
command module
v0.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 24, 2024 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


Satisfied (WIP)

Satisfied is a 2D factory planner tool for the Satisfactory.

This is a work in progress, and not usable yet.

Quick start

For now, you need to build the project yourself.

Building from source

I would recommend using w64devkit to setup the build environment on windows.

Extract it as instructed in the README, and add the .../w64devkit/bin folder to your PATH environment variable.

Other platform, cross-compiling

Not tested but it should work; it may need some tweaks, (at least for the icon).

Refers to the raylib-go instructions for your platform.

Debug build
go build
Release build
CGO_CPPFLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -flto" go build -ldflags="-s -w -H=windowsgui"

Security / Privacy

This application does not collect any data, is 100% offline, does not read any file other than the project files (.satisfied) you select.

Usage: satisfied.exe [options] [FILE]

FILE is an optional path to a satisfied project file to load.

  --fps (int)   Target / Max FPS (default 30)
                (use a low value when using -vv to reduce the ammount of logs)
  -q            WARN verbosity
  -v            DEBUG verbosity
  -vv           TRACE verbosity

Why this project?

I'm learning Go and I had wanted to play with Raylib.

When I started to write this tool, Coffe Stain Studios had announced the release of the much awaited 1.0 version of Satisfactory. I have few hundreds of hours on the game and never found a tool/way to plan my factories the way I wanted so I decided to write one.

This is more of a learning & personal project right now, so use it at your own risk.

V1 Features Roadmap

  • Infinite grid canvas
  • Place buildings
  • Draw paths (belt and pipes)
  • Snap to grid (resolution of 1 game meter)
  • Rotate by 90° increments
  • Single / multi selection
  • Click and drag to move selection
  • Delete selection
  • Undo / redo (may be buggy, hard to reproduce)
  • Move paths by their ends
  • Save and load projects
  • Complete buildings list for Production / Power / Logistics related buildings
  • Scroll bar in side panel
  • Keybindings displayed somewhere (status bar or popup)
  • Logs/crash reports (logging is mostly done in the console, need to save a log file on crash)
  • Free text box tool (text area GUI could use some improvements)
Other goals

A list of features that may or may not happen in the future.

  • Add gifs to README
  • Foundations: add foundations & foundation mode
  • Add cache file (window size/pos, last opened projects, recent projects)
  • Reasonable performances (~30fps and low GPU usage for < 1000 buildings on screen)
    • Maybe use a render texture for all buildings ?
  • Make side panels collapsible
  • Add / remove to selection
    • Add / remove single object to selection by ctrl/shift + click
    • Add / remove rectangle to selection by ctrl/shift + drag
  • Selector filter: allows to select / deselect a specific type of object
  • Add train tracks ?
  • Anchor paths to building inputs / outputs
  • Porting to app to the web, Rust + raylib-rs + WASM
    • Local storage auto save
    • Import / export (to file or clipboard)
    • Deploy
  • Make it look nice (game icons, texture for each building, nicer UI)
  • Quick access bar
  • Zones / groups to represents factories and/or production lines
  • Add items and recipes
    • Add them for planning / display only
    • Item cost of factory / selection
    • Compute production (static)
  • Settings / customization (only if this is used by anyone other than me)
    • Keyboard layout handling (at least AZERTY + QWERTY)
    • Remap keybindings
    • Change fonts / colors
  • Depth support: could be a system of layers ?

Design / Architecture

The application is written in Go and uses Raylib for rendering.

I use a slightly modified version of raylib-go bindings (check out the original here).

I also rely on tinyfiledialogs with custom bindinds, to display files and message native dialogs.

The codebase is split into files by topic; each of them may contains update and/or draw logic.

TODO: Update this part: - new files - Kbd/mouseInput -> GetAction -> action -> Dispatch -> doXXX methods - Dispatch bypass: GetAction directly calls doXXX methods

main package

  • main.go: entry point, contains the render loop, calls into app/app.go

app package (most of the code)

  • app/app.go: defines the main functions:

    • Init(): initializes the application & creates a window
    • Close(): destroys the window and cleans up resources
    • Step(): the render loop body, performs updates and draw a frame
      • Update(): updates the application state based on mouse and keyboard input(s)
      • Draw(): draws the scene without updating the state
      • DrawGUI(): draws the GUI and may update the state based on GUI controls events
  • app/appMode.go: AppMode enum definition and methods and appMode state variable

  • app/drawState.go: DrawState enum definition and methods (normal, new, selected, hovered, shadow, ...)

  • app/assets.go: static assets (fonts, buildings definitions, etc.)

  • app/gui.go: GUI (topbar, sidebar, statusbar) related code

    • Draw() GuiEvent: draws the GUI and returns an GUI event

update only

  • app/animations.go: animations timers
  • app/dims.go: Screen and scene dimensions
  • app/mouse.go: holds mouse state (position, button press, down, release, ...)
  • app/keyboard.go: holds keyboard state (pressed key, shift, ctrl, alt, ...)
  • app/camera.go: camera state (position, zoom, rotation)
    • Update(): updates the camera state based on mouse and keyboard input
    • BeginMode2D(): starts a 2D camera mode
    • EndMode2D(): ends a 2D camera mode
    • WorldPos(): converts a screen position to a world position
    • ScreenPos(): converts a world position to a screen position

draw only

  • app/grid.go: grid drawing code
  • app/scene.go: holds the scene objects (buildings and pipes) and some helper functions
    • Draw(): draws the 'normal' scene objects (those not handled in other places)
  • app/buildings.go: buildings struct and drawing code
    • Draw(DrawState): draws the building in a given state
  • app/path.go: paths (belts and pipes) struct and drawing code
    • Draw(DrawState): draws the path in a given state (normal, new, selected, hovered, shadow, ...)

app mode specific; update and draw

  • app/newobj.go: handles placing a new buildings
    • Update(): move/rotate the new object(s) to be placed, on click add them to the scene
    • Draw(): draw the new object(s) to be placed following the mouse
  • app/selector.go: handles creating an selection and hovering
    • Update(): find hovered object, create a selection (-> selection.go)
    • Draw(): draw the hovered object and the selection rectangle
  • app/selection.go: handles the selection
    • Update(): manipulate the selection, delete, duplicate (-> newobj.go), drag and move/rotate
    • Draw(): draw the selected objects, the bounding box, the shadow of the original object when dragging

other packages

  • matrix: 3x3 transform matrix (translation, rotation, scaling)
  • colors: color palette
  • math32: some math functions on float32 (std math only supports float64)
  • log: logging package, with a colored terminal handler and an extra Trace level

Each of the update related files usually defines a main struct representing its topic state, and instanciate a global variable of that type, (eg: in mouse.go, there is a Mouse struct and a mouse global variable of that type).

As most of the code belongs to the main, we avoid cyclic dependencies and passing state around (eg: the mouse variable is available anywhere in the codebase) which makes for a consise code. But we also need extra care on how we update those variable state to keep the data flow reasonable.

Because the codebase is mainly a single package, every variable, functions, and types are accessible from anywhere. I use exported indentifier as a indication that it is safe to access from outside its file (exceptions includes the global variable).



This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
animations - Animations timers
animations - Animations timers

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL