
v0.0.0-...-95b627e Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 14, 2025 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 47 Imported by: 0


Drain Info Endpoint Operation

You are able to lookup the status of a wallet's drains by performing this API call and including an environment specific simple secret access token.

curl -H"Authorization: Bearer <token>" "http://<host>/v1/promotions/custodian-drain-info/<payment id>"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "success",
  "drains": [
      "batch_id": "ca72d2e2-14b2-44da-b8e2-e5fce7f87263",
      "custodian": {
        "provider": "bitflyer",
        "deposit_destination": "f2b3cc8a-597d-4eeb-a2f9-23f65dbd2495"
      "promotions_drained": [
          "promotion_id": "daf95421-4388-4c7e-9ac3-4b476f8a5c79",
          "state": "errored",
          "errcode": "reputation-failed",
          "value": "0.25"
      "value": "0.25"



Package promotion is a generated GoMock package.

Package promotion is a generated GoMock package.

Package promotion is a generated GoMock package.

Package promotion is a generated GoMock package.



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func ClaimPromotion

func ClaimPromotion(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

ClaimPromotion is the handler for claiming a particular promotion by a wallet

func CreatePromotion

func CreatePromotion(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

CreatePromotion is the handler for creating a promotion

func DrainSuggestion

func DrainSuggestion(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

DrainSuggestion is the handler for draining ad suggestions for a verified wallet

func DrainSuggestionV2

func DrainSuggestionV2(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

DrainSuggestionV2 is the handler for draining ad suggestions for a verified wallet

func GetAvailablePromotions

func GetAvailablePromotions(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

GetAvailablePromotions is the handler for getting available promotions

func GetClaim

func GetClaim(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

GetClaim is the handler for checking on a particular claim's status

func GetClaimSummary

func GetClaimSummary(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

GetClaimSummary returns an summary of grants claimed by a given wallet

func GetCustodianDrainInfo

func GetCustodianDrainInfo(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

GetCustodianDrainInfo is the handler which provides information about a particular paymentId's drains

func MakeSuggestion

func MakeSuggestion(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

MakeSuggestion is the handler for making a suggestion using credentials

func NewPostgres

func NewPostgres() (Datastore, ReadOnlyDatastore, error)

NewPostgres creates new postgres connections

func PatchDrainJobErred

func PatchDrainJobErred(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

PatchDrainJobErred is the handler for toggling a drain job as retriable

func PostReportBAPEvent

func PostReportBAPEvent(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

PostReportBAPEvent is the handler for reporting bat was lost by client bug

func PostReportClobberedClaims

func PostReportClobberedClaims(service *Service, version int) handlers.AppHandler

PostReportClobberedClaims is the handler for reporting claims that were clobbered by client bug

func PostReportWalletEvent

func PostReportWalletEvent(service *Service) handlers.AppHandler

PostReportWalletEvent is the handler for reporting bat was lost by client bug

func Router

func Router(service *Service, vbatExpires time.Time) chi.Router

Router for promotion endpoints

func RouterV2

func RouterV2(service *Service, vbatExpires time.Time) chi.Router

RouterV2 for promotion endpoints

func SetAdminAttestationTopic

func SetAdminAttestationTopic(newTopic string)

SetAdminAttestationTopic set admin attestation topic

func SetSuggestionTopic

func SetSuggestionTopic(newTopic string)

SetSuggestionTopic allows for a new topic to be suggested

func SuggestionsRouter

func SuggestionsRouter(service *Service, vbatExpires time.Time) (chi.Router, error)

SuggestionsRouter for suggestions endpoints

func SuggestionsV2Router

func SuggestionsV2Router(service *Service, vbatExpires time.Time) (chi.Router, error)

SuggestionsV2Router for suggestions endpoints

func WalletEventRouter

func WalletEventRouter(service *Service, vbatExpires time.Time) chi.Router

WalletEventRouter for reporting bat loss events


type AdminAttestationEvent

type AdminAttestationEvent struct {
	WalletID      string `json:"wallet_id"`
	Service       string `json:"service"`
	Signal        string `json:"signal"`
	Score         int32  `json:"score"`
	Justification string `json:"justification"`
	CreatedAt     string `json:"created_at"`

AdminAttestationEvent - kafka admin attestation event

type BAPReport

type BAPReport struct {
	ID        uuid.UUID       `db:"id" json:"id"`
	WalletID  uuid.UUID       `db:"wallet_id" json:"walletId"`
	Amount    decimal.Decimal `db:"amount" json:"amount"`
	CreatedAt time.Time       `db:"created_at" json:"createdAt"`

BAPReport holds info about wallet events

type BATLossEvent

type BATLossEvent struct {
	ID       uuid.UUID       `db:"id" json:"id"`
	WalletID uuid.UUID       `db:"wallet_id" json:"walletId"`
	ReportID int             `db:"report_id" json:"reportId"`
	Amount   decimal.Decimal `db:"amount" json:"amount"`
	Platform string          `db:"platform" json:"platform"`

BATLossEvent holds info about wallet events

type BapReportPayload

type BapReportPayload struct {
	Amount decimal.Decimal `json:"amount" valid:"required"`

BapReportPayload holds the data needed to report that bat has been lost by client bug

type BapReportResp

type BapReportResp struct {
	ReportBapID *uuid.UUID `json:"reportBapId" valid:"required"`

BapReportResp holds the data needed to report that bat has been lost by client bug

type BatLossPayload

type BatLossPayload struct {
	Amount decimal.Decimal `json:"amount" valid:"required"`

BatLossPayload holds the data needed to report that bat has been lost by client bug

type Claim

type Claim struct {
	ID               uuid.UUID       `db:"id"`
	CreatedAt        time.Time       `db:"created_at"`
	PromotionID      uuid.UUID       `db:"promotion_id"`
	WalletID         uuid.UUID       `db:"wallet_id"`
	ApproximateValue decimal.Decimal `db:"approximate_value"`
	Redeemed         bool            `db:"redeemed"`
	Bonus            decimal.Decimal `db:"bonus"`
	LegacyClaimed    bool            `db:"legacy_claimed"`
	RedeemedAt       pq.NullTime     `db:"redeemed_at"`
	Drained          bool            `db:"drained"`
	DrainedAt        pq.NullTime     `db:"drained_at"`
	UpdatedAt        pq.NullTime     `db:"updated_at"`
	ClaimType        *string         `db:"claim_type"`

Claim encapsulates a redeemed or unredeemed ("pre-registered") claim to a promotion by a wallet

func (*Claim) SuggestionsNeeded

func (claim *Claim) SuggestionsNeeded(promotion *Promotion) (int, error)

SuggestionsNeeded calculates the number of suggestion credentials needed to fulfill the value of this claim

type ClaimCreds

type ClaimCreds struct {
	ID           uuid.UUID                  `db:"claim_id"`
	IssuerID     uuid.UUID                  `db:"issuer_id"`
	BlindedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray  `db:"blinded_creds"`
	SignedCreds  *jsonutils.JSONStringArray `db:"signed_creds"`
	BatchProof   *string                    `db:"batch_proof"`
	PublicKey    *string                    `db:"public_key"`
	CreatedAt    pq.NullTime                `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    pq.NullTime                `db:"updated_at"`

