Overview ¶
Package characteristic implements the HomeKit characteristics.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- type AccessoryFlags
- type AccessoryIdentifier
- type Active
- type ActiveIdentifier
- type AdministratorOnlyAccess
- type AirParticulateDensity
- type AirParticulateSize
- type AirQuality
- type AppMatchingIdentifier
- type AudioFeedback
- type BatteryLevel
- type Bool
- type Brightness
- type Bytes
- type C
- func (c *C) IsObservable() bool
- func (c *C) IsReadable() bool
- func (c *C) IsWritable() bool
- func (c *C) IsWriteOnly() bool
- func (c *C) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c *C) OnCValueUpdate(fn ValueUpdateFunc)
- func (c *C) SetValueRequest(val interface{}, req *http.Request) int
- func (c *C) ValueRequest(req *http.Request) (interface{}, int)
- type CarbonDioxideDetected
- type CarbonDioxideLevel
- type CarbonDioxidePeakLevel
- type CarbonMonoxideDetected
- type CarbonMonoxideLevel
- type CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel
- type Category
- type ChargingState
- type ClosedCaptions
- type ColorTemperature
- type ConfigureBridgedAccessory
- type ConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus
- type ConfiguredName
- type ContactSensorState
- type CoolingThresholdTemperature
- type CurrentAirPurifierState
- type CurrentAmbientLightLevel
- type CurrentDoorState
- type CurrentFanState
- type CurrentHeaterCoolerState
- type CurrentHeatingCoolingState
- type CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle
- type CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState
- type CurrentMediaState
- type CurrentPosition
- type CurrentRelativeHumidity
- type CurrentSlatState
- type CurrentTemperature
- type CurrentTiltAngle
- type CurrentTime
- type CurrentTransport
- type CurrentVerticalTiltAngle
- type CurrentVisibilityState
- type DayOfTheWeek
- type DigitalZoom
- type DiscoverBridgedAccessories
- type DiscoveredBridgedAccessories
- type DisplayOrder
- type FilterChangeIndication
- type FilterLifeLevel
- type FirmwareRevision
- type Float
- func (c *Float) MaxValue() float64
- func (c *Float) MinValue() float64
- func (c *Float) OnSetRemoteValue(fn func(v float64) error)
- func (c *Float) OnValueRemoteUpdate(fn func(v float64))
- func (c *Float) OnValueUpdate(fn func(new, old float64, r *http.Request))
- func (c *Float) SetMaxValue(v float64)
- func (c *Float) SetMinValue(v float64)
- func (c *Float) SetStepValue(v float64)
- func (c *Float) SetValue(v float64)
- func (c *Float) StepValue() float64
- func (c *Float) Value() float64
- type HardwareRevision
- type HeatingThresholdTemperature
- type HoldPosition
- type Hue
- type Identifier
- type Identify
- type ImageMirroring
- type ImageRotation
- type InUse
- type InputDeviceType
- type InputSourceType
- type Int
- func (c *Int) MaxValue() int
- func (c *Int) MinValue() int
- func (c *Int) OnSetRemoteValue(fn func(v int) error)
- func (c *Int) OnValueRemoteUpdate(fn func(v int))
- func (c *Int) OnValueUpdate(fn func(new, old int, r *http.Request))
- func (c *Int) SetMaxValue(v int)
- func (c *Int) SetMinValue(v int)
- func (c *Int) SetStepValue(v int)
- func (c *Int) SetValue(v int)
- func (c *Int) StepValue() int
- func (c *Int) Value() int
- type IsConfigured
- type LeakDetected
- type LinkQuality
- type LockControlPoint
- type LockCurrentState
- type LockLastKnownAction
- type LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout
- type LockPhysicalControls
- type LockTargetState
- type Logs
- type Manufacturer
- type Model
- type MotionDetected
- type Mute
- type Name
- type NightVision
- type NitrogenDioxideDensity
- type ObstructionDetected
- type OccupancyDetected
- type On
- type OpticalZoom
- type OutletInUse
- type OzoneDensity
- type PM10Density
- type PM2_5Density
- type PairSetup
- type PairVerify
- type PairingFeatures
- type PairingPairings
- type PictureMode
- type PositionState
- type PowerModeSelection
- type ProgramMode
- type ProgrammableSwitchEvent
- type ProgrammableSwitchOutputState
- type Reachable
- type RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold
- type RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold
- type RemainingDuration
- type RemoteKey
- type ResetFilterIndication
- type RotationDirection
- type RotationSpeed
- type Saturation
- type SecuritySystemAlarmType
- type SecuritySystemCurrentState
- type SecuritySystemTargetState
- type SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration
- type SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration
- type SelectedStreamConfiguration
- type SerialNumber
- type ServiceLabelIndex
- type ServiceLabelNamespace
- type SetDuration
- type SetupEndpoints
- type SlatType
- type SleepDiscoveryMode
- type SmokeDetected
- type SoftwareRevision
- type StatusActive
- type StatusFault
- type StatusJammed
- type StatusLowBattery
- type StatusTampered
- type StreamingStatus
- type String
- type SulphurDioxideDensity
- type SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration
- type SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration
- type SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration
- type SupportedRTPConfiguration
- type SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration
- type SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration
- type SwingMode
- type TargetAirPurifierState
- type TargetAirQuality
- type TargetDoorState
- type TargetFanState
- type TargetHeaterCoolerState
- type TargetHeatingCoolingState
- type TargetHorizontalTiltAngle
- type TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState
- type TargetMediaState
- type TargetPosition
- type TargetRelativeHumidity
- type TargetSlatState
- type TargetTemperature
- type TargetTiltAngle
- type TargetVerticalTiltAngle
- type TargetVisibilityState
- type TemperatureDisplayUnits
- type TimeUpdate
- type TunnelConnectionTimeout
- type TunneledAccessoryAdvertising
- type TunneledAccessoryConnected
- type TunneledAccessoryStateNumber
- type VOCDensity
- type ValueUpdateFunc
- type ValveType
- type Version
- type Volume
- type VolumeControlType
- type VolumeSelector
- type WaterLevel
- type WifiCapabilities
- type WifiConfigurationControl
Constants ¶
const ( ActiveInactive int = 0 ActiveActive int = 1 )
const ( AirParticulateSize2_5Μm int = 0 AirParticulateSize10Μm int = 1 )
const ( AirQualityUnknown int = 0 AirQualityExcellent int = 1 AirQualityGood int = 2 AirQualityFair int = 3 AirQualityInferior int = 4 AirQualityPoor int = 5 )
