Overview ¶
Package pgn uses data from canboat.json to convert NMEA 2000 messages to strongly-typed golang data. The command pgngen generates the file pgn/pgninfo_generated.go from canboat.json.
Package pgn uses data from canboat.json to convert NMEA 2000 messages to strongly-typed golang data.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func DebugDumpPGN(p interface{}) string
- func DecodeAcInputStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAcOutputStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseA(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseC(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeActualPressure(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAgsConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAgsStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarAccessLevel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarAddressableMultiFrame(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarAttitudeOffset(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarBootStateAcknowledgment(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarBootStateRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarCalibrateCompass(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarCalibrateDepth(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarCalibrateSpeed(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarCalibrateTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarDepthQualityFactor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarDeviceInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarNmea2000Options(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarSimulateMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterIir(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterNone(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarSpeedPulseCount(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterIir(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterNone(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAirmarTrueWindOptions(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisAcknowledge(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisAddressedBinaryMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisAidsToNavigationAtonReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisBinaryBroadcastMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisChannelManagement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassAPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassBExtendedPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassBPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisDataLinkManagementMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisInterrogation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisUtcAndDateReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAisUtcDateInquiry(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlert(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlertConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlertResponse(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlertText(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlertThreshold(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAlertValue(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAltitudeDeltaRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAnchorWindlassOperatingStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeAttitude(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBGKeyValueData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBGUserAndRemoteRename(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBatteryConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBatteryStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBinarySwitchBankStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBus1AverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeBus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeChargerStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeChetcoDimmer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeCogSogRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeConfigurationInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeConverterStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeCrossTrackError(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeDcDetailedStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeDcVoltageCurrent(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeDistanceLog(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeEngineParametersDynamic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeEngineParametersRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeEngineParametersStatic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeEnvironmentalParameters(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeEnvironmentalParametersObsolete(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFluidLevel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoHeave(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoHeelAngleRollInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoUnknown130820(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFurunoUnknown130821(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionAlbum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionAmFmStation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionArtist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionMediaControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionMenuItem(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionMute(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionPlayProgress(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionReplay(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionRequestStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionScan(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSetAllVolumes(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSetMute(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSetSource(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSetZoneVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSiriusControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSourceName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSquelch(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionSubVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionTrack(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionTrackInfo(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionUnitName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionVhf(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeFusionZoneName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcEnergy(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGnssDops(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGnssPositionData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGnssSatsInView(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeGpsAlmanacData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeHeadingTrackControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeHeartbeat(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeHeave(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeHumidity(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeInverterConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeInverterStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoAcknowledgement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoAddressClaim(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoCommandedAddress(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeLeewayAngle(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeLoadControllerConnectionStateControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeLowranceProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeLowranceTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMagneticVariation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeManOverboardNotification(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronAnnunciator(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronSlaveResponse(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusCounter(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusTimer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoAsciiData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoUnknown1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoUnknown2(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoWirelessBatteryStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavicoWirelessSignalStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavigationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNavigationRouteWpInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaCommandGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaRequestGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodePgnListTransmitAndReceive(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodePositionDeltaRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodePositionRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeRadioFrequencyModePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeRateOfTurn(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeRudder(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSalinityStationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalk1DeviceIdentification(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayBrightness(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayColor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalk1Keystroke(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalk1PilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkKeypadHeartbeat(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkKeypadMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkPilotHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkPilotLockedHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkPilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkPilotWindDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkSilenceAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSetDriftRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSetPressure(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetAlarmMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetApUnknown1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetApUnknown2(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetApUnknown3(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetApUnknown4(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetAutopilotAngle(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetAutopilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetDeviceModeRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatusRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetEventCommandApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetEventReplyApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetKeyValue(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetLgc2000Configuration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetMagneticField(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetParameterSet(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetPilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetReprogramData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetSailingProcessorStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSimradTextMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSmallCraftStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubAlbum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubArtist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubFmRadio(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubInit1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubMaxVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubMenuItem(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubPlaylist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubPosition(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubSource(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubSourceList(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubTrack(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubZoneInfo(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSonichubZones(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSpeed(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSwitchBankControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeSystemTime(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTemperatureExtendedRange(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeThrusterControlStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeThrusterInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeThrusterMotorStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTideStationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTimeDate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTrackedTargetData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTransmissionParametersDynamic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTripParametersEngine(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeTripParametersVessel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUserDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityTotalAcEnergy(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityTotalAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeUtilityTotalAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeVesselHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeVesselSpeedComponents(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeVictronBatteryRegister(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeWaterDepth(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeWatermakerInputSettingAndStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeWindData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func DecodeWindlassControlStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
- func GetProprietaryInfo(data []uint8) (ManufacturerCodeConst, IndustryCodeConst, error)
- func IsProprietaryPGN(pgn uint32) bool
- func SearchUnseenList(pgn uint32) bool
- type AcInputStatus
- type AcInputStatusRepeating1
- type AcOutputStatus
- type AcOutputStatusRepeating1
- type AcPowerCurrentPhaseA
- type AcPowerCurrentPhaseB
- type AcPowerCurrentPhaseC
- type AcceptabilityConst
- type AccessLevelConst
- type ActualPressure
- type AgsConfigurationStatus
- type AgsStatus
- type AirmarAccessLevel
- type AirmarAddressableMultiFrame
- type AirmarAttitudeOffset
- type AirmarBootStateAcknowledgment
- type AirmarBootStateRequest
- type AirmarCalibrateCompass
- type AirmarCalibrateDepth
- type AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst
- type AirmarCalibrateSpeed
- type AirmarCalibrateSpeedRepeating1
- type AirmarCalibrateStatusConst
- type AirmarCalibrateTemperature
- type AirmarCommandConst
- type AirmarDepthQualityFactor
- type AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst
- type AirmarDeviceInformation
- type AirmarFilterConst
- type AirmarNmea2000Options
- type AirmarPostControlConst
- type AirmarPostIdConst
- type AirmarSimulateMode
- type AirmarSpeedFilterIir
- type AirmarSpeedFilterNone
- type AirmarSpeedPulseCount
- type AirmarTemperatureFilterIir
- type AirmarTemperatureFilterNone
- type AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst
- type AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst
- type AirmarTrueWindOptions
- type AisAcknowledge
- type AisAddressedBinaryMessage
- type AisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage
- type AisAidsToNavigationAtonReport
- type AisAssignedModeConst
- type AisBandConst
- type AisBinaryBroadcastMessage
- type AisChannelManagement
- type AisClassAPositionReport
- type AisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData
- type AisClassBExtendedPositionReport
- type AisClassBPositionReport
- type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA
- type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB
- type AisCommunicationStateConst
- type AisDataLinkManagementMessage
- type AisDataLinkManagementMessageRepeating1
- type AisInterrogation
- type AisMessageIdConst
- type AisModeConst
- type AisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage
- type AisSpecialManeuverConst
- type AisTransceiverConst
- type AisTypeConst
- type AisUtcAndDateReport
- type AisUtcDateInquiry
- type AisVersionConst
- type Alert
- type AlertCategoryConst
- type AlertConfiguration
- type AlertLanguageIdConst
- type AlertResponse
- type AlertResponseCommandConst
- type AlertStateConst
- type AlertText
- type AlertThreshold
- type AlertThresholdRepeating1
- type AlertThresholdStatusConst
- type AlertTriggerConditionConst
- type AlertTypeConst
- type AlertValue
- type AlertValueRepeating1
- type AltitudeDeltaRapidUpdate
- type AnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus
- type AnchorWindlassOperatingStatus
- type AtonTypeConst
- type Attitude
- type AvailableConst
- type BGKeyValueData
- type BGKeyValueDataRepeating1
- type BGUserAndRemoteRename
- type BandgDecimalsConst
- type BandgKeyValueConst
- type BatteryChemistryConst
- type BatteryConfigurationStatus
- type BatteryStatus
- type BatteryTypeConst
- type BatteryVoltageConst
- type BearingModeConst
- type BinarySwitchBankStatus
- type BluetoothSourceStatusConst
- type BluetoothStatusConst
- type BootStateConst
- type Bus1AverageBasicAcQuantities
- type Bus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities
- type Bus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities
- type Bus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities
- type ChargerModeConst
- type ChargerStateConst
- type ChargerStatus
- type ChargingAlgorithmConst
- type ChetcoDimmer
- type CogSogRapidUpdate
- type ConfigurationInformation
- type ControllerStateConst
- type ConverterStateConst
- type ConverterStatus
- type CrossTrackError
- type Datum
- type DcDetailedStatus
- type DcSourceConst
- type DcVoltageCurrent
- type DeviceClassConst
- type DeviceFunctionConst
- type DeviceTempStateConst
- type DgnssModeConst
- type DirectionConst
- type DirectionReferenceConst
- type DirectionRudderConst
- type DistanceLog
- type DockingStatusConst
- type DscCategoryConst
- type DscExpansionDataConst
- type DscFirstTelecommandConst
- type DscFormatConst
- type DscNatureConst
- type DscSecondTelecommandConst
- type EngineInstanceConst
- type EngineParametersDynamic
- type EngineParametersRapidUpdate
- type EngineParametersStatic
- type EngineStatus1Const
- type EngineStatus2Const
- type EntertainmentChannelConst
- type EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst
- type EntertainmentEqConst
- type EntertainmentFilterConst
- type EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst
- type EntertainmentGroupConst
- type EntertainmentIdTypeConst
- type EntertainmentLikeStatusConst
- type EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst
- type EntertainmentPlayStatusConst
- type EntertainmentRegionsConst
- type EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst
- type EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst
- type EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst
- type EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst
- type EntertainmentSourceConst
- type EntertainmentTypeConst
- type EntertainmentVolumeControlConst
- type EntertainmentZoneConst
- type EnvironmentalParameters
- type EnvironmentalParametersObsolete
- type EquipmentStatusConst
- type FieldDescriptor
- type FluidLevel
- type FurunoHeave
- type FurunoHeelAngleRollInformation
- type FurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended
- type FurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended
- type FurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement
- type FurunoUnknown130820
- type FurunoUnknown130821
- type FusionAlbum
- type FusionAmFmStation
- type FusionArtist
- type FusionCommandConst
- type FusionMediaControl
- type FusionMenuItem
- type FusionMessageIdConst
- type FusionMute
- type FusionMuteCommandConst
- type FusionPlayProgress
- type FusionPowerStateConst
- type FusionRadioSourceConst
- type FusionReplay
- type FusionReplayModeConst
- type FusionReplayStatusConst
- type FusionRequestStatus
- type FusionScan
- type FusionSetAllVolumes
- type FusionSetMute
- type FusionSetSource
- type FusionSetZoneVolume
- type FusionSiriusCommandConst
- type FusionSiriusControl
- type FusionSourceName
- type FusionSquelch
- type FusionSubVolume
- type FusionTrack
- type FusionTrackInfo
- type FusionUnitName
- type FusionVhf
- type FusionZoneName
- type GearStatusConst
- type GeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities
- type GeneratorPhaseAAcPower
- type GeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower
- type GeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities
- type GeneratorPhaseBAcPower
- type GeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower
- type GeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities
- type GeneratorPhaseCAcPower
- type GeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower
- type GeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities
- type GeneratorTotalAcEnergy
- type GeneratorTotalAcPower
- type GeneratorTotalAcReactivePower
- type GnsConst
- type GnsIntegrityConst
- type GnsMethodConst
- type GnssDops
- type GnssModeConst
- type GnssPositionData
- type GnssPositionDataRepeating1
- type GnssSatsInView
- type GnssSatsInViewRepeating1
- type GoodWarningErrorConst
- type GpsAlmanacData
- type GroupFunctionConst
- type HeadingTrackControl
- type Heartbeat
- type Heave
- type Humidity
- type HumiditySourceConst
- type IndustryCodeConst
- type InverterConfigurationStatus
- type InverterStateConst
- type InverterStatus
- type IsoAcknowledgement
- type IsoAddressClaim
- type IsoCommandConst
- type IsoCommandedAddress
- type IsoControlConst
- type IsoRequest
- type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort
- type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce
- type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend
- type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage
- type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend
- type IsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer
- type LeewayAngle
- type LightingCommandConst
- type LineConst
- type LoadControllerConnectionStateControl
- type LowBatteryConst
- type LowranceProductInformation
- type LowranceTemperature
- type MagneticVariation
- type MagneticVariationConst
- type ManOverboardNotification
- type ManufacturerCodeConst
- type MaretronAnnunciator
- type MaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent
- type MaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange
- type MaretronSlaveResponse
- type MaretronSwitchStatusCounter
- type MaretronSwitchStatusTimer
- type MarkTypeConst
- type MessageInfo
- type MobPositionSourceConst
- type MobStatusConst
- type NavStatusConst
- type NavicoAsciiData
- type NavicoProductInformation
- type NavicoUnknown1
- type NavicoUnknown2
- type NavicoWirelessBatteryStatus
- type NavicoWirelessSignalStatus
- type NavigationData
- type NavigationRouteWpInformation
- type NavigationRouteWpInformationRepeating1
- type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction
- type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaCommandGroupFunction
- type NmeaCommandGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction
- type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2
- type NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction
- type NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating2
- type NmeaRequestGroupFunction
- type NmeaRequestGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction
- type NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2
- type NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction
- type NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating1
- type NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating2
- type OffOnConst
- type OkWarningConst
- type PGNDataStream
- type ParameterFieldConst
- type PgnErrorCodeConst
- type PgnInfo
- type PgnListFunctionConst
- type PgnListTransmitAndReceive
- type PgnListTransmitAndReceiveRepeating1
- type PositionAccuracyConst
- type PositionDeltaRapidUpdate
- type PositionFixDeviceConst
- type PositionRapidUpdate
- type PowerFactorConst
- type PressureSourceConst
- type PriorityConst
- type ProductInformation
- type RadioFrequencyModePower
- type RaimFlagConst
- type RangeResidualModeConst
- type RateOfTurn
- type RepeatIndicatorConst
- type ReportingIntervalConst
- type ResidualModeConst
- type RodeTypeConst
- type Rudder
- type SalinityStationData
- type SatelliteStatusConst
- type Seatalk1DeviceIdentification
- type Seatalk1DisplayBrightness
- type Seatalk1DisplayColor
- type Seatalk1Keystroke
- type Seatalk1PilotMode
- type SeatalkAlarm
- type SeatalkAlarmGroupConst
- type SeatalkAlarmIdConst
- type SeatalkAlarmStatusConst
- type SeatalkDeviceIdConst
- type SeatalkDisplayColorConst
- type SeatalkKeypadHeartbeat
- type SeatalkKeypadMessage
- type SeatalkKeystrokeConst
- type SeatalkNetworkGroupConst
- type SeatalkPilotHeading
- type SeatalkPilotLockedHeading
- type SeatalkPilotMode
- type SeatalkPilotModeConst
- type SeatalkPilotWindDatum
- type SeatalkSilenceAlarm
- type SeatalkWirelessKeypadControl
- type SeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl
- type SetDriftRapidUpdate
- type SetPressure
- type ShipTypeConst
- type SimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB
- type SimnetAlarm
- type SimnetAlarmConst
- type SimnetAlarmMessage
- type SimnetAlertBitfieldConst
- type SimnetApCommand
- type SimnetApEventsConst
- type SimnetApModeBitfieldConst
- type SimnetApModeConst
- type SimnetApStatusConst
- type SimnetApUnknown1
- type SimnetApUnknown2
- type SimnetApUnknown3
- type SimnetApUnknown4
- type SimnetAutopilotAngle
- type SimnetAutopilotMode
- type SimnetBacklightLevelConst
- type SimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings
- type SimnetCommandConst
- type SimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor
- type SimnetDeviceModeRequest
- type SimnetDeviceModelConst
- type SimnetDeviceReportConst
- type SimnetDeviceStatus
- type SimnetDeviceStatusRequest
- type SimnetDirectionConst
- type SimnetDisplayGroupConst
- type SimnetEventCommandApCommand
- type SimnetEventCommandConst
- type SimnetEventReplyApCommand
- type SimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration
- type SimnetHourDisplayConst
- type SimnetKeyValue
- type SimnetKeyValueConst
- type SimnetLgc2000Configuration
- type SimnetMagneticField
- type SimnetNightModeColorConst
- type SimnetNightModeConst
- type SimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration
- type SimnetParameterSet
- type SimnetPilotMode
- type SimnetReprogramData
- type SimnetSailingProcessorStatus
- type SimnetTimeFormatConst
- type SimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration
- type SimradTextMessage
- type SmallCraftStatus
- type SonichubAlbum
- type SonichubArtist
- type SonichubCommandConst
- type SonichubControl
- type SonichubControlConst
- type SonichubFmRadio
- type SonichubInit1
- type SonichubMaxVolume
- type SonichubMenuItem
- type SonichubPlaylist
- type SonichubPlaylistConst
- type SonichubPosition
- type SonichubSource
- type SonichubSourceConst
- type SonichubSourceList
- type SonichubTrack
- type SonichubTuningConst
- type SonichubVolume
- type SonichubZoneInfo
- type SonichubZones
- type Speed
- type SpeedTypeConst
- type StationStatusConst
- type StationTypeConst
- type SteeringModeConst
- type StructHandler
- type SwitchBankControl
- type SystemTime
- type SystemTimeConst
- type TankTypeConst
- type TargetAcquisitionConst
- type Temperature
- type TemperatureExtendedRange
- type TemperatureSourceConst
- type ThrusterControlEventsConst
- type ThrusterControlStatus
- type ThrusterDirectionControlConst
- type ThrusterInformation
- type ThrusterMotorEventsConst
- type ThrusterMotorStatus
- type ThrusterMotorTypeConst
- type ThrusterRetractControlConst
- type TideConst
- type TideStationData
- type TimeDate
- type TimeStampConst
- type TrackedTargetData
- type TrackingConst
- type TransmissionIntervalConst
- type TransmissionParametersDynamic
- type TripParametersEngine
- type TripParametersVessel
- type TurnModeConst
- type TxRxModeConst
- type UnknownPGN
- type UserDatum
- type UtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities
- type UtilityPhaseAAcPower
- type UtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower
- type UtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities
- type UtilityPhaseBAcPower
- type UtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower
- type UtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities
- type UtilityPhaseCAcPower
- type UtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower
- type UtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities
- type UtilityTotalAcEnergy
- type UtilityTotalAcPower
- type UtilityTotalAcReactivePower
- type VesselHeading
- type VesselSpeedComponents
- type VictronBatteryRegister
- type VideoProtocolsConst
- type WaterDepth
- type WaterReferenceConst
- type WatermakerInputSettingAndStatus
- type WatermakerStateConst
- type WaveformConst
- type WindData
- type WindReferenceConst
- type WindlassControlConst
- type WindlassControlStatus
- type WindlassDirectionConst
- type WindlassMonitoringConst
- type WindlassMotionConst
- type WindlassOperationConst
- type YesNoConst
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var BandgKeyValueConstMap = map[int]FieldDescriptor{}/* 154 elements not displayed */
var DeviceFunctionConstMap = map[int]map[int]string{10: {130: "Diagnostic",
140: "Bus Traffic Logger",
20: {110: "Alarm Enunciator",
130: "Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)",
135: "Man Overboard",
140: "Voyage Data Recorder",
150: "Camera",
25: {130: "PC Gateway",
131: "NMEA 2000 to Analog Gateway",
132: "Analog to NMEA 2000 Gateway",
133: "NMEA 2000 to Serial Gateway",
135: "NMEA 0183 Gateway",
136: "NMEA Network Gateway",
137: "NMEA 2000 Wireless Gateway",
140: "Router",
150: "Bridge",
160: "Repeater",
30: {130: "Binary Event Monitor",
140: "Load Controller",
141: "AC/DC Input",
150: "Function Controller",
35: {140: "Engine",
141: "DC Generator/Alternator",
142: "Solar Panel (Solar Array)",
143: "Wind Generator (DC)",
144: "Fuel Cell",
145: "Network Power Supply",
151: "AC Generator",
152: "AC Bus",
153: "AC Mains (Utility/Shore)",
154: "AC Output",
160: "Power Converter - Battery Charger",
161: "Power Converter - Battery Charger+Inverter",
162: "Power Converter - Inverter",
163: "Power Converter - DC",
170: "Battery",
180: "Engine Gateway",
40: {130: "Follow-up Controller",
140: "Mode Controller",
150: "Autopilot",
155: "Rudder",
160: "Heading Sensors",
170: "Trim (Tabs)/Interceptors",
180: "Attitude (Pitch, Roll, Yaw) Control",
50: {130: "Engineroom Monitoring",
140: "Engine",
141: "DC Generator/Alternator",
150: "Engine Controller",
151: "AC Generator",
155: "Motor",
160: "Engine Gateway",
165: "Transmission",
170: "Throttle/Shift Control",
180: "Actuator",
190: "Gauge Interface",
200: "Gauge Large",
210: "Gauge Small",
60: {130: "Bottom Depth",
135: "Bottom Depth/Speed",
136: "Bottom Depth/Speed/Temperature",
140: "Ownship Attitude",
145: "Ownship Position (GNSS)",
150: "Ownship Position (Loran C)",
155: "Speed",
160: "Turn Rate Indicator",
170: "Integrated Navigation",
175: "Integrated Navigation System",
190: "Navigation Management",
195: "Automatic Identification System (AIS)",
200: "Radar",
201: "Infrared Imaging",
205: "ECDIS",
210: "ECS",
220: "Direction Finder",
230: "Voyage Status",
70: {130: "EPIRB",
140: "AIS",
150: "DSC",
160: "Data Receiver/Transceiver",
170: "Satellite",
180: "Radio-telephone (MF/HF)",
190: "Radiotelephone",
75: {130: "Temperature",
140: "Pressure",
150: "Fluid Level",
160: "Flow",
170: "Humidity",
80: {130: "Time/Date Systems",
140: "VDR",
150: "Integrated Instrumentation",
160: "General Purpose Displays",
170: "General Sensor Box",
180: "Weather Instruments",
190: "Transducer/General",
200: "NMEA 0183 Converter",
85: {130: "Atmospheric",
160: "Aquatic",
90: {130: "HVAC"},
100: {130: "Scale (Catch)"},
110: {130: "Button Interface",
135: "Switch Interface",
140: "Analog Interface",
120: {130: "Display",
140: "Alarm Enunciator",
125: {130: "Multimedia Player",
140: "Multimedia Controller",
var PgnInfoLookup map[uint32][]*PgnInfo
PgnInfoLookup is a map of PGNs to PgnInfo pointers.
var SimnetKeyValueConstMap = map[int]FieldDescriptor{0: {
Name: "Heading Offset",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.0001,
Unit: "rad",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
41: {
Name: "Timezone offset",
CanboatType: "TIME",
Resolution: 60,
Unit: "s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
260: {
Name: "True wind high",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
264: {
Name: "Deep water",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
516: {
Name: "True wind low",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
517: {
Name: "Low boat speed",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
520: {
Name: "Shallow water",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
768: {
Name: "Local field",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.0001,
Unit: "rad",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
1024: {
Name: "Field angle",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.0001,
Unit: "rad",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
1800: {
Name: "Anchor depth",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
4863: {
Name: "Backlight level",
CanboatType: "LOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
5160: {
Name: "Time format",
CanboatType: "LOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
5161: {
Name: "Time hour display",
CanboatType: "LOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
9983: {
Name: "Night mode",
CanboatType: "LOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
11524: {
Name: "True wind shift",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
22296: {
Name: "AP low boat speed",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0.01,
Unit: "m/s",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
32789: {
Name: "Alert bits",
CanboatType: "BITLOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
44079: {
Name: "Night mode color",
CanboatType: "LOOKUP",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
55087: {
Name: "Day mode invert",
CanboatType: "NUMBER",
Resolution: 0,
Unit: "",
BitLength: 0,
BitLookupName: "",
var UnseenLookup map[uint32][]*PgnInfo
UnseenLookup is a map of PGNs not yet seen in log files to PgnInfo pointers.
