Index ¶
- func GetTestNetwork() core.Network
- type ClaimQueueMock
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Finish()
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Front() (r packets.ReferendumClaim)
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Length() (r int)
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Pop() (r packets.ReferendumClaim)
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type ConsensusNetworkMock
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Finish()
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeID() (r core.RecordRef)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder() (r network.RequestBuilder)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddress() (r string)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler(p types.PacketType, p1 network.ConsensusRequestHandler)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequest(p network.Request, p1 core.RecordRef) (r error)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Start(p context.Context)
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Stop()
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type ConsensusNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams
- type ConsensusNetworkMockSendRequestParams
- type ConsensusNetworkMockStartParams
- type HostNetworkMock
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponse(p network.Request, p1 interface{}) (r network.Response)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) Finish()
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeID() (r core.RecordRef)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder() (r network.RequestBuilder)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddress() (r string)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler(p types.PacketType, p1 network.RequestHandler)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequest(p network.Request, p1 core.RecordRef) (r network.Future, r1 error)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) Start(p context.Context)
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) Stop()
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *HostNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type HostNetworkMockBuildResponseParams
- type HostNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams
- type HostNetworkMockSendRequestParams
- type HostNetworkMockStartParams
- type NodeKeeperMock
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodes(p []core.Node)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaim(p packets.ReferendumClaim) (r bool)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Finish()
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNode(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortID(p core.ShortNodeID) (r core.Node)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodes() (r []core.Node)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRole(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueue() (r network.ClaimQueue)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHash() (r []byte)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOrigin() (r core.Node)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaim() (r *packets.NodeJoinClaim)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncList(p int) (r network.UnsyncList)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetState() (r network.NodeKeeperState)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncList() (r network.UnsyncList)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActive()
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse() (r bool)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHash(p []byte)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaim(p *packets.NodeJoinClaim)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetState(p network.NodeKeeperState)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Sync(p network.UnsyncList)
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type NodeKeeperMockAddActiveNodesParams
- type NodeKeeperMockAddPendingClaimParams
- type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeByShortIDParams
- type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeParams
- type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams
- type NodeKeeperMockGetSparseUnsyncListParams
- type NodeKeeperMockSetCloudHashParams
- type NodeKeeperMockSetOriginClaimParams
- type NodeKeeperMockSetStateParams
- type NodeKeeperMockSyncParams
- type NodeMock
- func (m *NodeMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *NodeMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *NodeMock) Finish()
- func (m *NodeMock) ID() (r core.RecordRef)
- func (m *NodeMock) IDMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) IDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *NodeMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *NodeMock) PhysicalAddress() (r string)
- func (m *NodeMock) PhysicalAddressMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) PhysicalAddressMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) PublicKey() (r crypto.PublicKey)
- func (m *NodeMock) PublicKeyMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) PublicKeyMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) Pulse() (r core.PulseNumber)
- func (m *NodeMock) PulseMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) PulseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) Role() (r core.StaticRole)
- func (m *NodeMock) RoleMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) RoleMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) Roles() (r []core.StaticRole)
- func (m *NodeMock) RolesMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) RolesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) ShortID() (r core.ShortNodeID)
- func (m *NodeMock) ShortIDMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) ShortIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *NodeMock) Version() (r string)
- func (m *NodeMock) VersionMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) VersionMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type NodeNetworkMock
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) Finish()
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNode(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodes() (r []core.Node)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRole(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHash() (r []byte)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOrigin() (r core.Node)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *NodeNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodeParams
- type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams
- type PulseHandlerMock
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) Finish()
