Overview ¶
Package mock_cqrs is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_cqrs is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_cqrs is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock_cqrs is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockAggregate
- func (m *MockAggregate) AggregateID() uuid.UUID
- func (m *MockAggregate) AggregateType() cqrs_es.AggregateType
- func (m *MockAggregate) ApplyEvent(arg0 cqrs_es.Event) error
- func (m *MockAggregate) Changes() []cqrs_es.Event
- func (m *MockAggregate) CurrentVersion() int
- func (m *MockAggregate) EXPECT() *MockAggregateMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAggregate) FlushChanges()
- func (m *MockAggregate) OriginalVersion() int
- func (m *MockAggregate) TrackChange(arg0 ...cqrs_es.Event)
- type MockAggregateConfig
- func (m *MockAggregateConfig) EXPECT() *MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAggregateConfig) Factories() map[cqrs_es.AggregateType]cqrs_es.AggregateFactory
- func (m *MockAggregateConfig) New(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateType, arg1 uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateConfig) Register(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateType, arg1 cqrs_es.AggregateFactory)
- type MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder
- type MockAggregateCursor
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Aggregate(arg0 context.Context) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Close(arg0 context.Context) error
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) EXPECT() *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Err() error
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Next(arg0 context.Context) bool
- func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Version(arg0 context.Context, arg1 int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- type MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Aggregate(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Close(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Err() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Next(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Version(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockAggregateMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) ApplyEvent(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) Changes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) CurrentVersion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) FlushChanges() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) OriginalVersion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) TrackChange(arg0 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockAggregateQuery
- type MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder
- type MockAggregateRepository
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) EXPECT() *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Fetch(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatest(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatestWithBase(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchWithBase(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Query(ctx context.Context, query cqrs_es.AggregateQuery) (cqrs_es.AggregateCursor, error)
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Remove(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate) error
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) RemoveType(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType) error
- func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate) error
- type MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Fetch(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatest(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatestWithBase(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchWithBase(ctx, aggregate, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveType(ctx, typ interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Save(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockCommand
- type MockCommandBus
- type MockCommandBusMockRecorder
- type MockCommandConfig
- func (m *MockCommandConfig) EXPECT() *MockCommandConfigMockRecorder
- func (m *MockCommandConfig) Handler(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandType) (cqrs_es.CommandHandler, error)
- func (m *MockCommandConfig) Handlers() map[cqrs_es.CommandType]cqrs_es.CommandHandler
- func (m *MockCommandConfig) Register(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandType, arg1 cqrs_es.CommandHandler)
- type MockCommandConfigMockRecorder
- type MockCommandHandler
- type MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder
- type MockCommandMockRecorder
- type MockContainer
- func (m *MockContainer) AggregateConfig() cqrs_es.AggregateConfig
- func (m *MockContainer) Aggregates() cqrs_es.AggregateRepository
- func (m *MockContainer) CommandBus() cqrs_es.CommandBus
- func (m *MockContainer) CommandConfig() cqrs_es.CommandConfig
- func (m *MockContainer) EXPECT() *MockContainerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockContainer) EventBus() cqrs_es.EventBus
- func (m *MockContainer) EventConfig() cqrs_es.EventConfig
- func (m *MockContainer) EventPublisher() cqrs_es.EventPublisher
- func (m *MockContainer) EventStore() cqrs_es.EventStore
- func (m *MockContainer) EventSubscriber() cqrs_es.EventSubscriber
- func (m *MockContainer) SetAggregateConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateConfig)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetAggregates(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateRepository)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetCommandBus(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandBus)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetCommandConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandConfig)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetEventBus(arg0 cqrs_es.EventBus)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetEventConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.EventConfig)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetEventStore(arg0 cqrs_es.EventStore)
- func (m *MockContainer) SetSnapshots(arg0 cqrs_es.SnapshotRepository)
- func (m *MockContainer) Snapshots() cqrs_es.SnapshotRepository
- type MockContainerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) AggregateConfig() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) Aggregates() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandBus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandConfig() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventBus() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventConfig() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventPublisher() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventStore() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventSubscriber() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregateConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregates(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandBus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventBus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventStore(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetSnapshots(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) Snapshots() *gomock.Call
