Graphql Grip Endpoint Gen3 Installation instructions
In addition to cloning this repo you will also need to have a running gen3 helm deployment.
Once you have followed the gen3helm deployment instructions, and have running grip and mongodb pods you will need to exec into the grip pod to load the data into mongo and start the server:
Get a list of all running pods to make sure grip pod is running
kubectl get pods
copy the config, data, and files into the grip pod with:
kubectl cp local-grip-your_unique_hash:/data
kubectl cp mongo.yml local-grip-your_unique_hash:/data
The shared object file should have been built with the image and should already be in /data
Exec into grip pod with:
kubectl exec --stdin --tty deployment/local-grip -- /bin/bash
cd data
grip server -w api/ -c mongo.yml
Create a new tab and exec into the same pod with the same command above, then run the below commands to import data into mongo, generate a schema from the populated data in mongo and post it to the graphql endpoint:
grip create synthea
grip server load --vertex output/Observation_new.ndjson
grip server load --vertex output/Patient_new.ndjson
grip server load --vertex output/DocumentReference_new.ndjson
grip schema sample synthea2 > synthea2.schema.json
grip schema post --json synthea2.schema.json
Note: output/ is the directory that contains the bare minimum 3 vertex data files that are needed to display data on the exploration page.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.