Go development helpers
This library provides scripts and workflows to automate common routines with modular Makefile
and GitHub Actions.
See blog post for more information.
Run this command in your repo root.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bool64/dev/master/makefiles/base.mk -sLo Makefile && printf "package $(go list -f '{{.Name}}' || echo 'mypackage')_test\n\nimport _ \"github.com/bool64/dev\" // Include CI/Dev scripts to project.\n" > dev_test.go && make reset-ci
Add a test file (e.g. dev_test.go
) to your module with unused import.
package mymodule_test
import _ "github.com/bool64/dev" // Include development helpers to project.
Add Makefile
to your module with includes standard targets.
#GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION := "v1.64.5" # Optional configuration to pinpoint golangci-lint version.
# The head of Makefile determines location of dev-go to include standard targets.
GO ?= go
export GO111MODULE = on
ifneq "$(GOFLAGS)" ""
ifneq "$(wildcard ./vendor )" ""
$(info Using vendor)
modVendor = -mod=vendor
ifeq (,$(findstring -mod,$(GOFLAGS)))
export GOFLAGS := ${GOFLAGS} ${modVendor}
ifneq "$(wildcard ./vendor/github.com/bool64/dev)" ""
DEVGO_PATH := ./vendor/github.com/bool64/dev
ifeq ($(DEVGO_PATH),)
DEVGO_PATH := $(shell GO111MODULE=on $(GO) list ${modVendor} -f '{{.Dir}}' -m github.com/bool64/dev)
ifeq ($(DEVGO_PATH),)
$(info Module github.com/bool64/dev not found, downloading.)
DEVGO_PATH := $(shell export GO111MODULE=on && $(GO) get github.com/bool64/dev && $(GO) list -f '{{.Dir}}' -m github.com/bool64/dev)
-include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/main.mk
-include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/lint.mk
-include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/test-unit.mk
-include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/bench.mk
-include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/reset-ci.mk
# Add your custom targets here.
## Run tests
test: test-unit
Then make
will have these targets:
test: Run tests
test-unit: Run unit tests
test-unit-multi: Run unit tests multiple times
lint: Check with golangci-lint
fix-lint: Apply goimports and gofmt
bench: Run benchmark, iterations count controlled by BENCH_COUNT, default 5.
github-actions: Replace GitHub Actions from template
Build Versioning
You can include $(DEVGO_PATH)/makefiles/build.mk
to add automated versioning of build artifacts. Make will
configure ldflags
to set up version info, then you can access it in runtime with version.Info()
or expose with HTTP handler. Version information also includes versions of dependencies.