- type MockEvent
- func (m *MockEvent) AggregateID() uuid.UUID
- func (m *MockEvent) AggregateType() cqrs_es.AggregateType
- func (m *MockEvent) Data() cqrs_es.EventData
- func (m *MockEvent) EXPECT() *MockEventMockRecorder
- func (m *MockEvent) Time() time.Time
- func (m *MockEvent) Type() cqrs_es.EventType
- func (m *MockEvent) Version() int
- type MockEventBus
- type MockEventBusMockRecorder
- type MockEventConfig
- func (m *MockEventConfig) EXPECT() *MockEventConfigMockRecorder
- func (m *MockEventConfig) NewData(arg0 cqrs_es.EventType) (cqrs_es.EventData, error)
- func (m *MockEventConfig) Protos() map[cqrs_es.EventType]cqrs_es.EventData
- func (m *MockEventConfig) Register(arg0 cqrs_es.EventType, arg1 cqrs_es.EventData)
- type MockEventConfigMockRecorder
- type MockEventCursor
- type MockEventCursorMockRecorder
- type MockEventData
- type MockEventDataMockRecorder
- type MockEventMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Data() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Time() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Type() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
- type MockEventPublisher
- type MockEventPublisherMockRecorder
- type MockEventQuery
- func (m *MockEventQuery) AggregateIDs() []uuid.UUID
- func (m *MockEventQuery) AggregateTypes() []cqrs_es.AggregateType
- func (m *MockEventQuery) EXPECT() *MockEventQueryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockEventQuery) EventTypes() []cqrs_es.EventType
- func (m *MockEventQuery) VersionRanges() [][2]int
- func (m *MockEventQuery) Versions() []int
- type MockEventQueryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateIDs() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateTypes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) EventTypes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) VersionRanges() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) Versions() *gomock.Call
- type MockEventStore
- func (m *MockEventStore) EXPECT() *MockEventStoreMockRecorder
- func (m *MockEventStore) Fetch(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, from, to int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) FetchAll(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) FetchFrom(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, from int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) FetchTo(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, to int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) Find(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Event, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) Query(ctx context.Context, query cqrs_es.EventQuery) (cqrs_es.EventCursor, error)
- func (m *MockEventStore) RemoveAggregate(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) error
- func (m *MockEventStore) RemoveAggregateType(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType) error
- func (m *MockEventStore) Save(ctx context.Context, originalVersion int, events ...cqrs_es.Event) error
- type MockEventStoreMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Fetch(ctx, typ, id, from, to interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchAll(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchFrom(ctx, typ, id, from interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchTo(ctx, typ, id, to interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Find(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregate(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregateType(ctx, typ interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Save(ctx, originalVersion interface{}, events ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockEventSubscriber
- type MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder
- type MockSnapshotRepository
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) EXPECT() *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Latest(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) MaxVersion(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, maxVersion int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Remove(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) error
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) RemoveAll(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) error
- func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Save(ctx context.Context, snap cqrs_es.Aggregate) error
- type MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Find(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Latest(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) MaxVersion(ctx, typ, id, maxVersion interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveAll(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Save(ctx, snap interface{}) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockAggregate ¶
type MockAggregate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregate is a mock of Aggregate interface
func NewMockAggregate ¶
func NewMockAggregate(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAggregate
NewMockAggregate creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAggregate) AggregateID ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) AggregateID() uuid.UUID
AggregateID mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) AggregateType ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) AggregateType() cqrs_es.AggregateType
AggregateType mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) ApplyEvent ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (m *MockAggregate) ApplyEvent(arg0 cqrs_es.Event) error
ApplyEvent mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) Changes ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) Changes() []cqrs_es.Event
Changes mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) CurrentVersion ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) CurrentVersion() int
CurrentVersion mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) EXPECT() *MockAggregateMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAggregate) FlushChanges ¶ added in v0.6.4
func (m *MockAggregate) FlushChanges()
FlushChanges mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) OriginalVersion ¶
func (m *MockAggregate) OriginalVersion() int
OriginalVersion mocks base method
func (*MockAggregate) TrackChange ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (m *MockAggregate) TrackChange(arg0 ...cqrs_es.Event)
