Index ¶
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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var ( ErrCountryNotFound = errors.New("country not found") ErrNoCountryRows = errors.New("no country row") )
Functions ¶
func HasCountry ¶
Types ¶
type Alpha3 ¶
type Alpha3 string
const ( Andorra Alpha3 = "AND" UnitedArabEmirates Alpha3 = "ARE" Afghanistan Alpha3 = "AFG" AntiguaAndBarbuda Alpha3 = "ATG" Anguilla Alpha3 = "AIA" Albania Alpha3 = "ALB" Armenia Alpha3 = "ARM" Angola Alpha3 = "AGO" Argentina Alpha3 = "ARG" AmericanSamoa Alpha3 = "ASM" Austria Alpha3 = "AUT" Australia Alpha3 = "AUS" Aruba Alpha3 = "ABW" AlandIslands Alpha3 = "ALA" Azerbaijan Alpha3 = "AZE" BosniaAndHerzegovina Alpha3 = "BIH" Barbados Alpha3 = "BRB" Bangladesh Alpha3 = "BGD" Belgium Alpha3 = "BEL" BurkinaFaso Alpha3 = "BFA" Bulgaria Alpha3 = "BGR" Bahrain Alpha3 = "BHR" Burundi Alpha3 = "BDI" Benin Alpha3 = "BEN" SaintBarthelemy Alpha3 = "BLM" Bermuda Alpha3 = "BMU" Brunei Alpha3 = "BRN" Bolivia Alpha3 = "BOL" Brazil Alpha3 = "BRA" Bahamas Alpha3 = "BHS" Bhutan Alpha3 = "BTN" BouvetIsland Alpha3 = "BVT" Botswana Alpha3 = "BWA" Belarus Alpha3 = "BLR" Belize Alpha3 = "BLZ" Canada Alpha3 = "CAN" CocosIslands Alpha3 = "CCK" DemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo Alpha3 = "COD" CentralAfricanRepublic Alpha3 = "CAF" Congo Alpha3 = "COG" Switzerland Alpha3 = "CHE" CoteDIvoire Alpha3 = "CIV" CookIslands Alpha3 = "COK" Chile Alpha3 = "CHL" Cameroon Alpha3 = "CMR" China Alpha3 = "CHN" Colombia Alpha3 = "COL" CostaRica Alpha3 = "CRI" Cuba Alpha3 = "CUB" CaboVerde Alpha3 = "CPV" Curacao Alpha3 = "CUW" ChristmasIsland Alpha3 = "CXR" Cyprus Alpha3 = "CYP" Czechia Alpha3 = "CZE" Germany Alpha3 = "DEU" Djibouti Alpha3 = "DJI" Denmark Alpha3 = "DNK" Dominica Alpha3 = "DMA" DominicanRepublic Alpha3 = "DOM" Algeria Alpha3 = "DZA" Ecuador Alpha3 = "ECU" Estonia Alpha3 = "EST" Egypt Alpha3 = "EGY" WesternSahara Alpha3 = "ESH" Eritrea Alpha3 = "ERI" Spain Alpha3 = "ESP" Ethiopia Alpha3 = "ETH" Finland Alpha3 = "FIN" Fiji Alpha3 = "FJI" FalklandIslands Alpha3 = "FLK" Micronesia Alpha3 = "FSM" FaroeIslands Alpha3 = "FRO" France Alpha3 = "FRA" Gabon Alpha3 = "GAB" UnitedKingdom Alpha3 = "GBR" Grenada Alpha3 = "GRD" Georgia Alpha3 = "GEO" FrenchGuiana Alpha3 = "GUF" Guernsey Alpha3 = "GGY" Ghana Alpha3 = "GHA" Gibraltar Alpha3 = "GIB" Greenland Alpha3 = "GRL" Gambia Alpha3 = "GMB" Guinea Alpha3 = "GIN" Guadeloupe Alpha3 = "GLP" EquatorialGuinea Alpha3 = "GNQ" Greece Alpha3 = "GRC" SouthGeorgia Alpha3 = "SGS" Guatemala Alpha3 = "GTM" Guam Alpha3 = "GUM" GuineaBissau Alpha3 = "GNB" Guyana Alpha3 = "GUY" HongKong Alpha3 = "HKG" HeardIsland Alpha3 = "HMD" Honduras Alpha3 = "HND" Croatia Alpha3 = "HRV" Haiti Alpha3 = "HTI" Hungary Alpha3 = "HUN" Indonesia Alpha3 = "IDN" Ireland Alpha3 = "IRL" Israel Alpha3 = "ISR" IsleOfMan Alpha3 = "IMN" India Alpha3 = "IND" BritishIndianOceanTerritory Alpha3 = "IOT" Iraq Alpha3 = "IRQ" Iran Alpha3 = "IRN" Iceland Alpha3 = "ISL" Italy Alpha3 = "ITA" Jersey Alpha3 = "JEY" Jamaica Alpha3 = "JAM" Jordan Alpha3 = "JOR" Japan Alpha3 = "JPN" Kenya Alpha3 = "KEN" Kyrgyzstan Alpha3 = "KGZ" Cambodia Alpha3 = "KHM" Kiribati Alpha3 = "KIR" Comoros Alpha3 = "COM" SaintKittsAndNevis Alpha3 = "KNA" DemocraticPeoplesRepublicOfKorea