const ( PermissionRead = "pr" // The characteristic can only be read by paired controllers. PermissionWrite = "pw" // The characteristic can only be written by paired controllers. PermissionEvents = "ev" // The characteristic supports events. PermissionHidden = "hd" // The characteristic is hidden from the user PermissionWriteResponse = "wr" // The characteristic supports write response )
const ( UnitPercentage = "percentage" // % UnitArcDegrees = "arcdegrees" // ° UnitCelsius = "celsius" // °C UnitLux = "lux" // lux UnitSeconds = "seconds" // sec UnitPPM = "ppm" // ppm )
const ( FormatString = "string" FormatBool = "bool" FormatFloat = "float" FormatUInt8 = "uint8" FormatUInt16 = "uint16" FormatUInt32 = "uint32" FormatInt32 = "int32" FormatUInt64 = "uint64" FormatData = "data" FormatTLV8 = "tlv8" )
const ( CarbonDioxideDetectedCO2LevelsNormal int = 0 CarbonDioxideDetectedCO2LevelsAbnormal int = 1 )
const ( CarbonMonoxideDetectedCOLevelsNormal int = 0 CarbonMonoxideDetectedCOLevelsAbnormal int = 1 )
const ( ChargingStateNotCharging int = 0 ChargingStateCharging int = 1 ChargingStateNotChargeable int = 2 )
const ( ClosedCaptionsDisabled int = 0 ClosedCaptionsEnabled int = 1 )
const ( ContactSensorStateContactDetected int = 0 ContactSensorStateContactNotDetected int = 1 )
const ( CurrentAirPurifierStateInactive int = 0 CurrentAirPurifierStateIdle int = 1 CurrentAirPurifierStatePurifyingAir int = 2 )
const ( CurrentDoorStateOpen int = 0 CurrentDoorStateClosed int = 1 CurrentDoorStateOpening int = 2 CurrentDoorStateClosing int = 3 CurrentDoorStateStopped int = 4 )
const ( CurrentFanStateInactive int = 0 CurrentFanStateIdle int = 1 CurrentFanStateBlowingAir int = 2 )
const ( CurrentHeaterCoolerStateInactive int = 0 CurrentHeaterCoolerStateIdle int = 1 CurrentHeaterCoolerStateHeating int = 2 CurrentHeaterCoolerStateCooling int = 3 )
const ( CurrentHeatingCoolingStateOff int = 0 CurrentHeatingCoolingStateHeat int = 1 CurrentHeatingCoolingStateCool int = 2 )
const ( CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateInactive int = 0 CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateIdle int = 1 CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateHumidifying int = 2 CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierStateDehumidifying int = 3 )
const ( CurrentMediaStatePlay int = 0 CurrentMediaStatePause int = 1 CurrentMediaStateStop int = 2 CurrentMediaStateUnknown int = 3 )
const ( CurrentSlatStateFixed int = 0 CurrentSlatStateJammed int = 1 CurrentSlatStateSwinging int = 2 )
const ( CurrentVisibilityStateShown int = 0 CurrentVisibilityStateHidden int = 1 )
const ( DiscoverBridgedAccessoriesStartDiscovery int = 0 DiscoverBridgedAccessoriesStopDiscovery int = 1 )
const ( FilterChangeIndicationFilterOK int = 0 FilterChangeIndicationChangeFilter int = 1 )
const ( InUseNotInUse int = 0 InUseInUse int = 1 )
const ( InputDeviceTypeOther int = 0 InputDeviceTypeTv int = 1 InputDeviceTypeRecording int = 2 InputDeviceTypeTuner int = 3 InputDeviceTypePlayback int = 4 InputDeviceTypeAudioSystem int = 5 )
const ( InputSourceTypeOther int = 0 InputSourceTypeHomeScreen int = 1 InputSourceTypeApplication int = 10 InputSourceTypeTuner int = 2 InputSourceTypeHdmi int = 3 InputSourceTypeCompositeVideo int = 4 InputSourceTypeSVideo int = 5 InputSourceTypeComponentVideo int = 6 InputSourceTypeDvi int = 7 InputSourceTypeAirplay int = 8 InputSourceTypeUsb int = 9 )
const ( IsConfiguredNotConfigured int = 0 IsConfiguredConfigured int = 1 )
const ( LeakDetectedLeakNotDetected int = 0 LeakDetectedLeakDetected int = 1 )
const ( LockCurrentStateUnsecured int = 0 LockCurrentStateSecured int = 1 LockCurrentStateJammed int = 2 LockCurrentStateUnknown int = 3 )
const ( LockLastKnownActionSecuredPhysicallyInterior int = 0 LockLastKnownActionUnsecuredPhysicallyInterior int = 1 LockLastKnownActionSecuredPhysicallyExterior int = 2 LockLastKnownActionUnsecuredPhysicallyExterior int = 3 LockLastKnownActionSecuredByKeypad int = 4 LockLastKnownActionUnsecuredByKeypad int = 5 LockLastKnownActionSecuredRemotely int = 6 LockLastKnownActionUnsecuredRemotely int = 7 LockLastKnownActionSecuredByAutoSecureTimeout int = 8 )
const ( LockPhysicalControlsControlLockDisabled int = 0 LockPhysicalControlsControlLockEnabled int = 1 )
const ( LockTargetStateUnsecured int = 0 LockTargetStateSecured int = 1 )
const ( OccupancyDetectedOccupancyNotDetected int = 0 OccupancyDetectedOccupancyDetected int = 1 )
const ( PictureModeOther int = 0 PictureModeStandard int = 1 PictureModeCalibrated int = 2 PictureModeCalibratedDark int = 3 PictureModeVivid int = 4 PictureModeGame int = 5 PictureModeComputer int = 6 PictureModeCustom int = 7 )
const ( PositionStateDecreasing int = 0 PositionStateIncreasing int = 1 PositionStateStopped int = 2 )
const ( PowerModeSelectionShow int = 0 PowerModeSelectionHide int = 1 )
const ( ProgramModeNoProgramScheduled int = 0 ProgramModeProgramScheduled int = 1 ProgramModeProgramScheduledManualMode int = 2 )
const ( ProgrammableSwitchEventSinglePress int = 0 ProgrammableSwitchEventDoublePress int = 1 ProgrammableSwitchEventLongPress int = 2 )
const ( RemoteKeyRewind int = 0 RemoteKeyFastForward int = 1 RemoteKeyExit int = 10 RemoteKeyPlayPause int = 11 RemoteKeyInfo int = 15 RemoteKeyNextTrack int = 2 RemoteKeyPrevTrack int = 3 RemoteKeyArrowUp int = 4 RemoteKeyArrowDown int = 5 RemoteKeyArrowLeft int = 6 RemoteKeyArrowRight int = 7 RemoteKeySelect int = 8 RemoteKeyBack int = 9 )
const ( RotationDirectionClockwise int = 0 RotationDirectionCounterclockwise int = 1 )
const ( SecuritySystemCurrentStateStayArm int = 0 SecuritySystemCurrentStateAwayArm int = 1 SecuritySystemCurrentStateNightArm int = 2 SecuritySystemCurrentStateDisarmed int = 3 SecuritySystemCurrentStateAlarmTriggered int = 4 )
const ( SecuritySystemTargetStateStayArm int = 0 SecuritySystemTargetStateAwayArm int = 1 SecuritySystemTargetStateNightArm int = 2 SecuritySystemTargetStateDisarm int = 3 )
const ( ServiceLabelNamespaceDots int = 0 ServiceLabelNamespaceArabicNumerals int = 1 )
const ( SlatTypeHorizontal int = 0 SlatTypeVertical int = 1 )
const ( SleepDiscoveryModeNotDiscoverable int = 0 SleepDiscoveryModeAlwaysDiscoverable int = 1 )
const ( SmokeDetectedSmokeNotDetected int = 0 SmokeDetectedSmokeDetected int = 1 )
const ( StatusFaultNoFault int = 0 StatusFaultGeneralFault int = 1 )
const ( StatusJammedNotJammed int = 0 StatusJammedJammed int = 1 )
