CEPTA - Complex Event Processing Transportation Analysis
The open-source CEPTA project aims to examine the applicability of
modern (complex) event processing
techniques in the context of intermodal transportation.
The project is under active development and will regularly
push updates to the demo instance.
For more information, see bptlab.github.io/cepta/.
To build all executables of the entire project:
bazel build //:cepta
To build only a specific module or executable:
bazel build //auxiliary/producers/replayer # Example
To run a specific executable:
bazel run //auxiliary/producers/replayer -- --port 8080 # Example
To run mutiple specific executables (prevents locking) use run.sh instead of bazel run:
./run.sh //auxiliary/producers/replayer -- --port 8080 # Example
bazel test :all
bazel test //core:core-tests # Only test core
The project uses docker
and docker-compose
for deployment.
For instructions see docs/deployment/dev.md
or docs/deployment/prod.md
Summary: To run the latest version, run
CEPTA_VERSION="v0.5.0" docker-compose -f deployment/prod/docker-compose.yml up
To run specific containers (single or multiple) run:
./deployment/dev/devenv.sh up args...
The containers that can be used as args can be found in /deployment/dev/compose for example: envoy
Have you never build the docker images before than run following instead:
BUILD=1 ./deployment/dev/devenv.sh up args...
Deployment on Mac
Seeing an error like this while starting the docker container:
standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
MacOs needs a slight configuration to the build stage. The docker images that are build with bazel have to be build for linux to run in the docker environment. Therefore you have to build the images like this:
bazel run //osiris/usermgmt:build-image --platforms=@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:linux_amd64