
v0.2.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 5, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0



Package dto 接口通用数据传输对象



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AnchorLotAward

type AnchorLotAward struct {
	AwardDontPopup int    `json:"award_dont_popup"`
	AwardImage     string `json:"award_image"`
	AwardName      string `json:"award_name"`
	AwardNum       int    `json:"award_num"`
	AwardUsers     []struct {
		UID   int    `json:"uid"`
		Uname string `json:"uname"`
		Face  string `json:"face"`
		Level int    `json:"level"`
		Color int    `json:"color"`
	} `json:"award_users"`
	ID        int    `json:"id"`
	LotStatus int    `json:"lot_status"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	WebURL    string `json:"web_url"`

AnchorLotAward 天选之人中奖完整信息

type AnchorLotCheckStatus

type AnchorLotCheckStatus struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	RejectReason string `json:"reject_reason"`
	Status       int    `json:"status"`
	UID          int    `json:"uid"`

AnchorLotCheckStatus 天选之人相关

type AnchorLotEnd

type AnchorLotEnd struct {
	ID int `json:"id"`

AnchorLotEnd 天选之人相关

type AnchorLotStart

type AnchorLotStart struct {
	AssetIcon      string `json:"asset_icon"`
	AwardImage     string `json:"award_image"`
	AwardName      string `json:"award_name"`
	AwardNum       int    `json:"award_num"`
	CurGiftNum     int    `json:"cur_gift_num"`
	CurrentTime    int    `json:"current_time"`
	Danmu          string `json:"danmu"`
	GiftID         int    `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName       string `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum        int    `json:"gift_num"`
	GiftPrice      int    `json:"gift_price"`
	GoawayTime     int    `json:"goaway_time"`
	GoodsID        int    `json:"goods_id"`
	ID             int    `json:"id"`
	IsBroadcast    int    `json:"is_broadcast"`
	JoinType       int    `json:"join_type"`
	LotStatus      int    `json:"lot_status"`
	MaxTime        int    `json:"max_time"`
	RequireText    string `json:"require_text"`
	RequireType    int    `json:"require_type"`
	RequireValue   int    `json:"require_value"`
	RoomId         int    `json:"room_id"`
	SendGiftEnsure int    `json:"send_gift_ensure"`
	ShowPanel      int    `json:"show_panel"`
	StartDontPopup int    `json:"start_dont_popup"`
	Status         int    `json:"status"`
	Time           int    `json:"time"`
	URL            string `json:"url"`
	WebURL         string `json:"web_url"`

AnchorLotStart 天选之人抽奖开始

type ComboSend

type ComboSend struct {
	Action         string      `json:"action"`
	BatchComboID   string      `json:"batch_combo_id"`
	BatchComboNum  int         `json:"batch_combo_num"`
	ComboID        string      `json:"combo_id"`
	ComboNum       int         `json:"combo_num"`
	ComboTotalCoin int         `json:"combo_total_coin"`
	DmScore        int         `json:"dmscore"`
	GiftID         int         `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName       string      `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum        int         `json:"gift_num"`
	IsShow         int         `json:"is_show"`
	MedalInfo      Medal       `json:"medal_info"`
	NameColor      string      `json:"name_color"`
	RUname         string      `json:"r_uname"`
	Ruid           int         `json:"ruid"`
	SendMaster     interface{} `json:"send_master"`
	TotalNum       int         `json:"total_num"`
	UID            int         `json:"uid"`
	Uname          string      `json:"uname"`

type CommonNoticeDanmaku

type CommonNoticeDanmaku struct {
	ContentSegments []struct {
		FontColor string `json:"font_color"`
		Text      string `json:"text"`
		Type      int    `json:"type"`
	} `json:"content_segments"`
	DmScore   int   `json:"dmscore"`
	Terminals []int `json:"terminals"`

