Coding challenges in your favorite IDE or editor.
Getting Started
works with both LeetCode and HackerRank. Before you can
start solving problems, you must login with at least one of them.
To get started on HackerRank, login with
$ tinycode login -p hackerrank
You will get prompted for your HackerRank username and password. You
can make sure you've been successfully logged in by checking out a
sample unsolved problem:
$ tinycode checkout --track algorithms --lang cpp
See login for more on the login
To use LeetCode, it is currently a bit more involved as
the LeetCode API does not support programmatic login and tinycode
does not support extracting credentials from cookies (yet).
Login on LeetCode with a browser and extract the CSRF and
session tokens from the developer console.
Here's how to do it with Firefox, but it's the same idea
with any browser you might be using.
Head over to
and login. Open the developer console (Tools > Browser Tools > Web Developer Tools
on macOS).
Go to "Storage" and open the cookies for https://leetcode.com
. You
should see two cookies, one for csrftoken
Run the command tinycode login -p leetcode
and paste the corresponding values when prompted:
$ tinycode login -p leetcode
csrf: {paste your 'csrftoken' cookie value}
session token: {paste your 'LEETCODE_SESSION' cookie value}
You can test everything works as expected by running
$ tinycode checkout -p leetcode --lang rust
See login for more on the login
Basic Usage
To login to a supported platform (HackerRank or LeetCode) use the tinycode login
The available options are:
: the problem provider to use, either leetcode
or hackerrank
(DEFAULT: hackerrank
: manually set the session token (only required with --provider=leetcode
: manually set the X-CSRF-Token (only required with --provider=leetcode
The login credentials are saved under $HOME/.config/tinycode/config.toml
To check a problem out, use the tinycode checkout
command. For example:
$ tinycode checkout -p leetcode --lang rust --open
This command runs a search of available problems from the specified provider.
The available options are:
: the problem provider to use, either leetcode
or hackerrank
(DEFAULT: hackerrank
: limit search to a given difficulty, either easy
, medium
or hard
: limit search to problems with a given "status", either todo
, attempted
or solved
: limit search to problems that admit a solution in a specific language (e.g. cpp
see Supported Languages for the list of possible values
: specify an exact problem id (e.g. 1
: specify an exact problem slug (e.g. two-sum
The available flags are:
: if specified, open the checked out problem with the text editor configured in the EDITOR
environment variable
: if specified, implies --open
and submit the solution immediately upon closing the editor
These options are only available when --provider=leetcode
: limit search to problems with the given tags; the tags should be specified
by a comma-separated list (e.g. array,hash-table,graph
). The list of valid tags can be found
in the LeetCode dashboard under the tags search filter.
These options are only available when --provider=hackerrank
: limit search to problems belonging to a specific HackerRank "track".
These correspond to "Topics" from the GUI. Possible values are:
Adding a path argument to tinycode checkout
will have the problem prompt and associated code stub saved to
file at that path. With HackerRank, this also creates an .html
file to be opened separately in a browser.
If no path is specified the problem's code stub is output to stdout.
To submit a solution, you can use the --submit
flag with tinycode checkout
(see above) or the tinycode submit
command. For example:
$ tinycode submit -p hackerrank --problem a-very-big-sum --contest master --track algorithms a-very-big-sum.cpp
If you are passing in a path to a file created by the tinycode checkout
, none of the options below are required.
For example:
$ tinycode checkout --track algorithms --lang cpp problem.cpp
$ emacs problem.cpp
$ tinycode submit problem.cpp
The available options are:
: the problem provider to use, either leetcode
or hackerrank
(DEFAULT: hackerrank
: the problem id to submit a solution for (e.g. 1
: the slug of the problem to submit a solution for (e.g. a-very-big-sum
: the programming language for which to submit a solution to this problem (should match the language
used in the input file)
These flags are only available when --provider=hackerrank
: if specified, purchase the last failed testcase (using HackerRank credits)
Supported Languages
An exhaustive list of the languages supported by tinycode
(and the
accepted values for the --lang
option) can be found in
If you find a bug and know how to fix it - feel free to go ahead and open
a PR for it! They will all be accepted. If you have a feature request, or
encounter a problem while using tinycode
, please open an issue and
let me know how to reproduce it. If you want to chat about something bigger you'd want
to work on, the easiest is to connect with me on Discord 94a84d2e#7864!