditionState = "CANCELED" // Condition was satisfied for the final time. New condition participants cannot be associated with this condition. ChallengeConditionStateInactive ChallengeConditionState = "INACTIVE" // Condition was automatically terminated. New condition participants cannot be associated. ChallengeConditionStateExpired ChallengeConditionState = "EXPIRED" // Unknown state. ChallengeConditionStateUnknown ChallengeConditionState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ChallengeConditionState) IsValid ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionState) IsValid() bool
func (ChallengeConditionState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChallengeConditionState) String ¶
func (e ChallengeConditionState) String() string
func (*ChallengeConditionState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChallengeConditionState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChallengeEffect ¶
type ChallengeEffect struct { // Details of the effect. Details ChallengeEffectDetails `json:"details"` // The type of effect. Type ChallengeEffectType `json:"type"` }
An effect that will occur if a challenge condition participant is satisfied.
type ChallengeEffectDetails ¶
type ChallengeEffectDetails interface {
Details of the effect.
type ChallengeEffectSettings ¶
type ChallengeEffectSettings struct { // Details of the effect settings. Details ChallengeEffectSettingsDetails `json:"details"` // The type of effect. Type ChallengeEffectType `json:"type"` }
Settings that define how effects will be processed when a condition is satisfied.
type ChallengeEffectSettingsDetails ¶
type ChallengeEffectSettingsDetails interface {
Details of the effect settings.
type ChallengeEffectSummary ¶
type ChallengeEffectSummary struct { // USE_BITS effects. UseBits *ChallengeUseBitsEffectSummary `json:"useBits"` }
A summary of effects attached to a particular condition in a particular state. Keys correspond to ChallengeEffectType enum.
type ChallengeEffectType ¶
type ChallengeEffectType string
The type of effect.
const ( // Type of effect that results in using a user's bits. ChallengeEffectTypeUseBits ChallengeEffectType = "USE_BITS" // Unknown type. ChallengeEffectTypeUnknown ChallengeEffectType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ChallengeEffectType) IsValid ¶
func (e ChallengeEffectType) IsValid() bool
func (ChallengeEffectType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChallengeEffectType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChallengeEffectType) String ¶
func (e ChallengeEffectType) String() string
func (*ChallengeEffectType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChallengeEffectType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectDetails ¶
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectDetails struct { // The user who uses the bits. Benefactor *User `json:"benefactor"` // The amount of bits to be used. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` }
Details of the UseBits effect.
func (ChallengeUseBitsEffectDetails) IsChallengeEffectDetails ¶
func (ChallengeUseBitsEffectDetails) IsChallengeEffectDetails()
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSettingsDetails ¶
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSettingsDetails struct { ChallengeUseBitsPoolRecipientWeightedShare `json:"bitsRecipientWeightedShares"` }BitsRecipientWeightedShares []*
Details of the UseBits effect settings.
func (ChallengeUseBitsEffectSettingsDetails) IsChallengeEffectSettingsDetails ¶
func (ChallengeUseBitsEffectSettingsDetails) IsChallengeEffectSettingsDetails()
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSummary ¶
type ChallengeUseBitsEffectSummary struct { // Sum of Bits rolling up to a particular condition in a particular state. TotalBitsAmount int `json:"totalBitsAmount"` // Total count of USE_BITS effects rolling up to a particular condition in a particular state. TotalEffects int `json:"totalEffects"` }
A summary of USE_BITS effects attached to a particular condition in a particular state.
type ChallengeUseBitsPoolRecipientWeightedShare ¶
type ChallengeUseBitsPoolRecipientWeightedShare struct { User `json:"recipient"` // dictates the proportion that a particular recipient receives from the pool (shareWeight/totalShareWeight * totalBitsAmountInPool). Weight int `json:"weight"` }Recipient *
ChallengeUseBitsPoolRecipientWeightedShare represents the weighted share of the total bits pool that a recipient user is entitled to upon condition satisfaction.
type ChangeUsernameCodeError ¶
type ChangeUsernameCodeError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code ChangeUsernameErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned during an invalid change username request.
type ChangeUsernameErrorCode ¶
type ChangeUsernameErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned from a change username.
const ( // Sudo token expired, prompt the user to log in again. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeReauthNeeded ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Too many attempts to update login. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeRequestsThrottled ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "REQUESTS_THROTTLED" // Login was changed recently (last 60 days). ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginChangeCooldown ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_CHANGE_COOLDOWN" ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginUnavailable ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_UNAVAILABLE" // Login is too short. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooShort ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_SHORT" // Login is too long. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooLong ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_LONG" // Login contains characters that are not allowed. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginContainsInvalidCharacters ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS" // Login change requires a verified email. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeLoginChangeEmailVerified ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_CHANGE_EMAIL_VERIFIED" // Unrecognized error returned from the backend service. ChangeUsernameErrorCodeUnknownError ChangeUsernameErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (ChangeUsernameErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ChangeUsernameErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ChangeUsernameErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChangeUsernameErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChangeUsernameErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ChangeUsernameErrorCode) String() string
func (*ChangeUsernameErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChangeUsernameErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChangeUsernameInput ¶
type ChangeUsernameInput struct { // The new login for the user. Login string `json:"login"` // User id of the user being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Input for a change username.
type ChangeUsernamePayload ¶
type ChangeUsernamePayload struct { // Error code for error returned from change username. Error *ChangeUsernameCodeError `json:"error"` // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a change username.
type ChangelogEntry ¶
type ChangelogEntry struct { // content is localized text content for the changelog entry. Content string `json:"content"` // iconURL is the url for the entry's icon image. IconURL string `json:"iconURL"` // id is a unique human readable slug for the entry e.g. "squad-stream". ID string `json:"id"` // linkText is the text that the linkURL should display. LinkText *string `json:"linkText"` // linkURL is an optional link for more content for this changelog entry. LinkURL *string `json:"linkURL"` // position is where entry should be located within changelog entries of the same date. Position int `json:"position"` // publishedAt is the timestamp that the changelog entry was published. PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"publishedAt"` // title is the localized title of the changelog entry. Title string `json:"title"` }
ChangelogEntry is an entry that displays new items and notifications in the creator homepage changelog.
type ChanletSort ¶
type ChanletSort string
ChanletSort indicates the desired order of chanlets in the list returned by LoadChanletsByUserID.
const ( // ChanletSortNone indicates that the order of chanlets returned is insignificant to the client and is allowed to be arbitrary. ChanletSortNone ChanletSort = "NONE" // ChanletSortViewerCount indicates chanlets should return sorted by viewer counts, descending. ChanletSortViewerCount ChanletSort = "VIEWER_COUNT" )
func (ChanletSort) IsValid ¶
func (e ChanletSort) IsValid() bool
func (ChanletSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChanletSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChanletSort) String ¶
func (e ChanletSort) String() string
func (*ChanletSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChanletSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { // All Prediction Events that are actively accepting new predictions. ActivePredictionEvents []*PredictionEvent `json:"activePredictionEvents"` // A list of content attributes created for the channel, that can be associated with the chanlets, to augment the multi-view experience. AvailableContentAttributes []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"availableContentAttributes"` // A list of available Drops that viewers of this channel can claim when certain game events are met. AvailableDrops []*DropObject `json:"availableDrops"` // A paginated list of users who are banned from this channel. BannedUsers *ChannelBannedUserConnection `json:"bannedUsers"` // The boost settings for the channel. BoostSettings *BoostSettings `json:"boostSettings"` // The language the broadcaster has chosen to stream in. BroadcasterLanguage string `json:"broadcasterLanguage"` // The celebration configuration for the channel, which contains if celebrations are enabled and a list of configured celebrations. Celebrations *CelebrationConfig `json:"celebrations"` // The stream key for this channel if it is a multi-view chanlet. The requesting user must "own" this chanlet to be authorized to see this. ChanletStreamKey *string `json:"chanletStreamKey"` // A list of the channel's chanlets (sub-channels) in a multi-view experience. Chanlets []*Channel `json:"chanlets"` // Get the chatters on this channel. Chatters *ChattersInfo `json:"chatters"` // The clip settings for a channel, includes settings on clip creation. ClipsSettings *ChannelClipsSettings `json:"clipsSettings"` // Get a single community points custom reward redemption by its ID. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption `json:"communityPointsCustomRewardRedemption"` // The queue of community points custom reward redemptions in this channel. CommunityPointsRedemptionQueue *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionConnection `json:"communityPointsRedemptionQueue"` // Details about community points in the channel. CommunityPointsSettings *CommunityPointsChannelSettings `json:"communityPointsSettings"` // For a multi-view chanlet, this is the list of content attributes that have been associated with the given chanlet. ContentAttributes []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"contentAttributes"` // The channel's badge flair setting and assets that are available to eligible subscribers. CreatorBadgeFlair *CreatorBadgeFlair `json:"creatorBadgeFlair"` // Fetch the requesting user's currently playing radio content. CurrentRadioTrack *RadioCurrentlyPlaying `json:"currentRadioTrack"` // The channel's name, with user-specified formatting. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // A drop 2.0 campaign including personal settings (e.g. account connection status). (Streamer dashboard individual item). DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A list of all available Drops 2.0 campaigns that a channel is eligible to participate in. (Streamer dashboard list). DropCampaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaigns"` // founderBadgeAvailability is a number of available slots for Founder Badge entitlement. FounderBadgeAvailability int `json:"founderBadgeAvailability"` // The name of the last game played on this channel. Game string `json:"game"` // The Home of a channel. Home *ChannelHome `json:"home"` // The structure that contains information about the channel's Hype Train execution and config. HypeTrain *HypeTrain `json:"hypeTrain"` // The channel's unique identfier. ID string `json:"id"` // A setting which states whether or not users can create Clips on this channel. // By default, clipping on a channel is enabled. IsClipsEnabled bool `json:"isClipsEnabled"` // Whether or not the channel is a hidden multi-view chanlet that is only meant to be accessible through another channel and not exist as a completely independent channel. IsHiddenChanlet bool `json:"isHiddenChanlet"` // Whether the broadcaster has designated the channel's broadcast for mature audiences only. IsMature bool `json:"isMature"` // Whether the channel has opted out of drops. IsOptedOutOfDrops *bool `json:"isOptedOutOfDrops"` // leaderboardSet contains the set of leaderboards that are active on this channel. LeaderboardSet *LeaderboardSet `json:"leaderboardSet"` // leaderboardTimePeriod indicates whether the leaderboard type is of WEEKLY, ALL-TIME, etc. LeaderboardTimePeriod *LeaderboardTimePeriodType `json:"leaderboardTimePeriod"` // All Prediction Events that are no longer accepting new predictions, and are awaiting resolution. LockedPredictionEvents []*PredictionEvent `json:"lockedPredictionEvents"` // Returns a resolver to query moderation logs. ModerationLogs *ModerationLogs `json:"moderationLogs"` // The channel's name. Name string `json:"name"` // The user who owns this channel. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // Configurations for chanlets this channel owns. OwnerChanletAttributes *OwnerChanletAttributes `json:"ownerChanletAttributes"` // Settings dictating how Prediction Events are run on this channel. PredictionSettings *ChannelPredictionSettings `json:"predictionSettings"` // Fetches most recent chat messages sent for the given channel. RecentChatMessages []*Message `json:"recentChatMessages"` // A single page of Prediction Events that have been resolved. ResolvedPredictionEvents *PredictionEventConnection `json:"resolvedPredictionEvents"` // The restriction that is currently active on the channel for restricting a user's access to it. Restriction *ResourceRestriction `json:"restriction"` // The stream schedule of the user. // Returns null when the user has not set a schedule. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` // The requesting user's relationship with the channel. Self *ChannelSelfEdge `json:"self"` // Extension information pertaining to the active user. Note that this is not part of the `self` property as this still returns data for anonymous users. SelfInstalledExtensions []*ExtensionInstallationSelfEdge `json:"selfInstalledExtensions"` // The channel's social media links and favicons. SocialMedias []*SocialMedia `json:"socialMedias"` // A user-defined status message. Status string `json:"status"` // The live broadcast associated with this channel, if currently broadcasting. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // A list of streams for a given channel for multi-view. Streams []*Stream `json:"streams"` // Channel trailer for this channel. Trailer *Trailer `json:"trailer"` // Requests from channel-banned users to be unbanned submitted on the channel. // Accessible by users with moderator role or higher. UnbanRequests *UnbanRequestConnection `json:"unbanRequests"` // Settings for users creating unban requests on the channel. UnbanRequestsSettings *UnbanRequestsSettings `json:"unbanRequestsSettings"` // The URL to view the channel in a browser. URL string `json:"url"` // Video stream settings for ingesting a stream such as stream key, latency mode, or vod save preference. VideoStreamSettings *VideoStreamSettings `json:"videoStreamSettings"` // A list of available Drop 2.0 Campaigns of which drops viewers of this channel can claim when certain game events or minutes watched events are met. (Channel highlight card). ViewerDropCampaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"viewerDropCampaigns"` }
A User's place on Twitch.
func (Channel) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent ¶
func (Channel) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent()
type ChannelAnalytics ¶
type ChannelAnalytics struct { // SubCountSeries in Channel Analytics that shows a user's sub count over time. SubCountSeries *SubCountSeries `json:"subCountSeries"` }
Channel Analytics in Creator Dashboard.
type ChannelAnalyticsContentOverlap ¶
type ChannelAnalyticsContentOverlap struct { // Other channels that my viewers like to watch. Channels []*ChannelOverlap `json:"channels"` // Games that my viewers like to watch. Games []*GameOverlap `json:"games"` }
Analytics around what other content my viewers watch.
type ChannelBannedUser ¶
type ChannelBannedUser struct { // When the ban was created. BannedAt time.Time `json:"bannedAt"` // Representation of the banned user. BannedUser *User `json:"bannedUser"` // Representation of the mod that banned the user. ModUser *User `json:"modUser"` }
ChannelBannedUser is an object that defines metadata about a channel ban.
type ChannelBannedUserConnection ¶
type ChannelBannedUserConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*ChannelBannedUserEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of banned users. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of users banned from a channel.
type ChannelBannedUserEdge ¶
type ChannelBannedUserEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A ban record for a user banned from a channel. Node *ChannelBannedUser `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of users banned from a channel.
type ChannelBlockedTerm ¶
type ChannelBlockedTerm struct { // If the term is permitted or banned type. Category string `json:"category"` // When the term was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // When the term expires at. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // If mods should be able to see and edit this term. IsModEditable bool `json:"isModEditable"` // phrases are the string representation of a term. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` // Where the term came from, usually a mod user ID. Source *string `json:"source"` // When the term was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
ChannelBlockedTerm is an object that defines things that automod should permit in a channel.
type ChannelChallenge ¶
type ChannelChallenge interface {
A challenge to which users can contribute bits.
type ChannelChallengeConnection ¶
type ChannelChallengeConnection struct { // The list of challenges for the user. Edges []*ChannelChallengeEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A connection between the challenge and metadata.
type ChannelChallengeEdge ¶
type ChannelChallengeEdge struct { // Cursor used for next query. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying challenge. Node ChannelChallenge `json:"node"` }
A page entry, that contains the Challenge item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination.
type ChannelChallengeParticipant ¶
type ChannelChallengeParticipant struct { // The bits this participant has contributed to a challenge. Bits int `json:"bits"` // The Challenge this participant contributed to. Challenge ChannelChallenge `json:"challenge"` // Time when participant first contributed to the challenge. FirstContributedAt time.Time `json:"firstContributedAt"` // id of the participant in the challenge. ID string `json:"id"` // Time when participant last contributed to the challenge. LastContributedAt time.Time `json:"lastContributedAt"` }
A participant contributing to a challenge and associated information.
type ChannelChallengeSelfEdge ¶
type ChannelChallengeSelfEdge struct { // The participant object pertaining to the authenticated user. Participant *ChannelChallengeParticipant `json:"participant"` }
A connection between a challenge and the authenticated user.
type ChannelChallengeSort ¶
type ChannelChallengeSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of challenges.
const ( // Sort the challenges by time. ChannelChallengeSortStartTime ChannelChallengeSort = "START_TIME" // Sort the challenges by time. ChannelChallengeSortEndTime ChannelChallengeSort = "END_TIME" )
func (ChannelChallengeSort) IsValid ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeSort) IsValid() bool
func (ChannelChallengeSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChannelChallengeSort) String ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeSort) String() string
func (*ChannelChallengeSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChannelChallengeSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChannelChallengeStatus ¶
type ChannelChallengeStatus string
The status of the challenge.
const ( // Encountered some challenge status that we do not know how to handle. ChannelChallengeStatusUnknown ChannelChallengeStatus = "UNKNOWN" // Challenge is active. Users can contribute bits, with the challenge information publicly visible. ChannelChallengeStatusActive ChannelChallengeStatus = "ACTIVE" // Challenge was manually ended by a user and marked as "completed". Users cannot contribute bits. Challenge information publicly visible. ChannelChallengeStatusCompleted ChannelChallengeStatus = "COMPLETED" // Challenge was manually ended by a user and marked as "failed". Users cannot contribute bits. Challenge information publicly visible. ChannelChallengeStatusFailed ChannelChallengeStatus = "FAILED" // Challenge has ended and is no longer publicly visible. Users cannot contribute bits. Challenge information publicly visible. ChannelChallengeStatusTimedOut ChannelChallengeStatus = "TIMED_OUT" )
func (ChannelChallengeStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ChannelChallengeStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChannelChallengeStatus) String ¶
func (e ChannelChallengeStatus) String() string
func (*ChannelChallengeStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChannelChallengeStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChannelClipsCreationAuthRestrictionOptionsInput ¶
type ChannelClipsCreationAuthRestrictionOptionsInput struct { // The time requirement in minutes, of how long a follower needs to be following to create clips. FollowingLengthMinutes *int `json:"followingLengthMinutes"` }
ChannelClipsCreationAuthRestrictionOptionsInput are the additional options for the auth restrictions.
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedTo ¶
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedTo struct { // Clip creation is restricted to users that are followers. IsFollower bool `json:"isFollower"` // Clip creation is restricted to users that are subscribers. IsSubscriber bool `json:"isSubscriber"` }
ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedTo contains the roles that are allowed to create Clips on a channel that has isClipsEnabled set to true.
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedToInput ¶
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedToInput struct { // Allow channel followers to create Clips. Followers bool `json:"followers"` // Allow channel subscribers to create Clips. Subscribers bool `json:"subscribers"` }
ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedToInput contains the roles that are allowed to create Clips on a channel that has isClipsEnabled set to true.
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictionOptions ¶
type ChannelClipsCreationRestrictionOptions struct { // The time requirement in minutes, of how long a follower needs to be following to create clips. FollowingLengthMinutes *int `json:"followingLengthMinutes"` }
ChannelClipsCreationRestrictionOptions are the additional options for the auth restrictions.
type ChannelClipsSettings ¶
type ChannelClipsSettings struct { // If isClipsEnabled is true, allow the following roles to create Clips on the channel. CreationRestrictedTo *ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedTo `json:"creationRestrictedTo"` // If there are clip creation restrictions, use the following to add options to those restrictions. CreationRestrictionOptions *ChannelClipsCreationRestrictionOptions `json:"creationRestrictionOptions"` // Set whether or not users can create Clips on this channel. IsClipsCreationEnabled bool `json:"isClipsCreationEnabled"` }
ChannelClipsSettings are the clips setting for the channel, including restriction settings for clip creation.
type ChannelHome ¶
type ChannelHome struct { // The preferences that power a channel's home page. Preferences *ChannelHomePreferences `json:"preferences"` // The shelves that are shown on a channel's home page. Shelves *ChannelHomeShelves `json:"shelves"` }
The Home of a channel.
type ChannelHomeCategoryShelf ¶
type ChannelHomeCategoryShelf struct { // The list of categories to display in the shelf. Edges []*ChannelHomeCategoryShelfEdge `json:"edges"` }
A list of categories displayed on a channel home's Category Shelf.
type ChannelHomeCategoryShelfEdge ¶
type ChannelHomeCategoryShelfEdge struct { // The category to display in the shelf. Node *Game `json:"node"` }
The edges of the channel home category shelf.
type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelf ¶
type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelf struct { // The list of categories to display in the shelf. Edges []*ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelfEdge `json:"edges"` }
A list of categories displayed on a channel home's Category Shelf.
type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelfEdge ¶
type ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelfEdge struct { // This is true if the user has chosen to hide this category from their category shelf. IsHidden bool `json:"isHidden"` // The category. Node *Game `json:"node"` }
Contains a category and a boolean to denote whether the user has chosen to hide that category from their channel home page's category shelf.
type ChannelHomePreferences ¶
type ChannelHomePreferences struct { // The hero preset. HeroPreset HeroPreset `json:"heroPreset"` // The type of streamer shelf to display. StreamerShelfType StreamerShelfType `json:"streamerShelfType"` }
The streamer's channel home preferences.
type ChannelHomeShelves ¶
type ChannelHomeShelves struct { // A list of categories displayed on a channel home's Category Shelf. CategoryShelf *ChannelHomeCategoryShelf `json:"categoryShelf"` // A list of suggested categories to display on a channel home's Category Shelf. CategoryShelfSuggestions *ChannelHomeCategorySuggestionsShelf `json:"categoryShelfSuggestions"` // The type and, if applicable, the list of users displayed in a channel home's Streamer Shelf. StreamerShelf *ChannelHomeStreamerShelf `json:"streamerShelf"` }
The shelves that are shown on a channel's home page.
type ChannelHomeStreamerShelf ¶
type ChannelHomeStreamerShelf struct { // The list of users to display in the shelf. Edges []*ChannelHomeStreamerShelfEdge `json:"edges"` // The type of streamer shelf to display (Autohost, Team, or Disabled). Type StreamerShelfType `json:"type"` }
The list of users displayed in a channel home's Streamer Shelf.
type ChannelHomeStreamerShelfEdge ¶
type ChannelHomeStreamerShelfEdge struct { // The user to display in the shelf. Node *User `json:"node"` }
The edges of the channel home streamer shelf.
type ChannelModerationActionConnection ¶
type ChannelModerationActionConnection struct { // List of moderation actions. Edges []*ChannelModerationActionEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of moderation actions on a channel.
type ChannelModerationActionEdge ¶
type ChannelModerationActionEdge struct { // A cursor for the current node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A moderation action. Node ChannelModerationActionEntry `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of moderation actions of a user on a channel.
type ChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionEntry interface {
An entry of a moderation action performed on a channel.
type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodLevelEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodLevelEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // New automod level properties. AutomodNewProperties *AutoModProperties `json:"automodNewProperties"` // Previous automod level properties. AutomodOldProperties *AutoModProperties `json:"automodOldProperties"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` }
Moderation Actions relating to automod levels. ex: automod level change.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodLevelEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodLevelEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodTermEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodTermEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // If the action originated from a message caught by Automod. IsFromAutomod bool `json:"isFromAutomod"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` // Strings that were add/deleted from permitted/blocked lists. Terms []string `json:"terms"` }
Moderation Actions relating to automod terms. ex: add permitted term, remove permitted term, add banned term, remove banned term.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodTermEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnAutomodTermEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnChannelEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnChannelEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // Is auto hosted. IsAutoHosted bool `json:"isAutoHosted"` // Is hosted after raiding. IsHostedAfterRaiding bool `json:"isHostedAfterRaiding"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` // Should the viewer count for host or raids should be shown. ShouldRevealViewerCount bool `json:"shouldRevealViewerCount"` // Target channel for hosting and raiding. Target *User `json:"target"` // How many users participated in a host or raid. ViewerCount *int `json:"viewerCount"` }
Moderation Actions relating to another channel. ex: host, unhost, raid, unraid.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChannelEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChannelEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnChatMessageEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnChatMessageEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The message contents of the message deleted. MessageBody *string `json:"messageBody"` // The id of the message deleted. MessageID *string `json:"messageID"` // The sender of the message. MessageSender *User `json:"messageSender"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` }
Moderation Actions relating to chat messages. ex: delete message.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChatMessageEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChatMessageEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnChatModeEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnChatModeEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Duration of the chat time in seconds. DurationSeconds *int `json:"durationSeconds"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` }
Moderation Actions realting to chat modes. ex: slow on, followers only on, emotes only, sub only, clear chat.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChatModeEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnChatModeEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnUnbanRequestsEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnUnbanRequestsEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` // Reason for action. Reason string `json:"reason"` // The user which the action targets if any. Target *User `json:"target"` }
Moderation Actions relating to unban requests. ex: approve, deny.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnUnbanRequestsEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnUnbanRequestsEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOnUserEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOnUserEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Duration of the chat time in seconds for timeouts. DurationSeconds *int `json:"durationSeconds"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` // Reason for action. Reason string `json:"reason"` // The user which the action targets if any. Target *User `json:"target"` }
Moderation Actions relating to a user. ex: ban, unban, timeout, untimeout, mod, unmod, vip, unvip.
func (ChannelModerationActionOnUserEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOnUserEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelModerationActionOtherEntry ¶
type ChannelModerationActionOtherEntry struct { // The action that was taken. Action ModerationAction `json:"action"` // Timestamp when action was taken. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the moderation action. ID string `json:"id"` // The moderator who took the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` }
Moderation Actions that are unused, invalid or deprecated.
func (ChannelModerationActionOtherEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry ¶
func (ChannelModerationActionOtherEntry) IsChannelModerationActionEntry()
type ChannelNotificationSetting ¶
type ChannelNotificationSetting struct { // The setting category. Category string `json:"category"` // Whether this setting is on or off for the given event. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The exact state of the setting. ("on", "off", "friends_only", etc). SettingState string `json:"settingState"` }
type ChannelNotificationSettings ¶
type ChannelNotificationSettings struct { // If true, enabled notifications will be send. If false, all notifications are disabled, even if their individual setting is enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // A list of channel notification settings. Nodes []*ChannelNotificationSetting `json:"nodes"` }
Data about notification settings for a follow relationship.
type ChannelOverlap ¶
type ChannelOverlap struct { // How much my viewers like to watch this channel. Score float64 `json:"score"` // Channel that my viewers also like to watch. ViewersAlsoWatch *User `json:"viewersAlsoWatch"` }
Channel that my viewers also like to watch.
type ChannelPermission ¶
type ChannelPermission string
An enumeration of permissions a user can have on a channel.
const ( // Permission to manage Chanlets, which represent sub-streams in a multiview mode. ChannelPermissionMultiviewAdmin ChannelPermission = "MULTIVIEW_ADMIN" // Permission to create restrictions on the channel. ChannelPermissionSetChannelRestriction ChannelPermission = "SET_CHANNEL_RESTRICTION" )
func (ChannelPermission) IsValid ¶
func (e ChannelPermission) IsValid() bool
func (ChannelPermission) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChannelPermission) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChannelPermission) String ¶
func (e ChannelPermission) String() string
func (*ChannelPermission) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChannelPermission) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChannelPermittedTerm ¶
type ChannelPermittedTerm struct { // If the term is permitted or banned type. Category string `json:"category"` // When the term was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // When the term expires at. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // If mods should be able to see and edit this term. IsModEditable bool `json:"isModEditable"` // phrases are the string representation of a term. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` // Where the term came from, usually a mod user ID. Source *string `json:"source"` // When the term was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
ChannelPermittedTerm is an object that defines things that automod should permit in a channel.
type ChannelPredictionSettings ¶
type ChannelPredictionSettings struct { // Whether channel moderators are allowed to create and resolve Prediction Events. CanModeratorsManagePredictions bool `json:"canModeratorsManagePredictions"` // Whether the channel is allowed to run Prediction Events at all. IsEligibleForPredictions bool `json:"isEligibleForPredictions"` }
Settings dictating how Prediction Events are run on a channel.
type ChannelRestriction ¶
type ChannelRestriction struct { // The time that the restriction is no longer active. EndsAt *time.Time `json:"endsAt"` // Information about being exempt from the restriction. ExemptionInfo *ChannelRestrictionExemptionInfo `json:"exemptionInfo"` // The ID of the channel restriction. ID string `json:"id"` // The time that the restriction becomes active. StartsAt *time.Time `json:"startsAt"` // The type of restriction on this channel. Type ChannelRestrictionType `json:"type"` }
A restriction for a specific channel.
type ChannelRestrictionExemptionInfo ¶
type ChannelRestrictionExemptionInfo struct { // The type of exemption. ExemptionType string `json:"exemptionType"` }
Exemption information for a specific channel restriction.
type ChannelRestrictionType ¶
type ChannelRestrictionType string
An enumeration of the different restriction types.
const ( // The resource is restricted for an unknown reason. ChannelRestrictionTypeUnknown ChannelRestrictionType = "UNKNOWN" // The channel is restricted by a subscription. ChannelRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive ChannelRestrictionType = "SUB_ONLY_LIVE" // The channel is restricted by the All-Access Pass. ChannelRestrictionTypeAllAccessPass ChannelRestrictionType = "ALL_ACCESS_PASS" )
func (ChannelRestrictionType) IsValid ¶
func (e ChannelRestrictionType) IsValid() bool
func (ChannelRestrictionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChannelRestrictionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChannelRestrictionType) String ¶
func (e ChannelRestrictionType) String() string
func (*ChannelRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChannelRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChannelSelfEdge ¶
type ChannelSelfEdge struct { // Whether or not the requesting user can request an unban on the channel. CanRequestUnban *bool `json:"canRequestUnban"` // Properties relating to the authenticated user's community points in a channel. // Null if community points are not enabled in the channel. CommunityPoints *CommunityPointsProperties `json:"communityPoints"` // Whether or not the requesting user is authorized to view the channel's content in a channel restrictions context. IsAuthorized bool `json:"isAuthorized"` // Whether or not the resource is restricted for the requesting user. IsResourceRestricted bool `json:"isResourceRestricted"` // Returns the user's last unban request on the channel. LastUnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"lastUnbanRequest"` // Chat messages sent in a channel that are relevant to moderators. ModChatLogs *ModLogsMessageConnection `json:"modChatLogs"` // List of channel feature permissions the logged in user has on the channel. Permissions []ChannelPermission `json:"permissions"` // Channel's layout of quick actions on stream manager page. QuickActionLayout *QuickActionLayout `json:"quickActionLayout"` // Channel's store of quick actions on stream manager page. QuickActionStore *QuickActionStore `json:"quickActionStore"` // List of recent (either still active or recently resolved) Predictions made by this user on this Channel. RecentPredictions []*Prediction `json:"recentPredictions"` // If restricted, how the resource is restricted. RestrictionType *ResourceRestrictionType `json:"restrictionType"` // Reason why user cannot request an unban on the channel. UnbanRequestRestriction *UnbanRequestRestrictionReason `json:"unbanRequestRestriction"` }
Information about the requesting user with respect to a channel.
type ChannelUserRole ¶
type ChannelUserRole string
The possible user roles within a channel.
const ( // The channel owner. ChannelUserRoleBroadcaster ChannelUserRole = "BROADCASTER" // An editor for the channel. ChannelUserRoleEditor ChannelUserRole = "EDITOR" // A moderator for the channel. ChannelUserRoleModerator ChannelUserRole = "MODERATOR" // A subscriber of the channel. ChannelUserRoleSubscriber ChannelUserRole = "SUBSCRIBER" // A user with no roles. ChannelUserRoleRegular ChannelUserRole = "REGULAR" )
func (ChannelUserRole) IsValid ¶
func (e ChannelUserRole) IsValid() bool
func (ChannelUserRole) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChannelUserRole) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChannelUserRole) String ¶
func (e ChannelUserRole) String() string
func (*ChannelUserRole) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChannelUserRole) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChargeInstrument ¶
type ChargeInstrument struct { // A charge instrument Id. ID string `json:"id"` }
Information about the intended device for making a refill purchase for a user.
type ChargeInstrumentInput ¶
type ChargeInstrumentInput struct { // A charge instrument Id. ID string `json:"id"` }
Input charge instrument information.
type ChargeModel ¶
type ChargeModel struct { // A charge model in which a user is charged using credits purchased or earned on Twitch. Credit *CreditChargeModel `json:"credit"` // A charge model in which a user is charged via a third-party in a fiat currency. External *ExternalChargeModel `json:"external"` // A charge model in which a user is charged by Twitch in a fiat currency. Internal *InternalChargeModel `json:"internal"` }
ChargeModel describes the model used for charging the user. Will only contain one credit model, one external model, or one internal model.
type ChargeModelPlan ¶
type ChargeModelPlan struct { // The time interval for the charge model. Interval *ChargeModelPlanInterval `json:"interval"` // The renewal policy for the charge model. RenewalPolicy RenewalPolicy `json:"renewalPolicy"` }
ChargeModelPlan defines the payment plan of the charge model.
type ChargeModelPlanInterval ¶
type ChargeModelPlanInterval struct { // The duration of the charge model interval (used with the unit). Duration int `json:"duration"` // The unit of the charge model interval. Unit ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit `json:"unit"` }
ChargeModelPlanInterval is the time interval for the charge model.
type ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit ¶
type ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit string
ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit defines the unit of the charge model interval.
const ( // Interval unit of Days. ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitDays ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit = "DAYS" // Interval unit of Months. ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitMonths ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit = "MONTHS" // Unknown interval unit. ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnitUnknown ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) IsValid ¶
func (e ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) IsValid() bool
func (ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) String ¶
func (e ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) String() string
func (*ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChargeModelPlanIntervalUnit) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChatPauseSetting ¶
type ChatPauseSetting string
ChatPauseSetting represents the possible settings for the user's preferred way to pause chat when moderating.
const ( // SCROLL_ONLY is the default behavior and pauses chat every time the users scrolls over the chat list. ChatPauseSettingScrollOnly ChatPauseSetting = "SCROLL_ONLY" // MOUSEOVER pauses chat whenever a user's mouse hovers over the list, unpauses automatically after 5 seconds if no scroll is performed. ChatPauseSettingMouseover ChatPauseSetting = "MOUSEOVER" // ALTKEY pauses chat when the user presses the alt key (option for mac users). It unpauses when the key is released. ChatPauseSettingAltkey ChatPauseSetting = "ALTKEY" // MOUSEOVER_ALTKEY pauses chat on mouse hover and hitting the alt key. ChatPauseSettingMouseoverAltkey ChatPauseSetting = "MOUSEOVER_ALTKEY" )
func (ChatPauseSetting) IsValid ¶
func (e ChatPauseSetting) IsValid() bool
func (ChatPauseSetting) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChatPauseSetting) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChatPauseSetting) String ¶
func (e ChatPauseSetting) String() string
func (*ChatPauseSetting) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChatPauseSetting) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChatRestrictedReason ¶
type ChatRestrictedReason string
Reasons that a user might not be allowed to chat in a specific channel.
const ( // The user is prevented from chatting without a verified phone number. // They will be prompted to verify one upon chatting. ChatRestrictedReasonRequireVerifiedPhoneNumber ChatRestrictedReason = "REQUIRE_VERIFIED_PHONE_NUMBER" // The user is prevented from chatting by subscribers-only mode. They should // subscribe to the channel to chat. ChatRestrictedReasonSubscribersOnly ChatRestrictedReason = "SUBSCRIBERS_ONLY" // The user is prevented from chatting by followers-only mode. They should // either follow the channel, or wait longer to satisfy the required time. // See user.self.follower.followedAt for when the user followed, and // user.self.chatSettings.followersOnlyDurationMinutes for the minimum // required follow time. ChatRestrictedReasonFollowersOnly ChatRestrictedReason = "FOLLOWERS_ONLY" // The user is prevented from chatting by verified-only mode. They should // verify their account to chat. ChatRestrictedReasonVerifiedOnly ChatRestrictedReason = "VERIFIED_ONLY" // The user can't chat because they've chatted too recently. See // user.self.lastRecentChatMessageAt to calculate how much time is remaining // before they can chat again. ChatRestrictedReasonSlowMode ChatRestrictedReason = "SLOW_MODE" )
func (ChatRestrictedReason) IsValid ¶
func (e ChatRestrictedReason) IsValid() bool
func (ChatRestrictedReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ChatRestrictedReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ChatRestrictedReason) String ¶
func (e ChatRestrictedReason) String() string
func (*ChatRestrictedReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ChatRestrictedReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ChatRoomBanStatus ¶
type ChatRoomBanStatus struct { // The user being banned of this chat. BannedUser *User `json:"bannedUser"` // The time the ban was imposed. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The time at which the ban will automatically expire. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // The time in ms at which the ban will expire. ExpiresInMs *int `json:"expiresInMs"` // Conveys if the ban is permanent. IsPermanent bool `json:"isPermanent"` // The moderator that carried out the action. Moderator *User `json:"moderator"` // The reason the user was banned. Reason *string `json:"reason"` // The entity representing the users channel or chat room. RoomOwner *User `json:"roomOwner"` }
type ChatSettings ¶
type ChatSettings struct { // autoModLevel is an integer from 0-4 representing the level of automoderation of chat // 0 is off, 4 is the highest level of moderation. AutoModLevel int `json:"autoModLevel"` // blockLinks indicates if links should be deleted from non-mod messages. BlockLinks bool `json:"blockLinks"` // chatDelayMs is the delay before non-mods see a message. ChatDelayMs int `json:"chatDelayMs"` // The number of minutes a user must be following the broadcaster in order to chat // If value is null, followers only mode is not enabled. FollowersOnlyDurationMinutes *int `json:"followersOnlyDurationMinutes"` // isBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled indicates if the broadcaster requires chat messages to // match their language. IsBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled bool `json:"isBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled"` // Indicates whether chat is currently enforcing that messages may only contain emotes. IsEmoteOnlyModeEnabled bool `json:"isEmoteOnlyModeEnabled"` // Indicates whether subscribers are allowed to bypass slowmode. IsFastSubsModeEnabled bool `json:"isFastSubsModeEnabled"` // If isOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList is true, the legacy twitch banned words list will // be inserted into automod if the channel has automod enabled. IsOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList bool `json:"isOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList"` // Indicates whether chat is currently restricted to subscribers only. IsSubscribersOnlyModeEnabled bool `json:"isSubscribersOnlyModeEnabled"` // Indicates whether chat is currently enforcing that messages must be reasonably unique // from recent messages. Previously known as "r9k mode". IsUniqueChatModeEnabled bool `json:"isUniqueChatModeEnabled"` // requireVerifiedAccount indicates if users must be verified to chat. RequireVerifiedAccount bool `json:"requireVerifiedAccount"` // rules is a list of rules to display to users when joining a chat channel. Rules []string `json:"rules"` // The number of seconds a user must wait in between sending chat messages // If value is null, slow mode is not enabled. SlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"slowModeDurationSeconds"` }
ChatSettings are settings and rules for chatting in a channel.
type ChatTheme ¶
type ChatTheme string
ChatTheme is a client-side UI theme. It can be used to provide different images based on the dominant background color they are designed to display on.
func (ChatTheme) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*ChatTheme) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type ChatUISettings ¶
type ChatUISettings struct { // Setting to store the user's preferred way to pause chat when moderating. ChatPauseSetting *ChatPauseSetting `json:"chatPauseSetting"` // Setting for how deleted messages should be displayed for channel broadcaster or moderator. DeletedMessageDisplaySetting *DeletedMessageDisplaySetting `json:"deletedMessageDisplaySetting"` // Whether emote animations are enabled. IsEmoteAnimationsEnabled *bool `json:"isEmoteAnimationsEnabled"` // Whether readable chat colors are enabled. IsReadableChatColorsEnabled *bool `json:"isReadableChatColorsEnabled"` }
Various user specific settings on how to render chat.
type Chatter ¶
type Chatter struct { // User login of the chatter. Login string `json:"login"` }
User info about the chatter.
type ChattersInfo ¶
type ChattersInfo struct { // List with the broadcaster. Broadcasters []*Chatter `json:"broadcasters"` // Number of active chatters. Count int `json:"count"` // List of active moderators. Moderators []*Chatter `json:"moderators"` // List of active staff members. Staff []*Chatter `json:"staff"` // List of active viewers. Viewers []*Chatter `json:"viewers"` // List of active VIPs. Vips []*Chatter `json:"vips"` }
Information about the active chatters on a channel.
type CheckoutAction ¶
type CheckoutAction string
Actions required when initiating a checkout flow.
const ( // Action to block saved payment methods. CheckoutActionBlockSavedPaymentMethod CheckoutAction = "BLOCK_SAVED_PAYMENT_METHOD" // Action to show velocity limit CTA. CheckoutActionExceededVelocityLimits CheckoutAction = "EXCEEDED_VELOCITY_LIMITS" // Action to show the user enabled 2FA before saving their payment method. CheckoutActionVerifiedSavedPaymentMethod CheckoutAction = "VERIFIED_SAVED_PAYMENT_METHOD" // Action to disable new credit cards from being added on purchases. CheckoutActionDisableNewCreditCard CheckoutAction = "DISABLE_NEW_CREDIT_CARD" // Action to indicate this user is authorized to make purchases. CheckoutActionAuthorizedUser CheckoutAction = "AUTHORIZED_USER" // Action to indicate xsolla should be prioritized. CheckoutActionPrioritizeXsolla CheckoutAction = "PRIORITIZE_XSOLLA" )
func (CheckoutAction) IsValid ¶
func (e CheckoutAction) IsValid() bool
func (CheckoutAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CheckoutAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CheckoutAction) String ¶
func (e CheckoutAction) String() string
func (*CheckoutAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CheckoutAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CheckoutConfiguration ¶
type CheckoutConfiguration struct { // Contains configuration (e.g. iFrameURL) to enable completing purchases via Xsolla, a payment provider. Xsolla *Xsolla `json:"xsolla"` }
Configs that help initiate the bits checkout flow.
type CheckoutConfigurationInput ¶
type CheckoutConfigurationInput struct { // Whether the gift is anonymous. IsAnonymous *bool `json:"isAnonymous"` // Whether the purchase is a gift. IsGift bool `json:"isGift"` // Whether the user is reactivating their subscription with a recurring or non-recurring payment plan. IsReactivateRecurring *bool `json:"isReactivateRecurring"` // The number of gifts being purchased. MysteryGiftCount *int `json:"mysteryGiftCount"` // Payment's session tracking. PaymentSession *PaymentSession `json:"paymentSession"` // The ID of the gift recipient. RecipientID *string `json:"recipientID"` // The country code for tax purposes. TaxCountryCode *string `json:"taxCountryCode"` }
Inputs for checkoutConfiguration.
type CheckoutPriceSummary ¶
type CheckoutPriceSummary struct { // The currency associated with the price of a subscription product. Currency Currency `json:"currency"` // The description associated with pricing information. Description string `json:"description"` // The discounted total with breakdown by discounted price and tax. Discount *DiscountBreakdown `json:"discount"` // The ISO-4217 wording of deriving price. Exponent int `json:"exponent"` // Identifier used for caching. ID string `json:"id"` // If the tax is already included in price. IsTaxInclusive bool `json:"isTaxInclusive"` // The numerical price of a subscription product. Price int `json:"price"` // Pricing identifier of the item being purchased. PricingIdentifier string `json:"pricingIdentifier"` // The tax rate of localized product. Tax int `json:"tax"` // The total price given price and tax. Total int `json:"total"` }
Price information about an item in the checkout process.
type CheerInfo ¶
type CheerInfo struct { // Gets the list of available bits badges the user offers. AvailableBadges []*Badge `json:"availableBadges"` // Badge tier emotes are the emotes in this channel that are unlocked when a user unlocks a Bits badge tier. // Filter determines which emotes are returned. BadgeTierEmotes []*Emote `json:"badgeTierEmotes"` // cheerGroups contain all of the channel-specific Cheermotes, grouped by type. CheerGroups []*CheermoteGroup `json:"cheerGroups"` // emotes are the metadata about the different cheermotes that can be use to cheer in this channel. // This can optionally be filtered to return only certain cheermotes by either prefix and/or emote types. // If `prefixes` is null or empty all available cheermotes will be returned, and then `type` filter // will be applied to the result unless it's null or empty. // If includeUpperTiers is true, the upper tiers of the cheermotes will be returned. Emotes []*Cheermote `json:"emotes"` // hashtags for augmenting cheering with different actions, such as #charity will donate bits to // charity, or like #eddie to cheer and support Eddie. ID string `json:"id"` // leaderboard contains the top users by number of bits cheered for the channel. Leaderboard *BitsLeaderboard `json:"leaderboard"` // recentTimeoutMs is the remaining duration the recent message will be pinned for. // This feature is deprecated and will always return 0. RecentTimeoutMs int `json:"recentTimeoutMs"` // settings are the channel-specific cheer settings. Settings *CheerSettings `json:"settings"` }
CheerInfo is the channel-specific bits/cheer settings and current state.
type CheerPartnerBadgeSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerBadgeSettings struct { // Whether or not the broadcaster is enabled to upload bits badge tier emote rewards. CanUploadBadgeTierEmoticons *bool `json:"canUploadBadgeTierEmoticons"` // A list of tiers, starting from 1 bit to as high as 5,000,000 bits. Tiers []*BitsBadgeTier `json:"tiers"` }
Bits partner settings associated with the badges.
type CheerPartnerChatMessageSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerChatMessageSettings struct { // The setting that controls if the user has project v enabled on their channel. IsOptedOutOfProjectV bool `json:"isOptedOutOfProjectV"` // The minimum setting that controls the minimum bits that must be part of a cheer emote. MinBitsPerEmote int `json:"minBitsPerEmote"` // The minimum setting that controls the minimum amount a user must cheer in the channel. MinBitsToCheer int `json:"minBitsToCheer"` }
Bits partner settings associated with the chat message.
type CheerPartnerCheerBombSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerCheerBombSettings struct { // Flag that is true if the user has opted out of seasonal cheer bomb events. IsOptedOut bool `json:"isOptedOut"` }
Bits partner dashboard settings for the bits cheer bomb events.
type CheerPartnerCustomPrefixSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerCustomPrefixSettings struct { // Flag that is set if the user has the custom cheermote prefix enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The prefix string that is used in their channel for their custom cheermote. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // The custom prefix images that have been uploaded by the user. Tiers []*CheermoteTier `json:"tiers"` }
Bits partner settings for custom cheermote prefix.
type CheerPartnerLeaderboardSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerLeaderboardSettings struct { // Flag that is true if the user has bits leaderboards turned on. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The time period the user wants the leaderboard to be displayed as. TimePeriod LeaderboardTimePeriodType `json:"timePeriod"` }
Bits partner dashboard settings for the bits leaderboard.
type CheerPartnerRecentCheerSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerRecentCheerSettings struct { // Flag that when true pins the recent cheer to their channel. CanPin bool `json:"canPin"` // The minimum bits a user must cheer to show their cheer on the chat header. MinimumBits int `json:"minimumBits"` // The amount of time a recent cheer is shown before being dismissed. TimeoutMilliseconds int `json:"timeoutMilliseconds"` }
Bits partner settings associated with recent cheers.
type CheerPartnerSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerSettings struct { // Partner settings related to bit badges. Badges *CheerPartnerBadgeSettings `json:"badges"` // Partner settings related to chat messages with bits. ChatMessage *CheerPartnerChatMessageSettings `json:"chatMessage"` // Partner settings related to seasonal cheer bomb events. CheerBomb *CheerPartnerCheerBombSettings `json:"cheerBomb"` // Partner settings related to the custom cheermote prefix. CustomPrefix *CheerPartnerCustomPrefixSettings `json:"customPrefix"` // Flag that is set when a user has filled out the bits legal ammendement. // This can be true and isOnboarding false for legacy partners who onboarded before bits. HasSignedBitsAmendment bool `json:"hasSignedBitsAmendment"` // An ID used for caching purposes for Apollo. ID string `json:"id"` // Flag that is set when a user has been onboarded for bits usage. IsOnboarded bool `json:"isOnboarded"` // Partner settings related to the bits leaderboard. Leaderboard *CheerPartnerLeaderboardSettings `json:"leaderboard"` // Partner settings related to the recent cheer message. RecentCheer *CheerPartnerRecentCheerSettings `json:"recentCheer"` // Partner settings related to sponsored cheermotes. SponsoredCheermotes *CheerPartnerSponsoredCheermoteSettings `json:"sponsoredCheermotes"` }
Cheer settings, configured in their partner dashboard.
type CheerPartnerSponsoredCheermoteSettings ¶
type CheerPartnerSponsoredCheermoteSettings struct { // The sponsored cheermote channel settings that are associated with the user. Campaigns *SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsConnection `json:"campaigns"` }
Partner settings related to sponsored cheermotes.
type CheerSettings ¶
type CheerSettings struct { // cheerMinimumBits is the minimum number of bits per message (sum of all cheermotes) required to cheer in this channel. CheerMinimumBits int `json:"cheerMinimumBits"` // emoteMinimumBits is the smallest number of bits that can be spent on an individual cheermote in this channel. EmoteMinimumBits int `json:"emoteMinimumBits"` // event is the name of a special cheering event this channel is currently participating in. // If there is no current event this will return null. Event *string `json:"event"` ID string `json:"id"` // Indicates if the bits football cheerbomb event is enabled on the channel. IsCheerBombEventEnabled bool `json:"isCheerBombEventEnabled"` // Indicates if polls is enabled. IsPollsEnabled bool `json:"isPollsEnabled"` // isRecentEnabled indicates if recent cheers are pinned in this channel. // This can be used by a client to update `CheerInfo.recent` as new cheers are received. IsRecentEnabled bool `json:"isRecentEnabled"` // isTopEnabled indicates if top cheers are pinned in this channel. // This can be used by a client to update `` as new cheers are received. IsTopEnabled bool `json:"isTopEnabled"` // leaderboard contains all of the Bits settings related to Bits Leaderboards for this channel. Leaderboard *BitsLeaderboardSettings `json:"leaderboard"` // recentMinimumBits is the number of bits required for a cheer to be pinned. RecentMinimumBits int `json:"recentMinimumBits"` // recentTimeoutMs is the amount of time a pinned recent message should be displayed for. RecentTimeoutMs int `json:"recentTimeoutMs"` }
CheerSettings are the channel-specific cheer settings.
type Cheermote ¶
type Cheermote struct { // A nullable campaign associated with the cheermote. This would only be attached to // cheermotes that are of the CheermoteType.SPONSORED. Campaign *CheermoteCampaign `json:"campaign"` // The ID of the cheermote. ID string `json:"id"` // prefix for this cheering action (Kappa, cheer, Kreygasm, etc). // Any case-insensitive match of this prefix directly followed by a number // (Kappa100, kappa100, kApPa100, etc) is to be considered a cheering message. Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // tiers are bits breakpoints for different images for this cheermote. Tiers []*CheermoteTier `json:"tiers"` // type is the kind of cheermote (custom vs 1st- or 3rd-party global). Type CheermoteType `json:"type"` }
Cheermote is the metadata about different variations of a single cheermote that can be use to cheer in this channel.
type CheermoteCampaign ¶
type CheermoteCampaign struct { // The percentage of remaining bits that can be added to cheers. BitsPercentageRemaining float64 `json:"bitsPercentageRemaining"` // An optional field that shows the user how many bits are being used to sponsor the campaign. BitsTotal *int `json:"bitsTotal"` // An optional field that shows the user how many bits have been used out of the sponsored pool. BitsUsed *int `json:"bitsUsed"` // Image url for the brand image. BrandImageURL string `json:"brandImageURL"` // The name of the brand, used in strings. BrandName string `json:"brandName"` // The cheermote campaign ID. This is unique. ID string `json:"id"` // The minimum bits amount to make a cheer add bits from the sponsored campaign. MinimumBitsAmount int `json:"minimumBitsAmount"` // The nullable edge that relates the user to the campaign. Self *CheermoteCampaignSelfEdge `json:"self"` // Thresholds for matching on sponsored cheering. Thresholds []*CheermoteCampaignThreshold `json:"thresholds"` // Amount of bits that an individual user can contribute. UserLimit int `json:"userLimit"` }
A campaign that is in association with a cheermote. Like, Old Spice could have a cheermote with Terry Crew's head that they will sponsor X Bits that get added on to cheers that use their cheermote.
type CheermoteCampaignSelfEdge ¶
type CheermoteCampaignSelfEdge struct { // The total bits used by the user in the campaign. BitsUsed int `json:"bitsUsed"` // Eligibility for the user to cheer with the sponsored bits in the campaign. CanBeSponsored bool `json:"canBeSponsored"` // The ID is comprised of the campaign ID and the user ID. ID string `json:"id"` }
Edge that relates a cheermote campaign to the logged in user.
type CheermoteCampaignThreshold ¶
type CheermoteCampaignThreshold struct { // Id for threshold, generated using the campaign id and the minimum bits field. ID string `json:"id"` // Percentage for matching. MatchedPercent float64 `json:"matchedPercent"` // Minimum number of bits to get this level of matching. MinimumBits int `json:"minimumBits"` }
Threshold for sponsored cheermote campaign matching.
type CheermoteColorConfig ¶
type CheermoteColorConfig struct { // bits is the minimum number of bits that are required to render this tier. // To render at this tier the cheemote must have used >= this minimum but < the next smallest tier. Bits int `json:"bits"` // color is the hex color used to render the number of bits for this tier. Color string `json:"color"` }
The color that should be used to display each cheer amount.
type CheermoteDisplayConfig ¶
type CheermoteDisplayConfig struct { // A list of the backgrounds that a Cheermote can be rendered at. For example, ["light", "dark"] // Although this is probably more accurately represented as an emum, these strings are going to have to be used // when creating the full URL for a Cheermote from the template URL. Rather than forcing each client to create the // same enum -> string mapping, we will just pass these directly as strings. Backgrounds []string `json:"backgrounds"` // A list of the colors that should be used to display text for each Cheer amount. Colors []*CheermoteColorConfig `json:"colors"` // A list of the order in which CheermoteTypes should be displayed. Order []CheermoteType `json:"order"` // A list of the scales that a Cheermote can be rendered at. For example, ["1", "1.5", "2", "3", "4"] // Although this is probably more accurately represented as an emum, these strings are going to have to be used // when creating the full URL for a Cheermote from the template URL. Rather than forcing each client to create the // same enum -> string mapping, we will just pass these directly as strings. Scales []string `json:"scales"` // A list of the display types available for Cheermotes. Types []*CheermoteDisplayType `json:"types"` }
The CheermoteDisplayConfig provides information about how Cheermotes can be displayed This includes things like the possible sizes, colors, backgrounds, and display order.
type CheermoteDisplayType ¶
type CheermoteDisplayType struct { // The animation style. For example, "static" or "animated" // Although this is probably more accurately represented as an emum, these strings are going to have to be used // when creating the full URL for a Cheermote from the template URL. Rather than forcing each client to create the // same enum -> string mapping, we will just pass these directly as strings. Animation string `json:"animation"` // The extension for this animation style. For example, "png" or "gif" // Although this is probably more accurately represented as an emum, these strings are going to have to be used // when creating the full URL for a Cheermote from the template URL. Rather than forcing each client to create the // same enum -> string mapping, we will just pass these directly as strings. Extension string `json:"extension"` }
Information about the methods to display a Cheermote.
type CheermoteGroup ¶
type CheermoteGroup struct { // The Cheermotes which belong to this group. Nodes []*Cheermote `json:"nodes"` // The template URL that clients can use to construct the image URL for each cheermote tier. // The displayConfig field on Query provides values you'll need to fill in this template, // so don't forget to request that as well. TemplateURL string `json:"templateURL"` }
Contains a group of related Cheermotes that share the same CDN template.
type CheermoteImage ¶
type CheermoteImage struct { // dpiScale is the scale of the cheermote image. // Currently available scales are: 1, 1.5, 2, 3, or 4. DpiScale float64 `json:"dpiScale"` // The ID of CheermoteImage. ID string `json:"id"` // isAnimated is true for animated cheermotes and false otherwise. IsAnimated bool `json:"isAnimated"` // theme is the UI theme the cheermote is designed to be rendered on. Theme ChatTheme `json:"theme"` // url is the URL of the image asset. URL string `json:"url"` }
CheermoteImage is a single image variation of a `CheermoteTier`.
type CheermoteTier ¶
type CheermoteTier struct { // bits is the minimum number of bits that are required to render this tier. // To render at this tier the cheemote must have used >= this minimum but < the next smallest tier. Bits int `json:"bits"` // Can this cheer tier be used as a cheermote. CanCheer bool `json:"canCheer"` // Can this cheer tier be shown in the Bits card. CanShowInBitsCard bool `json:"canShowInBitsCard"` // color is the hex color used to render the number of bits for this tier. Color string `json:"color"` // The ID of CheermoteTier. ID string `json:"id"` // images are urls for the cheermote that match various settings. // This can optionally be filtered to only certain variations or called without arguments to return all available images. Images []*CheermoteImage `json:"images"` // tierID of this specific cheermote icon. For "Kappa100" this will be "100". TierID string `json:"tierID"` }
CheermoteTier has information about a single tier of a cheermote.
type CheermoteTierThreshold ¶
type CheermoteTierThreshold string
The supported cheermote tier thresholds.
const ( // Cheermote tier threshold requiring at least 1 Bit. CheermoteTierThresholdTier1 CheermoteTierThreshold = "TIER_1" // Cheermote tier threshold requiring at least 100 Bits. CheermoteTierThresholdTier100 CheermoteTierThreshold = "TIER_100" // Cheermote tier threshold requiring at least 1000 Bits. CheermoteTierThresholdTier1000 CheermoteTierThreshold = "TIER_1000" // Cheermote tier threshold requiring at least 5000 Bits. CheermoteTierThresholdTier5000 CheermoteTierThreshold = "TIER_5000" // Cheermote tier threshold requiring at least 10000 Bits. CheermoteTierThresholdTier10000 CheermoteTierThreshold = "TIER_10000" )
func (CheermoteTierThreshold) IsValid ¶
func (e CheermoteTierThreshold) IsValid() bool
func (CheermoteTierThreshold) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CheermoteTierThreshold) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CheermoteTierThreshold) String ¶
func (e CheermoteTierThreshold) String() string
func (*CheermoteTierThreshold) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CheermoteTierThreshold) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CheermoteToken ¶
type CheermoteToken struct { // The number of bits in the cheermote. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` // The prefix of the cheermote (e.g. cheer in cheer100). Prefix string `json:"prefix"` // The tier of the cheer used to determine which image to show for the cheermote. // In cheer150, this would be 100. Tier int `json:"tier"` }
CheermoteToken is used to render a cheermote in a message.
func (CheermoteToken) IsFragmentContent ¶
func (CheermoteToken) IsFragmentContent()
type CheermoteType ¶
type CheermoteType string
CheermoteType is the kind of cheermore (custom vs 1st- or 3rd-party global).
const ( // The type for the generic "Cheer" action. CheermoteTypeDefault CheermoteType = "DEFAULT" // Custom Channel Cheermotes. CheermoteTypeCustom CheermoteType = "CUSTOM" // Sponsored Cheermotes. CheermoteTypeSponsored CheermoteType = "SPONSORED" // Charity Cheermotes. CheermoteTypeCharity CheermoteType = "CHARITY" // First Party Cheermotes, like Kappa and BibleThump. CheermoteTypeFirstParty CheermoteType = "FIRST_PARTY" // Third Party Cheermotes, like Muxy and BitBoss. CheermoteTypeThirdParty CheermoteType = "THIRD_PARTY" // Cheermotes for display only. The cannot be cheered, but will be rendered in Chat. CheermoteTypeDisplayOnly CheermoteType = "DISPLAY_ONLY" // The type for the anonymous cheer action. CheermoteTypeAnonymous CheermoteType = "ANONYMOUS" // Unknown cheermote type, we only return this if we get a bad cheermote, // we decided this is better than erroring the whole response, the front end should treat this the same as DISPLAY_ONLY. CheermoteTypeUnknown CheermoteType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CheermoteType) IsValid ¶
func (e CheermoteType) IsValid() bool
func (CheermoteType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CheermoteType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CheermoteType) String ¶
func (e CheermoteType) String() string
func (*CheermoteType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CheermoteType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClaimBountyError ¶
type ClaimBountyError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while claiming the bounty. Code ClaimBountyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while claiming the bounty.
type ClaimBountyErrorCode ¶
type ClaimBountyErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. ClaimBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter ClaimBountyErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // User reached the maximum number of bounties. ClaimBountyErrorCodeBountyLimitReached ClaimBountyErrorCode = "BOUNTY_LIMIT_REACHED" // User already claimed that bounty. ClaimBountyErrorCodeBountyAlreadyClaimed ClaimBountyErrorCode = "BOUNTY_ALREADY_CLAIMED" // Unknown error being returned from service. ClaimBountyErrorCodeUnknownError ClaimBountyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (ClaimBountyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ClaimBountyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ClaimBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClaimBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClaimBountyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ClaimBountyErrorCode) String() string
func (*ClaimBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClaimBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClaimBountyInput ¶
type ClaimBountyInput struct { // Unique Identifier for the bounty campaign. BountyCampaignID string `json:"bountyCampaignID"` // Unique Identifier for the bounty. BountyID string `json:"bountyID"` // Platform selected by the user to play this bounty's game on. Platform *string `json:"platform"` // Region selected by the user for the game key. Region *string `json:"region"` // UserID of the user that will claim the bounty. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
ClaimBountyInput includes the bounty a user is trying to claim.
type ClaimBountyPayload ¶
type ClaimBountyPayload struct { // The claimed bounty with the updated status. ClaimedBounty *Bounty `json:"claimedBounty"` // The possible error returned from the service. Error *ClaimBountyError `json:"error"` // The user that now has the claimed bounty. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data that was mutated after claiming the bounty.
type ClaimCommunityPointsError ¶
type ClaimCommunityPointsError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from claiming community points.
type ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode ¶
type ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode string
The possible reasons a claim could fail.
const ( // The point claim was not found. ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCodeNotFound ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to claim these points. ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCodeForbidden ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" )
func (ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) String() string
func (*ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClaimCommunityPointsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClaimCommunityPointsInput ¶
type ClaimCommunityPointsInput struct { // The channel ID the claim is in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The claim ID. ClaimID string `json:"claimID"` }
Input for claiming community points.
type ClaimCommunityPointsPayload ¶
type ClaimCommunityPointsPayload struct { // The points claim that was claimed. Claim *CommunityPointsClaim `json:"claim"` // The user's point balance in the channel, after the claim. CurrentPoints *int `json:"currentPoints"` // An error that occurred while claiming. If there is an error, the claim did not go through. Error *ClaimCommunityPointsError `json:"error"` }
The response from claiming community points.
type ClaimDropRewardsInput ¶
type ClaimDropRewardsInput struct { // dropInstanceID is the unique drop instance to claim. DropInstanceID string `json:"dropInstanceID"` }
ClaimDropRewardsInput has fields required to claim a drop.
type ClaimDropRewardsPayload ¶
type ClaimDropRewardsPayload struct { // Summary information for the drop the reward is claimed of. Drop *DropObject `json:"drop"` // dropInstanceID is the same as the provided input. DropInstanceID *string `json:"dropInstanceID"` // A single Drop. This could be either an event or time based drop. DropType DropType `json:"dropType"` // UserAccountConnected is a boolean specifying if the user has a connected account link to the game the Reward is for. IsUserAccountConnected *bool `json:"isUserAccountConnected"` // rewards lists the rewards that were claimed and their statuses. Rewards []*DropReward `json:"rewards"` // status is an enum specifying the status of the claim request. Status *DropInstanceEligibilityStatus `json:"status"` }
ClaimDropRewardsPayload returns the state of the claim.
type ClaimHint ¶
type ClaimHint string
Hint describing the current availability state of the claim for the user.
const ( // We found no existing entitlements for the customer for the offer. // The offer is ready for claiming. ClaimHintAvailable ClaimHint = "AVAILABLE" // We found an existing entitlement for the customer, and the currently linked Amazon account is the account on the entitlement. // This is preventing a future claim by the querying account. ClaimHintClaimedNoConflicts ClaimHint = "CLAIMED_NO_CONFLICTS" // We found an existing entitlement for the customer, but the currently linked Amazon account is NOT the account on the entitlement. // This is preventing a future claim by the querying account. ClaimHintClaimedAmazonLinkConflict ClaimHint = "CLAIMED_AMAZON_LINK_CONFLICT" // We found an existing entitlement for one of the accounts for the customer. // The existing entitlement is not blocking an additional claim. ClaimHintReclaimableNoConflicts ClaimHint = "RECLAIMABLE_NO_CONFLICTS" // We found an existing entitlement linked to the household, but the querying account did not claim it themselves. // This is preventing a future claim by the querying account. ClaimHintClaimedByMemberOfHousehold ClaimHint = "CLAIMED_BY_MEMBER_OF_HOUSEHOLD" // Customer does not have Twitch Prime. // The user needs to sign up before claiming. ClaimHintNeedPrime ClaimHint = "NEED_PRIME" // The entitlement we found is for a code offer, and we have run out of codes. // We may restock codes in the future and will report another claim hint type if so. ClaimHintOfferFullyClaimed ClaimHint = "OFFER_FULLY_CLAIMED" // No valid claim hint was provided. // This will also occur when we implement new claim hints but have not yet updated this repo. ClaimHintUnknown ClaimHint = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ClaimHint) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*ClaimHint) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type ClaimPrimeOfferError ¶
type ClaimPrimeOfferError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while claiming prime offer. Code ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while claiming prime offer.
type ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode ¶
type ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Status when offer is already claimed by the current user or an associated account. ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCodeOfferAlreadyClaimed ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode = "OFFER_ALREADY_CLAIMED" // Unknown error being returned from service. ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCodeUnknown ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) String() string
func (*ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClaimPrimeOfferErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClaimPrimeOfferInput ¶
type ClaimPrimeOfferInput struct { // Unique Identifier for an offer. OfferID string `json:"offerID"` }
type ClaimPrimeOfferPayload ¶
type ClaimPrimeOfferPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *ClaimPrimeOfferError `json:"error"` // The connection for whether the user is entitled to the offer. Self *PrimeOfferSelfConnection `json:"self"` }
Data that was mutated after claiming the prime offer, in this case, the entitlement.
type Claimable ¶
type Claimable interface {
An interface to represent a claimable thing.
type ClaimableType ¶
type ClaimableType string
The enumerated types of claimables.
const ( // A key code that has a bits amount associated with it. ClaimableTypeBitsKeyCode ClaimableType = "BITS_KEY_CODE" // A key code that has a subscription to a product associated with it. ClaimableTypeSubsKeyCode ClaimableType = "SUBS_KEY_CODE" // A key code that has a gift card with monetary value associated with it. ClaimableTypeGiftCardKeyCode ClaimableType = "GIFT_CARD_KEY_CODE" )
func (ClaimableType) IsValid ¶
func (e ClaimableType) IsValid() bool
func (ClaimableType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClaimableType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClaimableType) String ¶
func (e ClaimableType) String() string
func (*ClaimableType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClaimableType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClearUnreadFriendRequestsPayload ¶
type ClearUnreadFriendRequestsPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
ClearUnreadFriendRequestsPaylod is the payload returned by ClearUnreadFriendRequests.
type Client ¶
func (*Client) CurrentlyWatching ¶
func (c *Client) CurrentlyWatching(ctx context.Context, httpRequestOptions ...client.HTTPRequestOption) (*CurrentlyWatching, error)
type ClientAuthorization ¶
type ClientAuthorization struct { // The ID of the client. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // The name of the client. ClientName *string `json:"clientName"` // The time when the authorization was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` }
The authorization a user has provided to an OAuth client.
type Clip ¶
type Clip struct { // The broadcast of the clip. This should only be used to fetch the ID of the broadcast. // Because not all videos have broadcasts (e.g. uploads), not all clips will have a broadcast. Broadcast *Broadcast `json:"broadcast"` // The broadcaster from which the clip originated. Broadcaster *User `json:"broadcaster"` // The curator's clip champ badge if it has been attained on the broadcaster's channel. // This will be null if the curator is not a clip champ of the broadcaster's channel. ChampBadge *Badge `json:"champBadge"` // The time when the clip was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Different video qualities are being created in the background. // The creation state indicates when the source quality clip is playable // and transcoding of the clip in other video qualities has begun. CreationState *ClipCreationState `json:"creationState"` // The user who created the clip. Curator *User `json:"curator"` // The duration of the clip, in seconds. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // The URL used in the embed player. EmbedURL string `json:"embedURL"` // The game depicted in the clip. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The clip's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether or not the clip has been published. IsPublished *bool `json:"isPublished"` // The language of the clip. Language Language `json:"language"` // The playback access token that determines whether the user can watch the clip. // Fetched for both authed and unauthed users. PlaybackAccessToken *PlaybackAccessToken `json:"playbackAccessToken"` // Metadata around the raw media. RawMedia *ClipRawMedia `json:"rawMedia"` // The different quality options of this clip's raw media used for editing. RawVideoQualities []*ClipVideoQuality `json:"rawVideoQualities"` // The reactions associated with this clips. Reactions []*Reaction `json:"reactions"` // Lists of related clips based on different algorithms. RelatedClips *ClipRelatedClips `json:"relatedClips"` // A URL-friendly identifier. Slug string `json:"slug"` // A URL to a thumbnail image. // Valid sizes are "86x45", "260x147", and "480x272". ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnailURL"` // The title of the clip. Title string `json:"title"` // A URL to the clip's page. URL string `json:"url"` // The video of the clip. Because not all broadcasts are archived, not all clips will // have a video. Video *Video `json:"video"` // The number of seconds into a VOD this clip was generated from. VideoOffsetSeconds *int `json:"videoOffsetSeconds"` // The different quality options of this clip available for playback. // The clip will first be available in the source video quality, indicated by when the // clipCreationState is 'CREATED'. videoQualities will gradually be added to afterwards as // more video quality options become playable. VideoQualities []*ClipVideoQuality `json:"videoQualities"` // The number of times this clip has been viewed. ViewCount int `json:"viewCount"` }
A recorded, replayable part of a live broadcast.
func (Clip) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (Clip) IsFeedEmbed()
func (Clip) IsFeedItemContent ¶
func (Clip) IsFeedItemContent()
func (Clip) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (Clip) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
func (Clip) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (Clip) IsPostEmbed()
func (Clip) IsReactableContent ¶
func (Clip) IsReactableContent()
func (Clip) IsShareTarget ¶
func (Clip) IsShareTarget()
func (Clip) IsShelfContent ¶
func (Clip) IsShelfContent()
func (Clip) IsShortVideoContent ¶
func (Clip) IsShortVideoContent()
func (Clip) IsTaggedContent ¶
func (Clip) IsTaggedContent()
func (Clip) IsVideoShelfItem ¶
func (Clip) IsVideoShelfItem()
type ClipConnection ¶
type ClipConnection struct { // The clips. Edges []*ClipEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A list of clips related to the subject.
type ClipCreationState ¶
type ClipCreationState string
An enumeration on the different status strings returned by a clip status.
const ( // The creating status indicates that the source quality video is still // undergoing processing and transcoding. ClipCreationStateCreating ClipCreationState = "CREATING" // Clip has been successfully created in the source video quality. // The field videoQualities will be gradually added to with other quality options. ClipCreationStateCreated ClipCreationState = "CREATED" // Clip creation failed and will remain in this state. // Possible errors can happen due to problems in downloading and slicing // the source of the original video, clipping offline channels, transcoding, etc. ClipCreationStateFailed ClipCreationState = "FAILED" )
func (ClipCreationState) IsValid ¶
func (e ClipCreationState) IsValid() bool
func (ClipCreationState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClipCreationState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClipCreationState) String ¶
func (e ClipCreationState) String() string
func (*ClipCreationState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClipCreationState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClipRawMedia ¶
type ClipRawMedia struct { // Default Offset is the seconds into the raw clip media the default clip begins at. DefaultClipInitialOffset float64 `json:"defaultClipInitialOffset"` // Total duration of the raw media. Duration float64 `json:"duration"` // Total number of frames displayed in the spritesheet film strip. FilmStripFrames int `json:"filmStripFrames"` // Seconds covered by each frame in the spritesheet film strip. FilmStripSecondsPerFrame int `json:"filmStripSecondsPerFrame"` // Height of the frames displayed. FrameHeight int `json:"frameHeight"` // Width of the frames displayed. FrameWidth int `json:"frameWidth"` // Spritesheet displayed to user for clip editing. SpritesheetURL string `json:"spritesheetURL"` // Status of the clip's raw media. Status ClipCreationState `json:"status"` // URL link to the video mp4 containing to upwards of 90 seconds of the raw video from which the clip can be created from. VideoURL string `json:"videoURL"` }
ClipRawMedia describes metadata about the clip's raw media used in clip editing.
type ClipRelatedClips ¶
type ClipRelatedClips struct { // Up-to 4 randomly selected, top viewed clips from the same broadcaster created within the last 4 days. Broadcaster []*Clip `json:"broadcaster"` // Up-to 10 clips, in order, combined from the other returned clip sets. // Clips are included in the priority of similar, broadcaster, game, and then top. Combined []*Clip `json:"combined"` // Up-to 4 randomly selected, top viewed clips from the same user created within the last 4 days. Curator []*Clip `json:"curator"` // Up-to 4 randomly selected, top viewed clips from the same game created within the last 4 days. Game []*Clip `json:"game"` // Up-to 4 similar clips, based on the recommendations service. // Deprecated: The underlying recommendations service that determined similar clips has been deprecated. Similar []*Clip `json:"similar"` // Up-to 4 randomly selected, top viewed clips created within the last 4 days. Top []*Clip `json:"top"` }
There are different algorithms that return a different set of related clips. They only return up to 4 clips per list.
type ClipSegmentInput ¶
type ClipSegmentInput struct { // The number of seconds this clip segment encompasses. DurationSeconds float64 `json:"durationSeconds"` // The offset into the clip's 90 second raw media. OffsetSeconds float64 `json:"offsetSeconds"` // Valid input speeds are 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. // The segment speed will be set to 1 by default if unspecified. Speed *float64 `json:"speed"` }
ClipSegmentInput represents a single segment of a clip.
type ClipVideoQuality ¶
type ClipVideoQuality struct { // Frame rate is the number of frames per second of this video. // This value is a 64-bit float, with a default value of 30.0, // and is used for supporting different playback speeds. // Frame rate will be empty for raw media video qualities. FrameRate *float64 `json:"frameRate"` // Clips can have multiple playback qualities via transcoding. // Some examples of qualities include "1080", "720", "480", "360", and "source". Quality string `json:"quality"` // The source video URL for the clip in this specific playback quality. SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` }
ClipVideoQuality describes metadata about an available playback source for a clip.
type ClipsFilter ¶
type ClipsFilter string
The set of methods to restrict clips results.
const ( // Limit results to trending clips. ClipsFilterTrending ClipsFilter = "TRENDING" // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 24 hours. ClipsFilterLastDay ClipsFilter = "LAST_DAY" // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 7 days. ClipsFilterLastWeek ClipsFilter = "LAST_WEEK" // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 30 days. ClipsFilterLastMonth ClipsFilter = "LAST_MONTH" // No limit on clips creation period. ClipsFilterAllTime ClipsFilter = "ALL_TIME" )
func (ClipsFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e ClipsFilter) IsValid() bool
func (ClipsFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClipsFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClipsFilter) String ¶
func (e ClipsFilter) String() string
func (*ClipsFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClipsFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClipsPeriod ¶
type ClipsPeriod string
An enumeration on the different time frames to filter clips results based on creation time.
const ( // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 24 hours. ClipsPeriodLastDay ClipsPeriod = "LAST_DAY" // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 7 days. ClipsPeriodLastWeek ClipsPeriod = "LAST_WEEK" // Limit results to clips created in the period between now and the last 30 days. ClipsPeriodLastMonth ClipsPeriod = "LAST_MONTH" // No limit on when the clips were created. ClipsPeriodAllTime ClipsPeriod = "ALL_TIME" )
func (ClipsPeriod) IsValid ¶
func (e ClipsPeriod) IsValid() bool
func (ClipsPeriod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ClipsPeriod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ClipsPeriod) String ¶
func (e ClipsPeriod) String() string
func (*ClipsPeriod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ClipsPeriod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ClipsSort ¶
type ClipsSort string
An enumeration on the different sort orders of clips results.
const ( // Sort the clips ascending by created_at. ClipsSortCreatedAtAsc ClipsSort = "CREATED_AT_ASC" // Sort the clips descending by created_at. ClipsSortCreatedAtDesc ClipsSort = "CREATED_AT_DESC" // Sort the clips ascending by views. ClipsSortViewsAsc ClipsSort = "VIEWS_ASC" // Sort the clips descending by views. ClipsSortViewsDesc ClipsSort = "VIEWS_DESC" // Sort the clips descending by popularity. ClipsSortTrending ClipsSort = "TRENDING" )
func (ClipsSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*ClipsSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError ¶
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError string
CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError is an error associated with the cloneExtensionDiscoveryData mutation.
const ( CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidNewVersion CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_NEW_VERSION" // The Version to clone from does not exist. CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorVersionNotFound CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "VERSION_NOT_FOUND" )CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorUnauthorized
func (CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) IsValid ¶
func (e CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) IsValid() bool
func (CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) String ¶
func (e CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) String() string
func (*CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataInput ¶
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataInput struct { // The extension ID of the extension to clone. ID string `json:"id"` // The version to clone to. NewVersion string `json:"newVersion"` // The extension version to clone from. Version string `json:"version"` }
CloneExtensionDiscoveryData copies a given version's discovery data to another version.
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload ¶
type CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataError `json:"error"` // The updated extension discovery data. Manifest *ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest `json:"manifest"` }
CloneExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload returns any errors that occur during the copying of the discovery data.
type CloneExtensionManifestError ¶
type CloneExtensionManifestError string
CloneExtensionManifestError is an error associated with the cloneExtensionManifest mutation.
const ( CloneExtensionManifestError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. CloneExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNewVersion CloneExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_NEW_VERSION" // The version to clone to already exists. CloneExtensionManifestErrorVersionAlredyExists CloneExtensionManifestError = "VERSION_ALREDY_EXISTS" // The Version to clone from does not exist. CloneExtensionManifestErrorVersionNotFound CloneExtensionManifestError = "VERSION_NOT_FOUND" )CloneExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized
func (CloneExtensionManifestError) IsValid ¶
func (e CloneExtensionManifestError) IsValid() bool
func (CloneExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CloneExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CloneExtensionManifestError) String ¶
func (e CloneExtensionManifestError) String() string
func (*CloneExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CloneExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CloneExtensionManifestInput ¶
type CloneExtensionManifestInput struct { // The extension ID of the extension to clone. ID string `json:"id"` // The version of the clone. NewVersion string `json:"newVersion"` // The extension version to clone. Version string `json:"version"` }
CloneExtensionManifest copies the data in a given extension version to a new version.
type CloneExtensionManifestPayload ¶
type CloneExtensionManifestPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *CloneExtensionManifestError `json:"error"` // The updated extension manifest. Manifest *ExtensionManifest `json:"manifest"` }
CloneExtensionManifestPayload returns any errors that occur during update and the new manifest.
type CloudBroadcast ¶
type CloudBroadcast struct { // The id of the cloud broadcast. ID string `json:"id"` // The status of a cloud broadcast. State CloudBroadcastState `json:"state"` // The ingest URI for the broadcast. // This is available if the broadcast is in an online state; otherwise null. URI *string `json:"uri"` }
Represents a cloud broadcast and its state.
type CloudBroadcastProvider ¶
type CloudBroadcastProvider struct { // The supported capabilities of a cloud broadcast. Capabilities *CloudBroadcastProviderCapabilities `json:"capabilities"` // The friendly display name of the provider. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The logical id of the provider, for interacting with providers. ID string `json:"id"` }
A cloud broadcast provider id.
type CloudBroadcastProviderCapabilities ¶
type CloudBroadcastProviderCapabilities struct { // The maximum supported broadcast framerate for the provider, if available. Framerate *int `json:"framerate"` // The maximum supported broadcast height for the provider, if available. Height *int `json:"height"` // The ID of the provider associated with the capabilities. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether or not if the broadcaster can send broadcasts to the service. IsAvailable bool `json:"isAvailable"` // The maximum supported broadcast width for the provider, if available. Width *int `json:"width"` }
Capabilities of a cloud broadcast provider.
type CloudBroadcastProviderKey ¶
type CloudBroadcastProviderKey struct { // The friendly display name of the provider. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The logical id of the provider, for interacting with providers. ID string `json:"id"` }
A cloud broadcast provider id.
type CloudBroadcastState ¶
type CloudBroadcastState string
Represents the status of a cloud broadcast.
const ( // Broadcast is offline and needs to be started. CloudBroadcastStateOffline CloudBroadcastState = "OFFLINE" // Broadcast is pending and currently starting. CloudBroadcastStatePending CloudBroadcastState = "PENDING" // Broadcast is online and ready. CloudBroadcastStateOnline CloudBroadcastState = "ONLINE" // The broadcast status is unknown. CloudBroadcastStateUnknown CloudBroadcastState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CloudBroadcastState) IsValid ¶
func (e CloudBroadcastState) IsValid() bool
func (CloudBroadcastState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CloudBroadcastState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CloudBroadcastState) String ¶
func (e CloudBroadcastState) String() string
func (*CloudBroadcastState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CloudBroadcastState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Collection ¶
type Collection struct { // The user-supplied description of the collection. Description string `json:"description"` // The collection's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The paginated items in the collection. At this time, they will all be VoDs. Items *CollectionConnection `json:"items"` // Total length of the collection as summed from all video lengths. LengthSeconds int `json:"lengthSeconds"` // The owner of the collection. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The thumbnailURL for the collection. // If either `height` or `width` are not given, a templated value (i.e. `{height}`, `{width}`) will be present in the URL instead. ThumbnailURL *string `json:"thumbnailURL"` // The user-supplied title of the collection. Title string `json:"title"` // The type of collection, either a series or default collection which is ”. Type CollectionType `json:"type"` // Time when the collection was last updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // The total view count of a collection. ViewCount *int `json:"viewCount"` }
Collection (a.k.a. Playlist) is a backend concept for a list of videos.
type CollectionConnection ¶
type CollectionConnection struct { // The list of items in this page. Edges []*CollectionItemEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of videos. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of items in the collection. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of videos, and its metadata.
type CollectionItem ¶
type CollectionItem interface {
The types of objects that can be contained in a collection.
type CollectionItemEdge ¶
type CollectionItemEdge struct { Cursor string `json:"cursor"` Node CollectionItem `json:"node"` }
A page entry, that contains a collection item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination.
type CollectionOptions ¶
type CollectionOptions struct { // Include all playlist items including private and deleted items. IncludeAllItems *bool `json:"includeAllItems"` }
A Collection input to set options to include all items in a collection.
type CollectionType ¶
type CollectionType string
The set of different collection types.
const ( // Series collection type. CollectionTypeSeries CollectionType = "SERIES" // Default collection type. CollectionTypeDefault CollectionType = "DEFAULT" )
func (CollectionType) IsValid ¶
func (e CollectionType) IsValid() bool
func (CollectionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CollectionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CollectionType) String ¶
func (e CollectionType) String() string
func (*CollectionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CollectionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CollectionsConnection ¶
type CollectionsConnection struct { Edges []*CollectionsItemEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
These two types allow clients to query for a LIST of COLLECTIONS (i.e. a two-dimensional array of videos).
type CollectionsItemEdge ¶
type CollectionsItemEdge struct { Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` Node *Collection `json:"node"` }
type CollectionsOptions ¶
type CollectionsOptions struct { // Option to include empty collections. IncludeEmpty *bool `json:"includeEmpty"` // Only return collections that include the given video ID. WithVideoID *string `json:"withVideoID"` }
Options for filtering collections.
type CommunityPointsAutomaticReward ¶
type CommunityPointsAutomaticReward struct { // The background color for the reward icon. BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The point cost of this reward. Cost *int `json:"cost"` // The default background color for this reward. DefaultBackgroundColor string `json:"defaultBackgroundColor"` // The default point cost of this reward. DefaultCost int `json:"defaultCost"` // The default image for this reward. DefaultImage *CommunityPointsImage `json:"defaultImage"` // Time that the global template for this reward was last updated in a way that should show a new content indicator to viewers. GloballyUpdatedForIndicatorAt time.Time `json:"globallyUpdatedForIndicatorAt"` // The unique identifier of this reward in this channel. ID string `json:"id"` // The custom icon for this reward, if any. Image *CommunityPointsImage `json:"image"` // Whether this reward is turned on or off in this channel at the moment. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Whether only non-subscribers are allowed to redeem this reward in this channel. IsHiddenForSubs bool `json:"isHiddenForSubs"` // The lowest the broadcaster is allowed to set the cost of this reward. MinimumCost int `json:"minimumCost"` // The type of automatic reward this is. Type CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType `json:"type"` // Time that this reward was last updated for the channel in a way that should show a new content indicator to viewers. // Will be null if the channel hasn't made any updates to override the global settings. UpdatedForIndicatorAt *time.Time `json:"updatedForIndicatorAt"` }
An automatic community points reward.
type CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType ¶
type CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType string
Types of CommunityPointsAutomaticRewards.
const ( // Send a single message through sub-only mode. CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeSingleMessageBypassSubMode CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = "SINGLE_MESSAGE_BYPASS_SUB_MODE" // Unlock a random subscriber emote. CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeRandomSubEmoteUnlock CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = "RANDOM_SUB_EMOTE_UNLOCK" // Unlock a chosen subscriber emote. CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeChosenSubEmoteUnlock CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = "CHOSEN_SUB_EMOTE_UNLOCK" // Send a highlighted chat message. CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeSendHighlightedMessage CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = "SEND_HIGHLIGHTED_MESSAGE" // Unlock a chosen modification for a subscriber emote. CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardTypeChosenModifiedSubEmoteUnlock CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType = "CHOSEN_MODIFIED_SUB_EMOTE_UNLOCK" )
func (CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsChannelEarningSettings ¶
type CommunityPointsChannelEarningSettings struct { // The average number of points per hour earned by a regular (non-sub) user on this channel. AveragePointsPerHour int `json:"averagePointsPerHour"` // The average number of points per hour earned by a subscriber on this channel. AveragePointsPerHourSubscriber int `json:"averagePointsPerHourSubscriber"` // How many points are earned for cheering in a channel. CheerPoints int `json:"cheerPoints"` // How many minutes will pass in between bonus claims becoming available. ClaimPeriodMinutes int `json:"claimPeriodMinutes"` // How many points are earned for clicking a bonus claim. ClaimPoints int `json:"claimPoints"` // How many points are earned for following the channel. FollowPoints int `json:"followPoints"` // A unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The possible multipliers users can have on earning points. Multipliers []*CommunityPointsMultiplier `json:"multipliers"` // How many minutes must be watched to earn points for passively watching the channel. PassiveWatchPeriodMinutes int `json:"passiveWatchPeriodMinutes"` // How many points are earned for passively watching the channel. PassiveWatchPoints int `json:"passiveWatchPoints"` // How many points are earned for following a raid by the channel. RaidPoints int `json:"raidPoints"` // The earning multiplier applied to subscribers to the channel. // This multiplier only applies to "watch" and "claim" actions. SubscriberMultiplier float64 `json:"subscriberMultiplier"` // How many points are earned for gifting a subscription in a channel. SubscriptionGiftPoints int `json:"subscriptionGiftPoints"` // How many points are earned for watching consecutive streams. // This list will be sorted from shortest duration to longest duration. // Watch streaks beyond the longest duration here will be treated the same as watch streaks of the longest duration. WatchStreakPoints []*CommunityPointsWatchStreakEarningSettings `json:"watchStreakPoints"` }
Information on how points are earned by viewers in a specific channel.
type CommunityPointsChannelSettings ¶
type CommunityPointsChannelSettings struct { // Archived community goals for this channel. ArchivedGoals *CommunityPointsCommunityGoalConnection `json:"archivedGoals"` // Automatic rewards for this channel. If no automatic rewards exist, will be an empty array. AutomaticRewards []*CommunityPointsAutomaticReward `json:"automaticRewards"` // The default max contribution to a community goal per user per stream. CommunityGoalMaxContributionPerStream int `json:"communityGoalMaxContributionPerStream"` // The default small contribution to a community goal. CommunityGoalSmallContribution int `json:"communityGoalSmallContribution"` // Single custom reward by the given id for this channel. CustomReward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"customReward"` // Collections of the custom reward templates for this channel. CustomRewardTemplateCollections []*CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollection `json:"customRewardTemplateCollections"` // Custom rewards for this channel. If no custom rewards exist, will be an empty array. CustomRewards []*CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"customRewards"` // The default image for community points. DefaultImage *CommunityPointsImage `json:"defaultImage"` // Properties concerning the user's participation in the Channel Points early access program. EarlyAccess *CommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings `json:"earlyAccess"` // Information on how points are earned by viewers in this channel. Earning *CommunityPointsChannelEarningSettings `json:"earning"` // A list of the emote variants (base emote + modifications) that are available for this channel. EmoteVariants []*CommunityPointsEmoteVariant `json:"emoteVariants"` // Non-archived community goals for this channel. Goals []*CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goals"` // The channel's custom community points icon. Null if they have not set an icon. Image *CommunityPointsImage `json:"image"` // Whether the channel is allowed to turn community points on now. IsAvailable bool `json:"isAvailable"` // Whether the channel will be allowed to turn community points on at full public launch. IsAvailableAtLaunch bool `json:"isAvailableAtLaunch"` // Whether the channel has community points turned on now. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Whether the channel will have community points turned on at full public launch. IsEnabledAtLaunch bool `json:"isEnabledAtLaunch"` // The channel's custom community points name. Null if they have not set a name. Name *string `json:"name"` // The amount of points earned for participating in a raid from the channel. RaidPointAmount int `json:"raidPointAmount"` // A list of Smart Costs acknowledgements. SmartCostsAcknowledgements []*SmartCostsAcknowledgement `json:"smartCostsAcknowledgements"` // A summary of information about unfulfilled redemptions of each custom reward. SummarizedRewards []*CommunityPointsRewardSummary `json:"summarizedRewards"` // A list of the progress for all ongoing Update Custom Reward Redemption Statuses requests. UpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress []*CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress `json:"updateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress"` }
Settings for a channel's Community Points.
type CommunityPointsClaim ¶
type CommunityPointsClaim struct { // The claim's unique ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The multipliers that will affect this claim. // Multipliers start at a base of 1.0, and are additive. // Two multipliers of [0.2] and [0.3] will give a final multiplier of 1.5x. Multipliers []*CommunityPointsMultiplier `json:"multipliers"` // The baseline points this claim will grant, before applying multipliers. PointsEarnedBaseline int `json:"pointsEarnedBaseline"` // The total points this claim will grant. PointsEarnedTotal int `json:"pointsEarnedTotal"` }
Points that are available for a user to click to claim in a channel.
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoal ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoal struct { // The amount of community points that this goal needs to succeed. AmountNeeded int `json:"amountNeeded"` // The background color of this goal. Should be a hex color string, for example "FF0000". BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The default image of community goals. DefaultImage *CommunityPointsImage `json:"defaultImage"` // The description of this goal. Description *string `json:"description"` // The *initial* duration the streamer set for the goal. // Only really used during the UNSTARTED state; once the goal is started // the endedAt timestamp is populated (and updated for extended deadlines). DurationDays int `json:"durationDays"` // When the goal ended / will end. EndedAt *time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // The id of the goal. ID string `json:"id"` // The image of the goal. Image *CommunityPointsImage `json:"image"` // If this goal is available to be contributed to. // true when the goal is active and the streamer is live. // For MLP, this is just whether the channel is live. IsInStock bool `json:"isInStock"` // The max per stream, per user contribution limit. PerStreamUserMaximumContribution int `json:"perStreamUserMaximumContribution"` // The total points contributed to this goal. PointsContributed int `json:"pointsContributed"` // The small contribution needed to contribute to the goal. Contribution can only be // less than this amount if the goal has less than this amount left to complete or if // the viewer has less than this amount to be able to contribute. SmallContribution int `json:"smallContribution"` // When the goal started. StartedAt *time.Time `json:"startedAt"` // The current status of this goal. Status CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus `json:"status"` // The title of this goal. Title string `json:"title"` // The type of this goal. Type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType `json:"type"` }
Community goal.
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalConnection ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalConnection struct { // The list of community goals in this page. Edges []*CommunityPointsCommunityGoalEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of community goals. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of community goals.
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalContribution ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalContribution struct { // The community goal. Goal *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goal"` // The amount of user's channel points contributed to this community goal this stream. UserPointsContributedThisStream int `json:"userPointsContributedThisStream"` }
Community goal contribution.
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalEdge ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalEdge struct { // Identifies this community goal's position in a connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The community goal. Node *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"node"` }
A community goal page entry, contains an item and a cursor.
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus string
Community goal status.
const ( // Goal was just created. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusUnstarted CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "UNSTARTED" // Goal was started. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusStarted CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "STARTED" // Goal ended. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusEnded CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "ENDED" // Goal marked fulfilled by streamer. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusFulfilled CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "FULFILLED" // Goal archived. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusArchived CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "ARCHIVED" // Goal status unknown. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatusUnknown CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType ¶
type CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType string
Community goal type.
const ( // Goal owned by creator. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeCreator CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType = "CREATOR" // Community Boost Goal. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeBoost CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType = "BOOST" // Goal type unknown. CommunityPointsCommunityGoalTypeUnknown CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsContentType ¶
type CommunityPointsContentType string
The different types of content for community points.
const ( // The content type is not understood by GQL. CommunityPointsContentTypeUnknown CommunityPointsContentType = "UNKNOWN" // The content type for automatic rewards. CommunityPointsContentTypeAutomaticReward CommunityPointsContentType = "AUTOMATIC_REWARD" // The content type for custom rewards. CommunityPointsContentTypeCustomReward CommunityPointsContentType = "CUSTOM_REWARD" )
func (CommunityPointsContentType) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsContentType) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsContentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsContentType) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsContentType) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsContentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsCustomReward ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomReward struct { // The custom background color for this reward. If no background color specified, will be null. BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The cooldown expires at field indidicates when reward will be able to be redeemed after the cooldown is set. // This field will only have a value if the global cooldown feature is enabled and has been recently redeemed. CooldownExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"cooldownExpiresAt"` // The point cost of this reward. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The default image for community points custom rewards. DefaultImage *CommunityPointsImage `json:"defaultImage"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per the global cooldown. GlobalCooldownSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSetting `json:"globalCooldownSetting"` // Whether this reward has real world value. Null if the broadcaster has not set this field yet. HasRealWorldValue *bool `json:"hasRealWorldValue"` // The unique identifier for this reward. ID string `json:"id"` // The custom image for this reward. If no image exists, will be null. Image *CommunityPointsImage `json:"image"` // Whether this reward is enabled in this channel at the moment. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Whether this reward is in stock at the moment. // If the reward has already been redeemed the maximum number of times per stream, this will be false. IsInStock bool `json:"isInStock"` // Whether redemptions of this reward are temporarily paused. IsPaused bool `json:"isPaused"` // Whether only subscribers are allowed to redeem this reward in this channel. IsSubOnly bool `json:"isSubOnly"` // Whether this reward requires users to enter text input. IsUserInputRequired bool `json:"isUserInputRequired"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSetting `json:"maxPerStreamSetting"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSetting `json:"maxPerUserPerStreamSetting"` // The user-facing prompt for this reward. If no prompt exists, will be null. Prompt *string `json:"prompt"` // The value of redemptions of the reward for the current stream. // This field will only have a value if the max per user per stream is enabled and has been recently redeemed. RedemptionsRedeemedCurrentStream *int `json:"redemptionsRedeemedCurrentStream"` // Whether redemptions for this reward should skip the broadcaster's request queue and get // automatically fulfilled. ShouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue bool `json:"shouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue"` // The id for the CustomReward template this reward was created from. Will be null if not created from a template. TemplateID *string `json:"templateID"` // The short title displayed for this reward. Title string `json:"title"` // Time that this reward was last updated in a way that should show a new content indicator to viewers. UpdatedForIndicatorAt time.Time `json:"updatedForIndicatorAt"` }
A custom community points reward on a channel.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSetting ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSetting struct { // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per the global cooldown. GlobalCooldownSeconds int `json:"globalCooldownSeconds"` // Whether the cooldown is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Settings for how often a custom reward may be redeemed per stream.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSettingInput ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSettingInput struct { // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per global cooldown. GlobalCooldownSeconds int `json:"globalCooldownSeconds"` // Whether the cooldown is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Input for creating and updating a Community Points custom reward's max per stream settings.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSetting ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSetting struct { // Whether the maximum is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStream int `json:"maxPerStream"` }
Settings for how often a custom reward may be redeemed per stream.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSettingInput ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSettingInput struct { // Whether the maximum is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStream int `json:"maxPerStream"` }
Input for creating and updating a Community Points custom reward's max per stream settings.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSetting ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSetting struct { // Whether the maximum is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStream int `json:"maxPerUserPerStream"` }
Settings for how often a custom reward may be redeemed per stream.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSettingInput ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSettingInput struct { // Whether the maximum is being enforced. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStream int `json:"maxPerUserPerStream"` }
Input for creating and updating a Community Points custom reward's max per stream settings.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption struct { // The unique ID of this redemption. ID string `json:"id"` // The user-provided text input, if it exists. Input *string `json:"input"` // The custom reward that was redeemed. Reward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"reward"` // The unique ID of the reward that was redeemed. RewardID string `json:"rewardID"` // The title of the custom reward that was redeemed, at the time it was redeemed. RewardTitle string `json:"rewardTitle"` // The status of this redemption. Status CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"status"` // The time that the reward was redeemed at. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // The user that redeemed the reward. User *User `json:"user"` }
A community points custom reward that has been redeemed in a channel.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionConnection ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionConnection struct { // The list of items in this page. Edges []*CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of Community Points redemptions. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of Community Points redemptions, and its metadata. Only returns results for logged-in, authorized users, otherwise returns a nil response.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionEdge ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionEdge struct { // Cursor used for next query. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying Community Points redemption. Node *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption `json:"node"` }
A page entry, that contains a CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder string
Ways to sort Community Points redemptions.
const ( // The oldest redemption first. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrderOldest CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder = "OLDEST" // The newest redemption first. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrderNewest CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder = "NEWEST" )
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus string
Possible states for a CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption.
const ( // A redemption that has not been acted on by the broadcaster. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusUnfulfilled CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus = "UNFULFILLED" // A redemption that has been fulfilled by the broadcaster. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusFulfilled CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus = "FULFILLED" // A redemption that has been canceled by the broadcaster. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusCanceled CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus = "CANCELED" // A redemption that has been reported by the broadcaster. CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusReported CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus = "REPORTED" )
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplate ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplate struct { // The custom background color for a reward created from this template. BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The point cost for a reward created from this template. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The maximum number of redemptions for the reward created from this // template that can be redeemed per the global cooldown. GlobalCooldownSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSetting `json:"globalCooldownSetting"` // The unique identifier for this reward template. ID string `json:"id"` // The default image for a reward created from this template. Image *CommunityPointsImage `json:"image"` // Whether only subscribers are allowed to redeem the reward created // from this template. IsSubOnly bool `json:"isSubOnly"` // Whether the reward created from this template requires users to enter // text input. IsUserInputRequired bool `json:"isUserInputRequired"` // The maximum number of redemptions for the reward created from this // template that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSetting `json:"maxPerStreamSetting"` // The maximum number of redemptions for the reward created from this // template that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSetting `json:"maxPerUserPerStreamSetting"` // The user-facing prompt for the reward created from this template. // If no prompt exists, will be null. Prompt *string `json:"prompt"` // Whether redemptions for the reward created from this template should // skip the broadcaster's request queue and get automatically fulfilled. ShouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue bool `json:"shouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue"` // The short title displayed for the reward created from this template. Title string `json:"title"` }
A template used to create a custom reward.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollection ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollection struct { // The category these templated custom rewards are for. Category CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory `json:"category"` // The templated custom rewards. CustomRewardTemplates []*CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplate `json:"customRewardTemplates"` }
A collection of custom reward templates for a category on a channel.
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory string
The possible categories for a collection of custom reward templates.
const ( // Unknown category. CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryUnknown CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory = "UNKNOWN" // The templates are for custom rewards that are related to actions in a game. CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryGame CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory = "GAME" // The templates are for custom rewards that are related to actions irl. CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryIrl CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory = "IRL" // The templates are for custom rewards that are related to actions on twitch. CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategoryTwitch CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory = "TWITCH" )
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsCustomRewardTemplateCollectionCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardUserRedemption ¶
type CommunityPointsCustomRewardUserRedemption struct { // The custom reward. Reward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"reward"` // The amount of redempetions per user on this reward during the current stream. UserRedemptionsCurrentStream int `json:"userRedemptionsCurrentStream"` }
Custom reward user redemption.
type CommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings ¶
type CommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings struct { // Whether the user is eligible to sign up for Community Points early access. CanSignUp bool `json:"canSignUp"` // Whether the user has signed up for Community Points early access. IsSignedUp bool `json:"isSignedUp"` }
Properties concerning the user's participation in the Community Points early access program.
type CommunityPointsEmote ¶
type CommunityPointsEmote struct { // The emote's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The text token of the emote. Token string `json:"token"` }
A community points emote.
type CommunityPointsEmoteModification ¶
type CommunityPointsEmoteModification struct { // The modified emote. Emote *CommunityPointsEmote `json:"emote"` // Time that the modification was last updated globally in a way that should show a new content indicator to viewers. GloballyUpdatedForIndicatorAt time.Time `json:"globallyUpdatedForIndicatorAt"` // The emote modification's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The dark version of the icon to represent the modification made to the emote. ModifierIconDark *CommunityPointsImage `json:"modifierIconDark"` // The light version of the icon to represent the modification made to the emote. ModifierIconLight *CommunityPointsImage `json:"modifierIconLight"` // The title for the modification. Title string `json:"title"` }
A community points emote modification.
type CommunityPointsEmoteVariant ¶
type CommunityPointsEmoteVariant struct { // The base emote for this variant. Emote *CommunityPointsEmote `json:"emote"` // The emote variant's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether community points can be used to unlock the base emote. IsUnlockable bool `json:"isUnlockable"` // The modifications available to be unlocked for this emote. Modifications []*CommunityPointsEmoteModification `json:"modifications"` }
A community points emote variant, includes base emote plus modifications.
type CommunityPointsImage ¶
type CommunityPointsImage struct { // The URL for the small size image. URL string `json:"url"` // The URL for the medium size image. URL2x string `json:"url2x"` // The URL for the large size image. URL4x string `json:"url4x"` }
Image URLs of different sizes for community points rewards.
type CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo ¶
type CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo struct { // The upload ID. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // The URL to upload to. URL string `json:"url"` }
The information required for the client to upload an image for Community Points.
type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByType ¶
type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByType struct { // The type of content that was viewed at the lastViewedAt time. ContentType CommunityPointsContentType `json:"contentType"` // The time at which the contentType was last viewed. Will be null if the content hasn't been viewed. LastViewedAt *time.Time `json:"lastViewedAt"` }
Holds the last time a content type was viewed.
type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByTypeAndID ¶
type CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByTypeAndID struct { // A unique identifier for the piece of content based on the type of content dictated by contentType. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // The type of content that was viewed at the lastViewedAt time. ContentType CommunityPointsContentType `json:"contentType"` // The time at which the content was last viewed. Will be null if the content hasn't been viewed. LastViewedAt *time.Time `json:"lastViewedAt"` }
Holds the last time a specific piece of content was viewed.
type CommunityPointsLimitedEarnings ¶
type CommunityPointsLimitedEarnings struct { // Timestamp of when points will become available for cheering on the channel. // This will be nil if isCheerAvailable is true and can be nil when isCheerAvailable is false // indicating that there is not currently a time in the future when it will become available. CheerAvailableAt *time.Time `json:"cheerAvailableAt"` // A unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Can the user cheer to get points on the channel. IsCheerAvailable bool `json:"isCheerAvailable"` // Can the user follow to get points on the channel. IsFollowAvailable bool `json:"isFollowAvailable"` // Can the user gift a subscription in the channel to get points on the channel. IsSubscriptionGiftAvailable bool `json:"isSubscriptionGiftAvailable"` // Timestamp of when points will become available for gifting subscriptions on the channel. // This will be nil if isSubscriptionGiftAvailable is true and can be nil when isSubscriptionGiftAvailable is false // indicating that there is not currently a time in the future when it will become available. SubscriptionGiftAvailableAt *time.Time `json:"subscriptionGiftAvailableAt"` }
Availability of limited earn actions for a viewer in a specific channel.
type CommunityPointsMultiplier ¶
type CommunityPointsMultiplier struct { // The multiplying factor being applied. // Multipliers start at a base of 1.0, and are additive. // Two multipliers of [0.2] and [0.3] will give a final multiplier of 1.5x. Factor float64 `json:"factor"` // The reason that the multiplier is being applied. ReasonCode CommunityPointsMultiplierReason `json:"reasonCode"` }
A multiplier affecting the rate of community points earned for a user in a channel.
type CommunityPointsMultiplierReason ¶
type CommunityPointsMultiplierReason string
Reasons that community point earning could be multiplied for a user in a channel.
const ( // Tier-1 Subscriber. CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT1 CommunityPointsMultiplierReason = "SUB_T1" // Tier-2 Subscriber. CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT2 CommunityPointsMultiplierReason = "SUB_T2" // Tier-3 Subscriber. CommunityPointsMultiplierReasonSubT3 CommunityPointsMultiplierReason = "SUB_T3" )
func (CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsMultiplierReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsProperties ¶
type CommunityPointsProperties struct { // Multipliers currently affecting the logged in user's rate of point gaining in this channel. // If there are no multipliers active, will be an empty array. ActiveMultipliers []*CommunityPointsMultiplier `json:"activeMultipliers"` // Points that are available for the user to click to claim in this channel. Null if there are no points available to claim. AvailableClaim *CommunityPointsClaim `json:"availableClaim"` // The number of community points this user currently has available to use in this channel. Balance int `json:"balance"` // Whether the user can redeem rewards on this channel for free. // The main example is broadcasters on their own channels. CanRedeemRewardsForFree bool `json:"canRedeemRewardsForFree"` // The community goal contributions. GoalContributions []*CommunityPointsCommunityGoalContribution `json:"goalContributions"` // Timestamps of when the user last viewed the different types of community points content on the channel. LastViewedContent []*CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByType `json:"lastViewedContent"` // Availability of limited earning actions for the user in this channel. LimitedEarnings *CommunityPointsLimitedEarnings `json:"limitedEarnings"` // The custom reward user redemptions for the current live stream. UserRedemptions []*CommunityPointsCustomRewardUserRedemption `json:"userRedemptions"` }
Properties relating to a user's community points in a channel.
type CommunityPointsRedemptionQueueOptions ¶
type CommunityPointsRedemptionQueueOptions struct { // The order of the results, either oldest first or newest first. Order *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionQueueSortOrder `json:"order"` // Filter results to only redemptions of this reward. RewardID *string `json:"rewardID"` // Filter results to only redemptions of this status. Status *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"status"` }
Optional filters that can be applied to a redemption queue query.
type CommunityPointsRewardSummary ¶
type CommunityPointsRewardSummary struct { // The total number of unfulfilled redemptions of this reward on the channel. Count int `json:"count"` // If the count is at the max, the true count could be any number greater than or equal to the count. // Clients should indicate that there could be more redemptions than the number indicates. // For example, if count = 100 and isCountAtMaximum = true, clients could show "100+". IsCountAtMaximum bool `json:"isCountAtMaximum"` // The reward being summarized. Node *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"node"` }
A summary of information about redemptions of a given custom community points reward. Only returns results for logged-in, authorized users, otherwise returns a nil response.
type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError ¶
type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError struct { // The error code. Code CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from redeeming an unlock emote Community Points reward.
type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode ¶
type CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode string
Possible errors from redeeming an unlock emote Community Points reward.
const ( // The emote ID provided is for the wrong channel or the wrong type of emote. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeInvalidEmote CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "INVALID_EMOTE" // The user is already entitled to the emote provided. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeEmoteAlreadyEntitled CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_ALREADY_ENTITLED" // The user is entitled to all emotes that would be randomly selected from. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeNoEmotesAvailable CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "NO_EMOTES_AVAILABLE" // The user does not have sufficient points to redeem the reward. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeInsufficientPoints CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_POINTS" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that has already been redeemed. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeTransactionAlreadyCommitted CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_ALREADY_COMMITTED" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that is currently being redeemed in another request. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeTransactionInProgress CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS" // The reward cost has changed since the user has tried to redeem it. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardCostMismatch CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "REWARD_COST_MISMATCH" // The reward is currently disabled. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardDisabled CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "REWARD_DISABLED" // The user is not allowed to redeem this reward on this channel. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeRewardForbidden CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "REWARD_FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCodeUnknown CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod ¶
type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod string
Methods for updating community points CustomReward redemption statuses.
const ( // Unknown method. CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodUnknown CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod = "UNKNOWN" // Statuses for all redemptions for the channel are being updated. CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByChannel CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod = "BY_CHANNEL" // Statuses for all redemptions for a reward are being updated. CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByReward CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod = "BY_REWARD" // Statuses for the provided redemptions are being updated. CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethodByRedemptions CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod = "BY_REDEMPTIONS" )
func (CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) IsValid ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) IsValid() bool
func (CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) String ¶
func (e CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) String() string
func (*CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress ¶
type CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesProgress struct { // The channel ID the redemptions are being updated for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Unique identifier for the progress. ID string `json:"id"` // The method being used to update the custom reward redemption statuses. Method CommunityPointsUpdateCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesMethod `json:"method"` // The new status the redemptions are being set to. NewStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"newStatus"` // The number of redemptions that have been processed so far. Processed int `json:"processed"` // The reward ID the redemptions being updated are for. // Will only be set if method is BY_REWARD. RewardID *string `json:"rewardID"` // The total number of redemptions being updated. Total int `json:"total"` }
The type representing Community Points Update Custom Reward Redemption Statuses Progress.
type CommunityPointsUserProperties ¶
type CommunityPointsUserProperties struct { // Timestamps of when the user last viewed the different global pieces of content for community points. LastViewedContent []*CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByTypeAndID `json:"lastViewedContent"` }
Properties relating to a user's community points across twitch.
type CommunityPointsWatchStreakEarningSettings ¶
type CommunityPointsWatchStreakEarningSettings struct { // How many points are awarded for a streak of this length. Points int `json:"points"` // How long of a streak a user has. StreakLength int `json:"streakLength"` }
Settings for how many community points are awarded for a watch streak of a specific duration.
type Company ¶
type Company struct { // The bounty board campaigns that the company owns. BountyCampaigns *BountyCampaignConnection `json:"bountyCampaigns"` // The brand portal settings for the company. BrandPortalSettings *BrandPortalSettings `json:"brandPortalSettings"` // ID of the Company in the CurseForge Infrastructure. CurseCompanyID *string `json:"curseCompanyID"` // The estimated viewer reach for the pool of broadcasters this company is considering targeting. EstimatedBroadcasterViewerReach *BroadcasterViewerReach `json:"estimatedBroadcasterViewerReach"` // The games associated with the company. Optionally include games that a company can use for Bounty Board // campaigns (ie. "Just Chatting" for trailer campaigns). Games []*Game `json:"games"` // The company's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Legacy Companies need to agree to the Drops Terms. IsCampaignsEnabled bool `json:"isCampaignsEnabled"` // Legacy Companies are required to sign the Contract. IsContractSigned bool `json:"isContractSigned"` // Indicates if the Company is a Legacy Company from the first iteration of the DevSite. IsLegacy bool `json:"isLegacy"` // The human-readable name of the company. Name string `json:"name"` // Indicates if company is a developer, publisher or other. Type OrganizationType `json:"type"` // The Company URL for their Corporate Website. URL string `json:"url"` }
A company that is on Twitch.
type Competition ¶
type Competition struct { // Banner image for the competition event page. BannerImageURL *string `json:"bannerImageURL"` // This is the amount of time (in minutes) available for participants to check-in once competition startAt has passed. CheckInDurationMinutes int `json:"checkInDurationMinutes"` // The time the competition was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Long form text block description for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. Description *string `json:"description"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The format contains the type and type metadata of the competition. (i.e. single elimination, round robin, etc.). Format *CompetitionFormat `json:"format"` // The game being played in the competition. Game *Game `json:"game"` // Unique Competition ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Primary artwork for the competition. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // The name of the competition. Name string `json:"name"` // The competition organizer. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The participant-facing points of contact for the competition that only registered participants can see. ParticipantOnlyContactInfo *CompetitionContactInfo `json:"participantOnlyContactInfo"` // The type of participant for the competition. e.g. SOLO, TEAM, ... ParticipantType CompetitionParticipantType `json:"participantType"` // Paginated list of participants in the competition. Participants *CompetitionParticipantConnection `json:"participants"` // A list of phases in the competition. Phases []*CompetitionPhase `json:"phases"` // Paginated list of players in the competition. Players *CompetitionPlayerConnection `json:"players"` // Long form text block description that explains the prizing for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. PrizeDescription *string `json:"prizeDescription"` // The public points of contact for the competition that anyone can see. PublicContactInfo *CompetitionContactInfo `json:"publicContactInfo"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end registration. RegistrationEndAt time.Time `json:"registrationEndAt"` // The maximum number of players in a REGISTERED state. RegistrationLimit int `json:"registrationLimit"` // The type of a registration for the competition. e.g. OPEN, INVITATIONAL, ... RegistrationType RegistrationType `json:"registrationType"` // Long form text block description that explains the rules for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. RulesDescription *string `json:"rulesDescription"` // The relationship between the authenticated user and the competition. Self *CompetitionSelfEdge `json:"self"` // Paginated, ordered list representing the standings of the competition. Standings *CompetitionStandingConnection `json:"standings"` // The time the competition is scheduled to start. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The state of the tournament. State CompetitionState `json:"state"` // The number of players within a single team entity. Must be 1 for solo-type competitions. TeamSize int `json:"teamSize"` // Paginated list of teams in the competition. Teams *CompetitionTeamConnection `json:"teams"` // Link URL to any additional terms and conditions. TermsURL *string `json:"termsURL"` // The time the competition was last updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // Visibility of the competition. Visibility CompetitionVisibilityState `json:"visibility"` }
A Competition created by a competition organizer.
type CompetitionConnection ¶
type CompetitionConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*CompetitionEdge `json:"edges"` // Are there more competitions in the list and what is the cursor. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Competitions.
type CompetitionContactInfo ¶
type CompetitionContactInfo struct { // Link to Discord server for competition contact purposes. DiscordURL *string `json:"discordURL"` // Email address point of contact for the competition. Email *string `json:"email"` }
The contact information to contact the organizers for the competition.
type CompetitionEdge ¶
type CompetitionEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A competition record in the list of competitons. Node *Competition `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a Competition's relationship to a given page (connection), and the Competition itself.
type CompetitionError ¶
type CompetitionError struct { // The error code. Code CompetitionErrorCode `json:"code"` // The error message string. Message string `json:"message"` }
Information to communicate to the user about an error state.
type CompetitionErrorCode ¶
type CompetitionErrorCode string
Enum for user errors.
const ( // Used when an argument is missing but was required. CompetitionErrorCodeRequiredArgument CompetitionErrorCode = "REQUIRED_ARGUMENT" // Used when an argument that is passed in is invalid in some way. CompetitionErrorCodeInvalidArgument CompetitionErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // Used when an attempt to add a resource but that resource already exists. CompetitionErrorCodeAlreadyExists CompetitionErrorCode = "ALREADY_EXISTS" // Used when the registration limit on the competition has been reached. CompetitionErrorCodeLimitReached CompetitionErrorCode = "LIMIT_REACHED" // Used when the error is unknown. CompetitionErrorCodeUnknown CompetitionErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CompetitionErrorCode) String() string
func (*CompetitionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionFormat ¶
type CompetitionFormat struct { // The details of the format, currently only used for LEADERBOARD type. Details FormatTypeDetails `json:"details"` // The type of the format for the competition. Type FormatType `json:"type"` }
The CompetitionFormat contains the type and type metadata of the competition. (i.e. single elimination, round robin, etc.).
type CompetitionImageType ¶
type CompetitionImageType string
The competition Image type sent by the user to determine what image is being uploaded to the competition.
const ( // Banner image for the competition. CompetitionImageTypeBanner CompetitionImageType = "BANNER" // Thumbnail image for the competition. CompetitionImageTypeThumbnail CompetitionImageType = "THUMBNAIL" // Image type is unknown. CompetitionImageTypeUnknown CompetitionImageType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionImageType) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionImageType) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionImageType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionImageType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionImageType) String ¶
func (e CompetitionImageType) String() string
func (*CompetitionImageType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionImageType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionImageUpload ¶
type CompetitionImageUpload struct { // ID of the upload. ID string `json:"id"` // URL at which clients can access the image. URL string `json:"url"` }
Identifiers for the competition image.
type CompetitionLobby ¶
type CompetitionLobby struct { // Lobby ID of lobby to advance the winner to. AdvanceNextLobby *string `json:"advanceNextLobby"` // Unique lobby ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Lobby ID of lobby to advance the loser to. LossNextLobby *string `json:"lossNextLobby"` // The participants of a lobby, and their scores. Participants []*CompetitionLobbyParticipant `json:"participants"` // The count of reported scores of the lobby. ReportedScoreCount int `json:"reportedScoreCount"` // The state of the lobby. State LobbyState `json:"state"` // The participant who had a higher score, if scores are equal and the lobby is done, the lobby ended in a tie and winner returns null Winner *CompetitionLobbyParticipant `json:"winner"` }
A Lobby in a phase.
type CompetitionLobbyParticipant ¶
type CompetitionLobbyParticipant struct { // The detailed participant associated with the lobby participant, can be a Competition Player or Competition Team. DetailedParticipant CompetitionParticipant `json:"detailedParticipant"` // Unique ID for CompetitionLobbyParticipant. ID string `json:"id"` // The score for this participant. Score *int `json:"score"` // Tie breaker points awarded to the participant for this lobby TiebreakerScore *int `json:"tiebreakerScore"` }
A CompetitionLobbyParticipant, and its scores, in a lobby.
type CompetitionOrganizerCapability ¶
type CompetitionOrganizerCapability struct { // The features a user available to them when they are a Competition Organizer. null or [] mean no special permissions are given to this user. AllowedRegistrationTypes []RegistrationType `json:"allowedRegistrationTypes"` // Can this user upload or attach additional terms of service for a competition. CanAttachTerms *bool `json:"canAttachTerms"` }
The features a user has access to when creating a competition with the Versus product.
type CompetitionParticipant ¶
type CompetitionParticipant interface {
A CompetitionParticipant is either a CompetitionPlayer who is playing solo or a CompetitionTeam who plays as a team.
type CompetitionParticipantConnection ¶
type CompetitionParticipantConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*CompetitionParticipantEdge `json:"edges"` // Are there more competition participants and what is the cursor. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total amount of competition participants in the competition. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Sorted list of competition participants.
type CompetitionParticipantEdge ¶
type CompetitionParticipantEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A competition participant record. Node CompetitionParticipant `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a competition participant relationship to the paginated request, and the participant themselves.
type CompetitionParticipantType ¶
type CompetitionParticipantType string
The participant type signifies whether the competition will be played as team or solo.
const ( // Participants are represented as a team. CompetitionParticipantTypeTeam CompetitionParticipantType = "TEAM" // Participant is represented as solo. CompetitionParticipantTypeSolo CompetitionParticipantType = "SOLO" // Unknown participant type. CompetitionParticipantTypeUnknown CompetitionParticipantType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionParticipantType) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionParticipantType) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionParticipantType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionParticipantType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionParticipantType) String ¶
func (e CompetitionParticipantType) String() string
func (*CompetitionParticipantType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionParticipantType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionPhase ¶
type CompetitionPhase struct { // Unique phase ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The lobbies in a phase. Lobbies []*CompetitionLobby `json:"lobbies"` // The state of the phase. It is derived on whether any of the lobbies are actively playing. State PhaseState `json:"state"` // For more complex tournaments, the type determines how you progress after a phase. Type *CompetitionPhaseType `json:"type"` }
A Phase created by a competition organizer.
type CompetitionPhaseType ¶
type CompetitionPhaseType string
The phase type subdivides phases for more complex tournament types.
const ( // This phase contains participants who have not used their second-chance. CompetitionPhaseTypeDoubleEliminationWinners CompetitionPhaseType = "DOUBLE_ELIMINATION_WINNERS" // This phase contains participants who have lost a lobby once. CompetitionPhaseTypeDoubleEliminationLosers CompetitionPhaseType = "DOUBLE_ELIMINATION_LOSERS" // Phase type is not applicable to a phase of this competition type. CompetitionPhaseTypeNotApplicable CompetitionPhaseType = "NOT_APPLICABLE" // Phase type is unknown. CompetitionPhaseTypeUnknown CompetitionPhaseType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionPhaseType) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionPhaseType) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionPhaseType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionPhaseType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionPhaseType) String ¶
func (e CompetitionPhaseType) String() string
func (*CompetitionPhaseType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionPhaseType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionPlacement ¶
type CompetitionPlacement struct { // The position in the total participant list a participant ranks. Position *int `json:"position"` }
The placement within the competition for an participant.
type CompetitionPlayer ¶
type CompetitionPlayer struct { // Competition ID player is a part of. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The time the player was added. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The discord username for the player. DiscordUsername *string `json:"discordUsername"` // Unique ID for competition player. ID string `json:"id"` // The in game username for the player. InGameUsername *string `json:"inGameUsername"` // Indicates whether the player is disqualified. IsDisqualified bool `json:"isDisqualified"` // The state a player has in the competition. State CompetitionPlayerState `json:"state"` // The associated team the user is part of. Team *CompetitionTeam `json:"team"` // The total score for the competition player. TotalScore int `json:"totalScore"` // The associated user. User *User `json:"user"` }
A player is solo participant in a Competition.
func (CompetitionPlayer) IsCompetitionParticipant ¶
func (CompetitionPlayer) IsCompetitionParticipant()
type CompetitionPlayerConnection ¶
type CompetitionPlayerConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*CompetitionPlayerEdge `json:"edges"` // Are there more players in the competition and what is the cursor. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total amount of players in the competition. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Paginated list of players in a Competition.
type CompetitionPlayerEdge ¶
type CompetitionPlayerEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A competition record in the list of competitions. Node *CompetitionPlayer `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a Players relationship to a given page (connection), and the Player themselves.
type CompetitionPlayerState ¶
type CompetitionPlayerState string
The states a player can have in the competition.
const ( // The player has been invited. CompetitionPlayerStateInvited CompetitionPlayerState = "INVITED" // The player has registered to compete in this competition in the future. CompetitionPlayerStateRegistered CompetitionPlayerState = "REGISTERED" // The player has checked in to compete now. CompetitionPlayerStateCheckedIn CompetitionPlayerState = "CHECKED_IN" // The player has competed in the competition. CompetitionPlayerStateCompeted CompetitionPlayerState = "COMPETED" // The player has declined the competition. CompetitionPlayerStateDeclined CompetitionPlayerState = "DECLINED" // The player state is unknown. CompetitionPlayerStateUnknown CompetitionPlayerState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionPlayerState) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionPlayerState) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionPlayerState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionPlayerState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionPlayerState) String ¶
func (e CompetitionPlayerState) String() string
func (*CompetitionPlayerState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionPlayerState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionSelfEdge ¶
type CompetitionSelfEdge struct { // Whether the user is invited to the competition. IsInvited *bool `json:"isInvited"` // Whether the user is the owner. IsOwner *bool `json:"isOwner"` // Whether the user is a player in the competition. IsPlayer *bool `json:"isPlayer"` // Whether the user is registered in the competition. IsRegistered *bool `json:"isRegistered"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and the competition.
type CompetitionStanding ¶
type CompetitionStanding struct { // A record of all lobbies (1 per phase) in which the participant has competed. History []*HistoricalCompetitionLobby `json:"history"` // The participant whose score and placement are being reported. Participant CompetitionParticipant `json:"participant"` // Placement is a participant's rank in the competition standings. Placement *CompetitionPlacement `json:"placement"` // The participant's current score for the competition. Score *int `json:"score"` // Summation of bonus points awarded to a participant. TiebreakerScore *int `json:"tiebreakerScore"` // Percentage of done lobbies the participant has won out of the done lobbies the participant in, if participant is not in any done lobbies this will be null. WinPercentage *int `json:"winPercentage"` }
A single participant's competition standing including score and placement.
type CompetitionStandingConnection ¶
type CompetitionStandingConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*CompetitionStandingEdge `json:"edges"` // Are there more standings for the competition and what is the cursor. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of standings for a Competition.
type CompetitionStandingEdge ¶
type CompetitionStandingEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A competition standing record in the list of competition standings. Node *CompetitionStanding `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a CompetitionStanding's relationship to a given page (connection), and the standing itself.
type CompetitionState ¶
type CompetitionState string
The State of the Competition.
const ( // Upcoming competition. CompetitionStateUpcoming CompetitionState = "UPCOMING" // Past competition. CompetitionStatePast CompetitionState = "PAST" // Live competition. CompetitionStateLive CompetitionState = "LIVE" // A competition that's awaiting check-ins. CompetitionStateCheckIn CompetitionState = "CHECK_IN" // A competition that's ready to be started. CompetitionStateReady CompetitionState = "READY" // Unknown state. CompetitionStateUnknown CompetitionState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionState) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionState) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionState) String ¶
func (e CompetitionState) String() string
func (*CompetitionState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionTeam ¶
type CompetitionTeam struct { // The captain of the team is a Competition Player. Captain *CompetitionPlayer `json:"captain"` // CompetitionID we are a part of. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // Unique ID for competition team. ID string `json:"id"` // Indicates whether the team is disqualified. IsDisqualified bool `json:"isDisqualified"` // The members of the team are Competition Players. Members []*CompetitionPlayer `json:"members"` // The name of the competition team. Name string `json:"name"` // The relationship between the authenticated user and the competition team. Self *CompetitionTeamSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The total score for the competition team. TotalScore int `json:"totalScore"` }
A Team is scheduled or has competed in a Competition.
func (CompetitionTeam) IsCompetitionParticipant ¶
func (CompetitionTeam) IsCompetitionParticipant()
type CompetitionTeamConnection ¶
type CompetitionTeamConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*CompetitionTeamEdge `json:"edges"` // Are there more teams in the competition and what is the cursor. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total amount of teams in the competition. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
List of competition teams and their scores.
type CompetitionTeamEdge ¶
type CompetitionTeamEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A competition team record. Node *CompetitionTeam `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a Team relationship to a given page (connection), and the Team themselves.
type CompetitionTeamSelfEdge ¶
type CompetitionTeamSelfEdge struct { // Whether the user is the captain. IsCaptain bool `json:"isCaptain"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and the competition Team.
type CompetitionUploadImageError ¶
type CompetitionUploadImageError struct { // The error code. Code CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode `json:"code"` // The error message string. Message string `json:"message"` }
Information to communicate to the user about an error state.
type CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode ¶
type CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode string
Enum for user errors.
const ( // Used when an argument is missing but was required. CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeRequiredArgument CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode = "REQUIRED_ARGUMENT" // Used when an argument that is passed in is invalid in some way. CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeInvalidArgument CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // Used when the error is unknown. CompetitionUploadImageErrorCodeUnknown CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) String() string
func (*CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionUploadImageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CompetitionVisibilityState ¶
type CompetitionVisibilityState string
The Visibility of the Competition.
const ( // Private competition. CompetitionVisibilityStatePrivate CompetitionVisibilityState = "PRIVATE" // Public competition. CompetitionVisibilityStatePublic CompetitionVisibilityState = "PUBLIC" // Unknown state. CompetitionVisibilityStateUnknown CompetitionVisibilityState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CompetitionVisibilityState) IsValid ¶
func (e CompetitionVisibilityState) IsValid() bool
func (CompetitionVisibilityState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CompetitionVisibilityState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CompetitionVisibilityState) String ¶
func (e CompetitionVisibilityState) String() string
func (*CompetitionVisibilityState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CompetitionVisibilityState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ComponentActivationInput ¶
type ComponentActivationInput struct { // The slot name of where the component extension should be displayed. Slot string `json:"slot"` // The horizontal positioning of the left side of the component extension from the left side // of the visible video space as a fixed-point percentage (ie: 5742 would represent 57.42 percent). X *int `json:"x"` // The vertical positioning of the top side of the component extension from the top side // of the visible video space as a fixed-point percentage (ie: 5742 would represent 57.42 percent). Y *int `json:"y"` }
The required configuration to activate a component extension.
type ComponentView ¶
type ComponentView struct { // Specifies the width of a component extension in relation to it's targetHeight and aspectRatioY. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth. // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. AspectRatioX int `json:"aspectRatioX"` // Specifies the height of a component extension in relation to it's targetHeight and aspectRatioX. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth, // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. AspectRatioY int `json:"aspectRatioY"` // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // Specifies whether to automatically scale the extension iframe using css zoom as the video // player dimensions change. HasAutoscale bool `json:"hasAutoscale"` // If Autoscale is true, this indicates the baseline width of the extension. // This fields is optional, but is required if hasAutoscale is true. ScalePixels *int `json:"scalePixels"` // The percentage of the available space (0-100) (between the top and bottom player controls) // that the extension aims to consume. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth, // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. TargetHeight int `json:"targetHeight"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
The view configuration of an extension if the component anchor is supported.
func (ComponentView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (ComponentView) IsExtensionView()
type ComponentViewInput ¶
type ComponentViewInput struct { // The developer configured height of the extension as a ratio relative to it's width. AspectHeight int `json:"aspectHeight"` // The developer configured width of the extension as a ratio relative to it's height. AspectWidth int `json:"aspectWidth"` // Specifies whether CSS zooming should be applied to the CE container, creating a consistent // size of 1024 pixels along the long edge of the component. Default: true. HasZoom bool `json:"hasZoom"` // Size of the long edge of the Component Extension, relative to the length of the corresponding // interactable dimension of the video. Size float64 `json:"size"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // If hasZoom is set to true, specify the effective CSS zoom to apply to the long edge of the CE. // Default: 1024. ZoomPixels *int `json:"zoomPixels"` }
The view configuration of an extension if the component anchor is supported.
type ConfigView ¶
type ConfigView struct { // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
ConfigView holds the view configuration of an extension if the config page is supported.
func (ConfigView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (ConfigView) IsExtensionView()
type ConfigViewInput ¶
type ConfigViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
ConfigViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the config page is supported.
type ConnectAdIdentityInput ¶
type ConnectAdIdentityInput struct { // mobile is an optional field that provides mobile device data. Mobile *MobileAdIdentityInput `json:"mobile"` // targetDeviceID is the acting device ID. TargetDeviceID string `json:"targetDeviceID"` }
ConnectAdIdentityInput accepts a deviceID and other parameters to generate an ad identity for that user.
type ConnectAdIdentityPayload ¶
type ConnectAdIdentityPayload struct { // URL that the client should use to link ad identity. IdentityURL *string `json:"identityURL"` }
ConnectAdIdentityPayload contains the identity URL.
type Consent ¶
type Consent struct { // The unique identifier of a consent status. ID string `json:"id"` // Identifier to determine whether consent is denied due to user underage. IsDeniedUnderage bool `json:"isDeniedUnderage"` // Privacy law, e.g. CCPA or GDPR. PrivacyLawName PrivacyLawName `json:"privacyLawName"` // Identifier to determine whether should notification to the user. ShouldShowNotification bool `json:"shouldShowNotification"` // Identifier to determine whether should show the consent settings page to the user. ShouldShowSettingsPage bool `json:"shouldShowSettingsPage"` // A list of vendor consent status of a user. VendorStatus []*VendorConsentStatus `json:"vendorStatus"` }
The consent status returned for the current user.
type ConsentStatus ¶
type ConsentStatus string
ConsentStatus is the flag to show user gives or denies the consent.
const ( // User gives consent. ConsentStatusGiven ConsentStatus = "GIVEN" // User denies consent. ConsentStatusDenied ConsentStatus = "DENIED" )
func (ConsentStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ConsentStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ConsentStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ConsentStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ConsentStatus) String ¶
func (e ConsentStatus) String() string
func (*ConsentStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ConsentStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ContentType ¶
type ContentType string
An enumeration on the different content type that enable tagging.
const ( // Clip will enable tagging in v2. ContentTypeClip ContentType = "CLIP" // User is enabled for tagging in v1. ContentTypeUser ContentType = "USER" ContentTypeLiveChannel ContentType = "LIVE_CHANNEL" // VOD will enable tagging in v2. ContentTypeVod ContentType = "VOD" // Games and other stream categories. ContentTypeCategory ContentType = "CATEGORY" )
func (ContentType) IsValid ¶
func (e ContentType) IsValid() bool
func (ContentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ContentType) String ¶
func (e ContentType) String() string
func (*ContentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError ¶
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError struct { // The error code. Code ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Contribute community goal error.
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode ¶
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode string
Contribute community goal error codes.
const ( // The goal is not currently redeemable, possibly because stream is not live. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotCurrentlyRedeemable ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_CURRENTLY_REDEEMABLE" // The current user does not have enough points to contribute this amount. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS" // The community goal was not found. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to contribute community points towards community goals for this channel. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The current user has already reached the maximum points contributable per stream. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeMaxPerStream ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "MAX_PER_STREAM" // The current user has a contribution already in progress. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTransactionInProgress ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS" // The current user has already completed this transaction. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION" // The current user is banned. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUserBanned ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "USER_BANNED" // An unknown error occurred. ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
func (*ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput ¶
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput struct { // The redemption amount. Amount int `json:"amount"` // The channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The id of the community goal. GoalID string `json:"goalID"` // The id of this transaction. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Contribute community goal input.
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload ¶
type ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload struct { // The error, if any. Error *ContributeCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError `json:"error"` }
Contribute community goal payload.
type ContributeToChallengeError ¶
type ContributeToChallengeError struct { // Code describing the error. Code ContributeToChallengeErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Contribute to challenge error.
type ContributeToChallengeErrorCode ¶
type ContributeToChallengeErrorCode string
Contribute to challenge error code.
const ( // User tried to contribute to a challenge that doesn't exist i.e. there is no indicated challenge at all). ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeChallengeNotFound ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "CHALLENGE_NOT_FOUND" // User tried to contribute to a challenge that is not active. ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeChallengeNotActive ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "CHALLENGE_NOT_ACTIVE" // Request is for a channel ID that is invalid (e.g. banned channel, channel doesn't exist). ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeInvalidChannelID ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // User's bits balance is too low to perform request (e.g. they only have 10 bits and they request to spend 100). ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_BITS_BALANCE" // User is not allowed to contribute to the challenge (e.g. they're banned in the channel). ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeUserForbidden ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "USER_FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. ContributeToChallengeErrorCodeUnknown ContributeToChallengeErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) String() string
func (*ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ContributeToChallengeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ContributeToChallengeInput ¶
type ContributeToChallengeInput struct { // The amount of bits being contributed for this challenge. Bits int `json:"bits"` // The id of the challenge that is being contributed to. ChallengeID string `json:"challengeID"` // The user id of the contributer. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs for contributing to a challenge.
type ContributeToChallengePayload ¶
type ContributeToChallengePayload struct { // The participant object returned by the Contribute to Challenge operation. ChallengeParticipant *ChannelChallengeParticipant `json:"challengeParticipant"` // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *ContributeToChallengeError `json:"error"` }
Output from the contribute to challenge mutation.
type CreateBadgeFlairError ¶
type CreateBadgeFlairError struct { // Code describing the cause of the error Code CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode `json:"code"` // String containing any relevant error message from Subscriptions Message string `json:"message"` }
A 4xx-level error from the CreateBadgeFlair mutation
type CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode ¶
type CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode string
Error code describing a CreateBadgeFlairError
const ( // Channel ID argument was invalid or empty. CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidChannelID CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // Image ID for 1x image was invalid or empty. CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage1xID CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = "INVALID_FLAIR_IMAGE_1X_ID" // Image ID for 2x image was invalid or empty. CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage2xID CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = "INVALID_FLAIR_IMAGE_2X_ID" // Image ID for 4x image was invalid or empty. CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidFlairImage4xID CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = "INVALID_FLAIR_IMAGE_4X_ID" // Tier value was invalid or empty. CreateBadgeFlairErrorCodeInvalidTier CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode = "INVALID_TIER" )
func (CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateBadgeFlairErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateBadgeFlairInput ¶
type CreateBadgeFlairInput struct { // ID of the creator/channel which owns this custom badge flair. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The S3 ID of the 1x sized badge, provided to clients by Upload Service. (See the createLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig mutation.) Image1xID string `json:"image1xID"` // The S3 ID of the 2x sized badge provided to clients by Upload Service. (See the createLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig mutation.) Image2xID string `json:"image2xID"` // The S3 ID of the 4x sized badge provided to clients by Upload Service. (See the createLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig mutation.) Image4xID string `json:"image4xID"` // Sub tier which receives access to this flair. Tier CreatorBadgeFlairTier `json:"tier"` }
Input to the CreateBadgeFlair mutation
type CreateBadgeFlairPayload ¶
type CreateBadgeFlairPayload struct { // Error representing any 4xx-level error, if any Error *CreateBadgeFlairError `json:"error"` }
Payload from the CreateBadgeFlair mutation
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionInput ¶
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionInput struct { // If this is not defined during condition creation, it must be defined when the condition is satisfied. BitsRecipientWeightedShares []*BitsChallengeConditionPoolRecipientWeightedShare `json:"bitsRecipientWeightedShares"` // Description of the condition. Description *string `json:"description"` // Whether to disable the condition once it has been satisfied or keep it active. DisableWhenSatisfied bool `json:"disableWhenSatisfied"` // ID of the extension creating the conditional. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // ID of the channel where the extension is installed. // TODO: change to required once the extension coordinator starts sending this param. ExtensionInstallationChannelID *string `json:"extensionInstallationChannelID"` // Name of the condition. Name string `json:"name"` // Time when the condition should time out. TimeoutAt *time.Time `json:"timeoutAt"` }
CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionInput creates a Bits condition on behalf of a user by an extension.
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionPayload ¶
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionPayload struct { // The newly created condition. Condition *ChallengeCondition `json:"condition"` // If present, there was an error in the request. Error *CreateChallengeConditionError `json:"error"` }
CreateBitsChallengeConditionForExtensionPayload returns the new condition that was created.