const ( StatusLowBatteryBatteryLevelNormal int = 0 StatusLowBatteryBatteryLevelLow int = 1 )
const ( StatusTamperedNotTampered int = 0 StatusTamperedTampered int = 1 )
const ( SwingModeSwingDisabled int = 0 SwingModeSwingEnabled int = 1 )
const ( TargetAirPurifierStateManual int = 0 TargetAirPurifierStateAuto int = 1 )
const ( TargetAirQualityExcellent int = 0 TargetAirQualityGood int = 1 TargetAirQualityFair int = 2 )
const ( TargetDoorStateOpen int = 0 TargetDoorStateClosed int = 1 )
const ( TargetFanStateManual int = 0 TargetFanStateAuto int = 1 )
const ( TargetHeaterCoolerStateAuto int = 0 TargetHeaterCoolerStateHeat int = 1 TargetHeaterCoolerStateCool int = 2 )
const ( TargetHeatingCoolingStateOff int = 0 TargetHeatingCoolingStateHeat int = 1 TargetHeatingCoolingStateCool int = 2 TargetHeatingCoolingStateAuto int = 3 )
const ( TargetHumidifierDehumidifierStateHumidifierOrDehumidifier int = 0 TargetHumidifierDehumidifierStateHumidifier int = 1 TargetHumidifierDehumidifierStateDehumidifier int = 2 )
const ( TargetMediaStatePlay int = 0 TargetMediaStatePause int = 1 TargetMediaStateStop int = 2 )
const ( TargetSlatStateManual int = 0 TargetSlatStateAuto int = 1 )
const ( TargetVisibilityStateShown int = 0 TargetVisibilityStateHidden int = 1 )
const ( TemperatureDisplayUnitsCelsius int = 0 TemperatureDisplayUnitsFahrenheit int = 1 )
const ( ValveTypeGenericValve int = 0 ValveTypeIrrigation int = 1 ValveTypeShowerHead int = 2 ValveTypeWaterFaucet int = 3 )
const ( VolumeControlTypeNone int = 0 VolumeControlTypeRelative int = 1 VolumeControlTypeRelativeWithCurrent int = 2 VolumeControlTypeAbsolute int = 3 )
const ( VolumeSelectorIncrement int = 0 VolumeSelectorDecrement int = 1 )
const TypeAccessoryFlags = "A6"
const TypeAccessoryIdentifier = "57"
const TypeActive = "B0"
const TypeActiveIdentifier = "E7"
const TypeAdministratorOnlyAccess = "1"
const TypeAirParticulateDensity = "64"
const TypeAirParticulateSize = "65"
const TypeAirQuality = "95"
const TypeAppMatchingIdentifier = "A4"
const TypeAudioFeedback = "5"
const TypeBatteryLevel = "68"
const TypeBrightness = "8"
const TypeCarbonDioxideDetected = "92"
const TypeCarbonDioxideLevel = "93"
const TypeCarbonDioxidePeakLevel = "94"
const TypeCarbonMonoxideDetected = "69"
const TypeCarbonMonoxideLevel = "90"
const TypeCarbonMonoxidePeakLevel = "91"
const TypeCategory = "A3"
const TypeChargingState = "8F"
const TypeClosedCaptions = "DD"
const TypeColorTemperature = "CE"
const TypeConfigureBridgedAccessory = "A0"
const TypeConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus = "9D"
const TypeConfiguredName = "E3"
const TypeContactSensorState = "6A"
const TypeCoolingThresholdTemperature = "D"
const TypeCurrentAirPurifierState = "A9"
const TypeCurrentAmbientLightLevel = "6B"
const TypeCurrentDoorState = "E"
const TypeCurrentFanState = "AF"
const TypeCurrentHeaterCoolerState = "B1"
const TypeCurrentHeatingCoolingState = "F"
const TypeCurrentHorizontalTiltAngle = "6C"
const TypeCurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState = "B3"
const TypeCurrentMediaState = "E0"
const TypeCurrentPosition = "6D"
const TypeCurrentRelativeHumidity = "10"
const TypeCurrentSlatState = "AA"
const TypeCurrentTemperature = "11"
const TypeCurrentTiltAngle = "C1"
const TypeCurrentTime = "9B"
const TypeCurrentTransport = "22B"
const TypeCurrentVerticalTiltAngle = "6E"
const TypeCurrentVisibilityState = "135"
const TypeDayOfTheWeek = "98"
const TypeDigitalZoom = "11D"
const TypeDiscoverBridgedAccessories = "9E"
const TypeDiscoveredBridgedAccessories = "9F"
const TypeDisplayOrder = "136"
const TypeFilterChangeIndication = "AC"
const TypeFilterLifeLevel = "AB"
const TypeFirmwareRevision = "52"
const TypeHardwareRevision = "53"
const TypeHeatingThresholdTemperature = "12"
const TypeHoldPosition = "6F"
const TypeHue = "13"
const TypeIdentifier = "E6"
const TypeIdentify = "14"
const TypeImageMirroring = "11F"
const TypeImageRotation = "11E"
const TypeInUse = "D2"
const TypeInputDeviceType = "DC"
const TypeInputSourceType = "DB"
const TypeIsConfigured = "D6"
const TypeLeakDetected = "70"
const TypeLinkQuality = "9C"
const TypeLockControlPoint = "19"
const TypeLockCurrentState = "1D"
const TypeLockLastKnownAction = "1C"
const TypeLockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout = "1A"
const TypeLockPhysicalControls = "A7"
const TypeLockTargetState = "1E"
const TypeLogs = "1F"
const TypeManufacturer = "20"
const TypeModel = "21"
const TypeMotionDetected = "22"
const TypeMute = "11A"
const TypeName = "23"
const TypeNightVision = "11B"
const TypeNitrogenDioxideDensity = "C4"
const TypeObstructionDetected = "24"
const TypeOccupancyDetected = "71"
const TypeOn = "25"
const TypeOpticalZoom = "11C"
const TypeOutletInUse = "26"
const TypeOzoneDensity = "C3"
const TypePM10Density = "C7"
const TypePM2_5Density = "C6"
const TypePairSetup = "4C"
const TypePairVerify = "4E"
const TypePairingFeatures = "4F"
const TypePairingPairings = "50"
const TypePictureMode = "E2"
const TypePositionState = "72"
const TypePowerModeSelection = "DF"
const TypeProgramMode = "D1"
const TypeProgrammableSwitchEvent = "73"
const TypeProgrammableSwitchOutputState = "74"
const TypeReachable = "63"
const TypeRelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold = "C9"
const TypeRelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold = "CA"
const TypeRemainingDuration = "D4"
const TypeRemoteKey = "E1"
const TypeResetFilterIndication = "AD"
const TypeRotationDirection = "28"
const TypeRotationSpeed = "29"
const TypeSaturation = "2F"
const TypeSecuritySystemAlarmType = "8E"
const TypeSecuritySystemCurrentState = "66"
const TypeSecuritySystemTargetState = "67"
const TypeSelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration = "209"
const TypeSelectedRTPStreamConfiguration = "117"
const TypeSelectedStreamConfiguration = "117"
const TypeSerialNumber = "30"
const TypeServiceLabelIndex = "CB"
const TypeServiceLabelNamespace = "CD"
const TypeSetDuration = "D3"
const TypeSetupEndpoints = "118"
const TypeSlatType = "C0"
const TypeSleepDiscoveryMode = "E8"
const TypeSmokeDetected = "76"
const TypeSoftwareRevision = "54"
const TypeStatusActive = "75"
const TypeStatusFault = "77"
const TypeStatusJammed = "78"
const TypeStatusLowBattery = "79"
const TypeStatusTampered = "7A"
const TypeStreamingStatus = "120"
const TypeSulphurDioxideDensity = "C5"
const TypeSupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration = "207"
const TypeSupportedAudioStreamConfiguration = "115"
const TypeSupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration = "205"
const TypeSupportedRTPConfiguration = "116"
const TypeSupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration = "206"
const TypeSupportedVideoStreamConfiguration = "114"
const TypeSwingMode = "B6"
const TypeTargetAirPurifierState = "A8"
const TypeTargetAirQuality = "AE"
const TypeTargetDoorState = "32"
const TypeTargetFanState = "BF"
const TypeTargetHeaterCoolerState = "B2"
const TypeTargetHeatingCoolingState = "33"
const TypeTargetHorizontalTiltAngle = "7B"
const TypeTargetHumidifierDehumidifierState = "B4"
const TypeTargetMediaState = "137"
const TypeTargetPosition = "7C"
const TypeTargetRelativeHumidity = "34"
const TypeTargetSlatState = "BE"
const TypeTargetTemperature = "35"
const TypeTargetTiltAngle = "C2"
const TypeTargetVerticalTiltAngle = "7D"
const TypeTargetVisibilityState = "134"
const TypeTemperatureDisplayUnits = "36"
const TypeTimeUpdate = "9A"
const TypeTunnelConnectionTimeout = "61"
const TypeTunneledAccessoryAdvertising = "60"
const TypeTunneledAccessoryConnected = "59"
const TypeTunneledAccessoryStateNumber = "58"
const TypeVOCDensity = "C8"
const TypeValveType = "D5"
const TypeVersion = "37"
const TypeVolume = "119"
const TypeVolumeControlType = "E9"
const TypeVolumeSelector = "EA"
const TypeWaterLevel = "B5"
const TypeWifiCapabilities = "22C"
const TypeWifiConfigurationControl = "22D"
Variables ¶
var TestConn net.Conn = &fakeConn{}
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccessoryFlags ¶
type AccessoryFlags struct {
func NewAccessoryFlags ¶
func NewAccessoryFlags() *AccessoryFlags
type AccessoryIdentifier ¶
type AccessoryIdentifier struct {
func NewAccessoryIdentifier ¶
func NewAccessoryIdentifier() *AccessoryIdentifier
type ActiveIdentifier ¶
type ActiveIdentifier struct {
func NewActiveIdentifier ¶
func NewActiveIdentifier() *ActiveIdentifier
type AdministratorOnlyAccess ¶
type AdministratorOnlyAccess struct {
func NewAdministratorOnlyAccess ¶
func NewAdministratorOnlyAccess() *AdministratorOnlyAccess
type AirParticulateDensity ¶
type AirParticulateDensity struct {
func NewAirParticulateDensity ¶
func NewAirParticulateDensity() *AirParticulateDensity
type AirParticulateSize ¶
type AirParticulateSize struct {
func NewAirParticulateSize ¶
func NewAirParticulateSize() *AirParticulateSize
type AirQuality ¶
type AirQuality struct {
func NewAirQuality ¶
func NewAirQuality() *AirQuality
type AppMatchingIdentifier ¶
type AppMatchingIdentifier struct {
func NewAppMatchingIdentifier ¶
func NewAppMatchingIdentifier() *AppMatchingIdentifier
type AudioFeedback ¶
type AudioFeedback struct {
func NewAudioFeedback ¶
func NewAudioFeedback() *AudioFeedback
type BatteryLevel ¶
type BatteryLevel struct {
func NewBatteryLevel ¶
func NewBatteryLevel() *BatteryLevel
type Bool ¶
type Bool struct {
func (*Bool) OnSetRemoteValue ¶ added in v0.0.7
OnSetRemoteValue set c.SetValueRequestFunc and calls fn. If the function returns an error, the code -70402 is included in the HTTP response.
func (*Bool) OnValueRemoteUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the C was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Bool) OnValueUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the characteristic was updated. If the provided http request is not nil, the value was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
type Brightness ¶
type Brightness struct {
func NewBrightness ¶
func NewBrightness() *Brightness
type Bytes ¶
type Bytes struct {
func (*Bytes) OnSetRemoteValue ¶ added in v0.0.7
OnSetRemoteValue set c.SetValueRequestFunc and calls fn. If the function returns an error, the code -70402 is included in the HTTP response.
func (*Bytes) OnValueRemoteUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the characteristic was updated. If the provided http request is not nil, the value was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Bytes) OnValueUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the C was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
type C ¶
type C struct { // Id is the unique identifier Id uint64 // Type is the characteristic type (ex. "8" for brightness) Type string // Permissions are the permissions Permissions []string // Description is a custom description Description string // Val is the stored value Val interface{} // Format is the value format (FormatString, FormatBool, ...) Format string // Unit is the value unit (UnitPercentage, UnitArcDegrees, ...) Unit string // MaxLen is the maximum length of Val (maximum characters if the format is "string") MaxLen int // MaxVal is the maximum value of Val (only for integers and floats) MaxVal interface{} // MinVal is the minimum value of Val (only for integers and floats) MinVal interface{} // StepVal is the step value of Val (only for integers and floats) StepVal interface{} // Stores which connected client has events enabled for this characteristic. Events map[string]bool // ValueRequestFunc is called when the value of C is requested by a // paired controller via an HTTP request. // If the value of C represents the state of a remote object, you can use // this function to communicate with that object (ex. over the network). // If the communication fails, you can return a code != 0. // In this case, the server responds with the HTTP status code 500 and the code // in the response body (as defined in HAP-R2 HAP Status Codes). ValueRequestFunc func(request *http.Request) (value interface{}, code int) // SetValueRequestFunc is called when the value of C is updated by an // HTTP request coming from a paired controller. // If the value of C represents the state of a remote object, you can use // this function to communicate with that object (ex. over the network). // If the communication fails, you can return a code != 0. // In this case, the server responds with the HTTP status code 500 and the code // in the response body (as defined in HAP-R2 HAP Status Codes). SetValueRequestFunc func(value interface{}, request *http.Request) int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
C is a characteristic
func (*C) IsObservable ¶
func (*C) IsReadable ¶
func (*C) IsWritable ¶
func (*C) IsWriteOnly ¶
func (*C) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*C) OnCValueUpdate ¶
func (c *C) OnCValueUpdate(fn ValueUpdateFunc)
OnCValueUpdate register the given function which is called when the value of the characteristic is updated.
