$ curl -L --fail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bridgewwater/gin-api-swagger-temple/main/temp-gin-api-swagger
# let temp-gin-api-swagger file folder under $PATH
$ chmod +x temp-gin-api-swagger
# see how to use
$ temp-gin-api-swagger -h
for what
- this project used to gin api server
- use this template, replace list below
- rename
to your api package name
- rename
to your project owner name
- rename
to your project name
- rename
to your service port
We welcome community contributions to this project.
Please read Contributor Guide for more information on how to get started.
请阅读有关 贡献者指南 以获取更多如何入门的信息
- config file as viper
- api tracking and version control
by convention-change-log
- embed file
by convention-change-log
- middleware
will add api version for Tracking
- middleware gin-correlation-id can tracking this server
each api request
- log by zap and support rotate log file
- access log at different file, and can change by
- api log file, and can change by config
- server status monitor, for help DevOps tracking server status
major version
api support
this first version of major api
- error management
- basic error generate error by stringer
- http error at different api version use different error management, v1 use by
- generate swagger doc by swag, and will auto remove at
- server handler Exit Signal by
or kill -15 [pid]
return code 0, for safe exit.
- gin unit test case example, support golden data test, you can use
test flag to update golden data.
- local build management by make, also support windows, please
make helpProjectRoot
to install windows need kit.
- docker build support, see
make helpDocker
, Of course, it is more recommended to use docker-compose to build a
local development environment.
- github action CI workflow check.
- more perfect test case coverage
- more perfect benchmark case
- minimum go version: go 1.21
- change
go 1.21
, ^1.21
, 1.21.13
to new go version
- change
from golangci-lint version release to new version
- change swag version
more libs see go.mod
if you want auto get local IP for fast develop, you can add evn ENV_WEB_AUTO_HOST=true
- each new swagger must rebuild swagger doc by task
make swagger
- also use task
make dev
or make run
also run task buildSwagger before.
- swagger tools use swag
$ go install github.com/swaggo/swag/v2/cmd/swag@v2.0.0-rc4
# this will install at: echo $(go env GOBIN)/bin
# this path must in your $PATH
makefile usage
need go mod to management golang dependenceis
# see project root help
$ make helpProjectRoot
# see full help
$ make help
# check this project dep
$ make dep
# run all test case
$ make test
# run test case with coverage and see report
$ make testCoverage testCoverageShow
# run test case with coverage and see report by browser
$ make testCoverageBrowser
# run server as dev
$ make dev
# check before, then push to CI build
$ make dep ci
## docker build support
# - first use can pull images
$ make dockerAllPull
# - test run container use ./build.dockerfile
$ make dockerTestBuildCheck
# - then can run as docker-compose build image and up
$ make dockerComposeUp
# - then see log as docker-compose
$ make dockerComposeFollowLogs
# - down as docker-compose will auto remove local image
$ make dockerComposeDown
# - prune test container and image
$ make dockerTestPruneLatest
most of the doc at
# zap config
AtomicLevel: -1 # DebugLevel:-1 InfoLevel:0 WarnLevel:1 ErrorLevel:2
PrefixPaths: "/api/v1/" # api path prefix list
AtomicLevel: 0 # DebugLevel:-1 InfoLevel:0 WarnLevel:1 ErrorLevel:2 default 0
FieldsAuto: false # is use auto Fields key set
Key: key
Val: val
Development: true # is open file and line number
Encoding: console # output format, only use console or json, default is console
Filename: logs/template-gitea-gin-api.log # Log file path
# AccessFilename: logs/access.log # Access log file path
# ApiFilename: logs/api.log # api log file path
MaxSize: 16 # Maximum size of each zlog file, Unit: M
MaxBackups: 10 # How many backups are saved in the zlog file
MaxAge: 7 # How many days can the file be keep, Unit: day
Compress: true # need compress
TimeKey: time
LevelKey: level
NameKey: logger
CallerKey: caller
MessageKey: msg
StacktraceKey: stacktrace
TimeEncoder: ISO8601TimeEncoder # ISO8601TimeEncoder EpochMillisTimeEncoder EpochNanosTimeEncoder EpochTimeEncoder default is ISO8601TimeEncoder
EncodeDuration: SecondsDurationEncoder # NanosDurationEncoder SecondsDurationEncoder StringDurationEncoder default is SecondsDurationEncoder
EncodeLevel: CapitalColorLevelEncoder # CapitalLevelEncoder CapitalColorLevelEncoder LowercaseColorLevelEncoder LowercaseLevelEncoder default is CapitalLevelEncoder
EncodeCaller: ShortCallerEncoder # ShortCallerEncoder FullCallerEncoder default is FullCallerEncoder
Project file definition
├── LICENSE # license
├── .golangci.yaml # golangci-lint config
├── Dockerfile # ci build
├── docker-compose.yml # local development docker-compose
├── build.dockerfile # local docker build enter
├── z-MakefileUtils # Makefile tool library
├── Makefile # Makefile file entry, using make as a compilation tool
├── README.md
├── api # api management
│ ├── middleware # api middleware directory
│ │ ├── app_version.go # app version tracking middleware, use package.json to manage api version, header: X-App-Version
│ │ ├── header.go # header middleware, include: options secure noCache etc.
