randomslide v0.4B
Generate random slides for slideshow karaokae or other pranks. Actual real world usefulness can be questioned.
The service is currently in early beta stage and can be accessed here. For feedback - please use the builtin feedback function whenever possible.
Created by
Björn W Nauclér (bwn@randomslide.com)
Morgan Andersson (ma@randomslide.com)
BoltDB, bcrypt & nfnt/resize
The code has been tested on Arch Linux 5.5 and FreeBSD 12, but should be fairly portable.
To build server and tools:
go get github.com/bnaucler/randomslide
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/bnaucler/randomslide
bin/build.sh all
Launch with bin/rsserver
Or use bin/rsmonitor.sh
to automatically restart the server after /restart
Output of bin/rsserver -h
Usage of bin/rsserver:
-d string
specify database to open (default "./data/rs.db")
-p int
port number to listen (default 6291)
-v increase log level
The first user who registers an account will automatically be provided with admin rights.
Server log files can be accessed at static/logs
or in the admin interface.
For API reference, take a look at APIREF.md.
Place your css theme files in static/css/themes
. Filenames starting with _
will not be indexed. To create new theme files based on an empty template, there's a fairly well-commented _empty.css
to use as a base.
There are a few CLI helper tools bundled with randomslide:
configures the SMTP settings (will be removed once better solution is deployed)
dumps the database to console. Not recommended with large data sets.
can import a UTF-8-encoded text file or image directory directly into the database.
iterates through a directory and checks for classes and final dimensions of images.
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for best practices and information on how to get involved in the project.
MIT (do whatever you want)