Overview ¶
Copyright 2018. authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( YML_FILE = "yml" TOML_FILE = "toml" JSON_FILE = "json" XML_FILE = "xml" HeaderLangKey = "content-language" HeaderZhLang = "zh-Hans" HeaderEnLang = "en" )
file types define
const ( LangZhType = "zh" LangEnType = "en" )
const ( MergeAccountAddressNotFound int = iota MergeAccountSuccess MergeAccountOther MergeAccountTransfering MergeAccountNoAddrToMegge MergeAccountSqlErr )
MergeAccount returns
const ( CoinListMasterCoinType int = iota CoinListTokenType CoinListAllCoinType CoinListETHCoinType CoinListAvailableCoinType )
get coin list, list type
const ( MainAddressType int = iota NormalAddressType ContractAddressType )
address type in db
const ( TemplatePending int = iota // 0 waiting to approval TemplateApprovaled // 1 approved TemplateRejected // 2 reject TemplateToDisable // 3 to be disable TemplateAvaliable // 4 available on blockchain TemplateDisabled // 5 disable on blockchain TemplateFailed // 6 voucher return error )
template status
const ( TransferToApproval int = iota // 0 waiting to approval TransferApprovaled // 1 approved, transfer pending TransferReject // 2 reject TransferSomeSuccess // 3 some of the transfer success TransferFailed // 4 transfer failed TransferSuccess // 5 transfer success TransferCancel // 6 cancel transfer 撤回 TransferInvalid // 7 invalid transfer 非法转账 TransferDisuse // 8 approval out of date 审批过期 TransferApproveExpire // 9 transfer out of date 转账过期 TransferDisableEmployee // 10 tx canceled case user account disabled 禁用员工作废 TransferCancelTemp // 11 tx canceled case template canceled 模板停用作废 TransferInsufficientBalance // 12 tx Insufficient balance TransferMinerToFloatError int = iota + 8 // 21 矿工费转化float错误 TransferCoinNotFound // 22 无此币种类别 TransferGenTxError // 23 构建交易失败 TransferVoucherReturnError // 24 签名机返回错误 TransferDicemalError // 25 精度不够 TransferAddressIndexError // 26 地址索引解析错误 TransferDecodeMsgError // 27 msg解析错误 TransferDecodeDataError // 28 数据解析错误 )
transfer status
const ( RegWaitingToApproval int = iota // 0 注册 RegToApproval // 1 扫过码,等待审核 RegApprovaled // 2 同意 RegRejected // 3 拒绝 OwnerRegNotFound OwnerRegError )
user registration record status
const ( OwnerAccApprovaling int = iota OwnerAccApprovaled OwnerAccRejected RecoveryReject // owner register status HasApproved RecoveryInvalid )
owner account operation status
const ( NormalAccType int = iota AdminAccType OwnerAccType )
account type
const ( NormalMessage int = iota WarnMessage ErrorMessage )
message type
const ( NodeStable int = iota NodeSyncing )
const ( LoggerOwnerRecovery = "ownerRecovery" // 申请恢复股东账户 LoggerOwnerSubmit = "ownerSubmit" // 扫码提交 LoggerOwnerAccept = "ownerAccept" // 同意恢复 LoggerOwnerReject = "ownerReject" // 拒绝恢复 LoggerTemplateNew = "templateNew" // 新建审批流模板 LoggerTemplateAccept = "templateAccept" // 审批通过审批流模板 LoggerTemplateReject = "templateReject" // 审批拒绝审批流模板 LoggerTemplateCancel = "templateCancel" // 撤销审批流模板 LoggerTemplateActive = "templateActive" // 审批流生效 LoggerVoucherKeyWord = "voucherKeyWord" // 输入启动关键词 LoggerVoucherStart = "voucherStart" // 签名机启动成功 LoggerVoucherStop = "voucherStop" // 签名机关停成功 LoggerVoucherTimeout = "voucherTimeout" // 启动超时 )
const ( MsgOwnerAccountType = "ownerType" // 股东 MsgAdminAccountType = "adminType" // 管理员 )
