Overview ¶
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: ./batch.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=./batch.go -destination=./batch_mock.go -package=sqldb
Package sqldb is a generated GoMock package.
Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT. Source: ./iterator.go
Generated by this command:
mockgen -source=./iterator.go -destination=./iterator_mock.go -package=sqldb
Package sqldb is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetCurrentTimestampUs() int64
- func GetCurrentUnixTime() int64
- func GetCurrentYearMonth() string
- func GetIntegrityMetasShardNumberByBucketName(objectID uint64) uint64
- func GetIntegrityMetasTableName(objectID uint64) string
- func GetIntegrityMetasTableNameByShardNumber(shard int) string
- func InitDB(config *config.SQLDBConfig) (*gorm.DB, error)
- func IsNextMonth(firstYearMonth, secondYearMonth string) bool
- func LoadDBConfigFromEnv(config *config.SQLDBConfig)
- func MysqlErrCode(err error) int
- func OverrideConfigVacancy(config *config.SQLDBConfig)
- func TimeToYearMonth(t time.Time) string
- func TimestampSecToTime(timeUnix int64) time.Time
- func TimestampUsToTime(ts int64) time.Time
- func TimestampYearMonth(ts int64) string
- type Batch
- type Batcher
- type BucketTrafficTable
- type ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID
- type GCObjectProgressTable
- type IntegrityMetaTable
- type Iteratee
- type Iterator
- type MigrateBucketProgressTable
- type MigrateGVGTable
- type MigrateSubscribeProgressTable
- type MockBatch
- type MockBatchMockRecorder
- type MockBatcher
- type MockBatcherMockRecorder
- type MockIteratee
- type MockIterateeMockRecorder
- type MockIterator
- type MockIteratorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Error() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) IsValid() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Key() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Next() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Release() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Value() *gomock.Call
- type OffChainAuthKeyTable
- type PieceHashTable
- type PutObjectEventTable
- type PutObjectSuccessTable
- type ReadRecordTable
- type RecoverFailedObjectTable
- type RecoverGVGStatsTable
- type ReplicateFailedTable
- type ReplicateTimeoutTable
- type SealFailedTable
- type SealTimeoutTable
- type SpDBImpl
- func (s *SpDBImpl) BatchGetRecoverGVGStats(gvgIDs []uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverGVGStats, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) CheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord(record *corespdb.ReadRecord, quota *corespdb.BucketQuota) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) CountRecoverFailedObject() (count int64, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteExpiredBucketTraffic(yearMonth string) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteExpiredReadRecord(ts, limit uint64) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteGCObjectProgress(taskKey string) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateBucket(bucketID uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateGVGUnit(meta *spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateGVGUnitsByBucketID(bucketID uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteObjectIntegrity(objectID uint64, redundancyIndex int32) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteRecoverFailedObject(objectID uint64) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteRecoverGVGStats(gvgID uint32) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteUploadProgress(objectID uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) FetchAllSp(status ...sptypes.Status) ([]*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) FetchAllSpWithoutOwnSp(status ...sptypes.Status) ([]*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) ([][]byte, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) ([][]byte, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetAuthKey(userAddress string, domain string) (*corespdb.OffChainAuthKey, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetBucketReadRecord(bucketID uint64, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64, yearMonth string) (traffic *corespdb.BucketTraffic, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetGCMetasToGC(limit int) ([]*spdb.GCObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetLatestBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64) (traffic *corespdb.BucketTraffic, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetObjectIntegrity(objectID uint64, redundancyIndex int32) (meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetObjectReadRecord(objectID uint64, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetOwnSpInfo() (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetReadRecord(timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObject(objectID uint64) (*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjects(retry, limit uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjectsByRetryTime(retry uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverGVGStats(gvgID uint32) (*spdb.RecoverGVGStats, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32) ([]byte, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByAddress(address string, addressType corespdb.SpAddressType) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByEndpoint(endpoint string) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByID(id uint32) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToRejectUnsealByRangeTS(limit int, startTS int64, endTS int64) ([]*corespdb.UploadObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToReplicate(limit int, timeoutSecond int64) ([]*corespdb.UploadObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToReplicateByStartTS(limit int, startTS int64) ([]*corespdb.UploadObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToSeal(limit int, timeoutSecond int64) ([]*corespdb.UploadObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToSealByStartTS(limit int, startTS int64) ([]*corespdb.UploadObjectMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUploadState(objectID uint64) (storetypes.TaskState, string, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUserReadRecord(userAddress string, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InitBucketTraffic(record *corespdb.ReadRecord, quota *corespdb.BucketQuota) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertAuthKey(newRecord *corespdb.OffChainAuthKey) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertGCObjectProgress(gcMeta *spdb.GCObjectMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertMigrateGVGUnit(meta *spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertPutEvent(task coretask.Task) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertRecoverFailedObject(object *spdb.RecoverFailedObject) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertReplicateEvent(task coretask.ReplicatePieceTask) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertSealEvent(task coretask.SealObjectTask) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertSwapOutUnit(meta *spdb.SwapOutMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertUploadEvent(task coretask.UploadObjectTask) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertUploadProgress(objectID uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) ListBucketMigrationToConfirm(migrationStates []int) ([]*spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) ListDestSPSwapOutUnits() ([]*spdb.SwapOutMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) ListIntegrityMetaByObjectIDRange(startObjectID int64, endObjectID int64, includePrivate bool) ([]*corespdb.IntegrityMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) ListMigrateGVGUnitsByBucketID(bucketID uint64) ([]*spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) ListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectIDRange(startObjectID int64, endObjectID int64) ([]*corespdb.GCPieceMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryBucketMigrateSubscribeProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateBucketProgress(bucketID uint64) (*spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateBucketState(bucketID uint64) (int, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateGVGUnit(migrateKey string) (*spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QuerySPExitSubscribeProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QuerySwapOutSubscribeProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) QuerySwapOutUnitInSrcSP(swapOutKey string) (*spdb.SwapOutMeta, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) RegisterStdDBStats() (prometheus.Collector, error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) SetObjectIntegrity(meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) SetOwnSpInfo(sp *sptypes.StorageProvider) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) SetRecoverGVGStats(stats []*spdb.RecoverGVGStats) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) SetReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32, checksum []byte) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateAllSp(spList []*sptypes.StorageProvider) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateAuthKey(userAddress string, domain string, oldNonce int32, newNonce int32, ...) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrateGCSubscribeProgress(blockHeight uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrateSubscribeProgress(blockHeight uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationGCProgress(progressMeta spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationMigratingProgress(bucketID uint64, gvgUnits uint32, gvgUnitsFinished uint32) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationPreDeductedQuota(bucketID uint64, deductedQuota uint64, state int) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationProgress(bucketID uint64, migrateState int) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationRecoupQuota(bucketID uint64, recoupQuota uint64, state int) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64, update *corespdb.BucketTraffic) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateExtraQuota(bucketID, extraQuota uint64, yearMonth string) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateGCObjectProgress(gcMeta *spdb.GCObjectMeta) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateIntegrityChecksum(meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGMigratedBytesSize(migrateKey string, migrateBytes uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGRetryCount(migrateKey string, retryTime int) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGUnitLastMigrateObjectID(migrateKey string, lastMigratedObjectID uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGUnitStatus(migrateKey string, migrateStatus int) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIndex int32, checksum []byte) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverFailedObject(object *spdb.RecoverFailedObject) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverGVGStats(stats *spdb.RecoverGVGStats) (err error)
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateSPExitSubscribeProgress(blockHeight uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateSwapOutSubscribeProgress(blockHeight uint64) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateSwapOutUnitCompletedGVGList(swapOutKey string, completedGVGList []uint32) error
- func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateUploadProgress(uploadMeta *corespdb.UploadObjectMeta) error
- type SpInfoTable
- type SwapOutTable
- type UploadFailedTable
- type UploadObjectProgressTable
- type UploadTimeoutTable
Constants ¶
const ( // UploadObjectProgressTableName defines the gc object task table name. UploadObjectProgressTableName = "upload_object_progress" // GCObjectProgressTableName defines the gc object task table name. GCObjectProgressTableName = "gc_object_progress" // PieceHashTableName defines the piece hash table name. PieceHashTableName = "piece_hash" // IntegrityMetaTableName defines the integrity meta table name. IntegrityMetaTableName = "integrity_meta" // SpInfoTableName defines the SP info table name. SpInfoTableName = "sp_info" // StorageParamsTableName defines the storage params info table name. StorageParamsTableName = "storage_params" // BucketTrafficTableName defines the bucket traffic table name, which is used for recoding the used quota by bucket. BucketTrafficTableName = "bucket_traffic" // ReadRecordTableName defines the read record table name. ReadRecordTableName = "read_record" // ServiceConfigTableName defines the SP configuration table name. ServiceConfigTableName = "service_config" // OffChainAuthKeyTableName defines the off chain auth key table name. OffChainAuthKeyTableName = "off_chain_auth_key" // PutObjectSuccessTableName defines the event of successfully putting object PutObjectSuccessTableName = "put_object_success_event_log" // PutObjectEventTableName defines the event of putting object PutObjectEventTableName = "put_object_event_log" // UploadTimeoutTableName defines the event of uploading object to primary sp timeout UploadTimeoutTableName = "upload_timeout_event_log" // UploadFailedTableName defines the event of unsuccessfully uploading object to primary sp UploadFailedTableName = "upload_failed_event_log" // ReplicateTimeoutTableName defines the event of replicating object to secondary sp timeout ReplicateTimeoutTableName = "replicate_timeout_event_log" // ReplicateFailedTableName defines the event of unsuccessfully uploading object to secondary sp ReplicateFailedTableName = "replicate_failed_event_log" // SealTimeoutTableName defines the event of sealing object timeout SealTimeoutTableName = "seal_timeout_event_log" // SealFailedTableName defines the event of unsuccessfully sealing object timeout SealFailedTableName = "seal_failed_event_log" // MigrateSubscribeProgressTableName defines the progress of subscribe migrate event. MigrateSubscribeProgressTableName = "migrate_subscribe_progress" // SwapOutTableName is the swap out unit table. SwapOutTableName = "swap_out_unit" // MigrateGVGTableName defines the progress of subscribe migrate event. MigrateGVGTableName = "migrate_gvg" // RecoverGVGStatsTableName is for successor SP to keep track of recovering objects in a virtual group family RecoverGVGStatsTableName = "recover_gvg_stats" RecoverFailedObjectTableName = "recover_failed_object" // MigrateBucketProgressTableName defines the progress of migrate bucket. MigrateBucketProgressTableName = "migrate_bucket_progress" )
define table name constant.