ClaimCreds encapsulates the credentials to be signed in response to a valid claim

type ClaimRequest

type ClaimRequest struct {
	WalletID     uuid.UUID `json:"paymentId" valid:"-"`
	BlindedCreds []string  `json:"blindedCreds" valid:"base64"`

ClaimRequest includes the ID of the wallet attempting to claim and blinded credentials which to be signed

type ClaimResponse

type ClaimResponse struct {
	ClaimID uuid.UUID `json:"claimId"`

ClaimResponse includes a ClaimID which can later be used to check the status of the claim

type ClaimSummary

type ClaimSummary struct {
	Amount    decimal.Decimal `json:"amount" db:"amount"`
	Earnings  decimal.Decimal `json:"earnings" db:"earnings"`
	LastClaim time.Time       `json:"lastClaim" db:"last_claim"`
	Type      string          `json:"type" db:"type"`

ClaimSummary outlines the state of a wallet's claims

type ClaimWorker

type ClaimWorker interface {
	SignClaimCreds(ctx context.Context, claimID uuid.UUID, issuer Issuer, blindedCreds []string) (*ClaimCreds, error)

ClaimWorker attempts to work on a claim job by signing the blinded credentials of the client

type ClobberedClaimsRequest

type ClobberedClaimsRequest struct {
	ClaimIDs []uuid.UUID `json:"claimIds" valid:"required"`

ClobberedClaimsRequest holds the data needed to report claims that were clobbered by client bug

func (*ClobberedClaimsRequest) Validate

func (ccr *ClobberedClaimsRequest) Validate(ctx context.Context) error

Validate - implement validatable

type ClobberedCreds

type ClobberedCreds struct {
	ID        uuid.UUID `db:"id"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at"`
	Version   int       `db:"version"`

ClobberedCreds holds data of claims that have been clobbered and when they were first reported

type CreatePromotionRequest

type CreatePromotionRequest struct {
	Type      string          `json:"type" valid:"in(ads|ugp)"`
	NumGrants int             `json:"numGrants" valid:"required"`
	Value     decimal.Decimal `json:"value" valid:"required"`
	Platform  string          `json:"platform" valid:"platform,optional"`
	Active    bool            `json:"active" valid:"-"`

CreatePromotionRequest includes information needed to create a promotion

type CreatePromotionResponse

type CreatePromotionResponse struct {

CreatePromotionResponse includes information about the created promotion

type CredentialBinding

type CredentialBinding struct {
	PublicKey     string `json:"publicKey" valid:"base64"`
	TokenPreimage string `json:"t" valid:"base64"`
	Signature     string `json:"signature" valid:"base64"`

CredentialBinding includes info needed to redeem a single credential

func DeduplicateCredentialBindings

func DeduplicateCredentialBindings(tokens ...CredentialBinding) []CredentialBinding

DeduplicateCredentialBindings - given a list of tokens return a deduplicated list

type Custodian

type Custodian struct {
	Provider           string `json:"provider,omitempty" db:"user_deposit_account_provider"`
	DepositDestination string `json:"deposit_destination,omitempty" db:"user_deposit_destination"`

Custodian - generic custodian output data

type CustodianDrain

type CustodianDrain struct {
	BatchID           uuid.UUID       `json:"batch_id"`
	Custodian         Custodian       `json:"custodian,omitempty"`
	PromotionsDrained []DrainInfo     `json:"promotions_drained,omitempty"`
	Value             decimal.Decimal `json:"value"`

CustodianDrain - representation of a drain job

type CustodianDrainInfoResponse

type CustodianDrainInfoResponse struct {
	Drains []CustodianDrain `json:"drains,omitempty"`

CustodianDrainInfoResponse - the response to a custodian drain info request

type Datastore

type Datastore interface {
	// ActivatePromotion marks a particular promotion as active
	ActivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error
	// DeactivatePromotion marks a particular promotion as inactive
	DeactivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error
	// ClaimForWallet is used to either create a new claim or convert a preregistered claim for a particular promotion
	ClaimForWallet(promotion *Promotion, issuer *Issuer, wallet *walletutils.Info, blindedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray) (*Claim, error)
	// CreateClaim is used to "pre-register" an unredeemed claim for a particular wallet
	CreateClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string, value decimal.Decimal, bonus decimal.Decimal, legacy bool) (*Claim, error)
	// GetPreClaim is used to fetch a "pre-registered" claim for a particular wallet
	GetPreClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string) (*Claim, error)
	// CreatePromotion given the promotion type, initial number of grants and the desired value of those grants
	CreatePromotion(promotionType string, numGrants int, value decimal.Decimal, platform string) (*Promotion, error)
	// GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet returns the list of available promotions for the wallet
	GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *walletutils.Info, platform string) ([]Promotion, error)
	// GetAvailablePromotions returns the list of available promotions for all wallets
	GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) ([]Promotion, error)
	// GetWithdrawalsAssociated returns the promotion and total amount of claims drained for associated wallets
	GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID *uuid.UUID) (*uuid.UUID, decimal.Decimal, error)
	// GetPromotionsMissingIssuer returns the list of promotions missing an issuer
	GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) ([]uuid.UUID, error)
	// GetClaimCreds returns the claim credentials for a ClaimID
	GetClaimCreds(claimID uuid.UUID) (*ClaimCreds, error)
	// SaveClaimCreds updates the stored claim credentials
	SaveClaimCreds(claimCreds *ClaimCreds) error
	// GetPromotion by ID
	GetPromotion(promotionID uuid.UUID) (*Promotion, error)
	// InsertIssuer inserts the given issuer
	InsertIssuer(issuer *Issuer) (*Issuer, error)
	// GetIssuer by PromotionID and cohort
	GetIssuer(promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)
	// GetIssuerByPublicKey
	GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (*Issuer, error)
	// GetClaimSummary gets the number of grants for a specific type
	GetClaimSummary(walletID uuid.UUID, grantType string) (*ClaimSummary, error)
	// GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion gets whether a wallet has a claimed grants
	// with the given promotion and returns the grant if so
	GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *walletutils.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (*Claim, error)
	// RunNextClaimJob to sign claim credentials if there is a claim waiting
	RunNextClaimJob(ctx context.Context, worker ClaimWorker) (bool, error)
	// InsertSuggestion inserts a transaction awaiting validation
	InsertSuggestion(credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestion []byte) error
	// RunNextSuggestionJob to process a suggestion if there is one waiting
	RunNextSuggestionJob(ctx context.Context, worker SuggestionWorker) (bool, error)
	// InsertClobberedClaims inserts clobbered claim ids into the clobbered_claims table
	InsertClobberedClaims(ctx context.Context, ids []uuid.UUID, version int) error
	// InsertBATLossEvent inserts claims of lost bat
	InsertBATLossEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID uuid.UUID, reportID int, amount decimal.Decimal, platform string) (bool, error)
	// InsertBAPReportEvent inserts a BAP report
	InsertBAPReportEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID uuid.UUID, amount decimal.Decimal) (*uuid.UUID, error)