Functions ¶
func DebugDumpPGN ¶
func DebugDumpPGN(p interface{}) string
DebugDumpPGN uses reflection to generate a readable description of the input PGN struct.
func DecodeAcInputStatus ¶
func DecodeAcInputStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAcOutputStatus ¶
func DecodeAcOutputStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseA ¶
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseA(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseB ¶
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseC ¶
func DecodeAcPowerCurrentPhaseC(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeActualPressure ¶
func DecodeActualPressure(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAgsConfigurationStatus ¶
func DecodeAgsConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAgsStatus ¶
func DecodeAgsStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarAccessLevel ¶
func DecodeAirmarAccessLevel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarAddressableMultiFrame ¶
func DecodeAirmarAddressableMultiFrame(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarAttitudeOffset ¶
func DecodeAirmarAttitudeOffset(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarBootStateAcknowledgment ¶
func DecodeAirmarBootStateAcknowledgment(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarBootStateRequest ¶
func DecodeAirmarBootStateRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateCompass ¶
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateCompass(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateDepth ¶
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateDepth(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateSpeed ¶
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateSpeed(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateTemperature ¶
func DecodeAirmarCalibrateTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarDepthQualityFactor ¶
func DecodeAirmarDepthQualityFactor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarDeviceInformation ¶
func DecodeAirmarDeviceInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarNmea2000Options ¶
func DecodeAirmarNmea2000Options(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarSimulateMode ¶
func DecodeAirmarSimulateMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterIir ¶
func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterIir(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterNone ¶
func DecodeAirmarSpeedFilterNone(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarSpeedPulseCount ¶
func DecodeAirmarSpeedPulseCount(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterIir ¶
func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterIir(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterNone ¶
func DecodeAirmarTemperatureFilterNone(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAirmarTrueWindOptions ¶
func DecodeAirmarTrueWindOptions(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisAcknowledge ¶
func DecodeAisAcknowledge(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisAddressedBinaryMessage ¶
func DecodeAisAddressedBinaryMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage ¶
func DecodeAisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisAidsToNavigationAtonReport ¶
func DecodeAisAidsToNavigationAtonReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisBinaryBroadcastMessage ¶
func DecodeAisBinaryBroadcastMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisChannelManagement ¶
func DecodeAisChannelManagement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassAPositionReport ¶
func DecodeAisClassAPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData ¶
func DecodeAisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassBExtendedPositionReport ¶
func DecodeAisClassBExtendedPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassBPositionReport ¶
func DecodeAisClassBPositionReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA ¶
func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB ¶
func DecodeAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisDataLinkManagementMessage ¶
func DecodeAisDataLinkManagementMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisInterrogation ¶
func DecodeAisInterrogation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage ¶
func DecodeAisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisUtcAndDateReport ¶
func DecodeAisUtcAndDateReport(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAisUtcDateInquiry ¶
func DecodeAisUtcDateInquiry(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlert ¶
func DecodeAlert(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlertConfiguration ¶
func DecodeAlertConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlertResponse ¶
func DecodeAlertResponse(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlertText ¶
func DecodeAlertText(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlertThreshold ¶
func DecodeAlertThreshold(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAlertValue ¶
func DecodeAlertValue(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAltitudeDeltaRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodeAltitudeDeltaRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus ¶
func DecodeAnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAnchorWindlassOperatingStatus ¶
func DecodeAnchorWindlassOperatingStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeAttitude ¶
func DecodeAttitude(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBGKeyValueData ¶
func DecodeBGKeyValueData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBGUserAndRemoteRename ¶
func DecodeBGUserAndRemoteRename(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBatteryConfigurationStatus ¶
func DecodeBatteryConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBatteryStatus ¶
func DecodeBatteryStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBinarySwitchBankStatus ¶
func DecodeBinarySwitchBankStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBus1AverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeBus1AverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeBus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeBus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeBus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeBus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeChargerStatus ¶
func DecodeChargerStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeChetcoDimmer ¶
func DecodeChetcoDimmer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeCogSogRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodeCogSogRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeConfigurationInformation ¶
func DecodeConfigurationInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeConverterStatus ¶
func DecodeConverterStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeCrossTrackError ¶
func DecodeCrossTrackError(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeDatum ¶
func DecodeDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeDcDetailedStatus ¶
func DecodeDcDetailedStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeDcVoltageCurrent ¶
func DecodeDcVoltageCurrent(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeDistanceLog ¶
func DecodeDistanceLog(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeEngineParametersDynamic ¶
func DecodeEngineParametersDynamic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeEngineParametersRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodeEngineParametersRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeEngineParametersStatic ¶
func DecodeEngineParametersStatic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeEnvironmentalParameters ¶
func DecodeEnvironmentalParameters(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeEnvironmentalParametersObsolete ¶
func DecodeEnvironmentalParametersObsolete(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFluidLevel ¶
func DecodeFluidLevel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoHeave ¶
func DecodeFurunoHeave(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoHeelAngleRollInformation ¶
func DecodeFurunoHeelAngleRollInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended ¶
func DecodeFurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended ¶
func DecodeFurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement ¶
func DecodeFurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoUnknown130820 ¶
func DecodeFurunoUnknown130820(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFurunoUnknown130821 ¶
func DecodeFurunoUnknown130821(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionAlbum ¶
func DecodeFusionAlbum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionAmFmStation ¶
func DecodeFusionAmFmStation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionArtist ¶
func DecodeFusionArtist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionMediaControl ¶
func DecodeFusionMediaControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionMenuItem ¶
func DecodeFusionMenuItem(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionMute ¶
func DecodeFusionMute(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionPlayProgress ¶
func DecodeFusionPlayProgress(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionReplay ¶
func DecodeFusionReplay(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionRequestStatus ¶
func DecodeFusionRequestStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionScan ¶
func DecodeFusionScan(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSetAllVolumes ¶
func DecodeFusionSetAllVolumes(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSetMute ¶
func DecodeFusionSetMute(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSetSource ¶
func DecodeFusionSetSource(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSetZoneVolume ¶
func DecodeFusionSetZoneVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSiriusControl ¶
func DecodeFusionSiriusControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSourceName ¶
func DecodeFusionSourceName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSquelch ¶
func DecodeFusionSquelch(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionSubVolume ¶
func DecodeFusionSubVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionTrack ¶
func DecodeFusionTrack(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionTrackInfo ¶
func DecodeFusionTrackInfo(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionUnitName ¶
func DecodeFusionUnitName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionVhf ¶
func DecodeFusionVhf(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeFusionZoneName ¶
func DecodeFusionZoneName(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeGeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcPower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcPower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcPower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeGeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcEnergy ¶
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcEnergy(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcPower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeGeneratorTotalAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGnssDops ¶
func DecodeGnssDops(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGnssPositionData ¶
func DecodeGnssPositionData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGnssSatsInView ¶
func DecodeGnssSatsInView(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeGpsAlmanacData ¶
func DecodeGpsAlmanacData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeHeadingTrackControl ¶
func DecodeHeadingTrackControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeHeartbeat ¶
func DecodeHeartbeat(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeHeave ¶
func DecodeHeave(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeHumidity ¶
func DecodeHumidity(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeInverterConfigurationStatus ¶
func DecodeInverterConfigurationStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeInverterStatus ¶
func DecodeInverterStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoAcknowledgement ¶
func DecodeIsoAcknowledgement(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoAddressClaim ¶
func DecodeIsoAddressClaim(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoCommandedAddress ¶
func DecodeIsoCommandedAddress(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoRequest ¶
func DecodeIsoRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer ¶
func DecodeIsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeLeewayAngle ¶
func DecodeLeewayAngle(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeLoadControllerConnectionStateControl ¶
func DecodeLoadControllerConnectionStateControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeLowranceProductInformation ¶
func DecodeLowranceProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeLowranceTemperature ¶
func DecodeLowranceTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMagneticVariation ¶
func DecodeMagneticVariation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeManOverboardNotification ¶
func DecodeManOverboardNotification(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronAnnunciator ¶
func DecodeMaretronAnnunciator(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent ¶
func DecodeMaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange ¶
func DecodeMaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronSlaveResponse ¶
func DecodeMaretronSlaveResponse(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusCounter ¶
func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusCounter(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusTimer ¶
func DecodeMaretronSwitchStatusTimer(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoAsciiData ¶
func DecodeNavicoAsciiData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoProductInformation ¶
func DecodeNavicoProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoUnknown1 ¶
func DecodeNavicoUnknown1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoUnknown2 ¶
func DecodeNavicoUnknown2(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoWirelessBatteryStatus ¶
func DecodeNavicoWirelessBatteryStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavicoWirelessSignalStatus ¶
func DecodeNavicoWirelessSignalStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavigationData ¶
func DecodeNavigationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNavigationRouteWpInformation ¶
func DecodeNavigationRouteWpInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaCommandGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaCommandGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaRequestGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaRequestGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction ¶
func DecodeNmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodePgnListTransmitAndReceive ¶
func DecodePgnListTransmitAndReceive(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodePositionDeltaRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodePositionDeltaRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodePositionRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodePositionRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeProductInformation ¶
func DecodeProductInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeRadioFrequencyModePower ¶
func DecodeRadioFrequencyModePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeRateOfTurn ¶
func DecodeRateOfTurn(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeRudder ¶
func DecodeRudder(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSalinityStationData ¶
func DecodeSalinityStationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalk1DeviceIdentification ¶
func DecodeSeatalk1DeviceIdentification(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayBrightness ¶
func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayBrightness(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayColor ¶
func DecodeSeatalk1DisplayColor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalk1Keystroke ¶
func DecodeSeatalk1Keystroke(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalk1PilotMode ¶
func DecodeSeatalk1PilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkAlarm ¶
func DecodeSeatalkAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkKeypadHeartbeat ¶
func DecodeSeatalkKeypadHeartbeat(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkKeypadMessage ¶
func DecodeSeatalkKeypadMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkPilotHeading ¶
func DecodeSeatalkPilotHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkPilotLockedHeading ¶
func DecodeSeatalkPilotLockedHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkPilotMode ¶
func DecodeSeatalkPilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkPilotWindDatum ¶
func DecodeSeatalkPilotWindDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkSilenceAlarm ¶
func DecodeSeatalkSilenceAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadControl ¶
func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl ¶
func DecodeSeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSetDriftRapidUpdate ¶
func DecodeSetDriftRapidUpdate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSetPressure ¶
func DecodeSetPressure(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB ¶
func DecodeSimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetAlarm ¶
func DecodeSimnetAlarm(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetAlarmMessage ¶
func DecodeSimnetAlarmMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetApCommand ¶
func DecodeSimnetApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown1 ¶
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown2 ¶
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown2(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown3 ¶
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown3(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown4 ¶
func DecodeSimnetApUnknown4(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetAutopilotAngle ¶
func DecodeSimnetAutopilotAngle(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetAutopilotMode ¶
func DecodeSimnetAutopilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings ¶
func DecodeSimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor ¶
func DecodeSimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetDeviceModeRequest ¶
func DecodeSimnetDeviceModeRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatus ¶
func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatusRequest ¶
func DecodeSimnetDeviceStatusRequest(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetEventCommandApCommand ¶
func DecodeSimnetEventCommandApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetEventReplyApCommand ¶
func DecodeSimnetEventReplyApCommand(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration ¶
func DecodeSimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetKeyValue ¶
func DecodeSimnetKeyValue(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetLgc2000Configuration ¶
func DecodeSimnetLgc2000Configuration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetMagneticField ¶
func DecodeSimnetMagneticField(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration ¶
func DecodeSimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetParameterSet ¶
func DecodeSimnetParameterSet(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetPilotMode ¶
func DecodeSimnetPilotMode(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetReprogramData ¶
func DecodeSimnetReprogramData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetSailingProcessorStatus ¶
func DecodeSimnetSailingProcessorStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration ¶
func DecodeSimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSimradTextMessage ¶
func DecodeSimradTextMessage(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSmallCraftStatus ¶
func DecodeSmallCraftStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubAlbum ¶
func DecodeSonichubAlbum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubArtist ¶
func DecodeSonichubArtist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubControl ¶
func DecodeSonichubControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubFmRadio ¶
func DecodeSonichubFmRadio(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubInit1 ¶
func DecodeSonichubInit1(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubMaxVolume ¶
func DecodeSonichubMaxVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubMenuItem ¶
func DecodeSonichubMenuItem(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubPlaylist ¶
func DecodeSonichubPlaylist(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubPosition ¶
func DecodeSonichubPosition(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubSource ¶
func DecodeSonichubSource(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubSourceList ¶
func DecodeSonichubSourceList(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubTrack ¶
func DecodeSonichubTrack(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubVolume ¶
func DecodeSonichubVolume(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubZoneInfo ¶
func DecodeSonichubZoneInfo(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSonichubZones ¶
func DecodeSonichubZones(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSpeed ¶
func DecodeSpeed(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSwitchBankControl ¶
func DecodeSwitchBankControl(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeSystemTime ¶
func DecodeSystemTime(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTemperature ¶
func DecodeTemperature(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTemperatureExtendedRange ¶
func DecodeTemperatureExtendedRange(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeThrusterControlStatus ¶
func DecodeThrusterControlStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeThrusterInformation ¶
func DecodeThrusterInformation(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeThrusterMotorStatus ¶
func DecodeThrusterMotorStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTideStationData ¶
func DecodeTideStationData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTimeDate ¶
func DecodeTimeDate(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTrackedTargetData ¶
func DecodeTrackedTargetData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTransmissionParametersDynamic ¶
func DecodeTransmissionParametersDynamic(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTripParametersEngine ¶
func DecodeTripParametersEngine(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeTripParametersVessel ¶
func DecodeTripParametersVessel(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUserDatum ¶
func DecodeUserDatum(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeUtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcPower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcPower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcPower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
func DecodeUtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcEnergy ¶
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcEnergy(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcPower ¶
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcPower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcReactivePower ¶
func DecodeUtilityTotalAcReactivePower(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeVesselHeading ¶
func DecodeVesselHeading(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeVesselSpeedComponents ¶
func DecodeVesselSpeedComponents(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeVictronBatteryRegister ¶
func DecodeVictronBatteryRegister(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeWaterDepth ¶
func DecodeWaterDepth(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeWatermakerInputSettingAndStatus ¶
func DecodeWatermakerInputSettingAndStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeWindData ¶
func DecodeWindData(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func DecodeWindlassControlStatus ¶
func DecodeWindlassControlStatus(Info MessageInfo, stream *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error)
func GetProprietaryInfo ¶
func GetProprietaryInfo(data []uint8) (ManufacturerCodeConst, IndustryCodeConst, error)
GetProprietaryInfo returns Manufacturer and Industry constants. Invalid data returned if called on non-proprietary PGNs.
func IsProprietaryPGN ¶
IsProprietaryPGN returns true if its argument is in one of the proprietary ranges.
func SearchUnseenList ¶
SearchUnseenList returns true if the PGN has no Canboat samples.
Types ¶
type AcInputStatus ¶
type AcInputStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 NumberOfLines *uint8 Repeating1 []AcInputStatusRepeating1 }
type AcInputStatusRepeating1 ¶
type AcOutputStatus ¶
type AcOutputStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 NumberOfLines *uint8 Repeating1 []AcOutputStatusRepeating1 }
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseA ¶
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseA struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 ConnectionNumber *uint8 AcRmsCurrent *float32 Power *int32 }
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseB ¶
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseB struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 ConnectionNumber *uint8 AcRmsCurrent *float32 Power *int32 }
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseC ¶
type AcPowerCurrentPhaseC struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 ConnectionNumber *uint8 AcRmsCurrent *float32 Power *int32 }
type AcceptabilityConst ¶
type AcceptabilityConst uint8
const ( BadLevel AcceptabilityConst = 0 BadFrequency AcceptabilityConst = 1 BeingQualified AcceptabilityConst = 2 Good2 AcceptabilityConst = 3 )
func (AcceptabilityConst) GoString ¶
func (e AcceptabilityConst) GoString() string
func (AcceptabilityConst) String ¶
func (e AcceptabilityConst) String() string
type AccessLevelConst ¶
type AccessLevelConst uint8
const ( Locked AccessLevelConst = 0 UnlockedLevel1 AccessLevelConst = 1 UnlockedLevel2 AccessLevelConst = 2 )
func (AccessLevelConst) GoString ¶
func (e AccessLevelConst) GoString() string
func (AccessLevelConst) String ¶
func (e AccessLevelConst) String() string
type ActualPressure ¶
type ActualPressure struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source PressureSourceConst Pressure *float32 }
type AgsConfigurationStatus ¶
type AgsConfigurationStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 GeneratorInstance *uint8 AgsMode *uint8 }
type AirmarAccessLevel ¶
type AirmarAccessLevel struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst FormatCode *uint8 AccessLevel AccessLevelConst AccessSeedKey *uint32 }
type AirmarAddressableMultiFrame ¶
type AirmarAddressableMultiFrame struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 }
type AirmarAttitudeOffset ¶
type AirmarAttitudeOffset struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst AzimuthOffset *float32 PitchOffset *float32 RollOffset *float32 }
type AirmarBootStateAcknowledgment ¶
type AirmarBootStateAcknowledgment struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst BootState BootStateConst }
type AirmarBootStateRequest ¶
type AirmarBootStateRequest struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type AirmarCalibrateCompass ¶
type AirmarCalibrateCompass struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst CalibrateFunction AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst CalibrationStatus AirmarCalibrateStatusConst VerifyScore *uint8 XAxisGainValue *float32 YAxisGainValue *float32 ZAxisGainValue *float32 XAxisLinearOffset *float32 YAxisLinearOffset *float32 ZAxisLinearOffset *float32 XAxisAngularOffset *float32 PitchAndRollDamping *float32 CompassRateGyroDamping *float32 }
type AirmarCalibrateDepth ¶
type AirmarCalibrateDepth struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst SpeedOfSoundMode *float32 }
type AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst ¶
type AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst uint8
const ( NormalCancelCalibration AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 0 EnterCalibrationMode AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 1 ResetCalibrationTo0 AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 2 Verify AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 3 ResetCompassToDefaults AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 4 ResetDampingToDefaults AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst = 5 )
func (AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarCalibrateFunctionConst) String() string
type AirmarCalibrateSpeed ¶
type AirmarCalibrateSpeed struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst NumberOfPairsOfDataPoints *uint8 Repeating1 []AirmarCalibrateSpeedRepeating1 }
type AirmarCalibrateStatusConst ¶
type AirmarCalibrateStatusConst uint8