TrackChange mocks base method
type MockAggregateConfig ¶
type MockAggregateConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateConfig is a mock of AggregateConfig interface
func NewMockAggregateConfig ¶
func NewMockAggregateConfig(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAggregateConfig
NewMockAggregateConfig creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAggregateConfig) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockAggregateConfig) EXPECT() *MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAggregateConfig) Factories ¶
func (m *MockAggregateConfig) Factories() map[cqrs_es.AggregateType]cqrs_es.AggregateFactory
Factories mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateConfig) New ¶
func (m *MockAggregateConfig) New(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateType, arg1 uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
New mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateConfig) Register ¶
func (m *MockAggregateConfig) Register(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateType, arg1 cqrs_es.AggregateFactory)
Register mocks base method
type MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder ¶
type MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAggregateConfig
func (*MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) Factories ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) Factories() *gomock.Call
Factories indicates an expected call of Factories
func (*MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) New ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) New(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
New indicates an expected call of New
func (*MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) Register ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateConfigMockRecorder) Register(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Register indicates an expected call of Register
type MockAggregateCursor ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockAggregateCursor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateCursor is a mock of AggregateCursor interface
func NewMockAggregateCursor ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMockAggregateCursor(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAggregateCursor
NewMockAggregateCursor creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAggregateCursor) Close ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Close(arg0 context.Context) error
Close mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateCursor) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateCursor) EXPECT() *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAggregateCursor) Err ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateCursor) Err() error
Err mocks base method
type MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAggregateCursor
func (*MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Aggregate ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Aggregate(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Aggregate indicates an expected call of Aggregate
func (*MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Close(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Err ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Err() *gomock.Call
Err indicates an expected call of Err
func (*MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Next ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Next(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Next indicates an expected call of Next
func (*MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Version ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (mr *MockAggregateCursorMockRecorder) Version(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Version indicates an expected call of Version
type MockAggregateMockRecorder ¶
type MockAggregateMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAggregate
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateID ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateID() *gomock.Call
AggregateID indicates an expected call of AggregateID
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateType ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) AggregateType() *gomock.Call
AggregateType indicates an expected call of AggregateType
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) ApplyEvent ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) ApplyEvent(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
ApplyEvent indicates an expected call of ApplyEvent
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) Changes ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) Changes() *gomock.Call
Changes indicates an expected call of Changes
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) CurrentVersion ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) CurrentVersion() *gomock.Call
CurrentVersion indicates an expected call of CurrentVersion
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) FlushChanges ¶ added in v0.6.4
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) FlushChanges() *gomock.Call
FlushChanges indicates an expected call of FlushChanges
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) OriginalVersion ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) OriginalVersion() *gomock.Call
OriginalVersion indicates an expected call of OriginalVersion
func (*MockAggregateMockRecorder) TrackChange ¶ added in v0.9.1
func (mr *MockAggregateMockRecorder) TrackChange(arg0 ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
TrackChange indicates an expected call of TrackChange
type MockAggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockAggregateQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateQuery is a mock of AggregateQuery interface
func NewMockAggregateQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMockAggregateQuery(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAggregateQuery
NewMockAggregateQuery creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAggregateQuery) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateQuery) EXPECT() *MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAggregateQuery) IDs ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateQuery) IDs() []uuid.UUID
IDs mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateQuery) Types ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateQuery) Types() []cqrs_es.AggregateType
Types mocks base method
type MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAggregateQuery
func (*MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder) IDs ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder) IDs() *gomock.Call
IDs indicates an expected call of IDs
