A golang binary + docker image to make API calls to a Tesla vehicle.
The binary can be run from the docker image ghcr.io/bogosj/go-tesla-go.
docker run --rm ghcr.io/bogosj/go-tesla-go --spew
The binary expects five environment variables to be set:
These can be passed in the docker command with either the -e/--env flag or --env-file.
The values for GTG_CLIENTID and GTG_CLIENTSECRET can be found in instructions at https://tesla-api.timdorr.com/api-basics/authentication. Email/Password/VIN should be self explanitory.
The binary used to expect a configuration file to be mounted at /gtg.config.json, however this can be changed with --config_file
. The structure of the configuration file can be found in config/example.config.json. This flag will be removed in v2.0.
You can also install a local copy with go get github.com/bogosj/go-tesla-go
The flags that start "if" verify conditions before taking actions.
-config_file string
path to the config file (deprecated) (default "/gtg.config.json")
-h display this message
display this message
-if_blocked_dates string
dates (YYYY-MM-DD) comma separated to not execute on
set to test car position. must set lat/lon/miles
-if_inside_temp_over float
set to test the inside temp, in F
-if_inside_temp_under float
set to test the inside temp, in F
-if_outside_temp_over float
set to test the outside temp, in F
-if_outside_temp_under float
set to test the outside temp, in F
execute commands only if the car is plugged in (default true)
-if_speed_above float
set to test the speed of the car
-if_speed_below float
set to test the speed of the car
-lat float
latitude of the center of the geofence
-lon float
longitude of the center of the geofence
-miles float
distance in miles of the radius of the geofence
-set_charge_limit int
set to an integer for the percent SOC desired
-set_temp float
sets the interior temperature (driver and passenger), in F
emit the data retrieved from the API. emits regardless of conditions
turns the A/C on
turns the A/C off