const ( MsgTitleAppointAdmin = "appointAdmin" // 管理员任命通知 MsgTitleDeleteAdmin = "deleteAdmin" // 取消管理员通知 MsgTitleAuthorization = "authorization" // 功能授权通知 MsgTitleNodeSwitch = "nodeSwitch" // 公链节点切换通知 MsgTitleApprovalTemplateSuccess = "approvalTemplateSuccess" // 审批流模板审批成功 MsgTitleApprovalTemplateFail = "approvalTemplateFail" // 审批流模板审批失败 MsgTitleCancelTemplate = "cancelTemplate" // 审批流作废通知 MsgTitleTransferApproved = "transferApproved" // 转账申请审批成功 MsgTitleTransferReject = "transferReject" // 转账申请审批失败 MsgTitleTransferSuccess = "transferSuccess" // 转账成功通知 MsgTitleTransferFail = "transferFail" // 转账失败 MsgTitleTransferCanceled = "transferCanceled" // 转账申请作废通知 MsgTitleVoucherWarn = "voucherWarn" // 签名机验签失败警告 MsgTitleNodeSync = "nodeSync" // 节点同步通知 )
const ( MsgContentAppointAdmin = "appointAdmin" // 设置管理员 MSgContentAppointAdminNoticeOthers = "appointAdminNoticeOthers" // 设置管理员通知其他管理员 MsgContentDeleteAdmin = "deleteAdmin" // 已取消管理员权限 MsgContentDeleteAdminNoticeOthers = "deleteAdminNoticeOthers" // 取消管理员权限通知其他管理员 MsgContentAuthGrant = "authGrant" // 授予功能权限 MsgContentAuthCancel = "authCancel" // 取消功能权限 MsgContentNodeSwitch = "nodeSwitch" // 公链节点切换 MsgContentApprovalTemplateSuccess = "approvalTemplateSuccess" // 审批流已全票通过审核 MsgContentApprovalTemplateFailByVoucher = "approvalTemplateFailByVoucher" // 审批流由于签名机验签失败而被否决 MsgContentApprovalTemplateFailByOwner = "approvalTemplateFailByOwner" // 审批流被股东否决 MsgContentCancelTempByOwner = "cancelTempByOwner" // 审批流被作废 MsgContentCancelTemp = "cancelTemp" // 审批流被作废 MsgContentCancelTempByDisableUser = "cancelTempByDisableUser" // 停用账户时系统自动作废审批流 MsgContentTransferApproved = "transferApproved" // 转账申请通过审批 MsgContentTransferApprovalFaliCauseTimeOut = "transferApprovalFaliCauseTimeOut" // 转账由于超时审批失败 MsgContentTransferReject = "transferReject" // 转账申请由于未达到最小审批通过人数而审批失败 MsgContentTransferSuccess = "transferSuccess" // 转账成功 MsgContentTransferFail = "transferFail" // 转账失败 MsgContentTransferPartiallySuceeded = "transferPartiallySuceeded" // 部分转账成功 MsgContentTransferFailCauseTimeout = "transferFailCauseTimeout" // 转账超过截至时间失败 MsgContentTransferCanceled = "transferCanceled" // 转账申请被作废 MsgContentTransferCanceledCauseDisableUser = "transferCanceledCauseDisableUser" // 由于审批流中的用户账户被停用而转账被作废 MsgContentVoucherWarn = "voucherWarn" // 签名机报警 MsgContentNodeSyncFail = "nodeSyncFail" // 节点同步异常 MsgContentNodeSyncSuccess = "nodeSyncSUccess" // 节点同步恢复正常 )
const ( AuthBalance = "balanceAuth" // 资产查询权限 AuthAddress = "addressAuth" // 多账户管理权限 )
const CONF_FILE = "config.toml"
config file name
const CONF_PATH = "/config/"
apiServer config path
const LOG_CONF = "log.xml"
The configuration file for log4go
max password attempts
const TemplateExpireUpperLimit = 240
template period Upper limit
const VOUCHER_KEY_FILE = "voucher.key"
voucher key file
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MsgTemplatePadding ¶
type MsgTemplatePadding struct { AccountType string `json:"accType"` OperAccountName string `json:"operaterAcc"` PromoterAccountName string `json:"promoterAcc"` TemplateName string `json:"templateName"` DisabledAccount string `json:"disabledAcc"` TransOrderCoinName string `json:"transOrderCoinName"` TransOrderAmount string `json:"transOrderAmount"` VoucherWarnCount int `json:"voucherWarnCount"` AuthNames []string `json:"authName"` AuthName string }