func (*MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder) Types ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateQueryMockRecorder) Types() *gomock.Call
Types indicates an expected call of Types
type MockAggregateRepository ¶
type MockAggregateRepository struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateRepository is a mock of AggregateRepository interface
func NewMockAggregateRepository ¶
func NewMockAggregateRepository(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAggregateRepository
NewMockAggregateRepository creates a new mock instance
func (*MockAggregateRepository) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) EXPECT() *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockAggregateRepository) Fetch ¶
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Fetch(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
Fetch mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatest ¶
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatest(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
FetchLatest mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatestWithBase ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchLatestWithBase(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
FetchLatestWithBase mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateRepository) FetchWithBase ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) FetchWithBase(ctx context.Context, aggregate cqrs_es.Aggregate, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
FetchWithBase mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateRepository) Query ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) Query(ctx context.Context, query cqrs_es.AggregateQuery) (cqrs_es.AggregateCursor, error)
Query mocks base method
func (*MockAggregateRepository) RemoveType ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (m *MockAggregateRepository) RemoveType(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType) error
RemoveType mocks base method
type MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder ¶
type MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAggregateRepository
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Fetch ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Fetch(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
Fetch indicates an expected call of Fetch
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatest ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatest(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchLatest indicates an expected call of FetchLatest
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatestWithBase ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchLatestWithBase(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchLatestWithBase indicates an expected call of FetchLatestWithBase
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchWithBase ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) FetchWithBase(ctx, aggregate, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchWithBase indicates an expected call of FetchWithBase
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Query ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove ¶ added in v0.9.11
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
Remove indicates an expected call of Remove
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveType ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveType(ctx, typ interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveType indicates an expected call of RemoveType
func (*MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockAggregateRepositoryMockRecorder) Save(ctx, aggregate interface{}) *gomock.Call
Save indicates an expected call of Save
type MockCommand ¶
type MockCommand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommand is a mock of Command interface
func NewMockCommand ¶
func NewMockCommand(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockCommand
NewMockCommand creates a new mock instance
func (*MockCommand) AggregateID ¶
func (m *MockCommand) AggregateID() uuid.UUID
AggregateID mocks base method
func (*MockCommand) AggregateType ¶
func (m *MockCommand) AggregateType() cqrs_es.AggregateType
AggregateType mocks base method
func (*MockCommand) CommandType ¶
func (m *MockCommand) CommandType() cqrs_es.CommandType
CommandType mocks base method
func (*MockCommand) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockCommand) EXPECT() *MockCommandMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockCommandBus ¶
type MockCommandBus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandBus is a mock of CommandBus interface
func NewMockCommandBus ¶
func NewMockCommandBus(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockCommandBus
NewMockCommandBus creates a new mock instance
func (*MockCommandBus) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockCommandBus) EXPECT() *MockCommandBusMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockCommandBusMockRecorder ¶
type MockCommandBusMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandBusMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockCommandBus
func (*MockCommandBusMockRecorder) Dispatch ¶
func (mr *MockCommandBusMockRecorder) Dispatch(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Dispatch indicates an expected call of Dispatch
type MockCommandConfig ¶
type MockCommandConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandConfig is a mock of CommandConfig interface
func NewMockCommandConfig ¶
func NewMockCommandConfig(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockCommandConfig
NewMockCommandConfig creates a new mock instance
func (*MockCommandConfig) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockCommandConfig) EXPECT() *MockCommandConfigMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockCommandConfig) Handler ¶
func (m *MockCommandConfig) Handler(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandType) (cqrs_es.CommandHandler, error)
Handler mocks base method
func (*MockCommandConfig) Handlers ¶
func (m *MockCommandConfig) Handlers() map[cqrs_es.CommandType]cqrs_es.CommandHandler
Handlers mocks base method
func (*MockCommandConfig) Register ¶
func (m *MockCommandConfig) Register(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandType, arg1 cqrs_es.CommandHandler)
Register mocks base method
type MockCommandConfigMockRecorder ¶
type MockCommandConfigMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandConfigMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockCommandConfig
func (*MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Handler ¶
func (mr *MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Handler(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Handler indicates an expected call of Handler
func (*MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Handlers ¶
func (mr *MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Handlers() *gomock.Call