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionInput ¶
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionInput struct { // Bits quantity to be held pending condition satisfaction. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` // ID of the associated condition. ConditionID string `json:"conditionID"` // TUID of condition owner. ConditionOwnerID string `json:"conditionOwnerID"` // ID of the extension creating the conditionParticipant. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // Time in seconds, after which the conditionParticipant is expired and the Bits are released (range: 1-43_200). TTLSeconds int `json:"ttlSeconds"` }
CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionInput creates a Bits condition participant on behalf of a user by an extension.
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionPayload ¶
type CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionPayload struct { // The newly created condition participant. ConditionParticipant *ChallengeConditionParticipant `json:"conditionParticipant"` // If present, there was an error in the request. Error *CreateChallengeConditionParticipantError `json:"error"` }
CreateBitsChallengeConditionParticipantForExtensionPayload returns the new condition participant that was created.
type CreateBountyCampaignInput ¶
type CreateBountyCampaignInput struct { // The platforms that the campaign applies to. AvailablePlatforms []string `json:"availablePlatforms"` // The list of broadcaster IDs to blacklist (if any) for the campaign. BlacklistedBroadcasters []string `json:"blacklistedBroadcasters"` // Optional box art URL for the campaign. BoxArtURL *string `json:"boxArtURL"` // The message that will be shown to the broadcaster when they view the campaign. BroadcasterMessage *string `json:"broadcasterMessage"` // The multiplier for the broadcaster payout rate. BroadcasterMultiplier float64 `json:"broadcasterMultiplier"` // The budget for the campaign in cents. BudgetCents int `json:"budgetCents"` // The chat Calls to Action for the campaign. ChatCTAs []*BountyCampaignChatCTAInput `json:"chatCTAs"` // The ID of the content that the campaign is related to. ContentID *string `json:"contentID"` // Optional cover URL for the campaign. CoverURL *string `json:"coverURL"` // Optional display for the campaign. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // When the campaign will end. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // If the campaing is a promotional campaign. IsPromotionEligible *bool `json:"isPromotionEligible"` // The ID of the organization that the campaign is related to. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // If the campaign should allow any game to be played. ShouldAllowAllGames *bool `json:"shouldAllowAllGames"` // The optional name of the sponsor of the campaign. Sponsor *string `json:"sponsor"` // When the campaign will start. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // Deprecated. How long the broadcaster needs to stream the sponsored content to complete the bounty (in minutes). StreamLengthMinutes *int `json:"streamLengthMinutes"` // How long the broadcaster needs to stream the sponsored content to complete the bounty (in seconds). StreamLengthSeconds *int `json:"streamLengthSeconds"` // Flag to target all broadcaters for the campaign. TargetAllBroadcasters *bool `json:"targetAllBroadcasters"` // Flag to target all countries for the campaign. TargetAllCountries *bool `json:"targetAllCountries"` // Flag to target all games for the campaign. TargetAllGames *bool `json:"targetAllGames"` // The click target of the campaign if it is a promotional campaign. TargetPromotionalVideoClicks *int `json:"targetPromotionalVideoClicks"` // Flag to target variety broadcaters for the campaign. TargetVarietyBroadcasters *bool `json:"targetVarietyBroadcasters"` // Targeted countries for the campaign (represented by ISO 3166-1 alpha-2). TargetedCountries []string `json:"targetedCountries"` // Targeted Games (game titles) for the campaign. TargetedGames []string `json:"targetedGames"` // The title of the campaign. Title string `json:"title"` // The tracking URLs for this campaign. TrackingPixels []*TrackingPixelInput `json:"trackingPixels"` // The type of the campaign. Type *BountyCampaignType `json:"type"` // Deprecated, use videos instead. The URL of the video for this campaign. VideoURL *string `json:"videoURL"` // The video URLS for the campaign. Videos []*BountyCampaignVideoInput `json:"videos"` }
CreateBountyCampaignInput includes the campaign that is being created.
type CreateBountyCampaignPayload ¶
type CreateBountyCampaignPayload struct { // The campaign that was created. Campaign *BountyCampaign `json:"campaign"` }
Data that was mutated after the campaign was created.
type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigInput ¶
type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigInput struct { // The ID of the organization that the campaign is related to. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // The image type to be uploaded. UploadType BountyCampaignUploadType `json:"uploadType"` }
CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigInput is the input for create bounty campaign upload configuration.
type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigPayload ¶
type CreateBountyCampaignUploadConfigPayload struct { // Unique identifier for the image. ImageID *string `json:"imageID"` // Unique identifier for the generated URL. UploadID *string `json:"uploadID"` // The actual URL to be used by the client to upload the image. UploadURL *string `json:"uploadURL"` }
Returned information about image upload including URL to upload the image to.
type CreateCelebrationInput ¶
type CreateCelebrationInput struct { // Where on the channel page the celebration will show. Area CelebrationArea `json:"area"` // Channel id to create the celebration on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Length the celebration will play. DurationMilliseconds int `json:"durationMilliseconds"` // Effect which will show when the celebration triggers (ex Fireworks). Effect CelebrationEffect `json:"effect"` // Threshold which will trigger the celebration (ex: Cheering 100 Bits). EventThreshold int `json:"eventThreshold"` // Event type which will trigger the celebration (ex: Cheering Bits). EventType CelebrationEventType `json:"eventType"` // Intensity of the celebration. // Should be bounded (TBA) value which will determine the spectacle of the celebration. Intensity int `json:"intensity"` // If true, the celebration is enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Inputs for creating a new celebration.
type CreateCelebrationPayload ¶
type CreateCelebrationPayload struct { // The created celebration. Celebration *Celebration `json:"celebration"` // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CelebrationError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the create celebration mutation.
type CreateChallengeConditionError ¶
type CreateChallengeConditionError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Create Challenge Condition error.
type CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode ¶
type CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode string
Create Challenge Condition error code.
const ( // User tried to create a condition with a bits recipient that is ineligible to receive bits. CreateChallengeConditionErrorCodeBitsRecipientIneligible CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode = "BITS_RECIPIENT_INELIGIBLE" // An unknown error occurred. CreateChallengeConditionErrorCodeUnknown CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateChallengeConditionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantError ¶
type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Create Challenge Condition Participant error.
type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode ¶
type CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode string
Create Challenge Condition Participant error code.
const ( // User tried to create a condition participant with a USE_BITS effect type, but they are ineligible to use bits. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeBitsBenefactorIneligible CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "BITS_BENEFACTOR_INELIGIBLE" // User tried to create a condition participant with a USE_BITS effect type, but they lacked sufficient bits. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_BITS_BALANCE" // User tried to create a condition participant for an inactive condition. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeConditionNotActive CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "CONDITION_NOT_ACTIVE" // User tried to create a condition participant for a non-existent condition. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeConditionNotFound CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "CONDITION_NOT_FOUND" // User tried to create a condition participant with an effect type that is not supported by the associated condition. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeEffectTypeUnsupportedByCondition CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "EFFECT_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED_BY_CONDITION" // An unknown error occurred. CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCodeUnknown CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateChallengeConditionParticipantErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateChanletInput ¶
type CreateChanletInput struct { // The ID of the channel the chanlet should belong to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
CreateChanletInput creates a chanlet under the given channelID.
type CreateChanletPayload ¶
type CreateChanletPayload struct { // The chanlet that was created. Chanlet *Channel `json:"chanlet"` // The channelID that the chanlet was created under. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
CreateChanletPayload returns the new chanlet that was created.
type CreateClipError ¶
type CreateClipError struct { // The associated error code. Code *CreateClipErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateClipError is an error associated with the createClip mutation.
type CreateClipErrorCode ¶
type CreateClipErrorCode string
CreateClipErrorCode contains the possible errors that can occur when creating a clip.
const ( // This channel cannot be clipped. CreateClipErrorCodeChannelNotClippable CreateClipErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_CLIPPABLE" // The channel has been banned and cannot be clipped. CreateClipErrorCodeChannelBanned CreateClipErrorCode = "CHANNEL_BANNED" // User has been banned from the channel and cannot clip. CreateClipErrorCodeUserBanned CreateClipErrorCode = "USER_BANNED" // User has been timed out from the channel and cannot clip. CreateClipErrorCodeUserTimedOut CreateClipErrorCode = "USER_TIMED_OUT" // Clip cannot be created because channel is no longer live. CreateClipErrorCodeChannelNotLive CreateClipErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_LIVE" // Clip cannot be created because the request is throttled. CreateClipErrorCodeRequestThrottled CreateClipErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // User does not have permissions and cannot clip. CreateClipErrorCodeUserRestricted CreateClipErrorCode = "USER_RESTRICTED" // Unknown error. CreateClipErrorCodeUnknown CreateClipErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateClipErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateClipErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateClipErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateClipErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateClipErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateClipErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateClipErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateClipErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateClipInput ¶
type CreateClipInput struct { // The ID of the broadcast to create a clip from. BroadcastID *string `json:"broadcastID"` // The ID of the broadcaster that the broadcast or video belongs to. BroadcasterID string `json:"broadcasterID"` // The number of seconds into the broadcast or video to create the clip from. OffsetSeconds float64 `json:"offsetSeconds"` // The ID of the video to create a clip from. VideoID *string `json:"videoID"` }
CreateClipInput creates a clip either from a broadcast or video. If both broadcastID and videoID are set, the broadcastID will be preferred.
type CreateClipPayload ¶
type CreateClipPayload struct { // The created clip has all fields execpt for durationSeconds and viewCount. Clip *Clip `json:"clip"` // The error when a clip fails to create. Error *CreateClipError `json:"error"` }
CreateClipPayload returns the created clip or any error that prevented the clip creation.
type CreateCollectionInput ¶
type CreateCollectionInput struct { // A description of the collection being created. Description *string `json:"description"` // The id of the user who will own the collection. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The title of the collection being created. Title string `json:"title"` }
Inputs for creating a new collection.
type CreateCollectionPayload ¶
type CreateCollectionPayload struct { // The newly created collection. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
The response from creating a new collection.
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError struct { // The error code. Code CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Create community goal error.
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode string
Create community goal error code.
const ( // Goal already exists. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateGoal CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_GOAL" // Goal title failed automod. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TITLE_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // Goal title is invalid. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TITLE_INVALID" // Goal description failed automod. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionAutomodFailed CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DESCRIPTION_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // Goal description is invalid. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DESCRIPTION_INVALID" // Goal amount is invalid. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalAmountInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "GOAL_AMOUNT_INVALID" // Goal duration is invalid. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDurationInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DURATION_INVALID" // Goal background color is invalid. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "BACKGROUND_COLOR_INVALID" // Too many goals already exists. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTooManyGoals CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_GOALS" // The current user is not allowed to create goals for this channel. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput struct { // The amount of community points that this goal needs to succeed. AmountNeeded int `json:"amountNeeded"` // The background color of this goal. BackgroundColor string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The description of this goal. Description *string `json:"description"` // The *initial* duration the streamer set for the goal. // Only really used during the UNSTARTED state; once the goal is started // the endedAt timestamp is populated (and updated for extended deadlines). DurationDays int `json:"durationDays"` // The title of this goal. Title string `json:"title"` }
Create community goal input.
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload struct { // The error, if any. Error *CreateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError `json:"error"` // The community goal that was created. Goal *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goal"` }
Create community goal payload.
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode `json:"code"` // On TOO_MANY_REWARDS, the most custom rewards a channel can have. MaxRewards *int `json:"maxRewards"` }
An error from creating a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode string
The possible reasons creating a custom Community Points reward in a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to create a reward in this channel. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The title failed AutoMod. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TITLE_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // The prompt failed AutoMod. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePromptAutomodFailed CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "PROMPT_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // The cost is invalid. Costs must be greater than 0. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "COST_INVALID" // The maxPerStream is invalid. maxPerStream must be greater than 0. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStreamInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_STREAM_INVALID" // The channel has too many rewards. An existing reward must be deleted before you can create a new reward. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTooManyRewards CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_REWARDS" // The title is invalid. Titles must not be empty and must be at most 45 characters long. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TITLE_INVALID" // A reward with the provided title already exists. Custom reward titles must be unique. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateReward CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_REWARD" // The background color is invalid. Backgrounds must be a valid hex color, for example "FF0000". CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "BACKGROUND_COLOR_INVALID" // The template id provided is invalid. Template id must be the id for a valid template or null. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTemplateInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TEMPLATE_INVALID" // The maxPerUserPerStream is invalid. maxPerUserPerStream must be greater than 0. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStreamInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_INVALID" // The globalCooldown is invalid. globalCooldown must be greater tham 0. CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldownInvalid CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_INVALID" )
func (CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput struct { // The optional custom background color for this reward. // Should be a hex color string, for example "FF0000". BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The channel ID that the reward is being created in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The point cost of this reward. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The length of the global cooldown applied to rewards redeemed of this type. GlobalCooldownSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSettingInput `json:"globalCooldownSetting"` // Whether only subscribers are allowed to redeem this reward in this channel. IsSubOnly bool `json:"isSubOnly"` // Whether this reward requires users to enter text input. IsUserInputRequired bool `json:"isUserInputRequired"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSettingInput `json:"maxPerStreamSetting"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSettingInput `json:"maxPerUserPerStreamSetting"` // The optional user-facing prompt for this reward. Prompt *string `json:"prompt"` // Optional boolean for whether redemptions for this reward should skip the broadcaster's // request queue and get automatically fulfilled. Defaults to false. ShouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue *bool `json:"shouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue"` // The id for the CustomRewardTemplate this reward is being created from. Null if a template wasn't used. TemplateID *string `json:"templateID"` // The short title displayed for this reward. Title string `json:"title"` }
Input for creating a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while creating a custom Community Points reward in a channel. Error *CreateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError `json:"error"` // The newly created reward. Reward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"reward"` }
The response from creating a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoError ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from generating upload info for Community Points images.
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode string
The possible reasons generating upload info for Community Points images could fail.
const ( // The current user is not allowed to upload images for this channel. CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeForbidden CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // More than one image type was specified in the request. CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeMoreThanOneType CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "MORE_THAN_ONE_TYPE" // Your provided custom reward ID was not found. CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCodeCustomRewardNotFound CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "CUSTOM_REWARD_NOT_FOUND" )
func (CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoInput ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoInput struct { // If set, this request is for uploading new images for the given automatic reward. AutomaticRewardType *CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType `json:"automaticRewardType"` // The channel ID to upload images for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // If set, this request is for uploading new images for the given custom reward. CustomRewardID *string `json:"customRewardID"` // If set, this request is for uploading new images for the given community goal. GoalID *string `json:"goalID"` // If set, this request is for uploading new images for the channel Community Points icon. Icon *bool `json:"icon"` }
Input for generating upload info (urls and upload IDs) for uploading Community Points images. Channel ID is required. Only one of the other three fields should be set, to indicate what the image is being uploaded for.
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoPayload ¶
type CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoPayload struct { // An error that occurred retrieving upload info for Community Points. Error *CreateCommunityPointsImageUploadInfoError `json:"error"` // The upload info (url and upload ID) for the large version of the image. UploadInfoLarge *CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo `json:"uploadInfoLarge"` // The upload info (url and upload ID) for the medium version of the image. UploadInfoMedium *CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo `json:"uploadInfoMedium"` // The upload info (url and upload ID) for the small version of the image. UploadInfoSmall *CommunityPointsImageUploadInfo `json:"uploadInfoSmall"` }
The response from generating upload info for Community Points images.
type CreateCompetitionContactInfoInput ¶
type CreateCompetitionContactInfoInput struct { // Link to Discord server for competition contact purposes. DiscordURL *string `json:"discordURL"` // Email address point of contact for the competition. Email *string `json:"email"` }
The competition contact info for creates.
type CreateCompetitionInput ¶
type CreateCompetitionInput struct { // Banner image for the competition event page. BannerImageURL *string `json:"bannerImageURL"` // This is the amount of time (in minutes) available for participants to check-in once competition startAt has passed. CheckInDurationMinutes int `json:"checkInDurationMinutes"` // Long form description of the competition. Description *string `json:"description"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The competition format type (i.e. enum values of LEADERBOARD, ROUND_ROBIN, SINGLE_ELIM etc.). FormatType FormatType `json:"formatType"` // The game_id of the game being played in the competition. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // Primary artwork for the competition. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // The required inputs for leaderboard format. LeaderboardDetails *CreateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput `json:"leaderboardDetails"` // The name of the competition. Name string `json:"name"` // Owner of the Competition, or filled in as user making the request. OwnerID *string `json:"ownerID"` // The participant-facing points of contact for the competition that only registered players can see. ParticipantOnlyContactInfo *CreateCompetitionContactInfoInput `json:"participantOnlyContactInfo"` // The type of participant for the competition. e.g. SOLO, TEAM, ... ParticipantType CompetitionParticipantType `json:"participantType"` // Long form text block description that explains the prizing for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. PrizeDescription *string `json:"prizeDescription"` // The public points of contact for the competition that anyone can see. PublicContactInfo *CreateCompetitionContactInfoInput `json:"publicContactInfo"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end registration. RegistrationEndAt time.Time `json:"registrationEndAt"` // The maximum number of players in a REGISTERED state. A default value will be set if none is provided. RegistrationLimit *int `json:"registrationLimit"` // The type of a registration for the competition. e.g. OPEN, INVITATIONAL, ... RegistrationType RegistrationType `json:"registrationType"` // Long form text block description that explains the rules for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. RulesDescription *string `json:"rulesDescription"` // The time the competition is scheduled to start. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The state the Competition. Defaults to the UPCOMING state if not specified. State *CompetitionState `json:"state"` // The number of players within a single team entity. Must be 1 for solo-type competitions. TeamSize int `json:"teamSize"` // Link URL to any additional terms and conditions. TermsURL *string `json:"termsURL"` }
Create a Competition.
type CreateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput ¶
type CreateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput struct { // The max participant count for a lobby in phase. Valid values are 1-100. LobbyMaxSize int `json:"lobbyMaxSize"` // The number of phases to be created for the competition. Valid values are 1-20. PhaseCount int `json:"phaseCount"` // A label for additional points to resolve a tie. TiebreakerLabel *TiebreakerLabel `json:"tiebreakerLabel"` }
The required inputs for leaderboard format.
type CreateCompetitionPayload ¶
type CreateCompetitionPayload struct { // The competition that was created. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the competition was created.
type CreateContentTagsInput ¶
type CreateContentTagsInput struct { // ID of the channel owning the content. AuthorID string `json:"authorID"` // ID of content: Channel ID for Streams, Slugs for Clips, and VOD ids for VODs. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // Type of content being returned. Can only be of values CLIP, STREAM, or VOD. ContentType ContentType `json:"contentType"` // List of tag IDs to be added to the content. TagIDs []string `json:"tagIDs"` }
Create new tags associated with CLIP, STREAM, or VOD with contentID.
type CreateContentTagsPayload ¶
type CreateContentTagsPayload struct { // Content which tags have been added to. Content TaggedContent `json:"content"` }
Result of mutation is the updated tags.
type CreateDropBenefitInput ¶
type CreateDropBenefitInput struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The ID of this benefit object. BenefitID string `json:"benefitID"` // The display name of this benefit object. BenefitName string `json:"benefitName"` // The global limit of how often this benefit can be entitled to a user. EntitlementLimit int `json:"entitlementLimit"` // The game that awarded the Drop. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // Specifies if this reward is considered for a game that is available on iOS. IsIosAvailable *bool `json:"isIosAvailable"` // The RBAC organization ID of the owner. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` }
CreateDropBenefitInput has fields required to create a drop benefit.
type CreateDropBenefitPayload ¶
type CreateDropBenefitPayload struct { // Returns the created Benefit. DropBenefit *DropBenefit `json:"dropBenefit"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
CreateDropBenefitPayload returns the result of the creation.
type CreateDropCampaignInput ¶
type CreateDropCampaignInput struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The type of a campaign defines what type of drops are allowed to be added to the campaign. CampaignType *CampaignType `json:"campaignType"` // The description of this campaign. Description string `json:"description"` // The URL that links to the details / marketing page for this drop. DetailsURL string `json:"detailsURL"` // The date at which this campaign ends and all contained drops end at the latest. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The game associated with this campaign. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // The name of the campaign. Name string `json:"name"` // This is the Organization ID (RBAC) to determine access / ownership of the campaign and attached drops. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The date at which this campaign starts and all contained drops start the earliest. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
CreateDropCampaignInput has the fields necessary to create a campaign for an RBAC organization.
type CreateDropCampaignPayload ¶
type CreateDropCampaignPayload struct { // Returns the created Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // error, if there was one. // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
CreateDropCampaignyPayload returns the newly created campaign.
type CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode ¶
type CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode string
Possible errors from CreateDropImageUploadURL.
const ( CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" // There was an issue calling a dependency of this call. CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeServiceDependencyFailure CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode = "SERVICE_DEPENDENCY_FAILURE" // An issue not matching any other specific error code. CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeUnknown CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCodeUserUnauthorized
func (CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateDropImageUploadURLInput ¶
type CreateDropImageUploadURLInput struct { // The campaign this image is for if it's of type LINK_NOTIFICATION. CampaignID *string `json:"campaignID"` // The type of image this is. ImageType DropImageType `json:"imageType"` // The item ID this image is for if it's of type ITEM. ItemID *string `json:"itemID"` // The drop service this image will be created for. ServiceID string `json:"serviceID"` // The JWT used to verify the request. Token string `json:"token"` }
Information needed to generate a URL to upload a drop image to.
type CreateDropImageUploadURLPayload ¶
type CreateDropImageUploadURLPayload struct { // Error (if any) from trying to create the upload URL. Error *CreateDropImageUploadURLErrorCode `json:"error"` // Unique identifier for the generated URL. UploadID *string `json:"uploadID"` // The actual URL to be used by the client to upload the image. URL *string `json:"url"` }
Returned information about image upload including URL to upload the image to.
type CreateExtensionClientError ¶
type CreateExtensionClientError string
CreateExtensionClientError is an error associated with the createExtensionClient mutation.
const ( // The specified name was invalid. CreateExtensionClientErrorInvalidName CreateExtensionClientError = "INVALID_NAME" // The specified name is already taken by another extension or app. CreateExtensionClientErrorNameInUse CreateExtensionClientError = "NAME_IN_USE" )
func (CreateExtensionClientError) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateExtensionClientError) IsValid() bool
func (CreateExtensionClientError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateExtensionClientError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateExtensionClientError) String ¶
func (e CreateExtensionClientError) String() string
func (*CreateExtensionClientError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateExtensionClientError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateExtensionClientInput ¶
type CreateExtensionClientInput struct { // name is the name of the extension client ID. Name string `json:"name"` // organizationID is the organization ID that the extension will be binded with in RBAC. OrganizationID *string `json:"organizationID"` // redirectURI is the URI that can be used for OAuth login using the extension's client ID. RedirectURI string `json:"redirectURI"` }
CreateExtensionClientInput creates an extension with a given name.
type CreateExtensionClientPayload ¶
type CreateExtensionClientPayload struct { // The created extension client. Client *ExtensionClient `json:"client"` // The error when the mutation fails to create an extension client. Error *CreateExtensionClientError `json:"error"` }
CreateExtensionClientPayload returns the created extension ID.
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError ¶
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError struct { // Error code. Code CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode `json:"code"` // On TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_DISCOVERY_IMAGE, TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_LOGO_IMAGE ,TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE, TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_TASKBAR_IMAGE, the maximum number of specific image allowed (existing + incoming). Maximum *int `json:"maximum"` // On NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_DISCOVERY_IMAGE, NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_LOGO_IMAGE ,NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE, NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_TASKBAR_IMAGE, the minimum number of screenshots allowed (existing + incoming). Minimum *int `json:"minimum"` }
CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError is wrapper for error associated with the createExtensionImageUploadInfo mutation.
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode ¶
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode string
CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode is an error code associated with CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError.
const ( CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeInvalidVersion CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "INVALID_VERSION" // Not enough discovery image to upload. Must >= 0. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadDiscoveryImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_DISCOVERY_IMAGE" // Not enough logo image to upload. Must >= 0. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadLogoImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_LOGO_IMAGE" // Not enough screenshot image to upload. Must >= 0. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadScreenshotImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE" // Not enough taskbar image to upload. Must >= 0. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeNotEnoughUploadTaskbarImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_UPLOAD_TASKBAR_IMAGE" // Too many discovery image to upload. Must <= 1. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadDiscoveryImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_DISCOVERY_IMAGE" // Too many logo image to upload. Must <= 1. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadLogoImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_LOGO_IMAGE" // Too many screenshot image to upload. Must <= 1. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadScreenshotImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_SCREENSHOT_IMAGE" // Too many taskbar image to upload. Must <= 1. CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeTooManyUploadTaskbarImage CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_UPLOAD_TASKBAR_IMAGE" )CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoInput ¶
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoInput struct { // Whether to upload new discovery image. Discovery *bool `json:"discovery"` // The extension:version the images are for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // Whether to upload new logo image. Logo *bool `json:"logo"` // Amount of new screenshot image to be uploaded. Screenshots *int `json:"screenshots"` // Whether to upload new taskbar image. Taskbar *bool `json:"taskbar"` }
Information needed to generate a URL and UploadId to upload extension images to.
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoPayload ¶
type CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoPayload struct { // Url and UploadId for discovery. Discovery *ExtensionImageUploadResponse `json:"discovery"` // The error when the mutation fails to create upload information. Error *CreateExtensionImageUploadInfoError `json:"error"` // Url and UploadId for logo. Logo *ExtensionImageUploadResponse `json:"logo"` // Urls and UploadIds for screenshots. Screenshots []*ExtensionImageUploadResponse `json:"screenshots"` // Url and UploadId for taskbar. Taskbar *ExtensionImageUploadResponse `json:"taskbar"` }
Returned information about images upload including URL to upload the image to.
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError ¶
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError string
CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError is an error associated with the createExtensionZipUploadInfo mutation.
const ( CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoErrorInvalidVersion CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError = "INVALID_VERSION" )CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoErrorUnauthorized
func (CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) IsValid() bool
func (CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) String ¶
func (e CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) String() string
func (*CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoInput ¶
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoInput struct { // The extension:version the zip file is for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The file name of the zip file. Filename *string `json:"filename"` }
Information needed to generate a URL and UploadId to upload extension zip file to.
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoPayload ¶
type CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to upload a zip file. Error *CreateExtensionZipUploadInfoError `json:"error"` // Url and UploadId for zip file. Response *ExtensionZipUploadResponse `json:"response"` }
Returned information about zip file upload including URL to upload the zip to.
type CreateFriendRequestInput ¶
type CreateFriendRequestInput struct { // The authenticated user will send a friend request to the user with an ID equal to targetID. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type CreateFriendRequestPayload ¶
type CreateFriendRequestPayload struct { // The user who is the target of the friend request. User *User `json:"user"` }
type CreateGameApplicationError ¶
type CreateGameApplicationError struct { // Error code. Code *CreateGameApplicationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error associated with mutation CreateGameApplication.
type CreateGameApplicationErrorCode ¶
type CreateGameApplicationErrorCode string
Client error code.
const ( // The game has already been owned by another company. CreateGameApplicationErrorCodeGameHasAlreadyBeenOwned CreateGameApplicationErrorCode = "GAME_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_OWNED" // Sumbitting user does not have authorization to create a game application for the organization. CreateGameApplicationErrorCodePermissionDenied CreateGameApplicationErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Internal error. CreateGameApplicationErrorCodeInternalError CreateGameApplicationErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateGameApplicationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateGameApplicationInput ¶
type CreateGameApplicationInput struct { // Company ID. CompanyID string `json:"companyID"` // Game ID. GameID string `json:"gameID"` }
Input to the CreateGameApplication mutation.
type CreateGameApplicationPayload ¶
type CreateGameApplicationPayload struct { // The possible error returned from service. Error *CreateGameApplicationError `json:"error"` // The game application. GameApplication *GameApplication `json:"gameApplication"` }
Output from the CreateGameApplication mutation.
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLInput ¶
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLInput struct { // Game identifier. GameID string `json:"gameID"` }
GameID that needs to upload a box art image.
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLPayload ¶
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLPayload struct { // response with non-nullable data. Response *CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLResponse `json:"response"` }
URL info that can be used to upload the image.
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLResponse ¶
type CreateGameBoxArtUploadURLResponse struct { // Upload id to be used on the upload request. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // URL to be used by the client, to upload the image. // NOTE: The image that is uploaded later must be a 600x800px, no larger than 1 MB, JPEG. URL string `json:"url"` }
URL info that can be used to upload the image.
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeInput ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeInput struct { // The channel ID where the badge will be uploaded. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The S3 ID of the 1x sized badge. Image1xID string `json:"image1xID"` // The S3 ID of the 2x sized badge. Image2xID string `json:"image2xID"` // The S3 ID of the 4x sized badge. Image4xID string `json:"image4xID"` // The number of months of the badge. RequiredTenureMonths int `json:"requiredTenureMonths"` }
CreateLoyaltyBadge creates a new badge with these settings.
type CreateLoyaltyBadgePayload ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgePayload struct { // The created badge. Badge *LoyaltyBadge `json:"badge"` // A code indicating why the create call failed, if it did. ErrorCode *CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode `json:"errorCode"` }
CreateLoyaltyBadgePayload returns the created badge.
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode string
A code indicating why the create call failed, if it did.
const ( // Only eligible users can create a badge. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidUser CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_USER" // The badge image 1x submitted was not valid. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage1xID CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_BADGE_IMAGE_1X_ID" // The badge image 2x submitted was not valid. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage2xID CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_BADGE_IMAGE_2X_ID" // The badge image 4x submitted was not valid. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeImage4xID CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_BADGE_IMAGE_4X_ID" // The badge tenure submitted was not valid. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeRequiredTenureMonths CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_BADGE_REQUIRED_TENURE_MONTHS" // Badge already exists for this tenure. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrBadgeExists CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_BADGE_EXISTS" // User is timed out of badge creation. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrBadgeTimeout CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_BADGE_TIMEOUT" // Unknown error occurred, most likely a server error. CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCodeErrUnknown CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode = "ERR_UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) String ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) String() string
func (*CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateLoyaltyBadgeResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigInput ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigInput struct { // The channel ID where the badge will be uploaded. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The size of the badge. Size int `json:"size"` }
CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig creates a config with URL to upload the badge image to.
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigPayload ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigPayload struct { // A code indicating why the config call failed, if it did. ErrorCode *CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode `json:"errorCode"` // The badge upload config. UploadConfig *LoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig `json:"uploadConfig"` }
CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigPayload returns the badge upload config.
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode ¶
type CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode string
A code indicating why the config call failed, if it did.
const ( // Only eligible users can create a badge upload config. CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrInvalidUser CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_USER" // The badge submitted was not valid. CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrInvalidBadgeSize CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_BADGE_SIZE" // Unknown error occurred, most likely a server error. CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCodeErrUnknown CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode = "ERR_UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) String ¶
func (e CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) String() string
func (*CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateLoyaltyBadgeUploadConfigResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateModeratorCommentInput ¶
type CreateModeratorCommentInput struct { // The channel where the moderator comment was created. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The target of the moderator comment. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` // The body of the comment. Text string `json:"text"` }
The required input to create a moderator comment on a channel.
type CreateModeratorCommentPayload ¶
type CreateModeratorCommentPayload struct { // The moderator comment created. Comment *ModLogsComment `json:"comment"` }
Result of a createModeratorComment mutation.
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightInput ¶
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightInput struct { // Metadata used to create the highlight. Metadata *CreateMultiVideoHighlightMetadata `json:"metadata"` }
Input for creating a new highlight with multi-segment support.
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightMetadata ¶
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightMetadata struct { // The ID of the user who created this highlight. CreatorID string `json:"creatorID"` // The long form description of the Highlight content. Description string `json:"description"` // The primary game featured in the highlight, if any. Game *string `json:"game"` // List of ordered time ranges from the source VOD used to create the highlight. HighlightRanges []*HighlightRange `json:"highlightRanges"` // The language the highlight content is in. Language string `json:"language"` // Discovery tags to associate with the Highlight. Tags []string `json:"tags"` // The title of the the highlight. Title string `json:"title"` }
Metadata to describe the requested highlight to be created.
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightPayload ¶
type CreateMultiVideoHighlightPayload struct { // The created Video representing the Highlight. Highlight *Video `json:"highlight"` }
Response of highlight creation, the new highlight entering the creation process.
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigInput ¶
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigInput struct { // The channel for which the content attribute belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Contains the channel ID to create new image upload URL for.
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigPayload ¶
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributeImageUploadConfigPayload struct { // The channel for which the content attribute belongs to. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The URL to access this image once uploaded. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Generated unique identifier for this upload. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // Generated unique URL to upload the image to. UploadURL string `json:"uploadURL"` }
Payload contains the upload ID and URL, as well as the URL to access the uploaded image.
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesInput ¶
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesInput struct { // params is a list of multi-view content attribute params for creating new records. Params []*MultiviewContentAttributeParams `json:"params"` }
Contains a list of new content attributes to be created.
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload ¶
type CreateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload struct { // Unprocessed content attributes. FailedCreates []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"failedCreates"` // Processed content attributes. SucceededCreates []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"succeededCreates"` }
Contains the results from the create request.
type CreateOrganizationApplicationError ¶
type CreateOrganizationApplicationError struct { // Error code. Code *CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error associated with mutation CreateGameApplication.
type CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode ¶
type CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode string
Client error code.
const ( // Internal error. CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCodeInternalError CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" // Invalid Argument. CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCodeInvalidArgument CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateOrganizationApplicationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateOrganizationApplicationInput ¶
type CreateOrganizationApplicationInput struct { // City the applying Organization is located in. e.g. San Fransico. City *string `json:"city"` // Email of the person creating the application. // Deprecated as we are no longer collecting contact email. Using TwitchID and Dart to send notifications instead. ContactEmail *string `json:"contactEmail"` // First Name of person creating the application. ContactFirstName string `json:"contactFirstName"` // Last Name of the person creating the application. ContactLastName string `json:"contactLastName"` // Title of the person creating the application. e.g. Director of Sales. ContactTitle string `json:"contactTitle"` // Country the applying organization is located in. e.g. US. Country string `json:"country"` // List of game IDs that belong to the applying organization. GameIDs []string `json:"gameIDs"` // Industry the applying organization is operating in e.g. e-sports, gaming, health care, energy. Industry string `json:"industry"` // Reason for wanting to add the organization. JoinReason *string `json:"joinReason"` // The name of applying organization. OrganizationName string `json:"organizationName"` // Indicate which Twitch products the organization wants to manage; e.g. creating Drops, managing game box art, accessing game Insights. ProductInterest *string `json:"productInterest"` // Estimated size of the applying organization. e.g. 1-5, 6-20, 21-50, 51-100, 101-1000, and 1000+. Size string `json:"size"` // State the applying organization is located in. e.g. CA. State *string `json:"state"` // The type of work the applying organization does. Type OrganizationType `json:"type"` // The Twitch ID for the user submitting the applicaton. // Deprecated as the userID now comes off the authenticated user. UserID *string `json:"userID"` // The website address for the applying organization. Website string `json:"website"` }
Input to the CreateOrganizationApplication mutation.
type CreateOrganizationApplicationPayload ¶
type CreateOrganizationApplicationPayload struct { // The organization application id. ApplicationID *string `json:"applicationID"` // The possible error returned from service. Error *CreateOrganizationApplicationError `json:"error"` }
Output from the CreateGameApplication mutation.
type CreateOrganizationInviteError ¶
type CreateOrganizationInviteError struct { // The associated error code. Code CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateOrganizationInviteError is the error associated with a CreateOrganizationInvite.
type CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode ¶
type CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode string
CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while creating an organization Invite.
const ( // Internal error. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" // Invalid Argument. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInvalidArgument CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // Organization Invite already exists. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeAlreadyExists CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "ALREADY_EXISTS" // User does not have permission to perform action. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The user does not exist. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeUserNotFound CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" // The user doesn't meet the requirements to have this role. For example, when trying to assign the // "BILLING_MANAGER" role, but the user doesn't have 2FA enabled or completed Extension Monetization Onboarding. CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCodeMemberIneligible CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "MEMBER_INELIGIBLE" )
func (CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateOrganizationInviteInput ¶
type CreateOrganizationInviteInput struct { // The Twitch ID of user being invited to join the organization. InviteeTwitchID string `json:"inviteeTwitchID"` // The Twitch ID of user being doing the inviting and is already a member of the organization. InviterTwitchID string `json:"inviterTwitchID"` // The ID of the organization. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // The Role a Invite has in an organization. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` }
Inputs to the CreateOrganizationInvite mutation.
type CreateOrganizationInvitePayload ¶
type CreateOrganizationInvitePayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CreateOrganizationInviteError `json:"error"` // The created invite. returned on successful creation. Invite *OrganizationInvite `json:"invite"` }
Outputs from the CreateOrganizationInvite mutation.
type CreateOrganizationJWTError ¶
type CreateOrganizationJWTError struct { // The associated error code. Code CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateOrganizationJWTError is the error associated with a CreateOrganizationJWT.
type CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode ¶
type CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode string
CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while creating Organization JWT.
const ( // User does not have permission to create the JWT for this operation and company. CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCodePermissionDenied CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The operation passed in was invalid. CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCodeInvalidArgument CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateOrganizationJWTErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateOrganizationJWTInput ¶
type CreateOrganizationJWTInput struct { // Operation to be used in drops to get a jwt for. Operation string `json:"operation"` // Organization id for which to generate the jwt. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` }
Inputs to the CreateOrganizationJWT mutation.
type CreateOrganizationJWTPayload ¶
type CreateOrganizationJWTPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CreateOrganizationJWTError `json:"error"` // The new orgnizationJWT. Jwt *string `json:"jwt"` }
Outputs from the CreateOrganizationJWT mutation.
type CreateOrganizationMemberError ¶
type CreateOrganizationMemberError struct { // The associated error code. Code CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateOrganizationMemberError is the error associated with a CreateOrganizationMember.
type CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode ¶
type CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode string
CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while creating an organization member.
const ( // Organization Member already exists. CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeAlreadyExists CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "ALREADY_EXISTS" // User does not have permission to perform action. CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodePermissionDenied CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The user does not exist. CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeUserNotFound CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" // The user doesn't meet the requirements to have this role. For example, when trying to assign the // "BILLING_MANAGER" role, but the user doesn't have 2FA enabled or completed Extension Monetization Onboarding. CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCodeMemberIneligible CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "MEMBER_INELIGIBLE" )
func (CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateOrganizationMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateOrganizationMemberInput ¶
type CreateOrganizationMemberInput struct { // Users email. Email string `json:"email"` // Users first name. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // Users last name. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // The ID of the organization. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // The Role a member has in an organization. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` // Users title. Title string `json:"title"` // The user's Twitch ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the CreateOrganizationMember mutation.
type CreateOrganizationMemberPayload ¶
type CreateOrganizationMemberPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CreateOrganizationMemberError `json:"error"` // The new orgnizationMember. OrganizationMember *OrganizationMember `json:"organizationMember"` }
Outputs from the CreateOrganizationMember mutation.
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfo ¶
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfo struct { // A unique identifier for the generated URL. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // The actual URL to be used by the client to upload the image. URL string `json:"url"` }
The upload info struct that is returned from AWS.
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoInput ¶
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoInput struct { // The channel the panel belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The cropped height of the image. Height int `json:"height"` // The left edge of the cropped image. Left int `json:"left"` // The top edge of the cropped image. Top int `json:"top"` // The cropped width of the image. Width int `json:"width"` }
Information required to generate a URL to upload a panel image to.
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoPayload ¶
type CreatePanelImageUploadInfoPayload struct { // The upload info struct that is returned from AWS. UploadInfo *CreatePanelImageUploadInfo `json:"uploadInfo"` }
The response resulting from a successful panel image URL creation.
type CreatePanelInput ¶
type CreatePanelInput struct { ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` Description *string `json:"description"` ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` LinkURL *string `json:"linkURL"` SlotID *string `json:"slotID"` Title *string `json:"title"` Type PanelType `json:"type"` }
CreatePanelInput contains a panel with created data The schema here has arguments for both extension panels and default panels each panel needs a PanelType, and channelID it corresponds to, but each panel does not need the other arguments extension panels can have a slotID default panels can have a title, image, link, and/or description.
type CreatePanelPayload ¶
type CreatePanelPayload struct {
Panel Panel `json:"panel"`
CreatePanelPayload contains the panel data after the create succeeds.
type CreatePartnershipApplicationInput ¶
type CreatePartnershipApplicationInput struct { // Broadcast category (selected by the applicant). // eg: gaming, creative. Category string `json:"category"` // Country from where the applicant belongs (selected by the applicant). // eg: US, NZ, UK. Country string `json:"country"` // Description why the applicant wants to be a partner. Description string `json:"description"` // First and last name of the applicant. FullName string `json:"fullName"` // Broadcast language (selected by the applicant). Language string `json:"language"` }
CreatePartnershipApplication accepts a userID and other parameters to create the partnership application of a given user. The required input for a createPartnershipApplicationInput mutation.
type CreatePartnershipApplicationPayload ¶
type CreatePartnershipApplicationPayload struct { // A successful creation returns the partnership application. // A failed creation returns null. PartnershipApplication *PartnershipApplication `json:"partnershipApplication"` }
Whether or not the partnership application submission to was successful. The result of a createPartnershipApplicationInput mutation.
type CreatePollChoiceInput ¶
type CreatePollChoiceInput struct { // Title of the choice. Title string `json:"title"` }
Inputs for creating a choice.
type CreatePollError ¶
type CreatePollError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CreatePollErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Vote in poll error.
type CreatePollErrorCode ¶
type CreatePollErrorCode string
Vote in poll error code.
const ( // User attempted to create poll with restricted content. CreatePollErrorCodeAutomodFailed CreatePollErrorCode = "AUTOMOD_FAILED" // User attempted to create poll when a poll was already active. CreatePollErrorCodePollAlreadyActive CreatePollErrorCode = "POLL_ALREADY_ACTIVE" // User attempted to create poll with bits on a channel where bits are not enabled. CreatePollErrorCodeChannelNotBitsEnabled CreatePollErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_BITS_ENABLED" // An unknown error occurred. CreatePollErrorCodeUnknown CreatePollErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreatePollErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreatePollErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreatePollErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreatePollErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreatePollErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreatePollErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreatePollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreatePollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreatePollInput ¶
type CreatePollInput struct { // The cost in bits for casting a vote. BitsCost *int `json:"bitsCost"` // Denotes if votes can be cast with bits. BitsVoting *bool `json:"bitsVoting"` // Choices that can be voted for in the poll. Choices []*CreatePollChoiceInput `json:"choices"` // The cost in Community Points for casting a vote. CommunityPointsCost *int `json:"communityPointsCost"` // Duration of the poll in seconds. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // Denotes if votes can be cast with Community Points. IsCommunityPointsVotingEnabled *bool `json:"isCommunityPointsVotingEnabled"` // Denotes if the poll allows voting for multiple options. MultichoiceEnabled *bool `json:"multichoiceEnabled"` // Id of the channel this poll is owned by. OwnedBy string `json:"ownedBy"` // Denotes if subscribers receives bonus votes. // Deprecated: Subscriber multipliers are no longer supported. SubscriberMultiplier *bool `json:"subscriberMultiplier"` // Denotes if the poll is only open to subscribers. // Deprecated: Subscriber-only polls are no longer supported. SubscriberOnly *bool `json:"subscriberOnly"` // Title of the poll. Title string `json:"title"` }
Inputs for creating a new poll.
type CreatePollPayload ¶
type CreatePollPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CreatePollError `json:"error"` // The created poll. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` }
Outputs from the create poll mutation.
type CreatePostInput ¶
type CreatePostPayload ¶
type CreatePredictionEventError ¶
type CreatePredictionEventError struct { // Code describing the error. Code CreatePredictionEventErrorCode `json:"code"` // If the error code is TOO_MANY_OUTCOMES, this will be the maximum number of Outcomes. MaxOutcomes *int `json:"maxOutcomes"` // If the error code is INVALID_PREDICTION_WINDOW, this will be the maximum Prediction Window in seconds. MaxPredictionWindowSeconds *int `json:"maxPredictionWindowSeconds"` }
An error returned from the createPredictionEvent mutation.
type CreatePredictionEventErrorCode ¶
type CreatePredictionEventErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the createPredictionEvent mutation.
const ( // The current user is forbidden from creating Prediction Events on the specified channel. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // User attempted to create a Prediction Event with restricted content. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeAutomodFailed CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "AUTOMOD_FAILED" // There is already an active or pending Prediction Event on the channel. The Event must be resolved before a new // Prediction Event can be created. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeEventAlreadyActive CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "EVENT_ALREADY_ACTIVE" // Channel Points are not enabled on this channel. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeChannelPointsNotEnabled CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "CHANNEL_POINTS_NOT_ENABLED" // The colors chosen for each Option must be unique. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeColorsNotUnique CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "COLORS_NOT_UNIQUE" // Events must have at least 2 Outcomes. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeNotEnoughOutcomes CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_OUTCOMES" // Events have a maximum number of Outcomes. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeTooManyOutcomes CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_OUTCOMES" // The specified Prediction Window is invalid. Prediction window must be positive. Prediction window has a maximum. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeInvalidPredictionWindow CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "INVALID_PREDICTION_WINDOW" // An unknown error occurred. CreatePredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown CreatePredictionEventErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreatePredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreatePredictionEventInput ¶
type CreatePredictionEventInput struct { // The channel to create the Prediction Event on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Outcomes that can be chosen in the Prediction Event. Outcomes []*CreatePredictionOutcomeInput `json:"outcomes"` // The duration of the Prediction Window, in seconds. PredictionWindowSeconds int `json:"predictionWindowSeconds"` // The intended title of the Prediction Event. Title string `json:"title"` }
Input for creating a Prediction Event.
type CreatePredictionEventPayload ¶
type CreatePredictionEventPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CreatePredictionEventError `json:"error"` // The created Prediction Event. PredictionEvent *PredictionEvent `json:"predictionEvent"` }
Payload for creating a prediction event.
type CreatePredictionOutcomeInput ¶
type CreatePredictionOutcomeInput struct { // Color of the Outcome. Color PredictionOutcomeColor `json:"color"` // Title of the Outcome. Title string `json:"title"` }
Input for creating a Prediction Outcome.
type CreateRaidError ¶
type CreateRaidError struct { // The associated error code. Code CreateRaidErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateRaidError is the error associated with a createRaid.
type CreateRaidErrorCode ¶
type CreateRaidErrorCode string
CreateRaidErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The user is already raiding another channel. CreateRaidErrorCodeAlreadyRaiding CreateRaidErrorCode = "ALREADY_RAIDING" // The user tries to raid themselves. CreateRaidErrorCodeCannotRaidYourself CreateRaidErrorCode = "CANNOT_RAID_YOURSELF" // The user tries to raid an unraidable channel. CreateRaidErrorCodeCannotRaidThisChannel CreateRaidErrorCode = "CANNOT_RAID_THIS_CHANNEL" // The request is missing valid channel parameters. CreateRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel CreateRaidErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL" // The user tries to raid with too many viewers. CreateRaidErrorCodeTooManyViewersToRaid CreateRaidErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_VIEWERS_TO_RAID" )
func (CreateRaidErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateRaidErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateRaidErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateRaidErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateRaidInput ¶
type CreateRaidInput struct { // Caller is expected to be a channel owner, editor, or staff. // User ID of the source channel hosting the raid. SourceID string `json:"sourceID"` // User ID of the target channel. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
Inputs to the createRaid mutation.
type CreateRaidPayload ¶
type CreateRaidPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CreateRaidError `json:"error"` // The created raid. Raid *Raid `json:"raid"` }
Outputs from the createRaid mutation.
type CreateRewardedVideoTokenInput ¶
type CreateRewardedVideoTokenInput struct { // userID requesting the rewarded video token. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the createRewardedVideo mutation.
type CreateRewardedVideoTokenPayload ¶
type CreateRewardedVideoTokenPayload struct { // token used to initialize the truex client application. Token *string `json:"token"` }
Outputs from the createRewardedVideo mutation.
type CreateRoomError ¶
type CreateRoomError struct { Code CreateRoomErrorCode `json:"code"` // On MAX_ROOMS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Maximum number of rooms user can create. MaxAllowedRooms *int `json:"maxAllowedRooms"` // On NAME_LENGTH_INVALID, TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID: Maximum number of characters. MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength"` // On NAME_LENGTH_INVALID, TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID: Minimum number of characters. MinLength *int `json:"minLength"` }
type CreateRoomErrorCode ¶
type CreateRoomErrorCode string
const ( // Name too short or too long. CreateRoomErrorCodeNameLengthInvalid CreateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_LENGTH_INVALID" // Name contains invalid characters (e.g. spaces). CreateRoomErrorCodeNameContainsInvalidCharacters CreateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS" // Name failed automod check. CreateRoomErrorCodeNameInappropriate CreateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_INAPPROPRIATE" // Name was not unique to channel. CreateRoomErrorCodeNameNotUnique CreateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_NOT_UNIQUE" // Topic too short or too long. CreateRoomErrorCodeTopicLengthInvalid CreateRoomErrorCode = "TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID" // Topic failed automod check. CreateRoomErrorCodeTopicInappropriate CreateRoomErrorCode = "TOPIC_INAPPROPRIATE" // User cannot create any more rooms. CreateRoomErrorCodeMaxRoomsLimitExceeded CreateRoomErrorCode = "MAX_ROOMS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" // Invalid roles specified (e.g. a more permissive role for send than read). CreateRoomErrorCodeRolesInvalid CreateRoomErrorCode = "ROLES_INVALID" )
func (CreateRoomErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateRoomErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateRoomErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateRoomErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateRoomInput ¶
type CreateRoomInput struct { // Deprecated. Use minimumReadMessagesRole instead. IsPreviewable *bool `json:"isPreviewable"` // Deprecated. Use minimumReadMessagesRole and minimumSendMessagesRole instead. MinimumAllowedRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumAllowedRole"` // Minimum role required to read messages in the room. MinimumReadMessagesRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumReadMessagesRole"` // Minimum role required to send messages in the room. MinimumSendMessagesRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumSendMessagesRole"` // The name of the room. Name string `json:"name"` // The topic for the room. Topic string `json:"topic"` }
type CreateRoomPayload ¶
type CreateRoomPayload struct { Error *CreateRoomError `json:"error"` Room *Room `json:"room"` }
type CreateScheduleError ¶
type CreateScheduleError string
The possible errors.
const ( // Channel already has a schedule. CreateScheduleErrorAlreadyExists CreateScheduleError = "ALREADY_EXISTS" // Cannot create a schedule for this channel. CreateScheduleErrorPermissionDenied CreateScheduleError = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (CreateScheduleError) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateScheduleError) IsValid() bool
func (CreateScheduleError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateScheduleError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateScheduleError) String ¶
func (e CreateScheduleError) String() string
func (*CreateScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateScheduleInput ¶
type CreateScheduleInput struct { // The channel ID the schedule belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
The input to create a schedule.
type CreateSchedulePayload ¶
type CreateSchedulePayload struct { // The channel with the new schedule. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The possible error. Error *CreateScheduleError `json:"error"` }
The payload returned after creating a schedule.
type CreateScheduleSegmentError ¶
type CreateScheduleSegmentError struct { // Error code. Code CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode `json:"code"` // If the error is related to overlapping segments, provide the existing segment causing a conflict. ConflictingSegment *ScheduleSegment `json:"conflictingSegment"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the maximum allowed value. Maximum *int `json:"maximum"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the minimum allowed value. Minimum *int `json:"minimum"` }
CreateScheduleSegmentError is a wrapper for error associated with the CreateScheduleSegment mutation.
type CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode ¶
type CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode string
The possible errors when creating a schedule segment.
const ( // Not authorized to edit this user schedule. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodePermissionDenied CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The schedule to create a segment for was not found. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNotFound CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The number of categories is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategoryCount CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_CATEGORY_COUNT" // The segment time overlaps with another segment time. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeOverlappingSegments CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "OVERLAPPING_SEGMENTS" // The title length is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTitle CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_TITLE" // The title failed the moderation check. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeTitleFailedModeration CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "TITLE_FAILED_MODERATION" // The timezone is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTimezone CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_TIMEZONE" // The category is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategories CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_CATEGORIES" // The the start day is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartDay CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_DAY" // The start hour is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartHour CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_HOUR" // The start minute is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartMinute CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_MINUTE" // The duration is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidDuration CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_DURATION" // The segment is invalid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegment CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_SEGMENT" // The input is not valid. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidArgument CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // The number of segments is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegmentCount CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_SEGMENT_COUNT" )
func (CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateScheduleSegmentInput ¶
type CreateScheduleSegmentInput struct { // The categories of the new segment. Categories []string `json:"categories"` // The duration of the segment in minutes. DurationMinutes *int `json:"durationMinutes"` // The ID of the schedule. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` // The start time of the new segment. Start *SegmentStartTimeInput `json:"start"` // The geographic timezone of the new segment defined by IANA; i.e. "America/Los_Angeles". Timezone string `json:"timezone"` // The title of the new segment. Title *string `json:"title"` }
The input to create a new schedule segment.
type CreateScheduleSegmentPayload ¶
type CreateScheduleSegmentPayload struct { // The possible error. Error *CreateScheduleSegmentError `json:"error"` // The updated schedule with the created segment. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` }
The payload returned when creating a new schedule segment.
type CreateSocialMediaError ¶
type CreateSocialMediaError string
CreateSocialMediaError is a user error while creating a social media.
const ( // The title failed moderation. CreateSocialMediaErrorFailedTitleModeration CreateSocialMediaError = "FAILED_TITLE_MODERATION" // The provided title was too long. CreateSocialMediaErrorTitleTooLong CreateSocialMediaError = "TITLE_TOO_LONG" // The provided url is invalid. CreateSocialMediaErrorInvalidURL CreateSocialMediaError = "INVALID_URL" // Maximun number of social medias reached. CreateSocialMediaErrorTooMany CreateSocialMediaError = "TOO_MANY" )
func (CreateSocialMediaError) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateSocialMediaError) IsValid() bool
func (CreateSocialMediaError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateSocialMediaError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateSocialMediaError) String ¶
func (e CreateSocialMediaError) String() string
func (*CreateSocialMediaError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateSocialMediaError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateSocialMediaInput ¶
type CreateSocialMediaInput struct { // The ID of the channel the social media should belong to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The visible text of the social media item. Title string `json:"title"` // The web address of the social media item. URL string `json:"url"` }
CreateSocialMediaInput creates social media under the given channelID.
type CreateSocialMediaPayload ¶
type CreateSocialMediaPayload struct { // The channel of the social media that was created. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The potential error when creating a social media. Error *CreateSocialMediaError `json:"error"` }
CreateSocialMediaPayload returns the new social medias that were created.
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationError ¶
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationError struct { // The associated error code. Code CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateSquadStreamInvitationError is the error associated with a createSquadStreamInvitation.
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode ¶
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode string
CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The squad is already full. CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadFull CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "SQUAD_FULL" // The recipient does not have access to squad streams. CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserCannotAccessSquads CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "USER_CANNOT_ACCESS_SQUADS" // The recipient is already in the squad. CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUserAlreadyInSquad CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "USER_ALREADY_IN_SQUAD" // The recipient is already invited to the squad. CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationAlreadyExists CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_ALREADY_EXISTS" // The sender does not have permission to invite the recipient. CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationBlocked CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_BLOCKED" // The invitation is not valid (e.g. the user is inviting themselves). CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationInvalid CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_INVALID" CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationInput ¶
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationInput struct { // The user ID of the broadcaster that should be invited to join the squad stream. RecipientUserID string `json:"recipientUserID"` // The user ID of the broadcaster that is sending the invitation to join the squad stream. SenderUserID string `json:"senderUserID"` }
Inputs to the createSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationPayload ¶
type CreateSquadStreamInvitationPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *CreateSquadStreamInvitationError `json:"error"` // The updated squad stream. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` }
Outputs from the createSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type CreateStuccoInput ¶
type CreateStuccoInput struct { // ID of the channel this stucco belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Description representing the stucco, should be the words contained in the stucco, used by screen readers. Description string `json:"description"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 92x28px stucco ("1x") image asset. ImageData1x string `json:"imageData1x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 182x56px stucco ("2x") image asset. ImageData2x string `json:"imageData2x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 368x112px stucco ("4x") image asset. ImageData4x string `json:"imageData4x"` // Text code representing the stucco without any prefixes (prefixes are added in the backend). Suffix string `json:"suffix"` }
Inputs to creating a stucco.
type CreateStuccoPackInput ¶
type CreateStuccoPackInput struct { // Id of the channel this pack is part of. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Updated list of stuccos for this pack. Stuccos []*CreateStuccoPackItemInput `json:"stuccos"` }
Inputs for creating a new stucco pack.
type CreateStuccoPackItemInput ¶
type CreateStuccoPackItemInput struct { // Slot index in the pack (used for ordering). SlotIndex int `json:"slotIndex"` // Id of the stucco. StuccoID string `json:"stuccoID"` }
Single item in a stuccopack, as part of the create stucco pack call, representing one stucco to be used in a certain slot.
type CreateStuccoPackPayload ¶
type CreateStuccoPackPayload struct { // The created stucco pack. StuccoPack *StuccoPack `json:"stuccoPack"` }
Outputs from the create stucco pack mutation.
type CreateStuccoPayload ¶
type CreateStuccoPayload struct { // The created or updated stucco. Stucco *Stucco `json:"stucco"` }
The output for the create update stucco mutation.
type CreateUnbanRequestError ¶
type CreateUnbanRequestError struct { // Error code from create unban request mutation. Code CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error from create unban request mutation.
type CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode ¶
type CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode string
Error codes from create unban request mutation.
const ( // User already has a request for the current ban. CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeAlreadyCreated CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = "ALREADY_CREATED" // User is not banned in the channel. CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeNotBanned CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = "NOT_BANNED" // User is attempting to create a request too since their ban. Must wait for cooldown period to end. CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeTooSoonSinceBan CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = "TOO_SOON_SINCE_BAN" // Channel is not receiving unban requests. CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeUnbanRequestsDisabled CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = "UNBAN_REQUESTS_DISABLED" // Unknown error. CreateUnbanRequestErrorCodeUnknown CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateUnbanRequestErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateUnbanRequestInput ¶
type CreateUnbanRequestInput struct { // Channel on which requester is requesting an unban. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Custom message from unban requester to attach to unban request. RequesterMessage string `json:"requesterMessage"` }
Required input to create an unban request on a channel.
type CreateUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type CreateUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Error from attempting to create unban request. Error *CreateUnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The newly created unban request. UnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequest"` }
Result of a createUnbanRequest mutation.
type CreateVideoBookmarkError ¶
type CreateVideoBookmarkError struct { // The associated error code. Code *CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode `json:"code"` }
CreateVideoBookmarkError is the error associated with a createVideoBookmark.
type CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode ¶
type CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode string
CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The broadcaster is not live. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcasterNotLive CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "BROADCASTER_NOT_LIVE" // Archives are disabled for the channel. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeArchivesDisabled CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "ARCHIVES_DISABLED" // The rerun broadcast format is unsupported.. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcastFormatInvalidRerun CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "BROADCAST_FORMAT_INVALID_RERUN" // The premiere broadcast format is unsupported. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeBroadcastFormatInvalidPremiere CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "BROADCAST_FORMAT_INVALID_PREMIERE" // The VOD for the associated broadcast is not yet ready. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeVodNotReady CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "VOD_NOT_READY" // An unexpected internal server error occurred. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeInternalServerError CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeUserUnauthorized CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" // The description length has exceeded the max length. CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCodeMaxDescriptionLengthExceeded CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode = "MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH_EXCEEDED" )
func (CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) String ¶
func (e CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) String() string
func (*CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreateVideoBookmarkErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreateVideoBookmarkInput ¶
type CreateVideoBookmarkInput struct { // ID of the broadcast the bookmark is made for. BroadcastID *string `json:"broadcastID"` // Channel ID of the channel the bookmark is made for. ChannelID *string `json:"channelID"` // A description for the bookmark. Description *string `json:"description"` // The medium where the request came from. // e.g. "popout_chat", "chat", "live_dashboard_button", "live_dashboard_hotkey", "live_dashboard_chat". Medium string `json:"medium"` // The platform where the request came from. // e.g."web", "android", "ios". Platform string `json:"platform"` }
Input for creating a new bookmark.
type CreateVideoBookmarkPayload ¶
type CreateVideoBookmarkPayload struct { // Error of the create video bookmark request. Error *CreateVideoBookmarkError `json:"error"` // The bookmark that was created. VideoBookmark *VideoBookmark `json:"videoBookmark"` }
Response for creating a bookmark, the bookmark that was created.
type CreateVideoCommentInput ¶
type CreateVideoCommentInput struct { // The id of the parent video comment when you reply. CommentID *string `json:"commentID"` // Position of the video where this comment will be added. ContentOffsetSeconds int `json:"contentOffsetSeconds"` // The message of the comment. Message string `json:"message"` // The id of the video this comment belongs to. VideoID string `json:"videoID"` }
type CreateVideoCommentPayload ¶
type CreateVideoCommentPayload struct { // The comment that was created. Comment *VideoComment `json:"comment"` }
type CreateVideoHighlightInput ¶
type CreateVideoHighlightInput struct { // The time in the source Archive type video that the Highlight will end at. EndOffsetSeconds int `json:"endOffsetSeconds"` // Metadata to set for the highlight. Metadata *CreateVideoHighlightMetadata `json:"metadata"` // The id of the Archive type video to create the Highlight from. SourceVideoID string `json:"sourceVideoID"` // The time in the source Archive type video that the Highlight will begin at. StartOffsetSeconds int `json:"startOffsetSeconds"` }
type CreateVideoHighlightMetadata ¶
type CreateVideoHighlightMetadata struct { // The long form description of the Highlight content. Description string `json:"description"` // The primary game featured in the highlight, if any. Game *string `json:"game"` // The language the highlight content is in. Language string `json:"language"` // Discovery tags to associate with the Highlight. Tags []string `json:"tags"` // The title of the the highlight. Title string `json:"title"` }
type CreateVideoHighlightPayload ¶
type CreateVideoHighlightPayload struct { // The created Video representing the Highlight. Highlight *Video `json:"highlight"` }
type CreatorBadgeFlair ¶
type CreatorBadgeFlair struct { // The creator's setting for which badge flair, if any, can be displayed. Setting *CreatorBadgeFlairSetting `json:"setting"` // The set of badge flair assets for each tier. Assets []*CreatorBadgeFlairAsset `json:"assets"` }
Data pertaining to a creator's badge flair for their own channel.
type CreatorBadgeFlairAsset ¶
type CreatorBadgeFlairAsset struct { // The tier to which these flair assets correspond to, as determined by the creator at time of upload Tier CreatorBadgeFlairTier `json:"tier"` // The "1x" dimension (18x18) image URL Image1xURL string `json:"image1xURL"` // The "2x" dimension (36x36) image URL Image2xURL string `json:"image2xURL"` // The "4x" dimension (72x72) image URL Image4xURL string `json:"image4xURL"` }
A set of URLs where clients can find the badge flair asset for a given creator at a given tier
type CreatorBadgeFlairSetting ¶
type CreatorBadgeFlairSetting string
Setting for a user's channel that indicates what type of badge flair, if any, is available for eligible subscribers to select.
const ( // Indicates no badge flair is available. CreatorBadgeFlairSettingNone CreatorBadgeFlairSetting = "NONE" // Indicates badge flair using the default Twitch-provided flair asset is available. CreatorBadgeFlairSettingDefault CreatorBadgeFlairSetting = "DEFAULT" // Indicates badge flair using a custom user-provided flair asset is available. CreatorBadgeFlairSettingCustom CreatorBadgeFlairSetting = "CUSTOM" )
func (CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) IsValid ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) IsValid() bool
func (CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) String ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) String() string
func (*CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreatorBadgeFlairSetting) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreatorBadgeFlairTier ¶
type CreatorBadgeFlairTier string
Valid subscription tiers that custom badge flair can be associated to.
const ( // Tier 2 subscriptions (sometimes represented with string "2000") CreatorBadgeFlairTierTier2 CreatorBadgeFlairTier = "TIER_2" // Tier 3 subscriptions (sometimes represented with string "3000") CreatorBadgeFlairTierTier3 CreatorBadgeFlairTier = "TIER_3" )
func (CreatorBadgeFlairTier) IsValid ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairTier) IsValid() bool
func (CreatorBadgeFlairTier) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairTier) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreatorBadgeFlairTier) String ¶
func (e CreatorBadgeFlairTier) String() string
func (*CreatorBadgeFlairTier) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreatorBadgeFlairTier) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreatorCampArticle ¶
type CreatorCampArticle struct { // The ID of the article is also a human readable "slug" e.g. "twitch-101". ID string `json:"id"` // The locale associated with this article's translations. Locale string `json:"locale"` // A URL pointing to an image associated with this article. PreviewImage *string `json:"previewImage"` // A short introduction for the article. PreviewText *string `json:"previewText"` // The localized title of the article. Title string `json:"title"` // The cannonical location of this article on the CreatorCamp site. URL string `json:"url"` // The length of the article's video in seconds. VideoDurationSeconds *int `json:"videoDurationSeconds"` // A URL pointing to the embedded video in this article. Most // CreatorCamp articles have an assoicated video. VideoURL *string `json:"videoURL"` }
A CreatorCampArticle is a represenation of an article from
type CreatorCampCategory ¶
type CreatorCampCategory struct { // A list of CreatorCamp articles in this category. Articles []*CreatorCampArticle `json:"articles"` // The ID of the category is also a human-readable "slug" e.g. "learn-the-basics". ID string `json:"id"` // The localized title of the category. Title string `json:"title"` }
A CreatorCampCategory is a grouping of CreatorCamp articles.
type CreatorDashboard ¶
type CreatorDashboard struct { // Channel Analytics query for the Channel Analytics Tab in the Creator Dashboard. ChannelAnalytics *ChannelAnalytics `json:"channelAnalytics"` }
Creator Dashboard shown in twilight.
type CreatorGifting ¶
type CreatorGifting struct { // The identifier for the creator gifting type. This is the user's ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The balance of gift subscriptions the creator has to give. These subscriptions do not pay out to the creator. SubscriptionsBalance *int `json:"subscriptionsBalance"` }
The container for creator gifts the creator has. This will be null if the creator does not have this feature enabled.
type CreatorMetricsByInterval ¶
type CreatorMetricsByInterval struct { // Creator metrics aggregated and broken up by the interval length. Items []*CreatorMetricsByIntervalItem `json:"items"` }
Creator metrics for the given time period.
type CreatorMetricsByIntervalItem ¶
type CreatorMetricsByIntervalItem struct { // Ad breaks in seconds for the time period. AdBreaksInSecondsString string `json:"adBreaksInSecondsString"` // Ad seconds per hour for the time period. AdSecondsPerHour float64 `json:"adSecondsPerHour"` // Average viewers for the time period. AverageViewers float64 `json:"averageViewers"` // Clips views for the time period. ClipViewsString string `json:"clipViewsString"` // Clips created for the time period. ClipsCreatedString string `json:"clipsCreatedString"` // Number of follows for the time period. FollowsString string `json:"followsString"` // Host raids percentage for the time period. HostRaidsPercentage float64 `json:"hostRaidsPercentage"` // Live views for the time period. LiveViewsString string `json:"liveViewsString"` // Max viewers for the time period. MaxViewersString string `json:"maxViewersString"` // Time streamed (in minutes) for the time period. MinutesStreamedString string `json:"minutesStreamedString"` // Minutes watched for the time period. MinutesWatchedString string `json:"minutesWatchedString"` // New subscriptions for the time period. NewSubscriptionsString string `json:"newSubscriptionsString"` // Promotion clicks for the time period. PromotionClickString string `json:"promotionClickString"` // Promotion displays for the time period. PromotionDisplayString string `json:"promotionDisplayString"` // Starting timestamp for the time period. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Total chat messages for the time period. TotalChatMessagesString string `json:"totalChatMessagesString"` // Total chatters for the time period. TotalChattersString string `json:"totalChattersString"` // Unique viewers for the time period. UniqueViewersString string `json:"uniqueViewersString"` }
Creator metrics for the given time period.
type CreatorOnboardingContent ¶
type CreatorOnboardingContent struct { // The time when the onboarding content was first shown to the user. FirstSeenAt *time.Time `json:"firstSeenAt"` // The id of the creator onboarding content. ID string `json:"id"` }
Onboarding content and tips that are shown during the streamer onboarding experience.
type CreatorReferralLink ¶
type CreatorReferralLink struct { // The body text that will show on social media when the associated url is shared -- og:description. Description string `json:"description"` // The ID of the referral link. ID string `json:"id"` // The image that will show on social media when the associated url is shared -- og:image. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // The title text that will show on social media when the associated url is shared -- og:title. Title string `json:"title"` // The url of the referral link. URL string `json:"url"` }
A url to be shared by a creator to gain referrals, and associated metadata.
type CreatorReferralLinkConnection ¶
type CreatorReferralLinkConnection struct { // The list edges contain CreatorReferralLink with pagination information. Edges []*CreatorReferralLinkEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of creator referral links. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of creator referral links.
type CreatorReferralLinkEdge ¶
type CreatorReferralLinkEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the creator referral link for the current edge. Node *CreatorReferralLink `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of creator referral links.
type CreatorReferralLinkStat ¶
type CreatorReferralLinkStat struct { // The reference to the link that caused the associated number of referrals. Link *CreatorReferralLink `json:"link"` // The number of referred users for the given link. ReferralCount int `json:"referralCount"` }
Contains a reference to the link object and the number of referrals from that link.
type CreatorReferralSummary ¶
type CreatorReferralSummary struct { // Average referrals per day in the given date range. AverageReferrals int `json:"averageReferrals"` // List of data points in the summary. Days []*CreatorReferralSummaryDay `json:"days"` // Total referrals in the given date range. TotalReferrals int `json:"totalReferrals"` // Trend of the referrals per day in the given date range, when compared to the previous date range of the same length. Trend CreatorReferralTrend `json:"trend"` }
Contains the statistics summary for creator referral link.
type CreatorReferralSummaryDay ¶
type CreatorReferralSummaryDay struct { // The date for the enclosed data. Date time.Time `json:"date"` // List of CreatorReferralLinkStat objects on the given date. LinkStats []*CreatorReferralLinkStat `json:"linkStats"` // The total number of referred users on the given date. ReferralCountSum int `json:"referralCountSum"` }
Each data point contains date and list of links with number of referred users.
type CreatorReferralTrend ¶
type CreatorReferralTrend string
Specifies the general trend of this data set vs the previous data set.
const ( // The new data set has increased relative to the previous data set. CreatorReferralTrendPositive CreatorReferralTrend = "POSITIVE" // The new data set has not changed relative to the previous data set. CreatorReferralTrendNeutral CreatorReferralTrend = "NEUTRAL" // The new data set has decreased relative to the previous data set. CreatorReferralTrendNegative CreatorReferralTrend = "NEGATIVE" )
func (CreatorReferralTrend) IsValid ¶
func (e CreatorReferralTrend) IsValid() bool
func (CreatorReferralTrend) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreatorReferralTrend) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreatorReferralTrend) String ¶
func (e CreatorReferralTrend) String() string
func (*CreatorReferralTrend) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreatorReferralTrend) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type CreatorTimeseriesItem ¶
type CreatorTimeseriesItem struct { // Streamed duration (in minutes). MinutesStreamed *int `json:"minutesStreamed"` // Timestamp of the broken down time series. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Value at the timestamp. Value float64 `json:"value"` }
Single item of stats for the time series.
type CreatorTimeseriesMetric ¶
type CreatorTimeseriesMetric struct { // CreatorTimeseries data (timestamp, value) associated with this metric. Items []*CreatorTimeseriesItem `json:"items"` // Total (sum) of all CreatorTimeseriesMetrics values. Total int `json:"total"` }
List of timestamp, value metric pairs and total for that metric.
type CreatorTimeseriesMetrics ¶
type CreatorTimeseriesMetrics struct { // Seconds of ads played per time chunk. AdBreaksInSeconds *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"adBreaksInSeconds"` // Ad time (in seconds) per hour per time chunk. AdTimePerHour *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"adTimePerHour"` // Average number of viewers per time chunk. AverageViewers *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"averageViewers"` // Number of chat messages per time chunk. ChatMessages *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"chatMessages"` // Number of clip views per time chunk. ClipViews *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"clipViews"` // Number of clips created per time chunk. ClipsCreated *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"clipsCreated"` // Number of follows during this timestamp. Follows *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"follows"` // Granularity of the time series, default unit is five minutes. Granularity Granularity `json:"granularity"` // Host/Raid viewers per time chunk. HostRaidViewers *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"hostRaidViewers"` // Live number of views per time chunk. LiveViews *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"liveViews"` // Max viewers per time chunk. MaxViewers *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"maxViewers"` // Minutes watched per time chunk. MinutesWatched *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"minutesWatched"` // Number of subscriptions per time chunk. NewSubscriptions *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"newSubscriptions"` // Promotion clicks for the time period. PromotionClick *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"promotionClick"` // Promotion displays for the time period. PromotionDisplay *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"promotionDisplay"` // Time streamed per time chunk. TimeStreamed *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"timeStreamed"` // Number of people chatting per time chunk. UniqueChatters *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"uniqueChatters"` // Number of unique people watching per time chunk. UniqueViewers *CreatorTimeseriesMetric `json:"uniqueViewers"` }
Metrics within a time frame broken down by granularity. This is used for per team stats, per channel stats use "TimeseriesStats".
type CreditChargeModel ¶
type CreditChargeModel struct { // The value of the credit. Amount int `json:"amount"` // The type of credit. CreditType CreditType `json:"creditType"` }
CreditChargeModel defines a charge model using non-FIAT currencies.
type CreditType ¶
type CreditType string
Types of non-fiat currencies.
const ( // Indicates that there is no specific type of Credit in this model. CreditTypeNoCreditType CreditType = "NO_CREDIT_TYPE" // A sub token type. CreditTypeSubToken CreditType = "SUB_TOKEN" )
func (CreditType) IsValid ¶
func (e CreditType) IsValid() bool
func (CreditType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e CreditType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (CreditType) String ¶
func (e CreditType) String() string
func (*CreditType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *CreditType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Currency ¶
type Currency string
An enumeration of ISO 4217 currencies accepted by the API.
const ( // Afghani currency. CurrencyAfn Currency = "AFN" // Euro currency. CurrencyEur Currency = "EUR" // Lek currency. CurrencyAll Currency = "ALL" // Algerian Dinar currency. CurrencyDzd Currency = "DZD" // US Dollar currency. CurrencyUsd Currency = "USD" // Kwanza currency. CurrencyAoa Currency = "AOA" // East Caribbean Dollar currency. CurrencyXcd Currency = "XCD" // Argentine Peso currency. CurrencyArs Currency = "ARS" // Armenian Dram currency. CurrencyAmd Currency = "AMD" // Aruban Florin currency. CurrencyAwg Currency = "AWG" // Australian Dollar currency. CurrencyAud Currency = "AUD" // Azerbaijan Manat currency. CurrencyAzn Currency = "AZN" // Bahamian Dollar currency. CurrencyBsd Currency = "BSD" // Bahraini Dinar currency. CurrencyBhd Currency = "BHD" // Taka currency. CurrencyBdt Currency = "BDT" // Barbados Dollar currency. CurrencyBbd Currency = "BBD" // Belarusian Ruble currency. CurrencyByn Currency = "BYN" // Belize Dollar currency. CurrencyBzd Currency = "BZD" // CFA Franc BCEAO currency. CurrencyXof Currency = "XOF" // Bermudian Dollar currency. CurrencyBmd Currency = "BMD" // Indian Rupee currency. CurrencyInr Currency = "INR" // Ngultrum currency. CurrencyBtn Currency = "BTN" // Boliviano currency. CurrencyBob Currency = "BOB" // Mvdol currency. CurrencyBov Currency = "BOV" // Convertible Mark currency. CurrencyBam Currency = "BAM" // Pula currency. CurrencyBwp Currency = "BWP" // Norwegian Krone currency. CurrencyNok Currency = "NOK" // Brazilian Real currency. CurrencyBrl Currency = "BRL" // Brunei Dollar currency. CurrencyBnd Currency = "BND" // Bulgarian Lev currency. CurrencyBgn Currency = "BGN" // Burundi Franc currency. CurrencyBif Currency = "BIF" // Cabo Verde Escudo currency. CurrencyCve Currency = "CVE" // Riel currency. CurrencyKhr Currency = "KHR" // CFA Franc BEAC currency. CurrencyXaf Currency = "XAF" // Canadian Dollar currency. CurrencyCad Currency = "CAD" // Cayman Islands Dollar currency. CurrencyKyd Currency = "KYD" // Chilean Peso currency. CurrencyClp Currency = "CLP" // Unidad de Fomento currency. CurrencyClf Currency = "CLF" // Yuan Renminbi currency. CurrencyCny Currency = "CNY" // Colombian Peso currency. CurrencyCop Currency = "COP" // Unidad de Valor Real currency. CurrencyCou Currency = "COU" // Comorian Franc currency. CurrencyKmf Currency = "KMF" // Congolese Franc currency. CurrencyCdf Currency = "CDF" // New Zealand Dollar currency. CurrencyNzd Currency = "NZD" // Costa Rican Colon currency. CurrencyCrc Currency = "CRC" // Kuna currency. CurrencyHrk Currency = "HRK" // Cuban Peso currency. CurrencyCup Currency = "CUP" // Peso Convertible currency. CurrencyCuc Currency = "CUC" // Netherlands Antillean Guilder currency. CurrencyAng Currency = "ANG" // Czech Koruna currency. CurrencyCzk Currency = "CZK" // Danish Krone currency. CurrencyDkk Currency = "DKK" // Djibouti Franc currency. CurrencyDjf Currency = "DJF" // Dominican Peso currency. CurrencyDop Currency = "DOP" // Egyptian Pound currency. CurrencyEgp Currency = "EGP" // El Salvador Colon currency. CurrencySvc Currency = "SVC" // Nakfa currency. CurrencyErn Currency = "ERN" // Ethiopian Birr currency. CurrencyEtb Currency = "ETB" // Falkland Islands Pound currency. CurrencyFkp Currency = "FKP" // Fiji Dollar currency. CurrencyFjd Currency = "FJD" // CFP Franc currency. CurrencyXpf Currency = "XPF" // Dalasi currency. CurrencyGmd Currency = "GMD" // Lari currency. CurrencyGel Currency = "GEL" // Ghana Cedi currency. CurrencyGhs Currency = "GHS" // Gibraltar Pound currency. CurrencyGip Currency = "GIP" // Quetzal currency. CurrencyGtq Currency = "GTQ" // Pound Sterling currency. CurrencyGbp Currency = "GBP" // Guinean Franc currency. CurrencyGnf Currency = "GNF" // Guyana Dollar currency. CurrencyGyd Currency = "GYD" // Gourde currency. CurrencyHtg Currency = "HTG" // Lempira currency. CurrencyHnl Currency = "HNL" // Hong Kong Dollar currency. CurrencyHkd Currency = "HKD" // Forint currency. CurrencyHuf Currency = "HUF" // Iceland Krona currency. CurrencyIsk Currency = "ISK" // Rupiah currency. CurrencyIDR Currency = "IDR" // Iranian Rial currency. CurrencyIrr Currency = "IRR" // Iraqi Dinar currency. CurrencyIqd Currency = "IQD" // New Israeli Sheqel currency. CurrencyIls Currency = "ILS" // Jamaican Dollar currency. CurrencyJmd Currency = "JMD" // Yen currency. CurrencyJpy Currency = "JPY" // Jordanian Dinar currency. CurrencyJod Currency = "JOD" // Tenge currency. CurrencyKzt Currency = "KZT" // Kenyan Shilling currency. CurrencyKes Currency = "KES" // Won currency. CurrencyKrw Currency = "KRW" // Kuwaiti Dinar currency. CurrencyKwd Currency = "KWD" // Som currency. CurrencyKgs Currency = "KGS" // Lao Kip currency. CurrencyLak Currency = "LAK" // Lebanese Pound currency. CurrencyLbp Currency = "LBP" // Loti currency. CurrencyLsl Currency = "LSL" // Rand currency. CurrencyZar Currency = "ZAR" // Liberian Dollar currency. CurrencyLrd Currency = "LRD" // Libyan Dinar currency. CurrencyLyd Currency = "LYD" // Swiss Franc currency. CurrencyChf Currency = "CHF" // Pataca currency. CurrencyMop Currency = "MOP" // Denar currency. CurrencyMkd Currency = "MKD" // Malagasy Ariary currency. CurrencyMga Currency = "MGA" // Malawi Kwacha currency. CurrencyMwk Currency = "MWK" // Malaysian Ringgit currency. CurrencyMyr Currency = "MYR" // Rufiyaa currency. CurrencyMvr Currency = "MVR" // Ouguiya currency. CurrencyMru Currency = "MRU" // Mauritius Rupee currency. CurrencyMur Currency = "MUR" // ADB Unit of Account currency. CurrencyXua Currency = "XUA" // Mexican Peso currency. CurrencyMxn Currency = "MXN" // Mexican Unidad de Inversion (UDI) currency. CurrencyMxv Currency = "MXV" // Moldovan Leu currency. CurrencyMdl Currency = "MDL" // Tugrik currency. CurrencyMnt Currency = "MNT" // Moroccan Dirham currency. CurrencyMad Currency = "MAD" // Mozambique Metical currency. CurrencyMzn Currency = "MZN" // Kyat currency. CurrencyMmk Currency = "MMK" // Namibia Dollar currency. CurrencyNad Currency = "NAD" // Nepalese Rupee currency. CurrencyNpr Currency = "NPR" // Cordoba Oro currency. CurrencyNio Currency = "NIO" // Naira currency. CurrencyNgn Currency = "NGN" // Rial Omani currency. CurrencyOmr Currency = "OMR" // Pakistan Rupee currency. CurrencyPkr Currency = "PKR" // Balboa currency. CurrencyPab Currency = "PAB" // Kina currency. CurrencyPgk Currency = "PGK" // Guarani currency. CurrencyPyg Currency = "PYG" // Sol currency. CurrencyPen Currency = "PEN" // Philippine Peso currency. CurrencyPhp Currency = "PHP" // Zloty currency. CurrencyPln Currency = "PLN" // Qatari Rial currency. CurrencyQar Currency = "QAR" // Romanian Leu currency. CurrencyRon Currency = "RON" // Russian Ruble currency. CurrencyRub Currency = "RUB" // Rwanda Franc currency. CurrencyRwf Currency = "RWF" // Saint Helena Pound currency. CurrencyShp Currency = "SHP" // Tala currency. CurrencyWst Currency = "WST" // Dobra currency. CurrencyStn Currency = "STN" // Saudi Riyal currency. CurrencySar Currency = "SAR" // Serbian Dinar currency. CurrencyRsd Currency = "RSD" // Seychelles Rupee currency. CurrencyScr Currency = "SCR" // Leone currency. CurrencySll Currency = "SLL" // Singapore Dollar currency. CurrencySgd Currency = "SGD" // Sucre currency. CurrencyXsu Currency = "XSU" // Solomon Islands Dollar currency. CurrencySbd Currency = "SBD" // Somali Shilling currency. CurrencySos Currency = "SOS" // South Sudanese Pound currency. CurrencySsp Currency = "SSP" // Sri Lanka Rupee currency. CurrencyLkr Currency = "LKR" // Sudanese Pound currency. CurrencySdg Currency = "SDG" // Surinam Dollar currency. CurrencySrd Currency = "SRD" // Lilangeni currency. CurrencySzl Currency = "SZL" // Swedish Krona currency. CurrencySek Currency = "SEK" // WIR Euro currency. CurrencyChe Currency = "CHE" // WIR Franc currency. CurrencyChw Currency = "CHW" // New Taiwan Dollar currency. CurrencyTwd Currency = "TWD" // Somoni currency. CurrencyTjs Currency = "TJS" // Tanzanian Shilling currency. CurrencyTzs Currency = "TZS" // Baht currency. CurrencyThb Currency = "THB" // Pa’anga currency. CurrencyTop Currency = "TOP" // Trinidad and Tobago Dollar currency. CurrencyTtd Currency = "TTD" // Tunisian Dinar currency. CurrencyTnd Currency = "TND" // Turkish Lira currency. CurrencyTry Currency = "TRY" // Turkmenistan New Manat currency. CurrencyTmt Currency = "TMT" // Uganda Shilling currency. CurrencyUgx Currency = "UGX" // Hryvnia currency. CurrencyUah Currency = "UAH" // UAE Dirham currency. CurrencyAed Currency = "AED" // Peso Uruguayo currency. CurrencyUyu Currency = "UYU" // Uruguay Peso en Unidades Indexadas (UI) currency. CurrencyUyi Currency = "UYI" // Unidad Previsional currency. CurrencyUyw Currency = "UYW" // Uzbekistan Sum currency. CurrencyUzs Currency = "UZS" // Vatu currency. CurrencyVuv Currency = "VUV" // Bolívar Soberano currency. CurrencyVes Currency = "VES" // Dong currency. CurrencyVnd Currency = "VND" // Yemeni Rial currency. CurrencyYer Currency = "YER" // Zambian Kwacha currency. CurrencyZmw Currency = "ZMW" // Zimbabwe Dollar currency. CurrencyZwl Currency = "ZWL" )
func (Currency) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*Currency) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type CurrentPrimePayout ¶
type CurrentPrimePayout struct { // pastCyclePayoutAmount is the part of the payout that was earned in previous payout cycle(s). PastCyclePayoutAmount int `json:"pastCyclePayoutAmount"` // thisCyclePayoutAmount is the part of the payout that was earned in this payout cycle itself. ThisCyclePayoutAmount int `json:"thisCyclePayoutAmount"` // totalPayoutAmount is the total amount for this payout. TotalPayoutAmount int `json:"totalPayoutAmount"` }
CurrentPrimePayout is the detail breakdown of the payout that will be made in this specific payout cycle.
type CurrentlyWatching ¶
type CurrentlyWatching struct { CurrentUser *struct { ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" DisplayName string "json:\"displayName\" graphql:\"displayName\"" Activity *struct { User *struct { BroadcastSettings *struct { Game *struct { DisplayName string "json:\"displayName\" graphql:\"displayName\"" } "json:\"game\" graphql:\"game\"" Title string "json:\"title\" graphql:\"title\"" } "json:\"broadcastSettings\" graphql:\"broadcastSettings\"" Channel *struct { SocialMedias []*struct { Name *string "json:\"name\" graphql:\"name\"" Title string "json:\"title\" graphql:\"title\"" URL string "json:\"url\" graphql:\"url\"" } "json:\"socialMedias\" graphql:\"socialMedias\"" } "json:\"channel\" graphql:\"channel\"" ID string "json:\"id\" graphql:\"id\"" DisplayName string "json:\"displayName\" graphql:\"displayName\"" ProfileURL string "json:\"profileURL\" graphql:\"profileURL\"" } "json:\"user\" graphql:\"user\"" } "json:\"activity\" graphql:\"activity\"" } "json:\"currentUser\" graphql:\"currentUser\"" }
type DashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivity interface {
An action (and metadata about the action) which occurred for a channel's Dashboard Activity Feed.
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus string
DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus are the possible alert statuses that an activity's corresponding alert can have.
const ( // The alert failed to be published. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusFailed DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "FAILED" // The alert was received when the channel was offline. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusOffline DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "OFFLINE" // The alert has been played and will not be seen again. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPlayed DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "PLAYED" // The alert is currently being displayed. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPlaying DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "PLAYING" // The alert is in the alert queue, but yet to be seen. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusQueued DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "QUEUED" // The alert was not queued and will not be displayed. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusRejected DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "REJECTED" // The alert was being displayed, but was skipped by the broadcaster. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusSkipped DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "SKIPPED" // The alert was purged from the alert queue by the broadcaster, after being queued originally. DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatusPurged DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus = "PURGED" )
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) IsValid() bool
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) String ¶
func (e DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) String() string
func (*DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAutoHosting ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityAutoHosting struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // User/Channel who is now AutoHosting the channel. Host *User `json:"host"` // Unique identifier for this AutoHosting action. ID string `json:"id"` // When the host initiated the AutoHosting session. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Number of viewers from the host channel. ViewerCount int `json:"viewerCount"` }
When a user AutoHosts a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityAutoHosting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityAutoHosting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBitsUsage ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBitsUsage struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Bits spent. Amount int `json:"amount"` // Unique identifier for this Bits usage. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the Cheer was anonymized to other users. // If true, then `user` is guaranteed to be null. IsAnonymous bool `json:"isAnonymous"` // When the Bits were used. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Bits spender. User *User `json:"user"` }
When a user uses Bits for or sends Bits to a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBitsUsage) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBitsUsage) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostComplete ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostComplete struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The progress made toward the goalTarget. GoalProgress int `json:"goalProgress"` // The target size for the boost order. GoalTarget int `json:"goalTarget"` // Unique identifier for this Boost event. ID string `json:"id"` // The user who purchased the boost order. Purchaser *User `json:"purchaser"` // The number of boosts in the order. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // When this Boost event occurred. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a Boost completes for the given user.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostComplete) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostComplete) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostStart ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostStart struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The progress made toward the goalTarget. GoalProgress int `json:"goalProgress"` // The target size for the boost order. GoalTarget int `json:"goalTarget"` // Unique identifier for this Boost event. ID string `json:"id"` // The user who purchased the boost order. Purchaser *User `json:"purchaser"` // The number of boosts in the order. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // When this Boost event occurred. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a Boost starts for the given user.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostStart) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityBoostStart) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCelebrationPurchaseEvent ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCelebrationPurchaseEvent struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The effect used for the celebration. Effect CelebrationEffect `json:"effect"` // Unique identifier for this Celebration event. ID string `json:"id"` // The intensity of the celebration. Intensity CelebrationIntensity `json:"intensity"` // The user who purchased the celebration. PurchasingUser *User `json:"purchasingUser"` // When this Celebration event occurred. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a Celebration event occurs for the given user.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCelebrationPurchaseEvent) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCelebrationPurchaseEvent) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunityPointsReward ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunityPointsReward struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Unique identifier for this redemption. ID string `json:"id"` // The user that redeemed the reward. RedeemingUser *User `json:"redeemingUser"` // The redemption object itself. Redemption *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption `json:"redemption"` // When the reward was redeemed. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // The title of the reward. Title string `json:"title"` // The user's text input, if provided. UserInput *string `json:"userInput"` }
When a user redeems a community points reward on a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunityPointsReward) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunityPointsReward) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunitySubscriptionGifting ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunitySubscriptionGifting struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Total subscriptions gifted by the gifter. GiftQuantity int `json:"giftQuantity"` // Total number of months the gifted subscription lasts for. GiftedMonths int `json:"giftedMonths"` // Subscription purchaser & gifter. Gifter *User `json:"gifter"` // Unique identifier for this gifting action. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the subscription gifting was anonymized to other users. // If true, then `gifter` is guaranteed to be null. IsAnonymous bool `json:"isAnonymous"` // Users who received the gift. // Maximum count is currently 100. Recipients []*User `json:"recipients"` // The gifted subscription's tier. Tier SubscriptionTier `json:"tier"` // When the subscriptions were gifted. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user gifts subscriptions to a community for a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunitySubscriptionGifting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCommunitySubscriptionGifting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityConnection ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityConnection struct { // Activity elements of the list. Edges []*DashboardActivityFeedActivityEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of past activities for a channel's Dashboard Activity Feed.
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCopoGoalEnd ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityCopoGoalEnd struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The target number of points for the goal that has ended. GoalAmount int `json:"goalAmount"` // The id of the goal that has ended. GoalID string `json:"goalID"` // The title of the goal that has ended. GoalTitle string `json:"goalTitle"` // Unique identifier for this goal end event. ID string `json:"id"` // The number of points contributed towards the goal. PointsContributed int `json:"pointsContributed"` // The name of the community points on the channel. PointsName *string `json:"pointsName"` // When this goal end event occurred. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a Community Goal ends for the channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCopoGoalEnd) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityCopoGoalEnd) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityDropClaimWindowOpen ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityDropClaimWindowOpen struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The community claimable drop which has been activated. Drop *DropObject `json:"drop"` // Unique identifier for this drop activity. ID string `json:"id"` // When the quest was completed. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a creator completes a drop quest and a drop can now be claimed by users/viewers.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityDropClaimWindowOpen) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityDropClaimWindowOpen) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityEdge ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Activity that occurred. Node DashboardActivityFeedActivity `json:"node"` }
Activity element in a list of past activities of a channel's Dashboard Activity Feed.
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityFollowing ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityFollowing struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // User who is now following the channel. Follower *User `json:"follower"` // Unique identifier for this follow action. ID string `json:"id"` // When the user followed the channel. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user newly follows or refollows a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityFollowing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityFollowing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHosting ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHosting struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // User/Channel who is now hosting the channel. Host *User `json:"host"` // Unique identifier for this hosting action. ID string `json:"id"` // When the host initiated the hosting session. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Number of viewers from the host channel. ViewerCount *int `json:"viewerCount"` }
When a user hosts a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityHosting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityHosting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHypeTrainEvent ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityHypeTrainEvent struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The highest level completed on this HypeTrain. CompletedLevel *int `json:"completedLevel"` // Unique identifier of the Hype Train. HypeTrainID string `json:"hypeTrainID"` // Unique identifier for this HypeTrain event. ID string `json:"id"` // When this HypeTrain event occurred. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // The total amount of Bits contributed on this HypeTrain. TotalBitsAmount *int `json:"totalBitsAmount"` // The total count of subs and sub gifts contributed on this HypeTrain. TotalSubsCount *int `json:"totalSubsCount"` // The type of this HypeTrain event. Type HypeTrainEventType `json:"type"` }
When a HypeTrain event occurs for the given user.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityHypeTrainEvent) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityHypeTrainEvent) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIndividualSubscriptionGifting ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIndividualSubscriptionGifting struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Total number of months the gifted subscription lasts for. GiftedMonths int `json:"giftedMonths"` // Subscription purchaser & gifter. Gifter *User `json:"gifter"` // Unique identifier for this gifting action. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the subscription gifting was anonymized to other users. // If true, then `gifter` is guaranteed to be null. IsAnonymous bool `json:"isAnonymous"` // User that received the gift. Recipient *User `json:"recipient"` // The gifted subscription's tier. Tier SubscriptionTier `json:"tier"` // When the subscription was gifted. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user gifts a single subscription to another individual user for a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityIndividualSubscriptionGifting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityIndividualSubscriptionGifting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIngestSessionStarting ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityIngestSessionStarting struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Unique identifier for the start of this ingest session. ID string `json:"id"` // Start time of the ingest session. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When an ingest session begins. Deprecated type: no longer exists in activity feed.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityIngestSessionStarting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityIngestSessionStarting) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeResubscribing ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeResubscribing struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Duration of the subscription. DurationMonths int `json:"durationMonths"` // Unique identifier for the act of renewing the subscription. ID string `json:"id"` // Custom message submitted by the resubscribing user to share in chat. Message *string `json:"message"` // Custom message submitted by the resubscribing user to share in chat. // Message is filtered for moderation and emotes are extracted as message fragments. MessageContent *MessageContent `json:"messageContent"` // User who is renewing the subscription. Resubscriber *User `json:"resubscriber"` // When the subscription was renewed. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user resubscribes via Twitch Prime to a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeResubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeResubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeSubscribing ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeSubscribing struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Unique identifier for the act of subscribing. ID string `json:"id"` // User who made the subscription. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // When the subscription was made. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user subscribes for the first time via Twitch Prime to a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeSubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityPrimeSubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityRaiding ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityRaiding struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Unique identifier for this raiding action. ID string `json:"id"` // Number of users who participated in the raid. PartySize int `json:"partySize"` // User/Channel who is now raiding the channel. Raider *User `json:"raider"` // When the raid was initiated. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Number of users who participated in the raid. ViewerCount int `json:"viewerCount"` }
When a user raids a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityRaiding) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityRaiding) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityResubscribing ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivityResubscribing struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Duration of the subscription. DurationMonths int `json:"durationMonths"` // Unique identifier for the act of renewing the subscription. ID string `json:"id"` // Custom message submitted by the resubscribing user to share in chat. Message *string `json:"message"` // Custom message submitted by the resubscribing user to share in chat. // Message is filtered for moderation and emotes are extracted as message fragments. MessageContent *MessageContent `json:"messageContent"` // Duration of the multi month subscription. MultiMonthDuration int `json:"multiMonthDuration"` // Tenure of the user's current multi month subscription. MultiMonthTenure int `json:"multiMonthTenure"` // User who is renewing the subscription. Resubscriber *User `json:"resubscriber"` // Subscription tier. Tier SubscriptionTier `json:"tier"` // When the subscription was renewed. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user resubscribes (NOT via Twitch Prime) to a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityResubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivityResubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardActivityFeedActivitySubscribing ¶
type DashboardActivityFeedActivitySubscribing struct { // Status of the corresponding alert. AlertStatus *DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // Unique identifier for the act of subscribing. ID string `json:"id"` // Duration of the multi month subscription. MultiMonthDuration int `json:"multiMonthDuration"` // Tenure of the user's current multi month subscription. MultiMonthTenure int `json:"multiMonthTenure"` // User who made the subscription. Subscriber *User `json:"subscriber"` // Subscription tier. Tier SubscriptionTier `json:"tier"` // When the subscription was made. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
When a user subscribes for the first time (NOT via Twitch Prime) to a channel.
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivitySubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity ¶
func (DashboardActivityFeedActivitySubscribing) IsDashboardActivityFeedActivity()
type DashboardAlertQueueActivityConnection ¶
type DashboardAlertQueueActivityConnection struct { // Activity elements of the list. Edges []*DashboardAlertQueueActivityEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of past activities for a channel's Dashboard Alert Queue.
type DashboardAlertQueueActivityEdge ¶
type DashboardAlertQueueActivityEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Activity that occurred. Node DashboardActivityFeedActivity `json:"node"` }
Activity element in a list of past activities of a channel's Dashboard Alert Queue.
type DashboardAlertQueuePreferences ¶
type DashboardAlertQueuePreferences struct { // If true, cannot publish alerts to the user. IsDNDModeEnabled bool `json:"isDNDModeEnabled"` // When the preferences were last modified. LastModified *time.Time `json:"lastModified"` // If true, cannot publish bits alerts to the user. ShouldHideBits bool `json:"shouldHideBits"` // If true, cannot publish follows alerts to the user. ShouldHideFollows bool `json:"shouldHideFollows"` // If true, cannot publish subscription gift alerts to the user. ShouldHideGiftSubscriptions bool `json:"shouldHideGiftSubscriptions"` // If true, cannot publish hosts alerts to the user. ShouldHideHosts bool `json:"shouldHideHosts"` // If true, cannot publish raids alerts to the user. ShouldHideRaids bool `json:"shouldHideRaids"` // If true, cannot publish regular subscriptions alerts to the user (gift subs are still shown). ShouldHideSubscriptions bool `json:"shouldHideSubscriptions"` }
Preferences of a user controlling the types of dashboard alerts to be published.
type DateToken ¶
A shelf title token type that contains a date with various formatters.
func (DateToken) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (DateToken) IsTitleTokenNode()
type DeactivateExtensionInput ¶
type DeactivateExtensionInput struct { // The composite ID of an extension installation <extensionID:version:channelID>. ExtensionInstallationID string `json:"extensionInstallationID"` }
The required input for a deactivateExtension mutation.
type DeactivateExtensionPayload ¶
type DeactivateExtensionPayload struct { // The resulting extension installation record from the deactivate. InstalledExtension *ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtension"` }
The resulting payload after a deactivateExtension mutation.
type DeclineOrganizationInviteError ¶
type DeclineOrganizationInviteError struct { // Error code. Code DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error associated with mutation DeclineOrganizationInvite.
type DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode ¶
type DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode string
Client error code.
const ( // Internal error. DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodeInternalError DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" // Invitation not found. DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodeNotFound DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // Permission Denied. DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCodePermissionDenied DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeclineOrganizationInviteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeclineOrganizationInviteInput ¶
type DeclineOrganizationInviteInput struct { // ID of the invite to decline. OrganizationInviteID string `json:"organizationInviteID"` }
Input to the DeclineOrganiztaionInvite mutation.
type DeclineOrganizationInvitePayload ¶
type DeclineOrganizationInvitePayload struct { // The possible error returned from service. Error *DeclineOrganizationInviteError `json:"error"` }
Output from the DeclineOrganizationInvite mutation.
type DefaultPanel ¶
type DefaultPanel struct { // description is markdown-formatted text to be displayed below the title and image. // If the panel doesn't have a description this will be null. Description *string `json:"description"` // id is a unique identifier for the panel. ID string `json:"id"` // imageURL is a URL to an image to be displayed at the top of the panel (but below the header). // If the panel doesn't use an image this will be null. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // linkURL is the URL to navigate to when a user clicks on the image. // If the panel's image doesn't link anywhere this will be null. LinkURL *string `json:"linkURL"` // title is the header text to display in the panel. // If the panel doesn't have a title this will return null. Title *string `json:"title"` // type is `PanelType.DEFAULT`. Type PanelType `json:"type"` }
DefaultPanel is the normal panel type that displays text and images.
func (DefaultPanel) IsPanel ¶
func (DefaultPanel) IsPanel()
type DeferredPrimePayout ¶
type DeferredPrimePayout struct { // totalPayoutAmount is the total amount for this payout. TotalPayoutAmount int `json:"totalPayoutAmount"` }
DeferredPrimePayout is the earning that has been deferred to future payout cycles.
type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonInput ¶
type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonInput struct { // channelID is the owner of the emoticon being deleted. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // emoteID is the unique identifier for the emote. EmoteID string `json:"emoteID"` // The visual representation of the emote. // For example, "O_o" instead of "(O|o)_(o|O)". Text string `json:"text"` // threshold is the badge tier threshold associated with this emoticon. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` }
The input for delete bits badge tier emoticon.
type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonPayload ¶
type DeleteBitsBadgeTierEmoticonPayload struct { // Time that the emoticon got deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` }
Result of delete bits badge tier emoticon.
type DeleteCelebrationInput ¶
type DeleteCelebrationInput struct { // ID of celebration to delete. CelebrationID string `json:"celebrationID"` // ID of channel where the celebration to delete exists. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for deleting a celebration.
type DeleteCelebrationPayload ¶
type DeleteCelebrationPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CelebrationError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the create celebration mutation.
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermError ¶
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermError struct { // The error code that the mutation returned. Code DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors that the mutation returns.
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode ¶
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode string
The errors returned from this mutation.
const ( // User does not have permission to delete blocked term in channel. DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCodeNoPermissions DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode = "NO_PERMISSIONS" )
func (DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteChannelBlockedTermErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermInput ¶
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermInput struct { // channelID is the owner of the term being deleted. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // phrases is the strings representation of the term being deleted. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
Inputs for the mutation. channel ID and a list of phrases to be deleted.
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermPayload ¶
type DeleteChannelBlockedTermPayload struct { // The time term was deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *DeleteChannelBlockedTermError `json:"error"` // The phrases that were deleted. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
The returned payload from the mutation.
type DeleteChannelClipsInput ¶
type DeleteChannelClipsInput struct { // channelID is the channel's ID. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for the deleting a channel's clip.
type DeleteChannelClipsPayload ¶
type DeleteChannelClipsPayload struct { // channelID is the channel's ID. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
The returned payload from the mutation.
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermError ¶
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermError struct { // Error code that was returned. Code DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode `json:"code"` }
The errors returned from this mutation.
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode ¶
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode string
The possible error types returned from this mutation.
const ( // User does not have permission to delete Permitted term in channel. DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCodeNoPermissions DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode = "NO_PERMISSIONS" )
func (DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteChannelPermittedTermErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermInput ¶
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermInput struct { // channelID is the ID of the owner of the permitted term being deleted. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // phrases is the string representation of the term being deleted. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
Inputs for the mutation. channel ID and a list of phrases to be deleted.
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermPayload ¶
type DeleteChannelPermittedTermPayload struct { // The time term was deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *DeleteChannelPermittedTermError `json:"error"` // The phrases that were deleted. Phrases []string `json:"phrases"` }
Returned payload of the mutation.
type DeleteChatMessageInput ¶
type DeleteChatMessageInput struct { // The channel the message was sent in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The UUID of the message to be deleted. MessageID string `json:"messageID"` }
The input for deleteChatMessage.
type DeleteChatMessagePayload ¶
type DeleteChatMessagePayload struct { // The returned message. Message *DeletedMessage `json:"message"` // The response codes for this mutation. ResponseCode DeleteChatMessageStatusCode `json:"responseCode"` }
The returned payload for deleteChatMessage.
type DeleteChatMessageStatusCode ¶
type DeleteChatMessageStatusCode string
The response codes for this mutation.
const ( // Deletion was successful. DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeSuccess DeleteChatMessageStatusCode = "SUCCESS" // Deletion was successful. Target user is staff. DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeSuccessStaff DeleteChatMessageStatusCode = "SUCCESS_STAFF" // User does not have permission to delete messages. DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeForbidden DeleteChatMessageStatusCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Target is the broadcaster. DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeTargetIsBroadcaster DeleteChatMessageStatusCode = "TARGET_IS_BROADCASTER" // Target is another moderator. DeleteChatMessageStatusCodeTargetIsModerator DeleteChatMessageStatusCode = "TARGET_IS_MODERATOR" )
func (DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) String() string
func (*DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteChatMessageStatusCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteCheermoteTierError ¶
type DeleteCheermoteTierError struct { // The error code associated with this error. Code DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned after attempting to delete a cheermote tier.
type DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode ¶
type DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode string
Possible error codes for DeleteCheermoteTierError.
const ( // The user is not allowed to delete this cheermote tier. DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCodePermissionDenied DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Unknown error. DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCodeUnknown DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteCheermoteTierErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteCheermoteTierInput ¶
type DeleteCheermoteTierInput struct { // Threshold of the cheermote tier to be deleted. TierThreshold CheermoteTierThreshold `json:"tierThreshold"` // ID of the owner of the cheermote tier being deleted. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The input for delete cheermote tier.
type DeleteCheermoteTierPayload ¶
type DeleteCheermoteTierPayload struct { // Time that the cheermote tier got deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // Error returned after attempting to delete a cheermote tier. Error *DeleteCheermoteTierError `json:"error"` }
Result of delete cheermote tier.
type DeleteClipsInput ¶
type DeleteClipsInput struct { // The id of the broadcast to delete clips from. BroadcastID *string `json:"broadcastID"` // The list of clip slugs to be deleted. Slugs []string `json:"slugs"` // The id of the video to delete clips from. VideoID *string `json:"videoID"` }
DeleteClipsInput accepts either a list of slugs, a video id, or a broadcast id to determine the clips to delete.
type DeleteClipsPayload ¶
type DeleteClipsPayload struct { // The clips that were deleted. Only Slug and ID can be accessed. Clips []*Clip `json:"clips"` // The amount of clips that were deleted. Count int `json:"count"` }
DeleteClipsPayload returns the deleted clips. Only the slug and id can be accessed from the returned list of deleted clips.
type DeleteCollectionInput ¶
type DeleteCollectionInput struct { // The id of the collection to be deleted. CollectionID string `json:"collectionID"` }
DeleteCollectionInput accepts a collection ID to delete a collection.
type DeleteCollectionPayload ¶
type DeleteCollectionPayload struct { // The collection that was just deleted. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
DeleteCollectionPayload resolves the deleted collection.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError struct { // The error code. Code DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Delete community goal error.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode string
Delete community goal error code.
const ( // The goal was not found. DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to delete community goals for this channel. DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput struct { // The channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The community goal. GoalID string `json:"goalID"` }
Delete community goal input.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload struct { // The error, if any. Error *DeleteCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError `json:"error"` // The community goal that was deleted. Goal *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goal"` }
Delete community goal payload.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardError ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from deleting a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode string
The possible reasons deleting a custom Community Points reward in a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to delete a reward in this channel. DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The reward was not found. DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" )
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput struct { // The channel ID that the reward is being deleted in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the reward being deleted. RewardID string `json:"rewardID"` // Rewards cannot be deleted while they have unfulfilled redemptions. // All unfulfilled redemptions will be set to this new state asynchronously after the reward is deleted. UnfulfilledRedemptionsNewStatus *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"unfulfilledRedemptionsNewStatus"` }
Input for deleting a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload ¶
type DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while deleting a custom Community Points reward in a channel. Error *DeleteCommunityPointsCustomRewardError `json:"error"` // The now deleted reward. Reward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"reward"` }
The response from deleting a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type DeleteCompetitionInput ¶
type DeleteCompetitionInput struct { // Unique Competition Id. ID string `json:"id"` }
Delete a Competition.
type DeleteCompetitionPayload ¶
type DeleteCompetitionPayload struct { // The deleted competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Result of the remove operation.
type DeleteContentTagsInput ¶
type DeleteContentTagsInput struct { // ID of the channel owning the content. AuthorID string `json:"authorID"` // ID of content: Channel ID for Streams, Slugs for Clips, and VOD ids for VODs. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // Type of content being returned. Can only be of values CLIP, STREAM, or VOD. ContentType ContentType `json:"contentType"` // List of tag IDs to be deleted from the content. TagIDs []string `json:"tagIDs"` }
Delete tags associated with CLIP, STREAM, or VOD with contentID.
type DeleteContentTagsPayload ¶
type DeleteContentTagsPayload struct { // Content which tags have been deleted from. Content TaggedContent `json:"content"` }
Result of mutation is the contentID.
type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodInput ¶
type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodInput struct { // The payment provider we're deleting the payment method on. Provider PaymentProvider `json:"provider"` // The user to delete default payment method for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The input required when making a request to delete a user's default payment method for a given provider.
type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodPayload ¶
type DeleteDefaultPaymentMethodPayload struct { // Time when payment method was deleted. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // User who had their default payment method deleted. User *User `json:"user"` }
Payload returned after deleting a default payment method for a given provider.
type DeleteDeviceTokenInput ¶
type DeleteDeviceTokenInput struct { // The token to be deleted. DeviceToken string `json:"deviceToken"` // ID for the user associated with the device token. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
DeleteDeviceTokenInput accepts a token and user ID and deletes that pair from the database.
type DeleteDeviceTokenPayload ¶
type DeleteDeviceTokenPayload struct { // The ID of the token that was deleted. DeviceToken string `json:"deviceToken"` }
The response from deleting a push notification token from a user.
type DeleteDropCampaignInput ¶
type DeleteDropCampaignInput struct { // The id of the Drop campaign to be deleted. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` }
DeleteDropCampaignInput has fields required to delete a campaign.
type DeleteDropCampaignPayload ¶
type DeleteDropCampaignPayload struct { // A potential error being thrown. // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
DeleteDropCampaignPayload returns the result of the deletion.
type DeleteDropInput ¶
type DeleteDropInput struct { // The id of the Drop to be deleted. DropID string `json:"dropID"` }
DeleteDropInput has fields required to delete a drop.
type DeleteDropPayload ¶
type DeleteDropPayload struct { // A potential error being thrown. // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
DeleteDropPayload returns the result of the deletion.
type DeleteEmoteError ¶
type DeleteEmoteError struct { // The error code associated with this error. Code DeleteEmoteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned after attempting to delete an emote.
type DeleteEmoteErrorCode ¶
type DeleteEmoteErrorCode string
Possible error codes for DeleteEmoteError.
const ( // The specified emote does not exist. DeleteEmoteErrorCodeEmoteNotFound DeleteEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_NOT_FOUND" // The user is not allowed to delete this emote. DeleteEmoteErrorCodePermissionDenied DeleteEmoteErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Unknown error. DeleteEmoteErrorCodeUnknown DeleteEmoteErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (DeleteEmoteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteEmoteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteEmoteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteEmoteErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteEmoteInput ¶
type DeleteEmoteInput struct { // ID of the emote to be deleted. ID string `json:"id"` }
The input for delete emote.
type DeleteEmotePayload ¶
type DeleteEmotePayload struct { // Error returned after attempting to delete an emote. Error *DeleteEmoteError `json:"error"` }
Result of delete emote.
type DeleteExtensionError ¶
type DeleteExtensionError string
Error types returned for the deleteExtension mutation.
const ( // Returned when the extension id was not specified. DeleteExtensionErrorMissingExtensionID DeleteExtensionError = "MISSING_EXTENSION_ID" // Returned when the id specified could not be found. DeleteExtensionErrorExtensionNotFound DeleteExtensionError = "EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND" DeleteExtensionErrorUnauthorized DeleteExtensionError = "UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (DeleteExtensionError) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionError) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteExtensionError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteExtensionError) String ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionError) String() string
func (*DeleteExtensionError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteExtensionError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteExtensionImageError ¶
type DeleteExtensionImageError string
DeleteExtensionImageError is an error associated with the deleteExtensionImage mutation.
const ( DeleteExtensionImageError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. DeleteExtensionImageErrorInvalidVersion DeleteExtensionImageError = "INVALID_VERSION" // Cannot find url in the manifest. DeleteExtensionImageErrorCannotFindURLInManifest DeleteExtensionImageError = "CANNOT_FIND_URL_IN_MANIFEST" // Invalid image url. DeleteExtensionImageErrorInvalidImageURL DeleteExtensionImageError = "INVALID_IMAGE_URL" )DeleteExtensionImageErrorUnauthorized
func (DeleteExtensionImageError) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionImageError) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteExtensionImageError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionImageError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteExtensionImageError) String ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionImageError) String() string
func (*DeleteExtensionImageError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteExtensionImageError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteExtensionImageInput ¶
type DeleteExtensionImageInput struct { // The extension:version the images are for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // Urls to be deleted. Urls []string `json:"urls"` }
Information needed to delete images on extension.
type DeleteExtensionImagePayload ¶
type DeleteExtensionImagePayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *DeleteExtensionImageError `json:"error"` // The updated extension manifest. Manifest *ExtensionManifest `json:"manifest"` }
DeleteExtensionImagePayload returns the update Extension manifest.
type DeleteExtensionInput ¶
type DeleteExtensionInput struct { // ID for the extension being deleted. ID string `json:"id"` }
Inputs for the deleteExtension mutation.
type DeleteExtensionPayload ¶
type DeleteExtensionPayload struct { // Error response from the deleteExtension mutation. // null if the delete was successful. Error *DeleteExtensionError `json:"error"` }
The returned payload from the deleteExtension mutation.
type DeleteExtensionSecretsError ¶
type DeleteExtensionSecretsError string
DeleteExtensionImageError is an error associated with the deleteExtensionSecrets mutation.
const ( DeleteExtensionSecretsError = "UNAUTHORIZED" )DeleteExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized
func (DeleteExtensionSecretsError) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionSecretsError) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteExtensionSecretsError) String ¶
func (e DeleteExtensionSecretsError) String() string
func (*DeleteExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteExtensionSecretsInput ¶
type DeleteExtensionSecretsInput struct { // The extensionID whose secrets should be removed. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` }
The information we need to delete the extension's secrets.
type DeleteExtensionSecretsPayload ¶
type DeleteExtensionSecretsPayload struct { // An useful error for the user. Error *DeleteExtensionSecretsError `json:"error"` }
Returns nothing but an error, should one occur.
type DeleteLoyaltyBadgeInput ¶
type DeleteLoyaltyBadgeInput struct { // badgeID correlated to the badge being deleted. BadgeID string `json:"badgeID"` // channelID correlated to the badge being deleted. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // channelTenureMethodID uniquely identifies the badge being deleted. ChannelTenureMethodID string `json:"channelTenureMethodID"` }
Inputs for the mutation. Loyalty Badge to be deleted by channelID, badgeID, and channelTenureMethodID.
type DeleteLoyaltyBadgePayload ¶
type DeleteLoyaltyBadgePayload struct { // LoyaltyBadge object that was deleted. Badge *LoyaltyBadge `json:"badge"` }
The returned payload from the mutation for Deleting a Loyalty Badge.
type DeleteModeratorCommentInput ¶
type DeleteModeratorCommentInput struct { // ID of the comment to be deleted. ID string `json:"ID"` }
Output from the DeleteModeratorComment mutation.
type DeleteModeratorCommentPayload ¶
type DeleteModeratorCommentPayload struct { // The deleted comment. Comment *ModLogsComment `json:"comment"` }
Output from the DeleteModeratorComment mutation.
type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesInput ¶
type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesInput struct { // A list of content attribute IDs. IDs []string `json:"IDs"` }
Contains a list of IDs of content attributes that are to be deleted.
type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesPayload ¶
type DeleteMultiviewContentAttributesPayload struct { // Unprocessed content attributes. FailedDeletes []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"failedDeletes"` // Processed content attributes. SucceededDeletes []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"succeededDeletes"` }
Contains the results from the delete request.
type DeleteNotificationInput ¶
type DeleteNotificationInput struct { // The notification to delete. ID string `json:"id"` }
type DeleteNotificationPayload ¶
type DeleteNotificationPayload struct { // The notification that was deleted. Only the ID is accessible. Notification *OnsiteNotification `json:"notification"` }
type DeletePanelInput ¶
type DeletePanelInput struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type DeletePanelPayload ¶
type DeletePanelPayload struct {
Panel Panel `json:"panel"`
type DeletePostInput ¶
type DeletePostInput struct {
PostID string `json:"postID"`
type DeletePostPayload ¶
type DeletePostPayload struct {
Post *Post `json:"post"`
type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackInput ¶
type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackInput struct { // The id of the feedback. FeedbackID string `json:"feedbackID"` // The page this event was fired from. SourceItemPage string `json:"sourceItemPage"` }
Data required to delete recommendation feedback.
type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackPayload ¶
type DeleteRecommendationFeedbackPayload struct { // The id of the feedback you just deleted. FeedbackID string `json:"feedbackID"` }
Returns the created feedback item back to the client.
type DeleteRoomInput ¶
type DeleteRoomInput struct {
RoomID string `json:"roomID"`
type DeleteRoomMessageInput ¶
type DeleteRoomMessagePayload ¶
type DeleteRoomMessagePayload struct {
Message *RoomMessage `json:"message"`
type DeleteRoomPayload ¶
type DeleteRoomPayload struct {
Room *Room `json:"room"`
type DeleteScheduleError ¶
type DeleteScheduleError string
The possible errors when deleting a schedule.
const ( // Not authorized to delete this user schedule. DeleteScheduleErrorPermissionDenied DeleteScheduleError = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (DeleteScheduleError) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleError) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteScheduleError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteScheduleError) String ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleError) String() string
func (*DeleteScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteScheduleInput ¶
type DeleteScheduleInput struct { // The channel ID. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The schedule ID. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` }
The input to delete a schedule.
type DeleteSchedulePayload ¶
type DeleteSchedulePayload struct { // The channel with the deleted schedule. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The possible error. Error *DeleteScheduleError `json:"error"` }
The payload returned after deleting a schedule.
type DeleteScheduleSegmentError ¶
type DeleteScheduleSegmentError string
The possible errors when deleting a schedule segment.
const ( // Not authorized to delete this segment. DeleteScheduleSegmentErrorPermissionDenied DeleteScheduleSegmentError = "PERMISSION_DENIED" )
func (DeleteScheduleSegmentError) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleSegmentError) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteScheduleSegmentError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleSegmentError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteScheduleSegmentError) String ¶
func (e DeleteScheduleSegmentError) String() string
func (*DeleteScheduleSegmentError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteScheduleSegmentError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteScheduleSegmentInput ¶
type DeleteScheduleSegmentInput struct { // The schedule id. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` // The segment id to delete. SegmentID string `json:"segmentID"` }
The input to delete a schedule segment.
type DeleteScheduleSegmentPayload ¶
type DeleteScheduleSegmentPayload struct { // The possible error. Error *DeleteScheduleSegmentError `json:"error"` // The updated schedule without the deleted segment. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` }
The returned payload when deleting a schedule segment.
type DeleteSocialMediaInput ¶
type DeleteSocialMediaInput struct { // The ID of the channel the social media belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the social media item. ID string `json:"id"` }
Mutation input to delete a social media item by ID under the given channelID.
type DeleteSocialMediaPayload ¶
type DeleteSocialMediaPayload struct { // The channel of the social media that was deleted. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` }
DeleteSocialMediaPayload returns an error, if any.
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationError ¶
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationError struct { // Error from request to delete invitation. Code DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors from deleteSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode ¶
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode string
Possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // Invitation to be deleted does not exist. DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_NOT_FOUND" // Squad associated with the invitation does not exist. DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "SQUAD_NOT_FOUND" DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Invitation not in pending or rejected state cannot be deleted. DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeDeleted DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_CANNOT_BE_DELETED" )
func (DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationInput ¶
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationInput struct { // ID of the invitation to be deleted. InvitationID string `json:"invitationID"` }
Inputs to the deleteSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationPayload ¶
type DeleteSquadStreamInvitationPayload struct { // Error from mutation if exists. Error *DeleteSquadStreamInvitationError `json:"error"` // The deleted invitation. Invitation *SquadStreamInvitation `json:"invitation"` }
Outputs from the deleteSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserError ¶
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserError struct { // Type of mutation error. Code DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that may be returned by the DeleteStreamAuthorizedUser mutation.
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode ¶
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode string
DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode is the client error type that occurred during the DeleteStreamAuthorizedUser mutation.
const ( // Unable to assign the Targeted user to stream on behalf of the broadcaster. DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeTargetUserUnreturnable DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "TARGET_USER_UNRETURNABLE" // The broadcaster is not found. DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // Maximum limit for adding authorized user is reached. DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeMaxAccountLimit DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "MAX_ACCOUNT_LIMIT" // Permission denied to add an authorized user. DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodePermissionDenied DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Invalid argument to add an authorized user. DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCodeInvalidArgument DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserInput ¶
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserInput struct { // authorizedUserID for an authorized user who was allowed to stream on behalf of broadcaster. AuthorizedUserID string `json:"authorizedUserID"` // channelID of the broadcaster. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserInput contains the channelID for the broadcaster and the authorized userID.