│ │ ├── logger_access.go # access log middleware, use zap rotate log by `zlog_access.A()`
│ │ ├── logger_content.go # api log middleware, use zap rotate by `zlog_access.I()`
│ │ ├── monitor.go # monitor middleware, use https://github.com/bar-counter/monitor
│ │ └── usage.go # usage middleware for Gin engine.
│ │
│ │ # Each major version of api will be distinguished here, so in this directory, there will be multiple implementations of the same function.
│ └── v1 # api /v1 directory
│ ├── auth # under api/v1 auth api, The authentication method of each major version is inconsistent.
│ ├── errdef # under api/v1 err define api, The error code of each major version is inconsistent.
│ ├── handler # under api/v1 api, Similar to C in MVC architecture, it is used to read input, forward the processing flow to the actual processing function, and finally return the result.
│ │ ├── biz # api group folder for /biz
│ │ ├── json.go # json parse
│ │ ├── json_response_func.go # universal response structure, The authentication method of each major version is inconsistent.
│ │ └── parse_query.go # parse query kit as `ParseQueryCommonOffsetAndLimit`
│ ├── internal # api v1 internal tools
│ │ └── parse_http # parse http request
│ ├── model # under api/v1 model define api, The model of each major version is inconsistent.
│ └── swagger.go # swag generated file entrance, swag base info update here
├── cmd # cmd folder for golang project
│ └── gin-api-swagger-temple # package of this web app
│ ├── main.go # app program entrance
│ └── main_test.go # app integration test entrance
├── codecov.yml # code coverage config
├── coverage.txt # code coverage report, which is not in the git list
├── conf # Configuration files are stored in a unified directory
│ ├── config.yaml # default configuration file
│ ├── release # release configuration file folder
│ └── test # test configuration file folder
├── build # build directory, which is not in the git list
├── dist # Publish the directory, which is not in the git list
├── doc # API document directory
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── monitor.md
│ ├── supervisor.md
│ └── systemctl.md
├── docs # swagger build directory, which is generated by cli swag
│ ├── docs.go
│ ├── swagger.json
│ └── swagger.yaml
├── go.mod # go.mod file
├── logs # log directory, which is not in the git list
├── resource.go # embed file entrance, such as: html, js, css, image, json, etc.
├── internal # internal tool directory
│ ├── config # Dedicated to handling configuration and configuration files Go package
│ │ ├── conf_base.go
│ │ ├── conf_log.go
│ │ ├── config.go
│ │ ├── mock_config.go
│ │ └── watch_conf.go
│ ├── folder # OS path tools
│ ├── gin_kit # tools for gin
│ ├── internal_err # err code sample
│ ├── pkg # referenced package
│ │ ├── pkgJson # package.json toolkit
│ │ └── version_check # version check by semver
│ ├── sys # system info tools
│ └── zlog # zap log tools
├── logs # log directory, which is not in the git list
│ ├── access.log # access log by `zlog_access.A()`
│ ├── api.log # api log by `zlog_access.I()`
│ └── gin-api-swagger-temple.log # log by zap rotate
├── package.json # command line profile information for embed
├── resource.go # embed resource
└── zymosis # resource mark by https://github.com/convention-change/zymosis
development skills
goland auto generate swagger doc
- open
-> Tools
-> File Watchers
-> +
-> Custom
- new
File Watcher
as swag api/v1
- Files to Watch
- name
swag api/v1
- file type
Go files
- scope
Project Files
- Tools to Run on Changes
- Program
- Arguments
i -g main.go -dir api/v1 --instanceName v1
- Working directory