Handlers indicates an expected call of Handlers
func (*MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Register ¶
func (mr *MockCommandConfigMockRecorder) Register(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Register indicates an expected call of Register
type MockCommandHandler ¶
type MockCommandHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandHandler is a mock of CommandHandler interface
func NewMockCommandHandler ¶
func NewMockCommandHandler(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockCommandHandler
NewMockCommandHandler creates a new mock instance
func (*MockCommandHandler) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockCommandHandler) EXPECT() *MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockCommandHandler) HandleCommand ¶
HandleCommand mocks base method
type MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder ¶
type MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockCommandHandler
func (*MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder) HandleCommand ¶
func (mr *MockCommandHandlerMockRecorder) HandleCommand(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HandleCommand indicates an expected call of HandleCommand
type MockCommandMockRecorder ¶
type MockCommandMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockCommandMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockCommand
func (*MockCommandMockRecorder) AggregateID ¶
func (mr *MockCommandMockRecorder) AggregateID() *gomock.Call
AggregateID indicates an expected call of AggregateID
func (*MockCommandMockRecorder) AggregateType ¶
func (mr *MockCommandMockRecorder) AggregateType() *gomock.Call
AggregateType indicates an expected call of AggregateType
func (*MockCommandMockRecorder) CommandType ¶
func (mr *MockCommandMockRecorder) CommandType() *gomock.Call
CommandType indicates an expected call of CommandType
type MockContainer ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MockContainer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockContainer is a mock of Container interface
func NewMockContainer ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewMockContainer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockContainer
NewMockContainer creates a new mock instance
func (*MockContainer) AggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) AggregateConfig() cqrs_es.AggregateConfig
AggregateConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) Aggregates ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) Aggregates() cqrs_es.AggregateRepository
Aggregates mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) CommandBus ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) CommandBus() cqrs_es.CommandBus
CommandBus mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) CommandConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) CommandConfig() cqrs_es.CommandConfig
CommandConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) EXPECT() *MockContainerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockContainer) EventBus ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) EventBus() cqrs_es.EventBus
EventBus mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) EventConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) EventConfig() cqrs_es.EventConfig
EventConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) EventPublisher ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) EventPublisher() cqrs_es.EventPublisher
EventPublisher mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) EventStore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) EventStore() cqrs_es.EventStore
EventStore mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) EventSubscriber ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) EventSubscriber() cqrs_es.EventSubscriber
EventSubscriber mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetAggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetAggregateConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateConfig)
SetAggregateConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetAggregates ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetAggregates(arg0 cqrs_es.AggregateRepository)
SetAggregates mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetCommandBus ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetCommandBus(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandBus)
SetCommandBus mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetCommandConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetCommandConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.CommandConfig)
SetCommandConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetEventBus ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetEventBus(arg0 cqrs_es.EventBus)
SetEventBus mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetEventConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetEventConfig(arg0 cqrs_es.EventConfig)
SetEventConfig mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetEventStore ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetEventStore(arg0 cqrs_es.EventStore)
SetEventStore mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) SetSnapshots ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockContainer) SetSnapshots(arg0 cqrs_es.SnapshotRepository)
SetSnapshots mocks base method
func (*MockContainer) Snapshots ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (m *MockContainer) Snapshots() cqrs_es.SnapshotRepository
Snapshots mocks base method
type MockContainerMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.5.0
type MockContainerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockContainerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockContainer
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) AggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) AggregateConfig() *gomock.Call
AggregateConfig indicates an expected call of AggregateConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) Aggregates ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) Aggregates() *gomock.Call
Aggregates indicates an expected call of Aggregates
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandBus ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandBus() *gomock.Call
CommandBus indicates an expected call of CommandBus
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) CommandConfig() *gomock.Call
CommandConfig indicates an expected call of CommandConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) EventBus ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventBus() *gomock.Call
EventBus indicates an expected call of EventBus
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) EventConfig ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventConfig() *gomock.Call