const ( SPExitProgressKey = "sp_exit_progress" SwapOutProgressKey = "swap_out_progress" BucketMigrateProgressKey = "bucket_migrate_progress" BucketMigrateGCProgressKey = "bucket_migrate_gc_progress" )
const ( // SPDBSuccessGetObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of successfully get object integrity SPDBSuccessGetObjectIntegrity = "get_object_integrity_meta_success" // SPDBFailureGetObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get object integrity SPDBFailureGetObjectIntegrity = "get_object_integrity_meta_failure" // SPDBSuccessSetObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of successfully set object integrity SPDBSuccessSetObjectIntegrity = "set_object_integrity_meta_success" // SPDBFailureSetObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully set object integrity SPDBFailureSetObjectIntegrity = "set_object_integrity_meta_failure" // SPDBSuccessDelObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of successfully del object integrity SPDBSuccessDelObjectIntegrity = "del_object_integrity_meta_success" // SPDBFailureDelObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully del object integrity SPDBFailureDelObjectIntegrity = "del_object_integrity_meta_failure" // SPDBSuccessListObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of successfully list object integrity SPDBSuccessListObjectIntegrity = "list_object_integrity_meta_success" // SPDBFailureListObjectIntegrity defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully list object integrity SPDBFailureListObjectIntegrity = "list_object_integrity_meta_failure" // SPDBSuccessUpdatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully update object piece checksum SPDBSuccessUpdatePieceChecksum = "append_object_checksum_integrity_success" // SPDBFailureUpdatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully update object piece checksum SPDBFailureUpdatePieceChecksum = "append_object_checksum_integrity_failure" // SPDBSuccessUpdateIntegrityChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully update object integrity checksum SPDBSuccessUpdateIntegrityChecksum = "append_object_checksum_integrity_success" // SPDBFailureUpdateIntegrityChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully update object integrity checksum SPDBFailureUpdateIntegrityChecksum = "append_object_checksum_integrity_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully get replicate piece checksum SPDBSuccessGetReplicatePieceChecksum = "get_replicate_piece_checksum_success" // SPDBFailureGetReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get replicate piece checksum SPDBFailureGetReplicatePieceChecksum = "get_replicate_piece_checksum_failure" // SPDBSuccessSetReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully set replicate piece checksum SPDBSuccessSetReplicatePieceChecksum = "set_replicate_piece_checksum_success" // SPDBFailureSetReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully set replicate piece checksum SPDBFailureSetReplicatePieceChecksum = "set_replicate_piece_checksum_failure" // SPDBSuccessDelReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully del replicate piece checksum SPDBSuccessDelReplicatePieceChecksum = "del_replicate_piece_checksum_success" // SPDBFailureDelReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully del replicate piece checksum SPDBFailureDelReplicatePieceChecksum = "del_replicate_piece_checksum_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetAllReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully get all replicate piece checksum SPDBSuccessGetAllReplicatePieceChecksum = "get_all_replicate_piece_checksum_success" // SPDBFailureGetAllReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get all replicate piece checksum SPDBFailureGetAllReplicatePieceChecksum = "get_all_replicate_piece_checksum_failure" // SPDBSuccessDelAllReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of successfully del all replicate piece checksum SPDBSuccessDelAllReplicatePieceChecksum = "del_all_replicate_piece_checksum_success" // SPDBFailureDelAllReplicatePieceChecksum defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully del all replicate piece checksum SPDBFailureDelAllReplicatePieceChecksum = "del_all_replicate_piece_checksum_failure" // SPDBSuccessListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectID defines the metrics label of successfully list replicate piece checksum by object id SPDBSuccessListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectID = "list_replicate_piece_checksum_by_object_id_success" // SPDBFailureListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectID defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully list replicate piece checksum by object id SPDBFailureListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectID = "list_replicate_piece_checksum_by_object_id_failure" )
const ( IntegrityMetasNumberOfShards = 64 ReasonableTableSize = 5_000_000 ListObjectsDefaultSize = 1000 )
const ( // SpDBUser defines env variable name for sp db user name. SpDBUser = "SP_DB_USER" // SpDBPasswd defines env variable name for sp db user passwd. SpDBPasswd = "SP_DB_PASSWORD" // SpDBAddress defines env variable name for sp db address. SpDBAddress = "SP_DB_ADDRESS" // SpDBDatabase defines env variable name for sp db database. SpDBDatabase = "SP_DB_DATABASE" // DefaultConnMaxLifetime defines the default max liveliness time of connection. DefaultConnMaxLifetime = 2048 // DefaultConnMaxIdleTime defines the default max idle time of connection. DefaultConnMaxIdleTime = 2048 // DefaultMaxIdleConns defines the default max number of idle connections. DefaultMaxIdleConns = 2048 // DefaultMaxOpenConns defines the default max number of open connections. DefaultMaxOpenConns = 2048 // DefaultEnableTracePutEvent defines the default max number of open connections. DefaultEnableTracePutEvent = true )
const ( // SPDBSuccessCheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord defines the metrics label of successfully check and add read record SPDBSuccessCheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord = "check_and_add_read_record_success" // SPDBFailureCheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully check and add read record SPDBFailureCheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord = "check_and_add_read_record_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetBucketTraffic defines the metrics label of successfully get bucket traffic SPDBSuccessGetBucketTraffic = "get_bucket_traffic_success" // SPDBFailureGetBucketTraffic defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get bucket traffic SPDBFailureGetBucketTraffic = "get_bucket_traffic_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetReadRecord defines the metrics label of successfully get read record SPDBSuccessGetReadRecord = "get_read_record_success" // SPDBFailureGetReadRecord defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get read record SPDBFailureGetReadRecord = "get_read_record_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetBucketReadRecord defines the metrics label of successfully get bucket read record SPDBSuccessGetBucketReadRecord = "get_bucket_read_record_success" // SPDBFailureGetBucketReadRecord defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get bucket read record SPDBFailureGetBucketReadRecord = "get_bucket_read_record_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetObjectReadRecord defines the metrics label of successfully get object read record SPDBSuccessGetObjectReadRecord = "get_object_read_record_success" // SPDBFailureGetObjectReadRecord defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get object read record SPDBFailureGetObjectReadRecord = "get_object_read_record_failure" // SPDBSuccessGetUserReadRecord defines the metrics label of successfully get user read record SPDBSuccessGetUserReadRecord = "get_user_read_record_success" // SPDBFailureGetUserReadRecord defines the metrics label of unsuccessfully get user read record SPDBFailureGetUserReadRecord = "get_user_read_record_failure" )
const (
TableAlreadyExistsErrorPrefix = "Error 1050 (42S01)"
define error name constant.