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulse(p context.Context, p1 core.Pulse)
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *PulseHandlerMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type PulseHandlerMockHandlePulseParams
- type UnsyncListMock
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaims(p core.RecordRef, p1 []packets.ReferendumClaim)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHash() (r []byte, r1 error)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) CheckMocksCalled()
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) Finish()
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRef(p int) (r core.RecordRef, r1 error)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) Length() (r int)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) MinimockFinish()
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndex(p core.RecordRef) (r int, r1 error)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaims(p core.RecordRef)
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockPreCounter() uint64
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) ValidateCallCounters()
- func (m *UnsyncListMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
- type UnsyncListMockAddClaimsParams
- type UnsyncListMockIndexToRefParams
- type UnsyncListMockRefToIndexParams
- type UnsyncListMockRemoveClaimsParams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetTestNetwork ¶
Types ¶
type ClaimQueueMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ClaimQueueMock struct { FrontFunc func() (r packets.ReferendumClaim) FrontCounter uint64 FrontPreCounter uint64 FrontMock mClaimQueueMockFront LengthFunc func() (r int) LengthCounter uint64 LengthPreCounter uint64 LengthMock mClaimQueueMockLength PopFunc func() (r packets.ReferendumClaim) PopCounter uint64 PopPreCounter uint64 PopMock mClaimQueueMockPop // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClaimQueueMock implements
func NewClaimQueueMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewClaimQueueMock(t minimock.Tester) *ClaimQueueMock
NewClaimQueueMock returns a mock for
func (*ClaimQueueMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*ClaimQueueMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ClaimQueueMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ClaimQueueMock) Front ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Front() (r packets.ReferendumClaim)
Front implements interface
func (*ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockCounter() uint64
FrontMinimockCounter returns a count of ClaimQueueMock.FrontFunc invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) FrontMinimockPreCounter() uint64
FrontMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ClaimQueueMock.Front invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) Length ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Length() (r int)
Length implements interface
func (*ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockCounter() uint64
LengthMinimockCounter returns a count of ClaimQueueMock.LengthFunc invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter() uint64
LengthMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ClaimQueueMock.Length invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*ClaimQueueMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*ClaimQueueMock) Pop ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Pop() (r packets.ReferendumClaim)
Pop implements interface
func (*ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockCounter() uint64
PopMinimockCounter returns a count of ClaimQueueMock.PopFunc invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) PopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
PopMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ClaimQueueMock.Pop invocations
func (*ClaimQueueMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ClaimQueueMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ClaimQueueMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type ConsensusNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ConsensusNetworkMock struct { GetNodeIDFunc func() (r core.RecordRef) GetNodeIDCounter uint64 GetNodeIDPreCounter uint64 GetNodeIDMock mConsensusNetworkMockGetNodeID NewRequestBuilderFunc func() (r network.RequestBuilder) NewRequestBuilderCounter uint64 NewRequestBuilderPreCounter uint64 NewRequestBuilderMock mConsensusNetworkMockNewRequestBuilder PublicAddressFunc func() (r string) PublicAddressCounter uint64 PublicAddressPreCounter uint64 PublicAddressMock mConsensusNetworkMockPublicAddress RegisterRequestHandlerFunc func(p types.PacketType, p1 network.ConsensusRequestHandler) RegisterRequestHandlerCounter uint64 RegisterRequestHandlerPreCounter uint64 RegisterRequestHandlerMock mConsensusNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandler SendRequestFunc func(p network.Request, p1 core.RecordRef) (r error) SendRequestCounter uint64 SendRequestPreCounter uint64 SendRequestMock mConsensusNetworkMockSendRequest StartFunc func(p context.Context) StartCounter uint64 StartPreCounter uint64 StartMock mConsensusNetworkMockStart StopFunc func() StopCounter uint64 StopPreCounter uint64 StopMock mConsensusNetworkMockStop // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConsensusNetworkMock implements
func NewConsensusNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewConsensusNetworkMock(t minimock.Tester) *ConsensusNetworkMock
NewConsensusNetworkMock returns a mock for
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeID ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeID() (r core.RecordRef)
GetNodeID implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter() uint64
GetNodeIDMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.GetNodeIDFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.GetNodeID invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder() (r network.RequestBuilder)
NewRequestBuilder implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter() uint64
NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.NewRequestBuilderFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter() uint64
NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.NewRequestBuilder invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddress ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddress() (r string)
PublicAddress implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter() uint64
PublicAddressMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.PublicAddressFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter() uint64
PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.PublicAddress invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler(p types.PacketType, p1 network.ConsensusRequestHandler)
RegisterRequestHandler implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter() uint64
RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.RegisterRequestHandlerFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter() uint64
RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.RegisterRequestHandler invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequest ¶ added in v0.6.3
SendRequest implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter() uint64
SendRequestMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.SendRequestFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SendRequestMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.SendRequest invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) Start ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Start(p context.Context)
Start implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter() uint64
StartMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.StartFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter() uint64
StartMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.Start invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) Stop ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Stop()
Stop implements interface
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter() uint64
StopMinimockCounter returns a count of ConsensusNetworkMock.StopFunc invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
StopMinimockPreCounter returns the value of ConsensusNetworkMock.Stop invocations
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*ConsensusNetworkMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *ConsensusNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type ConsensusNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ConsensusNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsensusNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams represents input parameters of the ConsensusNetwork.RegisterRequestHandler
type ConsensusNetworkMockSendRequestParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ConsensusNetworkMockSendRequestParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsensusNetworkMockSendRequestParams represents input parameters of the ConsensusNetwork.SendRequest
type ConsensusNetworkMockStartParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type ConsensusNetworkMockStartParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ConsensusNetworkMockStartParams represents input parameters of the ConsensusNetwork.Start
type HostNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type HostNetworkMock struct { BuildResponseFunc func(p network.Request, p1 interface{}) (r network.Response) BuildResponseCounter uint64 BuildResponsePreCounter uint64 BuildResponseMock mHostNetworkMockBuildResponse GetNodeIDFunc func() (r core.RecordRef) GetNodeIDCounter uint64 GetNodeIDPreCounter uint64 GetNodeIDMock mHostNetworkMockGetNodeID NewRequestBuilderFunc func() (r network.RequestBuilder) NewRequestBuilderCounter uint64 NewRequestBuilderPreCounter uint64 NewRequestBuilderMock mHostNetworkMockNewRequestBuilder PublicAddressFunc func() (r string) PublicAddressCounter uint64 PublicAddressPreCounter uint64 PublicAddressMock mHostNetworkMockPublicAddress RegisterRequestHandlerFunc func(p types.PacketType, p1 network.RequestHandler) RegisterRequestHandlerCounter uint64 RegisterRequestHandlerPreCounter uint64 RegisterRequestHandlerMock mHostNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandler SendRequestFunc func(p network.Request, p1 core.RecordRef) (r network.Future, r1 error) SendRequestCounter uint64 SendRequestPreCounter uint64 SendRequestMock mHostNetworkMockSendRequest StartFunc func(p context.Context) StartCounter uint64 StartPreCounter uint64 StartMock mHostNetworkMockStart StopFunc func() StopCounter uint64 StopPreCounter uint64 StopMock mHostNetworkMockStop // contains filtered or unexported fields }
HostNetworkMock implements
func NewHostNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewHostNetworkMock(t minimock.Tester) *HostNetworkMock
NewHostNetworkMock returns a mock for
func (*HostNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*HostNetworkMock) BuildResponse ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponse(p network.Request, p1 interface{}) (r network.Response)
BuildResponse implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockCounter() uint64
BuildResponseMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.BuildResponseFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) BuildResponseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
BuildResponseMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.BuildResponse invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*HostNetworkMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*HostNetworkMock) GetNodeID ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeID() (r core.RecordRef)
GetNodeID implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockCounter() uint64
GetNodeIDMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.GetNodeIDFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetNodeIDMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.GetNodeID invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*HostNetworkMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilder() (r network.RequestBuilder)
NewRequestBuilder implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter() uint64
NewRequestBuilderMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.NewRequestBuilderFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter() uint64
NewRequestBuilderMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.NewRequestBuilder invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) PublicAddress ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddress() (r string)
PublicAddress implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockCounter() uint64
PublicAddressMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.PublicAddressFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter() uint64
PublicAddressMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.PublicAddress invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandler(p types.PacketType, p1 network.RequestHandler)
RegisterRequestHandler implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter() uint64
RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.RegisterRequestHandlerFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter() uint64
RegisterRequestHandlerMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.RegisterRequestHandler invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) SendRequest ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequest(p network.Request, p1 core.RecordRef) (r network.Future, r1 error)
SendRequest implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockCounter() uint64
SendRequestMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.SendRequestFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) SendRequestMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SendRequestMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.SendRequest invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) Start ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) Start(p context.Context)
Start implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockCounter() uint64
StartMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.StartFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) StartMinimockPreCounter() uint64
StartMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.Start invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) Stop ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) Stop()
Stop implements interface
func (*HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockCounter() uint64
StopMinimockCounter returns a count of HostNetworkMock.StopFunc invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) StopMinimockPreCounter() uint64
StopMinimockPreCounter returns the value of HostNetworkMock.Stop invocations
func (*HostNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*HostNetworkMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *HostNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type HostNetworkMockBuildResponseParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type HostNetworkMockBuildResponseParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HostNetworkMockBuildResponseParams represents input parameters of the HostNetwork.BuildResponse
type HostNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type HostNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HostNetworkMockRegisterRequestHandlerParams represents input parameters of the HostNetwork.RegisterRequestHandler
type HostNetworkMockSendRequestParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type HostNetworkMockSendRequestParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HostNetworkMockSendRequestParams represents input parameters of the HostNetwork.SendRequest
type HostNetworkMockStartParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type HostNetworkMockStartParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HostNetworkMockStartParams represents input parameters of the HostNetwork.Start
type NodeKeeperMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMock struct { AddActiveNodesFunc func(p []core.Node) AddActiveNodesCounter uint64 AddActiveNodesPreCounter uint64 AddActiveNodesMock mNodeKeeperMockAddActiveNodes AddPendingClaimFunc func(p packets.ReferendumClaim) (r bool) AddPendingClaimCounter uint64 AddPendingClaimPreCounter uint64 AddPendingClaimMock mNodeKeeperMockAddPendingClaim GetActiveNodeFunc func(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node) GetActiveNodeCounter uint64 GetActiveNodePreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodeMock mNodeKeeperMockGetActiveNode GetActiveNodeByShortIDFunc func(p core.ShortNodeID) (r core.Node) GetActiveNodeByShortIDCounter uint64 GetActiveNodeByShortIDPreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodeByShortIDMock mNodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeByShortID GetActiveNodesFunc func() (r []core.Node) GetActiveNodesCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesPreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesMock mNodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodes GetActiveNodesByRoleFunc func(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef) GetActiveNodesByRoleCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesByRolePreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesByRoleMock mNodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodesByRole GetClaimQueueFunc func() (r network.ClaimQueue) GetClaimQueueCounter uint64 GetClaimQueuePreCounter uint64 GetClaimQueueMock mNodeKeeperMockGetClaimQueue GetCloudHashFunc func() (r []byte) GetCloudHashCounter uint64 GetCloudHashPreCounter uint64 GetCloudHashMock mNodeKeeperMockGetCloudHash GetOriginFunc func() (r core.Node) GetOriginCounter uint64 GetOriginPreCounter uint64 GetOriginMock mNodeKeeperMockGetOrigin GetOriginClaimFunc func() (r *packets.NodeJoinClaim) GetOriginClaimCounter uint64 GetOriginClaimPreCounter uint64 GetOriginClaimMock mNodeKeeperMockGetOriginClaim GetSparseUnsyncListFunc func(p int) (r network.UnsyncList) GetSparseUnsyncListCounter uint64 GetSparseUnsyncListPreCounter uint64 GetSparseUnsyncListMock mNodeKeeperMockGetSparseUnsyncList GetStateFunc func() (r network.NodeKeeperState) GetStateCounter uint64 GetStatePreCounter uint64 GetStateMock mNodeKeeperMockGetState GetUnsyncListFunc func() (r network.UnsyncList) GetUnsyncListCounter uint64 GetUnsyncListPreCounter uint64 GetUnsyncListMock mNodeKeeperMockGetUnsyncList MoveSyncToActiveFunc func() MoveSyncToActiveCounter uint64 MoveSyncToActivePreCounter uint64 MoveSyncToActiveMock mNodeKeeperMockMoveSyncToActive NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseFunc func() (r bool) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseCounter uint64 NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulsePreCounter uint64 NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMock mNodeKeeperMockNodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse SetCloudHashFunc func(p []byte) SetCloudHashCounter uint64 SetCloudHashPreCounter uint64 SetCloudHashMock mNodeKeeperMockSetCloudHash SetOriginClaimFunc func(p *packets.NodeJoinClaim) SetOriginClaimCounter uint64 SetOriginClaimPreCounter uint64 SetOriginClaimMock mNodeKeeperMockSetOriginClaim SetStateFunc func(p network.NodeKeeperState) SetStateCounter uint64 SetStatePreCounter uint64 SetStateMock mNodeKeeperMockSetState SyncFunc func(p network.UnsyncList) SyncCounter uint64 SyncPreCounter uint64 SyncMock mNodeKeeperMockSync // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NodeKeeperMock implements
func NewNodeKeeperMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewNodeKeeperMock(t minimock.Tester) *NodeKeeperMock
NewNodeKeeperMock returns a mock for
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodes ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodes(p []core.Node)
AddActiveNodes implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
AddActiveNodesMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.AddActiveNodesFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
AddActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.AddActiveNodes invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaim ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaim(p packets.ReferendumClaim) (r bool)
AddPendingClaim implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
AddPendingClaimMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.AddPendingClaimFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AddPendingClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
AddPendingClaimMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.AddPendingClaim invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*NodeKeeperMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeKeeperMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNode ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNode(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node)
GetActiveNode implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortID ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortID(p core.ShortNodeID) (r core.Node)
GetActiveNodeByShortID implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodeByShortIDFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeByShortIDMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodeByShortID invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodeFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNode invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodes ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodes() (r []core.Node)
GetActiveNodes implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRole ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRole(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef)
GetActiveNodesByRole implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodesByRoleFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodesByRole invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodesFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetActiveNodes invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueue ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueue() (r network.ClaimQueue)
GetClaimQueue implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockCounter() uint64
GetClaimQueueMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetClaimQueueFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetClaimQueueMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetClaimQueueMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetClaimQueue invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHash ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHash() (r []byte)
GetCloudHash implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
GetCloudHashMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetCloudHashFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetCloudHash invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOrigin ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOrigin() (r core.Node)
GetOrigin implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaim ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaim() (r *packets.NodeJoinClaim)
GetOriginClaim implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
GetOriginClaimMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetOriginClaimFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetOriginClaim invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter() uint64
GetOriginMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetOriginFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetOriginMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetOrigin invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncList ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncList(p int) (r network.UnsyncList)
GetSparseUnsyncList implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockCounter() uint64
GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetSparseUnsyncListFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetSparseUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetSparseUnsyncList invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetState ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetState() (r network.NodeKeeperState)
GetState implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockCounter() uint64
GetStateMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetStateFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetStateMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetStateMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetState invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncList ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncList() (r network.UnsyncList)
GetUnsyncList implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockCounter() uint64
GetUnsyncListMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.GetUnsyncListFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) GetUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetUnsyncListMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.GetUnsyncList invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*NodeKeeperMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActive ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActive()
MoveSyncToActive implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockCounter() uint64
MoveSyncToActiveMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.MoveSyncToActiveFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) MoveSyncToActiveMinimockPreCounter() uint64
MoveSyncToActiveMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.MoveSyncToActive invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse() (r bool)
NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockCounter() uint64
NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulseMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.NodesJoinedDuringPreviousPulse invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHash ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHash(p []byte)
SetCloudHash implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
SetCloudHashMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.SetCloudHashFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.SetCloudHash invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaim ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaim(p *packets.NodeJoinClaim)
SetOriginClaim implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockCounter() uint64
SetOriginClaimMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.SetOriginClaimFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SetOriginClaimMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.SetOriginClaim invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetState ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetState(p network.NodeKeeperState)
SetState implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockCounter() uint64
SetStateMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.SetStateFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SetStateMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SetStateMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.SetState invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) Sync ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Sync(p network.UnsyncList)