Alpha3 = "PRK" RepublicOfKorea Alpha3 = "KOR" Kuwait Alpha3 = "KWT" CaymanIslands Alpha3 = "CYM" Kazakhstan Alpha3 = "KAZ" LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic Alpha3 = "LAO" Lebanon Alpha3 = "LBN" SaintLucia Alpha3 = "LCA" Liechtenstein Alpha3 = "LIE" SriLanka Alpha3 = "LKA" Liberia Alpha3 = "LBR" Lesotho Alpha3 = "LSO" Lithuania Alpha3 = "LTU" Luxembourg Alpha3 = "LUX" Latvia Alpha3 = "LVA" Libya Alpha3 = "LBY" Morocco Alpha3 = "MAR" Monaco Alpha3 = "MCO" RepublicOfMoldova Alpha3 = "MDA" Montenegro Alpha3 = "MNE" SaintMartinFrench Alpha3 = "MAF" Madagascar Alpha3 = "MDG" MarshallIslands Alpha3 = "MHL" TheFormerYugoslavRepublicOfMacedonia Alpha3 = "MKD" Mali Alpha3 = "MLI" Myanmar Alpha3 = "MMR" Mongolia Alpha3 = "MNG" Macao Alpha3 = "MAC" NorthernMarianaIslands Alpha3 = "MNP" Martinique Alpha3 = "MTQ" Mauritania Alpha3 = "MRT" Montserrat Alpha3 = "MSR" Malta Alpha3 = "MLT" Mauritius Alpha3 = "MUS" Maldives Alpha3 = "MDV" Malawi Alpha3 = "MWI" Mexico Alpha3 = "MEX" Malaysia Alpha3 = "MYS" Mozambique Alpha3 = "MOZ" Namibia Alpha3 = "NAM" NewCaledonia Alpha3 = "NCL" Niger Alpha3 = "NER" NorfolkIsland Alpha3 = "NFK" Nigeria Alpha3 = "NGA" Nicaragua Alpha3 = "NIC" Netherlands Alpha3 = "NLD" Norway Alpha3 = "NOR" Nepal Alpha3 = "NPL" Nauru Alpha3 = "NRU" Niue Alpha3 = "NIU" NewZealand Alpha3 = "NZL" Oman Alpha3 = "OMN" Panama Alpha3 = "PAN" Peru Alpha3 = "PER" FrenchPolynesia Alpha3 = "PYF" PapuaNewGuinea Alpha3 = "PNG" Philippines Alpha3 = "PHL" Pakistan Alpha3 = "PAK" Poland Alpha3 = "POL" SaintPierreAndMiquelon Alpha3 = "SPM" Pitcairn Alpha3 = "PCN" PuertoRico Alpha3 = "PRI" StateOfPalestine Alpha3 = "PSE" Portugal Alpha3 = "PRT" Palau Alpha3 = "PLW" Paraguay Alpha3 = "PRY" Qatar Alpha3 = "QAT" Reunion Alpha3 = "REU" Romania Alpha3 = "ROU" Serbia Alpha3 = "SRB" RussianFederation Alpha3 = "RUS" Rwanda Alpha3 = "RWA" SaudiArabia Alpha3 = "SAU" SolomonIslands Alpha3 = "SLB" Seychelles Alpha3 = "SYC" Sudan Alpha3 = "SDN" Sweden Alpha3 = "SWE" Singapore Alpha3 = "SGP" SaintHelena Alpha3 = "SHN" Slovenia Alpha3 = "SVN" SvalbardAndJanMayenIslands Alpha3 = "SJM" Slovakia Alpha3 = "SVK" SierraLeone Alpha3 = "SLE" SanMarino Alpha3 = "SMR" Senegal Alpha3 = "SEN" Somalia Alpha3 = "SOM" Suriname Alpha3 = "SUR" SouthSudan Alpha3 = "SSD" SaoTomeAndPrincipe Alpha3 = "STP" ElSalvador Alpha3 = "SLV" SintMaartenDutchPart Alpha3 = "SXM" SyrianArabRepublic Alpha3 = "SYR" Swaziland Alpha3 = "SWZ" TurksAndCaicosIslands Alpha3 = "TCA" Chad Alpha3 = "TCD" FrenchSouthernTerritories Alpha3 = "ATF" Togo Alpha3 = "TGO" Thailand Alpha3 = "THA" Tajikistan Alpha3 = "TJK" Tokelau Alpha3 = "TKL" TimorLeste Alpha3 = "TLS" Turkmenistan Alpha3 = "TKM" Tunisia Alpha3 = "TUN" Tonga Alpha3 = "TON" Turkey Alpha3 = "TUR" TrinidadAndTobago Alpha3 = "TTO" Tuvalu Alpha3 = "TUV" Taiwan Alpha3 = "TWN" UnitedRepublicOfTanzania Alpha3 = "TZA" Ukraine Alpha3 = "UKR" Uganda Alpha3 = "UGA" UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands Alpha3 = "UMI" UnitedStatesOfAmerica Alpha3 = "USA" Uruguay Alpha3 = "URY" Uzbekistan Alpha3 = "UZB" HolySee Alpha3 = "VAT" SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines Alpha3 = "VCT" Venezuela Alpha3 = "VEN" BritishVirginIslands Alpha3 = "VGB" UnitedStatesVirginIslands Alpha3 = "VIR" VietNam Alpha3 = "VNM" Vanuatu Alpha3 = "VUT" WallisAndFutunaIslands Alpha3 = "WLF" Samoa Alpha3 = "WSM" Yemen Alpha3 = "YEM" Mayotte Alpha3 = "MYT" SouthAfrica Alpha3 = "ZAF" Zambia Alpha3 = "ZMB" Zimbabwe Alpha3 = "ZWE" )
