MJPEG http server from RaspberryPi camera
Wraps libcamera-vid
or potentially older raspivid
libcamera is the new RaspberryPiOS toolset as of about 2021-10. Previous RPi OS probably already have raspivid
sudo apt-get install -y libcamera-apps
Compile On RaspberryPi
Install Go [http://golang.org/dl]
go install https://github.org/brianolson/raspi-mjpeg-server@latest
Cross Compile
Did you know every Go install is a fully capable cross compiler? Compile on your big fast thing and ship the fully static binary off to the little Raspberry Pi
git clone https://github.com/brianolson/raspi-mjpeg-server.git
cd raspi-mjpeg-server
GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -o raspi-mjpeg-server-arm-linux
#GOARCH=arm64 GOOS=linux go build -o raspi-mjpeg-server-arm64-linux
scp -p raspi-mjpeg-server-arm-linux pi@raspberrypi.local.:~/
It should Just Work...
raspi-mjpeg-server -cmd '{"cmd":["libcamera-vid", "-t", "60000", "-n", "--framerate", "7", "--codec", "mjpeg", "--awb", "auto", "--width", "1920", "--height", "1080", "-o", "-"], "retry":"500ms"}' -addr :8412
It exposes /jpeg
for the latest still and /mjpeg
for a stream.
accepts ?start=-10
to start 10 seconds ago (or -5, etc). The stream should run at a slightly faster frame rate until it catches up to now.
It's possible to do development elsewhere and just run the libcamera-vid on the raspi over ssh:
raspi-mjpeg-server -cmd '{"cmd":["ssh", "pi@raspberypi.local.", "libcamera-vid", "-t", "60000", "-n", "--framerate", "7", "--codec", "mjpeg", "--awb", "auto", "--width", "1920", "--height", "1080", "-o", "-"], "retry":"2s"}' -addr :8412
This kind of customization allows for all of the libcamera-vid options like --roi
region-of-interest and flips and other transformations and options.
Parts based on https://github.com/mattn/go-mjpeg