Sync implements interface
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockCounter() uint64
SyncMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeKeeperMock.SyncFunc invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) SyncMinimockPreCounter() uint64
SyncMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeKeeperMock.Sync invocations
func (*NodeKeeperMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeKeeperMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeKeeperMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type NodeKeeperMockAddActiveNodesParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockAddActiveNodesParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockAddActiveNodesParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.AddActiveNodes
type NodeKeeperMockAddPendingClaimParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockAddPendingClaimParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockAddPendingClaimParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.AddPendingClaim
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeByShortIDParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeByShortIDParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeByShortIDParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.GetActiveNodeByShortID
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodeParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.GetActiveNode
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.GetActiveNodesByRole
type NodeKeeperMockGetSparseUnsyncListParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockGetSparseUnsyncListParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockGetSparseUnsyncListParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.GetSparseUnsyncList
type NodeKeeperMockSetCloudHashParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockSetCloudHashParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockSetCloudHashParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.SetCloudHash
type NodeKeeperMockSetOriginClaimParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockSetOriginClaimParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockSetOriginClaimParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.SetOriginClaim
type NodeKeeperMockSetStateParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockSetStateParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockSetStateParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.SetState
type NodeKeeperMockSyncParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeKeeperMockSyncParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeKeeperMockSyncParams represents input parameters of the NodeKeeper.Sync
type NodeMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeMock struct { IDFunc func() (r core.RecordRef) IDCounter uint64 IDPreCounter uint64 IDMock mNodeMockID PhysicalAddressFunc func() (r string) PhysicalAddressCounter uint64 PhysicalAddressPreCounter uint64 PhysicalAddressMock mNodeMockPhysicalAddress PublicKeyFunc func() (r crypto.PublicKey) PublicKeyCounter uint64 PublicKeyPreCounter uint64 PublicKeyMock mNodeMockPublicKey PulseFunc func() (r core.PulseNumber) PulseCounter uint64 PulsePreCounter uint64 PulseMock mNodeMockPulse RoleFunc func() (r core.StaticRole) RoleCounter uint64 RolePreCounter uint64 RoleMock mNodeMockRole RolesFunc func() (r []core.StaticRole) RolesCounter uint64 RolesPreCounter uint64 RolesMock mNodeMockRoles ShortIDFunc func() (r core.ShortNodeID) ShortIDCounter uint64 ShortIDPreCounter uint64 ShortIDMock mNodeMockShortID VersionFunc func() (r string) VersionCounter uint64 VersionPreCounter uint64 VersionMock mNodeMockVersion // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NodeMock implements
func NewNodeMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
NewNodeMock returns a mock for
func (*NodeMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*NodeMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeMock) IDMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
IDMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.IDFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) IDMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
IDMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.ID invocations
func (*NodeMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*NodeMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*NodeMock) PhysicalAddress ¶ added in v0.6.3
PhysicalAddress implements interface
func (*NodeMock) PhysicalAddressMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PhysicalAddressMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.PhysicalAddressFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) PhysicalAddressMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PhysicalAddressMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.PhysicalAddress invocations
func (*NodeMock) PublicKey ¶ added in v0.6.3
PublicKey implements interface
func (*NodeMock) PublicKeyMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PublicKeyMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.PublicKeyFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) PublicKeyMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PublicKeyMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.PublicKey invocations
func (*NodeMock) Pulse ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) Pulse() (r core.PulseNumber)
Pulse implements interface
func (*NodeMock) PulseMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PulseMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.PulseFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) PulseMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
PulseMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.Pulse invocations
func (*NodeMock) Role ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) Role() (r core.StaticRole)
Role implements interface
func (*NodeMock) RoleMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
RoleMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.RoleFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) RoleMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
RoleMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.Role invocations
func (*NodeMock) Roles ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) Roles() (r []core.StaticRole)
Roles implements interface
func (*NodeMock) RolesMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
RolesMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.RolesFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) RolesMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
RolesMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.Roles invocations
func (*NodeMock) ShortID ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) ShortID() (r core.ShortNodeID)
