Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AssertEach[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], assertFunc AssertFunc[T])
- func AssertSorted[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], sortFunc SortFunc[T])
- func CalMerkleRoot(gapi frontend.API, datas []frontend.Variable) (frontend.Variable, error)
- func CalOneHash2HashNodeDigest(left, right Hash2HashDigestNode) (*big.Int, error)
- func CalOnePlonky2NodeDigest(left, right Plonky2DigestNode) (*pgoldilocks.HashOut256, error)
- func CalPoseidonBn254MerkleTree(leafs []*big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func CalcBrevisCircuitDigest(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, appVk plonk.VerifyingKey, ...) (*big.Int, error)
- func CheckNumberPowerOfTwo(n int) bool
- func Cmp(api frontend.API, i1, i2 frontend.Variable, nbBits int) frontend.Variable
- func CmpHint(_ *big.Int, inputs []*big.Int, results []*big.Int) error
- func Compile(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir, srsDir string, brevisApp *BrevisApp) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, ...)
- func CompileOnly(app AppCircuit) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, error)
- func CompileWithHashInfo(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir, srsDir string, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, ...)
- func ComputeVkHash(vk plonk.VerifyingKey) (common.Hash, error)
- func DataPointsNextPowerOf2(value int) int
- func DoHash(hasher *utils.PoseidonBn254Hasher, packed []*big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func DoHashWithPoseidonBn254(packed []*big.Int) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetAndCheckLeafCount(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int) (receiptLeafCount int, storageLeafCount int, transactionLeafCount int, ...)
- func GetHash2HashCircuitDigest(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*big.Int, error)
- func GetHeaderAndTxHashes(ec *ethclient.Client, ctx context.Context, blkNum *big.Int) (*types.Header, []common.Hash, error)
- func GetHints() []solver.Hint
- func GetPlonky2CircuitDigestFromRootNodeSelf(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*pgoldilocks.HashOut256, bool, bool, error)
- func GetReceiptProof(bk *types.Block, receipts types.Receipts, index int) (nodes [][]byte, keyIndex, leafRlpPrefix []byte, err error)
- func GetUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], index int) T
- func GroupValuesHint(_ *big.Int, inputs []*big.Int, outputs []*big.Int) error
- func MaxGeneric[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initialMax T, gt SortFunc[T]) T
- func MinGeneric[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initialMin T, lt SortFunc[T]) T
- func MustWriteToBytes(w io.WriterTo) []byte
- func NewFullWitness(assign AppCircuit, in CircuitInput) (w, wpub witness.Witness, err error)
- func PackBitsToInt(bits []uint, bitSize int) []*big.Int
- func Prove(ccs constraint.ConstraintSystem, pk plonk.ProvingKey, w witness.Witness, ...) (plonk.Proof, error)
- func QuoRemHint(_ *big.Int, in, out []*big.Int) error
- func ReadCircuitFrom(path string) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, error)
- func ReadPkFrom(path string) (plonk.ProvingKey, error)
- func ReadProofFrom(path string) (plonk.Proof, error)
- func ReadSetupFrom(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir string, brevisApp *BrevisApp) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, ...)
- func ReadSetupFromWithHashInfo(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir string, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, ...)
- func ReadVkFrom(path string, maxReceipt, maxStorage, numMaxDataPoints int, ...) (plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
- func Reduce[T, R CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initial R, reducer ReduceFunc[T, R]) R
- func Select[T CircuitVariable](api *CircuitAPI, s Uint248, a, b T) T
- func Setup(ccs constraint.ConstraintSystem, cacheDir string, ...) (pk plonk.ProvingKey, vk plonk.VerifyingKey, vkHash []byte, err error)
- func SortHint(_ *big.Int, in, out []*big.Int) error
- func SqrtHint(_ *big.Int, in, out []*big.Int) error
- func Verify(vk plonk.VerifyingKey, publicWitness witness.Witness, proof plonk.Proof) error
- func WriteTo(w io.WriterTo, path string) error
- type AppCircuit
- type AssertFunc
- type BrevisApp
- func NewBrevisApp(srcChainId uint64, rpcUrl string, outDir string, gatewayUrlOverride ...string) (*BrevisApp, error)
- func NewBrevisAppFromExisting(existing *BrevisApp) (*BrevisApp, error)
- func NewBrevisAppWithConfig(config *BrevisAppConfig) (*BrevisApp, error)
- func NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnly(...) *BrevisApp
- func NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnlyFromRemote(gatewayUrlOverride ...string) *BrevisApp
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockReceipt(data ReceiptData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockStorage(data StorageData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockTransaction(data TransactionData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddReceipt(data ReceiptData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddStorage(data StorageData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) AddTransaction(data TransactionData, index
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInput(app AppCircuit) (CircuitInput, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage1(app AppCircuit) (CircuitInput, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage2(app AppCircuit, in CircuitInput) (CircuitInput, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildReceipt(t ReceiptData) (Receipt, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildStorageSlot(s StorageData) (StorageSlot, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) BuildTx(t TransactionData) (Transaction, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) CloseDataStore() error
- func (q *BrevisApp) GenerateProtoQuery(vk plonk.VerifyingKey, witness witness.Witness, proof []byte, ...) (*gwproto.Query, error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) PrepareRequest(vk plonk.VerifyingKey, witness witness.Witness, srcChainId, dstChainId uint64, ...) (calldata []byte, requestId common.Hash, nonce uint64, feeValue *big.Int, ...)