EventConfig indicates an expected call of EventConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) EventPublisher ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventPublisher() *gomock.Call
EventPublisher indicates an expected call of EventPublisher
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) EventStore ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventStore() *gomock.Call
EventStore indicates an expected call of EventStore
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) EventSubscriber ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) EventSubscriber() *gomock.Call
EventSubscriber indicates an expected call of EventSubscriber
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregateConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregateConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAggregateConfig indicates an expected call of SetAggregateConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregates ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetAggregates(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetAggregates indicates an expected call of SetAggregates
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandBus ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandBus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCommandBus indicates an expected call of SetCommandBus
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetCommandConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCommandConfig indicates an expected call of SetCommandConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventBus ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventBus(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEventBus indicates an expected call of SetEventBus
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventConfig ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventConfig(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEventConfig indicates an expected call of SetEventConfig
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventStore ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetEventStore(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEventStore indicates an expected call of SetEventStore
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) SetSnapshots ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) SetSnapshots(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSnapshots indicates an expected call of SetSnapshots
func (*MockContainerMockRecorder) Snapshots ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (mr *MockContainerMockRecorder) Snapshots() *gomock.Call
Snapshots indicates an expected call of Snapshots
type MockEvent ¶
type MockEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEvent is a mock of Event interface
func NewMockEvent ¶
func NewMockEvent(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEvent
NewMockEvent creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEvent) AggregateID ¶
AggregateID mocks base method
func (*MockEvent) AggregateType ¶
func (m *MockEvent) AggregateType() cqrs_es.AggregateType
AggregateType mocks base method
func (*MockEvent) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEvent) EXPECT() *MockEventMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventBus ¶
type MockEventBus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventBus is a mock of EventBus interface
func NewMockEventBus ¶
func NewMockEventBus(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventBus
NewMockEventBus creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventBus) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventBus) EXPECT() *MockEventBusMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventBusMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventBusMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventBusMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventBus
func (*MockEventBusMockRecorder) Publish ¶
func (mr *MockEventBusMockRecorder) Publish(ctx interface{}, events ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Publish indicates an expected call of Publish
func (*MockEventBusMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockEventBusMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx interface{}, types ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe
type MockEventConfig ¶
type MockEventConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventConfig is a mock of EventConfig interface
func NewMockEventConfig ¶
func NewMockEventConfig(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventConfig
NewMockEventConfig creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventConfig) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventConfig) EXPECT() *MockEventConfigMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventConfigMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventConfigMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventConfigMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventConfig
func (*MockEventConfigMockRecorder) NewData ¶
func (mr *MockEventConfigMockRecorder) NewData(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
NewData indicates an expected call of NewData
func (*MockEventConfigMockRecorder) Protos ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockEventConfigMockRecorder) Protos() *gomock.Call
Protos indicates an expected call of Protos
func (*MockEventConfigMockRecorder) Register ¶
func (mr *MockEventConfigMockRecorder) Register(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Register indicates an expected call of Register
type MockEventCursor ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockEventCursor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventCursor is a mock of EventCursor interface
func NewMockEventCursor ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMockEventCursor(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventCursor
NewMockEventCursor creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventCursor) Close ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventCursor) Close(arg0 context.Context) error
Close mocks base method
func (*MockEventCursor) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventCursor) EXPECT() *MockEventCursorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockEventCursor) Err ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventCursor) Err() error
Err mocks base method
func (*MockEventCursor) Event ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventCursor) Event() cqrs_es.Event
Event mocks base method
type MockEventCursorMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockEventCursorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventCursorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventCursor
func (*MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Close ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Close(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Err ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Err() *gomock.Call
