Relayer service from BBC to BSC
This is an canonical implementation of bsc-relayer service to relay cross chain packages from Binance Chain to Binance Smart Chain. It can also monitor double sign behavior on BSC and submit evidence to Binance Chain. Community members are encouraged to implement more implementations according to their own requirements.
Quick Start
Note: Requires Go 1.19+
Setup config
Edit config/config.json
and input your private key to bsc_config.private_key
Transfer enough BNB to this account:
- 100:BNB for relayer register
- More than 10:BNB for transaction fee.
Setup relayer mode:
"competition_mode": true
If competition_mode
is true, bsc-relayer
will monitor cross chain packages in every block and try to deliver the packages immediately. Otherwise, bsc-relayer
will check if there are undelivered packages in every clean_up_block_interval
blocks and batch deliver these packages. Competition mode can accelerate package delivery but will cost more transaction fee. In contrary, in non-competition mode, package delivery will be slower but less transaction fee will be cost.
If you want to monitor double sign behavior on BSC, you need to fill more than 1 endpoints in bsc_config.monitor_data_seed_list
3.1 Testnet monitor_data_seed_list
"monitor_data_seed_list": [
3.2 Mainnet: monitor_data_seed_list
"monitor_data_seed_list": [
Besides, you also need to provide proper Binance Chain mnemonic
The supported db platforms include mysql
and sqlite3
. This is an example db config:
"dialect": "mysql",
"db_path": "relayer:12345678@(localhost:3306)/bsc_relayer?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local"
If you don't want to specify a db for your bsc-relayer, just leave db_path
to empty.
Send alert telegram message when the balance of relayer account is too low. This is an example alert config:
"enable_alert": true,
"enable_heart_beat": false,
"interval": 300,
"telegram_bot_id": "your_bot_id",
"telegram_chat_id": "your_chat_id",
"balance_threshold": "1000000000000000000",
"sequence_gap_threshold": 10
Please refer to telegram_bot to setup your telegram bot. If you don't want this feature, just set enable_alert
to false.
Build Binary:
make build
Build Docker Image
- Please complete configuration setup in
first, mainly including rpc endpoints, BSC private key and BC mnemonic(if you want to submit double sign evidence)
- Docker build command:
docker build -t bsc-relayer:latest .
Run locally for testnet:
./build/bsc-relayer --bbc-network-type 0 --config-type local --config-path config/config.json
Run locally for mainnet:
./build/bsc-relayer --bbc-network-type 1 --config-type local --config-path config/config.json
Run docker for testnet:
docker run -e BBC_NETWORK=0 -e CONFIG_TYPE="local" -d -it bsc-relayer
Run docker for mainnet:
docker run -e BBC_NETWORK=1 -e CONFIG_TYPE="local" -d -it bsc-relayer
Please fill proper bsc private key to bsc_config.private_key
, example private key: your_private_key
panic: privateKey of Binance Smart Chain should not be empty
goroutine 1 [running]:
Please fill your mnemonic to bbc_config.mnemonic
, example mnemonic: your_mnemonic
ERROR main missing local mnemonic
Monitor Relayer Status
To enable this function, you must specify proper db config for your relayer. Suppose 8080
is the admin port:
curl localhost:8080/status
Example response:
"total_tx": 82,
"success_tx": 36,
"failed_tx": 46,
"sync_header_tx": 41,
"deliver_package_tx": 41,
"accumulated_total_tx_fee": "0.14336928:BNB",
"accumulated_success_tx_fee": "0.1030536:BNB",
"accumulated_failed_tx_fee": "0.04031568:BNB",
"update_time": "2020-07-14 06:59:39 PM"
The library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0,
also included in our repository in the LICENSE file.