ShortID implements interface
func (*NodeMock) ShortIDMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
ShortIDMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.ShortIDFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) ShortIDMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
ShortIDMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.ShortID invocations
func (*NodeMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeMock) Version ¶ added in v0.6.3
Version implements interface
func (*NodeMock) VersionMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
VersionMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeMock.VersionFunc invocations
func (*NodeMock) VersionMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
VersionMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeMock.Version invocations
type NodeNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeNetworkMock struct { GetActiveNodeFunc func(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node) GetActiveNodeCounter uint64 GetActiveNodePreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodeMock mNodeNetworkMockGetActiveNode GetActiveNodesFunc func() (r []core.Node) GetActiveNodesCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesPreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesMock mNodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodes GetActiveNodesByRoleFunc func(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef) GetActiveNodesByRoleCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesByRolePreCounter uint64 GetActiveNodesByRoleMock mNodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodesByRole GetCloudHashFunc func() (r []byte) GetCloudHashCounter uint64 GetCloudHashPreCounter uint64 GetCloudHashMock mNodeNetworkMockGetCloudHash GetOriginFunc func() (r core.Node) GetOriginCounter uint64 GetOriginPreCounter uint64 GetOriginMock mNodeNetworkMockGetOrigin // contains filtered or unexported fields }
NodeNetworkMock implements
func NewNodeNetworkMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewNodeNetworkMock(t minimock.Tester) *NodeNetworkMock
NewNodeNetworkMock returns a mock for
func (*NodeNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*NodeNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeNetworkMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNode ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNode(p core.RecordRef) (r core.Node)
GetActiveNode implements interface
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNodeFunc invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodeMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNode invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodes ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodes() (r []core.Node)
GetActiveNodes implements interface
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRole ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRole(p core.DynamicRole) (r []core.RecordRef)
GetActiveNodesByRole implements interface
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNodesByRoleFunc invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesByRoleMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNodesByRole invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNodesFunc invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetActiveNodesMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeNetworkMock.GetActiveNodes invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHash ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHash() (r []byte)
GetCloudHash implements interface
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockCounter() uint64
GetCloudHashMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeNetworkMock.GetCloudHashFunc invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetCloudHashMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeNetworkMock.GetCloudHash invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetOrigin ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOrigin() (r core.Node)
GetOrigin implements interface
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockCounter() uint64
GetOriginMinimockCounter returns a count of NodeNetworkMock.GetOriginFunc invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) GetOriginMinimockPreCounter() uint64
GetOriginMinimockPreCounter returns the value of NodeNetworkMock.GetOrigin invocations
func (*NodeNetworkMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*NodeNetworkMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*NodeNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*NodeNetworkMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *NodeNetworkMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodeParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodeParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodeParams represents input parameters of the NodeNetwork.GetActiveNode
type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NodeNetworkMockGetActiveNodesByRoleParams represents input parameters of the NodeNetwork.GetActiveNodesByRole
type PulseHandlerMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type PulseHandlerMock struct { HandlePulseFunc func(p context.Context, p1 core.Pulse) HandlePulseCounter uint64 HandlePulsePreCounter uint64 HandlePulseMock mPulseHandlerMockHandlePulse // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PulseHandlerMock implements
func NewPulseHandlerMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewPulseHandlerMock(t minimock.Tester) *PulseHandlerMock
NewPulseHandlerMock returns a mock for
func (*PulseHandlerMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*PulseHandlerMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*PulseHandlerMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulse ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulse(p context.Context, p1 core.Pulse)
HandlePulse implements interface
func (*PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockCounter() uint64
HandlePulseMinimockCounter returns a count of PulseHandlerMock.HandlePulseFunc invocations
func (*PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) HandlePulseMinimockPreCounter() uint64
HandlePulseMinimockPreCounter returns the value of PulseHandlerMock.HandlePulse invocations
func (*PulseHandlerMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*PulseHandlerMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*PulseHandlerMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*PulseHandlerMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *PulseHandlerMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type PulseHandlerMockHandlePulseParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type PulseHandlerMockHandlePulseParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PulseHandlerMockHandlePulseParams represents input parameters of the PulseHandler.HandlePulse
type UnsyncListMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
type UnsyncListMock struct { AddClaimsFunc func(p core.RecordRef, p1 []packets.ReferendumClaim) AddClaimsCounter uint64 AddClaimsPreCounter uint64 AddClaimsMock mUnsyncListMockAddClaims CalculateHashFunc func() (r []byte, r1 error) CalculateHashCounter uint64 CalculateHashPreCounter uint64 CalculateHashMock mUnsyncListMockCalculateHash IndexToRefFunc func(p int) (r core.RecordRef, r1 error) IndexToRefCounter uint64 IndexToRefPreCounter uint64 IndexToRefMock mUnsyncListMockIndexToRef LengthFunc func() (r int) LengthCounter uint64 LengthPreCounter uint64 LengthMock mUnsyncListMockLength RefToIndexFunc func(p core.RecordRef) (r int, r1 error) RefToIndexCounter uint64 RefToIndexPreCounter uint64 RefToIndexMock mUnsyncListMockRefToIndex RemoveClaimsFunc func(p core.RecordRef) RemoveClaimsCounter uint64 RemoveClaimsPreCounter uint64 RemoveClaimsMock mUnsyncListMockRemoveClaims // contains filtered or unexported fields }
UnsyncListMock implements
func NewUnsyncListMock ¶ added in v0.6.3
func NewUnsyncListMock(t minimock.Tester) *UnsyncListMock
NewUnsyncListMock returns a mock for
func (*UnsyncListMock) AddClaims ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaims(p core.RecordRef, p1 []packets.ReferendumClaim)
AddClaims implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockCounter() uint64
AddClaimsMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.AddClaimsFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) AddClaimsMinimockPreCounter() uint64
AddClaimsMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.AddClaims invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) AllMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) AllMocksCalled() bool
AllMocksCalled returns true if all mocked methods were called before the execution of AllMocksCalled, it can be used with assert/require, i.e. assert.True(mock.AllMocksCalled())
func (*UnsyncListMock) CalculateHash ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHash() (r []byte, r1 error)
CalculateHash implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockCounter() uint64
CalculateHashMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.CalculateHashFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) CalculateHashMinimockPreCounter() uint64
CalculateHashMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.CalculateHash invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) CheckMocksCalled ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) CheckMocksCalled()
CheckMocksCalled checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*UnsyncListMock) Finish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) Finish()
Finish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*UnsyncListMock) IndexToRef ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRef(p int) (r core.RecordRef, r1 error)
IndexToRef implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockCounter() uint64
IndexToRefMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.IndexToRefFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) IndexToRefMinimockPreCounter() uint64
IndexToRefMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.IndexToRef invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) Length ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) Length() (r int)
Length implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockCounter() uint64
LengthMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.LengthFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) LengthMinimockPreCounter() uint64
LengthMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.Length invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) MinimockFinish ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) MinimockFinish()
MinimockFinish checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once
func (*UnsyncListMock) MinimockWait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) MinimockWait(timeout time.Duration)
MinimockWait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once this method is called by minimock.Controller
func (*UnsyncListMock) RefToIndex ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndex(p core.RecordRef) (r int, r1 error)
RefToIndex implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockCounter() uint64
RefToIndexMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.RefToIndexFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RefToIndexMinimockPreCounter() uint64
RefToIndexMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.RefToIndex invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaims ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaims(p core.RecordRef)
RemoveClaims implements interface
func (*UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockCounter() uint64
RemoveClaimsMinimockCounter returns a count of UnsyncListMock.RemoveClaimsFunc invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockPreCounter ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) RemoveClaimsMinimockPreCounter() uint64
RemoveClaimsMinimockPreCounter returns the value of UnsyncListMock.RemoveClaims invocations
func (*UnsyncListMock) ValidateCallCounters ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) ValidateCallCounters()
ValidateCallCounters checks that all mocked methods of the interface have been called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockFinish method or use Finish method of minimock.Controller
func (*UnsyncListMock) Wait ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (m *UnsyncListMock) Wait(timeout time.Duration)
Wait waits for all mocked methods to be called at least once Deprecated: please use MinimockWait or use Wait method of minimock.Controller
type UnsyncListMockAddClaimsParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type UnsyncListMockAddClaimsParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnsyncListMockAddClaimsParams represents input parameters of the UnsyncList.AddClaims
type UnsyncListMockIndexToRefParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type UnsyncListMockIndexToRefParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnsyncListMockIndexToRefParams represents input parameters of the UnsyncList.IndexToRef
type UnsyncListMockRefToIndexParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type UnsyncListMockRefToIndexParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnsyncListMockRefToIndexParams represents input parameters of the UnsyncList.RefToIndex
type UnsyncListMockRemoveClaimsParams ¶ added in v0.6.3
type UnsyncListMockRemoveClaimsParams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
UnsyncListMockRemoveClaimsParams represents input parameters of the UnsyncList.RemoveClaims