Err indicates an expected call of Err
func (*MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Event ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Event() *gomock.Call
Event indicates an expected call of Event
func (*MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Next ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventCursorMockRecorder) Next(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
Next indicates an expected call of Next
type MockEventData ¶
type MockEventData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventData is a mock of EventData interface
func NewMockEventData ¶
func NewMockEventData(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventData
NewMockEventData creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventData) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventData) EXPECT() *MockEventDataMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventDataMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventDataMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventDataMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventData
type MockEventMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEvent
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateID ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateID() *gomock.Call
AggregateID indicates an expected call of AggregateID
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateType ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) AggregateType() *gomock.Call
AggregateType indicates an expected call of AggregateType
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) Data ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Data() *gomock.Call
Data indicates an expected call of Data
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) Time ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Time() *gomock.Call
Time indicates an expected call of Time
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) Type ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Type() *gomock.Call
Type indicates an expected call of Type
func (*MockEventMockRecorder) Version ¶
func (mr *MockEventMockRecorder) Version() *gomock.Call
Version indicates an expected call of Version
type MockEventPublisher ¶
type MockEventPublisher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventPublisher is a mock of EventPublisher interface
func NewMockEventPublisher ¶
func NewMockEventPublisher(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventPublisher
NewMockEventPublisher creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventPublisher) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventPublisher) EXPECT() *MockEventPublisherMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventPublisherMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventPublisherMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventPublisherMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventPublisher
func (*MockEventPublisherMockRecorder) Publish ¶
func (mr *MockEventPublisherMockRecorder) Publish(ctx interface{}, events ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Publish indicates an expected call of Publish
type MockEventQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockEventQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventQuery is a mock of EventQuery interface
func NewMockEventQuery ¶ added in v0.12.0
func NewMockEventQuery(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventQuery
NewMockEventQuery creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventQuery) AggregateIDs ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) AggregateIDs() []uuid.UUID
AggregateIDs mocks base method
func (*MockEventQuery) AggregateTypes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) AggregateTypes() []cqrs_es.AggregateType
AggregateTypes mocks base method
func (*MockEventQuery) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) EXPECT() *MockEventQueryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockEventQuery) EventTypes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) EventTypes() []cqrs_es.EventType
EventTypes mocks base method
func (*MockEventQuery) VersionRanges ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) VersionRanges() [][2]int
VersionRanges mocks base method
func (*MockEventQuery) Versions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventQuery) Versions() []int
Versions mocks base method
type MockEventQueryMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.12.0
type MockEventQueryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventQueryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventQuery
func (*MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateIDs ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateIDs() *gomock.Call
AggregateIDs indicates an expected call of AggregateIDs
func (*MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateTypes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) AggregateTypes() *gomock.Call
AggregateTypes indicates an expected call of AggregateTypes
func (*MockEventQueryMockRecorder) EventTypes ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) EventTypes() *gomock.Call
EventTypes indicates an expected call of EventTypes
func (*MockEventQueryMockRecorder) VersionRanges ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) VersionRanges() *gomock.Call
VersionRanges indicates an expected call of VersionRanges
func (*MockEventQueryMockRecorder) Versions ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventQueryMockRecorder) Versions() *gomock.Call
Versions indicates an expected call of Versions
type MockEventStore ¶
type MockEventStore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventStore is a mock of EventStore interface
func NewMockEventStore ¶
func NewMockEventStore(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventStore
NewMockEventStore creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventStore) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) EXPECT() *MockEventStoreMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockEventStore) Fetch ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) Fetch(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, from, to int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
Fetch mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) FetchAll ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) FetchAll(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
FetchAll mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) FetchFrom ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) FetchFrom(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, from int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