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrCheckQuotaEnough defines check quota is enough ErrCheckQuotaEnough = errors.New("quota is not enough") )
var (
ErrDuplicateEntryCode = 1062
Functions ¶
func GetCurrentTimestampUs ¶
func GetCurrentTimestampUs() int64
GetCurrentTimestampUs return a microsecond timestamp
func GetCurrentUnixTime ¶
func GetCurrentUnixTime() int64
GetCurrentUnixTime return a second timestamp
func GetCurrentYearMonth ¶
func GetCurrentYearMonth() string
GetCurrentYearMonth get current year and month
func GetIntegrityMetasShardNumberByBucketName ¶ added in v0.2.3
GetIntegrityMetasShardNumberByBucketName Allocate each shard table with 5,000,000 continuous entry before using the next shard table
func GetIntegrityMetasTableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func GetIntegrityMetasTableNameByShardNumber ¶ added in v0.2.3
func IsNextMonth ¶ added in v0.2.5
IsNextMonth judge if the firstYearMonth is the next month of secondYearMonth
func LoadDBConfigFromEnv ¶
func LoadDBConfigFromEnv(config *config.SQLDBConfig)
LoadDBConfigFromEnv load db user and password from env vars
func MysqlErrCode ¶ added in v0.2.2
func OverrideConfigVacancy ¶ added in v0.1.1
func OverrideConfigVacancy(config *config.SQLDBConfig)
OverrideConfigVacancy override the SQLDB param zero value
func TimeToYearMonth ¶
TimeToYearMonth convent time.Time to YYYY-MM string
func TimestampSecToTime ¶
TimestampSecToTime convert a second timestamp to time.Time
func TimestampUsToTime ¶
TimestampUsToTime convert a microsecond timestamp to time.Time
func TimestampYearMonth ¶ added in v0.2.4
TimestampYearMonth convert a microsecond timestamp to YYYY-MM string
Types ¶
type Batch ¶
type Batch interface { // Put inserts the given value into the key-value data store. Put(key interface{}, value interface{}) error // Delete removes the key from the key-value data store. Delete(key interface{}) error // ValueSize retrieves the amount of data queued up for writing. ValueSize() int // Write flushes any accumulated data to disk. Write() error // Reset resets the batch for reuse. Reset() }
Batch is a write-only database that commits changes to its host database when Write is called. A batch cannot be used concurrently.
type Batcher ¶
type Batcher interface { // NewBatch creates a write-only database that buffers changes to its host db // until a final write is called. NewBatch() Batch // NewBatchWithSize creates a write-only database batch with pre-allocated buffer. NewBatchWithSize(size int) Batch }
Batcher wraps the NewBatch method of a backing data store.
type BucketTrafficTable ¶
type BucketTrafficTable struct { BucketID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` Month string `gorm:"primary_key"` BucketName string ReadConsumedSize uint64 // indicates the consumed chargedQuota of this month FreeQuotaConsumedSize uint64 // indicates the consumed free quota size of this month FreeQuotaSize uint64 // indicate the remained free quota ChargedQuotaSize uint64 // indicate the greenfield chain bucket charged quota ModifiedTime time.Time }
BucketTrafficTable table schema
func (BucketTrafficTable) TableName ¶
func (BucketTrafficTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set BucketTraffic Schema's table name in database
type ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID ¶ added in v1.2.0
type ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID []*corespdb.IntegrityMeta
func (ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Len ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Len() int
func (ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Less ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Less(i, j int) bool
Less we want to sort as ascending here
func (ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Swap ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (b ByRedundancyIndexAndObjectID) Swap(i, j int)
type GCObjectProgressTable ¶ added in v0.2.2
type GCObjectProgressTable struct { TaskKey string `gorm:"primary_key"` StartGCBlockID uint64 EndGCBlockID uint64 CurrentGCBlockID uint64 LastDeletedObjectID uint64 CreateTimestampSecond int64 UpdateTimestampSecond int64 `gorm:"index:update_timestamp_index"` }
GCObjectProgressTable table schema
func (GCObjectProgressTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (GCObjectProgressTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set GCObjectProgressTable Schema's table name in database
type IntegrityMetaTable ¶
type IntegrityMetaTable struct { ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` RedundancyIndex int32 `gorm:"primary_key"` IntegrityChecksum string PieceChecksumList string }
IntegrityMetaTable table schema
func (IntegrityMetaTable) TableName ¶
func (IntegrityMetaTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set IntegrityMetaTable schema's table name in database
type Iteratee ¶
type Iteratee interface { // NewIterator creates a binary-alphabetical iterator over a subset // of database content with a particular key prefix, starting at a particular // initial key (or after, if it does not exist). // // Note: This method assumes that the prefix is NOT part of the start, so there's // no need for the caller to prepend the prefix to the start NewIterator(start interface{}) Iterator }
Iteratee wraps the NewIterator methods of a backing data store.
type Iterator ¶
type Iterator interface { // IsValid return true if current element is valid. IsValid() bool // Next move to next Next() // Error returns any accumulated error. Exhausting all the key/value pairs // is not considered to be an error. Error() error // Key returns the key of the current key/value pair, or nil if done. The caller // should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and its contents may // change on the next call to Next. Key() interface{} // Value returns the value of the current key/value pair, or nil if done. The // caller should not modify the contents of the returned slice, and its contents // may change on the next call to Next. Value() interface{} // Release releases associated resources. Release should always succeed and can // be called multiple times without causing error. Release() }
Iterator iterates over a database's key/value pairs in ascending key order.
When it encounters an error any seek will return false and will yield no key/ value pairs. The error can be queried by calling the Error method. Calling Release is still necessary.
