![Launch Stack](https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudformation-examples/cloudformation-launch-stack.png)
What is it?
This is a single Go binary that bootstraps ETCD cluster in AWS Autoscaling Group
Why we made this:
Maintaining and managing ETCD cluster has a significant operational cost. We wanted to make it as simple as possible. So we decided to write this app to make it easier to bootstrap an ETCD cluster within AWS Autoscaling groups.
How to use it:
The binary if runs inside an EC2 instance that belongs to autoscaling group will output either ENV variables or command line arguments for Etcd2 application. So in the simplest way it can be used like this:
$ etcd2 $(etcd-boostrap)
If you want to use it with CloudInit and coreOS perhaps the best option is to use ENV variables.
$ etcd-bootstrap -output env > /etc/etcd.env
Sample CloudFormation is provided in examples directory or you can click on the button above to launch a cluster.
Command line args:
Usage of ./etcd-bootstrap:
Add this etcd member explicitly to the cluster (default true)
-client-port int
ETCD Cient port (default 2379)
-output string
Output format. Available options: args, env (default "args")
Use EC2 Public IP for client URLs if available
Disable log output
-region string
Region to initialize the script. (default "eu-west-1")
-schema string
Schema to communicate to the cluster, currently only 'http' works (default "http")
This is a work in progress and not ready for production.
Pull requests and issues are welcome.
Brought to you proudly by Cloud Team @Stylgight