CommonNoticeDanmaku 提示信息,如'恭喜主播完成"小小花束"任务'

type Danmaku

type Danmaku struct {
	UID       int
	Uname     string
	Content   string
	Timestamp int64

Danmaku 转换后的弹幕对象,并非原始数据 TODO 完善该类型

type EntryEffect

type EntryEffect struct {
	ID               int           `json:"id"`
	UID              int           `json:"uid"`
	TargetID         int           `json:"target_id"`
	MockEffect       int           `json:"mock_effect"`
	Face             string        `json:"face"`
	PrivilegeType    int           `json:"privilege_type"`
	CopyWriting      string        `json:"copy_writing"`
	CopyColor        string        `json:"copy_color"`
	HighlightColor   string        `json:"highlight_color"`
	Priority         int           `json:"priority"`
	BasemapURL       string        `json:"basemap_url"`
	ShowAvatar       int           `json:"show_avatar"`
	EffectiveTime    int           `json:"effective_time"`
	WebBasemapURL    string        `json:"web_basemap_url"`
	WebEffectiveTime int           `json:"web_effective_time"`
	WebEffectClose   int           `json:"web_effect_close"`
	WebCloseTime     int           `json:"web_close_time"`
	Business         int           `json:"business"`
	CopyWritingV2    string        `json:"copy_writing_v2"`
	IconList         []interface{} `json:"icon_list"`
	MaxDelayTime     int           `json:"max_delay_time"`
	TriggerTime      int64         `json:"trigger_time"`
	Identities       int           `json:"identities"`

type EventType

type EventType string
const (
	EventDanmaku                       EventType = "DANMU_MSG"
	EventGift                          EventType = "SEND_GIFT"
	EventSuperChat                     EventType = "SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE"
	EventSuperChatDelete               EventType = "SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE_DELETE"
	EventGuard                         EventType = "GUARD_BUY"
	EventLive                          EventType = "LIVE"
	EventPreparing                     EventType = "PREPARING"
	EventEntryEffect                   EventType = "ENTRY_EFFECT"
	EventInteractWord                  EventType = "INTERACT_WORD"
	EventComboSend                     EventType = "COMBO_SEND"
	EventFansChange                    EventType = "ROOM_REAL_TIME_MESSAGE_UPDATE"
	EventInteractiveGame               EventType = "LIVE_INTERACTIVE_GAME"
	EventOnlineRankCount               EventType = "ONLINE_RANK_COUNT"
	EventHotRankChanged                EventType = "HOT_RANK_CHANGED"
	EventHotRankChangedV2              EventType = "HOT_RANK_CHANGED_V2"
	EventHotRankSettlement             EventType = "HOT_RANK_SETTLEMENT"
	EventHotRankSettlementV2           EventType = "HOT_RANK_SETTLEMENT_V2"
	EventOnlineRankTop3                EventType = "ONLINE_RANK_TOP3"
	EventOnlineRankV2                  EventType = "ONLINE_RANK_V2"
	EventStopLiveRoomList              EventType = "STOP_LIVE_ROOM_LIST"
	EventWatchedChange                 EventType = "WATCHED_CHANGE"
	EventWidgetBanner                  EventType = "WIDGET_BANNER"
	EventPopularityRedPocketStart      EventType = "POPULARITY_RED_POCKET_START"
	EventPopularityRedPocketWinnerList EventType = "POPULARITY_RED_POCKET_WINNER_LIST"
	EventNoticeMsg                     EventType = "NOTICE_MSG"
	EventAnchorLotAward                EventType = "ANCHOR_LOT_AWARD"
	EventUserToastMsg                  EventType = "USER_TOAST_MSG"
	EventRoomChange                    EventType = "ROOM_CHANGE"
	EventRoomBlockMsg                  EventType = "ROOM_BLOCK_MSG"
	EventMatchRoomConf                 EventType = "MATCH_ROOM_CONF"
	EventCommonNoticeDanmaku           EventType = "COMMON_NOTICE_DANMAKU"
	EventAnchorLotCheckStatus          EventType = "ANCHOR_LOT_CHECKSTATUS"
	EventAnchorLotEnd                  EventType = "ANCHOR_LOT_END"
	EventAnchorLotStart                EventType = "ANCHOR_LOT_START"
	EventTradingScore                  EventType = "TRADING_SCORE"