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserPayload ¶
type DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserPayload struct { // The updated channel of broadcaster. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // Error code. Error *AddStreamAuthorizedUserError `json:"error"` }
DeleteStreamAuthorizedUserPayload contains the VideoStreamSettings with updated authorized users.
type DeleteUserClipsInput ¶
type DeleteUserClipsInput struct { // userID is the user's ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs for the deleting clips made by user.
type DeleteUserClipsPayload ¶
type DeleteUserClipsPayload struct { // userID is the user's ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The returned payload from the mutation.
type DeleteUserColorsInput ¶
type DeleteUserColorsInput struct { // The ID of the user whose creator color is being deleted. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs for the DeleteUserColors mutation.
type DeleteUserColorsPayload ¶
type DeleteUserColorsPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The returned payload from the DeleteUserColors mutation.
type DeleteVideoCommentPayload ¶
type DeleteVideoCommentPayload struct { // The comment that was deleted. Comment *VideoComment `json:"comment"` }
type DeletedMessage ¶
type DeletedMessage struct { // Content of the deleted message. Content *RoomMessageContent `json:"content"` // UUID of the deleted message. ID string `json:"id"` // Sender of the message. Sender *User `json:"sender"` }
A deleted message sent by a user to a stream chat.
type DeletedMessageDisplaySetting ¶
type DeletedMessageDisplaySetting string
DeletedMessageDisplaySetting represents the possible settings for how deleted messages should be displayed.
const ( // LEGACY hides deleted messages behind a clickable '<message_deleted>' chat line. DeletedMessageDisplaySettingLegacy DeletedMessageDisplaySetting = "LEGACY" // BRIEF removes all deleted messages and inserts a system message that reports the number of deleted messages. DeletedMessageDisplaySettingBrief DeletedMessageDisplaySetting = "BRIEF" // DETAILED the deleted message is readable but strikethrough and grayed out. DeletedMessageDisplaySettingDetailed DeletedMessageDisplaySetting = "DETAILED" )
func (DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) IsValid ¶
func (e DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) IsValid() bool
func (DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) String ¶
func (e DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) String() string
func (*DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DeletedMessageDisplaySetting) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Density ¶
type Density struct { // Ad schedule for ads management. AdSchedule []*AdSlot `json:"adSchedule"` // Duration of auto ads. AutoAdLengthSeconds *int `json:"autoAdLengthSeconds"` // Period inbetween each auto ad. AutoAdPeriodMinutes *int `json:"autoAdPeriodMinutes"` // If channel is a custom contract partner. IsCcp bool `json:"isCCP"` // Minutes elapsed since stream started. MinutesElapsed *int `json:"minutesElapsed"` // If contract is enforced on this channel. ShouldEnforceContract bool `json:"shouldEnforceContract"` // Ad density target for a specific channel. TargetAdMinutes *int `json:"targetAdMinutes"` // Total amount of ad time. TotalAdSeconds *int `json:"totalAdSeconds"` }
Defines ads management attributes for channel.
type DenyRejectedChatMessageInput ¶
type DenyRejectedChatMessageInput struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type DenyRejectedChatMessagePayload ¶
type DenyRejectedChatMessagePayload struct {
Message *RejectedChatMessage `json:"message"`
type DenyRejectedCheerInput ¶
type DenyRejectedCheerInput struct { // Client-generated unique ID used to prevent a cheer from being re-sent (thus spending double bits). // The server will reject any request with an ID that has already been used. ID string `json:"id"` // ID of the user whose message is automodded. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
Input to the denyRejectedCheer mutation.
type DenyRejectedCheerPayload ¶
type DenyRejectedCheerPayload struct { // Client-generated unique ID used to prevent a cheer from being re-sent (thus spending double bits). // The server will reject any request with an ID that has already been used. ID string `json:"id"` }
Payload from the denyRejectedCheer mutation.
type DenyUnbanRequestInput ¶
type DenyUnbanRequestInput struct { // ID of the unban request to be resolved. ID string `json:"id"` // Optional message from the resolver to be shown to the unban requester. ResolverMessage *string `json:"resolverMessage"` }
Required input to deny an unban request on a channel.
type DenyUnbanRequestPayload ¶
type DenyUnbanRequestPayload struct { // Used for errors arising from resolving unban request. Error *UnbanRequestError `json:"error"` // The resolved unban request. UnbanRequest *UnbanRequest `json:"unbanRequest"` }
Result of denying an unban request.
type DeselectChannelBadgeInput ¶
type DeselectChannelBadgeInput struct { // ID of the channel this badge is selected on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for deselecting a channel badge.
type DeselectChannelBadgePayload ¶
type DeselectChannelBadgePayload struct { // The channel (user object of channel) this badge is deselected on. User *User `json:"user"` }
The output for the deselect channel badge mutation.
type DeselectGlobalBadgePayload ¶
type DeselectGlobalBadgePayload struct { // The user (contains the badge status). User *User `json:"user"` }
The output for the deselect global badge mutation.
type Directory ¶
type Directory interface {
A Directory is a container of content – Streams, Videos, and Clips – on Twitch.
type DirectoryConnection ¶
type DirectoryConnection struct { Edges []*DirectoryEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Directories. Implements the Relay cursor connections specification. See:
type DirectoryEdge ¶
Contains information about a Directory's relationship to a given page (connection), and the Directory itself.
type DirectoryType ¶
type DirectoryType string
The set of types of directory.
const ( // A game. DirectoryTypeGame DirectoryType = "GAME" )
func (DirectoryType) IsValid ¶
func (e DirectoryType) IsValid() bool
func (DirectoryType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DirectoryType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DirectoryType) String ¶
func (e DirectoryType) String() string
func (*DirectoryType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DirectoryType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DisablePrerollsAbility ¶
type DisablePrerollsAbility struct { // DisablePrerollsFreeTime define relation of midroll-length:preroll-free-time-earned on this channel. DisablePrerollsTimeEarned []*DisablePrerollsFreeTime `json:"disablePrerollsTimeEarned"` // If "disable prerolls for midrolls" feature is accessible on this channel. HasDisablePrerollsAbilityAccess *bool `json:"hasDisablePrerollsAbilityAccess"` // If "disable prerolls for midrolls" feature is enabled on this channel. HasDisablePrerollsAbilityEnabled *bool `json:"hasDisablePrerollsAbilityEnabled"` // If disable preroll notifications are enabled on this channel. HasDisablePrerollsNotificationsEnabled *bool `json:"hasDisablePrerollsNotificationsEnabled"` // Maximum amount of preroll-free time (in seconds) that can be accumulated on this channel. MaxDisablePrerollsCapacity *int `json:"maxDisablePrerollsCapacity"` }
Disable Prerolls Ability contains the properties used by the Disable Prerolls Feature.
type DisablePrerollsFreeTime ¶
type DisablePrerollsFreeTime struct { // The length (in seconds) of a midroll ad. MidrollLengthSeconds int `json:"midrollLengthSeconds"` // The amount of preroll-free time (in seconds) earned on this channel for running midroll of related length. PrerollFreeTimeSeconds int `json:"prerollFreeTimeSeconds"` }
Disable Prerolls Free Time maps the relationship between a specific midroll length and amount of preroll-free time earned for a channel.
type DisableTwoFactorError ¶
type DisableTwoFactorError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code DisableTwoFactorErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type DisableTwoFactorErrorCode ¶
type DisableTwoFactorErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to disable two factor authentication.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. DisableTwoFactorErrorCodeReauthNeeded DisableTwoFactorErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Something unexpected occured. DisableTwoFactorErrorCodeUnknownError DisableTwoFactorErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) String() string
func (*DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DisableTwoFactorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DisableTwoFactorInput ¶
type DisableTwoFactorInput struct { // The ID of the user that is requesting to disable two factor authentication. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a disableTwoFactor mutation.
type DisableTwoFactorPayload ¶
type DisableTwoFactorPayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *DisableTwoFactorError `json:"error"` }
The result of a disableTwoFactorPayload mutation.
type DisableUserAccountError ¶
type DisableUserAccountError struct { // Error Code, see DisableUserAccountErrorCode. Code DisableUserAccountErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error type that DisableUserAccountPayload returns.
type DisableUserAccountErrorCode ¶
type DisableUserAccountErrorCode string
DisableUserAccountErrorCode is an error while deleting a user.
const ( // User ID is invalid. DisableUserAccountErrorCodeInvalidUserID DisableUserAccountErrorCode = "INVALID_USER_ID" DisableUserAccountErrorCodeUnauthorized DisableUserAccountErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (DisableUserAccountErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DisableUserAccountErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DisableUserAccountErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DisableUserAccountErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DisableUserAccountErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DisableUserAccountErrorCode) String() string
func (*DisableUserAccountErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DisableUserAccountErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DisableUserAccountInput ¶
type DisableUserAccountInput struct { // Reason for a user to disable their account. Description *string `json:"description"` // Permanently delete account. // false means account will be disabled and can be reenabled in the future. // true means the account will be disabled and will be permanently deleted after a period of time. // default is false. IsDelete *bool `json:"isDelete"` // The ID of the user to disable or delete. // Only the requester's user ID is allowed. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the disableUserAccount mutation.
type DisableUserAccountPayload ¶
type DisableUserAccountPayload struct { // Error if operation failed from user error. Error *DisableUserAccountError `json:"error"` // User that has been deleted or disabled. User *User `json:"user"` }
Output from the disableUserAccount mutation.
type DiscountBreakdown ¶
type DiscountBreakdown struct { // The numerical price of a discounted offer. Price int `json:"price"` // The localized tax rate of a offer. Tax int `json:"tax"` // The total discounted price given price and tax. Total int `json:"total"` }
DiscountBreakdown shows discounted pricing for a promotional offer.
type DiscountType ¶
type DiscountType string
DEPRECATED: to be replaced by SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType. Valid discount types for subscription products.
const ( // Percent discount type, eg. "50%". DiscountTypePercentOff DiscountType = "PERCENT_OFF" )
func (DiscountType) IsValid ¶
func (e DiscountType) IsValid() bool
func (DiscountType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DiscountType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DiscountType) String ¶
func (e DiscountType) String() string
func (*DiscountType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DiscountType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DismissFriendRecommendationInput ¶
type DismissFriendRecommendationInput struct { // The recommendation to the authenticated user to become friends with a user with ID targetID will be removed. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type DismissFriendRecommendationPayload ¶
type DismissFriendRecommendationPayload struct { // The user who was previously a friend recommendation to the target user. User *User `json:"user"` }
type DismissRitualTokenError ¶
type DismissRitualTokenError struct {
Code DismissRitualTokenErrorCode `json:"code"`
type DismissRitualTokenErrorCode ¶
type DismissRitualTokenErrorCode string
const ( // Token is not in a status that can be dismissed. DismissRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable DismissRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE" // Token does not exist. DismissRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound DismissRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" )
func (DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) String() string
func (*DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DismissRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DismissRitualTokenInput ¶
type DismissRitualTokenInput struct { // The channel to dismiss the ritual token in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The type of ritual token to dismiss. Type RitualTokenType `json:"type"` }
DismissRitualTokenInput is the input when dismissing a ritual token.
type DismissRitualTokenPayload ¶
type DismissRitualTokenPayload struct { Error *DismissRitualTokenError `json:"error"` Token *RitualToken `json:"token"` }
DismissRitualTokenPayload is the response when dismissing a ritual token.
type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightInput ¶
type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightInput struct { // VideoID of the video whos automated highlight suggestions were dismissed. VideoID string `json:"videoID"` }
Input for dismissing a video's suggested highlight.
type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightPayload ¶
type DismissVideoSuggestedHighlightPayload struct { // Video whos automated highlight suggestions were dismissed. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
Ouput for dismissing a video's suggested highlight.
type Drop ¶
type Drop struct { // The game that awarded the Drop. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The assigned ID of this drop. ID string `json:"id"` // The image URL of the Drop. Images are 80x80 pixels. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // The developer-provided name of the Drop. Name string `json:"name"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop awarded to a user.
type DropAccountLink ¶
type DropAccountLink struct { // The associated clientID for a game used to determine if users have an account link // created between tuid and in-game userID. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // The date when this clientID was first added. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
A mapping of the client ID set to determine whether a user has set up account linking for the game.
type DropAction ¶
type DropAction struct { // The time in seconds a user has to claim a drop after occurence. ClaimDurationSeconds int `json:"claimDurationSeconds"` // The description of this drop's action. Description string `json:"description"` // The Action ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The type of action happening when a drop is triggered. Type DropActionType `json:"type"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop's action stating what happens when a drop is triggered. //To be deprecated.
type DropActionType ¶
type DropActionType string
A list of all supported Action types. //To be deprecated.
const ( // Returned in case the action type cannot be identified. DropActionTypeUnknownActionType DropActionType = "UNKNOWN_ACTION_TYPE" // Returned in case the action starts a user claim flow. DropActionTypeUserClaimFlow DropActionType = "USER_CLAIM_FLOW" )
func (DropActionType) IsValid ¶
func (e DropActionType) IsValid() bool
func (DropActionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropActionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropActionType) String ¶
func (e DropActionType) String() string
func (*DropActionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropActionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropAward ¶
type DropAward struct { // The timestamp when the Drop was awarded to the user. AwardedAt *time.Time `json:"awardedAt"` // The drop that was awarded to the user. Node *Drop `json:"node"` // The reason the Drop was awarded. Reason *string `json:"reason"` }
Data about the award of a drop to a user. // deprecated.
type DropBenefit ¶
type DropBenefit struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The time the benefit was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The display description of this award object. //To be deprecated. Description string `json:"description"` // The limit of how often this benefit can globally be awarded to a user. Set to -1 if the drop can be entitled unlimited amounts. // The per drop entitlementLimit of a reward is on DropObject.Drop2BenefitObject. EntitlementLimit int `json:"entitlementLimit"` // The game that awarded the Drop. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The ID of this reward object. ID string `json:"id"` // An image asset for this reward object. ImageAssetURL string `json:"imageAssetURL"` // Specifies if this benefit is considered for a game that is available on iOS. IsIosAvailable bool `json:"isIosAvailable"` // The display name of this award object. Name string `json:"name"` // The ID of the owner of the item for this reward. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The (RBAC) Organization that owns the drop benefit. OwnerOrganization *Organization `json:"ownerOrganization"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop awarded to a user.
type DropBenefitEdge ¶
type DropBenefitEdge struct { // The benefit description. Benefit *DropBenefit `json:"benefit"` // The number of times a benefit has been claimed. ClaimCount *int `json:"claimCount"` // A restriction of the benefit on how often it can be claimed within a drop. EntitlementLimit int `json:"entitlementLimit"` }
The DropBenefitEdge links a drop with a benefit and describes how many times that benefit can be granted by this drop. A benefit can be granted multiple times by event based drops. For example, a benefit could be granted every time the broadcaster gets a kill streak, up to 3 times.
type DropCampaign ¶
type DropCampaign struct { // The URL users who aren't linked should click on to create a link that will // allow them create an account link for the developer of the game(s) // this campaign is for. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The only channels allowed to be eligible for the drop campaign. Allow *DropCampaignACL `json:"allow"` // If isAvailableToAllChannels is false, applicableChannels is the list of // what channels this campaign is targeted to. If the flag is true but the // list is empty, that means that all whitelisted users cannot be loaded. // An applicable channel must also be playing an applicable game for the // campaign to apply to the channel. ApplicableChannels []*User `json:"applicableChannels"` // The games that this campaign is enabled on // A channel playing one of these games must be in the applicable channels // list or list must be empty for the campaign to apply to the channel. ApplicableGames []*Game `json:"applicableGames"` // The drops this campaign can award. AwardableDrops []*Drop `json:"awardableDrops"` // The channels blocked from being eligible for the drop campaign. Block *DropCampaignACL `json:"block"` // The URL users who aren't linked should click on to create a link that will // allow them create an account link for the developer of the game(s) // this campaign is for. ConnectionURL string `json:"connectionURL"` // The description contains the full details about the campaign. Description string `json:"description"` // The URL that links to the details / marketing page for this campaign. DetailsURL string `json:"detailsURL"` // The time this campaign ends // To be considered live, a campaign must be enabled with the current time // being after the start but before the end times. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // Drops triggered by in-game events. EventBasedDrops []*EventBasedDrop `json:"eventBasedDrops"` // The Game associated with this campaign. Game *Game `json:"game"` // GUID identifying this campaign. ID string `json:"id"` // An image asset for this campaign no larger than 160 x 160 pixels. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Indicates if this campaign is available to all channels or if only some. // If false, applicableChannels should contain the channels where the campaign // is available. IsAvailableToAllChannels bool `json:"isAvailableToAllChannels"` // If this campaign is enabled // To be considered live, a campaign must be enabled with the current time // being after the start but before the end times. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Drops that can be triggered by manual events. ManualTriggerBasedDrops []*ManualTriggerBasedDrop `json:"manualTriggerBasedDrops"` // The name of the campaign. Name string `json:"name"` // This is the Organization (RBAC) that has ownership of the campaign and attached drops. Owner *Organization `json:"owner"` // User specific data for the campaign. Self *DropCampaignSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The time this campaign starts // To be considered live, a campaign must be enabled with the current time // being after the start but before the end times. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The current status of the campaign. Status DropCampaignStatus `json:"status"` // Test viewers can participate in campaigns while the campaign is in the test status. TestViewers []*User `json:"testViewers"` // Drops triggered by accumulating minutes watched on a game. TimeBasedDrops []*TimeBasedDrop `json:"timeBasedDrops"` // The type of a campaign defines what type of drops are allowed to be added to the campaign. Type CampaignType `json:"type"` }
A campaign a developer is running to give drops away to viewers of their game To be considered live, a campaign must be enabled with the current time being after the start but before the end times To apply to a particular channel a campaign must be live and additionally the channel must be playing an applicable game and either must be one of the applicable channels or the campaign must have an empty applicable channel list (where an empty list specifically means all channels are eligible).
type DropCampaignACL ¶
type DropCampaignACL struct { // The channels that are either granted or denied access. Channels []*Channel `json:"channels"` // Whether the access list is currently in use. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
A toggleable access control list of channels given certain access to drop campaigns.
type DropCampaignSelfEdge ¶
type DropCampaignSelfEdge struct { // Has the user linked their game account with the campaign. IsAccountConnected bool `json:"isAccountConnected"` }
DropCampaignSelfEdge returns user specific information about the drops campaign.
type DropCampaignStatus ¶
type DropCampaignStatus string
Possible status of a drops campaign.
const ( // Drop campaign is currently active. DropCampaignStatusActive DropCampaignStatus = "ACTIVE" // The drop campaign is past its end date. DropCampaignStatusExpired DropCampaignStatus = "EXPIRED" // The drop campaign is currently in testing mode. DropCampaignStatusTest DropCampaignStatus = "TEST" // The drop campaign is live but not yet past the start date. DropCampaignStatusUpcoming DropCampaignStatus = "UPCOMING" // The drop campaign has been turned off. DropCampaignStatusDisabled DropCampaignStatus = "DISABLED" )
func (DropCampaignStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e DropCampaignStatus) IsValid() bool
func (DropCampaignStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropCampaignStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropCampaignStatus) String ¶
func (e DropCampaignStatus) String() string
func (*DropCampaignStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropCampaignStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropChannelSetting ¶
type DropChannelSetting struct { // UserAccountConnected is a boolean specifying if a streamer has a connected account link to the game required for the game developers to send drop related game data for this user. IsUserAccountConnected bool `json:"isUserAccountConnected"` }
Contains all of the information about the channel seetings for a Drop.
type DropCurrentSession ¶
type DropCurrentSession struct { // The channelID where Progresso is currently tracking progress. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The number of minutes that the user has accrued toward completing the drop. CurrentMinutesWatched int `json:"currentMinutesWatched"` // The ID for the Drop that we're currently tracking (not surfaced; used for fulfillment). DropID string `json:"dropID"` // The Game name that we're tracking for the currently-tracked drop. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The total number of minutes required in order to complete the drop. RequiredMinutesWatched int `json:"requiredMinutesWatched"` }
The drop that is closest to completing for the current user that is actively earning progress.
type DropEligibility ¶
type DropEligibility struct { // The remaining time in which this reward can be claimed. ClaimSecondsRemaining int `json:"claimSecondsRemaining"` // Summary information for the drop the reward is claimed of. Drop *DropObject `json:"drop"` // The unique ID of this drop instance. DropInstanceID string `json:"dropInstanceID"` // A single Drop. This could be either an event or time based drop. DropType DropType `json:"dropType"` // Rewards available to the user for this drop and their statuses. Rewards []*DropReward `json:"rewards"` // User eligibility for this drop instance. Status DropInstanceEligibilityStatus `json:"status"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop awarded to a user.
type DropEventCondition ¶
type DropEventCondition struct { // Specifies the event to look for in the event payload. Key string `json:"key"` // The comparator of the value to the event payload. Operator DropEventConditionOperator `json:"operator"` // Specifies the value to compare the event payload to. Value string `json:"value"` }
Defines a condition that must be met for an in game event to trigger a drop.
type DropEventConditionInput ¶
type DropEventConditionInput struct { // The key of the in-game event that can trigger the drop. Key string `json:"key"` // The operator to apply to the event. Operator DropEventConditionOperator `json:"operator"` // The value of the in-game event that the operator is compared to. Value string `json:"value"` }
A measurement against an in-game event to determine whether the drop should trigger.
type DropEventConditionOperator ¶
type DropEventConditionOperator string
The operator used to compare the in-game event.
const ( // An unknown operator, only possible before the drop condition has been set. DropEventConditionOperatorUnknown DropEventConditionOperator = "UNKNOWN" // Less than. DropEventConditionOperatorSmaller DropEventConditionOperator = "SMALLER" // Less than or equal. DropEventConditionOperatorSmallerEqual DropEventConditionOperator = "SMALLER_EQUAL" // Equal. DropEventConditionOperatorEqual DropEventConditionOperator = "EQUAL" // Greater than. DropEventConditionOperatorGreater DropEventConditionOperator = "GREATER" // Greater than or equal. DropEventConditionOperatorGreaterEqual DropEventConditionOperator = "GREATER_EQUAL" )
func (DropEventConditionOperator) IsValid ¶
func (e DropEventConditionOperator) IsValid() bool
func (DropEventConditionOperator) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropEventConditionOperator) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropEventConditionOperator) String ¶
func (e DropEventConditionOperator) String() string
func (*DropEventConditionOperator) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropEventConditionOperator) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropImageType ¶
type DropImageType string
DropImageType is the list of possible uses that an image can have for drops.
const ( // Image for telling viewers that drops are available if they link accounts. DropImageTypeLinkNotification DropImageType = "LINK_NOTIFICATION" // Image for showing a viewer what item a developer awarded as a drop. DropImageTypeItem DropImageType = "ITEM" )
func (DropImageType) IsValid ¶
func (e DropImageType) IsValid() bool
func (DropImageType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropImageType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropImageType) String ¶
func (e DropImageType) String() string
func (*DropImageType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropImageType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropImageUploadInput ¶
type DropImageUploadInput struct { // The ownerID of the content owner. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The ID for the referenced scope item. ReferenceID string `json:"referenceID"` // The scope of what the image gets uploaded for. Scope Scope `json:"scope"` }
DropImageUploadInput has the fields required to upload a drop's image asset.
type DropImageUploadPayload ¶
type DropImageUploadPayload struct { // The ID of the image once uploaded. UploadID *string `json:"uploadID"` // The URL to upload the image to. UploadURL *string `json:"uploadURL"` }
SetDropCampaignStatusPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type DropInstanceEligibilityStatus ¶
type DropInstanceEligibilityStatus string
Status enums for a drop instance.
const ( // User can claim all rewards. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusEligibleForAll DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "ELIGIBLE_FOR_ALL" // User can claim some rewards. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusLimited DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "LIMITED" // User can not claim any of the rewards in this drop instance. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusEntitlementLimitReached DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "ENTITLEMENT_LIMIT_REACHED" // User has already claimed this drop instance. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusDropInstanceAlreadyClaimed DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "DROP_INSTANCE_ALREADY_CLAIMED" // The claim duration has expired and user can no longer claim this drop instance. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusExpired DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "EXPIRED" // Unknown is returned if a status is returned from the backend that was not expected. DropInstanceEligibilityStatusUnknown DropInstanceEligibilityStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) IsValid() bool
func (DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) String ¶
func (e DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) String() string
func (*DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropInstanceEligibilityStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropObject ¶
type DropObject struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The actions defining what happens after a drop is triggered. Actions []*DropAction `json:"actions"` // The description of this drop. Description string `json:"description"` // The URL that links to the details / marketing page for this drop. DetailsURL string `json:"detailsURL"` // The date at which this drop can no longer occur. EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate"` // The game associated with this drop. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The Drops ID. ID string `json:"id"` // An image asset for this drop. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // The friendly name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The OrganizationID of the owner of this drop. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The friendly name of the owner of this drop. OwnerName string `json:"ownerName"` // The Quest name for this specific Drop. QuestName string `json:"questName"` // The rules defining what needs to happen to trigger this drop. Rules []*DropRule `json:"rules"` // The date at which this drop can start to occur. StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop awardable to a user. // deprecated in favor of EventBasedDrop and TimeBasedDrop.
type DropPrecondition ¶
type DropPrecondition struct { // The drop that can be claimed once the preconditions are met. DropID string `json:"dropID"` // The drop that must have been claimed before you can make progress on this drop. DropPreconditionID string `json:"dropPreconditionID"` }
DropPrecondition is the tuple of DropID and the DropPreconditionID, which is the drop that must be attained first.
type DropReward ¶
type DropReward struct { // The URL where a user can link their account for this reward. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // An availability enum for this reward. Availability DropRewardAvailability `json:"availability"` // The DropBenefit that a user is claiming or get verified to. Benefit *DropBenefit `json:"benefit"` // The display description of this award object. Description string `json:"description"` // The ID of this reward object. ID string `json:"id"` // An image asset for this reward object. ImageAssetURL string `json:"imageAssetURL"` // Specifies if this reward is considered for a game that is available on iOS. IsIosAvailable bool `json:"isIosAvailable"` // The display name of this award object. Name string `json:"name"` // The ID of the owner of the item for this reward. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The display name of item owner for this drop. OwnerName string `json:"ownerName"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop awarded to a user.
type DropRewardAvailability ¶
type DropRewardAvailability string
Availability enum for Drop Rewards.
const ( // User can claim this item. DropRewardAvailabilityAvailable DropRewardAvailability = "AVAILABLE" // User has claimed this item already the maximum number of times. DropRewardAvailabilityLimitReached DropRewardAvailability = "LIMIT_REACHED" // Unknown is returned when an unexpected status is received from the backend. DropRewardAvailabilityUnknown DropRewardAvailability = "UNKNOWN" )
func (DropRewardAvailability) IsValid ¶
func (e DropRewardAvailability) IsValid() bool
func (DropRewardAvailability) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropRewardAvailability) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropRewardAvailability) String ¶
func (e DropRewardAvailability) String() string
func (*DropRewardAvailability) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropRewardAvailability) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropRule ¶
type DropRule struct { // The description of this drop's rule. Description string `json:"description"` // The Rule ID. ID string `json:"id"` }
Contains all of the information about a Drop's rule stating what a broadcaster has to do to trigger a drop. //To be deprecated.
type DropRuleType ¶
type DropRuleType string
The type of drop rule you're creating. Event vs Minutes Watched.
const ( // A drop that is triggered by an in-game event. DropRuleTypeEventBased DropRuleType = "EVENT_BASED" // A drop that is granted based on the user's minutes-watched of the drop's game. DropRuleTypeTimeBased DropRuleType = "TIME_BASED" // A drop that is triggered by an manual triggered event. DropRuleTypeManualTriggerBased DropRuleType = "MANUAL_TRIGGER_BASED" )
func (DropRuleType) IsValid ¶
func (e DropRuleType) IsValid() bool
func (DropRuleType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropRuleType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropRuleType) String ¶
func (e DropRuleType) String() string
func (*DropRuleType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropRuleType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type DropType ¶
type DropType interface {
An interface to handle shared Drop data. The `Drop` type is already in use (although deprecated) so we can't use that name.
type DropsError ¶
type DropsError struct { // The error code. Code DropsErrorCode `json:"code"` // The error message string. Message *string `json:"message"` }
An error that has been mapped from a DropsManagementService twirp error. Can sometimes include messages.
type DropsErrorCode ¶
type DropsErrorCode string
Enum for Drops2 errors.
const ( // The error code is unknown. DropsErrorCodeUnknown DropsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" DropsErrorCodeUnauthorized DropsErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // A request field either was not present or did not meet validation requirements. DropsErrorCodeInvalidArgument DropsErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // The drops2 object is not in the right state to perform this operation. DropsErrorCodeFailedPrecondition DropsErrorCode = "FAILED_PRECONDITION" // The object you wish to query / modify is not found. DropsErrorCodeNotFound DropsErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The object you're trying to create, already exists. DropsErrorCodeAlreadyExists DropsErrorCode = "ALREADY_EXISTS" )
func (DropsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e DropsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (DropsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e DropsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (DropsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e DropsErrorCode) String() string
func (*DropsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *DropsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EditRoomMessageInput ¶
type EditRoomMessagePayload ¶
type EditRoomMessagePayload struct {
Message *RoomMessage `json:"message"`
type EditableChannelConnection ¶
type EditableChannelConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*EditableChannelEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of channels a user is an editor for.
type EditableChannelEdge ¶
type EditableChannelEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The user whose channel has the editor. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Points to a editable channel with the editor.
type EditorConnection ¶
type EditorConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*EditorEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of editors of a channel.
type EditorEdge ¶
type EditorEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Timestamp of when the editor status was granted. GrantedAt time.Time `json:"grantedAt"` // The user who has the editor status. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Points to a user with the editor status, with metadata regarding the relationship.
type EligiblePaymentMethod ¶
type EligiblePaymentMethod struct { // Availability status of the underlying payment gateway. AvailabilityStatus PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus `json:"availabilityStatus"` // Name of the payment method. Name EligiblePaymentMethodName `json:"name"` }
The list of payment methods that are supported for web checkout for a user.
type EligiblePaymentMethodName ¶
type EligiblePaymentMethodName string
The list of names of payment methods that are supported for web checkout.
const ( // Amazon Pay payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNameAmazonPay EligiblePaymentMethodName = "AMAZON_PAY" // Paypal payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNamePaypal EligiblePaymentMethodName = "PAYPAL" // Credit card payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNameCreditCard EligiblePaymentMethodName = "CREDIT_CARD" // Xsolla payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNameXsolla EligiblePaymentMethodName = "XSOLLA" // Twitch Wallet balance payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNameWallet EligiblePaymentMethodName = "WALLET" // Direct Debit payment method. EligiblePaymentMethodNameDirectDebit EligiblePaymentMethodName = "DIRECT_DEBIT" )
func (EligiblePaymentMethodName) IsValid ¶
func (e EligiblePaymentMethodName) IsValid() bool
func (EligiblePaymentMethodName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EligiblePaymentMethodName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EligiblePaymentMethodName) String ¶
func (e EligiblePaymentMethodName) String() string
func (*EligiblePaymentMethodName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EligiblePaymentMethodName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmbeddedEmote ¶
type EmbeddedEmote struct { // The emote's identifier, for example "115847" -> KappaHD. EmoteID *string `json:"emoteID"` // from is the index of the string where replacement starts. From *int `json:"from"` ID *string `json:"id"` // setID is the identifier of the set this emote is in. SetID *string `json:"setID"` // to is the index of the string where replacement ends. To *int `json:"to"` }
EmbeddedEmote is an encoding format used to describe an emote embedded in a string of text.
body = "hey KappaHD" from = 4 to = 10 "KappaHD" will be replaced with the KappaHD emote image.
type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventInput ¶
type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventInput struct { // The channelID from the channel this event is taking place on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The campaign objective type of the event. DiscoveryType CampaignDiscoveryEventType `json:"discoveryType"` }
EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventInput contains the campaign objective type of the event being emitted and the channelID from which this event is born.
type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventPayload ¶
type EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventPayload struct { // Whether the call succeeded or not. IsSuccess bool `json:"isSuccess"` }
EmitCampaignDiscoveryEventPayload is the success response for emitting a campaign discovery event.
type Emote ¶
type Emote struct { // The type of image asset of the emote (static, animated, etc.). AssetType *EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` // The Bits Badge Tier metadata associated with this Bits Badge Tier Emote. Nil for other emote types. BitsBadgeTierSummary *EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummary `json:"bitsBadgeTierSummary"` // The timestamp at which this emote was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The emote's identifier. // For example, "115847". ID *string `json:"id"` // The list of modifiers a user is entitled to use for an emote. Modifiers []*EmoteModifier `json:"modifiers"` // A priority order for displaying this emote among others in the same group. Order *int `json:"order"` // The user who owns the subscription product that this emote belongs to. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // Identifies which set this emote belongs to. SetID *string `json:"setID"` // The state of an emote. Can be either active or pending. State EmoteState `json:"state"` // The subscription product this emote belongs to. Nil for globals. SubscriptionProduct *SubscriptionProduct `json:"subscriptionProduct"` // The subscription info for this emote (if the emote is obtainable via subscription). SubscriptionSummaries []*SubscriptionSummary `json:"subscriptionSummaries"` // For subscription and bits badge tier emotes, this is the user generated suffix. // For example, for "lirikLUL" suffix would be "LUL". Suffix *string `json:"suffix"` // The visual representation of the emote. // For example, "O_o" instead of "(O|o)_(o|O)". Text *string `json:"text"` // The text token of the emote. // For example, "KappaHD". Token *string `json:"token"` // The type of emote that this is. // For example, a global emote, a turbo emote, a prime emote, a sub emote, etc. Type *EmoteType `json:"type"` }
func (Emote) IsFragmentContent ¶
func (Emote) IsFragmentContent()
type EmoteAssetType ¶
type EmoteAssetType string
The asset type of the emote (static, animated, etc.).
const ( // The emote's asset is animated (e.g. GIF). EmoteAssetTypeAnimated EmoteAssetType = "ANIMATED" // The emote's asset is static (e.g. PNG). EmoteAssetTypeStatic EmoteAssetType = "STATIC" // The emote's asset type is unknown. EmoteAssetTypeUnknown EmoteAssetType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (EmoteAssetType) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteAssetType) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteAssetType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteAssetType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteAssetType) String ¶
func (e EmoteAssetType) String() string
func (*EmoteAssetType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteAssetType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummary ¶
type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummary struct { // The Bits Badge Tier Summary data that is user-dependent. Self *EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummarySelfEdge `json:"self"` // The amount of bits any user must cheer to achieve this tier. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` }
Bits Badges Tier metadata for emotes.
type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummarySelfEdge ¶
type EmoteBitsBadgeTierSummarySelfEdge struct { // Is true if the user has unlocked this emote. IsUnlocked bool `json:"isUnlocked"` // The number of bits that this user must use in order to unlock this emote. 0 if already unlocked. NumberOfBitsUntilUnlock int `json:"numberOfBitsUntilUnlock"` }
The Bits Badge Tier Summary data that is user-dependent.
type EmoteImageAssetInput ¶
type EmoteImageAssetInput struct { // The asset type of the image. AssetType EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` // Image ID generated by Mako for image. ID string `json:"id"` // Size of the image. Size EmoteImageSize `json:"size"` }
The ID, Size and AssetType of a previously uploaded subscription emote.
type EmoteImageSize ¶
type EmoteImageSize string
Enum of supported image sizes.
const ( // Lowest supported resolution. EmoteImageSizeSize1x EmoteImageSize = "SIZE_1X" // Resolution used for kinda high density displays. EmoteImageSizeSize2x EmoteImageSize = "SIZE_2X" // Highest density display support. EmoteImageSizeSize4x EmoteImageSize = "SIZE_4X" // Original size, used for resizing functionality. EmoteImageSizeSizeOriginal EmoteImageSize = "SIZE_ORIGINAL" )
func (EmoteImageSize) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteImageSize) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteImageSize) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteImageSize) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteImageSize) String ¶
func (e EmoteImageSize) String() string
func (*EmoteImageSize) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteImageSize) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteImageUploadConfiguration ¶
type EmoteImageUploadConfiguration struct { // The id used by upload service to publish updates via pubsub about the uploaded image. UploadID *string `json:"uploadID"` // The url in s3 for where the front-end should post the image asset. UploadURL *string `json:"uploadURL"` }
Represents the data needed to continue the upload of an emoticon image asset.
type EmoteModifier ¶
type EmoteModifier struct { // The code to use the emote modifier in chat. Code string `json:"code"` // The name of the emote modifier. Name PermanentEmoteModifier `json:"name"` }
The name of an emote modifier and it's abbreviated code.
type EmoteModifierGroupInput ¶
type EmoteModifierGroupInput struct { // The modifiers to set. Modifiers []PermanentEmoteModifier `json:"modifiers"` // The ID of the product to set the modifiers for. ProductID string `json:"productID"` }
A set of modifications to apply to a tier of emotes for a creator.
type EmoteModifierGroupPayload ¶
type EmoteModifierGroupPayload struct { // The modifiers that were set. Modifiers []PermanentEmoteModifier `json:"modifiers"` // The product the modifiers were set for. Product *SubscriptionProduct `json:"product"` }
A set of modifiers that have been set on a tier of emotes for a creator.
type EmoteOrder ¶
type EmoteOrder struct { // The ID of this emote. EmoteID string `json:"emoteID"` // The ID of the group we are setting this emote's order in. When emotes can exist in multiple groups they may have different // order values in each group (as the other emotes in each group will be different) so we must specify which group we are operating on. GroupID string `json:"groupID"` // The new order value for this emote. Order int `json:"order"` }
The new order for the specified emote in a particular emote group.
type EmoteResizePlan ¶
type EmoteResizePlan string
Enum of supported resizing plans.
const ( // Resize a provided SIZE_ORIGINAL_IMAGE. EmoteResizePlanAutoResize EmoteResizePlan = "AUTO_RESIZE" // Don't resize, use the image as is for 1x, 2x or 4x. EmoteResizePlanNoResize EmoteResizePlan = "NO_RESIZE" )
func (EmoteResizePlan) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteResizePlan) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteResizePlan) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteResizePlan) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteResizePlan) String ¶
func (e EmoteResizePlan) String() string
func (*EmoteResizePlan) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteResizePlan) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteSet ¶
type EmoteSet struct { // The list of emotes which belong to this set. Emotes []*Emote `json:"emotes"` // The emote set's identifier. ID *string `json:"id"` // The channel associated with the emote set. Nil for emote sets not associated // with an owner (prime, fuel, rewards, etc.). Owner *User `json:"owner"` }
Represents a group of emotes.
type EmoteSetDomain
type EmoteSetDomain string
Deprecated: Domains that emotes belong to.
const ( // Emotes that were granted via Twitch crates. EmoteSetDomainCrate EmoteSetDomain = "CRATE" )
func (EmoteSetDomain) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteSetDomain) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteSetDomain) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteSetDomain) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteSetDomain) String ¶
func (e EmoteSetDomain) String() string
func (*EmoteSetDomain) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteSetDomain) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteState ¶
type EmoteState string
The state of an emote.
const ( // Emote has been approved and is active. EmoteStateActive EmoteState = "ACTIVE" // Emote has been uploaded and is awaiting approval. EmoteStatePending EmoteState = "PENDING" // Emote is inactive. EmoteStateInactive EmoteState = "INACTIVE" // Emote has an unknown state. EmoteStateUnknown EmoteState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (EmoteState) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteState) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteState) String ¶
func (e EmoteState) String() string
func (*EmoteState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteStateFilter ¶
type EmoteStateFilter string
Used to filter emotes by state.
const ( // Show all emotes, including active and pending. EmoteStateFilterAll EmoteStateFilter = "ALL" // Show only active emotes. EmoteStateFilterActive EmoteStateFilter = "ACTIVE" )
func (EmoteStateFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoteStateFilter) IsValid() bool
func (EmoteStateFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoteStateFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoteStateFilter) String ¶
func (e EmoteStateFilter) String() string
func (*EmoteStateFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoteStateFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EmoteType ¶
type EmoteType string
const ( // Emote is a channel points reward. EmoteTypeChannelPoints EmoteType = "CHANNEL_POINTS" // Emote is a bits badge tier reward. EmoteTypeBitsBadgeTiers EmoteType = "BITS_BADGE_TIERS" // Emote is a subscription product benefit. EmoteTypeSubscriptions EmoteType = "SUBSCRIPTIONS" // Emote is a Twitch Prime benefit. EmoteTypePrime EmoteType = "PRIME" // Emote is a Twitch Turbo benefit. EmoteTypeTurbo EmoteType = "TURBO" // Emote is one of the robot, monkey, or glitch smilies sets. EmoteTypeSmilies EmoteType = "SMILIES" // Emote is a global emote. EmoteTypeGlobals EmoteType = "GLOBALS" // Emote has an unknown type. EmoteTypeUnknown EmoteType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (EmoteType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*EmoteType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type EmoteUploadConfiguration ¶
type EmoteUploadConfiguration struct { // The relevant metadata for the 1X image asset. ImageUploadConfig1x *EmoteImageUploadConfiguration `json:"imageUploadConfig1X"` // The relevant metadata for the 2X image asset. ImageUploadConfig2x *EmoteImageUploadConfiguration `json:"imageUploadConfig2X"` // The relevant metadata for the 4X image asset. ImageUploadConfig4x *EmoteImageUploadConfiguration `json:"imageUploadConfig4X"` }
Represents an emote that is currently in the process of being uploaded.
type EmoticonPrefix ¶
type EmoticonPrefix struct { // If the prefix can be edited or not. IsEditable bool `json:"isEditable"` // Name of the prefix. Name string `json:"name"` // If the prefix has been approved or not. State EmoticonPrefixState `json:"state"` }
Channels have emoticon prefixes.
type EmoticonPrefixState ¶
type EmoticonPrefixState string
State to track if the emote prefix is approved or not.
const ( // Unknown. EmoticonPrefixStateUnknown EmoticonPrefixState = "UNKNOWN" // No prefix has been submitted. EmoticonPrefixStateUnset EmoticonPrefixState = "UNSET" // Prefix is approved and active. EmoticonPrefixStateActive EmoticonPrefixState = "ACTIVE" // Prefix was rejected by Twitch. EmoticonPrefixStateRejected EmoticonPrefixState = "REJECTED" // Prefix is waiting moderation by Twitch. EmoticonPrefixStatePending EmoticonPrefixState = "PENDING" )
func (EmoticonPrefixState) IsValid ¶
func (e EmoticonPrefixState) IsValid() bool
func (EmoticonPrefixState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e EmoticonPrefixState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (EmoticonPrefixState) String ¶
func (e EmoticonPrefixState) String() string
func (*EmoticonPrefixState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *EmoticonPrefixState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type EndUseBitsInExtensionInput ¶
type EndUseBitsInExtensionInput struct { // The transaction ID of this bits spend event. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
The required input for an EndUseBitsInExtension mutation.
type EndUseBitsInExtensionPayload ¶
type EndUseBitsInExtensionPayload struct { // The user's new bits balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` }
The result of a EndUseBitsInExtension mutation.
type EndorsedChannelConnection ¶
type EndorsedChannelConnection struct { // The endorsed channels. Edges []*EndorsedChannelEdge `json:"edges"` // Pagination information for this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of endorsed channels using the Relay cursor specification.
type EndorsedChannelEdge ¶
type EndorsedChannelEdge struct { // Cursor identifying the position of this edge for future queries. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The information about the endorsed channel. Node *Channel `json:"node"` // Unique id per channel item, used by the client to attribute display/clicks of items. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
Element in a list of endorsed channels.
type EnhancedExperiencesClient ¶
type EnhancedExperiencesClient struct { // The client ID of the OAuth app. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the client. Name string `json:"name"` // The timestamp when the the client was onboarded to the Enhanced Experiences (E2) API. OnboardedAt *time.Time `json:"onboardedAt"` }
EnhancedExperiencesClient is an OAuth app that is authorized to use the Enhanced Experiences (E2) API for game integrations.
type EpisodeDetails ¶
type EpisodeDetails struct { // Total length of the content. DurationSeconds *int `json:"durationSeconds"` // The episode number. Episode *int `json:"episode"` // The season number. Season *int `json:"season"` // The name of the series. Series *string `json:"series"` }
Episode metadata.
func (EpisodeDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails ¶
func (EpisodeDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails()
type EventBasedDrop ¶
type EventBasedDrop struct { // The rewards for this drop and how often those rewards can be awarded. BenefitEdges []*DropBenefitEdge `json:"benefitEdges"` // The campaign this drop belongs to. Campaign *DropCampaign `json:"campaign"` // Amount of time the viewer has to claim the drop after the rule is completed. ClaimDurationSeconds int `json:"claimDurationSeconds"` // The event conditions which must be met for this drop to be earned. Conditions []*DropEventCondition `json:"conditions"` // The time this drop becomes unavailable. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // A unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Describes how the event will be accomplished. MissionDescription string `json:"missionDescription"` // Name of the mission a streamer has to achieve. MissionName string `json:"missionName"` // The name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The time this drop becomes available. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
Drop triggered by an in-game event.
func (EventBasedDrop) IsDropType ¶
func (EventBasedDrop) IsDropType()
type EventNotificationSetting ¶
type EventNotificationSetting struct { // The setting category. Category string `json:"category"` // Settings for individual platforms. Platforms []*PlatformEventSetting `json:"platforms"` }
Settings for a given event.
type Experiment ¶
type Experiment struct { // The selected promoted Stream for placement experiments. PromotedStream *Stream `json:"promotedStream"` }
Experimental properties that should NOT be used outside of experiments. When your property is no longer in use, please mark as deprecated and then formally delete it.
type ExpiredSubscription ¶
type ExpiredSubscription struct { // The channel that the expired subscription belongs to. ChannelOwner *User `json:"channelOwner"` // The unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Resolves the product that the expired subscription is to. Product *SubscriptionProduct `json:"product"` // The total tenure of a user to a broadcaster. Tenure *SubscriptionTenure `json:"tenure"` }
Data about an inactive subscription to a broadcaster.
type ExpiredSubscriptionConnection ¶
type ExpiredSubscriptionConnection struct { // The list of expired subscriptions. Edges []*ExpiredSubscriptionEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of expired subs. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of expired subscriptions.
type ExpiredSubscriptionEdge ¶
type ExpiredSubscriptionEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *ExpiredSubscription `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of expired subscriptions.
type Extension ¶
type Extension struct { // The anchor point the extension expects to render into on the client. Anchor ExtensionAnchor `json:"anchor"` // A list of assets which the extension must have uploaded to the Twitch Extensions CDN. AssetURLs []string `json:"assetURLs"` // The author of the extension as specified by the developer's extension manifest. AuthorName string `json:"authorName"` // The bits support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. BitsSupportLevel ExtensionBitsSupportLevel `json:"bitsSupportLevel"` // The list of categories that the developer has set for the extension. Categories []*ExtensionCategory `json:"categories"` // A single challenge condition associated with the specified extension. ChallengeCondition *ChallengeCondition `json:"challengeCondition"` // The list of challenge condition participants that are associated with this extension for a particular condition participant owner and condition owner. ChallengeConditionParticipants *ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantConnection `json:"challengeConditionParticipants"` // The list of challenge conditions that are associated with this extension. ChallengeConditions *ExtensionChallengeConditionConnection `json:"challengeConditions"` // The client ID of the extension. Also used as the non-composite, non-unique ID of an extension internally. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // The URL which is used to preset the configuration experience of the extension. ConfigURL string `json:"configURL"` // The list of games that an extension is content-matched to. This list is managed internally by Twitch. ContentMatchedGames []*Game `json:"contentMatchedGames"` // The description of the extension specified by the developer's extension manifest // (max-length: 1024 characters). Description string `json:"description"` // The list of games that an extension is associated to. This list is managed by the extension developer. Games []*Game `json:"games"` // Whether the extension developer has turned on chat support for this extension. HasChatSupport bool `json:"hasChatSupport"` // Represents whether or not the developer of the extension would like to provide users with // the ability to link their identity with the extension. HasIdentityLinking bool `json:"hasIdentityLinking"` // The extension icon URLs used to visually represent the extension. IconURLs *ExtensionIcons `json:"iconURLs"` // The extension ID which is a composite form of <clientID>:<version>. ID string `json:"id"` // Represents whether or not the extension supports bits monetization. IsBitsEnabled bool `json:"isBitsEnabled"` // The URL which is used to preset the live-dashboard experience of the extension. LiveConfigURL string `json:"liveConfigURL"` // The name of the extension specified by the developer's extension manifest // (max-length: 40 characters). Name string `json:"name"` // The panel height specified by the developer's extension manifest -or- 300. PanelHeight int `json:"panelHeight"` // The link to the extension's privacy policy as specified by the developer's extension manifest. PrivacyPolicyURL string `json:"privacyPolicyURL"` // Screenshots of the URL used to showcase the extension on extension details pages. ScreenshotURLs []string `json:"screenshotURLs"` // Represents whether the requesting user is able to install the extension. Self *ExtensionSelfConnection `json:"self"` // The sku of the extension for monetizable extensions. Sku string `json:"sku"` // The current state of the extension in our approval process. State ExtensionState `json:"state"` // The subscription support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. SubscriptionsSupportLevel ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel `json:"subscriptionsSupportLevel"` // The summary of the extension specified by the developer's extension manifest // (max-length: 140 characters). Summary string `json:"summary"` // The support contact email as specified by the developer's extension manifest. SupportEmail string `json:"supportEmail"` // End-user license agreement terms of service URL. TermsURL string `json:"termsURL"` // The vendor code of the extension for monetizable extensions. VendorCode string `json:"vendorCode"` // The current version of the extension specified by the developer's extension manifest. Version string `json:"version"` // The URL which is used to preset the viewer experience of the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` // The UI configurations of each supported view of the extension. Views *ExtensionViews `json:"views"` // The list of URLs an extension can link to while loaded in the configuration experience. WhitelistedConfigURLs []string `json:"whitelistedConfigURLs"` // The list of URLs a panel extension can link to while loaded in the viewer experience. WhitelistedPanelURLs []string `json:"whitelistedPanelURLs"` }
Twitch Extension.
type ExtensionActivationConfig ¶
type ExtensionActivationConfig struct { // The anchor that the installation has been activated into. If not activated into a slot, // the value will be null. Anchor *ExtensionAnchor `json:"anchor"` // The slot that the installation has been activated into. If not activated into a slot, // the value will be null. Slot *string `json:"slot"` // The activation state of the extension installation. State ActivationState `json:"state"` // The horizontal positioning of the left side of the component extension from the left side // of the visible video space as a fixed-point percentage (ie: 5742 would represent 57.42 percent). X *int `json:"x"` // The vertical positioning of the top side of the component extension from the top side // of the visible video space as a fixed-point percentage (ie: 5742 would represent 57.42 percent). Y *int `json:"y"` }
The current activation configuration for an installed extension.
type ExtensionActivationInput ¶
type ExtensionActivationInput struct { // The required activation input to apply activation state to a component anchor. Component *ComponentActivationInput `json:"component"` // The installation ID of the component extension you're attempting to activate. InstallationID string `json:"installationID"` // The required activation input to apply activation state to a panel anchor. Panel *PanelActivationInput `json:"panel"` // The required activation input to apply activation state to a video overyla anchor. VideoOverlay *VideoOverlayActivationInput `json:"videoOverlay"` }
Represents the action which should be taken on the provided installation ID. If no anchor configuration is provided, the installation will be deactivated.
type ExtensionAnchor ¶
type ExtensionAnchor string
The possible values for an Extension Anchor.
const ( // Component extension anchor. ExtensionAnchorComponent ExtensionAnchor = "COMPONENT" // Hidden extensions are used currently for load tests. ExtensionAnchorHidden ExtensionAnchor = "HIDDEN" // Panel extension anchor. ExtensionAnchorPanel ExtensionAnchor = "PANEL" // Video overlay extension anchor. ExtensionAnchorVideoOverlay ExtensionAnchor = "VIDEO_OVERLAY" )
func (ExtensionAnchor) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionAnchor) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionAnchor) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionAnchor) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionAnchor) String ¶
func (e ExtensionAnchor) String() string
func (*ExtensionAnchor) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionAnchor) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionAssetManifest ¶
type ExtensionAssetManifest struct { // Hash of the asset zip file. AssetHash string `json:"assetHash"` // Base URI used for extensions out of local test. BaseURI *string `json:"baseURI"` // The name of the file that was uploaded. FileName *string `json:"fileName"` // The size of the file that was uploaded. FileSize *string `json:"fileSize"` // The time that the assets were uploaded. UploadedAt *time.Time `json:"uploadedAt"` // The user that uploaded the assets. Uploader *User `json:"uploader"` }
ExtensionAssetManifest is data related to the assets of an extension.
type ExtensionAssetManifestInput ¶
type ExtensionAssetManifestInput struct { // Hash of the asset zip file. AssetHash string `json:"assetHash"` }
ExtensionAssetManifestInput is data related to the assets of an extension.
type ExtensionBitsSupportLevel ¶
type ExtensionBitsSupportLevel string
The support levels for Bits features.
const ( // This extension doesn't have any support for bit features. ExtensionBitsSupportLevelNone ExtensionBitsSupportLevel = "NONE" // This extension has support for bit features but can operate in the event // the broadcaster disables the permissions. ExtensionBitsSupportLevelOptional ExtensionBitsSupportLevel = "OPTIONAL" // This extension requires support for bit features and cannot operate in the event // the broadcaster disables the permissions. ExtensionBitsSupportLevelRequired ExtensionBitsSupportLevel = "REQUIRED" )
func (ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) String ¶
func (e ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) String() string
func (*ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionBitsSupportLevel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionCapabilities ¶
type ExtensionCapabilities struct { // The bit support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". BitsSupportLevel ExtensionBitsSupportLevel `json:"bitsSupportLevel"` // Location of configuration. ConfigurationLocation ExtensionConfigurationLocation `json:"configurationLocation"` // Does this extension use bits. HasBitsSupport bool `json:"hasBitsSupport"` // Does this extension support chat. HasChatSupport bool `json:"hasChatSupport"` // Required configuration string. RequiredConfiguration string `json:"requiredConfiguration"` // The subscription support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". SubscriptionsSupportLevel ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel `json:"subscriptionsSupportLevel"` // Whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior. Whitelists *ExtensionWhitelists `json:"whitelists"` // Will this extension request an identity link. WillRequestIdentityLink bool `json:"willRequestIdentityLink"` }
ExtensionCapabilities contains data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction.
type ExtensionCapabilitiesInput ¶
type ExtensionCapabilitiesInput struct { // The bits support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". BitsSupportLevel *ExtensionBitsSupportLevel `json:"bitsSupportLevel"` // Location of configuration. ConfigurationLocation ExtensionConfigurationLocation `json:"configurationLocation"` // Does this extension use bits. HasBitsSupport bool `json:"hasBitsSupport"` // Does this extension support chat. HasChatSupport bool `json:"hasChatSupport"` // Required configuration string. RequiredConfiguration string `json:"requiredConfiguration"` // The subscription support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". SubscriptionsSupportLevel *ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel `json:"subscriptionsSupportLevel"` // Whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior. Whitelists *ExtensionWhitelistsInput `json:"whitelists"` // Will this extension request an identity link. WillRequestIdentityLink bool `json:"willRequestIdentityLink"` }
ExtensionCapabilitiesInput contains data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction.
type ExtensionCarousel ¶
type ExtensionCarousel struct { // List of entries associated with the carousel. Entries []*ExtensionCarouselEntry `json:"entries"` // Unique ID of the carousel. ID string `json:"id"` }
An extension carousel.
type ExtensionCarouselEntry ¶
type ExtensionCarouselEntry struct { // URL the user is directed to when clicking the carousel entry. ClickThroughURL string `json:"clickThroughURL"` // Unique ID of the entry. ID string `json:"id"` // URL of the image to display for the carousel entry. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Text associated with the carousel entry. Title string `json:"title"` }
An extension carousel entry.
type ExtensionCategory ¶
type ExtensionCategory struct { // Description for what kind of extensions this category represents. Description string `json:"description"` // The paginated list of extensions in the category. Extensions *ExtensionConnection `json:"extensions"` // The category ID which is uniquely generated. ID string `json:"id"` // Boolean value representing whether a category has been deleted. IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` // Denotes that no updates can be made to the category and no extensions can be added to it. IsReadOnly bool `json:"isReadOnly"` // Boolean value representing whether this category should be hidden from listings. IsVisible bool `json:"isVisible"` // Human readable name for the Category. Name string `json:"name"` // Display order for this category. Categories are returned in ascending order. Order float64 `json:"order"` // The URL-safe slug for the category. This slug may be used as the identifier to retrieve // categories from the root Query. Slug *string `json:"slug"` // Enumerated value specifying how this category's content should be ordered. Popularity, manual, etc. SortKey ExtensionCategorySortKey `json:"sortKey"` // Category Type which can be curated or developer. Type ExtensionCategoryType `json:"type"` }
An extension category.
type ExtensionCategoryConnection ¶
type ExtensionCategoryConnection struct { // The list of extension categories in this page. Edges []*ExtensionCategoryEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of extension categories. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of extension categories. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of extension categories, and their metadata.
type ExtensionCategoryEdge ¶
type ExtensionCategoryEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension category for the current edge. Node *ExtensionCategory `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of extension categories and its metadata.
type ExtensionCategorySortKey ¶
type ExtensionCategorySortKey string
Enumeration of the different sort keys to sort extensions within a category.
const ( // Manual sort key refers to an arbitrary sorting of extensions. ExtensionCategorySortKeyManual ExtensionCategorySortKey = "MANUAL" // Popularity sort key refers to sorting of extensions by popularity. ExtensionCategorySortKeyPopularity ExtensionCategorySortKey = "POPULARITY" // Time sort key refers to sorting of extensions from newest to latest. ExtensionCategorySortKeyTime ExtensionCategorySortKey = "TIME" )
func (ExtensionCategorySortKey) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionCategorySortKey) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionCategorySortKey) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionCategorySortKey) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionCategorySortKey) String ¶
func (e ExtensionCategorySortKey) String() string
func (*ExtensionCategorySortKey) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionCategorySortKey) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionCategoryType ¶
type ExtensionCategoryType string
Enumeration of the different category types that are currently supported.
const ( // Curated Category Type is Twitch controlled. ExtensionCategoryTypeCurated ExtensionCategoryType = "CURATED" // Developer Category Type is developer controlled. ExtensionCategoryTypeDeveloper ExtensionCategoryType = "DEVELOPER" // Pseudo Categories are categories whose extensions are generated. Slugs are required // on pseudo categories and are often the best way to retrieve them. Example pseudo categories // and slugs include "new-releases" and "whitelisted". ExtensionCategoryTypePseudo ExtensionCategoryType = "PSEUDO" )
func (ExtensionCategoryType) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionCategoryType) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionCategoryType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionCategoryType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionCategoryType) String ¶
func (e ExtensionCategoryType) String() string
func (*ExtensionCategoryType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionCategoryType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionChallengeConditionByIDInput ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionByIDInput struct { // The ID of the condition for the specified owner. ConditionID string `json:"conditionID"` // TUID of condition participant's associated condition's owner. ConditionOwnerID string `json:"conditionOwnerID"` }
Parameters for filtering ChallengeConditionParticipants.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionConnection ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*ExtensionChallengeConditionEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of extension challenge conditions.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionEdge ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *ChallengeCondition `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of extension challenge conditions.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantConnection ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of extension challenge conditionParticipants.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantEdge ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *ChallengeConditionParticipant `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of extension challenge conditionParticipants.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantsInput ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionParticipantsInput struct { // TUID of condition participant's associated condition's owner. ConditionOwnerID string `json:"conditionOwnerID"` // TUID of condition participant owner. ConditionParticipantOwnerID string `json:"conditionParticipantOwnerID"` // Filter condition participants with this state. EndState ChallengeConditionParticipantEndState `json:"endState"` }
Parameters for filtering ChallengeConditionParticipants.
type ExtensionChallengeConditionsInput ¶
type ExtensionChallengeConditionsInput struct { // TUID of condition owner. This will typically be the broadcaster's user ID. ConditionOwnerID string `json:"conditionOwnerID"` // Filter conditions with this state. State ChallengeConditionState `json:"state"` }
Parameters for filtering ChallengeConditions.
type ExtensionClient ¶
type ExtensionClient struct { // A organization member assigned as a billing manager for this extension. Null when extension is not an organization or the extension is not monetized. AssignedBillingManager *OrganizationMember `json:"assignedBillingManager"` // CreatedAt is the timestamp at which this client was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // ID is the OAuth ID representing the extension. ID string `json:"id"` // Name is the name of the extension. Name string `json:"name"` // Organization is the Organization entity of the extension, it means which organization the extension belongs to. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` // RedirectURI is the URI used for client redirect on OAuth login. RedirectURI string `json:"redirectURI"` }
ExtensionClient is the authorization component of an extension.
func (ExtensionClient) IsPredictionEventActor ¶
func (ExtensionClient) IsPredictionEventActor()
type ExtensionClientConnection ¶
type ExtensionClientConnection struct { // The list of extension clients in this page. Edges []*ExtensionClientEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of extension clients. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of extension clients.
type ExtensionClientEdge ¶
type ExtensionClientEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension client for the current edge. Node *ExtensionClient `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of extension clients.
type ExtensionComment ¶
type ExtensionComment struct { // The review comment text provided by the user. Content string `json:"content"` // The ID of the recorded comment. ID string `json:"id"` }
ExtensionComment contains the data for the comment of an extension review.
type ExtensionConfiguration ¶
type ExtensionConfiguration struct { // The broadcaster-set, per-channel segment of the extension configuration. Broadcaster *ExtensionConfigurationRecord `json:"broadcaster"` // The developer-set, per-channel segment of the extension configuration. Developer *ExtensionConfigurationRecord `json:"developer"` // The id of the extension that this configuration document belongs to. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The developer-set segment of the extension configuration that affects all // installs of the extension. Global *ExtensionConfigurationRecord `json:"global"` }
The hosted configuration for an extension that comes from config service.
type ExtensionConfigurationLocation ¶
type ExtensionConfigurationLocation string
Possible locations for Extension Configuration to be hosted.
const ( // Configuration not required for activation of this extension. ExtensionConfigurationLocationNone ExtensionConfigurationLocation = "NONE" // Configuration hosted by Twitch using Extensions Configuration service. ExtensionConfigurationLocationHosted ExtensionConfigurationLocation = "HOSTED" // Custom/Own service hosted configuration. ExtensionConfigurationLocationCustom ExtensionConfigurationLocation = "CUSTOM" )
func (ExtensionConfigurationLocation) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionConfigurationLocation) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionConfigurationLocation) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionConfigurationLocation) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionConfigurationLocation) String ¶
func (e ExtensionConfigurationLocation) String() string
func (*ExtensionConfigurationLocation) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionConfigurationLocation) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionConfigurationRecord ¶
type ExtensionConfigurationRecord struct { // The content of the configuration segment. Content string `json:"content"` // The version of the configuration segment. Version string `json:"version"` }
A single segment from the extensions configuration service.
type ExtensionConnection ¶
type ExtensionConnection struct { // The list of extensions in this page. Edges []*ExtensionEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of extensions. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of extensions in the larger collection. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of extensions, and its metadata.
type ExtensionDeveloperManifest ¶
type ExtensionDeveloperManifest struct { // Author email. AuthorEmail string `json:"authorEmail"` // Time when an extension was created. CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"` // Time when an extensions version was last transitioned. LastTransitionedAt *time.Time `json:"lastTransitionedAt"` // Testing uri for extension development. TestingBaseURI string `json:"testingBaseURI"` // Current state of this version in the development timeline. VersionState ExtensionState `json:"versionState"` }
ExtensionDeveloperManifest is the developer specific extension data.
type ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput ¶
type ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput struct { // Author email. AuthorEmail string `json:"authorEmail"` // Testing uri for extension development. TestingBaseURI string `json:"testingBaseURI"` }
ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput is the developer specific extension data.
type ExtensionDiscoveryManifest ¶
type ExtensionDiscoveryManifest struct { // Name of the extension author. AuthorName string `json:"authorName"` // Extension categories. Categories []*ExtensionCategory `json:"categories"` // Games that an extension is content-matched to. This list is managed internally by Twitch. ContentMatchedGames []*Game `json:"contentMatchedGames"` // Extension descriprion. 1024 character limit. Description string `json:"description"` // Games that an extension is associated to. This list is managed by the extension developer. Games []*Game `json:"games"` // Icon urls for extensions. IconURLs *ExtensionIcons `json:"iconURLs"` // name of the extension. Name string `json:"name"` // Url to an extensions privacy policy. PrivacyPolicyURL string `json:"privacyPolicyURL"` // Extension screenshot urls. ScreenshotURLs []string `json:"screenshotURLs"` // Extension summary. 140 character limit. Summary string `json:"summary"` // Extension developers support email. SupportEmail string `json:"supportEmail"` // Extension eula/tos url. TermsURL string `json:"termsURL"` // Extension viewer summary. ViewerSummary string `json:"viewerSummary"` }
Extension metadata used for discovery.
type ExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput ¶
type ExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput struct { // Name of the extension author. AuthorName string `json:"authorName"` // Extension categories. Categories []string `json:"categories"` // Extension descriprion. 1024 character limit. Description string `json:"description"` // games an extension is associated with. Games []string `json:"games"` // name of the extension. Name string `json:"name"` // Url to an extensions privacy policy. PrivacyPolicyURL string `json:"privacyPolicyURL"` // Extension summary. 140 character limit. Summary string `json:"summary"` // Extension developers support email. SupportEmail string `json:"supportEmail"` // Extension eula/tos url. TermsURL string `json:"termsURL"` // A summary of the extension's functionality from a viewer's perspective. ViewerSummary *string `json:"viewerSummary"` }
Extension metadata used for discovery.
type ExtensionDynamicManagementInput ¶
type ExtensionDynamicManagementInput struct { // The discovery game ID. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // If the game has been marked as dynamically managed or not. IsManaged bool `json:"isManaged"` }
ExtensionDynamicManagementInput represents the game ID and whether it is dynamically managed or not on an extension.
type ExtensionEdge ¶
type ExtensionEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension for the current edge. Node *Extension `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated extensions of videos, and its metadata.
type ExtensionIcons ¶
type ExtensionIcons struct { // 300x200 splash image used in extension discovery & management. DiscoverySplash string `json:"discoverySplash"` // Square 100x100 icon used in extension discovery & management. Square100 string `json:"square100"` // Square 24x24 icon used in video player taskbar. Square24 string `json:"square24"` }
The complete set of potential icons provided by a developer to represent their Extension on the site.
type ExtensionImageUploadResponse ¶
type ExtensionImageUploadResponse struct { // Upload ID. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // Upload URL. URL string `json:"url"` }
Url and UploadId provided by Upload Service.
type ExtensionInstallation ¶
type ExtensionInstallation struct { // The abilities this extension can use for the channel it is installed on. Abilities *ExtensionInstallationAbilities `json:"abilities"` // The current activation metadata for the extension. ActivationConfig *ExtensionActivationConfig `json:"activationConfig"` // The extension which the installation record is for. Extension *Extension `json:"extension"` // The the composite extension installation ID in the form of <clientID>:<version>:<channelID>. ID string `json:"id"` // The installer's decision whether to allow an extension to use a particular feature. PermittedFeatures *ExtensionInstallationFeatureFlags `json:"permittedFeatures"` // The required, if any, for the installed extension after an activation. RequiredActions []*ExtensionRequiredAction `json:"requiredActions"` // The self connection of the extension installation. Self *ExtensionInstallationSelfConnection `json:"self"` }
Extension Installation are models which contain an Extension and it's associated installation metadata.
type ExtensionInstallationAbilities ¶
type ExtensionInstallationAbilities struct { // Whether the extension can use bits in the current context. IsBitsEnabled bool `json:"isBitsEnabled"` // Whether the extension can send chat messages in the current context. IsChatEnabled bool `json:"isChatEnabled"` // Whether the extension has access to subscription status in the current context. IsSubscriptionStatusAvailable bool `json:"isSubscriptionStatusAvailable"` }
The set of abilities an extension is authorized to use.
type ExtensionInstallationDynamicManagement ¶
type ExtensionInstallationDynamicManagement struct { // The game that the setting is for. Game *Game `json:"game"` // Whether or not dynamic management is turned on for this extensions. IsManaged bool `json:"isManaged"` }
The dynamic management setting for a content-matched game on an extension installation.
type ExtensionInstallationFeatureFlags ¶
type ExtensionInstallationFeatureFlags struct { // Whether the installer has granted the extension access to their subscriptions list. CanRetrieveSubscriptionStatus bool `json:"canRetrieveSubscriptionStatus"` // Whether the installer has opted in or out of chat capabilities in extensions. CanSendChat bool `json:"canSendChat"` // Whether the installer has opted in or out of bit capabilities in extensions. CanUseBits bool `json:"canUseBits"` // The dynamic management settings for the extension installation. DynamicManagement []*ExtensionInstallationDynamicManagement `json:"dynamicManagement"` }
The set of extension features an installer can opt in or out of.
type ExtensionInstallationSelfConnection ¶
type ExtensionInstallationSelfConnection struct { // Represents whether the requesting user can activate the extension. CanActivate bool `json:"canActivate"` }
The connection a user has to an Installed Extension.
type ExtensionInstallationSelfEdge ¶
type ExtensionInstallationSelfEdge struct { // The extension installation. Installation *ExtensionInstallation `json:"installation"` // Authentication information that links the active user and the installation. Token *ExtensionToken `json:"token"` // Configurations set for this extension/user pair. Configuration *ExtensionConfiguration `json:"configuration"` // The time this response was issuedAt, so the client can set a timer for when // the token needs to be refreshed. IssuedAt *time.Time `json:"issuedAt"` }
The data that links the active user with a particular extension installation on a channel.
type ExtensionLinkUserError ¶
type ExtensionLinkUserError struct { // The error code. Code *ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Extension Link User Error.
type ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode ¶
type ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode string
Extension Link User Error Code.
const ( ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // The request body was invalid. ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeBadRequest ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode = "BAD_REQUEST" // An unexpected error occurred. ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeUnknown ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )ExtensionLinkUserErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionLinkUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionLinkUserInput ¶
type ExtensionLinkUserInput struct { // The id of the channel the extension is currently installed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the extension that the user would like to link/unlink with. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The current extension jwt for the user being linked/unlinked. Jwt *string `json:"jwt"` // Whether to link or unlink the user from this extension. ShowUser bool `json:"showUser"` }
The required input for an ExtensionLinkUser mutation.
type ExtensionLinkUserPayload ¶
type ExtensionLinkUserPayload struct { // Error from an Extension Link User Call. Error *ExtensionLinkUserError `json:"error"` // The user's new token reflecting their now linked/unlinked status. Token *ExtensionToken `json:"token"` }
The result of a ExtensionLinkUser mutation.
type ExtensionManifest ¶
type ExtensionManifest struct { // ExtensionAssetManifest is data related to the assets of an extension. AssetManifest *ExtensionAssetManifest `json:"assetManifest"` // Data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction. Capabilities *ExtensionCapabilities `json:"capabilities"` // ExtensionDeveloperManifest is the developer specific extension data. DeveloperManifest *ExtensionDeveloperManifest `json:"developerManifest"` // Extension metadata used for discovery. DiscoveryManifest *ExtensionDiscoveryManifest `json:"discoveryManifest"` // Extension id. ID string `json:"id"` // Extension version. Version string `json:"version"` // Extension views. Views *ExtensionViews `json:"views"` }
ExtensionManifest is the data that represents an entire extension manfiest.
type ExtensionManifestConnection ¶
type ExtensionManifestConnection struct { // The list of extension manifests in this page. Edges []*ExtensionManifestEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of extension manifests. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of extension manifests.
type ExtensionManifestEdge ¶
type ExtensionManifestEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension manifest for the current edge. Node *ExtensionManifest `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of extension manifests.
type ExtensionManifestsSummary ¶
type ExtensionManifestsSummary struct { // The global deleted state of the extension. IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` // The list of extension manifests. Manifests *ExtensionManifestConnection `json:"manifests"` }
A summary of extension state and the associated manifests.
type ExtensionPanel ¶
type ExtensionPanel struct { // id is a unique identifier for the panel. ID string `json:"id"` // slotID is an identifier to map extensions content from `User.extensions` to the proper place in the `User.panels` list. SlotID string `json:"slotID"` // type is `PanelType.EXTENSION`. Type PanelType `json:"type"` }
ExtensionPanel is a placeholder in the panel list for arbitrary iframed content.
func (ExtensionPanel) IsPanel ¶
func (ExtensionPanel) IsPanel()
type ExtensionRating ¶
type ExtensionRating struct { // The ID of the recorded rating. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the user recommended the extension or not. IsRecommended bool `json:"isRecommended"` // Where the user submitted the rating. Location ExtensionRatingLocation `json:"location"` }
ExtensionRating contains the information of a user's rating of a Twitch extension.
type ExtensionRatingLocation ¶
type ExtensionRatingLocation string
Enumerates where the user can submit an extension rating.
const ( // The global notifications popout. ExtensionRatingLocationNotification ExtensionRatingLocation = "NOTIFICATION" )
func (ExtensionRatingLocation) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionRatingLocation) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionRatingLocation) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionRatingLocation) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionRatingLocation) String ¶
func (e ExtensionRatingLocation) String() string
func (*ExtensionRatingLocation) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionRatingLocation) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL ¶
type ExtensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL struct { // The presigned URL, if one is ready. Otherwise empty string. PresignedURL *string `json:"presignedURL"` }
A holder for the presigned S3 URL for an extension ratings report.
type ExtensionRecommendation ¶
type ExtensionRecommendation struct { // The recommended extension. Extension *Extension `json:"extension"` }
Extension recommendation.
type ExtensionRequiredAction ¶
type ExtensionRequiredAction struct { // On PROMPT_FOR_PERMISSIONS the redirectURI to load for OAuth. RedirectURI *string `json:"redirectURI"` // The action the user must take in order to complete the activation. Type ExtensionRequiredActionType `json:"type"` }
The action a user must take to complete an activation of an extension installation.
type ExtensionRequiredActionType ¶
type ExtensionRequiredActionType string
The possible types of required actions after attempting to activate an extension.
const ( // The user must accept the permissions in order to complete the activation. ExtensionRequiredActionTypePromptForPermissions ExtensionRequiredActionType = "PROMPT_FOR_PERMISSIONS" // The user must configure the extension in order to complete the activation. ExtensionRequiredActionTypeRequiresConfiguration ExtensionRequiredActionType = "REQUIRES_CONFIGURATION" )
func (ExtensionRequiredActionType) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionRequiredActionType) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionRequiredActionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionRequiredActionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionRequiredActionType) String ¶
func (e ExtensionRequiredActionType) String() string
func (*ExtensionRequiredActionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionRequiredActionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionSecret ¶
type ExtensionSecret struct { // When the secret was activated. ActiveAt time.Time `json:"activeAt"` // The actual content of the secret. Content string `json:"content"` // When the secret expires. ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` }
The shared secret between the extension and the extension validator service.
type ExtensionSecretsInfo ¶
type ExtensionSecretsInfo struct { // A user-friendly error, should one occur. Error *GetExtensionSecretsError `json:"error"` // A list of secrets. Secrets []*ExtensionSecret `json:"secrets"` }
The extensions secrets information.
type ExtensionSelfConnection ¶
type ExtensionSelfConnection struct { // Represents whether the requesting user is able to install extensions. CanInstall bool `json:"canInstall"` }
The connection a user has to an Extension object.
type ExtensionState ¶
type ExtensionState string
The possible values for ExtensionState.
const ( // IN_TEST extensions are currently being worked on by a developer. ExtensionStateInTest ExtensionState = "IN_TEST" // READY_FOR_REVIEW extensions are currently being examined by a developer for their readiness // to be reviewed (assets hosted on CDN). ExtensionStateReadyForReview ExtensionState = "READY_FOR_REVIEW" // IN_REVIEW extensions are being looked at by Twitch. ExtensionStateInReview ExtensionState = "IN_REVIEW" // REJECTED extensions are permanently rejected; no action by the developer will make them acceptable. ExtensionStateRejected ExtensionState = "REJECTED" // APPROVED extensions are ready to be released, at the developer's convenience. ExtensionStateApproved ExtensionState = "APPROVED" // RELEASED extensions are currently available to users. Only one version of an extension // can be in this state at any time. ExtensionStateReleased ExtensionState = "RELEASED" // DEPRECATED extensions were once released, but a newer version now exists. ExtensionStateDeprecated ExtensionState = "DEPRECATED" // PENDING_ACTION extensions are ones that were reviewed by Twitch and returned to the developer for fixing. ExtensionStatePendingAction ExtensionState = "PENDING_ACTION" // UPLOADING extensions are in the process of having their assets loaded onto S3. ExtensionStateUploading ExtensionState = "UPLOADING" // ASSETS_UPLOADED extensions have had their assets uploaded already to S3. This state mirrors // the existing READY_FOR_REVIEW state, but doesn't incur an implicit upload. ExtensionStateAssetsUploaded ExtensionState = "ASSETS_UPLOADED" // DELETED extensions have been deleted; this is a soft delete so we can undelete things. ExtensionStateDeleted ExtensionState = "DELETED" )
func (ExtensionState) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionState) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionState) String ¶
func (e ExtensionState) String() string
func (*ExtensionState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionStateFilter ¶
type ExtensionStateFilter string
ExtensionStateFilter contains all the valid states to filter the list of extensions by.
const ( // Released extension. ExtensionStateFilterReleased ExtensionStateFilter = "RELEASED" )
func (ExtensionStateFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionStateFilter) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionStateFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionStateFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionStateFilter) String ¶
func (e ExtensionStateFilter) String() string
func (*ExtensionStateFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionStateFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel ¶
type ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel string
The support levels for subscriptions features.
const ( // This extension doesn't have any support for subscriptions features. ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevelNone ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel = "NONE" // This extension has support for subscriptions features but can operate in the event // the broadcaster disables the permissions. ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevelOptional ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel = "OPTIONAL" )
func (ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) IsValid ¶
func (e ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) IsValid() bool
func (ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) String ¶
func (e ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) String() string
func (*ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ExtensionToken ¶
type ExtensionToken struct { // The ID of the extension associated with this token. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The JWT token for the requesting user. Jwt string `json:"jwt"` }
The user-specific token for an installed extension on a channel.
type ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest ¶
type ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest struct { // Extension metadata used for discovery. DiscoveryManifest *ExtensionDiscoveryManifest `json:"discoveryManifest"` // Extension id. ID string `json:"id"` // Extension version. Version string `json:"version"` }
ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest is the data that represents an extension discovery manifest.
type ExtensionView ¶
type ExtensionView interface {
ExtensionView is the interface which every anchor-specific extension view extends from.
type ExtensionViews ¶
type ExtensionViews struct { // The developer configuration of the extension as a component extension, if supported. Component *ComponentView `json:"component"` // The developer configuration of the extension's configuration view, if supported. Config *ConfigView `json:"config"` // The configuration for a hidden extension. The only hidden extension is used for load testing. Hidden *HiddenView `json:"hidden"` // The developer configuration of the extension's live configuration dashboard view, if supported. LiveConfig *LiveConfigView `json:"liveConfig"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a mobile extension, if supported. Mobile *MobileView `json:"mobile"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a panel extension, if supported. Panel *PanelView `json:"panel"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a video overlay extension, if supported. VideoOverlay *VideoOverlayView `json:"videoOverlay"` }
The potential anchor-specific configurations and extension can have.
type ExtensionViewsInput ¶
type ExtensionViewsInput struct { // The developer configuration of the extension as a component extension, if supported. Component *ComponentViewInput `json:"component"` // The developer configuration of the extension's configuration view, if supported. Config *ConfigViewInput `json:"config"` // The developer configuration of the extension's live configuration dashboard view, if supported. LiveConfig *LiveConfigViewInput `json:"liveConfig"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a mobile extension, if supported. Mobile *MobileViewInput `json:"mobile"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a panel extension, if supported. Panel *PanelViewInput `json:"panel"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a video overlay extension, if supported. VideoOverlay *VideoOverlayViewInput `json:"videoOverlay"` }
The potential anchor-specific configurations and extension can have.
type ExtensionWhitelists ¶
type ExtensionWhitelists struct { // List of broadcaster account IDs allowed to install an extension after release. // If this is empty or missing, all broadcasters can use this extension. Broadcasters []string `json:"broadcasters"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from the configuration dialog. ConfigURLs []string `json:"configURLs"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from an extension set as a panel. PanelURLs []string `json:"panelURLs"` // List of account IDs which should have access to a version of an extension. // Users in this list are ignored by the broadcaster whitelist check. Testers []string `json:"testers"` }
Whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior.
type ExtensionWhitelistsInput ¶
type ExtensionWhitelistsInput struct { // List of broadcaster account IDs allowed to install an extension after release. // If this is empty or missing, all broadcasters can use this extension. Broadcasters []string `json:"broadcasters"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from the configuration dialog. ConfigURLs []string `json:"configURLs"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from an extension set as a panel. PanelURLs []string `json:"panelURLs"` // List of account IDs which should have access to a version of an extension. // Users in this list are ignored by the broadcaster whitelist check. Testers []string `json:"testers"` }
ExtensionWhitelistsInput contains whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior.
type ExtensionZipUploadResponse ¶
type ExtensionZipUploadResponse struct { // Upload ID. UploadID string `json:"uploadID"` // Upload URL. URL string `json:"url"` }
Url and UploadId provided by Upload Service.
type ExternalChargeModel ¶
type ExternalChargeModel struct { // The provider for this externally managed SKU. Provider string `json:"provider"` // Externally managed SKU identifier. Sku string `json:"sku"` }
ExternalChargeModel defines a 3P managed SKU for a given offer.
type FeatureFlags ¶
type FeatureFlags struct {
IsPulseEnabled *bool `json:"isPulseEnabled"`
type FeaturedContentSection ¶
type FeaturedContentSection struct { // A combination of the type and style for a given section, i.e. spotlight-previews. ID string `json:"id"` Items []*FeaturedItem `json:"items"` }
FeaturedContentSections contain the a set of FeaturedItems that should be shown together in a particular section of Twitch apps.
type FeaturedItem ¶
type FeaturedItem struct { // The featured item's content. Content FeaturedItemContent `json:"content"` // An markdown description of the item, available when a item is featured. Description string `json:"description"` // ID used for tracking interactions. ID string `json:"id"` // A URL for a special thumbnail image, when this item is featured. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Is this item featured because it is scheduled? IsScheduled bool `json:"isScheduled"` // Is this item featured because it is sponsored? IsSponsored bool `json:"isSponsored"` // A lower priority level means the item is higher priority. PriorityLevel int `json:"priorityLevel"` // When featured, the title of the item. Title string `json:"title"` }
type FeaturedItemContent ¶
type FeaturedItemContent interface {
type FeaturedStream ¶
type FeaturedStream struct { // The featured stream's broadcaster. Broadcaster *User `json:"broadcaster"` // The featured channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // A markdown description of the stream, available when a stream is featured. Description *string `json:"description"` // An HTML description of the stream, available when a stream is featured. DescriptionHTML *string `json:"descriptionHTML"` // A URL for a special thumbnail image, when this stream is featured. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // Is this stream featured because it is scheduled? IsScheduled *bool `json:"isScheduled"` // Is this stream featured because it is sponsored? IsSponsored *bool `json:"isSponsored"` // A lower priority level means the stream is higher priority. PriorityLevel *int `json:"priorityLevel"` // The featured live steam. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // When featured, the title of the stream. Title *string `json:"title"` }
FeaturedStream contains extra metadata for presenting a featured Stream.
type FeaturedVideo ¶
type FeaturedVideo struct { // An markdown description of the video, available when a video is featured. Description string `json:"description"` // A URL for a special thumbnail image, when this video is featured. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Is this video featured because it is scheduled? IsScheduled bool `json:"isScheduled"` // Is this video featured because it is sponsored? IsSponsored bool `json:"isSponsored"` // A lower priority level means the stream is higher priority. PriorityLevel int `json:"priorityLevel"` // When featured, the title of the video. Title string `json:"title"` // The featured video. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
DEPRECATED: do not use, it is subject to change. FeaturedVideo contains extra metadata for presenting a featured video.
type Feed ¶
type Feed struct { ID string `json:"id"` Items *FeedItemConnection `json:"items"` }
Feed is twitch's pulse product of content a user may enjoy.
type FeedItem ¶
type FeedItem struct { Content FeedItemContent `json:"content"` Reasons []*FeedItemReason `json:"reasons"` Tracking *FeedItemTracking `json:"tracking"` }
FeedItem is the units of a feed. They do not have an identifier because you cannot look them up by identifier.
type FeedItemConnection ¶
type FeedItemConnection struct { Edges []*FeedItemEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
type FeedItemContent ¶
type FeedItemContent interface {
FeedItemContent is the supported content types that may appear in a feed.
type FeedItemEdge ¶
type FeedItemReason ¶
type FeedItemReason struct {
Reason *string `json:"reason"`
FeedItemReason explains why an item is in your feed.
type FeedItemTracking ¶
type FeedItemTracking struct { BatchID *string `json:"batchID"` CardImpressionID *string `json:"cardImpressionID"` RecGenerationID *string `json:"recGenerationID"` RecGenerationIndex *int `json:"recGenerationIndex"` }
FeedItemTracking contains the tracking info of a feeditem.
type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyInput ¶
type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyInput struct { // The competition id of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The lobbyID of the competition that we want to mark done. LobbyID string `json:"lobbyID"` // The phase id of the competition that this lobby belongs to. PhaseID string `json:"phaseID"` }
FinalizeCompetitionLobbyInput contains the inputs required to change a lobby's status to done.
type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyPayload ¶
type FinalizeCompetitionLobbyPayload struct { // The new state of competition after marking the lobby as done. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
FinalizeCompetitionLobbyPayload is the success response for updating a lobby to done.
type FirstCheerTutorial ¶
type FirstCheerTutorial struct { // Optional field that dictates whether a user has exited out of the first cheer tutorial by clicking out of the experience. HasAbandoned *bool `json:"hasAbandoned"` // Optional field that dictates whether a user has skipped the first cheer tutorial by clicking the skip button. HasSkipped *bool `json:"hasSkipped"` }
Settings specific to the first cheer tutorial.
type Follow ¶
type Follow struct { // Whether to disable notifications for this relationship. DisableNotifications *bool `json:"disableNotifications"` // Represents when this relationship was established. FollowedAt *time.Time `json:"followedAt"` // The user who is followed. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data about the relationship between one User and a User they are following.
type FollowConnection ¶
type FollowConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*FollowEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of followers. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of follows relationships.
type FollowEdge ¶
type FollowEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginted list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Whether to disable notifications for this relationship. DisableNotifications *bool `json:"disableNotifications"` // Represents when this relationship was established. FollowedAt *time.Time `json:"followedAt"` // The user who is followed. Node *User `json:"node"` // Notification settings for this relationship. NotificationSettings *ChannelNotificationSettings `json:"notificationSettings"` }
An element in a paginated list of follows relationships. Contains metadata about the follow relationship between two users.
type FollowGameInput ¶
type FollowGameInput struct { // The identifier of the game to follow. GameID string `json:"gameID"` }
type FollowGamePayload ¶
type FollowGamePayload struct { // The game that was followed if the operation was successful. Game *Game `json:"game"` }
type FollowUserError ¶
type FollowUserError struct { // Error code. Code FollowUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Information to communicate to the user about an error state.
type FollowUserErrorCode ¶
type FollowUserErrorCode string
Enum for follow errors.
const ( // Used when fromUser is being blocked by targetUser. FollowUserErrorCodeForbidden FollowUserErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Used when user has reached their follow cap. FollowUserErrorCodeTooManyFollows FollowUserErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_FOLLOWS" )
func (FollowUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e FollowUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (FollowUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e FollowUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (FollowUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e FollowUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*FollowUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *FollowUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type FollowUserInput ¶
type FollowUserPayload ¶
type FollowUserPayload struct { // Used for user blocked errors. Error *FollowUserError `json:"error"` // The new follow relationship. Follow *Follow `json:"follow"` }
type FollowedGameConnection ¶
type FollowedGameConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Nodes []*Game `json:"nodes"` }
A list of followed games.
type FollowedGamesType ¶
type FollowedGamesType string
const ( // Only games which are currently being streamed will be returned. FollowedGamesTypeLive FollowedGamesType = "LIVE" // All followed games. FollowedGamesTypeAll FollowedGamesType = "ALL" )
func (FollowedGamesType) IsValid ¶
func (e FollowedGamesType) IsValid() bool
func (FollowedGamesType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e FollowedGamesType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (FollowedGamesType) String ¶
func (e FollowedGamesType) String() string
func (*FollowedGamesType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *FollowedGamesType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type FollowedHostConnection ¶
type FollowedHostConnection struct { // The broadcasters. Nodes []*User `json:"nodes"` }
A list of broadcasters followed by a user and hosting live broadcasters.
type FollowedLiveUserConnection ¶
type FollowedLiveUserConnection struct { // The live broadcasters. Edges []*FollowedLiveUserEdge `json:"edges"` // The live broadcasters. Nodes []*User `json:"nodes"` // Pagination. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A list of live-streaming broadcasters followed by a user.
type FollowedLiveUserEdge ¶
A live streaming broadcaster with cursor.
type FollowerConnection ¶
type FollowerConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*FollowerEdge `json:"edges"` // Metadata about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of followers. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of followers relationships.
type FollowerEdge ¶
type FollowerEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginted list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Whether to disable notifications for this relationship. DisableNotifications *bool `json:"disableNotifications"` // Represents when this relationship was established. FollowedAt *time.Time `json:"followedAt"` // The user who is a follower. Node *User `json:"node"` // Notification settings for this relationship. NotificationSettings *ChannelNotificationSettings `json:"notificationSettings"` }
An element in a paginated list of followers. Contains metadata about the follower relationship between two users.
type FollowsFilter ¶
type FollowsFilter string
const ( // All users the user is following. FollowsFilterAll FollowsFilter = "ALL" // Users the user is following to which the user can subscribe. // this is authenticated so only a logged in user can filter by SUBBABLE. FollowsFilterSubbable FollowsFilter = "SUBBABLE" )
func (FollowsFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e FollowsFilter) IsValid() bool
func (FollowsFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e FollowsFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (FollowsFilter) String ¶
func (e FollowsFilter) String() string
func (*FollowsFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *FollowsFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type FormatType ¶
type FormatType string
The format type signifies the format the competition will run from.
const ( // Double elimination bracket format. FormatTypeDoubleElim FormatType = "DOUBLE_ELIM" // Single elimination bracket format. FormatTypeSingleElim FormatType = "SINGLE_ELIM" // Round robin format. FormatTypeRoundRobin FormatType = "ROUND_ROBIN" // Leaderboard format. FormatTypeLeaderboard FormatType = "LEADERBOARD" // Custom format. FormatTypeCustom FormatType = "CUSTOM" // Unknown format. FormatTypeUnknown FormatType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (FormatType) IsValid ¶
func (e FormatType) IsValid() bool
func (FormatType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e FormatType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (FormatType) String ¶
func (e FormatType) String() string
func (*FormatType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *FormatType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type FormatTypeDetails ¶
type FormatTypeDetails interface {
The details of different formats. Currently there is only 1 detail type.
type FragmentContent ¶
type FragmentContent interface {
FragmentContent contains the parse content of a fragment, and can be an emote or a mention. NOTE: should have been called RoomMessageFragmentContent.
type FriendConnection ¶
type FriendConnection struct { // The friend elements of this list. Edges []*FriendEdge `json:"edges"` // The total number of friends this user has. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of a user's friend relationships.
type FriendEdge ¶
type FriendEdge struct { // An action that a user or session is performing. Activity Activity `json:"activity"` // The computed state of a user or session. Availability Availability `json:"availability"` // The last time the friend's availability or activity changed. LastStatusChangeAt *time.Time `json:"lastStatusChangeAt"` // The friend user. Node *User `json:"node"` }
The friendship between the authenticated user and another user.
func (FriendEdge) IsFriendRelationship ¶
func (FriendEdge) IsFriendRelationship()
type FriendRelationship ¶
type FriendRelationship interface {
The friend-type relationship between the authenticated user and another user.
If this field is a FriendEdge, the authenticated user and the other user are Friends.
If it is an IncomingFriendRequestEdge, the other user has an open friend request with authenticated user.
If it is an OutgoingFriendRequestEdge, the authenticated user has an open friend request with the other user.
type FriendSort ¶
type FriendSort string
Decides how to sort Friendship-related responses.
const ( // Sort from oldest to newest. FriendSortAsc FriendSort = "ASC" // Sort from newest to oldest. FriendSortDesc FriendSort = "DESC" )
func (FriendSort) IsValid ¶
func (e FriendSort) IsValid() bool
func (FriendSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e FriendSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (FriendSort) String ¶
func (e FriendSort) String() string
func (*FriendSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *FriendSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GDPRConsent ¶
type GDPRConsent struct { // Whether Amazon has user GDPR consent. AllowAmazon *bool `json:"allowAmazon"` // Whether Comscore has user GDPR consent. AllowComscore *bool `json:"allowComscore"` // Whether Google has user GDPR consent. AllowGoogle *bool `json:"allowGoogle"` // Whether Nielson has user GDPR consent. AllowNielsen *bool `json:"allowNielsen"` // Whether Salesforce has user GDPR consent. AllowSalesforce *bool `json:"allowSalesforce"` }
GDPR Consent contains user consent on different tracking vendors.
type Game ¶
type Game struct { // What campaigns are active for this game. ActiveDropCampaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"activeDropCampaigns"` // URL to an avatar image. // The image dimensions are specifiable via the `height` and `width` parameters. // // If `height` or `width` are not specified, the URL will contain // the template strings `{height}` and/or `{width}` in their respective places. AvatarURL *string `json:"avatarURL"` // URL to a box art image. // The image dimensions are specifiable via the `height` and `width` parameters. // // If `height` or `width` are not specified, the URL will contain // the template strings `{height}` and/or `{width}` in their respective places. BoxArtURL *string `json:"boxArtURL"` // Number of broadcasters streaming this game. BroadcastersCount *int `json:"broadcastersCount"` // Number of channels currently streaming this game. ChannelsCount *int `json:"channelsCount"` // A paginated list of clips featuring this game, ordered by view count descending. // When criteria is not specified, the default values are used. Clips *ClipConnection `json:"clips"` // URL to a cover image. // The image dimensions are specifiable via the `height` and `width` parameters. // // If `height` or `width` are not specified, the URL will contain // the template strings `{height}` and/or `{width}` in their respective places. CoverURL *string `json:"coverURL"` // The type of directory – in this case, always GAME. DirectoryType *DirectoryType `json:"directoryType"` // The translated game name used for display purposes. // Use name for tracking props or URLs. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The associated clientID for a game used to determine if users have an account link // created between tuid and in-game userID as well as the timestamp of when this link was created. DropAccountLink *DropAccountLink `json:"dropAccountLink"` // A list of clients that use the Enhanced Experiences (E2) API for // Twitch integrations with this game. EnhancedExperiencesClients []*EnhancedExperiencesClient `json:"enhancedExperiencesClients"` // A list of extension recommendations, according to the game. ExtensionRecommendations []*ExtensionRecommendation `json:"extensionRecommendations"` // Number of users that follow this game. FollowersCount *int `json:"followersCount"` // The game's unique GiantBomb identifier. GiantBombID *string `json:"giantBombID"` // The game's unique Twitch identifier. // It is used to associate games with product offers. ID string `json:"id"` // URL to a game logo image. // The image dimensions are specifiable via the `height` and `width` parameters. // // If `height` or `width` are not specified, the URL will contain // the template strings `{height}` and/or `{width}` in their respective places. LogoURL *string `json:"logoURL"` // The name of the game. This string is untranslated. // This field should only be used in limited occassions, like tracking and URLs. // You should use displayName for all all game names shown to the users. Name string `json:"name"` // A measure of the games popularity. PopularityScore *int `json:"popularityScore"` // The game's unique Presto identifier. PrestoID *string `json:"prestoID"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this Game. Self *GameSelfConnection `json:"self"` // Get a page of live streams broadcasting this game. // The languages param can be used to filter the streams. Otherwise all languages will be returned. // The filters param contains additional metadata filters, for example {hearthstoneGameMode: "arena"}. // The sort param can be used to change the default sorting, which sometimes is specific to specific games. // The tags param are an array of tag ID as optional filters for streams. // DEPRECATED field arguments: languages, requestID, sort, tags // Use GameStreamOptions instead. Streams *StreamConnection `json:"streams"` // List of recommeded tags in the corresponding category. Tags []*Tag `json:"tags"` // A paginated list of top videos for this game. Videos *VideoConnection `json:"videos"` // Number of viewers currently watching a stream which features this game. ViewersCount *int `json:"viewersCount"` }
A Game is often the subject of a Stream on Twitch.
func (Game) IsDirectory ¶
func (Game) IsDirectory()
func (Game) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (Game) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
func (Game) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent ¶
func (Game) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent()
func (Game) IsShelfContent ¶
func (Game) IsShelfContent()
func (Game) IsShelfTitleContext ¶
func (Game) IsShelfTitleContext()
func (Game) IsTaggedContent ¶
func (Game) IsTaggedContent()
func (Game) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (Game) IsTitleTokenNode()
func (Game) IsVerticalContentContext ¶
func (Game) IsVerticalContentContext()
type GameApplication ¶
type GameApplication struct { // Creation time. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Game that is added in the application. Game *Game `json:"game"` // ID of the game application, stored in RBAC. ID string `json:"id"` // Organization that is going to be associated with the game. Organization *Organization `json:"organization"` }
GameApplication is an application to associate a game with an organization.
type GameChangeMomentDetails ¶
type GameChangeMomentDetails struct { // The game that the user changed to. Game *Game `json:"game"` }
Moment Details specific to a game change.
func (GameChangeMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails ¶
func (GameChangeMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails()
type GameClipsInput ¶
type GameClipsInput struct { // The ID of the broadcaster to filter results by. BroadcasterID *string `json:"broadcasterID"` // The ID of the curator to filter results by. CuratorID *string `json:"curatorID"` // Overrides the period. if startAt is provided, but endAt isn't, the endAt value will be the day when the query was made. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // DEPRECATED: `filter` should no longer be used. Prefer `period` and `sort` instead. // A filter which restricts results. Filter *ClipsFilter `json:"filter"` // Clip results will be filtered by this language. // Omit this input field to get results by all languages. Languages []Language `json:"languages"` // The time period to restrict clips based on creation time. Period *ClipsPeriod `json:"period"` // The sort order for the clips results. Sort *ClipsSort `json:"sort"` // Overrides the period param. If endAt is provided, but startAt isn't, 2015-01-01 will be used for it. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
Filtering criteria for paginated game clips results.
type GameConnection ¶
type GameConnection struct { // The list of games to display. Edges []*GameEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Games. Implements the Relay cursor connections specification. See:
type GameEdge ¶
type GameEdge struct { Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` Node *Game `json:"node"` // Unique id per game response item, used by clients to attribute displays/clicks to items. TrackingID *string `json:"trackingID"` }
Contains information about a Game's relationship to a given page (connection), and the Game itself.
type GameFollow ¶
type GameFollow struct { // Represents when this relationship was established. FollowedAt time.Time `json:"followedAt"` // The game that is followed. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The user who is following. User *User `json:"user"` }
Game followed by a User.
type GameOptions ¶
type GameOptions struct { // The locale of the user. Locale *string `json:"locale"` // If sorted by relevance, this provides additional context used to influence recommendations. RecommendationsContext *RecommendationsContext `json:"recommendationsContext"` // A GUID that is created by the caller for tracking. This should be globally unique per request and is required if sort=RELEVANCE. RequestID *string `json:"requestID"` // The sort param can be used to change the default sorting of results. Sort *GameSort `json:"sort"` // Tags are an array of tag IDs as optional filters for categories. Tags []string `json:"tags"` }
Optional input to filter categories. Add any additional optional fields to this input.
type GameOverlap ¶
type GameOverlap struct { // How much my viewers like to watch this game. Score float64 `json:"score"` // Game that my viewers also like to watch. ViewersAlsoWatch *Game `json:"viewersAlsoWatch"` }
Game that my viewers also like to watch.
type GameSelfConnection ¶
type GameSelfConnection struct { // The current user's follow relationship with this game. Follow *GameFollow `json:"follow"` // Whether or not the current user has a link to this game that can be used // for Drops. IsDropsLinked *bool `json:"isDropsLinked"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and a game.
type GameSort ¶
type GameSort string
Possible ways of sorting collections of categories.
func (GameSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*GameSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type GameStreamOptions ¶
type GameStreamOptions struct { // Filter streams based on restriction types. IncludeRestricted []StreamRestrictionType `json:"includeRestricted"` // Broadcaster languages to filter streams by. // Deprecated: use language tags instead. Languages []string `json:"languages"` // The locale of the user. Locale *string `json:"locale"` // If sorted by relevance, this provides additional context used to influence recommendations. RecommendationsContext *RecommendationsContext `json:"recommendationsContext"` // RequestID must be specified if sort=RELEVANCE. RequestID *string `json:"requestID"` // The sort param can be used to change the default sorting, which sometimes is specific to specific games. Sort *StreamSort `json:"sort"` // The tags param are an array of tag ID as optional filters for streams. Tags []string `json:"tags"` }
Optional input to filter game specific streams. add additional optional fields to this input.
type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportInput ¶
type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportInput struct { // endAt is expected to be RFC3339 UTC and is inclusive in the results when truncated to YYYY-MM-DD. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // extensionID to generate a CSV of ratings data for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // startAt is expected to be RFC3339 UTC and is inclusive in the results when truncated to YYYY-MM-DD. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVInput takes an extensionID and some time range info for generating a CSV of extension ratings data for an extension developer. Authenticated on UserID via oauth token and OWL (via the ExtensionRatings backend).
type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportPayload ¶
type GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVReportPayload struct { // reportFilename is the filename for the generated report. ReportFilename *string `json:"reportFilename"` }
GenerateExtensionRatingsCSVPayload returns the filename that the CSV report will have when it is completed, and gives the caller something to poll for.
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeError ¶
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode ¶
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to generate a second factor QR code.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeReauthNeeded GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // The user does not have two factor enabled and cannot generate a QR code. GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeNoTwoFactor GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = "NO_TWO_FACTOR" // The user has requested too many second factor QR codes. GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeRequestThrottled GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // The user does not exist. GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeUserNotFound GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" // Something unexpected occured. GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCodeUnknownError GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) String ¶
func (e GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) String() string
func (*GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeInput ¶
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeInput struct { // The ID of the user that is requesting a new second factor QR code. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a generateSecondFactorQRCode mutation.
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodePayload ¶
type GenerateSecondFactorQRCodePayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *GenerateSecondFactorQRCodeError `json:"error"` // qrCode will be a base64 encoded png file. QrCode *string `json:"qrCode"` }
The result of a generateSecondFactorQRCode mutation.
type GenerateSubscribersCSVInput ¶
type GenerateSubscribersCSVInput struct { // channelID to generate a CSV of subscribers for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
GenerateSubscribersCSVInput takes a channelID to generate a CSV of subscribers for. Authenticated on channelID.
type GenerateSubscribersCSVPayload ¶
type GenerateSubscribersCSVPayload struct { // channelID that a subscribers CSV is being generated for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
GenerateSubscribersCSVPayload returns the channelID it currently generating a CSV for.
type GetEmoteUploadConfigInput ¶
type GetEmoteUploadConfigInput struct { // The type of asset to be uploaded. AssetType *EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` // If the asset type is "animated", whether to generate the static versions from the first frame. GenerateStaticVersionOfAnimatedAssets *bool `json:"generateStaticVersionOfAnimatedAssets"` // Resizing plan to use. ResizePlan EmoteResizePlan `json:"resizePlan"` // Sizes to provide upload URLs for. Sizes []EmoteImageSize `json:"sizes"` }
The input for getting upload config.
type GetEmoteUploadConfigPayload ¶
type GetEmoteUploadConfigPayload struct { // Upload config for resizing/original. UploadConfig *UploadConfig `json:"uploadConfig"` // Upload config for 1x image resouce. UploadConfig1x *UploadConfig `json:"uploadConfig1x"` // Upload config for 2x image resource. UploadConfig2x *UploadConfig `json:"uploadConfig2x"` // Upload config for 4x image resource. UploadConfig4x *UploadConfig `json:"uploadConfig4x"` // Upload configs for all sizes and asset types. UploadConfigs []*UploadConfig `json:"uploadConfigs"` }
Response payload.
type GetExtensionSecretsError ¶
type GetExtensionSecretsError string
An error describing why the issue happened, when relevant.
const ( // User has indicated an invalid extension id. GetExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidClient GetExtensionSecretsError = "INVALID_CLIENT" GetExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized GetExtensionSecretsError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Something went wrong on our side that we need to fix. GetExtensionSecretsErrorInternal GetExtensionSecretsError = "INTERNAL" )
func (GetExtensionSecretsError) IsValid ¶
func (e GetExtensionSecretsError) IsValid() bool
func (GetExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GetExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GetExtensionSecretsError) String ¶
func (e GetExtensionSecretsError) String() string
func (*GetExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GetExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GiftCardCode ¶
type GiftCardCode struct { // A description of what is claimable for the code. Description string `json:"description"` // The ID of the Gift Card code. ID string `json:"id"` // The field that gives us claim information for the logged in user. Self SelfClaimEdge `json:"self"` // The type is `ClaimableType.GIFT_CARD_CODE`. Type ClaimableType `json:"type"` }
GiftCardCode that can be claimed to add a monetary balance to a user's account.
func (GiftCardCode) IsClaimable ¶
func (GiftCardCode) IsClaimable()
type GiftCardCodeSelfClaimEdge ¶
type GiftCardCodeSelfClaimEdge struct { // If the user is eligible to claim the key code. CanClaim bool `json:"canClaim"` // Nullable field for the country where the user redeemed the claimable. CountryOfResidence *string `json:"countryOfResidence"` // The user ID that is claiming the code. ID string `json:"id"` // Nullable status code for if the user cannot claim the key code. StatusCode *string `json:"statusCode"` }
User edge relating the pin's status to the user.
func (GiftCardCodeSelfClaimEdge) IsSelfClaimEdge ¶
func (GiftCardCodeSelfClaimEdge) IsSelfClaimEdge()
type GiftType ¶
type GiftType string
Types of a gift offer.
func (GiftType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*GiftType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type GlobalCheerConfig ¶
type GlobalCheerConfig struct { // The CheermoteDisplayConfig provides information about how Cheermotes can be displayed // This includes things like the possible sizes, colors, backgrounds, and display order. DisplayConfig *CheermoteDisplayConfig `json:"displayConfig"` // The Cheermote Groups containing the Global Cheermotes. Groups []*CheermoteGroup `json:"groups"` }
GlobalCheerConfig contains information about (1) How to display Cheers and (2) What Cheermotes are globally available.
type GoLiveNotification ¶
type GoLiveNotification struct { // Custom notification text, e.g., "Summit1g playing Hearthstone today". CustomText string `json:"customText"` // Number of followers that engaged with the notification. Engagements int `json:"engagements"` // Number of followers at the time the notification was sent. FollowerCount int `json:"followerCount"` // Number of followers that were sent the notification. FollowersNotified int `json:"followersNotified"` // Time that the associated stream went live. StreamStartTime time.Time `json:"streamStartTime"` }
Analytics associated with a given notification.
type GoLiveNotificationConnection ¶
type GoLiveNotificationConnection struct { // Each GoLiveNotificationEdge contains the GoLiveNotification node and cursor data. Edges []*GoLiveNotificationEdge `json:"edges"` // Page metadata includes hasNextPage/hasPreviousPage. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
GoLiveNotificationConnection represents GoLiveNotification edges and page metadata.
type GoLiveNotificationEdge ¶
type GoLiveNotificationEdge struct { // A GoLiveNotification cursor is represented by an exclusive stream start time. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The actual GoLiveNotification payload associated with a given edge. Node *GoLiveNotification `json:"node"` }
GoLiveNotificationEdges are returned by a given GoLiveNotificationConnection.
type GoLiveNotificationTimeseries ¶
type GoLiveNotificationTimeseries struct { // Grouping of notification timeseries items with timestamp and engagements. Items []*GoLiveNotificationTimeseriesItem `json:"items"` // Sum of all notification engagements for a given date range. Total int `json:"total"` }
Analytics associated with go live notification timeseries.
type GoLiveNotificationTimeseriesItem ¶
type GoLiveNotificationTimeseriesItem struct { // Number of engagements for a single set of go live notifications. Engagements int `json:"engagements"` // First timestamp for a single set of go live notifications. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
Single go live notification timeseries item. Represents day, or week/monthly aggregation.
type GoRaidError ¶
type GoRaidError struct { // The associated error code. Code GoRaidErrorCode `json:"code"` }
GoRaidError is the error associated with a goRaid.
type GoRaidErrorCode ¶
type GoRaidErrorCode string
GoRaidErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The request is missing valid channel parameters. GoRaidErrorCodeInvalidChannel GoRaidErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL" // The user tries to unraid without an active raid. GoRaidErrorCodeNoActiveRaid GoRaidErrorCode = "NO_ACTIVE_RAID" )
func (GoRaidErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e GoRaidErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (GoRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GoRaidErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GoRaidErrorCode) String ¶
func (e GoRaidErrorCode) String() string
func (*GoRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GoRaidErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GoRaidInput ¶
type GoRaidInput struct { // Source ID. SourceID string `json:"sourceID"` }
Inputs to the goRaid mutation.
type GoRaidPayload ¶
type GoRaidPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *GoRaidError `json:"error"` // The raid then just went. Raid *Raid `json:"raid"` }
Outputs from the goRaid mutation.
type GrantType ¶
type GrantType string
Set based on the auth input type.
func (GrantType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*GrantType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type GrantVIPError ¶
type GrantVIPError struct { // The type of error that occurred when granting VIP status. Code GrantVIPErrorCode `json:"code"` }
GrantVIPError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type GrantVIPErrorCode ¶
type GrantVIPErrorCode string
GrantVIPErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while granting the VIP status.
const ( // The channel does not exist. GrantVIPErrorCodeChannelNotFound GrantVIPErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The granter does not have permission to grant VIP status in this channel. GrantVIPErrorCodeForbidden GrantVIPErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The user who is to be granted the VIP status actually already has the VIP status. GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeAlreadyVip GrantVIPErrorCode = "GRANTEE_ALREADY_VIP" // The user who is to be granted the VIP status is banned or timed out in this channel. GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeChatBanned GrantVIPErrorCode = "GRANTEE_CHAT_BANNED" // The user who is to be granted the VIP status does not exist. GrantVIPErrorCodeGranteeNotFound GrantVIPErrorCode = "GRANTEE_NOT_FOUND" // The channel has reached the maximum number of users with the VIP status and cannot grant the status to any more users. GrantVIPErrorCodeMaxVipsReached GrantVIPErrorCode = "MAX_VIPS_REACHED" // The channel has not completed the VIP Achievement to unlock the VIP feature. GrantVIPErrorCodeVipAchievementIncomplete GrantVIPErrorCode = "VIP_ACHIEVEMENT_INCOMPLETE" )
func (GrantVIPErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e GrantVIPErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (GrantVIPErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e GrantVIPErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (GrantVIPErrorCode) String ¶
func (e GrantVIPErrorCode) String() string
func (*GrantVIPErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *GrantVIPErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type GrantVIPInput ¶
type GrantVIPInput struct { // The channel for which the VIP status of a user will be granted. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user who will be granted the VIP status. // Either granteeID or granteeLogin must be provided. GranteeID *string `json:"granteeID"` // The login of the user who will be granted the VIP status. // Either granteeID or granteeLogin must be provided. GranteeLogin *string `json:"granteeLogin"` }
GrantVIPInput contains the parameters to grant the VIP status to a user for a channel.
type GrantVIPPayload ¶
type GrantVIPPayload struct { // The channel for which the VIP status of the user was granted. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *GrantVIPError `json:"error"` // The user who was granted the VIP status. Grantee *User `json:"grantee"` }
GrantVIPPayload is the response after attemping to grant the VIP status to a user.
type Granularity ¶
type Granularity string
Different types of granularities supported.
const ( // Bucketed by five minute intervals. GranularityFiveMinute Granularity = "FIVE_MINUTE" // Bucketed by twenty minute intervals. GranularityTwentyMinute Granularity = "TWENTY_MINUTE" // Bucketed by forty minute intervals. GranularityFortyMinute Granularity = "FORTY_MINUTE" // Bucketed by day intervals. GranularityDay Granularity = "DAY" // Bucketed by week intervals. GranularityWeek Granularity = "WEEK" // Bucketed by month intervals. GranularityMonth Granularity = "MONTH" )
func (Granularity) IsValid ¶
func (e Granularity) IsValid() bool
func (Granularity) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e Granularity) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (Granularity) String ¶
func (e Granularity) String() string
func (*Granularity) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *Granularity) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HearthsoneMomentGameMode ¶
type HearthsoneMomentGameMode struct { // The game type (e.g. Ranked, Casual, Arena, Pack Opening, etc.). Type string `json:"type"` // The value for the game type (e.g. 0-11 for Arena, Priest vs Warlock for Ranked). Value *string `json:"value"` }
The hearthstone game mode that was played.
type HearthstoneMomentDetails ¶
type HearthstoneMomentDetails struct { // The broadcasters hero, can be null. BroadcasterHero *HearthstoneMomentHero `json:"broadcasterHero"` // The game mode that was played, can be null. GameMode *HearthsoneMomentGameMode `json:"gameMode"` // The oponents hero, can be null. OpponentHero *HearthstoneMomentHero `json:"opponentHero"` }
Moment Details specific to the hearthstone game.
func (HearthstoneMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails ¶
func (HearthstoneMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails()
type HearthstoneMomentHero ¶
type HearthstoneMomentHero struct { // The hero's (capitalized) class. Class string `json:"class"` // The hero's id. ID string `json:"id"` // The hero's (capitalized) name. Name string `json:"name"` }
The hero that either the broadcaster or opponent played.
type HeroPreset ¶
type HeroPreset string
The hero preset.
const ( // The first preset. HeroPresetPreset1 HeroPreset = "PRESET_1" // The second preset. HeroPresetPreset2 HeroPreset = "PRESET_2" )
func (HeroPreset) IsValid ¶
func (e HeroPreset) IsValid() bool
func (HeroPreset) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HeroPreset) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HeroPreset) String ¶
func (e HeroPreset) String() string
func (*HeroPreset) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HeroPreset) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HiddenView ¶
type HiddenView struct { // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
HiddenView holds the view configuration of an extension if it is a hidden load test extension.
func (HiddenView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (HiddenView) IsExtensionView()
type HiddenViewInput ¶
type HiddenViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
HiddenView holds the view configuration of an extension if it is a hidden load test extension.
type HighlightRange ¶
type HighlightRange struct { // The end time offset in milliseconds into the VOD. EndMs int `json:"endMs"` // The start time offset in milliseconds into the VOD. StartMs int `json:"startMs"` // The ID of the source VOD to create a Highlight from. VodID string `json:"vodID"` }
Input to describe a single continuous time range of the source VOD to be included in the highlight.
type HistoricalCompetitionLobby ¶
type HistoricalCompetitionLobby struct { // id is the unique id of the HistoricalCompetitionLobby ID string `json:"id"` // The participant who had a higher score, if scores are equal and the lobby is done, the lobby ended in a tie Winner *CompetitionLobbyParticipant `json:"winner"` }
An minimal version of a DONE CompetitionLobby focusing on the outcome of a lobby
type HostConnection ¶
type HostConnection struct { // Users hosting a target User. Edges []*HostEdge `json:"edges"` // Pagination information for this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of users hosting a target. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
Paginated list of Users hosting a particular target User.
type HostEdge ¶
type HostEdge struct { // Unique identifier for each Users hosting. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A User hosting. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Edge between Users hosting a target.
type HostTargetChannelError ¶
type HostTargetChannelError struct { // The type of error that occurred when trying to host. Code HostTargetChannelErrorCode `json:"code"` }
HostTargetChannelError contains a error code.
type HostTargetChannelErrorCode ¶
type HostTargetChannelErrorCode string
HostTargetChannelErrorCode are the list of thrown errors.
const ( // The target channel is already being hosted. HostTargetChannelErrorCodeTargetChannelAlreadyHosted HostTargetChannelErrorCode = "TARGET_CHANNEL_ALREADY_HOSTED" // The target channel is unhostable because the target channel has ignored/banned the channel attempting to host, the target channel is blocked from hosting, etc. HostTargetChannelErrorCodeUnhostableChannel HostTargetChannelErrorCode = "UNHOSTABLE_CHANNEL" // The target channel is a TOS/DMCA/suspended channel and cannot be hosted. HostTargetChannelErrorCodeTargetChannelInBadStanding HostTargetChannelErrorCode = "TARGET_CHANNEL_IN_BAD_STANDING" // A channel cannot host itself. HostTargetChannelErrorCodeCannotHostSelf HostTargetChannelErrorCode = "CANNOT_HOST_SELF" )
func (HostTargetChannelErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e HostTargetChannelErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (HostTargetChannelErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HostTargetChannelErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HostTargetChannelErrorCode) String ¶
func (e HostTargetChannelErrorCode) String() string
func (*HostTargetChannelErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HostTargetChannelErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HostTargetChannelInput ¶
type HostTargetChannelInput struct { // Channel ID where host was initiated on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Target channel ID to host. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
HostTargetChannelInput contains the necessary inputs to host a target channel.
type HostTargetChannelPayload ¶
type HostTargetChannelPayload struct { // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *HostTargetChannelError `json:"error"` // The channel that is hosting. Source *User `json:"source"` // The target channel that is hosted. Target *User `json:"target"` }
HostTargetChannelPayload is the response after attempting to host.
type HypeTrain ¶
type HypeTrain struct { // Configuration for Hype Trains for a channel, normally loaded this way when configuring the Hype Train from the // Broadcaster's perspective. Config *HypeTrainConfig `json:"config"` // Information pertaining to executions of Hype Trains in a channel. This is loaded on channel page load. Execution *HypeTrainExecution `json:"execution"` }
The wrapper structure that contains information regarding a Hype Train.
type HypeTrainBadgeReward ¶
type HypeTrainBadgeReward struct { // The badge that is to be entitled. Badge *Badge `json:"badge"` // The identifier of the reward. ID string `json:"id"` // The type of reward, which will be HypeTrainRewardType.BADGE. Type HypeTrainRewardType `json:"type"` }
The Hype Train reward that's a Badge.
func (HypeTrainBadgeReward) IsHypeTrainReward ¶
func (HypeTrainBadgeReward) IsHypeTrainReward()
type HypeTrainConductor ¶
type HypeTrainConductor struct { // The participation that made them the Hype Train conductor. Participation []*HypeTrainParticipation `json:"participation"` // The conductor source. Source HypeTrainParticipationSource `json:"source"` // The user object that is the conductor. User *User `json:"user"` }
A conductor of the Hype Train.
type HypeTrainConductorReward ¶
type HypeTrainConductorReward struct { // The rewards entitled for being the conductor and contributing from this source. Rewards []HypeTrainReward `json:"rewards"` // The source that the conductor participated from. Source HypeTrainParticipationSource `json:"source"` // The type of conductor that gets this reward. Type HypeTrainConductorType `json:"type"` }
The configured conductor rewards for a given participation source.
type HypeTrainConductorType ¶
type HypeTrainConductorType string
The conductor type of the Hype Train reward.
const ( // The current conductor of an active hype train. HypeTrainConductorTypeCurrent HypeTrainConductorType = "CURRENT" // The former conductor of a hype train. HypeTrainConductorTypeFormer HypeTrainConductorType = "FORMER" // An unknown conductor type. HypeTrainConductorTypeUnknown HypeTrainConductorType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainConductorType) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainConductorType) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainConductorType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainConductorType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainConductorType) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainConductorType) String() string
func (*HypeTrainConductorType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainConductorType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainConfig ¶
type HypeTrainConfig struct { // A custom setting that will be an emote that the user has chosen (or PogChamp if not set) to display in their Hype Train events. CalloutEmote *Emote `json:"calloutEmote"` // The conductor rewards for a Hype Train successful execution. ConductorRewards []*HypeTrainConductorReward `json:"conductorRewards"` // The cooldown period between Hype Train executions. CooldownPeriodMinutes int `json:"cooldownPeriodMinutes"` // The difficulty of the Hype Train. Difficulty HypeTrainDifficulty `json:"difficulty"` // The configured levels of the Hype Train. DifficultySettings []*HypeTrainDifficultySettings `json:"difficultySettings"` // The identifier for the hype train. ID string `json:"id"` // The boolean flag that denotes if the Hype Train is enabled or not. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The structure that holds the parameters for tweaking how a Hype Train gets kicked off. Kickoff *HypeTrainKickoffConfig `json:"kickoff"` // The duration a Hype Train level executes for. LevelDurationSeconds int `json:"levelDurationSeconds"` // The threshold for a notification to be displayed. NotificationThresholds []*HypeTrainNotificationThreshold `json:"notificationThresholds"` // The conversion rates for all the actions that contribute to Hype Train progress. ParticipationConversionRates []*HypeTrainParticipationConversionRate `json:"participationConversionRates"` // Hex color for the current hype train. Null if not enabled or no theme color is set. PrimaryHexColor *string `json:"primaryHexColor"` // A boolean flag that indicates if the hype train settings should be personalized by Twitch. ShouldUsePersonalizedSettings bool `json:"shouldUsePersonalizedSettings"` // A custom setting for using the creators color as the base color of hype trains. WillUseCreatorColor bool `json:"willUseCreatorColor"` }
The Hype Train config for a channel.
type HypeTrainDifficulty ¶
type HypeTrainDifficulty string
The difficulty a Hype Train can be set to.
const ( // Easy, the easiest difficulty level. HypeTrainDifficultyEasy HypeTrainDifficulty = "EASY" // Medium, the middle difficulty level. HypeTrainDifficultyMedium HypeTrainDifficulty = "MEDIUM" // Hard, the hard difficulty level. HypeTrainDifficultyHard HypeTrainDifficulty = "HARD" // Super Hard, the harder difficulty level. HypeTrainDifficultySuperHard HypeTrainDifficulty = "SUPER_HARD" // Insane, the hardest difficulty level. HypeTrainDifficultyInsane HypeTrainDifficulty = "INSANE" // An unknown difficulty. HypeTrainDifficultyUnknown HypeTrainDifficulty = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainDifficulty) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainDifficulty) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainDifficulty) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainDifficulty) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainDifficulty) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainDifficulty) String() string
func (*HypeTrainDifficulty) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainDifficulty) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainDifficultySettings ¶
type HypeTrainDifficultySettings struct { // The difficulty of the level. Difficulty HypeTrainDifficulty `json:"difficulty"` // The levels associated with the difficulty. Levels []*HypeTrainLevel `json:"levels"` }
A mapping between a difficulty and the levels that correspond.
type HypeTrainEmoteReward ¶
type HypeTrainEmoteReward struct { // The emote that is to be entitled. Emote *Emote `json:"emote"` // The identifier of the reward. ID string `json:"id"` // The type of reward, which will be HypeTrainRewardType.EMOTE. Type HypeTrainRewardType `json:"type"` }
The Hype Train reward that's an Emote.
func (HypeTrainEmoteReward) IsHypeTrainReward ¶
func (HypeTrainEmoteReward) IsHypeTrainReward()
type HypeTrainEndReason ¶
type HypeTrainEndReason string
The enumerated end reasons for a Hype Train.
const ( // The Hype Train expired, which means that the Hype Train never completed level 1 after being started. HypeTrainEndReasonExpired HypeTrainEndReason = "EXPIRED" // The Hype Train is in progress, which means it has not ended. HypeTrainEndReasonInProgress HypeTrainEndReason = "IN_PROGRESS" // The Hype Train was completed, which means that any level was completed. HypeTrainEndReasonCompleted HypeTrainEndReason = "COMPLETED" // An unknown ending reason. HypeTrainEndReasonUnknown HypeTrainEndReason = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainEndReason) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainEndReason) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainEndReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainEndReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainEndReason) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainEndReason) String() string
func (*HypeTrainEndReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainEndReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainEventType ¶
type HypeTrainEventType string
An enumeration of event types for Hype Train Activity Feeds.
const ( // Event of when a Hype Train started for the given channel. HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainStarted HypeTrainEventType = "HYPE_TRAIN_STARTED" // Event of when a Hype Train ended for the given channel. HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainEnded HypeTrainEventType = "HYPE_TRAIN_ENDED" // Notification of when another Hype Train can start. HypeTrainEventTypeHypeTrainCoolDownExpired HypeTrainEventType = "HYPE_TRAIN_COOL_DOWN_EXPIRED" )
func (HypeTrainEventType) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainEventType) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainEventType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainEventType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainEventType) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainEventType) String() string
func (*HypeTrainEventType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainEventType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainExecution ¶
type HypeTrainExecution struct { // The conductors of the Hype Train. Conductors []*HypeTrainConductor `json:"conductors"` // The Hype Train config that the train was started with. Config *HypeTrainConfig `json:"config"` // The reason the Hype Train was ended, if it has been ended. EndReason *HypeTrainEndReason `json:"endReason"` // The time the Hype Train was ended, if the Hype Train was a previous execution. EndedAt *time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // The time that the Hype Train will expire at. ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // The identifier of the execution. ID string `json:"id"` // Boolean flag that denotes if the Hype Train is active or not. IsActive bool `json:"isActive"` // The participation events in the Hype Train. Participations []*HypeTrainParticipation `json:"participations"` // The progress structure that contains relevant information about how much progress the Hype Train acheived. Progress *HypeTrainProgress `json:"progress"` // The time that the Hype Train started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` // The last time the Hype Train was updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
The structure that defines Hype Train Execution in a channel.
type HypeTrainKickoffConfig ¶
type HypeTrainKickoffConfig struct { // What quantity of current commerce events can trigger a Hype Train. EventsThreshold int `json:"eventsThreshold"` // The minimum value of points that the combined events have to equal to kick off a Hype Train. MinPoints int `json:"minPoints"` // The period of time that is required for these commerce events to occur in to execute a Hype Train. PeriodSeconds int `json:"periodSeconds"` }
The Hype Train kickoff configuration.
type HypeTrainKickoffInput ¶
type HypeTrainKickoffInput struct { // The number of qualifying events needed to kickoff a hype train. EventsThreshold *int `json:"eventsThreshold"` }
HypeTrainKickoffInput specifies settings for kicking off hype trains.
type HypeTrainLevel ¶
type HypeTrainLevel struct { // The value of participation that will take to complete the level. Goal int `json:"goal"` // The level ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The associated rewards for completing the level. Rewards []HypeTrainReward `json:"rewards"` // The value of the level, like Level 1, 2, etc. Can be configurable. Value int `json:"value"` }
The Hype Train level configuration, which includes information about level completion and associated rewards.
type HypeTrainNotificationThreshold ¶
type HypeTrainNotificationThreshold struct { // The action performed. Action HypeTrainParticipationAction `json:"action"` // The source of the action. Source HypeTrainParticipationSource `json:"source"` // The value that is the theshold for displaying a notification. Value int `json:"value"` }
The notification threshold for an action / source combination.
type HypeTrainParticipation ¶
type HypeTrainParticipation struct { // The type of participation. Action HypeTrainParticipationAction `json:"action"` // The amount that the participation is valued in the Hype Train progress. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // The participation source. Source HypeTrainParticipationSource `json:"source"` }
The Hype Train participation structure that contains relevant information about the participation event.
type HypeTrainParticipationAction ¶
type HypeTrainParticipationAction string
The participation action of events in a Hype Train.
const ( // A Cheer event. HypeTrainParticipationActionCheer HypeTrainParticipationAction = "CHEER" // A use of bits in extensions. HypeTrainParticipationActionBitsOnExtension HypeTrainParticipationAction = "BITS_ON_EXTENSION" // A poll bits usage. HypeTrainParticipationActionPolls HypeTrainParticipationAction = "POLLS" // A tier 1 sub purchase. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier1Sub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_1_SUB" // A tier 2 sub purchase. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier2Sub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_2_SUB" // A tier 3 sub purchase. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier3Sub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_3_SUB" // A tier 1 sub gift. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier1GiftedSub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_1_GIFTED_SUB" // A tier 2 sub gift. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier2GiftedSub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_2_GIFTED_SUB" // A tier 3 sub gift. HypeTrainParticipationActionTier3GiftedSub HypeTrainParticipationAction = "TIER_3_GIFTED_SUB" // An unkonwn action. HypeTrainParticipationActionUnknown HypeTrainParticipationAction = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainParticipationAction) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationAction) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainParticipationAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainParticipationAction) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationAction) String() string
func (*HypeTrainParticipationAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainParticipationAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainParticipationConversionRate ¶
type HypeTrainParticipationConversionRate struct { // The action performed. Action HypeTrainParticipationAction `json:"action"` // The source of the action. Source HypeTrainParticipationSource `json:"source"` // The rate that it will be converted as in the Hype Train progress calculations. Value int `json:"value"` }
The participation conversion rate for what an action will count towards the Hype Train.
type HypeTrainParticipationSource ¶
type HypeTrainParticipationSource string
The Hype Train participation source that denotes the commerce types that can occur.
const ( // Bits source, like cheering. HypeTrainParticipationSourceBits HypeTrainParticipationSource = "BITS" // Subs source, like subbing to on stream. HypeTrainParticipationSourceSubs HypeTrainParticipationSource = "SUBS" // An unknown source. HypeTrainParticipationSourceUnknown HypeTrainParticipationSource = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainParticipationSource) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationSource) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainParticipationSource) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationSource) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainParticipationSource) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainParticipationSource) String() string
func (*HypeTrainParticipationSource) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainParticipationSource) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type HypeTrainProgress ¶
type HypeTrainProgress struct { // The goal value that the Hype Train is trying to complete. Goal int `json:"goal"` // The Level that the Hype Train is currently on. Level *HypeTrainLevel `json:"level"` // The current progression that the channel has made in the level. Progression int `json:"progression"` // The number of seconds left until this Hype Train execution ends. RemainingSeconds int `json:"remainingSeconds"` // The total progression overall that has occurred in the Hype Train across all levels. Total int `json:"total"` }
The structure that contains relevant information about the current progress in the Hype Train.
type HypeTrainReward ¶
type HypeTrainReward interface {
The hype train reward interface, which has to implement an identifier and the hype train reward type.
type HypeTrainRewardType ¶
type HypeTrainRewardType string
The enumerated types of rewards that can be entitled.
const ( // Emote rewards. HypeTrainRewardTypeEmote HypeTrainRewardType = "EMOTE" // Badge rewards. HypeTrainRewardTypeBadge HypeTrainRewardType = "BADGE" // An unknown reward type. HypeTrainRewardTypeUnknown HypeTrainRewardType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (HypeTrainRewardType) IsValid ¶
func (e HypeTrainRewardType) IsValid() bool
func (HypeTrainRewardType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e HypeTrainRewardType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (HypeTrainRewardType) String ¶
func (e HypeTrainRewardType) String() string
func (*HypeTrainRewardType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *HypeTrainRewardType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ImageOptions ¶
type IncomingFriendRequestConnection ¶
type IncomingFriendRequestConnection struct { // The friend request elements of this list. Edges []*IncomingFriendRequestEdge `json:"edges"` // The most recent incoming friend request received by this user, if any exist. This field is provided as a // convenience, as edges is not strictly time-ordered. The incoming friend request's presence in this field does not // prevent it from also occurring in edges. NewestEdge *IncomingFriendRequestEdge `json:"newestEdge"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of incoming friend requests. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` // The total number of unseen incoming friend requests. Use the ClearUnreadFriendRequests mutation to set this to 0. TotalUnreadCount int `json:"totalUnreadCount"` }
Friend requests sent from other users to this user.
type IncomingFriendRequestEdge ¶
type IncomingFriendRequestEdge struct { // The time at which the friend request was sent. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The user who sent the friend request. Node *User `json:"node"` }
A friend request sent from another user to this user.
func (IncomingFriendRequestEdge) IsFriendRelationship ¶
func (IncomingFriendRequestEdge) IsFriendRelationship()
type IncomingRaidsPolicy ¶
type IncomingRaidsPolicy string
Determines what other channels can raid this channel.
const ( // This user cannot be radied by anyone. IncomingRaidsPolicyNone IncomingRaidsPolicy = "NONE" // This user can be raided by other people in their network. IncomingRaidsPolicyNetwork IncomingRaidsPolicy = "NETWORK" // This user can be raided by anyone. IncomingRaidsPolicyAll IncomingRaidsPolicy = "ALL" )
func (IncomingRaidsPolicy) IsValid ¶
func (e IncomingRaidsPolicy) IsValid() bool
func (IncomingRaidsPolicy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e IncomingRaidsPolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (IncomingRaidsPolicy) String ¶
func (e IncomingRaidsPolicy) String() string
func (*IncomingRaidsPolicy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *IncomingRaidsPolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type IngestFrameDrop ¶
type IngestFrameDrop struct { // Duration of events in seconds. DurationSeconds float64 `json:"durationSeconds"` // Start time of the event. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` }
IngestFrameDrop represent an event where a video frame is dropped while ingesting a video stream.
type IngestSession ¶
type IngestSession struct { // Type of live stream. BroadcastFormat BroadcastFormat `json:"broadcastFormat"` // Staff-only field. Hostname for the session where ingest stream was received. IngestHost *string `json:"ingestHost"` // Name of Ingest Server PoP that received the broadcast. Ex) IAD or PDX. IngestProxy string `json:"ingestProxy"` // How many seconds were intentionally delayed in stream as requested by the broadcaster. StreamDelaySeconds int `json:"streamDelaySeconds"` // The time when the stream was ended. StreamDownAt *time.Time `json:"streamDownAt"` // The time when the stream was started. StreamUpAt *time.Time `json:"streamUpAt"` }
IngestSession is a set of stream metadata related to ingest events.
type IngestStarvationEvent ¶
type IngestStarvationEvent struct { // Duration of events in seconds. DurationSeconds float64 `json:"durationSeconds"` // Starr time of the event. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` }
IngestStarvationEvent represent an event where an expected video frame from broadcaster does not arrive.
type IngestStreamHealth ¶
type IngestStreamHealth struct { // Reasons why the stream is unstable. Reasons []IngestStreamHealthReason `json:"reasons"` // Indicate whether the stream is at okay, warning or unstable status. Status IngestStreamHealthStatus `json:"status"` }
Set of codes to warn the broadcaster about what is wrong with the stream.
type IngestStreamHealthReason ¶
type IngestStreamHealthReason string
Reason of why the stream is unstable.
const ( // Reason not set. IngestStreamHealthReasonUnknown IngestStreamHealthReason = "UNKNOWN" // Stream is behaving normally. IngestStreamHealthReasonAllGood IngestStreamHealthReason = "ALL_GOOD" // Broadcaster's encoder is sending an incompatible audio codec. IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompAudioCodec IngestStreamHealthReason = "INCOMP_AUDIO_CODEC" // Broadcaster's encoder is sending an incompatible video codec. IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompVideoCodec IngestStreamHealthReason = "INCOMP_VIDEO_CODEC" // Broadcaster's encoder is using a deprecated MP3 audio codec. IngestStreamHealthReasonIncompMp3Deprecated IngestStreamHealthReason = "INCOMP_MP3_DEPRECATED" // The stream is unstable due to high bitrate of the stream. IngestStreamHealthReasonHighBitrate IngestStreamHealthReason = "HIGH_BITRATE" // Some frames are being dropped by the broadcaster's encoder. IngestStreamHealthReasonDroppedFrames IngestStreamHealthReason = "DROPPED_FRAMES" // Ingest server expects video segments in sequence, but the server did not receive them from the client. IngestStreamHealthReasonStarvation IngestStreamHealthReason = "STARVATION" // The interval between each key frame is too high. IngestStreamHealthReasonHighKeyFrameInterval IngestStreamHealthReason = "HIGH_KEY_FRAME_INTERVAL" )
func (IngestStreamHealthReason) IsValid ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthReason) IsValid() bool
func (IngestStreamHealthReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (IngestStreamHealthReason) String ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthReason) String() string
func (*IngestStreamHealthReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *IngestStreamHealthReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type IngestStreamHealthStatus ¶
type IngestStreamHealthStatus string
Health of the stream to inform the broadcaster.
const ( // A misspelling of UNKNOWN. IngestStreamHealthStatusUnknwon IngestStreamHealthStatus = "UNKNWON" // The stream is ingested okay. IngestStreamHealthStatusOk IngestStreamHealthStatus = "OK" // The stream is at warning level. IngestStreamHealthStatusWarn IngestStreamHealthStatus = "WARN" // The stream is unstable. IngestStreamHealthStatusUnstable IngestStreamHealthStatus = "UNSTABLE" // Health Status not set. IngestStreamHealthStatusUnknown IngestStreamHealthStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (IngestStreamHealthStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthStatus) IsValid() bool
func (IngestStreamHealthStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (IngestStreamHealthStatus) String ¶
func (e IngestStreamHealthStatus) String() string
func (*IngestStreamHealthStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *IngestStreamHealthStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type InstallExtensionError ¶
type InstallExtensionError struct { // Error code. Code InstallExtensionErrorCode `json:"code"` // The installation id if got EXTENSION_ALREADY_INSTALLED error. InstallationID *string `json:"installationID"` }
InstallExtensionError is wrapper for error associated with the installExtension mutation.
type InstallExtensionErrorCode ¶
type InstallExtensionErrorCode string
InstallExtensionErrorCode is an error code associated with InstallExtensionError.
const ( InstallExtensionErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Channel id is invalid, for example, is empty. InstallExtensionErrorCodeInvalidChannelID InstallExtensionErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" )InstallExtensionErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (InstallExtensionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e InstallExtensionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (InstallExtensionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e InstallExtensionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (InstallExtensionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e InstallExtensionErrorCode) String() string
func (*InstallExtensionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *InstallExtensionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type InstallExtensionInput ¶
type InstallExtensionInput struct { // The channelID the user is installing the extension on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The composite ID of an extension <extensionID:version>. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` }
The required input for an installExtension mutation.
type InstallExtensionPayload ¶
type InstallExtensionPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to install extension. Error *InstallExtensionError `json:"error"` // The resulting extension installation record from the install. InstalledExtension *ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtension"` }
The result of an installExtension mutation.
type IntegerToken ¶
type IntegerToken struct { // The numerical value to display for this token. Value int `json:"value"` }
A shelf title token type that contains a number with various formatters.
func (IntegerToken) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (IntegerToken) IsTitleTokenNode()
type InternalChargeModel ¶
type InternalChargeModel struct { // The charge model plan. It will be omitted for consumable purchases (e.g. Bits). Plan *ChargeModelPlan `json:"plan"` // Preview of the price. PreviewPrice *PriceInfo `json:"previewPrice"` // The price identifier. PriceID string `json:"priceID"` // The authenticated user's relationship with the internal charge model. Self *InternalChargeModelSelfEdge `json:"self"` }
InternalChargeModel defines a 1P price identifier for the offer.
type InternalChargeModelSelfEdge ¶
type InternalChargeModelSelfEdge struct { // Contains information on the final checkout price of this offer. CheckoutPrice *ProductPurchase `json:"checkoutPrice"` }
The authenticated user's relationship with the internal charge model.
type InterruptScheduleBoundsError ¶
type InterruptScheduleBoundsError struct { // Error code. Code InterruptScheduleErrorCode `json:"code"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the maximum allowed value. Maximum *int `json:"maximum"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the miniimum allowed value. Minimum *int `json:"minimum"` }
InterruptScheduleBoundsError represents errors that are due to input being out of bounds.
func (InterruptScheduleBoundsError) IsInterruptScheduleError ¶
func (InterruptScheduleBoundsError) IsInterruptScheduleError()
type InterruptScheduleError ¶
type InterruptScheduleError interface {
InterruptScheduleError is a wrapper for error associated with the CreateScheduleSegment mutation.
type InterruptScheduleErrorCode ¶
type InterruptScheduleErrorCode string
The possible errors.
const ( // Not authorized to disable the schedule. InterruptScheduleErrorCodeForbidden InterruptScheduleErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The schedule was not found. InterruptScheduleErrorCodeNotFound InterruptScheduleErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // EndAt is too far in the future. InterruptScheduleErrorCodeEndTooFarInFuture InterruptScheduleErrorCode = "END_TOO_FAR_IN_FUTURE" // The argument is invalid and does not map to a known error. InterruptScheduleErrorCodeInvalidArgument InterruptScheduleErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (InterruptScheduleErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e InterruptScheduleErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (InterruptScheduleErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e InterruptScheduleErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (InterruptScheduleErrorCode) String ¶
func (e InterruptScheduleErrorCode) String() string
func (*InterruptScheduleErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *InterruptScheduleErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type InterruptScheduleInput ¶
type InterruptScheduleInput struct { // The end time when the schedule will no longer be disabled. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The reason the schedule was disabled. Reason ScheduleInterruptionReason `json:"reason"` // The id of the schedule. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` // The start time when the schedule will be disabled. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The geographic timezone of the new segment defined by IANA; i.e. "America/Los_Angeles". Timezone string `json:"timezone"` }
The input to interrupt a schedule.
type InterruptSchedulePayload ¶
type InterruptSchedulePayload struct { // The possible error. Error InterruptScheduleError `json:"error"` // The updated stream schedule. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` }
The payload returned when interrupting a schedule.
type InterruptScheduleStandardError ¶
type InterruptScheduleStandardError struct { // Error code. Code InterruptScheduleErrorCode `json:"code"` }
InterruptScheduleStandardError represents general errors that are not related to bound errors.
func (InterruptScheduleStandardError) IsInterruptScheduleError ¶
func (InterruptScheduleStandardError) IsInterruptScheduleError()
type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsInput ¶
type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsInput struct { // Session to keep alive. KeepSession *string `json:"keepSession"` // Twitch user owner of the sessions. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Arguments for the invalidation of all of a user's sessions.
type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsPayload ¶
type InvalidateAuthenticatedSessionsPayload struct { // Twitch User. User *User `json:"user"` }
Payload after invalidating sessions.
type InvalidateEmailAssociationInput ¶
type InvalidateEmailAssociationInput struct { // Email address that is incorrectly attributed to a user. Email string `json:"email"` // EmailAssociationOpaqueID is the OpaqueID of the association to the above email. EmailAssociationOpaqueID string `json:"emailAssociationOpaqueID"` }
InvalidateEmailAssociationPayload is input required to mark a user as not owning an email address.
type InvalidateEmailAssociationPayload ¶
type InvalidateEmailAssociationPayload struct { // HasSucceeded indicates whether or not the request has succeeded. HasSucceeded bool `json:"hasSucceeded"` }
InvalidateEmailAssociationPayload is the response payload.
type Inventory ¶
type Inventory struct { // The campaigns which have drops that the user is eligible for and has banked (or is currently earning) minutes-watched progress for. DropCampaignsInProgress []*DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaignsInProgress"` // The drops awarded to this user via Drops 1.0 and triggered by game publishers according to minutes watched data. Drops *UserDropAwardConnection `json:"drops"` // The drops awarded to this user via Drops 2.0 and triggered by broadcaster's game events. GameEventDrops []*UserDropReward `json:"gameEventDrops"` }
Contains the inventory for a particular user, which consists of drops.
type ItBegins ¶
type ItBegins struct { // Image URL for the quest's badge. BadgeURL *string `json:"badgeURL"` // Time that this quest was completed. CompletedAt *time.Time `json:"completedAt"` // Whether or not the user has streamed before. HasStreamed *bool `json:"hasStreamed"` // Whether or not the user has updated their category before. HasUpdatedCategory *bool `json:"hasUpdatedCategory"` // Whether or not the user has updated their stream title before. HasUpdatedStreamTitle *bool `json:"hasUpdatedStreamTitle"` // Whether or not the user has visited their stream manager. HasVisitedDashboard *bool `json:"hasVisitedDashboard"` }
Associated metrics for the "It Begins" quest.
type JoinChannelRoomsInput ¶
type JoinChannelRoomsInput struct {
ChannelID string `json:"channelID"`
type JoinChannelRoomsPayload ¶
type JoinChannelRoomsPayload struct {
Channel *User `json:"channel"`
type JoinRaidInput ¶
type JoinRaidInput struct { // The raid ID being joined by the user. RaidID string `json:"raidID"` }
Inputs to the joinRaid mutation.
type JoinRaidPayload ¶
type JoinRaidPayload struct { // The ID of the raid that was joined by the user. RaidID *string `json:"raidID"` }
Outputs from the joinRaid mutation.
type KeyBatchConnection ¶
type KeyBatchConnection struct { // The list of key batch edges in the connection. Edges []*KeyBatchEdge `json:"edges"` // The metadata about having more key batches to fetch, or if there is a previous page of key batches. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of key batches for the key pool. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
The connection of key batches for a given key pool.
type KeyBatchEdge ¶
type KeyBatchEdge struct { // The cursor of the edge, which is the key batch ID. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The node of the edge, which contains all information about the key batch. Node *KeyBatchNode `json:"node"` }
The key batch edge which contains our cursor and node.
type KeyBatchNode ¶
type KeyBatchNode struct { // The key batch ID, which is unique for a given key pool. ID string `json:"id"` // The number of keys in the batch. NumKeys int `json:"numKeys"` // The status of the batch. Status KeyBatchStatus `json:"status"` }
The information associated with a given key batch.
type KeyBatchStatus ¶
type KeyBatchStatus string
An enumeration of key batch statuses.
const ( // The key batch is active and keys generated from it can be claimed. KeyBatchStatusActive KeyBatchStatus = "ACTIVE" // The key batch is inactive and keys generated from it cannot be claimed. KeyBatchStatusInactive KeyBatchStatus = "INACTIVE" // The key batch is invalid and keys generated from it are invalidated. KeyBatchStatusInvalidated KeyBatchStatus = "INVALIDATED" )
func (KeyBatchStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e KeyBatchStatus) IsValid() bool
func (KeyBatchStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e KeyBatchStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (KeyBatchStatus) String ¶
func (e KeyBatchStatus) String() string
func (*KeyBatchStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *KeyBatchStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type KeyPoolConnection ¶
type KeyPoolConnection struct { // The list of key pool edges associated with the user. Edges []*KeyPoolEdge `json:"edges"` // The metadata about having more key pools to fetch, or if there is a previous page of key pools. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of key pools for the given user. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
The connection of key pools to a user.
type KeyPoolEdge ¶
type KeyPoolEdge struct { // The cursor of the edge, which is also the key pool ID. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The node of the edge, which contains all information about the key pool. Node *KeyPoolNode `json:"node"` }
The key pool edge which contains our cursor and node.
type KeyPoolNode ¶
type KeyPoolNode struct { // The key batches that have been generated in the key pool. Batches *KeyBatchConnection `json:"batches"` // The description of the key pool. Description string `json:"description"` // The key pool ID, which is unique. ID string `json:"id"` // The product type associated with the key pool, which determines what kind of keys are generated. ProductType string `json:"productType"` // The SKU associated with the key pool, which is used to redeem content. Sku string `json:"sku"` // Status of the key pool, which can be active, inactive, or invalidated. Status KeyPoolStatus `json:"status"` }
The information associated with a given key pool.
type KeyPoolStatus ¶
type KeyPoolStatus string
An enumeration of key pool statuses.
const ( // The key pool is active and can generate more key batches. KeyPoolStatusActive KeyPoolStatus = "ACTIVE" // The key pool is inactive and all batches are invalid. KeyPoolStatusInactive KeyPoolStatus = "INACTIVE" // The key pool is invalid and new batches cannot be made. KeyPoolStatusInvalidated KeyPoolStatus = "INVALIDATED" )
func (KeyPoolStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e KeyPoolStatus) IsValid() bool
func (KeyPoolStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e KeyPoolStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (KeyPoolStatus) String ¶
func (e KeyPoolStatus) String() string
func (*KeyPoolStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *KeyPoolStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LWAToken ¶
type LWAToken struct { // Access token to pass in on subsequent requests. AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` // TTL in seconds, default is 3600. ExpiresIn int `json:"expiresIn"` // Should be stored, though generally shouldn't change. RefreshToken string `json:"refreshToken"` }
Caller should store all of these fields.
type Language ¶
type Language string
An enumeration of broadcaster languages.
const ( // Arabic. LanguageAr Language = "AR" // American Sign Language. LanguageAsl Language = "ASL" // Bulgarian. LanguageBg Language = "BG" // Catalan. LanguageCa Language = "CA" // Czech. LanguageCs Language = "CS" // Danish. LanguageDa Language = "DA" // German. LanguageDe Language = "DE" // Greek. LanguageEl Language = "EL" // English. LanguageEn Language = "EN" // Spanish. LanguageEs Language = "ES" // Finnish. LanguageFi Language = "FI" // French. LanguageFr Language = "FR" // Hindi. LanguageHi Language = "HI" // Hungarian. LanguageHu Language = "HU" // Indonesian. LanguageID Language = "ID" // Italian. LanguageIt Language = "IT" // Japanese. LanguageJa Language = "JA" // Korean. LanguageKo Language = "KO" // Malay. LanguageMs Language = "MS" // Dutch. LanguageNl Language = "NL" // Norwegian. LanguageNo Language = "NO" // Other. LanguageOther Language = "OTHER" // Polish. LanguagePl Language = "PL" // Portuguese. LanguagePt Language = "PT" // Romanian. LanguageRo Language = "RO" // Russian. LanguageRu Language = "RU" // Slovak. LanguageSk Language = "SK" // Swedish. LanguageSv Language = "SV" // Thai. LanguageTh Language = "TH" // Tagalog. LanguageTl Language = "TL" // Turkish. LanguageTr Language = "TR" // Ukrainian. LanguageUk Language = "UK" // Vietnamese. LanguageVi Language = "VI" // Chinese. LanguageZh Language = "ZH" // Chinese (Hong Kong). LanguageZhHk Language = "ZH_HK" )
func (Language) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*Language) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type LanguageTag ¶
type LanguageTag string
An enumeration of user language tags (shortened BCP 47) available on Twitch. This should not be confused with Language, which is broadcaster language.
const ( // Arabic. LanguageTagAr LanguageTag = "AR" // Bulgarian. LanguageTagBg LanguageTag = "BG" // Czech. LanguageTagCs LanguageTag = "CS" // Danish. LanguageTagDa LanguageTag = "DA" // German. LanguageTagDe LanguageTag = "DE" // Greek. LanguageTagEl LanguageTag = "EL" // English. LanguageTagEn LanguageTag = "EN" // English - Great Britain. LanguageTagEnGb LanguageTag = "EN_GB" // Spanish. LanguageTagEs LanguageTag = "ES" // Spanish - Mexico. LanguageTagEsMx LanguageTag = "ES_MX" // Finnish. LanguageTagFi LanguageTag = "FI" // French. LanguageTagFr LanguageTag = "FR" // Hindi. LanguageTagHi LanguageTag = "HI" // Hungarian. LanguageTagHu LanguageTag = "HU" // Italian. LanguageTagIt LanguageTag = "IT" // Japanese. LanguageTagJa LanguageTag = "JA" // Korean. LanguageTagKo LanguageTag = "KO" // Dutch. LanguageTagNl LanguageTag = "NL" // Norwegian. LanguageTagNo LanguageTag = "NO" // Polish. LanguageTagPl LanguageTag = "PL" // Portuguese. LanguageTagPt LanguageTag = "PT" // Portuguese - Brazil. LanguageTagPtBr LanguageTag = "PT_BR" // Romanian. LanguageTagRo LanguageTag = "RO" // Russian. LanguageTagRu LanguageTag = "RU" // Slovak. LanguageTagSk LanguageTag = "SK" // Swedish. LanguageTagSv LanguageTag = "SV" // Thai. LanguageTagTh LanguageTag = "TH" // Turkish. LanguageTagTr LanguageTag = "TR" // Vietnamese. LanguageTagVi LanguageTag = "VI" // Chinese - China. LanguageTagZhCn LanguageTag = "ZH_CN" // Chinese - Taiwan. LanguageTagZhTw LanguageTag = "ZH_TW" // Chinese. LanguageTagZh LanguageTag = "ZH" )
func (LanguageTag) IsValid ¶
func (e LanguageTag) IsValid() bool
func (LanguageTag) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LanguageTag) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LanguageTag) String ¶
func (e LanguageTag) String() string
func (*LanguageTag) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LanguageTag) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LeaderboardDetails ¶
type LeaderboardDetails struct { // The max participant count for a lobby in phase. Valid values are 1-100. LobbyMaxSize int `json:"lobbyMaxSize"` // The number of phases to be created for the competition. Valid values are 1-20. PhaseCount int `json:"phaseCount"` // A display string conveying how a Competition Organizer intends to resolve ties. TiebreakerLabel *TiebreakerLabel `json:"tiebreakerLabel"` }
The details of Leaderboard format.
func (LeaderboardDetails) IsFormatTypeDetails ¶
func (LeaderboardDetails) IsFormatTypeDetails()
type LeaderboardSet ¶
type LeaderboardSet struct { // bits contains the leaderboard of top users by number of bits cheered for the channel. Bits *UserLeaderboard `json:"bits"` // subGift contains the leaderboard of top users by number of sub gifts given in the channel. SubGift *UserLeaderboard `json:"subGift"` }
LeaderboardSet contains the set of leaderboards that are active on a channel.
type LeaderboardSettings ¶
type LeaderboardSettings struct { // The default leaderboard the user wants to show. DefaultLeaderboard LeaderboardType `json:"defaultLeaderboard"` // Flag that is true if the user has bits cheering leaderboards turned on. IsCheerEnabled bool `json:"isCheerEnabled"` // Flag that is true if the user has sub gifting leaderboards turned on. IsSubGiftEnabled bool `json:"isSubGiftEnabled"` // The time period the user wants the leaderboard to be displayed as. TimePeriod LeaderboardTimePeriodType `json:"timePeriod"` }
Partner dashboard settings for the bits cheering and sub gifting leaderboards.
type LeaderboardTimePeriodType ¶
type LeaderboardTimePeriodType string
LeaderboardTimePeriodType enumerates the various types of supported Leaderboards.
const ( // Daily leaderboards reset at midnight PT. LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeDay LeaderboardTimePeriodType = "DAY" // Weekly leaderboards reset at midnight PT between Sunday and Monday. LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeWeek LeaderboardTimePeriodType = "WEEK" // Monthly leaderboards reset at midnight PT on the last day of the month. LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeMonth LeaderboardTimePeriodType = "MONTH" // All time leaderboards are cumulative back to when Bits launched in June of 2016. LeaderboardTimePeriodTypeAlltime LeaderboardTimePeriodType = "ALLTIME" )
func (LeaderboardTimePeriodType) IsValid ¶
func (e LeaderboardTimePeriodType) IsValid() bool
func (LeaderboardTimePeriodType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LeaderboardTimePeriodType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LeaderboardTimePeriodType) String ¶
func (e LeaderboardTimePeriodType) String() string
func (*LeaderboardTimePeriodType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LeaderboardTimePeriodType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LeaderboardType ¶
type LeaderboardType string
LeaderboardType enumerates the various types of supported Leaderboards.
const ( // Bits cheering leaderboards. LeaderboardTypeCheer LeaderboardType = "CHEER" // Sub gifting leaderboards. LeaderboardTypeSubgift LeaderboardType = "SUBGIFT" )
func (LeaderboardType) IsValid ¶
func (e LeaderboardType) IsValid() bool
func (LeaderboardType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LeaderboardType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LeaderboardType) String ¶
func (e LeaderboardType) String() string
func (*LeaderboardType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LeaderboardType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LeaveChannelRoomsInput ¶
type LeaveChannelRoomsInput struct {
ChannelID string `json:"channelID"`
type LeaveChannelRoomsPayload ¶
type LeaveChannelRoomsPayload struct {
Channel *User `json:"channel"`
type LeaveRaidInput ¶
type LeaveRaidInput struct { // The raid ID being left by the user. RaidID string `json:"raidID"` }
Inputs to the leaveRaid mutation.
type LeaveRaidPayload ¶
type LeaveRaidPayload struct { // The ID of the raid that was joined by the user. RaidID *string `json:"raidID"` }
Outputs from the leaveRaid mutation.
type LeaveSquadStreamError ¶
type LeaveSquadStreamError struct { // The associated error code. Code LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode `json:"code"` }
LeaveSquadStreamError is the error associated with a leaveSquadStream.
type LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode ¶
type LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode string
LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The user is not in the squad specified. LeaveSquadStreamErrorCodeUserNotInSquad LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode = "USER_NOT_IN_SQUAD" LeaveSquadStreamErrorCodeUnauthorized LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) String ¶
func (e LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) String() string
func (*LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LeaveSquadStreamErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LeaveSquadStreamInput ¶
type LeaveSquadStreamInput struct { // The optional ID of a squad member that is leaving the squad (defaults to ID from auth token). MemberID string `json:"memberID"` // The ID of the squad stream that the caller wants to leave. SquadStreamID string `json:"squadStreamID"` }
Inputs to the leaveSquadStream mutation.
type LeaveSquadStreamPayload ¶
type LeaveSquadStreamPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *LeaveSquadStreamError `json:"error"` // The updated squad stream. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` }
Outputs from the leaveSquadStream mutation.
type LinkOEmbed ¶
type LinkOEmbed struct { AuthorName *string `json:"authorName"` AuthorURL *string `json:"authorURL"` CacheAge *int `json:"cacheAge"` InputURL string `json:"inputURL"` ProviderName *string `json:"providerName"` ProviderURL *string `json:"providerURL"` Thumbnail *ThumbnailOEmbed `json:"thumbnail"` Title *string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` Version string `json:"version"` }
LinkOEmbed is a link oEmbed. This looks strange being empty, but mirrors the oEmbed official spec most exactly.
func (LinkOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (LinkOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed()
func (LinkOEmbed) IsOEmbed ¶
func (LinkOEmbed) IsOEmbed()
func (LinkOEmbed) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (LinkOEmbed) IsPostEmbed()
type LinkSSOError ¶
type LinkSSOError struct { // The error code that describes why account linking failed. Code LinkSSOErrorCode `json:"code"` }
LinkSSOError is an error that occurs when account linking fails.
type LinkSSOErrorCode ¶
type LinkSSOErrorCode string
LinkSSOErrorCode enumerates the possible errors that can cause account linking to fail.
const ( // The activation code is incorrect. LinkSSOErrorCodeCodeIncorrect LinkSSOErrorCode = "CODE_INCORRECT" // The activation code is expired. LinkSSOErrorCodeCodeExpired LinkSSOErrorCode = "CODE_EXPIRED" // The user has already linked an SSO app of the same type to their account. LinkSSOErrorCodeAlreadyLinked LinkSSOErrorCode = "ALREADY_LINKED" )
func (LinkSSOErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e LinkSSOErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (LinkSSOErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LinkSSOErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LinkSSOErrorCode) String ¶
func (e LinkSSOErrorCode) String() string
func (*LinkSSOErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LinkSSOErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LinkSSOInput ¶
type LinkSSOInput struct { // The code that identifies the single sign-on (SSO) app that should be linked to the authenticated user's account. Code string `json:"code"` }
LinkSSOInput links an SSO app to the authenticated user's account if the activation code is valid.
type LinkSSOPayload ¶
type LinkSSOPayload struct { // The error when an app cannot be linked to the user's account. Error *LinkSSOError `json:"error"` // The new SSO link. Link *SSOLink `json:"link"` }
LinkSSOPayload returns the newly created link or an error if account linking failed.
type LinkType ¶
type LinkType string
The location that a piece of text should link to.
const ( // Do not link to anything. LinkTypeNoLink LinkType = "NO_LINK" // Link to the categories directory (on web: LinkTypeCategoriesDirectory LinkType = "CATEGORIES_DIRECTORY" // Link to the streams directory (on web: LinkTypeStreamsDirectory LinkType = "STREAMS_DIRECTORY" )
func (LinkType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*LinkType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type LiveConfigView ¶
type LiveConfigView struct { // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
LiveConfigView holds the view configuration of an extension if the live config dashboard page is supported.
func (LiveConfigView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (LiveConfigView) IsExtensionView()
type LiveConfigViewInput ¶
type LiveConfigViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
LiveConfigViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the live config dashboard page is supported.
type LiveRecommendationConnection ¶
type LiveRecommendationConnection struct { // The list of recommended streams with metadata to display. Edges []*StreamRecommendationEdge `json:"edges"` // Per-generation tracking id for identifying a recommendation model. GenerationID string `json:"generationID"` // The list of recommended streams to display. Nodes []*Stream `json:"nodes"` // Unique tracking id per response. ResponseID string `json:"responseID"` }
type LiveUpNotificationInfo ¶
type LiveUpNotificationInfo struct { // Whether the user's liveUpNotification field is the default value (i.e. "<user> went live!"). IsDefault *bool `json:"isDefault"` // The text that will be in the notification that sends when the user starts broadcasting. // The default value is currently a translated version of "<user> went live!" when the user has not set a custom value. LiveUpNotification *string `json:"liveUpNotification"` }
Information about the live up notification of a user.
type LobbyState ¶
type LobbyState string
The lobby state signifies the progress in the competition.
const ( // No participants are in lobby. LobbyStatePrep LobbyState = "PREP" // Participants have filled the lobby and can be swapped around different lobbies. LobbyStateReady LobbyState = "READY" // Participants are currently playing in the lobby, they can be scored but cannot be swapped to different lobbies. LobbyStateActive LobbyState = "ACTIVE" // Participants are all scored and no longer playing. LobbyStateDone LobbyState = "DONE" // Lobby state is unknown. LobbyStateUnknown LobbyState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (LobbyState) IsValid ¶
func (e LobbyState) IsValid() bool
func (LobbyState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LobbyState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LobbyState) String ¶
func (e LobbyState) String() string
func (*LobbyState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LobbyState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LockPredictionEventError ¶
type LockPredictionEventError struct { // Code describing the error. Code LockPredictionEventErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the lockPredictionEvent mutation.
type LockPredictionEventErrorCode ¶
type LockPredictionEventErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the lockPredictionEvent mutation.
const ( // The current user is forbidden from updating this Prediction Event. LockPredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden LockPredictionEventErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // This Prediction Event is not currently in the ACTIVE state. LockPredictionEventErrorCodeEventNotActive LockPredictionEventErrorCode = "EVENT_NOT_ACTIVE" // An unknown error occurred. LockPredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown LockPredictionEventErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (LockPredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e LockPredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (LockPredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e LockPredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (LockPredictionEventErrorCode) String ¶
func (e LockPredictionEventErrorCode) String() string
func (*LockPredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *LockPredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type LockPredictionEventInput ¶
type LockPredictionEventInput struct { // The unique identifier of the Prediction Event to move from ACTIVE to LOCKED. ID string `json:"id"` }
Input for moving a Prediction Event from ACTIVE to LOCKED, so that users can no longer make predictions on it.
type LockPredictionEventPayload ¶
type LockPredictionEventPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *LockPredictionEventError `json:"error"` // The updated Prediction Event. PredictionEvent *PredictionEvent `json:"predictionEvent"` }
Payload from closing a prediciton event to new predictions.
type LoyaltyBadge ¶
type LoyaltyBadge struct { // Unique identifier the badges method of tenure by channelid and cumulative months. ChannelTenureMethodID string `json:"channelTenureMethodID"` // The channel's loyalty badge unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // image1xURL to retrieve the 1x sized Badge. Image1xURL string `json:"image1xURL"` // Image1xURL to retrieve the 2x sized Badge. Image2xURL string `json:"image2xURL"` // image4xURL to retrieve the 4x sized Badge. Image4xURL string `json:"image4xURL"` // Identifies the amount of cumulative tenure months to acquire Badge. RequiredTenureMonths int `json:"requiredTenureMonths"` // A localized, human-friendly title for the badge. // Defaults to English if no translation exists for the requested locale. Title string `json:"title"` }
Communicates a Loyalty Badge (usually during upload).
type LoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig ¶
type LoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig struct { // The image ID of the badge image. ImageID *string `json:"imageID"` // The resulting URL of the badge image. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // The upload ID of the badge file. UploadID *string `json:"uploadID"` // The URL to upload the badge image to. UploadURL *string `json:"uploadURL"` }
LoyaltyBadgeUploadConfig is the upload configuration for creating loyalty badges.
type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLInput ¶
type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLInput struct { // The ID of the batch to download. BatchID string `json:"batchID"` }
Input for creating a batch download URL for key codes.
type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLPayload ¶
type MakeKeyBatchDownloadURLPayload struct { // The decryption key to decrypt the batch of keys. DecryptionKey string `json:"decryptionKey"` // The URL created for downloading the batch of keys. URL string `json:"url"` }
The results of creating a key batch download.
type MakePredictionError ¶
type MakePredictionError struct { // Code describing the error. Code MakePredictionErrorCode `json:"code"` // If the error code is MAX_POINTS_PER_EVENT, this will specify how many total points the user is allowed to spend. MaxPointsPerEvent *int `json:"maxPointsPerEvent"` // If the error code is MAX_POINTS_PER_EVENT, this will specify how many points the user has already spent. UserPointsSpent *int `json:"userPointsSpent"` }
An error returned from the makePrediction mutation.
type MakePredictionErrorCode ¶
type MakePredictionErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the makePrediction mutation.
const ( // The current user is forbidden from making a Prediction on this Prediction Event. MakePredictionErrorCodeForbidden MakePredictionErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The provided event ID or outcome ID does not exist. MakePredictionErrorCodeNotFound MakePredictionErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // This Prediction Event is no longer actively accepting predictions. MakePredictionErrorCodeEventNotActive MakePredictionErrorCode = "EVENT_NOT_ACTIVE" // The client is retrying with a transaction id that has already been used. MakePredictionErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction MakePredictionErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION" // The client is retrying with a transaction id that is currently being processed in another request. MakePredictionErrorCodeTransactionInProgress MakePredictionErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS" // The user does not have enough points to make this prediction. MakePredictionErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints MakePredictionErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS" // Making this prediction would bring the user's total amount spent on this prediction above the maximum. MakePredictionErrorCodeMaxPointsPerEvent MakePredictionErrorCode = "MAX_POINTS_PER_EVENT" // The user has already made a prediction on a different Outcome, so this prediction cannot be made. MakePredictionErrorCodeMultipleOutcomes MakePredictionErrorCode = "MULTIPLE_OUTCOMES" // An unknown error occurred. MakePredictionErrorCodeUnknown MakePredictionErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (MakePredictionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e MakePredictionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (MakePredictionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e MakePredictionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (MakePredictionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e MakePredictionErrorCode) String() string
func (*MakePredictionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *MakePredictionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type MakePredictionInput ¶
type MakePredictionInput struct { // The unique identifier of the Prediction Event to make the prediction on. EventID string `json:"eventID"` // The unique identifier of the Prediction Outcome to make the prediction on. OutcomeID string `json:"outcomeID"` // The number of points to spend on this Prediction. Points int `json:"points"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for making a Prediction.
type MakePredictionPayload ¶
type MakePredictionPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *MakePredictionError `json:"error"` // The created or updated Prediction. Prediction *Prediction `json:"prediction"` }
Payload for making a prediction.
type ManualChannelChallenge ¶
type ManualChannelChallenge struct { // Total bits amount contributed. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` // Time when challenge was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // User that created the challenge. CreatedBy *User `json:"createdBy"` // Amount of seconds from when the challenge starts to when it ends. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // ID of challenge. ID string `json:"id"` // User who owns this challenge. The challenge will appear on their channel. OwnedBy *User `json:"ownedBy"` // Amount of milliseconds before the challenge times out. // 0 when the challenge has timed out. RemainingDurationMilliseconds int `json:"remainingDurationMilliseconds"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this challenge. // Main use case is to connect the user to a challenge to allow bit contributions. // Null if un-authenticated user is making this query. Self *ChannelChallengeSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The status of the challenge. Status ChannelChallengeStatus `json:"status"` // Title of the challenge. Title string `json:"title"` // Time when challenge was updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
A custom challenge created by the broadcaster.
func (ManualChannelChallenge) IsChannelChallenge ¶
func (ManualChannelChallenge) IsChannelChallenge()
type ManualTriggerBasedDrop ¶
type ManualTriggerBasedDrop struct { // The rewards for this drop and how often those rewards can be awarded. BenefitEdges []*DropBenefitEdge `json:"benefitEdges"` // The campaign this drop belongs to. Campaign *DropCampaign `json:"campaign"` // Amount of time the viewer has to claim the drop after the rule is completed. ClaimDurationSeconds int `json:"claimDurationSeconds"` // The time this drop becomes unavailable. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // A unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The time this drop becomes available. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
Drop manually triggered.
func (ManualTriggerBasedDrop) IsDropType ¶
func (ManualTriggerBasedDrop) IsDropType()
type ManuallyTriggerDropInput ¶
type ManuallyTriggerDropInput struct { // The id of the campaign that includes the drop to trigger. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // The id of the drop to trigger. DropID string `json:"dropID"` // This is the Organization ID (RBAC) to determine access / ownership of the campaign and attached drops. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` }
ManuallyTriggerDrop has fields required to update a campaign summary.
type ManuallyTriggerDropPayload ¶
type ManuallyTriggerDropPayload struct { // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` // Returns a list of channels the drop was tried to be triggered on and the trigger restult. TriggerResults []*TriggerResult `json:"triggerResults"` }
ManuallyTriggerDropPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus ¶
type ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus string
The possible return status of a drop trigger try on a channel.
const ( // Returned if the trigger try was successful. ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusSuccess ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus = "SUCCESS" // Returned if the streamer is not eligible to have the drop triggered on it. ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusVerificationFailure ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus = "VERIFICATION_FAILURE" // Returned if the drop triggered returned an error for given channel. ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatusError ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus = "ERROR" )
func (ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) IsValid() bool
func (ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) String ¶
func (e ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) String() string
func (*ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadInput ¶
type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadInput struct { // The ID of the user performing the reading. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Input for readAllCreatorNotifications mutation.
type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadPayload ¶
type MarkAllCreatorNotificationsAsReadPayload struct { // Whether the mutation succeeded. HasSucceeded *bool `json:"hasSucceeded"` }
The result of a readAllCreatorNotifications mutation.
type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadInput ¶
type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadInput struct { // The ID of the user performing the reading. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Input for readAllViewerNotifications mutation.
type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadPayload ¶
type MarkAllViewerNotificationsAsReadPayload struct { // Whether the mutation succeeded. HasSucceeded *bool `json:"hasSucceeded"` }
The result of a readAllViewerNotifications mutation.
type MemberMetricsRevealedParams ¶
type MemberMetricsRevealedParams string
Revealed Metric types that the client can filter on.
const ( // Return all members. MemberMetricsRevealedParamsNone MemberMetricsRevealedParams = "NONE" // Return all `StatsRevealed` members. MemberMetricsRevealedParamsStats MemberMetricsRevealedParams = "STATS" // Return all `RevenueRevealed` members. MemberMetricsRevealedParamsRevenue MemberMetricsRevealedParams = "REVENUE" // Return users with both `StatsRevealed` and `RevenueRevealed`. MemberMetricsRevealedParamsStatsAndRevenue MemberMetricsRevealedParams = "STATS_AND_REVENUE" )
func (MemberMetricsRevealedParams) IsValid ¶
func (e MemberMetricsRevealedParams) IsValid() bool
func (MemberMetricsRevealedParams) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e MemberMetricsRevealedParams) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (MemberMetricsRevealedParams) String ¶
func (e MemberMetricsRevealedParams) String() string
func (*MemberMetricsRevealedParams) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *MemberMetricsRevealedParams) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Message ¶
type Message struct { // The text and emoticon content of a message. Content *MessageContent `json:"content"` // Time the message was deleted or purged. Null if the message is not deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // UUID of the message. ID string `json:"id"` // Replies to this message. Replies *MessageReplyConnection `json:"replies"` // The user that sent the message. Sender *User `json:"sender"` // Time the message was sent. SentAt time.Time `json:"sentAt"` }
A message from a user.
type MessageBody ¶
type MessageBody struct { // The text content of the body. Content *string `json:"content"` // Collection of rune indexed emotes to be replaced clientside. Emotes []*EmbeddedEmote `json:"emotes"` }
MessageBody is a way of encoding emote annotated text. The original text is included as content and the parsed emotes are included which indicate the start and end indexes they should replace.
type MessageContent ¶
type MessageContent struct { // Parsed list of fragments in the message, include emotes, mentions, and plaintext. Fragments []*MessageFragment `json:"fragments"` // String representation of the user message. Text string `json:"text"` }
The content of a user's message to a channel's chat.
type MessageFragment ¶
type MessageFragment struct { // Contains an emote or a mentioned user depending on the text of the fragment. Content FragmentContent `json:"content"` // Plaintext representation of the fragment. Text string `json:"text"` }
One parsed part of a message, which may be an emote, mention, or plaintext.
type MessageReplyConnection ¶
type MessageReplyConnection struct { // Nodes is the list of replies to a message. Nodes []*Message `json:"nodes"` // The total number of replies to a message. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of messages.
type Milestone ¶
type Milestone struct { // End date for when a milestone is no longer active. EndDate string `json:"endDate"` // GraphQL ID of the milestone. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the milestone is for prime users only. IsPrimeOnly bool `json:"isPrimeOnly"` // The type of milestone this is for. e.g INDIVIDUAL or GLOBAL. ObjectiveTag string `json:"objectiveTag"` // Threshold that needs to be cheered by an individual to claim reward. ParticipationThreshold int `json:"participationThreshold"` // The subs that this milestone’s completion requires. RequiredSubscriptions []*SubscriptionProduct `json:"requiredSubscriptions"` // The rewards associated with milestones. Rewards []*TournamentReward `json:"rewards"` // Start date for when a milestone is active. StartDate string `json:"startDate"` // Threshold that needs to be cheered to claim reward. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` }
Milestone is a construct is used within a tournament. For a given threshold, when the user cheers at or past this amount, they are able to claim a reward for cheering at this level. Rewards can be fulfilled by different platforms. Types of milestones:
- **Global milestone**: for a given threshold, this milestone is reached when cheers from all users on the channel is greater than or equal to the threshold. This unlocks a reward for all users who have cheered.