type Country ¶
type Country struct { OfficialNameAR string `json:"official_name_ar"` // Country or Area official Arabic short name from UN Statistics Divsion OfficialNameCN string `json:"official_name_cn"` // Country or Area official Chinese short name from UN Statistics Divsion OfficialNameEN string `json:"official_name_en"` // Country or Area official English short name from UN Statistics Divsion OfficialNameES string `json:"official_name_es"` // Country or Area official Spanish short name from UN Statistics Divsion OfficialNameFR string `json:"official_name_fr"` // Country or Area official French short name from UN Statistics Divsion OfficialNameRU string `json:"official_name_ru"` // Country or Area official Russian short name from UN Statistics Divsion ISO31661Alpha2 string `json:"ISO3166-1-Alpha-2"` // Alpha-2 codes from ISO 3166-1 ISO31661Alpha3 string `json:"ISO3166-1-Alpha-3"` // Alpha-3 codes from ISO 3166-1 (synonymous with World Bank Codes) ISO31661Numeric string `json:"ISO3166-1-numeric"` // Numeric codes from ISO 3166-1 ISO4217CurrencyAlphabeticCode string `json:"ISO4217-currency_alphabetic_code"` // ISO 4217 currency alphabetic code ISO4217CurrencyCountryName string `json:"ISO4217-currency_country_name"` // ISO 4217 country name ISO4217CurrencyMinorUnit string `json:"ISO4217-currency_minor_unit"` // ISO 4217 currency number of minor units ISO4217CurrencyName string `json:"ISO4217-currency_name"` // ISO 4217 currency name ISO4217CurrencyNumericCode string `json:"ISO4217-currency_numeric_code"` // ISO 4217 currency numeric code M49 float64 `json:"M49"` // UN Statistics M49 numeric codes (nearly synonymous with ISO 3166-1 numeric codes, which are based on UN M49. ISO 3166-1 does not include Channel Islands or Sark, for example) UNTERMArabicFormal string `json:"UNTERM Arabic Formal"` // Country's formal Arabic name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMArabicShort string `json:"UNTERM Arabic Short"` // Country's short Arabic name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMChineseFormal string `json:"UNTERM Chinese Formal"` // Country's formal Chinese name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMChineseShort string `json:"UNTERM Chinese Short"` // Country's short Chinese name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMEnglishFormal string `json:"UNTERM English Formal"` // Country's formal English name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMEnglishShort string `json:"UNTERM English Short"` // Country's short English name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMFrenchFormal string `json:"UNTERM French Formal"` // Country's formal French name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMFrenchShort string `json:"UNTERM French Short"` // Country's short French name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMRussianFormal string `json:"UNTERM Russian Formal"` // Country's formal Russian name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMRussianShort string `json:"UNTERM Russian