Broker access to all of your AWS accounts
Consider the scenario where you need access to a number of AWS accounts. You may own or manage (have administrator access or root credential access) some or all of these accounts. Regardless, the management cost associated with accessing these accounts via individual IAM Users becomes linear as the number of accounts increase. Thankfully, AWS has lessened the burden by offering the ability to obtain access to any number of accounts through the Security Token Service (STS). cooper
utilizes the AssumeRole
and GetFederationToken
STS API actions to provide you a simple way to access all of your accounts.
Implementation Details
Option 1: Run cooper on EC2, leveraging IAM Roles for Amazon EC2, eliminating the need to store authortative credentials in code or config.
Option 2: Run cooper on compute resources outside of AWS, such as your datacenter or another provider. This is least preferred as you fork your security framework and are required to use IAM user access keys.
Create an AWS account exclusively for cooper operations. This can reduce the scope and increase the security posture of cooper.
Target - A Target
is any IAM Role or Federated User that you could potentially become.
Build Specifications
- DynamoDB for persistent storage of cooper data
- KMS -- A KMS Key is required for referencing sensitive data
Authentication - Extendable and flexible, to include any number of these:
- Local authentication sceheme (local meaning handled on the backend)
- SAML Integration - Use your typical SSO: Okta, OneLogin, etc.
- Can add/remove/modify targets and their group asssociations
- Deteremined via IdP group membership
Assumption Targets
- IAM Roles
- Federated Users
High Security Areas - If an Admin user is operating within a sensitive area, require the users setup a local TOTP that they must provide in order to perform the particular operation.
Execution Examples
cooper -setup
- Creates the necessary DynamoDB tables when first installing the app. This does not start the application
cooper -encrypt -encrypt-payload "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE|wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" --kmskey 0bd3695d-96a9-4642-8477-0a95e3b968fd -region us-east-1
- This will output a base64 encoded string you can use to supply the "Federation Keys" field when creating a new target
cooper -region us-east-1
- Starts the application