- **Individual milestone**: for a given threshold, this milestone is reached when an individual user's total cheers in the channel is greater than or equal to the threshold. This unlocks a reward for the individual user who cheered.
- **Team milestone**: for a given threshold, this milestone is reached when an individual cheers for a specific team in total is greater than or equal to the threshold. This unlocks a reward for the individual user who cheered.
NOTE: Should have been named CheeringTournamentMilestone.
type MobileAdIdentityInput ¶
type MobileAdIdentityInput struct { // deviceInfo is a MobileAdDeviceInfo contains a certain number of attributes required by TIFA. DeviceInfo *MobileDeviceInfo `json:"deviceInfo"` // lmt is limit ad tracking signal read from mobile device. Lmt bool `json:"lmt"` // mAID is the mobile ad identifier. MAid string `json:"mAID"` // platform is an enum that describes the device platform. Platform AdPlatform `json:"platform"` // userAgent is a string sent by mobile clients. UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` }
MobileAdIdentityInput contains mobile device information.
type MobileDeviceInfo ¶
type MobileDeviceInfo struct { // Hardware brand name, ex. samsung. Make string `json:"make"` // Hardware model, ex: "Galaxy S10". Model string `json:"model"` // Hardware os: ex. "Android". Os string `json:"os"` // Os version number. OsVersion string `json:"osVersion"` }
MobileDeviceInfo contains attributes required by TIFA.
type MobileView ¶
type MobileView struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
MobileView holds the view configuration of an extension if mobile is supported.
func (MobileView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (MobileView) IsExtensionView()
type MobileViewInput ¶
type MobileViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
MobileViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if mobile is supported.
type ModConnection ¶
type ModConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*ModEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of moderators of a channel.
type ModEdge ¶
type ModEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Timestamp of when the moderator status was granted. GrantedAt time.Time `json:"grantedAt"` // Whether the moderator is connected to the channel's chat. IsActive *bool `json:"isActive"` // The user that is a moderator. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of moderators of a channel.
type ModLogs ¶
type ModLogs struct { // The comments left by moderators on a specified user on the given channel. Comments *ModLogsCommentConnection `json:"comments"` // The chat history for an specified user on a given channel. MessagesBySender *ModLogsMessageConnection `json:"messagesBySender"` // The chat moderation history on a specified user on the given channel. TargetedModActions *ModLogsTargetedModActionsConnection `json:"targetedModActions"` }
An interface to query subsets of the moderation logs information for a given channel.
type ModLogsAccess ¶
type ModLogsAccess struct { // The access level to moderator logs. AccessLevel ModLogsAccessLevel `json:"accessLevel"` // The user role. ChannelRole ChannelUserRole `json:"channelRole"` }
ModLogsAccess defines the access level of a channel role to the channel's moderator logs.
type ModLogsAccessLevel ¶
type ModLogsAccessLevel string
Access levels to moderator logs.
const ( // User cannot read moderator logs or create new entries. ModLogsAccessLevelNone ModLogsAccessLevel = "NONE" // User can read moderator log entries. ModLogsAccessLevelRead ModLogsAccessLevel = "READ" // User can read and create moderator log entries. ModLogsAccessLevelWrite ModLogsAccessLevel = "WRITE" )
func (ModLogsAccessLevel) IsValid ¶
func (e ModLogsAccessLevel) IsValid() bool
func (ModLogsAccessLevel) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ModLogsAccessLevel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ModLogsAccessLevel) String ¶
func (e ModLogsAccessLevel) String() string
func (*ModLogsAccessLevel) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ModLogsAccessLevel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ModLogsAction ¶
type ModLogsAction string
ModLogsAction represents the recorded actions a channel moderator takes on a channel.
const ( // Default Action. ModLogsActionInvalidAction ModLogsAction = "INVALID_ACTION" // Channel Mod chat bans a user. ModLogsActionBanUser ModLogsAction = "BAN_USER" // Channel Mod chat timeouts a user. ModLogsActionTimeoutUser ModLogsAction = "TIMEOUT_USER" // Channel Mod chat unbans a user. ModLogsActionUnbanUser ModLogsAction = "UNBAN_USER" // Channel Mod sets chat mode. ModLogsActionSetChannelMode ModLogsAction = "SET_CHANNEL_MODE" // Channel Mod changes. ModLogsActionChangeChannelRules ModLogsAction = "CHANGE_CHANNEL_RULES" // Channel Mod approves an automod caught message. ModLogsActionAllowMessage ModLogsAction = "ALLOW_MESSAGE" // Channel Mod denies an automod caught message. ModLogsActionDenyMessage ModLogsAction = "DENY_MESSAGE" // Channel Mod updates mod terms. ModLogsActionUpdateModeratedTerms ModLogsAction = "UPDATE_MODERATED_TERMS" // Channel Mod creates a mod comment about a user. ModLogsActionComment ModLogsAction = "COMMENT" // Channel Mod chat untimeouts a user. ModLogsActionUntimeoutUser ModLogsAction = "UNTIMEOUT_USER" )
func (ModLogsAction) IsValid ¶
func (e ModLogsAction) IsValid() bool
func (ModLogsAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ModLogsAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ModLogsAction) String ¶
func (e ModLogsAction) String() string
func (*ModLogsAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ModLogsAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ModLogsComment ¶
type ModLogsComment struct { // Author is the moderator that created the comment. Author *User `json:"author"` // Channel is where the moderator comment was created. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // Details about the moderator comment. Details *ModLogsCommentDetails `json:"details"` // UUID of the moderator comment. ID string `json:"id"` // Target is the target user of the moderator comment. Target *User `json:"target"` // Timestamp when comment was created. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
ModLogsCommentsEntry defines an entry of a user's moderation history on a channel.
type ModLogsCommentConnection ¶
type ModLogsCommentConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*ModLogsCommentEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of mod logs. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of moderator comments on a user in a channel.
type ModLogsCommentDetails ¶
type ModLogsCommentDetails struct { // Body of the comment. Text *string `json:"text"` }
ModLogsCommentDetails contains the details of a moderator comment.
type ModLogsCommentEdge ¶
type ModLogsCommentEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A moderator comment on a user in a channel. Node *ModLogsComment `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of moderator comments on a user in a channel.
type ModLogsMessage ¶
type ModLogsMessage struct { // The text and emoticon content of a message. Content *ModLogsMessageContent `json:"content"` // UUID of the message. ID string `json:"id"` // The user that sent the message. Sender *User `json:"sender"` // Time the message was sent. SentAt time.Time `json:"sentAt"` }
A message sent from a user to a room.
func (ModLogsMessage) IsModLogsMessageResult ¶
func (ModLogsMessage) IsModLogsMessageResult()
type ModLogsMessageConnection ¶
type ModLogsMessageConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*ModLogsMessageEdge `json:"edges"` // The partial count of messages (up to 1000). // Empty if includeMessageCount was not set when the query was requested. MessageCount *int `json:"messageCount"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of messages from a single sender in a channel.
type ModLogsMessageContent ¶
type ModLogsMessageContent struct { // Parsed list of fragments in the message, include emotes, mentions, and plaintext. Fragments []*ModLogsMessageFragment `json:"fragments"` // String representation of the user message. Text string `json:"text"` }
The content of a user's message to a room.
type ModLogsMessageEdge ¶
type ModLogsMessageEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The message or targeted moderation action. Node ModLogsMessageResult `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of messages.
type ModLogsMessageFragment ¶
type ModLogsMessageFragment struct { // Contains an emote or a mentioned user depending on the text of the fragment. Content FragmentContent `json:"content"` // Plaintext representation of the fragment. Text string `json:"text"` }
One parsed part of a message, which may be an emote, mention, or plaintext.
type ModLogsMessageResult ¶
type ModLogsMessageResult interface {
ModLogsMessageResult defines the types of entries that appear as mod log messages: Mod Logs (Chat) Messages and Targeted Mod Actions.
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsConnection ¶
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsConnection struct { // The partial count of targeted mod actions (bans or timeouts), up to 100. // Does not count undo actions (unbans or untimeouts). ActionCount int `json:"actionCount"` // The elements of the list. Edges []*ModLogsTargetedModActionsEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of mod logs. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of mod logs of a user on a channel.
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEdge ¶
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // A mod log of the user. Node *ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of mod logs of a user on a channel.
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry ¶
type ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry struct { // Action is the mod action of the entry. Action ModLogsAction `json:"action"` // Channel is where the mod action was taken. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // Details about the mod action. Details *TargetedModActionDetails `json:"details"` // The UUID of the entry. ID string `json:"id"` // Target is the target user of the mod action. Target *User `json:"target"` // Timestamp when entry was created. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // User is the mod that created the action. User *User `json:"user"` }
ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry defines an entry of a user's moderation history on a channel.
func (ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry) IsModLogsMessageResult ¶
func (ModLogsTargetedModActionsEntry) IsModLogsMessageResult()
type ModUserError ¶
type ModUserError struct { // The enum indicating what error has occurred. Code ModUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
ModUserError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type ModUserErrorCode ¶
type ModUserErrorCode string
ModUserErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while adding a moderator.
const ( // The requesting user does not have permission to add a moderator in this channel. ModUserErrorCodeForbidden ModUserErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The target user does not exist or has a suspended account. ModUserErrorCodeTargetNotFound ModUserErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_FOUND" // The channel does not exist. ModUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound ModUserErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The target user is banned or timed out in this channel. ModUserErrorCodeTargetIsChatBanned ModUserErrorCode = "TARGET_IS_CHAT_BANNED" // The target user is already a moderator. ModUserErrorCodeTargetAlreadyMod ModUserErrorCode = "TARGET_ALREADY_MOD" )
func (ModUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ModUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ModUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ModUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ModUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ModUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*ModUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ModUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ModUserInput ¶
type ModUserInput struct { // The channel that the user will be added as a moderator to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user that will be added as a moderator. // Either targetID or targetLogin must be provided. TargetID *string `json:"targetID"` // The login of the user that will be added as a moderator. // Either targetID or targetLogin must be provided. TargetLogin *string `json:"targetLogin"` }
ModUserInput contains the parameters to add a user as a moderator to a channel.
type ModUserPayload ¶
type ModUserPayload struct { // The channel that the user is added as a moderator to. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *ModUserError `json:"error"` // The user that is added as a moderator. Target *User `json:"target"` }
ModUserPayload is the response when adding a user as a moderator.
type ModViewNewsfeedEntry ¶
type ModViewNewsfeedEntry struct { // content is localized text content for the changelog entry. Content string `json:"content"` // iconURL is the url for the entry's icon image. IconURL *string `json:"iconURL"` // id is a unique human readable slug for the entry e.g. "squad-stream". ID string `json:"id"` // linkText is the text that the linkURL should display. LinkText *string `json:"linkText"` // linkURL is an optional link for more content for this changelog entry. LinkURL *string `json:"linkURL"` // position is where entry should be located within changelog entries of the same date. Position int `json:"position"` // publishedAt is the timestamp that the changelog entry was published. PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"publishedAt"` // title is the localized title of the changelog entry. Title string `json:"title"` }
ModViewNewsfeedEntry is an entry that displays content for the Mod View page's "What's New" feed.
type ModViewSettings ¶
type ModViewSettings struct { // Date that tuorial was SEEN (nullable when tutorial is dismissed or unseen). TutorialSeenAt *time.Time `json:"tutorialSeenAt"` // Setting to store whether the user has completed the mod view tutorial. TutorialState *TutorialState `json:"tutorialState"` }
Settings for Mod View Page.
type ModerationAction ¶
type ModerationAction string
ModerationAction represents the recorded actions a channel moderator takes on a channel.
const ( // Moderator changes Automod settings levels. ModerationActionAutomodLevelChange ModerationAction = "AUTOMOD_LEVEL_CHANGE" // Moderator allows message caught by Automod. ModerationActionAllowMessage ModerationAction = "ALLOW_MESSAGE" // Moderator approves unban request. ModerationActionApproveUnbanRequest ModerationAction = "APPROVE_UNBAN_REQUEST" // Moderator bans a user. ModerationActionBanUser ModerationAction = "BAN_USER" // Moderator adds terms to Automod blocked list. ModerationActionBlockedTermAdd ModerationAction = "BLOCKED_TERM_ADD" // Moderator removes terms to Automod blocked list. ModerationActionBlockedTermRemove ModerationAction = "BLOCKED_TERM_REMOVE" // Moderator clears chat. ModerationActionChatClear ModerationAction = "CHAT_CLEAR" // Moderator creates a mod comment about a user. ModerationActionComment ModerationAction = "COMMENT" // Moderator deletes a chat message. ModerationActionDeleteMessage ModerationAction = "DELETE_MESSAGE" // Moderator denies message caught by Automod. ModerationActionDenyMessage ModerationAction = "DENY_MESSAGE" // Moderator denies unban request. ModerationActionDenyUnbanRequest ModerationAction = "DENY_UNBAN_REQUEST" // Moderator turns emotes only chat off. ModerationActionEmotesOnlyOff ModerationAction = "EMOTES_ONLY_OFF" // Moderator turns chat to motes only. ModerationActionEmotesOnlyOn ModerationAction = "EMOTES_ONLY_ON" // Moderator turns followers only chat off. ModerationActionFollowersOnlyOff ModerationAction = "FOLLOWERS_ONLY_OFF" // Moderator turns chat to followers only. ModerationActionFollowersOnlyOn ModerationAction = "FOLLOWERS_ONLY_ON" // Moderator hosts another channel. ModerationActionHost ModerationAction = "HOST" // Default Action. ModerationActionInvalidAction ModerationAction = "INVALID_ACTION" // Moderator unmods a user. ModerationActionUnmodUser ModerationAction = "UNMOD_USER" // Moderator mods a user. ModerationActionModUser ModerationAction = "MOD_USER" // Moderator adds terms to Automod permitted list. ModerationActionPermittedTermAdd ModerationAction = "PERMITTED_TERM_ADD" // Moderator removes terms to Automod permitted list. ModerationActionPermittedTermRemove ModerationAction = "PERMITTED_TERM_REMOVE" // Moderator raids another channel. ModerationActionRaid ModerationAction = "RAID" // Moderator turns slow off in chat. ModerationActionSlowOff ModerationAction = "SLOW_OFF" // Moderator slows chat. ModerationActionSlowOn ModerationAction = "SLOW_ON" // Moderator turns subscribers only chat off. ModerationActionSubsOnlyOff ModerationAction = "SUBS_ONLY_OFF" // Moderator turns chat to subscribers only. ModerationActionSubsOnlyOn ModerationAction = "SUBS_ONLY_ON" // Moderator timeouts a user. ModerationActionTimeoutUser ModerationAction = "TIMEOUT_USER" // Moderator unbans a user. ModerationActionUnbanUser ModerationAction = "UNBAN_USER" // Moderator unhosts another channel. ModerationActionUnhost ModerationAction = "UNHOST" // Moderator turns unique only chat off. ModerationActionUniqueOff ModerationAction = "UNIQUE_OFF" // Moderator turns unique only chat on. ModerationActionUniqueOn ModerationAction = "UNIQUE_ON" // Moderator unraids another channel. ModerationActionUnraid ModerationAction = "UNRAID" // Moderator untimeouts a user. ModerationActionUntimeoutUser ModerationAction = "UNTIMEOUT_USER" // Moderator makes user not vip. ModerationActionUnvipUser ModerationAction = "UNVIP_USER" // Moderator makes user vip. ModerationActionVipUser ModerationAction = "VIP_USER" )
func (ModerationAction) IsValid ¶
func (e ModerationAction) IsValid() bool
func (ModerationAction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ModerationAction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ModerationAction) String ¶
func (e ModerationAction) String() string
func (*ModerationAction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ModerationAction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ModerationLogs ¶
type ModerationLogs struct { // The moderation actions that have been take in the given channel. Actions *ChannelModerationActionConnection `json:"actions"` }
An interface to query subsets of the moderation logs information for a given channel.
type MovieDetails ¶
type MovieDetails struct { // Total length of the content. DurationSeconds *int `json:"durationSeconds"` }
Movie metadata.
func (MovieDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails ¶
func (MovieDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails()
type MultiplayerAdOffer ¶
type MultiplayerAdOffer struct { // The duration of the ad in seconds. AdDurationSeconds int `json:"adDurationSeconds"` // The name of the brand associated with the ad. BrandName *string `json:"brandName"` // The message to be display to the broadcaster. BroadcasterMessage *string `json:"broadcasterMessage"` // When the offer expires. ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // The offer's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // If offer has reward, the max rate for reward. (e.g. vote per bits for polling). RewardsMaxRate *float64 `json:"rewardsMaxRate"` // If offer has reward, the min rate for reward. (e.g. vote per bits for polling). RewardsMinRate *float64 `json:"rewardsMinRate"` }
A multiplayer ad offer is an ad offer.
type MultiviewContentAttribute ¶
type MultiviewContentAttribute struct { // childIDs is an optional list of child content attribute ids. ChildIDs []string `json:"childIDs"` // Time when this content attribute is created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // id is a unique identifier generated on the server side. ID string `json:"id"` // URL to the image (icon) of the content attribute. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // key is a grouping identifier for content attributes of the same type. Key string `json:"key"` // name is a human-readable string of the content attribute type. Name string `json:"name"` // ownerChannel is the channel that this content attribute is created under. OwnerChannel *Channel `json:"ownerChannel"` // parentID is an optional pointer to specify the parent attribute. ParentID *string `json:"parentID"` // parentKey is an optional pointer to specifiy the key of the parent attribute. ParentKey *string `json:"parentKey"` // Time when this content attribute is last modified. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // value is the human-readble value of the attribute value. Value string `json:"value"` // valueShortName is an optional abbreviation of value. ValueShortName *string `json:"valueShortName"` }
Multi-view content attribute(s) are used to augment the multi-view experience. they are used for filterings and groupings of chanlets to help viewers find content that they are interested in.
type MultiviewContentAttributeParams ¶
type MultiviewContentAttributeParams struct { // Optional list of child content attribute ids. ChildIDs []string `json:"childIDs"` // Unique identifier. ID *string `json:"id"` // Optional an URL to the icon of this content attribute. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // Indicates the type of the attribute. Key string `json:"key"` // Human-readable name of the attribute. Name string `json:"name"` // The channel that the content attribute is created under. OwnerChannelID *string `json:"ownerChannelID"` // Optional pointer to a parent content attribute instance. ParentID *string `json:"parentID"` // Optional pointer to a parent content attribute key. ParentKey *string `json:"parentKey"` // value of the attribute. Value string `json:"value"` // Optional abbreviation of value. ValueShortName *string `json:"valueShortName"` }
Contains all information to create a new content attribute.
type Mutation ¶
type Mutation struct { AcceptFriendRequest *AcceptFriendRequestPayload "json:\"acceptFriendRequest\" graphql:\"acceptFriendRequest\"" AcceptOrganizationInvite *AcceptOrganizationInvitePayload "json:\"acceptOrganizationInvite\" graphql:\"acceptOrganizationInvite\"" AcceptProgramAgreement *AcceptProgramAgreementPayload "json:\"acceptProgramAgreement\" graphql:\"acceptProgramAgreement\"" AcceptSquadStreamInvitation *AcceptSquadStreamInvitationPayload "json:\"acceptSquadStreamInvitation\" graphql:\"acceptSquadStreamInvitation\"" AcknowledgePredictionResult *AcknowledgePredictionResultPayload "json:\"acknowledgePredictionResult\" graphql:\"acknowledgePredictionResult\"" AcknowledgeSubscriptionState *AcknowledgeSubscriptionStatePayload "json:\"acknowledgeSubscriptionState\" graphql:\"acknowledgeSubscriptionState\"" AcknowledgeUnbanRequest *AcknowledgeUnbanRequestPayload "json:\"acknowledgeUnbanRequest\" graphql:\"acknowledgeUnbanRequest\"" ActivateExtension *ActivateExtensionPayload "json:\"activateExtension\" graphql:\"activateExtension\"" AddAutohostChannels *AddAutohostChannelsPayload "json:\"addAutohostChannels\" graphql:\"addAutohostChannels\"" AddBrowserPushSubscription *AddBrowserPushSubscriptionPayload "json:\"addBrowserPushSubscription\" graphql:\"addBrowserPushSubscription\"" AddChannelBlockedTerm *AddChannelBlockedTermPayload "json:\"addChannelBlockedTerm\" graphql:\"addChannelBlockedTerm\"" AddChannelPermittedTerm *AddChannelPermittedTermPayload "json:\"addChannelPermittedTerm\" graphql:\"addChannelPermittedTerm\"" AddCollectionItem *AddCollectionItemPayload "json:\"addCollectionItem\" graphql:\"addCollectionItem\"" AddCompetitionPhase *AddCompetitionPhasePayload "json:\"addCompetitionPhase\" graphql:\"addCompetitionPhase\"" AddCompetitionPlayer *AddCompetitionPlayerPayload "json:\"addCompetitionPlayer\" graphql:\"addCompetitionPlayer\"" AddCompetitionTeam *AddCompetitionTeamPayload "json:\"addCompetitionTeam\" graphql:\"addCompetitionTeam\"" AddDeviceToken *AddDeviceTokenPayload "json:\"addDeviceToken\" graphql:\"addDeviceToken\"" AddDropToCampaign *AddDropToCampaignPayload "json:\"addDropToCampaign\" graphql:\"addDropToCampaign\"" AddEditor *AddEditorPayload "json:\"addEditor\" graphql:\"addEditor\"" AddRadioRecentlyPlayed *AddRadioRecentlyPlayedPayload "json:\"addRadioRecentlyPlayed\" graphql:\"addRadioRecentlyPlayed\"" AddReaction *AddReactionPayload "json:\"addReaction\" graphql:\"addReaction\"" AddRecommendationFeedback *AddRecommendationFeedbackPayload "json:\"addRecommendationFeedback\" graphql:\"addRecommendationFeedback\"" AddStreamAuthorizedUser *AddStreamAuthorizedUserPayload "json:\"addStreamAuthorizedUser\" graphql:\"addStreamAuthorizedUser\"" AllocateKeysForBounty *AllocateKeysForBountyPayload "json:\"allocateKeysForBounty\" graphql:\"allocateKeysForBounty\"" AllowRejectedChatMessage *AllowRejectedChatMessagePayload "json:\"allowRejectedChatMessage\" graphql:\"allowRejectedChatMessage\"" AllowRejectedCheer *AllowRejectedCheerPayload "json:\"allowRejectedCheer\" graphql:\"allowRejectedCheer\"" ApplyExtensionActivations *ApplyExtensionActivationsPayload "json:\"applyExtensionActivations\" graphql:\"applyExtensionActivations\"" ApproveUnbanRequest *ApproveUnbanRequestPayload "json:\"approveUnbanRequest\" graphql:\"approveUnbanRequest\"" ArchiveChanlet *ArchiveChanletPayload "json:\"archiveChanlet\" graphql:\"archiveChanlet\"" ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoal *ArchiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload "json:\"archiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoal\" graphql:\"archiveCommunityPointsCommunityGoal\"" ArchivePoll *ArchivePollPayload "json:\"archivePoll\" graphql:\"archivePoll\"" ArchivePollInChannel *ArchivePollInChannelPayload "json:\"archivePollInChannel\" graphql:\"archivePollInChannel\"" AssignExtensionBillingManager *AssignExtensionBillingManagerPayload "json:\"assignExtensionBillingManager\" graphql:\"assignExtensionBillingManager\"" BanUserFromChatRoom *BanUserFromChatRoomPayload "json:\"banUserFromChatRoom\" graphql:\"banUserFromChatRoom\"" BanVideoCommenter *BanVideoCommenterPayload "json:\"banVideoCommenter\" graphql:\"banVideoCommenter\"" BeginUseBitsInExtension *BeginUseBitsInExtensionPayload "json:\"beginUseBitsInExtension\" graphql:\"beginUseBitsInExtension\"" BlockUser *BlockUserPayload "json:\"blockUser\" graphql:\"blockUser\"" BulkApproveUnbanRequest *BulkApproveUnbanRequestPayload "json:\"bulkApproveUnbanRequest\" graphql:\"bulkApproveUnbanRequest\"" BulkDenyUnbanRequest *BulkDenyUnbanRequestPayload "json:\"bulkDenyUnbanRequest\" graphql:\"bulkDenyUnbanRequest\"" CancelActiveBoostOrders *CancelActiveBoostOrdersPayload "json:\"cancelActiveBoostOrders\" graphql:\"cancelActiveBoostOrders\"" CancelBounty *CancelBountyPayload "json:\"cancelBounty\" graphql:\"cancelBounty\"" CancelFriendRequest *CancelFriendRequestPayload "json:\"cancelFriendRequest\" graphql:\"cancelFriendRequest\"" CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflow *CancelPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload 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*SetUnbanRequestsSettingsPayload "json:\"setUnbanRequestsSettings\" graphql:\"setUnbanRequestsSettings\"" SetUserResidence *SetUserResidencePayload "json:\"setUserResidence\" graphql:\"setUserResidence\"" SpendSubscriptionCredit *SpendSubscriptionCreditPayload "json:\"spendSubscriptionCredit\" graphql:\"spendSubscriptionCredit\"" StartAd *StartAdPayload "json:\"startAd\" graphql:\"startAd\"" StartBounty *StartBountyPayload "json:\"startBounty\" graphql:\"startBounty\"" StartCloudBroadcast *StartCloudBroadcastPayload "json:\"startCloudBroadcast\" graphql:\"startCloudBroadcast\"" StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflow *StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload "json:\"startPayoutOnboardingWorkflow\" graphql:\"startPayoutOnboardingWorkflow\"" StartWatchParty *StartWatchPartyPayload "json:\"startWatchParty\" graphql:\"startWatchParty\"" StopBounty *StopBountyPayload "json:\"stopBounty\" graphql:\"stopBounty\"" StopCloudBroadcast *StopCloudBroadcastPayload "json:\"stopCloudBroadcast\" graphql:\"stopCloudBroadcast\"" StopWatchParty *StopWatchPartyPayload "json:\"stopWatchParty\" graphql:\"stopWatchParty\"" SubmitCSATFeedback *SubmitCSATFeedbackPayload "json:\"submitCSATFeedback\" graphql:\"submitCSATFeedback\"" SubmitEmotePrefix *SubmitEmotePrefixPayload "json:\"submitEmotePrefix\" graphql:\"submitEmotePrefix\"" SubmitEmoticonPrefix *SubmitEmoticonPrefixPayload "json:\"submitEmoticonPrefix\" graphql:\"submitEmoticonPrefix\"" SubmitExtensionFeedback *SubmitExtensionFeedbackPayload "json:\"submitExtensionFeedback\" graphql:\"submitExtensionFeedback\"" SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipants *SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsPayload "json:\"swapCompetitionLobbyParticipants\" graphql:\"swapCompetitionLobbyParticipants\"" SyncGameOnDropCampaign *SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload "json:\"syncGameOnDropCampaign\" graphql:\"syncGameOnDropCampaign\"" TerminatePoll *TerminatePollPayload "json:\"terminatePoll\" graphql:\"terminatePoll\"" TerminatePollInChannel *TerminatePollInChannelPayload "json:\"terminatePollInChannel\" graphql:\"terminatePollInChannel\"" ToggleRitualsEnabled *ToggleRitualsEnabledPayload "json:\"toggleRitualsEnabled\" graphql:\"toggleRitualsEnabled\"" TransitionExtensionState *TransitionExtensionStatePayload "json:\"transitionExtensionState\" graphql:\"transitionExtensionState\"" UnbanUserFromChatRoom *UnbanUserFromChatRoomPayload "json:\"unbanUserFromChatRoom\" graphql:\"unbanUserFromChatRoom\"" UnblockUser *UnblockUserPayload "json:\"unblockUser\" graphql:\"unblockUser\"" UndoRecommendationFeedback *UndoRecommendationFeedbackPayload "json:\"undoRecommendationFeedback\" graphql:\"undoRecommendationFeedback\"" UnfollowGame *UnfollowGamePayload "json:\"unfollowGame\" graphql:\"unfollowGame\"" UnfollowUser *UnfollowUserPayload "json:\"unfollowUser\" graphql:\"unfollowUser\"" UnfriendUser *UnfriendUserPayload "json:\"unfriendUser\" graphql:\"unfriendUser\"" Unhost *UnhostPayload "json:\"unhost\" graphql:\"unhost\"" UninstallExtension *UninstallExtensionPayload "json:\"uninstallExtension\" graphql:\"uninstallExtension\"" UnlinkAmazonConnection *UnlinkAmazonConnectionPayload "json:\"unlinkAmazonConnection\" graphql:\"unlinkAmazonConnection\"" UnlinkRiotConnection *UnlinkRiotConnectionPayload "json:\"unlinkRiotConnection\" graphql:\"unlinkRiotConnection\"" UnlinkSso *UnlinkSSOPayload "json:\"unlinkSSO\" graphql:\"unlinkSSO\"" UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmote *UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmotePayload "json:\"unlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmote\" graphql:\"unlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmote\"" UnlockChosenSubscriberEmote *UnlockChosenSubscriberEmotePayload "json:\"unlockChosenSubscriberEmote\" graphql:\"unlockChosenSubscriberEmote\"" UnlockRandomSubscriberEmote *UnlockRandomSubscriberEmotePayload "json:\"unlockRandomSubscriberEmote\" graphql:\"unlockRandomSubscriberEmote\"" UnmodUser *UnmodUserPayload "json:\"unmodUser\" graphql:\"unmodUser\"" UnsetHypeTrainConfig *UnsetHypeTrainConfigPayload "json:\"unsetHypeTrainConfig\" graphql:\"unsetHypeTrainConfig\"" UnsubscribeEmail *UnsubscribeEmailPayload "json:\"unsubscribeEmail\" graphql:\"unsubscribeEmail\"" UpdateAdProperties *UpdateAdPropertiesPayload "json:\"updateAdProperties\" graphql:\"updateAdProperties\"" UpdateAllWhisperThreads *UpdateAllWhisperThreadsPayload "json:\"updateAllWhisperThreads\" graphql:\"updateAllWhisperThreads\"" UpdateAutoModProperties *UpdateAutoModPropertiesPayload "json:\"updateAutoModProperties\" graphql:\"updateAutoModProperties\"" UpdateAutohostSettings *UpdateAutohostSettingsPayload "json:\"updateAutohostSettings\" graphql:\"updateAutohostSettings\"" UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotification *UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationPayload "json:\"updateBitsBadgeTierNotification\" graphql:\"updateBitsBadgeTierNotification\"" UpdateBitsBadgeTiers *UpdateBitsBadgeTiersPayload "json:\"updateBitsBadgeTiers\" graphql:\"updateBitsBadgeTiers\"" UpdateBoostSettings *UpdateBoostSettingsPayload "json:\"updateBoostSettings\" graphql:\"updateBoostSettings\"" UpdateBroadcastSettings *UpdateBroadcastSettingsPayload "json:\"updateBroadcastSettings\" graphql:\"updateBroadcastSettings\"" UpdateCelebration *UpdateCelebrationPayload "json:\"updateCelebration\" graphql:\"updateCelebration\"" UpdateCelebrationConfig *UpdateCelebrationConfigPayload "json:\"updateCelebrationConfig\" graphql:\"updateCelebrationConfig\"" UpdateCelebrationProductConfig *UpdateCelebrationProductConfigPayload "json:\"updateCelebrationProductConfig\" graphql:\"updateCelebrationProductConfig\"" UpdateCelebrationUserSettings *UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsPayload "json:\"updateCelebrationUserSettings\" graphql:\"updateCelebrationUserSettings\"" UpdateChangelogReadTime *UpdateChangelogReadTimePayload "json:\"updateChangelogReadTime\" graphql:\"updateChangelogReadTime\"" UpdateChanletContentAttributes *UpdateChanletContentAttributesPayload "json:\"updateChanletContentAttributes\" graphql:\"updateChanletContentAttributes\"" UpdateChannelClipsSetting *UpdateChannelClipsSettingPayload "json:\"updateChannelClipsSetting\" graphql:\"updateChannelClipsSetting\"" UpdateChannelHomePreferences *UpdateChannelHomePreferencesPayload "json:\"updateChannelHomePreferences\" graphql:\"updateChannelHomePreferences\"" UpdateChannelPredictionSettings *UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsPayload "json:\"updateChannelPredictionSettings\" graphql:\"updateChannelPredictionSettings\"" UpdateChatColor *UpdateChatColorPayload "json:\"updateChatColor\" graphql:\"updateChatColor\"" UpdateChatSettings *UpdateChatSettingsPayload "json:\"updateChatSettings\" graphql:\"updateChatSettings\"" UpdateCheerPartnerSettings *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsPayload "json:\"updateCheerPartnerSettings\" graphql:\"updateCheerPartnerSettings\"" UpdateClip *UpdateClipPayload "json:\"updateClip\" graphql:\"updateClip\"" UpdateClipViewCount *UpdateClipViewCountPayload "json:\"updateClipViewCount\" graphql:\"updateClipViewCount\"" UpdateCollection *UpdateCollectionPayload "json:\"updateCollection\" graphql:\"updateCollection\"" UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticReward *UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsAutomaticReward\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsAutomaticReward\"" UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettings *UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsChannelSettings\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsChannelSettings\"" UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal *UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal\"" UpdateCommunityPointsCustomReward *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsCustomReward\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsCustomReward\"" UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus\"" UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannel *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelPayload "" /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */ UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptions *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsPayload "" /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */ UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByReward *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardPayload "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */ UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings *UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettings\"" UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContent *UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsLastViewedContent\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsLastViewedContent\"" UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgements *UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsPayload "json:\"updateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgements\" graphql:\"updateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgements\"" UpdateCompetition *UpdateCompetitionPayload "json:\"updateCompetition\" graphql:\"updateCompetition\"" UpdateCompetitionPlayer *UpdateCompetitionPlayerPayload "json:\"updateCompetitionPlayer\" graphql:\"updateCompetitionPlayer\"" UpdateCompetitionTeam *UpdateCompetitionTeamPayload "json:\"updateCompetitionTeam\" graphql:\"updateCompetitionTeam\"" UpdateConsent *UpdateConsentPayload "json:\"updateConsent\" graphql:\"updateConsent\"" UpdateContentTags *UpdateContentTagsPayload "json:\"updateContentTags\" graphql:\"updateContentTags\"" UpdateDropBenefit *UpdateDropBenefitPayload "json:\"updateDropBenefit\" graphql:\"updateDropBenefit\"" UpdateDropBenefitOnDrop *UpdateDropBenefitOnDropPayload "json:\"updateDropBenefitOnDrop\" graphql:\"updateDropBenefitOnDrop\"" UpdateDropPreconditions *UpdateDropPreconditionsPayload "json:\"updateDropPreconditions\" graphql:\"updateDropPreconditions\"" UpdateDropsOptOutStatus *UpdateDropsOptOutStatusPayload "json:\"updateDropsOptOutStatus\" graphql:\"updateDropsOptOutStatus\"" UpdateEmoteOrders *UpdateEmoteOrdersPayload "json:\"updateEmoteOrders\" graphql:\"updateEmoteOrders\"" UpdateExtensionDiscoveryData *UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload "json:\"updateExtensionDiscoveryData\" graphql:\"updateExtensionDiscoveryData\"" UpdateExtensionManifest *UpdateExtensionManifestPayload "json:\"updateExtensionManifest\" graphql:\"updateExtensionManifest\"" UpdateHypeTrainConfig *UpdateHypeTrainConfigPayload "json:\"updateHypeTrainConfig\" graphql:\"updateHypeTrainConfig\"" UpdateIsSharingActivity *UpdateIsSharingActivityPayload "json:\"updateIsSharingActivity\" graphql:\"updateIsSharingActivity\"" UpdateLWAToken *UpdateLWATokenPayload "json:\"updateLWAToken\" graphql:\"updateLWAToken\"" UpdateLeaderboardSettings *UpdateLeaderboardSettingsPayload "json:\"updateLeaderboardSettings\" graphql:\"updateLeaderboardSettings\"" UpdateLiveUpNotification *UpdateLiveUpNotificationPayload "json:\"updateLiveUpNotification\" graphql:\"updateLiveUpNotification\"" UpdateLobbyParticipantScore *UpdateLobbyParticipantScorePayload "json:\"updateLobbyParticipantScore\" graphql:\"updateLobbyParticipantScore\"" UpdateMultiviewContentAttributes *UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload "json:\"updateMultiviewContentAttributes\" graphql:\"updateMultiviewContentAttributes\"" UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannels *UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsPayload "json:\"updateOnboardingSkippedChannels\" graphql:\"updateOnboardingSkippedChannels\"" UpdateOrganizationMemberRole *UpdateOrganizationMemberRolePayload "json:\"updateOrganizationMemberRole\" graphql:\"updateOrganizationMemberRole\"" UpdateOwnerChanletAttributes *UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesPayload "json:\"updateOwnerChanletAttributes\" graphql:\"updateOwnerChanletAttributes\"" UpdatePanel *UpdatePanelPayload "json:\"updatePanel\" graphql:\"updatePanel\"" UpdatePhoneNumber *UpdatePhoneNumberPayload "json:\"updatePhoneNumber\" graphql:\"updatePhoneNumber\"" UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmation *UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationPayload "json:\"updatePhoneNumberConfirmation\" graphql:\"updatePhoneNumberConfirmation\"" UpdatePrimeOfferStatus *UpdatePrimeOfferStatusPayload "json:\"updatePrimeOfferStatus\" graphql:\"updatePrimeOfferStatus\"" UpdatePrimeSettings *UpdatePrimeSettingsPayload "json:\"updatePrimeSettings\" graphql:\"updatePrimeSettings\"" UpdateRaidSettings *UpdateRaidSettingsPayload "json:\"updateRaidSettings\" graphql:\"updateRaidSettings\"" UpdateRoom *UpdateRoomPayload "json:\"updateRoom\" graphql:\"updateRoom\"" UpdateRoomModes *UpdateRoomModesPayload "json:\"updateRoomModes\" graphql:\"updateRoomModes\"" UpdateRoomView *UpdateRoomViewPayload "json:\"updateRoomView\" graphql:\"updateRoomView\"" UpdateScheduleSegment *UpdateScheduleSegmentPayload "json:\"updateScheduleSegment\" graphql:\"updateScheduleSegment\"" UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContent *UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentPayload "json:\"updateSeenCreatorOnboardingContent\" graphql:\"updateSeenCreatorOnboardingContent\"" UpdateSocialMedia *UpdateSocialMediaPayload "json:\"updateSocialMedia\" graphql:\"updateSocialMedia\"" UpdateSquadInvitePolicy *UpdateSquadInvitePolicyPayload "json:\"updateSquadInvitePolicy\" graphql:\"updateSquadInvitePolicy\"" UpdateSquadStream *UpdateSquadStreamPayload "json:\"updateSquadStream\" graphql:\"updateSquadStream\"" UpdateStucco *UpdateStuccoPayload "json:\"updateStucco\" graphql:\"updateStucco\"" UpdateStuccoPack *UpdateStuccoPackPayload "json:\"updateStuccoPack\" graphql:\"updateStuccoPack\"" UpdateSubscriptionProduct *UpdateSubscriptionProductPayload "json:\"updateSubscriptionProduct\" graphql:\"updateSubscriptionProduct\"" UpdateUser *UpdateUserPayload "json:\"updateUser\" graphql:\"updateUser\"" UpdateUserColors *UpdateUserColorsPayload "json:\"updateUserColors\" graphql:\"updateUserColors\"" UpdateUserCreateDateHidden *UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenPayload "json:\"updateUserCreateDateHidden\" graphql:\"updateUserCreateDateHidden\"" UpdateUserDirectoryHidden *UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenPayload "json:\"updateUserDirectoryHidden\" graphql:\"updateUserDirectoryHidden\"" UpdateUserEmailReusable *UpdateUserEmailReusablePayload "json:\"updateUserEmailReusable\" graphql:\"updateUserEmailReusable\"" UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccess *UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessPayload "json:\"updateUserIsEmailRevertSuccess\" graphql:\"updateUserIsEmailRevertSuccess\"" UpdateUserPredictionSettings *UpdateUserPredictionSettingsPayload "json:\"updateUserPredictionSettings\" graphql:\"updateUserPredictionSettings\"" UpdateUserSubscriptionSettings *UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsPayload "json:\"updateUserSubscriptionSettings\" graphql:\"updateUserSubscriptionSettings\"" UpdateUserTeamMembership *UpdateUserTeamMembershipPayload "json:\"updateUserTeamMembership\" graphql:\"updateUserTeamMembership\"" UpdateUserVideoShelves *UpdateUserVideoShelvesPayload "json:\"updateUserVideoShelves\" graphql:\"updateUserVideoShelves\"" UpdateUserViewedVideo *UpdateUserViewedVideoPayload "json:\"updateUserViewedVideo\" graphql:\"updateUserViewedVideo\"" UpdateVideo *UpdateVideoPayload "json:\"updateVideo\" graphql:\"updateVideo\"" UpdateVideoComment *UpdateVideoCommentPayload "json:\"updateVideoComment\" graphql:\"updateVideoComment\"" UpdateVideoStreamSettings *UpdateVideoStreamSettingsPayload "json:\"updateVideoStreamSettings\" graphql:\"updateVideoStreamSettings\"" UpdateVisibility *UpdateVisibilityPayload "json:\"updateVisibility\" graphql:\"updateVisibility\"" UpdateWhisperSettings *UpdateWhisperSettingsPayload "json:\"updateWhisperSettings\" graphql:\"updateWhisperSettings\"" UpdateWhisperThread *UpdateWhisperThreadPayload "json:\"updateWhisperThread\" graphql:\"updateWhisperThread\"" UploadCompetitionImage *UploadCompetitionImagePayload "json:\"uploadCompetitionImage\" graphql:\"uploadCompetitionImage\"" UseChatNotificationToken *UseChatNotificationTokenPayload "json:\"useChatNotificationToken\" graphql:\"useChatNotificationToken\"" ValidateVerificationCode *ValidateVerificationCodePayload "json:\"validateVerificationCode\" graphql:\"validateVerificationCode\"" VerifyContactMethod *VerifyContactMethodPayload "json:\"verifyContactMethod\" graphql:\"verifyContactMethod\"" VerifyOneTimePassword *VerifyOneTimePasswordPayload "json:\"verifyOneTimePassword\" graphql:\"verifyOneTimePassword\"" VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptcha *VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaPayload "json:\"verifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptcha\" graphql:\"verifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptcha\"" ViewedNotifications *ViewedNotificationsPayload "json:\"viewedNotifications\" graphql:\"viewedNotifications\"" VisitStreamManager *VisitStreamManagerPayload "json:\"visitStreamManager\" graphql:\"visitStreamManager\"" VoteInAdPoll *VoteInAdPollPayload "json:\"voteInAdPoll\" graphql:\"voteInAdPoll\"" VoteInPoll *VoteInPollPayload "json:\"voteInPoll\" graphql:\"voteInPoll\"" VoteInPollByChoiceIndex *VoteInPollByChoiceIndexPayload "json:\"voteInPollByChoiceIndex\" graphql:\"voteInPollByChoiceIndex\"" }
type OAuthApp ¶
type OAuthApp struct { // The category that describes the app's type. Category *OAuthAppCategory `json:"category"` // The timestamp when the app was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The ID of the app. It is the value of the `Client-ID` header when the app makes API requests. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the app. Name string `json:"name"` // The user-provided description of the app's type. Used if `Category` is Other. OtherDescription *string `json:"otherDescription"` // Owner is the user that owns this app. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The URI to which users should be redirected after authorizing the app. RedirectURI string `json:"redirectURI"` // The client secret of the app. Secret string `json:"secret"` // The timestamp when the app was last updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // Whether the app's OAuth tokens expire. WillTokensExpire bool `json:"willTokensExpire"` }
Information about a registered developer OAuth application.
type OAuthAppCategory ¶
type OAuthAppCategory string
Possible categories of developer apps.
const ( // Game integration category. OAuthAppCategoryGameIntegration OAuthAppCategory = "GAME_INTEGRATION" // Website integration category. OAuthAppCategoryWebsiteIntegration OAuthAppCategory = "WEBSITE_INTEGRATION" // Application integration category. OAuthAppCategoryApplicationIntegration OAuthAppCategory = "APPLICATION_INTEGRATION" // Browser extension category. OAuthAppCategoryBrowserExtension OAuthAppCategory = "BROWSER_EXTENSION" // Broadcaster suite category. OAuthAppCategoryBroadcasterSuite OAuthAppCategory = "BROADCASTER_SUITE" // Chat bot category. OAuthAppCategoryChatBot OAuthAppCategory = "CHAT_BOT" // Giveaway loyalty tool category. OAuthAppCategoryGiveawayLoyaltyTool OAuthAppCategory = "GIVEAWAY_LOYALTY_TOOL" // Analytics tool category. OAuthAppCategoryAnalyticsTool OAuthAppCategory = "ANALYTICS_TOOL" // Category for when the other categories do not describe. OAuthAppCategoryOther OAuthAppCategory = "OTHER" )
func (OAuthAppCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e OAuthAppCategory) IsValid() bool
func (OAuthAppCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OAuthAppCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OAuthAppCategory) String ¶
func (e OAuthAppCategory) String() string
func (*OAuthAppCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OAuthAppCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OAuthAppConnection ¶
type OAuthAppConnection struct { // The applications. Edges []*OAuthAppEdge `json:"edges"` // Pagination. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A list of applications.
type OAuthAppEdge ¶
type OAuthAppEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the app for the current edge. Node *OAuthApp `json:"node"` }
A broadcaster user with cursor.
type OEmbed ¶
type OEmbed interface {
OEmbed is a universal spec converted to GraphQL from
type Offer ¶
type Offer struct { // Details of the user's eligibility to purchase the Offer. Eligibility *OfferEligibility `json:"eligibility"` // The time at which this Offer ceases to be valid for purchase. If null, this Offer will never expire. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The type of the gift offer (will be omitted if the Offer is not a gift). GiftType *GiftType `json:"giftType"` // Unique identifier for an Offer. ID string `json:"id"` // A listing describing the charge model and cancellation policy for the Offer. Listing *OfferListing `json:"listing"` // The platform on which the Offer is eligible for purchase. Platform OfferPlatform `json:"platform"` // A Promotion object describes the promotion to be applied on an Offer (if any). Promotion *OfferPromotion `json:"promotion"` // Quantity is the configured purchase quantity restrictions. Quantity *Range `json:"quantity"` // The authenticated user's relationship with the Offer. Self *OfferSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The time at which this Offer becomes valid for purchase. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // Tag bindings provide static and dynamic bindings of the attributes on an Offer. TagBindings []*OfferTagBinding `json:"tagBindings"` // Tenant product line registry to which this Offer belongs. Tplr string `json:"tplr"` }
Offer describes something that is purchasable.
type OfferAndStatus ¶
type OfferAndStatus struct { // Unique Identifier for an offer. OfferID string `json:"offerID"` // The status to set the offer to for the specified user. Status string `json:"status"` }
Contains an offer ID and offer status.
type OfferDeliveryMethod ¶
type OfferDeliveryMethod string
Deliver method type for Prime Offers entitlements.
const ( // The entitlement will be delivered as a claim code, which can be used to get the entitlement. OfferDeliveryMethodClaimCode OfferDeliveryMethod = "CLAIM_CODE" // The entitlement will be directly delivered. OfferDeliveryMethodDirectEntitlement OfferDeliveryMethod = "DIRECT_ENTITLEMENT" // The entitlement will be directly delivered and a Twitch account is not needed for the offer. OfferDeliveryMethodSesEntitlement OfferDeliveryMethod = "SES_ENTITLEMENT" // Misspelling of EXTERNAL_OFFER. OfferDeliveryMethodExternal OfferDeliveryMethod = "EXTERNAL" // The entitlement will be delivered via external means. OfferDeliveryMethodExternalOffer OfferDeliveryMethod = "EXTERNAL_OFFER" )
func (OfferDeliveryMethod) IsValid ¶
func (e OfferDeliveryMethod) IsValid() bool
func (OfferDeliveryMethod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OfferDeliveryMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OfferDeliveryMethod) String ¶
func (e OfferDeliveryMethod) String() string
func (*OfferDeliveryMethod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OfferDeliveryMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OfferEligibility ¶
type OfferEligibility struct { // If the user is eligible for the Offer, then this is set to the // time at which the user's benefits would expire if the // Offer is purchased. If null, the benefits never expire. BenefitsEndAt *time.Time `json:"benefitsEndAt"` // If the user is eligible for the Offer, then this is set to the // time at which the user's benefits would become available if the // Offer is purchased. BenefitsStartAt *time.Time `json:"benefitsStartAt"` // A boolean that is true when the user is eligible for the Offer. IsEligible bool `json:"isEligible"` // Allows tenants to override the maximum purchasable quantity for an offer // within a checkout session (used in purchase velocity cases). MaxQuantityOverride *int `json:"maxQuantityOverride"` // Provides extra contextual details for the type of purchase. PurchaseType OfferPurchaseType `json:"purchaseType"` // If the user is ineligible for the Offer, then this code is set // as the reason why the user is ineligible. ReasonCode *OfferIneligibilityReasonCode `json:"reasonCode"` }
OfferEligibility describes user's eligibility to purchase an Offer.
type OfferIneligibilityReasonCode ¶
type OfferIneligibilityReasonCode string
OfferIneligibilityReasonCode indicates why a user isn't eligible.
const ( // Not eligible because the user has already purchased this offer. OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeAlreadyPurchased OfferIneligibilityReasonCode = "ALREADY_PURCHASED" // Not eligible because something about the transaction could not be verified. OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeCouldNotVerify OfferIneligibilityReasonCode = "COULD_NOT_VERIFY" // Offer would exceed user's max token balance. OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeMaxTokenBalance OfferIneligibilityReasonCode = "MAX_TOKEN_BALANCE" // No ineligibility reason was given. OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeNone OfferIneligibilityReasonCode = "NONE" // The reason for ineligibility could not be resolved. OfferIneligibilityReasonCodeOther OfferIneligibilityReasonCode = "OTHER" )
func (OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) IsValid ¶
func (e OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) IsValid() bool
func (OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) String ¶
func (e OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) String() string
func (*OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OfferIneligibilityReasonCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OfferListing ¶
type OfferListing struct { // The conditions around a user's cancellation of their purchase (e.g. refund policy). CancellationPolicy CancellationPolicyType `json:"cancellationPolicy"` // FIAT/non-FIAT based charge model OR 3P managed SKU. ChargeModel *ChargeModel `json:"chargeModel"` }
OfferListing defines the charge model for a given listing.
type OfferPlatform ¶
type OfferPlatform string
The platform on which the Offer is valid.
const ( // The web site. OfferPlatformWeb OfferPlatform = "WEB" // The iOS app. OfferPlatformIos OfferPlatform = "IOS" // The Android app. OfferPlatformAndroid OfferPlatform = "ANDROID" // The desktop app. OfferPlatformDesktop OfferPlatform = "DESKTOP" )
func (OfferPlatform) IsValid ¶
func (e OfferPlatform) IsValid() bool
func (OfferPlatform) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OfferPlatform) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OfferPlatform) String ¶
func (e OfferPlatform) String() string
func (*OfferPlatform) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OfferPlatform) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OfferPromotion ¶
type OfferPromotion struct { // End time of a promotion (empty if evergreen promotion). EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // Unique identifier for a Promotion. ID string `json:"id"` // The OfferListing associated with this Promotion. Listing *OfferListing `json:"listing"` // Unique name for a Promotion. Name string `json:"name"` // Describes the priority of the Promotion (the higher the priorty, the more important the promo). Priority int `json:"priority"` // Describe the Promotions metadata to display to the client. PromoDisplay *PromotionDisplay `json:"promoDisplay"` // Start time of a promotion. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
Promotion is a modifier to an Offer.
type OfferPurchaseType ¶
type OfferPurchaseType string
OfferPUrchaseType provides extra contextual details for the type of purchase.
const ( // This offer is a default, standard purchase. OfferPurchaseTypeDefaultPurchase OfferPurchaseType = "DEFAULT_PURCHASE" // This offer being purchased will be a tier upgrade from their current active tier. OfferPurchaseTypeUpgradeRecurringSubTier OfferPurchaseType = "UPGRADE_RECURRING_SUB_TIER" // This offer being purchased will be a tier downgrade from their current active tier. OfferPurchaseTypeDowngradeRecurringSubTier OfferPurchaseType = "DOWNGRADE_RECURRING_SUB_TIER" // This offer being purchased is future-dated. OfferPurchaseTypeFuturePurchase OfferPurchaseType = "FUTURE_PURCHASE" )
func (OfferPurchaseType) IsValid ¶
func (e OfferPurchaseType) IsValid() bool
func (OfferPurchaseType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OfferPurchaseType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OfferPurchaseType) String ¶
func (e OfferPurchaseType) String() string
func (*OfferPurchaseType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OfferPurchaseType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OfferSelfEdge ¶
type OfferSelfEdge struct { // Returns any fraud-related checkout actions that the client must invoke. CheckoutActions []CheckoutAction `json:"checkoutActions"` // Configs that initiate the user's checkout flow for this Offer. CheckoutConfiguration *CheckoutConfiguration `json:"checkoutConfiguration"` // Provides a list of eligible payment methods that the user can select for this offer. EligiblePaymentMethods []*EligiblePaymentMethod `json:"eligiblePaymentMethods"` }
The authenticated user's relationship with the offer.
type OfferTagBinding ¶
type OfferTagBinding struct { // The key of the tag. Key string `json:"key"` // The value of the tag. Value string `json:"value"` }
OfferTagBinding defines a key-value pair.
type OfferTagBindingInput ¶
type OfferTagBindingInput struct { // The key of the tag. Key string `json:"key"` // The value of the tag. Value string `json:"value"` }
OfferTagBindingInput defines a key-value pair.
type Onboarding ¶
type Onboarding struct { // Retrieves a list of streams that have been selected for onboarding based on a user's followed games. // `first` is the number of streams PER FOLLOWED GAME to fetch. // `locale` is a language code that will filter streams by if there are viewers with that language code (ex. "en-US", "es-ES", or "de-AT"). // `languages` is list of language codes that will be used to filter streams by the broadcaster language. (ex. [EN, KO]). // `games` are a list of game ids that would replace the user's followed games for fetching the streams. OnboardingStreams []*Stream `json:"onboardingStreams"` // List of channel IDs skipped by a user during onboarding. SkippedChannelIDs []string `json:"skippedChannelIDs"` }
Current state of the user in the onboarding process.
type OnsiteNotification ¶
type OnsiteNotification struct { // Actions of the notification. Actions []*OnsiteNotificationAction `json:"actions"` // Body of the notification in Markdown format. Body string `json:"body"` // Category of the notification (only for dart ones). Category *string `json:"category"` // When this notification was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // List of users that created this notification. Creators []*User `json:"creators"` // Destination type to route users to when they interact with the notification on non-web clients. // Values include Homepage, ChannelPage, NotificationSettingsPage, and BroadcasterDashboard. DestinationType *string `json:"destinationType"` // Determines where the notification will be displayed at front end. DisplayType OnsiteNotificationDisplayType `json:"displayType"` // Optional extra notification content. // When type is "vodupload", extra is Video. // When type is "hotclipfollower", extra is Clip. // When type is "hotclip", extra is Clip. // When type is "subgiftreceived", extra is User. // When type is "vodcomment", extra is VideoComment. // When type is "vodcommentmod", extra is VideoComment. // When type is "vodcommentreply", extra is VideoComment. // When destination is "ChannelPage", extra is User. // When destination is "BrowseGame", extra is Game. // When destination is "ExternalLink", extra is OnsiteNotificationExternalLink. Extra OnsiteNotificationContent `json:"extra"` // ID of the notification. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether this notification is read. IsRead bool `json:"isRead"` // Type of onsite render style. RenderStyle OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle `json:"renderStyle"` // A URL to a thumbnail image. ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnailURL"` // Type of notification. Type string `json:"type"` // When notification was last updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type OnsiteNotificationAction ¶
type OnsiteNotificationAction struct { // Body of the notification action in plain text. Body string `json:"body"` // ID of the action. ID string `json:"id"` // Label of the action. Label string `json:"label"` // ID of the modal that will open on click, if it is a modal CTA. ModalID string `json:"modalID"` // Type of the notification action. Type string `json:"type"` // URL of the notification action. URL string `json:"url"` }
type OnsiteNotificationConnection ¶
type OnsiteNotificationConnection struct { // List of notifications. Edges []*OnsiteNotificationEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Notifications summary. Summary *OnsiteNotificationsSummary `json:"summary"` }
type OnsiteNotificationContent ¶
type OnsiteNotificationContent interface {
Extra onsite notification content.
type OnsiteNotificationDisplayType ¶
type OnsiteNotificationDisplayType string
Determines where the notification will be displayed at front end.
const ( // Notifications that will be displayed in the "My Twitch" tab. OnsiteNotificationDisplayTypeViewer OnsiteNotificationDisplayType = "VIEWER" // Notifications that will be displayed in the "My Channel" tab. OnsiteNotificationDisplayTypeCreator OnsiteNotificationDisplayType = "CREATOR" )
func (OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) IsValid ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) IsValid() bool
func (OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) String ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) String() string
func (*OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OnsiteNotificationDisplayType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OnsiteNotificationEdge ¶
type OnsiteNotificationEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` // The notification. Node *OnsiteNotification `json:"node"` }
type OnsiteNotificationExternalLink ¶
type OnsiteNotificationExternalLink struct { // The link that the notification opens when clicked. URL string `json:"url"` }
Extra onsite notification content returned when the notification links to an external site.
func (OnsiteNotificationExternalLink) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (OnsiteNotificationExternalLink) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
type OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle ¶
type OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle string
Used to determine how to render the onsite notification.
const ( // The default render style with no buttons and a single click CTA. OnsiteNotificationRenderStyleDefault OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle = "DEFAULT" // Rendered with two CTA buttons. OnsiteNotificationRenderStyleTwoButtons OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle = "TWO_BUTTONS" )
func (OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) IsValid ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) IsValid() bool
func (OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) String ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) String() string
func (*OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OnsiteNotificationRenderStyle) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OnsiteNotificationsCapability ¶
type OnsiteNotificationsCapability string
Capabilities that a mobile client has for displaying onsite notifications.
const ( // Mobile destination type Homepage. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHomepage OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "HOMEPAGE" // Mobile destination type ChannelPage. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityChannelPage OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "CHANNEL_PAGE" // Mobile destination type NotificationSettingsPage. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityNotificationSettingsPage OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_PAGE" // Mobile destination type BroadcasterDashboard. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityBroadcasterDashboard OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "BROADCASTER_DASHBOARD" // Mobile destination type BrowseGame. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityBrowseGame OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "BROWSE_GAME" // Mobile destination type ExternalLink. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityExternalLink OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "EXTERNAL_LINK" // Mobile destination type WebOnly. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityWebOnly OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "WEB_ONLY" // Mobile destination type WhisperThread. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityWhisperThread OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "WHISPER_THREAD" // Mobile destination type FriendRequest. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityFriendRequest OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "FRIEND_REQUEST" // Pushy notification type hotclip. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHotClip OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "HOT_CLIP" // Pushy notification type hotclipfollower. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityHotClipFollower OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "HOT_CLIP_FOLLOWER" // Pushy notification type vodupload. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodUpload OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "VOD_UPLOAD" // Pushy notification type vodcomment. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodComment OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "VOD_COMMENT" // Pushy notification type vodcommentmod. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodCommentMod OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "VOD_COMMENT_MOD" // Pushy notification type vodcommentreply. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityVodCommentReply OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "VOD_COMMENT_REPLY" // Pushy notification type subgiftreceived. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilitySubGiftReceived OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "SUB_GIFT_RECEIVED" // Pushy notification type dropsavailable. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityDropsAvailable OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "DROPS_AVAILABLE" // Pushy notification type communityguidelineschange. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityCommunityGUIDElinesChange OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "COMMUNITY_GUIDELINES_CHANGE" // Pushy notification type smartannouncement. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilitySmartAnnouncement OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "SMART_ANNOUNCEMENT" // Pushy notification type affiliateinvite. OnsiteNotificationsCapabilityAffiliateInvite OnsiteNotificationsCapability = "AFFILIATE_INVITE" )
func (OnsiteNotificationsCapability) IsValid ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationsCapability) IsValid() bool
func (OnsiteNotificationsCapability) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationsCapability) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OnsiteNotificationsCapability) String ¶
func (e OnsiteNotificationsCapability) String() string
func (*OnsiteNotificationsCapability) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OnsiteNotificationsCapability) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OnsiteNotificationsSummary ¶
type OnsiteNotificationsSummary struct { // Unread summary for creator display type. CreatorUnreadSummary *OnsiteNotificationsUnreadSummary `json:"creatorUnreadSummary"` // Last time notifications were seen. LastSeenAt *time.Time `json:"lastSeenAt"` // Number of unseen notifications. UnseenCount int `json:"unseenCount"` // Unread summary for viewer display type. ViewerUnreadSummary *OnsiteNotificationsUnreadSummary `json:"viewerUnreadSummary"` }
type OnsiteNotificationsUnreadSummary ¶
type OnsiteNotificationsUnreadSummary struct { // Last time user marked all as read. LastReadAllAt *time.Time `json:"lastReadAllAt"` // Number of unread notifications. UnreadCount int `json:"unreadCount"` }
Contains summary for unread infomation.
type OrderPanelsInput ¶
type OrderPanelsInput struct {
Ids []string `json:"ids"`
type OrderPanelsPayload ¶
type OrderPanelsPayload struct { // List of panels in their new order. Panels []Panel `json:"panels"` }
type Organization ¶
type Organization struct { // The bounty board campaigns that the company owns. BountyCampaigns *BountyCampaignConnection `json:"bountyCampaigns"` // The brand portal settings for the company. BrandPortalSettings *BrandPortalSettings `json:"brandPortalSettings"` // ID of the Company in the CurseForge Infrastructure. CurseCompanyID *string `json:"curseCompanyID"` // Drop Campaigns developed by the organization. DropCampaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaigns"` // Drop 2.0 Campaigns and Benefits configured for the organization. Drops *OrganizationDrops `json:"drops"` // The estimated viewer reach for the pool of broadcasters this company is considering targeting. EstimatedBroadcasterViewerReach *BroadcasterViewerReach `json:"estimatedBroadcasterViewerReach"` // The games associated with the company. Optionally include games that a company can use for Bounty Board // campaigns (ie. "Just Chatting" for trailer campaigns). Games []*Game `json:"games"` // The company's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // List of pending invites. Invites *OrganizationInviteConnection `json:"invites"` // Legacy Companies need to agree to the Drops Terms. IsCampaignsEnabled bool `json:"isCampaignsEnabled"` // Legacy Companies are required to sign the Contract. IsContractSigned bool `json:"isContractSigned"` // Indicates if the Company is a Legacy Company from the first iteration of the DevSite. IsLegacy bool `json:"isLegacy"` // A list of rbac users who are apart of an organization. Members *OrganizationMemberConnection `json:"members"` // The human-readable name of the company. Name string `json:"name"` // Attributes related to the current user. Self *OrganizationSelfEdge `json:"self"` // Indicates if company is a developer, publisher or other. Type OrganizationType `json:"type"` // The Company URL for their Corporate Website. URL string `json:"url"` }
A developer organization.
type OrganizationAppilcationStatus ¶
type OrganizationAppilcationStatus string
Status of company applications.
const ( // Application is pending. OrganizationAppilcationStatusPending OrganizationAppilcationStatus = "PENDING" // Application has been rejected. OrganizationAppilcationStatusRejected OrganizationAppilcationStatus = "REJECTED" // Application has been approved. OrganizationAppilcationStatusApproved OrganizationAppilcationStatus = "APPROVED" // Application has been deleted. OrganizationAppilcationStatusDeleted OrganizationAppilcationStatus = "DELETED" )
func (OrganizationAppilcationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e OrganizationAppilcationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (OrganizationAppilcationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OrganizationAppilcationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OrganizationAppilcationStatus) String ¶
func (e OrganizationAppilcationStatus) String() string
func (*OrganizationAppilcationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OrganizationAppilcationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OrganizationApplication ¶
type OrganizationApplication struct { // Email of the person creating the application. // Deprecated as we are no longer collecting contact email. Using TwitchID and Dart to send notifications instead. ContactEmail *string `json:"contactEmail"` // The name of applying organization. OrganizationName string `json:"organizationName"` // Current status of the company application. Status OrganizationAppilcationStatus `json:"status"` }
OrganizationApplication is the application for requesting an organization be added to Twitch Developer Organizations.
type OrganizationDrops ¶
type OrganizationDrops struct { // The benefits created for this organization that can be added to the organization's drops. Benefits []*DropBenefit `json:"benefits"` // The campaigns configued for this organizaiton. Campaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"campaigns"` }
OrganizationDrop links organizations to the campaigns it has configured and the benefits that it has created.
type OrganizationInvite ¶
type OrganizationInvite struct { // When the invitation was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The date and time the invite will expire. ExpiresAt time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // The invites's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // User the invitation if for. Invitee *User `json:"invitee"` // User who created the invitation. Inviter *User `json:"inviter"` // ID of the organization the invitation is for. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // Name of the organization the invitation is for. OrganizationName string `json:"organizationName"` // Role the invitation is for. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` }
An invitation to join a developer organization under a given role.
type OrganizationInviteConnection ¶
type OrganizationInviteConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*OrganizationInviteEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of Organization invites. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Paginated list of organization invites in an organization.
type OrganizationInviteEdge ¶
type OrganizationInviteEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginted list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The organization invite. Node *OrganizationInvite `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of organization invites. Contains metadata about the organization invites.
type OrganizationInviteUserConnection ¶
type OrganizationInviteUserConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*OrganizationInviteEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of Organization invites. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` // Whether or not the user is under the limit of allowed organization memberships. IsWithinOrganizationMembershipLimit *bool `json:"isWithinOrganizationMembershipLimit"` }
Paginated list of organization invites for in a user.
type OrganizationMember ¶
type OrganizationMember struct { // Users email. Email string `json:"email"` // Users first name. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // Twitch user id. ID string `json:"id"` // Users last name. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // Users role. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` // Users title. Title string `json:"title"` // The Twitch user associated with the RBAC user. User *User `json:"user"` }
A RBAC user.
type OrganizationMemberConnection ¶
type OrganizationMemberConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*OrganizationMemberEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of Organization members. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of organization member relationships.
type OrganizationMemberEdge ¶
type OrganizationMemberEdge struct { // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginted list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Date user joined organization. JoinedAt time.Time `json:"joinedAt"` // The user who is organization members. Node *OrganizationMember `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of organization member relationships. Contains metadata about the follow relationship between two users.
type OrganizationMemberRole ¶
type OrganizationMemberRole string
Role for an organization member.
const ( // Adiministrator role. OrganizationMemberRoleAdministrator OrganizationMemberRole = "ADMINISTRATOR" // Developer role. OrganizationMemberRoleDeveloper OrganizationMemberRole = "DEVELOPER" // Manager role. OrganizationMemberRoleManager OrganizationMemberRole = "MANAGER" // Marketer role. OrganizationMemberRoleMarketer OrganizationMemberRole = "MARKETER" // Owner Role. OrganizationMemberRoleOwner OrganizationMemberRole = "OWNER" // Billing Manager Role. OrganizationMemberRoleBillingManager OrganizationMemberRole = "BILLING_MANAGER" // Shadow Account Role. OrganizationMemberRoleShadowAccount OrganizationMemberRole = "SHADOW_ACCOUNT" )
func (OrganizationMemberRole) IsValid ¶
func (e OrganizationMemberRole) IsValid() bool
func (OrganizationMemberRole) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OrganizationMemberRole) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OrganizationMemberRole) String ¶
func (e OrganizationMemberRole) String() string
func (*OrganizationMemberRole) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OrganizationMemberRole) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OrganizationMembersInput ¶
type OrganizationMembersInput struct { // Filter members with this role. Role *OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` }
Parameters for filtering OrganizationMembers.
type OrganizationSelfEdge ¶
type OrganizationSelfEdge struct { // Whether or not the current user is able to add another to the organization. CanAddMember bool `json:"canAddMember"` // Whether or not the current user is able to leave the organization. CanLeaveOrganization bool `json:"canLeaveOrganization"` // Whether or not the current user is able to remove a member from the organization. CanRemoveMember bool `json:"canRemoveMember"` // Date user joined organization. JoinedAt time.Time `json:"joinedAt"` // The current users role in the organization. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and a game.
type OrganizationType ¶
type OrganizationType string
Type of work an organization does.
const ( // Organization that developes games. OrganizationTypeGameDeveloper OrganizationType = "GAME_DEVELOPER" // Organization that publishes games. OrganizationTypeGamePublisher OrganizationType = "GAME_PUBLISHER" // Organization that does other work. OrganizationTypeOther OrganizationType = "OTHER" // Organization that works in brands/advertsing. OrganizationTypeBrandsAdvertising OrganizationType = "BRANDS_ADVERTISING" // Organization that works with broadcaster tools. OrganizationTypeBroadcasterTools OrganizationType = "BROADCASTER_TOOLS" )
func (OrganizationType) IsValid ¶
func (e OrganizationType) IsValid() bool
func (OrganizationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e OrganizationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (OrganizationType) String ¶
func (e OrganizationType) String() string
func (*OrganizationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *OrganizationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type OutgoingFriendRequestConnection ¶
type OutgoingFriendRequestConnection struct { // The friend request elements of this list. Edges []*OutgoingFriendRequestEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of outgoing friend requests. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Friend requests sent from this user to other users.
type OutgoingFriendRequestEdge ¶
type OutgoingFriendRequestEdge struct { // The time at which the friend request was sent. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // An opaque cursor identifying the edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The user to whom the friend request was sent. Node *User `json:"node"` }
A friend request sent from this user to another user.
func (OutgoingFriendRequestEdge) IsFriendRelationship ¶
func (OutgoingFriendRequestEdge) IsFriendRelationship()
type OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference ¶
type OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference struct { // Set of available teams for selection. AvailableTeamsSet []*OverwatchTeamPreferenceOption `json:"availableTeamsSet"` // Unique identifier for this set of Overwatch team preferences. ID string `json:"id"` // The preferred team. SelectedTeam *OverwatchTeamPreferenceOption `json:"selectedTeam"` }
Contains Overwatch League Team preferences.
type OverwatchMomentDetails ¶
type OverwatchMomentDetails struct { // One of "game_start" or "hero_change". Event string `json:"event"` // The hero the broadcaster is playing. HeroName string `json:"heroName"` // The role the broadcaster is playing. Role string `json:"role"` }
Moment Details specific to the overwatch game.
func (OverwatchMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails ¶
func (OverwatchMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails()
type OverwatchTeamPreferenceOption ¶
type OverwatchTeamPreferenceOption struct { // Unique identifier for this Overwatch team preference. ID string `json:"id"` // The rewards associated with this team preference. Rewards []*TournamentReward `json:"rewards"` // The name of the team. TeamName string `json:"teamName"` }
Contains an Overwatch team option to choose as the preferred team.
type OwnerChanletAttributes ¶
type OwnerChanletAttributes struct { // Whether to show the child chanlets. IsChanletFeatureEnabled bool `json:"isChanletFeatureEnabled"` }
OwnerChanletAttributes store configuration flags for child chanlets the channel owns.
type PUBGMomentDetails ¶
type PUBGMomentDetails struct { // bucket is the player count bucket for aggregations. Bucket int `json:"bucket"` // One of "game_start" or "player_count". Event string `json:"event"` // The game mode for the moment. GameMode string `json:"gameMode"` // The maximum player count in this period. MaxPlayerCount int `json:"maxPlayerCount"` // The minimum player count in this period. MinPlayerCount int `json:"minPlayerCount"` }
Moment Details specific to the PUBG game.
func (PUBGMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails ¶
func (PUBGMomentDetails) IsVideoMomentDetails()
type PageInfo ¶
type PageInfo struct { HasNextPage bool `json:"hasNextPage"` HasPreviousPage bool `json:"hasPreviousPage"` }
PageInfo is a special field which contains information about the page, specifically the cursors which the page starts and ends, and whether or not the client can forward-paginate or backward-paginate.
This is part of the Relay Cursor Connections Specification:
type PaidUpgrade ¶
type PaidUpgrade struct { // The id of the paid upgrade purchase. Used to cancel the paid upgrade. OriginID string `json:"originID"` // The formatted price of the paid upgrade in USD. Price string `json:"price"` // PriceInfo holds the paid upgrade's pricing information such as currency, cost, and tax information. PriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"priceInfo"` // The date the paid upgrade begins. StartsAt time.Time `json:"startsAt"` // Tier of upgraded product. Tier string `json:"tier"` }
Data about a paid upgrade for a subscription. ie. a user upgrades a 1-month gift to a recurring subscription.
type Panel ¶
type Panel interface {
Panel is information about a single info panel for a channel.
type PanelActivationInput ¶
type PanelActivationInput struct { // The slot name of where the component extension should be displayed. Slot string `json:"slot"` }
The required configuration to activate a panel extension.
type PanelType ¶
type PanelType string
PanelType is the kind of panel.
func (PanelType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*PanelType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type PanelView ¶
type PanelView struct { // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // The extension developer configured height of the panel extension. Height int `json:"height"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
PanelView holds the view configuration of an extension if the panel anchor is supported.
func (PanelView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (PanelView) IsExtensionView()
type PanelViewInput ¶
type PanelViewInput struct { // The extension developer configured height of the panel extension. Height int `json:"height"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
PanelViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the panel anchor is supported.
type PartnershipApplication ¶
type PartnershipApplication struct { // ID of the user that submitted the application, // provided purely for the convenience of invalidating GraphQL client caches. ID string `json:"id"` // A submitted application currently can only be unresolved or resolved: // // - A null resolvedAt timestamp means that the application is unresolved and may be under review. // // - A non-null resolvedAt means that the application has been resolved, either approved or rejected. // A user with an approved application may now start the partnership on-boarding flow. ResolvedAt *time.Time `json:"resolvedAt"` }
PartnershipApplication is a submitted partnership application.
type PasswordStatus ¶
type PasswordStatus string
PasswordStatus determines the current state of the users password.
const ( // The users password has never been evaluated. PasswordStatusNotEvaluated PasswordStatus = "NOT_EVALUATED" // The users password meets requirements. PasswordStatusValid PasswordStatus = "VALID" // The users password does not meet requirements. PasswordStatusInvalid PasswordStatus = "INVALID" // Unknown password status. PasswordStatusUnknown PasswordStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (PasswordStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e PasswordStatus) IsValid() bool
func (PasswordStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PasswordStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PasswordStatus) String ¶
func (e PasswordStatus) String() string
func (*PasswordStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PasswordStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PathToAffiliate ¶
type PathToAffiliate struct { // Average viewers needed to complete the quest. AverageViewers *QuestGoalFloat `json:"averageViewers"` // Image URL for the quest's badge. BadgeURL *string `json:"badgeURL"` // Time that this quest was completed. CompletedAt *time.Time `json:"completedAt"` // Number of followers needed to complete the quest. Evaluated at a 6 month period. All other metrics are evaluated in 30 day periods. Followers *QuestGoalInt `json:"followers"` // Number of hours streamed needed to complete the quest. HoursStreamed *QuestGoalFloat `json:"hoursStreamed"` // Time period that's being evaluated for the metrics/goals. QuestEvaluationInterval *QuestEvaluationInterval `json:"questEvaluationInterval"` // Number of unique days needed to complete the quest. UniqueDaysStreamed *QuestGoalInt `json:"uniqueDaysStreamed"` }
Associated metrics for the "Path to Affiliate" quest.
type PathToPartner ¶
type PathToPartner struct { // Average viewers needed to complete the quest. AverageViewers *QuestGoalFloat `json:"averageViewers"` // Image URL for the quest's badge. BadgeURL *string `json:"badgeURL"` // Time that this quest was completed. CompletedAt *time.Time `json:"completedAt"` // Number of hours streamed needed to complete the quest. HoursStreamed *QuestGoalFloat `json:"hoursStreamed"` // Time period that's being evaluated for the metrics/goals. QuestEvaluationInterval *QuestEvaluationInterval `json:"questEvaluationInterval"` // Number of unique days needed to complete the quest. UniqueDaysStreamed *QuestGoalInt `json:"uniqueDaysStreamed"` }
Associated metrics for the "Path to Partner" quest.
type PayItForwardTreatmentType ¶
type PayItForwardTreatmentType string
Which possible treatments the user can get for their pay it forward private callout.
const ( // Thank treatment. PayItForwardTreatmentTypeThank PayItForwardTreatmentType = "THANK" // Gift treatment. PayItForwardTreatmentTypeGift PayItForwardTreatmentType = "GIFT" )
func (PayItForwardTreatmentType) IsValid ¶
func (e PayItForwardTreatmentType) IsValid() bool
func (PayItForwardTreatmentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayItForwardTreatmentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayItForwardTreatmentType) String ¶
func (e PayItForwardTreatmentType) String() string
func (*PayItForwardTreatmentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayItForwardTreatmentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PayWithAmazonConfigs ¶
type PayWithAmazonConfigs struct { // Used to configure PWA gateway and identify requests to Amazon. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // Frontend only has access to production PWA environment so this helps QA. IsProduction bool `json:"isProduction"` // Also known as merchant ID, which identifies the account accepting payments. SellerID string `json:"sellerID"` }
type PayableStatus ¶
type PayableStatus struct { // Whether or not the user is able to be paid out. IsPayable bool `json:"isPayable"` }
Payout Status is the payout status of the creator for all non-earnings related issues.
type PaymentCardType ¶
type PaymentCardType string
Types of credit cards supported.
const ( // Visa. PaymentCardTypeVisa PaymentCardType = "VISA" // Mastercard. PaymentCardTypeMastercard PaymentCardType = "MASTERCARD" // American Express. PaymentCardTypeAmericanExpress PaymentCardType = "AMERICAN_EXPRESS" // Discover. PaymentCardTypeDiscover PaymentCardType = "DISCOVER" )
func (PaymentCardType) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentCardType) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentCardType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentCardType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentCardType) String ¶
func (e PaymentCardType) String() string
func (*PaymentCardType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentCardType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentIncentiveMetricsRollup ¶
type PaymentIncentiveMetricsRollup struct { // A measure of how much advertising time broadcasters have during their live // streams. AdvertisingDensity float64 `json:"advertisingDensity"` // The number of live hours the user streamed for the month. LiveHoursBroadcast float64 `json:"liveHoursBroadcast"` // The number of live minutes watched for the month. LiveMinutesWatched float64 `json:"liveMinutesWatched"` // The start time for the monthly rollup. These times are in the Pacific Time // Zone and the monthly rollups begin in this time zone. Rather than // converting to local time, clients should inform end users of this timing // quirk and perform custom parsing on these values to show the current year // and month in Pacific Time. Timestamp *time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // The number of VOD minutes watched the user has for the month. VodMinutesWatched float64 `json:"vodMinutesWatched"` }
A monthly rollup of metrics that are relevant to incentive-based contracts for some partnered streamers.
type PaymentInstrumentType ¶
type PaymentInstrumentType string
Payment instrument used through the payment provider.
const ( // Credit or debit card. PaymentInstrumentTypeCreditCard PaymentInstrumentType = "CREDIT_CARD" // Pay with Amazon. PaymentInstrumentTypeAmazon PaymentInstrumentType = "AMAZON" // Pay with Paypal. PaymentInstrumentTypePaypal PaymentInstrumentType = "PAYPAL" // Pay with Google In-App Billing. PaymentInstrumentTypeGoogleIab PaymentInstrumentType = "GOOGLE_IAB" // Pay with Apple In-App Purchase. PaymentInstrumentTypeAppleIap PaymentInstrumentType = "APPLE_IAP" // Xsolla only. PaymentInstrumentTypeSkrill PaymentInstrumentType = "SKRILL" // Xsolla only. PaymentInstrumentTypeYandex PaymentInstrumentType = "YANDEX" // Xsolla only. PaymentInstrumentTypeWebmoney PaymentInstrumentType = "WEBMONEY" // Xsolla default. PaymentInstrumentTypeUnknown PaymentInstrumentType = "UNKNOWN" // Pay with Wallet. PaymentInstrumentTypeWallet PaymentInstrumentType = "WALLET" // Pay with bank account. PaymentInstrumentTypeDirectDebit PaymentInstrumentType = "DIRECT_DEBIT" )
func (PaymentInstrumentType) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentInstrumentType) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentInstrumentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentInstrumentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentInstrumentType) String ¶
func (e PaymentInstrumentType) String() string
func (*PaymentInstrumentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentInstrumentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentMethod ¶
type PaymentMethod struct { // Country (ISO-3166) associated to the billing info for the customer's payment method. BillingCountry *string `json:"billingCountry"` // Email associated with customer's Amazon/Paypal account. BillingEmail *string `json:"billingEmail"` // If payment type is card, then the type of card used is shown here. CardType *PaymentCardType `json:"cardType"` // ID of the payment method that can be referenced by other systems. ChargeInstrumentID string `json:"chargeInstrumentID"` // Credit card expiration month, if paymentType is CREDIT_CARD. ExpirationMonth *int `json:"expirationMonth"` // Credit card expiration year, if paymentType is CREDIT_CARD. ExpirationYear *int `json:"expirationYear"` // External payment method ID (the ID recorded by the payment provider) // We can guarantee its uniqueness since it is external from our systems. ExtMethodID *string `json:"extMethodID"` // Whether or not payment method has restrictions. IsRestricted bool `json:"isRestricted"` // Credit card last four digits, if paymentType is CREDIT_CARD. LastFour *string `json:"lastFour"` // The payment scheme used by this payment method. PaymentScheme *PaymentScheme `json:"paymentScheme"` // Payment type used via the payment provider. PaymentType PaymentInstrumentType `json:"paymentType"` // One of the payment providers that Twitch currently supports. Provider PaymentProvider `json:"provider"` // List of purchase profiles associated with this payment method. PurchaseProfiles []*PurchaseProfile `json:"purchaseProfiles"` // List of recurring payments associated with this payment method. // New schema to eventually replace purchase profiles. RecurringPaymentDetails []*RecurringPaymentDetail `json:"recurringPaymentDetails"` }
Type of payment method a user has used to buy products on Twitch, such as subs.
type PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus ¶
type PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus string
The list of availability statuses for a payment method.
const ( // Available status. PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusAvailable PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus = "AVAILABLE" // Degraded status. PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusDegraded PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus = "DEGRADED" // Full outage status. PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatusFullOutage PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus = "FULL_OUTAGE" )
func (PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) String ¶
func (e PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) String() string
func (*PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentMethodAvailabilityStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentProvider ¶
type PaymentProvider string
Type of payment providers.
const ( // Unknown payment provider. PaymentProviderUnknown PaymentProvider = "UNKNOWN" // (Deprecated) Paypal payment provider now a payment method provided by Recurly. PaymentProviderPaypal PaymentProvider = "PAYPAL" // (Deprecated) Paypal payment provider. PaymentProviderPaypalRt PaymentProvider = "PAYPAL_RT" // Recurly payment provider, allows payments with credit card, amazon, paypal. PaymentProviderRecurly PaymentProvider = "RECURLY" // Xsolla payment provider, usually provides Iframe for users to go through checkout process. PaymentProviderXsolla PaymentProvider = "XSOLLA" // (Deprecated) Xsolla payment provider, usually provides Iframe for users to go through checkout process. PaymentProviderXsollaV3 PaymentProvider = "XSOLLA_V3" // Zuora payment provider, supports credit card payments. PaymentProviderZuora PaymentProvider = "ZUORA" // Twitch Prime used to buy product on Twitch. PaymentProviderPrime PaymentProvider = "PRIME" // Google In-App Billing, for Android transactions. PaymentProviderGoogleIab PaymentProvider = "GOOGLE_IAB" // Apple In-App Purchases for iOS transactions. PaymentProviderAppleIap PaymentProvider = "APPLE_IAP" // Sub tokens, which can be redeemed for channel subscriptions. PaymentProviderSubToken PaymentProvider = "SUB_TOKEN" )
func (PaymentProvider) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentProvider) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentProvider) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentProvider) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentProvider) String ¶
func (e PaymentProvider) String() string
func (*PaymentProvider) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentProvider) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentProviderConfigs ¶
type PaymentProviderConfigs struct { // Configs to initiate Recurly library for the user for purchase checkout or payment method update. Recurly *RecurlyConfigs `json:"recurly"` // Xsolla configs include the iframe URL for purchase checkout or payment method update. Xsolla *XsollaConfigs `json:"xsolla"` // Configs for initiating Zuora credit card payments or payment method update. Zuora *ZuoraConfigs `json:"zuora"` }
type PaymentScheme ¶
type PaymentScheme string
The payment scheme supported.
const ( // SEPA. PaymentSchemeSepa PaymentScheme = "SEPA" // BACS. PaymentSchemeBacs PaymentScheme = "BACS" )
func (PaymentScheme) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentScheme) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentScheme) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentScheme) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentScheme) String ¶
func (e PaymentScheme) String() string
func (*PaymentScheme) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentScheme) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentSession ¶
type PaymentSession struct { // Payment's Tracking Checkout ID. CheckoutSessionID *string `json:"checkoutSessionID"` // User's device ID. DeviceID *string `json:"deviceID"` // Twilight's storage device ID. LocalStorageDeviceID *string `json:"localStorageDeviceID"` // Offer Session ID. OfferSessionID *string `json:"offerSessionID"` // Twilight's Page Session ID. PageSessionID *string `json:"pageSessionID"` // Twilight's Tab Session ID. TabSessionID *string `json:"tabSessionID"` }
Inputs for PaymentSession.
type PaymentTransaction ¶
type PaymentTransaction struct { // Currency for the price. Currency *string `json:"currency"` // Price in smallest subunit for the currency, such as 499. GrossAmount *int `json:"grossAmount"` // The divisor used to derive the gross amount. GrossAmountDivisor *int `json:"grossAmountDivisor"` // Payment ID such as PPT321281 or POPT3278183712. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether this payment transaction was made to purchase a gift for someone else or not. IsGift bool `json:"isGift"` // The payment method that was used to generate this payment transaction. PaymentMethod *PaymentMethod `json:"paymentMethod"` // Payment transaction purchased product details. Product *PaymentTransactionProduct `json:"product"` // PurchaseOrderID for the payment. PurchaseOrderID *string `json:"purchaseOrderID"` // Time the purchase payment was recognized at. PurchasedAt time.Time `json:"purchasedAt"` // Quantity of the purchase. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // The recipient Twitch user of the product purchased by the payment transaction, if applicable. Recipient *User `json:"recipient"` }
There are legacy and new data sources that contain similar payment transaction data. This type aims to merge several data sources into one to expose a consistent payment history for each Twitch user.
type PaymentTransactionConnection ¶
type PaymentTransactionConnection struct { // The list of payment transactions on this page. Edges []*PaymentTransactionEdge `json:"edges"` // The payment date of the earliest PaymentTransaction among all possible pages. FirstPurchasedAt *time.Time `json:"firstPurchasedAt"` // The payment date of the latest PaymentTransaction among all possible pages. LastPurchasedAt *time.Time `json:"lastPurchasedAt"` // Information about this page of payment transactions. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of payment transactions in the overall collection. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of payment transactions, and its metadata.
type PaymentTransactionConnectionCriteriaInput ¶
type PaymentTransactionConnectionCriteriaInput struct { // Only show transactions purchased after this date. PurchasedAfter *time.Time `json:"purchasedAfter"` // Only show transactions purchased before this date. PurchasedBefore *time.Time `json:"purchasedBefore"` // Sort transactions by... defaults to date desc. SortBy *PaymentTransactionSort `json:"sortBy"` // Only show transactions that purchased products of a certain type, defaults to ALL. Type *PaymentTransactionTypeFilter `json:"type"` // Purchaser ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Filter and sorting options for querying all transactions for a Twitch purchaser.
type PaymentTransactionEdge ¶
type PaymentTransactionEdge struct { // Offset acting as a cursor. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *PaymentTransaction `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of payment transactions, and its metadata.
type PaymentTransactionProduct ¶
type PaymentTransactionProduct struct { // Number of digital goods wrapped into a product. BundleSize int `json:"bundleSize"` // The name of the product. Name string `json:"name"` // Some products have owners. For example, the owner of the `Lirik - Tier 1 Subscription` product is Lirik. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // Some products have tiers, such as subs. Tier *string `json:"tier"` // What type of product the payment was made for. Type PaymentTransactionType `json:"type"` }
Payment transaction purchased product details.
type PaymentTransactionSort ¶
type PaymentTransactionSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of payment transactions.
const ( // Sort the payment transactions descending by price. PaymentTransactionSortPriceDesc PaymentTransactionSort = "PRICE_DESC" // Sort the payment transactions ascending by price. PaymentTransactionSortPriceAsc PaymentTransactionSort = "PRICE_ASC" // Sort by purchase date descending. PaymentTransactionSortPurchaseDateDesc PaymentTransactionSort = "PURCHASE_DATE_DESC" // Sort by purchase date ascending. PaymentTransactionSortPurchaseDateAsc PaymentTransactionSort = "PURCHASE_DATE_ASC" )
func (PaymentTransactionSort) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionSort) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentTransactionSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentTransactionSort) String ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionSort) String() string
func (*PaymentTransactionSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentTransactionSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentTransactionType ¶
type PaymentTransactionType string
Payment transaction type.
const ( // Transaction for a subscription type. PaymentTransactionTypeSubscription PaymentTransactionType = "SUBSCRIPTION" // Transaction for a bits type. PaymentTransactionTypeBits PaymentTransactionType = "BITS" // Transaction for a sub token. PaymentTransactionTypeSubToken PaymentTransactionType = "SUB_TOKEN" // Transaction for gift cards. PaymentTransactionTypeGiftCard PaymentTransactionType = "GIFT_CARD" // Transaction for celebration. PaymentTransactionTypeCelebration PaymentTransactionType = "CELEBRATION" // Transaction for an unknown type. PaymentTransactionTypeUnknown PaymentTransactionType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (PaymentTransactionType) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionType) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentTransactionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentTransactionType) String ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionType) String() string
func (*PaymentTransactionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentTransactionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PaymentTransactionTypeFilter ¶
type PaymentTransactionTypeFilter string
Select the kind of transactions.
const ( // Only return payment transactions that associated with subscription products. PaymentTransactionTypeFilterSubscriptions PaymentTransactionTypeFilter = "SUBSCRIPTIONS" // Only return payment transactions that are associated with subtoken purchases and redemptions. PaymentTransactionTypeFilterSubToken PaymentTransactionTypeFilter = "SUB_TOKEN" // The default filter (no filter). PaymentTransactionTypeFilterAll PaymentTransactionTypeFilter = "ALL" )
func (PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) IsValid() bool
func (PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) String ¶
func (e PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) String() string
func (*PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PaymentTransactionTypeFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Payout ¶
type Payout struct { // Payout History Information. History *PayoutHistory `json:"history"` }
Payout Information.
type PayoutBalance ¶
type PayoutBalance struct { // Currency for the user. Currency string `json:"currency"` // Amount of total earnings accrued since last payout for user. CurrentPayoutBalanceAmount float64 `json:"currentPayoutBalanceAmount"` // Month for the current payout balance. Month int `json:"month"` // Year for the current payout balance. Year int `json:"year"` }
Payout Balance is the amount accrued by the user since their last Payout.
type PayoutCategory ¶
type PayoutCategory string
Enumerates valid payout categories.
const ( // Assigned if the user has a payout plan for the affiliate program. PayoutCategoryAffiliate PayoutCategory = "AFFILIATE" // Assigned if the user has a payout plan for the extensions developer program. PayoutCategoryExtensionsDeveloper PayoutCategory = "EXTENSIONS_DEVELOPER" // Assigned if the user has a payout plan for the partner program. PayoutCategoryPartner PayoutCategory = "PARTNER" )
func (PayoutCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e PayoutCategory) IsValid() bool
func (PayoutCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayoutCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayoutCategory) String ¶
func (e PayoutCategory) String() string
func (*PayoutCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayoutCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PayoutHistory ¶
type PayoutHistory struct { // Url for Tipalti payout history iframe. IframeURL *string `json:"iframeURL"` }
Payout History Information.
type PayoutInvite ¶
type PayoutInvite struct { // The payout program category the user has been invited to. Category *PayoutOnboardingCategory `json:"category"` // A PayoutInvite's unique ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether or not this payout invite is for the affiliate program. IsForAffiliate bool `json:"isForAffiliate"` // Whether or not this payout invite is for the extensions developer program. IsForExtensionsDeveloper bool `json:"isForExtensionsDeveloper"` // Whether or not this payout invite is for the partner program. IsForPartner bool `json:"isForPartner"` // Whether or not the payout invite was created through the legacy onboarding flow. IsLegacy bool `json:"isLegacy"` // The payout onboarding workflow for this payout invite. Workflow *PayoutOnboardingWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
PayoutInvite describes a user's invite to a payout program.
type PayoutOnboardingCategory ¶
type PayoutOnboardingCategory string
PayoutOnboardingCategory enumerates valid categories for payout onboarding.
const ( // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into the affiliate program. PayoutOnboardingCategoryAffiliate PayoutOnboardingCategory = "AFFILIATE" // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into the partner program with the "standard" payout plan. PayoutOnboardingCategoryStandardPartner PayoutOnboardingCategory = "STANDARD_PARTNER" // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into the partner program with the "premium" payout plan. PayoutOnboardingCategoryPremiumPartner PayoutOnboardingCategory = "PREMIUM_PARTNER" // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into the partner program with a "custom" payout plan. PayoutOnboardingCategoryCustomPartner PayoutOnboardingCategory = "CUSTOM_PARTNER" // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into the extensions developer program. PayoutOnboardingCategoryExtensionsDeveloper PayoutOnboardingCategory = "EXTENSIONS_DEVELOPER" // Assigned for payout onboarding flows to enroll a user into an unpaid partner program. PayoutOnboardingCategoryUnpaidPartner PayoutOnboardingCategory = "UNPAID_PARTNER" )
func (PayoutOnboardingCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingCategory) IsValid() bool
func (PayoutOnboardingCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayoutOnboardingCategory) String ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingCategory) String() string
func (*PayoutOnboardingCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayoutOnboardingCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PayoutOnboardingStep ¶
type PayoutOnboardingStep string
PayoutOnboardingStep enumerates valid payout onboarding steps.
const ( // User needs to complete their registration step. PayoutOnboardingStepRegistrationNotStarted PayoutOnboardingStep = "REGISTRATION_NOT_STARTED" // User needs to agree to their payout agreement. PayoutOnboardingStepAgreementNotStarted PayoutOnboardingStep = "AGREEMENT_NOT_STARTED" // User needs to submit their royalty tax interview. PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewNotStarted PayoutOnboardingStep = "ROYALTY_TAX_INTERVIEW_NOT_STARTED" // User submitted their royalty tax interview and is waiting for it to be accepted. PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewPending PayoutOnboardingStep = "ROYALTY_TAX_INTERVIEW_PENDING" // User submitted their royalty tax interview but additional action by the user is required before completion. PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewActionRequired PayoutOnboardingStep = "ROYALTY_TAX_INTERVIEW_ACTION_REQUIRED" // User submitted their royalty tax interview and received mismatch errors. PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewMismatch PayoutOnboardingStep = "ROYALTY_TAX_INTERVIEW_MISMATCH" // User submitted their royalty tax interview and received errors while it was processed. PayoutOnboardingStepRoyaltyTaxInterviewFailed PayoutOnboardingStep = "ROYALTY_TAX_INTERVIEW_FAILED" // User has completed their royalty tax interview and needs to complete their service tax interview. PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewNotStarted PayoutOnboardingStep = "SERVICE_TAX_INTERVIEW_NOT_STARTED" // User submitted their service tax interview and is waiting for it to be accepted. PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewPending PayoutOnboardingStep = "SERVICE_TAX_INTERVIEW_PENDING" // User submitted their service tax interview but additional action by the user is required before completion. PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewActionRequired PayoutOnboardingStep = "SERVICE_TAX_INTERVIEW_ACTION_REQUIRED" // User submitted their service tax interview and received mismatch errors. PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewMismatch PayoutOnboardingStep = "SERVICE_TAX_INTERVIEW_MISMATCH" // User submitted their service tax interview and received errors while it was processed. PayoutOnboardingStepServiceTaxInterviewFailed PayoutOnboardingStep = "SERVICE_TAX_INTERVIEW_FAILED" // User neeeds to setup how they want to get paid out. PayoutOnboardingStepPayoutMethodNotStarted PayoutOnboardingStep = "PAYOUT_METHOD_NOT_STARTED" // User submitted their payout method and is waiting for it to be accepted. PayoutOnboardingStepPayoutMethodPending PayoutOnboardingStep = "PAYOUT_METHOD_PENDING" // User is waiting for a final approval from the payout onboarding reviewers. PayoutOnboardingStepReviewPending PayoutOnboardingStep = "REVIEW_PENDING" // User has completed their payout onboarding. PayoutOnboardingStepCompleted PayoutOnboardingStep = "COMPLETED" // User has canceled their payout onboarding workflow. PayoutOnboardingStepCanceled PayoutOnboardingStep = "CANCELED" // User has a pending upgrade to their payout agreement. PayoutOnboardingStepAgreementPendingUpgrade PayoutOnboardingStep = "AGREEMENT_PENDING_UPGRADE" )
func (PayoutOnboardingStep) IsValid ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingStep) IsValid() bool
func (PayoutOnboardingStep) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingStep) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayoutOnboardingStep) String ¶
func (e PayoutOnboardingStep) String() string
func (*PayoutOnboardingStep) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayoutOnboardingStep) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PayoutOnboardingWorkflow ¶
type PayoutOnboardingWorkflow struct { // The current step at which this workflow is at. CurrentStep PayoutOnboardingStep `json:"currentStep"` // A PayoutOnboardingWorkflow's unique ID. ID string `json:"id"` // The URL for a user to update their payout settings. A redirectURL is the URL // where the user will be redirected to after updating their payout settings. PayoutSettingsURL string `json:"payoutSettingsURL"` // The registration information submitted by the user for this workflow. Registration *PayoutRegistration `json:"registration"` // Describes a user's tax interview information while completing their payout onboarding. TaxInterview *TaxInterview `json:"taxInterview"` // Lists the fields that were mismatched during the registration and tax interview steps. TaxMismatchErrors []TaxMismatchError `json:"taxMismatchErrors"` // The timestamp when the workflow was most recently updated. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` }
PayoutOnboardingWorkflow describes the workflow details while a user is onboarding into a payout program.
type PayoutPlan ¶
type PayoutPlan struct { // The category applied for this payout plan. Category PayoutCategory `json:"category"` // Describes whether or not this payout plan is receiving revenue. IsReceivingRevenue bool `json:"isReceivingRevenue"` // Lists tags to further describe this type of payout plan. Tags []PayoutPlanTag `json:"tags"` }
Describes the payout plan a user has when enrolled into a payout program.
type PayoutPlanTag ¶
type PayoutPlanTag string
Enumerates valid payout plan tags.
const ( // Assigned if the user has the "standard" payout plan. PayoutPlanTagStandard PayoutPlanTag = "STANDARD" // Assigned if the user has the "premium" payout plan. PayoutPlanTagPremium PayoutPlanTag = "PREMIUM" // Assigned if the user has the "custom" payout plan. PayoutPlanTagCustom PayoutPlanTag = "CUSTOM" // Assigned if the user has a payout plan created through the legacy onboarding flow. PayoutPlanTagLegacy PayoutPlanTag = "LEGACY" // Assigned if user has an esports payout plan. Twitch pays them lump sum when they get rewarded from competing in a Twtich sponsored event. PayoutPlanTagEsports PayoutPlanTag = "ESPORTS" )
func (PayoutPlanTag) IsValid ¶
func (e PayoutPlanTag) IsValid() bool
func (PayoutPlanTag) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PayoutPlanTag) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PayoutPlanTag) String ¶
func (e PayoutPlanTag) String() string
func (*PayoutPlanTag) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PayoutPlanTag) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PayoutRegistration ¶
type PayoutRegistration struct { // Birthdate submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Birthdate time.Time `json:"birthdate"` // City submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. City string `json:"city"` // Company Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. CompanyName *string `json:"companyName"` // Country Code (ISO-3166) submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Email submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Email string `json:"email"` // First Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // Last Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // Middle Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. MiddleName *string `json:"middleName"` // Parent Email submitted by the under age user while registering into a payout program. ParentEmail *string `json:"parentEmail"` // Parent Name submitted by the under age user while registering into a payout program. ParentName *string `json:"parentName"` // Postal submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Postal *string `json:"postal"` // State Code submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StateCode *string `json:"stateCode"` // Primary Address submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StreetAddress string `json:"streetAddress"` // Secondary Address submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StreetAddress2 *string `json:"streetAddress2"` }
PayoutRegistration describes the personal information a user submitted while onboarding into a payout program.
type PendingSubType ¶
type PendingSubType string
Denotes the type of pending subscription.
const ( // This pending subscription was a conversion from a gift sub to a paid sub. PendingSubTypeGiftToPaid PendingSubType = "GIFT_TO_PAID" // This pending subscription was a conversion from a DNRd sub to a renewing sub. PendingSubTypeDnrToResubRecurring PendingSubType = "DNR_TO_RESUB_RECURRING" // This pending subscription was a conversion from a DNRd sub to a one month sub. PendingSubTypeDnrToResubNonrecurring PendingSubType = "DNR_TO_RESUB_NONRECURRING" // This pending subscription was a conversion from a prime sub to a paid sub. PendingSubTypePrimeToPaid PendingSubType = "PRIME_TO_PAID" )
func (PendingSubType) IsValid ¶
func (e PendingSubType) IsValid() bool
func (PendingSubType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PendingSubType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PendingSubType) String ¶
func (e PendingSubType) String() string
func (*PendingSubType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PendingSubType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PendingSubscription ¶
type PendingSubscription struct { // Whether the pending sub is cancelable. IsCancelable bool `json:"isCancelable"` // The id of the pending subscription purchase. Used to cancel the paid upgrade. OriginID string `json:"originID"` // The formatted price of the pending subscription in USD. Price string `json:"price"` // PriceInfo holds the pending subscription's pricing information such as currency, cost, and tax information. PriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"priceInfo"` // The date the pending subscription begins. StartsAt time.Time `json:"startsAt"` // Tier of pending subscription. Tier string `json:"tier"` // The type of pending subscription. Ie GIFT_TO_PAID for a gift to paid conversion. Type PendingSubType `json:"type"` }
Data about a pending future subscription. ie. a user turns a 1-month gift into a recurring subscription.
type PermanentEmoteModifier ¶
type PermanentEmoteModifier string
The permanent emote modifiers available to set.
const ( // Unknown emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierUnknown PermanentEmoteModifier = "UNKNOWN" // BlackWhite emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierBlackWhite PermanentEmoteModifier = "BLACK_WHITE" // HorizontalFlip emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierHorizontalFlip PermanentEmoteModifier = "HORIZONTAL_FLIP" // Sunglasses emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierSunglasses PermanentEmoteModifier = "SUNGLASSES" // Thinking emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierThinking PermanentEmoteModifier = "THINKING" // Squished emote modifier. PermanentEmoteModifierSquished PermanentEmoteModifier = "SQUISHED" )
func (PermanentEmoteModifier) IsValid ¶
func (e PermanentEmoteModifier) IsValid() bool
func (PermanentEmoteModifier) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PermanentEmoteModifier) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PermanentEmoteModifier) String ¶
func (e PermanentEmoteModifier) String() string
func (*PermanentEmoteModifier) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PermanentEmoteModifier) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PersonalSection ¶
type PersonalSection struct { // Returns the list of contents in this section, nil if there is an error. Items []PersonalSectionItem `json:"items"` // The localized title for the personal section. Title *PersonalSectionTitle `json:"title"` // Describes the section (FOLLOWED, RECOMMENDED, POPULAR ...). Type PersonalSectionType `json:"type"` }
Describes the section(follows, recommendation ...) for a current user in the navigation bar.
type PersonalSectionChannel ¶
type PersonalSectionChannel struct { // Either live stream or vod depending on whether the stream in live. Content PersonalSectionChannelContent `json:"content"` // Describes how to label channels, if a label is necessary. Label PersonalSectionChannelLabel `json:"label"` // Unique id per channel used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` // The channel (user object of channel). User *User `json:"user"` }
Describes the personal channel for the current user.
func (PersonalSectionChannel) IsPersonalSectionItem ¶
func (PersonalSectionChannel) IsPersonalSectionItem()
type PersonalSectionChannelContent ¶
type PersonalSectionChannelContent interface {
Content metadata for either live stream or list of vod.
type PersonalSectionChannelLabel ¶
type PersonalSectionChannelLabel string
Describes how to label channels in combined sections. This enum is closely related to - but separate from - the PersonalSectionType enum. Some sections may not have labels and some labels may not have sections.
const ( // Use no label. PersonalSectionChannelLabelNone PersonalSectionChannelLabel = "NONE" // Use label for recommended channel. PersonalSectionChannelLabelRecommended PersonalSectionChannelLabel = "RECOMMENDED" // Use label for similar channel. PersonalSectionChannelLabelSimilar PersonalSectionChannelLabel = "SIMILAR" // Use label for followed channel. PersonalSectionChannelLabelFollowed PersonalSectionChannelLabel = "FOLLOWED" // Use label for popular channel. PersonalSectionChannelLabelPopular PersonalSectionChannelLabel = "POPULAR" )
func (PersonalSectionChannelLabel) IsValid ¶
func (e PersonalSectionChannelLabel) IsValid() bool
func (PersonalSectionChannelLabel) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PersonalSectionChannelLabel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PersonalSectionChannelLabel) String ¶
func (e PersonalSectionChannelLabel) String() string
func (*PersonalSectionChannelLabel) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PersonalSectionChannelLabel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PersonalSectionInput ¶
type PersonalSectionInput struct { // Name of the channel the user is watching. Used to present similar channels. ContextChannelName *string `json:"contextChannelName"` // Provides additional context used to influence recommendations. RecommendationContext *RecommendationsContext `json:"recommendationContext"` // Requested sections eg: follows, recommendation, popular. SectionInputs []PersonalSectionType `json:"sectionInputs"` }
Input to personal section query.
type PersonalSectionItem ¶
type PersonalSectionItem interface {
The types of content(channel, category ...) that can be contained in a PersonalSectionItem.
type PersonalSectionTextToken ¶
type PersonalSectionTextToken struct { // The text to display for this token. Value string `json:"value"` }
A personal section token type that contains text.
func (PersonalSectionTextToken) IsPersonalSectionTitleToken ¶
func (PersonalSectionTextToken) IsPersonalSectionTitleToken()
type PersonalSectionTitle ¶
type PersonalSectionTitle struct { // The localizedFallback title, only to be used if localizedTokens is nil. LocalizedFallback string `json:"localizedFallback"` // The localized section title in the form of a list of tokens. [Maximum of 2 tokens]. LocalizedTokens []PersonalSectionTitleToken `json:"localizedTokens"` }
The title for the personal section.
type PersonalSectionTitleToken ¶
type PersonalSectionTitleToken interface {
The content of a personal section title token.
type PersonalSectionType ¶
type PersonalSectionType string
Describes the type in personal sections.
const ( // Returns the list of followed channels if the user is authenticated. PersonalSectionTypeFollowedSection PersonalSectionType = "FOLLOWED_SECTION" // Returns the list of recommended channels. PersonalSectionTypeRecommendedSection PersonalSectionType = "RECOMMENDED_SECTION" // Returns the list of popular channels. PersonalSectionTypePopularSection PersonalSectionType = "POPULAR_SECTION" // Returns the list of similar channels. PersonalSectionTypeSimilarSection PersonalSectionType = "SIMILAR_SECTION" )
func (PersonalSectionType) IsValid ¶
func (e PersonalSectionType) IsValid() bool
func (PersonalSectionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PersonalSectionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PersonalSectionType) String ¶
func (e PersonalSectionType) String() string
func (*PersonalSectionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PersonalSectionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PhaseState ¶
type PhaseState string
The phase state signifies the progress of the phase in the competition.
const ( // No lobbies are currently actively playing in the phase. PhaseStateUnstarted PhaseState = "UNSTARTED" // Some or all the lobbies in the phase are actively playing. PhaseStatePlaying PhaseState = "PLAYING" // All lobbies in the phase are done playing. PhaseStateFinished PhaseState = "FINISHED" // Lobby state is unknown. PhaseStateUnknown PhaseState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (PhaseState) IsValid ¶
func (e PhaseState) IsValid() bool
func (PhaseState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PhaseState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PhaseState) String ¶
func (e PhaseState) String() string
func (*PhaseState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PhaseState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PhotoOEmbed ¶
type PhotoOEmbed struct { AuthorName *string `json:"authorName"` AuthorURL *string `json:"authorURL"` CacheAge *int `json:"cacheAge"` Height int `json:"height"` InputURL string `json:"inputURL"` ProviderName *string `json:"providerName"` ProviderURL *string `json:"providerURL"` Thumbnail *ThumbnailOEmbed `json:"thumbnail"` Title *string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` Version string `json:"version"` Width int `json:"width"` }
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed()
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsOEmbed ¶
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsOEmbed()
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (PhotoOEmbed) IsPostEmbed()
type PlatformEventSetting ¶
type PlatformEventSetting struct { // Whether the setting is enabled for the given platform. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The name of the platform. ("email", "push", etc..). PlatformName string `json:"platformName"` // The exact state of the setting. ("on", "off", "friends_only", etc). SettingState string `json:"settingState"` }
type PlatformType ¶
type PlatformType string
Stream platform type.
const ( PlatformTypeAll PlatformType = "all" PlatformTypePs4 PlatformType = "ps4" PlatformTypeXbox PlatformType = "xbox" )
func (PlatformType) IsValid ¶
func (e PlatformType) IsValid() bool
func (PlatformType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PlatformType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PlatformType) String ¶
func (e PlatformType) String() string
func (*PlatformType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PlatformType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PlayStation ¶
type PlayStation struct { Platform *string `json:"platform"` Title *SCETitle `json:"title"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` User *SCEUser `json:"user"` }
Stream metadata for PlayStation.
func (PlayStation) IsPlatform ¶
func (PlayStation) IsPlatform()
type PlaybackAccessToken ¶
type PlaybackAccessToken struct { // The signature of the token. Signature string `json:"signature"` // Token that encodes information about the user's access to a video. Value string `json:"value"` }
Access token that determines playback experience for a video.
type PlaybackAccessTokenParams ¶
type PlaybackAccessTokenParams struct { // If the video should not be loaded over HTTPS. DisableHTTPS *bool `json:"disableHTTPS"` // If the user has adblock enabled. HasAdblock *bool `json:"hasAdblock"` // The platform the user is watching the video on. Platform string `json:"platform"` // The player backend being used to serve video. PlayerBackend *string `json:"playerBackend"` // The type of player the user is watching from. PlayerType string `json:"playerType"` }
Optional parameters to pass in when fetching a playback access token.
type Playing ¶
type Playing struct { // The game being played. Game *Game `json:"game"` // This activity's type, i.e. "PLAYING". Type *ActivityType `json:"type"` }
func (Playing) IsActivity ¶
func (Playing) IsActivity()
type Poll ¶
type Poll struct { // A choice specified by a choice id. Choice *PollChoice `json:"choice"` // A list of choices users can vote for. Choices []*PollChoice `json:"choices"` // User that created the poll. // Mods and editors can make polls on behalf of a broadcaster. CreatedBy *User `json:"createdBy"` // Amount of seconds from when the poll starts to when it ends. // Since a broadcaster can end a poll early ("terminate a poll"), it may be possible for endedAt - startedAt != duration. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // Time when the poll ended. // Null if the poll is still active. EndedAt *time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // User that ended the poll. Mods and editors can end polls on behalf of a broadcaster. // Null if no user manually ended the poll. EndedBy *User `json:"endedBy"` // ID of poll. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the poll is viewable by other users. IsViewable bool `json:"isViewable"` // User who owns this poll. The poll will appear on their channel. OwnedBy *User `json:"ownedBy"` // Amount of milliseconds before the poll ends. // 0 when the polls is ended. RemainingDurationMilliseconds int `json:"remainingDurationMilliseconds"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this poll. // Main use case is to check if the user has voted in the poll already. // Null if un-authenticated user is making this query. Self *PollSelfEdge `json:"self"` // A map of poll settings. Settings *PollSettings `json:"settings"` // Time when poll started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` // The status of the poll. Status PollStatus `json:"status"` // Title of poll. Title string `json:"title"` // A breakdown of the different tokens used in this poll. Tokens *PollTokenBreakdown `json:"tokens"` // The top Bits contributor for the poll. TopBitsContributor *PollTopBitsContributor `json:"topBitsContributor"` // The top Community Points contributor for the poll. TopCommunityPointsContributor *PollTopCommunityPointsContributor `json:"topCommunityPointsContributor"` // The top Bits contributor for the poll. TopContributor *PollTopContributor `json:"topContributor"` // Total number of unique voters that have voted in this poll. TotalVoters int `json:"totalVoters"` // A breakdown of the different votes cast in this poll. Votes *PollVoteBreakdown `json:"votes"` }
A poll users can vote in.
type PollChoice ¶
type PollChoice struct { // ID of choice. ID string `json:"id"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this choice. Self *PollChoiceSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The title of the choice. Title string `json:"title"` // A breakdown of the different tokens used for this choice. Tokens *PollTokenBreakdown `json:"tokens"` // Total number of unique voters that have voted for this choice. TotalVoters int `json:"totalVoters"` // A list of voters for this choice. // Only the poll's ownerID and their mods/editors can search for this. Voters *PollChoiceVoterConnection `json:"voters"` // A breakdown of the different votes cast for this choice. Votes *PollVoteBreakdown `json:"votes"` }
A choice in a poll that users can vote for.
type PollChoiceSelfEdge ¶
type PollChoiceSelfEdge struct { // The voter object pertaining to the authenticated user. Voter *PollVoter `json:"voter"` }
A connection between poll choice and the authenticated user.
type PollChoiceVoterConnection ¶
type PollChoiceVoterConnection struct { // The list of voters in this poll / choice. Nodes []*PollVoterConnectionEdge `json:"nodes"` }
A connection between poll and voters and metadata.
type PollConnection ¶
type PollConnection struct { // The list of polls for the user. Edges []*PollEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A connection between poll and metadata.
type PollEdge ¶
type PollEdge struct { // Cursor used for next query. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying poll voter. Node *Poll `json:"node"` }
A page entry, that contains the Poll item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination.
type PollSelfEdge ¶
type PollSelfEdge struct { // The voter object pertaining to the authenticated user. Voter *PollVoter `json:"voter"` }
A connection between a poll and the authenticated user.
type PollSettings ¶
type PollSettings struct { // Bits votes poll settings. BitsVotes *PollSettingsBitsVotes `json:"bitsVotes"` // Channel Points votes poll settings. CommunityPointsVotes *PollSettingsCommunityPointsVotes `json:"communityPointsVotes"` // ID of poll settings. ID string `json:"id"` // Multichoice voting poll settings. Multichoice *PollSettingsMultichoice `json:"multichoice"` // Subscriber multiplier poll settings. SubscriberMultiplier *PollSettingsSubscriberMultiplier `json:"subscriberMultiplier"` // Subscriber only poll settings. SubscriberOnly *PollSettingsSubscriberOnly `json:"subscriberOnly"` }
Poll Settings.
type PollSettingsBitsVotes ¶
type PollSettingsBitsVotes struct { // Cost of bits for a vote. Cost int `json:"cost"` // Whether the poll allows for users to use bits for votes. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Bits votes poll settings.
type PollSettingsCommunityPointsVotes ¶
type PollSettingsCommunityPointsVotes struct { // Cost of channel points for a vote. Cost int `json:"cost"` // Whether the poll allows for users to use channel points for votes. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Channel Points votes poll settings.
type PollSettingsMultichoice ¶
type PollSettingsMultichoice struct { // Whether the poll has multichoice voting enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Multichoice voting enabled poll setting.
type PollSettingsSubscriberMultiplier ¶
type PollSettingsSubscriberMultiplier struct { // Whether the poll has a subscriber multipler. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Subscriber multiplier poll settings. Deprecated: subscriber multipliers are no longer supported.
type PollSettingsSubscriberOnly ¶
type PollSettingsSubscriberOnly struct { // Whether the poll is subscriber only. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Subscriber only poll settings. Deprecated: subscriber-only polls are no longer supported.
type PollSort ¶
type PollSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of polls.
const ( // Sort the polls by time. PollSortStartTime PollSort = "START_TIME" )
func (PollSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*PollSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type PollStatus ¶
type PollStatus string
The status of the poll.
const ( // Encountered some poll status that we do not know how to handle BibleThump. PollStatusUnknown PollStatus = "UNKNOWN" // Poll is running. Users can vote. Results are publicly visible. PollStatusActive PollStatus = "ACTIVE" // Poll ran its entire duration and "naturally" completed. Users cannot vote. Results are publicly visible. PollStatusCompleted PollStatus = "COMPLETED" // Poll was manually ended ("terminated") by a user. Users cannot vote. Results are publicly visible. PollStatusTerminated PollStatus = "TERMINATED" // Poll has ended and is no longer publicly visible. Users cannot vote. Results are not publicly visible. PollStatusArchived PollStatus = "ARCHIVED" // Poll has been moderated by Twitch and is no longer viewable, even to the poll owner. Users cannot vote. Results are not visible to any user. PollStatusModerated PollStatus = "MODERATED" )
func (PollStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e PollStatus) IsValid() bool
func (PollStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PollStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PollStatus) String ¶
func (e PollStatus) String() string
func (*PollStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PollStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PollTokenBreakdown ¶
type PollTokenBreakdown struct { // Total number of bits used. Bits int `json:"bits"` // Total number of community points used. CommunityPoints int `json:"communityPoints"` // ID of token breakdown. ID string `json:"id"` }
A breakdown of tokens used/by for this poll/choice/user.
type PollTopBitsContributor ¶
type PollTopBitsContributor struct { // Bits amount contributed. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` // Top contributor to the poll. User *User `json:"user"` }
Top contributor to the poll and the bits they contributed.
type PollTopCommunityPointsContributor ¶
type PollTopCommunityPointsContributor struct { // Community Points amount contributed. CommunityPointsAmount int `json:"communityPointsAmount"` // Top contributor to the poll. User *User `json:"user"` }
Top contributor to the poll and the community points they contributed.
type PollTopContributor ¶
type PollTopContributor struct { // Bits amount contributed. BitsAmount int `json:"bitsAmount"` // Top contributor to the poll. User *User `json:"user"` }
Top contributor to the poll and the bits they contributed. Deprecated: use PollTopBitsContributor instead.
type PollVoteBreakdown ¶
type PollVoteBreakdown struct { // Total number of base votes. Base int `json:"base"` // Total number of votes due to bits contributions. Bits int `json:"bits"` // Total number of votes due to Community Points contributions. CommunityPoints int `json:"communityPoints"` // ID of vote breakdown. ID string `json:"id"` // Total number of votes across all different vote types. Total int `json:"total"` }
A breakdown of votes cast for/by this poll/choice/user.
type PollVoteTokensInput ¶
type PollVoteTokensInput struct { // The amount of bits used for this vote. Bits int `json:"bits"` // The amount of channel points used for this vote. ChannelPoints int `json:"channelPoints"` }
The tokens that are used on a vote.
type PollVoter ¶
type PollVoter struct { // The Choices this voter voted for. Choices []*PollVoterChoice `json:"choices"` // id of the voter in the poll. ID string `json:"id"` // The Poll this voter voted in. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` // A breakdown of the different tokens used by the voter in the poll. Tokens *PollTokenBreakdown `json:"tokens"` // The User object relating to this voter. User *User `json:"user"` // A breakdown of the different votes this voter used in the poll. Votes *PollVoteBreakdown `json:"votes"` }
A voter taking part in a poll and associated information.
type PollVoterChoice ¶
type PollVoterChoice struct { // The id of the PollVoterChoice. ID string `json:"id"` // The poll choice. PollChoice *PollChoice `json:"pollChoice"` // A breakdown of the different tokens used by the voter. Tokens *PollTokenBreakdown `json:"tokens"` // A breakdown of the different votes this voter used. Votes *PollVoteBreakdown `json:"votes"` }
A choice a voter made taking part in a poll.
type PollVoterConnection ¶
type PollVoterConnection struct { // The list of voters in this poll / choice. Nodes []*PollVoterConnectionEdge `json:"nodes"` }
A connection between poll and voters and metadata.
type PollVoterConnectionEdge ¶
type PollVoterConnectionEdge struct { // Cursor used for next query. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying poll voter. Node *PollVoter `json:"node"` }
A page entry, that contains the PollVoter item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination.
type PollVoterConnectionSort ¶
type PollVoterConnectionSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of voters.
const ( // Sort the voters by # of votes. PollVoterConnectionSortVotes PollVoterConnectionSort = "VOTES" // Sort the voters by time of creation. PollVoterConnectionSortCreatedDate PollVoterConnectionSort = "CREATED_DATE" // Sort the voters by amount of Bits on vote. PollVoterConnectionSortBits PollVoterConnectionSort = "BITS" // Sort the voters by amount of channel points. PollVoterConnectionSortChannelPoints PollVoterConnectionSort = "CHANNEL_POINTS" )
func (PollVoterConnectionSort) IsValid ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSort) IsValid() bool
func (PollVoterConnectionSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PollVoterConnectionSort) String ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSort) String() string
func (*PollVoterConnectionSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PollVoterConnectionSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PollVoterConnectionSortDirection ¶
type PollVoterConnectionSortDirection string
Possible sort directions for lists of voters.
const ( // Sort in descending order. PollVoterConnectionSortDirectionDesc PollVoterConnectionSortDirection = "DESC" // Sort in ascending order. PollVoterConnectionSortDirectionAsc PollVoterConnectionSortDirection = "ASC" )
func (PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) IsValid ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) IsValid() bool
func (PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) String ¶
func (e PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) String() string
func (*PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PollVoterConnectionSortDirection) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Post ¶
type Post struct { // The user that created this post. Author *User `json:"author"` // The content of the post as entered by the user and annotated with links and emotes. Body *MessageBody `json:"body"` // Time the post was created by the user. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Collection of embedable content attached to this post. Embeds []PostEmbed `json:"embeds"` // This Post's unique feeds ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Is this post deleted. IsDeleted *bool `json:"isDeleted"` // The reactions associated with this post. Reactions []*Reaction `json:"reactions"` // Data related to the current user. Self *PostSelfConnection `json:"self"` }
func (Post) IsFeedItemContent ¶
func (Post) IsFeedItemContent()
func (Post) IsReactableContent ¶
func (Post) IsReactableContent()
func (Post) IsShareTarget ¶
func (Post) IsShareTarget()
type PostPermissionSet ¶
type PostPermissionSet struct { // True if the current user is allowed to delete this post. CanDelete bool `json:"canDelete"` }
type PostSelfConnection ¶
type PostSelfConnection struct { // Permissions that the current user has on this post. Permissions *PostPermissionSet `json:"permissions"` }
type Prediction ¶
type Prediction struct { // The Event that this Prediction relates to. Event *PredictionEvent `json:"event"` // The unique identifier of the Prediction. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the Prediction's results have been acknowledged by the user. Null if the Prediction has not been resolved yet. IsResultAcknowledged *bool `json:"isResultAcknowledged"` // The Outcome that was Predicted. Outcome *PredictionOutcome `json:"outcome"` // The number of points that the user spent on this Prediction. Points int `json:"points"` // The number of points won by the user for this Prediction. Null if the Prediction has not been resolved yet. PointsWon *int `json:"pointsWon"` // The timestamp of when the user initially made this Prediction. PredictedAt time.Time `json:"predictedAt"` // The result of this Prediction. Null if the Prediction has not been resolved or refunded yet. Result *PredictionResult `json:"result"` // The timestamp of when the user most recently updated this Prediction. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // The user that made this Prediction. User *User `json:"user"` }
A single Prediction made by a user on a Prediction Event.
type PredictionEvent ¶
type PredictionEvent struct { // The channel that the Prediction Event belongs to. Null if this is Event is not tied to a channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The timestamp of when the Event was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The creator of the Event. Null if the Event was created by an automatic process or an admin. CreatedBy PredictionEventActor `json:"createdBy"` // The timestamp of when the Event was resolved or canceled. Null if the Event is not resolved or canceled yet. EndedAt *time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // The user or extension that resolved or canceled the Event. Null if this was triggered by an automatic process or // by an admin, or if the Event is not resolved or canceled yet. EndedBy PredictionEventActor `json:"endedBy"` // Unique identifier of the Prediction Event. ID string `json:"id"` // The timestamp of when the Event was locked. Null if the Event is still active. LockedAt *time.Time `json:"lockedAt"` // The user or extension that locked the Event. Null if this was triggered by an automatic process or by an admin, // or if the Event is stillactive. LockedBy PredictionEventActor `json:"lockedBy"` // The Outcomes available for predicting in this Event. Outcomes []*PredictionOutcome `json:"outcomes"` // The length of the prediction window (the duration that the Event accepts predictions) in seconds. PredictionWindowSeconds int `json:"predictionWindowSeconds"` // The current status of the Event. Status PredictionEventStatus `json:"status"` // The title of the Event. Title string `json:"title"` // The Outcome that ended up being selected as the "correct" Outcome. Null if the Event has not been resolved yet. // This Outcome will also be present as one of the outcomes in the "outcomes" field. WinningOutcome *PredictionOutcome `json:"winningOutcome"` }
An Event that users can make Predictions on.
type PredictionEventActor ¶
type PredictionEventActor interface {
Someone or something that is capable of performing actions on a Prediction Event.
type PredictionEventConnection ¶
type PredictionEventConnection struct { // The elements in the list. Edges []*PredictionEventEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Prediction Events for a channel.
type PredictionEventEdge ¶
type PredictionEventEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The Prediction Event. Node *PredictionEvent `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of Prediction Events.
type PredictionEventStatus ¶
type PredictionEventStatus string
Possible statuses for a Prediction Event.
const ( // Event is actively accepting new predictions. PredictionEventStatusActive PredictionEventStatus = "ACTIVE" // Event is no longer accepting new predictions, and is awaiting resolution. PredictionEventStatusLocked PredictionEventStatus = "LOCKED" // Event has been resolved, and is in the process of paying out winners. PredictionEventStatusResolvePending PredictionEventStatus = "RESOLVE_PENDING" // Event has been resolved, the winning Option has been determined, and winners have received their Channel Points. PredictionEventStatusResolved PredictionEventStatus = "RESOLVED" // Event has been canceled, and is in the process of refunding participants. PredictionEventStatusCancelPending PredictionEventStatus = "CANCEL_PENDING" // Event has been canceled and all users have been refunded. PredictionEventStatusCanceled PredictionEventStatus = "CANCELED" )
func (PredictionEventStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e PredictionEventStatus) IsValid() bool
func (PredictionEventStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PredictionEventStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PredictionEventStatus) String ¶
func (e PredictionEventStatus) String() string
func (*PredictionEventStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PredictionEventStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PredictionOutcome ¶
type PredictionOutcome struct { // The color of this Outcome. Color PredictionOutcomeColor `json:"color"` // The unique identifier of the Prediction Outcome. ID string `json:"id"` // The title of the Event. Title string `json:"title"` // The top predictors (sorted by most points spent) of this Outcome. Empty if no users have predicted this Outcome. TopPredictors []*Prediction `json:"topPredictors"` // The total number of points that have been spent predicting this Outcome. TotalPoints int `json:"totalPoints"` // The total number of users that have predicted this Outcome. TotalUsers int `json:"totalUsers"` }
A single Outcome that users can choose in a Prediction Event.
type PredictionOutcomeColor ¶
type PredictionOutcomeColor string
The possible colors for a Prediction Outcome.
const ( // Blue. PredictionOutcomeColorBlue PredictionOutcomeColor = "BLUE" // Pink. PredictionOutcomeColorPink PredictionOutcomeColor = "PINK" // Green. PredictionOutcomeColorGreen PredictionOutcomeColor = "GREEN" // Orange. PredictionOutcomeColorOrange PredictionOutcomeColor = "ORANGE" // Grey. PredictionOutcomeColorGrey PredictionOutcomeColor = "GREY" // Purple. PredictionOutcomeColorPurple PredictionOutcomeColor = "PURPLE" )
func (PredictionOutcomeColor) IsValid ¶
func (e PredictionOutcomeColor) IsValid() bool
func (PredictionOutcomeColor) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PredictionOutcomeColor) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PredictionOutcomeColor) String ¶
func (e PredictionOutcomeColor) String() string
func (*PredictionOutcomeColor) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PredictionOutcomeColor) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PredictionResult ¶
type PredictionResult string
Possible result types for a Prediction.
const ( // The Prediction was incorrect. PredictionResultLose PredictionResult = "LOSE" // The Prediction was canceled and refunded. PredictionResultRefund PredictionResult = "REFUND" // The Prediction was correct. PredictionResultWin PredictionResult = "WIN" )
func (PredictionResult) IsValid ¶
func (e PredictionResult) IsValid() bool
func (PredictionResult) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PredictionResult) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PredictionResult) String ¶
func (e PredictionResult) String() string
func (*PredictionResult) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PredictionResult) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Premiere ¶
type Premiere struct { // The Premiere’s identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The paginated items in the premiere. At this time, they will all be VoDs. // A maximum of 100 items will be returned per request. Items *PremiereConnection `json:"items"` // The archived video. Only populated if the premiere is in state SUCCESS. PastPremiere *Video `json:"pastPremiere"` // Status of the premiere. Status PremiereStatus `json:"status"` // The user who this premiere belongs to. User *User `json:"user"` }
type PremiereConnection ¶
type PremiereConnection struct { // The list of items in this page. Edges []*PremiereItemEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of videos. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of items in the premiere. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
DEPRECATED. Paginated list of videos.
type PremiereItem ¶
type PremiereItem interface {
DEPRECATED. The types of objects that can be contained in a premiere.
type PremiereItemEdge ¶
type PremiereItemEdge struct { // Cursor is a cursor. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node is a node. Node PremiereItem `json:"node"` }
DEPRECATED. A page entry, that contains a premiere item and a cursor to return from the query to allow pagination. NOTE: this should have been named PremiereEdge.
type PremiereStatus ¶
type PremiereStatus string
const ( // An unscheduled premiere. PremiereStatusUnscheduled PremiereStatus = "UNSCHEDULED" // A scheduled premiere. PremiereStatusScheduled PremiereStatus = "SCHEDULED" // A cancelled premiere. PremiereStatusCancelled PremiereStatus = "CANCELLED" // A premiere that has been started. PremiereStatusStarted PremiereStatus = "STARTED" // A successfully completed premiere. PremiereStatusSuccess PremiereStatus = "SUCCESS" // A failed premiere. Examples of failed premieres are premieres that attempt to run // prior to the video being processed (or failed processing,) or the event failing // in the middle due to technical difficulties. PremiereStatusFailed PremiereStatus = "FAILED" // An unknown status to ensure we are able to return something. PremiereStatusUnknown PremiereStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (PremiereStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e PremiereStatus) IsValid() bool
func (PremiereStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PremiereStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PremiereStatus) String ¶
func (e PremiereStatus) String() string
func (*PremiereStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PremiereStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain ¶
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain string
Domain of dev insights report.
const ( // Report for a game. PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainGame PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain = "GAME" // Report for an extension. PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainExtension PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain = "EXTENSION" // Report for a drop. PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomainDrop PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain = "DROP" )
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) IsValid ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) IsValid() bool
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) String ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) String() string
func (*PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLInput ¶
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLInput struct { // Domain of report, for a GAME or EXTENSION or DROP. Domain PresignDevInsightsReportURLDomain `json:"domain"` // Game ID or Extension ID or Drops Campaign ID/Reward ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Type of report, default is OVERVIEW_V2. Type *PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType `json:"type"` }
Input for presignDevInsightsReportURL mutation.
