This is a template repository you can use to scaffold a Kubewarden policy written using Go language.
Don't forget to check Kubewarden's
official documentation
for more information about writing policies.
This repository has a working policy written in Go.
Code organization
The code that takes care of parsing the settings is in the settings.go
Actual validation code is in the validate.go
The main.go
only has the code to registers the entry points of the policy.
This policy comes with unit tests implemented using the Go testing
As usual, the tests are defined in _test.go
As these tests aren't part of the final WebAssembly binary, the official Go compiler can be used to run them.
The unit tests can be run via a simple command:
make test
It's also important to test the final result of the TinyGo compilation:
the actual WebAssembly module.
This is done with a second set of end-to-end tests.
These tests use the kwctl
cli provided by the Kubewarden project to load and execute the policy.
The e2e tests are implemented using
the Bash Automated Testing System.
The end-to-end tests are defined in the e2e.bats
file and can be run using:
make e2e-tests
This project has the following GitHub Actions:
: this action builds the WebAssembly policy,
installs the bats
utility and then runs the end-to-end test.
: this action runs the Go unit tests.
: this action builds the WebAssembly policy and pushes it to a user defined OCI registry
(ghcr is a good candidate).
Distributing Policies
docker run \
--rm \
-e GOFLAGS="-buildvcs=false" \
-v ${PWD}:/src \
-w /src tinygo/tinygo:0.30.0 \
tinygo build -o policy.wasm -target=wasi -no-debug .
kwctl annotate policy.wasm \
--metadata-path metadata.yml \
--output-path annotated-policy.wasm
kwctl push annotated-policy.wasm \