- func (q *BrevisApp) SendBatchQuery(queries []*gwproto.Query, batchAPIKey string, queryOption *gwproto.QueryOption) (queryKeys []*gwproto.QueryKey, fee string, err error)
- func (q *BrevisApp) SubmitProof(proof plonk.Proof, options ...SubmitProofOption) error
- func (q *BrevisApp) SubmitProofWithQueryId(queryId string, nonce uint64, dstChainId uint64, proof []byte) error
- func (q *BrevisApp) WaitFinalProofSubmitted(ctx context.Context) (tx common.Hash, err error)
- type BrevisAppConfig
- type BrevisHashInfo
- type Bytes32
- type Bytes32API
- func (api *Bytes32API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Bytes32)
- func (api *Bytes32API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Bytes32)
- func (api *Bytes32API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Bytes32
- func (api *Bytes32API) FromFV(v frontend.Variable) Bytes32
- func (api *Bytes32API) IsEqual(a, b Bytes32) Uint248
- func (api *Bytes32API) IsZero(a Bytes32) Uint248
- func (api *Bytes32API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Bytes32) Bytes32
- func (api *Bytes32API) ToBinary(v Bytes32) List[Uint248]
- type CircuitAPI
- func (api *CircuitAPI) AssertInputsAreUnique()
- func (api *CircuitAPI) Keccak256(inputs []Bytes32, inputBitSize []int32) Bytes32
- func (api *CircuitAPI) NewHint(f solver.Hint, nbOutputs int, inputs ...frontend.Variable) ([]frontend.Variable, error)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) NewMiMC() (mimc.MiMC, error)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) NewPoseidon() (poseidon.PoseidonCircuit, error)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputAddress(v Uint248)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputBool(v Uint248)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputBytes32(v Bytes32)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint(bitSize int, v Uint248)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint32(bitSize int, v Uint32)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint64(bitSize int, v Uint64)
- func (api *CircuitAPI) SlotOfArrayElement(arrSlot Bytes32, elementSize int, index, offset Uint248) Bytes32
- func (api *CircuitAPI) SlotOfStructFieldInMapping(slot, offset int, valueSlot Bytes32, nestedMappingSlots ...Bytes32) Bytes32
- func (api *CircuitAPI) ToBytes32(i interface{}) Bytes32
- func (api *CircuitAPI) ToInt248(i interface{}) Int248
- func (api *CircuitAPI) ToUint248(i interface{}) Uint248
- func (api *CircuitAPI) ToUint521(i interface{}) Uint521
- type CircuitInput
- type CircuitVariable
- type DataInput
- type DataPoints
- type DataStream
- func Filter[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], predicate FilterFunc[T]) *DataStream[T]
- func GroupBy[T, R CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], reducer ReduceFunc[T, R], reducerInit R, ...) (*DataStream[R], error)
- func Map[T, R CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], mapFunc MapFunc[T, R]) *DataStream[R]
- func NewDataStream[T CircuitVariable](api *CircuitAPI, in DataPoints[T]) *DataStream[T]
- func RangeUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], start, end int) *DataStream[T]
- func WindowUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], size int, step *DataStream[List[T]]
- func ZipMap2[T0, T1, R CircuitVariable](a *DataStream[T0], b List[T1], zipFunc ZipMap2Func[T0, T1, R]) *DataStream[R]
- func ZipMap3[T0, T1, T2, R CircuitVariable](a *DataStream[T0], b List[T1], c List[T2], zipFunc ZipMap3Func[T0, T1, T2, R]) *DataStream[R]
- type FilterFunc
- type GatewayClient
- func (c *GatewayClient) GetCircuitDummyInput(req *gwproto.CircuitDummyInputRequest) (resp *gwproto.CircuitDummyInputResponse, err error)
- func (c *GatewayClient) GetQueryStatus(req *gwproto.GetQueryStatusRequest) (resp *gwproto.GetQueryStatusResponse, err error)
- func (c *GatewayClient) PrepareQuery(req *gwproto.PrepareQueryRequest) (resp *gwproto.PrepareQueryResponse, err error)
- func (c *GatewayClient) SendBatchQueries(req *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesRequest) (resp *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesResponse, err error)
- func (c *GatewayClient) SendBatchQueriesAsync(req *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesRequest) (resp *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesAsyncResponse, err error)
- func (c *GatewayClient) SubmitProof(req *gwproto.SubmitAppCircuitProofRequest) (resp *gwproto.SubmitAppCircuitProofResponse, err error)
- type GetValueFunc
- type Hash2HashDigestNode
- type HostCircuit
- type Int248
- type Int248API
- func (api *Int248API) ABS(a Int248) Uint248
- func (api *Int248API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Int248)
- func (api *Int248API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Int248)
- func (api *Int248API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Int248
- func (api *Int248API) IsEqual(a, b Int248) Uint248
- func (api *Int248API) IsGreaterThan(a, b Int248) Uint248
- func (api *Int248API) IsLessThan(a, b Int248) Uint248
- func (api *Int248API) IsZero(a Int248) Uint248
- func (api *Int248API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Int248) Int248
- func (api *Int248API) ToBinary(v Int248) List[Uint248]
- type List
- type LogField
- type LogFieldData
- type LogFieldPos
- type MapFunc
- type OutputCommitment
- type Plonky2DigestNode
- type ProofWriter
- type Receipt
- func (r Receipt) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
- func (r Receipt) GetOrderableMptKeyPath(api *CircuitAPI) Uint32
- func (r Receipt) GoPack() []*big.Int
- func (r Receipt) NumVars() uint32
- func (r Receipt) Pack(api frontend.API) []frontend.Variable
- func (r Receipt) String() string
- func (r Receipt) Values() []frontend.Variable
- type ReceiptData
- type ReceiptPos
- type ReduceFunc
- type SortFunc
- type StorageData
- type StoragePos
- type StorageSlot
- func (s StorageSlot) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
- func (s StorageSlot) GoPack() []*big.Int
- func (s StorageSlot) NumVars() uint32
- func (s StorageSlot) Pack(api frontend.API) []frontend.Variable
- func (s StorageSlot) String() string
- func (s StorageSlot) Values() []frontend.Variable
- type SubmitProofOption
- type Transaction
- func (t Transaction) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
- func (t Transaction) GetOrderableMptKeyPath(api *CircuitAPI) Uint32
- func (t Transaction) GoPack() []*big.Int
- func (t Transaction) NumVars() uint32
- func (t Transaction) Pack(api frontend.API) []frontend.Variable
- func (t Transaction) String() string
- func (t Transaction) Values() []frontend.Variable
- type TransactionData
- type TransactionPos
- type Tuple2
- type Tuple3
- type Tuple4
- type Tuple5
- type Tuple6
- type Tuple7
- type Tuple8
- func (t Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
- func (t Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) NumVars() uint32
- func (t Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) String() string
- func (t Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) Values() []frontend.Variable
- type Uint248
- func ConstUint248(i interface{}) Uint248
- func Count[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T]) Uint248
- func IsSorted[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], sortFunc SortFunc[T]) Uint248
- func Max(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
- func Mean(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
- func Min(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
- func ParseEventID(b []byte) Uint248
- func Sum(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
- type Uint248API
- func (api *Uint248API) Add(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) And(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Uint248)
- func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint248)
- func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsLessOrEqual(a, b Uint248)
- func (api *Uint248API) Div(a, b Uint248) (quotient, remainder Uint248)
- func (api *Uint248API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) IsEqual(a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) IsGreaterThan(a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) IsLessThan(a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) IsZero(a Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Mul(a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Not(a Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Or(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Sqrt(a Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) Sub(a, b Uint248) Uint248
- func (api *Uint248API) ToBinary(v Uint248, n int) List[Uint248]
- type Uint32
- type Uint32API
- func (api *Uint32API) Add(a, b Uint32, other ...Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) And(a, b Uint32, other ...Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Uint32)
- func (api *Uint32API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint32)
- func (api *Uint32API) Div(a, b Uint32) (quotient, remainder Uint32)
- func (api *Uint32API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) IsEqual(a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) IsGreaterThan(a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) IsLessThan(a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) IsZero(a Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Mul(a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Not(a Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Or(a, b Uint32, other ...Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Select(s Uint32, a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Sqrt(a Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) Sub(a, b Uint32) Uint32
- func (api *Uint32API) ToBinary(v Uint32, n int) List[Uint32]
- type Uint521
- type Uint521API
- func (api *Uint521API) Add(a, b Uint521) Uint521
- func (api *Uint521API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint521)
- func (api *Uint521API) AssertIsLessOrEqual(a, b Uint521)
- func (api *Uint521API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Uint521
- func (api *Uint521API) IsEqual(a, b Uint521) Uint248
- func (api *Uint521API) Mul(a, b Uint521) Uint521
- func (api *Uint521API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Uint521) Uint521