	// GetOrder by ID
	GetOrder(orderID uuid.UUID) (*Order, error)
	// UpdateOrder updates an order when it has been paid
	UpdateOrder(orderID uuid.UUID, status string) error
	// CreateTransaction creates a transaction
	CreateTransaction(orderID uuid.UUID, externalTransactionID string, status string, currency string, kind string, amount decimal.Decimal) (*Transaction, error)
	// GetSumForTransactions gets a decimal sum of for transactions for an order
	GetSumForTransactions(orderID uuid.UUID) (decimal.Decimal, error)

Datastore abstracts over the underlying datastore

func NewDB

func NewDB(databaseURL string, performMigration bool, migrationTrack string, dbStatsPrefix ...string) (Datastore, error)

NewDB creates a new Postgres Datastore

type DatastoreWithPrometheus

type DatastoreWithPrometheus struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DatastoreWithPrometheus implements Datastore interface with all methods wrapped with Prometheus metrics

func NewDatastoreWithPrometheus

func NewDatastoreWithPrometheus(base Datastore, instanceName string) DatastoreWithPrometheus

NewDatastoreWithPrometheus returns an instance of the Datastore decorated with prometheus summary metric

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) ActivatePromotion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) ActivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) (err error)

ActivatePromotion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) BeginTx

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) BeginTx() (tp1 *sqlx.Tx, err error)

BeginTx implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) ClaimForWallet

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) ClaimForWallet(promotion *Promotion, issuer *Issuer, wallet *walletutils.Info, blindedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

ClaimForWallet implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreateClaim

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreateClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string, value decimal.Decimal, bonus decimal.Decimal, legacy bool) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

CreateClaim implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreatePromotion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreatePromotion(promotionType string, numGrants int, value decimal.Decimal, platform string) (pp1 *Promotion, err error)

CreatePromotion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreateTransaction

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) CreateTransaction(orderID uuid.UUID, externalTransactionID string, status string, currency string, kind string, amount decimal.Decimal) (tp1 *Transaction, err error)

CreateTransaction implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) DeactivatePromotion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) DeactivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) (err error)

DeactivatePromotion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotions

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) (pa1 []Promotion, err error)

GetAvailablePromotions implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *walletutils.Info, platform string) (pa1 []Promotion, err error)

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *walletutils.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimCreds

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimCreds(claimID uuid.UUID) (cp1 *ClaimCreds, err error)

GetClaimCreds implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimSummary

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimSummary(walletID uuid.UUID, grantType string) (cp1 *ClaimSummary, err error)

GetClaimSummary implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuer

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuer(promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (ip1 *Issuer, err error)

GetIssuer implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (ip1 *Issuer, err error)

GetIssuerByPublicKey implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetOrder

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetOrder(orderID uuid.UUID) (op1 *Order, err error)

GetOrder implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPreClaim

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPreClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

GetPreClaim implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotion(promotionID uuid.UUID) (pp1 *Promotion, err error)

GetPromotion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) (ua1 []uuid.UUID, err error)

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetSumForTransactions

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetSumForTransactions(orderID uuid.UUID) (d1 decimal.Decimal, err error)

GetSumForTransactions implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID *uuid.UUID, claimID *uuid.UUID) (up1 *uuid.UUID, d1 decimal.Decimal, err error)

GetWithdrawalsAssociated implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertBAPReportEvent

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertBAPReportEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID uuid.UUID, amount decimal.Decimal) (up1 *uuid.UUID, err error)

InsertBAPReportEvent implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertBATLossEvent

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertBATLossEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID uuid.UUID, reportID int, amount decimal.Decimal, platform string) (b1 bool, err error)

InsertBATLossEvent implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertClobberedClaims

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertClobberedClaims(ctx context.Context, ids []uuid.UUID, version int) (err error)

InsertClobberedClaims implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertIssuer

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertIssuer(issuer *Issuer) (ip1 *Issuer, err error)

InsertIssuer implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertSuggestion

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) InsertSuggestion(credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestion []byte) (err error)

InsertSuggestion implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) Migrate

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) Migrate(p1 ...uint) (err error)

Migrate implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) NewMigrate

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) NewMigrate() (mp1 *migrate.Migrate, err error)

NewMigrate implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) RawDB

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) RawDB() (dp1 *sqlx.DB)

RawDB implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTx

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTx(tx *sqlx.Tx)

RollbackTx implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx *sqlx.Tx) (err error)

RollbackTxAndHandle implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) RunNextClaimJob

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) RunNextClaimJob(ctx context.Context, worker ClaimWorker) (b1 bool, err error)

RunNextClaimJob implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) RunNextSuggestionJob

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) RunNextSuggestionJob(ctx context.Context, worker SuggestionWorker) (b1 bool, err error)

RunNextSuggestionJob implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) SaveClaimCreds

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) SaveClaimCreds(claimCreds *ClaimCreds) (err error)

SaveClaimCreds implements Datastore

func (DatastoreWithPrometheus) UpdateOrder

func (_d DatastoreWithPrometheus) UpdateOrder(orderID uuid.UUID, status string) (err error)

UpdateOrder implements Datastore

type DrainInfo

type DrainInfo struct {
	PromotionID   *uuid.UUID      `json:"promotion_id,omitempty" db:"promotion_id"`
	TransactionID *uuid.UUID      `json:"transaction_id,omitempty" db:"transaction_id"`
	CompletedAt   *time.Time      `json:"completed_at,omitempty" db:"completed_at"`
	State         *string         `json:"state,omitempty" db:"state"`
	ErrCode       *string         `json:"errcode,omitempty" db:"errcode"`
	Value         decimal.Decimal `json:"value,omitempty" db:"value"`

DrainInfo - generic custodian output data

type DrainJobRequest

type DrainJobRequest struct {
	Erred bool `json:"erred"`

DrainJobRequest holds data for drain job requests

type DrainTransfer

type DrainTransfer struct {
	ID        *uuid.UUID      `db:"transaction_id" json:"transaction_id"`
	Total     decimal.Decimal `db:"total" json:"total"`
	DepositID *string         `db:"deposit_destination" json:"deposit_destination"`

DrainTransfer info about the drains

type FundingSource

type FundingSource struct {
	Type        string                     `json:"type"`
	Amount      decimal.Decimal            `json:"amount"`
	Cohort      string                     `json:"cohort"`
	PromotionID uuid.UUID                  `json:"promotion"`
	Credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption `json:"-"`

FundingSource describes where funds for this suggestion should come from

type GetClaimResponse

type GetClaimResponse struct {
	SignedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray `json:"signedCreds"`
	BatchProof  string                    `json:"batchProof"`
	PublicKey   string                    `json:"publicKey"`

GetClaimResponse includes signed credentials and a batch proof showing they were signed by the public key

type Issuer

type Issuer struct {
	ID          uuid.UUID `db:"id"`
	PromotionID uuid.UUID `db:"promotion_id"`
	Cohort      string
	PublicKey   string `db:"public_key"`