An iterator must be released after use, but it is not necessary to read an iterator until exhaustion. An iterator is not safe for concurrent use, but it is safe to use multiple iterators concurrently.
type MigrateBucketProgressTable ¶ added in v1.3.0
type MigrateBucketProgressTable struct { BucketID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` SubscribedBlockHeight uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` MigrationState int `gorm:"migration_state"` TotalGvgNum uint32 // Total number of GVGs that need to be migrated MigratedFinishedGvgNum uint32 // Number of successfully migrated GVGs GcFinishedGvgNum uint32 // Number of successfully gc finished GVGs PreDeductedQuota uint64 // Quota pre-deducted by the source sp in the pre-migrate bucket phase RecoupQuota uint64 // In case of migration failure, the dest sp recoup the quota for the source sp LastGcObjectID uint64 // After bucket migration is complete, the progress of GC, up to which object is GC performed. LastGcGvgID uint64 // which GVG is GC performed. }
MigrateBucketProgressTable table schema. used by persist bucket migration progress and meta
func (MigrateBucketProgressTable) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (MigrateBucketProgressTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set MigrateBucketProgressTable Schema's table name in database.
type MigrateGVGTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type MigrateGVGTable struct { MigrateKey string `gorm:"primary_key"` SwapOutKey string `gorm:"index:swap_out_index"` GlobalVirtualGroupID uint32 `gorm:"index:gvg_index"` // is used by sp exit/bucket migrate DestGlobalVirtualGroupID uint32 `gorm:"index:dest_gvg_index"` // is used by bucket migrate VirtualGroupFamilyID uint32 `gorm:"index:vgf_index"` // is used by sp exit BucketID uint64 `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` // is used by bucket migrate RedundancyIndex int32 `gorm:"index:redundancy_index"` // is used by sp exit SrcSPID uint32 DestSPID uint32 LastMigratedObjectID uint64 MigrateStatus int `gorm:"index:migrate_status_index"` RetryTime int `gorm:"comment:retry_time"` MigratedBytesSize uint64 }
MigrateGVGTable table schema. sp exit, bucket migrate
func (MigrateGVGTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (MigrateGVGTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set MigrateGVGTable Schema's table name in database.
type MigrateSubscribeProgressTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type MigrateSubscribeProgressTable struct { EventName string `gorm:"primary_key"` LastSubscribedBlockHeight uint64 }
MigrateSubscribeProgressTable table schema.
func (MigrateSubscribeProgressTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (MigrateSubscribeProgressTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set MigrateSubscribeEventProgressTable Schema's table name in database.
type MockBatch ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockBatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBatch is a mock of Batch interface.
func NewMockBatch ¶ added in v0.2.4
func NewMockBatch(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockBatch
NewMockBatch creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockBatch) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockBatch) EXPECT() *MockBatchMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
type MockBatchMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockBatchMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBatchMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockBatch.
func (*MockBatchMockRecorder) Delete ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatchMockRecorder) Delete(key any) *gomock.Call
Delete indicates an expected call of Delete.
func (*MockBatchMockRecorder) Put ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatchMockRecorder) Put(key, value any) *gomock.Call
Put indicates an expected call of Put.
func (*MockBatchMockRecorder) Reset ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatchMockRecorder) Reset() *gomock.Call
Reset indicates an expected call of Reset.
func (*MockBatchMockRecorder) ValueSize ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatchMockRecorder) ValueSize() *gomock.Call
ValueSize indicates an expected call of ValueSize.
func (*MockBatchMockRecorder) Write ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatchMockRecorder) Write() *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write.
type MockBatcher ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockBatcher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBatcher is a mock of Batcher interface.
func NewMockBatcher ¶ added in v0.2.4
func NewMockBatcher(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockBatcher
NewMockBatcher creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockBatcher) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockBatcher) EXPECT() *MockBatcherMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockBatcher) NewBatch ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockBatcher) NewBatch() Batch
NewBatch mocks base method.
func (*MockBatcher) NewBatchWithSize ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockBatcher) NewBatchWithSize(size int) Batch
NewBatchWithSize mocks base method.
type MockBatcherMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockBatcherMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockBatcherMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockBatcher.
func (*MockBatcherMockRecorder) NewBatch ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatcherMockRecorder) NewBatch() *gomock.Call
NewBatch indicates an expected call of NewBatch.
func (*MockBatcherMockRecorder) NewBatchWithSize ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockBatcherMockRecorder) NewBatchWithSize(size any) *gomock.Call
NewBatchWithSize indicates an expected call of NewBatchWithSize.
type MockIteratee ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockIteratee struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIteratee is a mock of Iteratee interface.
func NewMockIteratee ¶ added in v0.2.4
func NewMockIteratee(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIteratee
NewMockIteratee creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIteratee) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIteratee) EXPECT() *MockIterateeMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIteratee) NewIterator ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIteratee) NewIterator(start any) Iterator
NewIterator mocks base method.
type MockIterateeMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockIterateeMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIterateeMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIteratee.
func (*MockIterateeMockRecorder) NewIterator ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIterateeMockRecorder) NewIterator(start any) *gomock.Call
NewIterator indicates an expected call of NewIterator.
type MockIterator ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIterator is a mock of Iterator interface.
func NewMockIterator ¶ added in v0.2.4
func NewMockIterator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIterator
NewMockIterator creates a new mock instance.
func (*MockIterator) EXPECT ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIterator) EXPECT() *MockIteratorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use.
func (*MockIterator) Error ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIterator) Error() error
Error mocks base method.
func (*MockIterator) IsValid ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIterator) IsValid() bool
IsValid mocks base method.
func (*MockIterator) Release ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIterator) Release()
Release mocks base method.
func (*MockIterator) Value ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (m *MockIterator) Value() any
Value mocks base method.
