🧬 golcli
A basic CLI implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
🌱 Setup
Download and compile from sources:
go get github.com/branogarbo/golcli
Install just the binary with Go:
go install github.com/branogarbo/golcli@latest
Or get the pre-compiled binaries for your platform on the releases page
🌳 CLI usage
A basic CLI implementation of Conway's Game of Life.
golcli [flags]
golcli [command]
golcli -c 100 -i 20 ./pattern.txt
Available Commands:
build Creates a build file from a pattern file.
help Help about any command
run Runs a build file.
-c, --count int The number of frames displayed before exiting (-1 : infinite loop) (default -1)
-d, --dead-char string The character(s) that represent a dead cell (default "██")
-H, --height int The height of the frames (default 30)
-h, --help help for golcli
-i, --interval int The number of milliseconds between frames (default 50)
-l, --live-char string The character(s) that represent a live cell (default " ")
-x, --pattern-x int The x offset of the initial pattern (default 12)
-y, --pattern-y int The y offset of the initial pattern (default 8)
-W, --width int The width of the frames (default 40)
Use "golcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Creates a build file from a pattern file.
golcli build [flags]
golcli build -W 70 -c 400 pattern.txt builds/pattern
-c, --count int The number of frames displayed before exiting (default 500)
-H, --height int The height of the frames (default 30)
-h, --help help for build
-x, --pattern-x int The x offset of the initial pattern (default 12)
-y, --pattern-y int The y offset of the initial pattern (default 8)
-W, --width int The width of the frames (default 40)
Runs a build file.
golcli run [flags]
golcli run -l "##" -d ".." -i 200 buildFiles/pattern
-d, --dead-char string The character(s) that represent a dead cell (default "██")
-h, --help help for run
-i, --interval int The number of milliseconds between frames (default 50)
-l, --live-char string The character(s) that represent a live cell (default " ")