- func (api *Uint521API) Sub(a, b Uint521) Uint521
- func (api *Uint521API) ToBinary(v Uint521, n int) List[Uint248]
- type Uint521Field
- type Uint64
- type Uint64API
- func (api *Uint64API) Add(a, b Uint64, other ...Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) And(a, b Uint64, other ...Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Uint64)
- func (api *Uint64API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint64)
- func (api *Uint64API) Div(a, b Uint64) (quotient, remainder Uint64)
- func (api *Uint64API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) IsEqual(a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) IsGreaterThan(a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) IsLessThan(a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) IsZero(a Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Mul(a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Not(a Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Or(a, b Uint64, other ...Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Select(s Uint64, a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Sqrt(a Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) Sub(a, b Uint64) Uint64
- func (api *Uint64API) ToBinary(v Uint64, n int) List[Uint64]
- type ZipMap2Func
- type ZipMap3Func
Constants ¶
const ( Uint248Type = "Uint248" Uint521Type = "Uint521" Int248Type = "Int248" Bytes32Type = "Bytes32" Uint32Type = "Uint32" Uint64Type = "Uint64" )
const NumMaxLogFields = 4
NumMaxLogFields is the max amount of log fields each Receipt can have. This couples tightly to the decoding capacity of the receipt decoder circuit on Brevis' side
Variables ¶
var ( ReceiptD = new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(1)) StorageD = new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(2)) TransactionD = new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(3)) MiddleNodeVkHashHex = "0x15dc69eafcfd4546b82fecf468fd5878e2f7cb2270abee4e15abb638c77bbe52" AggAllVkHash = "0x078ab850e8148fc412016972abf837fddbc8c7f87d049e337fcdfdc1a47caca2" P2AggRecursionLeafCircuitDigestHash = &pgoldilocks.HashOut256{6297162860691876658, 7207440660511781486, 956392925008767441, 15443083968980057808} P2Bn128WrapCircuitDigestHashForOnly2Leaf = utils.Hex2BigInt("0x1a608b7771b23c7972539bad7f395d7ad5c4a5e5be9dc891960179c1cacd8c78") // for from P2AggRecursionLeafCircuitDigestHash P2AggRecursionMiddleFormMiddleLeafCircuitDigestHash = &pgoldilocks.HashOut256{14561383570925761150, 12116100132768392867, 2216989100987824959, 11720816772597981334} P2AggRecursionNoLeafCircuitDigestHash = &pgoldilocks.HashOut256{14007309231803840793, 2325011900429631668, 6598512353030159473, 12456847712279341912} P2Bn128WrapCircuitDigestHashForOnlyFromLeafRecursion = utils.Hex2BigInt("0x08e1f454d096c46ebf2e1f40ff4858ce8188f86cc9623242ea605b774aee12aa") // for from P2AggRecursionMiddleFormMiddleLeafCircuitDigestHash P2Bn128WrapCircuitDigestHash = utils.Hex2BigInt("0x1E24794162210326BC751EB2FB4AFB6CB76B2CD94E6CEAFB9191A18B6E24A9D1") // for from P2AggRecursionNoLeafCircuitDigestHash MiddleNodeVkHash = utils.Hex2BigInt(MiddleNodeVkHashHex) )
var MaxBytes32 = ConstUint521(common.Hex2Bytes("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"))
MaxUint248 is the largest safe number for uint248 type
Functions ¶
func AssertEach ¶
func AssertEach[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], assertFunc AssertFunc[T])
AssertEach asserts on each valid element in the data stream
func AssertSorted ¶
func AssertSorted[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], sortFunc SortFunc[T])
AssertSorted Performs the sortFunc on each valid pair of data points and asserts the result to be 1.
func CalMerkleRoot ¶
return merkle root hash, must be a full binary tree
func CalOneHash2HashNodeDigest ¶
func CalOneHash2HashNodeDigest(left, right Hash2HashDigestNode) (*big.Int, error)
func CalOnePlonky2NodeDigest ¶
func CalOnePlonky2NodeDigest(left, right Plonky2DigestNode) (*pgoldilocks.HashOut256, error)
func CalcBrevisCircuitDigest ¶ added in v0.3.25
func CalcBrevisCircuitDigest(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, appVk plonk.VerifyingKey, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*big.Int, error)
func CheckNumberPowerOfTwo ¶
func Cmp ¶
Cmp compares i1 and i2 based on a specified number of bits (nbBits). Returns -1 if i1 < i2, 0 if i1 == i2, and 1 if i1 > i2. This version is optimized to avoid full bit decomposition and only uses range checking and hinting.
func CmpHint ¶ added in v0.3.10
CmpHint is a hint function that compares two values and returns -1, 0, or 1
func Compile ¶
func Compile(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir, srsDir string, brevisApp *BrevisApp) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
func CompileOnly ¶
func CompileOnly(app AppCircuit) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, error)
CompileOnly is like Compile, but it does not automatically save the compilation output
func CompileWithHashInfo ¶ added in v0.3.25
func CompileWithHashInfo(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir, srsDir string, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
func ComputeVkHash ¶
func ComputeVkHash(vk plonk.VerifyingKey) (common.Hash, error)
func DataPointsNextPowerOf2 ¶ added in v0.3.3
func GetAndCheckLeafCount ¶
func GetHash2HashCircuitDigest ¶
func GetHash2HashCircuitDigest(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*big.Int, error)
func GetHeaderAndTxHashes ¶ added in v0.3.14
func GetPlonky2CircuitDigestFromRootNodeSelf ¶ added in v0.3.8
func GetPlonky2CircuitDigestFromRootNodeSelf(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*pgoldilocks.HashOut256, bool, bool, error)
func GetReceiptProof ¶ added in v0.3.14
func GetUnderlying ¶
func GetUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], index int) T
GetUnderlying gets an element from the DataStream. Performed on the underlying data directly. It also requires the underlying data slot is valid
func GroupValuesHint ¶
func MaxGeneric ¶
func MaxGeneric[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initialMax T, gt SortFunc[T]) T
MaxGeneric finds out the maximum value from the data stream with the user defined sort function. Uses Reduce under the hood. Note if the data stream is empty (all data points are toggled off), this function returns `initialMax`.
func MinGeneric ¶
func MinGeneric[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initialMin T, lt SortFunc[T]) T
MinGeneric finds out the minimum value from the data stream with the user defined sort function. Uses Reduce under the hood. Note if the data stream is empty (all data points are toggled off), this function returns `initialMin`.
func MustWriteToBytes ¶ added in v0.3.22
func NewFullWitness ¶
func NewFullWitness(assign AppCircuit, in CircuitInput) (w, wpub witness.Witness, err error)
func Prove ¶
func Prove(ccs constraint.ConstraintSystem, pk plonk.ProvingKey, w witness.Witness, hints ...solver.Hint) (plonk.Proof, error)
func ReadCircuitFrom ¶
func ReadCircuitFrom(path string) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, error)
func ReadPkFrom ¶
func ReadPkFrom(path string) (plonk.ProvingKey, error)
func ReadSetupFrom ¶
func ReadSetupFrom(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir string, brevisApp *BrevisApp) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
func ReadSetupFromWithHashInfo ¶ added in v0.3.25
func ReadSetupFromWithHashInfo(app AppCircuit, compileOutDir string, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (constraint.ConstraintSystem, plonk.ProvingKey, plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
func ReadVkFrom ¶
func ReadVkFrom(path string, maxReceipt, maxStorage, numMaxDataPoints int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (plonk.VerifyingKey, []byte, error)
func Reduce ¶
func Reduce[T, R CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], initial R, reducer ReduceFunc[T, R]) R
Reduce reduces the data stream to another CircuitVariable with the given reducer and initial condition
func Select ¶
func Select[T CircuitVariable](api *CircuitAPI, s Uint248, a, b T) T
func Setup ¶
func Setup(ccs constraint.ConstraintSystem, cacheDir string, maxReceipt, maxStorage, dataPoints int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (pk plonk.ProvingKey, vk plonk.VerifyingKey, vkHash []byte, err error)
Types ¶
type AppCircuit ¶
type AppCircuit interface { Define(api *CircuitAPI, in DataInput) error Allocate() (maxReceipts, maxStorage, maxTransactions int) }
type AssertFunc ¶
type AssertFunc[T CircuitVariable] func(current T) Uint248
AssertFunc returns 1 if the assertion passes, and 0 otherwise
type BrevisApp ¶
type BrevisApp struct { *BrevisHashInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBrevisApp ¶
func NewBrevisApp( srcChainId uint64, rpcUrl string, outDir string, gatewayUrlOverride ...string, ) (*BrevisApp, error)
NewBrevisApp returns a BrevisApp with local file persistence under {outDir}/input Consider using NewBrevisAppWithConfig for more configurability
func NewBrevisAppFromExisting ¶ added in v0.3.25
NewBrevisAppFromExisting creates a fresh BrevisApp from an existing one Best used when the dependencies are shared across multiple BrevisApp instances
func NewBrevisAppWithConfig ¶ added in v0.3.25
func NewBrevisAppWithConfig(config *BrevisAppConfig) (*BrevisApp, error)
NewBrevisAppWithConfig creates a BrevisApp with specified configs
func NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnly ¶ added in v0.3.16
func NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnly( receiptCircuitDigestHash, storageCircuitDigestHash, txCircuitDigestHash *pgoldilocks.HashOut256, gnarkReceiptVk, gnarkStorageVk, gnarkTxVk string, ) *BrevisApp
set digests directly
func NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnlyFromRemote ¶ added in v0.3.17
NewBrevisAppWithDigestsSetOnlyFromRemote creates a BrevisApp with digests retrieved from gateway Used during setup TODO: Deprecated and remove
func (*BrevisApp) AddMockReceipt ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockReceipt(data ReceiptData, index
AddMockReceipt adds the MockReceipt to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.Receipts. It should be used ONLY for circuit implementation and testing.