type MockIteratorMockRecorder ¶ added in v0.2.4
type MockIteratorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIteratorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIterator.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) Error ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Error() *gomock.Call
Error indicates an expected call of Error.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) IsValid ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) IsValid() *gomock.Call
IsValid indicates an expected call of IsValid.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) Key ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Key() *gomock.Call
Key indicates an expected call of Key.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) Next ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Next() *gomock.Call
Next indicates an expected call of Next.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) Release ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Release() *gomock.Call
Release indicates an expected call of Release.
func (*MockIteratorMockRecorder) Value ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (mr *MockIteratorMockRecorder) Value() *gomock.Call
Value indicates an expected call of Value.
type OffChainAuthKeyTable ¶ added in v0.1.2
type OffChainAuthKeyTable struct { UserAddress string `gorm:"primary_key"` Domain string `gorm:"primary_key"` CurrentNonce int32 CurrentPublicKey string NextNonce int32 ExpiryDate time.Time CreatedTime time.Time ModifiedTime time.Time }
OffChainAuthKeyTable table schema
func (OffChainAuthKeyTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (OffChainAuthKeyTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set JobTable Schema's table name in database
type PieceHashTable ¶ added in v0.2.2
type PieceHashTable struct { ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` SegmentIndex uint32 `gorm:"primary_key"` RedundancyIndex int32 `gorm:"primary_key"` PieceChecksum string }
PieceHashTable table schema
func (PieceHashTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (PieceHashTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set PieceHashTable schema's table name in database
type PutObjectEventTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type PutObjectEventTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` State string Error string Logs string }
PutObjectEventTable table schema.
func (PutObjectEventTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (PutObjectEventTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set UploadObjectProgressTable Schema's table name in database.
type PutObjectSuccessTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type PutObjectSuccessTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` State string Error string Logs string }
PutObjectSuccessTable table schema.
func (PutObjectSuccessTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (PutObjectSuccessTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set UploadObjectProgressTable Schema's table name in database.
type ReadRecordTable ¶
type ReadRecordTable struct { ReadRecordID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` BucketID uint64 `gorm:"index:bucket_to_read_record"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_to_read_record"` UserAddress string `gorm:"index:user_to_read_record"` ReadTimestampUs int64 `gorm:"index:time_to_read_record"` // microsecond timestamp BucketName string ObjectName string ReadSize uint64 }
ReadRecordTable table schema
func (ReadRecordTable) TableName ¶
func (ReadRecordTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set ReadRecord Schema's table name in database
type RecoverFailedObjectTable ¶ added in v1.3.0
type RecoverFailedObjectTable struct { ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` VirtualGroupID uint32 `gorm:"index:idx_gvg"` RedundancyIndex int32 Retry int `gorm:"index:retry"` }
func (RecoverFailedObjectTable) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (RecoverFailedObjectTable) TableName() string
type RecoverGVGStatsTable ¶ added in v1.3.0
type RecoverGVGStatsTable struct { VirtualGroupID uint32 `gorm:"primary_key"` VirtualGroupFamilyID uint32 RedundancyIndex int32 `gorm:"index:redundancy_index"` StartAfter uint64 NextStartAfter uint64 Limit uint32 Status int ObjectCount uint64 }
func (RecoverGVGStatsTable) TableName ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (RecoverGVGStatsTable) TableName() string
type ReplicateFailedTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type ReplicateFailedTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
ReplicateFailedTable table schema.
func (ReplicateFailedTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (ReplicateFailedTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set ReplicateTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
type ReplicateTimeoutTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type ReplicateTimeoutTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
ReplicateTimeoutTable table schema.
func (ReplicateTimeoutTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (ReplicateTimeoutTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set ReplicateTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
type SealFailedTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type SealFailedTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
SealFailedTable table schema.
func (SealFailedTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (SealFailedTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set SealTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
type SealTimeoutTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type SealTimeoutTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
SealTimeoutTable table schema.
func (SealTimeoutTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (SealTimeoutTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set SealTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
type SpDBImpl ¶
type SpDBImpl struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SpDBImpl storage provider database, implements SPDB interface
func NewSpDB ¶
func NewSpDB(config *config.SQLDBConfig) (*SpDBImpl, error)
NewSpDB return a database instance
func (*SpDBImpl) BatchGetRecoverGVGStats ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) BatchGetRecoverGVGStats(gvgIDs []uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverGVGStats, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) CheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) CheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord(record *corespdb.ReadRecord, quota *corespdb.BucketQuota) (err error)
CheckQuotaAndAddReadRecord check current quota, and add read record
func (*SpDBImpl) CountRecoverFailedObject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) error
DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksum deletes all the piece checksum.
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32) (err error)
DeleteAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized deletes all piece checksums for a given objectID.
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteExpiredBucketTraffic ¶ added in v1.2.0
DeleteExpiredBucketTraffic update the bucket traffic in traffic db with the new traffic
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteExpiredReadRecord ¶ added in v1.2.0
DeleteExpiredReadRecord delete all read record before ts(ts is UnixMicro)
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteGCObjectProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
DeleteGCObjectProgress is used to delete gc object task.
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateBucket ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateGVGUnit ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateGVGUnit(meta *spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta) error
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteMigrateGVGUnitsByBucketID ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteObjectIntegrity ¶ added in v0.2.2
DeleteObjectIntegrity deletes integrity meta info.