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLPayload ¶
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLPayload struct { // URL to be used by the client to download the CSV report. // Expires in 5 minutes. URL *string `json:"url"` }
URL info that can be used to upload the image.
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType ¶
type PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType string
Type of dev insights report.
const ( // Default report type, used for games and extensions. PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeOverviewV2 PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType = "OVERVIEW_V2" // Drops report that returns top 10 streamers for campaigns. PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsTopStreamers PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType = "DROPS_CAMPAIGNS_TOP_STREAMERS" // Drops report that returns overview of campaigns. PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsOverview PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType = "DROPS_CAMPAIGNS_OVERVIEW" // Drops report that returns overview of drops. PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportTypeDropsCampaignsDropsOverview PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType = "DROPS_CAMPAIGNS_DROPS_OVERVIEW" )
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) IsValid ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) IsValid() bool
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) String ¶
func (e PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) String() string
func (*PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PresignDevInsightsReportURLReportType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PriceInfo ¶
type PriceInfo struct { // The currency associated with the price of a subscription product. Currency Currency `json:"currency"` // The description associated with pricing information. Description string `json:"description"` // The discounted total also broken down by price and tax. Discount *DiscountBreakdown `json:"discount"` // The ISO-4217 wording of deriving price. Exponent int `json:"exponent"` // Identifier used for caching. ID string `json:"id"` // If the tax is already included in price. IsTaxInclusive bool `json:"isTaxInclusive"` // The numerical price of a subscription product. Price int `json:"price"` // The tax rate of localized product. Tax int `json:"tax"` // The total price given price and tax. Total int `json:"total"` }
Generic Price Information that supports taxing and multi region pricing. LONG-TERM NOTE: using Int (32 bit) as a price field can cause issue when we sell products locally e.g. 2147483648 (2^31) Lao Att = 253132 USD cent Therefor, if we sell product which price more than $2500 in Laos currency. We will need to fix this.
type PrimeEmoticons ¶
type PrimeEmoticons struct { // Name for the currently enabled Emoticon set selected by the user. CurrentSetName PrimeEmoticonsSetName `json:"currentSetName"` // All Prime Emoticon Sets of emote values (id, token, setId). EmoticonSets []*SmiliesSet `json:"emoticonSets"` }
Wrapper around standard Emoticons for Prime Smilies Emoticons.
type PrimeEmoticonsSetName ¶
type PrimeEmoticonsSetName string
The Names for the smilies Emoticon sets supported by Prime.
const ( // Emotes that are granted to all users with Robot faces. Group id is #0 and emoticons start at id #1. PrimeEmoticonsSetNameRobots PrimeEmoticonsSetName = "ROBOTS" // Emotes that are granted via Prime with Turbo faces. PrimeEmoticonsSetNamePurple PrimeEmoticonsSetName = "PURPLE" // Emotes that are granted via Prime with Monkey faces. PrimeEmoticonsSetNameMonkeys PrimeEmoticonsSetName = "MONKEYS" )
func (PrimeEmoticonsSetName) IsValid ¶
func (e PrimeEmoticonsSetName) IsValid() bool
func (PrimeEmoticonsSetName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PrimeEmoticonsSetName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PrimeEmoticonsSetName) String ¶
func (e PrimeEmoticonsSetName) String() string
func (*PrimeEmoticonsSetName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PrimeEmoticonsSetName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PrimeOffer ¶
type PrimeOffer struct { // Instructions string in Markdown displayed after offer is claimed to use or redeem. ClaimInstructions string `json:"claimInstructions"` // Content metadata for the given offer. Content *PrimeOfferContent `json:"content"` // The method of offer entitlement. DeliveryMethod OfferDeliveryMethod `json:"deliveryMethod"` // Description string in Markdown used in info block for Offer. Description string `json:"description"` // Unique Identifier for an offer. ID string `json:"id"` // Offer image asset URL. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Ranking for which the offer should be displayed, ordered ASC -1 through 99 where -1 value indicates top priority. Priority int `json:"priority"` // The connection for whether the user is entitled to the offer. Self *PrimeOfferSelfConnection `json:"self"` // Tags related to the offer such as Free Games with Prime (FGWP). Tags []string `json:"tags"` // Primary Title for Offer. Title string `json:"title"` // Hint describing the current availability state of the claim for the user. ClaimHint ClaimHint `json:"claimHint"` }
Prime Digital Content Offers are displayed to users on Twitch via Offers in the top nav.
type PrimeOfferContent ¶
type PrimeOfferContent struct { // Content Categories for the game, displayed in info. Categories []string `json:"categories"` // If the content has an external marketing page (Blizzard, Retail, etc), some offers will have no external URL. ExternalURL *string `json:"externalURL"` // The Game metadata. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The publisher of the content. Publisher string `json:"publisher"` // Content SKU list for the offer. Skus []string `json:"skus"` }
An Object containing metadata for Digital Content.
type PrimeOfferSelfConnection ¶
type PrimeOfferSelfConnection struct { // The data (link, text, or claim code) for the entitlement that was created. ClaimData string `json:"claimData"` // Indicates whether the user has the entitlement to the offer. HasEntitlement bool `json:"hasEntitlement"` // The visual status of the offer to the user, UNSEEN, SEEN, CLAIMED, DISMISSED, OVERRIDDEN. Status string `json:"status"` }
The connection between the user and their offer entitlement state.
type PrimePayoutDetail ¶
type PrimePayoutDetail struct { // currency for the payout number above. Currency Currency `json:"currency"` // currentPrimePayout is the payout that will be made in this specific payout cycle. CurrentPrimePayout *CurrentPrimePayout `json:"currentPrimePayout"` // deferredPrimePayout is part of the earning that was earned this month but will not be paid out this month. DeferredPrimePayout *DeferredPrimePayout `json:"deferredPrimePayout"` // month when this payout will be made. Month int `json:"month"` // year when this payout will be made. Year int `json:"year"` }
PrimePayoutDetail shows the detailed breakdown of the prime payouts for a given user.
type PrimePayoutDetails ¶
type PrimePayoutDetails struct { // primePayoutHistory is the history of prime payout details for a user. PrimePayoutHistory []*PrimePayoutDetail `json:"primePayoutHistory"` }
PrimePayoutDetails shows the history of prime payout detail.
type PrimePromotion ¶
type PrimePromotion struct { // externalURL is a string with the destination URL. ExternalURL *string `json:"externalURL"` // id is the unique identifier for the PrimePromotion. ID string `json:"id"` // isExternalLink is boolean that indicates whether the text should be a link. IsExternalLink bool `json:"isExternalLink"` // text is a string field containing the user visible text for a dynamic/changing string. Text string `json:"text"` }
Metadata relevant to Prime copy or marketing that needs to be scheduled.
type PrimeSettings ¶
type PrimeSettings struct { // This type's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // If true, chat notifications will be sent on Prime Credit Token Channel Subscriptions. IsSubCreditChatNotificationEnabled bool `json:"isSubCreditChatNotificationEnabled"` // The currently chosen Emoticon Set for the Prime User that are Smilies. PrimeEmoticons *PrimeEmoticons `json:"primeEmoticons"` }
Prime Settings related data for a given user.
type PrimeSubCreditBenefit ¶
type PrimeSubCreditBenefit struct { // Checks when the authenticated user's Prime subscription credit will renew. RenewalDate *time.Time `json:"renewalDate"` // Checks if the authenticated user has the Prime benefit for 30-day subscription credit renewals. WillRenew *bool `json:"willRenew"` }
Information about the authenticated user's Prime subscription credit benefit.
type PrimeVideoBenefit ¶
type PrimeVideoBenefit struct { // Error when the authentication token is expired. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // True if the user has valid access. IsValid *bool `json:"isValid"` }
Information about the Amazon user's Prime Video benefit.
type PrimeVideoRating ¶
type PrimeVideoRating struct { // Number of votes. Count int `json:"count"` // Fractional number of stars. Stars float64 `json:"stars"` }
Contains rating information for Prime Video content.
type PrivacyLawName ¶
type PrivacyLawName string
PrivacyLawName is the privacy law.
const ( // Privacy law CCPA. PrivacyLawNameCcpa PrivacyLawName = "CCPA" // Privacy GDPR. PrivacyLawNameGdpr PrivacyLawName = "GDPR" // Rest of World. PrivacyLawNameRow PrivacyLawName = "ROW" )
func (PrivacyLawName) IsValid ¶
func (e PrivacyLawName) IsValid() bool
func (PrivacyLawName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PrivacyLawName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PrivacyLawName) String ¶
func (e PrivacyLawName) String() string
func (*PrivacyLawName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PrivacyLawName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProductCatalogBenefit ¶
type ProductCatalogBenefit interface {
A benefit the user receives when purchasing a product from the product catalog.
type ProductCatalogItem ¶
type ProductCatalogItem interface {
A product appearing in the product catalog.
type ProductPurchase ¶
type ProductPurchase struct { // The price and tax breakdown for the purchase. CheckoutPriceSummary *CheckoutPriceSummary `json:"checkoutPriceSummary"` // Error when the final price could not be retrieved for a product. ErrorCode *ProductPurchaseErrorCode `json:"errorCode"` // The region from which the tax was calculated. TaxRegion *TaxRegion `json:"taxRegion"` }
Contains the product's checkout price and tax info for a purchase and error if a final price cannot be determined.
type ProductPurchaseErrorCode ¶
type ProductPurchaseErrorCode string
Possible errors when retrieving product purchase info.
const ( ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" // PricingID not found. ProductPurchaseErrorCodePricingIDNotFound ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "PRICING_ID_NOT_FOUND" // Cannot determine the user residence. ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUnknownUserResidence ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_USER_RESIDENCE" // Billing info not found for the user. ProductPurchaseErrorCodeBillingInfoNotFound ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "BILLING_INFO_NOT_FOUND" // User ineligible to make corresponding purchase. ProductPurchaseErrorCodePurchaseIneligible ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "PURCHASE_INELIGIBLE" // Unexpected error occurred. ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUnknown ProductPurchaseErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )ProductPurchaseErrorCodeUserUnauthorized
func (ProductPurchaseErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ProductPurchaseErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ProductPurchaseErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ProductPurchaseErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ProductPurchaseErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ProductPurchaseErrorCode) String() string
func (*ProductPurchaseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ProductPurchaseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ProgramAgreement ¶
type ProgramAgreement struct { // Agreement body in HTML. Body string `json:"body"` // Agreement type accepted by the user. Type PayoutOnboardingCategory `json:"type"` // Agreement version (e.g. "v1"). Version string `json:"version"` }
ProgramAgreement describes the End User License Agreement associated with a user's current payout plan.
type PromoDiscountType ¶
type PromoDiscountType string
Types that can only be displayed for an Offer Promotion.
const ( // No Discount type to be shown. PromoDiscountTypeDiscountTypeNone PromoDiscountType = "DISCOUNT_TYPE_NONE" // Percent Discount type to be shown. PromoDiscountTypeDiscountTypePercent PromoDiscountType = "DISCOUNT_TYPE_PERCENT" )
func (PromoDiscountType) IsValid ¶
func (e PromoDiscountType) IsValid() bool
func (PromoDiscountType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PromoDiscountType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PromoDiscountType) String ¶
func (e PromoDiscountType) String() string
func (*PromoDiscountType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PromoDiscountType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PromotionDisplay ¶
type PromotionDisplay struct { // Describes the discount percent to display to the client. DiscountPercent *float64 `json:"discountPercent"` // Describes the type of discount that will be applied to the client. DiscountType PromoDiscountType `json:"discountType"` }
Data used to display promotional discounts to the client.
type PublishClipError ¶
type PublishClipError struct {
Message *string `json:"message"`
PublishClipError is an error associated with the publishClip mutation.
type PublishClipInput ¶
type PublishClipInput struct { // The number of seconds into the clip's raw media the preview image is set to. PreviewOffsetSeconds *float64 `json:"previewOffsetSeconds"` // The segments describing the desired changes to apply to the newly edited clip. Segments []*ClipSegmentInput `json:"segments"` // The slug uniquely identifying the clip to edit. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The new title this clip will be updated to. Title *string `json:"title"` }
PublishClipInput edits the clip with the provided slug via segments.
type PublishClipPayload ¶
type PublishClipPayload struct { // The clip with its updated properties. Clip *Clip `json:"clip"` // The error when the clip fails to publish. Error *PublishClipError `json:"error"` }
PublishClipPayload returns the edited clip or an error.
type PublishCompetitionInput ¶
type PublishCompetitionInput struct { // ID of the Competition we want to update. ID string `json:"id"` }
Publish a Competition.
type PublishCompetitionPayload ¶
type PublishCompetitionPayload struct { // The competition which was updated. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` }
Data that was mutated after the competition was updated.
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteError ¶
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteError struct { // The associated error code. Code PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors for publishing subscription emotes.
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode ¶
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned for publishing subscription emotes.
const ( // The product has no available empty emote slots. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteLimitReached PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_LIMIT_REACHED" // Only the product owner is allowed to upload emotes. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidOwner PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "INVALID_OWNER" // The emote code submitted collides with an existing emote code. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteCodeAlreadyExists PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS" // The emote code submitted is unacceptable (contains offensive, banned, or "bad" words, which violates guidelines). PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteCodeUnacceptable PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_CODE_UNACCEPTABLE" // Data for least one of the image sizes is not provided or invalid. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeIncompleteEmoteImageData PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "INCOMPLETE_EMOTE_IMAGE_DATA" // The emote code suffix submitted contains invalid characters. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidCodeSuffix PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "INVALID_CODE_SUFFIX" // The upload emote image could not be parsed. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidImageUpload PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "INVALID_IMAGE_UPLOAD" // The uploaded emote image could not be found. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteImageNotFound PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND" // There were not enough image assets supplied for the selected asset type. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeNotEnoughEmoteImageAssets PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_EMOTE_IMAGE_ASSETS" // There were more image assets supplied than required for the selected asset type. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeTooManyEmoteImageAssets PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_EMOTE_IMAGE_ASSETS" // The selected emote asset type was invalid. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeInvalidEmoteAssetType PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "INVALID_EMOTE_ASSET_TYPE" // A static image asset was not supplied, but is required for the selected asset type. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteMissingStaticAsset PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_MISSING_STATIC_ASSET" // An animated image asset was not supplied, but is required for the selected asset type. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeEmoteMissingAnimatedAsset PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "EMOTE_MISSING_ANIMATED_ASSET" // Other errors returned from the service. PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCodeUnknownError PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) String ¶
func (e PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) String() string
func (*PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PublishSubscriptionEmoteErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteInput ¶
type PublishSubscriptionEmoteInput struct { // The type of image asset for the emote. AssetType *EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` // The custom suffix of the emote code. When appended to the channel's emote prefix this will form the full emote code. CodeSuffix string `json:"codeSuffix"` // A list containing the image IDs for all assets needed for the emote. ImageAssets []*EmoteImageAssetInput `json:"imageAssets"` // The ID of the 28x28px emote ("1x") image file previously uploaded to upload service. ImageID1x string `json:"imageID1x"` // The ID of the 56x56px emote ("2x") image file previously uploaded to upload service. ImageID2x string `json:"imageID2x"` // The ID of the 112x112px emote ("4x") image file previously uploaded to upload service. ImageID4x string `json:"imageID4x"` // The ProductID of the subscription product which this emote will be associated with. ProductID string `json:"productID"` }
The data needed to finalize the creation of a Subscription Emote.
type PublishSubscriptionEmotePayload ¶
type PublishSubscriptionEmotePayload struct { // The newly created emote if successful. Emote *Emote `json:"emote"` // Service error, if any. Error *PublishSubscriptionEmoteError `json:"error"` }
Results of the subscription emote publish.
type PurchasableOfferParams ¶
type PurchasableOfferParams struct { // List of gift recipient IDs if the offer is giftable. GiftRecipientIDs []string `json:"giftRecipientIDs"` // The ID of the Offer. OfferID string `json:"offerID"` // The ID of the Promotion attached to a Purchasable Offer (optional). PromotionID *string `json:"promotionID"` // The static and dynamic bindings of the attributes on an Offer. TagBindings []*OfferTagBindingInput `json:"tagBindings"` }
Parameters to get details about a purchasable offer for the current logged in user.
type PurchaseIneligibilityReason ¶
type PurchaseIneligibilityReason string
Set of purchase Ineligibility reasons.
const ( // User already has an active subscription to this product. PurchaseIneligibilityReasonHasActiveSubscription PurchaseIneligibilityReason = "HAS_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION" // Not applicable as user is eligible to make a purchase. PurchaseIneligibilityReasonNotApplicable PurchaseIneligibilityReason = "NOT_APPLICABLE" )
func (PurchaseIneligibilityReason) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseIneligibilityReason) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseIneligibilityReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseIneligibilityReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseIneligibilityReason) String ¶
func (e PurchaseIneligibilityReason) String() string
func (*PurchaseIneligibilityReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseIneligibilityReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PurchaseOfferErrorCode ¶
type PurchaseOfferErrorCode string
The enumerated error reasons when purchasing an offer.
const ( // User is ineligible to purchase. PurchaseOfferErrorCodeIneligible PurchaseOfferErrorCode = "INELIGIBLE" // An unexpected internal server error occurred. PurchaseOfferErrorCodeInternalServerError PurchaseOfferErrorCode = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" // User's payment method is invalid. PurchaseOfferErrorCodeInvalidPaymentMethod PurchaseOfferErrorCode = "INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD" // Must have auth credentials to purchase an offer. PurchaseOfferErrorCodeUnauthenticated PurchaseOfferErrorCode = "UNAUTHENTICATED" )
func (PurchaseOfferErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseOfferErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseOfferErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseOfferErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseOfferErrorCode) String ¶
func (e PurchaseOfferErrorCode) String() string
func (*PurchaseOfferErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseOfferErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PurchaseOfferInput ¶
type PurchaseOfferInput struct { // Data to facilitate the Fraud analysis. BillingAuthInfo *BillingAuthInfo `json:"billingAuthInfo"` // User IDs of the gift purchase recipients (if the Offer is a gift). GiftRecipientUserIDs []string `json:"giftRecipientUserIDs"` // The ID of the Offer. OfferID string `json:"offerID"` // Payments' session tracking. PaymentSession *PaymentSession `json:"paymentSession"` // The ID of the user making the purchase. PurchasingUserID string `json:"purchasingUserID"` // The number of units purchased. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // The static and dynamic bindings of the attributes on an Offer. TagBindings []*OfferTagBindingInput `json:"tagBindings"` // Tenant-specific tracking params. TenantTracking *string `json:"tenantTracking"` }
PurchaseOfferInput contains the necessary fields to purchase an offer.
type PurchaseOfferPayload ¶
type PurchaseOfferPayload struct { // Reason why a Purchase Order failed to be created if an error occurred. Error *PurchaseOfferErrorCode `json:"error"` // The Purchase Order created for this purchase attempt. PurchaseOrder *PurchaseOrder `json:"purchaseOrder"` }
PurchaseOfferPayload returns the order created for the purchase.
type PurchaseOrder ¶
type PurchaseOrder struct { // The action token ID used to facilitate the 3D Secure flow. ActionTokenID *string `json:"actionTokenID"` // The reason for a purchase order failure, if it failed. FailureReason *PurchaseOrderFailureReason `json:"failureReason"` // The ID of the Purchase Order. ID string `json:"id"` // The state of the Purchase Order. State PurchaseOrderState `json:"state"` }
PurchaseOrder is the record of a purchase made by a user.
type PurchaseOrderFailureReason ¶
type PurchaseOrderFailureReason string
The enumerated failure reasons for a purchase order failure.
const ( // Bank declined the charge. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonBankDeclined PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "BANK_DECLINED" // Failed to entitle the benefit. User was refunded if a charge occurred. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonEntitlementFailed PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "ENTITLEMENT_FAILED" // User is ineligible to purchase. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonIneligible PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "INELIGIBLE" // User's payment method is invalid. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonInvalidPaymentMethod PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD" // System error. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonSystemError PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "SYSTEM_ERROR" // Unknown failure reason. PurchaseOrderFailureReasonUnknown PurchaseOrderFailureReason = "UNKNOWN" )
func (PurchaseOrderFailureReason) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderFailureReason) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseOrderFailureReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderFailureReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseOrderFailureReason) String ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderFailureReason) String() string
func (*PurchaseOrderFailureReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseOrderFailureReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PurchaseOrderState ¶
type PurchaseOrderState string
PurchaseOrderState is the current state of the Purchase Order.
const ( // The Purchase Order is in an unknown state. PurchaseOrderStateUnknown PurchaseOrderState = "UNKNOWN" // The Purchase Order flow has been initiated and is at its starting state. PurchaseOrderStateInitiated PurchaseOrderState = "INITIATED" // The Purchase Order has a scheduled future-dated payment to complete the purchase. PurchaseOrderStatePaymentPending PurchaseOrderState = "PAYMENT_PENDING" // The Purchase Order has been paid and fulfillment has been kicked off. PurchaseOrderStateFulfillmentInitiated PurchaseOrderState = "FULFILLMENT_INITIATED" // The Purchase Order has been successfully fulfilled. PurchaseOrderStateSuccess PurchaseOrderState = "SUCCESS" // The Purchase Order failed and requires 3DS2 verification. PurchaseOrderStateThreeDSecureChallengeRequired PurchaseOrderState = "THREE_D_SECURE_CHALLENGE_REQUIRED" // The Purchase Order failed. PurchaseOrderStateFailed PurchaseOrderState = "FAILED" // The Purchase Order's benefit cancellation has been kicked off. PurchaseOrderStateCancelBenefitsInitiated PurchaseOrderState = "CANCEL_BENEFITS_INITIATED" // The Purchase Order's benefits have been fully cancelled. PurchaseOrderStateBenefitsCancelled PurchaseOrderState = "BENEFITS_CANCELLED" // A refund has been kicked off for the Purchase Order. PurchaseOrderStateRefundInitiated PurchaseOrderState = "REFUND_INITIATED" // A refund has been successfully applied to the Purchase Order. PurchaseOrderStateRefundApplied PurchaseOrderState = "REFUND_APPLIED" // A refund has failed to the Purchase Order. PurchaseOrderStateRefundFailed PurchaseOrderState = "REFUND_FAILED" )
func (PurchaseOrderState) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderState) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseOrderState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseOrderState) String ¶
func (e PurchaseOrderState) String() string
func (*PurchaseOrderState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseOrderState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PurchaseProfile ¶
type PurchaseProfile struct { // Cancels the entitled benefit and refunds if isRefundable is true. CancelledAt *time.Time `json:"cancelledAt"` // Date this purchase profile was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // Usually the Twitch user's ID, but recorded by the payment provider. ExtPurchaserID *string `json:"extPurchaserID"` // The external subscription ID recorded by the payment provider. ExtSubscriptionID *string `json:"extSubscriptionID"` // ID of the Purchase Profile in Payments team database. ID string `json:"id"` IsExpired *bool `json:"isExpired"` // Whether this purchase profile was gifted. IsGift *bool `json:"isGift"` // Whether this purchase profile is being paid for. IsPaying bool `json:"isPaying"` IsRecurring bool `json:"isRecurring"` IsRefundable *bool `json:"isRefundable"` PaidAt *time.Time `json:"paidAt"` // Product type of the purchase. ProductType SubscriptionProductType `json:"productType"` PurchasedAt *time.Time `json:"purchasedAt"` // Twitch purchaser's email. PurchaserEmail string `json:"purchaserEmail"` // Twitch purchaser's user ID. PurchaserID string `json:"purchaserID"` // Twitch purchaser's real name. PurchaserName *string `json:"purchaserName"` // Currency for the renewalPrice, e.g. "USD". RenewalCurrency *string `json:"renewalCurrency"` // Expected renewal price of the product in the smallest subunit of the currency, e.g. "499". RenewalPrice *int `json:"renewalPrice"` // Different from cancellation in that it stops renewal but let's user keep the benefit until it expires. RenewalStoppedAt *time.Time `json:"renewalStoppedAt"` // State of the purchase profile. i.e. cancelling the purchase profile can set state to 'cancelled'. State PurchaseProfileState `json:"state"` // Subscription benefit associated with this purchase profile, if still active. SubscriptionBenefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"subscriptionBenefit"` // Date this purchase profile was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // Whether this purchase profile will renew in the future and charge the user's payment method. WillRenew bool `json:"willRenew"` }
Purchase profile of a recurring or non-recurring subscription that a user bought.
type PurchaseProfileState ¶
type PurchaseProfileState string
const ( PurchaseProfileStateActive PurchaseProfileState = "ACTIVE" PurchaseProfileStateCancelled PurchaseProfileState = "CANCELLED" PurchaseProfileStateInactive PurchaseProfileState = "INACTIVE" PurchaseProfileStateMigrated PurchaseProfileState = "MIGRATED" )
func (PurchaseProfileState) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseProfileState) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseProfileState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseProfileState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseProfileState) String ¶
func (e PurchaseProfileState) String() string
func (*PurchaseProfileState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseProfileState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type PurchaseableProductType ¶
type PurchaseableProductType string
Category of product that can be purchased.
const ( // Subscription product. PurchaseableProductTypeSubscription PurchaseableProductType = "SUBSCRIPTION" // Bits product. PurchaseableProductTypeBits PurchaseableProductType = "BITS" )
func (PurchaseableProductType) IsValid ¶
func (e PurchaseableProductType) IsValid() bool
func (PurchaseableProductType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e PurchaseableProductType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (PurchaseableProductType) String ¶
func (e PurchaseableProductType) String() string
func (*PurchaseableProductType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *PurchaseableProductType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Query ¶
type Query struct { AdContext *AdContext "json:\"adContext\" graphql:\"adContext\"" AdCreative *AdCreative "json:\"adCreative\" graphql:\"adCreative\"" AllTags *TagConnection "json:\"allTags\" graphql:\"allTags\"" AutomodContent *AutomodContentResponse "json:\"automodContent\" graphql:\"automodContent\"" Badges []*Badge "json:\"badges\" graphql:\"badges\"" BitsOffers []BitsOffer "json:\"bitsOffers\" graphql:\"bitsOffers\"" Challenge ChannelChallenge "json:\"challenge\" graphql:\"challenge\"" ChangelogEntries []*ChangelogEntry "json:\"changelogEntries\" graphql:\"changelogEntries\"" Channel *Channel "json:\"channel\" graphql:\"channel\"" Channels []*Channel "json:\"channels\" graphql:\"channels\"" ChatRoomBanStatus *ChatRoomBanStatus "json:\"chatRoomBanStatus\" graphql:\"chatRoomBanStatus\"" CheerConfig GlobalCheerConfig "json:\"cheerConfig\" graphql:\"cheerConfig\"" ClientAuthorization *ClientAuthorization "json:\"clientAuthorization\" graphql:\"clientAuthorization\"" Clip *Clip "json:\"clip\" graphql:\"clip\"" CloudBroadcast *CloudBroadcast "json:\"cloudBroadcast\" graphql:\"cloudBroadcast\"" CloudBroadcastProvider *CloudBroadcastProvider "json:\"cloudBroadcastProvider\" graphql:\"cloudBroadcastProvider\"" Collection *Collection "json:\"collection\" graphql:\"collection\"" Competition *Competition "json:\"competition\" graphql:\"competition\"" CompetitionOrganizerCapabilities *CompetitionOrganizerCapability "json:\"competitionOrganizerCapabilities\" graphql:\"competitionOrganizerCapabilities\"" Competitions *CompetitionConnection "json:\"competitions\" graphql:\"competitions\"" Consent *Consent "json:\"consent\" graphql:\"consent\"" ContentTag *Tag "json:\"contentTag\" graphql:\"contentTag\"" ContentTags []*Tag "json:\"contentTags\" graphql:\"contentTags\"" CreatorCampArticle *CreatorCampArticle "json:\"creatorCampArticle\" graphql:\"creatorCampArticle\"" CreatorCampCategory *CreatorCampCategory "json:\"creatorCampCategory\" graphql:\"creatorCampCategory\"" CreatorDashboard *CreatorDashboard "json:\"creatorDashboard\" graphql:\"creatorDashboard\"" CurrentUser *User "json:\"currentUser\" graphql:\"currentUser\"" Directory Directory "json:\"directory\" graphql:\"directory\"" Drop DropType "json:\"drop\" graphql:\"drop\"" DropBenefit *DropBenefit "json:\"dropBenefit\" graphql:\"dropBenefit\"" DropCampaign *DropCampaign "json:\"dropCampaign\" graphql:\"dropCampaign\"" DropEligibility *DropEligibility "json:\"dropEligibility\" graphql:\"dropEligibility\"" Emote *Emote "json:\"emote\" graphql:\"emote\"" EmoteSet *EmoteSet "json:\"emoteSet\" graphql:\"emoteSet\"" Experiment *Experiment "json:\"experiment\" graphql:\"experiment\"" Extension *Extension "json:\"extension\" graphql:\"extension\"" ExtensionCarousel *ExtensionCarousel "json:\"extensionCarousel\" graphql:\"extensionCarousel\"" ExtensionCategories *ExtensionCategoryConnection "json:\"extensionCategories\" graphql:\"extensionCategories\"" ExtensionCategory *ExtensionCategory "json:\"extensionCategory\" graphql:\"extensionCategory\"" ExtensionClient *ExtensionClient "json:\"extensionClient\" graphql:\"extensionClient\"" ExtensionClients *ExtensionClientConnection "json:\"extensionClients\" graphql:\"extensionClients\"" ExtensionManifest *ExtensionManifest "json:\"extensionManifest\" graphql:\"extensionManifest\"" ExtensionManifests *ExtensionManifestConnection "json:\"extensionManifests\" graphql:\"extensionManifests\"" ExtensionManifestsSummary *ExtensionManifestsSummary "json:\"extensionManifestsSummary\" graphql:\"extensionManifestsSummary\"" ExtensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL *ExtensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL "json:\"extensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL\" graphql:\"extensionRatingsCSVReportPresignedURL\"" ExtensionSecrets *ExtensionSecretsInfo "json:\"extensionSecrets\" graphql:\"extensionSecrets\"" ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest *ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest "json:\"extensionVersionDiscoveryManifest\" graphql:\"extensionVersionDiscoveryManifest\"" Extensions *ExtensionConnection "json:\"extensions\" graphql:\"extensions\"" FeaturedContentSections []*FeaturedContentSection "json:\"featuredContentSections\" graphql:\"featuredContentSections\"" FeaturedStreams []*FeaturedStream "json:\"featuredStreams\" graphql:\"featuredStreams\"" FeaturedVideos []*FeaturedVideo "json:\"featuredVideos\" graphql:\"featuredVideos\"" Feed *Feed "json:\"feed\" graphql:\"feed\"" FeedEmbed FeedEmbed "json:\"feedEmbed\" graphql:\"feedEmbed\"" FeedItemContent FeedItemContent "json:\"feedItemContent\" graphql:\"feedItemContent\"" Game *Game "json:\"game\" graphql:\"game\"" Games *GameConnection "json:\"games\" graphql:\"games\"" IsUsernameAvailable *bool "json:\"isUsernameAvailable\" graphql:\"isUsernameAvailable\"" Key Claimable "json:\"key\" graphql:\"key\"" Message *Message "json:\"message\" graphql:\"message\"" ModViewNewsfeedEntries []*ModViewNewsfeedEntry "json:\"modViewNewsfeedEntries\" graphql:\"modViewNewsfeedEntries\"" Organization *Organization "json:\"organization\" graphql:\"organization\"" PendingOrganizationApplication *OrganizationApplication "json:\"pendingOrganizationApplication\" graphql:\"pendingOrganizationApplication\"" PendingOrganizationApplications []*OrganizationApplication "json:\"pendingOrganizationApplications\" graphql:\"pendingOrganizationApplications\"" PersonalSections []*PersonalSection "json:\"personalSections\" graphql:\"personalSections\"" Poll *Poll "json:\"poll\" graphql:\"poll\"" PrimeOffers []*PrimeOffer "json:\"primeOffers\" graphql:\"primeOffers\"" PrimePromotions []*PrimePromotion "json:\"primePromotions\" graphql:\"primePromotions\"" PrimeVideoBenefit *PrimeVideoBenefit "json:\"primeVideoBenefit\" graphql:\"primeVideoBenefit\"" PurchasableOffer *Offer "json:\"purchasableOffer\" graphql:\"purchasableOffer\"" RadioContent *RadioContent "json:\"radioContent\" graphql:\"radioContent\"" RecommendedGames *RecommendedGamesConnection "json:\"recommendedGames\" graphql:\"recommendedGames\"" RecommendedStreams *RecommendedStreamsConnection "json:\"recommendedStreams\" graphql:\"recommendedStreams\"" RecurlyConfigs *RecurlyConfigs "json:\"recurlyConfigs\" graphql:\"recurlyConfigs\"" RejectedChatMessage *RejectedChatMessage "json:\"rejectedChatMessage\" graphql:\"rejectedChatMessage\"" ReportReasons []*ReportReason "json:\"reportReasons\" graphql:\"reportReasons\"" ReportToSAndCountryReasons *ReportToSAndCountryReasons "json:\"reportToSAndCountryReasons\" graphql:\"reportToSAndCountryReasons\"" RequestInfo RequestInfo "json:\"requestInfo\" graphql:\"requestInfo\"" Room *Room "json:\"room\" graphql:\"room\"" Search *SearchResult "json:\"search\" graphql:\"search\"" SearchApplicableTags []*Tag "json:\"searchApplicableTags\" graphql:\"searchApplicableTags\"" SearchCategories *SearchCategoriesConnection "json:\"searchCategories\" graphql:\"searchCategories\"" SearchCategoryTags []*Tag "json:\"searchCategoryTags\" graphql:\"searchCategoryTags\"" SearchFor *SearchFor "json:\"searchFor\" graphql:\"searchFor\"" SearchLiveTags []*Tag "json:\"searchLiveTags\" graphql:\"searchLiveTags\"" SearchStreams *SearchStreamConnection "json:\"searchStreams\" graphql:\"searchStreams\"" SearchSuggestions *SearchSuggestionConnection "json:\"searchSuggestions\" graphql:\"searchSuggestions\"" SearchUsers *SearchUserConnection "json:\"searchUsers\" graphql:\"searchUsers\"" Shelves *ShelfConnection "json:\"shelves\" graphql:\"shelves\"" ShortVideoFeed *ShortVideoFeedConnection "json:\"shortVideoFeed\" graphql:\"shortVideoFeed\"" ShouldShowDevsiteCsat *bool "json:\"shouldShowDevsiteCSAT\" graphql:\"shouldShowDevsiteCSAT\"" SquadStream *SquadStream "json:\"squadStream\" graphql:\"squadStream\"" StreamPlaybackAccessToken *PlaybackAccessToken "json:\"streamPlaybackAccessToken\" graphql:\"streamPlaybackAccessToken\"" Streams *StreamConnection "json:\"streams\" graphql:\"streams\"" SubscriptionProduct *SubscriptionProduct "json:\"subscriptionProduct\" graphql:\"subscriptionProduct\"" SubscriptionTokenBundleProducts []*SubscriptionTokenBundleProduct "json:\"subscriptionTokenBundleProducts\" graphql:\"subscriptionTokenBundleProducts\"" SubscriptionTokenProductConfig *SubscriptionTokenProductConfig "json:\"subscriptionTokenProductConfig\" graphql:\"subscriptionTokenProductConfig\"" SupportedCloudBroadcastProviders []*CloudBroadcastProviderKey "json:\"supportedCloudBroadcastProviders\" graphql:\"supportedCloudBroadcastProviders\"" Team *Team "json:\"team\" graphql:\"team\"" TopTags []*Tag "json:\"topTags\" graphql:\"topTags\"" User *User "json:\"user\" graphql:\"user\"" UserByAttribute *User "json:\"userByAttribute\" graphql:\"userByAttribute\"" Users []*User "json:\"users\" graphql:\"users\"" VerificationRequest *VerificationRequest "json:\"verificationRequest\" graphql:\"verificationRequest\"" VerticalDirectory *VerticalDirectory "json:\"verticalDirectory\" graphql:\"verticalDirectory\"" VerticalSubDirectory *VerticalSubDirectory "json:\"verticalSubDirectory\" graphql:\"verticalSubDirectory\"" Video *Video "json:\"video\" graphql:\"video\"" VideoComments *VideoCommentConnection "json:\"videoComments\" graphql:\"videoComments\"" VideoIngestSession *VideoIngestSession "json:\"videoIngestSession\" graphql:\"videoIngestSession\"" VideoIngestSessionLatest *VideoIngestSession "json:\"videoIngestSessionLatest\" graphql:\"videoIngestSessionLatest\"" VideoIngestSessions []*VideoIngestSession "json:\"videoIngestSessions\" graphql:\"videoIngestSessions\"" VideoPlaybackAccessToken *PlaybackAccessToken "json:\"videoPlaybackAccessToken\" graphql:\"videoPlaybackAccessToken\"" Videos *VideoConnection "json:\"videos\" graphql:\"videos\"" WatchPartyItems *WatchPartyItemConnection "json:\"watchPartyItems\" graphql:\"watchPartyItems\"" WhisperThread *WhisperThread "json:\"whisperThread\" graphql:\"whisperThread\"" }
type QuestEvaluationInterval ¶
type QuestEvaluationInterval struct { // Duration of the interval (in days). DurationInDays int `json:"durationInDays"` // End time of the interval. EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` // Start time of the interval. StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` }
Interval that a quest is being evaluated for.
type QuestGoalFloat ¶
type QuestGoalFloat struct { // Current progress towards quest goal. Current float64 `json:"current"` // Number needed to complete the quest goal. Goal float64 `json:"goal"` }
Progress towards a particular quest goal.
type QuestGoalInt ¶
type QuestGoalInt struct { // Current progress towards quest goal. Current int `json:"current"` // Number needed to complete the quest goal. Goal int `json:"goal"` }
Progress towards a particular quest goal.
type Quests ¶
type Quests struct { // "Build a Community" quest. BuildACommunity *BuildACommunity `json:"buildACommunity"` // "It Begins" quest. ItBegins *ItBegins `json:"itBegins"` // "Path to Affiliate" quest. PathToAffiliate *PathToAffiliate `json:"pathToAffiliate"` // "Path to Partner" quest. PathToPartner *PathToPartner `json:"pathToPartner"` }
The quests associated with a user.
type QuickAction ¶
type QuickAction struct { // Category name of QA for client side store sections. Category QuickActionCategory `json:"category"` // If the user currently has this QA enabled. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The name of the item. Quick action IDs are represented by their canonical names. Name QuickActionName `json:"name"` // Scope can be "local" or "global". Scope QuickActionScope `json:"scope"` }
Represents a single quick action.
func (QuickAction) IsQuickActionLayoutItem ¶
func (QuickAction) IsQuickActionLayoutItem()
type QuickActionCategory ¶
type QuickActionCategory string
Valid Categories of quick actions.
const ( // Uncategorized quick action. QuickActionCategoryUncategorized QuickActionCategory = "UNCATEGORIZED" // Stream management quick actions. QuickActionCategoryManageYourStream QuickActionCategory = "MANAGE_YOUR_STREAM" // Monetization quick actions. QuickActionCategoryMonetizeYourStream QuickActionCategory = "MONETIZE_YOUR_STREAM" // Community growth quick actions. QuickActionCategoryGrowYourCommunity QuickActionCategory = "GROW_YOUR_COMMUNITY" // Chat management quick actions. QuickActionCategoryManageYourChat QuickActionCategory = "MANAGE_YOUR_CHAT" // extensions quick actions. QuickActionCategoryExtensions QuickActionCategory = "EXTENSIONS" )
func (QuickActionCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e QuickActionCategory) IsValid() bool
func (QuickActionCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e QuickActionCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (QuickActionCategory) String ¶
func (e QuickActionCategory) String() string
func (*QuickActionCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *QuickActionCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type QuickActionFolder ¶
type QuickActionFolder struct { // A list of quick action IDs in the folder. Items []QuickActionLayoutItem `json:"items"` // The name of the folder. Name string `json:"name"` }
Represents a folder of quick actions.
func (QuickActionFolder) IsQuickActionLayoutItem ¶
func (QuickActionFolder) IsQuickActionLayoutItem()
type QuickActionLayout ¶
type QuickActionLayout struct { // The ID of the layout. ID string `json:"id"` // A list of items in the layout. Items []QuickActionLayoutItem `json:"items"` }
Contains the quick action layout.
type QuickActionLayoutItem ¶
type QuickActionLayoutItem interface {
Quick action items can be either a quick action or a folder of quick actions.
type QuickActionName ¶
type QuickActionName string
Valid names of quick actions.
const ( // Name of the edit stream info quick action. QuickActionNameEditStreamInfo QuickActionName = "EDIT_STREAM_INFO" // Name of the clip that quick action. QuickActionNameClipThat QuickActionName = "CLIP_THAT" // Name of the raid channel quick action. QuickActionNameRaidChannel QuickActionName = "RAID_CHANNEL" // Name of the start squad stream quick action. QuickActionNameStartSquadStream QuickActionName = "START_SQUAD_STREAM" // Name of the run 30s ad quick action. QuickActionNameRunAd30s QuickActionName = "RUN_AD_30S" // Name of the run 1m ad quick action. QuickActionNameRunAd1m QuickActionName = "RUN_AD_1M" // Name of the run 2m ad quick action. QuickActionNameRunAd2m QuickActionName = "RUN_AD_2M" // Name of the start bounty quick action. QuickActionNameStartBounty QuickActionName = "START_BOUNTY" // Name of the host channel quick action. QuickActionNameHostChannel QuickActionName = "HOST_CHANNEL" // Name of the gift subs quick action. This action doesn't specify an amount of subs to gift. QuickActionNameGiftSubs QuickActionName = "GIFT_SUBS" // Name of the gift 50 subs quick action. QuickActionNameGift50Subs QuickActionName = "GIFT_50_SUBS" // Name of the gift 100 subs quick action. QuickActionNameGift100Subs QuickActionName = "GIFT_100_SUBS" // Name of the add stream delay quick action. QuickActionNameAddStreamDelay QuickActionName = "ADD_STREAM_DELAY" // Name of the add stream marker quick action. QuickActionNameAddStreamMarker QuickActionName = "ADD_STREAM_MARKER" // Name of the schedule premiere quick action. QuickActionNameSchedulePremiere QuickActionName = "SCHEDULE_PREMIERE" // Name of the start rerun quick action. QuickActionNameStartRerun QuickActionName = "START_RERUN" // Name of the clear chat quick action. QuickActionNameClearChat QuickActionName = "CLEAR_CHAT" // Name of the quick action to set emote only chat. QuickActionNameEmoteOnlyChat QuickActionName = "EMOTE_ONLY_CHAT" // Name of the quick action to set sub only chat. QuickActionNameSubOnlyChat QuickActionName = "SUB_ONLY_CHAT" // Name of the quick action to set follow only chat. QuickActionNameFollowOnlyChat QuickActionName = "FOLLOW_ONLY_CHAT" // Name of the start watch party quick action. QuickActionNameStartWatchParty QuickActionName = "START_WATCH_PARTY" )
func (QuickActionName) IsValid ¶
func (e QuickActionName) IsValid() bool
func (QuickActionName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e QuickActionName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (QuickActionName) String ¶
func (e QuickActionName) String() string
func (*QuickActionName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *QuickActionName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type QuickActionScope ¶
type QuickActionScope string
Valid scopes of quick actions.
const ( // global refers to QAs available to all users. QuickActionScopeGlobal QuickActionScope = "GLOBAL" // local scope refers to QAs unique to the user, i.e. extension QAs. QuickActionScopeLocal QuickActionScope = "LOCAL" )
func (QuickActionScope) IsValid ¶
func (e QuickActionScope) IsValid() bool
func (QuickActionScope) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e QuickActionScope) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (QuickActionScope) String ¶
func (e QuickActionScope) String() string
func (*QuickActionScope) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *QuickActionScope) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type QuickActionStore ¶
type QuickActionStore struct { // A list of quick actions available for the user's store. QuickActions []*QuickAction `json:"quickActions"` }
Represents a list of quick actions for the store.
type RTMPSession ¶
type RTMPSession struct { // Audio codecs of RTMP session. AudioCodecs string `json:"audioCodecs"` // H.264 advanced video codec. AvcLevel *int `json:"avcLevel"` // Staff-only field. The IP address of the broadcaster of the RTMP session. ClientIP *string `json:"clientIP"` // Name of the broadcaster's encoder. Encoder string `json:"encoder"` // H.264 encoder Instantaneous Decoder Refresh interval. IdrInterval *int `json:"idrInterval"` // rtmpExitReason tells how the stream session was terminated. RtmpExitReason *string `json:"rtmpExitReason"` // RTMP request parameters sent by the broadcaster. RtmpFlags string `json:"rtmpFlags"` // A full list of RTMP header sent by the broadcaster. RtmpMetadata string `json:"rtmpMetadata"` // Duration of each video frame segment in seconds. SegmentDurationSeconds int `json:"segmentDurationSeconds"` // Video codecs of RTMP session. VideoCodecs string `json:"videoCodecs"` // Video resolution height in pixel. VideoResolutionHeight int `json:"videoResolutionHeight"` // Video resolution width in pixel. VideoResolutionWidth int `json:"videoResolutionWidth"` }
RTMPSession is metadata related to the RTMP data sent by the broadcaster.
type Radio ¶
type Radio struct { // Twitch Radio account information for the user. Account *RadioAccount `json:"account"` // Fetch the requesting user's currently playing radio content. CurrentlyPlaying *RadioCurrentlyPlaying `json:"currentlyPlaying"` // Fetch a radio playlist by ID. Tracks can be requested here, but can be slow to respond. Playlist *RadioPlaylist `json:"playlist"` // Fetch all, or filtered subset of, radio playlists. Cannot request track data from this query. Playlists []*RadioPlaylist `json:"playlists"` // Fetch the requesting user's recently played radio content ids. Optionally filtered by type. RecentlyPlayed []*RadioRecentlyPlayed `json:"recentlyPlayed"` // Fetch a radio station by ID. Returns the initial queue with a token to get the next tracks if no pageToken is passed. Station *RadioStation `json:"station"` // Fetch all radio stations. Stations []*RadioStation `json:"stations"` }
Twitch Radio access.
type RadioAccount ¶
type RadioAccount struct { // The Twitch user's ID as known in Amazon Music. CustomerID string `json:"customerID"` // The unique Amazon client device identifier for this user and service. DeviceID string `json:"deviceID"` // ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code territory of the user in Amazon Music. MusicTerritory string `json:"musicTerritory"` // User token to authenticate with Amazon services AmazonAccessToken string `json:"amazonAccessToken"` TokenExpiresAt time.Time `json:"tokenExpiresAt"` }
Amazon Music user information for a Twitch user using Twitch Radio.
type RadioAlbum ¶
type RadioAlbum struct { // The album's unique id (an Amazon Standard Identification Number). ID string `json:"id"` // URL to the album's main image. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // The album name. Name string `json:"name"` }
A Twitch Radio Album.
type RadioArtist ¶
type RadioArtist struct { // The creator channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The creator channel id. CreatorChannelID *string `json:"creatorChannelID"` // The artist's unique id (an Amazon Standard Identification Number). ID string `json:"id"` // The artist name. Name string `json:"name"` }
A Twitch Radio artist.
type RadioContent ¶
type RadioContent struct { // The requested playlists. Items []RadioContentItem `json:"items"` }
A container for Twitch Radio content request results.
type RadioContentItem ¶
type RadioContentItem interface {
The types of radio content that can be requested (e.g., playlists, stations, tracks, etc).
type RadioContentPromotion ¶
type RadioContentPromotion struct { // Text on the redirect button. ButtonText string `json:"buttonText"` // Icon for the media service having dark/light theme assets. Formats supported: PNG, SVG. Default value is SVG. Icon *RadioIconThemeAssets `json:"icon"` // IconURL for the media service. Formats supported: PNG, SVG. Default value is SVG. IconURL string `json:"iconURL"` // Rank to order the icons. Rank int `json:"rank"` // Title of the service. Title string `json:"title"` // URL to redirect to the service. URL string `json:"url"` }
A Twitch Radio LinkFire Input Response for Content Promotion.
type RadioContentType ¶
type RadioContentType string
The different Twitch Radio collection types that can be requested.
const ( // Retrieve playlists, can be filtered by ASIN. RadioContentTypePlaylist RadioContentType = "PLAYLIST" // Retrieve the user's recently played playlists. RadioContentTypeRecentlyPlayed RadioContentType = "RECENTLY_PLAYED" )
func (RadioContentType) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioContentType) IsValid() bool
func (RadioContentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioContentType) String ¶
func (e RadioContentType) String() string
func (*RadioContentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioCurrentTrackResponse ¶
type RadioCurrentTrackResponse struct { // Radio currently Playing Track is added Successfully or not. IsSuccess bool `json:"isSuccess"` }
The currently playing radio track addition result.
type RadioCurrentlyPlaying ¶
type RadioCurrentlyPlaying struct { // The radio content promotion json data. ContentPromotions []*RadioContentPromotion `json:"contentPromotions"` // Whether the track is currently playing or not. IsCurrentlyPlaying bool `json:"isCurrentlyPlaying"` // The Track Details of the currently playing track. Track *RadioTrack `json:"track"` }
Content currently playing in the client for a user.
type RadioCurrentlyPlayingType ¶
type RadioCurrentlyPlayingType string
The types of content we can register current plays for.
const ( // A radio playlist. RadioCurrentlyPlayingTypePlaylist RadioCurrentlyPlayingType = "PLAYLIST" // A radio station. RadioCurrentlyPlayingTypeStation RadioCurrentlyPlayingType = "STATION" )
func (RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) IsValid() bool
func (RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) String ¶
func (e RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) String() string
func (*RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioCurrentlyPlayingType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioIconFormat ¶
type RadioIconFormat string
Icon Formats for the media service.
const ( // PNG Icon for the media service. RadioIconFormatPng RadioIconFormat = "PNG" // SVG Icon for the media service. RadioIconFormatSvg RadioIconFormat = "SVG" )
func (RadioIconFormat) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioIconFormat) IsValid() bool
func (RadioIconFormat) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioIconFormat) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioIconFormat) String ¶
func (e RadioIconFormat) String() string
func (*RadioIconFormat) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioIconFormat) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioIconThemeAssets ¶
type RadioIconThemeAssets struct { // Dark theme Asset URL. DarkURL string `json:"darkURL"` // Light theme Asset URL. LightURL string `json:"lightURL"` }
Theme for the media service assets.
type RadioPlaylist ¶
type RadioPlaylist struct { // Curator of the playlist. Curator string `json:"curator"` // Playlist's Description. Description string `json:"description"` // The playlist's unique id (an Amazon Standard Identification Number). ID string `json:"id"` // URL to the playlist's main image. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Is the playlist featured. IsFeatured bool `json:"isFeatured"` // The playlist's title. Title string `json:"title"` // List of tracks in the playlist. Tracks []*RadioTrack `json:"tracks"` }
A Twitch Radio playlist.
func (RadioPlaylist) IsRadioContentItem ¶
func (RadioPlaylist) IsRadioContentItem()
type RadioPlaylistFilter ¶
type RadioPlaylistFilter string
Filters for querying the playlists.
const ( // Get all playlists. RadioPlaylistFilterAll RadioPlaylistFilter = "ALL" // Get only featured playlists. RadioPlaylistFilterFeatured RadioPlaylistFilter = "FEATURED" )
func (RadioPlaylistFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioPlaylistFilter) IsValid() bool
func (RadioPlaylistFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioPlaylistFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioPlaylistFilter) String ¶
func (e RadioPlaylistFilter) String() string
func (*RadioPlaylistFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioPlaylistFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioRecentlyPlayed ¶
type RadioRecentlyPlayed struct { // The type of content the ID maps to. ContentType RadioRecentlyPlayedType `json:"contentType"` // The id of the recently played item. ID string `json:"id"` // Recently played playlist metadata. Playlist *RadioPlaylist `json:"playlist"` // Recently played station metadata. Station *RadioStation `json:"station"` // The time this ID was last recently played by the current user. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
Content recently played in the client.
func (RadioRecentlyPlayed) IsRadioContentItem ¶
func (RadioRecentlyPlayed) IsRadioContentItem()
type RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter ¶
type RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter string
Filter for recentlyPlayed.
const ( // Get all recently played items. RadioRecentlyPlayedFilterAll RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter = "ALL" // Retrieve only playlists. RadioRecentlyPlayedFilterPlaylists RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter = "PLAYLISTS" )
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) IsValid() bool
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) String ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) String() string
func (*RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioRecentlyPlayedFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioRecentlyPlayedType ¶
type RadioRecentlyPlayedType string
The types of content we can register recent plays for.
const ( // A radio playlist. RadioRecentlyPlayedTypePlaylist RadioRecentlyPlayedType = "PLAYLIST" // A radio station. RadioRecentlyPlayedTypeStation RadioRecentlyPlayedType = "STATION" )
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedType) IsValid ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedType) IsValid() bool
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RadioRecentlyPlayedType) String ¶
func (e RadioRecentlyPlayedType) String() string
func (*RadioRecentlyPlayedType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RadioRecentlyPlayedType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RadioStation ¶
type RadioStation struct { // The station's unique id (an Amazon Standard Identification Number). ID string `json:"id"` // URL to the station's main image. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Is the station featured. IsFeatured bool `json:"isFeatured"` // Page token to be passed back to the Client Gateway when requesting additional tracks. PageToken *string `json:"pageToken"` // The station's title. Title string `json:"title"` // List of tracks in the station. Tracks []*RadioTrack `json:"tracks"` }
A Twitch Radio station.
type RadioTrack ¶
type RadioTrack struct { // The track album. Album *RadioAlbum `json:"album"` // The track artists. Artists []*RadioArtist `json:"artists"` // The duration of the track in seconds. Duration int `json:"duration"` // Track's Genre. Genre string `json:"genre"` // The track's unique id (an Amazon Standard Identification Number). ID string `json:"id"` // Industry standard track's unique id. Isrc string `json:"isrc"` // The title of the track. Title string `json:"title"` }
A Twitch Radio track.
type Raid ¶
type Raid struct { // Timestamp of raid announcement. AnnounceAt *time.Time `json:"announceAt"` // Timestamp of raid go time. GoAt *time.Time `json:"goAt"` // The ID of the raid. ID string `json:"id"` // Channel hosting the raid. SourceChannel *User `json:"sourceChannel"` // Target of the raid. TargetChannel *User `json:"targetChannel"` // Number of viewers in raid. ViewerCount *int `json:"viewerCount"` }
A raid represents a broadcaster directing their viewers to another channel in a synchronized "raid" on the channel after a countdown during which each viewer has a chance to opt out of the raid.
Raids are created by a broadcaster from their dashbboard where they can search and select the channel they wish to target. Once selected the raid takes counts down to prepare after which the broadcaster can tell the raid to "Go", redirecting all joined raiders to the target channel.
type RaidSettings ¶
type RaidSettings struct { // Determines what other channels can raid this channel. IncomingRaidsPolicy IncomingRaidsPolicy `json:"incomingRaidsPolicy"` }
A user's raid settings.
type Range ¶
type Range struct { // The maximum value of the Range. Max int `json:"max"` // The minimum value of the Range. Min int `json:"min"` }
An integer range with a minimum and a maximum.
type RateExtensionError ¶
type RateExtensionError string
Possible errors returned by the RateExtension mutation.
const ( // Internal service error eg. database timeout. RateExtensionErrorInternalError RateExtensionError = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (RateExtensionError) IsValid ¶
func (e RateExtensionError) IsValid() bool
func (RateExtensionError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RateExtensionError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RateExtensionError) String ¶
func (e RateExtensionError) String() string
func (*RateExtensionError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RateExtensionError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RateExtensionInput ¶
type RateExtensionInput struct { // The ID of the extension being rated. ExtensionClientID string `json:"extensionClientID"` // The version of the extension being rated. ExtensionVersion string `json:"extensionVersion"` // Whether the user recommends the extension or not. IsRecommended bool `json:"isRecommended"` // Indicates from where the user submitted the rating. Location ExtensionRatingLocation `json:"location"` // The ID of the user performing the rating. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
RateExtensionInput submits a user's rating and feedback on a Twitch extension.
type RateExtensionPayload ¶
type RateExtensionPayload struct { // The error if the mutation fails to submit the extension rating. Error *RateExtensionError `json:"error"` // The resulting ExtensionRating record. Rating *ExtensionRating `json:"rating"` }
The result of a rateExtension mutation.
type ReactableContent ¶
type ReactableContent interface {
type Reaction ¶
type Reaction struct { // count of users that reacted with a particular Emote. Count int `json:"count"` // The Emote associated with the Reaction. Emote *Emote `json:"emote"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this reaction. Self *ReactionSelfConnection `json:"self"` }
type ReactionSelfConnection ¶
type ReactionSelfConnection struct { // Did the authenticated user react. HasReacted bool `json:"hasReacted"` }
type ReadNotificationsInput ¶
type ReadNotificationsInput struct { // IDs of the notifications to set as read. The minimum number is 1 and the maximum is 100. Ids []string `json:"ids"` }
type ReadNotificationsPayload ¶
type ReadNotificationsPayload struct { // The amount of notifications that were set to read. Count int `json:"count"` // The notifications that were set to read. Only ID and isRead are accessible. Notifications []*OnsiteNotification `json:"notifications"` }
type RecommendationFeedback ¶
type RecommendationFeedback struct { // Reason for feedback. Category RecommendationFeedbackCategory `json:"category"` // Feedback target. Content RecommendationFeedbackContent `json:"content"` // Recommendation Feedback ID. Generated from the type, category, content id, and user id. ID string `json:"id"` // Last time this feedback was given. LastUpdated time.Time `json:"lastUpdated"` // Feedback target type. Type RecommendationFeedbackType `json:"type"` // Feedback giver. User *User `json:"user"` }
Feedback from a user about a piece of content.
type RecommendationFeedbackCategory ¶
type RecommendationFeedbackCategory string
Reason for feedback.
const ( // Only returned when there is an issue. Shouldn't be returned, should not be used for fetching. RecommendationFeedbackCategoryUnspecified RecommendationFeedbackCategory = "UNSPECIFIED" // The user is not interested in this type of content. RecommendationFeedbackCategoryNotInterested RecommendationFeedbackCategory = "NOT_INTERESTED" // The user finds this type of content to be offensive. RecommendationFeedbackCategoryOffensive RecommendationFeedbackCategory = "OFFENSIVE" // The user has already seen this content. RecommendationFeedbackCategoryAlreadyWatched RecommendationFeedbackCategory = "ALREADY_WATCHED" // Used when the other reasons do not capture the reason a user is giving feedback. RecommendationFeedbackCategoryOther RecommendationFeedbackCategory = "OTHER" )
func (RecommendationFeedbackCategory) IsValid ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackCategory) IsValid() bool
func (RecommendationFeedbackCategory) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackCategory) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RecommendationFeedbackCategory) String ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackCategory) String() string
func (*RecommendationFeedbackCategory) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RecommendationFeedbackCategory) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RecommendationFeedbackConnection ¶
type RecommendationFeedbackConnection struct { // Contains the edges for the recommendation feedback. Edges []*RecommendationFeedbackEdge `json:"edges"` // Contains pagination metadata. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Connection between a user and recommendation feedback.
type RecommendationFeedbackContent ¶
type RecommendationFeedbackContent interface {
Feedback target.
type RecommendationFeedbackEdge ¶
type RecommendationFeedbackEdge struct { // Cursor for the feedback edge. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node for the feedback edge. Node *RecommendationFeedback `json:"node"` }
Edge containing the node and cursor for recommendation feedback items.
type RecommendationFeedbackType ¶
type RecommendationFeedbackType string
Feedback target type.
const ( // Only returned when there is an issue. Shouldn't be returned, should not be used for fetching. RecommendationFeedbackTypeUnspecified RecommendationFeedbackType = "UNSPECIFIED" // Feedback given about channels. RecommendationFeedbackTypeChannel RecommendationFeedbackType = "CHANNEL" // Feedback given about a game / category. RecommendationFeedbackTypeCategory RecommendationFeedbackType = "CATEGORY" // Feedback given about a shelf. RecommendationFeedbackTypeShelf RecommendationFeedbackType = "SHELF" // Feedback given about a video. RecommendationFeedbackTypeVod RecommendationFeedbackType = "VOD" )
func (RecommendationFeedbackType) IsValid ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackType) IsValid() bool
func (RecommendationFeedbackType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RecommendationFeedbackType) String ¶
func (e RecommendationFeedbackType) String() string
func (*RecommendationFeedbackType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RecommendationFeedbackType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Recommendations ¶
type Recommendations struct { // The recommended community gifting quantities to display to the user when they intend to gift subscriptions. // The trackingID is not a unique ID for the recommendations, but a passthrough value for backend logging to link to purchases made by the user after being shown these recommendations. CommunityGiftQuantities []int `json:"communityGiftQuantities"` // A list of recommended friends. Friends []*RecommendedFriend `json:"friends"` // Live recommendations. // recRequestID is a tracking id created by the caller. Should be unique per request. LiveRecommendations *LiveRecommendationConnection `json:"liveRecommendations"` // Stream recommendations. Streams *RecommendedStreamConnection `json:"streams"` // A list of recommended VODs. Videos *RecommendedVideoConnection `json:"videos"` }
type RecommendationsContext ¶
type RecommendationsContext struct { // The 'app_window_height' field sent in pageview events. AppWindowHeight *int `json:"appWindowHeight"` // The 'app_window_width' field sent in pageview events. AppWindowWidth *int `json:"appWindowWidth"` // The 'client_app' field sent in pageview events. ClientApp *string `json:"clientApp"` // Optional ISO country code, defaults to use the country code from the geoip of the request. Country *string `json:"country"` // The 'location' field sent in pageview events (signifying the location on the site or app). Location *string `json:"location"` // Web, ios, android, etc. Platform *string `json:"platform"` // The 'referrer_host' field sent in pageview events. ReferrerHost *string `json:"referrerHost"` // The 'viewport_height' field sent in pageview events. ViewportHeight *int `json:"viewportHeight"` // The 'viewport_width' field sent in pageview events. ViewportWidth *int `json:"viewportWidth"` }
RecommendationsContext define parameters which can control recommendations logic. Clients should strive to fill in as many fields as possible for the highest quality recommendaitons. Many of these fields should be identical to what is sent in pageview events:
type RecommendedFriend ¶
type RecommendedGamesConnection ¶
type RecommendedGamesConnection struct { // A list of recommended games. Edges []*RecommendedGamesEdge `json:"edges"` // Per-generation tracking id for identifying a recommendation model. GenerationID string `json:"generationID"` // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Unique tracking id per response. ResponseID string `json:"responseID"` }
The response of a recommended games request which contains a list of recommended games.
type RecommendedGamesEdge ¶
type RecommendedGamesEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying game content to render. Node *Game `json:"node"` // Globally unique id per category used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
The content to render from a recommended game.
type RecommendedStream ¶
type RecommendedStream interface {
type RecommendedStreamConnection ¶
type RecommendedStreamConnection struct { // This field is deprecated. Nodes []RecommendedStream `json:"nodes"` }
NOTE: this type will soon be removed.
type RecommendedStreamsConnection ¶
type RecommendedStreamsConnection struct { // A list of recommended streams. Edges []*RecommendedStreamsEdge `json:"edges"` // Per-generation tracking id for identifying a recommendation model. GenerationID string `json:"generationID"` // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Unique tracking id per response. ResponseID string `json:"responseID"` }
The response of a recommended streams request which contains a list of recommended streams.
type RecommendedStreamsEdge ¶
type RecommendedStreamsEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying stream content to render. Node *Stream `json:"node"` // Globally unique id per stream used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
The content to render from a recommended stream.
type RecommendedVideoConnection ¶
type RecommendedVideoConnection struct { Edges []*RecommendedVideoEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // A unique ID for this generated list of recommendations. SetID *string `json:"setID"` }
type RecommendedVideoEdge ¶
type RecordAdEventError ¶
type RecordAdEventError struct { // Error from recording ad event. Code RecordAdEventErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Record ad event error.
type RecordAdEventErrorCode ¶
type RecordAdEventErrorCode string
Enumeration of RecordAdEvent error status codes.
const ( // The RAd token in the request was not valid. RecordAdEventErrorCodeInvalidToken RecordAdEventErrorCode = "INVALID_TOKEN" // The event payload was invalid. RecordAdEventErrorCodeInvalidJSON RecordAdEventErrorCode = "INVALID_JSON" // An internal error has occurred, other than a 500. RecordAdEventErrorCodeUnknownError RecordAdEventErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (RecordAdEventErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RecordAdEventErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RecordAdEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RecordAdEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RecordAdEventErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RecordAdEventErrorCode) String() string
func (*RecordAdEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RecordAdEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RecordAdEventInput ¶
type RecordAdEventInput struct { // The ad event name. EventName string `json:"eventName"` // Ad details JSON encoded as a string. EventPayload string `json:"eventPayload"` // The RAd service token used for validation. RadToken string `json:"radToken"` }
The input for recording an ad event.
type RecordAdEventPayload ¶
type RecordAdEventPayload struct { // Error from mutation, if one exists. Error *RecordAdEventError `json:"error"` }
The payload returned after recording an ad event.
type RecurlyConfigs ¶
type RecurlyConfigs struct { // For interacting with the Braintree gateway and Paypal (supported by Recurly). BraintreeClientAuthorization string `json:"braintreeClientAuthorization"` // For interacting with Pay With Amazon gateway (supported by Recurly). PayWithAmazonConfigs *PayWithAmazonConfigs `json:"payWithAmazonConfigs"` // Sent to Recurly to identify requests. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` }
type RecurringPaymentDetail ¶
type RecurringPaymentDetail struct { // Time that the payment will attempt to renew. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // Product type of the purchase. ProductType SubscriptionProductType `json:"productType"` // Currency for the renewalPrice, e.g. "USD". RenewalCurrency *string `json:"renewalCurrency"` // Expected renewal price of the product in the smallest subunit of the currency, e.g. "499". RenewalPrice *int `json:"renewalPrice"` // Divisor for renewalPrice for display: e.g. "100" for USD. RenewalPriceDivisor *int `json:"renewalPriceDivisor"` // Subscription benefit, if still active. SubscriptionBenefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"subscriptionBenefit"` // Twitch user ID, owner of the entitlement benefit. TicketOwnerID *string `json:"ticketOwnerID"` // Twitch user ID, owner of the channel that was subscribed to. // Can be null if product type is Turbo. TicketProductOwnerID *string `json:"ticketProductOwnerID"` // Whether this subscription will renew in the future and charge the user's payment method. WillRenew bool `json:"willRenew"` }
Payment Method information for a recurring payment. An abstraction for a set of Payments models, existing here to surface to the Payments Management Page.
type RedeemClaimableError ¶
type RedeemClaimableError struct { // Error code while redeeming. Code RedeemClaimableErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Redeem claimable error.
type RedeemClaimableErrorCode ¶
type RedeemClaimableErrorCode string
Redeem claimable error status codes.
const ( // The request has been throttled. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeRequestThrottled RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" RedeemClaimableErrorCodeUnauthorized RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // The key has already been claimed. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeAlreadyClaimed RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "ALREADY_CLAIMED" // Unknown error being returned from service. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeUnknown RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // Invalid PIN/Claimable. // Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeInvalidPin RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "INVALID_PIN" // PIN already redeemed. // Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeAlreadyRedeemed RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "ALREADY_REDEEMED" // User can't redeem due to wallet balance limit // Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeExceededWalletBalance RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "EXCEEDED_WALLET_BALANCE" // Two Factor Auth is required past a certain balance // for fraud mitigation. Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeTwoFactorRequired RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "TWO_FACTOR_REQUIRED" // Unsupported Country of Residence // Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeInvalidCountryOfResidence RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "INVALID_COUNTRY_OF_RESIDENCE" // User excedded redemption velocity limit. // Currently only used for Gift Card PINs. RedeemClaimableErrorCodeExceededVelocityLimit RedeemClaimableErrorCode = "EXCEEDED_VELOCITY_LIMIT" )
func (RedeemClaimableErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RedeemClaimableErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RedeemClaimableErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RedeemClaimableErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RedeemClaimableErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RedeemClaimableErrorCode) String() string
func (*RedeemClaimableErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RedeemClaimableErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RedeemClaimableInput ¶
type RedeemClaimableInput struct { // Optional param for user's self-declared country of residence. // Currently only used for Gift Card Redemptions. CountryOfResidence *string `json:"countryOfResidence"` // The key code that needs to be claimed. KeyCode string `json:"keyCode"` }
The input for claiming a key code.
type RedeemClaimablePayload ¶
type RedeemClaimablePayload struct { // Possible errors returned from the service for this mutation. Error *RedeemClaimableError `json:"error"` // The updated key information. Key Claimable `json:"key"` }
The payload returned after claiming a key code.
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardError ¶
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from redeeming a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode ¶
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode string
The possible reasons redeeming a custom Community Points reward in a channel could fail.
const ( // The reward was not found. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to redeem this reward in this channel. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The user does not have sufficient points to redeem the reward. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotEnoughPoints RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS" // The client-provided properties (title, cost, or prompt) did not match the reward's true properties. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePropertiesMismatch RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "PROPERTIES_MISMATCH" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that has already been redeemed. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateTransaction RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that is currently being redeemed in another request. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTransactionInProgress RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS" // The reward is disabled. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDisabled RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "DISABLED" // The stream is not live. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeStreamNotLive RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "STREAM_NOT_LIVE" // The reward has hit its maximum number of redemptions per stream. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStream RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_STREAM" // The user is banned and cannot redeem rewards. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUserBanned RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "USER_BANNED" // The redemption message contained a blocked phrase. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeChannelSettings RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "CHANNEL_SETTINGS" // The redemption message starts with a '/' like a chat command. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMessageIsCommand RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MESSAGE_IS_COMMAND" // An unknown error occurred. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The reward has hit its maximum number of redempetions per user per stream. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStream RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM" // The reward is currently under a cooldown. RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldown RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "GLOBAL_COOLDOWN" )
func (RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String() string
func (*RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput ¶
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput struct { // The channel ID that the reward is being redeemed in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The cost that the client expects this reward to cost. // If this cost is different from the reward's true cost, the request will fail. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The prompt that the client expects this reward to have. // If this prompt is different from the reward's true prompt, the request will fail. // Should be null if the reward does not have a prompt. Prompt *string `json:"prompt"` // The unique reward ID. RewardID string `json:"rewardID"` // For rewards that require text input, this is the user-supplied text. // Discarded if the reward does not require text input. TextInput *string `json:"textInput"` // The title that the client expects this reward to have. // If this title is different from the reward's true title, the request will fail. Title string `json:"title"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for redeeming a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload ¶
type RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while redeeming a custom Community Points reward in a channel. Error *RedeemCommunityPointsCustomRewardError `json:"error"` // The newly created redemption. Redemption *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption `json:"redemption"` }
The response from redeeming a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type RedeemCreatorGiftsInput ¶
type RedeemCreatorGiftsInput struct { // The amount of balance to redeem. This value must be greater than 0 and less than the creator's // standing balance. Amount int `json:"amount"` }
RedeeemCreatorGiftsInput the input for redeeming subscriptions from a creator's balance.
type RedeemCreatorGiftsPayload ¶
type RedeemCreatorGiftsPayload struct { // The container for creator gifts the creator has. CreatorGifting *CreatorGifting `json:"creatorGifting"` }
RedeemCreatorGiftsPayload the output of redeeming subscriptions from a creator's balance.
type RedeemRitualTokenError ¶
type RedeemRitualTokenError struct {
Code RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode `json:"code"`
type RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode ¶
type RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode string
const ( // Token is not in a status that can be redeemed. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE" // Token does not exist. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" // User is not a follower and tried redeeming the token in a follower-only chat. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeFollowerOnlyModeEnforcementFailed RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "FOLLOWER_ONLY_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // User is not a subscriber and tried redeeming the token in a subs-only chat. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeSubOnlyModeEnforcementFailed RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "SUB_ONLY_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // User is banned in the channel. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeUserChatBanned RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "USER_CHAT_BANNED" // User is timed out in the channel. RedeemRitualTokenErrorCodeUserChatTimedOut RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode = "USER_CHAT_TIMED_OUT" )
func (RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) String() string
func (*RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RedeemRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RedeemRitualTokenInput ¶
type RedeemRitualTokenInput struct { // The channel to redeem the token in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // User-specified text to send with the token redemption. MessageText *string `json:"messageText"` // The type of ritual to be redeemed. Type RitualTokenType `json:"type"` }
RedeemRitualTokenInput is the input when redeeming a ritual token.
type RedeemRitualTokenPayload ¶
type RedeemRitualTokenPayload struct { Error *RedeemRitualTokenError `json:"error"` Token *RitualToken `json:"token"` }
RedeemRitualTokenPayload is the response when redeeming a ritual token.
type RedeemSubscriptionInput ¶
type RedeemSubscriptionInput struct { // The channelID to which the user is currently subscribed to and is allowing to redeem a subscription. FromChannelID string `json:"fromChannelID"` // The channelID to which the user wants to redeem their subscription to. TargetChannelID string `json:"targetChannelID"` // The User who is trying to redeem the subscription. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
RedeemSubscriptionInput creates a new subscription redemption input.
type RedeemSubscriptionPayload ¶
type RedeemSubscriptionPayload struct { // A code indicating why the redemption of subscription failed, if it did. ErrorCode *RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode `json:"errorCode"` // The Subscription Product that the user has been entitled to. Product *SubscriptionProduct `json:"product"` }
RedeemSubscriptionPayload returns a status code indicating whether the update was successful or not.
type RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode ¶
type RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode string
An Error indicating why the submit failed, if it did.
const ( // The Channel ID is invalid. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeInvalidChannel RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL" // The User is not Eligible to Redeem Subscription to this Channel. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeNotEligible RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "NOT_ELIGIBLE" // Something unexpected occured when Redeeming the Subscription. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUnknown RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The User has already redeemed the subscription offerd by the channel. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserHasRedeemedSubscription RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "USER_HAS_REDEEMED_SUBSCRIPTION" // The channel the user is trying to redeem from has not been off-boarded. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeChannelNotOffBoarded RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_OFF_BOARDED" // The user already has an existing subscription to the target channel they are trying to redeem to. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserHasExistingSubscription RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "USER_HAS_EXISTING_SUBSCRIPTION" // The target Channel the user is trying to redeem to is Invalid. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeRedeemChannelInvalid RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "REDEEM_CHANNEL_INVALID" // The user is not subscribed to the channel that is being off-boarded. RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCodeUserNotSubscribedToOffBoardedChannel RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode = "USER_NOT_SUBSCRIBED_TO_OFF_BOARDED_CHANNEL" )
func (RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) String() string
func (*RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RedeemSubscriptionResponseErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RedeemTrueXAdInput ¶
type RedeemTrueXAdInput struct { // args are parameters describing the engagement the user just completed for bits. Args string `json:"args"` // signature is a digital signature protecting the integrity of `args`. Signature string `json:"signature"` // targetID is the `` of the channel where the user is watching the ad. TargetID *string `json:"targetID"` // trueXAd is descriptive information about the engagement that was just shown. // This information is useful for logging errors on the server-side. TrueXAd *TrueXAd `json:"trueXAd"` }
type RedeemTrueXAdPayload ¶
type RedeemTrueXAdPayload struct { // currentUser is the authenticated user object which includes the updated `Wallet` info after the message bits have been spent. CurrentUser *User `json:"currentUser"` // grantedBits is the number of bits the user earned from this engagement. GrantedBits int `json:"grantedBits"` }
type ReferralsDimension ¶
type ReferralsDimension string
How to group the referral sources.
const ( // Return referrals grouped by platforms. ReferralsDimensionPlatform ReferralsDimension = "PLATFORM" // Return referrals grouped by country. ReferralsDimensionCountry ReferralsDimension = "COUNTRY" // Return referrals grouped by channel. ReferralsDimensionChannel ReferralsDimension = "CHANNEL" // Return referrals grouped by internal source. ReferralsDimensionInternal ReferralsDimension = "INTERNAL" // Return referrals grouped by external source. ReferralsDimensionExternal ReferralsDimension = "EXTERNAL" )
func (ReferralsDimension) IsValid ¶
func (e ReferralsDimension) IsValid() bool
func (ReferralsDimension) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReferralsDimension) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReferralsDimension) String ¶
func (e ReferralsDimension) String() string
func (*ReferralsDimension) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReferralsDimension) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReferralsFilter ¶
type ReferralsFilter string
Which subset of referrals to return.
const ( // Return all referral sources. ReferralsFilterAll ReferralsFilter = "ALL" // Return live video play referrals from external sources, filtered by the web platform. ReferralsFilterExternalLiveWeb ReferralsFilter = "EXTERNAL_LIVE_WEB" // Return live video play referrals from internal channels, filtered by the web platform. ReferralsFilterInternalChannelLiveWeb ReferralsFilter = "INTERNAL_CHANNEL_LIVE_WEB" // Return live video play referrals from internal sources, filtered by the web platform. ReferralsFilterInternalLiveWeb ReferralsFilter = "INTERNAL_LIVE_WEB" )
func (ReferralsFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e ReferralsFilter) IsValid() bool
func (ReferralsFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReferralsFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReferralsFilter) String ¶
func (e ReferralsFilter) String() string
func (*ReferralsFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReferralsFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RefreshExtensionTokenInput ¶
type RefreshExtensionTokenInput struct { // The id of the channel the extension is currently installed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the extension that the user is refreshing their token for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The current extension jwt being refreshed. Jwt *string `json:"jwt"` }
The required input for an RefreshExtensionToken mutation.
type RefreshExtensionTokenPayload ¶
type RefreshExtensionTokenPayload struct { // Error from an RefreshExtensionToken Call. Error *string `json:"error"` // The user's new token. Token *ExtensionToken `json:"token"` }
The result of a RefreshExtensionToken mutation.
type RegenerateStreamKeyInput ¶
type RegenerateStreamKeyInput struct { // channelID of the broadcaster. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
RegenerateStreamKeyInput is input required to regenerate a broadcaster's stream key.
type RegenerateStreamKeyPayload ¶
type RegenerateStreamKeyPayload struct { // The updated video stream for channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` }
RegenerateStreamKeyPayload contains the VideoStreamSettings with updated stream key.
type RegenerateVerificationCodeInput ¶
type RegenerateVerificationCodeInput struct { // Address that the user is verifying. This will most likely be an email address or phone number. Address string `json:"address"` // Key for the entity associated with the address. This is generally the Twitch ID of the user. Key string `json:"key"` }
RegenerateVerificationCodeInput is input required to regenerate a user's verification code in EVS.
type RegenerateVerificationCodePayload ¶
type RegenerateVerificationCodePayload struct { // The updated verification request. Request *VerificationRequest `json:"request"` }
RegenerateVerificationCodePayload is the VerificationRequest document returned from EVS on success.
type RegisterPayoutInformationError ¶
type RegisterPayoutInformationError struct { // Code to describe error that occurred while registering payout information. Code RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode `json:"code"` // Lists any field names that have an invalid format. InvalidFields []RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName `json:"invalidFields"` }
RegisterPayoutInformationError describes the error that occured when registering a user's payout information during payout onboarding.
type RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode ¶
type RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode string
Enumerates possible errors when registering payout information.
const ( // Must have auth credentials to register payout information. RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeUnauthenticated RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode = "UNAUTHENTICATED" // User does not have permission to register payout information for the targeted user. RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeForbidden RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // One or more fields have an invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeInvalidFormat RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode = "INVALID_FORMAT" // An internal error has occurred. RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCodeInternalError RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) String() string
func (*RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RegisterPayoutInformationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName ¶
type RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName string
Enumerates vaid field names when registering payout information.
const ( // Assigned if Birthdate is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameBirthdate RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "BIRTHDATE" // Assigned if City is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCity RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "CITY" // Assigned if Company Name is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCompanyName RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "COMPANY_NAME" // Assigned if Country Code is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameCountryCode RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "COUNTRY_CODE" // Assigned if Email is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameEmail RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "EMAIL" // Assigned if First Name is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameFirstName RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "FIRST_NAME" // Assigned if Last Name is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameLastName RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "LAST_NAME" // Assigned if Middle Name is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameMiddleName RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "MIDDLE_NAME" // Assigned if Postal is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNamePostal RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "POSTAL" // Assigned if State Code is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStateCode RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "STATE_CODE" // Assigned if Primary Address is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStreetAddress RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "STREET_ADDRESS" // Assigned if Secondary Address is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameStreetAddress2 RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "STREET_ADDRESS_2" // Assigned if Parent Name is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameParentName RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "PARENT_NAME" // Assigned if Parent Email is given in invalid format. RegisterPayoutInformationFieldNameParentEmail RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName = "PARENT_EMAIL" )
func (RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) IsValid ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) IsValid() bool
func (RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) String ¶
func (e RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) String() string
func (*RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RegisterPayoutInformationFieldName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RegisterPayoutInformationInput ¶
type RegisterPayoutInformationInput struct { // Birthdate submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Birthdate time.Time `json:"birthdate"` // City submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. City string `json:"city"` // Company Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. CompanyName *string `json:"companyName"` // Country Code (ISO-3166) submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Email submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Email string `json:"email"` // First Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. FirstName string `json:"firstName"` // Last Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. LastName string `json:"lastName"` // Middle Name submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. MiddleName *string `json:"middleName"` // Parent Email submitted by the under age user while registering into a payout program. ParentEmail *string `json:"parentEmail"` // Parent Name submitted by the under age user while registering into a payout program. ParentName *string `json:"parentName"` // Postal submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. Postal *string `json:"postal"` // State Code submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StateCode *string `json:"stateCode"` // Primary Address submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StreetAddress string `json:"streetAddress"` // Secondary Address submitted by the user while registering into a payout program. StreetAddress2 *string `json:"streetAddress2"` // TargetUserID is the ID of the user whose payout information will be registered. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
RegisterPayoutInformationInput is the input required to register a user's payout information during payout onboarding.
type RegisterPayoutInformationPayload ¶
type RegisterPayoutInformationPayload struct { // Describes error that occured when registering payout information. Error *RegisterPayoutInformationError `json:"error"` // New workflow state. Workflow *PayoutOnboardingWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
RegisterPayoutInformationPayload is the updated workflow after registration is accepted.
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationError ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to confirm registeration for two factor authentication.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeReauthNeeded RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // The user cannot confirm two factor registration since the initial registration was never started or has expired. RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeRegistrationNotStarted RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = "REGISTRATION_NOT_STARTED" // The one time password provided is invalid. RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidOtp RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = "INVALID_OTP" // The one time password provided is missing. RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeMissingOtp RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = "MISSING_OTP" // Something unexpected occured. RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCodeUnknownError RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) String() string
func (*RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationInput ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationInput struct { // The one time password required to complete two factor registration. OneTimePassword string `json:"oneTimePassword"` // The ID of the user that is requesting to complete registration of two factor authentication. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a registerTwoFactorConfirmation mutation.
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationPayload ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationPayload struct { // New access token returned for clients to use after turning on 2FA. AccessToken *string `json:"accessToken"` // error code and localized error. Error *RegisterTwoFactorConfirmationError `json:"error"` }
The result of a registerTwoFactorConfirmationPayload mutation.
type RegisterTwoFactorError ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to register for two factor authentication.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeReauthNeeded RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Phone number was not provided. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeMissingPhoneNumber RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER" // Phone number was not valid. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER" // The user has requested to register for two factor authentication too many times. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeRequestThrottled RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // The phone number provided is used for too many Twitch accounts. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeLimitReached RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "LIMIT_REACHED" // Something unexpected occured. RegisterTwoFactorErrorCodeUnknownError RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) String() string
func (*RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RegisterTwoFactorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RegisterTwoFactorInput ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorInput struct { // The phone number used for two factor registration. PhoneNumber string `json:"phoneNumber"` // The ID of the user that is requesting to register for two factor authentication. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a registerTwoFactor mutation.
type RegisterTwoFactorPayload ¶
type RegisterTwoFactorPayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *RegisterTwoFactorError `json:"error"` }
The result of a registerTwoFactorPayload mutation.
type RegistrationType ¶
type RegistrationType string
The registration type signifies the policy for participants to join the competition.
const ( // Competition that any Twitch user can join. RegistrationTypeOpen RegistrationType = "OPEN" // Competition that only invited participants can join. RegistrationTypeInvitational RegistrationType = "INVITATIONAL" // Open competition where only followers of the channel can join. RegistrationTypeFollowers RegistrationType = "FOLLOWERS" // Open competition where only subscribers of the channel can join. RegistrationTypeSubscribers RegistrationType = "SUBSCRIBERS" // Open competition where only followers and subscribers of the channel can join. RegistrationTypeFollowerAndSubscribers RegistrationType = "FOLLOWER_AND_SUBSCRIBERS" // Unknown type. RegistrationTypeUnknown RegistrationType = "UNKNOWN" )
func (RegistrationType) IsValid ¶
func (e RegistrationType) IsValid() bool
func (RegistrationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RegistrationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RegistrationType) String ¶
func (e RegistrationType) String() string
func (*RegistrationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RegistrationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RejectFriendRequestInput ¶
type RejectFriendRequestInput struct { // The authenticated user will reject the friend request sent by the user with an ID equal to targetID. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type RejectFriendRequestPayload ¶
type RejectFriendRequestPayload struct { // The user whose friend request was just rejected. User *User `json:"user"` }
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationError ¶
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationError struct { // Error from request to reject invitation. Code RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors from rejectSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode ¶
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode string
Possible errors from this mutation.
const ( // Invitation to be rejected does not exist. RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationNotFound RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_NOT_FOUND" // Squad associated with the invitation does not exist. RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeSquadNotFound RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "SQUAD_NOT_FOUND" RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeUnauthorized RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Invitation not in pending state cannot be rejected. RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCodeInvitationCannotBeRejected RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode = "INVITATION_CANNOT_BE_REJECTED" )
func (RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) String() string
func (*RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RejectSquadStreamInvitationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationInput ¶
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationInput struct { // ID of the invitation to be rejected. InvitationID string `json:"invitationID"` }
Inputs to the rejectSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationPayload ¶
type RejectSquadStreamInvitationPayload struct { // Error from mutation if exists. Error *RejectSquadStreamInvitationError `json:"error"` // The rejected invitation. Invitation *SquadStreamInvitation `json:"invitation"` }
Outputs from the rejectSquadStreamInvitation mutation.
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsError ¶
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsError struct { // The associated error code. Code RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsError is the error associated with a rejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitations.
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode ¶
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode string
RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) String() string
func (*RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsInput ¶
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsInput struct { // ID of the user whose out of network invitations will be rejected. RecipientID string `json:"recipientID"` }
Inputs to the rejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitations mutation.
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsPayload ¶
type RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *RejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitationsError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the rejectSquadStreamOutOfNetworkInvitations mutation.
type RejectedChatMessage ¶
type RejectedChatMessage struct { // Original message's raw body. Body *string `json:"body"` // Optional list of fragments from the messages's body that lead to the message rejection. FailedFragments []*string `json:"failedFragments"` // The ID of the message. ID *string `json:"id"` // Specifies if a action by a moderator has been taken on the message. IsResolved *bool `json:"isResolved"` // The extracted caught message. Message *Message `json:"message"` // The user that created the message. Sender *User `json:"sender"` // The channel where the message was originally sent. Target *User `json:"target"` }
type RemoveAutohostChannelsInput ¶
type RemoveAutohostChannelsInput struct { // ChannelIDs that will be removed from the list to autohost. ChannelIDs []string `json:"channelIDs"` // UserID to update autohost list for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
RemoveAutohostChannelsInput remove channelIDs from a user's list to autohost.
type RemoveAutohostChannelsPayload ¶
type RemoveAutohostChannelsPayload struct { // User whose autohostChannels field had been updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
RemoveAutohostChannelsPayload returns the user whose autohostChannels field had been updated.
type RemoveCollectionItemInput ¶
type RemoveCollectionItemInput struct { // The id of the collection. CollectionID string `json:"collectionID"` // The id of the item of which will be added to the collection. ItemID string `json:"itemID"` // The type of item ie. video. ItemType string `json:"itemType"` }
RemoveCollectionItemInput accepts a collectionID and item ID and parameters to remove the item from a collection.
type RemoveCollectionItemPayload ¶
type RemoveCollectionItemPayload struct { // The newly updated collection. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
The response from removing an item from a collection.
type RemoveCompetitionPhaseInput ¶
type RemoveCompetitionPhaseInput struct { // The competition id of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The id of the competition phase. PhaseID string `json:"phaseID"` }
RemoveCompetitionPhaseInput contains the inputs required to remove a phase.
type RemoveCompetitionPhasePayload ¶
type RemoveCompetitionPhasePayload struct { // The new state of competition after removing a phase. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
RemoveCompetitionPhasePayload is the success response for removing a phase.
type RemoveCompetitionPlayerInput ¶
type RemoveCompetitionPlayerInput struct { // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // Twitch user id of the player. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Remove a player from a Competition. If you remove a player that is part of a team, the player will removed from the team as well. If that player is a captain of the team, the team will no longer have a captain.
type RemoveCompetitionPlayerPayload ¶
type RemoveCompetitionPlayerPayload struct { // The new state of competition after removing a competition player from the competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Indication that the player was removed.
type RemoveCompetitionTeamInput ¶
type RemoveCompetitionTeamInput struct { // ID of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // ID of the team. TeamID string `json:"teamID"` }
Inputs for removing a competition team from a competition.
type RemoveCompetitionTeamPayload ¶
type RemoveCompetitionTeamPayload struct { // The new state of competition after removing a competition team from the competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
RemoveCompetitionTeamPayload is the success response removing a competition team from the competition.
type RemoveEditorError ¶
type RemoveEditorError struct { // The type of error that occurred when revoking a user's editor status. Code RemoveEditorErrorCode `json:"code"` }
RemoveEditorError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type RemoveEditorErrorCode ¶
type RemoveEditorErrorCode string
RemoveEditorErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while removing an editor.
const ( // The channel does not exist. RemoveEditorErrorCodeChannelNotFound RemoveEditorErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The target user does not exist. RemoveEditorErrorCodeTargetUserNotFound RemoveEditorErrorCode = "TARGET_USER_NOT_FOUND" )
func (RemoveEditorErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RemoveEditorErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RemoveEditorErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RemoveEditorErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RemoveEditorErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RemoveEditorErrorCode) String() string
func (*RemoveEditorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RemoveEditorErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RemoveEditorInput ¶
type RemoveEditorInput struct { // The channel from which the editor status of the user will be revoked. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user whose editor status will be revoked. // Either targetUserID or targetUserLogin must be provided. TargetUserID *string `json:"targetUserID"` // The login of the user whose editor status will be revoked. // Either targetUserID or targetUserLogin must be provided. TargetUserLogin *string `json:"targetUserLogin"` }
RemoveEditorInput contains the parameters to revoke the editor status from a user for a channel.
type RemoveEditorPayload ¶
type RemoveEditorPayload struct { // The channel for which the editor status of the target user is removed. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *RemoveEditorError `json:"error"` // The user whose editor status was revoked. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
RemoveEditorPayload is the response after attempting to revoke the editor status of a user.
type RemoveOrganizationMemberError ¶
type RemoveOrganizationMemberError struct { // The associated error code. Code RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode `json:"code"` }
RemoveOrganizationMemberError is the error associated with a RemoveOrganizationMember.
type RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode ¶
type RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode string
RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while removing an organization member.
const ( // User does not have permission to remove another member. RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodePermissionDenied RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The user to be removed does not exist. RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeUserNotFound RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" // Can not remove this user because it is assigned as an extension billing manager. Need to unassign first. RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeAssignedBillingManager RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "ASSIGNED_BILLING_MANAGER" // Deprecated: code not used, a resolver error is returned instead. RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCodeInternalError RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) String() string
func (*RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RemoveOrganizationMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RemoveOrganizationMemberInput ¶
type RemoveOrganizationMemberInput struct { // The ID of the organization. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // The twitch ID of the organization member. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the removeOrganizationMember mutation.
type RemoveOrganizationMemberPayload ¶
type RemoveOrganizationMemberPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *RemoveOrganizationMemberError `json:"error"` // The user who is removed from organization. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
Outputs from the removeOrganizationMember mutation.
type RemoveReactionInput ¶
type RemoveReactionPayload ¶
type RemoveReactionPayload struct {
Content ReactableContent `json:"content"`
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberError ¶
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberError struct { // The associated error code. Code RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode `json:"code"` }
RemoveSquadStreamMemberError is the error associated with a removeSquadStreamMember.
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode ¶
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode string
RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // The user to be removed is not in the squad specified. RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCodeUserNotInSquad RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode = "USER_NOT_IN_SQUAD" )RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) String() string
func (*RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RemoveSquadStreamMemberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberInput ¶
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberInput struct { // The user ID of the member that should be removed from the squad stream. MemberUserID string `json:"memberUserID"` // The ID of the squad stream. SquadStreamID string `json:"squadStreamID"` }
Inputs to the removeSquadStreamMember mutation.
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberPayload ¶
type RemoveSquadStreamMemberPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *RemoveSquadStreamMemberError `json:"error"` // The updated squad stream. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` }
Outputs from the removeSquadStreamMember mutation.
type RemoveStuccoInput ¶
type RemoveStuccoInput struct { // ID of the channel the stucco is removed from. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Unique ID of the stucco to be removed. StuccoID string `json:"stuccoID"` }
Inputs for removing a stucco (from the library). - Active stuccos cannot be removed, they have to be inactive first (not part of a stucco pack).
type RemoveStuccoPayload ¶
type RemoveStuccoPayload struct { // The list of stuccos available in the channel's library after removal. Stuccos []*Stucco `json:"stuccos"` }
The output payload for removing a stucco, returns the library of stuccos after removal.
type RenewalPolicy ¶
type RenewalPolicy string
RenewalPolicy defines whether the charge model will renew or not.
const ( // Will not renew automatically. RenewalPolicyNoRenew RenewalPolicy = "NO_RENEW" // Will renew automatically. RenewalPolicyAutoRenew RenewalPolicy = "AUTO_RENEW" // Unknown renewal policy. RenewalPolicyUnknown RenewalPolicy = "UNKNOWN" )
func (RenewalPolicy) IsValid ¶
func (e RenewalPolicy) IsValid() bool
func (RenewalPolicy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RenewalPolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RenewalPolicy) String ¶
func (e RenewalPolicy) String() string
func (*RenewalPolicy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RenewalPolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReorderCollectionItemInput ¶
type ReorderCollectionItemInput struct { // The id of the collection. CollectionID string `json:"collectionID"` // The id of the item of which will be moved in the collection. ItemID string `json:"itemID"` // The type of item ie. video. ItemType string `json:"itemType"` // The new position of the item. Position int `json:"position"` }
ReorderCollectionItemInput accepts a collectionID and item ID and parameters to update the item order of a collection.
type ReorderCollectionItemPayload ¶
type ReorderCollectionItemPayload struct { // The newly updated collection. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
The response from reordering an item in a collection.
type ReportContentInput ¶
type ReportContentInput struct { // Content type being reported. Content ReportContentType `json:"content"` // ID of the content being reported. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // The description of the report. Description string `json:"description"` // Extra (content specific) data for the report. Extra string `json:"extra"` // Extra arguments required for NetzDG reporting. NetzDGArgs *ReportContentNetzDGInput `json:"netzDGArgs"` // The reason ID for the report. Reason string `json:"reason"` // ID of the user being reported. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` // The path taken through the report wizard. WizardPath []string `json:"wizardPath"` }
type ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo ¶
type ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo string
Valid values for ReportContentNetzDGInput.contentDirectedTo.
const ( // The reported content is directed at the reporter. ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToMe ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo = "ME" // The reported content is directed at someone the reporter represents. ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToSomeoneIRepresent ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo = "SOMEONE_I_REPRESENT" // The reported content is directed at someone else. ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedToSomeoneElse ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo = "SOMEONE_ELSE" )
func (ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) IsValid ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) IsValid() bool
func (ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) String ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) String() string
func (*ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReportContentNetzDGInput ¶
type ReportContentNetzDGInput struct { // Who the reporter thinks the offending content is directed to. ContentDirectedTo ReportContentNetzDGContentDirectedTo `json:"contentDirectedTo"` // The email address of the reporter. ReporterEmail string `json:"reporterEmail"` // Who the reporter is reporting on behalf of. ReportingFor ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor `json:"reportingFor"` }
Extra fields that are required for NetzDG reporting.
type ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor ¶
type ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor string
Valid values for ReportContentNetzDGInput.ReportingFor.
const ( // The reporter is reporting for themselves. ReportContentNetzDGReportingForMyself ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor = "MYSELF" // The reporter is reporting on behalf of a complaints office. ReportContentNetzDGReportingForComplaintsOffice ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor = "COMPLAINTS_OFFICE" // The report is reporting on behalf of an agency of the german government. ReportContentNetzDGReportingForGovernmentAgency ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor = "GOVERNMENT_AGENCY" )
func (ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) IsValid ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) IsValid() bool
func (ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) String ¶
func (e ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) String() string
func (*ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReportContentNetzDGReportingFor) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReportContentPayload ¶
type ReportContentPayload struct { // Content type that was reported. Content ReportContentType `json:"content"` // ID of the content that was reported. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` }
type ReportContentType ¶
type ReportContentType string
Types of content that can be reported.
const ( // Report against a channel feed comment. ReportContentTypeChannelFeedCommentReport ReportContentType = "CHANNEL_FEED_COMMENT_REPORT" // Report against a channel feed post. ReportContentTypeChannelFeedPostReport ReportContentType = "CHANNEL_FEED_POST_REPORT" // Report against a chat message. ReportContentTypeChatReport ReportContentType = "CHAT_REPORT" // Report against a channel's channel points. ReportContentTypeChannelPointsReport ReportContentType = "CHANNEL_POINTS_REPORT" // Report against a clip. ReportContentTypeClipReport ReportContentType = "CLIP_REPORT" // (Deprecated) Report against a vod collection. ReportContentTypeCollectionReport ReportContentType = "COLLECTION_REPORT" // (Deprecated) Report against a curse private group. ReportContentTypeCursePrivateGroup ReportContentType = "CURSE_PRIVATE_GROUP" // (Deprecated) Report against a curse public group. ReportContentTypeCursePublicGroup ReportContentType = "CURSE_PUBLIC_GROUP" // (Deprecated) Report against a curse whisper. ReportContentTypeCurseWhisper ReportContentType = "CURSE_WHISPER" // Report against an emote. ReportContentTypeEmoteReport ReportContentType = "EMOTE_REPORT" // Report against an oracle event. ReportContentTypeEventReport ReportContentType = "EVENT_REPORT" // Report against an extension. ReportContentTypeExtensionReport ReportContentType = "EXTENSION_REPORT" // Report against a live up notification. ReportContentTypeLiveUpReport ReportContentType = "LIVE_UP_REPORT" // Report against a livestream. ReportContentTypeLivestreamReport ReportContentType = "LIVESTREAM_REPORT" // Report against a poll. ReportContentTypePollReport ReportContentType = "POLL_REPORT" // Report against a raid. ReportContentTypeRaidReport ReportContentType = "RAID_REPORT" // Report against a reward redemption. ReportContentTypeRewardRedemptionReport ReportContentType = "REWARD_REDEMPTION_REPORT" // Report against a chatroom. ReportContentTypeRoomReport ReportContentType = "ROOM_REPORT" // Report against sings group name. ReportContentTypeSingsGroupNameReport ReportContentType = "SINGS_GROUP_NAME_REPORT" // Report against sings group biography. ReportContentTypeSingsGroupBioReport ReportContentType = "SINGS_GROUP_BIO_REPORT" // Report against sings group chat. ReportContentTypeSingsGroupChatReport ReportContentType = "SINGS_GROUP_CHAT_REPORT" // Report against a sings group vod comment. ReportContentTypeSingsVodCommentReport ReportContentType = "SINGS_VOD_COMMENT_REPORT" // Report against sings duet seed. ReportContentTypeSingsDuetSeedReport ReportContentType = "SINGS_DUET_SEED_REPORT" // Report against an unban request. ReportContentTypeUnbanRequestReport ReportContentType = "UNBAN_REQUEST_REPORT" // Report against a live user. ReportContentTypeUserReport ReportContentType = "USER_REPORT" // Report against a twitch vod comment. ReportContentTypeVodCommentReport ReportContentType = "VOD_COMMENT_REPORT" // Report against a twitch vod. ReportContentTypeVodReport ReportContentType = "VOD_REPORT" // Report against a whisper. Deprecated in favor of the whisperReport mutation. ReportContentTypeWhisperReport ReportContentType = "WHISPER_REPORT" )
func (ReportContentType) IsValid ¶
func (e ReportContentType) IsValid() bool
func (ReportContentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReportContentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReportContentType) String ¶
func (e ReportContentType) String() string
func (*ReportContentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReportContentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReportReason ¶
type ReportReason struct { // The unique ID of the reason. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether or not this report reason is in-scope for a country-specific law. IsApplicableToCountryRegulations bool `json:"isApplicableToCountryRegulations"` // The displayed text for this reason localized based on Accept-Language. Text string `json:"text"` }
A valid reason for a report.
type ReportToSAndCountryReasons ¶
type ReportToSAndCountryReasons struct { // The countryCode of the country-specific reporting flow that applies to the user. // If null then there is no relevant country-specific reporting flow for the user. CountryCode *string `json:"countryCode"` // Localized string that should be displayed to the user as a disclosure that their report. // Falls under given legislation, and may be viewed by legal authorities. DisclosureText *string `json:"disclosureText"` // The list of report reasons that apply for the content type. ToSAndCountryReasons []*ReportReason `json:"toSAndCountryReasons"` }
A valid country and ToS reasons for a report.
type ReportWhisperErrorReason ¶
type ReportWhisperErrorReason string
Possible error reasons returned by reportWhisper mutation.
const ( // Invalid user ID. ReportWhisperErrorReasonInvalidUserID ReportWhisperErrorReason = "INVALID_USER_ID" // There are no whispers from the target user to the reporter. ReportWhisperErrorReasonNoWhispersFromTargetUser ReportWhisperErrorReason = "NO_WHISPERS_FROM_TARGET_USER" // The reporter is currently rate limited. ReportWhisperErrorReasonRateLimited ReportWhisperErrorReason = "RATE_LIMITED" ReportWhisperErrorReasonUnauthorized ReportWhisperErrorReason = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Unknown error. ReportWhisperErrorReasonUnknown ReportWhisperErrorReason = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ReportWhisperErrorReason) IsValid ¶
func (e ReportWhisperErrorReason) IsValid() bool
func (ReportWhisperErrorReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ReportWhisperErrorReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ReportWhisperErrorReason) String ¶
func (e ReportWhisperErrorReason) String() string
func (*ReportWhisperErrorReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ReportWhisperErrorReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ReportWhisperInput ¶
type ReportWhisperInput struct { // The description of the report. Description string `json:"description"` // The reason option for the report. Reason string `json:"reason"` // ID of the user being reported. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` // The path taken through the report wizard. WizardPath []string `json:"wizardPath"` }
Input to the reportWhisper mutation.
type ReportWhisperPayload ¶
type ReportWhisperPayload struct { // Reports aren't queryable in GQL, so only an error is returned. Error *ReportWhisperPayloadError `json:"error"` }
Payload returned from the reportWhisper mutation.
type ReportWhisperPayloadError ¶
type ReportWhisperPayloadError struct { // Reason that the report wasn't created. Reason ReportWhisperErrorReason `json:"reason"` }
Error type that may be returned returned from the reportWhisper mutation.
type ReportWhisperThreadPayload ¶
type ReportWhisperThreadPayload struct {
Thread *WhisperThread `json:"thread"`
type RequestInfo ¶
type RequestInfo struct { // The country code where the request originated. Defaults to "US" if geoip lookup fails. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Whether the request came from a country belonging to the European Union. FromEu bool `json:"fromEU"` // The IP address where the request originated. IPAddress *string `json:"ipAddress"` // Whether the request came from a country belonging to the European Economic Area. IsFromEea bool `json:"isFromEEA"` }
Metadata about a GraphQL request.
type RequestRitualTokenError ¶
type RequestRitualTokenError struct {
Code RequestRitualTokenErrorCode `json:"code"`
type RequestRitualTokenErrorCode ¶
type RequestRitualTokenErrorCode string
const ( // Token is not in a status that can be requested. RequestRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotAvailable RequestRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_AVAILABLE" // Token does not exist. RequestRitualTokenErrorCodeTokenNotFound RequestRitualTokenErrorCode = "TOKEN_NOT_FOUND" )
func (RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) String() string
func (*RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RequestRitualTokenErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RequestRitualTokenInput ¶
type RequestRitualTokenInput struct { // The channel to request a ritual token in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The type of ritual token to request. Type RitualTokenType `json:"type"` }
RequestRitualTokenInput is the input when requesting a ritual token.
type RequestRitualTokenPayload ¶
type RequestRitualTokenPayload struct { Error *RequestRitualTokenError `json:"error"` Token *RitualToken `json:"token"` }
RequestRitualTokenPayload is the response when requesting a ritual token.
type ResendVerificationEmailInput ¶
type ResendVerificationEmailInput struct { // ID of the user to resend a verification email to. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
ResendVerificationEmailInput is input required to resend the verification email.
type ResendVerificationEmailPayload ¶
type ResendVerificationEmailPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
ResendVerificationEmailPayload is the output after resending a verification email.
type ResetUsernameCodeError ¶
type ResetUsernameCodeError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code ResetUsernameErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned during an invalid username reset request.
type ResetUsernameErrorCode ¶
type ResetUsernameErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned from a username reset.
const ( // Authorization token is not valid. ResetUsernameErrorCodeTokenInvalid ResetUsernameErrorCode = "TOKEN_INVALID" // Too many attempts to update login. ResetUsernameErrorCodeRequestsThrottled ResetUsernameErrorCode = "REQUESTS_THROTTLED" ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginUnavailable ResetUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_UNAVAILABLE" // Login is too short. ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooShort ResetUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_SHORT" // Login is too long. ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginTooLong ResetUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_LONG" // Login contains characters that are not allowed. ResetUsernameErrorCodeLoginContainsInvalidCharacters ResetUsernameErrorCode = "LOGIN_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS" // Unrecognized error returned from the backend service. ResetUsernameErrorCodeUnknownError ResetUsernameErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (ResetUsernameErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ResetUsernameErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ResetUsernameErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResetUsernameErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResetUsernameErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ResetUsernameErrorCode) String() string
func (*ResetUsernameErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResetUsernameErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResetUsernameInput ¶
type ResetUsernameInput struct { // The new login for the user. Login string `json:"login"` // The authorization token for the username reset. ResetUsernameToken string `json:"resetUsernameToken"` }
Input for a username reset.
type ResetUsernamePayload ¶
type ResetUsernamePayload struct { // Error code for error from returned the username reset. Error *ResetUsernameCodeError `json:"error"` // The modified username for the user. Login *string `json:"login"` }
The result of a username reset.
type ResolvePredictionEventError ¶
type ResolvePredictionEventError struct { // Code describing the error. Code ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the resolvePredictionEvent mutation.
type ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode ¶
type ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the resolvePredictionEvent mutation.
const ( // The current user is forbidden from resolving this Prediction Event. ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeForbidden ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // This Prediction Event has already either been resolved or canceled, and as such this action cannot be taken. ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeEventEnded ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode = "EVENT_ENDED" // An unknown error occurred. ResolvePredictionEventErrorCodeUnknown ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) String() string
func (*ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResolvePredictionEventErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResolvePredictionEventInput ¶
type ResolvePredictionEventInput struct { // The unique identifier of the Prediction Event to resolve. EventID string `json:"eventID"` // The unique identifier of the Prediction Outcome to select as the winner. OutcomeID string `json:"outcomeID"` }
Input for resolving a Prediction Event (and paying out all of the users who predicted correctly).
type ResolvePredictionEventPayload ¶
type ResolvePredictionEventPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *ResolvePredictionEventError `json:"error"` // The resolved Prediction Event. PredictionEvent *PredictionEvent `json:"predictionEvent"` }
Payload for resolving a prediciton event.
type ResourceRestriction ¶
type ResourceRestriction struct { // The list of exemptions for a given resource restriction. Exemptions []*ResourceRestrictionExemption `json:"exemptions"` // The restriction's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The list of options that were applied at time of creation for a given resource restriction. Options []ResourceRestrictionOption `json:"options"` // The type of restriction on this resource. Type ResourceRestrictionType `json:"type"` }
A restriction for a specific resource.
type ResourceRestrictionExemption ¶
type ResourceRestrictionExemption struct { // The list of description data a user make take to become exempt for the given restriction. Actions []*ResourceRestrictionExemptionAction `json:"actions"` // The time that the restriction is no longer active. EndsAt *time.Time `json:"endsAt"` // The keys needed for a given restriction. Keys []string `json:"keys"` // The time that the restriction becomes active. StartsAt *time.Time `json:"startsAt"` // The type of exemption. Type ResourceRestrictionExemptionType `json:"type"` }
Exemption information for a specific resource restriction.
type ResourceRestrictionExemptionAction ¶
type ResourceRestrictionExemptionAction struct { // Name of the action need. e.g. Ticket Product short name. Name string `json:"name"` // The human readable title of the restriction. Title string `json:"title"` }
Description data for clients to get for user actions to get exempt.
type ResourceRestrictionExemptionType ¶
type ResourceRestrictionExemptionType string
An enumeration of the different exemption types.
const ( // The restriction is exempt for an unknown reason. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeUnknown ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "UNKNOWN" // The restriction is exempt for all users. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeAll ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "ALL" // The restriction is exempt for staff accounts. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeStaff ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "STAFF" // The restriction is exempt for site admins. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeSiteAdmin ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "SITE_ADMIN" // The restriction is exempt for owning a product. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeProduct ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "PRODUCT" // The restriction is exempt for viewers that are in the same org as the channel owner. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeOrganizationMember ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "ORGANIZATION_MEMBER" // The restriction is exempt for the preview duration. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypePreview ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "PREVIEW" // The restriction is exempt for channel moderators. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeChannelModerator ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "CHANNEL_MODERATOR" // The restriction is exempt for channel VIPs. ResourceRestrictionExemptionTypeChannelVip ResourceRestrictionExemptionType = "CHANNEL_VIP" )
func (ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) IsValid ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) IsValid() bool
func (ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) String ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) String() string
func (*ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResourceRestrictionExemptionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResourceRestrictionOption ¶
type ResourceRestrictionOption string
An enumeration of the different restriction options.
const ( // Allows users holding the channel VIP role to access the resource. ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowChannelVip ResourceRestrictionOption = "ALLOW_CHANNEL_VIP" // Allows users holding the channel moderator role to access the resource. ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowChannelModerator ResourceRestrictionOption = "ALLOW_CHANNEL_MODERATOR" // Allows only users with tier 3 subscriptions to access the resource. ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowTier3Only ResourceRestrictionOption = "ALLOW_TIER_3_ONLY" // Allows only users with tier 2 and 3 subscriptions to access the resource. ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowTier2And3Only ResourceRestrictionOption = "ALLOW_TIER_2_AND_3_ONLY" // Allows users with any tier subscriptions to access the resource. ResourceRestrictionOptionAllowAllTiers ResourceRestrictionOption = "ALLOW_ALL_TIERS" )
func (ResourceRestrictionOption) IsValid ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionOption) IsValid() bool
func (ResourceRestrictionOption) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionOption) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResourceRestrictionOption) String ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionOption) String() string
func (*ResourceRestrictionOption) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResourceRestrictionOption) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResourceRestrictionType ¶
type ResourceRestrictionType string
An enumeration of the different restriction types.
const ( // The resource is restricted for an unknown reason. ResourceRestrictionTypeUnknown ResourceRestrictionType = "UNKNOWN" // The resource is restricted by a subscription. ResourceRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive ResourceRestrictionType = "SUB_ONLY_LIVE" // The resource is restricted by the All-Access Pass. ResourceRestrictionTypeAllAccessPass ResourceRestrictionType = "ALL_ACCESS_PASS" // The resource is restricted by the organization membership logic in RBAC. ResourceRestrictionTypeOrganizationAccessOnly ResourceRestrictionType = "ORGANIZATION_ACCESS_ONLY" )
func (ResourceRestrictionType) IsValid ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionType) IsValid() bool
func (ResourceRestrictionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResourceRestrictionType) String ¶
func (e ResourceRestrictionType) String() string
func (*ResourceRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResourceRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RespondToTeamInvitationInput ¶
type RespondToTeamInvitationInput struct { // Whether the user accepts or declines the team invite. Accepted bool `json:"accepted"` // The team whose invite the user will be responding to. TeamID string `json:"teamID"` // The authenticated user who will respond to the team invitation with an ID equal to userID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the respondToTeamInvitation mutation.
type RespondToTeamInvitationPayload ¶
type RespondToTeamInvitationPayload struct { // The user who just accepted a team invitation. User *User `json:"user"` }
Outputs from the respondToTeamInvitation mutation.
type RestrictionResource ¶
type RestrictionResource string
An enumeration of the different restriction types.
const ( // For non-live video content, e.g. VODs. RestrictionResourceVideo RestrictionResource = "VIDEO" // For live video content. RestrictionResourceLive RestrictionResource = "LIVE" )
func (RestrictionResource) IsValid ¶
func (e RestrictionResource) IsValid() bool
func (RestrictionResource) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RestrictionResource) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RestrictionResource) String ¶
func (e RestrictionResource) String() string
func (*RestrictionResource) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RestrictionResource) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResubNotification ¶
type ResubNotification struct { // The number of months of total subbing. CumulativeTenureMonths int `json:"cumulativeTenureMonths"` // A unique ID for the resub notification. ID string `json:"id"` // The number of months of consecutive subbing. Months int `json:"months"` // The number of months of consecutive subbing. StreakTenureMonths int `json:"streakTenureMonths"` // The token to use when submitting a sub/resub message. Token string `json:"token"` // If the resub notification is caused by a gift or not IsGiftSubscription bool `json:"isGiftSubscription"` // Gifter who gave the gift, null if no gifter or anon Gifter *User `json:"gifter"` }
A recent resub token to use for sending a special message.
type ResumeScheduleError ¶
type ResumeScheduleError string
The possible erors when resuming a schedule.
const ( // Not authorized to resume this schedule. ResumeScheduleErrorPermissionDenied ResumeScheduleError = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The schedule was not found. ResumeScheduleErrorNotFound ResumeScheduleError = "NOT_FOUND" )
func (ResumeScheduleError) IsValid ¶
func (e ResumeScheduleError) IsValid() bool
func (ResumeScheduleError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ResumeScheduleError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ResumeScheduleError) String ¶
func (e ResumeScheduleError) String() string
func (*ResumeScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ResumeScheduleError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ResumeScheduleInput ¶
type ResumeScheduleInput struct { // The id of the schedule. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` }
The input to resume a schedule.
type ResumeSchedulePayload ¶
type ResumeSchedulePayload struct { // The possible error. Error *ResumeScheduleError `json:"error"` // The updated schedule input. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` }
The returned payload when resuming a schedule.
type RevenueConfig ¶
type RevenueConfig struct { // Unique identifier for the revenue configuration. ID string `json:"id"` // 0-100 percent value of revenue the broadcaster will earn. SplitPercent int `json:"splitPercent"` // Start time of when the revenue split configuration takes effect. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
Revenue configuration data related to a subscription product.
type RevokeVIPError ¶
type RevokeVIPError struct { // The type of error that occurred when revoking a user's VIP status. Code RevokeVIPErrorCode `json:"code"` }
RevokeVIPError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type RevokeVIPErrorCode ¶
type RevokeVIPErrorCode string
RevokeVIPErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while revoking a VIP status.
const ( // The channel does not exist. RevokeVIPErrorCodeChannelNotFound RevokeVIPErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The revoker does not have permission to revoke the VIP status in this channel. RevokeVIPErrorCodeForbidden RevokeVIPErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The user whose VIP status is to be revoked does not exist. RevokeVIPErrorCodeRevokeeNotFound RevokeVIPErrorCode = "REVOKEE_NOT_FOUND" // The user whose VIP statu is to be revoked does not actually have the VIP status to be revoked. RevokeVIPErrorCodeRevokeeNotVip RevokeVIPErrorCode = "REVOKEE_NOT_VIP" )
func (RevokeVIPErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RevokeVIPErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RevokeVIPErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RevokeVIPErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RevokeVIPErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RevokeVIPErrorCode) String() string
func (*RevokeVIPErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RevokeVIPErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RevokeVIPInput ¶
type RevokeVIPInput struct { // The channel from which the VIP status of the user will be revoked. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user whose VIP status will be revoked. // Either revokeeID or revokeeLogin must be provided. RevokeeID *string `json:"revokeeID"` // The login of the user whose VIP status will be revoked. // Either revokeeID or revokeeLogin must be provided. RevokeeLogin *string `json:"revokeeLogin"` }
RevokeVIPInput contains the parameters to revoke the VIP status of a user from a channel.
type RevokeVIPPayload ¶
type RevokeVIPPayload struct { // The channel that the user is revoked as a VIP to. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *RevokeVIPError `json:"error"` // The user whose VIP status is revoked. Revokee *User `json:"revokee"` }
RevokeVIPPayload is the response after attempting to revoke the VIP status of a user.
type RewardedVideo ¶
type RewardedVideo struct { // A flag indicating if the user is eligible for rewarded videos. IsEligible bool `json:"isEligible"` // A flag indicating if the user needs to do a captcha in order to use rewarded videos. ShouldCaptcha bool `json:"shouldCaptcha"` }
Rewarded Video information.
type RichOEmbed ¶
type RichOEmbed struct { AuthorName *string `json:"authorName"` AuthorURL *string `json:"authorURL"` CacheAge *int `json:"cacheAge"` Height int `json:"height"` HTML string `json:"html"` InputURL string `json:"inputURL"` ProviderName *string `json:"providerName"` ProviderURL *string `json:"providerURL"` Thumbnail *ThumbnailOEmbed `json:"thumbnail"` Title *string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` Version string `json:"version"` Width int `json:"width"` }
func (RichOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (RichOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed()
func (RichOEmbed) IsOEmbed ¶
func (RichOEmbed) IsOEmbed()
func (RichOEmbed) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (RichOEmbed) IsPostEmbed()
type RitualToken ¶
type RitualToken struct { // The channel that the user can redeem the ritual token in. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The time after which the ritual is considered expired and can no longer be // redeemed. Clients should dismiss the ritual UI if it's still shown after // this time. Null if the ritual never expires. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // A unique ID for the ritual token. ID string `json:"id"` // The status of the ritual token. Status *RitualTokenStatus `json:"status"` // The type of the ritual to be redeemed. Type *RitualTokenType `json:"type"` // The user that owns the ritual token. User *User `json:"user"` }
A ritual is an opportunity for a viewer to better connect with a streamer's community by announcing when they reach milestones in the channel. A ritual token is issued when a user is eligible for the ritual, and can be redeemed to send the announcement in a channel.
type RitualTokenStatus ¶
type RitualTokenStatus string
const ( // ELIGIBLE means a user does not have this token, but can request one. RitualTokenStatusEligible RitualTokenStatus = "ELIGIBLE" // AVAILABLE means a user has been granted this token and it can be redeemed. RitualTokenStatusAvailable RitualTokenStatus = "AVAILABLE" // DISMISSED means a user has opted out of redeeming this token. RitualTokenStatusDismissed RitualTokenStatus = "DISMISSED" // REDEEMED means a user has successfully consumed this token. RitualTokenStatusRedeemed RitualTokenStatus = "REDEEMED" )
func (RitualTokenStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e RitualTokenStatus) IsValid() bool
func (RitualTokenStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RitualTokenStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RitualTokenStatus) String ¶
func (e RitualTokenStatus) String() string
func (*RitualTokenStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RitualTokenStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RitualTokenType ¶
type RitualTokenType string
const ( // NEW_CHATTER is granted 5 minutes after a user joins a channel for the first time. RitualTokenTypeNewChatter RitualTokenType = "NEW_CHATTER" )
func (RitualTokenType) IsValid ¶
func (e RitualTokenType) IsValid() bool
func (RitualTokenType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RitualTokenType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RitualTokenType) String ¶
func (e RitualTokenType) String() string
func (*RitualTokenType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RitualTokenType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Room ¶
type Room struct { // UUID of the room. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the room can be read by non-members and logged out users. IsPreviewable bool `json:"isPreviewable"` // Paginated list of members of the chatroom. Members *RoomMemberConnection `json:"members"` // List of messages to the room, in reverse chronological order. If fromTime is used, that time is used // as the cursor instead of after/before. Messages *RoomMessageConnection `json:"messages"` // Minimum role required to join the room. For example, in a sub room, subs can join, // but also the broadcaster, mods, and staff. MinimumAllowedRole RoomRole `json:"minimumAllowedRole"` // Room modes (e.g. slow mode). Modes *RoomModes `json:"modes"` // The name of the room (e.g. subs-only). Name string `json:"name"` // The user the room belongs to. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // rolePermissions describes the role necessary to perform actions in the room. RolePermissions *RoomRolePermissions `json:"rolePermissions"` // Returns the current user's settings for the room. Self *RoomView `json:"self"` // The room topic (e.g. "serious discussion only"). Topic *string `json:"topic"` }
DEPRECATED. A chatroom associated with a channel where members of the room can exchange messages.
type RoomMemberConnection ¶
type RoomMemberConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*RoomMemberEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
DEPRECATED Paginated list of room members (users).
type RoomMemberEdge ¶
type RoomMemberEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The user who is a member of the room. Node *User `json:"node"` // Type of user for grouping users in the rooms member list. Type RoomMemberType `json:"type"` }
Element in a list of room members.
type RoomMemberType ¶
type RoomMemberType string
DEPRECATED Type of user for grouping users in the rooms member list.
const ( // User that is the broadcaster. RoomMemberTypeBroadcaster RoomMemberType = "BROADCASTER" // User that is staff. RoomMemberTypeStaff RoomMemberType = "STAFF" // User that is admin. RoomMemberTypeAdmin RoomMemberType = "ADMIN" // User that is global moderator. RoomMemberTypeGlobalmod RoomMemberType = "GLOBALMOD" // User that is a channel moderator. RoomMemberTypeMod RoomMemberType = "MOD" // User that has no special role. RoomMemberTypeRegular RoomMemberType = "REGULAR" )
func (RoomMemberType) IsValid ¶
func (e RoomMemberType) IsValid() bool
func (RoomMemberType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RoomMemberType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RoomMemberType) String ¶
func (e RoomMemberType) String() string
func (*RoomMemberType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RoomMemberType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RoomMessage ¶
type RoomMessage struct { // The text and emoticon content of a message. Content *RoomMessageContent `json:"content"` // Time the message was deleted or purged. Null if the message is not deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // UUID of the message. ID string `json:"id"` // The room the message was sent in. Room *Room `json:"room"` // The user that sent the message. Sender *User `json:"sender"` // Time the message was sent. SentAt time.Time `json:"sentAt"` }
DEPRECATED A message sent from a user to a room.
func (RoomMessage) IsRoomMessageItem ¶
func (RoomMessage) IsRoomMessageItem()
type RoomMessageConnection ¶
type RoomMessageConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*RoomMessageEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
DEPRECATED Paginated list of messages in a room.
type RoomMessageContent ¶
type RoomMessageContent struct { // Parsed list of fragments in the message, include emotes, mentions, and plaintext. Fragments []*RoomMessageFragment `json:"fragments"` // String representation of the user message. Text string `json:"text"` }
DEPRECATED The content of a user's message to a room.
type RoomMessageEdge ¶
type RoomMessageEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The message. Node RoomMessageItem `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of messages.
type RoomMessageFragment ¶
type RoomMessageFragment struct { // Contains an emote or a mentioned user depending on the text of the fragment. Content FragmentContent `json:"content"` // Plaintext representation of the fragment. Text string `json:"text"` }
DEPRECATED One parsed part of a message, which may be an emote, mention, or plaintext.