func (*BrevisApp) AddMockStorage ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockStorage(data StorageData, index
AddMockStorage adds the MockStorage to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.StorageSlots. It should be used ONLY for circuit implementation and testing.
func (*BrevisApp) AddMockTransaction ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (q *BrevisApp) AddMockTransaction(data TransactionData, index
AddMockTransaction adds the MockTransaction to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.Transactions. It should be used ONLY for circuit implementation and testing.
func (*BrevisApp) AddReceipt ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) AddReceipt(data ReceiptData, index
AddReceipt adds the ReceiptData to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.Receipts.
func (*BrevisApp) AddStorage ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) AddStorage(data StorageData, index
AddStorage adds the StorageData to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.StorageSlots.
func (*BrevisApp) AddTransaction ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) AddTransaction(data TransactionData, index
AddTransaction adds the TransactionData to be queried. If an index is specified, the data will be assigned to the specified index of DataInput.Transactions.
func (*BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInput ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInput(app AppCircuit) (CircuitInput, error)
BuildCircuitInput executes all added queries and package the query results into circuit assignment (the DataInput struct) The provided ctx is used when performing network calls to the provided blockchain RPC.
func (*BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage1 ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage1(app AppCircuit) (CircuitInput, error)
BuildCircuitInputStage1 assigns the number of data points, sets toggles and adds mock data if specified. This does not involve on-chain queries.
func (*BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage2 ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildCircuitInputStage2(app AppCircuit, in CircuitInput) (CircuitInput, error)
BuildCircuitInputStage2 populates CircuitInput with raw data, dry-runs the user circuit and assigns commitments. This involves on-chain queries, gateway query and dry-run so should preferably be deferred. NOTE: "in" needs to be the CircuitInput returned from BuildCircuitInputStage1.
func (*BrevisApp) BuildReceipt ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildReceipt(t ReceiptData) (Receipt, error)
func (*BrevisApp) BuildStorageSlot ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildStorageSlot(s StorageData) (StorageSlot, error)
func (*BrevisApp) BuildTx ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (q *BrevisApp) BuildTx(t TransactionData) (Transaction, error)
func (*BrevisApp) CloseDataStore ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (*BrevisApp) GenerateProtoQuery ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (*BrevisApp) PrepareRequest ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) PrepareRequest( vk plonk.VerifyingKey, witness witness.Witness, srcChainId, dstChainId uint64, refundee, appContract common.Address, callbackGasLimit uint64, option *gwproto.QueryOption, apiKey string, ) (calldata []byte, requestId common.Hash, nonce uint64, feeValue *big.Int, err error)
func (*BrevisApp) SendBatchQuery ¶ added in v0.3.7
func (*BrevisApp) SubmitProof ¶
func (q *BrevisApp) SubmitProof(proof plonk.Proof, options ...SubmitProofOption) error
func (*BrevisApp) SubmitProofWithQueryId ¶
type BrevisAppConfig ¶ added in v0.3.25
type BrevisAppConfig struct { SrcChainId uint64 `mapstructure:"src_chain_id" json:"src_chain_id"` RpcUrl string `mapstructure:"rpc_url" json:"rpc_url"` GatewayUrl string `mapstructure:"gateway_url" json:"gateway_url"` OutDir string `mapstructure:"out_dir" json:"out_dir"` // Persistence type, currently supporting "syncmap", "file", "badgerdb" and "s3". // Defaults to "file" under {outDir}/input PersistenceType string `mapstructure:"persistence_type" json:"persistence_type"` // Persistence options as JSON string. See implementations for details. PersistenceOptions string `mapstructure:"persistence_options" json:"persistence_options"` // ConcurrentFetchLimit limits the number of concurrent on-chain fetches ConcurrentFetchLimit int `mapstructure:"concurrent_fetch_limit" json:"concurrent_fetch_limit"` }
type BrevisHashInfo ¶ added in v0.3.25
type BrevisHashInfo struct { ReceiptCircuitDigestHash *pgoldilocks.HashOut256 StorageCircuitDigestHash *pgoldilocks.HashOut256 TxCircuitDigestHash *pgoldilocks.HashOut256 GnarkReceiptVkHash string GnarkStorageVkHash string GnarkTxVkHash string }
BrevisHashInfo contains Brevis circuit hashes
func NewBrevisHashInfo ¶ added in v0.3.25
func NewBrevisHashInfo(gatewayUrlOverride string) (*BrevisHashInfo, error)
type Bytes32 ¶
Bytes32 is an in-circuit representation of the solidity bytes32 type.
func ConstFromBigEndianBytes ¶ added in v0.3.10
ConstFromBigEndianBytes initializes a constant Bytes32 circuit variable. Panics if the length of the supplied data bytes is larger than 32.
func (Bytes32) FromValues ¶
func (v Bytes32) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Bytes32API ¶
type Bytes32API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Bytes32API) AssertIsDifferent ¶
func (api *Bytes32API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Bytes32)
AssertIsDifferent asserts a != b
func (*Bytes32API) AssertIsEqual ¶
func (api *Bytes32API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Bytes32)
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Bytes32API) FromBinary ¶
func (api *Bytes32API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Bytes32
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to a Bytes32. Input size can be less than 256 bits, the input is padded on the MSB end with 0s.
func (*Bytes32API) IsEqual ¶
func (api *Bytes32API) IsEqual(a, b Bytes32) Uint248
IsEqual returns 1 if a == b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Bytes32API) IsZero ¶
func (api *Bytes32API) IsZero(a Bytes32) Uint248
IsZero returns 1 if a == 0, and 0 otherwise
type CircuitAPI ¶
type CircuitAPI struct { Uint248 *Uint248API Uint521 *Uint521API Int248 *Int248API Bytes32 *Bytes32API Uint32 *Uint32API Uint64 *Uint64API // contains filtered or unexported fields }
CircuitAPI contains a set of APIs that can only be used in circuit to perform logical and arithmetic operations over circuit variables. It is an extension of g's frontend.API.
func NewCircuitAPI ¶
func NewCircuitAPI(gapi frontend.API) *CircuitAPI
func (*CircuitAPI) AssertInputsAreUnique ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) AssertInputsAreUnique()
AssertInputsAreUnique Asserts that all input data (Transaction, Receipt, StorageSlot) are different from each other
func (*CircuitAPI) Keccak256 ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (api *CircuitAPI) Keccak256(inputs []Bytes32, inputBitSize []int32) Bytes32
Keccak256 computes keccak256(concatenated inputs) where each element of `inputs“ can have a length up to 32 bytes (256 bits). The actual size of each element needs to be specified in `inputBitSize`. Eg. To compute the keccak256 hash of the concatenation of two 20 byte (160 bit) addresses, use Keccak256([]Bytes32{api.ToBytes32(address0), api.ToBytes32(address1)}, []int32{160, 160}).
func (*CircuitAPI) NewPoseidon ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) NewPoseidon() (poseidon.PoseidonCircuit, error)
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputAddress ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputAddress(v Uint248)
OutputAddress adds an output of solidity address type.