type FansChange

type FansChange struct {
	RoomID    int `json:"roomid"`
	Fans      int `json:"fans"`
	RedNotice int `json:"red_notice"`
	FansClub  int `json:"fans_club"`

type Gift

type Gift struct {
	Action            string      `json:"action"`
	BatchComboID      string      `json:"batch_combo_id"`
	BatchComboSend    interface{} `json:"batch_combo_send"`
	BeatID            string      `json:"beatId"`
	BizSource         string      `json:"biz_source"`
	BlindGift         interface{} `json:"blind_gift"`
	BroadcastID       int         `json:"broadcast_id"`
	CoinType          string      `json:"coin_type"` // gold或者silver
	ComboResourcesID  int         `json:"combo_resources_id"`
	ComboSend         interface{} `json:"combo_send"`
	ComboStayTime     int         `json:"combo_stay_time"`
	ComboTotalCoin    int         `json:"combo_total_coin"`
	CritProb          int         `json:"crit_prob"`
	Demarcation       int         `json:"demarcation"`
	DiscountPrice     int         `json:"discount_price"`
	DmScore           int         `json:"dmscore"`
	Draw              int         `json:"draw"`
	Effect            int         `json:"effect"`
	EffectBlock       int         `json:"effect_block"`
	Face              string      `json:"face"`
	FloatScResourceID int         `json:"float_sc_resource_id"`
	GiftID            int         `json:"giftId"`
	GiftName          string      `json:"giftName"`
	GiftType          int         `json:"giftType"`
	Gold              int         `json:"gold"`
	GuardLevel        int         `json:"guard_level"`
	IsFirst           bool        `json:"is_first"`
	IsSpecialBatch    int         `json:"is_special_batch"`
	Magnification     float64     `json:"magnification"`
	MedalInfo         Medal       `json:"medal_info"`
	NameColor         string      `json:"name_color"`
	Num               int         `json:"num"`
	OriginalGiftName  string      `json:"original_gift_name"`
	Price             int         `json:"price"` // 除以1000后为实际价格(元)
	Rcost             int         `json:"rcost"`
	Remain            int         `json:"remain"`
	Rnd               string      `json:"rnd"`
	SendMaster        interface{} `json:"send_master"`
	Silver            int         `json:"silver"`
	Super             int         `json:"super"`
	SuperBatchGiftNum int         `json:"super_batch_gift_num"`
	SuperGiftNum      int         `json:"super_gift_num"`
	SvgaBlock         int         `json:"svga_block"`
	TagImage          string      `json:"tag_image"`
	Tid               string      `json:"tid"`
	Timestamp         int         `json:"timestamp"`
	TopList           interface{} `json:"top_list"`
	TotalCoin         int         `json:"total_coin"`
	UID               int         `json:"uid"`
	Uname             string      `json:"uname"`

type Guard

type Guard struct {
	UID        int    `json:"uid"`
	Username   string `json:"username"`
	GuardLevel int    `json:"guard_level"` // 3: 舰长, 2: 提督, 1: 总督
	Num        int    `json:"num"`
	Price      int    `json:"price"`
	GiftID     int    `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName   string `json:"gift_name"`
	StartTime  int    `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime    int    `json:"end_time"`

type HotRankChanged

type HotRankChanged struct {
	Rank        int    `json:"rank"`
	Trend       int    `json:"trend"`
	Countdown   int    `json:"countdown"`
	Timestamp   int    `json:"timestamp"`
	WebURL      string `json:"web_url"`
	LiveURL     string `json:"live_url"`
	BlinkURL    string `json:"blink_url"`
	LiveLinkURL string `json:"live_link_url"`
	PcLinkURL   string `json:"pc_link_url"`
	Icon        string `json:"icon"`
	AreaName    string `json:"area_name"`
	RankDesc    string `json:"rank_desc"`