const ( Queried AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 0 Passed AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 1 FailedTimeout AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 2 FailedTiltError AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 3 FailedOther AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 4 InProgress AirmarCalibrateStatusConst = 5 )
func (AirmarCalibrateStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarCalibrateStatusConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarCalibrateStatusConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarCalibrateStatusConst) String() string
type AirmarCalibrateTemperature ¶
type AirmarCalibrateTemperature struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst TemperatureInstance AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst TemperatureOffset *float32 }
type AirmarCommandConst ¶
type AirmarCommandConst uint8
const ( AttitudeOffsets AirmarCommandConst = 32 CalibrateCompass AirmarCommandConst = 33 TrueWindOptions AirmarCommandConst = 34 SimulateMode2 AirmarCommandConst = 35 CalibrateDepth AirmarCommandConst = 40 CalibrateSpeed AirmarCommandConst = 41 CalibrateTemperature AirmarCommandConst = 42 SpeedFilter AirmarCommandConst = 43 TemperatureFilter AirmarCommandConst = 44 NMEA2000Options AirmarCommandConst = 46 )
func (AirmarCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarCommandConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarCommandConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarCommandConst) String() string
type AirmarDepthQualityFactor ¶
type AirmarDepthQualityFactor struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid *uint8 DepthQualityFactor AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst }
type AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst ¶
type AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst uint8
const ( DepthUnlocked AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 0 Quality10Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 1 Quality20Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 2 Quality30Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 3 Quality40Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 4 Quality50Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 5 Quality60Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 6 Quality70Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 7 Quality80Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 8 Quality90Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 9 Quality100Percent AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst = 10 )
func (AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarDepthQualityFactorConst) String() string
type AirmarDeviceInformation ¶
type AirmarDeviceInformation struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid *uint8 InternalDeviceTemperature *float32 SupplyVoltage *float32 }
type AirmarFilterConst ¶
type AirmarFilterConst uint8
const ( NoFilter AirmarFilterConst = 0 BasicIIRFilter AirmarFilterConst = 1 )
func (AirmarFilterConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarFilterConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarFilterConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarFilterConst) String() string
type AirmarNmea2000Options ¶
type AirmarNmea2000Options struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst TransmissionInterval AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst }
type AirmarPostControlConst ¶
type AirmarPostControlConst uint8
const ( ReportPreviousValues AirmarPostControlConst = 0 GenerateNewValues AirmarPostControlConst = 1 )
func (AirmarPostControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarPostControlConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarPostControlConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarPostControlConst) String() string
type AirmarPostIdConst ¶
type AirmarPostIdConst uint8
const ( FormatCode AirmarPostIdConst = 1 FactoryEEPROM AirmarPostIdConst = 2 UserEEPROM AirmarPostIdConst = 3 WaterTemperatureSensor AirmarPostIdConst = 4 SonarTransceiver AirmarPostIdConst = 5 SpeedSensor AirmarPostIdConst = 6 InternalTemperatureSensor AirmarPostIdConst = 7 BatteryVoltageSensor AirmarPostIdConst = 8 )
func (AirmarPostIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarPostIdConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarPostIdConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarPostIdConst) String() string
type AirmarSimulateMode ¶
type AirmarSimulateMode struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst SimulateMode OffOnConst }
type AirmarSpeedFilterIir ¶
type AirmarSpeedFilterIir struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst FilterType *uint8 SampleInterval *float32 FilterDuration *float32 }
type AirmarSpeedFilterNone ¶
type AirmarSpeedFilterNone struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst FilterType *uint8 SampleInterval *float32 }
type AirmarSpeedPulseCount ¶
type AirmarSpeedPulseCount struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid *uint8 DurationOfInterval *float32 NumberOfPulsesReceived *uint16 }
type AirmarTemperatureFilterIir ¶
type AirmarTemperatureFilterIir struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst FilterType *uint8 SampleInterval *float32 FilterDuration *float32 }
type AirmarTemperatureFilterNone ¶
type AirmarTemperatureFilterNone struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst FilterType *uint8 SampleInterval *float32 }
type AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst ¶
type AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst uint8
const ( DeviceSensor AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst = 0 OnboardWaterSensor AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst = 1 OptionalWaterSensor AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst = 2 )
func (AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarTemperatureInstanceConst) String() string
type AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst ¶
type AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst uint8
const ( MeasureInterval AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst = 0 RequestedByUser AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst = 1 )
func (AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst) GoString ¶
func (e AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst) GoString() string
func (AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst) String ¶
func (e AirmarTransmissionIntervalConst) String() string
type AirmarTrueWindOptions ¶
type AirmarTrueWindOptions struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId AirmarCommandConst CogSubstitutionForHdg YesNoConst }
type AisAcknowledge ¶
type AisAcknowledge struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst DestinationId1 *uint32 SequenceNumberForId1 []uint8 SequenceNumberForIdN []uint8 }
type AisAddressedBinaryMessage ¶
type AisAddressedBinaryMessage struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst SequenceNumber *uint8 DestinationId *uint32 RetransmitFlag *uint8 NumberOfBitsInBinaryDataField *uint16 BinaryData []uint8 }
type AisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage ¶
type AisAddressedSafetyRelatedMessage struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst SequenceNumber *uint8 DestinationId *uint32 RetransmitFlag *uint8 SafetyRelatedText string }
type AisAidsToNavigationAtonReport ¶
type AisAidsToNavigationAtonReport struct {}
type AisAssignedModeConst ¶
type AisAssignedModeConst uint8
const ( AutonomousAndContinuous AisAssignedModeConst = 0 AssignedMode AisAssignedModeConst = 1 )
func (AisAssignedModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisAssignedModeConst) GoString() string
func (AisAssignedModeConst) String ¶
func (e AisAssignedModeConst) String() string
type AisBandConst ¶
type AisBandConst uint8
const ( Top525KHzOfMarineBand AisBandConst = 0 EntireMarineBand AisBandConst = 1 )
func (AisBandConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisBandConst) GoString() string
func (AisBandConst) String ¶
func (e AisBandConst) String() string
type AisBinaryBroadcastMessage ¶
type AisBinaryBroadcastMessage struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst NumberOfBitsInBinaryDataField *uint16 BinaryData []uint8 }
type AisChannelManagement ¶
type AisChannelManagement struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst ChannelA *uint8 ChannelB *uint8 Power *uint8 TxRxMode *uint8 NorthEastLongitudeCorner1 *float32 NorthEastLatitudeCorner1 *float32 SouthWestLongitudeCorner1 *float32 SouthWestLatitudeCorner2 *float32 AddressedOrBroadcastMessageIndicator *uint8 ChannelABandwidth *uint8 ChannelBBandwidth *uint8 TransitionalZoneSize *uint8 }
type AisClassAPositionReport ¶
type AisClassAPositionReport struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 Longitude *float32 Latitude *float32 PositionAccuracy PositionAccuracyConst Raim RaimFlagConst TimeStamp TimeStampConst Cog *float32 Sog *float32 CommunicationState []uint8 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst Heading *float32 RateOfTurn *float32 SpecialManeuverIndicator AisSpecialManeuverConst SequenceId *uint8 }
type AisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData ¶
type AisClassAStaticAndVoyageRelatedData struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 ImoNumber *uint32 Callsign string Name string TypeOfShip ShipTypeConst Length *float32 Beam *float32 PositionReferenceFromStarboard *float32 PositionReferenceFromBow *float32 EtaDate *uint16 EtaTime *float32 Draft *float32 Destination string AisVersionIndicator AisVersionConst GnssType PositionFixDeviceConst Dte AvailableConst AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst }
type AisClassBExtendedPositionReport ¶
type AisClassBExtendedPositionReport struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 Longitude *float32 Latitude *float32 PositionAccuracy PositionAccuracyConst Raim RaimFlagConst TimeStamp TimeStampConst Cog *float32 Sog *float32 TypeOfShip ShipTypeConst TrueHeading *float32 GnssType PositionFixDeviceConst Length *float32 Beam *float32 PositionReferenceFromStarboard *float32 PositionReferenceFromBow *float32 Name string Dte AvailableConst AisMode AisModeConst AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst }
type AisClassBPositionReport ¶
type AisClassBPositionReport struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 Longitude *float32 Latitude *float32 PositionAccuracy PositionAccuracyConst Raim RaimFlagConst TimeStamp TimeStampConst Cog *float32 Sog *float32 CommunicationState []uint8 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst Heading *float32 UnitType AisTypeConst IntegratedDisplay YesNoConst Dsc YesNoConst Band AisBandConst CanHandleMsg22 YesNoConst AisMode AisModeConst AisCommunicationState AisCommunicationStateConst }
type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA ¶
type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartA struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 Name string AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst SequenceId *uint8 }
type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB ¶
type AisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 TypeOfShip ShipTypeConst VendorId string Callsign string Length *float32 Beam *float32 PositionReferenceFromStarboard *float32 PositionReferenceFromBow *float32 MothershipUserId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst SequenceId *uint8 }
type AisCommunicationStateConst ¶
type AisCommunicationStateConst uint8
const ( SOTDMA2 AisCommunicationStateConst = 0 ITDMA AisCommunicationStateConst = 1 )
func (AisCommunicationStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisCommunicationStateConst) GoString() string
func (AisCommunicationStateConst) String ¶
func (e AisCommunicationStateConst) String() string
type AisDataLinkManagementMessage ¶
type AisDataLinkManagementMessage struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst Repeating1 []AisDataLinkManagementMessageRepeating1 }
type AisInterrogation ¶
type AisInterrogation struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst DestinationId1 *uint32 MessageId11 AisMessageIdConst SlotOffset11 *uint16 MessageId12 AisMessageIdConst SlotOffset12 *uint16 DestinationId2 *uint32 MessageId21 AisMessageIdConst SlotOffset21 *uint16 Sid *uint8 }
type AisMessageIdConst ¶
type AisMessageIdConst uint8
const ( ScheduledClassAPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 1 AssignedScheduledClassAPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 2 InterrogatedClassAPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 3 BaseStationReport AisMessageIdConst = 4 StaticAndVoyageRelatedData AisMessageIdConst = 5 BinaryAddressedMessage AisMessageIdConst = 6 BinaryAcknowledgement AisMessageIdConst = 7 BinaryBroadcastMessage AisMessageIdConst = 8 StandardSARAircraftPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 9 UTCDateInquiry AisMessageIdConst = 10 UTCDateResponse AisMessageIdConst = 11 SafetyRelatedAddressedMessage AisMessageIdConst = 12 SafetyRelatedAcknowledgement AisMessageIdConst = 13 SatetyRelatedBroadcastMessage AisMessageIdConst = 14 Interrogation AisMessageIdConst = 15 AssignmentModeCommand AisMessageIdConst = 16 DGNSSBroadcastBinaryMessage AisMessageIdConst = 17 StandardClassBPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 18 ExtendedClassBPositionReport AisMessageIdConst = 19 DataLinkManagementMessage AisMessageIdConst = 20 ATONReport AisMessageIdConst = 21 ChannelManagement AisMessageIdConst = 22 GroupAssignmentCommand AisMessageIdConst = 23 StaticDataReport AisMessageIdConst = 24 SingleSlotBinaryMessage AisMessageIdConst = 25 MultipleSlotBinaryMessage AisMessageIdConst = 26 PositionReportForLongRangeApplications AisMessageIdConst = 27 )
func (AisMessageIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisMessageIdConst) GoString() string
func (AisMessageIdConst) String ¶
func (e AisMessageIdConst) String() string
type AisModeConst ¶
type AisModeConst uint8
const ( Autonomous2 AisModeConst = 0 Assigned AisModeConst = 1 )
func (AisModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisModeConst) GoString() string
func (AisModeConst) String ¶
func (e AisModeConst) String() string
type AisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage ¶
type AisSafetyRelatedBroadcastMessage struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst SafetyRelatedText string }
type AisSpecialManeuverConst ¶
type AisSpecialManeuverConst uint8
const ( NotAvailable AisSpecialManeuverConst = 0 NotEngagedInSpecialManeuver AisSpecialManeuverConst = 1 EngagedInSpecialManeuver AisSpecialManeuverConst = 2 Reserved2 AisSpecialManeuverConst = 3 )
func (AisSpecialManeuverConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisSpecialManeuverConst) GoString() string
func (AisSpecialManeuverConst) String ¶
func (e AisSpecialManeuverConst) String() string
type AisTransceiverConst ¶
type AisTransceiverConst uint8
const ( ChannelAVDLReception AisTransceiverConst = 0 ChannelBVDLReception AisTransceiverConst = 1 ChannelAVDLTransmission AisTransceiverConst = 2 ChannelBVDLTransmission AisTransceiverConst = 3 OwnInformationNotBroadcast AisTransceiverConst = 4 Reserved AisTransceiverConst = 5 )
func (AisTransceiverConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisTransceiverConst) GoString() string
func (AisTransceiverConst) String ¶
func (e AisTransceiverConst) String() string
type AisTypeConst ¶
type AisTypeConst uint8
const ( SOTDMA AisTypeConst = 0 CS AisTypeConst = 1 )
func (AisTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisTypeConst) GoString() string
func (AisTypeConst) String ¶
func (e AisTypeConst) String() string
type AisUtcAndDateReport ¶
type AisUtcAndDateReport struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst UserId *uint32 Longitude *float32 Latitude *float32 PositionAccuracy PositionAccuracyConst Raim RaimFlagConst PositionTime *float32 CommunicationState []uint8 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst PositionDate *uint16 GnssType PositionFixDeviceConst }
type AisUtcDateInquiry ¶
type AisUtcDateInquiry struct { Info MessageInfo MessageId AisMessageIdConst RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst SourceId *uint32 AisTransceiverInformation AisTransceiverConst DestinationId *uint32 }
type AisVersionConst ¶
type AisVersionConst uint8
const ( ITURM1371Minus1 AisVersionConst = 0 ITURM13713 AisVersionConst = 1 ITURM13715 AisVersionConst = 2 ITURM1371FutureEdition AisVersionConst = 3 )
func (AisVersionConst) GoString ¶
func (e AisVersionConst) GoString() string
func (AisVersionConst) String ¶
func (e AisVersionConst) String() string
type Alert ¶
type Alert struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 TemporarySilenceStatus YesNoConst AcknowledgeStatus YesNoConst EscalationStatus YesNoConst TemporarySilenceSupport YesNoConst AcknowledgeSupport YesNoConst EscalationSupport YesNoConst AcknowledgeSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 TriggerCondition AlertTriggerConditionConst ThresholdStatus AlertThresholdStatusConst AlertPriority *uint8 AlertState AlertStateConst }
type AlertCategoryConst ¶
type AlertCategoryConst uint8
const ( Technical AlertCategoryConst = 1 )
func (AlertCategoryConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertCategoryConst) GoString() string
func (AlertCategoryConst) String ¶
func (e AlertCategoryConst) String() string
type AlertConfiguration ¶
type AlertConfiguration struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 AlertControl *uint8 UserDefinedAlertAssignment *uint8 ReactivationPeriod *uint8 TemporarySilencePeriod *uint8 EscalationPeriod *uint8 }
type AlertLanguageIdConst ¶
type AlertLanguageIdConst uint8
const ( EnglishUS AlertLanguageIdConst = 0 EnglishUK AlertLanguageIdConst = 1 Arabic AlertLanguageIdConst = 2 ChineseSimplified AlertLanguageIdConst = 3 Croatian AlertLanguageIdConst = 4 Danish AlertLanguageIdConst = 5 Dutch AlertLanguageIdConst = 6 Finnish AlertLanguageIdConst = 7 French AlertLanguageIdConst = 8 German AlertLanguageIdConst = 9 Greek AlertLanguageIdConst = 10 Italian AlertLanguageIdConst = 11 Japanese AlertLanguageIdConst = 12 Korean AlertLanguageIdConst = 13 Norwegian AlertLanguageIdConst = 14 Polish AlertLanguageIdConst = 15 Portuguese AlertLanguageIdConst = 16 Russian AlertLanguageIdConst = 17 Spanish AlertLanguageIdConst = 18 Swedish AlertLanguageIdConst = 19 )
func (AlertLanguageIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertLanguageIdConst) GoString() string
func (AlertLanguageIdConst) String ¶
func (e AlertLanguageIdConst) String() string
type AlertResponse ¶
type AlertResponse struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 AcknowledgeSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 ResponseCommand AlertResponseCommandConst }
type AlertResponseCommandConst ¶
type AlertResponseCommandConst uint8
const ( Acknowledge AlertResponseCommandConst = 0 TemporarySilence AlertResponseCommandConst = 1 TestCommandOff AlertResponseCommandConst = 2 TestCommandOn AlertResponseCommandConst = 3 )
func (AlertResponseCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertResponseCommandConst) GoString() string
func (AlertResponseCommandConst) String ¶
func (e AlertResponseCommandConst) String() string
type AlertStateConst ¶
type AlertStateConst uint8
const ( Disabled2 AlertStateConst = 0 Normal2 AlertStateConst = 1 Active AlertStateConst = 2 Silenced AlertStateConst = 3 Acknowledged2 AlertStateConst = 4 AwaitingAcknowledge2 AlertStateConst = 5 )
func (AlertStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertStateConst) GoString() string
func (AlertStateConst) String ¶
func (e AlertStateConst) String() string
type AlertText ¶
type AlertText struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 LanguageId AlertLanguageIdConst AlertTextDescription string AlertLocationTextDescription string }
type AlertThreshold ¶
type AlertThreshold struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []AlertThresholdRepeating1 }
type AlertThresholdStatusConst ¶
type AlertThresholdStatusConst uint8
const ( Normal AlertThresholdStatusConst = 0 ThresholdExceeded AlertThresholdStatusConst = 1 ExtremeThresholdExceeded AlertThresholdStatusConst = 2 LowThresholdExceeded AlertThresholdStatusConst = 3 Acknowledged AlertThresholdStatusConst = 4 AwaitingAcknowledge AlertThresholdStatusConst = 5 )
func (AlertThresholdStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertThresholdStatusConst) GoString() string
func (AlertThresholdStatusConst) String ¶
func (e AlertThresholdStatusConst) String() string
type AlertTriggerConditionConst ¶
type AlertTriggerConditionConst uint8
const ( Manual3 AlertTriggerConditionConst = 0 Auto2 AlertTriggerConditionConst = 1 Test2 AlertTriggerConditionConst = 2 Disabled AlertTriggerConditionConst = 3 )
func (AlertTriggerConditionConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertTriggerConditionConst) GoString() string
func (AlertTriggerConditionConst) String ¶
func (e AlertTriggerConditionConst) String() string
type AlertTypeConst ¶
type AlertTypeConst uint8
const ( EmergencyAlarm AlertTypeConst = 1 Alarm AlertTypeConst = 2 Warning2 AlertTypeConst = 5 Caution2 AlertTypeConst = 8 )
func (AlertTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e AlertTypeConst) GoString() string
func (AlertTypeConst) String ¶
func (e AlertTypeConst) String() string
type AlertValue ¶
type AlertValue struct { Info MessageInfo AlertType AlertTypeConst AlertCategory AlertCategoryConst AlertSystem *uint8 AlertSubSystem *uint8 AlertId *uint16 DataSourceNetworkIdName *uint64 DataSourceInstance *uint8 DataSourceIndexSource *uint8 AlertOccurrenceNumber *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []AlertValueRepeating1 }
type AlertValueRepeating1 ¶
type AnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus ¶
type AnchorWindlassMonitoringStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 WindlassId *uint8 WindlassMonitoringEvents WindlassMonitoringConst ControllerVoltage *float32 MotorCurrent *uint8 TotalMotorTime *float32 }
type AnchorWindlassOperatingStatus ¶
type AnchorWindlassOperatingStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 WindlassId *uint8 WindlassDirectionControl WindlassDirectionConst WindlassMotionStatus WindlassMotionConst RodeTypeStatus RodeTypeConst RodeCounterValue *float32 WindlassLineSpeed *float32 AnchorDockingStatus DockingStatusConst WindlassOperatingEvents WindlassOperationConst }
type AtonTypeConst ¶
type AtonTypeConst uint8
const ( DefaultTypeOfAtoNNotSpecified AtonTypeConst = 0 ReferencePoint AtonTypeConst = 1 RACON AtonTypeConst = 2 FixedStructureOffShore AtonTypeConst = 3 ReservedForFutureUse AtonTypeConst = 4 FixedLightWithoutSectors AtonTypeConst = 5 FixedLightWithSectors AtonTypeConst = 6 FixedLeadingLightFront AtonTypeConst = 7 FixedLeadingLightRear AtonTypeConst = 8 FixedBeaconCardinalN AtonTypeConst = 9 FixedBeaconCardinalE AtonTypeConst = 10 FixedBeaconCardinalS AtonTypeConst = 11 FixedBeaconCardinalW AtonTypeConst = 12 FixedBeaconPortHand AtonTypeConst = 13 FixedBeaconStarboardHand AtonTypeConst = 14 FixedBeaconPreferredChannelPortHand AtonTypeConst = 15 FixedBeaconPreferredChannelStarboardHand AtonTypeConst = 16 FixedBeaconIsolatedDanger AtonTypeConst = 17 FixedBeaconSafeWater AtonTypeConst = 18 FixedBeaconSpecialMark AtonTypeConst = 19 FloatingAtoNCardinalN AtonTypeConst = 20 FloatingAtoNCardinalE AtonTypeConst = 21 FloatingAtoNCardinalS AtonTypeConst = 22 FloatingAtoNCardinalW AtonTypeConst = 23 FloatingAtoNPortHandMark AtonTypeConst = 24 FloatingAtoNStarboardHandMark AtonTypeConst = 25 FloatingAtoNPreferredChannelPortHand AtonTypeConst = 26 FloatingAtoNPreferredChannelStarboardHand AtonTypeConst = 27 FloatingAtoNIsolatedDanger AtonTypeConst = 28 FloatingAtoNSafeWater AtonTypeConst = 29 FloatingAtoNSpecialMark AtonTypeConst = 30 FloatingAtoNLightVesselLANBYRigs AtonTypeConst = 31 )
func (AtonTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e AtonTypeConst) GoString() string
func (AtonTypeConst) String ¶
func (e AtonTypeConst) String() string
type Attitude ¶
type Attitude struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Yaw *float32 Pitch *float32 Roll *float32 }
type AvailableConst ¶
type AvailableConst uint8
const ( Available AvailableConst = 0 NotAvailable3 AvailableConst = 1 )
func (AvailableConst) GoString ¶
func (e AvailableConst) GoString() string
func (AvailableConst) String ¶
func (e AvailableConst) String() string
type BGKeyValueData ¶
type BGKeyValueData struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Repeating1 []BGKeyValueDataRepeating1 }
type BGKeyValueDataRepeating1 ¶
type BGKeyValueDataRepeating1 struct { Key BandgKeyValueConst Length *uint8 Value []uint8 }
type BGUserAndRemoteRename ¶
type BGUserAndRemoteRename struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst DataType BandgKeyValueConst Length *uint8 Decimals BandgDecimalsConst ShortName string LongName string }
type BandgDecimalsConst ¶
type BandgDecimalsConst uint8
const ( A02 BandgDecimalsConst = 0 A12 BandgDecimalsConst = 1 A22 BandgDecimalsConst = 2 A32 BandgDecimalsConst = 3 A42 BandgDecimalsConst = 4 Auto5 BandgDecimalsConst = 254 )
func (BandgDecimalsConst) GoString ¶
func (e BandgDecimalsConst) GoString() string
func (BandgDecimalsConst) String ¶
func (e BandgDecimalsConst) String() string
type BandgKeyValueConst ¶
type BandgKeyValueConst uint16
type BatteryChemistryConst ¶
type BatteryChemistryConst uint8
const ( PbLead BatteryChemistryConst = 0 Li BatteryChemistryConst = 1 NiCd BatteryChemistryConst = 2 ZnO BatteryChemistryConst = 3 NiMH BatteryChemistryConst = 4 )
func (BatteryChemistryConst) GoString ¶
func (e BatteryChemistryConst) GoString() string
func (BatteryChemistryConst) String ¶
func (e BatteryChemistryConst) String() string
type BatteryConfigurationStatus ¶
type BatteryConfigurationStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 BatteryType BatteryTypeConst SupportsEqualization YesNoConst NominalVoltage BatteryVoltageConst Chemistry BatteryChemistryConst Capacity *uint16 TemperatureCoefficient *int8 PeukertExponent *float32 ChargeEfficiencyFactor *int8 }
type BatteryStatus ¶
type BatteryTypeConst ¶
type BatteryTypeConst uint8
const ( Flooded BatteryTypeConst = 0 Gel BatteryTypeConst = 1 AGM BatteryTypeConst = 2 )
func (BatteryTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e BatteryTypeConst) GoString() string
func (BatteryTypeConst) String ¶
func (e BatteryTypeConst) String() string
type BatteryVoltageConst ¶
type BatteryVoltageConst uint8
const ( A6V BatteryVoltageConst = 0 A12V BatteryVoltageConst = 1 A24V BatteryVoltageConst = 2 A32V BatteryVoltageConst = 3 A36V BatteryVoltageConst = 4 A42V BatteryVoltageConst = 5 A48V BatteryVoltageConst = 6 )
func (BatteryVoltageConst) GoString ¶
func (e BatteryVoltageConst) GoString() string
func (BatteryVoltageConst) String ¶
func (e BatteryVoltageConst) String() string
type BearingModeConst ¶
type BearingModeConst uint8
const ( GreatCircle BearingModeConst = 0 Rhumbline BearingModeConst = 1 )
func (BearingModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e BearingModeConst) GoString() string
func (BearingModeConst) String ¶
func (e BearingModeConst) String() string
type BinarySwitchBankStatus ¶
type BinarySwitchBankStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 Indicator1 OffOnConst Indicator2 OffOnConst Indicator3 OffOnConst Indicator4 OffOnConst Indicator5 OffOnConst Indicator6 OffOnConst Indicator7 OffOnConst Indicator8 OffOnConst Indicator9 OffOnConst Indicator10 OffOnConst Indicator11 OffOnConst Indicator12 OffOnConst Indicator13 OffOnConst Indicator14 OffOnConst Indicator15 OffOnConst Indicator16 OffOnConst Indicator17 OffOnConst Indicator18 OffOnConst Indicator19 OffOnConst Indicator20 OffOnConst Indicator21 OffOnConst Indicator22 OffOnConst Indicator23 OffOnConst Indicator24 OffOnConst Indicator25 OffOnConst Indicator26 OffOnConst Indicator27 OffOnConst Indicator28 OffOnConst }
type BluetoothSourceStatusConst ¶
type BluetoothSourceStatusConst uint8
const ( Reserved3 BluetoothSourceStatusConst = 0 Connected2 BluetoothSourceStatusConst = 1 Connecting BluetoothSourceStatusConst = 2 NotConnected2 BluetoothSourceStatusConst = 3 )
func (BluetoothSourceStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e BluetoothSourceStatusConst) GoString() string
func (BluetoothSourceStatusConst) String ¶
func (e BluetoothSourceStatusConst) String() string
type BluetoothStatusConst ¶
type BluetoothStatusConst uint8
const ( Connected BluetoothStatusConst = 0 NotConnected BluetoothStatusConst = 1 NotPaired BluetoothStatusConst = 2 )
func (BluetoothStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e BluetoothStatusConst) GoString() string
func (BluetoothStatusConst) String ¶
func (e BluetoothStatusConst) String() string
type BootStateConst ¶
type BootStateConst uint8
const ( InStartupMonitor BootStateConst = 0 RunningBootloader BootStateConst = 1 RunningApplication BootStateConst = 2 )
func (BootStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e BootStateConst) GoString() string
func (BootStateConst) String ¶
func (e BootStateConst) String() string
type Bus1AverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
type Bus1AverageBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 }
type Bus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
type Bus1PhaseABasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 }
type Bus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
type Bus1PhaseBBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 }
type Bus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
type Bus1PhaseCBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 }
type ChargerModeConst ¶
type ChargerModeConst uint8
const ( Standalone ChargerModeConst = 0 Primary ChargerModeConst = 1 Secondary ChargerModeConst = 2 Echo ChargerModeConst = 3 )
func (ChargerModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e ChargerModeConst) GoString() string
func (ChargerModeConst) String ¶
func (e ChargerModeConst) String() string
type ChargerStateConst ¶
type ChargerStateConst uint8
const ( NotCharging ChargerStateConst = 0 Bulk2 ChargerStateConst = 1 Absorption2 ChargerStateConst = 2 Overcharge ChargerStateConst = 3 Equalise ChargerStateConst = 4 Float2 ChargerStateConst = 5 NoFloat ChargerStateConst = 6 ConstantVI ChargerStateConst = 7 Disabled3 ChargerStateConst = 8 Fault3 ChargerStateConst = 9 )
func (ChargerStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e ChargerStateConst) GoString() string
func (ChargerStateConst) String ¶
func (e ChargerStateConst) String() string
type ChargerStatus ¶
type ChargerStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 BatteryInstance *uint8 OperatingState ChargerStateConst ChargeMode ChargerModeConst Enabled OffOnConst EqualizationPending OffOnConst EqualizationTimeRemaining *float32 }
type ChargingAlgorithmConst ¶
type ChargingAlgorithmConst uint8
const ( Trickle ChargingAlgorithmConst = 0 ConstantVoltageConstantCurrent ChargingAlgorithmConst = 1 A2StageNoFloat ChargingAlgorithmConst = 2 A3Stage ChargingAlgorithmConst = 3 )
func (ChargingAlgorithmConst) GoString ¶
func (e ChargingAlgorithmConst) GoString() string
func (ChargingAlgorithmConst) String ¶
func (e ChargingAlgorithmConst) String() string
type ChetcoDimmer ¶
type ChetcoDimmer struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Instance *uint8 Dimmer1 *uint8 Dimmer2 *uint8 Dimmer3 *uint8 Dimmer4 *uint8 Control *uint8 }
type CogSogRapidUpdate ¶
type CogSogRapidUpdate struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 CogReference DirectionReferenceConst Cog *float32 Sog *float32 }
type ConfigurationInformation ¶
type ConfigurationInformation struct { Info MessageInfo InstallationDescription1 string InstallationDescription2 string ManufacturerInformation string }
type ControllerStateConst ¶
type ControllerStateConst uint8
const ( ErrorActive ControllerStateConst = 0 ErrorPassive ControllerStateConst = 1 BusOff ControllerStateConst = 2 )
func (ControllerStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e ControllerStateConst) GoString() string
func (ControllerStateConst) String ¶
func (e ControllerStateConst) String() string
type ConverterStateConst ¶
type ConverterStateConst uint8
const ( Off4 ConverterStateConst = 0 LowPowerMode ConverterStateConst = 1 Fault ConverterStateConst = 2 Bulk ConverterStateConst = 3 Absorption ConverterStateConst = 4 Float ConverterStateConst = 5 Storage ConverterStateConst = 6 Equalize ConverterStateConst = 7 PassThru ConverterStateConst = 8 Inverting ConverterStateConst = 9 Assisting ConverterStateConst = 10 )
func (ConverterStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e ConverterStateConst) GoString() string
func (ConverterStateConst) String ¶
func (e ConverterStateConst) String() string
type ConverterStatus ¶
type ConverterStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid []uint8 ConnectionNumber *uint8 OperatingState ConverterStateConst TemperatureState GoodWarningErrorConst OverloadState GoodWarningErrorConst LowDcVoltageState GoodWarningErrorConst RippleState GoodWarningErrorConst }
type CrossTrackError ¶
type CrossTrackError struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 XteMode ResidualModeConst Xte *float32 }
type DcDetailedStatus ¶
type DcDetailedStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 DcType DcSourceConst StateOfCharge *uint8 StateOfHealth *uint8 TimeRemaining *float32 RippleVoltage *float32 RemainingCapacity *uint16 }
type DcSourceConst ¶
type DcSourceConst uint8
const ( Battery DcSourceConst = 0 Alternator DcSourceConst = 1 Convertor DcSourceConst = 2 SolarCell DcSourceConst = 3 WindGenerator DcSourceConst = 4 )
func (DcSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e DcSourceConst) GoString() string
func (DcSourceConst) String ¶
func (e DcSourceConst) String() string
type DcVoltageCurrent ¶
type DcVoltageCurrent struct { Info MessageInfo Sid []uint8 ConnectionNumber *uint8 DcVoltage *float32 DcCurrent *float32 }
type DeviceClassConst ¶
type DeviceClassConst uint8
const ( ReservedFor2000Use DeviceClassConst = 0 SystemTools DeviceClassConst = 10 SafetySystems DeviceClassConst = 20 InternetworkDevice DeviceClassConst = 25 ElectricalDistribution DeviceClassConst = 30 ElectricalGeneration DeviceClassConst = 35 SteeringAndControlSurfaces DeviceClassConst = 40 Propulsion DeviceClassConst = 50 Communication DeviceClassConst = 70 SensorCommunicationInterface DeviceClassConst = 75 InstrumentationGeneralSystems DeviceClassConst = 80 ExternalEnvironment DeviceClassConst = 85 InternalEnvironment DeviceClassConst = 90 DeckCargoFishingEquipmentSystems DeviceClassConst = 100 HumanInterface DeviceClassConst = 110 Display DeviceClassConst = 120 Entertainment DeviceClassConst = 125 )
func (DeviceClassConst) GoString ¶
func (e DeviceClassConst) GoString() string
func (DeviceClassConst) String ¶
func (e DeviceClassConst) String() string
type DeviceFunctionConst ¶
type DeviceFunctionConst uint16
type DeviceTempStateConst ¶
type DeviceTempStateConst uint8
const ( Cold DeviceTempStateConst = 0 Warm DeviceTempStateConst = 1 Hot DeviceTempStateConst = 2 )
func (DeviceTempStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e DeviceTempStateConst) GoString() string
func (DeviceTempStateConst) String ¶
func (e DeviceTempStateConst) String() string
type DgnssModeConst ¶
type DgnssModeConst uint8
const ( None3 DgnssModeConst = 0 SBASIfAvailable DgnssModeConst = 1 SBAS DgnssModeConst = 3 )
func (DgnssModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e DgnssModeConst) GoString() string
func (DgnssModeConst) String ¶
func (e DgnssModeConst) String() string
type DirectionConst ¶
type DirectionConst uint8
const ( Forward2 DirectionConst = 0 Reverse2 DirectionConst = 1 )
func (DirectionConst) GoString ¶
func (e DirectionConst) GoString() string
func (DirectionConst) String ¶
func (e DirectionConst) String() string
type DirectionReferenceConst ¶
type DirectionReferenceConst uint8
const ( True DirectionReferenceConst = 0 Magnetic DirectionReferenceConst = 1 Error DirectionReferenceConst = 2 )
func (DirectionReferenceConst) GoString ¶
func (e DirectionReferenceConst) GoString() string
func (DirectionReferenceConst) String ¶
func (e DirectionReferenceConst) String() string
type DirectionRudderConst ¶
type DirectionRudderConst uint8
const ( NoOrder DirectionRudderConst = 0 MoveToStarboard DirectionRudderConst = 1 MoveToPort DirectionRudderConst = 2 )
func (DirectionRudderConst) GoString ¶
func (e DirectionRudderConst) GoString() string
func (DirectionRudderConst) String ¶
func (e DirectionRudderConst) String() string
type DistanceLog ¶
type DistanceLog struct { Info MessageInfo Date *uint16 Time *float32 Log *uint32 TripLog *uint32 }
type DockingStatusConst ¶
type DockingStatusConst uint8
const ( NotDocked DockingStatusConst = 0 FullyDocked DockingStatusConst = 1 )
func (DockingStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e DockingStatusConst) GoString() string
func (DockingStatusConst) String ¶
func (e DockingStatusConst) String() string
type DscCategoryConst ¶
type DscCategoryConst uint8
const ( Routine DscCategoryConst = 100 Safety DscCategoryConst = 108 Urgency DscCategoryConst = 110 Distress2 DscCategoryConst = 112 )
func (DscCategoryConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscCategoryConst) GoString() string
func (DscCategoryConst) String ¶
func (e DscCategoryConst) String() string
type DscExpansionDataConst ¶
type DscExpansionDataConst uint8
const ( EnhancedPosition DscExpansionDataConst = 100 SourceAndDatumOfPosition DscExpansionDataConst = 101 SOG DscExpansionDataConst = 102 COG DscExpansionDataConst = 103 AdditionalStationIdentification DscExpansionDataConst = 104 EnhancedGeographicArea DscExpansionDataConst = 105 NumberOfPersonsOnBoard DscExpansionDataConst = 106 )
func (DscExpansionDataConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscExpansionDataConst) GoString() string
func (DscExpansionDataConst) String ¶
func (e DscExpansionDataConst) String() string
type DscFirstTelecommandConst ¶
type DscFirstTelecommandConst uint8
const ( F3EG3EAllModesTP DscFirstTelecommandConst = 100 F3EG3EDuplexTP DscFirstTelecommandConst = 101 Polling DscFirstTelecommandConst = 103 UnableToComply DscFirstTelecommandConst = 104 EndOfCall DscFirstTelecommandConst = 105 Data DscFirstTelecommandConst = 106 J3ETP DscFirstTelecommandConst = 109 DistressAcknowledgement DscFirstTelecommandConst = 110 DistressRelay DscFirstTelecommandConst = 112 F1BJ2BTTYFEC DscFirstTelecommandConst = 113 F1BJ2BTTYARQ DscFirstTelecommandConst = 115 Test DscFirstTelecommandConst = 118 ShipPositionOrLocationRegistrationUpdating DscFirstTelecommandConst = 121 NoInformation DscFirstTelecommandConst = 126 )
func (DscFirstTelecommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscFirstTelecommandConst) GoString() string
func (DscFirstTelecommandConst) String ¶
func (e DscFirstTelecommandConst) String() string
type DscFormatConst ¶
type DscFormatConst uint8
const ( GeographicalArea DscFormatConst = 102 Distress DscFormatConst = 112 CommonInterest DscFormatConst = 114 AllShips DscFormatConst = 116 IndividualStations DscFormatConst = 120 NonCallingPurpose DscFormatConst = 121 IndividualStationAutomatic DscFormatConst = 123 )
func (DscFormatConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscFormatConst) GoString() string
func (DscFormatConst) String ¶
func (e DscFormatConst) String() string
type DscNatureConst ¶
type DscNatureConst uint8
const ( Fire DscNatureConst = 100 Flooding DscNatureConst = 101 Collision DscNatureConst = 102 Grounding DscNatureConst = 103 Listing DscNatureConst = 104 Sinking DscNatureConst = 105 DisabledAndAdrift DscNatureConst = 106 Undesignated DscNatureConst = 107 AbandoningShip DscNatureConst = 108 Piracy DscNatureConst = 109 ManOverboard DscNatureConst = 110 EPIRBEmission DscNatureConst = 112 )
func (DscNatureConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscNatureConst) GoString() string
func (DscNatureConst) String ¶
func (e DscNatureConst) String() string
type DscSecondTelecommandConst ¶
type DscSecondTelecommandConst uint8
const ( NoReasonGiven DscSecondTelecommandConst = 100 CongestionAtMSC DscSecondTelecommandConst = 101 Busy DscSecondTelecommandConst = 102 QueueIndication DscSecondTelecommandConst = 103 StationBarred DscSecondTelecommandConst = 104 NoOperatorAvailable DscSecondTelecommandConst = 105 EquipmentDisabled DscSecondTelecommandConst = 107 UnableToUseProposedChannel DscSecondTelecommandConst = 108 UnableToUseProposedMode DscSecondTelecommandConst = 109 ShipsAndAircraftOfStatesNotPartiesToAnArmedConflict2 DscSecondTelecommandConst = 110 MedicalTransports DscSecondTelecommandConst = 111 PayPhonePublicCallOffice DscSecondTelecommandConst = 112 FaxData DscSecondTelecommandConst = 113 NoInformation2 DscSecondTelecommandConst = 126 )
func (DscSecondTelecommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e DscSecondTelecommandConst) GoString() string
func (DscSecondTelecommandConst) String ¶
func (e DscSecondTelecommandConst) String() string
type EngineInstanceConst ¶
type EngineInstanceConst uint8
const ( SingleEngineOrDualEnginePort EngineInstanceConst = 0 DualEngineStarboard EngineInstanceConst = 1 )
func (EngineInstanceConst) GoString ¶
func (e EngineInstanceConst) GoString() string
func (EngineInstanceConst) String ¶
func (e EngineInstanceConst) String() string
type EngineParametersDynamic ¶
type EngineParametersDynamic struct { Info MessageInfo Instance EngineInstanceConst OilPressure *float32 OilTemperature *float32 Temperature *float32 AlternatorPotential *float32 FuelRate *float32 TotalEngineHours *uint32 CoolantPressure *float32 FuelPressure *float32 DiscreteStatus1 EngineStatus1Const DiscreteStatus2 EngineStatus2Const EngineLoad *int8 EngineTorque *int8 }
type EngineParametersRapidUpdate ¶
type EngineParametersRapidUpdate struct { Info MessageInfo Instance EngineInstanceConst Speed *float32 BoostPressure *float32 TiltTrim *int8 }
type EngineParametersStatic ¶
type EngineParametersStatic struct { Info MessageInfo Instance EngineInstanceConst RatedEngineSpeed *float32 Vin string SoftwareId string }
type EngineStatus1Const ¶
type EngineStatus1Const uint16
const ( CheckEngine EngineStatus1Const = 0 OverTemperature EngineStatus1Const = 1 LowOilPressure EngineStatus1Const = 2 LowOilLevel EngineStatus1Const = 3 LowFuelPressure EngineStatus1Const = 4 LowSystemVoltage EngineStatus1Const = 5 LowCoolantLevel EngineStatus1Const = 6 WaterFlow EngineStatus1Const = 7 WaterInFuel EngineStatus1Const = 8 ChargeIndicator EngineStatus1Const = 9 PreheatIndicator EngineStatus1Const = 10 HighBoostPressure EngineStatus1Const = 11 RevLimitExceeded EngineStatus1Const = 12 EGRSystem EngineStatus1Const = 13 ThrottlePositionSensor EngineStatus1Const = 14 EmergencyStop EngineStatus1Const = 15 )
func (EngineStatus1Const) GoString ¶
func (e EngineStatus1Const) GoString() string
func (EngineStatus1Const) String ¶
func (e EngineStatus1Const) String() string
type EngineStatus2Const ¶
type EngineStatus2Const uint16
const ( WarningLevel1 EngineStatus2Const = 0 WarningLevel2 EngineStatus2Const = 1 PowerReduction EngineStatus2Const = 2 MaintenanceNeeded EngineStatus2Const = 3 EngineCommError EngineStatus2Const = 4 SubOrSecondaryThrottle EngineStatus2Const = 5 NeutralStartProtect EngineStatus2Const = 6 EngineShuttingDown EngineStatus2Const = 7 )
func (EngineStatus2Const) GoString ¶
func (e EngineStatus2Const) GoString() string
func (EngineStatus2Const) String ¶
func (e EngineStatus2Const) String() string
type EntertainmentChannelConst ¶
type EntertainmentChannelConst uint8
const ( AllChannels EntertainmentChannelConst = 0 StereoFullRange EntertainmentChannelConst = 1 StereoFront EntertainmentChannelConst = 2 StereoBack EntertainmentChannelConst = 3 StereoSurround EntertainmentChannelConst = 4 Center EntertainmentChannelConst = 5 Subwoofer EntertainmentChannelConst = 6 FrontLeft EntertainmentChannelConst = 7 FrontRight EntertainmentChannelConst = 8 BackLeft EntertainmentChannelConst = 9 BackRight EntertainmentChannelConst = 10 SurroundLeft EntertainmentChannelConst = 11 SurroundRight EntertainmentChannelConst = 12 )
func (EntertainmentChannelConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentChannelConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentChannelConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentChannelConst) String() string
type EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst ¶
type EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst uint8
const ( SaveCurrentSettingsAsUserDefault EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst = 0 LoadUserDefault EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst = 1 LoadManufacturerDefault EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst = 2 )
func (EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentDefaultSettingsConst) String() string
type EntertainmentEqConst ¶
type EntertainmentEqConst uint8
const ( Flat EntertainmentEqConst = 0 Rock EntertainmentEqConst = 1 Hall EntertainmentEqConst = 2 Jazz EntertainmentEqConst = 3 Pop EntertainmentEqConst = 4 Live EntertainmentEqConst = 5 Classic EntertainmentEqConst = 6 Vocal EntertainmentEqConst = 7 Arena EntertainmentEqConst = 8 Cinema EntertainmentEqConst = 9 Custom EntertainmentEqConst = 10 )
func (EntertainmentEqConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentEqConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentEqConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentEqConst) String() string
type EntertainmentFilterConst ¶
type EntertainmentFilterConst uint8
const ( FullRange EntertainmentFilterConst = 0 HighPass EntertainmentFilterConst = 1 LowPass EntertainmentFilterConst = 2 BandPass EntertainmentFilterConst = 3 NotchFilter EntertainmentFilterConst = 4 )
func (EntertainmentFilterConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentFilterConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentFilterConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentFilterConst) String() string
type EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst ¶
type EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst uint16
const ( File4 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 0 PlaylistName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 1 GenreName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 2 AlbumName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 3 ArtistName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 4 TrackName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 5 StationName3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 6 StationNumber3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 7 FavouriteNumber3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 8 PlayQueue4 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 9 ContentInfo3 EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst = 10 )
func (EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentGroupBitfieldConst) String() string
type EntertainmentGroupConst ¶
type EntertainmentGroupConst uint8
const ( File2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 0 PlaylistName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 1 GenreName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 2 AlbumName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 3 ArtistName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 4 TrackName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 5 StationName2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 6 StationNumber2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 7 FavouriteNumber2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 8 PlayQueue3 EntertainmentGroupConst = 9 ContentInfo2 EntertainmentGroupConst = 10 )
func (EntertainmentGroupConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentGroupConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentGroupConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentGroupConst) String() string
type EntertainmentIdTypeConst ¶
type EntertainmentIdTypeConst uint8
const ( Group EntertainmentIdTypeConst = 0 File3 EntertainmentIdTypeConst = 1 EncryptedGroup EntertainmentIdTypeConst = 2 EncryptedFile EntertainmentIdTypeConst = 3 )
func (EntertainmentIdTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentIdTypeConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentIdTypeConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentIdTypeConst) String() string
type EntertainmentLikeStatusConst ¶
type EntertainmentLikeStatusConst uint8
const ( None EntertainmentLikeStatusConst = 0 ThumbsUp EntertainmentLikeStatusConst = 1 ThumbsDown EntertainmentLikeStatusConst = 2 )
func (EntertainmentLikeStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentLikeStatusConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentLikeStatusConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentLikeStatusConst) String() string
type EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst ¶
type EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst uint16
const ( Play3 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 0 Pause3 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 1 Stop2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 2 FF1x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 3 FF2x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 4 FF3x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 5 FF4x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 6 RW1x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 7 RW2x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 8 RW3x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 9 RW4x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 10 SkipAhead2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 11 SkipBack2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 12 JogAhead2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 13 JogBack2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 14 SeekUp2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 15 SeekDown2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 16 ScanUp2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 17 ScanDown2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 18 TuneUp2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 19 TuneDown2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 20 SlowMotion75x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 21 SlowMotion5x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 22 SlowMotion25x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 23 SlowMotion125x2 EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 24 SourceRenaming EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst = 25 )
func (EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentPlayStatusBitfieldConst) String() string
type EntertainmentPlayStatusConst ¶
type EntertainmentPlayStatusConst uint16
const ( Play EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 0 Pause EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 1 Stop EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 2 FF1x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 3 FF2x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 4 FF3x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 5 FF4x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 6 RW1x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 7 RW2x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 8 RW3x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 9 RW4x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 10 SkipAhead EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 11 SkipBack EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 12 JogAhead EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 13 JogBack EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 14 SeekUp EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 15 SeekDown EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 16 ScanUp EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 17 ScanDown EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 18 TuneUp EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 19 TuneDown EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 20 SlowMotion75x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 21 SlowMotion5x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 22 SlowMotion25x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 23 SlowMotion125x EntertainmentPlayStatusConst = 24 )
func (EntertainmentPlayStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentPlayStatusConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentPlayStatusConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentPlayStatusConst) String() string
type EntertainmentRegionsConst ¶
type EntertainmentRegionsConst uint8
const ( USA EntertainmentRegionsConst = 0 Europe EntertainmentRegionsConst = 1 Asia EntertainmentRegionsConst = 2 MiddleEast EntertainmentRegionsConst = 3 LatinAmerica EntertainmentRegionsConst = 4 Australia EntertainmentRegionsConst = 5 Russia EntertainmentRegionsConst = 6 Japan EntertainmentRegionsConst = 7 )
func (EntertainmentRegionsConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentRegionsConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentRegionsConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentRegionsConst) String() string
type EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst ¶
type EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst uint16
const ( Song EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst = 0 PlayQueue5 EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst = 1 )
func (EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentRepeatBitfieldConst) String() string
type EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst ¶
type EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst uint8
const ( Off2 EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst = 0 One EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst = 1 All EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst = 2 )
func (EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentRepeatStatusConst) String() string
type EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst ¶
type EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst uint16
const ( PlayQueue6 EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst = 0 All3 EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst = 1 )
func (EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentShuffleBitfieldConst) String() string
type EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst ¶
type EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst uint8
const ( Off3 EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst = 0 PlayQueue EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst = 1 All2 EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst = 2 )
func (EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentShuffleStatusConst) String() string
type EntertainmentSourceConst ¶
type EntertainmentSourceConst uint8
const ( VesselAlarm EntertainmentSourceConst = 0 AM EntertainmentSourceConst = 1 FM EntertainmentSourceConst = 2 Weather EntertainmentSourceConst = 3 DAB EntertainmentSourceConst = 4 Aux EntertainmentSourceConst = 5 USB EntertainmentSourceConst = 6 CD EntertainmentSourceConst = 7 MP3 EntertainmentSourceConst = 8 AppleIOS EntertainmentSourceConst = 9 Android EntertainmentSourceConst = 10 Bluetooth EntertainmentSourceConst = 11 SiriusXM EntertainmentSourceConst = 12 Pandora EntertainmentSourceConst = 13 Spotify EntertainmentSourceConst = 14 Slacker EntertainmentSourceConst = 15 Songza EntertainmentSourceConst = 16 AppleRadio EntertainmentSourceConst = 17 LastFM EntertainmentSourceConst = 18 Ethernet EntertainmentSourceConst = 19 VideoMP4 EntertainmentSourceConst = 20 VideoDVD EntertainmentSourceConst = 21 VideoBluRay EntertainmentSourceConst = 22 HDMI EntertainmentSourceConst = 23 Video EntertainmentSourceConst = 24 )
func (EntertainmentSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentSourceConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentSourceConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentSourceConst) String() string
type EntertainmentTypeConst ¶
type EntertainmentTypeConst uint8
const ( File EntertainmentTypeConst = 0 PlaylistName EntertainmentTypeConst = 1 GenreName EntertainmentTypeConst = 2 AlbumName EntertainmentTypeConst = 3 ArtistName EntertainmentTypeConst = 4 TrackName EntertainmentTypeConst = 5 StationName EntertainmentTypeConst = 6 StationNumber EntertainmentTypeConst = 7 FavouriteNumber EntertainmentTypeConst = 8 PlayQueue2 EntertainmentTypeConst = 9 ContentInfo EntertainmentTypeConst = 10 )
func (EntertainmentTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentTypeConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentTypeConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentTypeConst) String() string
type EntertainmentVolumeControlConst ¶
type EntertainmentVolumeControlConst uint8
const ( Up2 EntertainmentVolumeControlConst = 0 Down2 EntertainmentVolumeControlConst = 1 )
func (EntertainmentVolumeControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentVolumeControlConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentVolumeControlConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentVolumeControlConst) String() string
type EntertainmentZoneConst ¶
type EntertainmentZoneConst uint8
const ( AllZones EntertainmentZoneConst = 0 Zone1 EntertainmentZoneConst = 1 Zone2 EntertainmentZoneConst = 2 Zone3 EntertainmentZoneConst = 3 Zone4 EntertainmentZoneConst = 4 )
func (EntertainmentZoneConst) GoString ¶
func (e EntertainmentZoneConst) GoString() string
func (EntertainmentZoneConst) String ¶
func (e EntertainmentZoneConst) String() string
type EnvironmentalParameters ¶
type EnvironmentalParameters struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 TemperatureSource TemperatureSourceConst HumiditySource HumiditySourceConst Temperature *float32 Humidity *float32 AtmosphericPressure *float32 }
type EnvironmentalParametersObsolete ¶
type EnvironmentalParametersObsolete struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 WaterTemperature *float32 OutsideAmbientAirTemperature *float32 AtmosphericPressure *float32 }
type EquipmentStatusConst ¶
type EquipmentStatusConst uint8
const ( Operational EquipmentStatusConst = 0 Fault2 EquipmentStatusConst = 1 )
func (EquipmentStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e EquipmentStatusConst) GoString() string
func (EquipmentStatusConst) String ¶
func (e EquipmentStatusConst) String() string
type FieldDescriptor ¶
type FieldDescriptor struct { Name string BitLength uint16 BitOffset uint16 BitLengthVariable bool CanboatType string GolangType string Resolution float32 Signed bool Unit string BitLookupName string Match *int }
FieldDescriptor instances describe a PGN field.
func GetFieldDescriptor ¶
func GetFieldDescriptor(pgn uint32, manID ManufacturerCodeConst, fieldIndex uint8) (*FieldDescriptor, error)
GetFieldDescriptor returns the FieldDescriptor for the specified PGN variant.
type FluidLevel ¶
type FluidLevel struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 Type TankTypeConst Level *float32 Capacity *float32 }
type FurunoHeave ¶
type FurunoHeave struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Heave *float32 }
type FurunoHeelAngleRollInformation ¶
type FurunoHeelAngleRollInformation struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Yaw *float32 Pitch *float32 Roll *float32 }
type FurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended ¶
type FurunoMotionSensorStatusExtended struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type FurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended ¶
type FurunoMultiSatsInViewExtended struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type FurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement ¶
type FurunoSixDegreesOfFreedomMovement struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *int32 B *int32 C *int32 D *int8 E *int32 F *int32 G *int16 H *int16 I *int16 }
type FurunoUnknown130820 ¶
type FurunoUnknown130820 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 }
type FurunoUnknown130821 ¶
type FurunoUnknown130821 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid *uint8 A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 F *uint8 G *uint8 H *uint8 I *uint8 }
type FusionAlbum ¶
type FusionAlbum struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint64 Album string }
type FusionAmFmStation ¶
type FusionAmFmStation struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 AmFm FusionRadioSourceConst B *uint8 Frequency *uint32 C *uint8 Track string }
type FusionArtist ¶
type FusionArtist struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint64 Artist string }
type FusionCommandConst ¶
type FusionCommandConst uint8
const ( Play2 FusionCommandConst = 1 Pause2 FusionCommandConst = 2 Next FusionCommandConst = 4 Prev FusionCommandConst = 6 )
func (FusionCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionCommandConst) GoString() string
func (FusionCommandConst) String ¶
func (e FusionCommandConst) String() string
type FusionMediaControl ¶
type FusionMediaControl struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 Unknown *uint8 SourceId *uint8 Command FusionCommandConst }
type FusionMenuItem ¶
type FusionMenuItem struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Line *uint8 E *uint8 F *uint8 G *uint8 H *uint8 I *uint8 Text string }
type FusionMessageIdConst ¶
type FusionMessageIdConst uint8
const ( RequestStatus FusionMessageIdConst = 1 Source2 FusionMessageIdConst = 2 TrackInfo FusionMessageIdConst = 4 TrackTitle FusionMessageIdConst = 5 TrackArtist FusionMessageIdConst = 6 TrackAlbum FusionMessageIdConst = 7 TrackProgress FusionMessageIdConst = 9 AMFMStation FusionMessageIdConst = 11 VHF FusionMessageIdConst = 12 Squelch FusionMessageIdConst = 13 Scan FusionMessageIdConst = 14 MenuItem2 FusionMessageIdConst = 17 Replay FusionMessageIdConst = 20 Mute FusionMessageIdConst = 23 SetZoneVolume FusionMessageIdConst = 24 SetAllVolumes FusionMessageIdConst = 25 SubVolume FusionMessageIdConst = 26 Tone FusionMessageIdConst = 27 Volume2 FusionMessageIdConst = 29 Power FusionMessageIdConst = 32 UnitName FusionMessageIdConst = 33 SiriusXMChannel FusionMessageIdConst = 36 SiriusXMTitle FusionMessageIdConst = 37 SiriusXMArtist FusionMessageIdConst = 38 SiriusXMGenre FusionMessageIdConst = 40 ZoneName FusionMessageIdConst = 45 )
func (FusionMessageIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionMessageIdConst) GoString() string
func (FusionMessageIdConst) String ¶
func (e FusionMessageIdConst) String() string
type FusionMute ¶
type FusionMute struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 Mute FusionMuteCommandConst }
type FusionMuteCommandConst ¶
type FusionMuteCommandConst uint8
const ( MuteOn FusionMuteCommandConst = 1 MuteOff FusionMuteCommandConst = 2 )
func (FusionMuteCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionMuteCommandConst) GoString() string
func (FusionMuteCommandConst) String ¶
func (e FusionMuteCommandConst) String() string
type FusionPlayProgress ¶
type FusionPlayProgress struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Progress *float32 }
type FusionPowerStateConst ¶
type FusionPowerStateConst uint8
const ( On2 FusionPowerStateConst = 1 Off9 FusionPowerStateConst = 2 )
func (FusionPowerStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionPowerStateConst) GoString() string
func (FusionPowerStateConst) String ¶
func (e FusionPowerStateConst) String() string
type FusionRadioSourceConst ¶
type FusionRadioSourceConst uint8
const ( AM3 FusionRadioSourceConst = 0 FM3 FusionRadioSourceConst = 1 )
func (FusionRadioSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionRadioSourceConst) GoString() string
func (FusionRadioSourceConst) String ¶
func (e FusionRadioSourceConst) String() string
type FusionReplay ¶
type FusionReplay struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 Mode FusionReplayModeConst C *uint32 D *uint8 E *uint8 Status FusionReplayStatusConst H *uint8 I *uint8 J *uint8 }
type FusionReplayModeConst ¶
type FusionReplayModeConst uint8
const ( USBRepeat FusionReplayModeConst = 9 USBShuffle FusionReplayModeConst = 10 IPodRepeat FusionReplayModeConst = 12 IPodShuffle FusionReplayModeConst = 13 )
func (FusionReplayModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionReplayModeConst) GoString() string
func (FusionReplayModeConst) String ¶
func (e FusionReplayModeConst) String() string
type FusionReplayStatusConst ¶
type FusionReplayStatusConst uint8
const ( Off8 FusionReplayStatusConst = 0 OneTrack FusionReplayStatusConst = 1 AllAlbum FusionReplayStatusConst = 2 )
func (FusionReplayStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionReplayStatusConst) GoString() string
func (FusionReplayStatusConst) String ¶
func (e FusionReplayStatusConst) String() string
type FusionRequestStatus ¶
type FusionRequestStatus struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId FusionMessageIdConst Unknown *uint8 }
type FusionScan ¶
type FusionScan struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Scan YesNoConst C *uint8 }
type FusionSetAllVolumes ¶
type FusionSetAllVolumes struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId FusionMessageIdConst Unknown *uint8 Zone1 *uint8 Zone2 *uint8 Zone3 *uint8 Zone4 *uint8 }
type FusionSetMute ¶
type FusionSetMute struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId FusionMessageIdConst Command FusionMuteCommandConst }
type FusionSetSource ¶
type FusionSetSource struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId FusionMessageIdConst Unknown *uint8 SourceId *uint8 }
type FusionSetZoneVolume ¶
type FusionSetZoneVolume struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId FusionMessageIdConst Unknown *uint8 Zone *uint8 Volume *uint8 }
type FusionSiriusCommandConst ¶
type FusionSiriusCommandConst uint8
const ( Next2 FusionSiriusCommandConst = 1 Prev2 FusionSiriusCommandConst = 2 )
func (FusionSiriusCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e FusionSiriusCommandConst) GoString() string
func (FusionSiriusCommandConst) String ¶
func (e FusionSiriusCommandConst) String() string
type FusionSiriusControl ¶
type FusionSiriusControl struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 Unknown *uint8 SourceId *uint8 Command FusionSiriusCommandConst }
type FusionSourceName ¶
type FusionSourceName struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 SourceId *uint8 CurrentSourceId *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 Source string }
type FusionSquelch ¶
type FusionSquelch struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Squelch *uint8 }
type FusionSubVolume ¶
type FusionSubVolume struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 Zone1 *uint8 Zone2 *uint8 Zone3 *uint8 Zone4 *uint8 }
type FusionTrack ¶
type FusionTrack struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint64 Track string }
type FusionTrackInfo ¶
type FusionTrackInfo struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint16 Transport EntertainmentPlayStatusConst X *uint8 B *uint8 Track *uint16 C *uint16 TrackCount *uint16 E *uint16 Length *float32 PositionInTrack *float32 H *uint16 }
type FusionUnitName ¶
type FusionUnitName struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 Name string }
type FusionVhf ¶
type FusionVhf struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 B *uint8 Channel *uint8 D *uint32 }
type FusionZoneName ¶
type FusionZoneName struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId FusionMessageIdConst A *uint8 Number *uint8 Name string }
type GearStatusConst ¶
type GearStatusConst uint8
const ( Forward GearStatusConst = 0 Neutral GearStatusConst = 1 Reverse GearStatusConst = 2 )
func (GearStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e GearStatusConst) GoString() string
func (GearStatusConst) String ¶
func (e GearStatusConst) String() string
type GeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
type GeneratorAverageBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type GeneratorPhaseAAcPower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseAAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type GeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseAAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type GeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
type GeneratorPhaseABasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type GeneratorPhaseBAcPower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseBAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type GeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseBAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type GeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
type GeneratorPhaseBBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type GeneratorPhaseCAcPower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseCAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type GeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower ¶
type GeneratorPhaseCAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type GeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
type GeneratorPhaseCBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type GeneratorTotalAcEnergy ¶
type GeneratorTotalAcEnergy struct { Info MessageInfo TotalEnergyExport *uint32 TotalEnergyImport *uint32 }
type GeneratorTotalAcPower ¶
type GeneratorTotalAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type GeneratorTotalAcReactivePower ¶
type GeneratorTotalAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type GnsIntegrityConst ¶
type GnsIntegrityConst uint8
const ( NoIntegrityChecking GnsIntegrityConst = 0 Safe GnsIntegrityConst = 1 Caution GnsIntegrityConst = 2 )
func (GnsIntegrityConst) GoString ¶
func (e GnsIntegrityConst) GoString() string
func (GnsIntegrityConst) String ¶
func (e GnsIntegrityConst) String() string
type GnsMethodConst ¶
type GnsMethodConst uint8
const ( NoGNSS GnsMethodConst = 0 GNSSFix GnsMethodConst = 1 DGNSSFix GnsMethodConst = 2 PreciseGNSS GnsMethodConst = 3 RTKFixedInteger GnsMethodConst = 4 RTKFloat GnsMethodConst = 5 EstimatedDRMode GnsMethodConst = 6 ManualInput GnsMethodConst = 7 SimulateMode GnsMethodConst = 8 )
func (GnsMethodConst) GoString ¶
func (e GnsMethodConst) GoString() string
func (GnsMethodConst) String ¶
func (e GnsMethodConst) String() string
type GnssDops ¶
type GnssDops struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 DesiredMode GnssModeConst ActualMode GnssModeConst Hdop *float32 Vdop *float32 Tdop *float32 }
type GnssModeConst ¶
type GnssModeConst uint8
const ( A1D GnssModeConst = 0 A2D GnssModeConst = 1 A3D GnssModeConst = 2 Auto4 GnssModeConst = 3 )
func (GnssModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e GnssModeConst) GoString() string
func (GnssModeConst) String ¶
func (e GnssModeConst) String() string
type GnssPositionData ¶
type GnssPositionData struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Date *uint16 Time *float32 Latitude *float32 Longitude *float32 Altitude *float32 GnssType GnsConst Method GnsMethodConst Integrity GnsIntegrityConst NumberOfSvs *uint8 Hdop *float32 Pdop *float32 GeoidalSeparation *float32 ReferenceStations *uint8 Repeating1 []GnssPositionDataRepeating1 }
type GnssSatsInView ¶
type GnssSatsInView struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 RangeResidualMode RangeResidualModeConst SatsInView *uint8 Repeating1 []GnssSatsInViewRepeating1 }
type GoodWarningErrorConst ¶
type GoodWarningErrorConst uint8
const ( Good3 GoodWarningErrorConst = 0 Warning3 GoodWarningErrorConst = 1 Error3 GoodWarningErrorConst = 2 )
func (GoodWarningErrorConst) GoString ¶
func (e GoodWarningErrorConst) GoString() string
func (GoodWarningErrorConst) String ¶
func (e GoodWarningErrorConst) String() string
type GpsAlmanacData ¶
type GpsAlmanacData struct { Info MessageInfo Prn *uint8 GpsWeekNumber *uint16 SvHealthBits []uint8 Eccentricity *float32 AlmanacReferenceTime *float32 InclinationAngle *float32 RateOfRightAscension *float32 RootOfSemiMajorAxis *float32 ArgumentOfPerigee *float32 LongitudeOfAscensionNode *float32 MeanAnomaly *float32 ClockParameter1 *float32 ClockParameter2 *float32 }
type GroupFunctionConst ¶
type GroupFunctionConst uint8
const ( Request GroupFunctionConst = 0 Command GroupFunctionConst = 1 Acknowledge4 GroupFunctionConst = 2 ReadFields GroupFunctionConst = 3 ReadFieldsReply GroupFunctionConst = 4 WriteFields GroupFunctionConst = 5 WriteFieldsReply GroupFunctionConst = 6 )
func (GroupFunctionConst) GoString ¶
func (e GroupFunctionConst) GoString() string
func (GroupFunctionConst) String ¶
func (e GroupFunctionConst) String() string
type HeadingTrackControl ¶
type HeadingTrackControl struct { Info MessageInfo RudderLimitExceeded YesNoConst OffHeadingLimitExceeded YesNoConst OffTrackLimitExceeded YesNoConst Override YesNoConst SteeringMode SteeringModeConst TurnMode TurnModeConst HeadingReference DirectionReferenceConst CommandedRudderDirection DirectionRudderConst CommandedRudderAngle *float32 HeadingToSteerCourse *float32 Track *float32 RudderLimit *float32 OffHeadingLimit *float32 RadiusOfTurnOrder *float32 RateOfTurnOrder *float32 OffTrackLimit *int16 VesselHeading *float32 }
type Heartbeat ¶
type Heartbeat struct { Info MessageInfo DataTransmitOffset *float32 SequenceCounter *uint8 Controller1State ControllerStateConst Controller2State ControllerStateConst EquipmentStatus EquipmentStatusConst }
type Heave ¶
type Heave struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Heave *float32 }
type Humidity ¶
type Humidity struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source HumiditySourceConst ActualHumidity *float32 SetHumidity *float32 }
type HumiditySourceConst ¶
type HumiditySourceConst uint8
const ( Inside HumiditySourceConst = 0 Outside HumiditySourceConst = 1 )
func (HumiditySourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e HumiditySourceConst) GoString() string
func (HumiditySourceConst) String ¶
func (e HumiditySourceConst) String() string
type IndustryCodeConst ¶
type IndustryCodeConst uint8
const ( Global IndustryCodeConst = 0 Highway IndustryCodeConst = 1 Agriculture IndustryCodeConst = 2 Construction IndustryCodeConst = 3 Marine IndustryCodeConst = 4 Industrial IndustryCodeConst = 5 )
func (IndustryCodeConst) GoString ¶
func (e IndustryCodeConst) GoString() string
func (IndustryCodeConst) String ¶
func (e IndustryCodeConst) String() string
type InverterStateConst ¶
type InverterStateConst uint8
const ( Invert InverterStateConst = 0 ACPassthru InverterStateConst = 1 LoadSense InverterStateConst = 2 Fault4 InverterStateConst = 3 Disabled4 InverterStateConst = 4 )
func (InverterStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e InverterStateConst) GoString() string
func (InverterStateConst) String ¶
func (e InverterStateConst) String() string
type InverterStatus ¶
type InverterStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 AcInstance *uint8 DcInstance *uint8 OperatingState InverterStateConst InverterEnable OffOnConst }
type IsoAcknowledgement ¶
type IsoAcknowledgement struct { Info MessageInfo Control IsoControlConst GroupFunction *uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
Build structs for each PGN
type IsoAddressClaim ¶
type IsoAddressClaim struct { Info MessageInfo UniqueNumber *uint32 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst DeviceInstanceLower *uint8 DeviceInstanceUpper *uint8 DeviceFunction DeviceFunctionConst DeviceClass DeviceClassConst SystemInstance *uint8 IndustryGroup IndustryCodeConst ArbitraryAddressCapable *uint8 }
type IsoCommandConst ¶
type IsoCommandConst uint8
const ( ACK2 IsoCommandConst = 0 RTS IsoCommandConst = 16 CTS IsoCommandConst = 17 EOM IsoCommandConst = 19 BAM IsoCommandConst = 32 Abort IsoCommandConst = 255 )
func (IsoCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e IsoCommandConst) GoString() string
func (IsoCommandConst) String ¶
func (e IsoCommandConst) String() string
type IsoCommandedAddress ¶
type IsoCommandedAddress struct { Info MessageInfo UniqueNumber []uint8 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst DeviceInstanceLower *uint8 DeviceInstanceUpper *uint8 DeviceFunction DeviceFunctionConst DeviceClass DeviceClassConst SystemInstance *uint8 IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst NewSourceAddress *uint8 }
type IsoControlConst ¶
type IsoControlConst uint8
const ( ACK IsoControlConst = 0 NAK IsoControlConst = 1 AccessDenied3 IsoControlConst = 2 AddressBusy IsoControlConst = 3 )
func (IsoControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e IsoControlConst) GoString() string
func (IsoControlConst) String ¶
func (e IsoControlConst) String() string
type IsoRequest ¶
type IsoRequest struct { Info MessageInfo Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementAbort struct { Info MessageInfo GroupFunctionCode IsoCommandConst Reason []uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementBroadcastAnnounce struct { Info MessageInfo GroupFunctionCode IsoCommandConst MessageSize *uint16 Packets *uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementClearToSend struct { Info MessageInfo GroupFunctionCode IsoCommandConst MaxPackets *uint8 NextSid *uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementEndOfMessage struct { Info MessageInfo GroupFunctionCode IsoCommandConst TotalMessageSize *uint16 TotalNumberOfFramesReceived *uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolConnectionManagementRequestToSend struct { Info MessageInfo GroupFunctionCode IsoCommandConst MessageSize *uint16 Packets *uint8 PacketsReply *uint8 Pgn *uint32 }
type IsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer ¶
type IsoTransportProtocolDataTransfer struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Data []uint8 }
type LeewayAngle ¶
type LeewayAngle struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 LeewayAngle *float32 }
type LightingCommandConst ¶
type LightingCommandConst uint8
const ( Idle LightingCommandConst = 0 DetectDevices LightingCommandConst = 1 Reboot LightingCommandConst = 2 FactoryReset LightingCommandConst = 3 PoweringUp LightingCommandConst = 4 )
func (LightingCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e LightingCommandConst) GoString() string
func (LightingCommandConst) String ¶
func (e LightingCommandConst) String() string
type LowBatteryConst ¶
type LowBatteryConst uint8
const ( Good LowBatteryConst = 0 Low2 LowBatteryConst = 1 )
func (LowBatteryConst) GoString ¶
func (e LowBatteryConst) GoString() string
func (LowBatteryConst) String ¶
func (e LowBatteryConst) String() string
type LowranceProductInformation ¶
type LowranceProductInformation struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProductCode *uint16 Model string A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 FirmwareVersion string FirmwareDate string FirmwareTime string }
type LowranceTemperature ¶
type LowranceTemperature struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst TemperatureSource TemperatureSourceConst ActualTemperature *float32 }
type MagneticVariation ¶
type MagneticVariation struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Source MagneticVariationConst AgeOfService *uint16 Variation *float32 }
type MagneticVariationConst ¶
type MagneticVariationConst uint8
const ( Manual MagneticVariationConst = 0 AutomaticChart MagneticVariationConst = 1 AutomaticTable MagneticVariationConst = 2 AutomaticCalculation MagneticVariationConst = 3 WMM2000 MagneticVariationConst = 4 WMM2005 MagneticVariationConst = 5 WMM2010 MagneticVariationConst = 6 WMM2015 MagneticVariationConst = 7 WMM2020 MagneticVariationConst = 8 )
func (MagneticVariationConst) GoString ¶
func (e MagneticVariationConst) GoString() string
func (MagneticVariationConst) String ¶
func (e MagneticVariationConst) String() string
type ManOverboardNotification ¶
type ManOverboardNotification struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 MobEmitterId *uint32 ManOverboardStatus MobStatusConst ActivationTime *float32 PositionSource MobPositionSourceConst PositionDate *uint16 PositionTime *float32 Latitude *float32 Longitude *float32 CogReference DirectionReferenceConst Cog *float32 Sog *float32 MmsiOfVesselOfOrigin *uint32 MobEmitterBatteryLowStatus LowBatteryConst }
type ManufacturerCodeConst ¶
type ManufacturerCodeConst uint16
const ( ARKSEnterprisesInc ManufacturerCodeConst = 69 FWMurphyEnovationControls ManufacturerCodeConst = 78 TwinDisc ManufacturerCodeConst = 80 KohlerPowerSystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 85 HemisphereGPSInc ManufacturerCodeConst = 88 BEPMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 116 Airmar ManufacturerCodeConst = 135 Maretron ManufacturerCodeConst = 137 Lowrance ManufacturerCodeConst = 140 MercuryMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 144 NautibusElectronicGmbH ManufacturerCodeConst = 147 BlueWaterData ManufacturerCodeConst = 148 Westerbeke ManufacturerCodeConst = 154 OffshoreSystemsUKLtd ManufacturerCodeConst = 161 EvinrudeBRP ManufacturerCodeConst = 163 CPACSystemsAB ManufacturerCodeConst = 165 XantrexTechnologyInc ManufacturerCodeConst = 168 YanmarMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 172 VolvoPenta ManufacturerCodeConst = 174 HondaMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 175 CarlingTechnologiesIncMoritzAerospace ManufacturerCodeConst = 176 BeedeInstruments ManufacturerCodeConst = 185 FloscanInstrumentCoInc ManufacturerCodeConst = 192 Nobletec ManufacturerCodeConst = 193 MysticValleyCommunications ManufacturerCodeConst = 198 Actia ManufacturerCodeConst = 199 HondaMarine2 ManufacturerCodeConst = 200 DisenosYTechnologia ManufacturerCodeConst = 201 DigitalSwitchingSystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 211 XintexAtena ManufacturerCodeConst = 215 EMMINETWORKSL ManufacturerCodeConst = 224 HondaMarine3 ManufacturerCodeConst = 225 ZF ManufacturerCodeConst = 228 Garmin ManufacturerCodeConst = 229 YachtMonitoringSolutions ManufacturerCodeConst = 233 SailormadeMarineTelemetryTetraTechnologyLTD ManufacturerCodeConst = 235 Eride ManufacturerCodeConst = 243 HondaMarine4 ManufacturerCodeConst = 250 HondaMotorCompanyLTD ManufacturerCodeConst = 257 Groco ManufacturerCodeConst = 272 Actisense ManufacturerCodeConst = 273 AmphenolLTWTechnology ManufacturerCodeConst = 274 HamiltonJet ManufacturerCodeConst = 283 SeaRecovery ManufacturerCodeConst = 285 CoelmoSRLItaly ManufacturerCodeConst = 286 BEPMarine2 ManufacturerCodeConst = 295 EmpirBus ManufacturerCodeConst = 304 NovAtel ManufacturerCodeConst = 305 SleipnerMotorAS ManufacturerCodeConst = 306 MBWTechnologies ManufacturerCodeConst = 307 FischerPanda ManufacturerCodeConst = 311 ICOM ManufacturerCodeConst = 315 Qwerty ManufacturerCodeConst = 328 Dief ManufacturerCodeConst = 329 BöningAutomationstechnologieGmbHAndCoKG ManufacturerCodeConst = 341 KoreanMaritimeUniversity ManufacturerCodeConst = 345 ThraneAndThrane ManufacturerCodeConst = 351 Mastervolt ManufacturerCodeConst = 355 FischerPandaGenerators ManufacturerCodeConst = 356 VictronEnergy ManufacturerCodeConst = 358 RollsRoyceMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 370 ElectronicDesign ManufacturerCodeConst = 373 NorthernLights ManufacturerCodeConst = 374 Glendinning ManufacturerCodeConst = 378 BAndG ManufacturerCodeConst = 381 Capi2 ManufacturerCodeConst = 394 BeyondMeasure ManufacturerCodeConst = 396 LivorsiMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 400 Chetco ManufacturerCodeConst = 409 FusionElectronics ManufacturerCodeConst = 419 StandardHorizon ManufacturerCodeConst = 421 TrueHeadingAB ManufacturerCodeConst = 422 EgersundMarineElectronicsAS ManufacturerCodeConst = 426 EmTrakMarineElectronics ManufacturerCodeConst = 427 TohatsuCoJP ManufacturerCodeConst = 431 DigitalYacht ManufacturerCodeConst = 437 ComarSystemsLimited ManufacturerCodeConst = 438 Cummins ManufacturerCodeConst = 440 VDOAkaContinentalCorporation ManufacturerCodeConst = 443 ParkerHannifinAkaVillageMarineTech ManufacturerCodeConst = 451 AlltekMarineElectronicsCorp ManufacturerCodeConst = 459 SANGIORGIOSEIN ManufacturerCodeConst = 460 VeethreeElectronicsAndMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 466 HumminbirdMarineElectronics ManufacturerCodeConst = 467 SITEXMarineElectronics ManufacturerCodeConst = 470 SeaCrossMarineAB ManufacturerCodeConst = 471 GMEAkaStandardCommunicationsPtyLTD ManufacturerCodeConst = 475 HumminbirdMarineElectronics2 ManufacturerCodeConst = 476 OceanSatBV ManufacturerCodeConst = 478 ChetcoDigitialInstruments ManufacturerCodeConst = 481 Watcheye ManufacturerCodeConst = 493 LcjCapteurs ManufacturerCodeConst = 499 AttwoodMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 502 VesperMarineLtd ManufacturerCodeConst = 504 MarinesoftCoLTD ManufacturerCodeConst = 510 NoLandEngineering ManufacturerCodeConst = 517 TransasUSA ManufacturerCodeConst = 518 NationalInstrumentsKorea ManufacturerCodeConst = 529 OnwaMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 532 MarinecraftSouthKorea ManufacturerCodeConst = 571 McMurdoGroupAkaOroliaLTD ManufacturerCodeConst = 573 Advansea ManufacturerCodeConst = 578 KVH ManufacturerCodeConst = 579 SanJoseTechnology ManufacturerCodeConst = 580 YachtControl ManufacturerCodeConst = 583 SuzukiMotorCorporation ManufacturerCodeConst = 586 USCoastGuard ManufacturerCodeConst = 591 ShipModuleAkaCustomware ManufacturerCodeConst = 595 AquaticAV ManufacturerCodeConst = 600 AventicsGmbH ManufacturerCodeConst = 605 Intellian ManufacturerCodeConst = 606 SamwonIT ManufacturerCodeConst = 612 ArltTecnologies ManufacturerCodeConst = 614 BavariaYacts ManufacturerCodeConst = 637 DiverseYachtServices ManufacturerCodeConst = 641 WemaUSADbaKUS ManufacturerCodeConst = 644 Garmin2 ManufacturerCodeConst = 645 ShenzhenJiuzhouHimunication ManufacturerCodeConst = 658 RockfordCorp ManufacturerCodeConst = 688 JLAudio ManufacturerCodeConst = 704 Autonnic ManufacturerCodeConst = 715 YachtDevices ManufacturerCodeConst = 717 REAPSystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 734 AuElectronicsGroup ManufacturerCodeConst = 735 DaeMyung ManufacturerCodeConst = 743 Woosung ManufacturerCodeConst = 744 ClarionUS ManufacturerCodeConst = 773 HMISystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 776 OceanSignal ManufacturerCodeConst = 777 Seekeeper ManufacturerCodeConst = 778 PolyPlanar ManufacturerCodeConst = 781 FischerPandaDE ManufacturerCodeConst = 785 BroydaIndustries ManufacturerCodeConst = 795 CanadianAutomotive ManufacturerCodeConst = 796 TidesMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 797 Lumishore ManufacturerCodeConst = 798 StillWaterDesignsAndAudio ManufacturerCodeConst = 799 BJTechnologiesBeneteau ManufacturerCodeConst = 802 GillSensors ManufacturerCodeConst = 803 BlueWaterDesalination ManufacturerCodeConst = 811 FLIR ManufacturerCodeConst = 815 UndheimSystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 824 TeamSurv ManufacturerCodeConst = 838 FellMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 844 Oceanvolt ManufacturerCodeConst = 847 Prospec ManufacturerCodeConst = 862 DataPanelCorp ManufacturerCodeConst = 868 L3Technologies ManufacturerCodeConst = 890 RhodanMarineSystems ManufacturerCodeConst = 894 NexfourSolutions ManufacturerCodeConst = 896 ASAElectronics ManufacturerCodeConst = 905 MarinesCoSouthKorea ManufacturerCodeConst = 909 NauticOn ManufacturerCodeConst = 911 Ecotronix ManufacturerCodeConst = 930 TimbolierIndustries ManufacturerCodeConst = 962 TJCMicro ManufacturerCodeConst = 963 CoxPowertrain ManufacturerCodeConst = 968 BlueSeas ManufacturerCodeConst = 969 TeleflexMarineSeaStarSolutions ManufacturerCodeConst = 1850 Raymarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 1851 JapanRadioCo ManufacturerCodeConst = 1853 NorthstarTechnologies ManufacturerCodeConst = 1854 Furuno ManufacturerCodeConst = 1855 Trimble ManufacturerCodeConst = 1856 Simrad ManufacturerCodeConst = 1857 Litton ManufacturerCodeConst = 1858 KvasarAB ManufacturerCodeConst = 1859 MMP ManufacturerCodeConst = 1860 VectorCantech ManufacturerCodeConst = 1861 YamahaMarine ManufacturerCodeConst = 1862 FariaInstruments ManufacturerCodeConst = 1863 )
func (ManufacturerCodeConst) GoString ¶
func (e ManufacturerCodeConst) GoString() string
func (ManufacturerCodeConst) String ¶
func (e ManufacturerCodeConst) String() string
type MaretronAnnunciator ¶
type MaretronAnnunciator struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Field4 *uint8 Field5 *uint8 Field6 *uint16 Field7 *uint8 Field8 *uint16 }
type MaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent ¶
type MaretronProprietaryDcBreakerCurrent struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst BankInstance *uint8 IndicatorNumber *uint8 BreakerCurrent *float32 }
type MaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange ¶
type MaretronProprietaryTemperatureHighRange struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source TemperatureSourceConst ActualTemperature *float32 SetTemperature *float32 }
type MaretronSlaveResponse ¶
type MaretronSlaveResponse struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProductCode *uint16 SoftwareCode *uint16 Command *uint8 Status *uint8 }
type MaretronSwitchStatusCounter ¶
type MaretronSwitchStatusCounter struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Instance *uint8 IndicatorNumber *uint8 StartDate *uint16 StartTime *float32 OffCounter *uint8 OnCounter *uint8 ErrorCounter *uint8 SwitchStatus OffOnConst }
type MaretronSwitchStatusTimer ¶
type MaretronSwitchStatusTimer struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Instance *uint8 IndicatorNumber *uint8 StartDate *uint16 StartTime *float32 AccumulatedOffPeriod *uint32 AccumulatedOnPeriod *uint32 AccumulatedErrorPeriod *uint32 SwitchStatus OffOnConst }
type MarkTypeConst ¶
type MarkTypeConst uint8
const ( Collision2 MarkTypeConst = 0 TurningPoint MarkTypeConst = 1 Reference MarkTypeConst = 2 Wheelover MarkTypeConst = 3 Waypoint MarkTypeConst = 4 )
func (MarkTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e MarkTypeConst) GoString() string
func (MarkTypeConst) String ¶
func (e MarkTypeConst) String() string
type MessageInfo ¶
type MessageInfo struct { // when did we get the message Timestamp time.Time // 3-bit Priority uint8 // 19-bit number PGN uint32 // actually 8-bit SourceId uint8 // target address, when relevant (PGNs with PF < 240) TargetId uint8 }
MessageInfo contains context needed to process an NMEA 2000 message.
type MobPositionSourceConst ¶
type MobPositionSourceConst uint8
const ( PositionEstimatedByTheVessel MobPositionSourceConst = 0 PositionReportedByMOBEmitter MobPositionSourceConst = 1 )
func (MobPositionSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e MobPositionSourceConst) GoString() string
func (MobPositionSourceConst) String ¶
func (e MobPositionSourceConst) String() string
type MobStatusConst ¶
type MobStatusConst uint8
const ( MOBEmitterActivated MobStatusConst = 0 ManualOnBoardMOBButtonActivation MobStatusConst = 1 TestMode MobStatusConst = 2 )
func (MobStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e MobStatusConst) GoString() string
func (MobStatusConst) String ¶
func (e MobStatusConst) String() string
type NavStatusConst ¶
type NavStatusConst uint8
const ( UnderWayUsingEngine NavStatusConst = 0 AtAnchor NavStatusConst = 1 NotUnderCommand NavStatusConst = 2 RestrictedManeuverability NavStatusConst = 3 ConstrainedByHerDraught NavStatusConst = 4 Moored NavStatusConst = 5 Aground NavStatusConst = 6 EngagedInFishing NavStatusConst = 7 UnderWaySailing NavStatusConst = 8 HazardousMaterialHighSpeed NavStatusConst = 9 HazardousMaterialWingInGround NavStatusConst = 10 PowerDrivenVesslTowingAstern NavStatusConst = 11 PowerDrivenVesslPushingAheadOrTowingAlongside NavStatusConst = 12 AISSART NavStatusConst = 14 )
func (NavStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e NavStatusConst) GoString() string
func (NavStatusConst) String ¶
func (e NavStatusConst) String() string
type NavicoAsciiData ¶
type NavicoAsciiData struct {}
type NavicoProductInformation ¶
type NavicoProductInformation struct {}
type NavicoUnknown1 ¶
type NavicoUnknown1 struct {}
type NavicoUnknown2 ¶
type NavicoUnknown2 struct {}
type NavicoWirelessBatteryStatus ¶
type NavicoWirelessBatteryStatus struct {}
type NavicoWirelessSignalStatus ¶
type NavicoWirelessSignalStatus struct {}
type NavigationData ¶
type NavigationData struct {}
type NavigationRouteWpInformation ¶
type NavigationRouteWpInformation struct {}
type NavigationRouteWpInformationRepeating1 ¶
type NavigationRouteWpInformationRepeating1 struct {}
type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 PgnErrorCode PgnErrorCodeConst TransmissionIntervalPriorityErrorCode TransmissionIntervalConst NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunctionRepeating1 }
type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunctionRepeating1 ¶
type NmeaAcknowledgeGroupFunctionRepeating1 struct {
Parameter ParameterFieldConst
type NmeaCommandGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaCommandGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 Priority PriorityConst NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaCommandGroupFunctionRepeating1 }
type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst UniqueId *uint8 NumberOfSelectionPairs *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating1 Repeating2 []NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2 }
type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2 ¶
type NmeaReadFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2 struct {
Parameter *uint8
type NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst UniqueId *uint8 NumberOfSelectionPairs *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating1 Repeating2 []NmeaReadFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating2 }
type NmeaRequestGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaRequestGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 TransmissionInterval *float32 TransmissionIntervalOffset *float32 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaRequestGroupFunctionRepeating1 }
type NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst UniqueId *uint8 NumberOfSelectionPairs *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating1 Repeating2 []NmeaWriteFieldsGroupFunctionRepeating2 }
type NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction ¶
type NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunction struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode GroupFunctionConst Pgn *uint32 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst UniqueId *uint8 NumberOfSelectionPairs *uint8 NumberOfParameters *uint8 Repeating1 []NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating1 Repeating2 []NmeaWriteFieldsReplyGroupFunctionRepeating2 }
type OffOnConst ¶
type OffOnConst uint8
const ( Off OffOnConst = 0 On OffOnConst = 1 )
func (OffOnConst) GoString ¶
func (e OffOnConst) GoString() string
func (OffOnConst) String ¶
func (e OffOnConst) String() string
type OkWarningConst ¶
type OkWarningConst uint8
const ( OK OkWarningConst = 0 Warning OkWarningConst = 1 )
func (OkWarningConst) GoString ¶
func (e OkWarningConst) GoString() string
func (OkWarningConst) String ¶
func (e OkWarningConst) String() string
type PGNDataStream ¶
type PGNDataStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PGNDataStream instances provide methods to read data types from a stream. byteOffset and bitOffset combine to act as the read "cursor". The low level read functions update the cursor.
func NewPgnDataStream ¶
func NewPgnDataStream(data []uint8) *PGNDataStream
NewPgnDataStream returns a new PGNDataStream. Call it with the data from a complete Packet.
type ParameterFieldConst ¶
type ParameterFieldConst uint8
const ( Acknowledge3 ParameterFieldConst = 0 InvalidParameterField ParameterFieldConst = 1 TemporaryError ParameterFieldConst = 2 ParameterOutOfRange ParameterFieldConst = 3 AccessDenied2 ParameterFieldConst = 4 NotSupported2 ParameterFieldConst = 5 ReadOrWriteNotSupported ParameterFieldConst = 6 )
func (ParameterFieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e ParameterFieldConst) GoString() string
func (ParameterFieldConst) String ¶
func (e ParameterFieldConst) String() string
type PgnErrorCodeConst ¶
type PgnErrorCodeConst uint8
const ( Acknowledge5 PgnErrorCodeConst = 0 PGNNotSupported PgnErrorCodeConst = 1 PGNNotAvailable PgnErrorCodeConst = 2 AccessDenied4 PgnErrorCodeConst = 3 NotSupported3 PgnErrorCodeConst = 4 TagNotSupported PgnErrorCodeConst = 5 ReadOrWriteNotSupported2 PgnErrorCodeConst = 6 )
func (PgnErrorCodeConst) GoString ¶
func (e PgnErrorCodeConst) GoString() string
func (PgnErrorCodeConst) String ¶
func (e PgnErrorCodeConst) String() string
type PgnInfo ¶
type PgnInfo struct { // Id needed to distinguish pgns with KeyValue fields Id string Self *PgnInfo // PGN (Parameter Group Number) identifies the Message PGN uint32 // Description of the message. Description string // Fast if not single. Fast bool // ManId identifies the Manufacturer for Proprietary PGNs ManId ManufacturerCodeConst // Decoder is a function that generates golang data from the messsage data. Decoder func(MessageInfo, *PGNDataStream) (interface{}, error) // Fields is a map of field descriptions needed at runtime to deal with variable pgn fields Fields map[int]*FieldDescriptor }
PgnInfo instances (generated by the pgngen command) describe known NMEA 2000 messages.
type PgnListFunctionConst ¶
type PgnListFunctionConst uint8
const ( TransmitPGNList PgnListFunctionConst = 0 ReceivePGNList PgnListFunctionConst = 1 )
func (PgnListFunctionConst) GoString ¶
func (e PgnListFunctionConst) GoString() string
func (PgnListFunctionConst) String ¶
func (e PgnListFunctionConst) String() string
type PgnListTransmitAndReceive ¶
type PgnListTransmitAndReceive struct { Info MessageInfo FunctionCode PgnListFunctionConst Repeating1 []PgnListTransmitAndReceiveRepeating1 }
type PgnListTransmitAndReceiveRepeating1 ¶
type PgnListTransmitAndReceiveRepeating1 struct {
Pgn *uint32
type PositionAccuracyConst ¶
type PositionAccuracyConst uint8
const ( Low PositionAccuracyConst = 0 High PositionAccuracyConst = 1 )
func (PositionAccuracyConst) GoString ¶
func (e PositionAccuracyConst) GoString() string
func (PositionAccuracyConst) String ¶
func (e PositionAccuracyConst) String() string
type PositionDeltaRapidUpdate ¶
type PositionDeltaRapidUpdate struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 TimeDelta *uint16 LatitudeDelta *int16 LongitudeDelta *int16 }
type PositionFixDeviceConst ¶
type PositionFixDeviceConst uint8
const ( DefaultUndefined PositionFixDeviceConst = 0 GPS PositionFixDeviceConst = 1 GLONASS PositionFixDeviceConst = 2 CombinedGPSGLONASS PositionFixDeviceConst = 3 LoranC PositionFixDeviceConst = 4 Chayka PositionFixDeviceConst = 5 Surveyed PositionFixDeviceConst = 7 Galileo PositionFixDeviceConst = 8 InternalGNSS PositionFixDeviceConst = 15 )
func (PositionFixDeviceConst) GoString ¶
func (e PositionFixDeviceConst) GoString() string
func (PositionFixDeviceConst) String ¶
func (e PositionFixDeviceConst) String() string
type PositionRapidUpdate ¶
type PositionRapidUpdate struct { Info MessageInfo Latitude *float32 Longitude *float32 }
type PowerFactorConst ¶
type PowerFactorConst uint8
const ( Leading PowerFactorConst = 0 Lagging PowerFactorConst = 1 Error2 PowerFactorConst = 2 )
func (PowerFactorConst) GoString ¶
func (e PowerFactorConst) GoString() string
func (PowerFactorConst) String ¶
func (e PowerFactorConst) String() string
type PressureSourceConst ¶
type PressureSourceConst uint8
const ( Atmospheric PressureSourceConst = 0 Water PressureSourceConst = 1 Steam PressureSourceConst = 2 CompressedAir PressureSourceConst = 3 Hydraulic PressureSourceConst = 4 Filter PressureSourceConst = 5 AltimeterSetting PressureSourceConst = 6 Oil PressureSourceConst = 7 Fuel PressureSourceConst = 8 )
func (PressureSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e PressureSourceConst) GoString() string
func (PressureSourceConst) String ¶
func (e PressureSourceConst) String() string
type PriorityConst ¶
type PriorityConst uint8
const ( A0 PriorityConst = 0 A1 PriorityConst = 1 A2 PriorityConst = 2 A3 PriorityConst = 3 A4 PriorityConst = 4 A5 PriorityConst = 5 A6 PriorityConst = 6 A7 PriorityConst = 7 LeaveUnchanged PriorityConst = 8 ResetToDefault PriorityConst = 9 )
func (PriorityConst) GoString ¶
func (e PriorityConst) GoString() string
func (PriorityConst) String ¶
func (e PriorityConst) String() string
type ProductInformation ¶
type RadioFrequencyModePower ¶
type RaimFlagConst ¶
type RaimFlagConst uint8
const ( NotInUse RaimFlagConst = 0 InUse RaimFlagConst = 1 )
func (RaimFlagConst) GoString ¶
func (e RaimFlagConst) GoString() string
func (RaimFlagConst) String ¶
func (e RaimFlagConst) String() string
type RangeResidualModeConst ¶
type RangeResidualModeConst uint8
const ( RangeResidualsWereUsedToCalculateData RangeResidualModeConst = 0 RangeResidualsWereCalculatedAfterThePosition RangeResidualModeConst = 1 )
func (RangeResidualModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e RangeResidualModeConst) GoString() string
func (RangeResidualModeConst) String ¶
func (e RangeResidualModeConst) String() string
type RateOfTurn ¶
type RateOfTurn struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Rate *float32 }
type RepeatIndicatorConst ¶
type RepeatIndicatorConst uint8
const ( Initial RepeatIndicatorConst = 0 FirstRetransmission RepeatIndicatorConst = 1 SecondRetransmission RepeatIndicatorConst = 2 FinalRetransmission RepeatIndicatorConst = 3 )
func (RepeatIndicatorConst) GoString ¶
func (e RepeatIndicatorConst) GoString() string
func (RepeatIndicatorConst) String ¶
func (e RepeatIndicatorConst) String() string
type ReportingIntervalConst ¶
type ReportingIntervalConst uint8
const ( AsGivenByTheAutonomousMode ReportingIntervalConst = 0 A10Min ReportingIntervalConst = 1 A6Min ReportingIntervalConst = 2 A3Min ReportingIntervalConst = 3 A1Min ReportingIntervalConst = 4 A30Sec ReportingIntervalConst = 5 A15Sec ReportingIntervalConst = 6 A10Sec ReportingIntervalConst = 7 A5Sec ReportingIntervalConst = 8 A2SecNotApplicableToClassBCS ReportingIntervalConst = 9 NextShorterReportingInterval ReportingIntervalConst = 10 NextLongerReportingInterval ReportingIntervalConst = 11 )
func (ReportingIntervalConst) GoString ¶
func (e ReportingIntervalConst) GoString() string
func (ReportingIntervalConst) String ¶
func (e ReportingIntervalConst) String() string
type ResidualModeConst ¶
type ResidualModeConst uint8
const ( Autonomous ResidualModeConst = 0 DifferentialEnhanced ResidualModeConst = 1 Estimated ResidualModeConst = 2 Simulator ResidualModeConst = 3 Manual2 ResidualModeConst = 4 )
func (ResidualModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e ResidualModeConst) GoString() string
func (ResidualModeConst) String ¶
func (e ResidualModeConst) String() string
type RodeTypeConst ¶
type RodeTypeConst uint8
const ( ChainPresentlyDetected RodeTypeConst = 0 RopePresentlyDetected RodeTypeConst = 1 )
func (RodeTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e RodeTypeConst) GoString() string
func (RodeTypeConst) String ¶
func (e RodeTypeConst) String() string
type Rudder ¶
type Rudder struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 DirectionOrder DirectionRudderConst AngleOrder *float32 Position *float32 }
type SalinityStationData ¶
type SalinityStationData struct { Info MessageInfo Mode ResidualModeConst MeasurementDate *uint16 MeasurementTime *float32 StationLatitude *float32 StationLongitude *float32 Salinity *float32 WaterTemperature *float32 StationId string StationName string }
type SatelliteStatusConst ¶
type SatelliteStatusConst uint8
const ( NotTracked SatelliteStatusConst = 0 Tracked SatelliteStatusConst = 1 Used SatelliteStatusConst = 2 NotTrackedDiff SatelliteStatusConst = 3 TrackedDiff SatelliteStatusConst = 4 UsedDiff SatelliteStatusConst = 5 )
func (SatelliteStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e SatelliteStatusConst) GoString() string
func (SatelliteStatusConst) String ¶
func (e SatelliteStatusConst) String() string
type Seatalk1DeviceIdentification ¶
type Seatalk1DeviceIdentification struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint16 Command *uint8 Device SeatalkDeviceIdConst }
type Seatalk1DisplayBrightness ¶
type Seatalk1DisplayBrightness struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint16 Group SeatalkNetworkGroupConst Unknown1 []uint8 Command *uint8 Brightness *uint8 Unknown2 []uint8 }
type Seatalk1DisplayColor ¶
type Seatalk1DisplayColor struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint16 Group SeatalkNetworkGroupConst Unknown1 []uint8 Command *uint8 Color SeatalkDisplayColorConst Unknown2 []uint8 }
type Seatalk1Keystroke ¶
type Seatalk1Keystroke struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint16 Command *uint8 Device *uint8 Key SeatalkKeystrokeConst Keyinverted *uint8 UnknownData []uint8 }
type Seatalk1PilotMode ¶
type Seatalk1PilotMode struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint16 Command *uint8 Unknown1 []uint8 PilotMode SeatalkPilotModeConst SubMode *uint8 PilotModeData []uint8 Unknown2 []uint8 }
type SeatalkAlarm ¶
type SeatalkAlarm struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid []uint8 AlarmStatus SeatalkAlarmStatusConst AlarmId SeatalkAlarmIdConst AlarmGroup SeatalkAlarmGroupConst AlarmPriority []uint8 }
type SeatalkAlarmGroupConst ¶
type SeatalkAlarmGroupConst uint8
const ( Instrument SeatalkAlarmGroupConst = 0 Autopilot SeatalkAlarmGroupConst = 1 Radar SeatalkAlarmGroupConst = 2 ChartPlotter SeatalkAlarmGroupConst = 3 AIS SeatalkAlarmGroupConst = 4 )
func (SeatalkAlarmGroupConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmGroupConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkAlarmGroupConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmGroupConst) String() string
type SeatalkAlarmIdConst ¶
type SeatalkAlarmIdConst uint8
const ( NoAlarm SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 0 ShallowDepth SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 1 DeepDepth SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 2 ShallowAnchor SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 3 DeepAnchor SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 4 OffCourse SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 5 AWAHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 6 AWALow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 7 AWSHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 8 AWSLow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 9 TWAHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 10 TWALow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 11 TWSHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 12 TWSLow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 13 WPArrival SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 14 BoatSpeedHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 15 BoatSpeedLow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 16 SeaTemperatureHigh SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 17 SeaTemperatureLow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 18 PilotWatch SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 19 PilotOffCourse SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 20 PilotWindShift SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 21 PilotLowBattery SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 22 PilotLastMinuteOfWatch SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 23 PilotNoNMEAData SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 24 PilotLargeXTE SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 25 PilotNMEADataError SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 26 PilotCUDisconnected SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 27 PilotAutoRelease SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 28 PilotWayPointAdvance SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 29 PilotDriveStopped SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 30 PilotTypeUnspecified SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 31 PilotCalibrationRequired SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 32 PilotLastHeading SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 33 PilotNoPilot SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 34 PilotRouteComplete SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 35 PilotVariableText SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 36 GPSFailure SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 37 MOB SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 38 Seatalk1Anchor SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 39 PilotSwappedMotorPower SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 40 PilotStandbyTooFastToFish SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 41 PilotNoGPSFix SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 42 PilotNoGPSCOG SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 43 PilotStartUp SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 44 PilotTooSlow SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 45 PilotNoCompass SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 46 PilotRateGyroFault SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 47 PilotCurrentLimit SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 48 PilotWayPointAdvancePort SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 49 PilotWayPointAdvanceStbd SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 50 PilotNoWindData SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 51 PilotNoSpeedData SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 52 PilotSeatalkFail1 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 53 PilotSeatalkFail2 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 54 PilotWarningTooFastToFish SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 55 PilotAutoDocksideFail SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 56 PilotTurnTooFast SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 57 PilotLostWaypointData SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 59 PilotEEPROMCorrupt SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 60 PilotRudderFeedbackFail SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 61 PilotAutolearnFail1 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 62 PilotAutolearnFail2 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 63 PilotAutolearnFail3 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 64 PilotAutolearnFail4 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 65 PilotAutolearnFail5 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 66 PilotAutolearnFail6 SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 67 PilotWarningCalRequired SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 68 PilotWarningOffCourse SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 69 PilotWarningXTE SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 70 PilotWarningWindShift SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 71 PilotWarningDriveShort SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 72 PilotWarningClutchShort SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 73 PilotWarningSolenoidShort SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 74 PilotJoystickFault SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 75 PilotNoJoystickData SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 76 PilotInvalidCommand SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 80 AISTXMalfunction SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 81 AISAntennaVSWRFault SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 82 AISRxChannel1Malfunction SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 83 AISRxChannel2Malfunction SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 84 AISNoSensorPositionInUse SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 85 AISNoValidSOGInformation SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 86 AISNoValidCOGInformation SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 87 AIS12VAlarm SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 88 AIS6VAlarm SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 89 AISNoiseThresholdExceededChannelA SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 90 AISNoiseThresholdExceededChannelB SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 91 AISTransmitterPAFault SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 92 AIS3V3Alarm SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 93 AISRxChannel70Malfunction SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 94 AISHeadingLostInvalid SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 95 AISInternalGPSLost SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 96 AISNoSensorPosition SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 97 AISLockFailure SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 98 AISInternalGGATimeout SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 99 AISProtocolStackRestart SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 100 PilotNoIPSCommunications SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 101 PilotPowerOnOrSleepSwitchResetWhileEngaged SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 102 PilotUnexpectedResetWhileEngaged SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 103 AISDangerousTarget SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 104 AISLostTarget SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 105 AISSafetyRelatedMessageUsedToSilence SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 106 AISConnectionLost SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 107 NoFix SeatalkAlarmIdConst = 108 )
func (SeatalkAlarmIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmIdConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkAlarmIdConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmIdConst) String() string
type SeatalkAlarmStatusConst ¶
type SeatalkAlarmStatusConst uint8
const ( AlarmConditionNotMet SeatalkAlarmStatusConst = 0 AlarmConditionMetAndNotSilenced SeatalkAlarmStatusConst = 1 AlarmConditionMetAndSilenced SeatalkAlarmStatusConst = 2 )
func (SeatalkAlarmStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmStatusConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkAlarmStatusConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkAlarmStatusConst) String() string
type SeatalkDeviceIdConst ¶
type SeatalkDeviceIdConst uint8
const ( S100 SeatalkDeviceIdConst = 3 CourseComputer SeatalkDeviceIdConst = 5 )
func (SeatalkDeviceIdConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkDeviceIdConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkDeviceIdConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkDeviceIdConst) String() string
type SeatalkDisplayColorConst ¶
type SeatalkDisplayColorConst uint8
const ( Day1 SeatalkDisplayColorConst = 0 Day2 SeatalkDisplayColorConst = 2 RedBlack SeatalkDisplayColorConst = 3 Inverse SeatalkDisplayColorConst = 4 )
func (SeatalkDisplayColorConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkDisplayColorConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkDisplayColorConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkDisplayColorConst) String() string
type SeatalkKeypadHeartbeat ¶
type SeatalkKeypadHeartbeat struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 Variant *uint8 Status *uint8 }
type SeatalkKeypadMessage ¶
type SeatalkKeypadMessage struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 FirstKey *uint8 SecondKey *uint8 FirstKeyState *uint8 SecondKeyState *uint8 EncoderPosition *uint8 }
type SeatalkKeystrokeConst ¶
type SeatalkKeystrokeConst uint8
const ( Auto3 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 1 Standby2 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 2 Wind2 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 3 AMinus1 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 5 AMinus10 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 6 APlus1 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 7 APlus10 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 8 AMinus1AndMinus10 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 33 APlus1AndPlus10 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 34 Track2 SeatalkKeystrokeConst = 35 )
func (SeatalkKeystrokeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkKeystrokeConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkKeystrokeConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkKeystrokeConst) String() string
type SeatalkNetworkGroupConst ¶
type SeatalkNetworkGroupConst uint8
const ( None2 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 0 Helm1 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 1 Helm2 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 2 Cockpit SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 3 Flybridge SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 4 Mast SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 5 Group1 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 6 Group2 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 7 Group3 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 8 Group4 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 9 Group5 SeatalkNetworkGroupConst = 10 )
func (SeatalkNetworkGroupConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkNetworkGroupConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkNetworkGroupConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkNetworkGroupConst) String() string
type SeatalkPilotHeading ¶
type SeatalkPilotHeading struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid []uint8 HeadingTrue *float32 HeadingMagnetic *float32 }
type SeatalkPilotLockedHeading ¶
type SeatalkPilotLockedHeading struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Sid []uint8 TargetHeadingTrue *float32 TargetHeadingMagnetic *float32 }
type SeatalkPilotMode ¶
type SeatalkPilotMode struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst PilotMode []uint8 SubMode []uint8 PilotModeData []uint8 }
type SeatalkPilotModeConst ¶
type SeatalkPilotModeConst uint8
const ( Standby SeatalkPilotModeConst = 64 Auto SeatalkPilotModeConst = 66 Wind SeatalkPilotModeConst = 70 Track SeatalkPilotModeConst = 74 )
func (SeatalkPilotModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SeatalkPilotModeConst) GoString() string
func (SeatalkPilotModeConst) String ¶
func (e SeatalkPilotModeConst) String() string
type SeatalkPilotWindDatum ¶
type SeatalkPilotWindDatum struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst WindDatum *float32 RollingAverageWindAngle *float32 }
type SeatalkSilenceAlarm ¶
type SeatalkSilenceAlarm struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst AlarmId SeatalkAlarmIdConst AlarmGroup SeatalkAlarmGroupConst }
type SeatalkWirelessKeypadControl ¶
type SeatalkWirelessKeypadControl struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Pid *uint8 Variant *uint8 BeepControl *uint8 }
type SeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl ¶
type SeatalkWirelessKeypadLightControl struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId *uint8 Variant *uint8 WirelessSetting *uint8 WiredSetting *uint8 }
type SetDriftRapidUpdate ¶
type SetDriftRapidUpdate struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 SetReference DirectionReferenceConst Set *float32 Drift *float32 }
type SetPressure ¶
type SetPressure struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source PressureSourceConst Pressure *float32 }
type ShipTypeConst ¶
type ShipTypeConst uint8
const ( WingInGround ShipTypeConst = 20 WingInGroundHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 21 WingInGroundHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 22 WingInGroundHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 23 WingInGroundHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 24 WingInGroundNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 29 Fishing ShipTypeConst = 30 Towing ShipTypeConst = 31 TowingExceeds200mOrWiderThan25m ShipTypeConst = 32 EngagedInDredgingOrUnderwaterOperations ShipTypeConst = 33 EngagedInDivingOperations ShipTypeConst = 34 EngagedInMilitaryOperations ShipTypeConst = 35 Sailing ShipTypeConst = 36 Pleasure ShipTypeConst = 37 HighSpeedCraft ShipTypeConst = 40 HighSpeedCraftHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 41 HighSpeedCraftHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 42 HighSpeedCraftHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 43 HighSpeedCraftHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 44 HighSpeedCraftNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 49 PilotVessel ShipTypeConst = 50 SAR ShipTypeConst = 51 Tug ShipTypeConst = 52 PortTender ShipTypeConst = 53 AntiPollution ShipTypeConst = 54 LawEnforcement ShipTypeConst = 55 Spare ShipTypeConst = 56 Spare2 ShipTypeConst = 57 Medical ShipTypeConst = 58 ShipsAndAircraftOfStatesNotPartiesToAnArmedConflict ShipTypeConst = 59 PassengerShip ShipTypeConst = 60 PassengerShipHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 61 PassengerShipHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 62 PassengerShipHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 63 PassengerShipHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 64 PassengerShipNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 69 CargoShip ShipTypeConst = 70 CargoShipHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 71 CargoShipHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 72 CargoShipHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 73 CargoShipHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 74 CargoShipNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 79 Tanker ShipTypeConst = 80 TankerHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 81 TankerHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 82 TankerHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 83 TankerHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 84 TankerNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 89 Other ShipTypeConst = 90 OtherHazardCatX ShipTypeConst = 91 OtherHazardCatY ShipTypeConst = 92 OtherHazardCatZ ShipTypeConst = 93 OtherHazardCatOS ShipTypeConst = 94 OtherNoAdditionalInformation ShipTypeConst = 99 )
func (ShipTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e ShipTypeConst) GoString() string
func (ShipTypeConst) String ¶
func (e ShipTypeConst) String() string
type SimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB ¶
type SimnetAisClassBStaticDataMsg24PartB struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId *uint8 RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst D *uint8 E *uint8 UserId *uint32 TypeOfShip ShipTypeConst VendorId string Callsign string Length *float32 Beam *float32 PositionReferenceFromStarboard *float32 PositionReferenceFromBow *float32 MothershipUserId *uint32 }
type SimnetAlarm ¶
type SimnetAlarm struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Address *uint8 ProprietaryId SimnetEventCommandConst Alarm SimnetAlarmConst MessageId *uint16 F *uint8 G *uint8 }
type SimnetAlarmConst ¶
type SimnetAlarmConst uint8
const ( LowBoatSpeed SimnetAlarmConst = 57 WindDataMissing SimnetAlarmConst = 58 )
func (SimnetAlarmConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetAlarmConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetAlarmConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetAlarmConst) String() string
type SimnetAlarmMessage ¶
type SimnetAlarmMessage struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst MessageId *uint16 B *uint8 C *uint8 Text string }
type SimnetAlertBitfieldConst ¶
type SimnetAlertBitfieldConst uint16
const ( NoGPSFix SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 0 NoActiveAutopilotControlUnit SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 2 NoAutopilotComputer SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 4 APClutchOverload SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 6 APClutchDisengaged SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 8 RudderControllerFault SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 10 NoRudderResponse SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 12 RudderDriveOverload SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 14 HighDriveSupply SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 16 LowDriveSupply SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 18 MemoryFail SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 20 APPositionDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 22 APSpeedDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 24 APDepthDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 26 APHeadingDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 28 APRudderDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 32 APWindDataMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 34 APOffCourse SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 36 HighDriveTemperature SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 38 DriveInhibit SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 40 RudderLimit SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 42 DriveComputerMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 44 DriveReadyMissing SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 46 EVCComError SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 48 EVCOverride SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 50 LowCANBusVoltage SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 52 CANBusSupplyOverload SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 54 WindSensorBatteryLow SimnetAlertBitfieldConst = 56 )
func (SimnetAlertBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetAlertBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetAlertBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetAlertBitfieldConst) String() string
type SimnetApCommand ¶
type SimnetApCommand struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Address *uint8 ProprietaryId SimnetEventCommandConst ApStatus SimnetApStatusConst ApCommand SimnetApEventsConst Direction SimnetDirectionConst Angle *float32 }
type SimnetApEventsConst ¶
type SimnetApEventsConst uint8
const ( Standby3 SimnetApEventsConst = 6 AutoMode SimnetApEventsConst = 9 NonFollowUpMode SimnetApEventsConst = 13 FollowUpMode SimnetApEventsConst = 14 WindMode SimnetApEventsConst = 15 SquareTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 18 CTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 19 UTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 20 SpiralTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 21 ZigZagTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 22 LazySTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 23 DepthTurn SimnetApEventsConst = 24 ChangeCourse SimnetApEventsConst = 26 TimerSync SimnetApEventsConst = 61 PingPortEnd SimnetApEventsConst = 112 PingStarboardEnd SimnetApEventsConst = 113 )
func (SimnetApEventsConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetApEventsConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetApEventsConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetApEventsConst) String() string
type SimnetApModeBitfieldConst ¶
type SimnetApModeBitfieldConst uint16
const ( Standby4 SimnetApModeBitfieldConst = 3 Heading2 SimnetApModeBitfieldConst = 4 NoDrift2 SimnetApModeBitfieldConst = 8 Wind4 SimnetApModeBitfieldConst = 10 )
func (SimnetApModeBitfieldConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetApModeBitfieldConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetApModeBitfieldConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetApModeBitfieldConst) String() string
type SimnetApModeConst ¶
type SimnetApModeConst uint8
const ( Heading SimnetApModeConst = 2 Wind3 SimnetApModeConst = 3 NoDrift SimnetApModeConst = 11 )
func (SimnetApModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetApModeConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetApModeConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetApModeConst) String() string
type SimnetApStatusConst ¶
type SimnetApStatusConst uint8
const ( Manual6 SimnetApStatusConst = 2 Automatic2 SimnetApStatusConst = 16 )
func (SimnetApStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetApStatusConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetApStatusConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetApStatusConst) String() string
type SimnetApUnknown1 ¶
type SimnetApUnknown1 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint16 D *uint8 }
type SimnetApUnknown2 ¶
type SimnetApUnknown2 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 }
type SimnetApUnknown3 ¶
type SimnetApUnknown3 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 }
type SimnetApUnknown4 ¶
type SimnetApUnknown4 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst A *uint8 B *int32 C *int32 D *uint32 E *int32 F *uint32 }
type SimnetAutopilotAngle ¶
type SimnetAutopilotAngle struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Mode SimnetApModeConst Angle *float32 }
type SimnetAutopilotMode ¶
type SimnetAutopilotMode struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimnetBacklightLevelConst ¶
type SimnetBacklightLevelConst uint8
const ( A10PercentMin SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 0 DayMode SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 1 NightMode SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 4 A20Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 11 A30Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 22 A40Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 33 A50Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 44 A60Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 55 A70Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 66 A80Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 77 A90Percent SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 88 A100PercentMax SimnetBacklightLevelConst = 99 )
func (SimnetBacklightLevelConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetBacklightLevelConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetBacklightLevelConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetBacklightLevelConst) String() string
type SimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings ¶
type SimnetClearFluidLevelWarnings struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimnetCommandConst ¶
type SimnetCommandConst uint8
const (
Text SimnetCommandConst = 50
func (SimnetCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetCommandConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetCommandConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetCommandConst) String() string
type SimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor ¶
type SimnetConfigureTemperatureSensor struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimnetDeviceModeRequest ¶
type SimnetDeviceModeRequest struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Model SimnetDeviceModelConst Report SimnetDeviceReportConst }
type SimnetDeviceModelConst ¶
type SimnetDeviceModelConst uint8
const ( AC SimnetDeviceModelConst = 0 OtherDevice SimnetDeviceModelConst = 1 NAC SimnetDeviceModelConst = 100 )
func (SimnetDeviceModelConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetDeviceModelConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetDeviceModelConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetDeviceModelConst) String() string
type SimnetDeviceReportConst ¶
type SimnetDeviceReportConst uint8
const ( Status SimnetDeviceReportConst = 2 SendStatus SimnetDeviceReportConst = 3 Mode SimnetDeviceReportConst = 10 SendMode SimnetDeviceReportConst = 11 SailingProcessorStatus SimnetDeviceReportConst = 23 )
func (SimnetDeviceReportConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetDeviceReportConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetDeviceReportConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetDeviceReportConst) String() string
type SimnetDeviceStatus ¶
type SimnetDeviceStatus struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Model SimnetDeviceModelConst Report SimnetDeviceReportConst Status SimnetApStatusConst }
type SimnetDeviceStatusRequest ¶
type SimnetDeviceStatusRequest struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Model SimnetDeviceModelConst Report SimnetDeviceReportConst }
type SimnetDirectionConst ¶
type SimnetDirectionConst uint8
const ( Port SimnetDirectionConst = 2 Starboard SimnetDirectionConst = 3 LeftRudderPort SimnetDirectionConst = 4 RightRudderStarboard SimnetDirectionConst = 5 )
func (SimnetDirectionConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetDirectionConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetDirectionConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetDirectionConst) String() string
type SimnetDisplayGroupConst ¶
type SimnetDisplayGroupConst uint8
const ( Default SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 1 Group12 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 2 Group22 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 3 Group32 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 4 Group42 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 5 Group52 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 6 Group6 SimnetDisplayGroupConst = 7 )
func (SimnetDisplayGroupConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetDisplayGroupConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetDisplayGroupConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetDisplayGroupConst) String() string
type SimnetEventCommandApCommand ¶
type SimnetEventCommandApCommand struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SimnetEventCommandConst UnusedA *uint16 ControllingDevice *uint8 Event SimnetApEventsConst UnusedB *uint8 Direction SimnetDirectionConst Angle *float32 UnusedC *uint8 }
type SimnetEventCommandConst ¶
type SimnetEventCommandConst uint8
const ( Alarm2 SimnetEventCommandConst = 1 APCommand SimnetEventCommandConst = 2 Autopilot2 SimnetEventCommandConst = 255 )
func (SimnetEventCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetEventCommandConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetEventCommandConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetEventCommandConst) String() string
type SimnetEventReplyApCommand ¶
type SimnetEventReplyApCommand struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SimnetEventCommandConst B *uint16 Address *uint8 Event SimnetApEventsConst C *uint8 Direction SimnetDirectionConst Angle *float32 G *uint8 }
type SimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration ¶
type SimnetFluidLevelSensorConfiguration struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst C *uint8 Device *uint8 Instance *uint8 F *uint8 TankType TankTypeConst Capacity *float32 G *uint8 H *int16 I *int8 }
type SimnetHourDisplayConst ¶
type SimnetHourDisplayConst uint8
const ( A24Hour SimnetHourDisplayConst = 0 A12Hour SimnetHourDisplayConst = 1 )
func (SimnetHourDisplayConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetHourDisplayConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetHourDisplayConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetHourDisplayConst) String() string
type SimnetKeyValue ¶
type SimnetKeyValue struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Address *uint8 RepeatIndicator RepeatIndicatorConst DisplayGroup SimnetDisplayGroupConst Key SimnetKeyValueConst Minlength *uint8 Value []uint8 }
type SimnetKeyValueConst ¶
type SimnetKeyValueConst uint16
type SimnetLgc2000Configuration ¶
type SimnetLgc2000Configuration struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimnetMagneticField ¶
type SimnetMagneticField struct { Info MessageInfo A *float32 B *uint8 C *float32 D *float32 }
type SimnetNightModeColorConst ¶
type SimnetNightModeColorConst uint8
const ( Red SimnetNightModeColorConst = 0 Green SimnetNightModeColorConst = 1 Blue SimnetNightModeColorConst = 2 White SimnetNightModeColorConst = 3 )
func (SimnetNightModeColorConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetNightModeColorConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetNightModeColorConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetNightModeColorConst) String() string
type SimnetNightModeConst ¶
type SimnetNightModeConst uint8
const ( Day SimnetNightModeConst = 2 Night SimnetNightModeConst = 4 )
func (SimnetNightModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetNightModeConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetNightModeConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetNightModeConst) String() string
type SimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration ¶
type SimnetPaddleWheelSpeedConfiguration struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimnetParameterSet ¶
type SimnetParameterSet struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Address *uint8 B *uint8 DisplayGroup SimnetDisplayGroupConst D *uint16 Key SimnetKeyValueConst Length *uint8 Value []uint8 }
type SimnetPilotMode ¶
type SimnetPilotMode struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Model SimnetDeviceModelConst Report SimnetDeviceReportConst Mode SimnetApModeBitfieldConst }
type SimnetReprogramData ¶
type SimnetReprogramData struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Version *uint16 Sequence *uint16 Data []uint8 }
type SimnetSailingProcessorStatus ¶
type SimnetSailingProcessorStatus struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Model SimnetDeviceModelConst Report SimnetDeviceReportConst Data []uint8 }
type SimnetTimeFormatConst ¶
type SimnetTimeFormatConst uint8
const ( MMDdYyyy SimnetTimeFormatConst = 1 DdMMYyyy SimnetTimeFormatConst = 2 )
func (SimnetTimeFormatConst) GoString ¶
func (e SimnetTimeFormatConst) GoString() string
func (SimnetTimeFormatConst) String ¶
func (e SimnetTimeFormatConst) String() string
type SimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration ¶
type SimnetTrimTabSensorCalibration struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst }
type SimradTextMessage ¶
type SimradTextMessage struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SimnetCommandConst A *uint8 B *uint8 C *uint8 Sid *uint8 Prio *uint8 Text string }
type SmallCraftStatus ¶
type SmallCraftStatus struct { Info MessageInfo PortTrimTab *int8 StarboardTrimTab *int8 }
type SonichubAlbum ¶
type SonichubAlbum struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item *uint32 Text string }
type SonichubArtist ¶
type SonichubArtist struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item *uint32 Text string }
type SonichubCommandConst ¶
type SonichubCommandConst uint8
const ( Init2 SonichubCommandConst = 1 AMRadio SonichubCommandConst = 4 ZoneInfo SonichubCommandConst = 5 Source SonichubCommandConst = 6 SourceList SonichubCommandConst = 8 Control SonichubCommandConst = 9 FMRadio SonichubCommandConst = 12 Playlist SonichubCommandConst = 13 Track3 SonichubCommandConst = 14 Artist SonichubCommandConst = 15 Album SonichubCommandConst = 16 MenuItem SonichubCommandConst = 19 Zones SonichubCommandConst = 20 MaxVolume SonichubCommandConst = 23 Volume SonichubCommandConst = 24 Init1 SonichubCommandConst = 25 Position SonichubCommandConst = 48 Init3 SonichubCommandConst = 50 )
func (SonichubCommandConst) GoString ¶
func (e SonichubCommandConst) GoString() string
func (SonichubCommandConst) String ¶
func (e SonichubCommandConst) String() string
type SonichubControl ¶
type SonichubControl struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item FusionMuteCommandConst }
type SonichubControlConst ¶
type SonichubControlConst uint8
const ( Set SonichubControlConst = 0 Ack SonichubControlConst = 128 )
func (SonichubControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e SonichubControlConst) GoString() string
func (SonichubControlConst) String ¶
func (e SonichubControlConst) String() string
type SonichubFmRadio ¶
type SonichubFmRadio struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item SonichubTuningConst Frequency *uint32 NoiseLevel *uint8 SignalLevel *uint8 Text string }
type SonichubInit1 ¶
type SonichubInit1 struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst }
type SonichubMaxVolume ¶
type SonichubMaxVolume struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Zone *uint8 Level *uint8 }
type SonichubMenuItem ¶
type SonichubMenuItem struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item *uint32 C *uint8 D *uint8 E *uint8 Text string }
type SonichubPlaylist ¶
type SonichubPlaylist struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item SonichubPlaylistConst A *uint8 CurrentTrack *uint32 Tracks *uint32 Length *float32 PositionInTrack *float32 }
type SonichubPlaylistConst ¶
type SonichubPlaylistConst uint8
const ( Report SonichubPlaylistConst = 1 NextSong SonichubPlaylistConst = 4 PreviousSong SonichubPlaylistConst = 6 )
func (SonichubPlaylistConst) GoString ¶
func (e SonichubPlaylistConst) GoString() string
func (SonichubPlaylistConst) String ¶
func (e SonichubPlaylistConst) String() string
type SonichubPosition ¶
type SonichubPosition struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Position *float32 }
type SonichubSource ¶
type SonichubSource struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Source SonichubSourceConst }
type SonichubSourceConst ¶
type SonichubSourceConst uint8
const ( AM2 SonichubSourceConst = 0 FM2 SonichubSourceConst = 1 IPod SonichubSourceConst = 2 USB2 SonichubSourceConst = 3 AUX SonichubSourceConst = 4 AUX2 SonichubSourceConst = 5 Mic SonichubSourceConst = 6 )
func (SonichubSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e SonichubSourceConst) GoString() string
func (SonichubSourceConst) String ¶
func (e SonichubSourceConst) String() string
type SonichubSourceList ¶
type SonichubSourceList struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst SourceId *uint8 A *uint8 Text string }
type SonichubTrack ¶
type SonichubTrack struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Item *uint32 Text string }
type SonichubTuningConst ¶
type SonichubTuningConst uint8
const ( SeekingUp SonichubTuningConst = 1 Tuned SonichubTuningConst = 2 SeekingDown SonichubTuningConst = 3 )
func (SonichubTuningConst) GoString ¶
func (e SonichubTuningConst) GoString() string
func (SonichubTuningConst) String ¶
func (e SonichubTuningConst) String() string
type SonichubVolume ¶
type SonichubVolume struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Zone *uint8 Level *uint8 }
type SonichubZoneInfo ¶
type SonichubZoneInfo struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Zone *uint8 }
type SonichubZones ¶
type SonichubZones struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst ProprietaryId SonichubCommandConst Control SonichubControlConst Zones *uint8 }
type Speed ¶
type Speed struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 SpeedWaterReferenced *float32 SpeedGroundReferenced *float32 SpeedWaterReferencedType WaterReferenceConst SpeedDirection *uint8 }
type SpeedTypeConst ¶
type SpeedTypeConst uint8
const ( SingleSpeed SpeedTypeConst = 0 DualSpeed SpeedTypeConst = 1 ProportionalSpeed SpeedTypeConst = 2 )
func (SpeedTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SpeedTypeConst) GoString() string
func (SpeedTypeConst) String ¶
func (e SpeedTypeConst) String() string
type StationStatusConst ¶
type StationStatusConst uint16
const ( StationInUse StationStatusConst = 0 LowSNR StationStatusConst = 1 CycleError StationStatusConst = 2 Blink StationStatusConst = 3 )
func (StationStatusConst) GoString ¶
func (e StationStatusConst) GoString() string
func (StationStatusConst) String ¶
func (e StationStatusConst) String() string
type StationTypeConst ¶
type StationTypeConst uint8
const ( AllTypesOfMobileStation StationTypeConst = 0 AllTypesOfClassBMobileStation StationTypeConst = 2 SARAirborneMobileStation StationTypeConst = 3 AtoNStation StationTypeConst = 4 ClassBCSShipborneMobileStation StationTypeConst = 5 InlandWaterways StationTypeConst = 6 RegionalUse7 StationTypeConst = 7 RegionalUse8 StationTypeConst = 8 RegionalUse9 StationTypeConst = 9 )
func (StationTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e StationTypeConst) GoString() string
func (StationTypeConst) String ¶
func (e StationTypeConst) String() string
type SteeringModeConst ¶
type SteeringModeConst uint8
const ( MainSteering SteeringModeConst = 0 NonFollowUpDevice SteeringModeConst = 1 FollowUpDevice SteeringModeConst = 2 HeadingControlStandalone SteeringModeConst = 3 HeadingControl SteeringModeConst = 4 TrackControl SteeringModeConst = 5 )
func (SteeringModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SteeringModeConst) GoString() string
func (SteeringModeConst) String ¶
func (e SteeringModeConst) String() string
type StructHandler ¶
type StructHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StructHandler reads incoming structs and distributes them via subscription.