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputBool ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputBool(v Uint248)
OutputBool adds an output of solidity bool type
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputBytes32 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputBytes32(v Bytes32)
OutputBytes32 adds an output of solidity bytes32/uint256 type
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputUint ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint(bitSize int, v Uint248)
OutputUint adds an output of solidity uint_bitSize type where N is in range [8, 248] with a step size 8. e.g. uint8, uint16, ..., uint248. Panics if a bitSize of non-multiple of 8 is used. Panics if the bitSize exceeds 248. For outputting uint256, use OutputBytes32 instead
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputUint32 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint32(bitSize int, v Uint32)
OutputUint32 adds an output of solidity uint_bitSize type where N is in range [8, 32] with a step size 8. e.g. uint8, uint16, ..., uint32. Panics if a bitSize of non-multiple of 8 is used. Panics if the bitSize exceeds 32.
func (*CircuitAPI) OutputUint64 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) OutputUint64(bitSize int, v Uint64)
OutputUint adds an output of solidity uint_bitSize type where N is in range [8, 64] with a step size 8. e.g. uint8, uint16, ..., uint64. Panics if a bitSize of non-multiple of 8 is used. Panics if the bitSize exceeds 64.
func (*CircuitAPI) SlotOfArrayElement ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) SlotOfArrayElement(arrSlot Bytes32, elementSize int, index, offset Uint248) Bytes32
SlotOfArrayElement computes the storage slot for an element in a solidity array state variable. `arrSlot` is the plain slot of the array variable, it is the slot where the first element of the array starts, so that for dynamic arrays, taking the keccak hash of the slot address at which the array itself is located should be handled. `elementSize` is the number of storage slots each element uses, it is not size in bytes. `index` determines the array index. `offset` determines the offset (in terms of bytes32) within each array element.
func (*CircuitAPI) SlotOfStructFieldInMapping ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) SlotOfStructFieldInMapping( slot, offset int, valueSlot Bytes32, nestedMappingSlots ...Bytes32) Bytes32
SlotOfStructFieldInMapping computes the slot for a struct field stored in a solidity mapping. Implements keccak256(h(k) | p) for computing mapping or nested mapping's slot where the value is a struct. The mapping slots are of the order which you would access the solidity mapping. For example, to access nested mapping at slot 1 value with m[a][b] and subsequently the 4th index of the struct value counted in slots, use SlotOfStructFieldInMapping(1, 4, a, b). If your a and b are not of Bytes32 type, cast them to Bytes32 first using api.ToBytes32.
func (*CircuitAPI) ToBytes32 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) ToBytes32(i interface{}) Bytes32
ToBytes32 casts the input to a Bytes32 type. Supports Bytes32, Int248, Uint521, and Uint248.
func (*CircuitAPI) ToInt248 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) ToInt248(i interface{}) Int248
ToInt248 casts the input to a Int248 type. Supports Int248, Uint248, and Bytes32 Note that Uint248 values with the top bit set will be interpreted as negative values
func (*CircuitAPI) ToUint248 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) ToUint248(i interface{}) Uint248
ToUint248 casts the input to a Uint248 type. Supports Uint32, Uint64, Uint248, Int248, Bytes32, and Uint521 Note that using ToUint248 with negative Int248 results in a wraparound modulo 2^248
func (*CircuitAPI) ToUint521 ¶
func (api *CircuitAPI) ToUint521(i interface{}) Uint521
ToUint521 casts the input to a Uint521 type. Supports Uint521, Bytes32, and Uint248
type CircuitInput ¶
type CircuitInput struct { DataInput // InputCommitments is a list of hash commitment to each value of Raw. These // commitments must match sub-prover circuit's commitment to its rlp decoded // values InputCommitmentsRoot frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"` InputCommitments []frontend.Variable TogglesCommitment frontend.Variable // OutputCommitment is a keccak256 commitment to the computation results of the // developer's circuit. The output of this commitment is revealed by the // developer in their application contract. OutputCommitment OutputCommitment `gnark:",public"` DummyReceiptInputCommitment frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"` DummyStorageInputCommitment frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"` DummyTransactionInputCommitment frontend.Variable `gnark:",public"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (CircuitInput) Clone ¶
func (in CircuitInput) Clone() CircuitInput
func (CircuitInput) GetAbiPackedOutput ¶
func (in CircuitInput) GetAbiPackedOutput() []byte
type CircuitVariable ¶
type DataInput ¶
type DataInput struct { Receipts DataPoints[Receipt] StorageSlots DataPoints[StorageSlot] Transactions DataPoints[Transaction] }
type DataPoints ¶
type DataPoints[T any] struct { // Raw is the structured input data (receipts, txs, and slots). Raw []T // Toggles is a bitmap that toggles the effectiveness of each position of Raw. // len(Toggles) must equal len(Raw) Toggles []frontend.Variable }
func NewDataPoints ¶
func NewDataPoints[T any](maxCount int, newEmpty func() T) DataPoints[T]
func (DataPoints[T]) Clone ¶
func (dp DataPoints[T]) Clone() DataPoints[T]
type DataStream ¶
type DataStream[T CircuitVariable] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func Filter ¶
func Filter[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], predicate FilterFunc[T]) *DataStream[T]
Filter filters the data stream with the given predicate
func GroupBy ¶
func GroupBy[T, R CircuitVariable]( ds *DataStream[T], reducer ReduceFunc[T, R], reducerInit R, field GetValueFunc[T], maxUniqueGroupValuesOptional, ) (*DataStream[R], error)
GroupBy a given field (identified through the field func), call reducer on each group, and returns a data stream in which each element is an aggregation result of the group. The optional param maxUniqueGroupValuesOptional can be supplied to optimize performance. It assumes the worst case (all values in the data stream are unique) if no maxUniqueGroupValuesOptional is configured.
func Map ¶
func Map[T, R CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], mapFunc MapFunc[T, R]) *DataStream[R]
Map maps each valid element in the data stream by calling the user defined mapFunc
func NewDataStream ¶
func NewDataStream[T CircuitVariable](api *CircuitAPI, in DataPoints[T]) *DataStream[T]
func RangeUnderlying ¶
func RangeUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], start, end int) *DataStream[T]
RangeUnderlying selects a range of the data stream. Performed on the underlying data directly.