func (*C) SetValueRequest ¶
Sets the value of c to val and returns a status code. The server invokes this function when the value is updated by an http request.
type CarbonDioxideDetected ¶
type CarbonDioxideDetected struct {
func NewCarbonDioxideDetected ¶
func NewCarbonDioxideDetected() *CarbonDioxideDetected
type CarbonDioxideLevel ¶
type CarbonDioxideLevel struct {
func NewCarbonDioxideLevel ¶
func NewCarbonDioxideLevel() *CarbonDioxideLevel
type CarbonDioxidePeakLevel ¶
type CarbonDioxidePeakLevel struct {
func NewCarbonDioxidePeakLevel ¶
func NewCarbonDioxidePeakLevel() *CarbonDioxidePeakLevel
type CarbonMonoxideDetected ¶
type CarbonMonoxideDetected struct {
func NewCarbonMonoxideDetected ¶
func NewCarbonMonoxideDetected() *CarbonMonoxideDetected
type CarbonMonoxideLevel ¶
type CarbonMonoxideLevel struct {
func NewCarbonMonoxideLevel ¶
func NewCarbonMonoxideLevel() *CarbonMonoxideLevel
type CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel ¶
type CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel struct {
func NewCarbonMonoxidePeakLevel ¶
func NewCarbonMonoxidePeakLevel() *CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel
type ChargingState ¶
type ChargingState struct {
func NewChargingState ¶
func NewChargingState() *ChargingState
type ClosedCaptions ¶
type ClosedCaptions struct {
func NewClosedCaptions ¶
func NewClosedCaptions() *ClosedCaptions
type ColorTemperature ¶
type ColorTemperature struct {
func NewColorTemperature ¶
func NewColorTemperature() *ColorTemperature
type ConfigureBridgedAccessory ¶
type ConfigureBridgedAccessory struct {
func NewConfigureBridgedAccessory ¶
func NewConfigureBridgedAccessory() *ConfigureBridgedAccessory
type ConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus ¶
type ConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus struct {
func NewConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus ¶
func NewConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus() *ConfigureBridgedAccessoryStatus
type ConfiguredName ¶
type ConfiguredName struct {
func NewConfiguredName ¶
func NewConfiguredName() *ConfiguredName
type ContactSensorState ¶
type ContactSensorState struct {
func NewContactSensorState ¶
func NewContactSensorState() *ContactSensorState
type CoolingThresholdTemperature ¶
type CoolingThresholdTemperature struct {
func NewCoolingThresholdTemperature ¶
func NewCoolingThresholdTemperature() *CoolingThresholdTemperature
type CurrentAirPurifierState ¶
type CurrentAirPurifierState struct {
func NewCurrentAirPurifierState ¶
func NewCurrentAirPurifierState() *CurrentAirPurifierState
type CurrentAmbientLightLevel ¶
type CurrentAmbientLightLevel struct {
func NewCurrentAmbientLightLevel ¶
func NewCurrentAmbientLightLevel() *CurrentAmbientLightLevel
type CurrentDoorState ¶
type CurrentDoorState struct {
func NewCurrentDoorState ¶
func NewCurrentDoorState() *CurrentDoorState
type CurrentFanState ¶
type CurrentFanState struct {
func NewCurrentFanState ¶
func NewCurrentFanState() *CurrentFanState
type CurrentHeaterCoolerState ¶
type CurrentHeaterCoolerState struct {
func NewCurrentHeaterCoolerState ¶
func NewCurrentHeaterCoolerState() *CurrentHeaterCoolerState
type CurrentHeatingCoolingState ¶
type CurrentHeatingCoolingState struct {
func NewCurrentHeatingCoolingState ¶
func NewCurrentHeatingCoolingState() *CurrentHeatingCoolingState
type CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle ¶
type CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle struct {
func NewCurrentHorizontalTiltAngle ¶
func NewCurrentHorizontalTiltAngle() *CurrentHorizontalTiltAngle
type CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState ¶
type CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState struct {
func NewCurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState ¶
func NewCurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState() *CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState
type CurrentMediaState ¶
type CurrentMediaState struct {
func NewCurrentMediaState ¶
func NewCurrentMediaState() *CurrentMediaState
type CurrentPosition ¶
type CurrentPosition struct {
func NewCurrentPosition ¶
func NewCurrentPosition() *CurrentPosition
type CurrentRelativeHumidity ¶
type CurrentRelativeHumidity struct {
func NewCurrentRelativeHumidity ¶
func NewCurrentRelativeHumidity() *CurrentRelativeHumidity
type CurrentSlatState ¶
type CurrentSlatState struct {
func NewCurrentSlatState ¶
func NewCurrentSlatState() *CurrentSlatState
type CurrentTemperature ¶
type CurrentTemperature struct {
func NewCurrentTemperature ¶
func NewCurrentTemperature() *CurrentTemperature
type CurrentTiltAngle ¶
type CurrentTiltAngle struct {
func NewCurrentTiltAngle ¶
func NewCurrentTiltAngle() *CurrentTiltAngle
type CurrentTime ¶
type CurrentTime struct {
func NewCurrentTime ¶
func NewCurrentTime() *CurrentTime
type CurrentTransport ¶
type CurrentTransport struct {
func NewCurrentTransport ¶
func NewCurrentTransport() *CurrentTransport
type CurrentVerticalTiltAngle ¶
type CurrentVerticalTiltAngle struct {
func NewCurrentVerticalTiltAngle ¶
func NewCurrentVerticalTiltAngle() *CurrentVerticalTiltAngle
type CurrentVisibilityState ¶
type CurrentVisibilityState struct {
func NewCurrentVisibilityState ¶
func NewCurrentVisibilityState() *CurrentVisibilityState
type DayOfTheWeek ¶
type DayOfTheWeek struct {
func NewDayOfTheWeek ¶
func NewDayOfTheWeek() *DayOfTheWeek
type DigitalZoom ¶
type DigitalZoom struct {
func NewDigitalZoom ¶
func NewDigitalZoom() *DigitalZoom
type DiscoverBridgedAccessories ¶
type DiscoverBridgedAccessories struct {
func NewDiscoverBridgedAccessories ¶
func NewDiscoverBridgedAccessories() *DiscoverBridgedAccessories
type DiscoveredBridgedAccessories ¶
type DiscoveredBridgedAccessories struct {
func NewDiscoveredBridgedAccessories ¶
func NewDiscoveredBridgedAccessories() *DiscoveredBridgedAccessories
type DisplayOrder ¶
type DisplayOrder struct {
func NewDisplayOrder ¶
func NewDisplayOrder() *DisplayOrder
type FilterChangeIndication ¶
type FilterChangeIndication struct {
func NewFilterChangeIndication ¶
func NewFilterChangeIndication() *FilterChangeIndication
type FilterLifeLevel ¶
type FilterLifeLevel struct {
func NewFilterLifeLevel ¶
func NewFilterLifeLevel() *FilterLifeLevel
type FirmwareRevision ¶
type FirmwareRevision struct {
func NewFirmwareRevision ¶
func NewFirmwareRevision() *FirmwareRevision
type Float ¶
type Float struct {
func (*Float) OnSetRemoteValue ¶ added in v0.0.7
OnSetRemoteValue set c.SetValueRequestFunc and calls fn. If the function returns an error, the code -70402 is included in the HTTP response.