Issuer includes information about a particular credential issuer

func (*Issuer) Name

func (issuer *Issuer) Name() string

Name returns the name of the issuer as known by the challenge bypass server

type MockClaimWorker

type MockClaimWorker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockClaimWorker is a mock of ClaimWorker interface.

func NewMockClaimWorker

func NewMockClaimWorker(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockClaimWorker

NewMockClaimWorker creates a new mock instance.

func (*MockClaimWorker) EXPECT

EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.

func (*MockClaimWorker) SignClaimCreds

func (m *MockClaimWorker) SignClaimCreds(ctx context.Context, claimID go_uuid.UUID, issuer Issuer, blindedCreds []string) (*ClaimCreds, error)

SignClaimCreds mocks base method.

type MockClaimWorkerMockRecorder

type MockClaimWorkerMockRecorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockClaimWorkerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockClaimWorker.

func (*MockClaimWorkerMockRecorder) SignClaimCreds

func (mr *MockClaimWorkerMockRecorder) SignClaimCreds(ctx, claimID, issuer, blindedCreds interface{}) *gomock.Call

SignClaimCreds indicates an expected call of SignClaimCreds.

type MockDatastore

type MockDatastore struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockDatastore is a mock of Datastore interface.

func NewMockDatastore

func NewMockDatastore(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockDatastore

NewMockDatastore creates a new mock instance.

func (*MockDatastore) ActivatePromotion

func (m *MockDatastore) ActivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error

ActivatePromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) BeginTx

func (m *MockDatastore) BeginTx() (*sqlx.Tx, error)

BeginTx mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) ClaimForWallet

func (m *MockDatastore) ClaimForWallet(promotion *Promotion, issuer *Issuer, wallet *wallet.Info, blindedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray) (*Claim, error)

ClaimForWallet mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) CreateClaim

func (m *MockDatastore) CreateClaim(promotionID go_uuid.UUID, walletID string, value, bonus decimal.Decimal, legacy bool) (*Claim, error)

CreateClaim mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) CreatePromotion

func (m *MockDatastore) CreatePromotion(promotionType string, numGrants int, value decimal.Decimal, platform string) (*Promotion, error)

CreatePromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) CreateTransaction

func (m *MockDatastore) CreateTransaction(orderID go_uuid.UUID, externalTransactionID, status, currency, kind string, amount decimal.Decimal) (*Transaction, error)

CreateTransaction mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) DeactivatePromotion

func (m *MockDatastore) DeactivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error

DeactivatePromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) EXPECT

EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.

func (*MockDatastore) GetAvailablePromotions

func (m *MockDatastore) GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotions mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (m *MockDatastore) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *wallet.Info, platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (m *MockDatastore) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *wallet.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (*Claim, error)

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetClaimCreds

func (m *MockDatastore) GetClaimCreds(claimID go_uuid.UUID) (*ClaimCreds, error)

GetClaimCreds mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetClaimSummary

func (m *MockDatastore) GetClaimSummary(walletID go_uuid.UUID, grantType string) (*ClaimSummary, error)

GetClaimSummary mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetIssuer

func (m *MockDatastore) GetIssuer(promotionID go_uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuer mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (m *MockDatastore) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuerByPublicKey mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetOrder

func (m *MockDatastore) GetOrder(orderID go_uuid.UUID) (*Order, error)

GetOrder mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetPreClaim

func (m *MockDatastore) GetPreClaim(promotionID go_uuid.UUID, walletID string) (*Claim, error)

GetPreClaim mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetPromotion

func (m *MockDatastore) GetPromotion(promotionID go_uuid.UUID) (*Promotion, error)

GetPromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (m *MockDatastore) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) ([]go_uuid.UUID, error)

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetSumForTransactions

func (m *MockDatastore) GetSumForTransactions(orderID go_uuid.UUID) (decimal.Decimal, error)

GetSumForTransactions mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (m *MockDatastore) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID *go_uuid.UUID) (*go_uuid.UUID, decimal.Decimal, error)

GetWithdrawalsAssociated mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) InsertBAPReportEvent

func (m *MockDatastore) InsertBAPReportEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID go_uuid.UUID, amount decimal.Decimal) (*go_uuid.UUID, error)

InsertBAPReportEvent mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) InsertBATLossEvent

func (m *MockDatastore) InsertBATLossEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID go_uuid.UUID, reportID int, amount decimal.Decimal, platform string) (bool, error)

InsertBATLossEvent mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) InsertClobberedClaims

func (m *MockDatastore) InsertClobberedClaims(ctx context.Context, ids []go_uuid.UUID, version int) error

InsertClobberedClaims mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) InsertIssuer

func (m *MockDatastore) InsertIssuer(issuer *Issuer) (*Issuer, error)

InsertIssuer mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) InsertSuggestion

func (m *MockDatastore) InsertSuggestion(credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestion []byte) error

InsertSuggestion mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) Migrate

func (m *MockDatastore) Migrate(arg0 ...uint) error

Migrate mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) NewMigrate

func (m *MockDatastore) NewMigrate() (*v4.Migrate, error)

NewMigrate mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) RawDB

func (m *MockDatastore) RawDB() *sqlx.DB

RawDB mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) RollbackTx

func (m *MockDatastore) RollbackTx(tx *sqlx.Tx)

RollbackTx mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (m *MockDatastore) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx *sqlx.Tx) error

RollbackTxAndHandle mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) RunNextClaimJob

func (m *MockDatastore) RunNextClaimJob(ctx context.Context, worker ClaimWorker) (bool, error)

RunNextClaimJob mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) RunNextSuggestionJob

func (m *MockDatastore) RunNextSuggestionJob(ctx context.Context, worker SuggestionWorker) (bool, error)

RunNextSuggestionJob mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) SaveClaimCreds

func (m *MockDatastore) SaveClaimCreds(claimCreds *ClaimCreds) error

SaveClaimCreds mocks base method.

func (*MockDatastore) UpdateOrder

func (m *MockDatastore) UpdateOrder(orderID go_uuid.UUID, status string) error

UpdateOrder mocks base method.

type MockDatastoreMockRecorder

type MockDatastoreMockRecorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockDatastoreMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockDatastore.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) ActivatePromotion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) ActivatePromotion(promotion interface{}) *gomock.Call

ActivatePromotion indicates an expected call of ActivatePromotion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) BeginTx

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) BeginTx() *gomock.Call

BeginTx indicates an expected call of BeginTx.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) ClaimForWallet

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) ClaimForWallet(promotion, issuer, wallet, blindedCreds interface{}) *gomock.Call

ClaimForWallet indicates an expected call of ClaimForWallet.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreateClaim

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreateClaim(promotionID, walletID, value, bonus, legacy interface{}) *gomock.Call

CreateClaim indicates an expected call of CreateClaim.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreatePromotion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreatePromotion(promotionType, numGrants, value, platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

CreatePromotion indicates an expected call of CreatePromotion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreateTransaction

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) CreateTransaction(orderID, externalTransactionID, status, currency, kind, amount interface{}) *gomock.Call