func WindowUnderlying ¶
func WindowUnderlying[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], size int, step *DataStream[List[T]]
WindowUnderlying splits a DataStream into many equal sized List. Performed on the underlying data directly. Panics if `size` does not divide the length of the underlying list. Use Range to cut the list length into a multiple of `size` first
func ZipMap2 ¶
func ZipMap2[T0, T1, R CircuitVariable]( a *DataStream[T0], b List[T1], zipFunc ZipMap2Func[T0, T1, R], ) *DataStream[R]
ZipMap2 zips a data stream with a list and apply the map function over the zipped data. The underlying toggles of the result data stream depends on the toggles from the source data stream. Panics if the underlying data lengths mismatch Example: ZipMap2([1,2,3], [4,5,6], mySumFunc) -> [5,7,9]
func ZipMap3 ¶
func ZipMap3[T0, T1, T2, R CircuitVariable]( a *DataStream[T0], b List[T1], c List[T2], zipFunc ZipMap3Func[T0, T1, T2, R], ) *DataStream[R]
ZipMap3 zips a data stream with two other lists and apply the map function over the zipped data. The underlying toggles of the result data stream depends on the toggles from the source data stream. Example: ZipMap3([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], mySumFunc) -> [12,15,18]
func (*DataStream[T]) Show ¶
func (ds *DataStream[T]) Show()
Show pretty prints the data stream. Useful for debugging.
type FilterFunc ¶
type FilterFunc[T CircuitVariable] func(current T) Uint248
FilterFunc must return 1/0 to include/exclude `current` in the filter result
type GatewayClient ¶
type GatewayClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGatewayClient ¶
func NewGatewayClient(url ...string) (*GatewayClient, error)
func (*GatewayClient) GetCircuitDummyInput ¶ added in v0.3.16
func (c *GatewayClient) GetCircuitDummyInput(req *gwproto.CircuitDummyInputRequest) (resp *gwproto.CircuitDummyInputResponse, err error)
func (*GatewayClient) GetQueryStatus ¶
func (c *GatewayClient) GetQueryStatus(req *gwproto.GetQueryStatusRequest) (resp *gwproto.GetQueryStatusResponse, err error)
func (*GatewayClient) PrepareQuery ¶
func (c *GatewayClient) PrepareQuery(req *gwproto.PrepareQueryRequest) (resp *gwproto.PrepareQueryResponse, err error)
func (*GatewayClient) SendBatchQueries ¶
func (c *GatewayClient) SendBatchQueries(req *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesRequest) (resp *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesResponse, err error)
func (*GatewayClient) SendBatchQueriesAsync ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (c *GatewayClient) SendBatchQueriesAsync(req *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesRequest) (resp *gwproto.SendBatchQueriesAsyncResponse, err error)
func (*GatewayClient) SubmitProof ¶
func (c *GatewayClient) SubmitProof(req *gwproto.SubmitAppCircuitProofRequest) (resp *gwproto.SubmitAppCircuitProofResponse, err error)
type GetValueFunc ¶
type Hash2HashDigestNode ¶
type HostCircuit ¶
type HostCircuit struct { Input CircuitInput Guest AppCircuit // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func DefaultHostCircuit ¶
func DefaultHostCircuit(app AppCircuit) *HostCircuit
func NewHostCircuit ¶
func NewHostCircuit(in CircuitInput, guest AppCircuit) *HostCircuit
type Int248 ¶
type Int248 struct { // Val encodes the entire int248 including the sign bit as a uint Val frontend.Variable // SignBit caches the sign bit signal. 0 if positive, 1 if negative. It could be // uninitialized. SignBit frontend.Variable // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ConstInt248 ¶
ConstInt248 initializes a constant Int248. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit. The input big int can be negative
func (Int248) FromValues ¶
func (v Int248) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Int248API ¶
type Int248API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Int248API) AssertIsDifferent ¶
AssertIsDifferent asserts a != b
func (*Int248API) AssertIsEqual ¶
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Int248API) FromBinary ¶
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to an Int248. The MSB (most significant bit) of the input is interpreted as the sign bit
func (*Int248API) IsGreaterThan ¶
IsGreaterThan returns 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Int248API) IsLessThan ¶
IsLessThan returns 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise
type List ¶
type List[T CircuitVariable] []T
func (List[T]) FromValues ¶
func (l List[T]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type LogField ¶
type LogField struct { // The contract from which the event is emitted Contract Uint248 // the log position in the receipt LogPos Uint32 // The event ID of the event to which the field belong (aka topics[0]) EventID Uint248 // Whether the field is a topic (aka "indexed" as in solidity events) IsTopic Uint248 // The index of the field. For example, if a field is the second topic of a log, then Index is 1; if a field is the // third field in the RLP decoded data, then Index is 2. Index Uint248 // The value of the field in event, aka the actual thing we care about, only 32-byte fixed length values are supported. Value Bytes32 }
LogField represents a single field of an event.
func (LogField) FromValues ¶
func (f LogField) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type LogFieldData ¶
type LogFieldData struct { // The contract from which the event is emitted // Optional value Contract common.Address `json:"contract,omitempty"` // The event ID of the event to which the field belong (aka topics[0]) // Optional value EventID common.Hash `json:"event_id,omitempty"` // the log's position in the receipt // Required value LogPos uint `json:"log_index,omitempty"` // Whether the field is a topic (aka "indexed" as in solidity events) // Required value IsTopic bool `json:"is_topic,omitempty"` // The index of the field in either a log's topics or data. For example, if a // field is the second topic of a log, then FieldIndex is 1; if a field is the // third field in the RLP decoded data, then FieldIndex is 2. // Required value FieldIndex uint `json:"field_index,omitempty"` // The value of the field in event, aka the actual thing we care about, only // 32-byte fixed length values are supported. // Optional value Value common.Hash `json:"value,omitempty"` }
type LogFieldPos ¶ added in v0.3.7
type LogFieldPos struct { // the log's position in the receipt LogPos uint `json:"log_index,omitempty"` // Whether the field is a topic (aka "indexed" as in solidity events) IsTopic bool `json:"is_topic,omitempty"` // The index of the field in either a log's topics or data. For example, if a // field is the second topic of a log, then FieldIndex is 1; if a field is the // third field in the RLP decoded data, then FieldIndex is 2. FieldIndex uint `json:"field_index,omitempty"` }
LogFieldPos represents a single field of an event.
type MapFunc ¶
type MapFunc[T, R CircuitVariable] func(current T) R
type OutputCommitment ¶
OutputCommitment represents the value of a keccak256 hash H in the form of {H[:16], H[16:]}
func (OutputCommitment) Hash ¶
func (c OutputCommitment) Hash() common.Hash
Hash returns the go hash representation of the commitment
type Plonky2DigestNode ¶
type Plonky2DigestNode struct { PubCircuitDigest *pgoldilocks.HashOut256 // in pub CurCircuitDigest *pgoldilocks.HashOut256 // in json IsLeafNode bool IsRecursionOfLeaf bool IsRecursionRecursionOfLeaf bool }
func GetPlonky2CircuitDigest ¶
func GetPlonky2CircuitDigest(receiptCount, storageCount, transactionCount int, hashInfo *BrevisHashInfo) (*Plonky2DigestNode, error)
type ProofWriter ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (*ProofWriter) Delete ¶ added in v0.3.1
func (p *ProofWriter) Delete(key []byte) error
type Receipt ¶
type Receipt struct { BlockNum Uint32 BlockBaseFee Uint248 MptKeyPath Uint32 Fields [NumMaxLogFields]LogField BlockTimestamp Uint248 }
Receipt is a collection of LogField.