type RoomMessageGroupMention ¶
type RoomMessageGroupMention struct { // The type of mention. Type RoomMessageMentionType `json:"type"` }
DEPRECATED RoomMessageGroupMention represents a group mention, such as @here.
func (RoomMessageGroupMention) IsFragmentContent ¶
func (RoomMessageGroupMention) IsFragmentContent()
type RoomMessageItem ¶
type RoomMessageItem interface {
type RoomMessageMentionType ¶
type RoomMessageMentionType string
Represents a group mention, such as @here.
const ( // An @here mention. RoomMessageMentionTypeHere RoomMessageMentionType = "HERE" )
func (RoomMessageMentionType) IsValid ¶
func (e RoomMessageMentionType) IsValid() bool
func (RoomMessageMentionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RoomMessageMentionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RoomMessageMentionType) String ¶
func (e RoomMessageMentionType) String() string
func (*RoomMessageMentionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RoomMessageMentionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RoomModes ¶
type RoomModes struct { // If enabled, messages to the room must contain only emotes. EmotesOnlyModeEnabled bool `json:"emotesOnlyModeEnabled"` // If enabled, messages to the room must be unique. R9kModeEnabled bool `json:"r9kModeEnabled"` // The number of seconds users must wait between messages. If 0, slow mode is disabled. SlowModeDurationSeconds int `json:"slowModeDurationSeconds"` }
Modes that have been enabled for the room.
type RoomPermissions ¶
type RoomPermissions struct { // Whether the user can moderate the room. Moderate bool `json:"moderate"` // Whether the user can read messages in the room. ReadMessages bool `json:"readMessages"` // Whether the user can send messages in the room. SendMessages bool `json:"sendMessages"` }
DEPRECATED Represents the permissions a user has in a room.
type RoomRole ¶
type RoomRole string
DEPRECATED Describes the role a user must be in order to perform an action, such as sending messages. Roles are hierarchical, so users that meet a role also meet all lower roles as well. For example, a moderator meets the subscriber role, even if they are not subscribed to the channel. Roles are defined in order from highest to lowest in the enum.
func (RoomRole) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*RoomRole) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type RoomRolePermissions ¶
type RoomRolePermissions struct { // Read describes the role necessary to read messages in the room. Read RoomRole `json:"read"` // Send describes the role necessary to send messages in the room. Send RoomRole `json:"send"` }
DEPRECATED RoomRolePermissions describes the role necessary to perform actions in a room.
type RoomView ¶
type RoomView struct { // Whether the user has archived the room. IsArchived bool `json:"isArchived"` // Whether the user has muted the room. IsMuted bool `json:"isMuted"` // Whether the user has unread messages in the room. IsUnread bool `json:"isUnread"` // Last time the user read a message in the room. LastReadAt *time.Time `json:"lastReadAt"` // The permissions the authenticated user has in the room. Permissions *RoomPermissions `json:"permissions"` // The room the room view belongs to. Room *Room `json:"room"` // The number of mentions for the user in the room that the user has not read. UnreadMentionCount int `json:"unreadMentionCount"` }
DEPRECATED A RoomView represents the authenticated user's self connection to a room, and includes the user's settings and permissions.
type RotateExtensionSecretsError ¶
type RotateExtensionSecretsError string
An error describing why the issue happened, when relevant.
const ( // User has indicated an invalid extension id. RotateExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidClient RotateExtensionSecretsError = "INVALID_CLIENT" RotateExtensionSecretsErrorUnauthorized RotateExtensionSecretsError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // User indicated an Invalid delay; must be greater than zero. RotateExtensionSecretsErrorInvalidDelay RotateExtensionSecretsError = "INVALID_DELAY" )
func (RotateExtensionSecretsError) IsValid ¶
func (e RotateExtensionSecretsError) IsValid() bool
func (RotateExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RotateExtensionSecretsError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RotateExtensionSecretsError) String ¶
func (e RotateExtensionSecretsError) String() string
func (*RotateExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RotateExtensionSecretsError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RotateExtensionSecretsInput ¶
type RotateExtensionSecretsInput struct { // Delay is the time delay in seconds between creation & activation of the secret. DelaySeconds int `json:"delaySeconds"` // extensionID to generate a the secret for. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` }
RotateExtensionSecretsInput includes the necessary parameters for creating a new extension secrets.
type RotateExtensionSecretsPayload ¶
type RotateExtensionSecretsPayload struct { // A user-friendly error, should one occur. Error *RotateExtensionSecretsError `json:"error"` // All the existing secrets for the extension. Secrets []*ExtensionSecret `json:"secrets"` }
RotateExtensionSecretsPayload returns the new extension secrets information.
type RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode ¶
type RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode string
Errors that can result from running multiplayer ads.
const ( // The channel is not live, so ads cannot be run on it. RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeChannelNotLive RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_LIVE" // At least one of the multiplayer ad offers has expired. RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeOfferExpired RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode = "OFFER_EXPIRED" // At least one of the multiplayer ad offers was not found. RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeOfferNotFound RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode = "OFFER_NOT_FOUND" // An unknown error has occurred. RunMultiplayerAdErrorCodeUnknown RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) String ¶
func (e RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) String() string
func (*RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type RunMultiplayerAdsInput ¶
type RunMultiplayerAdsInput struct { // ID of the channel the ads will run on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the ad offers to run. OfferIDs []string `json:"offerIDs"` }
Inputs for running multiplayer ads.
type RunMultiplayerAdsPayload ¶
type RunMultiplayerAdsPayload struct { // The error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *RunMultiplayerAdErrorCode `json:"error"` }
The response after running multiplayer ads.
type SCETitle ¶
type SCETitle struct { AgeRating *int `json:"ageRating"` Attribute *string `json:"attribute"` Genre *string `json:"genre"` ID *string `json:"id"` IsPreset *bool `json:"isPreset"` Language *string `json:"language"` Metadata *string `json:"metadata"` Name *string `json:"name"` PresetText []*string `json:"presetText"` PresetTextDescription *string `json:"presetTextDescription"` ProductID *string `json:"productID"` SessionID *string `json:"sessionID"` ShortName *string `json:"shortName"` StoreURL *string `json:"storeURL"` }
Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) title properties. Used as part of stream metadata for PlayStation.
type SCEUser ¶
type SCEUser struct { Country *string `json:"country"` NpID *string `json:"npID"` OnlineID *string `json:"onlineID"` }
Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) user properties. Used as part of stream metadata for PlayStation.
type SSOLink ¶
type SSOLink struct { // The name of the SSO app that is linked to the authenticated user's Twitch account. App *string `json:"app"` // The identifier of the device or user account on XboxLive, PSN, etc. // that is linked to the authenticated user's Twitch account. SsoID *string `json:"ssoID"` }
A link between a single sign-on (SSO) app and a Twitch account. SSO apps are the Twitch apps on console and smart TV.
type SaveComponentViewInput ¶
type SaveComponentViewInput struct { // The developer configured height of the extension as a ratio relative to it's width. AspectHeight *int `json:"aspectHeight"` // Specifies the width of a component extension in relation to it's targetHeight and aspectRatioY. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth. // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. AspectRatioX int `json:"aspectRatioX"` // Specifies the height of a component extension in relation to it's targetHeight and aspectRatioX. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth, // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. AspectRatioY int `json:"aspectRatioY"` // The developer configured width of the extension as a ratio relative to it's height. AspectWidth *int `json:"aspectWidth"` // Specifies whether to automatically scale the extension iframe using css zoom as the video // player dimensions change. HasAutoscale *bool `json:"hasAutoscale"` // Specifies whether CSS zooming should be applied to the CE container, creating a consistent // size of 1024 pixels along the long edge of the component. Default: true. HasZoom *bool `json:"hasZoom"` // If Autoscale is true, this indicates the baseline width of the extension. // This fields is optional, but is required if hasAutoscale is true. ScalePixels *int `json:"scalePixels"` // Size of the long edge of the Component Extension, relative to the length of the corresponding // interactable dimension of the video. Size *float64 `json:"size"` // The percentage of the available space (0-100) (between the top and bottom player controls) // that the extension aims to consume. // // NOTE: targetHeight and aspectRatio will replace aspectHeight and aspectWidth, // however, since both will be used for a short time during the rollout of the new UI, // aspectWidth and aspectHeight will not be deprecated until later. TargetHeight int `json:"targetHeight"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // If hasZoom is set to true, specify the effective CSS zoom to apply to the long edge of the CE. // Default: 1024. ZoomPixels *int `json:"zoomPixels"` }
The view configuration of an extension if the component anchor is supported.
type SaveConfigViewInput ¶
type SaveConfigViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
ConfigViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the config page is supported.
type SaveExtensionAssetManifestInput ¶
type SaveExtensionAssetManifestInput struct { // Hash of the asset zip file. AssetHash string `json:"assetHash"` }
ExtensionAssetManifestInput is data related to the assets of an extension.
type SaveExtensionCapabilitiesInput ¶
type SaveExtensionCapabilitiesInput struct { // The bits support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". BitsSupportLevel *ExtensionBitsSupportLevel `json:"bitsSupportLevel"` // Location of configuration. ConfigurationLocation ExtensionConfigurationLocation `json:"configurationLocation"` // Does this extension use bits. HasBitsSupport bool `json:"hasBitsSupport"` // Does this extension support chat. HasChatSupport bool `json:"hasChatSupport"` // Required configuration string. RequiredConfiguration string `json:"requiredConfiguration"` // The subscription support level required by the broadcaster for the extension to operate. Defaults to "NONE". SubscriptionsSupportLevel *ExtensionSubscriptionsSupportLevel `json:"subscriptionsSupportLevel"` // Whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior. Whitelists *ExtensionWhitelistsInput `json:"whitelists"` // Will this extension request an identity link. WillRequestIdentityLink bool `json:"willRequestIdentityLink"` }
ExtensionCapabilitiesInput contains data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction.
type SaveExtensionDeveloperManifestInput ¶
type SaveExtensionDeveloperManifestInput struct { // Author email. AuthorEmail string `json:"authorEmail"` // Testing uri for extension development. TestingBaseURI string `json:"testingBaseURI"` }
ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput is the developer specific extension data.
type SaveExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput ¶
type SaveExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput struct { // Name of the extension author. AuthorName string `json:"authorName"` // Extension categories. Categories []string `json:"categories"` // Extension descriprion. 1024 character limit. Description string `json:"description"` // games an extension is associated with. Games []string `json:"games"` // name of the extension. Name string `json:"name"` // Url to an extensions privacy policy. PrivacyPolicyURL string `json:"privacyPolicyURL"` // Extension summary. 140 character limit. Summary string `json:"summary"` // Extension developers support email. SupportEmail string `json:"supportEmail"` // Extension eula/tos url. TermsURL string `json:"termsURL"` // A summary of the extension's functionality from a viewer's perspective. ViewerSummary string `json:"viewerSummary"` }
Extension metadata used for discovery.
type SaveExtensionManifestError ¶
type SaveExtensionManifestError string
SaveExtensionManifestError is an error associated with the saveExtensionManifest mutation.
const ( SaveExtensionManifestError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVersion SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_VERSION" // At least one anchor must be specified. SaveExtensionManifestErrorAnchorRequired SaveExtensionManifestError = "ANCHOR_REQUIRED" // HasZoom was specified but ZoomPixels is missing. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidZoom SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_ZOOM" // The number of whitelisted broadcasters exceeds the limit. SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxBroadcasters SaveExtensionManifestError = "MAX_BROADCASTERS" // The number of whitelisted testing users exceeds the limit. SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxTesters SaveExtensionManifestError = "MAX_TESTERS" // The number of whitelisted config URLs exceeds the limit. SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS SaveExtensionManifestError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_CONFIG_URLS" // The number of whitelisted panel URLs exceeds the limit. SaveExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS SaveExtensionManifestError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_PANEL_URLS" // Extension names must be shorter than 40 characters. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNameLength SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension description must be shorter than 1024 characters. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidDescriptionLength SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH" // Extension summary must be shorter than 140 characters. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSummaryLength SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_SUMMARY_LENGTH" // Extension author email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorEmail SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_EMAIL" // Extension support email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSupportEmail SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_SUPPORT_EMAIL" // Extension author name length must be > 40. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension testing base uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_TESTING_BASE_URI" // Extension terms uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTermsURI SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_TERMS_URI" // Extension privacy uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPrivacyURI SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PRIVACY_URI" // Extension component viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension panel viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PANEL_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension video overlay viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_VIDEO_OVERLAY_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension live config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_LIVE_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension mobile viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_MOBILE_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension component aspect width must be < 50 or > 1. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_WIDTH" // Extension component aspect height must be < 50 or > 1. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_HEIGHT" // Extension panel hiehgt must be < 500 or > 100. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelHeight SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PANEL_HEIGHT" // Extension Bits Support Level must ba valid member of the BitsSupportLevelEnum. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_BITS_SUPPORT_LEVEL" // Scale pixels must be set to a positive integer when autoscale is true. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidScalingPixels SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_SCALING_PIXELS" // Aspect Ratio X must be set to a positive integer. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioX SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_RATIO_X" // Aspect Ratio Y must be set to a positive integer. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioY SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_RATIO_Y" // Target Height must be set to a positve integer. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentTargetHeight SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_TARGET_HEIGHT" // Extension viewer summary must be shorter than 140 characters. SaveExtensionManifestErrorInvalidViewerSummaryLength SaveExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_VIEWER_SUMMARY_LENGTH" )SaveExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized
func (SaveExtensionManifestError) IsValid ¶
func (e SaveExtensionManifestError) IsValid() bool
func (SaveExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SaveExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SaveExtensionManifestError) String ¶
func (e SaveExtensionManifestError) String() string
func (*SaveExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SaveExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SaveExtensionManifestInput ¶
type SaveExtensionManifestInput struct { // ExtensionAssetManifest is data related to the assets of an extension. AssetManifest *SaveExtensionAssetManifestInput `json:"assetManifest"` // Data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction. Capabilities *SaveExtensionCapabilitiesInput `json:"capabilities"` // ExtensionDeveloperManifest is the developer specific extension data. DeveloperManifest *SaveExtensionDeveloperManifestInput `json:"developerManifest"` // Extension metadata used for discovery. DiscoveryManifest *SaveExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput `json:"discoveryManifest"` // The extension ID of the manifest to update. ID string `json:"id"` // The extension version to update. Version string `json:"version"` // Extension views. Views *SaveExtensionViewsInput `json:"views"` }
SaveExtensionManifestInput updates the manifest.
type SaveExtensionManifestPayload ¶
type SaveExtensionManifestPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *SaveExtensionManifestError `json:"error"` // The updated extension manifest. Manifest *ExtensionManifest `json:"manifest"` }
SaveExtensionManifestPayload returns the update Extension manifest.
type SaveExtensionViewsInput ¶
type SaveExtensionViewsInput struct { // The developer configuration of the extension as a component extension, if supported. Component *SaveComponentViewInput `json:"component"` // The developer configuration of the extension's configuration view, if supported. Config *SaveConfigViewInput `json:"config"` // The developer configuration of the extension's live configuration dashboard view, if supported. LiveConfig *SaveLiveConfigViewInput `json:"liveConfig"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a mobile extension, if supported. Mobile *SaveMobileViewInput `json:"mobile"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a panel extension, if supported. Panel *SavePanelViewInput `json:"panel"` // The developer configuration of the extension as a video overlay extension, if supported. VideoOverlay *SaveVideoOverlayViewInput `json:"videoOverlay"` }
The potential anchor-specific configurations and extension can have.
type SaveExtensionWhitelistsInput ¶
type SaveExtensionWhitelistsInput struct { // List of broadcaster account IDs allowed to install an extension after release. // If this is empty or missing, all broadcasters can use this extension. Broadcasters []string `json:"broadcasters"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from the configuration dialog. ConfigURLs []string `json:"configURLs"` // URLs which are permitted to be opened from an extension set as a panel. PanelURLs []string `json:"panelURLs"` // List of account IDs which should have access to a version of an extension. // Users in this list are ignored by the broadcaster whitelist check. Testers []string `json:"testers"` }
ExtensionWhitelistsInput contains whitelists for restricting extension access and behavior.
type SaveHiddenViewInput ¶
type SaveHiddenViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
HiddenView holds the view configuration of an extension if it is a hidden load test extension.
type SaveLiveConfigViewInput ¶
type SaveLiveConfigViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
LiveConfigViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the live config dashboard page is supported.
type SaveMobileViewInput ¶
type SaveMobileViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
MobileViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if mobile is supported.
type SavePanelViewInput ¶
type SavePanelViewInput struct { // The extension developer configured height of the panel extension. Height int `json:"height"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
PanelViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the panel anchor is supported.
type SaveVideoOverlayViewInput ¶
type SaveVideoOverlayViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
VideoOverlayViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the videoOverlay anchor is supported.
type Schedule ¶
type Schedule struct { // The ID of the schedule. ID string `json:"id"` // A period during which scheduled events temporarily cease. Interruption *ScheduleInterruption `json:"interruption"` // The next segment of the schedule. This will prepend 'next-' to the segmentID because it has different behavior from segments returned in the 'segments' field. NextSegment *ScheduleSegment `json:"nextSegment"` // The segments of the schedule. Segments []*ScheduleSegment `json:"segments"` }
The channel schedule.
type ScheduleInterruption ¶
type ScheduleInterruption struct { // The end time when the schedule will no longer be disabled. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The reason the schedule is disabled. Reason ScheduleInterruptionReason `json:"reason"` // The start time when the schedule will be disabled. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
The interruption of a schedule.
type ScheduleInterruptionReason ¶
type ScheduleInterruptionReason string
The reason of an interruption of a schedule.
const ( // The user is on vacation. ScheduleInterruptionReasonVacation ScheduleInterruptionReason = "VACATION" // Fallback value for reason unknown to the GQL schema. ScheduleInterruptionReasonOther ScheduleInterruptionReason = "OTHER" )
func (ScheduleInterruptionReason) IsValid ¶
func (e ScheduleInterruptionReason) IsValid() bool
func (ScheduleInterruptionReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ScheduleInterruptionReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ScheduleInterruptionReason) String ¶
func (e ScheduleInterruptionReason) String() string
func (*ScheduleInterruptionReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ScheduleInterruptionReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ScheduleSegment ¶
type ScheduleSegment struct { // The game categories tied to this segment. Categories []*Game `json:"categories"` // The end time of the segment. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // Whether or not the current user has a reminder set for the segment. HasReminder bool `json:"hasReminder"` // The ID of the segment. ID string `json:"id"` // If this segment is cancelled or not. IsCancelled bool `json:"isCancelled"` // A count of users who have a reminder set, available only to the schedule owner. ReminderCount *int `json:"reminderCount"` // The start time of the segment. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The title of the segment. Title string `json:"title"` }
The segment of a schedule.
type ScheduleSegmentDay ¶
type ScheduleSegmentDay string
The days.
const ( // SUNDAY. ScheduleSegmentDaySunday ScheduleSegmentDay = "SUNDAY" // MONDAY. ScheduleSegmentDayMonday ScheduleSegmentDay = "MONDAY" // TUESDAY. ScheduleSegmentDayTuesday ScheduleSegmentDay = "TUESDAY" // WEDNESDAY. ScheduleSegmentDayWednesday ScheduleSegmentDay = "WEDNESDAY" // THURSDAY. ScheduleSegmentDayThursday ScheduleSegmentDay = "THURSDAY" // FRIDAY. ScheduleSegmentDayFriday ScheduleSegmentDay = "FRIDAY" // SATURDAY. ScheduleSegmentDaySaturday ScheduleSegmentDay = "SATURDAY" )
func (ScheduleSegmentDay) IsValid ¶
func (e ScheduleSegmentDay) IsValid() bool
func (ScheduleSegmentDay) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ScheduleSegmentDay) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ScheduleSegmentDay) String ¶
func (e ScheduleSegmentDay) String() string
func (*ScheduleSegmentDay) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ScheduleSegmentDay) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Scope ¶
type Scope string
Whether the image should be set on a benefit or campaign.
func (Scope) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*Scope) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type SearchCategoriesConnection ¶
type SearchCategoriesConnection struct { // List of matching game results. Edges []*SearchCategoriesEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of categories. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Total number of results. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Contains categories search results.
type SearchCategoriesEdge ¶
type SearchCategoriesEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension for the current edge. Node *Game `json:"node"` }
An element in the categories result, and its metadata.
type SearchFor ¶
type SearchFor struct { // Contains results for channels. Channels *SearchForResultUsers `json:"channels"` // Contains results for games. Games *SearchForResultGames `json:"games"` // Contains results for live channels. LiveChannels *SearchForResultUsers `json:"liveChannels"` // Contains results for related live channels. RelatedLiveChannels *SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels `json:"relatedLiveChannels"` // Contains results for users. Users *SearchForResultUsers `json:"users"` // Contains results for videos. Videos *SearchForResultVideos `json:"videos"` }
Contains results for a searchFor query.
type SearchForOptions ¶
type SearchForOptions struct { // List of indices to run a user's query against. Targets []*SearchForTarget `json:"targets"` }
SearchForOptions allows the user to target specific result types.
type SearchForResultGames ¶
type SearchForResultGames struct { // Cursor for fetching the next page of results. Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` // List of matching game results. Items []*Game `json:"items"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Order in which the result should be displayed. Score int `json:"score"` // Total number of results. TotalMatches int `json:"totalMatches"` }
Contains game search results.
type SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels ¶
type SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels struct { // List of matching user results. Items []*User `json:"items"` // Optional score associated with the related live section. Score *int `json:"score"` }
Contains results for related live channels.
type SearchForResultUsers ¶
type SearchForResultUsers struct { // Cursor for fetching the next page of results. Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` // List of matching user results. Items []*User `json:"items"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Order in which the result should be displayed. Score int `json:"score"` // Total number of results. TotalMatches int `json:"totalMatches"` }
Contains user search results.
type SearchForResultVideos ¶
type SearchForResultVideos struct { // Cursor for fetching the next page of results. Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` // List of matching video results. Items []*Video `json:"items"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Order in which the result should be displayed. Score int `json:"score"` // Total number of results. TotalMatches int `json:"totalMatches"` }
Contains video search results.
type SearchForTarget ¶
type SearchForTarget struct { // Pagination cursor for user to optionally provide to request a specific page of results. Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` // Search index to run a user's query against. Index SearchIndex `json:"index"` // Limit the number of results returned. Limit *int `json:"limit"` }
Specify which index to run a user's search.
type SearchIndex ¶
type SearchIndex string
Enumeration of indexes a search query can target.
const ( // Game index. SearchIndexGame SearchIndex = "GAME" // User index. SearchIndexUser SearchIndex = "USER" // Video on demand index. SearchIndexVod SearchIndex = "VOD" // Live channel index. SearchIndexLive SearchIndex = "LIVE" // Channel index. SearchIndexChannel SearchIndex = "CHANNEL" )
func (SearchIndex) IsValid ¶
func (e SearchIndex) IsValid() bool
func (SearchIndex) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SearchIndex) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SearchIndex) String ¶
func (e SearchIndex) String() string
func (*SearchIndex) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SearchIndex) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SearchOptions ¶
type SearchOptions struct { // List of indices to run a user's query against. If no targets are specified, the query is run against all the indices listed in SearchIndex. Targets []*SearchTarget `json:"targets"` }
SearchOptions to customize results returned by the search query.
type SearchResult ¶
type SearchResult struct { // JSON encoded as a string. Result string `json:"result"` }
Contains the result returned by the search engine for a particular query.
type SearchStreamConnection ¶
type SearchStreamConnection struct { // List of matching channels results. Edges []*SearchStreamEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of videos. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of items in the collection. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
List of users.
type SearchStreamEdge ¶
type SearchStreamEdge struct { // The cursor of the channel record list. This is same for one page. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The channel result returned. Node *Stream `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of videos, and its metadata.
type SearchSuggestion ¶
type SearchSuggestion struct { // Extra data for category or channel type of search suggestion. Content SearchSuggestionContent `json:"content"` // The part of the suggestion that matches the search query. Highlight *SearchSuggestionHighlight `json:"highlight"` // The search suggestion's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The part of the suggestion that matches the search query. MatchingCharacters *SearchSuggestionHighlight `json:"matchingCharacters"` // The search suggestion string. Text string `json:"text"` }
A search suggestion.
type SearchSuggestionCategory ¶
type SearchSuggestionCategory struct { // The boxart URL for the category, provided by the endpoint. // Use this field for lower latency. // // The image dimensions are specifiable via the `height` and `width` parameters. // If `height` or `width` are not specified, the URL will contain // the template strings `{height}` and/or `{width}` in their respective places. BoxArtURL string `json:"boxArtURL"` // The category. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The category's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` }
A category search suggestion.
func (SearchSuggestionCategory) IsSearchSuggestionContent ¶
func (SearchSuggestionCategory) IsSearchSuggestionContent()
type SearchSuggestionChannel ¶
type SearchSuggestionChannel struct { // The channel's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether or not the channel is verified, provided by the endpoint. // Use this field for lower latency. IsVerified bool `json:"isVerified"` // The login of the channel, provided by the endpoint. // Use this field for lower latency. Login string `json:"login"` // The profile image URL for the channel, provided by the endpoint. // Use this field for lower latency. // // Valid widths are 28, 50, 70, 150, 300, and 600. // The image height will be the same as the given width. ProfileImageURL *string `json:"profileImageURL"` // The user of the channel. User *User `json:"user"` }
A channel search suggestion.
func (SearchSuggestionChannel) IsSearchSuggestionContent ¶
func (SearchSuggestionChannel) IsSearchSuggestionContent()
type SearchSuggestionConnection ¶
type SearchSuggestionConnection struct { // The list of search suggestions. Edges []*SearchSuggestionEdge `json:"edges"` // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Tracking data for the search suggestions. Tracking *SearchSuggestionTracking `json:"tracking"` }
A list of search suggestions and related tracking data.
type SearchSuggestionContent ¶
type SearchSuggestionContent interface {
The types with additional content in a search suggestion.
type SearchSuggestionEdge ¶
type SearchSuggestionEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The search suggestion. Node *SearchSuggestion `json:"node"` }
Edge containing the search suggestion.
type SearchSuggestionHighlight ¶
type SearchSuggestionHighlight struct { // The end of the match. End int `json:"end"` // The start of the match. Start int `json:"start"` }
A range that matches the search query.
type SearchSuggestionTracking ¶
type SearchSuggestionTracking struct { // The unique identifier of the model instance. ModelTrackingID string `json:"modelTrackingID"` // The unique identifier generated for every response. ResponseID string `json:"responseID"` }
An object containing tracking data for a search suggestion.
type SearchTarget ¶
type SearchTarget struct { // When true, response will return the total number of matching documents in index for a given query. The value for limit is ignored and assumed to be zero. CountTotalMatches *bool `json:"countTotalMatches"` // Search index to run a user's query against. Index SearchIndex `json:"index"` // Max number of matching documents that will be returned. Limit int `json:"limit"` }
Specify which index to run a user's search.
type SearchUserConnection ¶
type SearchUserConnection struct { // List of matching user results. Edges []*SearchUserEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Total number of results. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of user returned from forage by user query.
type SearchUserEdge ¶
type SearchUserEdge struct { // Cursor for fetching the next page of results(only on last edge of current connection). Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The information about user. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of users returned from forage.
type SeasonDetails ¶
type SeasonDetails struct { // Number of episodes. EpisodeCount *int `json:"episodeCount"` // The season number. Season *int `json:"season"` }
Season metadata.
func (SeasonDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails ¶
func (SeasonDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails()
type SeedCompetitionParticipantInput ¶
type SeedCompetitionParticipantInput struct { // ID of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // ID of the competition player or competition team. ParticipantID string `json:"participantID"` // The assigned seed value. SeedValue int `json:"seedValue"` }
Inputs for seeding a competition participant.
type SeedCompetitionParticipantPayload ¶
type SeedCompetitionParticipantPayload struct { // The new state of competition after seeding a competition player or competition team. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
SeedCompetitionParticipantPayload is the success response for seeding a competition player or competition team.
type SegmentStartTimeInput ¶
type SegmentStartTimeInput struct { // The day of the segment. Day ScheduleSegmentDay `json:"day"` // The hour of the segment 0-23. Hour int `json:"hour"` // The minute of the segment 0-59. Minute int `json:"minute"` }
The segment start time input.
type SegmentsStatusType ¶
type SegmentsStatusType string
An enumeration of the statuses of suggested segments.
const ( // The suggested segments have successfully been created. SegmentsStatusTypeCompleted SegmentsStatusType = "COMPLETED" // There wasn't enough data to generate suggested segments. SegmentsStatusTypeNotEnoughData SegmentsStatusType = "NOT_ENOUGH_DATA" // The vod is currently being processed for suggested segments. SegmentsStatusTypeInProgress SegmentsStatusType = "IN_PROGRESS" // The backend failed to generate suggested segments. SegmentsStatusTypeFailed SegmentsStatusType = "FAILED" )
func (SegmentsStatusType) IsValid ¶
func (e SegmentsStatusType) IsValid() bool
func (SegmentsStatusType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SegmentsStatusType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SegmentsStatusType) String ¶
func (e SegmentsStatusType) String() string
func (*SegmentsStatusType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SegmentsStatusType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SelectChannelBadgeInput ¶
type SelectChannelBadgeInput struct { // Set ID of the badge to select. BadgeSetID string `json:"badgeSetID"` // Optional Version of the Badge to select. BadgeSetVersion *string `json:"badgeSetVersion"` // ID of the channel this badge is selected on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for selecting a channel badge.
type SelectChannelBadgePayload ¶
type SelectChannelBadgePayload struct { // Indicates if selecting the badge was successful. IsSuccessful *bool `json:"isSuccessful"` // The channel (user object of channel) this badge is selected on. User *User `json:"user"` }
The output for the select channel badge mutation.
type SelectGlobalBadgeInput ¶
type SelectGlobalBadgeInput struct { // Set ID of the badge to select. BadgeSetID string `json:"badgeSetID"` // Optional Version of the Badge to select. BadgeSetVersion *string `json:"badgeSetVersion"` }
Inputs for selecting a global badge.
type SelectGlobalBadgePayload ¶
type SelectGlobalBadgePayload struct { // Indicates if selecting the badge was successful. IsSuccessful *bool `json:"isSuccessful"` // The user of the selected badge. User *User `json:"user"` }
The output for the select global badge mutation.
type SelfClaimEdge ¶
type SelfClaimEdge interface {
An interface to represent the logged in user's relationship to the claimable.
type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModeInput ¶
type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModeInput struct { // The channel the message is being sent to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The client's perception of the reward's cost. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The user's message. Message string `json:"message"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for sending a chat message through subscriber-only mode with Channel Points.
type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModePayload ¶
type SendChatMessageThroughSubscriberModePayload struct { // The user's new Channel Points balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // The error that occurred during redemption, if any. Error *SendCopoMessageError `json:"error"` // Whether the message was flagged by Automod and held for review. IsHeldByAutomod *bool `json:"isHeldByAutomod"` }
The response from redeeming the skip subs only chat message reward.
type SendCheerInput ¶
type SendCheerInput struct { // bits is the number of bits the message will spend (as parsed by the client). Bits int `json:"bits"` // content is the text to process and forward to the chat system. Content string `json:"content"` // Client-generated unique ID used to prevent a cheer from being re-sent (thus spending double bits). // The server will reject any request with an ID that has already been used. ID string `json:"id"` // Optional field that dictates the user wants their cheer to appear anonymously (i.e. unassociated with their username). IsAnonymous *bool `json:"isAnonymous"` // Optional field that dictates whether automod should be enabled for the cheer or not. IsAutoModEnabled *bool `json:"isAutoModEnabled"` // Optional field that dictates the cheer message was sent from a room, as this provides the context for what room // it was sent from. RoomID *string `json:"roomID"` // Optional field that dictates that the user want to cheer anyways, even though they know it will be automodded. ShouldCheerAnyway *bool `json:"shouldCheerAnyway"` // targetID is the `` of the channel to send the cheer to. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type SendCheerPayload ¶
type SendCheerPayload struct { // currentUser is the authenticated user object which includes the updated `Wallet` info after the message bits have been spent. CurrentUser *User `json:"currentUser"` // id is the client-generated value passed in as part of the request. ID string `json:"id"` // If any validation errors occur, this will not be nil. ValidationError *SendCheerValidationError `json:"validationError"` }
type SendCheerValidationError ¶
type SendCheerValidationError struct { // Error code that describes the validation error. Code SendCheerValidationErrorCode `json:"code"` // Error message that is returned from the backend service. Message string `json:"message"` // Optional rejected message for when the error requires frontend message changes, like AutoMod'd messages. MessageContent *RoomMessageContent `json:"messageContent"` }
Resolver for validation errors that occur on send cheer.
type SendCheerValidationErrorCode ¶
type SendCheerValidationErrorCode string
Validation error status codes.
const ( // Bits amount is below the minimum. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAmountBelowMinBits SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "AMOUNT_BELOW_MIN_BITS" // The message was auto modded. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAutoModMessage SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "AUTO_MOD_MESSAGE" // The channel was ineligible for receiving bits. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeChannelIneligible SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "CHANNEL_INELIGIBLE" // The emote amount was below the minimum bits emote amount. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeEmoteAmountBelowMinBits SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "EMOTE_AMOUNT_BELOW_MIN_BITS" // The user has insufficient balance. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInsufficientBalance SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE" // The bits amount is invalid. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidBitsAmount SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "INVALID_BITS_AMOUNT" // The bits message is invalid. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidBitsMessage SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "INVALID_BITS_MESSAGE" // The event ID is invalid, probably because it's been used. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidEventID SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "INVALID_EVENT_ID" // The message length is greater than the max message length. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeMessageLengthExceeded SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "MESSAGE_LENGTH_EXCEEDED" // The request has been throttled. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeRequestThrottled SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // The bits emotes that were sent were greater than the max allowed. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeTooLargeBitsEmote SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "TOO_LARGE_BITS_EMOTE" // The cheer was over the maximum cheer limit. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeTooLargeCheer SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "TOO_LARGE_CHEER" // An unknown error has occurred, but it was a validation error. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUnknown SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The user is banned from bits. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserBanned SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "USER_BANNED" // The user is ineligible to send bits. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserIneligible SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "USER_INELIGIBLE" // The use is suspended from sending bits. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeUserSuspended SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "USER_SUSPENDED" // The message contained Zalgo text. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeZalgoMessage SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "ZALGO_MESSAGE" // The message was not processed due to an automodded pending cheer. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAutoModPending SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "AUTO_MOD_PENDING" // The message contained term(s) blocked by the channel. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeChannelBlockedTerms SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "CHANNEL_BLOCKED_TERMS" // The anonymous message contained text that is invalid. SendCheerValidationErrorCodeInvalidAnonymousMessage SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "INVALID_ANONYMOUS_MESSAGE" // The bits message contained an anonymous cheermote when it's not allowed (ex: in public cheers). SendCheerValidationErrorCodeAnonymousCheermoteNotAllowed SendCheerValidationErrorCode = "ANONYMOUS_CHEERMOTE_NOT_ALLOWED" )
func (SendCheerValidationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SendCheerValidationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SendCheerValidationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SendCheerValidationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SendCheerValidationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SendCheerValidationErrorCode) String() string
func (*SendCheerValidationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SendCheerValidationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SendCopoMessageError ¶
type SendCopoMessageError struct { // The error code. Code *SendCopoMessageErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from redeeming a chat message Channel Points reward.
type SendCopoMessageErrorCode ¶
type SendCopoMessageErrorCode string
Possible errors from redeeming a chat message Channel Points reward.
const ( // User has previously sent an identical message. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMsgDuplicate SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "MSG_DUPLICATE" // The user is suspended from Twitch. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserSuspended SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "USER_SUSPENDED" // The user is banned in the channel. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserBanned SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "USER_BANNED" // The user is timed out in the channel. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUserTimedOut SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "USER_TIMED_OUT" // The chat is emote-only mode and the message contained text. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeEmoteOnly SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "EMOTE_ONLY" // The chat is in slow mode and the user has recently sent a message. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeSlowMode SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "SLOW_MODE" // The chat is in followers-only mode and the user has not been following long enough. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeFollowersOnly SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "FOLLOWERS_ONLY" // The chat is in followers-only mode and the user is not following. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeFollowersOnlyZero SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "FOLLOWERS_ONLY_ZERO" // The chat is in subs-only mode and the user is not subbed. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeSubsOnly SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "SUBS_ONLY" // The chat is in r9k-only mode (relatively unique messages) and the message was not unique. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeR9kMode SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "R9K_MODE" // The chat is in Blizzard connect mode and the user does not have their Blizzard account connected. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeBlizzardConnectMode SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "BLIZZARD_CONNECT_MODE" // The chat is in verified account mode and the user's account is not verified. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeVerifiedAccount SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "VERIFIED_ACCOUNT" // The user's message contained a blocked phrase. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeChannelSettings SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "CHANNEL_SETTINGS" // The user's message was flagged by Automod and is being reviewed. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeAutomodHeld SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "AUTOMOD_HELD" // The user's message was rejected for another reason- possibly intentionally hidden, such as IP block. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMessageRejected SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "MESSAGE_REJECTED" // The request failed due to an underlying server error. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeServerError SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "SERVER_ERROR" // The user does not have sufficient points to redeem the reward. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeInsufficientPoints SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_POINTS" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that has already been redeemed. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeTransactionAlreadyCommitted SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_ALREADY_COMMITTED" // The client is retrying a redemption with a transaction id that is currently being redeemed in another request. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeTransactionInProgress SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "TRANSACTION_IN_PROGRESS" // The reward cost has changed since the user has tried to redeem it. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardCostMismatch SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "REWARD_COST_MISMATCH" // The reward is currently disabled. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardDisabled SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "REWARD_DISABLED" // The user is not allowed to redeem this reward on this channel. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeRewardForbidden SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "REWARD_FORBIDDEN" // The user's message starts with a '/' like a chat command. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeMessageIsCommand SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "MESSAGE_IS_COMMAND" // An unknown error occurred. SendCopoMessageErrorCodeUnknown SendCopoMessageErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SendCopoMessageErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SendCopoMessageErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SendCopoMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SendCopoMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SendCopoMessageErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SendCopoMessageErrorCode) String() string
func (*SendCopoMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SendCopoMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SendExtensionMessageError ¶
type SendExtensionMessageError struct { // Error code. Code SendExtensionMessageErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error type.
type SendExtensionMessageErrorCode ¶
type SendExtensionMessageErrorCode string
Possible error reasons returned by sendExtensionMessage mutation.
const ( SendExtensionMessageErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Unknown error. SendExtensionMessageErrorCodeUnknown SendExtensionMessageErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )SendExtensionMessageErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) String() string
func (*SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SendExtensionMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SendExtensionMessageInput ¶
type SendExtensionMessageInput struct { // The channelID the extension is active on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The type of the content. ContentType string `json:"contentType"` // A JWT token signed with the shared secret for this extension. ExtAuthToken string `json:"extAuthToken"` // The ID of the extension which is sending the message. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` // The content of the message to be sent. Message string `json:"message"` // The set of target message receievers to send to, e.g. "broadcast". Targets []string `json:"targets"` }
Input to the sendExtensionMessage mutation.
type SendExtensionMessagePayload ¶
type SendExtensionMessagePayload struct { // error, if any. Error *SendExtensionMessageError `json:"error"` // Information about what rate limits, if any, were applied to this send. RateLimitsApplied []*SendExtensionMessageThrottleData `json:"rateLimitsApplied"` }
Payload returned from the sendExtensionMessage mutation.
type SendExtensionMessageThrottleData ¶
type SendExtensionMessageThrottleData struct { // Was the rate limit exceeded. IsLimitExceeded bool `json:"isLimitExceeded"` // The limit itself. Limit string `json:"limit"` // Name of the rate limiter applied. RateLimiterName string `json:"rateLimiterName"` // How much quota remains. RemainingQuota int `json:"remainingQuota"` // Time when this rate limit will reset. ResetsAt *time.Time `json:"resetsAt"` }
Information about a rate limit throttle.
type SendHighlightedChatMessageInput ¶
type SendHighlightedChatMessageInput struct { // The channel the message is being sent to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The client's perception of the reward's cost. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The user's message. Message string `json:"message"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for sending a highlighted chat message with Channel Points.
type SendHighlightedChatMessagePayload ¶
type SendHighlightedChatMessagePayload struct { // The user's new Channel Points balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // The error that occurred during redemption, if any. Error *SendCopoMessageError `json:"error"` // Whether the message was flagged by Automod and held for review. IsHeldByAutomod *bool `json:"isHeldByAutomod"` }
The response from redeeming the highlighted chat message reward.
type SendRoomMessageError ¶
type SendRoomMessageError struct { Code SendRoomMessageErrorCode `json:"code"` // On SLOW_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED, USER_CHAT_TIMED_OUT: the number of remaining seconds user must wait before sending another message. RemainingDurationSeconds *int `json:"remainingDurationSeconds"` // On SLOW_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED: the number of seconds users must wait in between sending messages. SlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"slowModeDurationSeconds"` }
type SendRoomMessageErrorCode ¶
type SendRoomMessageErrorCode string
const ( // User not allowed to chat in room. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeForbidden SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Message failed automod check. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeAutoModEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "AUTO_MOD_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // Room is in emotes only mode and message contained non-emote text. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeEmoteOnlyModeEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "EMOTE_ONLY_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // Room is in R9K mode and message was not unique. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeR9kModeEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "R9K_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // User is rate limited. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeRateLimitFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "RATE_LIMIT_FAILED" // Room is in slow mode and user tried to send a message to quickly. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeSlowModeEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "SLOW_MODE_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // Message failed spam check. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeSpamEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "SPAM_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // Message contained zalgo characters. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeZalgoEnforcementFailed SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "ZALGO_ENFORCEMENT_FAILED" // User is banned in the channel. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserChatBanned SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "USER_CHAT_BANNED" // User is timed out in the channel. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserChatTimedOut SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "USER_CHAT_TIMED_OUT" // User is suspended from Twitch. SendRoomMessageErrorCodeUserSuspended SendRoomMessageErrorCode = "USER_SUSPENDED" )
func (SendRoomMessageErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SendRoomMessageErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SendRoomMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SendRoomMessageErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SendRoomMessageErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SendRoomMessageErrorCode) String() string
func (*SendRoomMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SendRoomMessageErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SendRoomMessageInput ¶
type SendRoomMessagePayload ¶
type SendRoomMessagePayload struct { Error *SendRoomMessageError `json:"error"` Message *RoomMessage `json:"message"` }
type SendWhisperError ¶
type SendWhisperError struct { // Error code for the failed whisper send. Code SendWhisperErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for when a mutation fails.
type SendWhisperErrorCode ¶
type SendWhisperErrorCode string
Possible errors returned by the sendWhisper mutation.
const ( // Target is banned. SendWhisperErrorCodeTargetBanned SendWhisperErrorCode = "TARGET_BANNED" // Message body is empty. SendWhisperErrorCodeBodyEmpty SendWhisperErrorCode = "BODY_EMPTY" // Target's settings prevent them from receiving message. SendWhisperErrorCodeTargetRestricted SendWhisperErrorCode = "TARGET_RESTRICTED" // Sender does not have a verified account. SendWhisperErrorCodeSenderNotVerified SendWhisperErrorCode = "SENDER_NOT_VERIFIED" // Whisper was not delivered for an unspecified reason. SendWhisperErrorCodeNotDelivered SendWhisperErrorCode = "NOT_DELIVERED" )
func (SendWhisperErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SendWhisperErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SendWhisperErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SendWhisperErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SendWhisperErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SendWhisperErrorCode) String() string
func (*SendWhisperErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SendWhisperErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SendWhisperInput ¶
type SendWhisperPayload ¶
type SendWhisperPayload struct { // If an error occurred, the error code. Otherwise null. Error *SendWhisperError `json:"error"` // The message that was sent, or null if there was an error. Message *WhisperMessage `json:"message"` }
type SeriesDetails ¶
type SeriesDetails struct { // Number of seasons. SeasonCount *int `json:"seasonCount"` }
Series metadata.
func (SeriesDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails ¶
func (SeriesDetails) IsWatchPartyItemDetails()
type SetAutoAdDensityInput ¶
type SetAutoAdDensityInput struct { // Input for auto ad length seconds. AutoAdLengthSeconds int `json:"autoAdLengthSeconds"` // Input for auto ad period minutes. AutoAdPeriodMinutes int `json:"autoAdPeriodMinutes"` // Input for target ID of channel. TargetChannelID string `json:"targetChannelID"` }
Sets the auto ad density for the channel.
type SetAutoAdDensityPayload ¶
type SetAutoAdDensityPayload struct { // The user whose channels ad density was set. AutoAdLengthSeconds *int `json:"autoAdLengthSeconds"` // Auto ad period minutes. AutoAdPeriodMinutes *int `json:"autoAdPeriodMinutes"` // Input for target ID of channel. TargetChannelID *string `json:"targetChannelID"` }
Shows the newly updated values for autoad settings.
type SetAutoRefillSettingsInput ¶
type SetAutoRefillSettingsInput struct { // The charge instrument information for starting a purchase. ChargeInstrument *ChargeInstrumentInput `json:"chargeInstrument"` // The currency this should be charged in. Currency Currency `json:"currency"` // The gross amount (of currency) that can be charged on the charge instrument. GrossAmount int `json:"grossAmount"` // Optional id of the auto refill settings that are being modified. ID *string `json:"id"` // Indicates if the profile is active. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Id of the refill offer used on auto refill. OfferID string `json:"offerID"` // The threshold amount a balance must go below to trigger a reload. Threshold int `json:"threshold"` }
Input for setting auto refill settings.
type SetAutoRefillSettingsPayload ¶
type SetAutoRefillSettingsPayload struct { // The changed auto refill profile. AutoRefillProfile *AutoRefillProfile `json:"autoRefillProfile"` }
The payload for the set auto refill settings mutation.
type SetAutohostChannelsInput ¶
type SetAutohostChannelsInput struct { // ChannelIDs that will be on the list to autohost. ChannelIDs []string `json:"channelIDs"` // UserID to update autohost list for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
SetAutohostChannelsInput sets the user's list to autohost.
type SetAutohostChannelsPayload ¶
type SetAutohostChannelsPayload struct { // User whose autohostChannels field had been updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
SetAutohostChannelsPayload returns the user whose autohostChannels field had been updated.
type SetBitsUserSettingsInput ¶
type SetBitsUserSettingsInput struct { // Optional field that dictates whether a user has exited out of the first cheer tutorial by clicking out of the experience. AbandonedFirstCheerTutorial *bool `json:"abandonedFirstCheerTutorial"` // Optional field that dictates whether a user has skipped the first cheer tutorial by clicking the skip button. SkippedFirstCheerTutorial *bool `json:"skippedFirstCheerTutorial"` }
Input for the set bits user settings mutation.
type SetBitsUserSettingsPayload ¶
type SetBitsUserSettingsPayload struct { // currentUser is the authenticated user object which includes the updated `Wallet` info after the message bits have been spent. CurrentUser *User `json:"currentUser"` }
Payload for set bits user settings mutation.
type SetChannelFeedEnabledInput ¶
type SetChannelFeedEnabledInput struct { // The new desired value for channel_feed_enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
type SetChannelFeedEnabledPayload ¶
type SetChannelFeedEnabledPayload struct { // The user whose channel feed setting was toggled. User *User `json:"user"` }
type SetChannelNotificationSettingPayload ¶
type SetChannelNotificationSettingPayload struct {
SettingState string `json:"settingState"`
type SetChannelTrailerErrorCode ¶
type SetChannelTrailerErrorCode string
SetChannelTrailerErrorCode are the types of errors that the setChannelTrailer mutation may return.
const ( SetChannelTrailerErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // The vod is longer than 60 seconds (max time for channel trailers). SetChannelTrailerErrorCodeVodTooLong SetChannelTrailerErrorCode = "VOD_TOO_LONG" )SetChannelTrailerErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetChannelTrailerErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetChannelTrailerInput ¶
type SetChannelTrailerInput struct { // The channel whose trailer should be updated. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the video that should be used as the channel's trailer, // or null if the trailer should be cleared. TrailerVideoID *string `json:"trailerVideoID"` }
Inputs to the setChannelTrailer mutation.
type SetChannelTrailerPayload ¶
type SetChannelTrailerPayload struct { // The channel whose trailer vod was modified. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The error if the mutation failed in an expected way, or null if the mutation was successful. Error *SetChannelTrailerErrorCode `json:"error"` }
Output of the setChannelTrailer mutation.
type SetChatPauseSettingInput ¶
type SetChatPauseSettingInput struct { // The desired method for a user to pause chat. ChatPauseSetting ChatPauseSetting `json:"chatPauseSetting"` }
The required input to set a user's chat pause setting.
type SetChatPauseSettingPayload ¶
type SetChatPauseSettingPayload struct { // The newly saved chat pause setting. ChatPauseSetting *ChatPauseSetting `json:"chatPauseSetting"` }
Result of a setChatPauseSetting mutation.
type SetContentTagsInput ¶
type SetContentTagsInput struct { // ID of the channel owning the content. AuthorID string `json:"authorID"` // ID of content: Channel ID for Streams, Slugs for Clips, and VOD ids for VODs. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // Type of content being returned. Can only be of values CLIP, STREAM, or VOD. ContentType ContentType `json:"contentType"` // List of tag IDs to be replaced from the content. TagIDs []string `json:"tagIDs"` }
Update tags associated with CLIP, STREAM, or VOD with contentID.
type SetContentTagsPayload ¶
type SetContentTagsPayload struct { // Content which tags have been updated. Content TaggedContent `json:"content"` }
Result of mutation is the contentID.
type SetCreatorBadgeFlairInput ¶
type SetCreatorBadgeFlairInput struct { // ID for channel to apply setting for ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Setting to apply to channel setting for badge flair CreatorBadgeFlair CreatorBadgeFlairSetting `json:"creatorBadgeFlair"` }
The input to be provided to the SetCreatorBadgeFlair mutation.
type SetCreatorBadgeFlairPayload ¶
type SetCreatorBadgeFlairPayload struct { // Channel whose badge flair setting was updated Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` }
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusError ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusError struct { // The associated error code. Code SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode `json:"code"` }
SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusError is the error associated with SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatus.
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode string
SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The input activity ID is invalid. SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidActivityID SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode = "INVALID_ACTIVITY_ID" // The input alert status is invalid. SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidAlertStatus SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode = "INVALID_ALERT_STATUS" // The input channel ID is invalid. SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeInvalidChannelID SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // The alert is not found. SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCodeNotFound SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" )
func (SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusInput ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusInput struct { // The ID corresponding to the activity whose alert queue activity status should be updated. ActivityID string `json:"activityID"` // The value to set the status to. AlertStatus DashboardActivityFeedActivityAlertStatus `json:"alertStatus"` // The ID corresponding to the user whose alert queue activity status should be updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatus mutation.
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusPayload ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusPayload struct { // The updated activity. Activity DashboardActivityFeedActivity `json:"activity"` // The possible error returned from the service. Error *SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatusError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the SetDashboardAlertQueueActivityStatus mutation.
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceError ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceError struct { // The associated error code. Code SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode `json:"code"` }
SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceError is the error associated with SetDashboardAlertQueuePreference.
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode string
SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The input channel ID is invalid. SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCodeInvalidChannelID SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" )
func (SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceInput ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceInput struct { // If true, cannot publish alerts to the user. ShouldEnableDNDMode *bool `json:"shouldEnableDNDMode"` // If true, cannot publish bits alerts to the user. ShouldHideBits *bool `json:"shouldHideBits"` // If true, cannot publish follows alerts to the user. ShouldHideFollows *bool `json:"shouldHideFollows"` // If true, cannot publish subscription gift alerts to the user. ShouldHideGiftSubscriptions *bool `json:"shouldHideGiftSubscriptions"` // If true, cannot publish hosts alerts to the user. ShouldHideHosts *bool `json:"shouldHideHosts"` // If true, cannot publish raids alerts to the user. ShouldHideRaids *bool `json:"shouldHideRaids"` // If true, cannot publish regular subscriptions alerts to the user (gift subs are still shown). ShouldHideSubscriptions *bool `json:"shouldHideSubscriptions"` // The ID corresponding to the user whose alert queue preference should be updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the SetDashboardAlertQueuePreference mutation. Only one of the boolean settings should be set at once.
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferencePayload ¶
type SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferencePayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *SetDashboardAlertQueuePreferenceError `json:"error"` // The updated preferences for dashboard alert queue. Preferences *DashboardAlertQueuePreferences `json:"preferences"` }
Outputs from the SetDashboardAlertQueuePreference mutation.
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode ¶
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode string
Enumerates possible errors when setting a default payment method.
const ( // Must have auth credentials to set default payment method. SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeUnauthenticated SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode = "UNAUTHENTICATED" // User does not have permission to set default payment method for the targeted user. SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeForbidden SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // One or more fields are invalid or missing. SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeInvalidRequest SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode = "INVALID_REQUEST" // An internal error has occurred. SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCodeInternalError SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodInput ¶
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodInput struct { // Country (ISO-3166) associated to the billing info for the customer's payment method. BillingCountry *string `json:"billingCountry"` // Payment type used via the payment provider. PaymentType PaymentInstrumentType `json:"paymentType"` // The payment provider we're updating the payment method on. Provider PaymentProvider `json:"provider"` // The token used to verify the selected payment method. Token string `json:"token"` // The user to set default payment method for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The input to be provided to the setDefaultPaymentMethod mutation.
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodPayload ¶
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodPayload struct { // Code to describe error that occurred while setting the default payment method. ErrorCode *SetDefaultPaymentMethodErrorCode `json:"errorCode"` // User who had their payment method updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of the setDefaultPaymentMethod mutation.
type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingInput ¶
type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingInput struct { // The desired deleted message display setting to be saved. DeletedMessageDisplaySetting DeletedMessageDisplaySetting `json:"deletedMessageDisplaySetting"` }
The required input to set a user's deleted message display setting.
type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingPayload ¶
type SetDeletedMessageDisplaySettingPayload struct { // The newly saved deleted message display setting. DeletedMessageDisplaySetting *DeletedMessageDisplaySetting `json:"deletedMessageDisplaySetting"` }
Result of a setDeletedMessageDisplaySetting mutation.
type SetDropBenefitsOnDropInput ¶
type SetDropBenefitsOnDropInput struct { // The benefits that should be awarded when this drop is claimed. BenefitIDs []string `json:"benefitIDs"` // The drop to update. DropID string `json:"dropID"` }
SetDropBenefitsOnDropInput has fields required to update a drop's list of benefits.
type SetDropBenefitsOnDropPayload ¶
type SetDropBenefitsOnDropPayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropBenefitsOnDropPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type SetDropCampaignAccessInput ¶
type SetDropCampaignAccessInput struct { // A list of channels that are allowed for this campaign. AllowedChannels []string `json:"allowedChannels"` // A list of channels that are blocked from this campaign. BlockedChannels []string `json:"blockedChannels"` // The campaign ID. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // Is the allowedChannels list in effect. Just having allowedChannels present does not mean the access list should be enabled. IsAllowedChannelsEnabled bool `json:"isAllowedChannelsEnabled"` // Is the blockedChannels list in effect. Just having blockedChannels present does not mean the block list should be enabled. IsBlockedChannelsEnabled bool `json:"isBlockedChannelsEnabled"` // A list of users that are able to view this campaign and functionalities while the campaign is in the testing state. TestViewers []string `json:"testViewers"` }
SetDropCampaignAccessInput has fields required to update a campaign's access.
type SetDropCampaignAccessPayload ¶
type SetDropCampaignAccessPayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropCampaignAccessPayload returns the result of the update.
type SetDropCampaignStatusInput ¶
type SetDropCampaignStatusInput struct { // The campaign ID. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // The status the campaign should receive. Status DropCampaignStatus `json:"status"` }
SetDropCampaignStatusInput has fields required to update a campaign's status.
type SetDropCampaignStatusPayload ¶
type SetDropCampaignStatusPayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropCampaignStatusPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type SetDropCampaignSummaryInput ¶
type SetDropCampaignSummaryInput struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The campaign ID. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // The type of a campaign defines what type of drops are allowed to be added to the campaign. CampaignType *CampaignType `json:"campaignType"` // The description of this campaign. Description string `json:"description"` // The URL that links to the details / marketing page for this drop. DetailsURL string `json:"detailsURL"` // The date at which this campaign ends and all contained drops end at the latest. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The game associated with this campaign. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // The name of the campaign. Name string `json:"name"` // This is the Organization ID (RBAC) to determine access / ownership of the campaign and attached drops. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The date at which this campaign starts and all contained drops start the earliest. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
SetDropCampaignSummaryInput has fields required to update a campaign summary.
type SetDropCampaignSummaryPayload ¶
type SetDropCampaignSummaryPayload struct { // Returns the created/updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropCampaignSummaryPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type SetDropEventRuleInput ¶
type SetDropEventRuleInput struct { // How long the viewer has to claim their reward. ClaimDurationSeconds int `json:"claimDurationSeconds"` // The associated drop for the rule to update. DropID string `json:"dropID"` // The in-game conditions that must be met for the drop to trigger. EventRules []*DropEventConditionInput `json:"eventRules"` // A textual description of what has to occur for the drop to trigger. QuestDescription string `json:"questDescription"` // Name of the drop. QuestName string `json:"questName"` }
SetDropEventRuleInput has the fields required to set an event based rule on a drop.
type SetDropEventRulePayload ¶
type SetDropEventRulePayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropRulePayload returns the result of the rule creation.
type SetDropManualTriggerRuleInput ¶
type SetDropManualTriggerRuleInput struct { // How long the viewer has to claim their reward. ClaimDurationSeconds int `json:"claimDurationSeconds"` // The associated drop for the rule to update. DropID string `json:"dropID"` }
SetDropManualTriggerRuleInput has the fields required to set a manual trigger based rule on a drop.
type SetDropManualTriggerRulePayload ¶
type SetDropManualTriggerRulePayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropManualTriggerRulePayload returns the result of the rule creation.
type SetDropSummaryInput ¶
type SetDropSummaryInput struct { // The associated drop for the summary to update. DropID string `json:"dropID"` // The date at which this drop can no longer occur. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The friendly name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The date at which this drop can start to occur. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
SetDropSummaryInput has fields required to update a drop's summary.
type SetDropSummaryPayload ¶
type SetDropSummaryPayload struct { // Returns the created/updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDrop2BenefitPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type SetDropTimeBasedRuleInput ¶
type SetDropTimeBasedRuleInput struct { // The associated drop for the rule to update. DropID string `json:"dropID"` // The ID of the drop that must be claimed before you can make progress on this drop. PreconditionDropID string `json:"preconditionDropID"` // The amount of minutes a viewer must have watched before they can claim this drop. RequiredMinutesWatched int `json:"requiredMinutesWatched"` }
SetDropTimeBasedRuleInput has fields required to update a drop's rule to a minutes watched based rule.
type SetDropTimeBasedRulePayload ¶
type SetDropTimeBasedRulePayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SetDropTimeBasedRulePayload returns the result of the rule update.
type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledInput ¶
type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledInput struct { // Whether emote animations should be enabled for the current user. IsEmoteAnimationsEnabled bool `json:"isEmoteAnimationsEnabled"` }
The required input to set a user's emote animations setting.
type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledPayload ¶
type SetEmoteAnimationsEnabledPayload struct { // Whether emote animations are enabled for the current user. IsEmoteAnimationsEnabled *bool `json:"isEmoteAnimationsEnabled"` }
Result of a setEmoteAnimationsEnabled mutation.
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsError ¶
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsError struct { // Error code from the mutation. Code SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Possible errors from this mutation.
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode ¶
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode string
Possible error codes from this mutation.
const ( // An unexpected internal server error occurred. SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeInternalServerError SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" // The provided input is invalid. SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeInvalidArgument SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeUserUnauthorized SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" // Unknown error returned from service. SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCodeUnknown SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetEmoteModifierGroupsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsInput ¶
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsInput struct { // Emote modifier groups to set. Groups []*EmoteModifierGroupInput `json:"groups"` }
SetEmoteModifierGroupsInput is the input required when a creator sets their emote modifiers.
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsPayload ¶
type SetEmoteModifierGroupsPayload struct { // Error from the mutation if it exists. Error *SetEmoteModifierGroupsError `json:"error"` // The modified emote groups that were set. Groups []*EmoteModifierGroupPayload `json:"groups"` }
The result of setting emote modifier groups for a user.
type SetExtensionConfigurationError ¶
type SetExtensionConfigurationError struct { // The standardized code used by the frontend. Code SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
SetExtensionConfigurationError returns an error code for the frontend to handle.
type SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode ¶
type SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode string
The standardized codes used by the frontend.
const ( SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // An unknown error occurred. SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCodeUnknown SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetExtensionConfigurationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetExtensionConfigurationInput ¶
type SetExtensionConfigurationInput struct { // The channel to which this configuration applies to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The version of the configuration. ConfigVersion string `json:"configVersion"` // The configuration string to post. Content string `json:"content"` // The extension ID. ExtensionID string `json:"extensionID"` }
The required input for a setExtensionConfiguration mutation.
type SetExtensionConfigurationPayload ¶
type SetExtensionConfigurationPayload struct { // The channel to which this configuration applies to. ChannelID *string `json:"channelID"` // The version of the configuration. ConfigVersion *string `json:"configVersion"` // The configuration string to post. Content *string `json:"content"` // Error code for the frontend to handle. Error *SetExtensionConfigurationError `json:"error"` // The extension ID. ExtensionID *string `json:"extensionID"` }
SetExtensionConfiguration returns the Input as the extensions configuration endpoint returns a 204.
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError ¶
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError struct { // Error code. Code SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode `json:"code"` // The missing installation id if got EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED error. MissingInstallationID *string `json:"missingInstallationID"` }
SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError is wrapper for error associated with the setExtensionFeatureFlags mutation.
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode ¶
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode string
SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode is an error code associated with SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError.
const ( SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Channel id is invalid, for example, is empty. SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeInvalidChannelID SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // The extension is not installed on the channel. SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeExtensionNotInstalled SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode = "EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED" )SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetExtensionFeatureFlagsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsInput ¶
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsInput struct { // Optional value to enable/disable chat for the specified installation. CanSendChat *bool `json:"canSendChat"` // Optional value to enable/disable bits for the specified installation. CanUseBits *bool `json:"canUseBits"` // Optional value for dynamicManagement flag on games. DynamicManagement []*ExtensionDynamicManagementInput `json:"dynamicManagement"` // The ID of the extension installation to set feature flags for. ID string `json:"id"` }
The required input to set feature flags for an installation.
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsPayload ¶
type SetExtensionFeatureFlagsPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to set feature flags. Error *SetExtensionFeatureFlagsError `json:"error"` // The new state of the installation after the setExtensionFeatureFlags mutation. InstalledExtension *ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtension"` }
The result of setting feature flags on an installation.
type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthInput ¶
type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthInput struct { // The installation ID we're setting the oauth token for. ID string `json:"id"` // The OAuth token created for the extension. OauthToken string `json:"oauthToken"` }
The required input to set oauth on an installation.
type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthPayload ¶
type SetExtensionInstallationOAuthPayload struct { // The new state of the installation after the setExtensionInstallationOAuth mutation. InstalledExtension *ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtension"` }
The resulting installedExtension state after setting OAuth.
type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientInput ¶
type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientInput struct { // The client ID used to verify that users have linked their accounts properly. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // The ID of the game to link the client ID to. GameID string `json:"gameID"` }
SetGameDropAccountLinkClientInput has fields necessary to update a game's account link client ID used to verify a user has connected their in-game account.
type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientPayload ¶
type SetGameDropAccountLinkClientPayload struct { // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` // The updated game record. Game *Game `json:"game"` }
SetGameDropAccountLinkClientPayload returns the result of the update.
type SetModLogsAccessInput ¶
type SetModLogsAccessInput struct { // The access level to moderator logs to be given to the role. AccessLevel ModLogsAccessLevel `json:"accessLevel"` // The Channel for which to set moderator log access. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The user role for which to set the moderator log access permission. ChannelRole ChannelUserRole `json:"channelRole"` }
The required input to set a role's moderator logs' access.
type SetModLogsAccessPayload ¶
type SetModLogsAccessPayload struct { // The access level of the role set. ModLogsAccess *ModLogsAccess `json:"modLogsAccess"` }
Result of a setModLogsAccess mutation.
type SetModViewSettingsInput ¶
type SetModViewSettingsInput struct { // The time the tutorial on the mod view page was seen. TutorialSeenAt time.Time `json:"tutorialSeenAt"` // The viewed state of the tutorial on the mod view page. TutorialState TutorialState `json:"tutorialState"` }
The required input to set a user's mod view settings relating to turorial.
type SetModViewSettingsPayload ¶
type SetModViewSettingsPayload struct { // The newly resolved modviewsettings resolver. ModViewSettings *ModViewSettings `json:"modViewSettings"` }
Result of a setModViewSettings mutation.
type SetNotificationSettingPayload ¶
type SetNotificationSettingPayload struct {
SettingState string `json:"settingState"`
type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferenceInput ¶
type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferenceInput struct { // The channelID from the channel this event is taking place on. OverwatchTeamPreferenceOptionID string `json:"OverwatchTeamPreferenceOptionID"` }
SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferenceInput contains the OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference ID to set.
type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferencePayload ¶
type SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferencePayload struct { // A possible error returned from the service. Error *SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceError `json:"error"` // The updated OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference struct. OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference *OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference `json:"overwatchLeagueTeamPreference"` }
SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreferencePayload is the success response for setting an Overwatch League Team preference, and the corresponding updated OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference struct.
type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceError ¶
type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while claiming the bounty. Code SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while claiming the bounty.
type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode ¶
type SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode string
Error types recognized by the SetOverwatchLeagueTeamPreference mutation.
const ( // Unknown error being returned from service. SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCodeUnknown SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetOverwatchTeamPreferenceErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetPreferredLanguageTagInput ¶
type SetPreferredLanguageTagInput struct { // The preferred language tag to set onto the user. PreferredLanguageTag LanguageTag `json:"preferredLanguageTag"` // The user to modify. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a setPreferredLanguageTag mutation.
type SetPreferredLanguageTagPayload ¶
type SetPreferredLanguageTagPayload struct { // The user whose preferred language tag was changed. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a setPreferredLanguageTag mutation.
type SetQuickActionLayoutError ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutError struct { // The error code of a possible error when setting a layout. Code *SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Possible errors associated with the SetQuickActionLAyout mutation.
type SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode string
Possible errors that this mutation can return.
const ( // The input channel ID is invalid. SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidChannelID SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // The input owner ID is invalid. SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidOwnerID SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode = "INVALID_OWNER_ID" // One of the input quick actions IDs is invalid/does not exist. SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCodeInvalidQuickActionID SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode = "INVALID_QUICK_ACTION_ID" )
func (SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetQuickActionLayoutErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetQuickActionLayoutFolderInput ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutFolderInput struct { // A list of quick action inputs in the folder. This can include nested folders. // A max nesting level is implemented in the resolver and the service. Items []*SetQuickActionLayoutItemInput `json:"items"` // The name of the folder. Name string `json:"name"` }
Represents a folder input.
type SetQuickActionLayoutInput ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutInput struct { // The ID corresponding to the stream manager owner in which the layout appears. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Quick action items, input in the order they should appear on the quick actions panel. Layout []*SetQuickActionLayoutItemInput `json:"layout"` // The ID corresponding to the owner of the layout. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` }
Inputs to the SetQuickActionLayout mutation.
type SetQuickActionLayoutItemInput ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutItemInput struct { // The input folder. Folder *SetQuickActionLayoutFolderInput `json:"folder"` // The input quick action. QuickAction *SetQuickActionLayoutQuickActionInput `json:"quickAction"` }
Each input item in the input array. Only one of these fields can be specified at the same time (a layout item can only be a folder or a quick action).
type SetQuickActionLayoutPayload ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the layout service. Error *SetQuickActionLayoutError `json:"error"` // Available quick actions, returned in the order they should be rendered. Layout *QuickActionLayout `json:"layout"` }
Outputs from the SetQuickActionLayout mutation.
type SetQuickActionLayoutQuickActionInput ¶
type SetQuickActionLayoutQuickActionInput struct { // The ID of the item. Quick action IDs are represented by their canonical names. Name QuickActionName `json:"name"` }
Represents a quick action input.
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingError ¶
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingError struct { // Mutation error code. Code *SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error from a failed currently playing track mutation.
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode ¶
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode string
Currently playing error codes.
const ( // The ID provided was malformed. SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodeInvalidID SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode = "INVALID_ID" // Permission denied to add/update a currently playing item. SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodePermissionDenied SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // No record found for the request params. SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCodeNoRecord SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode = "NO_RECORD" )
func (SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingInput ¶
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingInput struct { // The type of content the ID maps to. ContentType *RadioCurrentlyPlayingType `json:"contentType"` // Whether the track is currently playing or not. IsCurrentlyPlaying bool `json:"isCurrentlyPlaying"` // The ID of the source. SourceID *string `json:"sourceID"` // The ID of the currently playing track. TrackID *string `json:"trackID"` }
The required input to set radio track information currently being played.
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingPayload ¶
type SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingPayload struct { // The currently playing radio track addition result. CurrentTrack *RadioCurrentTrackResponse `json:"currentTrack"` // Error code. Error *SetRadioCurrentlyPlayingError `json:"error"` }
Result of a setRadioCurrentlyPlaying mutation.
type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledInput ¶
type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledInput struct { // Whether readable chat colors should be enabled for the current user. IsReadableChatColorsEnabled bool `json:"isReadableChatColorsEnabled"` }
The required input to set a user's readable chat colors setting.
type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledPayload ¶
type SetReadableChatColorsEnabledPayload struct { // Whether readable chat colors are enabled for the current user. IsReadableChatColorsEnabled bool `json:"isReadableChatColorsEnabled"` }
Result of a setReadableChatColorsEnabled mutation.
type SetResourceRestrictionInput ¶
type SetResourceRestrictionInput struct { // The ID of the resource to set the restriction on. ResourceID string `json:"resourceID"` // The type of resource that will be restricted. ResourceType RestrictionResource `json:"resourceType"` // The restriction options, if any, to apply to the restriction being created. RestrictionOptions []ResourceRestrictionOption `json:"restrictionOptions"` // The type of restriction that should be placed onto the channel. If empty, the restriction will be deleted. RestrictionType *ResourceRestrictionType `json:"restrictionType"` }
SetResourceRestrictionInput sets a restriction for the given resourceID.
type SetResourceRestrictionPayload ¶
type SetResourceRestrictionPayload struct { // The channel if a live resource restriction was updated. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The stream if a live resource restriction was updated. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // The video if a video resource restriction was updated. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
SetResourceRestrictionPayload returns the updated restriction for a channel.
type SetScheduleReminderError ¶
type SetScheduleReminderError struct { // The error code. Code SetScheduleReminderErrorCode `json:"code"` // The error message string. Message *string `json:"message"` }
An error that has been mapped from a Reminder service twirp error. Can sometimes include messages.
type SetScheduleReminderErrorCode ¶
type SetScheduleReminderErrorCode string
Enum for set schedule reminders errors.
const ( // The error code is unknown. SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeUnknown SetScheduleReminderErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The request for setting a reminder was invalid. SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeInvalidArgument SetScheduleReminderErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" // The schedule segment you're attempting to set a reminder for was not found. SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeNotFound SetScheduleReminderErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The schedule segment you're attempting to set a reminder for was cancelled. SetScheduleReminderErrorCodeFailedPrecondition SetScheduleReminderErrorCode = "FAILED_PRECONDITION" )
func (SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetScheduleReminderErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetScheduleReminderInput ¶
type SetScheduleReminderInput struct { // The ID of the segment to set a reminder for. SegmentID string `json:"segmentID"` // Whether the reminder should be enabled or disabled. ShouldEnable bool `json:"shouldEnable"` }
SetScheduleReminderInput has fields required to set a schedule event reminder.
type SetScheduleReminderPayload ¶
type SetScheduleReminderPayload struct { // A mapped error returned by the Reminder service. Error *SetScheduleReminderError `json:"error"` // The new reminder state, if operation completed with no error. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
SetScheduleReminderPayload returns the result of the creation/update.
type SetSessionStatusInput ¶
type SetSessionStatusInput struct { // activity is the action the user is performing in your application. The purpose of an activity is to allow the user's // friends and related users to join in on whatever the user is doing. If the user is not performing any action that // other users can join in on (e.g. watching a VOD, browsing their settings page) or is not performing any action at // all, this should be set to null. Activity *ActivityInput `json:"activity"` // availability is the state of the user's session in your application. You should set it to ONLINE if the user is // known to be at their device, IDLE if they are not, and OFFLINE if your application is currently terminating. // // Note that if your application fails to send an OFFLINE heartbeat before terminating, the session will automatically // expire after some time without a heartbeat. Availability AvailabilityInput `json:"availability"` // sessionID must be supplied and can be any string unique to this session. Generating a random UUID when your // application starts and sending it for each setSessionStatus is a good idea. // // Each instance of your application should send the same ID for each of its setSessionStatus calls, but two instances // of your application running at the same time should never have the same session ID. SessionID string `json:"sessionID"` }
SetSessionStatusInput represents a user's status within a single session (browser tab, game, desktop application, mobile application, etc.).
type SetSessionStatusPayload ¶
type SetSessionStatusPayload struct { // The number of seconds your application should wait before sending another setSessionStatus. If your application does // not call setSessionStatus again within roughly this duration, it will be assumed to have terminated unexpectedly and // its session status for this user will expire. SetAgainInSeconds int `json:"setAgainInSeconds"` // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerInput ¶
type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerInput struct { // ID of the device viewing squad stream. DeviceID string `json:"deviceID"` // ID of the channel as the current primary player. PrimaryPlayerID string `json:"primaryPlayerID"` // ID of the squad stream. SquadID string `json:"squadID"` }
Inputs to the setSquadStreamPrimaryPlayer mutation.
type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerPayload ¶
type SetSquadStreamPrimaryPlayerPayload struct { // The current primary player of the squad stream. PrimaryPlayer *User `json:"primaryPlayer"` }
Outputs to the setSquadStreamPrimaryPlayer mutation.
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsError ¶
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsError struct { // Error code from the set unban requests settings mutation. Code SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error from set unban requests settings mutation.
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode ¶
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode string
Error codes for from set unban requests settings mutation.
const ( // Unknown error. SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeUnknown SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeUnauthorized SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // User attempted to set with an invalid value. SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCodeInvalidValue SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode = "INVALID_VALUE" )
func (SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SetUnbanRequestsSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsInput ¶
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsInput struct { // The channel on which to update settings for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The amount of time after a ban before an unban request can be made. CooldownMinutes int `json:"cooldownMinutes"` // Whether unban requests are allowed to be created on the channel. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Required input to set unban requests settings on a channel.
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsPayload ¶
type SetUnbanRequestsSettingsPayload struct { // Error from attempting to set unban requests settings. Error *SetUnbanRequestsSettingsError `json:"error"` // The updated settings on the channel. Settings *UnbanRequestsSettings `json:"settings"` }
Result of setting a channel's unban requests settings.
type SetUserResidenceInput ¶
type SetUserResidenceInput struct { // User's country in ISO alpha-2. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Target user for setting residence. UserID string `json:"userID"` // User's zip code. ZipCode *string `json:"zipCode"` }
SetUserResidenceInput is input required to set a user's residence.
type SetUserResidencePayload ¶
type SetUserResidencePayload struct { // User whose residence was set for. User *User `json:"user"` }
SetUserResidencePayload is the response from the SetUserResidence mutation.
type Share ¶
type Share struct { User `json:"author"` CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` ID string `json:"id"` Target ShareTarget `json:"target"` }Author *
func (Share) IsFeedItemContent ¶
func (Share) IsFeedItemContent()
type ShareTarget ¶
type ShareTarget interface {
}type Shelf ¶
type Shelf struct { // The ordered content for the shelf. Content *ShelfContentConnection `json:"content"` // How to present the content in the shelf. DisplayType string `json:"displayType"` // A unique identifier for the shelf for use in tracking and pagination. ID string `json:"id"` // The title for the shelf. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` // Information used for recommendation tracking. TrackingInfo *TrackingInfo `json:"trackingInfo"` }
An ordered list of content to render with metadata on the content.
type ShelfConnection ¶
type ShelfConnection struct { // The list of shelves to display. Edges []*ShelfEdge `json:"edges"` // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Shelves. (pagination not yet implemented) Implements the Relay cursor connections specification. See:
type ShelfContent ¶
type ShelfContent interface {
The content to render in a shelf.
type ShelfContentConnection ¶
type ShelfContentConnection struct { // The list of content to display. Edges []*ShelfContentEdge `json:"edges"` // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
The list of content to render in a shelf.
type ShelfContentEdge ¶
type ShelfContentEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The metadata to show for each content edge. Metadata *ShelfContentMetadata `json:"metadata"` // The underlying content to render. Node ShelfContent `json:"node"` // Used to associate promotions for tracking. PromotionsCampaignID string `json:"promotionsCampaignID"` // Used to determine what the source of the shelf content is from. SourceType SourceType `json:"sourceType"` // Used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
The content to render in a shelf.
type ShelfContentMetadata ¶
type ShelfContentMetadata struct { // Whether the content has a live event. HasLive bool `json:"hasLive"` // The localized subtitle for a content item in a shelf. Subtitle *ShelfTitle `json:"subtitle"` // The localized title for a content item in a shelf. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` }
The metadata for content to render in a shelf.
type ShelfEdge ¶
type ShelfEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The shelf. Node *Shelf `json:"node"` }
Contains information about a Shelf's relationship to a given page (connection), and the Shelf itself.
type ShelfTitle ¶
type ShelfTitle struct { // A resource to interpolate into the title string. Context ShelfTitleContext `json:"context"` // The fallback localized title, only to be used if client fails to parse the localizedTitleTokens. FallbackLocalizedTitle string `json:"fallbackLocalizedTitle"` // The name of the shelf being presented, used for backwards compatibility. Allows for localization and interpolation. Key string `json:"key"` // The localized shelf title in the form of a list of tokens. LocalizedTitleTokens []*TitleTokenEdge `json:"localizedTitleTokens"` }
The title for the shelf.
type ShelfTitleContext ¶
type ShelfTitleContext interface {
Metadata used to render the shelf title.
type ShelvesAvailableOptions ¶
type ShelvesAvailableOptions struct { // The ID of the collection. Only valid when shelfType is set to // VideoShelfType.COLLECTION. CollectionID *string `json:"collectionID"` // The ID of the game shelf to query. Only valid when shelfType is set to // VideoShelfType.GAME_VIDEOS. GameID *string `json:"gameID"` // Which shelf type to query. Currently required. // In future, omitting this option returns all valid shelves. ShelfType *VideoShelfType `json:"shelfType"` }
A set of options for configuring which shelf data to return to the user.
type ShelvesOptions ¶
type ShelvesOptions struct { // Should indicate whether the response includes empty shelves. IncludeEmpty *bool `json:"includeEmpty"` }
A set of options to configuring how the shelves data is returned to the consumer.
type ShortVideo ¶
type ShortVideo struct { // The actual short form video content to display. Content ShortVideoContent `json:"content"` // The ID of the short form video. ID string `json:"id"` // All of the reactions on this short form video. Reactions []*ShortVideoReaction `json:"reactions"` }
A short video from a ShortVideoFeed and its relevant metadata.
type ShortVideoContent ¶
type ShortVideoContent interface {
All of the different content types that make up "short form video".
type ShortVideoFeedConnection ¶
type ShortVideoFeedConnection struct { // The list edges contain ShortVideoFeedEdges with pagination information. Edges []*ShortVideoFeedEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about pagination in this connection. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of short videos.
type ShortVideoFeedEdge ¶
type ShortVideoFeedEdge struct { // Uniquely identifies this item's position in a connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The short video. Node *ShortVideo `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of short videos.
type ShortVideoFeedOptions ¶
type ShortVideoFeedOptions struct { // The platform of the viewer -- used to curate content in the feed. Platform *ShortVideoFeedPlatform `json:"platform"` // The type of short video feed to return. Type *ShortVideoFeedType `json:"type"` }
Options used to determine the content returned in the short video feed.
type ShortVideoFeedPlatform ¶
type ShortVideoFeedPlatform string
The platform from which the short video feed is requested.
const ( // The mobile web site. ShortVideoFeedPlatformMobileWeb ShortVideoFeedPlatform = "MOBILE_WEB" // The iOS app. ShortVideoFeedPlatformIos ShortVideoFeedPlatform = "IOS" // The Android app. ShortVideoFeedPlatformAndroid ShortVideoFeedPlatform = "ANDROID" )
func (ShortVideoFeedPlatform) IsValid ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedPlatform) IsValid() bool
func (ShortVideoFeedPlatform) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedPlatform) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ShortVideoFeedPlatform) String ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedPlatform) String() string
func (*ShortVideoFeedPlatform) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ShortVideoFeedPlatform) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ShortVideoFeedType ¶
type ShortVideoFeedType string
The type of short form video feed.
const ( // Return a video feed based off the channels the user is following. ShortVideoFeedTypeFollowing ShortVideoFeedType = "FOLLOWING" // Return a video feed based off an recommendations model. ShortVideoFeedTypeRecommended ShortVideoFeedType = "RECOMMENDED" )
func (ShortVideoFeedType) IsValid ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedType) IsValid() bool
func (ShortVideoFeedType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ShortVideoFeedType) String ¶
func (e ShortVideoFeedType) String() string
func (*ShortVideoFeedType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ShortVideoFeedType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ShortVideoReaction ¶
type ShortVideoReaction struct { // The number of times this emote has been used to react to this video. Count int `json:"count"` // The emote that was used to react. Emote *Emote `json:"emote"` // The ID is the same as emote.ID. ID string `json:"id"` }
An aggregated counter for the contained emote to display how many reactions to a ShortVideo there have been.
type SmartCostsAcknowledgement ¶
type SmartCostsAcknowledgement struct { // The last acknowledged cost. LastAcknowledgedCost int `json:"lastAcknowledgedCost"` // The type of automatic reward the smart costs acknowledgement is for. RewardType CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType `json:"rewardType"` }
The type representing Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgements.
type SmartCostsAcknowledgementInput ¶
type SmartCostsAcknowledgementInput struct { // The last acknowledged cost. LastAcknowledgedCost int `json:"lastAcknowledgedCost"` // The type of automatic reward the smart costs acknowledgement is for. RewardType CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType `json:"rewardType"` }
The input representing Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgements.
type SmiliesSet ¶
type SmiliesSet struct { // The list of emotes which belong to this set. Emotes []*Emote `json:"emotes"` // ID for the current smilies set. ID *string `json:"id"` }
Wrapper around the standard emoticon groups for Prime Emoticons.
type SocialMedia ¶
type SocialMedia struct { // The social media's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of the domain which will be used to determine which favicon to render. Name *string `json:"name"` // The label displayed to the client. Title string `json:"title"` // The web address to a social media website. URL string `json:"url"` }
A social media item that is an attribute of Channel.
type SocialStream ¶
type SocialStream struct { // The friend who generated the recommendation. Friend *User `json:"friend"` // The recommended stream. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // The type of recommendation. Different types contain different metadata about why the recommendation was made. Type *StreamRecommendationType `json:"type"` }
func (SocialStream) IsRecommendedStream ¶
func (SocialStream) IsRecommendedStream()
type SortOrder ¶
type SortOrder string
Sort direction.
func (SortOrder) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*SortOrder) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type SourceType ¶
type SourceType string
The type of source the shelf content is coming from.
const ( // The target source is from promotional campaign that is free. SourceTypePromotion SourceType = "PROMOTION" // The target source is from recommendations. SourceTypeRecommended SourceType = "RECOMMENDED" // The target source is from a promotional campaign that is paid. SourceTypeSponsored SourceType = "SPONSORED" // The target source is from a fallback candidate. SourceTypePopular SourceType = "POPULAR" // The target source is from a boost promotional campaign. SourceTypeCommunityBoost SourceType = "COMMUNITY_BOOST" // The target source is unknown so we default to UNKNOWN. SourceTypeUnknownSourceType SourceType = "UNKNOWN_SOURCE_TYPE" )
func (SourceType) IsValid ¶
func (e SourceType) IsValid() bool
func (SourceType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SourceType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SourceType) String ¶
func (e SourceType) String() string
func (*SourceType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SourceType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SpendSubscriptionCreditError ¶
type SpendSubscriptionCreditError struct { // Error code for error that occured while attempting to spend subscription credit. Code SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned when attempting to spend subscription credit.
type SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode ¶
type SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned when attempting to spend subscription credit.
const ( // Occurs if a Twitch Prime user attempts to spend subscription credit that is (still) unavailable. SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCodeUnableToSpend SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode = "UNABLE_TO_SPEND" // Occurs if a Twitch Prime user attempts to spend multiple times, acting as a flag for fraud. SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCodeTooManyRecentSpends SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_RECENT_SPENDS" )
func (SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) String() string
func (*SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SpendSubscriptionCreditErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SpendSubscriptionCreditInput ¶
type SpendSubscriptionCreditInput struct { // The user id of streamer being subscribed to. BroadcasterID string `json:"broadcasterID"` // Twitch user ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Input requires the broadcaster to be payed and user to deduct credit.
type SpendSubscriptionCreditPayload ¶
type SpendSubscriptionCreditPayload struct { // Possible error returned from the service. Error *SpendSubscriptionCreditError `json:"error"` // The modified subscription benefit data. SubscriptionBenefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"subscriptionBenefit"` // Twitch user ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Mutated data after spending the subscription credit.
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsConnection ¶
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsConnection struct { // The list of key pool edges associated with the user. Edges []*SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsEdge `json:"edges"` // The metadata about having more key pools to fetch, or if there is a previous page of key pools. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of key pools for the given user. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
The connection of sponsored cheermote channel settings to user.
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsEdge ¶
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsEdge struct { // The cursor of the edge, which is also the key pool ID. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The node of the edge, which contains all information about the key pool. Node *SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsNode `json:"node"` }
The sponsored cheermote channel settings edge which contains our cursor and node.
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsNode ¶
type SponsoredCheermoteChannelSettingsNode struct { // Brand's image to display, in the form of a URL. BrandImageURL string `json:"brandImageURL"` // Brand name to display. BrandName string `json:"brandName"` // Time the campaign ends. EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"` // The campaign ID, which is unique. ID string `json:"id"` // The opt in status of the campaign. IsOptedIn bool `json:"isOptedIn"` // Time the campaign starts. StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"` // Thresholds for matching on sponsored cheering. Thresholds []*CheermoteCampaignThreshold `json:"thresholds"` }
The information associated with a given sponsored cheermote channel setting.
type SquadStream ¶
type SquadStream struct { // The ID of the squad stream. ID string `json:"id"` // The invitations with the given status that have been sent by members to other users to join to squad stream. Invitations []*SquadStreamInvitation `json:"invitations"` // Broadcasters who are currently participating in the squad stream. Members []*User `json:"members"` // The owner can remove members from the squad stream. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The current status of the squad stream. Status SquadStreamStatus `json:"status"` }
A squad stream represents a group of broadcasters that are streaming together. When a squad stream is live, viewers can opt to watch the streams of all its members together from a single view.
Squad streams are created by a broadcaster who invites other broadcasters to participate. Each broadcaster who accepts an invitation becomes a member of the squad stream and can also invite other broadcasters to participate. At the moment, a squad stream can have up to four members and a broadcaster can only belong to a single squad stream.
A squad stream ends when all its members leave or stop streaming.
type SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy ¶
type SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy string
Determines who can send the user invitations to join a squad stream.
const ( // This user should never receive invitations. SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyNone SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy = "NONE" // This user can receive invitations from friends, teammates and followed channels. SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyNetwork SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy = "NETWORK" // This user can receive invitations from anyone. SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicyAll SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy = "ALL" )
func (SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) IsValid ¶
func (e SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) IsValid() bool
func (SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) String ¶
func (e SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) String() string
func (*SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SquadStreamInvitation ¶
type SquadStreamInvitation struct { // When the invitation was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // ID of the invitation. ID string `json:"id"` // Network type of the invitation. This field is only non nil when the invitation is fetched for User.IncomingSquadStreamInvitations. NetworkType *SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType `json:"networkType"` // If the invitation's status is rejected, the reason for the rejection. ReasonRejected *SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason `json:"reasonRejected"` // The user that the invitation is sent to. Recipient *User `json:"recipient"` // The user that sent the invitation. Sender *User `json:"sender"` // The squad stream that the recipient is invited to join. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` // The status of the invitation. Status SquadStreamInvitationStatus `json:"status"` }
SquadStreamInvitation represents an invitation sent by a member of a squad stream to another user to join the squad stream.
type SquadStreamInvitationConnection ¶
type SquadStreamInvitationConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Nodes []*SquadStreamInvitation `json:"nodes"` // The total count of invitations. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
List of Squad Stream invitations.
type SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType ¶
type SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType string
Describes the network type of a squad stream invitation.
const ( // The invitation is from within the recipient's network (friends, teammates and followed channels). SquadStreamInvitationNetworkTypeInNetwork SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType = "IN_NETWORK" // The invitation is from outside of the recipient's network. SquadStreamInvitationNetworkTypeOutOfNetwork SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType = "OUT_OF_NETWORK" )
func (SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) IsValid ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) IsValid() bool
func (SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) String ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) String() string
func (*SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SquadStreamInvitationNetworkType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason ¶
type SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason string
Describes the reason a squad stream invitation was rejected.
const ( // The recipient rejected the invitation. SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientRejected SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason = "RECIPIENT_REJECTED" // The recipient cannot access the squad stream product (e.g. due to missing transcode, partner-only launch). SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientCannotAccessSquadStream SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason = "RECIPIENT_CANNOT_ACCESS_SQUAD_STREAM" // The recipient does not allow the sender of the invitation to invite them (e.g. due to their squad stream settings). SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReasonRecipientCannotBeInvited SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason = "RECIPIENT_CANNOT_BE_INVITED" )
func (SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) IsValid ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) IsValid() bool
func (SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) String ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) String() string
func (*SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SquadStreamInvitationRejectedReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SquadStreamInvitationStatus ¶
type SquadStreamInvitationStatus string
Describes the current state of a squad stream invitation.
const ( // The recipient has accepted the invitation. SquadStreamInvitationStatusAccepted SquadStreamInvitationStatus = "ACCEPTED" // A squad stream owner has deleted the invitation. SquadStreamInvitationStatusDeleted SquadStreamInvitationStatus = "DELETED" // The invitation has been sent to the recipient and the sender is waiting for a response. SquadStreamInvitationStatusPending SquadStreamInvitationStatus = "PENDING" // The recipient has rejected the invitation. SquadStreamInvitationStatusRejected SquadStreamInvitationStatus = "REJECTED" // The invitation has an unknown status. SquadStreamInvitationStatusUnknown SquadStreamInvitationStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SquadStreamInvitationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (SquadStreamInvitationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SquadStreamInvitationStatus) String ¶
func (e SquadStreamInvitationStatus) String() string
func (*SquadStreamInvitationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SquadStreamInvitationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SquadStreamSettings ¶
type SquadStreamSettings struct { // Denotes whether or not a user can access squad management features like // accepting/receiving invites and viewing the Squad Stream dashboard widget. CanAccessSquads bool `json:"canAccessSquads"` // Determines who can send the user invitations to join a squad stream. // Resolves for anyone who can access the user's dashboard (editors, staff, etc.). IncomingInvitePolicy *SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy `json:"incomingInvitePolicy"` }
A user's squad stream settings.
type SquadStreamStatus ¶
type SquadStreamStatus string
Describes the status of a squad stream.
const ( // The squad stream is live and is being broadcast to viewers. SquadStreamStatusLive SquadStreamStatus = "LIVE" // The squad stream is being set up, and should not be shown to viewers. SquadStreamStatusPending SquadStreamStatus = "PENDING" // The squad stream has ended. SquadStreamStatusEnded SquadStreamStatus = "ENDED" // The squad stream has an unknown status. SquadStreamStatusUnknown SquadStreamStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SquadStreamStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e SquadStreamStatus) IsValid() bool
func (SquadStreamStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SquadStreamStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SquadStreamStatus) String ¶
func (e SquadStreamStatus) String() string
func (*SquadStreamStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SquadStreamStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StartAdError ¶
type StartAdError struct { // code is the code for the error that occurs while trying to run an ad break. Code StartAdErrorCode `json:"code"` }
StartAdError ...
type StartAdErrorCode ¶
type StartAdErrorCode string
StartAdErrorCode ...
const ( // The user has requested an ad break before the rate limit timer has expired. StartAdErrorCodeRateLimited StartAdErrorCode = "RATE_LIMITED" // The user is not authorized to run an ad break on the requested channel. StartAdErrorCodeUserNotAuthorized StartAdErrorCode = "USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED" // An unknown error occured while trying to run an ad break. StartAdErrorCodeUnknownError StartAdErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (StartAdErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e StartAdErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (StartAdErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StartAdErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StartAdErrorCode) String ¶
func (e StartAdErrorCode) String() string
func (*StartAdErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StartAdErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StartAdInput ¶
type StartAdInput struct { // channelID is the ID of the channel the ad will run on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // lengthSeconds is the requested ad break length in seconds (30s ad, 60s ad, etc). LengthSeconds *int `json:"lengthSeconds"` }
StartAdInput ...
type StartAdPayload ¶
type StartAdPayload struct { // adSession is the response object from an ad request. AdSession *AdSession `json:"adSession"` // error is the StartAdError object from a failed request. Error *StartAdError `json:"error"` }
StartAdPayload ...
type StartBountyError ¶
type StartBountyError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while starting the bounty. Code StartBountyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while starting the bounty.
type StartBountyErrorCode ¶
type StartBountyErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. StartBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter StartBountyErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // The bounty cannot be started because it is not live. StartBountyErrorCodeBountyNotLive StartBountyErrorCode = "BOUNTY_NOT_LIVE" // The stream title contains banned words. StartBountyErrorCodeStreamTitleBannedWords StartBountyErrorCode = "STREAM_TITLE_BANNED_WORDS" // The stream title is too long. StartBountyErrorCodeStreamTitleTooLong StartBountyErrorCode = "STREAM_TITLE_TOO_LONG" StartBountyErrorCodeUnauthorized StartBountyErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Unknown error being returned from service. StartBountyErrorCodeUnknownError StartBountyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (StartBountyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e StartBountyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (StartBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StartBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StartBountyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e StartBountyErrorCode) String() string
func (*StartBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StartBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StartBountyInput ¶
type StartBountyInput struct { // Unique Identifier for the bounty. BountyID string `json:"bountyID"` // Title of the stream for the bounty. Must start with #sponsored. Title string `json:"title"` // UserID of the user that will start the bounty. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
StartBountyInput includes the bounty a user is trying to start.
type StartBountyPayload ¶
type StartBountyPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *StartBountyError `json:"error"` // The started bounty with the updated status. StartedBounty *Bounty `json:"startedBounty"` // The user that now has the started bounty. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data that was mutated after starting the bounty.
type StartCloudBroadcastError ¶
type StartCloudBroadcastError struct { // The cause of the error. Cause StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause `json:"cause"` // An optional error message associated with the error. Message *string `json:"message"` }
Error associated with a failed attempt to start a cloud broadcast.
type StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause ¶
type StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause string
Errors returned by attempting to start a cloud broadcast.
const ( // No subscription was found for the given channel and provider. StartCloudBroadcastErrorCauseNoSubscription StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause = "NO_SUBSCRIPTION" // An unknown error occurred, use message for more information. StartCloudBroadcastErrorCauseUnknown StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause = "UNKNOWN" )
func (StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) IsValid ¶
func (e StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) IsValid() bool
func (StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) String ¶
func (e StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) String() string
func (*StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StartCloudBroadcastErrorCause) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StartCloudBroadcastInput ¶
type StartCloudBroadcastInput struct { // The desired framerate of the broadcast. Framerate *int `json:"framerate"` // The desired height of the broadcast. Height *int `json:"height"` // The cloud provider to send a start cloud broadcast request to.. ProviderID string `json:"providerID"` // The desired width of the broadcast. Width *int `json:"width"` }
Input for remotely and asynchronously starting a cloud broadcast for the given channelID.
type StartCloudBroadcastPayload ¶
type StartCloudBroadcastPayload struct { // If the broadcast was successfully started, properties of that broadcast. Broadcast *CloudBroadcast `json:"broadcast"` // An optional error if the mutation failed, contaning actionable errors. Error *StartCloudBroadcastError `json:"error"` }
Response to start a cloud broadcast.
type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput ¶
type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput struct { // TargetUserID is the ID of the user whose workflow will be started. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowInput returns the required input when starting a new workflow for payout onboarding.
type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload ¶
type StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload struct { // A new workflow status. Workflow *PayoutOnboardingWorkflow `json:"workflow"` }
StartPayoutOnboardingWorkflowPayload returns a new workflow when starting payout onboarding.
type StartWatchPartyInput ¶
type StartWatchPartyInput struct { // Amazon LWA access token. AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` // Channel ID of the creator. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Catalog GTI to use. WatchPartyItemID string `json:"watchPartyItemID"` }
Input for starting a PV Watch Party.
type StartWatchPartyPayload ¶
type StartWatchPartyPayload struct { // Error if the user's token expired. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // The watch party that was started. WatchParty *WatchParty `json:"watchParty"` }
Returns the new Watch Party and all decoration/details.
type StopBountyError ¶
type StopBountyError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while stopping the bounty. Code StopBountyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while stopping the bounty.
type StopBountyErrorCode ¶
type StopBountyErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. StopBountyErrorCodeInvalidParameter StopBountyErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" StopBountyErrorCodeUnauthorized StopBountyErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Unknown error being returned from service. StopBountyErrorCodeUnknownError StopBountyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (StopBountyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e StopBountyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (StopBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StopBountyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StopBountyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e StopBountyErrorCode) String() string
func (*StopBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StopBountyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StopBountyInput ¶
type StopBountyInput struct { // Unique Identifier for the bounty. BountyID string `json:"bountyID"` // UserID of the user that will stop the bounty. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
StopBountyInput includes the bounty a user is trying to stop.
type StopBountyPayload ¶
type StopBountyPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *StopBountyError `json:"error"` // The stopped bounty with the updated status. StoppedBounty *Bounty `json:"stoppedBounty"` // The user that now has the stopped bounty. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data that was mutated after stopping the bounty.
type StopCloudBroadcastError ¶
type StopCloudBroadcastError struct { // The cause of the error. Cause StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause `json:"cause"` // Optional message associated with an error. Message *string `json:"message"` }
An error associated with a failed call to stopCloudBroadcast.
type StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause ¶
type StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause string
Errors returned by attempting to stop a cloud broadcast.
const ( // No broadcast was found for the given channel and provider. // Either because the broadcast is stopped or because the provider did not know about the user. StopCloudBroadcastErrorCauseBroadcastNotFound StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause = "BROADCAST_NOT_FOUND" // An unknown error message occurred, see message for more information. StopCloudBroadcastErrorCauseUnknown StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause = "UNKNOWN" )
func (StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) IsValid ¶
func (e StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) IsValid() bool
func (StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) String ¶
func (e StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) String() string
func (*StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StopCloudBroadcastErrorCause) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StopCloudBroadcastInput ¶
type StopCloudBroadcastInput struct { // The the broadcast id to use when stopping a broadcast. ID string `json:"id"` }
Input for remotely stoping a Cloud broadcast for the given channelID.
type StopCloudBroadcastPayload ¶
type StopCloudBroadcastPayload struct { // If the broadcast was successfully stopped, properties of that broadcast. Broadcast *CloudBroadcast `json:"broadcast"` // Optional error associated with a failed attempt to stop a cloud broadcast. Error *StopCloudBroadcastError `json:"error"` }
Response to stop a Cloud broadcast.
type StopWatchPartyInput ¶
type StopWatchPartyInput struct { // Amazon LWA access token. AccessToken string `json:"accessToken"` // Channel ID of the creator. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Input for stopping a PV Watch Party.
type StopWatchPartyPayload ¶
type StopWatchPartyPayload struct { // Error if the user's token expired. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // The watch party that was stopped. WatchParty *WatchParty `json:"watchParty"` }
Returns LWA authentication errors.
type Stream ¶
type Stream struct { // The associated archive of the stream. ArchiveVideo *Video `json:"archiveVideo"` AverageFps *float64 `json:"averageFPS"` Bitrate *float64 `json:"bitrate"` // The language the stream is being broadcasted in. BroadcastLanguage *Language `json:"broadcastLanguage"` // The user who is broadcasting the live stream. Broadcaster *User `json:"broadcaster"` // Software being used for the broadcast. BroadcasterSoftware *string `json:"broadcasterSoftware"` Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // Number of clips created since stream start. ClipCount *int `json:"clipCount"` Codec *string `json:"codec"` // The time streaming started. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The stream delay in seconds. DelayLengthSeconds *int `json:"delayLengthSeconds"` // Information about what directories the stream is categorized in. Directories []Directory `json:"directories"` // Information about the game being streamed. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The height of the stream's video, in pixels. Height *int `json:"height"` // The stream's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the stream is hidden from its directory. IsDirectoryHidden *bool `json:"isDirectoryHidden"` // Information about whether the channel is encrypted. IsEncrypted *bool `json:"isEncrypted"` // Whether the broadcaster has indicated the stream is intended for mature audiences only. IsMature *bool `json:"isMature"` // Whether the broadcaster is partnered with Twitch. IsPartner *bool `json:"isPartner"` // Whether or not viewers of this stream can receive drops. // Note: Actually earning drops additionally requires that the game have an // active drops campaign and is done at the discretion of the developer. IsStreamDropsEnabled *bool `json:"isStreamDropsEnabled"` // The lanugage setting of the streaming user. Language *Language `json:"language"` // When the stream was last updated. LastUpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"lastUpdatedAt"` // The maximum height of the stream's video, in pixels. MaxHeight *int `json:"maxHeight"` // Platform-specific (e.g. Xbox, PlayStation) metadata. Platform Platform `json:"platform"` // The playback access token that determines whether the user can watch the stream. // Fetched for both authed and unauthed users. PlaybackAccessToken *PlaybackAccessToken `json:"playbackAccessToken"` // A URL to a dynamically sized image. // If either `height` or `width` are not given, a templated value will be present instead. PreviewImageURL *string `json:"previewImageURL"` // The restriction that is currently active on the channel for restricting a user's access to it. Restriction *ResourceRestriction `json:"restriction"` // The list of restriction options that were applied in addition to the restriction type for this stream. RestrictionOptions []ResourceRestrictionOption `json:"restrictionOptions"` // The type of restriction this stream currently has. RestrictionType *string `json:"restrictionType"` // self contains information on the relationship between the current user (anonymous or authenticated) and this stream. Self *StreamSelfConnection `json:"self"` // Tags are used as a discovery and search mechanism for tags and tagged content. // The tag data may not be updated immediately after streamers update their tags. // Please use User.tags instead if you want real time data from Graffiti. // For example, you should use Stream.tags for the channel page and the browse page, but use User.tags for the dashboard. Tags []*Tag `json:"tags"` // A user-defined title describing the stream. Title *string `json:"title"` // What type of stream this is (e.g. live, playlist, watch_party). Type *string `json:"type"` // The number of viewers currently watching the stream. ViewersCount *int `json:"viewersCount"` // The width of the stream's video, in pixels. Width *int `json:"width"` }
A live stream.
func (Stream) IsFeaturedItemContent ¶
func (Stream) IsFeaturedItemContent()
func (Stream) IsFeedItemContent ¶
func (Stream) IsFeedItemContent()
func (Stream) IsPersonalSectionChannelContent ¶
func (Stream) IsPersonalSectionChannelContent()
func (Stream) IsReactableContent ¶
func (Stream) IsReactableContent()
func (Stream) IsShareTarget ¶
func (Stream) IsShareTarget()
func (Stream) IsShelfContent ¶
func (Stream) IsShelfContent()
func (Stream) IsTaggedContent ¶
func (Stream) IsTaggedContent()
type StreamBitrate ¶
type StreamBitrate struct { // Time of recorded bitrate. RecordedAt time.Time `json:"recordedAt"` // Bitrate of video stream in Kbps. ValueKbps float64 `json:"valueKbps"` }
StreamBitrate represents the bitrate of stream session by time.
type StreamConnection ¶
type StreamConnection struct { Edges []*StreamEdge `json:"edges"` // Used for tracking. GenerationID *string `json:"generationID"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Used for tracking. ResponseID *string `json:"responseID"` }
Paginated list of Streams.
type StreamEdge ¶
type StreamEdge struct { Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` Node *Stream `json:"node"` // Unique id per stream response item, used by clients to attribute displays/clicks to items. TrackingID *string `json:"trackingID"` }
Contains information about a Streams's relationship to a given page (connection), and the Stream itself.
type StreamFramerate ¶
type StreamFramerate struct { // Time of recorded bitrate. RecordedAt time.Time `json:"recordedAt"` // Framerate of video stream in Frame Per Second. ValueFps float64 `json:"valueFPS"` }
StreamFramerate represents the framerate of strem session by time.
type StreamKey ¶
type StreamKey struct { // Stream key expiration date. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // RTMP stream key value. Value string `json:"value"` }
StreamKey represents a RTMP stream key with its expiration date.
func (StreamKey) IsStreamKeyResult ¶
func (StreamKey) IsStreamKeyResult()
type StreamKeyError ¶
type StreamKeyError struct { // code is the error code for why the broadcaster is not allow to broadcast. Code string `json:"code"` // Link is the url link that is associated from the translated message. Links []string `json:"links"` // message is the translated message for why the broadcaster is not allow to broadcast. Message string `json:"message"` }
StreamKeyError represents the error code and its translated error message response that explains why the broadcaster can't start a stream.
func (StreamKeyError) IsStreamKeyResult ¶
func (StreamKeyError) IsStreamKeyResult()
type StreamKeyResult ¶
type StreamKeyResult interface {
StreamKeyResult represents StreamKey or StreamKeyError.
type StreamMetadataFilterInput ¶
type StreamMetadataFilterInput struct { // Filter streams by CSGO Map. CounterStrikeMap *string `json:"counterStrikeMap"` // Filter streams by CSGO skill. CounterStrikeSkill *string `json:"counterStrikeSkill"` // Filter streams by Hearthstone hero class e.g "Mage". HearthstoneBroadcasterHeroClass *string `json:"hearthstoneBroadcasterHeroClass"` // Filter streams by Hearthstone hero name e.g "Jaina". HearthstoneBroadcasterHeroName *string `json:"hearthstoneBroadcasterHeroName"` // Filter streams by Hearthstone game mode e.g "arena" or "rank" etc. HearthstoneGameMode *string `json:"hearthstoneGameMode"` // Filter streams by League Of Legends champion id. LeagueOfLegendsChampionID *string `json:"leagueOfLegendsChampionID"` // The maximum AVC level of the stream. e.g "4.1". MaxAVCLevel *string `json:"maxAVCLevel"` // The maximum AVC profile of the stream. MaxAVCProfile *AVCProfile `json:"maxAVCProfile"` // The maximum height of the stream. MaxHeight *int `json:"maxHeight"` // Filter streams by Overwatch broadcaster's character e.g "Widowmaker". OverwatchBroadcasterCharacter *string `json:"overwatchBroadcasterCharacter"` // Filter streams by PUBG game mode. PubgGameMode *string `json:"pubgGameMode"` // Filter streams by PUBG max number of players alive in game. PubgPlayerAliveMax *string `json:"pubgPlayerAliveMax"` // Filter streams by PUBG min number of players alive in game. PubgPlayerAliveMin *string `json:"pubgPlayerAliveMin"` }
Query to let consumers filter streams that have specific metadata. e.g. return only those hearthstone streams that have broadcasterheroclass as mage. FE uses these parameters to implemtent filters.
type StreamOptions ¶
type StreamOptions struct { // Filter streams based on restriction types. IncludeRestricted []StreamRestrictionType `json:"includeRestricted"` // Broadcaster languages to filter the streams by. // Deprecated: use language tags instead. Languages []Language `json:"languages"` // The locale of the user. Locale *string `json:"locale"` // The platform to filter streams by. PlatformType *PlatformType `json:"platformType"` // If sorted by relevance, this provides additional context used to influence recommendations. RecommendationsContext *RecommendationsContext `json:"recommendationsContext"` // A GUID that is created by the caller for tracking. This should be globally unique per request and is required if sort=RELEVANCE. RequestID *string `json:"requestID"` // The sort param can be used to change the default sorting. Sort *StreamSort `json:"sort"` // List of tags to filter by. Tags []string `json:"tags"` }
Optional inputs to filter streams add additional optional fields for filtering streams to the StreamOptions input type.
type StreamRecommendationEdge ¶
type StreamRecommendationEdge struct { // As pagination is currently not supported by the backend, this will always be the zero value. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The underlying stream content to render. Node *Stream `json:"node"` // Unique id per stream used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
The content to render in a live recommendation item.
type StreamRecommendationType ¶
type StreamRecommendationType string
const ( // A SocialStream. StreamRecommendationTypeSocial StreamRecommendationType = "SOCIAL" )
func (StreamRecommendationType) IsValid ¶
func (e StreamRecommendationType) IsValid() bool
func (StreamRecommendationType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StreamRecommendationType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StreamRecommendationType) String ¶
func (e StreamRecommendationType) String() string
func (*StreamRecommendationType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StreamRecommendationType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StreamRecommendationsFilters ¶
type StreamRecommendationsFilters struct { // Stream recommendation results will only include streams with these category ids. // Clients can use this filtering option for flows where a user can select categories to filter on. // The category IDs should be available from queries in the previous step of the user flow. // Example: categoryIDs: ["513143", "33214"] where "513143" and "33214" are coming from categories selected by the user in the previous page. CategoryIDs []string `json:"categoryIDs"` }
StreamRecommendationsFilters defines parameters which filter down stream recommendation results.
type StreamRestrictionType ¶
type StreamRestrictionType string
Type of restricted stream. Currently used as inputs for user.followedLiveUsers, StreamOptions, and GameStreamOptions.
const ( // Represents streams that are restricted by OWL all-access pass. StreamRestrictionTypeOwlAllAccessPass StreamRestrictionType = "OWL_ALL_ACCESS_PASS" // Represents streams that are restricted to sub-only. StreamRestrictionTypeSubOnlyLive StreamRestrictionType = "SUB_ONLY_LIVE" )
func (StreamRestrictionType) IsValid ¶
func (e StreamRestrictionType) IsValid() bool
func (StreamRestrictionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StreamRestrictionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StreamRestrictionType) String ¶
func (e StreamRestrictionType) String() string
func (*StreamRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StreamRestrictionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StreamSelfConnection ¶
type StreamSelfConnection struct { // Whether or not the requesting user is authorized to view the channel's stream. CanWatch bool `json:"canWatch"` // Whether the stream is restricted. IsRestricted bool `json:"isRestricted"` // If the stream is restricted, the type indicates how the stream is restricted. RestrictionType *string `json:"restrictionType"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and a stream.
type StreamSession ¶
type StreamSession struct { // The associated archive of the stream. ArchiveVideo *Video `json:"archiveVideo"` // The end time for the stream session. EndedAt time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // The start time for the stream session. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` }
The start and end time of a stream session for a user.
type StreamSort ¶
type StreamSort string
Possible ways of sorting collections of live streams.
const ( // Sort streams by number of concurrent viewers, descending (most viewers first). // This is the default if StreamSort is not set or is a deprecated field. StreamSortViewerCount StreamSort = "VIEWER_COUNT" // Sort streams by number of concurrent viewers, ascending (least viewers first). StreamSortViewerCountAsc StreamSort = "VIEWER_COUNT_ASC" // Sort by stream creation time, most recently started streams first. StreamSortRecent StreamSort = "RECENT" // Sort by relevance to the current user. StreamSortRelevance StreamSort = "RELEVANCE" // Sort streams for the game "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" by skill, descending (highest skill first). // Other streams are included last, sorted at random. // Deprecated: this sort option no longer exists. StreamSortCsgoSkill StreamSort = "CSGO_SKILL" // Sort streams for the game "League of Legends" by summoner rank, descending (highest rank first). // Other streams are included last, sorted at random. // Deprecated: this sort option no longer exists. StreamSortLolSummonerRank StreamSort = "LOL_SUMMONER_RANK" )
func (StreamSort) IsValid ¶
func (e StreamSort) IsValid() bool
func (StreamSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StreamSort) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StreamSort) String ¶
func (e StreamSort) String() string
func (*StreamSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StreamSort) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type StreamSummary ¶
type StreamSummary struct { // The associated archive of the stream. ArchiveVideo *Video `json:"archiveVideo"` // The associated archives of the stream. ArchiveVideos []*Video `json:"archiveVideos"` // Average viewers for the time period. AverageViewers float64 `json:"averageViewers"` // The ID for the streaming channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Unique chatters for the time period. Chatters int `json:"chatters"` // The number of clips created during the stream summary. ClipsCreated int `json:"clipsCreated"` // The time that the stream session ended. EndedAt time.Time `json:"endedAt"` // Number of follows for the time period. Follows int `json:"follows"` // Notification information for a given stream session. GoLiveNotification *GoLiveNotification `json:"goLiveNotification"` // Live views for the time period. LiveViews int `json:"liveViews"` // Max viewers for the time period. MaxViewers int `json:"maxViewers"` // New subscriptions for the time period. NewSubscriptions int `json:"newSubscriptions"` // The time that the stream session started. StartedAt time.Time `json:"startedAt"` // Unique chatters for the time period. UniqueChatters int `json:"uniqueChatters"` // Unique viewers for the time period. UniqueViewers int `json:"uniqueViewers"` }
Analytics information for a streaming session.
type StreamerShelfType ¶
type StreamerShelfType string
The type of streamer shelf to display.
const ( // Shows the streamer's autohost list. StreamerShelfTypeAutohost StreamerShelfType = "AUTOHOST" // Shows the streamer's team members. StreamerShelfTypeTeam StreamerShelfType = "TEAM" // Disables the shelf. StreamerShelfTypeDisabled StreamerShelfType = "DISABLED" )
func (StreamerShelfType) IsValid ¶
func (e StreamerShelfType) IsValid() bool
func (StreamerShelfType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StreamerShelfType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StreamerShelfType) String ¶
func (e StreamerShelfType) String() string
func (*StreamerShelfType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StreamerShelfType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Streaming ¶
type Streaming struct { // The stream being broadcasted. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // This activity's type, i.e. "STREAMING". Type *ActivityType `json:"type"` }
func (Streaming) IsActivity ¶
func (Streaming) IsActivity()
type Stucco ¶
type Stucco struct { // The description is used to describe the stucco (e.g. for screenreaders). Description string `json:"description"` // The unique ID of this stucco. ID string `json:"id"` // The set of URLS to images related to this stucco, contains URLS for 1x, 2x and 4x images. ImageSet *StuccoImageSet `json:"imageSet"` // Indicates if this stucco does not belong to a single channel (available to all channels). IsGlobal bool `json:"isGlobal"` // The owner of this stucco, usually the channel this has been uploaded to. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The state of the stucco. State StuccoState `json:"state"` // The textCode used to represent and identify this stucco, consists of channel prefix + stucco prefix + code. TextCode string `json:"textCode"` }
A stucco (wide emote) represents an image that can be used for user interaction in specific cases.
type StuccoImageSet ¶
type StuccoImageSet struct { // Image url of the 92x28px stucco ("1x") image asset. Image1xURL string `json:"image1xURL"` // Image url of the 182x56px stucco ("2x") image asset. Image2xURL string `json:"image2xURL"` // Image url of the 368x112px stucco ("4x") image asset. Image4xURL string `json:"image4xURL"` }
Image set of different sizes of the stucco.
type StuccoPack ¶
type StuccoPack struct { // The ID of the stucco pack. ID string `json:"id"` // User id of the owner of this pack (usually a channel). OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` // The stuccos contained in this pack, represented as slots, containing the slot index and the stucco. Slots []*StuccoPackSlot `json:"slots"` }
A Stucco pack is a collection of stuccos, the pack can be activated to be used by viewers of that channel.
type StuccoPackSlot ¶
type StuccoPackSlot struct { // The index of this slot (used for ordering). Index int `json:"index"` // The stucco in this slot. Stucco *Stucco `json:"stucco"` }
A stucco pack slot represents a single ordered slot in a pack of stuccos.
type StuccoState ¶
type StuccoState string
The state a stucco can be in.
const ( // - Active: part of a stucco pack. StuccoStateActive StuccoState = "ACTIVE" // - Inactive: available in the library. StuccoStateInactive StuccoState = "INACTIVE" // - Moderated: stucco was moderated and is no longer available to the broadcaster or viewers. StuccoStateModerated StuccoState = "MODERATED" // - Pending: stucco is currently going through moderation. StuccoStatePending StuccoState = "PENDING" // - Archived: Archived stucco, no longer visible. StuccoStateArchived StuccoState = "ARCHIVED" )
func (StuccoState) IsValid ¶
func (e StuccoState) IsValid() bool
func (StuccoState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e StuccoState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (StuccoState) String ¶
func (e StuccoState) String() string
func (*StuccoState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *StuccoState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubCountSeries ¶
type SubCountSeries struct { // The duration each datapoint spans (ex: Day). Period TimeSeriesPeriod `json:"period"` // The datapoints in the timeseries, ordered ascending order by timestamp. SubCountSeriesDataPoints []*SubCountSeriesDataPoint `json:"subCountSeriesDataPoints"` // The total number of subscriptions for the given time period (ex: 957). TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
Sub Count Series shows a user's sub counts broken down by type, tier, and date.
type SubCountSeriesDataPoint ¶
type SubCountSeriesDataPoint struct { // The breakdown of which tiers contributed how much to the total gift sub count. GiftSubTierBreakdown []*SubCountTierDataPoint `json:"giftSubTierBreakdown"` // The breakdown of which tiers contributed how much to the total multi month sub count. MultiMonthSubTierBreakdown []*SubCountTierDataPoint `json:"multiMonthSubTierBreakdown"` // The breakdown of which tiers contributed how much to the total paid sub count. PaidSubTierBreakdown []*SubCountTierDataPoint `json:"paidSubTierBreakdown"` // The timestamp associated with this data point. TimeStamp time.Time `json:"timeStamp"` // The total number of gifted subscriptions captured during this period. TotalGiftSubCount int `json:"totalGiftSubCount"` // The total number of multi month subscriptions captured during this period. TotalMultiMonthSubCount int `json:"totalMultiMonthSubCount"` // The number of paid subscriptions captured during this period. TotalPaidSubCount int `json:"totalPaidSubCount"` // The number of Prime subscriptions captured during this period. TotalPrimeSubCount int `json:"totalPrimeSubCount"` }
A single data point in the time series.
type SubCountTierDataPoint ¶
type SubCountTierDataPoint struct { // How many of this type of subscription were captured in this time period. Count int `json:"count"` // The type of subscription, i.e. Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3. Tier string `json:"tier"` }
SubCountTierDataPoint shows the breakdown of subcount by tier.
type SubmitCSATFeedbackError ¶
type SubmitCSATFeedbackError struct { // The code associated with the error from submitCSATFeedback mutation. Code SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Wrapper for errors associated with submitCSATFeedback mutation.
type SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode ¶
type SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned by the submitCSATFeedback mutation.
const ( // Unkown backend error. SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCodeUnknown SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // Invalid argument error, such as exceeding max characters in feedback or providing an invalid GUID. SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCodeInvalidArgument SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) String() string
func (*SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubmitCSATFeedbackErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubmitCSATFeedbackInput ¶
type SubmitCSATFeedbackInput struct { // The action that prompted the CSAT callout to appear. ActionPrompted *CSATActionPrompted `json:"actionPrompted"` // The company ID, if the user is submitting the feedback through an organization's console. CompanyID *string `json:"companyID"` // The additional feedback that the user submits after the rating. Feedback *string `json:"feedback"` // The GUID used when updating a CSAT Feedback entry with additional feedback or changes. GUID *string `json:"guid"` // The rating that the user submits. Rating *CSATRating `json:"rating"` // The page in Twilight that the user responds to the CSAT callout from. Source string `json:"source"` }
SubmitCSATFeedbackInput creates or updates a currently authenticated user's rating/feedback of Twitch Developer Products.
type SubmitCSATFeedbackPayload ¶
type SubmitCSATFeedbackPayload struct { // The error from a failed submitCSATFeedback mutation. Error *SubmitCSATFeedbackError `json:"error"` // The response of the mutation. Response *SubmitCSATFeedbackResponse `json:"response"` }
The result of a submitCSATFeedback mutation.
type SubmitCSATFeedbackResponse ¶
type SubmitCSATFeedbackResponse struct { // Unique identifier returned in the response. GUID string `json:"guid"` }
The response of a successful submitCSATFeedback mutation.
type SubmitEmotePrefixInput ¶
type SubmitEmotePrefixInput struct { // The channel ID whose emote prefix will be updated. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The new emote prefix. Name string `json:"name"` }
SubmitEmotePrefix creates a new emoticon prefix for a channel.
type SubmitEmotePrefixPayload ¶
type SubmitEmotePrefixPayload struct { // A code indicating why the prefix submit failed, if it did. ErrorCode *SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode `json:"errorCode"` // The newly submitted prefix. Prefix *EmoticonPrefix `json:"prefix"` }
SubmitEmotePrefixPayload returns a status code indicating whether the update was successful or not.
type SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode ¶
type SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode string
A code indicating why the prefix submit failed, if it did.
const ( // Only eligible users can update their emoticon prefix. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidUser SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_USER" // The prefix submitted was not the correct length. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixLength SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_PREFIX_LENGTH" // The prefix submitted does not meet the regular expression requirements. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixRegex SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_PREFIX_REGEX" // The prefix is not in a state that it can be updated. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrInvalidPrefixState SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_INVALID_PREFIX_STATE" // Emote prefixes must be unique across the website. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrPrefixNotUnique SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_PREFIX_NOT_UNIQUE" // The prefix was updated recently and can't be updated again for a while. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrPrefixUpdateTooSoon SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_PREFIX_UPDATE_TOO_SOON" // The user is not in good standing and therefore cannot update their emoticon prefix. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrNotInGoodStanding SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_NOT_IN_GOOD_STANDING" // Something unexpected happened when submitting the emote prefix. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrUnknown SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_UNKNOWN" // The prefix for the affiliate can not be updated. Affiliates can update prefix once every name change. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrAffiliatePrefixUpdateTooSoon SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_AFFILIATE_PREFIX_UPDATE_TOO_SOON" // The prefix submitted for the affiliate does not match the auto generated prefix. SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCodeErrSubmittedPrefixDoesNotMatchAutoGeneratedPrefix SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode = "ERR_SUBMITTED_PREFIX_DOES_NOT_MATCH_AUTO_GENERATED_PREFIX" )
func (SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) IsValid() bool
func (SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) String ¶
func (e SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) String() string
func (*SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubmitEmotePrefixResponseCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubmitEmoticonPrefixInput ¶
type SubmitEmoticonPrefixInput struct { // The channel ID. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Emoticon prefix. Name string `json:"name"` }
SubmitEmoticonPrefix creates a new emoticon prefix for a channel.
type SubmitEmoticonPrefixPayload ¶
type SubmitEmoticonPrefixPayload struct { // The response doesn't return the real state of the prefix. Querying the emoticon // prefix is required to get the most accurate state. Response *EmoticonPrefix `json:"response"` }
SubmitEmoticonPrefixPayload returns the updated emoticon prefix.
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackError ¶
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackError string
Possible errors returned by the SubmitExtensionFeedback mutation.
const ( // Internal service error eg. database timeout. SubmitExtensionFeedbackErrorInternalError SubmitExtensionFeedbackError = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) IsValid ¶
func (e SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) IsValid() bool
func (SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) String ¶
func (e SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) String() string
func (*SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubmitExtensionFeedbackError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackInput ¶
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackInput struct { // Feedback that the broadcaster can write. Comment string `json:"comment"` // The ID of the extension the feedback applies to. ExtensionClientID string `json:"extensionClientID"` // The version of the extension the feedback applies to. ExtensionVersion string `json:"extensionVersion"` // ID of the user submitting the feedback for the extension. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
SubmitExtensionFeedbackInput submits a user's feedback for a related rating on a Twitch extension.
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackPayload ¶
type SubmitExtensionFeedbackPayload struct { // The ExtensionRating record that the feedback was attached to. Comment *ExtensionComment `json:"comment"` // The error when the mutation fails to submit the extension feedback. Error *SubmitExtensionFeedbackError `json:"error"` }
The result of a submitExtensionFeedback mutation.
type SubscribedChannelConnection ¶
type SubscribedChannelConnection struct { // The subscribed channels. Edges []*SubscribedChannelEdge `json:"edges"` // Pagination. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of subscribed channels. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of channels subscribed to by a user.
type SubscribedChannelEdge ¶
type SubscribedChannelEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the user for the current edge. Node *User `json:"node"` }
A broadcaster user with cursor.
type SubscriberBadgeProgress ¶
type SubscriberBadgeProgress struct { // The ID is a composite of channel_id (owner of badge) / user_id (viewer requesting badge) / version ID string `json:"id"` // URL of 18x18 asset. Image1xURL string `json:"image1xURL"` // URL of 36x36 asset. Image2xURL string `json:"image2xURL"` // URL of 72x72 asset. Image4xURL string `json:"image4xURL"` // The percentage of tenure already earned towards this badge. PercentCompleted float64 `json:"percentCompleted"` // The total tenure in months required to earn this badge. RequiredTenureMonths int `json:"requiredTenureMonths"` // Metadata about how a subscriber badge is stored & fetched. Version string `json:"version"` }
SubscriberBadgeProgress contains progress information for subscription badges based on a user's tenure.
type SubscriberCountBreakdown ¶
type SubscriberCountBreakdown struct { // The number of subscriptions to the product. Count int `json:"count"` // The tier of the product. Tier string `json:"tier"` }
Breakdown of number of subscriptions by tier.
type SubscriberScore ¶
type SubscriberScore struct { // Breakdown of subscriber score by product tier. Breakdown []*SubscriberScoreBreakdown `json:"breakdown"` // Current subscriber count. Count int `json:"count"` // Breakdown of total subs by product tier. CountBreakdown []*SubscriberCountBreakdown `json:"countBreakdown"` // Current subscriber score. Current int `json:"current"` // Current number of emotes unlocked. CurrentEmoteLimit int `json:"currentEmoteLimit"` // Next goal to unlock more emotes. // Will be null if max score already reached. Next *int `json:"next"` // Emote limit after reaching nextScoreGoal. // Will be null if max emote limit reached. NextEmoteLimit *int `json:"nextEmoteLimit"` }
Information pertaining to user's subscriber score. Contains subscription count, sub points, emote limits, and information about the next subscriber level.
type SubscriberScoreBreakdown ¶
type SubscriberScoreBreakdown struct { // The score of the product. Score int `json:"score"` // The tier of the product. Tier string `json:"tier"` }
Breakdown of score by tier.
type SubscriptionBenefit ¶
type SubscriptionBenefit struct { // The date that the subscription benefit ends. EndsAt *time.Time `json:"endsAt"` // gift resolves gift info about a SubscriptionBenefit. Gift *SubscriptionGift `json:"gift"` // The unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // For a recurring subscription, the price is charged at every interval i months. IntervalNumber int `json:"intervalNumber"` // Whether the sub is set to "do not renew". IsDNRd bool `json:"isDNRd"` // Whether this subscription has been extended. This means that a non-recurring subscription has been extended with additional months. IsExtended bool `json:"isExtended"` // Whether the subscription is in the grace period to be cancelled and refunded. IsRefundable bool `json:"isRefundable"` // The id of where the subscription originated from. Used when DNRing a recurring subscription. OriginID *string `json:"originID"` // If the subscriptionBenefit has a future dated paid upgrade. (ie. a user has upgraded a 1-month gift to a recurring subscription). PaidUpgrade *PaidUpgrade `json:"paidUpgrade"` // If the subscriptionBenefit has a pending future dated paid subscription. PendingSubscription *PendingSubscription `json:"pendingSubscription"` // The platform the subscription was purchased on. Platform SubscriptionPlatform `json:"platform"` // Resolves the product that the subscription benefit is to. Product *SubscriptionProduct `json:"product"` // Whether this benefit was achieved using a Twitch Prime subscription. PurchasedWithPrime bool `json:"purchasedWithPrime"` // The date that the subscription benefit will renew. Will be nil if the subscription benefit // is not going to renew. RenewsAt *time.Time `json:"renewsAt"` // The states this benefit has transitioned through. Captures both user-initiated states // such as initiating a DNR request, as well as system-initiated states such as completing a DNR request. States []*SubscriptionBenefitStateHistory `json:"states"` // Exposes the third party SKU for managing third party subscriptions from the client. // Will be nil if there is not a thirdPartySKU associated with this subscription benefit. ThirdPartySku *string `json:"thirdPartySKU"` // The subscription tier. Tier string `json:"tier"` // The user who is subscribed to. User *User `json:"user"` }
Data about a user's subscription to a broadcaster.
type SubscriptionBenefitConnection ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitConnection struct { // The list of subscription benefits on this page. Edges []*SubscriptionBenefitEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of payment transactions. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of subscription benefits.
type SubscriptionBenefitCriteriaInput ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitCriteriaInput struct { // Only return subscription benefits for a given filter value. Filter *SubscriptionBenefitFilter `json:"filter"` // Platform where subscriptions were purchased. Platform *SubscriptionPlatform `json:"platform"` }
Criteria for building paginated list of user's all active subscriptions.
type SubscriptionBenefitEdge ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The element node. Node *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of subscription benefits.
type SubscriptionBenefitFilter ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitFilter string
Set of ways to filter subscription benefit paginated results.
const ( // Only subscriptions purchased on a platform, specified in the input as platform. SubscriptionBenefitFilterPlatform SubscriptionBenefitFilter = "PLATFORM" // Only Subscriptions received through gifts from another Twitch user. SubscriptionBenefitFilterGift SubscriptionBenefitFilter = "GIFT" // All active subscriptions. SubscriptionBenefitFilterAll SubscriptionBenefitFilter = "ALL" )
func (SubscriptionBenefitFilter) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitFilter) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionBenefitFilter) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitFilter) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionBenefitFilter) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitFilter) String() string
func (*SubscriptionBenefitFilter) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionBenefitFilter) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionBenefitState ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitState string
The logic state of the Subscription Benefit.
const ( // Unknown (0-value) state. SubscriptionBenefitStateUnknown SubscriptionBenefitState = "UNKNOWN" // Active (recurring) state. SubscriptionBenefitStateActive SubscriptionBenefitState = "ACTIVE" // State when a user has initiated a DNR request. SubscriptionBenefitStateDnrInitiated SubscriptionBenefitState = "DNR_INITIATED" // State for when Twitch has completed a DNR request. SubscriptionBenefitStateWillNotRenew SubscriptionBenefitState = "WILL_NOT_RENEW" // State for when Twitch has initiated a refund request. SubscriptionBenefitStateCancelInitiated SubscriptionBenefitState = "CANCEL_INITIATED" // State for when Twitch has completed a refund request. SubscriptionBenefitStateCancelled SubscriptionBenefitState = "CANCELLED" // State for when a Subscription has been paused (used to support Android account hold feature). SubscriptionBenefitStateOnHold SubscriptionBenefitState = "ON_HOLD" )
func (SubscriptionBenefitState) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitState) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionBenefitState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionBenefitState) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionBenefitState) String() string
func (*SubscriptionBenefitState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionBenefitState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionBenefitStateHistory ¶
type SubscriptionBenefitStateHistory struct { // When the benefit transitioned to this state. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The logical state the benefit occupied. State SubscriptionBenefitState `json:"state"` }
Data about the states a Subscription Benefit has transitioned through. Captures both user-initiated states such as initiating a DNR request, as well as system-initiated states such as completing a DNR request.
type SubscriptionCheckoutConfigs ¶
type SubscriptionCheckoutConfigs struct { // Lists any additional actions for a subscription checkout session. Actions []CheckoutAction `json:"actions"` // Whether the initiated checkout flow can complete/succeed and gift the recipient the product. CanGift bool `json:"canGift"` // Whether the initiated checkout flow can proceed with a purchase. CanPurchase bool `json:"canPurchase"` // Whether the purchaser is eligible for a one-time promotion in the subscription purchase checkout flow. IsOneMonthFreeEligible bool `json:"isOneMonthFreeEligible"` // Holds configuration necessary for initializing payment provider client libraries and facilitate checkout flow. PaymentProviderConfigs *PaymentProviderConfigs `json:"paymentProviderConfigs"` // Purchase Ineligibility reason details. PurchaseIneligibilityReason PurchaseIneligibilityReason `json:"purchaseIneligibilityReason"` }
Configs that help initiate the subscription checkout flow.
type SubscriptionCommunityGifting ¶
type SubscriptionCommunityGifting struct { // The image assets for this offer. Assets *SubscriptionCommunityGiftingAssets `json:"assets"` // The Offer document for this Community Gift offer. Offer *Offer `json:"offer"` // The default number of subscriptions that this offer is offering. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // The type of this community gifting offer. Type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType `json:"type"` }
An Offer for purchasing community gift subscriptions with associated metadata about the Offer. Composes the "model" (Offer) with the "view" metadata about the offer.
type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingAssets ¶
type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingAssets struct { // The link to the 1x pixel density image asset for this community gifting offer. ImageURL1x string `json:"imageURL1x"` // The link to the 2x pixel density image asset for this community gifting offer. ImageURL2x string `json:"imageURL2x"` // The link to the 3x pixel density image asset for this community gifting offer. ImageURL3x string `json:"imageURL3x"` // The link to the 4x pixel density image asset for this community gifting offer. ImageURL4x string `json:"imageURL4x"` }
Groups image assets related to the community gifting Offer.
type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType ¶
type SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType string
Describes the type of community gifting Offer that is being resolved.
const ( // An unknown gifting type. SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeUnknown SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType = "UNKNOWN" // A preset bundle of fixed-quantity community gift subscriptions. SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeBundle SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType = "BUNDLE" // An offer that allows the user to choose how many gift subscriptions they would like to purchase. SubscriptionCommunityGiftingTypeCustom SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType = "CUSTOM" )
func (SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) String() string
func (*SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionCommunityGiftingType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionGift ¶
type SubscriptionGift struct { // giftDate is the date that the gift was given. GiftDate *time.Time `json:"giftDate"` // Gifter is the user who sent the gift. Will be nil if isGift is false or is the gift is anonymous. Gifter *User `json:"gifter"` // isGift says whether the subscription benefit is a gift or not. IsGift bool `json:"isGift"` }
Gift information for a subscription benefit.
type SubscriptionGiftOffer ¶
type SubscriptionGiftOffer struct { // Unique identifier of a subscription gift offer. ID string `json:"id"` // The subscription gift offer price info which contains information about currency, cost and tax information. PriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"priceInfo"` // The available promotions on this gift offer. Promotion *SubscriptionGiftPromotion `json:"promotion"` // The amount of gifts in this offer. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // thirdPartySKU represents the purchasable third party SKU of the gift the user will purchase. // Will return an nil if the user has no purchasable skus. // Will return nil if not on a platform with an external subscription gift offer or if the country is not supported. ThirdPartySku *string `json:"thirdPartySKU"` // The type of gift this offer is for. Type SubscriptionGiftType `json:"type"` }
A gift offer that is available on a particular subscription based on gift type and platform.
type SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform ¶
type SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform string
The different types of platforms available for gift offers.
const ( // Gift offers available for the web clients. SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatformWeb SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform = "WEB" // Gift offers available for the Android clients. SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatformAndroid SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform = "ANDROID" )
func (SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) String() string
func (*SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionGiftOfferPlatform) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionGiftPromotion ¶
type SubscriptionGiftPromotion struct { // The subscription gift's discount type for this promotion(e.g. "PERCENT_OFF"). DiscountType SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType `json:"discountType"` // The discount value of the subscription gift product (e.g. "50"). DiscountValue string `json:"discountValue"` // Unique identifier of a subscription gift promotion. ID string `json:"id"` // The subscription gift offer price info which contains information about currency, cost and tax information. PriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"priceInfo"` // The quantity of gifts this promotion is for(ex: 11 gifts for a promotion on 10 gifts). Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // Promotion consumable SKU used by third party that the user will purchase. ThirdPartySku *string `json:"thirdPartySKU"` }
The promotion offer on a subscription gift offer.
type SubscriptionGiftType ¶
type SubscriptionGiftType string
The different types of subscription gifting.
const ( // Unknown or no gift type. SubscriptionGiftTypeNone SubscriptionGiftType = "NONE" // Standard gifts are gifts to a specific user given by a user. SubscriptionGiftTypeStandard SubscriptionGiftType = "STANDARD" // Community gifts are one or more gifts given to one or more users by a user. SubscriptionGiftTypeCommunity SubscriptionGiftType = "COMMUNITY" )
func (SubscriptionGiftType) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftType) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionGiftType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionGiftType) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionGiftType) String() string
func (*SubscriptionGiftType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionGiftType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionGifting ¶
type SubscriptionGifting struct { // Offers and associated metadata for purchasing community gift subscriptions. Community []*SubscriptionCommunityGifting `json:"community"` // Offers for purchasing a gift subscription to the given user. // This will prefer the ID if both login and ID are provided. // If neither are provided, this will return null. Standard []*SubscriptionStandardGifting `json:"standard"` }
A parent field for grouping the different types of gift subscriptions.
type SubscriptionInterval ¶
type SubscriptionInterval struct { // The unit-less amount of time a subscription lasts for. Duration int `json:"duration"` // Denotes the unit of the interval. Unit SubscriptionIntervalUnit `json:"unit"` }
Represents the interval of a subscription product.
type SubscriptionIntervalUnit ¶
type SubscriptionIntervalUnit string
Denotes the unit of the period of a subscription product.
const ( // This subscription product length is unknown. SubscriptionIntervalUnitUnknown SubscriptionIntervalUnit = "UNKNOWN" // This subscription product lasts X weeks. SubscriptionIntervalUnitWeek SubscriptionIntervalUnit = "WEEK" // This subscription product lasts X months. SubscriptionIntervalUnitMonth SubscriptionIntervalUnit = "MONTH" // This subscription product lasts X years. SubscriptionIntervalUnitYear SubscriptionIntervalUnit = "YEAR" // This subscription product lasts forever. SubscriptionIntervalUnitOneTime SubscriptionIntervalUnit = "ONE_TIME" )
func (SubscriptionIntervalUnit) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionIntervalUnit) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionIntervalUnit) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionIntervalUnit) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionIntervalUnit) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionIntervalUnit) String() string
func (*SubscriptionIntervalUnit) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionIntervalUnit) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionOffer ¶
type SubscriptionOffer struct { // Currency the offer is for. Currency string `json:"currency"` // Exponent to use when shifting the currency. Exponent int `json:"exponent"` // Id for offer on subscription product. ID string `json:"id"` // Price for the offer. Price int `json:"price"` // Promotion description. PromoDescription *string `json:"promoDescription"` }
Subscription pricing information.
type SubscriptionPlatform ¶
type SubscriptionPlatform string
SubscriptionPlatform enumerates platform options such as WEB, IOS, ANDROID.
const ( // Unknown or no platform. SubscriptionPlatformNone SubscriptionPlatform = "NONE" // Access from the browser. ). SubscriptionPlatformWeb SubscriptionPlatform = "WEB" // Access from the Twitch iOS application. SubscriptionPlatformIos SubscriptionPlatform = "IOS" // Access from the Twitch Android application. SubscriptionPlatformAndroid SubscriptionPlatform = "ANDROID" // Access from all Twitch Mobile applications (ANDROID + IOS). SubscriptionPlatformMobileAll SubscriptionPlatform = "MOBILE_ALL" )
func (SubscriptionPlatform) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionPlatform) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionPlatform) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionPlatform) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionPlatform) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionPlatform) String() string
func (*SubscriptionPlatform) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionPlatform) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionProduct ¶
type SubscriptionProduct struct { // The subscription product's display name. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // The maximum number of Emotes that can be associated with this product. EmoteLimit *int `json:"emoteLimit"` // The emote modifiers associated with the product. EmoteModifiers []*EmoteModifier `json:"emoteModifiers"` // The identifier of an EmoteSet that a user gains access to use on Twitch, // when they purchase this product. EmoteSetID *string `json:"emoteSetID"` // A list of Emotes the user gains access to use on Twitch when they purchase // this product. Emotes []*Emote `json:"emotes"` // A list of GiftOffers that are available on this subscription product // depending on which platform and gift type is given // Used by clients to display different gift prices, quantities and gift promotion information. GiftOffers []*SubscriptionGiftOffer `json:"giftOffers"` // The subscription product's promotion if it is active. GiftPromotion *SubscriptionPromotion `json:"giftPromotion"` // The different types of gift subscriptions ("Community" vs "Standard"). Gifting *SubscriptionGifting `json:"gifting"` // Whether the subscription hides ads for the channel. HasAdFree bool `json:"hasAdFree"` // Whether the subscribers of this product are affected by slow chat mode. HasFastChat *bool `json:"hasFastChat"` // Whether the channel has sub only chatroom restriction. HasSubOnlyChat *bool `json:"hasSubOnlyChat"` // Whether the subscribers of this product are able to see the subs-only video archive. HasSubonlyVideoArchive *bool `json:"hasSubonlyVideoArchive"` // The subscription product's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The interval that the product lasts for. Includes unit + duration. Interval *SubscriptionInterval `json:"interval"` // The subscription product's name. Name string `json:"name"` // Available offers for a subscription product. Offers []*Offer `json:"offers"` // The Twitch user that is the owner of the channel associated with this subscription product. // This is null for SubscriptionProducts like 'turbo' that are not associated with any user. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The subscription's USD-formatted price, e.g. "$9.99". Price string `json:"price"` // PriceInfo holds the products pricing information such as currency, cost, and tax information. PriceInfo *PriceInfo `json:"priceInfo"` // The subscription product's promotion if it is active. Promotion *SubscriptionPromotion `json:"promotion"` // The currently active revenue configuration record for the subscription product. RevenueConfig *RevenueConfig `json:"revenueConfig"` // The connection for user to the subscription product. Self *SubscriptionProductSelfConnection `json:"self"` // The avaliability state of the product. e.g. "active" or "inactive". State SubscriptionState `json:"state"` // ThirdPartytemplateSKU is used by the frontend to retrieve third party product information such // as price. templateSKU is exposed separately from purchaseSKU since retrieving purchaseSKU is a // more expensive operation. A user may not be able to purchase the templateSKU. Use purchaseSKU // when the user has indiciated they want to purchase. // Uses Client-ID to determine platform information and IP address to determine location. ThirdPartyTemplateSku *string `json:"thirdPartyTemplateSKU"` // The tier of the product. Tier string `json:"tier"` // The type of subscription, e.g. "chansub" or "teamsub". Type SubscriptionProductType `json:"type"` // The URL for this subscription's purchase page. URL string `json:"url"` }
A subscription that is purchasable by users. Once purchased, the subscription entitles the user to use special emote sets on Twitch.
type SubscriptionProductSelfConnection ¶
type SubscriptionProductSelfConnection struct { // This user's subscription benefit information for the subscription product. Benefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"benefit"` // True if the user in this connection is allowed to gift the product in this connection. CanGiftInChannel bool `json:"canGiftInChannel"` // True if the user in this connection can gift the product in this connection to the user with the supplied user ID. CanGiftTo bool `json:"canGiftTo"` // True if the user in this connection can gift the product in this connection to the user with the supplied login. // Since this requires an additonal lookup to get the user ID from the login, this is less preferable than canGift. CanGiftToLogin bool `json:"canGiftToLogin"` // Holds configuration necessary to start subscription purchase checkout flow for this product for current user. CheckoutConfiguration *SubscriptionCheckoutConfigs `json:"checkoutConfiguration"` // The subscription's discount type (e.g. "percent_off"). DiscountType DiscountType `json:"discountType"` // The discount value of the subscription product (e.g. "50"). DiscountValue string `json:"discountValue"` // A list of GiftOffers that are available on this subscription product // depending on which platform, giftType and user that is authenticated. // Exposed on the self connection as well since user based promotions can be given in the future // Used by clients to display different gift prices, quantities and user based gift promotion information. GiftOffers []*SubscriptionGiftOffer `json:"giftOffers"` // If the product is eligible for a discount. IsEligibleForDiscount bool `json:"isEligibleForDiscount"` // The subscription's USD-formatted price after discount (e.g. "$2.49"). NewPrice string `json:"newPrice"` // The subscription's USD-formatted price before discount (e.g. "$4.99"). OldPrice string `json:"oldPrice"` // If the subscription product is eligible for a paid upgrade promotion. PaidUpgradePromotion *SubscriptionPromotion `json:"paidUpgradePromotion"` // Contains information on the final checkout price of this subscription product. ProductPurchase *ProductPurchase `json:"productPurchase"` // The subscription product's promotion for user if eligible. Promotion *SubscriptionPromotion `json:"promotion"` // This user's subscription purchase details for the subscription product. If this user is not // subscribed to the product, then the result's state is 'inactive'. If a compatible purchase exists, // then the result's "compatiblePurchase" field is present. Purchase *SubscriptionPurchase `json:"purchase"` // Subscription tenure data for the user to this subscription product. SubscriptionTenure *SubscriptionTenure `json:"subscriptionTenure"` // ThirdPartyPurchaseSKU is different from templateSKU since it represents the SKU of the exact item the // user will purchase. It is more expensive to retrieve purchaseSKU than templateSKU, so only // use purchaseSKU when the user has indicated they want to checkout. Use templateSKU on channel // page load to retrieve product information. // // Will return an error if the user has no purchasable skus. Will return nil if not on a platform // with an external subscription product or if the country is not supported. // Uses Client-ID to determine platform information and IP address to determine location. ThirdPartyPurchaseSku *string `json:"thirdPartyPurchaseSKU"` }
The connection between the user and subscription product.
type SubscriptionProductType ¶
type SubscriptionProductType string
The types of subscription products that can be purchased.
const ( // Channel sub. SubscriptionProductTypeChansub SubscriptionProductType = "CHANSUB" // Team sub. SubscriptionProductTypeTeamsub SubscriptionProductType = "TEAMSUB" // Turbo sub. SubscriptionProductTypeTurbo SubscriptionProductType = "TURBO" )
func (SubscriptionProductType) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductType) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionProductType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionProductType) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductType) String() string
func (*SubscriptionProductType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionProductType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionProductsConnection ¶
type SubscriptionProductsConnection struct { // The resolved subscription products. Nodes []*SubscriptionProduct `json:"nodes"` }
A set of subscription products.
func (SubscriptionProductsConnection) IsSubscriptionProductsResult ¶
func (SubscriptionProductsConnection) IsSubscriptionProductsResult()
type SubscriptionProductsError ¶
type SubscriptionProductsError struct { // A code representing the error state. Code SubscriptionProductsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
A subscription products error.
func (SubscriptionProductsError) IsSubscriptionProductsResult ¶
func (SubscriptionProductsError) IsSubscriptionProductsResult()
type SubscriptionProductsErrorCode ¶
type SubscriptionProductsErrorCode string
Codes representing subscription products error states clients can respond to.
const ( // Default code. SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeUnknown SubscriptionProductsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // Code indicating server error occurred while retrieving subscription products. SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeError SubscriptionProductsErrorCode = "ERROR" // Code indicating subscription products could not be found. SubscriptionProductsErrorCodeMissing SubscriptionProductsErrorCode = "MISSING" )
func (SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) String() string
func (*SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionProductsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionProductsResult ¶
type SubscriptionProductsResult interface {
The set of results that can occur when resolving a subscription product.
type SubscriptionPromotion ¶
type SubscriptionPromotion struct { // Contains information on the final checkout price for this promotion. CheckoutPrice *ProductPurchase `json:"checkoutPrice"` // The subscription's discount type (e.g. "PERCENT_OFF"). DiscountType SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType `json:"discountType"` // The discount value of the subscription product (e.g. "50"). DiscountValue string `json:"discountValue"` // The subscription's USD-formatted price after discount (e.g. "$2.49"). NewPrice string `json:"newPrice"` // The subscription's USD-formatted price before discount (e.g. "$4.99"). OldPrice string `json:"oldPrice"` // The price for the promotion. PreviewPrice *PriceInfo `json:"previewPrice"` }
The promotion offer on subscription product.
type SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType ¶
type SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType string
Valid discount types for Subscription promotion.
const ( // No discount on subscription product. SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypeNone SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType = "NONE" // Percent off discount on subscription product. SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypePercentOff SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType = "PERCENT_OFF" // Fixed price discount on subscription product. SubscriptionPromotionDiscountTypeFixedValueOff SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType = "FIXED_VALUE_OFF" )
func (SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) String() string
func (*SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionPromotionDiscountType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionPurchase ¶
type SubscriptionPurchase struct { // A compatible purchase exists if this user bought a subscription product of a different tier for the // channel in question. // // i.e. this user doesn't have this subscription purchase for the $4.99 sub but they do have a // compatible purchase for the $9.99 subscription. CompatiblePurchases []*SubscriptionPurchaseDetails `json:"compatiblePurchases"` // The purchase details for a Twitch purchaser - Subscription product combination. Details *SubscriptionPurchaseDetails `json:"details"` }
A user's subscription purchase details, part of the Subscription Checkout workflow.
type SubscriptionPurchaseDetails ¶
type SubscriptionPurchaseDetails struct { // Date the purchase was cancelled at, if applicable, else null. CancelledAt *time.Time `json:"cancelledAt"` // Currency for the price, e.g. "USD". Currency string `json:"currency"` // Divisor for the price based on the currency. e.g. Divisor for USD is 100. Divisor int `json:"divisor"` // Purchase's payment provider. PaymentProvider PaymentProvider `json:"paymentProvider"` // Price in smallest subunit of currency, e.g. "499" cents. Price int `json:"price"` // The tier of the subscription purchase product. ProductTier *string `json:"productTier"` // The type of subscription purchase. ProductType SubscriptionProductType `json:"productType"` // Purchase state. State SubscriptionPurchaseState `json:"state"` }
The receipt details for a subscription purchase.
type SubscriptionPurchaseState ¶
type SubscriptionPurchaseState string
The various states of the subscription purchase receipt.
const ( // Active subscription purchase. It could be non-renewing or renewing. SubscriptionPurchaseStateActive SubscriptionPurchaseState = "ACTIVE" // Cancelled subscription purchase. SubscriptionPurchaseStateCancelled SubscriptionPurchaseState = "CANCELLED" // Inactive subscription purchase. User's subscription benefit from the original purchase has ended // and has not renewed. SubscriptionPurchaseStateInactive SubscriptionPurchaseState = "INACTIVE" )
func (SubscriptionPurchaseState) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionPurchaseState) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionPurchaseState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionPurchaseState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionPurchaseState) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionPurchaseState) String() string
func (*SubscriptionPurchaseState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionPurchaseState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionStandardGifting ¶
type SubscriptionStandardGifting struct { // The Offer document for this Standard Gift offer. Offer *Offer `json:"offer"` }
An Offer for purchasing a Standard (AKA "single" or "targetted") gift subscription for a specific user. This type exists as a futureproofing measure as gifting will evolve over time.
type SubscriptionState ¶
type SubscriptionState string
The availability state of a subscription product.
const ( // Active state. SubscriptionStateActive SubscriptionState = "ACTIVE" // Inactive state. SubscriptionStateInactive SubscriptionState = "INACTIVE" // Unknown state. SubscriptionStateUnknown SubscriptionState = "UNKNOWN" )
func (SubscriptionState) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionState) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionState) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionState) String() string
func (*SubscriptionState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionSummary ¶
type SubscriptionSummary struct { // Emotes included with subscription. Emotes []*Emote `json:"emotes"` // Subscription product id, for now is the same as the ticket product id. ID string `json:"id"` // Emote modifiers available at this tier. Modifiers []*EmoteModifier `json:"modifiers"` // Channel's custom name for their subscription. Name string `json:"name"` // Pricing information about subscription, filtered to what is available for user. Offers []*SubscriptionOffer `json:"offers"` // Info specific to the user. Self *SubscriptionSummarySelf `json:"self"` // Tier of subscription, either 1, 2, or 3. Tier SubscriptionSummaryTier `json:"tier"` // URL for checkout page. URL string `json:"url"` }
Simple summary of subscription product.
type SubscriptionSummarySelf ¶
type SubscriptionSummarySelf struct { // What is the cumulative tenure for this user. CumulativeTenure int `json:"cumulativeTenure"` // Is the user subscribed to this tier. IsSubbed bool `json:"isSubbed"` }
Most of the user specific fields for SubscriptionSummary.
type SubscriptionSummaryTier ¶
type SubscriptionSummaryTier string
Tier of subscription.
const ( // First tier, $4.99 for US market. SubscriptionSummaryTierTier1 SubscriptionSummaryTier = "TIER_1" // Second tier, $9.99 for US market. SubscriptionSummaryTierTier2 SubscriptionSummaryTier = "TIER_2" // Third tier, $24.99 for US market. SubscriptionSummaryTierTier3 SubscriptionSummaryTier = "TIER_3" )
func (SubscriptionSummaryTier) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionSummaryTier) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionSummaryTier) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionSummaryTier) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionSummaryTier) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionSummaryTier) String() string
func (*SubscriptionSummaryTier) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionSummaryTier) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionTenure ¶
type SubscriptionTenure struct { // The days remaining in a user's current tenure period. DaysRemaining int `json:"daysRemaining"` // The days elapsed in a user's current tenure period. ElapsedDays int `json:"elapsedDays"` // The ending date of a user's tenure. End *time.Time `json:"end"` // The method used to calculate the user's tenure. Method SubscriptionTenureMethod `json:"method"` // The total duration of a user's tenure. Months int `json:"months"` // The starting date of a user's tenure. Start *time.Time `json:"start"` }
Tenure to a subscription product.
type SubscriptionTenureMethod ¶
type SubscriptionTenureMethod string
A type of tenure to a subscription product.
const ( // Tenure data calculated cumulatively. SubscriptionTenureMethodCumulative SubscriptionTenureMethod = "CUMULATIVE" // Tenure data calculated streak-based. SubscriptionTenureMethodStreak SubscriptionTenureMethod = "STREAK" )
func (SubscriptionTenureMethod) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionTenureMethod) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionTenureMethod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionTenureMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionTenureMethod) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionTenureMethod) String() string
func (*SubscriptionTenureMethod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionTenureMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionTier ¶
type SubscriptionTier string
A channel could have multiple subscription products at varying tiers. Each value will always map to the respective tier for every channel that has the given tier available as a product.
Example: A channel with a "tier 2" subscription product will always have the tier represented as T_2000.
const ( // Custom tier. SubscriptionTierCustom SubscriptionTier = "CUSTOM" // Subscribed with Twitch Prime. SubscriptionTierPrime SubscriptionTier = "PRIME" // Tier "1000". SubscriptionTierT1000 SubscriptionTier = "T_1000" // Tier "2000". SubscriptionTierT2000 SubscriptionTier = "T_2000" // Tier "3000". SubscriptionTierT3000 SubscriptionTier = "T_3000" )
func (SubscriptionTier) IsValid ¶
func (e SubscriptionTier) IsValid() bool
func (SubscriptionTier) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e SubscriptionTier) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (SubscriptionTier) String ¶
func (e SubscriptionTier) String() string
func (*SubscriptionTier) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *SubscriptionTier) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type SubscriptionToken ¶
type SubscriptionToken struct { // Current token balance of user. Balance *int `json:"balance"` }
Token that a User uses for redeeming Subscriptions.
type SubscriptionTokenBundleProduct ¶
type SubscriptionTokenBundleProduct struct { // Assets assocaited with a certain Token Bundle Product. Assets []*TokenBundleAsset `json:"assets"` // Subscription token bundle product's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // List of available offers for this bundle product. // Displays the cheapest offer to the user, if there are promotions to be applied. Offers []*Offer `json:"offers"` // Quantity of tokens the bundle. Quantity int `json:"quantity"` }
A SubscriptionTokenBundleProduct can contain multiple Offers. ex) A Bundle of size 3 tokens, can have 3 other offers such as:
- Normal offer: "Pay $16.99 for the bundle
- Discounted, one-time buy offer: "Pay $14.99 for the bundle, but a one-time purchase only"
- Bits: Use X amount of Bits to purchase this Bundle.
type SubscriptionTokenProductConfig ¶
type SubscriptionTokenProductConfig struct { // Max token balance a user can have. MaxBalance *int `json:"maxBalance"` }
Describes configurable values for the token product line.
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantInput ¶
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantInput struct { // The id of the lobby where the lobby participant currently is. LobbyID string `json:"lobbyID"` // The id of the lobby participant, which can be competition player id or competition team id, we are swapping with. ParticipantID string `json:"participantID"` }
The individual swap participant input.
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsInput ¶
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsInput struct { // The id of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The participantID and lobbyID of the first lobby participant to be swapped. First *SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantInput `json:"first"` // The id of the phase. PhaseID string `json:"phaseID"` // The participantID and lobbyID of the second lobby participant to be swapped. Second *SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantInput `json:"second"` }
SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsInput exchanges the lobby placements of the two participants within the same phase.
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsPayload ¶
type SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsPayload struct { // The new state of competition after swapping participants. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
SwapCompetitionLobbyParticipantsPayload is the success response for swapping lobby participants.
type SyncGameOnDropCampaignInput ¶
type SyncGameOnDropCampaignInput struct { // The ID of the campaign to sync. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` }
SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload contains the campaign ID that needs to be synced.
type SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload ¶
type SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload struct { // The campaign after the sync. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
SyncGameOnDropCampaignPayload returns the result of the sync.
type Tag ¶
type Tag struct { // Timestamp of the creation of this tag. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // This tag's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether this tag is auto generated. IsAutomated bool `json:"isAutomated"` // Whether this tag is a language tag. IsLanguageTag bool `json:"isLanguageTag"` // Localized description of this tag. LocalizedDescription string `json:"localizedDescription"` // Localized Name of this tag. LocalizedName string `json:"localizedName"` // Scope of the Tag. Scope TagScope `json:"scope"` // Official Name of this tag in English. TagName string `json:"tagName"` }
Tag(s) are used as a discovery and search mechanism for tagged content, including Streams, Clips, and VODs.
func (Tag) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (Tag) IsTitleTokenNode()
func (Tag) IsVerticalContentContext ¶
func (Tag) IsVerticalContentContext()
type TagAnalytic ¶
type TagAnalytic struct { // A decimal that shows how often a Tag is used. Percentage float64 `json:"percentage"` // The tag for the analytic. Tag *Tag `json:"tag"` }
The frequency of a tag used as filter for a channel.
type TagConnection ¶
type TagConnection struct { // The list of tags in this page. Edges []*TagEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of tags. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of tags, and its metadata.
type TagEdge ¶
type TagEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Node represents the extension for the current edge. Node *Tag `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated tags, and its metadata.
type TagScope ¶
type TagScope string
An enumeration on the different scope of a tag.
func (TagScope) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*TagScope) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type TagType ¶
type TagType string
An enumeration on the different tag types of a category.
func (TagType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*TagType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type TaggedContent ¶
type TaggedContent interface {
The content that are possibly return for tagging mutation payload.
type TargetedModActionDetails ¶
type TargetedModActionDetails struct { // Timestamp when user was banned/timed-out. BannedAt *time.Time `json:"bannedAt"` // Duration of the chat timeout (in seconds). DurationSeconds *int `json:"durationSeconds"` // Timestamp when the chat timeout expires. ExpiresAt *time.Time `json:"expiresAt"` // Reason of the action. Reason *string `json:"reason"` }
TargetedModerationAction is a ModLogs entry of a chat ban,timeout, or unban.
type TaxInterview ¶
type TaxInterview struct { // Amazon tax interview account ID. AccountID string `json:"accountID"` // Amazon tax interview client ID. ClientID string `json:"clientID"` // Legal name of the user completing the Amazon tax interview. GovernmentAlias string `json:"governmentAlias"` // The preferred locale for user in the accepted format to initate the Amazon tax interview (e.g. "en_US"). Locale string `json:"locale"` // List of key value pairs that were used to generate the signature. Options []*TaxInterviewOption `json:"options"` // Unique signature to initiate the Amazon tax interview. Signature string `json:"signature"` // The type of Amazon tax interview. Type TaxInterviewType `json:"type"` // The URL for user to begin their Amazon tax interview. URL string `json:"url"` }
TaxInterview describes the information for a user's Amazon tax interview during payout onboarding.
type TaxInterviewOption ¶
type TaxInterviewOption struct { // The name of the option. Key string `json:"key"` // The option value. Value string `json:"value"` }
TaxInterviewOption is a key value pair type used by the tax interview. Each option represents a form value that musted be passed to the argon website.
type TaxInterviewType ¶
type TaxInterviewType string
TaxInterviewType enumerates valid Amazon tax interview types.
const ( // Describes an Amazon tax interview that would allow users to receive royalty income through licensed content. TaxInterviewTypeRoyalty TaxInterviewType = "ROYALTY" // Describes an Amazon tax interview that would allow users to receive income for their goods and services. TaxInterviewTypeService TaxInterviewType = "SERVICE" )
func (TaxInterviewType) IsValid ¶
func (e TaxInterviewType) IsValid() bool
func (TaxInterviewType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TaxInterviewType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TaxInterviewType) String ¶
func (e TaxInterviewType) String() string
func (*TaxInterviewType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TaxInterviewType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TaxMismatchError ¶
type TaxMismatchError string
TaxMismatchError enumerates valid registration and tax interview field names for payout onboarding.
const ( // Applied when the user submits a name that does not match the name on their registration. // If provided, the company name will be compared intead of the user's full legal name. TaxMismatchErrorName TaxMismatchError = "NAME" // Applied when the user submits a country that does not match the country on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorCountry TaxMismatchError = "COUNTRY" // Applied when the user submits an email that does not match the email on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorEmail TaxMismatchError = "EMAIL" // Applied when the user submits a street address that does not match the street address on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorStreetAddress TaxMismatchError = "STREET_ADDRESS" // Applied when the user submits a street address 2 that does not match the street address 2 on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorStreetAddress2 TaxMismatchError = "STREET_ADDRESS_2" // Applied when the user submits a city that does not match the city on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorCity TaxMismatchError = "CITY" // Applied when the user submits a state that does not match the state on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorState TaxMismatchError = "STATE" // Applied when the user submits a postal that does not match the postal on their registration. TaxMismatchErrorPostal TaxMismatchError = "POSTAL" )
func (TaxMismatchError) IsValid ¶
func (e TaxMismatchError) IsValid() bool
func (TaxMismatchError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TaxMismatchError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TaxMismatchError) String ¶
func (e TaxMismatchError) String() string
func (*TaxMismatchError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TaxMismatchError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TaxRegion ¶
type TaxRegion struct { // Tax country, required for the TaxRegion object type. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Tax state if applicable. State *string `json:"state"` // Tax zip code if applicable. ZipCode *string `json:"zipCode"` }
Represents a tax jurisdiction from which a final price was calculated.
type Team ¶
type Team struct { // ID to an image meant to be the background of the Team's landing page. BackgroundImageID *string `json:"backgroundImageID"` // URL to an image meant to be the background of the Team's landing page. BackgroundImageURL *string `json:"backgroundImageURL"` // ID to the Team's banner image. BannerID *string `json:"bannerID"` // URL to the Team's banner image. BannerURL *string `json:"bannerURL"` // Retrieves team stats within the start and end time broken down by granularity. // Default end time will be the current time (now). // Granularity defaults to 5 minutes. // ChannelIDs defaults to all team members. CreatorTimeseriesMetrics *CreatorTimeseriesMetrics `json:"creatorTimeseriesMetrics"` // Information about the team, formatted in Markdown. Description *string `json:"description"` // Display version of the team name. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // The Team's ID. ID string `json:"id"` // Channels that the Team owner have opted to highlight that are currently live. // These channels may or may not also be members of the Team. // They will be returned in the order configured by the Team admin. LiveFeaturedChannels *UserConnection `json:"liveFeaturedChannels"` // Users that belong to the team that are currently live. // They will be returned in the order configured by the Team admin. LiveMembers *UserConnection `json:"liveMembers"` // ID to the Team's logo image. LogoID *string `json:"logoID"` // URL to the Team's logo image. LogoURL *string `json:"logoURL"` // The list of users that belong to this team. // They will be returned in the order configured by the Team admin. // metricsRevealed allows the client to return all `none`, `statsRevealed`, or `revenueRevealed` members. // Defaults to all members to avoid breaking changes. Members *UserConnection `json:"members"` // The alphanumeric Twitch name of the team. Name string `json:"name"` // Owner is the User that owns and manages the Team. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // Aggregated analytics for several video referral sources, for use in teams dashboard. // ChannelIDs defaults to all team members. VideoPlayReferrals *VideoPlayReferrals `json:"videoPlayReferrals"` }
Team represents a Twitch Team. Teams are collections of streaming channels, and are owned by a Twitch user. Teams have landing pages, e.g.
type TerminatePollInChannelInput ¶
type TerminatePollInChannelInput struct { // The id of the channel with the poll to terminate. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for terminating a poll.
type TerminatePollInChannelPayload ¶
type TerminatePollInChannelPayload struct { // The terminated poll. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` }
Outputs from the terminate poll mutation.
type TerminatePollInput ¶
type TerminatePollInput struct { // The id of the poll to terminate. PollID string `json:"pollID"` }
Inputs for terminating a poll.
type TerminatePollPayload ¶
type TerminatePollPayload struct { // The created poll. Poll *Poll `json:"poll"` }
Outputs from the create poll mutation.
type TextToken ¶
type TextToken struct { // If this title token should be emphasized or not. HasEmphasis bool `json:"hasEmphasis"` // The location that this shelf title token should link to. Location LinkType `json:"location"` // The text to display for this token. Text string `json:"text"` }
A shelf title token type that contains text with various formatters.
func (TextToken) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (TextToken) IsTitleTokenNode()
type ThumbnailOEmbed ¶
type TiebreakerLabel ¶
type TiebreakerLabel string
Possible labels for extra points awarded to resolve ties.
const ( // Tiebreaker Points are awarded for a kill, useful in BR games. TiebreakerLabelKills TiebreakerLabel = "KILLS" // Tiebreaker Points are a generic bonus field determined by the CO. TiebreakerLabelBonus TiebreakerLabel = "BONUS" // An unknown label was provided. TiebreakerLabelUnknown TiebreakerLabel = "UNKNOWN" )
func (TiebreakerLabel) IsValid ¶
func (e TiebreakerLabel) IsValid() bool
func (TiebreakerLabel) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TiebreakerLabel) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TiebreakerLabel) String ¶
func (e TiebreakerLabel) String() string
func (*TiebreakerLabel) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TiebreakerLabel) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TimeBasedDrop ¶
type TimeBasedDrop struct { // The rewards for this drop and how often those rewards can be awarded. BenefitEdges []*DropBenefitEdge `json:"benefitEdges"` // The campaign this drop belongs to. Campaign *DropCampaign `json:"campaign"` // The time at which this drop becomes unavailable. EndAt time.Time `json:"endAt"` // A unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The name of this drop. Name string `json:"name"` // The drops that must have been claimed before this drop can be claimed / made progress for. PreconditionDrops []*TimeBasedDrop `json:"preconditionDrops"` // The number of minutes a user has to watch in order to claim the reward. RequiredMinutesWatched int `json:"requiredMinutesWatched"` // User specific data associated with the TimeBasedDrop. Self *TimeBasedDropSelfEdge `json:"self"` // The time at which this drop becomes available. StartAt time.Time `json:"startAt"` }
A drop triggered by accummulating minutes watched.
func (TimeBasedDrop) IsDropType ¶
func (TimeBasedDrop) IsDropType()
type TimeBasedDropSelfEdge ¶
type TimeBasedDropSelfEdge struct { // The current progress for a given user towards this drop. CurrentMinutesWatched int `json:"currentMinutesWatched"` // The ID of the drop reward granted to the user if the drop is claimable, returns null otherwise. DropInstanceID *string `json:"dropInstanceID"` // Indicates whether or not all preconditions have been met, and the drop is available to get progress. HasPreconditionsMet bool `json:"hasPreconditionsMet"` // Whether the user has already claimed their reward for this drop. IsClaimed bool `json:"isClaimed"` }
User specific data associated with this drop.
type TimeSeriesPeriod ¶
type TimeSeriesPeriod string
The subcount series is able to display each datapoint according to the following durations.
const ( // Period of one day per datapoint. TimeSeriesPeriodDay TimeSeriesPeriod = "DAY" // Period of one month per datapoint. TimeSeriesPeriodMonth TimeSeriesPeriod = "MONTH" )
func (TimeSeriesPeriod) IsValid ¶
func (e TimeSeriesPeriod) IsValid() bool
func (TimeSeriesPeriod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TimeSeriesPeriod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TimeSeriesPeriod) String ¶
func (e TimeSeriesPeriod) String() string
func (*TimeSeriesPeriod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TimeSeriesPeriod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TimeseriesItem ¶
type TimeseriesItem struct { // Deprecated: Number of follows during this timestamp. Follows *int `json:"follows"` // Streamed duration (in minutes). MinutesStreamed int `json:"minutesStreamed"` // Timestamp of the broken down time series. Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` // Value at the timestamp. Value float64 `json:"value"` }
Single item of stats for the time series.
type TimeseriesStats ¶
type TimeseriesStats struct { // Seconds of ads played per time chunk. AdBreaksInSeconds []*TimeseriesItem `json:"adBreaksInSeconds"` // Ad time (in seconds) per hour per time chunk. AdTimePerHour []*TimeseriesItem `json:"adTimePerHour"` // Average number of viewers per time chunk. AverageViewers []*TimeseriesItem `json:"averageViewers"` // Number of chat messages per time chunk. ChatMessages []*TimeseriesItem `json:"chatMessages"` // Number of clip views per time chunk. ClipViews []*TimeseriesItem `json:"clipViews"` // Number of clips created per time chunk. ClipsCreated []*TimeseriesItem `json:"clipsCreated"` // Number of follows during this timestamp. Follows []*TimeseriesItem `json:"follows"` // Granularity of the time series, default unit is five minutes. Granularity Granularity `json:"granularity"` // Host/Raid viewers per time chunk. HostRaidViewers []*TimeseriesItem `json:"hostRaidViewers"` // Deprecated: List of the number of follows within a time period, broken up by granularity. Items []*TimeseriesItem `json:"items"` // Live number of views per time chunk. LiveViews []*TimeseriesItem `json:"liveViews"` // Max viewers per time chunk. MaxViewers []*TimeseriesItem `json:"maxViewers"` // Minutes watched per time chunk. MinutesWatched []*TimeseriesItem `json:"minutesWatched"` // Number of subscriptions per time chunk. NewSubscriptions []*TimeseriesItem `json:"newSubscriptions"` // Number of new viewers per time chunk. NewViewerPercentage []*TimeseriesItem `json:"newViewerPercentage"` // Promotion clicks for the time period. PromotionClick []*TimeseriesItem `json:"promotionClick"` // Promotion displays for the time period. PromotionDisplay []*TimeseriesItem `json:"promotionDisplay"` // Time streamed per time chunk. TimeStreamed []*TimeseriesItem `json:"timeStreamed"` // Number of people chatting per time chunk. UniqueChatters []*TimeseriesItem `json:"uniqueChatters"` // Number of unique people watching per time chunk. UniqueViewers []*TimeseriesItem `json:"uniqueViewers"` }
Stats within a time frame broken down by granularity. This is used for per channel stats, per team stats use "CreatorTimeseriesMetrics".
type TitleTokenEdge ¶
type TitleTokenEdge struct { // The token. Node TitleTokenNode `json:"node"` }
A piece of the shelf title in the form of a token.
type TitleTokenNode ¶
type TitleTokenNode interface {
The content of a shelf title token.
type TokenBundleAsset ¶
type TokenBundleAsset struct { // URL of asset of size 1x. ImageURL1x string `json:"imageURL1x"` // URL of asset size 2x. ImageURL2x string `json:"imageURL2x"` // URL of asset size 3x. ImageURL3x string `json:"imageURL3x"` // Key identifier for an asset. // ex) "bundleImg", "promoImg", etc. Key string `json:"key"` }
Assets for a TokenBundleProduct. Each asset will have a 1x, 2x, 3x sizing w/ their respective URLs. Different sizing is required for mobile clients.
type Tournament ¶
type Tournament struct { // Leaderboard of all users who have cheered in the tournament. GlobalLeaderboard *BitsLeaderboard `json:"globalLeaderboard"` // Event ID of the tournament. ID string `json:"id"` // The list of global milestones that can be claimed in the tournament. // For a given threshold, this milestone is reached when cheers from all users on the channel // is greater than or equal to the threshold. This unlocks a reward for all users who have cheered. Progress *TournamentProgress `json:"progress"` // The list of rewards that are a part of the tournament. This is separated out into global, participant, and individual // rewards that can be claimed if the user is logged in. Rewards *TournamentRewards `json:"rewards"` // The list of individual milestones that can be claimed in the tournament. // for a given threshold, this milestone is reached when an individual user's total cheers in // the channel is greater than or equal to the threshold. This unlocks a reward // for the individual user who cheered. Self *TournamentSelfEdge `json:"self"` // Leaderboard of all teams who have been cheered for in the tournament. This leaderboard contains how much each team // in the tournament was cheered for. TeamLeaderboard *BitsLeaderboard `json:"teamLeaderboard"` // The list of teams participating in the tournament. Teams []*TournamentTeam `json:"teams"` }
Tournament is an object that contains all information about a tournament managed within Bits for a specific event tied to cheering. NOTE: Should have been named CheeringTournament.
type TournamentInsiderRewards ¶
type TournamentInsiderRewards struct { // Twitch chat badge rewards. Badges []*TournamentReward `json:"badges"` // Bits rewards. Bits []*TournamentReward `json:"bits"` // Hero skin rewards. HeroSkins []*TournamentReward `json:"heroSkins"` // In Game Content rewards, like sprays and avatars (non-hero skin rewards). InGameContent []*TournamentReward `json:"inGameContent"` }
Contains all rewards information about the Insider rewards.
type TournamentProgress ¶
type TournamentProgress struct { // The amount of progress that has been made in the tournament. This is not exclusive to cheering in the channel. Amount int `json:"amount"` // The milestones associated with the progress made. This is a list of rewards the progress value will unlock. Milestones []*Milestone `json:"milestones"` }
Describes the amount of progress that has been made in a tournament, with corresponding milestones about said progress.
type TournamentReward ¶
type TournamentReward struct { // The campaign ID associated with the reward. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // Can this reward be entitled to the user. CanBeFulfilled bool `json:"canBeFulfilled"` // Number representing quantity of the reward that user can claim (but not entitled yet) at the time the request is made. CanBeFulfilledQuantity int `json:"canBeFulfilledQuantity"` // The reward's description. Description string `json:"description"` // Number representing quantity of the reward that user already claimed and can find in his inventory. If the type is In Game Content, Twitch already handed off to the game through the fulfiller. EntitledQuantity int `json:"entitledQuantity"` // The ID of the reward. ID string `json:"id"` // The reward's display image URL. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // The state of the reward is entitled to the user. IsEntitled bool `json:"isEntitled"` // Whether the reward is for prime users only. IsPrimeOnly bool `json:"isPrimeOnly"` // Whether the reward can be earned multiple times (e.g. in game consumables). IsRepeatable bool `json:"isRepeatable"` // Metadata attached to the reward. Metadata *CampaignRewardMetadata `json:"metadata"` // The display name of the reward. Name string `json:"name"` // Amount of reward (e.g. amount for bits). Quantity int `json:"quantity"` // A number presenting the rarity of this reward (the higher the rarer). Rarity int `json:"rarity"` // The type of reward (ex. Twitch Emote, In Game Content). Type string `json:"type"` }
Type containing information about a Reward and claiming information.
type TournamentRewards ¶
type TournamentRewards struct { // The list of Cheerbomb rewards. If the user is logged in, this will also show the claim status of the reward. Cheerbomb []*TournamentReward `json:"cheerbomb"` // The list of Global rewards. If the user is logged in, this will also show the claim status of the reward. Global []*TournamentReward `json:"global"` // The list of Individual rewards. If the user is logged in, this will also show the claim status of the reward. Individual []*TournamentReward `json:"individual"` // The list of Insider rewards, which are granted when one subscribes to the insider pass. Insider *TournamentInsiderRewards `json:"insider"` // The list of Team rewards. If the user is logged in, this will also show the claim status of the reward. Team []*TournamentReward `json:"team"` }
This type holds all information about rewards that are associated with a tournament. The struct parses out which rewards are Global, Team, and Individual, as well as if you're logged in that status if you can claim the reward.
type TournamentSelfEdge ¶
type TournamentSelfEdge struct { // The leaderboard entry of the user. Gives the current position and score. GlobalLeaderboardItem *BitsLeaderboardItem `json:"globalLeaderboardItem"` // Amount of progress a user had made towards the tournament personally. This could be a combination of factors, // including bits cheered in the channel. Progress *TournamentProgress `json:"progress"` // A list of the amount of bits a user has cheered for a certain team, as well as the // list of milestones that the user could claim with their claim status. Teams []*TournamentTeam `json:"teams"` }
Tournament progress related to a user.
type TournamentTeam ¶
type TournamentTeam struct { // The division of the team. This string is set by the tournament organizer. (NA, CN, Atlantic League, etc.). Division string `json:"division"` // The ID of the team. ID string `json:"id"` // The image URL of the team. LogoURL string `json:"logoURL"` // Name of the team. Name string `json:"name"` }
Team is a construct that contains metadata about a team participating in the tournament, as well as the milestones associated with cheering for them.
type TrackingInfo ¶
type TrackingInfo struct { // The target object for the shelf, if it exists. ReasonTarget *string `json:"reasonTarget"` // The type of the target object, if it exists. ReasonTargetType *string `json:"reasonTargetType"` // The reason why this shelf has been recommended. ReasonType string `json:"reasonType"` // The name of the shelf. RowName string `json:"rowName"` }
Information used to track recommendation events.
type TrackingPixel ¶
type TrackingPixel struct { // Where this pixel came from. Origin *string `json:"origin"` // What service will be using the pixel. Service string `json:"service"` // How long a client needs to view the content before firing the pixel. TimeOffsetSeconds *int `json:"timeOffsetSeconds"` // The type of tracker. Type *TrackingPixelType `json:"type"` // The URL that is requested when the pixel is fired. URL string `json:"url"` }
A tracking pixel is used to measure impressions or demographics.
type TrackingPixelInput ¶
type TrackingPixelInput struct { // How long a client needs to view the content before firing the pixel. TimeOffsetSeconds *int `json:"timeOffsetSeconds"` // The type of tracker. Type *TrackingPixelType `json:"type"` // The URL that is requested when the pixel is fired. URL string `json:"url"` }
The tracking pixel that will be created as part of this campaign.
type TrackingPixelType ¶
type TrackingPixelType string
The type of the tracking pixel.
const ( // Digital Ad Ratings, a Nielsen product that provides demographic data. TrackingPixelTypeDar TrackingPixelType = "DAR" // DoubleClick Campaign Manager, a Google product to track ad performance. TrackingPixelTypeDcm TrackingPixelType = "DCM" // An impression tracking product. TrackingPixelTypeSizmek TrackingPixelType = "SIZMEK" )
func (TrackingPixelType) IsValid ¶
func (e TrackingPixelType) IsValid() bool
func (TrackingPixelType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TrackingPixelType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TrackingPixelType) String ¶
func (e TrackingPixelType) String() string
func (*TrackingPixelType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TrackingPixelType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Trailer ¶
type Trailer struct { // The trailer video. This may be null if the channel has no trailer. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
A trailer is a video meant to introduce viewers to the creator and the type of content they produce.
type TranscodeSession ¶
type TranscodeSession struct { // Transcoded audio codecs. AudioCodecs string `json:"audioCodecs"` // Staff-only field. Hostname of which transcode was processed. Host *string `json:"host"` // Staff-only field. The location of transcode origin. IngestOrigin *string `json:"ingestOrigin"` // Staff-only field. Profile of transcode. Profile *string `json:"profile"` // Transcoded video codecs. VideoCodecs string `json:"videoCodecs"` }
TranscodeSession is session metadata related to transcode.
type TransitionExtensionStateError ¶
type TransitionExtensionStateError string
TransitionExtensionStateError is an error associated with the transitionExtensionState mutation.
const ( TransitionExtensionStateError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // The version does not have an asset hash and it must for the transition. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingAssetHash TransitionExtensionStateError = "MISSING_ASSET_HASH" // Review notes were not specified when transitioning an extension to IN_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingReviewNotes TransitionExtensionStateError = "MISSING_REVIEW_NOTES" // Test channel was not specified when transitioning an extension to IN_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMissingTestChannel TransitionExtensionStateError = "MISSING_TEST_CHANNEL" // Only one version of an Extension can be in a review state (APPROVED, or in IN_REVIEW) at a time. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMultipleVersionsInReview TransitionExtensionStateError = "MULTIPLE_VERSIONS_IN_REVIEW" // Author email cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingAuthorEmail TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_AUTHOR_EMAIL" // Author name cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingAuthorName TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_AUTHOR_NAME" // Category cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingCategory TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_CATEGORY" // Support email cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingSupportEmail TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_SUPPORT_EMAIL" // Name cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingName TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_NAME" // Version cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingVersion TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_VERSION" // Testing base URI cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingTestingBaseURI TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_TESTING_BASE_URI" // Summary cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingSummary TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_SUMMARY" // Description cannot be empty when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingDescription TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_DESCRIPTION" // Screenshot URLs cannot be empy when transit to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TransitionExtensionStateErrorTransitionMissingScreenshotURLS TransitionExtensionStateError = "TRANSITION_MISSING_SCREENSHOT_URLS" // Invalid state transition. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidStateTransition TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION" // Version specified is invalid. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidVersion TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_VERSION" // At least one anchor must be specified. TransitionExtensionStateErrorAnchorRequired TransitionExtensionStateError = "ANCHOR_REQUIRED" // HasZoom was specified but ZoomPixels is missing. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidZoom TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_ZOOM" // The number of whitelisted broadcasters exceeds the limit. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxBroadcasters TransitionExtensionStateError = "MAX_BROADCASTERS" // The number of whitelisted testing users exceeds the limit. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxTesters TransitionExtensionStateError = "MAX_TESTERS" // The number of whitelisted config URLs exceeds the limit. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS TransitionExtensionStateError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_CONFIG_URLS" // The number of whitelisted panel URLs exceeds the limit. TransitionExtensionStateErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS TransitionExtensionStateError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_PANEL_URLS" // Extension names must be shorter than 40 characters. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidNameLength TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension description must be shorter than 1024 characters. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidDescriptionLength TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH" // Extension summary must be shorter than 140 characters. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidSummaryLength TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_SUMMARY_LENGTH" // Extension author email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidAuthorEmail TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_EMAIL" // Extension support email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidSupportEmail TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_SUPPORT_EMAIL" // Extension author name length must be > 40. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension testing base uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_TESTING_BASE_URI" // Extension terms uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidTermsURI TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_TERMS_URI" // Extension privacy uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPrivacyURI TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_PRIVACY_URI" // Extension component viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension panel viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_PANEL_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension video overlay viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_VIDEO_OVERLAY_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension live config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_LIVE_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension mobile viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_MOBILE_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension component aspect width must be < 50 or > 1. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_WIDTH" // Extension component aspect height must be < 50 or > 1. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_HEIGHT" // Extension panel hiehgt must be < 500 or > 100. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidPanelHeight TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_PANEL_HEIGHT" // Extension Bits Support Level must ba valid member of the BitsSupportLevelEnum. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_BITS_SUPPORT_LEVEL" // Scale pixels must be set to a positive integer when autoscale is true. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidScalingPixels TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_SCALING_PIXELS" // Aspect Ratio X must be set to a positive integer. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioX TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_RATIO_X" // Aspect Ratio Y must be set to a positive integer. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentAspectRatioY TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_RATIO_Y" // Target Height must be set to a positve integer. TransitionExtensionStateErrorInvalidComponentTargetHeight TransitionExtensionStateError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_TARGET_HEIGHT" )TransitionExtensionStateErrorUnauthorized
func (TransitionExtensionStateError) IsValid ¶
func (e TransitionExtensionStateError) IsValid() bool
func (TransitionExtensionStateError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TransitionExtensionStateError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TransitionExtensionStateError) String ¶
func (e TransitionExtensionStateError) String() string
func (*TransitionExtensionStateError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TransitionExtensionStateError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TransitionExtensionStateInput ¶
type TransitionExtensionStateInput struct { // The extension ID of the extension to update. ID string `json:"id"` // Notes provided to the moderation team while reviewing the extension. // Required when transitioning to READY_FOR_REVIEW. ReviewNotes *string `json:"reviewNotes"` // The State to transition the extension to. State ExtensionState `json:"state"` // URL to a test channel, provided to the moderation team while reviewing the extension. // Required when transitioning to READY_FOR_REVIEW. TestChannel *string `json:"testChannel"` // The extension version to update. Version string `json:"version"` }
TransitionExtesnsionManifest updates the state of an existing extension.
type TransitionExtensionStatePayload ¶
type TransitionExtensionStatePayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *TransitionExtensionStateError `json:"error"` // The updated extension manifest. Manifest *ExtensionManifest `json:"manifest"` }
TransitionExtensionStatePayload returns any errors that occur during update.
type TriggerResult ¶
type TriggerResult struct { // The channel the drop was tried to be triggered on. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The drop instance id in case the drop was successfully triggered. DropInstanceID *string `json:"dropInstanceID"` // The status result of the try to trigger the drop. Status ManuallyTriggerDropResultStatus `json:"status"` }
A result of a try to trigger a drop on a channel.
type TriggerType ¶
type TriggerType string
Trigger type determines what type of events activate the trigger.
const ( // CHEER type trigger is activated by cheer events. TriggerTypeCheer TriggerType = "CHEER" )
func (TriggerType) IsValid ¶
func (e TriggerType) IsValid() bool
func (TriggerType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TriggerType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TriggerType) String ¶
func (e TriggerType) String() string
func (*TriggerType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TriggerType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TrueXAd ¶
type TrueXAd struct { // campaignID is the ID of the campaign this ad belongs to. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // creativeID is the ID of the particular ad experience displayed to the user. CreativeID string `json:"creativeID"` // currencyAmount is the suggested amount of "currency" to provide to the user based on this ad. CurrencyAmount string `json:"currencyAmount"` // name is the name of the ad campaign. Name string `json:"name"` }
TrueXAd is descriptive information about an engagement that was show for bits. Used as input on the redeem trueXAd mutation.
type TutorialState ¶
type TutorialState string
TutorialState represents the possible states of the user's viewing of the mod view tutorial.
const ( // DISMISSED occurs when a user dismisses the tutorial. TutorialStateDismissed TutorialState = "DISMISSED" // SEEN occurs when a user has seen every step in a tutorial. TutorialStateSeen TutorialState = "SEEN" // UNSEEN is the initial state, before a user has either dismissed or viewed the tutorial entirely. TutorialStateUnseen TutorialState = "UNSEEN" )
func (TutorialState) IsValid ¶
func (e TutorialState) IsValid() bool
func (TutorialState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TutorialState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TutorialState) String ¶
func (e TutorialState) String() string
func (*TutorialState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TutorialState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type TwoFactorMethod ¶
type TwoFactorMethod string
Two Factor Methods the user can have enabled.
const ( // The user has 2fa enabled but does not have the authy app installed. Only way for the user to receive the 2fa verification code is SMS. TwoFactorMethodAuthySms TwoFactorMethod = "AUTHY_SMS" // The user has 2fa enabled and has the authy app installed. The 2fa verification code can be retreived from the authy app OR SMS. TwoFactorMethodAuthyApp TwoFactorMethod = "AUTHY_APP" // The user has 2fa enabled and has gone through the totp onboarding process successfully. The 2fa verification code can be retreived from the authenticator app the user chose during onboarding. TwoFactorMethodAuthyTotp TwoFactorMethod = "AUTHY_TOTP" // unknown 2fa method. TwoFactorMethodUnknown TwoFactorMethod = "UNKNOWN" )
func (TwoFactorMethod) IsValid ¶
func (e TwoFactorMethod) IsValid() bool
func (TwoFactorMethod) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e TwoFactorMethod) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (TwoFactorMethod) String ¶
func (e TwoFactorMethod) String() string
func (*TwoFactorMethod) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *TwoFactorMethod) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEvent ¶
type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEvent struct { // The user of the channel the subscription was for. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The time that the subscription benefits will expire. EndDate *time.Time `json:"endDate"` // The external product id. ExternalProductID string `json:"externalProductID"` // The current status of the subscription. One of "active", "will_not_renew", or "canceled". Status UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState `json:"status"` // The UUID of the subscription. SubscriptionID string `json:"subscriptionID"` }
Used to provide info on the subscription events that might have happened in another device and not acknowledged in the current device.
type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState ¶
type UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState string
Subscrption state of the reported unacknowledged events.
const ( // The subscription is active. UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateActive UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState = "ACTIVE" // Subscription will not renew, but may still be active. UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateWillNotRenew UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState = "WILL_NOT_RENEW" // Subscription will not renew and is not active. UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateCancelled UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState = "CANCELLED" // Subscription that is on hold. UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventStateOnHold UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState = "ON_HOLD" )
func (UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) IsValid ¶
func (e UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) IsValid() bool
func (UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) String ¶
func (e UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) String() string
func (*UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEventState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanRequest ¶
type UnbanRequest struct { // The channel on which the banned user is appealing a ban. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The time at which the unban request was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // UUID of the Unban Request. ID string `json:"id"` // The banned user appealing the ban. Requester *User `json:"requester"` // Custom message provided by the requester. RequesterMessage *string `json:"requesterMessage"` // The time at which the unban request was resolved (approved or denied). ResolvedAt *time.Time `json:"resolvedAt"` // The moderator that has taken action on the user. ResolvedBy *User `json:"resolvedBy"` // Custom message provided by the resolver. ResolverMessage *string `json:"resolverMessage"` // The status of the unban request. Status UnbanRequestStatus `json:"status"` }
A request from a channel-banned user to the channel moderators to be unbanned from the channel.
type UnbanRequestConnection ¶
type UnbanRequestConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*UnbanRequestEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of Unban Requests.
type UnbanRequestEdge ¶
type UnbanRequestEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The unban request. Node *UnbanRequest `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of Unban Requests.
type UnbanRequestError ¶
type UnbanRequestError struct { // The error code returned from an update mutation. Code UnbanRequestErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error returned from an update mutation.
type UnbanRequestErrorCode ¶
type UnbanRequestErrorCode string
Possible errors arising from an update unban request mutation.
const ( UnbanRequestErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Unban Request was not found. UnbanRequestErrorCodeRequestNotFound UnbanRequestErrorCode = "REQUEST_NOT_FOUND" // Attempted status update was not valid. UnbanRequestErrorCodeInvalidUpdate UnbanRequestErrorCode = "INVALID_UPDATE" // Unknown error. UnbanRequestErrorCodeUnknown UnbanRequestErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )UnbanRequestErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (UnbanRequestErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UnbanRequestErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UnbanRequestErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnbanRequestErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnbanRequestErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UnbanRequestErrorCode) String() string
func (*UnbanRequestErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnbanRequestErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanRequestRestrictionReason ¶
type UnbanRequestRestrictionReason string
Reasons why a user may be restricted from requesting an unban.
const ( // User has already created an unban request for the current ban. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonAlreadyCreated UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "ALREADY_CREATED" // User is not banned on the channel. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonNotBanned UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "NOT_BANNED" // User is attempting to create a request too since their ban. Must wait for cooldown period to end. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonTooSoonSinceBan UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "TOO_SOON_SINCE_BAN" // Channel is not receiving unban requests. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnbanRequestsDisabled UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "UNBAN_REQUESTS_DISABLED" // User must be logged in to be able to request an unban. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnauthenticated UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "UNAUTHENTICATED" // Unknown restricted reason. UnbanRequestRestrictionReasonUnknown UnbanRequestRestrictionReason = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) IsValid ¶
func (e UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) IsValid() bool
func (UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) String ¶
func (e UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) String() string
func (*UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnbanRequestRestrictionReason) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanRequestStatus ¶
type UnbanRequestStatus string
Possible statuses of an unban request.
const ( // Default status. Is an invalid status state. Used as zero value when no specific status is specified. UnbanRequestStatusNone UnbanRequestStatus = "NONE" // Approved; user is unbanned from the channel. UnbanRequestStatusApproved UnbanRequestStatus = "APPROVED" // User's unban request is denied; user remains banned in the channel. UnbanRequestStatusDenied UnbanRequestStatus = "DENIED" // A moderator decision has not been made on the Unban Request. UnbanRequestStatusPending UnbanRequestStatus = "PENDING" // The user has had their unban request approved, and has acknowledged // the rules on the channel. UnbanRequestStatusAcknowledged UnbanRequestStatus = "ACKNOWLEDGED" // The user has canceled their unban request. UnbanRequestStatusCanceled UnbanRequestStatus = "CANCELED" )
func (UnbanRequestStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e UnbanRequestStatus) IsValid() bool
func (UnbanRequestStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnbanRequestStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnbanRequestStatus) String ¶
func (e UnbanRequestStatus) String() string
func (*UnbanRequestStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnbanRequestStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanRequestsOptions ¶
type UnbanRequestsOptions struct { // The order of the results, either oldest first or newest first. Order *UnbanRequestsSortOrder `json:"order"` // Filter results to only requests of this status. Status *UnbanRequestStatus `json:"status"` // Filter results to only requests from this user. UserID *string `json:"userID"` }
Optional filters that can be applied to an unban requests query.
type UnbanRequestsSettings ¶
type UnbanRequestsSettings struct { // The number of minutes after being banned before users can request an unban. CooldownMinutes int `json:"cooldownMinutes"` // Whether users can create requests on the channel or not. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Set of preferences set by the channel owner regarding unban requests.
type UnbanRequestsSortOrder ¶
type UnbanRequestsSortOrder string
Ways to sort Unban Requests.
const ( // The oldest request first. UnbanRequestsSortOrderOldest UnbanRequestsSortOrder = "OLDEST" // The newest request first. UnbanRequestsSortOrderNewest UnbanRequestsSortOrder = "NEWEST" )
func (UnbanRequestsSortOrder) IsValid ¶
func (e UnbanRequestsSortOrder) IsValid() bool
func (UnbanRequestsSortOrder) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnbanRequestsSortOrder) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnbanRequestsSortOrder) String ¶
func (e UnbanRequestsSortOrder) String() string
func (*UnbanRequestsSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnbanRequestsSortOrder) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomError ¶
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomError struct {
Code UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode `json:"code"`
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode ¶
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode string
const ( // User does not have permission to unban in channel. UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeForbidden UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Target does not exist. UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotFound UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_FOUND" // Target is not banned in channel. UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCodeTargetNotBanned UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_BANNED" )
func (UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) String() string
func (*UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnbanUserFromChatRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomPayload ¶
type UnbanUserFromChatRoomPayload struct { // The new ban status of this user regarding the specified channel. Ban *ChatRoomBanStatus `json:"ban"` // Mutation error caused by the user input. Error *UnbanUserFromChatRoomError `json:"error"` }
type UnblockUserInput ¶
type UnblockUserInput struct { // ID of user to unblock. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
type UnblockUserPayload ¶
type UnblockUserPayload struct { // User that was unblocked. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
type UndoRecommendationFeedbackInput ¶
type UndoRecommendationFeedbackInput struct { // The id of the feedback. FeedbackID string `json:"feedbackID"` // The page this event was fired from. SourceItemPage string `json:"sourceItemPage"` // The unique id given to this request. SourceItemRequestID string `json:"sourceItemRequestID"` // The unique tracking id of the shelf / shelf card. SourceItemTrackingID string `json:"sourceItemTrackingID"` }
Data required to undo recommendation feedback.
type UndoRecommendationFeedbackPayload ¶
type UndoRecommendationFeedbackPayload struct { // The id of the feedback you just undid. FeedbackID string `json:"feedbackID"` }
Returns the created feedback item back to the client.
type UnfollowGameInput ¶
type UnfollowGameInput struct {
GameID string `json:"gameID"`
UnfollowGameInput contains just the game ID of the game to unfollow.
type UnfollowGamePayload ¶
type UnfollowGamePayload struct { // The deleted follow relationship, if one existed beforehand. Follow *GameFollow `json:"follow"` // The game that was unfollowed // game.self.follow should now be null. Game *Game `json:"game"` }
UnfollowGamePayload is the response from unfollowing a game.
type UnfollowUserInput ¶
type UnfollowUserInput struct {
TargetID string `json:"targetID"`
type UnfollowUserPayload ¶
type UnfollowUserPayload struct { // The deleted follow relationship. Follow *Follow `json:"follow"` }
type UnfriendUserInput ¶
type UnfriendUserInput struct { // The authenticated user will no longer be friends with the user whose ID is equal to targetID. TargetID string `json:"targetID"` }
type UnfriendUserPayload ¶
type UnfriendUserPayload struct { // The user whose friend relationship was just destroyed by the authenticated user. User *User `json:"user"` }
type UnhostInput ¶
type UnhostInput struct { // Channel ID to unhost from. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
UnhostInput contains the necessary inputs to unhost a channel.
type UnhostPayload ¶
type UnhostPayload struct { // The channel that just unhosted. Channel *User `json:"channel"` }
UnhostPayload is the response after attempting to unhost.
type UninstallExtensionError ¶
type UninstallExtensionError struct { // Error code. Code UninstallExtensionErrorCode `json:"code"` }
UninstallExtensionError is wrapper for error associated with the uninstallExtension mutation.
type UninstallExtensionErrorCode ¶
type UninstallExtensionErrorCode string
UninstallExtensionErrorCode is an error code associated with UninstallExtensionError.
const ( UninstallExtensionErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Channel id is invalid, for example, is empty. UninstallExtensionErrorCodeInvalidChannelID UninstallExtensionErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // The extension is not installed on the channel. UninstallExtensionErrorCodeExtensionNotInstalled UninstallExtensionErrorCode = "EXTENSION_NOT_INSTALLED" )UninstallExtensionErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (UninstallExtensionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UninstallExtensionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UninstallExtensionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UninstallExtensionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UninstallExtensionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UninstallExtensionErrorCode) String() string
func (*UninstallExtensionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UninstallExtensionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UninstallExtensionInput ¶
type UninstallExtensionInput struct { // The composite ID of an extension installation <extensionID:version:channelID>. ExtensionInstallationID string `json:"extensionInstallationID"` }
The required input for an uninstallExtension mutation.
type UninstallExtensionPayload ¶
type UninstallExtensionPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to set feature flags. Error *UninstallExtensionError `json:"error"` // The id of the extension which was uninstalled. ID string `json:"id"` }
The resulting payload of an uninstallExtension mutation.
type UnlinkAmazonConnectionInput ¶
type UnlinkAmazonConnectionInput struct { // Id of the user that wishes to unlink his amazon connection. UserID *string `json:"userID"` }
UnlinkAmazonConnectionInput represent the parameters necessary to unlink an amazon connection.
type UnlinkAmazonConnectionPayload ¶
type UnlinkAmazonConnectionPayload struct { // Whether or not the unlink operation was successful. Only reports if the underlying call was successful, as such will return true even if no unlinking occured (such as when as user doesn't have a linked amazon account, for instance). IsSuccess *bool `json:"isSuccess"` }
UnlinkAmazonConnectionPayload indicates whether the unlinking was successful or not.
type UnlinkRiotConnectionInput ¶
type UnlinkRiotConnectionInput struct { // Twitch User ID to delete. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
User ID input of the connection being deleted.
type UnlinkRiotConnectionPayload ¶
type UnlinkRiotConnectionPayload struct { // The complete account connections list where Riot will be null. Connections *AccountConnectionSet `json:"connections"` }
Contains a struct of all current accounts connections.
type UnlinkSSOInput ¶
type UnlinkSSOPayload ¶
type UnlinkSSOPayload struct { // The deleted SSO links. Links []*SSOLink `json:"links"` }
type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmoteInput ¶
type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmoteInput struct { // The channel the emote is being redeemed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The client's perception of the reward's cost. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The modified emote to unlock. EmoteID string `json:"emoteID"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for unlocking a chosen modified subscriber emote with Community Points.
type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmotePayload ¶
type UnlockChosenModifiedSubscriberEmotePayload struct { // The user's new Community Points balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // The error that occurred during redemption, if any. Error *CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError `json:"error"` }
The response from redeeming the unlock a chosen modified subscriber emote reward.
type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmoteInput ¶
type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmoteInput struct { // The channel the emote is being redeemed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The client's perception of the reward's cost. Cost int `json:"cost"` // The emote to unlock. EmoteID string `json:"emoteID"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for unlocking a chosen subscriber emote with Community Points.
type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmotePayload ¶
type UnlockChosenSubscriberEmotePayload struct { // The user's new Community Points balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // The error that occurred during redemption, if any. Error *CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError `json:"error"` }
The response from redeeming the unlock a chosen subscriber emote reward.
type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmoteInput ¶
type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmoteInput struct { // The channel the emote is being redeemed on. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The client's perception of the reward's cost. Cost int `json:"cost"` // Client-set identifier for the transaction. This ID should be universally unique. TransactionID string `json:"transactionID"` }
Input for unlocking a random subscriber emote with Community Points.
type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmotePayload ¶
type UnlockRandomSubscriberEmotePayload struct { // The user's new Community Points balance. Balance *int `json:"balance"` // The random emote that was unlocked. Emote *CommunityPointsEmote `json:"emote"` // The error that occurred during redemption, if any. Error *CommunityPointsUnlockEmoteError `json:"error"` }
The response from redeeming the unlock a random subscriber emote reward.
type UnmodUserError ¶
type UnmodUserError struct { // The enum indicating what error has occurred. Code UnmodUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
ModUserError contains details about a client error that occurred.
type UnmodUserErrorCode ¶
type UnmodUserErrorCode string
UnmodUserErrorCode defines a client error that occurred while remove a moderator.
const ( // The requesting user does not have permission to add a moderator in this channel. UnmodUserErrorCodeForbidden UnmodUserErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The target user does not exist or has a suspended account. UnmodUserErrorCodeTargetNotFound UnmodUserErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_FOUND" // The channel does not exist. UnmodUserErrorCodeChannelNotFound UnmodUserErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // The target user is not a moderator. UnmodUserErrorCodeTargetNotMod UnmodUserErrorCode = "TARGET_NOT_MOD" )
func (UnmodUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UnmodUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UnmodUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UnmodUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UnmodUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UnmodUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*UnmodUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UnmodUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UnmodUserInput ¶
type UnmodUserInput struct { // The channel that the user will be removed as a moderator to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The ID of the user that will be removed as a moderator. // Either targetID or targetLogin must be provided. TargetID *string `json:"targetID"` // The login of the user that will be removed as a moderator. // Either targetID or targetLogin must be provided. TargetLogin *string `json:"targetLogin"` }
UnmodUserInput contains the parameters to remove a user as a moderator to a channel.
type UnmodUserPayload ¶
type UnmodUserPayload struct { // The channel that the user is removed as a moderator to. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // The client error that has occurred. // Null if the operation is successful. Error *UnmodUserError `json:"error"` // The user that is removed as a moderator. Target *User `json:"target"` }
UnmodUserPayload is the response when remove a user as a moderator.
type UnsetHypeTrainConfigInput ¶
type UnsetHypeTrainConfigInput struct { // Custom emote to be rendered in Hype Train messaging. CalloutEmote *bool `json:"calloutEmote"` // Length of the cooldown period after a hype train ends. CooldownPeriodMinutes *bool `json:"cooldownPeriodMinutes"` // The difficulty of hype train levels. Difficulty *bool `json:"difficulty"` // Hype Train kickoff settings. EventsThreshold *bool `json:"eventsThreshold"` // Whether hype train should be enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // A boolean flag that indicates if the hype train settings should be personalized by Twitch. ShouldUsePersonalizedSettings *bool `json:"shouldUsePersonalizedSettings"` // Use creator color as base color of the Hype Train progress bar. WillUseCreatorColor *bool `json:"willUseCreatorColor"` }
UnsetHypeTrainConfigInput takes series of optional config settings and unsets the custom value for the default..
type UnsetHypeTrainConfigPayload ¶
type UnsetHypeTrainConfigPayload struct { // The hype train config for the channel. Config *HypeTrainConfig `json:"config"` }
UnsetHypeTrainConfigPayload is the response that contains the Unsetd config.
type UnsubscribeEmailInput ¶
type UnsubscribeEmailInput struct { // The unique ID of the origin email. SourceEmailID string `json:"sourceEmailID"` // The email type of the origin email. SourceEmailType string `json:"sourceEmailType"` // ID of the channel whose notifications should be blocked. TargetChannelID *string `json:"targetChannelID"` // The email type from which the user is unsubscribing. TargetEmailType *string `json:"targetEmailType"` // ID of the user requesting the unsubscribe action. UserID string `json:"userID"` // Server signature to verify authenticity of the link author. ValidatingHash string `json:"validatingHash"` }
Input to the unsubscribe mutation. One of "channel" or "type" fields must be provided.
type UnsubscribeEmailPayload ¶
type UnsubscribeEmailPayload struct { // Specifies whether the action was successful. IsSuccess bool `json:"isSuccess"` }
Output from the unsubscribe mutation.
type UpdateAdPropertiesInput ¶
type UpdateAdPropertiesInput struct { // Toggle for disable prerolls for midrolls feature. HasDisablePrerollsAbilityEnabled *bool `json:"hasDisablePrerollsAbilityEnabled"` // Toggle for disable prerolls for midrolls notifcations. // The "Disable Prerolls" product is a way for streamers to disable preroll ads by running midroll ads. // The streamer can choose to enable notifications (ie. "Preroll Ads are now disabled for X minutes") for this product. HasDisablePrerollsNotificationsEnabled *bool `json:"hasDisablePrerollsNotificationsEnabled"` // Toggle for enable multiplayer ads for subs. IsMultiplayerAdsForSubsEnabled *bool `json:"isMultiplayerAdsForSubsEnabled"` // User the update belongs to. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
Inputs to the updateAdProperties mutation.
type UpdateAdPropertiesPayload ¶
type UpdateAdPropertiesPayload struct { // User/channel to update the ad settings. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
Output from the updateAdProperties mutation.
type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsInput ¶
type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsInput struct {
MarkAllAsRead *bool `json:"markAllAsRead"`
type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsPayload ¶
type UpdateAllWhisperThreadsPayload struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
type UpdateAutoModPropertiesInput ¶
type UpdateAutoModPropertiesInput struct { // These fields should be values between 0 and 4 inclusive. AggressiveLevel int `json:"aggressiveLevel"` // String ID of the channel AutoModProperties are being updated for. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` IdentityLevel int `json:"identityLevel"` ProfanityLevel int `json:"profanityLevel"` SexualLevel int `json:"sexualLevel"` }
type UpdateAutoModPropertiesPayload ¶
type UpdateAutoModPropertiesPayload struct { // The new properties after applying the mutation. AutoModProperties *AutoModProperties `json:"autoModProperties"` }
type UpdateAutohostSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateAutohostSettingsInput struct { // True if this channel has the autohost feature turned on. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The strategy to use when choosing channels to autohost. Strategy *AutohostSettingsStrategy `json:"strategy"` // UserID to update settings for. UserID string `json:"userID"` // True if this user autohosts their team members. WillAutohostTeam *bool `json:"willAutohostTeam"` // True if this channels prefers autohost over vodcast. WillPrioritizeAutohost *bool `json:"willPrioritizeAutohost"` }
UpdateAutohostSettingsInput update a user's autohost settings.
type UpdateAutohostSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateAutohostSettingsPayload struct { // User whose autohost settings has been updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
UpdateAutohostSettingsPayload returns the user whose settings had been updated.
type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationInput ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationInput struct { // Optional message to send when sharing notification. If supplied, will accompany user notice. Message *string `json:"message"` // Unique Identifier for the notification. NotificationID string `json:"notificationID"` // New state for notification. NotificationState BitsBadgeTierNotificationState `json:"notificationState"` }
UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationInput is the input required when updating a bits badge tier notification.
type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationPayload ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationPayload struct { // The user that updated the bits badge tier notification. User *User `json:"user"` }
UpdateBitsBadgeTierNotificationPayload is the payload returned after updating a bits badge tier notification.
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersError ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersError struct { // The associated error code. Code UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors for updating bits badges.
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned for updating bits badges.
const ( // Invalid parameters in the request. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeInvalidParameter UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // Badge title is too long. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeBadgeTitleExceedsCharacterLimit UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "BADGE_TITLE_EXCEEDS_CHARACTER_LIMIT" // Badge title did not pass moderation check. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeBadgeTitleFailedModeration UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "BADGE_TITLE_FAILED_MODERATION" // The emote code submitted collides with an existing emote code. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeEmoteCodeAlreadyExists UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "EMOTE_CODE_ALREADY_EXISTS" // The emote code submitted is unacceptable (contains offensive, banned, or "bad" words, which violates guidelines). UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeEmoteCodeUnacceptable UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "EMOTE_CODE_UNACCEPTABLE" // Data for least one of the image sizes is not provided. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeIncompleteBadgeImageData UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "INCOMPLETE_BADGE_IMAGE_DATA" // Other errors returned from the service. UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCodeUnknownError UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateBitsBadgeTiersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersInput ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersInput struct { // A list of bits badge tiers to be modified. Tiers []*BitsBadgeTierInput `json:"tiers"` // The owner ID of the channel that the badge tiers belong to. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Settings related to bits badges.
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersPayload ¶
type UpdateBitsBadgeTiersPayload struct { // Whether or not the broadcaster is enabled to upload bits badge tier emote rewards. CanUploadBadgeTierEmoticons *bool `json:"canUploadBadgeTierEmoticons"` // Service error, if any. Error *UpdateBitsBadgeTiersError `json:"error"` // Updated bits badge tiers. Tiers []*BitsBadgeTier `json:"tiers"` }
Results of bits badge tier updates.
type UpdateBoostSettingsError ¶
type UpdateBoostSettingsError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while updating boost settings. Code UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while updating boost settings.
type UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Invalid parameter in the request. UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCodeInvalidParameter UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // Internal error being returned from service. UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCodeInternalError UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateBoostSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateBoostSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateBoostSettingsInput struct { // The Id of the channel where we want to update the boost enable/disable settings. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Whether the channel has enabled boost challenges. IsEarnedEnabled *bool `json:"isEarnedEnabled"` // Whether the channel has enabled boosts. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Whether the channel has enabled boosts paid for by the community. IsPaidEnabled *bool `json:"isPaidEnabled"` }
The required input for a updateBoostSettings mutation.
type UpdateBoostSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateBoostSettingsPayload struct { // The updated channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The possible error returned from the service. Error *UpdateBoostSettingsError `json:"error"` }
The result of an updateBoostSettings mutation.
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode string
Possible error codes returned from updating broadcast settings.
const ( // User is not authorized to update broadcast settings for this channel. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeAuthFailure UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "AUTH_FAILURE" // Too many attempts to update broadcast settings. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeRequestsThrottled UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "REQUESTS_THROTTLED" // Language is invalid. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeLanguageNotValid UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "LANGUAGE_NOT_VALID" // Streaming status is too long. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeStatusTooLong UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "STATUS_TOO_LONG" // Streaming status uses banned words. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeStatusUsesBannedWords UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "STATUS_USES_BANNED_WORDS" // Game name is too long. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeGameNameTooLong UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "GAME_NAME_TOO_LONG" // Unrecognized error returned from the backend service. UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCodeUnknownError UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsInput struct { // Indicate broadcaster's streaming language. BroadcasterLanguage *string `json:"broadcasterLanguage"` // The title of the game that the broadcaster is playing. Game *string `json:"game"` // The isMature boolean to set onto the user broadcast. IsMature *bool `json:"isMature"` // Channel's streaming Status. Status *string `json:"status"` // The Id of the user whose broadcast setting is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateBroadcastSettings mutation.
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateBroadcastSettingsPayload struct { // The modified broadcast settings. BroadcastSettings *BroadcastSettings `json:"broadcastSettings"` // Error from updating broadcast settings, if any. Error *UpdateBroadcastSettingsErrorCode `json:"error"` }
The result of a updateBroadcastSettings mutation.
type UpdateCelebrationConfigInput ¶
type UpdateCelebrationConfigInput struct { // ID of channel to update the celebration config. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // If turn, celebrations are enabled on the channel. IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Inputs for updating the user's celebration config.
type UpdateCelebrationConfigPayload ¶
type UpdateCelebrationConfigPayload struct { // The updated celebration config. CelebrationConfig *CelebrationConfig `json:"celebrationConfig"` // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CelebrationError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the update celebration config mutation.
type UpdateCelebrationInput ¶
type UpdateCelebrationInput struct { // Where on the channel page the celebration will show. Area *CelebrationArea `json:"area"` // ID of celebration to update. CelebrationID string `json:"celebrationID"` // ID of channel where the celebration to update exists. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Length the celebration will play. DurationMilliseconds *int `json:"durationMilliseconds"` // Effect which will show when the celebration triggers (ex Fireworks). Effect *CelebrationEffect `json:"effect"` // Threshold which will trigger the celebration (ex: Cheering 100 Bits). EventThreshold *int `json:"eventThreshold"` // Event type which will trigger the celebration (ex: Cheering Bits). EventType *CelebrationEventType `json:"eventType"` // Intensity of the celebration. // Should be bounded (TBA) value which will determine the spectacle of the celebration. Intensity *int `json:"intensity"` // If true, the celebration is enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Inputs for creating a new celebration.
type UpdateCelebrationPayload ¶
type UpdateCelebrationPayload struct { // The updated celebration. Celebration *Celebration `json:"celebration"` // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CelebrationError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the Update celebration mutation.
type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigInput ¶
type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigInput struct { // List of celebrations products for purchase in the channel. CelebrationProducts []*CelebrationProductConfigInput `json:"celebrationProducts"` // ID of channel to update the celebration product config. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Inputs for updating the user's celebration product config.
type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigPayload ¶
type UpdateCelebrationProductConfigPayload struct { // The updated celebration products. CelebrationProducts []*CelebrationProduct `json:"celebrationProducts"` // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *CelebrationError `json:"error"` }
Outputs from the updated celebration product config mutation.
type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsInput struct { // If true, celebrations are disabled for the user to see. IsOptedOut *bool `json:"isOptedOut"` }
Inputs for updating the user's celebration user settings.
type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateCelebrationUserSettingsPayload struct { // The updated logged in user. CurrentUser *User `json:"currentUser"` }
Outputs from the update celebration config mutation.
type UpdateChangelogReadTimePayload ¶
type UpdateChangelogReadTimePayload struct { // The user whose changelog was marked as read. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a UpdateChangelogReadTimePayload mutation.
type UpdateChanletContentAttributesInput ¶
type UpdateChanletContentAttributesInput struct { // Identifier of the chanlet. ChanletID string `json:"chanletID"` // A list of multi-view content attribute IDs. // The provided list will override the list of IDs currently stored. ContentAttributeIDs []string `json:"contentAttributeIDs"` }
Mutation input for updating chanlet content attributes.
type UpdateChanletContentAttributesPayload ¶
type UpdateChanletContentAttributesPayload struct { // Updated chanlet. Chanlet *Channel `json:"chanlet"` }
Response payload.
type UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError ¶
type UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError string
The possible error returned.
const ( // The user making the update is not authorized to do so. UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorForbidden UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError = "FORBIDDEN" // One or more of the category IDs in the input are invalid. UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorInvalidCategory UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError = "INVALID_CATEGORY" // The same category ID cannot be both shown and hidden. UpdateChannelCategoryShelfErrorCannotShowAndHideCategory UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError = "CANNOT_SHOW_AND_HIDE_CATEGORY" )
func (UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) String ¶
func (e UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) String() string
func (*UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateChannelClipsSettingInput ¶
type UpdateChannelClipsSettingInput struct { // The Id of the channel where we want to update the clips enable/disable setting. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // If isClipsEnabled is true, allow the following roles to create Clips on the channel. CreationRestrictedTo *ChannelClipsCreationRestrictedToInput `json:"creationRestrictedTo"` // If there are clip creation restrictions, use the following to add options to those restrictions. CreationRestrictionOptions *ChannelClipsCreationAuthRestrictionOptionsInput `json:"creationRestrictionOptions"` // Set whether or not users can create Clips on this channel. IsClipsEnabled bool `json:"isClipsEnabled"` }
The required input for a updateChannelClipsSetting mutation.
type UpdateChannelClipsSettingPayload ¶
type UpdateChannelClipsSettingPayload struct { // The updated channel. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` }
The result of a updateChannelClipsSetting mutation.
type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesInput ¶
type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesInput struct { // A list of category IDs to hide from the category shelf. CategoryIDsToHide []string `json:"categoryIDsToHide"` // A list of category IDs to unhide from the category shelf. CategoryIDsToUnhide []string `json:"categoryIDsToUnhide"` // The ID of the channel whose category shelf is being updated. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The hero preset. HeroPreset *HeroPreset `json:"heroPreset"` // The type of streamer shelf to display. StreamerShelfType *StreamerShelfType `json:"streamerShelfType"` }
The input to update a channel's category shelf content.
type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesPayload ¶
type UpdateChannelHomePreferencesPayload struct { // The channel with the modified category shelf. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The possible error returned. Error *UpdateChannelCategoryShelfError `json:"error"` }
The result of an update to the category shelf.
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsError ¶
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsError struct { // Code describing the error. Code UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the updateChannelPredictionSettings mutation.
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the updateChannelPredictionSettings mutation.
const ( // The authorized user is not allowed to update prediction settings for this channel. UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCodeForbidden UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCodeUnknown UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsInput struct { // Whether channel moderators are allowed to create and resolve Prediction Events. CanModeratorsManagePredictions *bool `json:"canModeratorsManagePredictions"` // The ID of the channel to update the settings of. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Update a channel's Prediction Settings. All fields other than channelID are nullable; only specify fields that you wish to update.
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *UpdateChannelPredictionSettingsError `json:"error"` // The updated settings. Settings *ChannelPredictionSettings `json:"settings"` }
Payload for updating a channel's Prediction Settings.
type UpdateChatColorInput ¶
type UpdateChatColorInput struct { // Named color for normal users (e.g. "Blue" or "Coral", see // or a hex color for Turbo users (e.g. "#001122"). Color string `json:"color"` }
type UpdateChatColorPayload ¶
type UpdateChatColorPayload struct { // The user whose chat color was set. User *User `json:"user"` }
type UpdateChatSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateChatSettingsInput struct { // autoModLevel is an integer from 0-4 representing the level of automoderation of chat // 0 is off, 4 is the highest level of moderation. // // Deprecated: No longer used. AutoModLevel *int `json:"autoModLevel"` // ID of the channel for which chat settings are being updated. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // chatDelayInMs is the delay before non-mods see a message. ChatDelayInMs *int `json:"chatDelayInMs"` // followersOnlyDurationMinutes is the number of minutes a user must have // followed the broadcaster before being able to chat. FollowersOnlyDurationMinutes *int `json:"followersOnlyDurationMinutes"` // hideLinks indicates if links should be deleted from non-mod messages. HideLinks *bool `json:"hideLinks"` // isBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled indicates if the broadcaster requires chat messages to // match their language. // // Deprecated: No longer used. IsBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled *bool `json:"isBroadcasterLanguageModeEnabled"` // Indicates whether chat is currently enforcing that messages may only contain // emotes. IsEmoteOnlyModeEnabled *bool `json:"isEmoteOnlyModeEnabled"` // If isOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList is true, the legacy twitch banned words list will // be inserted into automod if the channel has automod enabled. // // Deprecated: No longer used. IsOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList *bool `json:"isOptedOutOfGlobalBannedWordsList"` // Indicates whether chat is currently enforcing that messages must be // reasonably unique from recent messages. Previously known as "r9k mode". IsUniqueChatModeEnabled *bool `json:"isUniqueChatModeEnabled"` // requireVerifiedAccount indicates if users must be verified to chat. RequireVerifiedAccount *bool `json:"requireVerifiedAccount"` // A list of chat rules to display to users when joining a chat channel. Rules []string `json:"rules"` // The number of seconds a user must wait in between sending chat messages // If value is null, slow mode is not enabled. SlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"slowModeDurationSeconds"` }
Possible chat settings modifiable for the channel specified via ChannelID.
NOTE: Subscribers-only chat mode settings are in the UpdateSubscriptionProduct mutation.
type UpdateChatSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateChatSettingsPayload struct { // The new chatSettings after applying the mutation. ChatSettings *ChatSettings `json:"chatSettings"` }
Result of mutation is the updated ChatSettings object.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsBadgesInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsBadgesInput struct { // A list of tiers to modify. Tiers []*BitsBadgeTierInput `json:"tiers"` }
Partner settings related to chat badges with bits.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsChatMessageInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsChatMessageInput struct { // The setting that controls if the user has project v enabled on their channel. IsOptedOutOfProjectV *bool `json:"isOptedOutOfProjectV"` // The minimnm setting that controls the minimum bits that must be part of a cheer emote. MinBitsPerEmote *int `json:"minBitsPerEmote"` // The minimum setting that controls the minimum amount a user must cheer in the channel. MinBitsToCheer *int `json:"minBitsToCheer"` }
Partner settings related to chat messages with bits.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCheerBombInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCheerBombInput struct { // Flag that is true if the user has opted out of the cheer bomb event. IsOptedOut *bool `json:"isOptedOut"` }
Settings related to bits cheer bomb events.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCustomPrefixInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCustomPrefixInput struct { // Flag that is set if the user has the custom cheermote prefix enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` }
Partner settings related to the custom cheermote prefix.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsInput struct { // Partner settings related to chat badges with bits. Badges *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsBadgesInput `json:"badges"` // Partner settings related to chat messages with bits. ChatMessage *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsChatMessageInput `json:"chatMessage"` // Partner settings related to cheer bomb events. CheerBombEvent *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCheerBombInput `json:"cheerBombEvent"` // Partner settings related to the custom cheermote prefix. CustomPrefix *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsCustomPrefixInput `json:"customPrefix"` // Whether to onboard or offboard the user with bits. IsOnboarded *bool `json:"isOnboarded"` // Partner settings related to the bits leaderboard. Leaderboard *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsLeaderboardInput `json:"leaderboard"` // Partner settings related to the recent cheer message. RecentCheer *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsRecentCheerInput `json:"recentCheer"` // Partner settings related to sponsored cheermote campaigns. SponsoredCheermote *UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsSponsoredCheermoteInput `json:"sponsoredCheermote"` // The user ID to update channel settings. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Mutation input for updating Bits partner channel settings.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsLeaderboardInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsLeaderboardInput struct { // Flag that is true if the user has bits leaderboards turned on. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The time period the user wants the leaderboard to be displayed as. TimePeriod *string `json:"timePeriod"` }
Partner settings related to the bits leaderboard.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsPayload struct { // The updated user settings object. Cheer *CheerPartnerSettings `json:"cheer"` }
Result of mutation is the updated UserSettings object.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsRecentCheerInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsRecentCheerInput struct { // Flag that when true pins the recent cheer to their channel. CanPin *bool `json:"canPin"` // The minimum bits a user must cheer to show their cheer on the chat header. MinimumBits *int `json:"minimumBits"` // The amount of time a recent cheer is shown before being dismissed. TimeoutMilliseconds *int `json:"timeoutMilliseconds"` }
Partner settings related to the recent cheer message.
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsSponsoredCheermoteInput ¶
type UpdateCheerPartnerSettingsSponsoredCheermoteInput struct { // The campaign ID we are modifying for the user. ID string `json:"id"` // Flag that is true if the user has opted in of the sponsored cheermote campaign. IsOptedIn bool `json:"isOptedIn"` }
Settings related to sponsored cheermote campaigns.
type UpdateClipError ¶
type UpdateClipError struct { // The error when the clip fails to update a clip. Message *string `json:"message"` }
UpdateClipError is an error associated with the updateClip mutation.
type UpdateClipInput ¶
type UpdateClipInput struct { // The slug of the clip to update. Slug string `json:"slug"` // The new title of the clip. Title *string `json:"title"` }
UpdateClipInput updates the title of the clip with the provided slug.
type UpdateClipPayload ¶
type UpdateClipPayload struct { // The clip with its updated properties. Clip *Clip `json:"clip"` // The error when the clip fails to update a clip. Error *UpdateClipError `json:"error"` }
UpdateClipPayload returns the updated clip.
type UpdateClipViewCountInput ¶
type UpdateClipViewCountInput struct { // The slug of the clip to increment viewcount on. Slug string `json:"slug"` }
UpdateClipViewCountInput increments the viewcount of the provided slug.
type UpdateClipViewCountPayload ¶
type UpdateClipViewCountPayload struct { // The clip that was updated. // The views field is the only field that is updated, and the change is not reflected immediately. Clip *Clip `json:"clip"` }
UpdateClipViewCount returns the clip that was updated.
type UpdateCollectionInput ¶
type UpdateCollectionInput struct { // The id of the collection to be updated. CollectionID string `json:"collectionID"` // The updated description of the collection. Description *string `json:"description"` // The itemID of the item whose thumbnail will be collection's thumbnail. ThumbnailInput *UpdateCollectionThumbnailInput `json:"thumbnailInput"` // The updated title of the collection. Title *string `json:"title"` // The updated type of the collection. Type *CollectionType `json:"type"` }
UpdateCollectionInput accepts a collection ID and parameters to update a collection.
type UpdateCollectionPayload ¶
type UpdateCollectionPayload struct { // The collection that was just updated. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` }
UpdateCollectionPayload resolves the updated collection.
type UpdateCollectionThumbnailInput ¶
type UpdateCollectionThumbnailInput struct { // The id of the item whose thumbnail will be collection's thumbnail. ID string `json:"id"` // The type of the item whose thumbnail will be collection's thumbnail. Type string `json:"type"` }
UpdateCollectionThumbnailInput accepts a item ID and item Type for the new collection's thumbnail.
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode `json:"code"` // On COST_TOO_LOW, the minimum cost that can be set. MinimumCost *int `json:"minimumCost"` }
An error from updating an automatic Community Points reward in a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode string
The possible reasons updating an automatic Community Points reward in a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update a reward in this channel. UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The cost is below the minimum. UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeCostTooLow UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = "COST_TOO_LOW" // The cost is invalid. Must be a positive integer. UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = "COST_INVALID" // The background color is invalid. Backgrounds must be a valid hex color, for example "FF0000". UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode = "BACKGROUND_COLOR_INVALID" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardInput struct { // The optional custom background color for this reward. // Should be a hex color string, for example "FF0000". BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The channel ID that the reward is being updated in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The point cost of this reward. Cost *int `json:"cost"` // Whether the reward is enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The ID of the reward being updated. RewardType CommunityPointsAutomaticRewardType `json:"rewardType"` // A flag to reset this automatic reward's background color to default. ShouldResetBackgroundColor *bool `json:"shouldResetBackgroundColor"` // A flag to reset this automatic reward's cost to default. ShouldResetCost *bool `json:"shouldResetCost"` // A flag to reset this automatic reward's image to default. ShouldResetImage *bool `json:"shouldResetImage"` }
Input for updating an automatic Community Points reward in a channel. Only the channelID and rewardType are required. All other fields are optional. Only set fields that are intended to be updated.
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating an automatic Community Points reward in a channel. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsAutomaticRewardError `json:"error"` // The newly updated reward. Reward *CommunityPointsAutomaticReward `json:"reward"` }
The response from updating an automatic Community Points reward in a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from updating a channel's Community Points channel settings.
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode string
The possible reasons updating a channel's Community Points channel settings could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update this channel's settings. UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The custom name failed AutoMod. UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCodeNameAutomodFailed UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode = "NAME_AUTOMOD_FAILED" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsInput struct { // The channel ID to update the settings of. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Whether the channel has community points turned on. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // The channel's custom community points name. Name *string `json:"name"` // A flag to reset this channel's community points image to default. ShouldResetImage *bool `json:"shouldResetImage"` // A flag to reset this channel's community points name to default. ShouldResetName *bool `json:"shouldResetName"` }
Input for updating Community Points channel settings.. Only the channelID is required. All other fields are optional. Only set fields that are intended to be updated.
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsPayload struct { // The channel with the newly updated settings. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // An error that occurred while updating a channel's Community Points channel settings. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsChannelSettingsError `json:"error"` }
The response from updating a channel's Community Points channel settings.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError struct { // The error code. Code UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Update community goal error.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode string
Update community goal error code.
const ( // Goal already exists. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDuplicateGoal UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_GOAL" // Goal title failed automod. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TITLE_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // Goal title is invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeTitleInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "TITLE_INVALID" // Goal description failed automod. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionAutomodFailed UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DESCRIPTION_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // Goal description is invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDescriptionInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DESCRIPTION_INVALID" // Goal amount is invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalAmountInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "GOAL_AMOUNT_INVALID" // Goal duration is invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeDurationInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "DURATION_INVALID" // Goal background color is invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "BACKGROUND_COLOR_INVALID" // Goal cannot be updated since it has already been started. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeGoalStarted UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "GOAL_STARTED" // Goal status change invalid. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeInvalidStatusChange UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "INVALID_STATUS_CHANGE" // Goal was not found. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeNotFound UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to update goals for this channel. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // An unknown error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput struct { // The amount of community points that this goal needs to succeed. AmountNeeded *int `json:"amountNeeded"` // The background color of this goal. BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The channel. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The description of this goal. Description *string `json:"description"` // The *initial* duration the streamer set for the goal. // Only really used during the UNSTARTED state; once the goal is started // the endedAt timestamp is populated (and updated for extended deadlines). DurationDays *int `json:"durationDays"` // The time the goal is scheduled to end. Used to extend a goal. EndsAt *time.Time `json:"endsAt"` // The id of the goal. GoalID string `json:"goalID"` // Reset background color to default if true. ResetBackgroundColor *bool `json:"resetBackgroundColor"` // Reset image to default if true. ResetImage *bool `json:"resetImage"` // Reset max contribution per stream to default if true. ResetMaxContributionPerStream *bool `json:"resetMaxContributionPerStream"` // The current status of this goal. Status *CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus `json:"status"` // The title of this goal. Title *string `json:"title"` }
Update community goal input.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalPayload struct { // The error, if any. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalError `json:"error"` // The community goal. Goal *CommunityPointsCommunityGoal `json:"goal"` }
Update community goal payload.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from updating a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode string
The possible reasons updating a custom Community Points reward in a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update a reward in this channel. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The reward was not found. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeNotFound UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The title failed AutoMod. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleAutomodFailed UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TITLE_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // The prompt failed AutoMod. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodePromptAutomodFailed UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "PROMPT_AUTOMOD_FAILED" // The cost is invalid. Costs must be greater than 0. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeCostInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "COST_INVALID" // The maxPerStream is invalid. maxPerStream must be greater than 0. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerStreamInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_STREAM_INVALID" // The title is invalid. Titles must not be empty and must be at most 45 characters long. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeTitleInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "TITLE_INVALID" // The background color is invalid. Backgrounds must be a valid hex color, for example "FF0000". UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeBackgroundColorInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "BACKGROUND_COLOR_INVALID" // A reward with the provided title already exists. Custom reward titles must be unique. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeDuplicateReward UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "DUPLICATE_REWARD" // The maxPerUserPerStream is invalid. maxPerUserPerStream must be greater than 0. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeMaxPerUserPerStreamInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "MAX_PER_USER_PER_STREAM_INVALID" // The globalCooldown is invalid. globalCooldown must be greater tham 0. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCodeGlobalCooldownInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode = "GLOBAL_COOLDOWN_INVALID" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardInput struct { // The optional custom background color for this reward. // Should be a hex color string, for example "FF0000". BackgroundColor *string `json:"backgroundColor"` // The channel ID that the reward is being updated in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The point cost of this reward. Cost *int `json:"cost"` // The length of the global cooldown applied to rewards redeemed of this type. GlobalCooldownSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardGlobalCooldownSettingInput `json:"globalCooldownSetting"` // Whether this reward has real world value. HasRealWorldValue *bool `json:"hasRealWorldValue"` // Whether the reward is enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Whether the reward is temporarily paused. IsPaused *bool `json:"isPaused"` // Whether only subscribers are allowed to redeem this reward in this channel. IsSubOnly *bool `json:"isSubOnly"` // Whether this reward requires users to enter text input. IsUserInputRequired *bool `json:"isUserInputRequired"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per stream. MaxPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerStreamSettingInput `json:"maxPerStreamSetting"` // The most rewards of this type that can be redeemed per user per stream. MaxPerUserPerStreamSetting *CommunityPointsCustomRewardMaxPerUserPerStreamSettingInput `json:"maxPerUserPerStreamSetting"` // The optional user-facing prompt for this reward. Prompt *string `json:"prompt"` // The ID of the reward being updated. RewardID string `json:"rewardID"` // Whether redemptions for this reward should skip the broadcaster's request queue and get // automatically fulfilled. ShouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue *bool `json:"shouldRedemptionsSkipRequestQueue"` // A flag to reset this custom reward's image to the default. ShouldResetImage *bool `json:"shouldResetImage"` // The short title displayed for this reward. Title *string `json:"title"` }
Input for updating a custom Community Points reward in a channel. Only the channelID and rewardID are required. All other fields are optional. Only set fields that are intended to be updated.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating a custom Community Points reward in a channel. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardError `json:"error"` // The newly updated reward. Reward *CommunityPointsCustomReward `json:"reward"` }
The response from updating a custom Community Points reward in a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from acting on a Community Points redemption.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode string
The possible reasons acting on a Community Points redemption could fail.
const ( // The redemption was not found. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCodeNotFound UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // The current user is not allowed to update the status of this redemption. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusInput struct { // The channel ID the redemption was made in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The new status to set the redemption to. NewStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"newStatus"` // The redemption ID. RedemptionID string `json:"redemptionID"` }
Input for acting on a Community Points redemption.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating the redemption status. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusError `json:"error"` // The updated redemption. Redemption *CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemption `json:"redemption"` }
The response from acting on a Community Points redemption.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelInput struct { // The channel ID the redemptions were made in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The new status to set the redemptions to. NewStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"newStatus"` // The old status redemptions are currently set to. OldStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"oldStatus"` }
Input for acting on all Community Points redemptions for a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByChannelPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating the redemption statuses. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError `json:"error"` }
The response from acting on all Community Points redemptions for a channel. Most of the work is done as an async task and redemption status changes are pushed over pubsub.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsInput struct { // The channel ID the redemptions were made in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The new status to set the redemptions to. NewStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"newStatus"` // The old status redemptions are currently set to. OldStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"oldStatus"` // The redemption IDs to update. RedemptionIDs []string `json:"redemptionIDs"` }
Input for acting on the Community Points redemptions from the provided list.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRedemptionsPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating the redemption statuses. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError `json:"error"` }
The response from acting on the Community Points redemptions from the provided list. Most of the work is done as an async task and redemption status changes are pushed over pubsub.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardInput struct { // The channel ID the redemptions were made in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The new status to set the redemptions to. NewStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"newStatus"` // The old status redemptions are currently set to. OldStatus CommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatus `json:"oldStatus"` // The reward ID to update all redemptions with oldStatus for. RewardID string `json:"rewardID"` }
Input for acting on all Community Points redemptions for a reward.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesByRewardPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating the redemption statuses. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError `json:"error"` }
The response from acting on all Community Points redemptions for a reward. Most of the work is done as an async task and redemption status changes are pushed over pubsub.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from acting on a Community Points redemption.
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode string
The possible reasons acting on a Community Points redemption could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occured. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update the statuses of these redemptions. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // There is already a bulk update in progress for this reward / all rewards. Only one can be processed at a time. UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCodeInProgress UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode = "IN_PROGRESS" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsCustomRewardRedemptionStatusesErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessError struct { // The error code identifying this error. Code UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned when updating a user's enrollment in Community Points early access.
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode string
An error returned when updating a user's enrollment in Community Points early access.
const ( // The user is not allowed to opt in to the Community Points early access program. UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // There was some other error updating the user's enrollment. UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsInput struct { // Sets whether the user is signing up for or removing themself from the early access program. IsSignedUp bool `json:"isSignedUp"` }
Requests to change a user's enrollment status in the Community Points early access program.
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessSettingsPayload struct { // The channel whose Early Access preference was updated. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // Optionally, an error that occurred while attempting to update the user's enrollment status. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsEarlyAccessError `json:"error"` }
Returns updated early access status for Community Points.
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from updating the last viewed community points content timestamps on a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode string
The possible reasons updating the last viewed community points content timestamps on a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update last viewed timestamps for this channel. UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentInput struct { // The channelID where the content was viewed. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The content types that were viewed. ViewedContent []CommunityPointsContentType `json:"viewedContent"` }
Input for updating the last viewed community points content timestamps on a channel. The global content that was viewed on the channel will also have the timestamps updated.
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentPayload struct { // An error that occurred while updating the last viewed content timestamps. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsLastViewedContentError `json:"error"` // The updated last viewed timestamps for a channels content. LastViewedChannelContent []*CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByType `json:"lastViewedChannelContent"` // The updated last viewed timestamps for global content across all of twitch. LastViewedGlobalContent []*CommunityPointsLastViewedContentByTypeAndID `json:"lastViewedGlobalContent"` }
The response from updating the last viewed community points content timestamps on a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsError ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsError struct { // An identifier for the error that occurred. Code *UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error from updating a Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgements in a channel.
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode string
The possible reasons updating a Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgement in a channel could fail.
const ( // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeUnknown UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" // The current user is not allowed to update a smart costs acknowledgement in this channel. UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeForbidden UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // The cost is invalid. Must be a positive integer. UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCodeLastAcknowledgedCostInvalid UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode = "LAST_ACKNOWLEDGED_COST_INVALID" )
func (UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsInput ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsInput struct { // List of acknowledgements to update. Acknowledgements []*SmartCostsAcknowledgementInput `json:"acknowledgements"` // The channel ID that the reward is being updated in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Input required for updating community points smart costs acknowledgements.
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsPayload ¶
type UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsPayload struct { // List of acknowledgements for community points smart costs that were updated. Acknowledgements []*SmartCostsAcknowledgement `json:"acknowledgements"` // An error that occurred while updating a Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgements in a channel. Error *UpdateCommunityPointsSmartCostsAcknowledgementsError `json:"error"` }
Payload returned after updating Community Points Smart Costs Acknowledgements.
type UpdateCompetitionContactInfoInput ¶
type UpdateCompetitionContactInfoInput struct { // Link to Discord server for competition contact purposes. DiscordURL *string `json:"discordURL"` // Email address point of contact for the competition. Email *string `json:"email"` }
The competition contact info for updates.
type UpdateCompetitionInput ¶
type UpdateCompetitionInput struct { // Banner image for the competition event page. BannerImageURL *string `json:"bannerImageURL"` // This is the amount of time (in minutes) available for participants to check-in once competition startAt has passed. CheckInDurationMinutes *int `json:"checkInDurationMinutes"` // Long form description of the competition. Description *string `json:"description"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end. EndAt *time.Time `json:"endAt"` // The predefined structure of phases and lobbies. FormatType *FormatType `json:"formatType"` // The game being played in the competition>. GameID *string `json:"gameID"` // ID of the Competition we want to update. ID string `json:"id"` // Primary artwork for the competition. ImageURL *string `json:"imageURL"` // Specific format restrictions for a competition. LeaderboardDetails *UpdateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput `json:"leaderboardDetails"` // The name of the competition. Name *string `json:"name"` // The participant-facing points of contact for the competition that only registered participants can see. ParticipantOnlyContactInfo *UpdateCompetitionContactInfoInput `json:"participantOnlyContactInfo"` // Long form text block description that explains the prizing for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. PrizeDescription *string `json:"prizeDescription"` // The public points of contact for the competition that anyone can see. PublicContactInfo *UpdateCompetitionContactInfoInput `json:"publicContactInfo"` // The time the competition is scheduled to end registration. RegistrationEndAt *time.Time `json:"registrationEndAt"` // The maximum number of players in a REGISTERED state. RegistrationLimit *int `json:"registrationLimit"` // Long form text block description that explains the rules for the competition and will be converted to Markdown client-side. RulesDescription *string `json:"rulesDescription"` // The time the competition is scheduled to start. StartAt *time.Time `json:"startAt"` // The state of the tournament. State *CompetitionState `json:"state"` // The size of a team when ParticipantType is Team. TeamSize *int `json:"teamSize"` // Link URL to any additional terms and conditions. TermsURL *string `json:"termsURL"` }
Update a Competition.
type UpdateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput ¶
type UpdateCompetitionLeaderboardDetailsInput struct { // The max participant count for a lobby in phase. LobbyMaxSize *int `json:"lobbyMaxSize"` // The number of phases a competition should have. PhaseCount *int `json:"phaseCount"` // The way points are assigned to a participant in case of a tie. TiebreakerLabel *TiebreakerLabel `json:"tiebreakerLabel"` }
Editable fields for Leaderboard competition details.
type UpdateCompetitionPayload ¶
type UpdateCompetitionPayload struct { // The competition which was updated. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the competition was updated.
type UpdateCompetitionPlayerInput ¶
type UpdateCompetitionPlayerInput struct { // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // The discord username for the player. DiscordUsername *string `json:"discordUsername"` // The in game username for the player. InGameUsername *string `json:"inGameUsername"` // Indicates whether the player is disqualified. IsDisqualified *bool `json:"isDisqualified"` // The state a player has in the competition we want to change. State *CompetitionPlayerState `json:"state"` // Twitch user id of the player. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Update the state of a player in a Competition.
type UpdateCompetitionPlayerPayload ¶
type UpdateCompetitionPlayerPayload struct { // The new state of competition after updating a competition player in the competition. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the player was updated.
type UpdateCompetitionTeamInput ¶
type UpdateCompetitionTeamInput struct { // Twitch user id of the participant to make into the TeamCaptain. CaptainID *string `json:"captainID"` // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // Indicates whether the team is disqualified. IsDisqualified *bool `json:"isDisqualified"` // The user ids of the team members. Members []string `json:"members"` // Unique Team ID for the specified Competition. TeamID string `json:"teamID"` // The new name of the team. TeamName *string `json:"teamName"` }
Update a team in a Competition.
type UpdateCompetitionTeamPayload ¶
type UpdateCompetitionTeamPayload struct { // The competition that was updated. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
Data that was mutated after the CompetitionTeam was updated.
type UpdateConsentError ¶
type UpdateConsentError struct { // Error code. Code *UpdateConsentErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error associated with mutation UpdateConsent.
type UpdateConsentErrorCode ¶
type UpdateConsentErrorCode string
Client Error Code.
const ( // Invalid vendor name or law name or consent status. UpdateConsentErrorCodeInvalidVendorLawConsentStatus UpdateConsentErrorCode = "INVALID_VENDOR_LAW_CONSENT_STATUS" )
func (UpdateConsentErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateConsentErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateConsentErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateConsentErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateConsentErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateConsentErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateConsentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateConsentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateConsentInput ¶
type UpdateConsentInput struct { // Consent Session ID. ConsentSessionID string `json:"consentSessionID"` // Privacy rule set of applicable law, e.g. CCPA or GDPR. PrivacyLawName PrivacyLawName `json:"privacyLawName"` // Consent status for each vendor. VendorStatus []*VendorConsentStatusInput `json:"vendorStatus"` }
UpdateConsentInput updates or creates a consent status for a privacy law.
type UpdateConsentPayload ¶
type UpdateConsentPayload struct { // The full consent status given by the user after the create request. Consent *Consent `json:"consent"` // The possible error returned from service. Error *UpdateConsentError `json:"error"` }
UpdateConsentPayload returns the created or updated consent status.
type UpdateContentTagsInput ¶
type UpdateContentTagsInput struct { // List of tag IDs to be added from the content. AddedTagIDs []string `json:"addedTagIDs"` // ID of the channel owning the content. AuthorID string `json:"authorID"` // ID of content: Channel ID for Streams, Slugs for Clips, and VOD ids for VODs. ContentID string `json:"contentID"` // Type of content being returned. Can only be of values CLIP, STREAM, or VOD. ContentType ContentType `json:"contentType"` // List of tag IDs to be removed from the content. RemovedTagIDs []string `json:"removedTagIDs"` }
Update tags associated with CLIP, STREAM, or VOD with contentID.
type UpdateContentTagsPayload ¶
type UpdateContentTagsPayload struct { // Content which tags have been updated. Content TaggedContent `json:"content"` }
Result of mutation is the contentID.
type UpdateDropBenefitInput ¶
type UpdateDropBenefitInput struct { // The redirect URL where a user can link their account. AccountLinkURL string `json:"accountLinkURL"` // The ID of this benefit object. BenefitID string `json:"benefitID"` // The global limit of how often this benefit can be entitled to a user. EntitlementLimit int `json:"entitlementLimit"` // The game that awarded the Drop. GameID string `json:"gameID"` // Specifies if this reward is considered for a game that is available on iOS. IsIosAvailable *bool `json:"isIosAvailable"` // The display name of this benefit object. Name string `json:"name"` // The RBAC organization ID of the owner. OwnerID string `json:"ownerID"` }
UpdateDropBenefitInput has fields required to update a drop benefit.
type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropInput ¶
type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropInput struct { // The benefit to add to the drop. BenefitID string `json:"benefitID"` // How many times the drop can award the benefit. DropEntitlementLimit int `json:"dropEntitlementLimit"` // The drop to add the benefit to. DropID string `json:"dropID"` }
UpdateDropBenefitOnDropInput has fields required to update a drop's benefit.
type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropPayload ¶
type UpdateDropBenefitOnDropPayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
UpdateDropBenefitOnDropPayload returns the result of the update.
type UpdateDropBenefitPayload ¶
type UpdateDropBenefitPayload struct { // Returns the updated Benefit. DropBenefit *DropBenefit `json:"dropBenefit"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
UpdateDropBenefitPayload returns the result of the update.
type UpdateDropPreconditionsInput ¶
type UpdateDropPreconditionsInput struct { // The campaign we want to update drops for. CampaignID string `json:"campaignID"` // A list of drops and their drop precondition. DropPreconditions []*DropPrecondition `json:"dropPreconditions"` }
UpdateDropPreconditionsInput has fields required to update multiple drops and their precondition drop.
type UpdateDropPreconditionsPayload ¶
type UpdateDropPreconditionsPayload struct { // Returns the updated Campaign. DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A mapped error returned by the drops management service. Error *DropsError `json:"error"` }
UpdateDropPreconditionsPayload returns the result of the update.
type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusInput ¶
type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusInput struct { // Channel's drop opt-out Status. IsOptedOut bool `json:"isOptedOut"` // The Id of the user whose broadcast setting is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateDropsOptOutStatus mutation.
type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusPayload ¶
type UpdateDropsOptOutStatusPayload struct { // Status is the updated status. IsOptedOut *bool `json:"isOptedOut"` // userID is the user who wishes to opt out of drops. UserID *string `json:"userID"` }
The result of a updateDropsOptOutStatus mutation.
type UpdateEmoteOrdersError ¶
type UpdateEmoteOrdersError struct { // The associated error code. Code UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Errors for updating emote orders.
type UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode ¶
type UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode string
The expected errors that can be returned from the UpdateEmoteOrders mutation.
const ( UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" // No emote was found with the requested emote ID. UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadEmoteRequest UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = "BAD_EMOTE_REQUEST" // No group was found with the requested group ID. UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadGroupRequest UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = "BAD_GROUP_REQUEST" // The orders provided result in an invalid set of orders in a particular group. UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeBadNonUniqueOrdersRequest UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = "BAD_NON_UNIQUE_ORDERS_REQUEST" // An unexpected error occurred. UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeUnknownError UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateEmoteOrdersErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateEmoteOrdersInput ¶
type UpdateEmoteOrdersInput struct { // The list of emotes with their newly requested orders in a particular group. Orders []*EmoteOrder `json:"orders"` }
The required input for an updateEmoteOrders mutation.
type UpdateEmoteOrdersPayload ¶
type UpdateEmoteOrdersPayload struct { // Emotes are the newly reordered emotes. Emotes []*Emote `json:"emotes"` // Service error, if any. Error *UpdateEmoteOrdersError `json:"error"` }
The result of an updateEmoteOrders mutation.
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError ¶
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError string
UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError is an error associated with the updateExtensionDiscoveryData mutation.
const ( UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidVersion UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_VERSION" // Extension names must be shorter than 40 characters. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidNameLength UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension description must be shorter than 1024 characters. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidDescriptionLength UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH" // Extension summary must be shorter than 140 characters. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidSummaryLength UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_SUMMARY_LENGTH" // Extension author email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidAuthorEmail UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_EMAIL" // Extension support email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidSupportEmail UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_SUPPORT_EMAIL" // Extension author name length must be > 40. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension testing base uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_TESTING_BASE_URI" // Extension terms uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidTermsURI UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_TERMS_URI" // Extension privacy uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorInvalidPrivacyURI UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError = "INVALID_PRIVACY_URI" )UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataErrorUnauthorized
func (UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) String ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) String() string
func (*UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataInput ¶
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataInput struct { // Extension metadata used for discovery. DiscoveryManifest *ExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput `json:"discoveryManifest"` // The extension ID of the manifest to update. ID string `json:"id"` // The extension version to update. Version string `json:"version"` }
UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataInput updates the discovery data of a given extension version.
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload ¶
type UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataError `json:"error"` // The updated extension discovery data. Manifest *ExtensionVersionDiscoveryManifest `json:"manifest"` }
UpdateExtensionDiscoveryDataPayload returns the update Extension discovery metadata.
type UpdateExtensionManifestError ¶
type UpdateExtensionManifestError string
UpdateExtensionManifestError is an error associated with the updateExtensionManifest mutation.
const ( UpdateExtensionManifestError = "UNAUTHORIZED" // Version specified is invalid. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVersion UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_VERSION" // At least one anchor must be specified. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorAnchorRequired UpdateExtensionManifestError = "ANCHOR_REQUIRED" // HasZoom was specified but ZoomPixels is missing. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidZoom UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_ZOOM" // The number of whitelisted broadcasters exceeds the limit. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxBroadcasters UpdateExtensionManifestError = "MAX_BROADCASTERS" // The number of whitelisted testing users exceeds the limit. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxTesters UpdateExtensionManifestError = "MAX_TESTERS" // The number of whitelisted config URLs exceeds the limit. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedConfigURLS UpdateExtensionManifestError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_CONFIG_URLS" // The number of whitelisted panel URLs exceeds the limit. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorMaxWhitelistedPanelURLS UpdateExtensionManifestError = "MAX_WHITELISTED_PANEL_URLS" // Extension names must be shorter than 40 characters. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidNameLength UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension description must be shorter than 1024 characters. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidDescriptionLength UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH" // Extension summary must be shorter than 140 characters. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSummaryLength UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_SUMMARY_LENGTH" // Extension author email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorEmail UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_EMAIL" // Extension support email must not be nil. Lenght must be < 254, Parses a single RFC 5322 address. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidSupportEmail UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_SUPPORT_EMAIL" // Extension author name length must be > 40. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidAuthorNameLength UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH" // Extension testing base uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTestingBaseURI UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_TESTING_BASE_URI" // Extension terms uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidTermsURI UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_TERMS_URI" // Extension privacy uri must not be nil and empty scheme. Scheme should be http or https. User should not be nil. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPrivacyURI UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PRIVACY_URI" // Extension component viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension panel viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PANEL_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension video overlay viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidVideoOverlayViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_VIDEO_OVERLAY_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidConfigViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension live config viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidLiveConfigViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_LIVE_CONFIG_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension mobile viewer path must not be nil. Format should be BaseUri/Extension_Path. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidMobileViewerPath UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_MOBILE_VIEWER_PATH" // Extension component aspect width must be < 50 or > 1. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectWidth UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_WIDTH" // Extension component aspect height must be < 50 or > 1. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidComponentAspectHeight UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_COMPONENT_ASPECT_HEIGHT" // Extension panel hiehgt must be < 500 or > 100. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidPanelHeight UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_PANEL_HEIGHT" // Extension Bits Support Level must ba valid member of the BitsSupportLevelEnum. UpdateExtensionManifestErrorInvalidBitsSupportLevel UpdateExtensionManifestError = "INVALID_BITS_SUPPORT_LEVEL" )UpdateExtensionManifestErrorUnauthorized
func (UpdateExtensionManifestError) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionManifestError) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionManifestError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateExtensionManifestError) String ¶
func (e UpdateExtensionManifestError) String() string
func (*UpdateExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateExtensionManifestError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateExtensionManifestInput ¶
type UpdateExtensionManifestInput struct { // ExtensionAssetManifest is data related to the assets of an extension. AssetManifest *ExtensionAssetManifestInput `json:"assetManifest"` // Data about what an Extension can do, in general, and at the time of interaction. Capabilities *ExtensionCapabilitiesInput `json:"capabilities"` // ExtensionDeveloperManifest is the developer specific extension data. DeveloperManifest *ExtensionDeveloperManifestInput `json:"developerManifest"` // Extension metadata used for discovery. DiscoveryManifest *ExtensionDiscoveryManifestInput `json:"discoveryManifest"` // The extension ID of the manifest to update. ID string `json:"id"` // The extension version to update. Version string `json:"version"` // Extension views. Views *ExtensionViewsInput `json:"views"` }
UpdateExtensionManifestInput updates the manifest.
type UpdateExtensionManifestPayload ¶
type UpdateExtensionManifestPayload struct { // The error when the mutation fails to update an extension. Error *UpdateExtensionManifestError `json:"error"` // The updated extension manifest. Manifest *ExtensionManifest `json:"manifest"` }
UpdateExtensionManifestPayload returns the update Extension manifest.
type UpdateHypeTrainConfigInput ¶
type UpdateHypeTrainConfigInput struct { // Custom emote to be rendered in Hype Train messaging. CalloutEmoteID *string `json:"calloutEmoteID"` // Length of the cooldown period after a hype train ends. CooldownPeriodMinutes *int `json:"cooldownPeriodMinutes"` // The difficulty of hype train levels. Difficulty *HypeTrainDifficulty `json:"difficulty"` // Whether hype train should be enabled. IsEnabled *bool `json:"isEnabled"` // Hype Train kickoff settings. Kickoff *HypeTrainKickoffInput `json:"kickoff"` // A boolean flag that indicates if the hype train settings should be personalized by Twitch. ShouldUsePersonalizedSettings *bool `json:"shouldUsePersonalizedSettings"` // Use creator color as base color of the Hype Train progress bar. WillUseCreatorColor *bool `json:"willUseCreatorColor"` }
UpdateHypeTrainConfigInput takes series of optional config settings.
type UpdateHypeTrainConfigPayload ¶
type UpdateHypeTrainConfigPayload struct { // The updated hype train config for the channel. Config *HypeTrainConfig `json:"config"` }
UpdateHypeTrainConfigPayload is the response that contains the updated config.
type UpdateIsSharingActivityInput ¶
type UpdateIsSharingActivityInput struct { // Determines whether or not to show the user's activity in their shared status. When false, the user will always // appear as if they are performing no activity. IsSharingActivity bool `json:"isSharingActivity"` }
Updates the user's activity sharing setting. This must only be sent in response to a direct action by the user intended to change the setting.
type UpdateIsSharingActivityPayload ¶
type UpdateIsSharingActivityPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
type UpdateLWATokenInput ¶
type UpdateLWATokenInput struct { // Either an AuthorizationCode or a RefreshToken. Grant string `json:"grant"` // The type of grant provided. GrantType GrantType `json:"grantType"` }
Exchanges one of two auth inputs for an AccessToken and RefreshToken.
type UpdateLWATokenPayload ¶
type UpdateLWATokenPayload struct { // An error in this flow means the client should redo the LWA flow. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // Contains all token information. Token *LWAToken `json:"token"` }
Returns updated tokens, or an error if a new LWA flow is required.
type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsInput struct { // The default leaderboard the user wants to show. DefaultLeaderboard *LeaderboardType `json:"defaultLeaderboard"` // Setting for enabling bits cheering leaderboards. IsCheerEnabled *bool `json:"isCheerEnabled"` // Setting for enabling sub gifting leaderboards. IsSubGiftEnabled *bool `json:"isSubGiftEnabled"` // The time period the user wants the leaderboard to be displayed as. TimePeriod *LeaderboardTimePeriodType `json:"timePeriod"` // The user ID to update leaderboard settings. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Mutation input for updating partner leaderboard settings.
type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateLeaderboardSettingsPayload struct { // The user whose settings were updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
Result of mutation is the updated user object.
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationInput ¶
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationInput struct { // The text that will be in the notification that sends when the user starts broadcasting. // If updated to "", the default value of "<user> went live!" will be used/returned. LiveUpNotification string `json:"liveUpNotification"` // The ID of the user whose live up notification is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateLiveUpNotification mutation.
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationPayload ¶
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationPayload struct { // The modified broadcast settings. BroadcastSettings *BroadcastSettings `json:"broadcastSettings"` // If any validation errors occur, this will not be nil. Error *UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationError `json:"error"` }
Returned after live up notification state is mutated.
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationError ¶
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationError struct { // Error code that describes the validation error. Code UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Resolver for validation errors that occur on update live up notification.
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode ¶
type UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode string
Validation error status codes.
const ( // The notification text sent did not pass auto mod. UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeFailedAutomod UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode = "FAILED_AUTOMOD" // The notification text sent is too long. UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeTooLong UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode = "TOO_LONG" // The target user is not found. UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCodeUserNotFound UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" )
func (UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateLiveUpNotificationValidationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateLobbyParticipantScoreInput ¶
type UpdateLobbyParticipantScoreInput struct { // ID of the competition. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // ID of the competition lobby. LobbyID string `json:"lobbyID"` // ID of the competition player or competition team. ParticipantID string `json:"participantID"` // ID of the competition phase. PhaseID string `json:"phaseID"` // The assigned score value. Score int `json:"score"` }
Inputs for updating the score for the lobby participant, who is a competition player or competition team, in a competition.
type UpdateLobbyParticipantScorePayload ¶
type UpdateLobbyParticipantScorePayload struct { // The new state of competition after scoring a competition player or competition team for that lobby. Competition *Competition `json:"competition"` // Used for competition mutation errors. Error *CompetitionError `json:"error"` }
UpdateLobbyParticipantScorePayload is the success response updating the score for the lobby participant, who is a competition player or competition team, in a competition.
type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesInput ¶
type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesInput struct { // List of multi-view content attributes to be updated. Params []*MultiviewContentAttributeParams `json:"params"` }
Contains a list of multi-view content attributes to be updated.
type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload ¶
type UpdateMultiviewContentAttributesPayload struct { // Unprocssed content attribute updates. FailedUpdates []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"failedUpdates"` // Processed content attribute updates. SucceededUpdates []*MultiviewContentAttribute `json:"succeededUpdates"` }
Contains the server response payload.
type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsInput ¶
type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsInput struct { // List of channels the user skips during the onboarding process. ChannelIDs []string `json:"channelIDs"` // ID for the user to update. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Used for mutating onboarding status.
type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsPayload ¶
type UpdateOnboardingSkippedChannelsPayload struct { // Current state of the given user. User *User `json:"user"` }
Returned after onboarding state is mutated.
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleError ¶
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleError struct { // Type of mutation error. Code UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that may be returned by the UpdateOrganizationMemberRole mutation.
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode ¶
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode string
UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode is the client error type that occurred during the UpdateOrganizationMemberRole mutation.
const ( // The user is not a member of the organization, or the organization does not exist. UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeMemberNotFound UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode = "MEMBER_NOT_FOUND" // The user doesn't meet the requirements to have this role. For example, when trying to assign the // "BILLING_MANAGER" role, but the user doesn't have 2FA enabled or completed Extension Monetization Onboarding. UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeMemberIneligible UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode = "MEMBER_INELIGIBLE" // Current user not allowed to update the role. // For example, developers can not assign roles, and no one can assign the owner role to another user. UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodePermissionDenied UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // One of the input parameters is malformed. This should not happen when properly using the UI. UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCodeInvalidArgument UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleInput ¶
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleInput struct { // ID of the organization where the user is a member. OrganizationID string `json:"organizationID"` // New role of the user in the organization. Role OrganizationMemberRole `json:"role"` // User's Twitch ID. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the UpdateOrganizationMemberRole mutation.
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRolePayload ¶
type UpdateOrganizationMemberRolePayload struct { // Logical error that could be returned by the mutation. Error *UpdateOrganizationMemberRoleError `json:"error"` // Updated member with the new role. OrganizationMember *OrganizationMember `json:"organizationMember"` }
Outputs from the UpdateOrganizationMemberRole mutation.
type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesInput ¶
type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesInput struct { // The ID of the owner chanlet (channel that owns chanlets). ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Whether the chanlets should return for the viewers. IsChanletFeatureEnabled bool `json:"isChanletFeatureEnabled"` }
UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesInput updates the owner chanlet attributes.
type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesPayload ¶
type UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesPayload struct { // Resulted OwnerChanletAttributes from the update. This is expected to match the input. OwnerChanletAttributes *OwnerChanletAttributes `json:"ownerChanletAttributes"` }
UpdateOwnerChanletAttributesPayload returns the new chanlet that was created.
type UpdatePanelInput ¶
type UpdatePanelPayload ¶
type UpdatePanelPayload struct {
Panel Panel `json:"panel"`
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationError ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to change a users phone number.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeReauthNeeded UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Phone number was not valid. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER" // The phone number has requested checks on too many verification codes. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeRequestThrottled UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // The phone number provided is used for too many Twitch accounts. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeLimitReached UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "LIMIT_REACHED" // The one time password provided is invalid. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeInvalidOtp UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "INVALID_OTP" // The one time password provided is missing. A SMS to the phone number will be triggered when this error occurs. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeMissingOtp UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "MISSING_OTP" // Something unexpected occured. UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCodeUnknownError UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationInput ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationInput struct { // The one time password required to complete phone number registration. This can only be generated from the UpdatePhoneNumber mutation. OneTimePassword string `json:"oneTimePassword"` // The phone number being added to a twitch user profile. PhoneNumber string `json:"phoneNumber"` // The ID of the user that is requesting to add or modify their phone number. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updatePhoneNumberConfirmation mutation.
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationPayload ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationPayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *UpdatePhoneNumberConfirmationError `json:"error"` }
The result of a updatePhoneNumberConfirmationPayload mutation.
type UpdatePhoneNumberError ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to change a users phone number.
const ( // The user needs to re-authenticate to perform this operation. UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeReauthNeeded UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Phone number was not valid. UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeInvalidPhoneNumber UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = "INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER" // The phone number has requested too many verification codes. UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeRequestThrottled UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // The phone number provided is used for too many Twitch accounts. UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeLimitReached UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = "LIMIT_REACHED" // Something unexpected occured. UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCodeUnknownError UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdatePhoneNumberErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdatePhoneNumberInput ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberInput struct { // The phone number being added to a twitch user profile. PhoneNumber string `json:"phoneNumber"` // The ID of the user that is requesting to add or modify their phone number. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updatePhoneNumber mutation.
type UpdatePhoneNumberPayload ¶
type UpdatePhoneNumberPayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *UpdatePhoneNumberError `json:"error"` }
The result of a updatePhoneNumberPayload mutation.
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusError ¶
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while updating prime offer status. Code UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error code for an error that occurs while updating prime offer status.
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode ¶
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode string
Error types recognized.
const ( // Status when the offers fail to be updated. UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCodeOffersFailedToUpdate UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode = "OFFERS_FAILED_TO_UPDATE" // Unknown error being returned from service. UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCodeUnknown UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdatePrimeOfferStatusErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusInput ¶
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusInput struct { // The list of offers and statuses to update. StatusChanges []*OfferAndStatus `json:"statusChanges"` // The user to update the offer statuses for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The offer id you wish to update as well as the status for the update.
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusPayload ¶
type UpdatePrimeOfferStatusPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *UpdatePrimeOfferStatusError `json:"error"` // The connection for the status of the offer for the user. Self []*PrimeOfferSelfConnection `json:"self"` }
The returned value for an update prime offer status query.
type UpdatePrimeSettingsInput ¶
type UpdatePrimeSettingsInput struct { // The Prime Emoticons Set Name for Prime Emoticons Smilies. PrimeEmoticonsSetName *PrimeEmoticonsSetName `json:"primeEmoticonsSetName"` // True or False for whether the user wants notifications enabled. ShouldEnableSubCreditChatNotification *bool `json:"shouldEnableSubCreditChatNotification"` // The ID of the user who's settings are being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
UpdatePrimeSettingsInput contains boolean for setting the users preference on chat notifications, and the users preference on the emoticon set name to be selected.
type UpdatePrimeSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdatePrimeSettingsPayload struct { // The mutated PrimeSettings. PrimeSettings *PrimeSettings `json:"primeSettings"` }
Data that was mutated.
type UpdateRaidSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateRaidSettingsInput struct { // Determines what other channels can raid this channel. IncomingRaidsPolicy *IncomingRaidsPolicy `json:"incomingRaidsPolicy"` // UserID to update settings for. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
UpdateRaidSettingsInput update a user's raid settings.
type UpdateRaidSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateRaidSettingsPayload struct { // User whose raid settings has been updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
UpdateRaidSettingsPayload returns the user whose settings had been updated.
type UpdateRoomError ¶
type UpdateRoomError struct { Code UpdateRoomErrorCode `json:"code"` // On NAME_LENGTH_INVALID, TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID: Maximum number of characters. MaxLength *int `json:"maxLength"` // On NAME_LENGTH_INVALID, TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID: Minimum number of characters. MinLength *int `json:"minLength"` }
type UpdateRoomErrorCode ¶
type UpdateRoomErrorCode string
const ( // User does not have permission to update room. UpdateRoomErrorCodeForbidden UpdateRoomErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Could not find a room with the given room ID. UpdateRoomErrorCodeRoomNotFound UpdateRoomErrorCode = "ROOM_NOT_FOUND" // Name too short or too long. UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameLengthInvalid UpdateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_LENGTH_INVALID" // Name contains invalid characters (e.g. spaces). UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameContainsInvalidCharacters UpdateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_CONTAINS_INVALID_CHARACTERS" // Name failed automod check. UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameInappropriate UpdateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_INAPPROPRIATE" // Name was not unique to channel. UpdateRoomErrorCodeNameNotUnique UpdateRoomErrorCode = "NAME_NOT_UNIQUE" // Topic too short or too long. UpdateRoomErrorCodeTopicLengthInvalid UpdateRoomErrorCode = "TOPIC_LENGTH_INVALID" // Topic failed automod check. UpdateRoomErrorCodeTopicInappropriate UpdateRoomErrorCode = "TOPIC_INAPPROPRIATE" // Invalid roles specified (e.g. a more permissive role for send than read). UpdateRoomErrorCodeRolesInvalid UpdateRoomErrorCode = "ROLES_INVALID" )
func (UpdateRoomErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateRoomErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateRoomErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateRoomErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateRoomErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateRoomErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateRoomInput ¶
type UpdateRoomInput struct { // Deprecated. Use minimumReadMessagesRole instead. IsPreviewable *bool `json:"isPreviewable"` // Deprecated. Use minimumReadMessagesRole and minimumSendMessagesRole instead. MinimumAllowedRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumAllowedRole"` // Minimum role required to read messages in the room. MinimumReadMessagesRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumReadMessagesRole"` // Minimum role required to send messages in the room. MinimumSendMessagesRole *RoomRole `json:"minimumSendMessagesRole"` Name *string `json:"name"` RoomID string `json:"roomID"` Topic *string `json:"topic"` }
type UpdateRoomModesError ¶
type UpdateRoomModesError struct { Code UpdateRoomModesErrorCode `json:"code"` // On SLOW_MODE_DURATION_INVALID: Maximum number of seconds slow mode can be set to. MaximumSlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"maximumSlowModeDurationSeconds"` // On SLOW_MODE_DURATION_INVALID: Minimum number of seconds slow mode can be set to. MinimumSlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"minimumSlowModeDurationSeconds"` }
type UpdateRoomModesErrorCode ¶
type UpdateRoomModesErrorCode string
const ( // RoomID referred to an invalid or the user does not have permissions to see the room. UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeRoomNotFound UpdateRoomModesErrorCode = "ROOM_NOT_FOUND" // User did not have permission to update room modes. UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeForbidden UpdateRoomModesErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Slow mode duration was too short, too long, or not a number. UpdateRoomModesErrorCodeSlowModeDurationInvalid UpdateRoomModesErrorCode = "SLOW_MODE_DURATION_INVALID" )
func (UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateRoomModesErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateRoomModesInput ¶
type UpdateRoomModesInput struct { // Turns emotes only mode on or off. EnableEmotesOnlyMode *bool `json:"enableEmotesOnlyMode"` // Turns r9k mode on or off. EnableR9KMode *bool `json:"enableR9KMode"` // Turns slow mode on or off. EnableSlowMode *bool `json:"enableSlowMode"` RoomID string `json:"roomID"` // If slow mode enabled, the number of seconds users must wait between messages. SlowModeDurationSeconds *int `json:"slowModeDurationSeconds"` }
type UpdateRoomModesPayload ¶
type UpdateRoomModesPayload struct { Error *UpdateRoomModesError `json:"error"` Room *Room `json:"room"` }
type UpdateRoomPayload ¶
type UpdateRoomPayload struct { Error *UpdateRoomError `json:"error"` Room *Room `json:"room"` }
type UpdateRoomViewInput ¶
type UpdateRoomViewPayload ¶
type UpdateRoomViewPayload struct {
RoomView *RoomView `json:"roomView"`
type UpdateScheduleSegmentError ¶
type UpdateScheduleSegmentError struct { // Error code. Code UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode `json:"code"` // If the error is related to overlapping segments, provide the existing segment causing a conflict. ConflictingSegment *ScheduleSegment `json:"conflictingSegment"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the maximum allowed value. Maximum *int `json:"maximum"` // If the error is related to an input out of service-defined bounds, provide the miniimum allowed value. Minimum *int `json:"minimum"` }
UpdateScheduleSegmentError is a wrapper for error associated with the UpdateScheduleSegment mutation.
type UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode ¶
type UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode string
The possible error returned.
const ( // Not authorized to update this segment. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodePermissionDenied UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // The number of categories is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategoryCount UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_CATEGORY_COUNT" // The specified segment could not be found. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNotFound UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "NOT_FOUND" // No update was made because no updated attributes were provided. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeNoUpdatedAttributesProvided UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "NO_UPDATED_ATTRIBUTES_PROVIDED" // No update was made because the update would cause a segment overlap. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeOverlappingSegments UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "OVERLAPPING_SEGMENTS" // The title length is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTitle UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_TITLE" // The title failed the moderation check. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeTitleFailedModeration UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "TITLE_FAILED_MODERATION" // The timezone is not valid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidTimezone UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_TIMEZONE" // The categories are not valid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidCategories UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_CATEGORIES" // The segment start day is invalid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartDay UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_DAY" // The segment start hour is invalid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartHour UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_HOUR" // The segment start minute is invalid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidStartMinute UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_START_MINUTE" // The duration is invalid. Refer to the error for min and max acceptable values. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidDuration UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_DURATION" // The segment is invalid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidSegment UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_SEGMENT" // The input is not valid. UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCodeInvalidArgument UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateScheduleSegmentErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateScheduleSegmentInput ¶
type UpdateScheduleSegmentInput struct { // The categories of the segment. Categories []string `json:"categories"` // The duration of the segment in minutes. DurationMinutes *int `json:"durationMinutes"` // Whether the segment is cancelled. IsCancelled *bool `json:"isCancelled"` // The schedule id. ScheduleID string `json:"scheduleID"` // The segment id to update. SegmentID string `json:"segmentID"` // The start time of the segment. Start *SegmentStartTimeInput `json:"start"` // The geographic timezone of the segment. Timezone *string `json:"timezone"` // The title of the segment. Title *string `json:"title"` }
The input to update a schedule segment.
type UpdateScheduleSegmentPayload ¶
type UpdateScheduleSegmentPayload struct { // The possible error returned. Error *UpdateScheduleSegmentError `json:"error"` // The updated schedule with the updated segment. Schedule *Schedule `json:"schedule"` }
The returned payload when updating a schedule segment.
type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentInput ¶
type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentInput struct { // A list of content IDs that should be marked as seen. OnboardingContentIDs []string `json:"onboardingContentIDs"` // UserID for the user to update seen content. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Updates the list of streamer onboarding content that a user has seen.
type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentPayload ¶
type UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContentPayload struct { // The user who viewed onboarding content. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of an UpdateSeenCreatorOnboardingContent mutation.
type UpdateSocialMediaError ¶
type UpdateSocialMediaError string
UpdateSocialMediaError is a user error while creating a social media.
const ( // The title failed moderation. UpdateSocialMediaErrorFailedTitleModeration UpdateSocialMediaError = "FAILED_TITLE_MODERATION" // The provided title was too long. UpdateSocialMediaErrorTitleTooLong UpdateSocialMediaError = "TITLE_TOO_LONG" // The provided url is invalid. UpdateSocialMediaErrorInvalidURL UpdateSocialMediaError = "INVALID_URL" // The social medias does not exist. UpdateSocialMediaErrorNotFound UpdateSocialMediaError = "NOT_FOUND" )
func (UpdateSocialMediaError) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateSocialMediaError) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateSocialMediaError) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateSocialMediaError) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateSocialMediaError) String ¶
func (e UpdateSocialMediaError) String() string
func (*UpdateSocialMediaError) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateSocialMediaError) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateSocialMediaInput ¶
type UpdateSocialMediaInput struct { // The unique channel identifier. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The unique indentifier of the social media item. ID string `json:"id"` // The visible text of the social media item. Title *string `json:"title"` // The web address of the social media item. URL *string `json:"url"` }
UpdateSocialMediaInput updates existing a social media item under the given channelID.
type UpdateSocialMediaPayload ¶
type UpdateSocialMediaPayload struct { // The social media channel that was updated. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // The potential error when updating a social media. Error *UpdateSocialMediaError `json:"error"` }
UpdateSocialMediaPayload returns the updated social media.
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyError ¶
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyError struct { // The associated error code. Code UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
UpdateSquadInvitePolicyError is the error associated with an updateSquadInvitePolicy.
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode ¶
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode string
UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCodeUnauthorized
func (UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateSquadInvitePolicyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyInput ¶
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyInput struct { // The new invite policy that will replace what is currently set for the user. IncomingInvitePolicy SquadStreamIncomingInvitePolicy `json:"incomingInvitePolicy"` // The ID corresponding to the user whose invite policy should be updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for an updateSquadInvitePolicy mutation.
