OpenConfig Telemetry Exporter (Prometheus)
This directory contains an exporter that periodically collects AP's info via gNMI and exposes converted metrics to a web page. Prometheus can monitor AP's status by scraping that web page.
Get Started
Follow steps below to set up environment and start exposition server
Download entire Link022 repository.
Install golang 1.10+ (get it from:
Install dependencies:
Change directory in terminal to this folder, then run below command.
go get -t ./...
Compile Exporter
go build exposition_server.go openconfig_ap_exporter.go
This command will generate binary file named exposition_server.
Start Exporter
Run the exporter binary. It takes three categories of input parameters:
- gNMI client certs config:
- ca: CA certificate file
- cert: Certificate file
- key: Private key file
- gNMI target config:
- target_addr: the target address in the format of host:port
- target_name: the target name for verifing the hostname returned by TLS handshake
- Exposition server config
- listen_addr: the address for server to listen HTTP requests. The HTTP resource for scraping is /metrics.
Here is one example:
./exposition_server \
-ca ../../../demo/cert/client/ca.crt \
-cert ../../../demo/cert/client/client.crt \
-key ../../../demo/cert/client/client.key \
-target_name \
-target_addr \
Note: The default location of exporter log file is "/tmp/exposition_server.INFO"
Monitoring In Prometheus
Follow steps below to set up Prometheus and monitoring AP status.
Prometheus Getting Started
Download Prometheus. Follow official Prometheus tutorial to learn how to configure and start it.
Configuring Prometheus to monitor AP
If exposition server is listening on
Save the following basic Prometheus configuration as a file named prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 15s # Exposition server sends gNMI request every 15 seconds.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'link022-pi-ap'
- targets: ['']
Start Prometheus
Start Prometheus according to its official tutorial.
By default, Prometheus admin page is localhost:9090.
You can see all exported AP status metrics in that page.