type HotRankChangedV2

type HotRankChangedV2 struct {
	Rank        int    `json:"rank"`
	Trend       int    `json:"trend"`
	Countdown   int    `json:"countdown"`
	Timestamp   int    `json:"timestamp"`
	WebURL      string `json:"web_url"`
	LiveURL     string `json:"live_url"`
	BlinkURL    string `json:"blink_url"`
	LiveLinkURL string `json:"live_link_url"`
	PcLinkURL   string `json:"pc_link_url"`
	Icon        string `json:"icon"`
	AreaName    string `json:"area_name"`
	RankDesc    string `json:"rank_desc"`

type HotRankSettlement

type HotRankSettlement struct {
	AreaName  string `json:"area_name"`
	CacheKey  string `json:"cache_key"`
	DmMsg     string `json:"dm_msg"`
	DmScore   int    `json:"dmscore"`
	Face      string `json:"face"`
	Icon      string `json:"icon"`
	Rank      int    `json:"rank"`
	Timestamp int    `json:"timestamp"`
	Uname     string `json:"uname"`
	Url       string `json:"url"`

type HotRankSettlementV2

type HotRankSettlementV2 struct {
	Rank      int    `json:"rank"`
	Uname     string `json:"uname"`
	Face      string `json:"face"`
	Timestamp int    `json:"timestamp"`
	Icon      string `json:"icon"`
	AreaName  string `json:"area_name"`
	URL       string `json:"url"`
	CacheKey  string `json:"cache_key"`
	DmMsg     string `json:"dm_msg"`

type InteractWord

type InteractWord struct {
	Contribution struct {
		Grade int `json:"grade"`
	} `json:"contribution"`
	DmScore     int    `json:"dmscore"`
	FansMedal   Medal  `json:"fans_medal"`
	Identities  []int  `json:"identities"`
	IsSpread    int    `json:"is_spread"`
	MsgType     int    `json:"msg_type"`
	RoomID      int    `json:"roomid"`
	Score       int64  `json:"score"`
	SpreadDesc  string `json:"spread_desc"`
	SpreadInfo  string `json:"spread_info"`
	TailIcon    int    `json:"tail_icon"`
	Timestamp   int    `json:"timestamp"`
	TriggerTime int64  `json:"trigger_time"`
	UID         int    `json:"uid"`
	Uname       string `json:"uname"`
	UnameColor  string `json:"uname_color"`

type InteractiveGame

type InteractiveGame struct {
	Type           int         `json:"type"`
	UID            int         `json:"uid"`
	Uname          string      `json:"uname"`
	UFace          string      `json:"uface"`
	GiftID         int         `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName       string      `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum        int         `json:"gift_num"`
	Price          int         `json:"price"`
	Paid           bool        `json:"paid"`
	Msg            string      `json:"msg"`
	FansMedalLevel int         `json:"fans_medal_level"`
	GuardLevel     int         `json:"guard_level"`
	Timestamp      int         `json:"timestamp"`
	AnchorLottery  interface{} `json:"anchor_lottery"`
	PkInfo         interface{} `json:"pk_info"`
	AnchorInfo     struct {
		UID   int    `json:"uid"`
		Uname string `json:"uname"`
		UFace string `json:"uface"`
	} `json:"anchor_info"`