FetchFrom mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) FetchTo ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) FetchTo(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, to int) ([]cqrs_es.Event, error)
FetchTo mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) Find ¶
func (m *MockEventStore) Find(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Event, error)
Find mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) Query ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (m *MockEventStore) Query(ctx context.Context, query cqrs_es.EventQuery) (cqrs_es.EventCursor, error)
Query mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) RemoveAggregate ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (m *MockEventStore) RemoveAggregate(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) error
RemoveAggregate mocks base method
func (*MockEventStore) RemoveAggregateType ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (m *MockEventStore) RemoveAggregateType(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType) error
RemoveAggregateType mocks base method
type MockEventStoreMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventStoreMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventStoreMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventStore
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Fetch ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Fetch(ctx, typ, id, from, to interface{}) *gomock.Call
Fetch indicates an expected call of Fetch
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchAll ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchAll(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchAll indicates an expected call of FetchAll
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchFrom ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchFrom(ctx, typ, id, from interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchFrom indicates an expected call of FetchFrom
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchTo ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) FetchTo(ctx, typ, id, to interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchTo indicates an expected call of FetchTo
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Find ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Find(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
Find indicates an expected call of Find
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Query ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregate ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregate(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveAggregate indicates an expected call of RemoveAggregate
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregateType ¶ added in v0.12.1
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) RemoveAggregateType(ctx, typ interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveAggregateType indicates an expected call of RemoveAggregateType
func (*MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockEventStoreMockRecorder) Save(ctx, originalVersion interface{}, events ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Save indicates an expected call of Save
type MockEventSubscriber ¶
type MockEventSubscriber struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventSubscriber is a mock of EventSubscriber interface
func NewMockEventSubscriber ¶
func NewMockEventSubscriber(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockEventSubscriber
NewMockEventSubscriber creates a new mock instance
func (*MockEventSubscriber) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockEventSubscriber) EXPECT() *MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder ¶
type MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockEventSubscriber
func (*MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder) Subscribe ¶
func (mr *MockEventSubscriberMockRecorder) Subscribe(ctx interface{}, types ...interface{}) *gomock.Call
Subscribe indicates an expected call of Subscribe
type MockSnapshotRepository ¶
type MockSnapshotRepository struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSnapshotRepository is a mock of SnapshotRepository interface
func NewMockSnapshotRepository ¶
func NewMockSnapshotRepository(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockSnapshotRepository
NewMockSnapshotRepository creates a new mock instance
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) EXPECT() *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) Find ¶
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
Find mocks base method
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) Latest ¶
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Latest(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
Latest mocks base method
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) MaxVersion ¶
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) MaxVersion(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, maxVersion int) (cqrs_es.Aggregate, error)
MaxVersion mocks base method
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) Remove ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) Remove(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID, version int) error
Remove mocks base method
func (*MockSnapshotRepository) RemoveAll ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (m *MockSnapshotRepository) RemoveAll(ctx context.Context, typ cqrs_es.AggregateType, id uuid.UUID) error
RemoveAll mocks base method
type MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder ¶
type MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockSnapshotRepository
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Find ¶
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Find(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
Find indicates an expected call of Find
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Latest ¶
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Latest(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
Latest indicates an expected call of Latest
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) MaxVersion ¶
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) MaxVersion(ctx, typ, id, maxVersion interface{}) *gomock.Call
MaxVersion indicates an expected call of MaxVersion
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Remove(ctx, typ, id, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
Remove indicates an expected call of Remove
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveAll ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) RemoveAll(ctx, typ, id interface{}) *gomock.Call
RemoveAll indicates an expected call of RemoveAll
func (*MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Save ¶
func (mr *MockSnapshotRepositoryMockRecorder) Save(ctx, snap interface{}) *gomock.Call
Save indicates an expected call of Save