Gor is a simple http traffic replication tool written in Go.
Its main goal is to replay traffic from production servers to staging and dev environments.
Now you can test your code on real user sessions in an automated and repeatable fashion.
No more falling down in production!
Gor consists of 2 parts: listener and replay servers.
The listener server catches http traffic from a given port in real-time
and sends it to the replay server.
The replay server forwards traffic to a given address.

Basic example
# Run on servers where you want to catch traffic. You can run it on each `web` machine.
sudo gor listen -p 80 -r replay.server.local:28020
# Replay server (replay.server.local).
gor replay -f http://staging.server -p 28020
Advanced use
Rate limiting
The replay server supports rate limiting. It can be useful if you want
forward only part of production traffic and not overload your staging
environment. You can specify your desired requests per second using the
"|" operator after the server address:
# staging.server will not get more than 10 requests per second
gor replay -f "http://staging.server|10"
Forward to multiple addresses
You can forward traffic to multiple endpoints. Just separate the addresses by coma.
gor replay -f "http://staging.server|10,http://dev.server|5"
Additional help
$ gor listen -h
Usage of ./bin/gor-linux:
-i="any": By default it try to listen on all network interfaces.To get list of interfaces run `ifconfig`
-p=80: Specify the http server port whose traffic you want to capture
-r="localhost:28020": Address of replay server.
$ gor replay -h
Usage of ./bin/gor-linux:
-f="http://localhost:8080": http address to forward traffic.
You can limit requests per second by adding `|#{num}` after address.
If you have multiple addresses with different limits. For example: http://staging.example.com|100,http://dev.example.com|10
-ip="": ip addresses to listen on
-p=28020: specify port number
Pre-build binaries
Download binaries (linux 32/64, darwin)
Building from source
- Setup standard Go environment http://golang.org/doc/code.html and ensure that $GOPATH environment variable properly set.
go get github.com/buger/gor
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/buger/gor
go build gor.go
to get binary, or go run gor.go
to build and run (useful for development)
Why does the gor listener
requires sudo or root access?
Listener works by sniffing traffic from a given port. It's accessible
only by using sudo or root access.
Do you support all http request types?
Yes. Right now it supports only "GET" requests.
Use buffering for request throttling instead of simple rate limiting.
Better stats
Optimize for load testing cases