CreateTransaction indicates an expected call of CreateTransaction.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) DeactivatePromotion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) DeactivatePromotion(promotion interface{}) *gomock.Call

DeactivatePromotion indicates an expected call of DeactivatePromotion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotions

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotions(platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetAvailablePromotions indicates an expected call of GetAvailablePromotions.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet, platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet indicates an expected call of GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet, promotionID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion indicates an expected call of GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimCreds

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimCreds(claimID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimCreds indicates an expected call of GetClaimCreds.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimSummary

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimSummary(walletID, grantType interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimSummary indicates an expected call of GetClaimSummary.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuer

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuer(promotionID, cohort interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetIssuer indicates an expected call of GetIssuer.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetIssuerByPublicKey indicates an expected call of GetIssuerByPublicKey.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetOrder

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetOrder(orderID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetOrder indicates an expected call of GetOrder.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPreClaim

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPreClaim(promotionID, walletID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPreClaim indicates an expected call of GetPreClaim.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotion(promotionID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPromotion indicates an expected call of GetPromotion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer indicates an expected call of GetPromotionsMissingIssuer.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetSumForTransactions

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetSumForTransactions(orderID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetSumForTransactions indicates an expected call of GetSumForTransactions.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetWithdrawalsAssociated indicates an expected call of GetWithdrawalsAssociated.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertBAPReportEvent

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertBAPReportEvent(ctx, paymentID, amount interface{}) *gomock.Call

InsertBAPReportEvent indicates an expected call of InsertBAPReportEvent.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertBATLossEvent

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertBATLossEvent(ctx, paymentID, reportID, amount, platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

InsertBATLossEvent indicates an expected call of InsertBATLossEvent.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertClobberedClaims

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertClobberedClaims(ctx, ids, version interface{}) *gomock.Call

InsertClobberedClaims indicates an expected call of InsertClobberedClaims.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertIssuer

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertIssuer(issuer interface{}) *gomock.Call

InsertIssuer indicates an expected call of InsertIssuer.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertSuggestion

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) InsertSuggestion(credentials, suggestionText, suggestion interface{}) *gomock.Call

InsertSuggestion indicates an expected call of InsertSuggestion.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) Migrate

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) Migrate(arg0 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call

Migrate indicates an expected call of Migrate.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) NewMigrate

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) NewMigrate() *gomock.Call

NewMigrate indicates an expected call of NewMigrate.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RawDB

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RawDB() *gomock.Call

RawDB indicates an expected call of RawDB.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTx

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTx(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call

RollbackTx indicates an expected call of RollbackTx.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call

RollbackTxAndHandle indicates an expected call of RollbackTxAndHandle.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RunNextClaimJob

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RunNextClaimJob(ctx, worker interface{}) *gomock.Call

RunNextClaimJob indicates an expected call of RunNextClaimJob.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RunNextSuggestionJob

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) RunNextSuggestionJob(ctx, worker interface{}) *gomock.Call

RunNextSuggestionJob indicates an expected call of RunNextSuggestionJob.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) SaveClaimCreds

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) SaveClaimCreds(claimCreds interface{}) *gomock.Call

SaveClaimCreds indicates an expected call of SaveClaimCreds.

func (*MockDatastoreMockRecorder) UpdateOrder

func (mr *MockDatastoreMockRecorder) UpdateOrder(orderID, status interface{}) *gomock.Call

UpdateOrder indicates an expected call of UpdateOrder.

type MockReadOnlyDatastore

type MockReadOnlyDatastore struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockReadOnlyDatastore is a mock of ReadOnlyDatastore interface.

func NewMockReadOnlyDatastore

func NewMockReadOnlyDatastore(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockReadOnlyDatastore

NewMockReadOnlyDatastore creates a new mock instance.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) BeginTx

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) BeginTx() (*sqlx.Tx, error)

BeginTx mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) EXPECT

EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetAvailablePromotions

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotions mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *wallet.Info, platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *wallet.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (*Claim, error)

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimCreds

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimCreds(claimID go_uuid.UUID) (*ClaimCreds, error)

GetClaimCreds mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimSummary

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetClaimSummary(walletID go_uuid.UUID, grantType string) (*ClaimSummary, error)

GetClaimSummary mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetIssuer

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetIssuer(promotionID go_uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuer mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuerByPublicKey mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPreClaim

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPreClaim(promotionID go_uuid.UUID, walletID string) (*Claim, error)

GetPreClaim mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPromotion

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPromotion(promotionID go_uuid.UUID) (*Promotion, error)

GetPromotion mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) ([]go_uuid.UUID, error)

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID *go_uuid.UUID) (*go_uuid.UUID, decimal.Decimal, error)

GetWithdrawalsAssociated mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) Migrate

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) Migrate(arg0 ...uint) error

Migrate mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) NewMigrate

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) NewMigrate() (*v4.Migrate, error)

NewMigrate mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) RawDB

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) RawDB() *sqlx.DB

RawDB mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) RollbackTx

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) RollbackTx(tx *sqlx.Tx)

RollbackTx mocks base method.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastore) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (m *MockReadOnlyDatastore) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx *sqlx.Tx) error

RollbackTxAndHandle mocks base method.

type MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder

type MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockReadOnlyDatastore.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) BeginTx

BeginTx indicates an expected call of BeginTx.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotions

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotions(platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetAvailablePromotions indicates an expected call of GetAvailablePromotions.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet, platform interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet indicates an expected call of GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet, promotionID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion indicates an expected call of GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimCreds

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimCreds(claimID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimCreds indicates an expected call of GetClaimCreds.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimSummary

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetClaimSummary(walletID, grantType interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetClaimSummary indicates an expected call of GetClaimSummary.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuer

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuer(promotionID, cohort interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetIssuer indicates an expected call of GetIssuer.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetIssuerByPublicKey indicates an expected call of GetIssuerByPublicKey.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPreClaim

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPreClaim(promotionID, walletID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPreClaim indicates an expected call of GetPreClaim.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotion

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotion(promotionID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPromotion indicates an expected call of GetPromotion.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer indicates an expected call of GetPromotionsMissingIssuer.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID interface{}) *gomock.Call

GetWithdrawalsAssociated indicates an expected call of GetWithdrawalsAssociated.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) Migrate

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) Migrate(arg0 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call

Migrate indicates an expected call of Migrate.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) NewMigrate

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) NewMigrate() *gomock.Call

NewMigrate indicates an expected call of NewMigrate.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) RawDB

RawDB indicates an expected call of RawDB.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTx

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTx(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call

RollbackTx indicates an expected call of RollbackTx.

func (*MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (mr *MockReadOnlyDatastoreMockRecorder) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call

RollbackTxAndHandle indicates an expected call of RollbackTxAndHandle.

