Run your software anywhere.
- 🛰️ One-command deployment.
- 🗄️ Runs on any machine.
- 🎮 Full control at your fingertips.
- 🔒 Auto-secured with TLS certificate.
- 🗂️ Multiple apps, one machine.
- 🤩 Makes development enjoyable.
It's a new, minimal deployment tool built on SSH and Docker. You can run and share any software that can be placed into a Docker container on any machine: bare metal, AWS EC2, Hetzner Cloud VM, etc.
On Unix:
env CGO_ENABLED=0 go install -ldflags="-s -w" github.com/bridgex-eu/drs@latest
On Windows cmd
go install -ldflags="-s -w" github.com/bridgex-eu/drs@latest
On Windows powershell:
$env:CGO_ENABLED = '0'
go install -ldflags="-s -w" github.com/bridgex-eu/drs@latest
How to use
Use -r to pull your image on a remote server instead of sending it through SSH.
This will:
- Install docker on remote machine
- Run traefik
- Create a docker network for drs apps
- Send your app image through SSH
- Run your app with traefik labels
To make your app available by your domain, you need to set A DNS record to IP of the machine.
App Management
To manage your apps, use drs do. This command proxies Docker commands to the machine. Example:
drs do -m pluto ps # get a list of apps
drs do -m pluto myapp logs # check logs
drs do -m myapp stop # stop an app
drs do -m myapp rm # remove an app
Machine Management
You can manage your machines with DRS:
drs machine add --name pluto --key-file ./pluto_rsa
Now you can access your machine by name in other commands: drs do -m pluto ...
Key Management
DRS also assists you with your SSH keys:
drs key add --name pluto-key --passphrase passphrase ./pluto_rsa
To use this key to access your machines, use:
drs machine add --name pluto --key pluto-rsa