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The bluemedora-firehose-nozzle is a Cloud Foundry component which collects metrics for the Loggregator Firehose and exposes them via a RESTful API.
BOSH Release
If you wish to use BOSH to deploy the nozzle, the BOSH release for can be found here.
Deploying as CF App
The nozzle is deployable via cf-cli. The manifest.yml
is setup in a default configuration to be deployed as a cf app. The BM_WEBSERVER_USE_SSL
environment variable in the manifest.yml
must be set to false
during a cf app deployment as internal cloud foundry communication does not use SSL. It is also advisable to keep the BM_STDOUT_LOGGING
environment variable as true
, or else the log files could grow rather fast and use up the allocated disk space.
The Blue Medora nozzle requires a UAA user who is authorized to access the loggregator firehose, has doppler.firehose
premissions. You can add a user by editing your Cloud Foundry BOSH manifest to include the details about this user under the properties.uaa.clients section. Example configuration would look like:
access-token-validity: 1209600
authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token
override: true
secret: <password>
scope: openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose
authorities: oauth.login,doppler.firehose
For more on setting up a nozzle user with BOSH refer to Cloud Foundry documentation.
For information on managing UAA users within Cloud Foundry refer to this guide.
Configuring Nozzle
The Blue Medora Nozzle uses a configuration file, located at config/bluemedora-firehose-nozzle.json
, to successfully connect to the firehose and expose a RESTful API. Here is an example configuration of the file:
"UAAURL": "https://uaa.pcf.envrioment.com",
"UAAUsername": "apps_metrics_processing",
"UAAPassword": "password",
"RLPURL": "wss://doppler.pcf.envrionment.com:443",
"SubscriptionID": "bluemedora-nozzle-id",
"DisableAccessControl": false,
"InsecureSSLSkipVerify": true,
"IdleTimeoutSeconds": 30,
"MetricCacheDurationSeconds": 300,
"WebServerPort": 8081,
"WebServerUseSSL": true
Config Field |
Description |
The UAA login URL of the Cloud Foundry deployment. |
UAAUsername |
The UAA username that has access to read from Loggregator Firehose. |
UAAPassword |
Password for the UAAUsername . |
The URL for the Traffic Controller. To find this follow the instructions in the documentation. |
SubscriptionID |
The subscription ID of the nozzle. To find out more about subscription IDs and nozzle scaling see the documentation. |
DisableAccessControl |
If true , disables authentication with UAA. Used in lattice deployments. |
InsecureSSLSkipVerify |
If true , allows insecure connections to the UAA and Traffic Controller endpoints. |
IdleTimeoutSeconds |
The amount of time, in seconds, the connection to the Firehose can be idle before disconnecting. |
MetricCacheDurationSeconds |
The amount of time, in seconds, the RESTful API web server will cache metric data. The higher this duration the less likely the data will be correct for a certain metric as it could hold stale data. |
WebServerPort |
Port to connect to the RESTful API. |
WebServerUseSSL |
If true the RESTful API web server will use HTTPS, else it uses HTTP |
Environment Variables
The nozzle can also be configured by setting a set of environment variables. The variables and what config field they map to are listed below.
Environment Variable |
Config Field |
UAAUsername |
UAAPassword |
SubscriptionID |
DisableAccessControl |
InsecureSSLSkipVerify |
IdleTimeoutSeconds |
MetricCacheDurationSeconds |
WebServerPort |
WebServerUseSSL |
Does not correspond to a config field, but signals if logging should save to files or straight to stdout. |
Does not correspond to a config field, but allows you to configure the log level for the nozzle. See gosteno for possible values. |
SSL Certificates
The Blue Medora Nozzle uses SSL for it's REST web server if the WebServerUseSSL
flag is set to true. In order to generate these certificates simply run the command below and answer the questions.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout certs/key.pem -out certs/cert.pem
Project setup
To get the project:
go get -u github.com/BlueMedoraPublic/bluemedora-firehose-nozzle
Then init dep
dep init
dep ensure
To run the Blue Medora nozzle simple execute:
go run main.go
The webserver is how metrics can be pulled out of the nozzle. It provides a RESTful API that requires an authentication token.
Token Request
A token can be requested from the /token
endpoint. A token times out after 60 seconds. In order to request a token a GET
with the two header pairs
and password
with values that correspond to the UAA user in the bluemedora-firehose-nozzle.json
If a successful login occurs the response will contain a header pair of token
and the value will be your token.
Metric Endpoints
Once a valid token is acquired a GET
request with the header pair token
and value of your token can be sent to one of the following endpoints:
A JSON response will be sent in the following form:
"value": integer_value,
"timestamp": integer_unix_nanosecond_timestamp
"value": integer_value,
"timestamp": integer_unix_nanosecond_timestamp
"value": integer_value,
"timestamp": integer_unix_nanosecond_timestamp
"value": integer_value,
"timestamp": integer_unix_nanosecond_timestamp
NOTE: Counter metrics are reported as totals over time. The consumer must take the delta between two totals to get the current value as time changes.