type Order

type Order struct {
	ID                    uuid.UUID            `json:"id" db:"id"`
	CreatedAt             time.Time            `json:"createdAt" db:"created_at"`
	Currency              string               `json:"currency" db:"currency"`
	UpdatedAt             time.Time            `json:"updatedAt" db:"updated_at"`
	TotalPrice            decimal.Decimal      `json:"totalPrice" db:"total_price"`
	MerchantID            string               `json:"merchantId" db:"merchant_id"`
	Location              datastore.NullString `json:"location" db:"location"`
	Status                string               `json:"status" db:"status"`
	Items                 []OrderItem          `json:"items"`
	AllowedPaymentMethods pq.StringArray       `json:"allowedPaymentMethods" db:"allowed_payment_methods"`
	Metadata              datastore.Metadata   `json:"metadata" db:"metadata"`
	LastPaidAt            *time.Time           `json:"lastPaidAt" db:"last_paid_at"`
	ExpiresAt             *time.Time           `json:"expiresAt" db:"expires_at"`
	ValidFor              *time.Duration       `json:"validFor" db:"valid_for"`
	TrialDays             *int64               `json:"-" db:"trial_days"`

Order includes information about a particular order

func (Order) IsPaid

func (order Order) IsPaid() bool

IsPaid returns true if the order is paid

type OrderItem

type OrderItem struct {
	ID                        uuid.UUID            `json:"id" db:"id"`
	OrderID                   uuid.UUID            `json:"orderId" db:"order_id"`
	SKU                       string               `json:"sku" db:"sku"`
	CreatedAt                 *time.Time           `json:"createdAt" db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt                 *time.Time           `json:"updatedAt" db:"updated_at"`
	Currency                  string               `json:"currency" db:"currency"`
	Quantity                  int                  `json:"quantity" db:"quantity"`
	Price                     decimal.Decimal      `json:"price" db:"price"`
	Subtotal                  decimal.Decimal      `json:"subtotal"`
	Location                  datastore.NullString `json:"location" db:"location"`
	Description               datastore.NullString `json:"description" db:"description"`
	CredentialType            string               `json:"credentialType" db:"credential_type"`
	ValidFor                  *time.Duration       `json:"validFor" db:"valid_for"`
	ValidForISO               *string              `json:"validForIso" db:"valid_for_iso"`
	Metadata                  datastore.Metadata   `json:"metadata" db:"metadata"`
	IssuanceIntervalISO       *string              `json:"issuanceInterval" db:"issuance_interval"`
	EachCredentialValidForISO *string              `json:"-" db:"each_credential_valid_for_iso"`

OrderItem includes information about a particular order item

type Postgres

type Postgres struct {

Postgres is a Datastore wrapper around a postgres database

func (*Postgres) ActivatePromotion

func (pg *Postgres) ActivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error

ActivatePromotion marks a particular promotion as active

func (*Postgres) ClaimForWallet

func (pg *Postgres) ClaimForWallet(promotion *Promotion, issuer *Issuer, wallet *walletutils.Info, blindedCreds jsonutils.JSONStringArray) (*Claim, error)

ClaimForWallet is used to either create a new claim or convert a preregistered claim for a particular promotion

func (*Postgres) CreateClaim

func (pg *Postgres) CreateClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string, value decimal.Decimal, bonus decimal.Decimal, legacy bool) (*Claim, error)

CreateClaim is used to "pre-register" an unredeemed claim for a particular wallet

func (*Postgres) CreatePromotion

func (pg *Postgres) CreatePromotion(promotionType string, numGrants int, value decimal.Decimal, platform string) (*Promotion, error)

CreatePromotion given the promotion type, initial number of grants and the desired value of those grants

func (*Postgres) CreateTransaction

func (pg *Postgres) CreateTransaction(orderID uuid.UUID, externalTransactionID string, status string, currency string, kind string, amount decimal.Decimal) (*Transaction, error)

CreateTransaction creates a transaction given an orderID, externalTransactionID, currency, and a kind of transaction

func (*Postgres) DeactivatePromotion

func (pg *Postgres) DeactivatePromotion(promotion *Promotion) error

DeactivatePromotion marks a particular promotion as not active

func (*Postgres) GetAvailablePromotions

func (pg *Postgres) GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotions returns the list of available promotions for all wallets

func (*Postgres) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (pg *Postgres) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *walletutils.Info, platform string) ([]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet returns the list of available promotions for the wallet

func (*Postgres) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (pg *Postgres) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(
	wallet *walletutils.Info,
	promotion *Promotion,
) (*Claim, error)

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion gets whether a wallet has a claimed grants with the given promotion and returns the grant if so

func (*Postgres) GetClaimCreds

func (pg *Postgres) GetClaimCreds(claimID uuid.UUID) (*ClaimCreds, error)

GetClaimCreds returns the claim credentials for a ClaimID

func (*Postgres) GetClaimSummary

func (pg *Postgres) GetClaimSummary(walletID uuid.UUID, grantType string) (*ClaimSummary, error)

GetClaimSummary aggregates the values of a single wallet's claims

func (*Postgres) GetIssuer

func (pg *Postgres) GetIssuer(promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuer by PromotionID and cohort

func (*Postgres) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (pg *Postgres) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (*Issuer, error)

GetIssuerByPublicKey or return an error

func (*Postgres) GetOrder

func (pg *Postgres) GetOrder(orderID uuid.UUID) (*Order, error)

GetOrder queries the database and returns an order

func (*Postgres) GetPreClaim

func (pg *Postgres) GetPreClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string) (*Claim, error)

GetPreClaim is used to fetch a "pre-registered" claim for a particular wallet

func (*Postgres) GetPromotion

func (pg *Postgres) GetPromotion(promotionID uuid.UUID) (*Promotion, error)

GetPromotion by ID

func (*Postgres) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (pg *Postgres) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) ([]uuid.UUID, error)

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer returns the list of promotions missing an issuer

func (*Postgres) GetSumForTransactions

func (pg *Postgres) GetSumForTransactions(orderID uuid.UUID) (decimal.Decimal, error)

GetSumForTransactions returns the calculated sum

func (*Postgres) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (pg *Postgres) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID *uuid.UUID) (*uuid.UUID, decimal.Decimal, error)

GetWithdrawalsAssociated returns the promotion and total amount of claims drained for associated wallets

func (*Postgres) InsertBAPReportEvent

func (pg *Postgres) InsertBAPReportEvent(ctx context.Context, paymentID uuid.UUID, amount decimal.Decimal) (*uuid.UUID, error)

InsertBAPReportEvent inserts a BAP report

func (*Postgres) InsertBATLossEvent

func (pg *Postgres) InsertBATLossEvent(
	ctx context.Context,
	paymentID uuid.UUID,
	reportID int,
	amount decimal.Decimal,
	platform string,
) (bool, error)

InsertBATLossEvent inserts claims of lost bat to db

func (*Postgres) InsertClobberedClaims

func (pg *Postgres) InsertClobberedClaims(ctx context.Context, ids []uuid.UUID, version int) error

InsertClobberedClaims inserts clobbered claims to the db

func (*Postgres) InsertIssuer

func (pg *Postgres) InsertIssuer(issuer *Issuer) (*Issuer, error)

InsertIssuer inserts the given issuer

func (*Postgres) InsertSuggestion

func (pg *Postgres) InsertSuggestion(credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestionEvent []byte) error

