Meetup RSVP exporter
``meetup-rsvpexport`` is a command-line tool to export RSVPs for a given
Meetup event to CSV format. It exports:
* Attendee name
* Attendee profile bio
* RSVP status (yes/no)
* Number of guests
Why this tool?
I needed a tool to export RSVPs for my events to print name tags on A4 paper.
Unfortunately Meetup only offers a way to print name tags on Letter sized
How to install
Make sure you have Go installed and ``$GOPATH`` is set. Then you should
be able to install this tool with::
$ go get
Before you are able to use this tool, you need to request API access.
Usage of ./meetup-rsvpexport:
-apikey="": your meetup API key
-eventid="": the event-id of the meetup
$ meetup-rsvpexport -apikey yourapikey -eventid 12345 > attendees.csv