type MatchRoomConf

type MatchRoomConf struct {
	Type        string `json:"type"`
	CloseButton string `json:"close_button"`
	ForcePush   string `json:"force_push"`
	ButtonName  string `json:"button_name"`
	Background  string `json:"background"`
	ConfID      string `json:"conf_id"`
	ConfName    string `json:"conf_name"`
	RoomsInfo   []struct {
		RoomID     string `json:"room_id"`
		RoomName   string `json:"room_name"`
		LiveStatus int    `json:"live_status"`
	} `json:"rooms_info"`
	SeasonInfo    []interface{} `json:"season_info"`
	BackgroundURL string        `json:"background_url"`
	Scatter       struct {
		Max int `json:"max"`
		Min int `json:"min"`
	} `json:"scatter"`
	ButtonLink string `json:"button_link"`
	RoomsColor struct {
		FontColor       string `json:"font_color"`
		BackgroundColor string `json:"background_color"`
		BorderColor     string `json:"border_color"`
	} `json:"rooms_color"`
	State int `json:"state"`

MatchRoomConf 未知

type Medal

type Medal struct {
	AnchorRoomID     int    `json:"anchor_roomid"`
	AnchorUname      string `json:"anchor_uname"`
	GuardLevel       int    `json:"guard_level"`
	IconID           int    `json:"icon_id"`
	IsLighted        int    `json:"is_lighted"`
	MedalColor       int    `json:"medal_color"`
	MedalColorBorder int    `json:"medal_color_border"`
	MedalColorEnd    int    `json:"medal_color_end"`
	MedalColorStart  int    `json:"medal_color_start"`
	MedalLevel       int    `json:"medal_level"`
	MedalName        string `json:"medal_name"`
	Special          string `json:"special"`
	TargetID         int    `json:"target_id"`

type NoticeMsg

type NoticeMsg struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Full struct {
		HeadIcon    string `json:"head_icon"`
		TailIcon    string `json:"tail_icon"`
		HeadIconFa  string `json:"head_icon_fa"`
		TailIconFa  string `json:"tail_icon_fa"`
		HeadIconFan int    `json:"head_icon_fan"`
		TailIconFan int    `json:"tail_icon_fan"`
		Background  string `json:"background"`
		Color       string `json:"color"`
		Highlight   string `json:"highlight"`
		Time        int    `json:"time"`
	} `json:"full"`
	Half struct {
		HeadIcon   string `json:"head_icon"`
		TailIcon   string `json:"tail_icon"`
		Background string `json:"background"`
		Color      string `json:"color"`
		Highlight  string `json:"highlight"`
		Time       int    `json:"time"`
	} `json:"half"`
	Side struct {
		HeadIcon   string `json:"head_icon"`
		Background string `json:"background"`
		Color      string `json:"color"`
		Highlight  string `json:"highlight"`
		Border     string `json:"border"`
	} `json:"side"`
	RoomID     int    `json:"roomid"`
	RealRoomID int    `json:"real_roomid"`
	MsgCommon  string `json:"msg_common"`
	MsgSelf    string `json:"msg_self"`
	LinkURL    string `json:"link_url"`
	MsgType    int    `json:"msg_type"`
	ShieldUID  int    `json:"shield_uid"`
	BusinessID string `json:"business_id"`
	Scatter    struct {
		Min int `json:"min"`
		Max int `json:"max"`
	} `json:"scatter"`
	MarqueeID  string `json:"marquee_id"`
	NoticeType int    `json:"notice_type"`

type OPCode

type OPCode int

OPCode The WebSocket OpCode.

const (
	Heartbeat OPCode



WS opcodes

type OnlineRankCount

type OnlineRankCount struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`

type OnlineRankTop3

type OnlineRankTop3 struct {
	DmScore int `json:"dmscore"`
	List    []struct {
		Msg  string `json:"msg"`
		Rank int    `json:"rank"`
	} `json:"list"`

type OnlineRankV2

type OnlineRankV2 struct {
	List []struct {
		Uid        int    `json:"uid"`
		Face       string `json:"face"`
		Score      string `json:"score"`
		Uname      string `json:"uname"`
		Rank       int    `json:"rank"`
		GuardLevel int    `json:"guard_level"`
	} `json:"list"`
	RankType string `json:"rank_type"`