InsertSuggestion inserts a transaction awaiting validation

func (*Postgres) RunNextClaimJob

func (pg *Postgres) RunNextClaimJob(ctx context.Context, worker ClaimWorker) (bool, error)

RunNextClaimJob to sign claim credentials if there is a claim waiting, returning true if a job was attempted

func (*Postgres) RunNextSuggestionJob

func (pg *Postgres) RunNextSuggestionJob(ctx context.Context, worker SuggestionWorker) (bool, error)

RunNextSuggestionJob to process a suggestion if there is one waiting

func (*Postgres) SaveClaimCreds

func (pg *Postgres) SaveClaimCreds(creds *ClaimCreds) error

SaveClaimCreds updates the stored claim credentials

func (*Postgres) UpdateDrainJobAsRetriable

func (pg *Postgres) UpdateDrainJobAsRetriable(ctx context.Context, walletID uuid.UUID) error

UpdateDrainJobAsRetriable - updates a drain job as retriable

func (*Postgres) UpdateOrder

func (pg *Postgres) UpdateOrder(orderID uuid.UUID, status string) error

UpdateOrder updates the orders status.

Status should either be one of pending, paid, fulfilled, or canceled.

type Promotion

type Promotion struct {
	ID                  uuid.UUID                 `json:"id" db:"id"`
	CreatedAt           time.Time                 `json:"createdAt" db:"created_at"`
	ExpiresAt           time.Time                 `json:"expiresAt" db:"expires_at"`
	Version             int                       `json:"version" db:"version"`
	SuggestionsPerGrant int                       `json:"suggestionsPerGrant" db:"suggestions_per_grant"`
	ApproximateValue    decimal.Decimal           `json:"approximateValue" db:"approximate_value"`
	Type                string                    `json:"type" db:"promotion_type"`
	RemainingGrants     int                       `json:"-" db:"remaining_grants"`
	Active              bool                      `json:"-" db:"active"`
	Available           bool                      `json:"available" db:"available"`
	Platform            string                    `json:"platform" db:"platform"`
	PublicKeys          jsonutils.JSONStringArray `json:"publicKeys" db:"public_keys"`
	// warning, legacy claimed is not defined in promotions, but rather as a claim attribute
	LegacyClaimed          bool       `json:"legacyClaimed" db:"legacy_claimed"`
	ClaimableUntil         time.Time  `json:"claimableUntil" db:"claimable_until"`
	ClaimableUntilOverride *time.Time `json:"-" db:"claimable_until_override"`

Promotion includes information about a particular promotion

func Filter

func Filter(orig []Promotion, f func(Promotion) bool) []Promotion

Filter promotions to all that satisfy the function passed

func (*Promotion) Claimable

func (promotion *Promotion) Claimable(overrideAutoExpiry bool) bool

Claimable checks whether the promotion can be claimed

func (*Promotion) CredentialValue

func (promotion *Promotion) CredentialValue() decimal.Decimal

CredentialValue returns the approximate value of a credential

func (*Promotion) Expired

func (promotion *Promotion) Expired() bool

Expired check if now is after the expires_at time

type PromotionsResponse

type PromotionsResponse struct {
	Promotions []Promotion `json:"promotions"`

PromotionsResponse is a list of known promotions to be consumed by the browser

type ReadOnlyDatastore

type ReadOnlyDatastore interface {
	// GetPreClaim is used to fetch a "pre-registered" claim for a particular wallet
	GetPreClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string) (*Claim, error)
	// GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet returns the list of available promotions for the wallet
	GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *walletutils.Info, platform string) ([]Promotion, error)
	// GetWithdrawalsAssociated returns the promotion and total amount of claims drained for associated wallets
	GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID, claimID *uuid.UUID) (*uuid.UUID, decimal.Decimal, error)
	// GetAvailablePromotions returns the list of available promotions for all wallets
	GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) ([]Promotion, error)
	// GetPromotionsMissingIssuer returns the list of promotions missing an issuer
	GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) ([]uuid.UUID, error)
	// GetClaimCreds returns the claim credentials for a ClaimID
	GetClaimCreds(claimID uuid.UUID) (*ClaimCreds, error)
	// GetPromotion by ID
	GetPromotion(promotionID uuid.UUID) (*Promotion, error)
	// GetIssuer by PromotionID and cohort
	GetIssuer(promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)
	// GetIssuerByPublicKey
	GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (*Issuer, error)
	// GetClaimSummary gets the number of grants for a specific type
	GetClaimSummary(walletID uuid.UUID, grantType string) (*ClaimSummary, error)
	// GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion gets whether a wallet has a claimed grants
	// with the given promotion and returns the grant if so
	GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *walletutils.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (*Claim, error)

ReadOnlyDatastore includes all database methods that can be made with a read only db connection

func NewRODB

func NewRODB(databaseURL string, performMigration bool, migrationTrack string, dbStatsPrefix ...string) (ReadOnlyDatastore, error)

NewRODB creates a new Postgres RO Datastore

type ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus

type ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus implements ReadOnlyDatastore interface with all methods wrapped with Prometheus metrics

func NewReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus

func NewReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus(base ReadOnlyDatastore, instanceName string) ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus

NewReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus returns an instance of the ReadOnlyDatastore decorated with prometheus summary metric

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) BeginTx

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) BeginTx() (tp1 *sqlx.Tx, err error)

BeginTx implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotions

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotions(platform string) (pa1 []Promotion, err error)

GetAvailablePromotions implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet(wallet *walletutils.Info, platform string) (pa1 []Promotion, err error)

GetAvailablePromotionsForWallet implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion(wallet *walletutils.Info, promotionID *Promotion) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

GetClaimByWalletAndPromotion implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimCreds

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimCreds(claimID uuid.UUID) (cp1 *ClaimCreds, err error)

GetClaimCreds implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimSummary

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetClaimSummary(walletID uuid.UUID, grantType string) (cp1 *ClaimSummary, err error)

GetClaimSummary implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuer

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuer(promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (ip1 *Issuer, err error)

GetIssuer implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuerByPublicKey

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetIssuerByPublicKey(publicKey string) (ip1 *Issuer, err error)

GetIssuerByPublicKey implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPreClaim

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPreClaim(promotionID uuid.UUID, walletID string) (cp1 *Claim, err error)

GetPreClaim implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotion

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotion(promotionID uuid.UUID) (pp1 *Promotion, err error)

GetPromotion implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetPromotionsMissingIssuer(limit int) (ua1 []uuid.UUID, err error)

GetPromotionsMissingIssuer implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetWithdrawalsAssociated

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) GetWithdrawalsAssociated(walletID *uuid.UUID, claimID *uuid.UUID) (up1 *uuid.UUID, d1 decimal.Decimal, err error)

GetWithdrawalsAssociated implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) Migrate

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) Migrate(p1 ...uint) (err error)

Migrate implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) NewMigrate

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) NewMigrate() (mp1 *migrate.Migrate, err error)

NewMigrate implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RawDB

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RawDB() (dp1 *sqlx.DB)

