make benchmark
Start insolard
./scripts/insolard/ -g
Start benchmark
./bin/benchmark -c=4 -r=25 -k=.artifacts/launchnet/configs/
or you can run benchmark with
If true, just check balance of every object from file and don't run any scenario. Default is false.
If true, just check balance of every ordinary member from file, (without general entities), and don't run any scenario. Default is false.
If true, check total balance of members from file and don't run any scenario. Default is false.
-c concurrency
Number of concurrent users. Default is one.
-r repetitions
Number of repetitions for one user. Default is one.
-o output
Path to output file (use - for STDOUT).
-k rootmemberkeys
Path to file with RootMember keys.
-a adminapiurl (may be specified multiple times for roundrobin requests)
API url for requests (default - http://localhost:19001/admin-api/rpc).
-p publicapiurl (may be specified multiple times for roundrobin requests)
API url for requests (default - http://localhost:19101/api/rpc).
-l loglevel
Log level (default - info).
-s savemembers
Saves members to file .artifacts/bench-members/members.txt (file can be change with members-file option).
If false, file wont be updated. Default is false.
If nocheckbalance set to false, and run was successful, balances in file will be updated after scenario.
-m usemembers
Use members from file .artifacts/bench-members/members.txt (file can be change with members-file option).
If false, wright info about created members in this file. Default is false.
If nocheckbalance set to false, and run was successful, balances in file will be updated after scenario.
Path to file for saving members data
-b nocheckbalance
If true, don't check balance at the start/end of transfers. Default is false.
If false, and savemembers or usemembers provided, and run was successful, balances in file will be updated after scenario.
-t scenarioname
Name of scenario. Default scenario is transfer scenario.
You can choose "createMember" for create member scenario.
You can choose "migration" for migration scenario.
You can choose "transferTwoSides" for two sides transfer scenario.
Launchnet logs dir for checking errors