type PopularityRedPocketStart

type PopularityRedPocketStart struct {
	LotId           int    `json:"lot_id"`
	SenderUid       int    `json:"sender_uid"`
	SenderName      string `json:"sender_name"`
	SenderFace      string `json:"sender_face"`
	JoinRequirement int    `json:"join_requirement"`
	Danmu           string `json:"danmu"`
	CurrentTime     int    `json:"current_time"`
	StartTime       int    `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime         int    `json:"end_time"`
	LastTime        int    `json:"last_time"`
	RemoveTime      int    `json:"remove_time"`
	ReplaceTime     int    `json:"replace_time"`
	LotStatus       int    `json:"lot_status"`
	H5Url           string `json:"h5_url"`
	UserStatus      int    `json:"user_status"`
	Awards          []struct {
		GiftID   int    `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName string `json:"gift_name"`
		GiftPic  string `json:"gift_pic"`
		Num      int    `json:"num"`
	} `json:"awards"`
	LotConfigId int `json:"lot_config_id"`
	TotalPrice  int `json:"total_price"`

type PopularityRedPocketWinnerList

type PopularityRedPocketWinnerList struct {
	LotId      int `json:"lot_id"`
	TotalNum   int `json:"total_num"`
	WinnerInfo []struct {
		Uid         int    `json:"uid"`
		Name        string `json:"name"`
		UserType    int    `json:"user_type"`
		AwardType   int    `json:"award_type"`
		AwardId     int    `json:"award_id"`
		AwardName   string `json:"award_name"`
		AwardPic    string `json:"award_pic"`
		AwardBigPic string `json:"award_big_pic"`
		AwardPrice  int    `json:"award_price"`
		BagId       int    `json:"bag_id"`
		GiftId      int    `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftNum     int    `json:"gift_num"`
	} `json:"winner_info"`

type ProtoVer

type ProtoVer int
const (
	JSON ProtoVer = iota

type RoomBlockMsg

type RoomBlockMsg struct {
	DmScore  int    `json:"dmscore"`
	Operator int    `json:"operator"`
	UID      int    `json:"uid"`
	Uname    string `json:"uname"`

RoomBlockMsg 房管禁言

type RoomChange

type RoomChange struct {
	Title          string `json:"title"`
	AreaID         int    `json:"area_id"`
	ParentAreaID   int    `json:"parent_area_id"`
	AreaName       string `json:"area_name"`
	ParentAreaName string `json:"parent_area_name"`
	LiveKey        string `json:"live_key"`
	SubSessionKey  string `json:"sub_session_key"`

RoomChange 疑似房间标题变更

type StopLiveRoomList

type StopLiveRoomList struct {
	RoomIdList []int `json:"room_id_list"`

type SuperChat

type SuperChat struct {
	BackgroundBottomColor string  `json:"background_bottom_color"`
	BackgroundColor       string  `json:"background_color"`
	BackgroundColorEnd    string  `json:"background_color_end"`
	BackgroundColorStart  string  `json:"background_color_start"`
	BackgroundIcon        string  `json:"background_icon"`
	BackgroundImage       string  `json:"background_image"`
	BackgroundPriceColor  string  `json:"background_price_color"`
	ColorPoint            float64 `json:"color_point"`
	DmScore               int     `json:"dmscore"`
	EndTime               int     `json:"end_time"`
	Gift                  struct {
		GiftID   int    `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName string `json:"gift_name"`
		Num      int    `json:"num"`
	} `json:"gift"`
	ID               int      `json:"id"`
	IsRanked         int      `json:"is_ranked"`
	IsSendAudit      int      `json:"is_send_audit"`
	MedalInfo        Medal    `json:"medal_info"`
	Message          string   `json:"message"`
	MessageFontColor string   `json:"message_font_color"`
	MessageTrans     string   `json:"message_trans"`
	Price            int      `json:"price"`
	Rate             int      `json:"rate"`
	StartTime        int      `json:"start_time"`
	Time             int      `json:"time"`
	Token            string   `json:"token"`
	TransMark        int      `json:"trans_mark"`
	Ts               int      `json:"ts"`
	UID              int      `json:"uid"`
	UserInfo         userInfo `json:"user_info"`