RawDB implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTx

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTx(tx *sqlx.Tx)

RollbackTx implements ReadOnlyDatastore

func (ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTxAndHandle

func (_d ReadOnlyDatastoreWithPrometheus) RollbackTxAndHandle(tx *sqlx.Tx) (err error)

RollbackTxAndHandle implements ReadOnlyDatastore

type Service

type Service struct {
	Datastore   Datastore
	RoDatastore ReadOnlyDatastore
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Service contains datastore and challenge bypass client connections

func InitService

func InitService(
	ctx context.Context,
	promotionDB Datastore,
	promotionRODB ReadOnlyDatastore,
	walletService *wallet.Service,
) (*Service, error)

InitService creates a service using the passed datastore and clients configured from the environment

func (*Service) ClaimPromotionForWallet

func (service *Service) ClaimPromotionForWallet(
	ctx context.Context,
	promotionID uuid.UUID,
	walletID uuid.UUID,
	blindedCreds []string,
) (*uuid.UUID, error)

ClaimPromotionForWallet attempts to claim the promotion on behalf of a wallet and returning the ClaimID It kicks off asynchronous signing of the credentials on success

func (*Service) CreateIssuer

func (service *Service) CreateIssuer(ctx context.Context, promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)

CreateIssuer creates a new challenge bypass credential issuer, saving it's information into the datastore

func (*Service) FetchAdminAttestationWalletID

func (service *Service) FetchAdminAttestationWalletID(ctx context.Context) (*uuid.UUID, error)

FetchAdminAttestationWalletID - retrieves walletID from topic

func (*Service) GetAvailablePromotions

func (service *Service) GetAvailablePromotions(
	ctx context.Context,
	walletID *uuid.UUID,
	platform string,
	migrate bool,
) (*[]Promotion, error)

GetAvailablePromotions first tries to look up the wallet and then retrieves available promotions

func (*Service) GetCredentialRedemptions

func (service *Service) GetCredentialRedemptions(ctx context.Context, credentials []CredentialBinding) (total decimal.Decimal, requestCredentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, fundingSources map[string]FundingSource, promotions map[string]*Promotion, err error)

GetCredentialRedemptions as well as total and funding sources from a list of credential bindings

func (*Service) GetOrCreateIssuer

func (service *Service) GetOrCreateIssuer(ctx context.Context, promotionID uuid.UUID, cohort string) (*Issuer, error)

GetOrCreateIssuer gets a matching issuer if one exists and otherwise creates one

func (*Service) InitKafka

func (service *Service) InitKafka(ctx context.Context) error

InitKafka by creating a kafka writer and creating local copies of codecs

func (*Service) IsPaused

func (service *Service) IsPaused() bool

IsPaused - is the worker paused?

func (*Service) LookupVerifier

func (service *Service) LookupVerifier(ctx context.Context, keyID string) (context.Context, httpsignature.Verifier, error)

LookupVerifier based on the HTTP signing keyID, which in our case is the walletID

func (*Service) MintGrant

func (service *Service) MintGrant(ctx context.Context, walletID uuid.UUID, total decimal.Decimal, promotions ...uuid.UUID) error

MintGrant create a new grant for the wallet specified with the total specified

func (*Service) PauseWorker

func (service *Service) PauseWorker(until time.Time)

PauseWorker - pause worker until time specified

func (*Service) ReadableDatastore

func (service *Service) ReadableDatastore() ReadOnlyDatastore

ReadableDatastore returns a read only datastore if available, otherwise a normal datastore

func (*Service) RedeemAndCreateSuggestionEvent

func (service *Service) RedeemAndCreateSuggestionEvent(ctx context.Context, credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestion []byte) error

RedeemAndCreateSuggestionEvent after validating that all the credential bindings

func (*Service) SignClaimCreds

func (service *Service) SignClaimCreds(ctx context.Context, claimID uuid.UUID, issuer Issuer, blindedCreds []string) (*ClaimCreds, error)

SignClaimCreds signs the blinded credentials

func (*Service) Suggest

func (service *Service) Suggest(ctx context.Context, credentials []CredentialBinding, suggestionText string) error

Suggest that a contribution is made

func (*Service) TryUpgradeSuggestionEvent

func (service *Service) TryUpgradeSuggestionEvent(suggestion []byte) ([]byte, error)

TryUpgradeSuggestionEvent from JSON format to Avro, filling in any potentially missing fields

func (*Service) UpdateOrderStatus

func (service *Service) UpdateOrderStatus(orderID uuid.UUID) error

UpdateOrderStatus checks to see if an order has been paid and updates it if so

type Suggestion

type Suggestion struct {
	Type    string     `json:"type" valid:"in(auto-contribute|oneoff-tip|recurring-tip|payment)"`
	Channel string     `json:"channel" valid:"-"`
	OrderID *uuid.UUID `json:"orderId,omitempty" valid:"-"`

Suggestion encapsulates information from the user about where /how they want to contribute

func (*Suggestion) Base64Decode

func (s *Suggestion) Base64Decode(text string) error

Base64Decode unmarshalls the suggestion from a string.

type SuggestionEvent

type SuggestionEvent struct {
	ID        uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
	CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	TotalAmount decimal.Decimal `json:"totalAmount"`
	Funding     []FundingSource `json:"funding"`

SuggestionEvent encapsulates user and server provided information about a request to contribute

type SuggestionJob

type SuggestionJob struct {
	ID              uuid.UUID `db:"id"`
	Credentials     string    `db:"credentials"`
	SuggestionText  string    `db:"suggestion_text"`
	SuggestionEvent []byte    `db:"suggestion_event"`
	Erred           bool      `db:"erred"`
	ErrCode         *string   `db:"errcode"`
	CreatedAt       time.Time `db:"created_at"`

SuggestionJob - representation of a suggestion job

type SuggestionRequest

type SuggestionRequest struct {
	Suggestion  string              `json:"suggestion" valid:"base64"`
	Credentials []CredentialBinding `json:"credentials"`

SuggestionRequest includes a suggestion payload and credentials to be redeemed

type SuggestionWorker

type SuggestionWorker interface {
	RedeemAndCreateSuggestionEvent(ctx context.Context, credentials []cbr.CredentialRedemption, suggestionText string, suggestion []byte) error
	PauseWorker(until time.Time)
	IsPaused() bool

SuggestionWorker attempts to work on a suggestion job by redeeming the credentials and emitting the event

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	ID                    uuid.UUID       `json:"id" db:"id"`
	OrderID               uuid.UUID       `json:"order_id" db:"order_id"`
	CreatedAt             time.Time       `json:"createdAt" db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt             time.Time       `json:"updatedAt" db:"updated_at"`
	ExternalTransactionID string          `json:"external_transaction_id" db:"external_transaction_id"`
	Status                string          `json:"status" db:"status"`
	Currency              string          `json:"currency" db:"currency"`
	Kind                  string          `json:"kind" db:"kind"`
	Amount                decimal.Decimal `json:"amount" db:"amount"`

Transaction includes information about a particular order. Status can be pending, failure, completed, or error.

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