func ConvertReceiptDataToReceipt ¶ added in v0.3.13
func ConvertReceiptDataToReceipt(r *ReceiptData) Receipt
func DefaultReceipt ¶
func DefaultReceipt() Receipt
func (Receipt) FromValues ¶
func (r Receipt) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
func (Receipt) GetOrderableMptKeyPath ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (r Receipt) GetOrderableMptKeyPath(api *CircuitAPI) Uint32
type ReceiptData ¶
type ReceiptData struct { TxHash common.Hash `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"` // Required value BlockNum *big.Int `json:"block_num,omitempty"` // Optional value BlockBaseFee *big.Int `json:"block_base_fee,omitempty"` // Optional value MptKeyPath *big.Int `json:"mpt_key_path,omitempty"` // Optional value Fields []LogFieldData `json:"fields,omitempty"` // required value BlockTimestamp uint64 `json:"block_timestamp,omitempty"` // Optional value }
type ReceiptPos ¶ added in v0.3.7
type ReceiptPos struct { TxHash common.Hash `json:"tx_hash,omitempty"` Fields []LogFieldPos `json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type ReduceFunc ¶
type ReduceFunc[T, R CircuitVariable] func(accumulator R, current T) (newAccumulator R)
type SortFunc ¶
type SortFunc[T CircuitVariable] func(a, b T) Uint248
SortFunc returns 1 if a, b are sorted, 0 if not.
type StorageData ¶
type StorageData struct { BlockNum *big.Int `json:"block_num,omitempty"` // Required value BlockBaseFee *big.Int `json:"block_base_fee,omitempty"` // Optional value Address common.Address `json:"address,omitempty"` // Required value Slot common.Hash `json:"slot,omitempty"` // Required value Value common.Hash `json:"value,omitempty"` // Optional value BlockTimestamp uint64 `json:"block_timestamp,omitempty"` // Optional value }
type StoragePos ¶ added in v0.3.7
type StorageSlot ¶
type StorageSlot struct { BlockNum Uint32 BlockBaseFee Uint248 // The contract to which the storage slot belong Contract Uint248 // The storage slot Slot Bytes32 // The storage slot value Value Bytes32 BlockTimestamp Uint248 }
func ConvertStorageDataToStorage ¶ added in v0.3.13
func ConvertStorageDataToStorage(data *StorageData) StorageSlot
func (StorageSlot) FromValues ¶
func (s StorageSlot) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
func (StorageSlot) GoPack ¶
func (s StorageSlot) GoPack() []*big.Int
func (StorageSlot) NumVars ¶
func (s StorageSlot) NumVars() uint32
func (StorageSlot) String ¶
func (s StorageSlot) String() string
func (StorageSlot) Values ¶
func (s StorageSlot) Values() []frontend.Variable
type SubmitProofOption ¶
type SubmitProofOption func(option *submitProofOptions)
func WithContext ¶
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) SubmitProofOption
WithContext uses the input context as the context for waiting for final proof submission
func WithFinalProofSubmittedCallback ¶
func WithFinalProofSubmittedCallback(onSubmitted func(txHash common.Hash), onError func(err error)) SubmitProofOption
WithFinalProofSubmittedCallback sets an async callback for final proof submission result
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct { // ChainId Uint248 BlockNum Uint32 BlockBaseFee Uint248 MptKeyPath Uint32 // Nonce Uint248 // GasTipCapOrGasPrice is GasPrice for legacy tx (type 0) and GasTipCapOap for // dynamic-fee tx (type 2) // GasTipCapOrGasPrice Uint248 // GasFeeCap is always 0 for legacy tx // GasFeeCap Uint248 // GasLimit Uint248 // From Uint248 // To Uint248 // Value Bytes32 LeafHash Bytes32 BlockTimestamp Uint248 }
TODO: Bring back detailed information when subproof expose corresponding data LeafHash: unsigned tx rlp keccak result
func ConvertTxDataToTransaction ¶ added in v0.3.13
func ConvertTxDataToTransaction(data *TransactionData) Transaction
func (Transaction) FromValues ¶
func (t Transaction) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
func (Transaction) GetOrderableMptKeyPath ¶ added in v0.3.25
func (t Transaction) GetOrderableMptKeyPath(api *CircuitAPI) Uint32
func (Transaction) GoPack ¶
func (t Transaction) GoPack() []*big.Int
func (Transaction) NumVars ¶
func (t Transaction) NumVars() uint32
func (Transaction) String ¶
func (t Transaction) String() string
func (Transaction) Values ¶
func (t Transaction) Values() []frontend.Variable
type TransactionData ¶
type TransactionData struct { Hash common.Hash `json:"hash,omitempty"` // Required value BlockNum *big.Int `json:"block_num,omitempty"` // Optional value BlockBaseFee *big.Int `json:"block_base_fee,omitempty"` // Optional value MptKeyPath *big.Int `json:"mpt_key_path,omitempty"` // Optional value LeafHash common.Hash `json:"leaf_hash,omitempty"` // Optional value BlockTimestamp uint64 `json:"block_timestamp,omitempty"` // Optional value }
type TransactionPos ¶ added in v0.3.7
type Tuple2 ¶
type Tuple2[F0, F1 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 }
func (Tuple2[F0, F1]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple2[F0, F1]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple3 ¶
type Tuple3[F0, F1, F2 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 }
func (Tuple3[F0, F1, F2]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple3[F0, F1, F2]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple4 ¶
type Tuple4[F0, F1, F2, F3 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 }
func (Tuple4[F0, F1, F2, F3]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple4[F0, F1, F2, F3]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple5 ¶
type Tuple5[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 }
func (Tuple5[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple5[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple6 ¶
type Tuple6[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 }
func (Tuple6[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple6[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple7 ¶
type Tuple7[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 F6 F6 }
func (Tuple7[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple7[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Tuple8 ¶
type Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7 CircuitVariable] struct { F0 F0 F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 F6 F6 F7 F7 }
func (Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) FromValues ¶
func (t Tuple8[F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7]) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Uint248 ¶
func ConstUint248 ¶
func ConstUint248(i interface{}) Uint248
ConstUint248 initializes a constant Uint248. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit. Supports all int and uint variants, bool, []byte (big-endian), *big.Int, and string inputs. If input is string, this function uses *big.Int SetString function to interpret the string
func Count ¶
func Count[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T]) Uint248
Count returns the number of valid elements (i.e. toggled on) in the data stream.
func IsSorted ¶
func IsSorted[T CircuitVariable](ds *DataStream[T], sortFunc SortFunc[T]) Uint248
IsSorted returns 1 if the data stream is sorted to the criteria of sortFunc, 0 if not.
func Max ¶
func Max(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
Max finds out the maximum value from the data stream. Uses MaxGeneric. Note if the data stream is empty (all data points are toggled off), this function returns 0.
func Mean ¶
func Mean(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
Mean calculates the arithmetic mean over the selected fields of the data stream. Uses Sum.
func Min ¶
func Min(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
Min finds out the minimum value from the data stream. Uses MinGeneric. Note if the data stream is empty (all data points are toggled off), this function returns MaxUint248.
func ParseEventID ¶
ParseEventID initializes a circuit Uint248 from bytes. Only the first 6 bytes of the event id is used to save space. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit.
