The watchdog watches changes in a directory recursively, and synchronises these
changes with remote sites.
This has possibly slow operations, shadows the local directory structure, and
cannot synchronise with more than one remote.
inotifywait + rsync
This is slow with large directories
Call signature
You call the watchdog with::
watchdog <configuration-directory>
Configuration file
The configuration directory must contain a file ``confguration.yaml`` which may
look like this:
.. code-block:: yaml
current dir: /home/bronger
watched dirs:
- root: Mail
agglomeration ms: 100
- ^Mail/\.#active
- ^Mail/active
- /\.overview
- /\.#\.overview
``current dir`` should be an absolute path. Each ``root`` is relative to
``current dir``. The ``excludes`` are Go-style (non-POSIX) regular
``agglomeration ms`` is 10 by default and denotes the milliseconds to wait
after a change for further changes. Those are then processed with a minimal
number of calls of the synchronisation scripts.
Synchronisation scripts
We need the following three programs: ``bulk_sync``, ``copy``, and ``delete``.
They must be executables in ``<configuration-directory>``. There are example
scripts in this repository.
The single argument passed to the scripts is relative to ``current dir`` from
the configuration.
The scripts should exit quickly and gracefully when they receive a SIGTERM.
This synchronises its argument – which may be a file or a directory – with the
remote. It must make sure that files and direcories on the remote missing
locally are deleted remotely.
This copy its argument – a file – to the remote.
This deletes its argument – which may be a file or a directory – from the remote.