SuperChat 超级留言(SC)

type SuperChatDelete

type SuperChatDelete struct {
	IDs []int `json:"ids"`

SuperChatDelete 删除SC,IDs数组中的ID对应superChat.ID

type TradingScore

type TradingScore struct {
	BubbleShowTime int `json:"bubble_show_time"`
	Num            int `json:"num"`
	ScoreId        int `json:"score_id"`
	Uid            int `json:"uid"`
	UpdateTime     int `json:"update_time"`
	UpdateType     int `json:"update_type"`

TradingScore 未知

type UserToastMsg

type UserToastMsg struct {
	AnchorShow       bool   `json:"anchor_show"`
	Color            string `json:"color"`
	DmScore          int    `json:"dmscore"`
	EffectID         int    `json:"effect_id"`
	EndTime          int    `json:"end_time"`
	GuardLevel       int    `json:"guard_level"`
	IsShow           int    `json:"is_show"`
	Num              int    `json:"num"`
	OpType           int    `json:"op_type"`
	PayflowID        string `json:"payflow_id"`
	Price            int    `json:"price"`
	RoleName         string `json:"role_name"`
	StartTime        int    `json:"start_time"`
	SvgaBlock        int    `json:"svga_block"`
	TargetGuardCount int    `json:"target_guard_count"`
	ToastMsg         string `json:"toast_msg"`
	UID              int    `json:"uid"`
	Unit             string `json:"unit"`
	UserShow         bool   `json:"user_show"`
	Username         string `json:"username"`

UserToastMsg 弹幕栏中显示的toast信息,如xxx自动续费了舰长,xxx开通了舰长

type WSEnterRoomBody

type WSEnterRoomBody struct {
	UID      int    `json:"uid"`
	RoomID   int    `json:"roomid"`
	ProtoVer int    `json:"protover"`
	Platform string `json:"platform"`
	Type     int    `json:"type"`

type WSNotificationBody

type WSNotificationBody struct {
	Cmd    string      `json:"cmd"`
	Data   interface{} `json:"data"`
	RoomID int         `json:"roomid"`

type WSPayload

type WSPayload struct {
	RawBytes        []byte // RawBytes is the encoded result
	PacketLength    int    // PacketLength will be calculated during Encode()
	HeaderLength    int    // HeaderLength is currently a fixed number 16
	ProtocolVersion ProtoVer
	Operation       OPCode
	SequenceID      int
	Body            []byte

type WatchedChange

type WatchedChange struct {
	Num       int    `json:"num"`
	TextSmall string `json:"text_small"`
	TextLarge string `json:"text_large"`

type WidgetBanner

type WidgetBanner struct {
	Timestamp  int `json:"timestamp"`
	WidgetList map[string]struct {
		ID             int      `json:"id"`
		Title          string   `json:"title"`
		Cover          string   `json:"cover"`
		WebCover       string   `json:"web_cover"`
		TipText        string   `json:"tip_text"`
		TipTextColor   string   `json:"tip_text_color"`
		TipBottomColor string   `json:"tip_bottom_color"`
		JumpURL        string   `json:"jump_url"`
		URL            string   `json:"url"`
		StayTime       int      `json:"stay_time"`
		Site           int      `json:"site"`
		PlatformIn     []string `json:"platform_in"`
		Type           int      `json:"type"`
		BandID         int      `json:"band_id"`
		SubKey         string   `json:"sub_key"`
		SubData        string   `json:"sub_data"`
		IsAdd          bool     `json:"is_add"`
	} `json:"widget_list"`

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL