$ v=1.10.0; curl -L --fail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bridgewwater/temp-golang-cli-fast/v$v/temp-golang-cli-fast -o temp-golang-cli-fast
# let temp-golang-cli-fast file folder under $PATH
$ chmod +x temp-golang-cli-fast
# see how to use
$ temp-golang-cli-fast -h
for what
this project used to cli with golang
more perfect test case coverage
more perfect benchmark case
# install at ${GOPATH}/bin
$ go install -v github.com/bridgewwater/temp-golang-cli-fast/cmd/temp-golang-cli-fast@latest
# install version v1.0.0
$ go install -v github.com/bridgewwater/temp-golang-cli-fast/cmd/temp-golang-cli-fast@v1.0.0
use this template, replace list below and add usage
github.com/bridgewwater/temp-golang-cli-fast to your package name