func NewStructHandler ¶
func NewStructHandler(s chan interface{}, sub *subscribe.SubscribeManager) *StructHandler
NewStructHandler initializes a new StructHandler.
func (*StructHandler) Run ¶
func (s *StructHandler) Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup)
Run method kicks off a goroutine that reads structs from its input channel and distributes them via subscription.
type SwitchBankControl ¶
type SwitchBankControl struct { Info MessageInfo Instance *uint8 Switch1 OffOnConst Switch2 OffOnConst Switch3 OffOnConst Switch4 OffOnConst Switch5 OffOnConst Switch6 OffOnConst Switch7 OffOnConst Switch8 OffOnConst Switch9 OffOnConst Switch10 OffOnConst Switch11 OffOnConst Switch12 OffOnConst Switch13 OffOnConst Switch14 OffOnConst Switch15 OffOnConst Switch16 OffOnConst Switch17 OffOnConst Switch18 OffOnConst Switch19 OffOnConst Switch20 OffOnConst Switch21 OffOnConst Switch22 OffOnConst Switch23 OffOnConst Switch24 OffOnConst Switch25 OffOnConst Switch26 OffOnConst Switch27 OffOnConst Switch28 OffOnConst }
type SystemTime ¶
type SystemTime struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Source SystemTimeConst Date *uint16 Time *float32 }
type SystemTimeConst ¶
type SystemTimeConst uint8
const ( GPS3 SystemTimeConst = 0 GLONASS3 SystemTimeConst = 1 RadioStation SystemTimeConst = 2 LocalCesiumClock SystemTimeConst = 3 LocalRubidiumClock SystemTimeConst = 4 LocalCrystalClock SystemTimeConst = 5 )
func (SystemTimeConst) GoString ¶
func (e SystemTimeConst) GoString() string
func (SystemTimeConst) String ¶
func (e SystemTimeConst) String() string
type TankTypeConst ¶
type TankTypeConst uint8
const ( Fuel2 TankTypeConst = 0 Water2 TankTypeConst = 1 GrayWater TankTypeConst = 2 LiveWell TankTypeConst = 3 Oil2 TankTypeConst = 4 BlackWater TankTypeConst = 5 )
func (TankTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e TankTypeConst) GoString() string
func (TankTypeConst) String ¶
func (e TankTypeConst) String() string
type TargetAcquisitionConst ¶
type TargetAcquisitionConst uint8
const ( Manual4 TargetAcquisitionConst = 0 Automatic TargetAcquisitionConst = 1 )
func (TargetAcquisitionConst) GoString ¶
func (e TargetAcquisitionConst) GoString() string
func (TargetAcquisitionConst) String ¶
func (e TargetAcquisitionConst) String() string
type Temperature ¶
type Temperature struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source TemperatureSourceConst ActualTemperature *float32 SetTemperature *float32 }
type TemperatureExtendedRange ¶
type TemperatureExtendedRange struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Instance *uint8 Source TemperatureSourceConst Temperature *float32 SetTemperature *float32 }
type TemperatureSourceConst ¶
type TemperatureSourceConst uint8
const ( SeaTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 0 OutsideTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 1 InsideTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 2 EngineRoomTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 3 MainCabinTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 4 LiveWellTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 5 BaitWellTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 6 RefrigerationTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 7 HeatingSystemTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 8 DewPointTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 9 ApparentWindChillTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 10 TheoreticalWindChillTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 11 HeatIndexTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 12 FreezerTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 13 ExhaustGasTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 14 ShaftSealTemperature TemperatureSourceConst = 15 )
func (TemperatureSourceConst) GoString ¶
func (e TemperatureSourceConst) GoString() string
func (TemperatureSourceConst) String ¶
func (e TemperatureSourceConst) String() string
type ThrusterControlEventsConst ¶
type ThrusterControlEventsConst uint16
const ( AnotherDeviceControllingThruster ThrusterControlEventsConst = 0 BoatSpeedTooFastToSafelyUseThruster ThrusterControlEventsConst = 1 )
func (ThrusterControlEventsConst) GoString ¶
func (e ThrusterControlEventsConst) GoString() string
func (ThrusterControlEventsConst) String ¶
func (e ThrusterControlEventsConst) String() string
type ThrusterControlStatus ¶
type ThrusterControlStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Identifier *uint8 DirectionControl ThrusterDirectionControlConst PowerEnabled OffOnConst RetractControl ThrusterRetractControlConst SpeedControl *uint8 ControlEvents ThrusterControlEventsConst CommandTimeout *float32 AzimuthControl *float32 }
type ThrusterDirectionControlConst ¶
type ThrusterDirectionControlConst uint8
const ( Off5 ThrusterDirectionControlConst = 0 Ready ThrusterDirectionControlConst = 1 ToPort ThrusterDirectionControlConst = 2 ToStarboard ThrusterDirectionControlConst = 3 )
func (ThrusterDirectionControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e ThrusterDirectionControlConst) GoString() string
func (ThrusterDirectionControlConst) String ¶
func (e ThrusterDirectionControlConst) String() string
type ThrusterInformation ¶
type ThrusterInformation struct { Info MessageInfo Identifier *uint8 MotorType ThrusterMotorTypeConst PowerRating *uint16 MaximumTemperatureRating *float32 MaximumRotationalSpeed *float32 }
type ThrusterMotorEventsConst ¶
type ThrusterMotorEventsConst uint16
const ( MotorOverTemperatureCutout ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 0 MotorOverCurrentCutout ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 1 LowOilLevelWarning ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 2 OilOverTemperatureWarning ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 3 ControllerUnderVoltageCutout ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 4 ManufacturerDefined ThrusterMotorEventsConst = 5 )
func (ThrusterMotorEventsConst) GoString ¶
func (e ThrusterMotorEventsConst) GoString() string
func (ThrusterMotorEventsConst) String ¶
func (e ThrusterMotorEventsConst) String() string
type ThrusterMotorStatus ¶
type ThrusterMotorStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Identifier *uint8 MotorEvents ThrusterMotorEventsConst Current *uint8 Temperature *float32 OperatingTime *float32 }
type ThrusterMotorTypeConst ¶
type ThrusterMotorTypeConst uint8
const ( A12VDC ThrusterMotorTypeConst = 0 A24VDC ThrusterMotorTypeConst = 1 A48VDC ThrusterMotorTypeConst = 2 A24VAC ThrusterMotorTypeConst = 3 Hydraulic2 ThrusterMotorTypeConst = 4 )
func (ThrusterMotorTypeConst) GoString ¶
func (e ThrusterMotorTypeConst) GoString() string
func (ThrusterMotorTypeConst) String ¶
func (e ThrusterMotorTypeConst) String() string
type ThrusterRetractControlConst ¶
type ThrusterRetractControlConst uint8
const ( Off6 ThrusterRetractControlConst = 0 Extend ThrusterRetractControlConst = 1 Retract ThrusterRetractControlConst = 2 )
func (ThrusterRetractControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e ThrusterRetractControlConst) GoString() string
func (ThrusterRetractControlConst) String ¶
func (e ThrusterRetractControlConst) String() string
type TideStationData ¶
type TimeDate ¶
type TimeDate struct { Info MessageInfo Date *uint16 Time *float32 LocalOffset *float32 }
type TimeStampConst ¶
type TimeStampConst uint8
const ( NotAvailable2 TimeStampConst = 60 ManualInputMode TimeStampConst = 61 DeadReckoningMode TimeStampConst = 62 PositioningSystemIsInoperative TimeStampConst = 63 )
func (TimeStampConst) GoString ¶
func (e TimeStampConst) GoString() string
func (TimeStampConst) String ¶
func (e TimeStampConst) String() string
type TrackedTargetData ¶
type TrackedTargetData struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 TargetId *uint8 TrackStatus TrackingConst ReportedTarget YesNoConst TargetAcquisition TargetAcquisitionConst BearingReference DirectionReferenceConst Bearing *float32 Distance *float32 Course *float32 Speed *float32 Cpa *float32 Tcpa *float32 UtcOfFix *float32 Name string }
type TrackingConst ¶
type TrackingConst uint8
const ( Cancelled TrackingConst = 0 Acquiring TrackingConst = 1 Tracking TrackingConst = 2 Lost TrackingConst = 3 )
func (TrackingConst) GoString ¶
func (e TrackingConst) GoString() string
func (TrackingConst) String ¶
func (e TrackingConst) String() string
type TransmissionIntervalConst ¶
type TransmissionIntervalConst uint8
const ( Acknowledge2 TransmissionIntervalConst = 0 TransmitIntervalPriorityNotSupported TransmissionIntervalConst = 1 TransmitIntervalTooLow TransmissionIntervalConst = 2 AccessDenied TransmissionIntervalConst = 3 NotSupported TransmissionIntervalConst = 4 )
func (TransmissionIntervalConst) GoString ¶
func (e TransmissionIntervalConst) GoString() string
func (TransmissionIntervalConst) String ¶
func (e TransmissionIntervalConst) String() string
type TransmissionParametersDynamic ¶
type TransmissionParametersDynamic struct { Info MessageInfo Instance EngineInstanceConst TransmissionGear GearStatusConst OilPressure *float32 OilTemperature *float32 DiscreteStatus1 *uint8 }
type TripParametersEngine ¶
type TripParametersEngine struct { Info MessageInfo Instance EngineInstanceConst TripFuelUsed *uint16 FuelRateAverage *float32 FuelRateEconomy *float32 InstantaneousFuelEconomy *float32 }
type TripParametersVessel ¶
type TripParametersVessel struct { Info MessageInfo TimeToEmpty *float32 DistanceToEmpty *float32 EstimatedFuelRemaining *uint16 TripRunTime *float32 }
type TurnModeConst ¶
type TurnModeConst uint8
const ( RudderLimitControlled TurnModeConst = 0 TurnRateControlled TurnModeConst = 1 RadiusControlled TurnModeConst = 2 )
func (TurnModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e TurnModeConst) GoString() string
func (TurnModeConst) String ¶
func (e TurnModeConst) String() string
type TxRxModeConst ¶
type TxRxModeConst uint8
const ( TxATxBRxARxB TxRxModeConst = 0 TxARxARxB TxRxModeConst = 1 TxBRxARxB TxRxModeConst = 2 )
func (TxRxModeConst) GoString ¶
func (e TxRxModeConst) GoString() string
func (TxRxModeConst) String ¶
func (e TxRxModeConst) String() string
type UnknownPGN ¶
type UnknownPGN struct { Info MessageInfo Data []uint8 ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst Reason error WasUnseen bool // Marked as not seen in log files by Canboat. }
UnknownPGN is returned when we fail to recognize the PGN. This can be because canboat.json is incomplete, an error in data transmission, or even a bug?
type UtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities ¶
type UtilityAverageBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type UtilityPhaseAAcPower ¶
type UtilityPhaseAAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type UtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower ¶
type UtilityPhaseAAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type UtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities ¶
type UtilityPhaseABasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type UtilityPhaseBAcPower ¶
type UtilityPhaseBAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type UtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower ¶
type UtilityPhaseBAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *uint16 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type UtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities ¶
type UtilityPhaseBBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type UtilityPhaseCAcPower ¶
type UtilityPhaseCAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type UtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower ¶
type UtilityPhaseCAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *uint16 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type UtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities ¶
type UtilityPhaseCBasicAcQuantities struct { Info MessageInfo LineLineAcRmsVoltage *uint16 LineNeutralAcRmsVoltage *uint16 AcFrequency *float32 AcRmsCurrent *uint16 }
type UtilityTotalAcEnergy ¶
type UtilityTotalAcEnergy struct { Info MessageInfo TotalEnergyExport *uint32 TotalEnergyImport *uint32 }
type UtilityTotalAcPower ¶
type UtilityTotalAcPower struct { Info MessageInfo RealPower *int32 ApparentPower *int32 }
type UtilityTotalAcReactivePower ¶
type UtilityTotalAcReactivePower struct { Info MessageInfo ReactivePower *int32 PowerFactor *float32 PowerFactorLagging PowerFactorConst }
type VesselHeading ¶
type VesselHeading struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Heading *float32 Deviation *float32 Variation *float32 Reference DirectionReferenceConst }
type VesselSpeedComponents ¶
type VictronBatteryRegister ¶
type VictronBatteryRegister struct { Info MessageInfo ManufacturerCode ManufacturerCodeConst IndustryCode IndustryCodeConst RegisterId *uint16 Payload *uint32 }
type VideoProtocolsConst ¶
type VideoProtocolsConst uint8
const ( PAL VideoProtocolsConst = 0 NTSC VideoProtocolsConst = 1 )
func (VideoProtocolsConst) GoString ¶
func (e VideoProtocolsConst) GoString() string
func (VideoProtocolsConst) String ¶
func (e VideoProtocolsConst) String() string
type WaterDepth ¶
type WaterDepth struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 Depth *float32 Offset *float32 Range *float32 }
type WaterReferenceConst ¶
type WaterReferenceConst uint8
const ( PaddleWheel WaterReferenceConst = 0 PitotTube WaterReferenceConst = 1 Doppler WaterReferenceConst = 2 CorrelationUltraSound WaterReferenceConst = 3 ElectroMagnetic WaterReferenceConst = 4 )
func (WaterReferenceConst) GoString ¶
func (e WaterReferenceConst) GoString() string
func (WaterReferenceConst) String ¶
func (e WaterReferenceConst) String() string
type WatermakerInputSettingAndStatus ¶
type WatermakerInputSettingAndStatus struct { Info MessageInfo WatermakerOperatingState WatermakerStateConst ProductionStartStop YesNoConst RinseStartStop YesNoConst LowPressurePumpStatus YesNoConst HighPressurePumpStatus YesNoConst EmergencyStop YesNoConst ProductSolenoidValveStatus OkWarningConst FlushModeStatus YesNoConst SalinityStatus OkWarningConst SensorStatus OkWarningConst OilChangeIndicatorStatus OkWarningConst FilterStatus OkWarningConst SystemStatus OkWarningConst Salinity *uint16 ProductWaterTemperature *float32 PreFilterPressure *float32 PostFilterPressure *float32 FeedPressure *float32 SystemHighPressure *float32 ProductWaterFlow *float32 BrineWaterFlow *float32 RunTime *uint32 }
type WatermakerStateConst ¶
type WatermakerStateConst uint8
const ( Stopped WatermakerStateConst = 0 Starting WatermakerStateConst = 1 Running WatermakerStateConst = 2 Stopping WatermakerStateConst = 3 Flushing WatermakerStateConst = 4 Rinsing WatermakerStateConst = 5 Initiating WatermakerStateConst = 6 Manual5 WatermakerStateConst = 7 )
func (WatermakerStateConst) GoString ¶
func (e WatermakerStateConst) GoString() string
func (WatermakerStateConst) String ¶
func (e WatermakerStateConst) String() string
type WaveformConst ¶
type WaveformConst uint8
const ( SineWave WaveformConst = 0 ModifiedSineWave WaveformConst = 1 )
func (WaveformConst) GoString ¶
func (e WaveformConst) GoString() string
func (WaveformConst) String ¶
func (e WaveformConst) String() string
type WindData ¶
type WindData struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 WindSpeed *float32 WindAngle *float32 Reference WindReferenceConst }
type WindReferenceConst ¶
type WindReferenceConst uint8
const ( TrueGroundReferencedToNorth WindReferenceConst = 0 MagneticGroundReferencedToMagneticNorth WindReferenceConst = 1 Apparent WindReferenceConst = 2 TrueBoatReferenced WindReferenceConst = 3 TrueWaterReferenced WindReferenceConst = 4 )
func (WindReferenceConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindReferenceConst) GoString() string
func (WindReferenceConst) String ¶
func (e WindReferenceConst) String() string
type WindlassControlConst ¶
type WindlassControlConst uint16
const (
AnotherDeviceControllingWindlass WindlassControlConst = 0
func (WindlassControlConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindlassControlConst) GoString() string
func (WindlassControlConst) String ¶
func (e WindlassControlConst) String() string
type WindlassControlStatus ¶
type WindlassControlStatus struct { Info MessageInfo Sid *uint8 WindlassId *uint8 WindlassDirectionControl WindlassDirectionConst AnchorDockingControl OffOnConst SpeedControlType SpeedTypeConst SpeedControl []uint8 PowerEnable OffOnConst MechanicalLock OffOnConst DeckAndAnchorWash OffOnConst AnchorLight OffOnConst CommandTimeout *float32 WindlassControlEvents WindlassControlConst }
type WindlassDirectionConst ¶
type WindlassDirectionConst uint8
const ( Off7 WindlassDirectionConst = 0 Down WindlassDirectionConst = 1 Up WindlassDirectionConst = 2 )
func (WindlassDirectionConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindlassDirectionConst) GoString() string
func (WindlassDirectionConst) String ¶
func (e WindlassDirectionConst) String() string
type WindlassMonitoringConst ¶
type WindlassMonitoringConst uint16
const ( ControllerUnderVoltageCutOut WindlassMonitoringConst = 0 ControllerOverCurrentCutOut WindlassMonitoringConst = 1 ControllerOverTemperatureCutOut WindlassMonitoringConst = 2 ManufacturerDefined2 WindlassMonitoringConst = 3 )
func (WindlassMonitoringConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindlassMonitoringConst) GoString() string
func (WindlassMonitoringConst) String ¶
func (e WindlassMonitoringConst) String() string
type WindlassMotionConst ¶
type WindlassMotionConst uint8
const ( WindlassStopped WindlassMotionConst = 0 DeploymentOccurring WindlassMotionConst = 1 RetrievalOccurring WindlassMotionConst = 2 )
func (WindlassMotionConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindlassMotionConst) GoString() string
func (WindlassMotionConst) String ¶
func (e WindlassMotionConst) String() string
type WindlassOperationConst ¶
type WindlassOperationConst uint16
const ( SystemError WindlassOperationConst = 0 SensorError WindlassOperationConst = 1 NoWindlassMotionDetected WindlassOperationConst = 2 RetrievalDockingDistanceReached WindlassOperationConst = 3 EndOfRodeReached WindlassOperationConst = 4 )
func (WindlassOperationConst) GoString ¶
func (e WindlassOperationConst) GoString() string
func (WindlassOperationConst) String ¶
func (e WindlassOperationConst) String() string
type YesNoConst ¶
type YesNoConst uint8
const ( No YesNoConst = 0 Yes YesNoConst = 1 )
func (YesNoConst) GoString ¶
func (e YesNoConst) GoString() string
func (YesNoConst) String ¶
func (e YesNoConst) String() string