func (*Float) OnValueRemoteUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the C was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Float) OnValueUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the characteristic was updated. If the provided http request is not nil, the value was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Float) SetMaxValue ¶
func (*Float) SetMinValue ¶
func (*Float) SetStepValue ¶
type HardwareRevision ¶
type HardwareRevision struct {
func NewHardwareRevision ¶
func NewHardwareRevision() *HardwareRevision
type HeatingThresholdTemperature ¶
type HeatingThresholdTemperature struct {
func NewHeatingThresholdTemperature ¶
func NewHeatingThresholdTemperature() *HeatingThresholdTemperature
type HoldPosition ¶
type HoldPosition struct {
func NewHoldPosition ¶
func NewHoldPosition() *HoldPosition
type Identifier ¶
type Identifier struct {
func NewIdentifier ¶
func NewIdentifier() *Identifier
type ImageMirroring ¶
type ImageMirroring struct {
func NewImageMirroring ¶
func NewImageMirroring() *ImageMirroring
type ImageRotation ¶
type ImageRotation struct {
func NewImageRotation ¶
func NewImageRotation() *ImageRotation
type InputDeviceType ¶
type InputDeviceType struct {
func NewInputDeviceType ¶
func NewInputDeviceType() *InputDeviceType
type InputSourceType ¶
type InputSourceType struct {
func NewInputSourceType ¶
func NewInputSourceType() *InputSourceType
type Int ¶
type Int struct {
func (*Int) OnSetRemoteValue ¶ added in v0.0.7
OnSetRemoteValue set c.SetValueRequestFunc and calls fn. If the function returns an error, the code -70402 is included in the HTTP response.
func (*Int) OnValueRemoteUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the C was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Int) OnValueUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the characteristic was updated. If the provided http request is not nil, the value was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*Int) SetMaxValue ¶
func (*Int) SetMinValue ¶
func (*Int) SetStepValue ¶
type IsConfigured ¶
type IsConfigured struct {
func NewIsConfigured ¶
func NewIsConfigured() *IsConfigured
type LeakDetected ¶
type LeakDetected struct {
func NewLeakDetected ¶
func NewLeakDetected() *LeakDetected
type LinkQuality ¶
type LinkQuality struct {
func NewLinkQuality ¶
func NewLinkQuality() *LinkQuality
type LockControlPoint ¶
type LockControlPoint struct {
func NewLockControlPoint ¶
func NewLockControlPoint() *LockControlPoint
type LockCurrentState ¶
type LockCurrentState struct {
func NewLockCurrentState ¶
func NewLockCurrentState() *LockCurrentState
type LockLastKnownAction ¶
type LockLastKnownAction struct {
func NewLockLastKnownAction ¶
func NewLockLastKnownAction() *LockLastKnownAction
type LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout ¶
type LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout struct {
func NewLockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout ¶
func NewLockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout() *LockManagementAutoSecurityTimeout
type LockPhysicalControls ¶
type LockPhysicalControls struct {
func NewLockPhysicalControls ¶
func NewLockPhysicalControls() *LockPhysicalControls
type LockTargetState ¶
type LockTargetState struct {
func NewLockTargetState ¶
func NewLockTargetState() *LockTargetState
type Manufacturer ¶
type Manufacturer struct {
func NewManufacturer ¶
func NewManufacturer() *Manufacturer
type MotionDetected ¶
type MotionDetected struct {
func NewMotionDetected ¶
func NewMotionDetected() *MotionDetected
type NightVision ¶
type NightVision struct {
func NewNightVision ¶
func NewNightVision() *NightVision
type NitrogenDioxideDensity ¶
type NitrogenDioxideDensity struct {
func NewNitrogenDioxideDensity ¶
func NewNitrogenDioxideDensity() *NitrogenDioxideDensity
type ObstructionDetected ¶
type ObstructionDetected struct {
func NewObstructionDetected ¶
func NewObstructionDetected() *ObstructionDetected
type OccupancyDetected ¶
type OccupancyDetected struct {
func NewOccupancyDetected ¶
func NewOccupancyDetected() *OccupancyDetected
type OpticalZoom ¶
type OpticalZoom struct {
func NewOpticalZoom ¶
func NewOpticalZoom() *OpticalZoom
type OutletInUse ¶
type OutletInUse struct {
func NewOutletInUse ¶
func NewOutletInUse() *OutletInUse
type OzoneDensity ¶
type OzoneDensity struct {
func NewOzoneDensity ¶
func NewOzoneDensity() *OzoneDensity
type PM10Density ¶
type PM10Density struct {
func NewPM10Density ¶
func NewPM10Density() *PM10Density
type PM2_5Density ¶
type PM2_5Density struct {
func NewPM2_5Density ¶
func NewPM2_5Density() *PM2_5Density
type PairSetup ¶
type PairSetup struct {
func NewPairSetup ¶
func NewPairSetup() *PairSetup
type PairVerify ¶
type PairVerify struct {
func NewPairVerify ¶
func NewPairVerify() *PairVerify
type PairingFeatures ¶
type PairingFeatures struct {
func NewPairingFeatures ¶
func NewPairingFeatures() *PairingFeatures
type PairingPairings ¶
type PairingPairings struct {
func NewPairingPairings ¶
func NewPairingPairings() *PairingPairings
type PictureMode ¶
type PictureMode struct {
func NewPictureMode ¶
func NewPictureMode() *PictureMode
type PositionState ¶
type PositionState struct {
func NewPositionState ¶
func NewPositionState() *PositionState
type PowerModeSelection ¶
type PowerModeSelection struct {
func NewPowerModeSelection ¶
func NewPowerModeSelection() *PowerModeSelection
type ProgramMode ¶
type ProgramMode struct {
func NewProgramMode ¶
func NewProgramMode() *ProgramMode
type ProgrammableSwitchEvent ¶
type ProgrammableSwitchEvent struct {
func NewProgrammableSwitchEvent ¶
func NewProgrammableSwitchEvent() *ProgrammableSwitchEvent
type ProgrammableSwitchOutputState ¶
type ProgrammableSwitchOutputState struct {
func NewProgrammableSwitchOutputState ¶
func NewProgrammableSwitchOutputState() *ProgrammableSwitchOutputState
type RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold ¶
type RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold struct {
func NewRelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold ¶
func NewRelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold() *RelativeHumidityDehumidifierThreshold
type RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold ¶
type RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold struct {
func NewRelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold ¶
func NewRelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold() *RelativeHumidityHumidifierThreshold
type RemainingDuration ¶
type RemainingDuration struct {
func NewRemainingDuration ¶
func NewRemainingDuration() *RemainingDuration
type ResetFilterIndication ¶
type ResetFilterIndication struct {
func NewResetFilterIndication ¶
func NewResetFilterIndication() *ResetFilterIndication
type RotationDirection ¶
type RotationDirection struct {
func NewRotationDirection ¶
func NewRotationDirection() *RotationDirection
type RotationSpeed ¶
type RotationSpeed struct {
func NewRotationSpeed ¶
func NewRotationSpeed() *RotationSpeed
type Saturation ¶
type Saturation struct {
func NewSaturation ¶
func NewSaturation() *Saturation
type SecuritySystemAlarmType ¶
type SecuritySystemAlarmType struct {
func NewSecuritySystemAlarmType ¶
func NewSecuritySystemAlarmType() *SecuritySystemAlarmType
type SecuritySystemCurrentState ¶
type SecuritySystemCurrentState struct {
func NewSecuritySystemCurrentState ¶
func NewSecuritySystemCurrentState() *SecuritySystemCurrentState
type SecuritySystemTargetState ¶
type SecuritySystemTargetState struct {
func NewSecuritySystemTargetState ¶
func NewSecuritySystemTargetState() *SecuritySystemTargetState
type SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration ¶
type SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration struct {
func NewSelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration ¶
func NewSelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration() *SelectedCameraRecordingConfiguration
type SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration ¶
type SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration struct {
func NewSelectedRTPStreamConfiguration ¶
func NewSelectedRTPStreamConfiguration() *SelectedRTPStreamConfiguration
type SelectedStreamConfiguration ¶
type SelectedStreamConfiguration struct {
func NewSelectedStreamConfiguration ¶
func NewSelectedStreamConfiguration() *SelectedStreamConfiguration
type SerialNumber ¶
type SerialNumber struct {
func NewSerialNumber ¶
func NewSerialNumber() *SerialNumber
type ServiceLabelIndex ¶
type ServiceLabelIndex struct {
func NewServiceLabelIndex ¶
func NewServiceLabelIndex() *ServiceLabelIndex
type ServiceLabelNamespace ¶
type ServiceLabelNamespace struct {
func NewServiceLabelNamespace ¶
func NewServiceLabelNamespace() *ServiceLabelNamespace
type SetDuration ¶
type SetDuration struct {
func NewSetDuration ¶
func NewSetDuration() *SetDuration
type SetupEndpoints ¶
type SetupEndpoints struct {
func NewSetupEndpoints ¶
func NewSetupEndpoints() *SetupEndpoints
type SleepDiscoveryMode ¶
type SleepDiscoveryMode struct {
func NewSleepDiscoveryMode ¶
func NewSleepDiscoveryMode() *SleepDiscoveryMode
type SmokeDetected ¶
type SmokeDetected struct {
func NewSmokeDetected ¶
func NewSmokeDetected() *SmokeDetected
type SoftwareRevision ¶
type SoftwareRevision struct {
func NewSoftwareRevision ¶
func NewSoftwareRevision() *SoftwareRevision
type StatusActive ¶
type StatusActive struct {
func NewStatusActive ¶
func NewStatusActive() *StatusActive
type StatusFault ¶
type StatusFault struct {
func NewStatusFault ¶
func NewStatusFault() *StatusFault
type StatusJammed ¶
type StatusJammed struct {
func NewStatusJammed ¶
func NewStatusJammed() *StatusJammed
type StatusLowBattery ¶
type StatusLowBattery struct {
func NewStatusLowBattery ¶
func NewStatusLowBattery() *StatusLowBattery
type StatusTampered ¶
type StatusTampered struct {
func NewStatusTampered ¶
func NewStatusTampered() *StatusTampered
type StreamingStatus ¶
type StreamingStatus struct {
func NewStreamingStatus ¶
func NewStreamingStatus() *StreamingStatus
type String ¶
type String struct {
func (*String) OnSetRemoteValue ¶ added in v0.0.7
OnSetRemoteValue set c.SetValueRequestFunc and calls fn. If the function returns an error, the code -70402 is included in the HTTP response.
func (*String) OnValueRemoteUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the C was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
func (*String) OnValueUpdate ¶
OnValueRemoteUpdate calls fn when the value of the characteristic was updated. If the provided http request is not nil, the value was updated by a paired controller (ex. iOS device).
type SulphurDioxideDensity ¶
type SulphurDioxideDensity struct {
func NewSulphurDioxideDensity ¶
func NewSulphurDioxideDensity() *SulphurDioxideDensity
type SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration ¶
type SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration() *SupportedAudioRecordingConfiguration
type SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration ¶
type SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedAudioStreamConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedAudioStreamConfiguration() *SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration
type SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration ¶
type SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration() *SupportedCameraRecordingConfiguration
type SupportedRTPConfiguration ¶
type SupportedRTPConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedRTPConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedRTPConfiguration() *SupportedRTPConfiguration
type SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration ¶
type SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration() *SupportedVideoRecordingConfiguration
type SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration ¶
type SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration struct {
func NewSupportedVideoStreamConfiguration ¶
func NewSupportedVideoStreamConfiguration() *SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration
type TargetAirPurifierState ¶
type TargetAirPurifierState struct {
func NewTargetAirPurifierState ¶
func NewTargetAirPurifierState() *TargetAirPurifierState
type TargetAirQuality ¶
type TargetAirQuality struct {
func NewTargetAirQuality ¶
func NewTargetAirQuality() *TargetAirQuality
type TargetDoorState ¶
type TargetDoorState struct {
func NewTargetDoorState ¶
func NewTargetDoorState() *TargetDoorState
type TargetFanState ¶
type TargetFanState struct {
func NewTargetFanState ¶
func NewTargetFanState() *TargetFanState
type TargetHeaterCoolerState ¶
type TargetHeaterCoolerState struct {
func NewTargetHeaterCoolerState ¶
func NewTargetHeaterCoolerState() *TargetHeaterCoolerState
type TargetHeatingCoolingState ¶
type TargetHeatingCoolingState struct {
func NewTargetHeatingCoolingState ¶
func NewTargetHeatingCoolingState() *TargetHeatingCoolingState
type TargetHorizontalTiltAngle ¶
type TargetHorizontalTiltAngle struct {
func NewTargetHorizontalTiltAngle ¶
func NewTargetHorizontalTiltAngle() *TargetHorizontalTiltAngle
type TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState ¶
type TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState struct {
func NewTargetHumidifierDehumidifierState ¶
func NewTargetHumidifierDehumidifierState() *TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState
type TargetMediaState ¶
type TargetMediaState struct {
func NewTargetMediaState ¶
func NewTargetMediaState() *TargetMediaState
type TargetPosition ¶
type TargetPosition struct {
func NewTargetPosition ¶
func NewTargetPosition() *TargetPosition
type TargetRelativeHumidity ¶
type TargetRelativeHumidity struct {
func NewTargetRelativeHumidity ¶
func NewTargetRelativeHumidity() *TargetRelativeHumidity
type TargetSlatState ¶
type TargetSlatState struct {
func NewTargetSlatState ¶
func NewTargetSlatState() *TargetSlatState
type TargetTemperature ¶
type TargetTemperature struct {
func NewTargetTemperature ¶
func NewTargetTemperature() *TargetTemperature
type TargetTiltAngle ¶
type TargetTiltAngle struct {
func NewTargetTiltAngle ¶
func NewTargetTiltAngle() *TargetTiltAngle
type TargetVerticalTiltAngle ¶
type TargetVerticalTiltAngle struct {
func NewTargetVerticalTiltAngle ¶
func NewTargetVerticalTiltAngle() *TargetVerticalTiltAngle
type TargetVisibilityState ¶
type TargetVisibilityState struct {
func NewTargetVisibilityState ¶
func NewTargetVisibilityState() *TargetVisibilityState
type TemperatureDisplayUnits ¶
type TemperatureDisplayUnits struct {
func NewTemperatureDisplayUnits ¶
func NewTemperatureDisplayUnits() *TemperatureDisplayUnits
type TimeUpdate ¶
type TimeUpdate struct {
func NewTimeUpdate ¶
func NewTimeUpdate() *TimeUpdate
type TunnelConnectionTimeout ¶
type TunnelConnectionTimeout struct {
func NewTunnelConnectionTimeout ¶
func NewTunnelConnectionTimeout() *TunnelConnectionTimeout
type TunneledAccessoryAdvertising ¶
type TunneledAccessoryAdvertising struct {
func NewTunneledAccessoryAdvertising ¶
func NewTunneledAccessoryAdvertising() *TunneledAccessoryAdvertising
type TunneledAccessoryConnected ¶
type TunneledAccessoryConnected struct {
func NewTunneledAccessoryConnected ¶
func NewTunneledAccessoryConnected() *TunneledAccessoryConnected
type TunneledAccessoryStateNumber ¶
type TunneledAccessoryStateNumber struct {
func NewTunneledAccessoryStateNumber ¶
func NewTunneledAccessoryStateNumber() *TunneledAccessoryStateNumber
type VOCDensity ¶
type VOCDensity struct {
func NewVOCDensity ¶
func NewVOCDensity() *VOCDensity
type ValueUpdateFunc ¶
ValueUpdateFunc is the value updated function for a characteristic.