func Sum ¶
func Sum(ds *DataStream[Uint248]) Uint248
Sum sums values of the selected field in the data stream. Uses Reduce
func (Uint248) FromValues ¶
func (v Uint248) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Uint248API ¶
type Uint248API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Uint248API) Add ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Add(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
Add returns a + b. Overflow can happen if a + b > 2^248
func (*Uint248API) And ¶
func (api *Uint248API) And(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
And returns 1 if a && b [&& other[0] [&& other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
func (*Uint248API) AssertIsDifferent ¶
func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsDifferent(a, b Uint248)
AssertIsDifferent asserts a != b
func (*Uint248API) AssertIsEqual ¶
func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint248)
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Uint248API) AssertIsLessOrEqual ¶
func (api *Uint248API) AssertIsLessOrEqual(a, b Uint248)
AssertIsLessOrEqual asserts a <= b
func (*Uint248API) Div ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Div(a, b Uint248) (quotient, remainder Uint248)
Div computes the standard unsigned integer division (like Go) and returns the quotient and remainder. Uses QuoRemHint
func (*Uint248API) FromBinary ¶
func (api *Uint248API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Uint248
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to a Uint248
func (*Uint248API) IsEqual ¶
func (api *Uint248API) IsEqual(a, b Uint248) Uint248
IsEqual returns 1 if a == b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint248API) IsGreaterThan ¶
func (api *Uint248API) IsGreaterThan(a, b Uint248) Uint248
IsGreaterThan returns 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint248API) IsLessThan ¶
func (api *Uint248API) IsLessThan(a, b Uint248) Uint248
IsLessThan returns 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint248API) IsZero ¶
func (api *Uint248API) IsZero(a Uint248) Uint248
IsZero returns 1 if a == 0, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint248API) Mul ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Mul(a, b Uint248) Uint248
Mul returns a * b. Overflow can happen if a * b > 2^248
func (*Uint248API) Not ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Not(a Uint248) Uint248
Not returns 1 if a is 0, and 0 if a is 1. The user must make sure a is either 0 or 1
func (*Uint248API) Or ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Or(a, b Uint248, other ...Uint248) Uint248
Or returns 1 if a || b [|| other[0] [|| other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
func (*Uint248API) Select ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Uint248) Uint248
Select returns a if s == 1, and b if s == 0
func (*Uint248API) Sqrt ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Sqrt(a Uint248) Uint248
Sqrt returns √a. Uses SqrtHint
func (*Uint248API) Sub ¶
func (api *Uint248API) Sub(a, b Uint248) Uint248
Sub returns a - b. Underflow can happen if b > a
type Uint32 ¶
func ConstUint32 ¶
func ConstUint32(i interface{}) Uint32
ConstUint32 initializes a constant Uint32. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit. Supports all int and uint variants, bool, []byte (big-endian), *big.Int, and string inputs. If input is string, this function uses *big.Int SetString function to interpret the string
func (Uint32) FromValues ¶
func (v Uint32) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Uint32API ¶
type Uint32API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Uint32API) And ¶
And returns 1 if a && b [&& other[0] [&& other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
func (*Uint32API) AssertIsDifferent ¶
AssertIsDifferent asserts a != b
func (*Uint32API) AssertIsEqual ¶
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Uint32API) Div ¶
Div computes the standard unsigned integer division (like Go) and returns the quotient and remainder. Uses QuoRemHint Note: The caller must ensure that a and b are in range (i.e. that a.Val and b.Val are at most 32 bits wide).
func (*Uint32API) FromBinary ¶
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to a Uint32
func (*Uint32API) IsGreaterThan ¶
IsGreaterThan returns 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint32API) IsLessThan ¶
IsLessThan returns 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint32API) Not ¶
Not returns 1 if a is 0, and 0 if a is 1. The user must make sure a is either 0 or 1
func (*Uint32API) Or ¶
Or returns 1 if a || b [|| other[0] [|| other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
type Uint521 ¶
type Uint521 struct { *emulated.Element[Uint521Field] }
func ConstUint521 ¶
func ConstUint521(i interface{}) Uint521
ConstUint521 initializes a constant Uint521. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit. Supports all int and uint variants, bool, []byte (big-endian), *big.Int, and string inputs. If input is string, this function uses *big.Int SetString function to interpret the string
func (Uint521) FromValues ¶
func (v Uint521) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Uint521API ¶
type Uint521API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Uint521API) Add ¶
func (api *Uint521API) Add(a, b Uint521) Uint521
Add returns a + b. The result is reduced by modulo 2^521 - 1.
func (*Uint521API) AssertIsEqual ¶
func (api *Uint521API) AssertIsEqual(a, b Uint521)
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Uint521API) AssertIsLessOrEqual ¶
func (api *Uint521API) AssertIsLessOrEqual(a, b Uint521)
AssertIsLessOrEqual asserts a <= b
func (*Uint521API) FromBinary ¶
func (api *Uint521API) FromBinary(vs ...Uint248) Uint521
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to a Uint521
func (*Uint521API) IsEqual ¶
func (api *Uint521API) IsEqual(a, b Uint521) Uint248
IsEqual returns 1 if a == b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint521API) Mul ¶
func (api *Uint521API) Mul(a, b Uint521) Uint521
Mul returns a * b. The result is reduced by modulo 2^521 - 1.
func (*Uint521API) Select ¶
func (api *Uint521API) Select(s Uint248, a, b Uint521) Uint521
Select returns a if s == 1, and b if s == 0
func (*Uint521API) Sub ¶
func (api *Uint521API) Sub(a, b Uint521) Uint521
Sub returns a - b. Underflow can happen if b > a
type Uint521Field ¶
type Uint521Field struct{}
func (Uint521Field) BitsPerLimb ¶
func (f Uint521Field) BitsPerLimb() uint
func (Uint521Field) IsPrime ¶
func (f Uint521Field) IsPrime() bool
func (Uint521Field) Modulus ¶
func (f Uint521Field) Modulus() *big.Int
func (Uint521Field) NbLimbs ¶
func (f Uint521Field) NbLimbs() uint
type Uint64 ¶
func ConstUint64 ¶
func ConstUint64(i interface{}) Uint64
ConstUint64 initializes a constant Uint64. This function does not generate circuit wires and should only be used outside of circuit. Supports all int and uint variants, bool, []byte (big-endian), *big.Int, and string inputs. If input is string, this function uses *big.Int SetString function to interpret the string
func (Uint64) FromValues ¶
func (v Uint64) FromValues(vs ...frontend.Variable) CircuitVariable
type Uint64API ¶
type Uint64API struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Uint64API) And ¶
And returns 1 if a && b [&& other[0] [&& other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
func (*Uint64API) AssertIsDifferent ¶
AssertIsDifferent asserts a != b
func (*Uint64API) AssertIsEqual ¶
AssertIsEqual asserts a == b
func (*Uint64API) Div ¶
Div computes the standard unsigned integer division (like Go) and returns the quotient and remainder. Uses QuoRemHint Note: The caller must ensure that a and b are in range (i.e. that a.Val and b.Val are at most 64 bits wide).
func (*Uint64API) FromBinary ¶
FromBinary interprets the input vs as a list of little-endian binary digits and recomposes it to a Uint64
func (*Uint64API) IsGreaterThan ¶
IsGreaterThan returns 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint64API) IsLessThan ¶
IsLessThan returns 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise
func (*Uint64API) Not ¶
Not returns 1 if a is 0, and 0 if a is 1. The user must make sure a is either 0 or 1
func (*Uint64API) Or ¶
Or returns 1 if a || b [|| other[0] [|| other[1]...]] is true, and 0 otherwise a, b and other... must be 0 or 1
type ZipMap2Func ¶
type ZipMap2Func[T0, T1, R CircuitVariable] func(a T0, b T1) R
type ZipMap3Func ¶
type ZipMap3Func[T0, T1, T2, R CircuitVariable] func(a T0, b T1, c T2) R