autosr: Automated Scheduled Recordings
autosr tracks streamers you are interested in and records them when they become live.
An external program such as streamlink or livestreamer is required.
Currently only SHOWROOM is supported.
Contributors would be greatly appreciated!
autosr is a command-line application.
The following commands should be typed into a terminal.
Download the right version from the release page
Installing on Linux
Install streamlink and autosr
sudo pip install streamlink
chmod +x autosr
sudo mv autosr /usr/local/bin/autosr
Installing on OS X
Install streamlink and autosr
sudo pip install streamlink
chmod +x autosr-osx
sudo mv autosr-osx /usr/local/bin/autosr
Installing on Windows
Quick overview:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iex (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('')
scoop bucket add extras
scoop bucket add bobbytrapz
scoop install streamlink autosr
Track streamers
Add streamers to track:
autosr track
A text editor will open.
Put the url of the streamer you are interested in one line at a time.
The changes are applied without restarting.
For example,
Start recording
Simply run:
You should see the autosr dashboard.
To exit press 'q'.
Even if you exit, autosr will still run in the background.
To stop all tracking and recording run:
autosr stop
Watching videos
If anything is recorded, by default they can be found in your home directory in a 'autosr' directory.
The files will be in ts format. You can encode them however you like or just watch them.
I recommend using mpv
Set custom options
The default options should be fine.
If you want to change them. For example, to use a different stream downloader or change the dashboard's appearance:
autosr options
A configuration file should open for you to edit.
The changes are applied without restarting.
To see help or dashboard controls:
autosr help
Known Limitations
On Windows, streamlink will continue to finish downloading a stream even after you run 'autosr stop'.
You will have to stop streamlink processes using the task manager.
Please report bugs on Github or contact me @pibisubukebe on Twitter.
This software is released under the GPL v3 license. See LICENSE.