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteRecoverFailedObject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteRecoverGVGStats ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteReplicatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) DeleteReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32) (err error)
DeleteReplicatePieceChecksum deletes piece checksum.
func (*SpDBImpl) DeleteUploadProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (*SpDBImpl) FetchAllSp ¶
FetchAllSp get all sp info
func (*SpDBImpl) FetchAllSpWithoutOwnSp ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) FetchAllSpWithoutOwnSp(status ...sptypes.Status) ([]*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
FetchAllSpWithoutOwnSp get all spp info without own sp info, own sp is identified by is_own field in db
func (*SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) ([][]byte, error)
GetAllReplicatePieceChecksum gets all the piece checksums.
func (*SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized ¶ added in v0.2.5
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized(objectID uint64, redundancyIdx int32, pieceCount uint32) ([][]byte, error)
GetAllReplicatePieceChecksumOptimized gets all replicate piece checksums for a given objectID and redundancyIdx.
func (*SpDBImpl) GetAuthKey ¶ added in v0.1.2
GetAuthKey get OffChainAuthKey from OffChainAuthKeyTable
func (*SpDBImpl) GetBucketReadRecord ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetBucketReadRecord(bucketID uint64, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
GetBucketReadRecord return bucket record list by time range
func (*SpDBImpl) GetBucketTraffic ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64, yearMonth string) (traffic *corespdb.BucketTraffic, err error)
GetBucketTraffic return bucket traffic info by the year and month info year_month is the query bucket quota's month, like "2023-03"
func (*SpDBImpl) GetGCMetasToGC ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetGCMetasToGC(limit int) ([]*spdb.GCObjectMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) GetLatestBucketTraffic ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetLatestBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64) (traffic *corespdb.BucketTraffic, err error)
GetLatestBucketTraffic return the latest bucket traffic info of the bucket
func (*SpDBImpl) GetObjectIntegrity ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetObjectIntegrity(objectID uint64, redundancyIndex int32) (meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta, err error)
GetObjectIntegrity returns the integrity hash info
func (*SpDBImpl) GetObjectReadRecord ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetObjectReadRecord(objectID uint64, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
GetObjectReadRecord return object record list by time range
func (*SpDBImpl) GetOwnSpInfo ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetOwnSpInfo() (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
GetOwnSpInfo query own sp info in db
func (*SpDBImpl) GetReadRecord ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetReadRecord(timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
GetReadRecord return record list by time range
func (*SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObject(objectID uint64) (*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjects ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjects(retry, limit uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjectsByRetryTime ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverFailedObjectsByRetryTime(retry uint32) ([]*spdb.RecoverFailedObject, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) GetRecoverGVGStats ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetRecoverGVGStats(gvgID uint32) (*spdb.RecoverGVGStats, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) GetReplicatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32) ([]byte, error)
GetReplicatePieceChecksum gets replicate piece checksum.
func (*SpDBImpl) GetSpByAddress ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByAddress(address string, addressType corespdb.SpAddressType) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
GetSpByAddress query sp info in db by address and address type
func (*SpDBImpl) GetSpByEndpoint ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByEndpoint(endpoint string) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
GetSpByEndpoint query sp info by endpoint
func (*SpDBImpl) GetSpByID ¶ added in v0.2.4
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetSpByID(id uint32) (*sptypes.StorageProvider, error)
GetSpById query sp info by id
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToRejectUnsealByRangeTS ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToReplicate ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToReplicateByStartTS ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToSeal ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadMetasToSealByStartTS ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUploadState ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (*SpDBImpl) GetUserReadRecord ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) GetUserReadRecord(userAddress string, timeRange *corespdb.TrafficTimeRange) (records []*corespdb.ReadRecord, err error)
GetUserReadRecord return user record list by time range
func (*SpDBImpl) InitBucketTraffic ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) InitBucketTraffic(record *corespdb.ReadRecord, quota *corespdb.BucketQuota) error
InitBucketTraffic init the bucket traffic table
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertAuthKey ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertAuthKey(newRecord *corespdb.OffChainAuthKey) error
InsertAuthKey insert a new record into OffChainAuthKeyTable
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertGCObjectProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertGCObjectProgress(gcMeta *spdb.GCObjectMeta) error
InsertGCObjectProgress is used to insert gc object progress.
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertMigrateGVGUnit ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertMigrateGVGUnit(meta *spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertPutEvent ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertRecoverFailedObject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertRecoverFailedObject(object *spdb.RecoverFailedObject) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertReplicateEvent ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertReplicateEvent(task coretask.ReplicatePieceTask) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertSealEvent ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertSealEvent(task coretask.SealObjectTask) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertSwapOutUnit ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertSwapOutUnit(meta *spdb.SwapOutMeta) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertUploadEvent ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) InsertUploadEvent(task coretask.UploadObjectTask) error
func (*SpDBImpl) InsertUploadProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (*SpDBImpl) ListBucketMigrationToConfirm ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) ListBucketMigrationToConfirm(migrationStates []int) ([]*spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) ListDestSPSwapOutUnits ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) ListDestSPSwapOutUnits() ([]*spdb.SwapOutMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) ListIntegrityMetaByObjectIDRange ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) ListIntegrityMetaByObjectIDRange(startObjectID int64, endObjectID int64, includePrivate bool) ([]*corespdb.IntegrityMeta, error)
ListIntegrityMetaByObjectIDRange list integrity meta by a block number range
func (*SpDBImpl) ListMigrateGVGUnitsByBucketID ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) ListMigrateGVGUnitsByBucketID(bucketID uint64) ([]*spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) ListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectIDRange ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) ListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectIDRange(startObjectID int64, endObjectID int64) ([]*corespdb.GCPieceMeta, error)
ListReplicatePieceChecksumByObjectIDRange gets all replicate piece checksums for a given objectID and redundancyIdx.
func (*SpDBImpl) QueryBucketMigrateSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateBucketProgress ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateBucketProgress(bucketID uint64) (*spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateBucketState ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateGVGUnit ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) QueryMigrateGVGUnit(migrateKey string) (*spdb.MigrateGVGUnitMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) QuerySPExitSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) QuerySwapOutSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) QuerySwapOutUnitInSrcSP ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) QuerySwapOutUnitInSrcSP(swapOutKey string) (*spdb.SwapOutMeta, error)
func (*SpDBImpl) RegisterStdDBStats ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) RegisterStdDBStats() (prometheus.Collector, error)
RegisterStdDBStats registers std lib sql DB
func (*SpDBImpl) SetObjectIntegrity ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) SetObjectIntegrity(meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta) (err error)
SetObjectIntegrity puts(overwrites) integrity hash info to db
func (*SpDBImpl) SetOwnSpInfo ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) SetOwnSpInfo(sp *sptypes.StorageProvider) error
SetOwnSpInfo set(maybe overwrite) own sp info to db
func (*SpDBImpl) SetRecoverGVGStats ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) SetRecoverGVGStats(stats []*spdb.RecoverGVGStats) error
func (*SpDBImpl) SetReplicatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) SetReplicatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, segmentIdx uint32, redundancyIdx int32, checksum []byte) error
SetReplicatePieceChecksum sets replicate checksum.
