spike-cli: a simple command line tool for Aerospike server
Aerospike does not come with a good GUI management tool. And it does not have anything for Windows.
spike-cli is a single binary that runs on both on Linux and Windows with no dependency. It's designed to help developers working with Aerospike. It can:
- run asinfo commands. asinfo is an Aerospike command line util to retrieve server information.
- scan a set to show the bin names that the set has
- run query to show data
- include test data to demo how to use this tool
build and testing
# In Linux
go get
env GOOS=linux go build
env GOOS=windows go build
# To test, start a test Aerospike server: the included Aerospike config file uses 64 MB file instead of default 4 GB.
mkdir $PWD/aerospike/data
docker run -d \
-v $PWD/aerospike/data:/opt/aerospike/data \
-v $PWD/aerospike/conf:/opt/aerospike/etc \
--name aerospike -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 3002:3002 -p 3003:3003 \
aerospike /usr/bin/asd --foreground --config-file /opt/aerospike/etc/aerospike.conf
go test ./spikeutils/
# On Windows, in Powershell
$env:GOOS = 'linux'; go build
$env:GOOS = 'windows'; go build
.\spike-cli.exe -h
Usage of spike-cli.exe:
-action string
Run test, asinfo, scan or query, load (default "info")
=== info: default action ===
-asinfo string
asinfo commands like namespaces, sets, bins (default "namespaces")
=== load ===
-csv string
sample scorecard csv filename
-namespace string
Namespace (default "test")
-namespace2 string
Optional second Namespace to load data to
=== scan ===
-namespace string
Namespace (default "test")
-set string
Set name (default "scorecard")
=== query ===
-namespace string
Namespace (default "test")
-set string
Set name (default "scorecard")
-bins string
bin names for query (default "name,city,state")
-limit int
Limit number of rows in a query, use 0 for no limit (default 10)
=== server connection: common to all action commands ===
-host string
Remote host (default "")
-port int
Remote port (default 3000)
-user string
Aerospike user name
-password string
Aerospike password
run asinfo commands:
# run asinfo show namespaces
# same as
.\spike-cli.exe -action info -asinfo namespaces
# show sets
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo sets
# show bins
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo sets
# get server verion
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo build
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo node
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo service
.\spike-cli.exe -asinfo namespace/test
load test data
You do not need to load data to test if you already have data. It works only with scorecard-recent.csv .
# load test data from scorecard-recent.csv to namespace test, set name scorecard
.\spike-cli.exe -action load -csv .\scorecard-recent.csv -namespace test
# load to 2 namespaces: test and test2
.\spike-cli.exe -action load -csv .\scorecard-recent.csv -namespace test -namespace2 test2
purpose is not to retrieve data but to discover bins in a set. Because Aerosipke is schema less, asinfo commands do not tell bin names in a set.
The scan here is fast because it examine only one record assuming schema is enforced using client side programming.
# to discover bins in set name scorecard, namespace test
.\spike-cli.exe -action scan # default namespace = test, default set name is scorecard
# to discover bins in set name scorecard, namespace test2
.\spike-cli.exe -action scan -namespace test2 -set scorecard
# Running scan on test2
# Bins found in namespace: test2
# set name: scorecard
# state
# zip
# name
# city
# 2021/03/06 01:36:37 Total records returned: 1
# 2021/03/06 01:36:37 Elapsed time: 0.0199532 seconds
# ========================
View data. You will need namespace, set, and bin names to run a query. the default values work only with the test data provided.
By default, it limits 10 rows to return. You can use 0 to return all records.
# Return 10 rows name, city, state from scorecard in test namespace
.\spike-cli.exe -action query
# Return 20 rows name, city from scorecard in test namespace
.\spike-cli.exe -action query -bins name,city,zip -limit 20
# Running query on test namespace, scorecard setname, limiting return to 20
# Bin names: name, city, zip
# ===========================
# 1: The Art Institute of St Louis, St Charles, 63303,
# 2: Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery, 36117-3596,
# 3: Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, 83501-2698,
# 4: Gannon University, Erie, 16541-0001,
# 5: Galen College of Nursing-Tampa Bay, Saint Petersburg, 33716,
# 6: Epic Bible College, Sacramento, 95841,
# 7: Toccoa Falls College, Toccoa Falls, 30598,
# 8: Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, 91342-3200,
# 9: Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, 93536-5426,
# 10: Eastfield College, Mesquite, 75150-2099,
# 11: Sterling College, Sterling, 67579,
# 12: Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Fergus Falls, 56537-1000,
# 13: Brown Mackie College-Dallas, Bedford, 76021,
# 14: University of Northwestern Ohio, Lima, 45805,
# 15: University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg, Greensburg, 15601-5860,
# 16: Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Baltimore, 21208,
# 17: Argosy University-Phoenix Online Division, Phoenix, 85021,
# 18: Cambridge College of Healthcare & Technology, Delray Beach, 33484,
# 19: Canada College, Redwood City, 94061-1099,
# 20: Stevens-Henager College, Murray, 84123-5671,
# ========================
There is no documentation for this package.