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyPayload ¶
type UpdateSquadInvitePolicyPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *UpdateSquadInvitePolicyError `json:"error"` // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
Returns after the invite policy is mutated.
type UpdateSquadStreamError ¶
type UpdateSquadStreamError struct { // The associated error code. Code UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode `json:"code"` }
UpdateSquadStreamError is the error associated with a updateSquadStream.
type UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode ¶
type UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode string
UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode are the possible errors that this mutation returns.
const ( // The squad is not found. UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadNotFound UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode = "SQUAD_NOT_FOUND" // The squad cannot be updated (e.g. squad is not in pending status). UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadCannotBeUpdated UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode = "SQUAD_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED" // The squad has too few members to be updated to live. UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeSquadTooFewMembers UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode = "SQUAD_TOO_FEW_MEMBERS" UpdateSquadStreamErrorCodeUnauthorized UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode = "UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateSquadStreamErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateSquadStreamInput ¶
type UpdateSquadStreamInput struct { // The ID of the squad stream to be updated. SquadStreamID string `json:"squadStreamID"` // If specified, the new status of the squad stream. Status *SquadStreamStatus `json:"status"` }
Inputs to the updateSquadStream mutation.
type UpdateSquadStreamPayload ¶
type UpdateSquadStreamPayload struct { // The possible error returned from the service. Error *UpdateSquadStreamError `json:"error"` // The updated squad stream. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` }
Outputs from the updateSquadStream mutation.
type UpdateStuccoInput ¶
type UpdateStuccoInput struct { // ID of the channel this stucco belongs to. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Description representing the stucco, should be the words contained in the stucco, used by screen readers. Description string `json:"description"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 92x28px stucco ("1x") image asset. ImageData1x string `json:"imageData1x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 182x56px stucco ("2x") image asset. ImageData2x string `json:"imageData2x"` // Base64 encoded binary data of the 368x112px stucco ("4x") image asset. ImageData4x string `json:"imageData4x"` // Unique ID of the stucco to update. StuccoID string `json:"stuccoID"` // Text code representing the stucco without any prefixes (prefixes are added in the backend). Suffix string `json:"suffix"` }
Inputs to updating a stucco.
type UpdateStuccoPackInput ¶
type UpdateStuccoPackInput struct { // Id of the channel this pack is part of. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Id of the stucco pack to update. StuccoPackID string `json:"stuccoPackID"` // Updated list of stuccos for this pack. Stuccos []*UpdateStuccoPackItemInput `json:"stuccos"` }
Inputs for updating a stucco pack (exchanging stuccos contained in the pack).
type UpdateStuccoPackItemInput ¶
type UpdateStuccoPackItemInput struct { // Slot index in the pack (used for ordering). SlotIndex int `json:"slotIndex"` // Id of the stucco. StuccoID string `json:"stuccoID"` }
Single item in a stuccopack, as part of the update stucco pack call, representing one stucco to be used in a certain slot.
type UpdateStuccoPackPayload ¶
type UpdateStuccoPackPayload struct { // The updated stucco pack. StuccoPack *StuccoPack `json:"stuccoPack"` }
Outputs from the update stucco pack mutation.
type UpdateStuccoPayload ¶
type UpdateStuccoPayload struct { // The updated stucco. Stucco *Stucco `json:"stucco"` }
The output for the update stucco mutation.
type UpdateSubscriptionProductInput ¶
type UpdateSubscriptionProductInput struct { // Name of the product. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // Toggle to enable add free viewing. HasAdFree *bool `json:"hasAdFree"` // Toggle to enable fast chat (or disable slow mode). HasFastChat *bool `json:"hasFastChat"` // Toggle to enable sub only chat. HasSubOnlyChat *bool `json:"hasSubOnlyChat"` // Toggle to enable sub only video. HasSubOnlyVideoArchive *bool `json:"hasSubOnlyVideoArchive"` // The id of the subscription product. ID string `json:"id"` // User the update belongs to. TargetUserID string `json:"targetUserID"` }
Inputs to the updateSubscriptionProduct mutation.
type UpdateSubscriptionProductPayload ¶
type UpdateSubscriptionProductPayload struct { // Subscription product output. Product *SubscriptionProduct `json:"product"` // User/channel to update the subscription product. TargetUser *User `json:"targetUser"` }
Output from the updateSubscriptionProduct mutation.
type UpdateUserColorsError ¶
type UpdateUserColorsError struct { // The error code. Code UpdateUserColorsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
The possible error returned.
type UpdateUserColorsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateUserColorsErrorCode string
The possible types of error codes returned.
const ( // Hex string is invalid. UpdateUserColorsErrorCodeInvalidHexColor UpdateUserColorsErrorCode = "INVALID_HEX_COLOR" )
func (UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateUserColorsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateUserColorsInput ¶
type UpdateUserColorsInput struct { // The user's primary color hex string (e.g. "FFFFFF"). PrimaryColorHex string `json:"primaryColorHex"` // The ID of the user whose creator colors are being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a UpdateUserColorsInput mutation.
type UpdateUserColorsPayload ¶
type UpdateUserColorsPayload struct { // The possible error returned. Error *UpdateUserColorsError `json:"error"` // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a UpdateUserColorsInput mutation.
type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenInput ¶
type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenInput struct { // The hide create date boolean to set onto the user. IsCreateDateHidden bool `json:"isCreateDateHidden"` // The ID of the user whose privacy setting is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateUserCreateDateHidden mutation.
type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenPayload ¶
type UpdateUserCreateDateHiddenPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a updateUserCreateDateHidden mutation.
type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenInput ¶
type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenInput struct { // The directory hidden boolean to set onto the user. IsDirectoryHidden bool `json:"IsDirectoryHidden"` }
The required input for a updateUserDirectoryHidden mutation.
type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenPayload ¶
type UpdateUserDirectoryHiddenPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a updateUserDirectoryHidden mutation.
type UpdateUserEmailReusableInput ¶
type UpdateUserEmailReusableInput struct { // The email reusable boolean to set onto the user. IsEmailReusable bool `json:"IsEmailReusable"` // The ID of the user whose broadcast setting is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateUserEmailReuseable mutation.
type UpdateUserEmailReusablePayload ¶
type UpdateUserEmailReusablePayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a updateUserEmailReuseable mutation.
type UpdateUserError ¶
type UpdateUserError struct { // The error code. Code UpdateUserErrorCode `json:"code"` }
The possible error returned.
type UpdateUserErrorCode ¶
type UpdateUserErrorCode string
The possible error codes returned from updating a user.
const ( // User is not authorized to update this user. UpdateUserErrorCodeAuthFailure UpdateUserErrorCode = "AUTH_FAILURE" // Too many attempts to update user. UpdateUserErrorCodeRequestsThrottled UpdateUserErrorCode = "REQUESTS_THROTTLED" // User cannot be found. UpdateUserErrorCodeUserNotFound UpdateUserErrorCode = "USER_NOT_FOUND" // Sudo token expired, prompt the user to log in again. UpdateUserErrorCodeReauthNeeded UpdateUserErrorCode = "REAUTH_NEEDED" // Display name not available. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameNotAvailable UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_NOT_AVAILABLE" // Display name is too short. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameTooShort UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_SHORT" // Display name is too long. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameTooLong UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_TOO_LONG" // Display name contains invalid characters. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidCharsInDisplayName UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_CHARS_IN_DISPLAY_NAME" // User is not allowed to change their display name again. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameChangeAgain UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGE_AGAIN" // User can only change the capitalization of their display name. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameOnlyCap UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_ONLY_CAP" // Unexpected error during displayname override. UpdateUserErrorCodeDisplayNameUnexpectedErr UpdateUserErrorCode = "DISPLAY_NAME_UNEXPECTED_ERR" // The login you selected is not available. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginNotAvailable UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_NOT_AVAILABLE" // The login you selected is not yet available for re-use. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginBlocked UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_BLOCKED" // Login change rate limited. UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToChangeLogin UpdateUserErrorCode = "NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CHANGE_LOGIN" // The login you selected is too short. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginTooShort UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_SHORT" // The login you selected is too long. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginTooLong UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_TOO_LONG" // The login you selected contains invalid characters. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidCharsInLogin UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_CHARS_IN_LOGIN" // Login contains banned words. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginUseBannedWords UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_USE_BANNED_WORDS" // Login contains variations on banned words. UpdateUserErrorCodeLoginUseVariationOnBannedWords UpdateUserErrorCode = "LOGIN_USE_VARIATION_ON_BANNED_WORDS" // User exists but was excluded by filter criteria. UpdateUserErrorCodeFilteredUserRequested UpdateUserErrorCode = "FILTERED_USER_REQUESTED" // The IP is blocked. UpdateUserErrorCodeIPBlocked UpdateUserErrorCode = "IP_BLOCKED" // Too many users associated with the email. UpdateUserErrorCodeTooManyUsersForEmail UpdateUserErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_USERS_FOR_EMAIL" // Email disabled for reuse. UpdateUserErrorCodeEmailDisabledForReuse UpdateUserErrorCode = "EMAIL_DISABLED_FOR_REUSE" // Email address is not valid. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidEmail UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_EMAIL" // Admins must use their work email. UpdateUserErrorCodeWorkEmailRequired UpdateUserErrorCode = "WORK_EMAIL_REQUIRED" // Email address uses an invalid domain. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidEmailDomain UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_EMAIL_DOMAIN" // Email change cooldown. UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToChangeEmail UpdateUserErrorCode = "NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CHANGE_EMAIL" // Phone number is invalid. UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberInvalid UpdateUserErrorCode = "PHONE_NUMBER_INVALID" // Phone number cannot contain letters. UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberHasLetters UpdateUserErrorCode = "PHONE_NUMBER_HAS_LETTERS" // Description field is too long. UpdateUserErrorCodeDescriptionTooLong UpdateUserErrorCode = "DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONG" // No properties found for this user identifier. UpdateUserErrorCodeNoProperties UpdateUserErrorCode = "NO_PROPERTIES" // Reservation does not exist in db. UpdateUserErrorCodeReservationNotExits UpdateUserErrorCode = "RESERVATION_NOT_EXITS" // The specified locale is invalid. UpdateUserErrorCodeLanguageNotValid UpdateUserErrorCode = "LANGUAGE_NOT_VALID" // Age cannot be under 13 years. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidBirthday UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_BIRTHDAY" // Last Login doesn't follow format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S". UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidLastLogin UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_LAST_LOGIN" // Phone number or email update cannot be combined with delete pohone number. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidParameterCombination UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER_COMBINATION" // Phone number can only be removed for an account with a verifed email. UpdateUserErrorCodeNotAllowedToDeletePhoneNumber UpdateUserErrorCode = "NOT_ALLOWED_TO_DELETE_PHONE_NUMBER" // Phone number already exists. UpdateUserErrorCodePhoneNumberAlreadyExists UpdateUserErrorCode = "PHONE_NUMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS" // Hex color is not valid. UpdateUserErrorCodeInvalidHexColor UpdateUserErrorCode = "INVALID_HEX_COLOR" // Unknown error. UpdateUserErrorCodeUnknown UpdateUserErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdateUserErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateUserErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateUserErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateUserErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateUserErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateUserErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateUserInput ¶
type UpdateUserInput struct { // If true the phone number associated with this user will be deleted. DeletePhoneNumber *bool `json:"deletePhoneNumber"` // The user's personal description. Description *string `json:"description"` // The user's display name. DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"` // The user's personal email. Email *string `json:"email"` // Whether or not to send a mobile verification code if email verification is required. IncludeVerificationCode *bool `json:"includeVerificationCode"` // User id of the user being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a UpdateUser mutation.
type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessInput ¶
type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessInput struct { // The show email revert success msg boolean to set onto the user. IsEmailRevertSuccess bool `json:"isEmailRevertSuccess"` // The ID of the user whose email revert success flag is being updated. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a updateUserIsEmailRevertSuccess mutation.
type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessPayload ¶
type UpdateUserIsEmailRevertSuccessPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of a updateUserIsEmailRevertSuccess mutation.
type UpdateUserPayload ¶
type UpdateUserPayload struct { // The possible error returned. Error *UpdateUserError `json:"error"` // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
The result of an updateUser mutation.
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsError ¶
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsError struct { // Code describing the error. Code UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
An error returned from the updateUserPredictionSettings mutation.
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode string
Possible error codes from the updateUserPredictionSettings mutation.
const ( // An unknown error occurred. UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCodeUnknown UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateUserPredictionSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsInput struct { // Whether the user has accepted the latest Predictions Terms of Service. HasAcceptedTos *bool `json:"hasAcceptedTOS"` // Whether the user has opted to display a temporary chat badge indicating their choices during Predictions Events. IsTemporaryChatBadgeEnabled *bool `json:"isTemporaryChatBadgeEnabled"` }
Update the current authorized user's Prediction Settings. All fields are nullable; only specify fields that you wish to update.
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateUserPredictionSettingsPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *UpdateUserPredictionSettingsError `json:"error"` // The updated settings. Settings *UserPredictionSettings `json:"settings"` }
Payload for updating a user's Prediction Settings.
type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsInput struct { // Whether the user only wants to receive gifts to channels they follow. GiftsInFollowedChannelsOnly *bool `json:"giftsInFollowedChannelsOnly"` // Whether the user wants to hide Badge Modifiers. IsBadgeModifierHidden *bool `json:"isBadgeModifierHidden"` // If the user wants to hide their Founder Badges. IsFounderBadgesHidden *bool `json:"isFounderBadgesHidden"` // Whether the user wants to show how many gifts they've purchased. IsGiftCountHidden *bool `json:"isGiftCountHidden"` // Whether the user wants to show their subscription tenure and status in the chat viewer card. IsSubscriptionStatusHidden *bool `json:"isSubscriptionStatusHidden"` }
UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsInput updates the users subscription settings.
type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateUserSubscriptionSettingsPayload struct {
SubscriptionSettings *UserSubscriptionSettings `json:"subscriptionSettings"`
UpdateUserSubscriptionGiftSettingsPayload returns the user's current gift settings.
type UpdateUserTeamMembershipInput ¶
type UpdateUserTeamMembershipInput struct { // Whether or not the team should be the user's primary team. // Note only True values are effective here. A user must always have one and only one primary team, and setting false would break that invariant. // Setting a team as Primary will make all of a user's other team memberships non-primary. Primary *bool `json:"primary"` // Whether or not the membership should reveal its revenue. RevenueRevealed bool `json:"revenueRevealed"` // Whether or not the membership should reveal its stats. StatsRevealed bool `json:"statsRevealed"` // The team which the membership belongs to. TeamID string `json:"teamID"` // The user whose membership is being modified. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
Inputs to the updateUserTeamMembership mutation.
type UpdateUserTeamMembershipPayload ¶
type UpdateUserTeamMembershipPayload struct { // The user whose membership was modified. User *User `json:"user"` }
Output from the updateUserTeamMembership mutation.
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesError ¶
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesError struct { // An http error code to identify the error response. Code int `json:"code"` // The translated error response message for this given error. Message *string `json:"message"` }
Error information in the update user video shelves response.
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesInput ¶
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesInput struct { // Channel for which to update shelves. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // A list of different shelf options to populate the user's video shelves. ShelfOptions []*ShelvesAvailableOptions `json:"shelfOptions"` }
Input information for updating a user's video shelves. Video shelves are added/removed and reordered based on the provided shelfOptions.
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesPayload ¶
type UpdateUserVideoShelvesPayload struct { // The error response for this update request. Error *UpdateUserVideoShelvesError `json:"error"` // The list of shelves for this user. Shelves []*VideoShelf `json:"shelves"` }
Response to a request to update a user's video shelves.
type UpdateUserViewedVideoInput ¶
type UpdateUserViewedVideoInput struct { // Position for where in the video to update for the resume watching entry. Position int `json:"position"` // User for which to update the resume watching entry. UserID string `json:"userID"` // Video for which to update the resume watching entry. VideoID string `json:"videoID"` // Type of the video for which to update the resume watching entry. VideoType VideoType `json:"videoType"` }
Input information for updating a resume watching entry for a specified user and video.
type UpdateUserViewedVideoPayload ¶
type UpdateUserViewedVideoPayload struct { // The video returned from the request. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
Response to a request to update a resume watching entry for a specified user and video.
type UpdateVideoCommentInput ¶
type UpdateVideoCommentInput struct { // ID of the comment being updated. CommentID string `json:"commentID"` // The state of the comment. State VideoCommentState `json:"state"` }
type UpdateVideoCommentPayload ¶
type UpdateVideoCommentPayload struct { // The comment that was updated. Comment *VideoComment `json:"comment"` }
type UpdateVideoInput ¶
type UpdateVideoInput struct { // The description of the video. Description *string `json:"description"` // The name of the game presented in the video. Game *string `json:"game"` // The language of the video. Language *string `json:"language"` // The thumbnail URL of the video. ThumbnailPath *string `json:"thumbnailPath"` // The title of the video. Title *string `json:"title"` // ID of the video being updated. VideoID string `json:"videoID"` }
Input information for updating a video.
type UpdateVideoPayload ¶
type UpdateVideoPayload struct { // The video with updated fields. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
Response to a request to update a video.
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsError ¶
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsError struct { // Type of mutation error. Code UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that may be returned by the UpdateVideoStreamSettings mutation.
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode ¶
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode string
UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode is the client error type that occurred during the UpdateVideoStreamSettings mutation.
const ( // The broadcaster is not found. UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodeChannelNotFound UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode = "CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND" // Permission denied to add an authorized user. UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodePermissionDenied UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode = "PERMISSION_DENIED" // Invalid argument to add an authorized user. UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCodeInvalidArgument UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode = "INVALID_ARGUMENT" )
func (UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) String ¶
func (e UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) String() string
func (*UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UpdateVideoStreamSettingsErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsInput struct { // ChannelID of the broadcaster. This has to be same as authenticated user's userID. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // The number of seconds delay for a stream. When this is set, a stream will be ingested with specified delay in seconds. Maximum is set to 900 seconds. DelaySeconds *int `json:"delaySeconds"` // Whether or not a stream should be started as a low latency stream. IsLowLatency *bool `json:"isLowLatency"` // Whether or not the broadcaster prefers to archive the vod for a stream. ShouldArchiveVODs *bool `json:"shouldArchiveVODs"` // Whether or not to show the disconnect slate. ShouldShowDisconnectSlate *bool `json:"shouldShowDisconnectSlate"` }
UpdateVideoStreamSettingsInput updates the broadcaster's stream settings such as stream delay length seconds or stream key.
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateVideoStreamSettingsPayload struct { // The updated Channel for the broadcaster. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // Error code. Error *UpdateVideoStreamSettingsError `json:"error"` }
UpdateVideoStreamSettingsPayload returns the updated video stream settings for the broadcaster.
type UpdateVisibilityInput ¶
type UpdateVisibilityInput struct {
Visibility VisibilityInput `json:"visibility"`
The change that will be applied to the user's visibility. See VisibilityInput for details on the effects of each value.
type UpdateVisibilityPayload ¶
type UpdateVisibilityPayload struct { // The modified user. User *User `json:"user"` }
type UpdateWhisperSettingsInput ¶
type UpdateWhisperSettingsInput struct { // Whether to disallow strangers from iniating a whisper thread to this user. IsBlockingWhispersFromStrangers *bool `json:"isBlockingWhispersFromStrangers"` }
The request to the UpdateWhisperSettings mutation.
type UpdateWhisperSettingsPayload ¶
type UpdateWhisperSettingsPayload struct { // The user whose whisper settings were updated. User *User `json:"user"` }
The response from the UpdateWhisperSettings mutation.
type UpdateWhisperThreadInput ¶
type UpdateWhisperThreadInput struct { // Whether to archive the room. IsArchived *bool `json:"isArchived"` // Whether to mute the room. IsMuted *bool `json:"isMuted"` // Whether to mark the message as spam. IsSpam *bool `json:"isSpam"` // ID of last message read by the user. LastReadMessageID *string `json:"lastReadMessageID"` // Whether to revoke temporary send Whisper permission from the other user. RemoveWhitelist *bool `json:"removeWhitelist"` // ID of thread to be marked as read. ThreadID string `json:"threadID"` }
type UpdateWhisperThreadPayload ¶
type UpdateWhisperThreadPayload struct { // Thread that was updated. Thread *WhisperThread `json:"thread"` }
type UploadCompetitionImageInput ¶
type UploadCompetitionImageInput struct { // Unique Competition ID. CompetitionID string `json:"competitionID"` // Type of image being uploaded. ImageType CompetitionImageType `json:"imageType"` }
Generates an image URL to upload to.
type UploadCompetitionImagePayload ¶
type UploadCompetitionImagePayload struct { // Used for upload competition image errors. Error *CompetitionUploadImageError `json:"error"` // The metadata required to access an image for a competition. Image *CompetitionImageUpload `json:"image"` }
Data required to upload an image to the competition.
type UploadConfig ¶
type UploadConfig struct { // Upload id used when listening to pubsub. ID string `json:"ID"` // URL to upload images to. URL string `json:"URL"` // The type of asset of the emote image that should be uploaded. AssetType EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` // Images that will result out of the upload. Images []*UploadImage `json:"images"` // Size of the image that should be uploaded. Size EmoteImageSize `json:"size"` }
Individual upload config.
type UploadImage ¶
type UploadImage struct { // Image ID generated by Mako for image. ID string `json:"ID"` // Size of the image. Size EmoteImageSize `json:"Size"` // The asset type of the image. AssetType EmoteAssetType `json:"assetType"` }
type UseChatNotificationTokenInput ¶
type UseChatNotificationTokenInput struct { // The channel that this token will be used on. ChannelLogin string `json:"channelLogin"` // Whether or not to include user's streak tenure. IncludeStreak bool `json:"includeStreak"` // An optional message that will be displayed when this chat token is used. Message *string `json:"message"` // An optional ID of token to be used. TokenID *string `json:"tokenID"` }
UseChatNotificationTokenInput is the input required for the UseChatNotificationToken mutation.
type UseChatNotificationTokenPayload ¶
type UseChatNotificationTokenPayload struct { // If the token was successfully used. IsSuccess bool `json:"isSuccess"` }
UseChatNotificationTokenPayload is the return of the UseChatNotificationToken mutation.
type User ¶
type User struct { // Information about a user's connected accounts. AccountConnections *AccountConnectionSet `json:"accountConnections"` // Information about a user's account health status. AccountHealth *UserAccountHealth `json:"accountHealth"` // Fetch active challenges for the user based on a variety of sorting options. // By default returns 10 challenges, sorted by start time. ActiveChallenges *ChannelChallengeConnection `json:"activeChallenges"` // An action that a user or session is performing. This field is null if the user is not friends with // the authenticated user. Activity Activity `json:"activity"` // Ad Properties for the given user. AdProperties *AdProperties `json:"adProperties"` // The user's relationship with Amazon. Amazon *UserAmazonConnection `json:"amazon"` // List of authenticated Twitch sessions. AuthenticatedSessionList []*AuthenticatedSession `json:"authenticatedSessionList"` // AutoModProperties is a mapping of automod categories to levels, i.e. a user has indicated they want level 4, or // the highest level of moderation for profanity, but level 1 for everything else. AutoModProperties *AutoModProperties `json:"autoModProperties"` // A user's configured auto refill information, contains all auto refill profiles. // Will have an optional filter argument in the future. AutoRefill *AutoRefill `json:"autoRefill"` // The list of channels that this user has configured to automatically host // when their channel is not streaming live. Users can only view their own // autohost channels. AutohostChannels *AutohostChannelConnection `json:"autohostChannels"` // Options and preferences for autohost behavior, including whether // autohosting is enabled at all and how to choose which channel to host. // Users can only view their own autohost settings. AutohostSettings *AutohostSettings `json:"autohostSettings"` // The list of channels that have added this user as a channel to automatically host when their channel is not // streaming live. Users can only view their own autohosted by channels. AutohostedByChannels *AutohostedByChannelConnection `json:"autohostedByChannels"` // An action that a user or session is performing. This field is null if the user is not friends with // the authenticated user. Availability *Availability `json:"availability"` // The badges which are available for the authenticated user to select for use on another user's streams and videos if no channel-specific preference is set. // If no domain is not specified, all emote sets will be returned. // This is only returned if the request is authenticated by the same user whose email is requested. AvailableBadges []*Badge `json:"availableBadges"` // A list of this user's balances in FIAT currencies // If this isn't the `currentUser` this will return null. Balances []*Balance `json:"balances"` // A list of this user's banned users. // A maximum of 100 users by most recent are returned // Only resolves for the authenticated user. BannedUsers []*ChannelBannedUser `json:"bannedUsers"` // A URL to the user's banner image. BannerImageURL *string `json:"bannerImageURL"` // bitsBalance is the number of bits this user currently has available to spend. // If this isn't the `currentUser` or the user has been banned from using bits this will return null. // This field can only be requested if an OAuth token is supplied with the request. BitsBalance *int `json:"bitsBalance"` // bitsEvents returns a paginated list of this user's bits usage transactions // If this isn't the `currentUser` this will return null. // This field can only be requested if an OAuth token is supplied with the request. BitsEvents *BitsEventConnection `json:"bitsEvents"` // bitsOffers is a list of the ways this user can obtain more bits. // If this isn't the `currentUser` or the user has been banned from using bits this will return null. // This field can only be requested if an OAuth token is supplied with the request. BitsOffers []BitsOffer `json:"bitsOffers"` // BitsPaymentMethods has a list of eligible payment methods for a user to transact with. BitsPaymentMethods *BitsPaymentMethods `json:"bitsPaymentMethods"` // BitsProductEligibility checks for a given user if they are eligible to purchase a given product from the associated // provider, quantity, and locale. // bitsProduct(id: ID!, provider: BitsProductProvider!, quantity: Int!, locale: String!): BitsProductEligibility! // bitsProducts is a list of bits products that a user is able to purchase. // Unlike bitsOffers, this does not return any pricing information, only information // about the purchasable. A provider must be supplied, which is the payment platform // being currently used. An optional list of SKUs can be provided if we are looking up // a specific set of products for a user. BitsProducts []*BitsProduct `json:"bitsProducts"` // Settings tied to a bits user. BitsUserSettings *BitsUserSettings `json:"bitsUserSettings"` // bitsUserState dictates the state of the Bits user (new to Bits, existing Bits user, etc.) // If this isn't the `currentUser` or the user has been banned from using bits this will return null. // This field can only be requested if an OAuth token is supplied with the request. BitsUserState *BitsUserState `json:"bitsUserState"` // Resolves account information that Twitch has stored for a user's blizzard account information. BlizzardAccount *BlizzardUser `json:"blizzardAccount"` // Get the blocked terms of a user. BlockedTerms []*ChannelBlockedTerm `json:"blockedTerms"` // blockedUsers returns a list users that are restrained from directly communicating with this user. BlockedUsers []*User `json:"blockedUsers"` // bounties is a list of bounty board bounties for this user. Bounties []*Bounty `json:"bounties"` // bountiesPage is a paginated list of bounty board bounties for this user. BountiesPage *BountyConnection `json:"bountiesPage"` // bountyBoardSettings are settings and rules around the behavior of bounty boards for this user. BountyBoardSettings *BountyBoardSettings `json:"bountyBoardSettings"` // Badges that are displayed in chat during this user's broacasts or videos. BroadcastBadges []*Badge `json:"broadcastBadges"` // A User's broadcast settings that persists between streams. BroadcastSettings *BroadcastSettings `json:"broadcastSettings"` // A User's campaign for their channel. Campaign *Campaign `json:"campaign"` // A User's campaign properties for their channel. CampaignProperties *CampaignProperties `json:"campaignProperties"` // A container for celebration settings for the logged in user. CelebrationSettings *CelebrationUserSettings `json:"celebrationSettings"` // The channel which belongs to the user. This is still deprecated for previous uses. // This should only be used for the multi-view experience. Channel *Channel `json:"channel"` // What other similar content are my viewers watching. ChannelAnalyticsContentOverlap *ChannelAnalyticsContentOverlap `json:"channelAnalyticsContentOverlap"` // A user's channel feed. // No authorization required. Returns even if channel feed is disabled in the UI. ChannelFeed *Feed `json:"channelFeed"` // Returns the list of chatrooms in the channel visible by the current user. ChannelRooms []*Room `json:"channelRooms"` // Hex color of the user's name in chat, e.g. "#ccaa44". ChatColor *string `json:"chatColor"` // chatSettings are settings and rules for chatting in this user's channel. ChatSettings *ChatSettings `json:"chatSettings"` // chatUISettings are settings for the user's chat UI. ChatUISettings *ChatUISettings `json:"chatUISettings"` // cheer is the channel-specific cheer settings and current state. // Returns null if cheering isn't enabled for this channel. Cheer *CheerInfo `json:"cheer"` // The list of OAuth clients authorized by the current user. ClientAuthorizations []*ClientAuthorization `json:"clientAuthorizations"` // A paginated list of clips featuring this user. // When criteria is not specified, the default values are used. Clips *ClipConnection `json:"clips"` // A paginated list of collections (playlists) created by the user. Collections *CollectionsConnection `json:"collections"` // Properties relating to the authenticated user's community points on twitch. CommunityPoints *CommunityPointsUserProperties `json:"communityPoints"` // The company that the user belongs to. // Returns null if the user doesn't belong to a company. Company *Company `json:"company"` // The competitions that a user is involved in. // Returns null if the user doesn't have any competitions. // user and competition state can be null. Competitions *CompetitionConnection `json:"competitions"` // When the user created their account. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The container for creator gifts the creator has. This will be null if the creator // does not have this feature enabled. CreatorGifting *CreatorGifting `json:"creatorGifting"` // Creator metrics for the given time period. CreatorMetricsByInterval *CreatorMetricsByInterval `json:"creatorMetricsByInterval"` // Get the user's referral links sorted by most recently created first. Will be a null CreatorReferralLinkConnection if the user is not eligible. CreatorReferralLinks *CreatorReferralLinkConnection `json:"creatorReferralLinks"` // Get the user's creator referral link statistics summary. CreatorReferralSummary *CreatorReferralSummary `json:"creatorReferralSummary"` // Paginated past activities for the Dashboard Activity Feed. // Always ordered by descending timestamp. DashboardActivityFeedActivities *DashboardActivityFeedActivityConnection `json:"dashboardActivityFeedActivities"` // Paginated past activities for the Dashboard Alert Queue. // Always ordered by descending timestamp. DashboardAlertQueueActivities *DashboardAlertQueueActivityConnection `json:"dashboardAlertQueueActivities"` // Preferences that control what alerts are sent to the user for the Dashboard Alert Queue. DashboardAlertQueuePreferences *DashboardAlertQueuePreferences `json:"dashboardAlertQueuePreferences"` // Timestamp when a user's account was deleted/disabled. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // A user-provided blurb describing themselves. // Returns null when a description has not been set. Description *string `json:"description"` // The directories the user is currently set to broadcast in. Directories *UserDirectoryConnection `json:"directories"` // Lists the chat badges that should be displayed by the user's display name in // features like chat and whispers. If a channelID is passed in, fetches the // display badges that user will have in that channel's context. // Includes the following badges: // - global authority (staff/admin/global mod) // - channel authority (broadcaster/mod, if channelID is set) // - subscriber (if channelID is set) // - channel selected (bits) or global selected (prime, turbo, ...). DisplayBadges []*Badge `json:"displayBadges"` // A user-styled version of their login. // For international users, this could be the user's login with localized characters. DisplayName string `json:"displayName"` // A drop 2.0 campaign including personal settings (e.g. account connection status). (Viewer dashboard individual item). DropCampaign *DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaign"` // A list of all available Drops 2.0 Campaigns that a user is eligible to participate in. (Viewer dashboard list). DropCampaigns []*DropCampaign `json:"dropCampaigns"` // Fetch User's current session, which describes the minutes-watched progress towards a drop. DropCurrentSession *DropCurrentSession `json:"dropCurrentSession"` // A list of channels where the user is an editor. EditableChannels *EditableChannelConnection `json:"editableChannels"` // A list of channel editors. Editors *EditorConnection `json:"editors"` // The user's email address. // This is only returned if the request is authenticated by the same user who's email is requested. Email *string `json:"email"` // The emote sets this user is entitled to use. // If no domains are specified, all emote sets will be returned. // If multiple domains are specified, emotes that belong to either domain are returned (OR). // If this user is not the current user, it returns nil and a "forbidden" error. EmoteSets []*EmoteSet `json:"emoteSets"` // The channel's emoticon prefix settings. EmoticonPrefix *EmoticonPrefix `json:"emoticonPrefix"` // The list channels that have been endorsed by the user. EndorsedChannels *EndorsedChannelConnection `json:"endorsedChannels"` // A paginated list of user's all expired subscriptions. // Only resolves for the current user. Returns a forbidden error if requested for another user. ExpiredSubscriptions *ExpiredSubscriptionConnection `json:"expiredSubscriptions"` // Feature flags specific to this user. // Always returns nil. FeatureFlags *FeatureFlags `json:"featureFlags"` // A follow relationship between this user and the one which has the target ID or login. // Null if no relationship exists. Follow *Follow `json:"follow"` // Retrieves a list of games which the user is following. FollowedGames *FollowedGameConnection `json:"followedGames"` // A list of broadcasters this user follows, who are hosting other broadcasters. // Only resolves for the authenticated user. FollowedHosts *FollowedHostConnection `json:"followedHosts"` // A list of live-streaming broadcasters this user is following. // Only resolves for the authenticated user. // NOTE: the sort input parameter is not supported and should not be used. FollowedLiveUsers *FollowedLiveUserConnection `json:"followedLiveUsers"` // Retrieves recent/popular VODs from the streamers you follow. // If this isn't the `currentUser` this will return null. FollowedVideos *VideoConnection `json:"followedVideos"` // A paginated list of users which follow this user. Followers *FollowerConnection `json:"followers"` // A paginated list of users this user is following. Follows *FollowConnection `json:"follows"` // A list of this user's Twitch friends. // A maximum of 500 friends are returned, although most users have less than the maximum. // Only accessible if the user is authenticated with the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. Friends *FriendConnection `json:"friends"` // Notification connection information for a time range. GoLiveNotificationConnection *GoLiveNotificationConnection `json:"goLiveNotificationConnection"` // Notification information for a time range. GoLiveNotifications []*GoLiveNotification `json:"goLiveNotifications"` // Notifications timeseries analytics for a time range. GoLiveNotificationsTimeseries []*GoLiveNotificationTimeseries `json:"goLiveNotificationsTimeseries"` // Always returns false, will be deleted soon. HasBadgesTimedOut bool `json:"hasBadgesTimedOut"` // Whether this user has Twitch Presto. HasPresto *bool `json:"hasPresto"` // Whether this user has Twitch Prime. HasPrime bool `json:"hasPrime"` // Whether this user has streamed before. HasStreamed *bool `json:"hasStreamed"` // Whether this user has Twitch Turbo. HasTurbo bool `json:"hasTurbo"` // Whether this user has unread creator changelog items. HasUnreadChangelogItems *bool `json:"hasUnreadChangelogItems"` // A curated list of suggested channels to host. HostRecommendations []*User `json:"hostRecommendations"` // The users hosting this user. // This field only resolves for the authenticated user, otherwise resolves to null. HostedBy *HostConnection `json:"hostedBy"` // The user who this user is hosting. Hosting *User `json:"hosting"` // The user's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Returns a SHA-1 hash of the id field. IDSha1 string `json:"idSHA1"` // A list of open friend requests sent to this user. Friend requests from non-strangers are always placed in front of // friend requests from strangers; `sort` affects how the two components are ordered within themselves. Only accessible // if the user is authenticated with the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. IncomingFriendRequests *IncomingFriendRequestConnection `json:"incomingFriendRequests"` // A list of the squad stream invitations that the user has received. // Each invitation has a network type of either in-network or out-of-network. The invitations are sorted by creation // time, with the latest invitation first. // This field only resolves for the authenticated user. IncomingSquadStreamInvitations *SquadStreamInvitationConnection `json:"incomingSquadStreamInvitations"` // The list of extensions the user has installed. // installedExtensions gives a set of Extension installations, but does not include some of the information required // to render extensions. For this, use extensionsForChannel instead, where you will get more accurate response, and // which includes fetched extension configuration and extension permissions. InstalledExtensions []*ExtensionInstallation `json:"installedExtensions"` // Items (crates, drops, etc.) the user owns. Inventory *Inventory `json:"inventory"` // A list of teams that the user has been invited to. // Only resolves for the current user. InvitedTeams []*Team `json:"invitedTeams"` IsCommerceRevShareEnabled bool `json:"isCommerceRevShareEnabled"` // Whether the user's Twitch account is connected to a Twitter account. // Returns nil if there was an error. This field is only accessible on the current user. IsConnectedToTwitter *bool `json:"isConnectedToTwitter"` // Whether or not the user has enabled their email to be reused to create another twitch account. IsEmailReusable bool `json:"isEmailReusable"` // Whether or not the user can update their email. IsEmailUpdateable bool `json:"isEmailUpdateable"` // Whether or not the user has verified their email address by clicking a link sent to their email. IsEmailVerified bool `json:"isEmailVerified"` // Indicates that the owner of the email on the account did not signup for this account // This mainly implies that the account is being deleted and not eligible for self service reactivation. IsFlaggedToDelete bool `json:"isFlaggedToDelete"` // Whether or not the user can moderate any broadcast chat. IsGlobalMod bool `json:"isGlobalMod"` // Whether or not the user is in good standing, granting automatic emote approval. // Passes both the authed twitch user who is requesting and the user they are requesting. // Applies to both affiliates and partners. IsInEmoteGoodStanding *bool `json:"isInEmoteGoodStanding"` // Whether or not the user is in good standing generally. // Authenticated to current user. Will error if not a partner. IsInGoodStanding bool `json:"isInGoodStanding"` // Whether the user meets the GDPR compliance as per his/her country's minimum compliance age. IsMinimumGDPRConsentAge bool `json:"isMinimumGDPRConsentAge"` // Whether or not the user is moderator of a another user's channel. IsModerator bool `json:"isModerator"` // Whether or not the user is a partnered broadcaster with Twitch. IsPartner *bool `json:"isPartner"` // Whether or not the user has verified their phone number. // This is currently always true if the user has a phone number. // We do not not allow a user to set a phone number without verifying. IsPhoneNumberVerified bool `json:"isPhoneNumberVerified"` // Whether or not the user is a site admininistrator. IsSiteAdmin bool `json:"isSiteAdmin"` // Whether or not the user is a Twitch staff member. IsStaff bool `json:"isStaff"` // The key pools associated with a user. KeyPools *KeyPoolConnection `json:"keyPools"` // The user's language preference. Language *Language `json:"language"` // The user's last broadcast. LastBroadcast *Broadcast `json:"lastBroadcast"` // When the user last updated their login name. // This special field only resolves for the authenticated user. LastLoginChangeAt *time.Time `json:"lastLoginChangeAt"` // The last time the user's availability or activity changed. // This special field only resolves for the authenticated user; use friends.edges.lastStatusChangeAt to retrieve this // information about friends.. // Requires the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. LastStatusChangeAt *time.Time `json:"lastStatusChangeAt"` // Fetches the latest created Poll for the user. LatestPoll *Poll `json:"latestPoll"` // The extensions this user has shared their identity with. LinkedExtensions []*Extension `json:"linkedExtensions"` // The user's standard alphanumeric Twitch name. Login string `json:"login"` // The user's profile image. // Valid widths are 28, 50, 70, 150, 300, and 600. // The image height will be the same as the given width. LogoURL *string `json:"logoURL"` // Lists a User's Uploaded Loyalty Badge. LoyaltyBadges []*LoyaltyBadge `json:"loyaltyBadges"` // Returns the max number of channel rooms that the current user is allowed to // create for their channel. MaxAllowedChannelRooms int `json:"maxAllowedChannelRooms"` // Returns a resolver to query different subsets of the moderation logs. ModLogs *ModLogs `json:"modLogs"` // Returns all channel roles' access permissions to moderator logs. ModLogsAccess []*ModLogsAccess `json:"modLogsAccess"` // Returns a channel role's access permission to moderator logs. ModLogsRoleAccess *ModLogsAccess `json:"modLogsRoleAccess"` // A user's settings related to the moderation view page. ModViewSettings *ModViewSettings `json:"modViewSettings"` // Returns a paginated list of channel moderators. Mods *ModConnection `json:"mods"` // A user's event notification settings. NotificationSettings []*EventNotificationSetting `json:"notificationSettings"` // A user's notifications. // This is only returned if the request is authenticated by the same user whose onsite notifications are requested. // `language` is a letter code for the language the requesting user speaks (ex. "en"). Notifications *OnsiteNotificationConnection `json:"notifications"` // OAuth applications developed by the current user. OauthApps *OAuthAppConnection `json:"oauthApps"` // A URL to the image that is displayed when the user is not broadcasting nor hosting another user's broadcast. OfflineImageURL *string `json:"offlineImageURL"` // Information about the current user's onboarding state. Onboarding *Onboarding `json:"onboarding"` // List of invites to join an organization. OrganizationInvites *OrganizationInviteUserConnection `json:"organizationInvites"` // Returns a list of developer organizations. // Returns null if the user doesn't belong to any organizations. Organizations []*Organization `json:"organizations"` // A list of open friend requests sent by this user. Friend requests to non-strangers are always placed in front of // friend requests to strangers; `sort` affects how the two components are ordered within themselves. Only accessible // if the user is authenticated with the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. OutgoingFriendRequests *OutgoingFriendRequestConnection `json:"outgoingFriendRequests"` // A list of teams owned by the user. // Only resolves for the current user. OwnedTeams []*Team `json:"ownedTeams"` // panels is a list of `Panel` objects with information related to this channel. Panels []Panel `json:"panels"` // Fetch participating challenges for the user based on a variety of sorting options. // By default returns 10 challenges, sorted by end time. ParticipatingChallenges *ChannelChallengeConnection `json:"participatingChallenges"` // Non-partnered users can submit a partnership application via createPartnershipApplication mutation. // PartnershipApplication includes the status of the most recently submitted application. PartnershipApplication *PartnershipApplication `json:"partnershipApplication"` // Whether or not the user is able to be paid. PayableStatus *PayableStatus `json:"payableStatus"` // Metrics that are relevant to incentive-based contracts for some partnered // streamers. This API returns a year-to-date, rolling list of the past 12 // months and includes the current (in-progress) month. PaymentIncentiveMetrics []*PaymentIncentiveMetricsRollup `json:"paymentIncentiveMetrics"` // Holds configuration necessary to start payment method management. Only the authenticated user can access their own configs. // This is the second step of the payment method management flow. // (User.paymentMethods -> User.paymentMethodConfigs -> Mutation.setDefaultPaymentMethod). PaymentMethodConfigs *PaymentProviderConfigs `json:"paymentMethodConfigs"` // List of payment methods that will be used to pay for Twitch subscriptions that renew in the future // This is the first step of the payment method management flow. // (User.paymentMethods -> User.paymentMethodConfigs -> Mutation.setDefaultPaymentMethod). PaymentMethods []*PaymentMethod `json:"paymentMethods"` // Get user's list of payment transactions. This currently aggregates subscriptions related transactions but plans // to also aggregate other product types such as Bits. The ultimate goal is to record, aggregate, and provide the // payment history of Twitch users in a convenient way. PaymentTransactions *PaymentTransactionConnection `json:"paymentTransactions"` // Payout Information. Payout *Payout `json:"payout"` // Accrued balance since last payout. PayoutBalance *PayoutBalance `json:"payoutBalance"` // A user's invite into a payout program. PayoutInvite *PayoutInvite `json:"payoutInvite"` // List of payout plans a user has when enrolled in any payout programs. PayoutPlans []*PayoutPlan `json:"payoutPlans"` // Get the permitted terms of a user. PermittedTerms []*ChannelPermittedTerm `json:"permittedTerms"` // The user's phone number. Format is always in E.164 format. // This is only returned if the request is authenticated by the same user whose phone is requested. PhoneNumber *string `json:"phoneNumber"` // Fetch polls for the user based on a variety of sorting options. // By default returns 15 polls, sorted by start time. Polls *PollConnection `json:"polls"` // Options and preferences for how the user participates in Predictions Events. // Users can only view their own Predictions Settings. PredictionsSettings *UserPredictionSettings `json:"predictionsSettings"` // The amount of preroll free time in seconds that a user has earned on their channel. PrerollFreeTimeSeconds *int `json:"prerollFreeTimeSeconds"` // The hex string for the user's primary creator color. // Example: "FFFFFF". PrimaryColorHex *string `json:"primaryColorHex"` // The primary team this user belongs to. A user may belong to more than one team at the same time but must select a single // team as the primary. If the user doesn't have a primary team this will be null. PrimaryTeam *Team `json:"primaryTeam"` // Always returns null, will be removed soon. PrimePayoutDetails *PrimePayoutDetails `json:"primePayoutDetails"` // The prime payout details over a period of time for the user. PrimePayoutHistory []*PrimePayoutDetail `json:"primePayoutHistory"` // The Twitch Prime settings data for the user. PrimeSettings *PrimeSettings `json:"primeSettings"` // A URL to the user's profile image. // Valid widths are 28, 50, 70, 96, 150, 300, and 600. // The image height will be the same as the given width. ProfileImageURL *string `json:"profileImageURL"` // The URL to viewing this user's profile. // This is typically<login> . ProfileURL string `json:"profileURL"` // The number of views this user's profile has received since creation. ProfileViewCount *int `json:"profileViewCount"` // The program agreement for a user enrolled in a payout program. ProgramAgreement *ProgramAgreement `json:"programAgreement"` // A user's pulse feed. // This is only returned if the request is authenticated by the same user whose email is requested. PulseFeed *Feed `json:"pulseFeed"` // PurchaseOrder returns a user's purchase order. PurchaseOrder *PurchaseOrder `json:"purchaseOrder"` // Quests associated with a user. Quests *Quests `json:"quests"` // Twitch Radio for the user. Radio *Radio `json:"radio"` // Twitch Radio account information. RadioAccount *RadioAccount `json:"radioAccount"` // Always returns null. Raid *Raid `json:"raid"` // Preferences for raid behavior, including whether // raids are enabled and from whom can raids orignate. // Users can only view their own raid settings. RaidSettings *RaidSettings `json:"raidSettings"` // An array of recent raids by the broadcaster. RecentRaids []*Raid `json:"recentRaids"` // The feedback a user has given about recommended content. RecommendationFeedback *RecommendationFeedbackConnection `json:"recommendationFeedback"` // Recommendations for the user. Recommendations can be retrieved only if the request // is authenticated and only for the authenticated user. Recommendations *Recommendations `json:"recommendations"` // The recommended prefix which is generated based on user name. RecommendedEmoticonPrefix string `json:"recommendedEmoticonPrefix"` // This user's relationship with another user. Relationship *UserRelationship `json:"relationship"` // User's declared country of residence. Residence *UserResidence `json:"residence"` // Info on rewarded video for a user (eligibility). RewardedVideo *RewardedVideo `json:"rewardedVideo"` // The roles this user fulfills on Twitch. Roles *UserRoles `json:"roles"` // Search through a paginated list of public and private videos for this user. SearchVideos *VideoConnection `json:"searchVideos"` // A list of streamer onboarding content IDs that that the user has been shown, and when it was first shown. SeenCreatorOnboardingContent []*CreatorOnboardingContent `json:"seenCreatorOnboardingContent"` // The badge this user has selected for global use on Twitch. SelectedBadge *Badge `json:"selectedBadge"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this user. Self *UserSelfConnection `json:"self"` // Loads the extension installation data for the queried userID's channel that is relevant to the calling user. // This includes the extension configuration data & auth tokens for the extension-channel-user combination. SelfInstalledExtensions []*ExtensionInstallationSelfEdge `json:"selfInstalledExtensions"` // The settings this user has on Twitch. Settings *UserSettings `json:"settings"` // The squad stream that this user is currently a member of, or null if the user is not a member of // any squad stream. SquadStream *SquadStream `json:"squadStream"` // squadStreamSettings are the user's rules and settings for the squad stream feature. // Some fields only resolve for the authenticated user. See schema definition for more detail. SquadStreamSettings *SquadStreamSettings `json:"squadStreamSettings"` // The relationship between the authenticated user and the single sign-on (SSO) apps they have linked to their Twitch account. SsoLinks []*SSOLink `json:"ssoLinks"` // The user's live stream. // Null if the user is not currently broadcasting. Stream *Stream `json:"stream"` // A list of the start and end times of stream sessions. StreamSessions []*StreamSession `json:"streamSessions"` // A list stream sessions that started and ended during the specified interval. StreamSessionsByInterval []*StreamSession `json:"streamSessionsByInterval"` // A list of stream summaries. Stream summaries provide analytics information // for a streaming session. Last started time is for querying sessions from a previous time stamp. StreamSummaries []*StreamSummary `json:"streamSummaries"` // Stucco packs displayed in the user's dashboard stucco settings. StuccoPacksBroadcaster []*StuccoPack `json:"stuccoPacksBroadcaster"` // stuccos available in the library in the user's dashboard stucco settings. Stuccos []*Stucco `json:"stuccos"` // A list of channels to which the user is subscribed. // Only resolves for the authenticated user. SubscribedChannels *SubscribedChannelConnection `json:"subscribedChannels"` // The subscription score of the user. Returns both a breakdown of subscriptions and points by tier. // Authenticated to the current user. Will be nil if the user is not a partner or affiliate. SubscriberScore *SubscriberScore `json:"subscriberScore"` // A paginated list of user's all active subscriptions. // Only resolves for the current user. Returns a forbidden error if requested for another user. SubscriptionBenefits *SubscriptionBenefitConnection `json:"subscriptionBenefits"` // A list of subscription products available for purchase on the user's page. SubscriptionProducts []*SubscriptionProduct `json:"subscriptionProducts"` // A list of subscription products available for purchase on the user's page, including handleable errors. SubscriptionProductsResult SubscriptionProductsResult `json:"subscriptionProductsResult"` // Subscription preferences for the current user. // Only resolves for the current user. Returns an error if request for another user. SubscriptionSettings *UserSubscriptionSettings `json:"subscriptionSettings"` // Subtoken information associated with the user. // Includes balance of tokens which can be used to redeem Subscriptions. SubscriptionToken *SubscriptionToken `json:"subscriptionToken"` // Analytics of the frequency of tags used in discovery. TagAnalytics []*TagAnalytic `json:"tagAnalytics"` // Tags are used as a discovery and search mechanism for channels. // The tag data is from Graffiti directly. Graffiti is not designed to handle huge traffic. // Please use Stream.tags instead if know the stream is live and you can accept a 5 min delay in the data. // For example, you should use Stream.tags for the channel page and the browse page, but use User.tags for the dashboard. Tags []*Tag `json:"tags"` // A list of UserTeamMemberships which includes all the teams the user is a member of. // This includes the primary team. // Only resolves for the current user. TeamMemberships []*UserTeamMembership `json:"teamMemberships"` // Retrieves all the statistics within the start and end time broken down by granularity. // Default endAt time will be the current time (now). // Granularity defaults to 5 minutes. TimeseriesStats *TimeseriesStats `json:"timeseriesStats"` // Tournament associated with the user. This is used with the Bits custom cheering experience. Tournament *Tournament `json:"tournament"` // The user's relationship with Twitch. Twitch *UserTwitchConnection `json:"twitch"` // Get unacknowledged subscription events. UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEvents []*UnacknowledgedSubscriptionEvent `json:"unacknowledgedSubscriptionEvents"` // When the user last updated their account. // Returns null when the user's account has never been updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // Verification request object for the user and an associated contact address. // If no address is provided, the current email address associated with the user account will be used. VerificationRequest *VerificationRequest `json:"verificationRequest"` // Aggregated analytics for several video referral sources, for use in channel analytics. VideoPlayReferrals *VideoPlayReferrals `json:"videoPlayReferrals"` // A paginated list of video shelves to display on the user's channel. VideoShelves *VideoShelfConnection `json:"videoShelves"` // A paginated list of video shelves that are available to be displayed on the // user's channel. Only accessible for authorized users (user & editors). VideoShelvesAvailable *VideoShelfConnection `json:"videoShelvesAvailable"` // A paginated list of videos for this user. Videos *VideoConnection `json:"videos"` // The viewable poll for a channel. // Null if no viewable poll is present. ViewablePoll *Poll `json:"viewablePoll"` // A paginated list of viewed videos and their histories for this user. // Only resolves for current user. ViewedVideos *ViewedVideosConnection `json:"viewedVideos"` // A paginated list of channel VIPs. Vips *VIPConnection `json:"vips"` // A user's balances in their Twitch Wallet in different FIAT currencies // If this isn't the `currentUser` this will return null. WalletBalances *WalletBalances `json:"walletBalances"` // A list of restrictions that prevent a user from hosting Watch Parties. A // user can only host Watch Parties if there are no restrictions. WatchPartiesRestrictions []WatchPartiesRestriction `json:"watchPartiesRestrictions"` // A Watch Party if the User is currently broadcasting one. WatchParty *WatchPartyResult `json:"watchParty"` // Settings related to the Whispers (private user-to-user messaging) feature. // Only resolves for the authenticated user. WhisperSettings *WhisperSettings `json:"whisperSettings"` // A paginated list of whisper threads for the current user, sorted by recent first. WhisperThreads *WhisperThreadConnection `json:"whisperThreads"` // Withholding Tax Detail is the withholding tax rates for the creator. WithholdingTaxDetail *WithholdingTaxDetail `json:"withholdingTaxDetail"` }
Twitch user.
func (User) IsFeaturedItemContent ¶
func (User) IsFeaturedItemContent()
func (User) IsFragmentContent ¶
func (User) IsFragmentContent()
func (User) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (User) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
func (User) IsPersonalSectionTitleToken ¶
func (User) IsPersonalSectionTitleToken()
func (User) IsPredictionEventActor ¶
func (User) IsPredictionEventActor()
func (User) IsTaggedContent ¶
func (User) IsTaggedContent()
func (User) IsTitleTokenNode ¶
func (User) IsTitleTokenNode()
type UserAccountHealth ¶
type UserAccountHealth struct { // Is the user required to reset their password. IsPasswordResetRequired bool `json:"isPasswordResetRequired"` // Is the users email address verified. IsVerifiedEmail bool `json:"isVerifiedEmail"` // Current status of the users password. PasswordStatus PasswordStatus `json:"passwordStatus"` // The list of Two factor Methods the user has registered with. // Empty list means the user does not have two factor. TwoFactorMethods []TwoFactorMethod `json:"twoFactorMethods"` }
Groups users account health information around security of their account.
type UserAmazonConnection ¶
type UserAmazonConnection struct { // The Amazon associates store linked to this user. AssociatesStore *AssociatesStore `json:"associatesStore"` }
The relationship between the user and Amazon.
type UserBlizzardConnectionLink ¶
type UserBlizzardConnectionLink struct { // Returns battletag if available. Can be string or nil. BattleTag *string `json:"battleTag"` }
The edge between a User and a Blizzard connection.
type UserByAttribute ¶
type UserByAttribute struct { // The human-readable identifier for a clip. // When specified, returns the broadcaster of the clip. BroadcasterOfClipSlug *string `json:"broadcasterOfClipSlug"` // The user's login. Login *string `json:"login"` // The identifier for a video collection. // When specified, returns the owner of the collection. OwnsCollectionID *string `json:"ownsCollectionID"` // The identifier for a video. // When specified, returns the owner of the video. OwnsVideoID *string `json:"ownsVideoID"` }
Exactly one of the identifiers must be specified.
type UserClipsInput ¶
type UserClipsInput struct { // The ID of the broadcaster to filter results by. BroadcasterID *string `json:"broadcasterID"` // The ID of the curator to filter results by. CuratorID *string `json:"curatorID"` // DEPRECATED: `filter` should no longer be used. Prefer `period` and `sort` instead. // A filter which restricts results. Filter *ClipsFilter `json:"filter"` // The name of the game to filter results by. GameName *string `json:"gameName"` // The time period to restrict clips based on creation time. Period *ClipsPeriod `json:"period"` // The sort order for the clips results. Sort *ClipsSort `json:"sort"` }
Filtering criteria for paginated user clips results.
type UserCompetitionRelationship ¶
type UserCompetitionRelationship string
Enum that specifies which role the user is taking when querying for competitions.
const ( // Player in a competition. UserCompetitionRelationshipPlayer UserCompetitionRelationship = "PLAYER" // Owner of a competition. UserCompetitionRelationshipOwner UserCompetitionRelationship = "OWNER" // Unknown competition role. UserCompetitionRelationshipUnknown UserCompetitionRelationship = "UNKNOWN" )
func (UserCompetitionRelationship) IsValid ¶
func (e UserCompetitionRelationship) IsValid() bool
func (UserCompetitionRelationship) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UserCompetitionRelationship) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UserCompetitionRelationship) String ¶
func (e UserCompetitionRelationship) String() string
func (*UserCompetitionRelationship) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UserCompetitionRelationship) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UserConnection ¶
type UserConnection struct { Edges []*UserEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of users. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
Paginated list of Users, where the relationship between the source type and the User is generic enough that no information needs to be encoded on the edge.
type UserDirectoryConnection ¶
type UserDirectoryConnection struct { // The directories selected by this user. Nodes []Directory `json:"nodes"` }
The connection between a user and the directories they have selected to broadcast in.
type UserDropAwardConnection ¶
type UserDropAwardConnection struct { // The Drops awarded to the user. Nodes []*DropAward `json:"nodes"` // The number of drop awards a user has received. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of Drops awarded to the user. // deprecated.
type UserDropReward ¶
type UserDropReward struct { // The DropBenefit that a user is entitled to. Benefit *DropBenefit `json:"benefit"` // The game that awarded the Drop. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The assigned ID of the awarded reward. ID string `json:"id"` // The image URL of the Benefit. Images are 80x80 pixels. ImageURL string `json:"imageURL"` // Flag if the user is connected to the game in order to receive the Reward. IsConnected bool `json:"isConnected"` // Specifies if this reward is considered for a game that is available on iOS. IsIosAvailable bool `json:"isIosAvailable"` // The timestamp when the Benefit was last awarded to the user. LastAwardedAt time.Time `json:"lastAwardedAt"` // The developer-provided name of the awarded Benefit. Name string `json:"name"` // Link where the user can connect their account necessary to receive the reward. RequiredAccountLink string `json:"requiredAccountLink"` // The number of drop awards a user has received. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A list of Drops awarded to the user via Drops2.0.
type UserEdge ¶
Generic edge between some type and a User, where there is no information that needs to to be encoded on the edge.
type UserFacebookConnectionLink ¶
type UserFacebookConnectionLink struct { // The user's full name on Facebook. eg. "John Doe". FullName string `json:"fullName"` }
The edge between a User and a Facebook connection.
type UserLeaderboard ¶
type UserLeaderboard struct { // id is the id of this leaderboard. ID string `json:"id"` // items is the list of users in the leaderboard ordered by their score. Items *UserLeaderboardItemConnection `json:"items"` // myPosition contains the item representing the authed user's position on this leaderboard. MyPosition *UserLeaderboardItem `json:"myPosition"` // SecondsRemaining is the number of seconds left before the leaderboard expires (or zero for all-time). SecondsRemaining int `json:"secondsRemaining"` }
UserLeaderboard contains a leaderboard whose entries are Users.
type UserLeaderboardItem ¶
type UserLeaderboardItem struct { // id the id of this leaderboard item. ID string `json:"id"` // rank the ordinal rank of this leaderboard item. Rank int `json:"rank"` // score the numerical value by which this leaderboard is sorted. Score int `json:"score"` // user is the user that holds this position. User *User `json:"user"` }
UserLeaderboardItem at a specific node in a leaderboard connection.
type UserLeaderboardItemConnection ¶
type UserLeaderboardItemConnection struct { // edges ... Edges []*UserLeaderboardItemEdge `json:"edges"` // pageInfo ... PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
UserLeaderboardItemConnection is used to show the various leaderboard items.
type UserLeaderboardItemEdge ¶
type UserLeaderboardItemEdge struct { // The cursor for this leaderboard edge. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The leaderboard entry at this edge. Node *UserLeaderboardItem `json:"node"` }
UserLeaderboardItemEdge describes an edge in a bits leaderboard.
type UserLookupType ¶
type UserLookupType string
The available types of lookups for a user query.
const ( // Retrieves only active users without TOS/DMCA violations. UserLookupTypeActive UserLookupType = "ACTIVE" // Includes suspended or deleted users in the results. UserLookupTypeAll UserLookupType = "ALL" )
func (UserLookupType) IsValid ¶
func (e UserLookupType) IsValid() bool
func (UserLookupType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e UserLookupType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (UserLookupType) String ¶
func (e UserLookupType) String() string
func (*UserLookupType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *UserLookupType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type UserPredictionSettings ¶
type UserPredictionSettings struct { // Whether the user has accepted the latest Predictions Terms of Service. HasAcceptedTos bool `json:"hasAcceptedTOS"` // Whether the user is in a region that is restricted from participation in making predictions. IsInRestrictedRegion *bool `json:"isInRestrictedRegion"` // Whether the user has opted to display a temporary chat badge indicating their choices during Predictions Events. IsTemporaryChatBadgeEnabled bool `json:"isTemporaryChatBadgeEnabled"` }
Options and preferences for how the user participates in Predictions Events. Users can only view their own Predictions Settings.
type UserPredictionStatistics ¶
type UserPredictionStatistics struct { // The total number of events that this user has participated in on this channel. EventsTotal int `json:"eventsTotal"` // The number of events that this user has successfully predicted in this channel. EventsWon int `json:"eventsWon"` // The most recent prediction made by this user on this channel. Null if they have not made a Prediction recently. MostRecentPrediction *Prediction `json:"mostRecentPrediction"` // The total number of points that this user has spent making predictions in this channel. PointsUsed int `json:"pointsUsed"` // The total number of points that this user has won from correct predictions in this channel. PointsWon int `json:"pointsWon"` // The highest number of points that this user has won from a correct prediction in this channel. PointsWonMax int `json:"pointsWonMax"` // The user's current win-streak in Events on this channel. WinStreak int `json:"winStreak"` // The highest win-streak in Events on this channel the user has ever had. WinStreakMax int `json:"winStreakMax"` }
Statistics concerning how a user has performed when making Predictions in a given channel.
type UserRelationship ¶
type UserRelationship struct { // The time when a follower relationship between the user and the target user was established. FollowedAt *time.Time `json:"followedAt"` // Statistics concerning how well the target user has performed in Prediction Events on the user's channel. PredictionStatistics *UserPredictionStatistics `json:"predictionStatistics"` // The subscription benefit relationship between the user and the target user. // Null if the user is not subscribed to the other user. SubscriptionBenefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"subscriptionBenefit"` // Subscription tenure data for the user to the target user. SubscriptionTenure *SubscriptionTenure `json:"subscriptionTenure"` }
Subjective data on a User (user/channel) for the target user.
type UserResidence ¶
type UserResidence struct { // Country in ISO alpha-2. CountryCode string `json:"countryCode"` // Postal code. PostalCode *string `json:"postalCode"` }
User's residence.
type UserRiotConnectionLink ¶
type UserRiotConnectionLink struct { // The PUUID for the user's Riot account. ID string `json:"id"` }
The edge between a User and a Youtube Connection.
type UserRoles ¶
type UserRoles struct { // Whether or not the user is enrolled in the affiliate program. // See for more information. IsAffiliate *bool `json:"isAffiliate"` // Whether or not the user is allowed to approve extensions on Twitch. IsExtensionsApprover *bool `json:"isExtensionsApprover"` // Whether or not the user is enrolled in the extensions developer program. // See for more information. IsExtensionsDeveloper *bool `json:"isExtensionsDeveloper"` // Whether or not the user can moderate any broadcast chat. IsGlobalMod *bool `json:"isGlobalMod"` // Whether or not the user is a partnered broadcaster with Twitch. IsPartner *bool `json:"isPartner"` // Whether or not the user is a site admininistrator. IsSiteAdmin *bool `json:"isSiteAdmin"` // Whether or not the user is a Twitch staff member. IsStaff *bool `json:"isStaff"` }
Groups site-wide user roles together.
type UserSelfBitsBadge ¶
type UserSelfBitsBadge struct { // current is the highest bits chat badge the authenticated user has achieved in this channel. // If a badge tier is disabled after being earned it will still appear here until the next tier is earned. // If the user hasn't earned any bits badges yet this will be null. Current *Badge `json:"current"` ID string `json:"id"` // next is the next chat badge the authenticated user can earn in this channel. // If this is null then there are no higher tiers to earn. Next *Badge `json:"next"` // nextBits is the bits value of the next chat badge the authenticated user can earn in this channel. // If this is null then there are no higher tiers to earn. NextBits *int `json:"nextBits"` // progress is the fraction of the way the user is toward the next badge tier [0.0-1.0). // If `next` is null this will be zero. Progress float64 `json:"progress"` // tierNotification represents a notification sent to a user when they have achieved // a new bits badge in a channel. Used to send a special message. // If no notification is pending this will be null. TierNotification *BitsBadgeTierNotification `json:"tierNotification"` // totalBits is the number of bits the authenticated user has used in this channel. TotalBits int `json:"totalBits"` }
UserSelfBitsBadge contains the current user's badge tier in a channel and progress toward the next tier. NOTE: should probably have been named CurrentUserBitsBadge.
type UserSelfConnection ¶
type UserSelfConnection struct { // The badges which are available for the authenticated user to select for use on another user's streams and videos. AvailableBadges []*Badge `json:"availableBadges"` // Ban status of the authenticated user with respect to this user's channel. BanStatus *ChatRoomBanStatus `json:"banStatus"` // bitsBadge contains information about bits badge progression in a channel. // This field can only be requested if an OAuth token is supplied with the request. BitsBadge *UserSelfBitsBadge `json:"bitsBadge"` // The bits leaderboard entry shows the current user's entry in the // channel's leaderboard. It does not show context entries around it. BitsLeaderboardEntry *BitsLeaderboardEntry `json:"bitsLeaderboardEntry"` // The bits leaderboard item shows the current user's entry in the // channel's leaderboard. It does not show context entries around it. BitsLeaderboardItem *BitsLeaderboardItem `json:"bitsLeaderboardItem"` // The bits leaderboard position shows the curreent users rank // and the surrounding users in the current channel. BitsLeaderboardPosition *BitsLeaderboard `json:"bitsLeaderboardPosition"` // Whether or not the authenticated user can follow this user. CanFollow bool `json:"canFollow"` // CanGift relationship between the authenticated user, another user, and a product. // True is the authenticated user can gift the product to the other user. CanGift bool `json:"canGift"` // CanGiftInChannel relationship between the authenticated user and a product. // True is the authenticated user is allowed to send gifts in this channel. CanGiftInChannel bool `json:"canGiftInChannel"` // Checks if the authenticated user can subscribe to this channel via Prime. CanPrimeSubscribe bool `json:"canPrimeSubscribe"` // Whether the authenticated user has permission to redeem a subscription to this Channel. // Return Values are. // 1) Null - The Channel to which the User is subscribed to is not supporting any subscription redemption. // 2) False - The User has already utilized their redemption to the channel offering subscription redemption. // 2) True - The User can use the subscription redemption offered by the channel. CanRedeemSubscription *bool `json:"canRedeemSubscription"` // The list of celebration products available for the authenticated user to purchase in this channel. CelebrationProducts []*CelebrationProduct `json:"celebrationProducts"` // If the authenticated user cannot chat in this channel, a list of reasons. // Null if the user can chat. ChatRestrictedReasons []ChatRestrictedReason `json:"chatRestrictedReasons"` // Lists the chat badges that should be displayed by the user's display name in // features on a particular user's channel (i.e. chat, feeds). // Includes the following badges: // - global authority (staff/admin/global mod) // - channel authority (broadcaster/mod) // - subscriber // - channel selected (bits) or global selected (prime, turbo, ...). DisplayBadges []*Badge `json:"displayBadges"` // A follower relationship between the authenticated user and another user. // Null if the relationship does not exist. Follower *FollowerEdge `json:"follower"` // The friendship-type relationship (friendship, incoming friend request, outgoing friend request) between the // authenticated user and another user. Null if no friendship-type relationship exists. Friendship FriendRelationship `json:"friendship"` // True if the authenticated user has joined this channel. IsChannelMember *bool `json:"isChannelMember"` // Whether or not the authenticated user is editor of another user's channel. IsEditor *bool `json:"isEditor"` // Whether or not the authenticated user is a founder badge owner of another user's channel. IsFounder *bool `json:"isFounder"` // Whether or not the authenticated user is a moderator of another user's channel. IsModerator *bool `json:"isModerator"` // Whether or not the authenticated user is a VIP of another user's channel. IsVip *bool `json:"isVIP"` // The timestamp of the last time the authenticated user sent a chat message in another user's channel within the last 30 minutes. // Null if the authenticated user has not chatted in the channel in the last 30 minutes. LastRecentChatMessageAt *time.Time `json:"lastRecentChatMessageAt"` // Which treatment the user should receive for the gifting pay it forward private callout. PayItForwardTreatment *PayItForwardTreatmentType `json:"payItForwardTreatment"` // Information about the authenticated user's Prime subscription credit benefit. PrimeSubCreditBenefit *PrimeSubCreditBenefit `json:"primeSubCreditBenefit"` // The most recent resub token to use for sending a special message. // If no notification is pending this will be null. ResubNotification *ResubNotification `json:"resubNotification"` // Lists ritual tokens that can be requested or displayed to the user in another user's channel. RitualTokens []*RitualToken `json:"ritualTokens"` // The badge the authenticated user selected for use on another user's streams and videos. SelectedBadge *Badge `json:"selectedBadge"` // Stucco packs that are available to viewers of a broadcaster. StuccoPacksViewer []*StuccoPack `json:"stuccoPacksViewer"` // The current subscriber badge that a user would have if subscribed & remaining locked subscriber badges with progress. SubscriberBadgeProgress []*SubscriberBadgeProgress `json:"subscriberBadgeProgress"` // The subscription benefit relationship between the authenticated user and another user. // Null if the authenticated user is not subscribed to the other user. SubscriptionBenefit *SubscriptionBenefit `json:"subscriptionBenefit"` // The number of gift subscriptions that the authenticated user has given to other users in this channel. SubscriptionGiftCount *int `json:"subscriptionGiftCount"` // Subscription tenure data for the user to this channel. SubscriptionTenure *SubscriptionTenure `json:"subscriptionTenure"` // Whether the authenticated user can send or receive Whispers to/from another user. WhisperPermissions *WhisperPermissions `json:"whisperPermissions"` }
Subjective data on another User (user/channel) for the current user.
type UserSettings ¶
type UserSettings struct { // Whether the user is whitelisted to host Prime Video watch parties. This // takes precedence over user.watchPartiesRestrictions. CanHostWatchParties bool `json:"canHostWatchParties"` // The user's channel feed on/off switch. // The channel feed is displayed if set to true and is // hidden if set to false. ChannelFeedEnabled bool `json:"channelFeedEnabled"` // The cheer settings for a user, configured in their partner dashboard. Cheer *CheerPartnerSettings `json:"cheer"` // Whether or not the user has a second authentication method configured. HasTwoFactorEnabled *bool `json:"hasTwoFactorEnabled"` IsAmazonRetailRevShareEnabled *bool `json:"isAmazonRetailRevShareEnabled"` IsCommerceRevShareEnabled *bool `json:"isCommerceRevShareEnabled"` // Whether or not the user has requested that their registration date be hidden in the viewer card. IsCreateDateHidden *bool `json:"isCreateDateHidden"` // Whether or not the user has elected to be hidden from search results. IsDirectoryHidden *bool `json:"isDirectoryHidden"` // Whether or not the email was successfully reverted. IsEmailRevertSuccess *bool `json:"isEmailRevertSuccess"` // Whether the user's channel has rituals enabled. IsRitualsEnabled bool `json:"isRitualsEnabled"` // Whether the user's channel is whitelisted into the rituals experiment. IsRitualsWhitelisted bool `json:"isRitualsWhitelisted"` // The user's activity sharing setting. // Activity is the part of a user's status that shows what they're currently playing, watching, or streaming. // Requires the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. IsSharingActivity bool `json:"isSharingActivity"` // Partner settings related to leaderboards. Leaderboard *LeaderboardSettings `json:"leaderboard"` // The user's preferred language tag for displaying text content. PreferredLanguageTag *LanguageTag `json:"preferredLanguageTag"` // The user's shared availability while online. // A value of ONLINE (typically called "invisibility") additionally means that the user's activity will not be shared // regardless of the isSharingActivity setting. // Requires the `user_presence_friends_read` scope. Visibility Visibility `json:"visibility"` }
Groups site-wide user settings together.
type UserSteamConnectionLink ¶
type UserSteamConnectionLink struct { // A Steam user ID. ID string `json:"id"` }
The edge between a User and a Steam connection.
type UserSubscriptionSettings ¶
type UserSubscriptionSettings struct { // If the user only wants to receive gifts to channels they follow. GiftsToFollowedChannelsOnly bool `json:"giftsToFollowedChannelsOnly"` // If the user wants to hide Badge Modifier. IsBadgeModifierHidden bool `json:"isBadgeModifierHidden"` // If the user wants to hide their Founder Badges. IsFounderBadgesHidden bool `json:"isFounderBadgesHidden"` // If the user wants to hide the number of gifts they've gifted. IsGiftCountHidden bool `json:"isGiftCountHidden"` // If the user wants to hide their subscription tenure and status in the chat viewer card. IsSubscriptionStatusHidden bool `json:"isSubscriptionStatusHidden"` }
UserSubscriptionSettings displays the users subscription settings.
type UserTeamMembership ¶
type UserTeamMembership struct { // Whether the team is the primary team for the given User. IsPrimary bool `json:"isPrimary"` // Whether the team is revenue revealed for the given User. IsRevenueRevealed bool `json:"isRevenueRevealed"` // Whether the team is stats revealed for the given User. IsStatsRevealed bool `json:"isStatsRevealed"` // The Team the user is a member of. Team *Team `json:"team"` }
UserTeamMembership represents a User's membership to a Twitch Team. UserTeamMemberships are collections of teams that the User is a part of.
type UserTwitchConnection ¶
type UserTwitchConnection struct { // Returns the User's preferred team in Overwatch League. OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference *OverwatchLeagueTeamPreference `json:"overwatchLeagueTeamPreference"` }
The relationship between the user and Twitch.
type UserTwitterConnectionLink ¶
type UserTwitterConnectionLink struct { // A Twitter username, without the "@" (eg. "Twitch"). Username string `json:"username"` }
The edge between a User and a Twitter connection.
type UserYoutubeConnectionLink ¶
type UserYoutubeConnectionLink struct { // The URL for the user's Youtube channel. ChannelURL string `json:"channelURL"` }
The edge between a User and a Youtube Connection.
type VIPConnection ¶
type VIPConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*VIPEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of VIP users of a channel.
type VIPEdge ¶
type VIPEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Timestamp of when the VIP status was granted. GrantedAt time.Time `json:"grantedAt"` // The user who has the VIP status. Node *User `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of VIP users of a channel.
type ValidateVerificationCodeError ¶
type ValidateVerificationCodeError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while validating with code. Code *ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that occurred while validating with code.
type ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode ¶
type ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode string
Error types for verification.
const ( // Verification failed because provided code does not match. ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeIncorrectCode ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode = "INCORRECT_CODE" // Validation code was incorrect and the code has been regenerated and resent due to too many failed attempts. ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeTooManyFailedAttempts ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode = "TOO_MANY_FAILED_ATTEMPTS" // Verification failed due to being rate limited. ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeRateLimited ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode = "RATE_LIMITED" // Verification failed due to some unknown, unclassified error. ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCodeUnknown ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) String ¶
func (e ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) String() string
func (*ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *ValidateVerificationCodeErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type ValidateVerificationCodeInput ¶
type ValidateVerificationCodeInput struct { // Address that the user is verifying. This will most likely be an email address or phone number. Address string `json:"address"` // Code used to validate if the verification request is valid. Code string `json:"code"` // Key for the entity associated with the address. This is generally the Twitch ID of the user. Key string `json:"key"` }
ValidateVerificationCodeInput is input required to verify a user contact method in EVS by validating their verification code.
type ValidateVerificationCodePayload ¶
type ValidateVerificationCodePayload struct { // Mutation error based on user input. Error *ValidateVerificationCodeError `json:"error"` // The updated verification request. Request *VerificationRequest `json:"request"` }
ValidateVerificationCodePayload is the VerificationRequest document returned from EVS on success.
type VendorConsentStatus ¶
type VendorConsentStatus struct { // User consentStatus for this vendor. ConsentStatus ConsentStatus `json:"consentStatus"` // A flag that shows if the consent is given by the user or by consent service as default value. HasUserSetConsent bool `json:"hasUserSetConsent"` // A flag that shows if the vendor should be visible to the consent settings page. IsVisible bool `json:"isVisible"` // Vendor name. Name VendorName `json:"name"` }
VendorConsentStatus is the consent status of each vendor.
type VendorConsentStatusInput ¶
type VendorConsentStatusInput struct { // Consent status of this vendor. ConsentStatus ConsentStatus `json:"consentStatus"` // name of the vendor. Name VendorName `json:"name"` }
VendorConsentStatusInput is the input struct for vendor consent status.
type VendorName ¶
type VendorName string
VendorName is the vendor name.
const ( // AMAZON is Amazon. VendorNameAmazon VendorName = "AMAZON" // BRANCH is Branch. VendorNameBranch VendorName = "BRANCH" // COMSCORE is ComScore. VendorNameComscore VendorName = "COMSCORE" // GOOGLE is Google. VendorNameGoogle VendorName = "GOOGLE" // NIELSEN is Nielsen. VendorNameNielsen VendorName = "NIELSEN" // SALESFORCE_DMP is Salesforce_DMP. VendorNameSalesforceDmp VendorName = "SALESFORCE_DMP" )
func (VendorName) IsValid ¶
func (e VendorName) IsValid() bool
func (VendorName) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VendorName) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VendorName) String ¶
func (e VendorName) String() string
func (*VendorName) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VendorName) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VerificationRequest ¶
type VerificationRequest struct { // Address that the user is verifying. This will most likely be an email address or phone number. Address string `json:"address"` // Key for the entity associated with the address. This is generally the Twitch ID of the user. Key string `json:"key"` // Time at which the verification request was last modified. Modified time.Time `json:"modified"` // Status of the verification request: pending, verified, or rejected. Status VerificationStatus `json:"status"` }
Represents a user's request to verify a given contact method, such as email address or phone number.
type VerificationStatus ¶
type VerificationStatus string
Status of a given verification request.
const ( // Unknown is used as a safe fallback status. VerificationStatusUnknown VerificationStatus = "UNKNOWN" // Pending indicates not yet successfully verified. VerificationStatusPending VerificationStatus = "PENDING" // Verified indicates successfully verified. VerificationStatusVerified VerificationStatus = "VERIFIED" // Rejected indicates we were unable to send a verification request to the given address, for example if we received a hard bounce from SES. VerificationStatusRejected VerificationStatus = "REJECTED" )
func (VerificationStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e VerificationStatus) IsValid() bool
func (VerificationStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VerificationStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VerificationStatus) String ¶
func (e VerificationStatus) String() string
func (*VerificationStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VerificationStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VerifyContactMethodInput ¶
type VerifyContactMethodInput struct { // Used to validate the associated user contact info. OpaqueID string `json:"opaqueID"` }
VerifyContactMethodInput is input required to verify a user contact method in EVS by their opaque ID.
type VerifyContactMethodPayload ¶
type VerifyContactMethodPayload struct { // The success/failure of the verification attempt. IsSuccess bool `json:"isSuccess"` // The updated verification request. Request *VerificationRequest `json:"request"` }
VerifyContactMethodPayload is the VerificationRequest document returned from EVS on success.
type VerifyOneTimePasswordError ¶
type VerifyOneTimePasswordError struct { // Error code returned by the backend. Code VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode `json:"code"` // The localized external error message. Message string `json:"message"` }
Error returned during a invalid user request.
type VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode ¶
type VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode string
The possible error enums returned while trying to verify a one time password.
const ( // The one time password submitted is invalid. VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeInvalidOtp VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode = "INVALID_OTP" // The user does not have two factor enabled and cannot verify a one time password. VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeNoTwoFactor VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode = "NO_TWO_FACTOR" // Something unexpected occured. VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCodeUnknownError VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode = "UNKNOWN_ERROR" )
func (VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) String ¶
func (e VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) String() string
func (*VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VerifyOneTimePasswordErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VerifyOneTimePasswordInput ¶
type VerifyOneTimePasswordInput struct { // The one time password that needs to be verified. OneTimePassword string `json:"oneTimePassword"` // The ID of the user attempting to verify a one time password. UserID string `json:"userID"` }
The required input for a VerifyOneTimePasswordInput mutation.
type VerifyOneTimePasswordPayload ¶
type VerifyOneTimePasswordPayload struct { // error code and localized error. Error *VerifyOneTimePasswordError `json:"error"` }
The result of a verifyOneTimePassword mutation.
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaError ¶
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaError struct { // Error code for error that occurred while validating the captcha token. Code VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Error that occurred while validating with captcha token.
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode ¶
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode string
Error types for captcha verification.
const ( // The input provided by the user was rejected. VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCodeInvalidParameter VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode = "INVALID_PARAMETER" // The service had an issue unrelated to your input. VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCodeInternalError VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode = "INTERNAL_ERROR" )
func (VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) String ¶
func (e VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) String() string
func (*VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaInput ¶
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaInput struct { // Whether we authenticated with V1 or V2 Arkose endpoint. ArkoseEndpointVersion ArkoseEndpointVersion `json:"arkoseEndpointVersion"` // The token response from Arkose to verify. SessionToken string `json:"sessionToken"` }
Inputs for registering a Captcha for WATEB.
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaPayload ¶
type VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaPayload struct { // The error (if one exists) returned from validating the captcha token. Error *VerifyRewardedVideoEligibilityCaptchaError `json:"error"` }
The response from verifying a captcha with rewarded video systems.
type VerticalContentContext ¶
type VerticalContentContext interface {
IDs used to determine the context(s) by which content was determined for a given VerticalSubDirectory.
type VerticalDirectory ¶
type VerticalDirectory struct { // The vertical's unique Twitch identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // List of shelf groups containing content for this vertical. ShelfGroups []*VerticalShelfGroup `json:"shelfGroups"` // The subtitle for the shelf group. Subtitle *ShelfTitle `json:"subtitle"` // The title for the shelf. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` // Used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
A container of content for a vertical grouped by shelves.
type VerticalShelf ¶
type VerticalShelf struct { // The ordered content for the shelf. Content *ShelfContentConnection `json:"content"` // The one or more contexts for which this shelf contains content for. ContentContext []VerticalContentContext `json:"contentContext"` // A unique identifier for the shelf. ID string `json:"id"` // The subtitle for the shelf group. Subtitle *ShelfTitle `json:"subtitle"` // The title for the shelf. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` // Used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` // The type of this shelf. Type VerticalShelfType `json:"type"` }
An ordered list of content to render with metadata on the content.
type VerticalShelfGroup ¶
type VerticalShelfGroup struct { // The one or more contexts for which this shelf group contains content for. ContentContext []VerticalContentContext `json:"contentContext"` // A unique identifer for this shelf group. ID string `json:"id"` // The ordered shelves for this shelf group. Shelves []*VerticalShelf `json:"shelves"` // The subtitle for the shelf group. Subtitle *ShelfTitle `json:"subtitle"` // The title for the shelf group. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` // Used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
A grouping of one or more shelves.
type VerticalShelfType ¶
type VerticalShelfType string
The types of vertical shelves supported.
const ( // A list of categories to be selected. VerticalShelfTypeCategorySelector VerticalShelfType = "CATEGORY_SELECTOR" // Live matches. VerticalShelfTypeLiveMatches VerticalShelfType = "LIVE_MATCHES" // Live professionals. VerticalShelfTypeLivePros VerticalShelfType = "LIVE_PROS" // Replays. VerticalShelfTypeReplays VerticalShelfType = "REPLAYS" // Collection. VerticalShelfTypeCollection VerticalShelfType = "COLLECTION" )
func (VerticalShelfType) IsValid ¶
func (e VerticalShelfType) IsValid() bool
func (VerticalShelfType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VerticalShelfType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VerticalShelfType) String ¶
func (e VerticalShelfType) String() string
func (*VerticalShelfType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VerticalShelfType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VerticalSubDirectory ¶
type VerticalSubDirectory struct { // The one or more contexts for which this directory contains content for. ContentContext []VerticalContentContext `json:"contentContext"` // The vertical's unique Twitch identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // List of shelf groups containing content for this vertical category. ShelfGroups []*VerticalShelfGroup `json:"shelfGroups"` // The subtitle for the shelf group. Subtitle *ShelfTitle `json:"subtitle"` // The title for the shelf. Title *ShelfTitle `json:"title"` // Used in client tracking. TrackingID string `json:"trackingID"` }
A container of content for a vertical by category, grouped by shelves.
type VerticalSubDirectoryContentContext ¶
type VerticalSubDirectoryContentContext struct { // The subdirectory content context category ids. CategoryIDs []string `json:"categoryIDs"` // The subdirectory content context tag ids. TagIDs []string `json:"tagIDs"` }
The content context of a subdirectory.
type Video ¶
type Video struct { // A link to an image which contains an animated preview of the video. AnimatedPreviewURL *string `json:"animatedPreviewURL"` // A list of bookmarks for this video. Bookmarks *VideoBookmarkConnection `json:"bookmarks"` // The type of broadcast the video originated from. BroadcastType *BroadcastType `json:"broadcastType"` // A paginated list of clips for this video. // When criteria is not specified, the default values are used. Clips *ClipConnection `json:"clips"` // A paginated list of comments against this video. Comments *VideoCommentConnection `json:"comments"` // A list of tags describing the video. ContentTags []*Tag `json:"contentTags"` // The time the video metadata record was created. CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The user who created this video. // This will be either the broadcaster or one of their editors. Creator *User `json:"creator"` // NOTE: named `deleteAt` in Vinyl. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // A description of the video, formatted in markdown. Description *string `json:"description"` // The length of the video. Duration *string `json:"duration"` // The game the video is depicting. Game *Game `json:"game"` // The video's identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the video has been soft deleted. IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` // Which language the video is in. Language *string `json:"language"` // The length of the video, as an int, in seconds. LengthSeconds *int `json:"lengthSeconds"` // A list of moments for this video. Moments *VideoMomentConnection `json:"moments"` // Publicly available muted segment info, detailing which parts of the video // have had audio removed. MuteInfo *VideoMuteInfo `json:"muteInfo"` // For highlights, the number of seconds offset from the beginning of the past broadcast the highlight starts. // For past broadcasts and uploads, this means nothing. OffsetSeconds *int `json:"offsetSeconds"` // The owner of the video. Owner *User `json:"owner"` // The playback access token that determines whether the user can watch the video. // Fetched for both authed and unauthed users. PlaybackAccessToken *PlaybackAccessToken `json:"playbackAccessToken"` // The URL to the thumbnail which should be displayed for the video. // If either `height` or `width` are not given, a templated value (i.e. `{height}`, `{width}`) will be present in the URL instead. PreviewThumbnailURL string `json:"previewThumbnailURL"` // The time when the archive/highlight/upload was first ever available to public, // even if it is not currently public. PublishedAt *time.Time `json:"publishedAt"` // The reactions associated with this video. Reactions []*Reaction `json:"reactions"` // The time the video was recorded. RecordedAt *time.Time `json:"recordedAt"` // The reason a video is restricted if the given video is a restricted video. // For a video that is not restricted, this field can be null. ResourceRestriction *ResourceRestriction `json:"resourceRestriction"` // The reason a video is restricted if the given video is a restricted video. // For a video that is not restricted, this field can be null. Restriction *VideoRestriction `json:"restriction"` // Either PRIVATE or PUBLIC. Scope *VideoPrivacyScope `json:"scope"` // A link to a sprite sheet image made up of preview thumbnails when seeking the video timeline. SeekPreviewsURL *string `json:"seekPreviewsURL"` // The authenticated user's relationship with this video. Self *VideoSelfEdge `json:"self"` // When broadcastType is: // - ARCHIVE: status goes from RECORDING to RECORDED. // - HIGHLIGHT: status goes from UNPROCESSED to RECORDED. // - UPLOAD: status goes from CREATED to UPLOADING, to PENDING_TRANSCODE, to RECORDED, or FAILED if anything goes wrong. // - PREMIERE_UPLOAD: status goes from CREATED to UPLOADING, to PENDING_TRANSCODE, to RECORDED, or FAILED if anything goes wrong for this legacy broadcast type. // - PAST_PREMIERE: status goes from RECORDING to RECORDED for this legacy broadcast type. Status *VideoStatus `json:"status"` // The suggested details for creating an automated highlight from this video. SuggestedHighlight *VideoSuggestedHighlight `json:"suggestedHighlight"` // An array of tags describing the video. This field will be deprecated soon. Please use `Video.contentTag` instead. Tags []*string `json:"tags"` // A list of thumbnail URLs for the video, ordered by descending priority. // Owners can insert custom thumbnails into this list. // If either `height` or `width` are not given, a templated value (i.e. `{height}`, `{width}`) will be present in the URL instead. ThumbnailURLs []*string `json:"thumbnailURLs"` // The title of the video. Title *string `json:"title"` // A paginated list of clips featuring this vod that is, by default, ordered by view count descending. // When criteria is not specified, the default values are used. TopClips *ClipConnection `json:"topClips"` // The most recent time the video data was updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // The numer of views this video has. Can be delayed by up to 15 minutes. ViewCount *int `json:"viewCount"` // For a scheduled video, the time when the video will be made available to the // public (the time when the scope will be automatically set to "public"). // For a video that is public or not scheduled, is null. ViewableAt *time.Time `json:"viewableAt"` }
func (Video) IsCollectionItem ¶
func (Video) IsCollectionItem()
func (Video) IsFeaturedItemContent ¶
func (Video) IsFeaturedItemContent()
func (Video) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (Video) IsFeedEmbed()
func (Video) IsFeedItemContent ¶
func (Video) IsFeedItemContent()
func (Video) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (Video) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
func (Video) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (Video) IsPostEmbed()
func (Video) IsPremiereItem ¶
func (Video) IsPremiereItem()
func (Video) IsReactableContent ¶
func (Video) IsReactableContent()
func (Video) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent ¶
func (Video) IsRecommendationFeedbackContent()
func (Video) IsShareTarget ¶
func (Video) IsShareTarget()
func (Video) IsShelfContent ¶
func (Video) IsShelfContent()
func (Video) IsTaggedContent ¶
func (Video) IsTaggedContent()
func (Video) IsVideoShelfItem ¶
func (Video) IsVideoShelfItem()
type VideoBookmark ¶
type VideoBookmark struct { // channel the VOD belongs to. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // Time at which the bookmark was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // Description of the bookmark. Description string `json:"description"` // ID of the bookmark. ID string `json:"id"` // Relative offset in the video. PositionSeconds int `json:"positionSeconds"` // user who created the bookmark. User *User `json:"user"` }
A video bookmark.
type VideoBookmarkConnection ¶
type VideoBookmarkConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*VideoBookmarkEdge `json:"edges"` // Error of the get video bookmarks request. Error *VideoBookmarkConnectionError `json:"error"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of video bookmarks.
type VideoBookmarkConnectionError ¶
type VideoBookmarkConnectionError struct { // The associated error code. Code *VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode `json:"code"` }
VideoBookmarkConnectionError is the error associated with a getVideoBookmarks.
type VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode ¶
type VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode string
VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode are the possible errors that this query returns.
const ( // An unexpected internal server error occurred. VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCodeInternalServerError VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode = "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR" VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCodeUserUnauthorized VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode = "USER_UNAUTHORIZED" )
func (VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) String ¶
func (e VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) String() string
func (*VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoBookmarkConnectionErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoBookmarkEdge ¶
type VideoBookmarkEdge struct { // Uniquely identifies this clip's position in a connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The bookmark. Node *VideoBookmark `json:"node"` }
A video bookmark.
type VideoComment ¶
type VideoComment struct { // Author of the comment. Commenter *User `json:"commenter"` // Position of the video where this comment was added. ContentOffsetSeconds int `json:"contentOffsetSeconds"` // The time the comment was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The comments's unique identifier. ID string `json:"id"` // The message of the comment. Message *VideoCommentMessage `json:"message"` // DEPRECATED. List of replies on this comment. Replies *VideoCommentConnection `json:"replies"` // Where the comment originated. Source VideoCommentSource `json:"source"` // Current state of the comment. State VideoCommentState `json:"state"` // The last time this comment was updated. UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` // The video on which this comment was added. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
Comment on a video.
func (VideoComment) IsOnsiteNotificationContent ¶
func (VideoComment) IsOnsiteNotificationContent()
type VideoCommentConnection ¶
type VideoCommentConnection struct { Edges []*VideoCommentEdge `json:"edges"` PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of comments.
type VideoCommentEdge ¶
type VideoCommentEdge struct { Cursor *string `json:"cursor"` Node *VideoComment `json:"node"` }
Video comment edge with cursor and the comment node.
type VideoCommentMessage ¶
type VideoCommentMessage struct { // Parts of the message body with meta info. Fragments []*VideoCommentMessageFragment `json:"fragments"` // List of badges the comment author had selected for use at the time of the comment. UserBadges []*Badge `json:"userBadges"` // Text color preferences of comment's author. UserColor *string `json:"userColor"` }
Represents the message of a comment.
type VideoCommentMessageFragment ¶
type VideoCommentMessageFragment struct { // Embedded emote info. Emote *EmbeddedEmote `json:"emote"` // User which was mentioned. Mention *User `json:"mention"` // Raw text of the comment. Text string `json:"text"` }
Represents a part of the message body with meta info.
type VideoCommentSource ¶
type VideoCommentSource string
Where a video comment originated.
const ( // The comment originated from the live broadcast. VideoCommentSourceChat VideoCommentSource = "CHAT" // The comment was manually created by a commenter. VideoCommentSourceComment VideoCommentSource = "COMMENT" // The comment source is unknown. VideoCommentSourceUnknown VideoCommentSource = "UNKNOWN" )
func (VideoCommentSource) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoCommentSource) IsValid() bool
func (VideoCommentSource) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoCommentSource) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoCommentSource) String ¶
func (e VideoCommentSource) String() string
func (*VideoCommentSource) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoCommentSource) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoCommentState ¶
type VideoCommentState string
Represents the state of a video comment.
const ( // The comment is published. VideoCommentStatePublished VideoCommentState = "PUBLISHED" // The comment was manually unpublished by a mod or the channel owner. VideoCommentStateUnpublished VideoCommentState = "UNPUBLISHED" // The comment was automatically flagged for review (AutoMod). VideoCommentStatePendingReview VideoCommentState = "PENDING_REVIEW" // The comment is possibly spam and has to be reviewed by a moderator. VideoCommentStatePendingReviewSpam VideoCommentState = "PENDING_REVIEW_SPAM" // The comment has been soft-deleted. VideoCommentStateDeleted VideoCommentState = "DELETED" )
func (VideoCommentState) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoCommentState) IsValid() bool
func (VideoCommentState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoCommentState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoCommentState) String ¶
func (e VideoCommentState) String() string
func (*VideoCommentState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoCommentState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoConnection ¶
type VideoConnection struct { // The list of videos in this page. Edges []*VideoEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page of videos. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of videos in the larger collection. TotalCount *int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of videos, and its metadata.
func (VideoConnection) IsPersonalSectionChannelContent ¶
func (VideoConnection) IsPersonalSectionChannelContent()
type VideoConnectionOptionsInput ¶
type VideoConnectionOptionsInput struct { // The IDs of any categories that should be included in the results. GameIDs []string `json:"gameIDs"` // Whether unpublished (private) videos should be returned. Will only be returned for the currently authenticated user. Defaults to false. IncludePrivate *bool `json:"includePrivate"` // The maximum length in seconds of any videos returned. MaxLengthSeconds *int `json:"maxLengthSeconds"` // The minimum length in seconds of any videos returned. MinLengthSeconds *int `json:"minLengthSeconds"` // The ending creation date of any videos returned (not inclusive). SearchRangeEndAt *time.Time `json:"searchRangeEndAt"` // The starting creation date of any videos returned (not inclusive). SearchRangeStartAt *time.Time `json:"searchRangeStartAt"` }
Optional input to filter videos. Add any additional optional fields to this input.
type VideoConnectionSearchParams ¶
type VideoConnectionSearchParams struct { // The search term to filter video results by. Term *string `json:"term"` }
A Video Connection Search input to set params to include search term.
type VideoIngestSession ¶
type VideoIngestSession struct { // Stream session metadata related to broadcaster's backup ingest session. BackupIngestSession *BackupIngestSession `json:"backupIngestSession"` // Bitrates of session by time. Recorded every 3 to 5 seconds. Bitrates []*StreamBitrate `json:"bitrates"` // Broadcaster of the stream. Broadcaster *User `json:"broadcaster"` // Recorded framedrop events in stream session. FrameDrops []*IngestFrameDrop `json:"frameDrops"` // Framerates of session by time. Recorded every 3 to 5 seconds. Framerates []*StreamFramerate `json:"framerates"` // The ID of the stream ingest session. ID string `json:"id"` // Stream session metadata related to broadcaster's ingest session. IngestSession *IngestSession `json:"ingestSession"` // Stream session metadata related to broadcaster's RTMP session. RtmpSession *RTMPSession `json:"rtmpSession"` // Recorded starvation events in stream session. StarvationEvents []*IngestStarvationEvent `json:"starvationEvents"` // Set of codes to indicate what is wrong with ingested stream. StreamHealth *IngestStreamHealth `json:"streamHealth"` // Stream session metadata related to broadcaster's transcode session. TranscodeSessions []*TranscodeSession `json:"transcodeSessions"` }
Video Ingest Session Metadata for the current or past broadcasts.
type VideoMoment ¶
type VideoMoment struct { // channel the VOD belongs to. Channel *User `json:"channel"` // Time at which the moment was created. CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` // The displayable context of this moment (translated, where applicable). For // instance, the stream marker comment, game name for game change, or “Pack opening” // for Hearthstone VCA. Can be null. Description *string `json:"description"` // A union of the fields that are specific to individual moments, such as Game Mode // inside Hearthstone VCA data. Details VideoMomentDetails `json:"details"` // The duration, in ms, that this moment is applicable, or zero if no duration. DurationMilliseconds int `json:"durationMilliseconds"` // ID of the moment. ID string `json:"id"` // Moments that cover a time range can also contain moments for that time range. Moments *VideoMomentConnection `json:"moments"` // The time, in ms, after the start of the video when this moment occurs. PositionMilliseconds int `json:"positionMilliseconds"` // The additional displayable context of this moment (translated, where applicable). // Can be null. SubDescription *string `json:"subDescription"` // The url to the thumbnail for this moment. // Can be null. ThumbnailURL *string `json:"thumbnailURL"` // The underlying moment type. Type VideoMomentType `json:"type"` // The id of the video this moment is contained in. Video *Video `json:"video"` }
A video moment represents either a point in time, or a duration of time, during which structured metadata is present.
type VideoMomentConnection ¶
type VideoMomentConnection struct { // The elements of the paginated list. Edges []*VideoMomentEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
A paginated list of video moments.
type VideoMomentDetails ¶
type VideoMomentDetails interface {
A union of the fields that are specific to individual moments, such as Game Mode inside Hearthstone VCA data.
type VideoMomentEdge ¶
type VideoMomentEdge struct { // Uniquely identifies this moment's position in the connection. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The moment. Node *VideoMoment `json:"node"` }
A video moment.
type VideoMomentRequestType ¶
type VideoMomentRequestType string
These request types allow the client to request the backend to do some analysis and suggest markers that are relevant.
const ( // Moments most likely to be highlighted. Shown to creators. VideoMomentRequestTypeHighlighterSuggestions VideoMomentRequestType = "HIGHLIGHTER_SUGGESTIONS" // Chapter markers shown in the video to viewers. VideoMomentRequestTypeVideoChapterMarkers VideoMomentRequestType = "VIDEO_CHAPTER_MARKERS" )
func (VideoMomentRequestType) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoMomentRequestType) IsValid() bool
func (VideoMomentRequestType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoMomentRequestType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoMomentRequestType) String ¶
func (e VideoMomentRequestType) String() string
func (*VideoMomentRequestType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoMomentRequestType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoMomentType ¶
type VideoMomentType string
Marker types present in momentum.
const ( // Creator/editor selected moment. VideoMomentTypeStreamMarker VideoMomentType = "STREAM_MARKER" // GAME_CHANGE is when the streamer changes the game during their stream. VideoMomentTypeGameChange VideoMomentType = "GAME_CHANGE" // Hearthstone video content analysis markers. VideoMomentTypeHearthstoneVca VideoMomentType = "HEARTHSTONE_VCA" // Overwatch video content analysis markers. VideoMomentTypeOverwatchVca VideoMomentType = "OVERWATCH_VCA" // PUBG video content analysis markers. VideoMomentTypePubgVca VideoMomentType = "PUBG_VCA" // VCA generic VCA analysis markers. VideoMomentTypeVca VideoMomentType = "VCA" )
func (VideoMomentType) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoMomentType) IsValid() bool
func (VideoMomentType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoMomentType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoMomentType) String ¶
func (e VideoMomentType) String() string
func (*VideoMomentType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoMomentType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoMuteInfo ¶
type VideoMuteInfo struct { // List of segments muted. MutedSegmentConnection *VideoMutedSegmentConnection `json:"mutedSegmentConnection"` }
Details about automatic mutes applied to this video.
type VideoMutedSegment ¶
type VideoMutedSegment struct { // Duration in seconds of the mute. Standard length is 360 (6 mins). Duration int `json:"duration"` // Offset is how many seconds into the video the mute begins. May be 0. Offset int `json:"offset"` }
Information about one contiguous muted portion of video.
type VideoMutedSegmentConnection ¶
type VideoMutedSegmentConnection struct { // No pagination functionality. All data returned in initial call. Nodes []*VideoMutedSegment `json:"nodes"` }
A list of all sections of the video that are muted. If pagination is required at any point in the future, put edges and pageInfo in this type.
type VideoOEmbed ¶
type VideoOEmbed struct { AuthorName *string `json:"authorName"` AuthorURL *string `json:"authorURL"` CacheAge *int `json:"cacheAge"` Height int `json:"height"` HTML string `json:"html"` InputURL string `json:"inputURL"` ProviderName *string `json:"providerName"` ProviderURL *string `json:"providerURL"` Thumbnail *ThumbnailOEmbed `json:"thumbnail"` Title *string `json:"title"` Type string `json:"type"` Version string `json:"version"` Width int `json:"width"` }
func (VideoOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed ¶
func (VideoOEmbed) IsFeedEmbed()
func (VideoOEmbed) IsOEmbed ¶
func (VideoOEmbed) IsOEmbed()
func (VideoOEmbed) IsPostEmbed ¶
func (VideoOEmbed) IsPostEmbed()
type VideoOptions ¶
type VideoOptions struct {
IncludePrivate *bool `json:"includePrivate"`
Options to include private videos.
type VideoOverlayActivationInput ¶
type VideoOverlayActivationInput struct { // The slot name of where the component extension should be displayed. Slot string `json:"slot"` }
The required configuration to activate a video overlay extension.
type VideoOverlayView ¶
type VideoOverlayView struct { // Specifies whether or not the extension has the ability to link to external websites. CanLinkExternalContent bool `json:"canLinkExternalContent"` // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view, used by devsite to specify the layout of assets. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` // The URL which should be loaded in for the extension. ViewerURL string `json:"viewerURL"` }
VideoOverlayView holds the view configuration of an extension if the videoOverlay anchor is supported.
func (VideoOverlayView) IsExtensionView ¶
func (VideoOverlayView) IsExtensionView()
type VideoOverlayViewInput ¶
type VideoOverlayViewInput struct { // Relative path of the HTML file to load for this view. ViewerPath string `json:"viewerPath"` }
VideoOverlayViewInput holds the view configuration of an extension if the videoOverlay anchor is supported.
type VideoPlayReferrals ¶
type VideoPlayReferrals struct { // The referral groups and respective counts. Items []*AggregatedReferrals `json:"items"` // Sum of all referrals for a given date range. Total int `json:"total"` }
Endpoints for different video referral sources, based on channel and time range.
type VideoPrivacyScope ¶
type VideoPrivacyScope string
const ( // The video is only viewable by the owner. VideoPrivacyScopePrivate VideoPrivacyScope = "PRIVATE" // The video is listed in search and anyone can view the video. VideoPrivacyScopePublic VideoPrivacyScope = "PUBLIC" )
func (VideoPrivacyScope) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoPrivacyScope) IsValid() bool
func (VideoPrivacyScope) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoPrivacyScope) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoPrivacyScope) String ¶
func (e VideoPrivacyScope) String() string
func (*VideoPrivacyScope) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoPrivacyScope) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoRestriction ¶
type VideoRestriction struct { // The product "short name" a user needs to purchase to view the video. ProductName string `json:"productName"` // The name of the product shown to users. ProductTitle string `json:"productTitle"` // The reason a video is restricted. Reason string `json:"reason"` // The type of restriction the video has. Type string `json:"type"` }
Restrictions for viewing of a video. Resolves if a video is restricted, null otherwise.
type VideoSelfEdge ¶
type VideoSelfEdge struct { // Can a user watch a restricted video. IsRestricted bool `json:"isRestricted"` // User's viewing history against a video. ViewingHistory *VideoViewingHistory `json:"viewingHistory"` }
The relationship between the authenticated user and a video.
type VideoShelf ¶
type VideoShelf struct { // The associated collection if the shelf items are from a specified collection. Collection *Collection `json:"collection"` // A description of what the video shelf contains. Description *string `json:"description"` // The associated game with the shelf if the items are from a specified game. Game *Game `json:"game"` // ID of the video shelf. ID string `json:"id"` // Videos/clips in the video shelf. Items []VideoShelfItem `json:"items"` // The title of the video shelf. Title string `json:"title"` // The type of items the video shelf contains. Type VideoShelfType `json:"type"` }
A video shelf contains items (clips, videos) from a user to display on their videos page.
type VideoShelfConnection ¶
type VideoShelfConnection struct { // The list of video shelves available. Edges []*VideoShelfEdge `json:"edges"` // The max number of shelves configuration. MaxShelfCount *int `json:"maxShelfCount"` // Information about this page of video shelves. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // The total number of shelves available. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` }
A paginated list of video shelves with metadata.
type VideoShelfEdge ¶
type VideoShelfEdge struct { // Cursor represents the position of the current edge/node. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Uniquely identifies this video shelf's position in a connection. Node *VideoShelf `json:"node"` }
A video shelf.
type VideoShelfItem ¶
type VideoShelfItem interface {
The item to render in a video shelf.
type VideoShelfType ¶
type VideoShelfType string
The type of item returned in the video shelf.
const ( // Broadcasts sorted by recency. VideoShelfTypeLatestBroadcasts VideoShelfType = "LATEST_BROADCASTS" // Non broadcasts sorted by recency. VideoShelfTypeLatestNonBroadcasts VideoShelfType = "LATEST_NON_BROADCASTS" // Clips created within 30 days sorted by views. VideoShelfTypeTopClips VideoShelfType = "TOP_CLIPS" // Videos under 30 minutes sorted by recency. VideoShelfTypeShortVideos VideoShelfType = "SHORT_VIDEOS" // Videos over 30 minutes sorted by recency. VideoShelfTypeLongVideos VideoShelfType = "LONG_VIDEOS" // Videos marked with a specified game sorted by recency. VideoShelfTypeGame VideoShelfType = "GAME" // Videos from a specified collection. VideoShelfTypeCollection VideoShelfType = "COLLECTION" // All videos. VideoShelfTypeAllVideos VideoShelfType = "ALL_VIDEOS" )
func (VideoShelfType) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoShelfType) IsValid() bool
func (VideoShelfType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoShelfType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoShelfType) String ¶
func (e VideoShelfType) String() string
func (*VideoShelfType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoShelfType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoSort ¶
type VideoSort string
Possible sort orders for lists of videos.
func (VideoSort) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*VideoSort) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type VideoStatus ¶
type VideoStatus string
const ( // The video is being recorded from a live broadcast. VideoStatusRecording VideoStatus = "RECORDING" // The video needs to be processed. VideoStatusUnprocessed VideoStatus = "UNPROCESSED" // The upload job is ready to begin. VideoStatusCreated VideoStatus = "CREATED" // The video is being uploaded. VideoStatusUploading VideoStatus = "UPLOADING" // The video is being transcoded. VideoStatusPendingTranscode VideoStatus = "PENDING_TRANSCODE" // Something went wrong. VideoStatusFailed VideoStatus = "FAILED" // The video is ready to watch. VideoStatusRecorded VideoStatus = "RECORDED" )
func (VideoStatus) IsValid ¶
func (e VideoStatus) IsValid() bool
func (VideoStatus) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VideoStatus) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VideoStatus) String ¶
func (e VideoStatus) String() string
func (*VideoStatus) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VideoStatus) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VideoStreamSettings ¶
type VideoStreamSettings struct { // A list of Twitch users who are authorized to stream on behalf of a broadcaster. AuthorizedUsers []*User `json:"authorizedUsers"` // A list of stream keys to be used for backup redundant stream. BackupStreamKeys []StreamKeyResult `json:"backupStreamKeys"` // The number of seconds delay for a stream. When this is set, a stream will be ingested with specified delay in seconds. DelaySeconds int `json:"delaySeconds"` // The number of seconds to display the disconnect slate while the stream is unstable. DisconnectSlateDurationSeconds int `json:"disconnectSlateDurationSeconds"` // When isBackupEnabled is true, streamers can stream a backup stream using the streamkey on backupStreamKeys. IsBackupEnabled bool `json:"isBackupEnabled"` // When isDelayEnabled is true, streamers can stream with specified delay seconds on delaySeconds. IsDelayEnabled bool `json:"isDelayEnabled"` // When isDisconnectSlateEnabled is true, streams will show a disconnect slate for the period specified on delaySeconds when a stream disconnects temporarily. IsDisconnectSlateEnabled bool `json:"isDisconnectSlateEnabled"` // Whether or not a stream should be started as a low latency stream. IsLowLatency bool `json:"isLowLatency"` // Whether or not the broadcaster prefers to archive the vod for a stream. ShouldArchiveVODs bool `json:"shouldArchiveVODs"` // The RTMP stream key for the user's channel. This key is required to stream a video to Twitch. StreamKey StreamKeyResult `json:"streamKey"` }
Video stream settings for ingesting a stream such as stream key, latency mode, or vod save preference. Represents a user's channel setting when starting a streamm.
type VideoSuggestedHighlight ¶
type VideoSuggestedHighlight struct { // Boolean for whether this set of suggested segments were addressed and dismissed. IsDismissed bool `json:"isDismissed"` // List of suggested video segments. Segments []*VideoSuggestedSegment `json:"segments"` // Status of the segments. Status *SegmentsStatusType `json:"status"` }
Details about creating an automated highlight from this video.
type VideoSuggestedSegment ¶
type VideoSuggestedSegment struct { // Ending time of the suggested segment in milliseconds. EndMs int `json:"endMS"` // Starting time of the suggested segment in milliseconds. StartMs int `json:"startMS"` }
Information for one suggested video segment.
type VideoTopClipsInput ¶
type VideoTopClipsInput struct { // The ID of the curator to filter results by. CuratorID *string `json:"curatorID"` // The time period to restrict clips based on creation time. Period *ClipsPeriod `json:"period"` // The sort order for the clips results. Sort *ClipsSort `json:"sort"` }
Filtering criteria for paginated video top clips results.
type VideoType ¶
type VideoType string
Describes what type of content this originated from. NOTE: There is already an enum named BroadcastType which should have been named VideoBroadcastType.
func (VideoType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (*VideoType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
type VideoViewingHistory ¶
type VideoViewingHistory struct { // Position in seconds since the start of the video. Position *int `json:"position"` // When the viewing history was last updated. UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
User's viewing history against a video. All fields are null if no viewing history is available.
type ViewedNotificationsPayload ¶
type ViewedNotificationsPayload struct { // The modified user which contains an updated OnsiteNotificationsSummary. User *User `json:"user"` }
type ViewedVideosConnection ¶
type ViewedVideosConnection struct { // The list of videos and their viewing histories in this page. Edges []*ViewedVideosEdge `json:"edges"` }
A paginated list of viewed videos, their histories, and metadata.
type ViewedVideosEdge ¶
type ViewedVideosEdge struct { // Viewing history of user against the video. History *VideoViewingHistory `json:"history"` // Video this viewing history belongs to. Node *Video `json:"node"` }
An element in a paginated list of viewing histories, and its metadata.
type Visibility ¶
type Visibility string
The user's shared availability while online. A value of ONLINE (typically called invisibility) additionally means that the user's activity will not be shared regardless of the isSharingActivity setting. NOTE: Should have been named UserOnlineVisibility.
const ( VisibilityOnline Visibility = "ONLINE" VisibilityAway Visibility = "AWAY" VisibilityBusy Visibility = "BUSY" VisibilityOffline Visibility = "OFFLINE" )
func (Visibility) IsValid ¶
func (e Visibility) IsValid() bool
func (Visibility) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e Visibility) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (Visibility) String ¶
func (e Visibility) String() string
func (*Visibility) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *Visibility) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VisibilityInput ¶
type VisibilityInput string
A visibility type for the user.
const ( // An ONLINE visibility (default) will cause the user's availability to be inherited from their sessions -- Online if // they have at least one non-idle session, Away if they have only idle sessions, or Offline if they have no sessions. VisibilityInputOnline VisibilityInput = "ONLINE" // An AWAY visibility will cause the user to appear as Away if they have any sessions, regardless of idleness, or // Offline if they have no sessions. VisibilityInputAway VisibilityInput = "AWAY" // A BUSY visibility will cause the user to appear as Busy if they have any sessions, regardless of idleness, or // Offline if they have no sessions. VisibilityInputBusy VisibilityInput = "BUSY" // An OFFLINE visibility (also called "invisible") will cause the user to appear as Offline always. It will also // implicitly turn off activity sharing. VisibilityInputOffline VisibilityInput = "OFFLINE" )
func (VisibilityInput) IsValid ¶
func (e VisibilityInput) IsValid() bool
func (VisibilityInput) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VisibilityInput) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VisibilityInput) String ¶
func (e VisibilityInput) String() string
func (*VisibilityInput) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VisibilityInput) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VisitStreamManagerInput ¶
type VisitStreamManagerInput struct { // The channel ID of the stream manager visited. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` }
Input for Visit Stream Manager.
type VisitStreamManagerPayload ¶
type VisitStreamManagerPayload struct { // The channel ID of the stream manager visited. ChannelID *string `json:"channelID"` // The success/failure of the client. IsSuccess *bool `json:"isSuccess"` // The viewer ID trying to view the stream manager. ViewerID *string `json:"viewerID"` }
Payload returned from Visit Stream Manager call.
type VoteInAdPollError ¶
type VoteInAdPollError struct { // Code describing the error. Code VoteInAdPollErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Vote in poll error.
type VoteInAdPollErrorCode ¶
type VoteInAdPollErrorCode string
Vote in poll error code.
const ( // User tried to vote in a poll that doesn't exist i.e. there is no poll running at all). VoteInAdPollErrorCodePollNotFound VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "POLL_NOT_FOUND" // User tried to vote in a poll that is not active. VoteInAdPollErrorCodePollNotActive VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "POLL_NOT_ACTIVE" // Request has a vote ID that is in progress or has already been submitted. VoteInAdPollErrorCodeVoteIDConflict VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "VOTE_ID_CONFLICT" // Voter is trying to vote more times than the maximum number of times that the poll allows. VoteInAdPollErrorCodeMaxVoteLimitError VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "MAX_VOTE_LIMIT_ERROR" // User is trying to vote for another choice in a poll that only allows one choice. VoteInAdPollErrorCodeMultiChoiceVoteForbidden VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "MULTI_CHOICE_VOTE_FORBIDDEN" // Request is for a choice ID that invalid. VoteInAdPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceID VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "INVALID_CHOICE_ID" // An unknown error occurred. VoteInAdPollErrorCodeUnknown VoteInAdPollErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (VoteInAdPollErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e VoteInAdPollErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (VoteInAdPollErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VoteInAdPollErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VoteInAdPollErrorCode) String ¶
func (e VoteInAdPollErrorCode) String() string
func (*VoteInAdPollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VoteInAdPollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VoteInAdPollInput ¶
type VoteInAdPollInput struct { // The id of the choice the vote is casted on in the poll. ChoiceID string `json:"choiceID"` // The id of the poll that is being voted in. PollID string `json:"pollID"` // The voter id of the voter. UserID string `json:"userID"` // The unique id for this vote action. VoteID string `json:"voteID"` }
Inputs for voting on an ad poll.
type VoteInAdPollPayload ¶
type VoteInAdPollPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *VoteInAdPollError `json:"error"` // The voter objet returned by the vote operation. Vote *AdPollVote `json:"vote"` }
Output from the vote on poll mutation.
type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexInput ¶
type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexInput struct { // The id of the channel the vote is being cast in. ChannelID string `json:"channelID"` // Important: The ***ONE INDEXED*** (NOT ZERO INDEXED) position of the choice that is chosen in the poll. ChoiceIndex int `json:"choiceIndex"` // The tokens used for this vote. Tokens *PollVoteTokensInput `json:"tokens"` // The user id of the voter. UserID string `json:"userID"` // The unique id for this vote action. VoteID string `json:"voteID"` }
Inputs for voting on a poll by choice index. Poll id and choice id are retrieved from the backend, before sending the vote.
type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexPayload ¶
type VoteInPollByChoiceIndexPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *VoteInPollError `json:"error"` // The voter objet returned by the vote operation. Voter *PollVoter `json:"voter"` }
Output from the vote on poll by choice index mutation.
type VoteInPollError ¶
type VoteInPollError struct { // Code describing the error. Code VoteInPollErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Vote in poll error.
type VoteInPollErrorCode ¶
type VoteInPollErrorCode string
Vote in poll error code.
const ( // User tried to vote in a poll that doesn't exist i.e. there is no poll running at all). VoteInPollErrorCodePollNotFound VoteInPollErrorCode = "POLL_NOT_FOUND" // User tried to vote in a poll that is not active. VoteInPollErrorCodePollNotActive VoteInPollErrorCode = "POLL_NOT_ACTIVE" // Request has a vote ID that is in progress or has already been submitted. VoteInPollErrorCodeVoteIDConflict VoteInPollErrorCode = "VOTE_ID_CONFLICT" // User is trying to vote for another choice in a poll that only allows one choice. VoteInPollErrorCodeMultiChoiceVoteForbidden VoteInPollErrorCode = "MULTI_CHOICE_VOTE_FORBIDDEN" // Request is for a channel ID that is invalid (e.g. banned channel, channel doesn't exist). VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChannelID VoteInPollErrorCode = "INVALID_CHANNEL_ID" // Request is for a choice index that is invalid (e.g. there are 3 choices and the request is for index 10). VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceIndex VoteInPollErrorCode = "INVALID_CHOICE_INDEX" // Request is for a choice ID that invalid. VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidChoiceID VoteInPollErrorCode = "INVALID_CHOICE_ID" // Request is for an invalid bits amount (e.g. -100 bits, or request is not for a multiple of the Bits cost). VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidBitsAmount VoteInPollErrorCode = "INVALID_BITS_AMOUNT" // Request is for an invalid Community Points amount (e.g. -100 Points, or request is not for a multiple of the Points cost). VoteInPollErrorCodeInvalidCommunityPointsAmount VoteInPollErrorCode = "INVALID_COMMUNITY_POINTS_AMOUNT" // User's bits balance is too low to perform request (e.g. they only have 10 bits and they request to spend 100). VoteInPollErrorCodeInsufficientBitsBalance VoteInPollErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_BITS_BALANCE" // Users's Community Points balance is too low to perform request (e.g. they only have 10 points and they request to spend 100). VoteInPollErrorCodeInsufficientCommunityPointsBalance VoteInPollErrorCode = "INSUFFICIENT_COMMUNITY_POINTS_BALANCE" // User has already used their base votes, so in order to continue voting, they must use tokens (bits or channel points). VoteInPollErrorCodeTokensRequired VoteInPollErrorCode = "TOKENS_REQUIRED" // User is not allowed to vote in poll (e.g. they're banned in the channel). VoteInPollErrorCodeUserForbidden VoteInPollErrorCode = "USER_FORBIDDEN" // User is not allowed to vote in their own poll with bits. VoteInPollErrorCodeSelfBitsVoteNotAllowed VoteInPollErrorCode = "SELF_BITS_VOTE_NOT_ALLOWED" // User cannot vote because they have hit a per-user or per-poll rate limit. The user can try again later. VoteInPollErrorCodeRateLimited VoteInPollErrorCode = "RATE_LIMITED" // An unknown error occurred. VoteInPollErrorCodeUnknown VoteInPollErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (VoteInPollErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e VoteInPollErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (VoteInPollErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e VoteInPollErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (VoteInPollErrorCode) String ¶
func (e VoteInPollErrorCode) String() string
func (*VoteInPollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *VoteInPollErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type VoteInPollInput ¶
type VoteInPollInput struct { // The id of the choice the vote is casted on in the poll. ChoiceID string `json:"choiceID"` // The id of the poll that is being voted in. PollID string `json:"pollID"` // The tokens used for this vote. Tokens *PollVoteTokensInput `json:"tokens"` // The user id of the voter. UserID string `json:"userID"` // The unique id for this vote action. VoteID string `json:"voteID"` }
Inputs for voting on a poll.
type VoteInPollPayload ¶
type VoteInPollPayload struct { // If present, there was an error with the request. Error *VoteInPollError `json:"error"` // The voter object returned by the vote operation. Voter *PollVoter `json:"voter"` }
Output from the vote on poll mutation.
type WalletBalances ¶
type WalletBalances struct { // List of all Balances that a Twitch User has on their account. AllBalances []*Balance `json:"allBalances"` // Currencies that an Twitch User is currently eligible to use. EligibleCurrencies []Currency `json:"eligibleCurrencies"` }
Twitch Wallet Balances in multiple FIAT currencies. Can be used to purchase product on the Twitch Platform.
type WalletType ¶
type WalletType string
User's can have different wallet types based on legal and accounting requirements.
const ( // Only supports loading from FIAT currencies from gift card providers. WalletTypeGiftCard WalletType = "GIFT_CARD" )
func (WalletType) IsValid ¶
func (e WalletType) IsValid() bool
func (WalletType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WalletType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WalletType) String ¶
func (e WalletType) String() string
func (*WalletType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WalletType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WatchPartiesRestriction ¶
type WatchPartiesRestriction string
The possible restrictions for a user trying to host Watch Parties.
const ( // A user cannot host Watch Parties in their current region. WatchPartiesRestrictionRegionNotSupported WatchPartiesRestriction = "REGION_NOT_SUPPORTED" // Unknown restriction. WatchPartiesRestrictionUnknown WatchPartiesRestriction = "UNKNOWN" )
func (WatchPartiesRestriction) IsValid ¶
func (e WatchPartiesRestriction) IsValid() bool
func (WatchPartiesRestriction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WatchPartiesRestriction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WatchPartiesRestriction) String ¶
func (e WatchPartiesRestriction) String() string
func (*WatchPartiesRestriction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WatchPartiesRestriction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WatchParty ¶
type WatchParty struct { // Enum representing the restrictions on this Watch Party. ContentRestriction WatchPartyContentRestriction `json:"contentRestriction"` // Option Watch Party decoration. Decoration *WatchPartyDecoration `json:"decoration"` // The catalog item id played for this watch party. Gti string `json:"gti"` // Unique ID of the watch party. ID string `json:"id"` // Progress of the current state, null for offline watch parties. Progress *WatchPartyProgress `json:"progress"` // Current state of the watch party. State WatchPartyState `json:"state"` // Current title of the watch party. Title string `json:"title"` // CCVs for the watch party. ViewersCount int `json:"viewersCount"` }
Contains all information for Prime Video Watch Parties.
type WatchPartyContentRestriction ¶
type WatchPartyContentRestriction string
Restrictions on a piece of content.
const ( // Default type. WatchPartyContentRestrictionUnknown WatchPartyContentRestriction = "UNKNOWN" // Content is viewable by majority regions. WatchPartyContentRestrictionBroadAvailability WatchPartyContentRestriction = "BROAD_AVAILABILITY" // Content is viewable in a select number of regions. WatchPartyContentRestrictionLimitedAvailability WatchPartyContentRestriction = "LIMITED_AVAILABILITY" )
func (WatchPartyContentRestriction) IsValid ¶
func (e WatchPartyContentRestriction) IsValid() bool
func (WatchPartyContentRestriction) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WatchPartyContentRestriction) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WatchPartyContentRestriction) String ¶
func (e WatchPartyContentRestriction) String() string
func (*WatchPartyContentRestriction) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WatchPartyContentRestriction) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WatchPartyDecoration ¶
type WatchPartyDecoration struct { // Fully decorated item for a watch party. Item *WatchPartyItem `json:"item"` // Authenticated: filled in only if the user is authorized to watch the content. Player *WatchPartyPlayer `json:"player"` }
Decoration information for a Watch Party.
type WatchPartyError ¶
type WatchPartyError struct { // Error code. Code WatchPartyErrorCode `json:"code"` }
Information to communicate to the user about an error state.
type WatchPartyErrorCode ¶
type WatchPartyErrorCode string
Enum for user errors.
const ( // Used for invalid requests. WatchPartyErrorCodeBadRequest WatchPartyErrorCode = "BAD_REQUEST" // Used when the access token is expired. WatchPartyErrorCodeForbidden WatchPartyErrorCode = "FORBIDDEN" // Used when the user's request is throttled. WatchPartyErrorCodeRequestThrottled WatchPartyErrorCode = "REQUEST_THROTTLED" // Used when the user is geo restricted. WatchPartyErrorCodeGeoRestricted WatchPartyErrorCode = "GEO_RESTRICTED" // Used when the error is unknown. WatchPartyErrorCodeUnknown WatchPartyErrorCode = "UNKNOWN" )
func (WatchPartyErrorCode) IsValid ¶
func (e WatchPartyErrorCode) IsValid() bool
func (WatchPartyErrorCode) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WatchPartyErrorCode) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WatchPartyErrorCode) String ¶
func (e WatchPartyErrorCode) String() string
func (*WatchPartyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WatchPartyErrorCode) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WatchPartyItem ¶
type WatchPartyItem struct { // String representing the age rating. ContentRating *string `json:"contentRating"` // Enum representing the restrictions on this item. When available, defer to // the Watch Party content restriction. ContentRestriction WatchPartyContentRestriction `json:"contentRestriction"` // Additional details based on the item type. Details WatchPartyItemDetails `json:"details"` // List of genres. Genres []string `json:"genres"` // Whether or not this item has children content. HasChildren bool `json:"hasChildren"` // Unique GTI. ID string `json:"id"` // If the content is mature. IsMature bool `json:"isMature"` // If this is a child, ID of the parent. ParentID *string `json:"parentID"` // Link to continue watching on PV. PrimeVideoLink *string `json:"primeVideoLink"` // Prime video rating. PrimeVideoRating *PrimeVideoRating `json:"primeVideoRating"` // Null if user is logged out, contains eligibility information. Self *WatchPartyItemSelfEdge `json:"self"` // List of actors and actresses. Starring []string `json:"starring"` // Localized summary. Summary *string `json:"summary"` // Localized box art. ThumbnailURL string `json:"thumbnailURL"` // Localized title. Title string `json:"title"` // Video content type, i.e. episode or series. Type WatchPartyItemType `json:"type"` // Publication year. YearPublished *int `json:"yearPublished"` }
Contains all fields needed to render a watch party item.
type WatchPartyItemConnection ¶
type WatchPartyItemConnection struct { // One item per edge. Edges []*WatchPartyItemEdge `json:"edges"` // Used for user authentication errors. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // Amazon link. HomepageBrowseLink string `json:"homepageBrowseLink"` // Pagination info. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Watch party items, returned in a query.
type WatchPartyItemDetails ¶
type WatchPartyItemDetails interface {
Additional information about content.
type WatchPartyItemEdge ¶
type WatchPartyItemEdge struct { // Cursor to continue querying from here. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Item information. Node *WatchPartyItem `json:"node"` }
Represents a single item for a watch party.
type WatchPartyItemEligibility ¶
type WatchPartyItemEligibility struct { // Whether the viewer can watch this content. CanView bool `json:"canView"` // Localized string explaining why if canView is false. Reason *string `json:"reason"` }
Contains information about viewer eligibility, likely to change.
type WatchPartyItemSearchOptions ¶
type WatchPartyItemSearchOptions struct { // Parameter to query for a parent's children items. ParentID *string `json:"parentID"` // Search for content based on the input string. SearchQuery *string `json:"searchQuery"` }
Options for querying for catalog items. These fields are mutually exclusive and parentID will take precedent if both are specified.
type WatchPartyItemSelfEdge ¶
type WatchPartyItemSelfEdge struct { // Info about whether or not the user can view this piece of content. Eligibility *WatchPartyItemEligibility `json:"eligibility"` // True if the content is PV gated and we will upsell. WillShowPrimeUpsell bool `json:"willShowPrimeUpsell"` }
Used for upselling Prime, populated from authentication or geotoken.
type WatchPartyItemType ¶
type WatchPartyItemType string
Content types for Prime Video.
const ( // Default type. WatchPartyItemTypeUnknown WatchPartyItemType = "UNKNOWN" // A leaf node episode in a series/season. WatchPartyItemTypeEpisode WatchPartyItemType = "EPISODE" // A leaf node movie. WatchPartyItemTypeMovie WatchPartyItemType = "MOVIE" // Usually a collection of episodes. WatchPartyItemTypeSeason WatchPartyItemType = "SEASON" // Usually a collection of seasons. WatchPartyItemTypeSeries WatchPartyItemType = "SERIES" )
func (WatchPartyItemType) IsValid ¶
func (e WatchPartyItemType) IsValid() bool
func (WatchPartyItemType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WatchPartyItemType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WatchPartyItemType) String ¶
func (e WatchPartyItemType) String() string
func (*WatchPartyItemType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WatchPartyItemType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WatchPartyPlayer ¶
type WatchPartyPlayer struct { // Device Proxy URL to initialize the PV player. DeviceProxyBaseURL string `json:"deviceProxyBaseURL"` // Parameters to initialize the PV player. SdkInit string `json:"sdkInit"` // Token to initialize the PV player. Token string `json:"token"` }
Contains information needed to initialize a PV player and play content.
type WatchPartyProgress ¶
type WatchPartyProgress struct { // Total duration of the current state. DurationSeconds int `json:"durationSeconds"` // Current position in seconds of the state. PositionSeconds int `json:"positionSeconds"` // Wall clock time for the start of the current state. Start time.Time `json:"start"` }
Tracks the current state.
type WatchPartyResult ¶
type WatchPartyResult struct { // Used for user authentication errors. Error *WatchPartyError `json:"error"` // Can be null if the channel is offline or for authentication errors. Session *WatchParty `json:"session"` }
Wrapper to allow passing back errors.
type WatchPartyState ¶
type WatchPartyState string
Enum for state.
const ( // Default value. WatchPartyStateUnknown WatchPartyState = "UNKNOWN" // Pre-play countdown. WatchPartyStateHypeIn WatchPartyState = "HYPE_IN" // In progress, video playback. WatchPartyStateInProgress WatchPartyState = "IN_PROGRESS" // Offline. WatchPartyStateOffline WatchPartyState = "OFFLINE" )
func (WatchPartyState) IsValid ¶
func (e WatchPartyState) IsValid() bool
func (WatchPartyState) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WatchPartyState) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WatchPartyState) String ¶
func (e WatchPartyState) String() string
func (*WatchPartyState) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WatchPartyState) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type Watching ¶
type Watching struct { // This activity's type, i.e. "WATCHING". Type *ActivityType `json:"type"` // The user whose stream is being watched. User *User `json:"user"` }
func (Watching) IsActivity ¶
func (Watching) IsActivity()
type WhisperMessage ¶
type WhisperMessage struct { // Content of the message. Content *MessageBody `json:"content"` // Time the message was deleted. DeletedAt *time.Time `json:"deletedAt"` // Time the message was edited. EditedAt *time.Time `json:"editedAt"` // User that sent the message. From *User `json:"from"` // UUID of the message. ID string `json:"id"` // Unique nonce. Nonce *string `json:"nonce"` // Time the message was sent. SentAt time.Time `json:"sentAt"` // The thread the message is a part of. Thread *WhisperThread `json:"thread"` }
A message sent in a whisper thread.
type WhisperMessageConnection ¶
type WhisperMessageConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*WhisperMessageEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` }
Paginated list of messages in a thread.
type WhisperMessageEdge ¶
type WhisperMessageEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The whisper message. Node *WhisperMessage `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of messages.
type WhisperPermissionType ¶
type WhisperPermissionType string
An enumeration of the permissions for one user to Whisper another.
const ( // The sender is allowed to Whisper the recipient. WhisperPermissionTypePermitted WhisperPermissionType = "PERMITTED" // The sender is not allowed to Whisper the recipient. WhisperPermissionTypeNotPermitted WhisperPermissionType = "NOT_PERMITTED" // Any sender is able to Whisper the recipient. WhisperPermissionTypeNotRestricted WhisperPermissionType = "NOT_RESTRICTED" // The sender is temporarily allowed to Whisper the recipient. WhisperPermissionTypeTemporary WhisperPermissionType = "TEMPORARY" )
func (WhisperPermissionType) IsValid ¶
func (e WhisperPermissionType) IsValid() bool
func (WhisperPermissionType) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WhisperPermissionType) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WhisperPermissionType) String ¶
func (e WhisperPermissionType) String() string
func (*WhisperPermissionType) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WhisperPermissionType) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WhisperPermissions ¶
type WhisperPermissions struct { // If send is NOT_PERMITTED, true if the reason is that the other Twitch user is considered a stranger. IsStrangerBlocked bool `json:"isStrangerBlocked"` // Capability of the user to receive Whispers from the other Twitch user. Receive *WhisperPermissionType `json:"receive"` // Capability of the user to send Whispers to the other Twitch user. Send *WhisperPermissionType `json:"send"` }
The ability for a Twitch user to send or receive Whispers to/from another Twitch user.
type WhisperSettings ¶
type WhisperSettings struct { // If true, disallows strangers from initiating a whisper thread to this user. IsBlockingWhispersFromStrangers bool `json:"isBlockingWhispersFromStrangers"` // If true, this user is disallowed from sending or receiving whisper messages. IsWhisperBanned bool `json:"isWhisperBanned"` }
Settings related to the Whispers (private user-to-user messaging) feature.
type WhisperSpamInfo ¶
type WhisperSpamInfo struct { // Time user last marked the thread as not spam. LastMarkedNotSpamAt *time.Time `json:"lastMarkedNotSpamAt"` // Spam classification score. Likelihood *WhisperSpamLikelihood `json:"likelihood"` }
Spam classification data for a message.
type WhisperSpamLikelihood ¶
type WhisperSpamLikelihood string
const ( WhisperSpamLikelihoodLow WhisperSpamLikelihood = "LOW" WhisperSpamLikelihoodMedium WhisperSpamLikelihood = "MEDIUM" WhisperSpamLikelihoodHigh WhisperSpamLikelihood = "HIGH" )
func (WhisperSpamLikelihood) IsValid ¶
func (e WhisperSpamLikelihood) IsValid() bool
func (WhisperSpamLikelihood) MarshalGQL ¶
func (e WhisperSpamLikelihood) MarshalGQL(w io.Writer)
func (WhisperSpamLikelihood) String ¶
func (e WhisperSpamLikelihood) String() string
func (*WhisperSpamLikelihood) UnmarshalGQL ¶
func (e *WhisperSpamLikelihood) UnmarshalGQL(v interface{}) error
type WhisperThread ¶
type WhisperThread struct { // ID of the whisper thread. ID string `json:"id"` // Whether the thread has been archived. IsArchived bool `json:"isArchived"` // Whether the user has muted the thread. IsMuted bool `json:"isMuted"` // The last message sent in this thread. Null if no messages in this thread. LastMessage *WhisperMessage `json:"lastMessage"` // List of messages in the thread. Messages *WhisperMessageConnection `json:"messages"` // List of users in the thread. Participants []*User `json:"participants"` // Spam data about the thread. SpamInfo *WhisperSpamInfo `json:"spamInfo"` // Number of whispers that have not been read by the user in the thread. UnreadMessagesCount int `json:"unreadMessagesCount"` // Last message read by the user in the thread. UserLastMessageRead *WhisperMessage `json:"userLastMessageRead"` // Timestamp of when the other participant may message the user in the thread. WhitelistedUntil *time.Time `json:"whitelistedUntil"` }
A conversation between two users.
type WhisperThreadConnection ¶
type WhisperThreadConnection struct { // The elements of the list. Edges []*WhisperThreadEdge `json:"edges"` // Information about this page. PageInfo *PageInfo `json:"pageInfo"` // Total number of whisper threads. TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"` // Total number of whisper threads containing unread messages for the current user. TotalUnreadCount *int `json:"totalUnreadCount"` }
Paginated list of whisper threads.
type WhisperThreadEdge ¶
type WhisperThreadEdge struct { // Opaque cursor describing this edge's position in the paginated list. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // The whisper thread. Node *WhisperThread `json:"node"` }
Element in a list of whisper threads.
type WithholdingTaxDetail ¶
type WithholdingTaxDetail struct { // Government royalty tax rate applied to user's earnings. RoyaltyTaxRate float64 `json:"royaltyTaxRate"` // Government service tax rate applied to user's earnings. ServiceTaxRate float64 `json:"serviceTaxRate"` }
Withholding Tax Detail is the withholding tax rates for the creator.
type Xsolla ¶
type Xsolla struct { // Iframe URL to allow purchase checkout. This can be an empty string if the URL cannot be generated. IframeURL string `json:"iframeURL"` // Indicates if the token is for Xsolla's sandbox environment. IsSandbox bool `json:"isSandbox"` // Access token to allow purchase checkout. This can be an empty string if the token cannot be generated. Token string `json:"token"` }
Contains configuration used to setup checkout via Xsolla, a payment provider.
type XsollaConfigs ¶
type XsollaConfigs struct { // Iframe URL to allow payment method management or purchase checkout // There are various cases in which this can be null. One example during // subscription purchase checkout flow is if there is an issue with the // Xsolla product mapping to the product in Twitch's system. IframeURL string `json:"iframeURL"` // Access token to allow purchase checkout. This can be an empty string if the token cannot be generated. Token string `json:"token"` // Indicates if the token is for Xsolla's sandbox environment. IsSandbox bool `json:"isSandbox"` }
type ZuoraConfigs ¶
type ZuoraConfigs struct { // Twitch merchant account ID on Zuora. ExternalAccountID string `json:"externalAccountID"` // ID of the hosted page we will render. HostedPageID string `json:"hostedPageID"` // URL of the hosted page we will render. HostedPageURL string `json:"hostedPageURL"` // Used to encrypt sensitive information. PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` // Need to pass generated signature to access Zuora payment pages. Signature string `json:"signature"` // In some cases, when you contact Zuora Support with an issue, the person helping you may ask you to provide the tenant ID. TenantID string `json:"tenantID"` // Zuora API uses token as part of authentication. Token string `json:"token"` }