Short"` // Country's short Russian name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMSpanishFormal string `json:"UNTERM Spanish Formal"` // Country's formal Spanish name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service UNTERMSpanishShort string `json:"UNTERM Spanish Short"` // Country's short Spanish name from UN Protocol and Liaison Service CLDRDisplayName string `json:"CLDR display name"` // Country's customary English short name (CLDR) Capital string `json:"Capital"` // Capital city from Geonames Continent continent.Code `json:"Continent"` // Continent from Geonames DS string `json:"DS"` // Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic DevelopedDevelopingCountries string `json:"Developed / Developing Countries"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division Dial string `json:"Dial"` // Country code from ITU-T recommendation E.164, sometimes followed by area code EDGAR string `json:"EDGAR"` // EDGAR country code from SEC FIFA string `json:"FIFA"` // Codes assigned by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association FIPS string `json:"FIPS"` // Codes from the U.S. standard FIPS PUB 10-4 GAUL string `json:"GAUL"` // Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization GeonameID float64 `json:"Geoname ID"` // Geoname ID GlobalCode string `json:"Global Code"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division GlobalName string `json:"Global Name"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division IOC string `json:"IOC"` // Codes assigned by the International Olympics Committee ITU string `json:"ITU"` // Codes assigned by the International Telecommunications Union IntermediateRegionCode string `json:"Intermediate Region Code"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division IntermediateRegionName string `json:"Intermediate Region Name"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division LandLockedDevelopingCountries string `json:"Land Locked Developing Countries (LLDC)"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division Languages string `json:"Languages"` // Languages from Geonames LeastDevelopedCountries string `json:"Least Developed Countries (LDC)"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division MARC string `json:"MARC"` // Machine-Readable Cataloging codes from the Library of Congress RegionCode region.Code `json:"Region Code"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division RegionName string `json:"Region Name"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division SmallIslandDevelopingStates string `json:"Small Island Developing States (SIDS)"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division SubRegionCode subregion.Code `json:"Sub-region Code"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division SubRegionName string `json:"Sub-region Name"` // Country classification from United Nations Statistics Division TLD string `json:"TLD"` // Top level domain from Geonames WMO string `json:"WMO"` // Country abbreviations by the World Meteorological Organization IsIndependent string `json:"is_independent"` // Country status, based on the CIA World Factbook }
func (Country) LanguagesList ¶
func (Country) MainLanguage ¶
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