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateAllSp ¶
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateAllSp(spList []*sptypes.StorageProvider) error
UpdateAllSp update(maybe overwrite) all sp info in db
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateAuthKey ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateAuthKey(userAddress string, domain string, oldNonce int32, newNonce int32, newPublicKey string, newExpiryDate time.Time) error
UpdateAuthKey update OffChainAuthKey from OffChainAuthKeyTable
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrateGCSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrateSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationGCProgress ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationGCProgress(progressMeta spdb.MigrateBucketProgressMeta) error
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationMigratingProgress ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationPreDeductedQuota ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationProgress ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketMigrationRecoupQuota ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketTraffic ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateBucketTraffic(bucketID uint64, update *corespdb.BucketTraffic) (err error)
UpdateBucketTraffic update the bucket traffic in traffic db with the new traffic
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateExtraQuota ¶ added in v0.2.5
UpdateExtraQuota update the read consumed quota and free consumed quota in traffic db with the extra quota
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateGCObjectProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateGCObjectProgress(gcMeta *spdb.GCObjectMeta) error
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateIntegrityChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateIntegrityChecksum(meta *corespdb.IntegrityMeta) (err error)
UpdateIntegrityChecksum update integrity hash info to db, TODO: if not exit, whether create it
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGMigratedBytesSize ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGRetryCount ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGUnitLastMigrateObjectID ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateMigrateGVGUnitStatus ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdatePieceChecksum ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdatePieceChecksum(objectID uint64, redundancyIndex int32, checksum []byte) (err error)
UpdatePieceChecksum 1) If the IntegrityMetaTable does not exist, it will be created. 2) If the IntegrityMetaTable already exists, it will be appended to the existing PieceChecksumList.
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverFailedObject ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverFailedObject(object *spdb.RecoverFailedObject) (err error)
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverGVGStats ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateRecoverGVGStats(stats *spdb.RecoverGVGStats) (err error)
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateSPExitSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
UpdateSPExitSubscribeProgress is used to update progress. insert a new one if it is not found in db.
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateSwapOutSubscribeProgress ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateSwapOutUnitCompletedGVGList ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*SpDBImpl) UpdateUploadProgress ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (s *SpDBImpl) UpdateUploadProgress(uploadMeta *corespdb.UploadObjectMeta) error
type SpInfoTable ¶
type SpInfoTable struct { OperatorAddress string `gorm:"primary_key"` IsOwn bool `gorm:"primary_key"` ID uint32 FundingAddress string SealAddress string ApprovalAddress string TotalDeposit string Status int32 Endpoint string Moniker string Identity string Website string SecurityContact string Details string }
SpInfoTable table schema
func (SpInfoTable) TableName ¶
func (SpInfoTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set SpInfoTable Schema's table name in database
type SwapOutTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type SwapOutTable struct { SwapOutKey string `gorm:"primary_key"` IsDestSP bool `gorm:"primary_key"` SwapOutMsg string CompletedGVGList string }
SwapOutTable table schema.
func (SwapOutTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (SwapOutTable) TableName() string
type UploadFailedTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type UploadFailedTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
UploadFailedTable table schema.
func (UploadFailedTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (UploadFailedTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set UploadTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
type UploadObjectProgressTable ¶ added in v0.2.2
type UploadObjectProgressTable struct { ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key"` TaskState int32 `gorm:"index:state_index"` GlobalVirtualGroupID uint32 TaskStateDescription string ErrorDescription string SecondaryEndpoints string SecondarySignatures string CreateTimestampSecond int64 `gorm:"index:create_timestamp_index"` UpdateTimestampSecond int64 `gorm:"index:update_timestamp_index"` }
UploadObjectProgressTable table schema.
func (UploadObjectProgressTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (UploadObjectProgressTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set UploadObjectProgressTable Schema's table name in database.
type UploadTimeoutTable ¶ added in v0.2.3
type UploadTimeoutTable struct { ID uint64 `gorm:"primary_key;autoIncrement"` UpdateTime string `gorm:"index:update_time_index"` ObjectID uint64 `gorm:"index:object_id_index"` Bucket string `gorm:"index:bucket_index"` Object string `gorm:"index:object_index"` Error string Logs string }
UploadTimeoutTable table schema.
func (UploadTimeoutTable) TableName ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (UploadTimeoutTable) TableName() string
TableName is used to set UploadTimeoutTable Schema's table name in database.
Source Files
- batch.go
- batch_mock.go
- const.go
- errors.go
- exit_recover.go
- exit_recover_schema.go
- gc_object.go
- gc_object_schema.go
- iterator.go
- iterator_mock.go
- migrate.go
- migrate_schema.go
- object_integrity.go
- object_integrity_schema.go
- off_chain_auth_key.go
- off_chain_auth_key_schema.go
- sp.go
- sp_schema.go
- store.go
- traffic.go
- traffic_schema.go
- upload_event.go
- upload_event_schema.go
- upload_object.go
- upload_object_schema.go
- util.go