type VolumeControlType ¶
type VolumeControlType struct {
func NewVolumeControlType ¶
func NewVolumeControlType() *VolumeControlType
type VolumeSelector ¶
type VolumeSelector struct {
func NewVolumeSelector ¶
func NewVolumeSelector() *VolumeSelector
type WaterLevel ¶
type WaterLevel struct {
func NewWaterLevel ¶
func NewWaterLevel() *WaterLevel
type WifiCapabilities ¶
type WifiCapabilities = struct {
func NewWifiCapabilities ¶
func NewWifiCapabilities() *WifiCapabilities
type WifiConfigurationControl ¶
type WifiConfigurationControl = struct {
func NewWifiConfigurationControl ¶
func NewWifiConfigurationControl() *WifiConfigurationControl
Source Files
- accessory_flags.go
- accessory_identifier.go
- active.go
- active_identifier.go
- administrator_only_access.go
- air_particulate_density.go
- air_particulate_size.go
- air_quality.go
- app_matching_identifier.go
- audio_feedback.go
- battery_level.go
- bool.go
- brightness.go
- bytes.go
- c.go
- carbon_dioxide_detected.go
- carbon_dioxide_level.go
- carbon_dioxide_peak_level.go
- carbon_monoxide_detected.go
- carbon_monoxide_level.go
- carbon_monoxide_peak_level.go
- category.go
- charging_state.go
- closed_captions.go
- color_temperature.go
- configure_bridged_accessory.go
- configure_bridged_accessory_status.go
- configured_name.go
- contact_sensor_state.go
- cooling_threshold_temperature.go
- current_air_purifier_state.go
- current_ambient_light_level.go
- current_door_state.go
- current_fan_state.go
- current_heater_cooler_state.go
- current_heating_cooling_state.go
- current_horizontal_tilt_angle.go
- current_humidifier_dehumidifier_state.go
- current_media_state.go
- current_position.go
- current_relative_humidity.go
- current_slat_state.go
- current_temperature.go
- current_tilt_angle.go
- current_time.go
- current_transport.go
- current_vertical_tilt_angle.go
- current_visibility_state.go
- day_of_the_week.go
- digital_zoom.go
- discover_bridged_accessories.go
- discovered_bridged_accessories.go
- display_order.go
- doc.go
- filter_change_indication.go
- filter_life_level.go
- firmware_revision.go
- float.go
- hardware_revision.go
- heating_threshold_temperature.go
- hold_position.go
- hue.go
- identifier.go
- identify.go
- image_mirroring.go
- image_rotation.go
- in_use.go
- input_device_type.go
- input_source_type.go
- int.go
- is_configured.go
- leak_detected.go
- link_quality.go
- lock_control_point.go
- lock_current_state.go
- lock_last_known_action.go
- lock_management_auto_security_timeout.go
- lock_physical_controls.go
- lock_target_state.go
- logs.go
- manufacturer.go
- model.go
- motion_detected.go
- mute.go
- name.go
- night_vision.go
- nitrogen_dioxide_density.go
- obstruction_detected.go
- occupancy_detected.go
- on.go
- optical_zoom.go
- outlet_in_use.go
- ozone_density.go
- pair_setup.go
- pair_verify.go
- pairing_features.go
- pairing_pairings.go
- picture_mode.go
- pm10_density.go
- pm2_5_density.go
- position_state.go
- power_mode_selection.go
- program_mode.go
- programmable_switch_event.go
- programmable_switch_output_state.go
- reachable.go
- relative_humidity_dehumidifier_threshold.go
- relative_humidity_humidifier_threshold.go
- remaining_duration.go
- remote_key.go
- reset_filter_indication.go
- rotation_direction.go
- rotation_speed.go
- saturation.go
- security_system_alarm_type.go
- security_system_current_state.go
- security_system_target_state.go
- selected_camera_recording_configuration.go
- selected_rtp_stream_configuration.go
- selected_stream_configuration.go
- serial_number.go
- service_label_index.go
- service_label_namespace.go
- set_duration.go
- setup_endpoints.go
- slat_type.go
- sleep_discovery_mode.go
- smoke_detected.go
- software_revision.go
- status_active.go
- status_fault.go
- status_jammed.go
- status_low_battery.go
- status_tampered.go
- streaming_status.go
- string.go
- sulphur_dioxide_density.go
- supported_audio_recording_configuration.go
- supported_audio_stream_configuration.go
- supported_camera_recording_configuration.go
- supported_rtp_configuration.go
- supported_video_recording_configuration.go
- supported_video_stream_configuration.go
- swing_mode.go
- target_air_purifier_state.go
- target_air_quality.go
- target_door_state.go
- target_fan_state.go
- target_heater_cooler_state.go
- target_heating_cooling_state.go
- target_horizontal_tilt_angle.go
- target_humidifier_dehumidifier_state.go
- target_media_state.go
- target_position.go
- target_relative_humidity.go
- target_slat_state.go
- target_temperature.go
- target_tilt_angle.go
- target_vertical_tilt_angle.go
- target_visibility_state.go
- temperature_display_units.go
- test_conn.go
- time_update.go
- tunnel_connection_timeout.go
- tunneled_accessory_advertising.go
- tunneled_accessory_connected.go
- tunneled_accessory_state_number.go
- valve_type.go
- version.go
- voc_density.go
- volume.go
- volume_control_type.go
- volume_selector.go
- water_level.go
- wifi_capabilities.go
- wifi_configuration_control.go