A simple repo that allows you to set up a Docker container to control Linux volume via MQTT.
I created this because I recently purchased an Ikea SYMFONISK
Sound remote that I wanted to use with HomeAssistant to control my HTPC volume, which is also where HomeAssistant runs (in Docker). Since the rest of my HA infrastructure is Dockerized, I also wanted a way to control the volume from Docker.
This project uses the eclipse/paho.mqtt.golang to communicate with MQTT, and the volume-go library by itchyny.
Running it in Docker
This uses PulseAudio over a socket shared into the container
docker build -t volume-control .
docker run \
-v "~/.config/pulse:/.config/pulse" \
-v /run/user/$UID/pulse/native:/run/user/$UID/pulse/native \
-e PULSE_SERVER="unix:/run/user/$UID/pulse/native" \
-e MQTT_BROKER=localhost \
-e MQTT_PORT=1883 \
-e MQTT_TOPIC=/volume-control \
The VOLUME_INCREMENT is the number it adjusts volume up and down - I found 3 to be the most comfortable with the IKEA control.
The MQTT_BROKER, PORT and TOPIC can all be set to your desire.
Expected Messages
Right now, I have it hardcoded to just expect an "up" or "down" message.